ROMANIAN project team. "Historical presentation with the equality evolution in our political regimes

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By teacher Dragut Violeta Technological High School CostestiRomania

Project funded by the European Commission Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

In Romania from 1914 until now, democracy and equality in rights have dominated. There were 2 moments when democracy and equality / freedom were violated: 1.In the period 1938-1940, when an authoritarian regime was established in Romania, the regime of Charles II, which we will discuss in this presentation 2. the communist period 1947-1989.

The dictatorial ideology of King Carol II of Romania.

Authoritarian regime or dictatorial regime? An import regime

1.Totalitarianism manifests "charisma" on its people, while authoritarianism imposes fear on those who oppose and reward those who are loyal to it. 2. Totalitarianism is a divine leader that will save the people, while authoritarianism focuses more on control and the status quo as an individualist. 3. The totalitarian uses his prophetic leadership to lead the people, while the authoritarian uses political parties, mass organizations and other propaganda to make people follow him.

Dictatorship means a political regime in which society no longer has mechanisms capable of controlling political power, and therefore a people is forcibly ruled by a person, a party, or a group of people.

PARTID SAU ALIANȚĂ Partidul Național Liberal Partidul Național Țărănesc Totul pentru Țară Partidul Național Creștin Partidul Maghiar

















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 In

1938, in the context of the deteriorating domestic and international political situation, Carol considered it appropriate to establish a dictatorial regime, to save the country or for the pleasure of alignment with the interwar dictatorial countries of Europefascism.

 In

order to give legitimacy to the new state regime, it adopted a new constitution, which gave it dictatorial powers.

 The

new changes in the state were to have a strong impact on the population, as a result the king and his relatives understood the need to gain the trust of the population.

 At

the beginning of 1938, Romania was experiencing great internal political turmoil.

 It

is the moment when King Charles II feels the need to make a major change, also caused by the unexpected resignation of Prime Minister Octavian Goga, who did not last at the head of the Government for more than a month.

 For

this purpose, a true cult of the king's personality was built, aiming to create the image of a savior leader, in all media:  the radio,  in schools,  parade,  festive events  and especially in the press

 The

regime of Charles II was named  and a PARADE REGIME, parades similar to the fascist ones.

 The

main ideological state apparatuses during the royal Carlist dictatorship in Romania:

 The

laws;  The press;  Education;  The radio.

The functioning of the state repressive apparatus during the royal dictatorship:  Government  Courts  The police  Army 

 On

February 20, 1938, he signed the decree promulgating the new Constitution which legislated

 the

end of the parliamentary regime in Romania  and  the establishment of the dictatorship.

The National Renaissance Front, the only party of the regime, was a party founded by King Carol II on December 16, 1938, being the first mass party in Romania.

The decree-law for the establishment of the National Renaissance Front specifies in Art. 1 that the National Renaissance Front is "the only political organization in the state", so that Art. 7 specifies that "any other political activity than that of the FRN ".

Carol II with Mihai (his son) and Nicolae Iorga in front of the Patriarchate

The Straja Țării  (also known as the străjeri) was a youth organization in the Kingdom of Romania, created in 1935 by King Carol II to combat the influence of  pro-Nazi legionnaires  on the youth in Romania.  Its members were known as guards and used a Roman form of greeting as a greeting. 

The monarch modeled it on the fascist groups such as the Italian Balilla.

Carol II and Mihai l in guard uniform (străjer)

Straja Țării All boys between the ages of 7 and 18 and all girls between the ages of 7 and 21 A body of 18- to 21-year-old boys who completed Straja and was responsible for providing lowlevel military education and training

Balilla (boys) and Piccole Italiane (girls) ages 8 to 14

Avanguardisti and Giovani Italiane - 14 to 18

Carol al II-lea la Ziua Aviaţiei


Manifestanţi “Trăiască Regele”


Carol al II-lea şi Armand Călinescu la Dioşti

Carol II at Dioşti giving money to a peasant who kisses his hand

Carol II and Armand Călinescu at Dioşti among the rubble

 At

the same time, the aim was to replace the patriotic feeling and the devotion to the country,  with devotion to the king, who is at the same time the country.  Emphasis

was placed on the idea of solidarity and social harmony as a way of solving state problems.

The idea of national rebirth was invoked, through the moral recovery of the Romanian people, under the guidance of the king.

His Majesty asks Armand Că linescu "to report on the mood of the people." Armand Călinescu is executed immediately. Probably his report is not very satisfactory, once Nicolae Iorga, made a royal adviser and, thus, definitively won by the dictatorship, takes the floor to propose, first, forcible actions against the legionaries (dissolution of nests, descent) and , then, press measures. Along with "control of funds", the great scholar, as he is called today, proposes to set up "a cheap morning newspaper".

 Newspapers

became the main propaganda tool, and on June 2, 1938, the official newspaper of the dictatorial regime, Romania, was founded under the leadership of the writer Cezar Petrescu, a sympathizer of the king, whose mission was to disseminate the ideas and principles that the new political order

 It

created the image of an exceptional leader, located above the common people through his very special qualities, whose destiny was intertwined with that of the nation he led. Caesar Petrescu likened Charles II to the enlightened monarchs of eighteenth-century Europe, such as Peter the Great of Russia or Frederick the Great of Prussia.

 Romania

was not the only media outlet to become a propaganda agent;  numerous local periodicals appeared praising the king.  Instead, the censorship service was careful not to publish photos and statements of opposition political leaders in the press.

