School presentation

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Y R A D N O C SE L O O H SC . R D . V I N U . F O R P " ” A I O T I ON S EŞ G R A U R A R Ă D CĂL

„Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student's School, Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism “ № 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_1


Project Financed by the European Union „Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student's School, Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism “




Caldararu village is situated in the south of the county at about 50 km distance from the municipal town, Pitesti and about 30km distance from Costesti.

It is school that directs the child and then the young.

The first teacher was named on 23rd March 1940. He was only 19 years old and he taught in a cottage near his house. Between 1838 – 1864 the school year started on 1st November and lasted until the 1st of Aprilie.

The first school building was built in 1896 and had only two classrooms. The second school building was built between 1906-1908.The roof of the building was made wood and the building had two big classrooms and two smaller ones.

The third school building, the one that exists today, was built between 1962 1963.The roof of the building was made of iron and the walls were made of bricks. After 1990 this building was refitted and modernized.

Starting with the 1st September 2011 the School from Caldararu is named“Prof.Univ.Dr.Ion Stoia”Caldararu. Ion Stoia was born in this willage on 7th January1899. At the end of the first world war (1918), he entered the Faculty of Medicine in Iasi graduating in Bucharest(1925), studies finished with Magna Cum Laude. The university professor dr. I. Stoia, a remarkable personality, directed the Rheumatology Methodologcal Centre from Bucharest untill the end of his life( March,1976),and his name is lent to the Rheumatic Centre from Bucharest ”Dr. Ion Stoia”.

The Secondary School „ Univ.Prof. Dr. Ion Stoia” has stuff with a waste experience in teaching a teaching activity. At 1st September 2019 this school has about 160 students and 23 teachers.

At present our school is devided in Elementary school ( 6-11 years old) and Secondary school (11-15 years old). The classes take place during the day . The local council provides two schoolbusses for students to commute in the neighbour localities.

The School library has about 4880 volumes in Romanian and Universal literature,scientific books,art books, pedagogical books, which cover the need for information of the students and teachers.

The teaching stuff is close to the students in some extra curriculum activities made to create a closeness between the students and their teachers, to create a better and an more efficint communication between them in appropriate surroundings.

! S K N A H T

SECONDARY SCHOOL "PROF. UNIV. DR. ION STOIA” CĂLDĂRARU - ARGEŞ Students Fulger Dorin Ionuț/ Diaconescu Mihai Octavian (clasa a VIII-a) Coordinator teacher -Stănculescu Magdalena Drăguț Violeta Translation -teacher Mocanu Florina Corina


The project’s site adress

• Facebook ERASMUS+Motivating student's school success

• https://europeanprofessiona lismtopreventfailureineduca /

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