Dormitorul Reginei Maria a Romaniei Queen Marie of Romania’s Bedroom “European Students: Responsible, Emotionally, Intelligent and Useful” Project funded by the European COMMISSION Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403
Queen Marie of Romanania's Bedroom The two iron doors opening towards the Queen's bedroom are the oldest interior element of the Castle, dating back to 1693. This chamber was decorated by the Queen with two byzantine
triforia that were sculpted in marble and brought in from Greece. On the walls alongside the steps and in the bedroom, fragments of the Castle's original
paintings can still be seen; these date back to the time before the restoration done by the Queen.
The Queen’s Bed
The Queen’s desk
1) More advertising to understand where the castle is 2)More accessible for disabled people 3) Guided tour 4) More story about Dracula 5)Fire protection system
Team 2 Teachers: Caterina Fassari and Ramona Popescu Students: Rita Teresa Restuccia, Carla Perez, Leonard-
Costantin Visan and Ceren Belen