 The

20 pages, large format, like the "Universe" or "Current", testify to the concern to offer the buyer things to read.

 "Universul"

and "Curentul" - the two big dailies of the moment - are run by journalists-owners: Stelian Popescu and, respectively, Pamfil Şeicaru.

Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu reveals in his Memoirs that the newspaper was subsidized by the Ministry of Interior of Armand Călinescu, more precisely, by the Press and Propaganda Directorate of the Ministry, led by Eugen Titeanu. Armand Călinescu's diary, printed after 1989, under the title Political Notes. The former Minister of the Interior, the steel man of Charles II, the one who practically runs the propaganda machine, the administration, but also the repression of the royal dictatorship, recorded everything diligently. The idea of setting up a newspaper of the dictatorship first appeared in the meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 6, 1938.

 All

the key points - the mystical King-People relationship, international recognition, the rewriting of the past, the balance of great achievements, the idyll of the Royal Word can be found in the pages of the official "Romania", the weekly "Romania of the villages" and the "Literary Magazine", all three - together with "Revista Fundatiiilor Regale", "Albina", "Muncă şi Voe Bună" publications of the Carol II Press Trust.

After eight years, a new country ", pages are printed such as:  " Royal Foundations - Gifts of the Restoration ",  " Monarchical Restoration-Restoration of the Nation ",  " Worship of the Many ". „

A year later, on June 8, 1939, "Romania" dedicated a special 36-page issue to the anniversary (the newspaper normally has 20 pages). Significant for the way Charles II is written is the title given to the remembrance of June 8, 1930:  “Descending from the air, like an archangel of salvation, M.S. King Charles II has renewed the thread of dynastic continuity. "  The 10th anniversary of the Restoration gives the newspaper the opportunity for a new increase in pages: 48! The titles of the pages say everything about the Cult of personality of Charles II:  "The consolidating King of the country", "King of writers-King of Romanian culture", "Working around the King". 

 "Through

the joints given to it, the main task of the Central Censorship Service is to ensure that no clandestine publication can be printed and disseminated in our territory, and those authorized to appear must strictly comply with the general provisions and specials of the Honorable Government ...

 For

this, the Central Censorship Service regularly communicates these provisions to all publication directors, and our censors follow with the last vigilance their correct execution.

The newspapers Semnalul and Jurnalul have repeatedly been guilty of centrifugal tendencies towards the general spirit of the press as well as of deviations or attempts to deceive the vigilance of censorship. The Signal newspaper  that the general attitude was sideways to that of the Romanian press,  he stubbornly refused to respect the neutral attitude  articles than those favorable to the Anglo-French camp. 

 In

order to prevent these tendencies, it was intervened by repeatedly sanctioning these serious and flagrant violations of attempts to deceive the vigilance of the Censorship ...  In February he was suspended for 10 days  March 23, 1939, the newspaper refused to publish the photographs representing the visit of M. S. Regelui to the Army Arsenal and inserted the communiqué of the Royal House on page 3, among advertisements ... ". Main sponsor-Max Auschnitt

 The

1300 articles censored in the Signal and 364 censored in the Journal better illustrate censorship ... "  And, the censor's conclusion was as clear as can be:  "We honorably allow ourselves to return to our previous reports, asking you to kindly assess whether it is not the case that the newspaper Jurnalul şi Semnalul will be permanently suspended ...".

 September

6, 1940-King Charles II  is forced  to abdicate,  for territorial losses  and  his policy

"September 6, 1940 marks the grand beginning of the resurrection of the Romanian nation under the miserable tyranny in which it was held in recent years. An entire system, supported by the diabolical technique of crime, has collapsed into chaos. The Romanian nation has reawakened. He wants to live. He wants to exist and secure his future. The powers of good have overcome the blind resistance of darkness. Hymns of frantic joy erupted from the chests of hundreds of thousands of Romanians who demonstrated all day on the streets of the capital and especially in front of the Royal Palace. The light of victory penetrated the inner gates of this Sodom like a jurisprudence, changing its appearance and driving away the demonic spirits from the Citadel with the whip of the victorious revolt. Good overcame evil. Romania defeated its Enemy who strangled his life ".

Long live King Mihai I !

In the History of Romania, King Carol II is one of the most discussed and contested rulers. During his reign (19301940), there were cultural achievements, but they were overshadowed by the controversies surrounding the king's private life and the landslide on the slope of a dictatorial regime.

Păunoiu, Diana-Mihaela, Sărbătoare și propagandă în timpul regelui Carol al IIlea, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2013; Quinlan, Paul D., Regele Playboy. Carol al II-lea al României, Humanitas, București, 2008; Scurtu, Ioan, Istoria românilor în timpul celor 4 regi. Vol. 3: Carol II, Editura Enciclopedică, București, 2010.

 

 , accesat la 18.01.2021 q=DICTATURA+DESENE&rlz=1C1AVFC_enRO829RO830&sxsrf=ALeKk00 rp5M1jWtxAYRiEHcBGZ_E6cp_ew:1611006287070&source=lnms&tbm=is ch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq0KLuqbuAhVJOBoKHU56CEkQ_AUoAXoECAQQAw&biw=1366&bih=657#i mgrc=VuMQ2uIYqvYP1M&imgdii=g8B4Bhl3Z3yEzM, accesat la 18,01,2021, accesat la 18.01.2021, acceasat la 18.01.2021

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,,The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. The content reflects the views only of the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

By teacher-Violeta Drăguț Costești Technological High School

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