PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION „European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675
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What is religion?
Zograf Monastery on Mount Athos
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Istanbul- religious shrine
Form of idealistic perception of the world. The word "Religion" comes from Latin and means confession, piety. 4
They have appeared thousands of years ago. Have an impact on world history. Religions continue to divide the population in many countries and regions of the world.
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Orthodox church 5
More about religion
Catholic church
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Orthodox Church
For the entire history of mankind has over 25,000 specific religious lines. Now the world has more than 240 religions. 6
What should we know about religion? Many people in the world ď Ź
Map of the religion of the world
live according to the norms and rules of the religion they profess. Religious believs define relationships between people. They identified and their perceptions of the universe and God. World religions have the largest number of followers - Christianity and Islam. 7
Distribution of religions in the world 5,84 13,05
32,7 1
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Reflects the enormous real life experience of mankind; Includes a system of standards of living and moral ideals, moral values having universal human content; Basilica "Santa Maria del Fiore "in Florence 9
Appears to be a store of mores, customsand traditions; It creates feelings of love, kindness, tolerance, compassion, charity; ď Ź
Brings compassion and comfort especially when one is sick, afraid or in danger of death.
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Winner of cultural treasures - churches, temples, monasteries, icons, frescoes, literature and more. ď Ź
Catholicism Western, Central and Southern Europe and western parts of Balkan Peninsula. Orthodox Christianity - Eastern and Southern Europe. Protestantism Northern Europe Islam western part of the Balkan Peninsula 12
Early forms of religious beliefs in Bulgaria ď Ź
Orphism is the oldest known sources of religion in the Bulgarian lands. Today rituals related to the Thracian Orphism can be traced in mummer tradition.
Slavs and Bulgars
Christianity ď Ź
Arise in Palestine in the I century and covers over 2.1 bilion people followers; Christianity has three aspects: the Eastern Orthodox Catholicism Protestantism
Christianity and Temple Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem 16
More about Christianity
Rila Monastery
Pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church
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Gothic cathedral Segovia Spain
Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world. 17
Christianization of the Bulgarians - 864
Eastern Orthodox Church interior design
Eastern Orthodoxy Rila monasterie Church st. Alexander Nevski Cathedral in Varna
Monasteries in Bulgaria Rila Monastery
Rozhen Monastery
Bachkovo Monastery
Troyan monastery
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Slightly more than 50% of all Christians are Catholics. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest single church body, which includes Western churches in Latin rites and several Eastern Catholic churches with over 1 bilion members total.
Vatican – plaza St. Peter
Catholic cathedral in Svishtov
Protestantism religious shrine Anglican church Baptist church in Ruse
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Separate from Catholicism before about 500 years occurred in Europe, during the Reformation in the 16th century. 23
Spread of Islam ď Ź
It arises in the 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. The youngest of all world religions, He is now an official religion in the countries of North Africa and Southwest Asia, and in some countries of South and Southeast Asia. 24
Banya Bashi Mosque in Sofia
The holy shrine for Muslims in Medina. Saudi Sultan Ahmed one ofmosque grandin of Instanbul Tumbul Shumen Kaabashrine Selimthe mosque inmosques Odrin meka Arabia.
Judaism ď Ź
It occurred 4000 years ago in ancient Hebrew tribes It is distributed among Jews. State of Israel, which became the official home of the Jews, was established in 1948
Judaism - Wailing Wall, the continued existence of now defunct Solomon's temple
Synagogue It is a Jewish house of prayer 26
More about religions
Tumbul mosque in Shumen
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Religious believs influence the material and spiritual culture of the peoples. They affect urban architecture, fine and applied arts, music, 27 folklore.
ď‚— “ Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or believ, and freedom to manifest religion and believ individually or collectively, in public or private, in teaching, practice, worship and observance " Article 18 of the Charter of Human Rights
Students Ionescu Lorenlai-Georgiana Ţărcuş Dumitru Radu Florin-Valentin Dobroiu Daniel-Codruţ Căpraru Florinel Ionuţ Turcu Nicolae-Bogdan Tudor Alexandru-Mădălin Rădoi Alina-Georgiana Grigore Marius-Eugen Priu Florin-Valentin
Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”Vidin, Bulgaria
Teachers: Violeta Telescu Violeta Drăguţ Ștefania Stan