TOP 10. Curiozitati-inventii-personalitati

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Strategic Partnership for Schools Only 2016-2018

ISBN 978-973-0-29005-9




Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA


Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA

Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY

Mrs. Mandzhukova Evlogiya, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev” Vidin, BULGARIA

Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Manavgat, TURKEY



Mrs. Telescu Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA

Mrs. Nicolae Gherghina, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA

Mrs. Caterina De Maria, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mr. Luciano Sgarito,I.I.S.S."CarloMariaCarafa"MazzarinoandRiesi,ITALY


Mrs. Canan Kartal, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Mrs. Melis AĞAR, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey


Valentinova, Di Legami M. Rosario, S. Mancuso, F. Ligotti, M.Ligotti, Villafranca Miriana, D’Amico Chiara, S. Russo, D. Cosmin, T. Dumitru, I. Lorenlai, Buket ÖZKAN, Rabia AKCA, Kezban BİNGÖL, Merve Melek AVCI, İrem Nil Su TARLA,TuhannaERSOY, Gammacurta M.Sofia


Mrs. Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Correction

Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or anymeans, withoutpermissioninwritingfromtheauthor. 4 „EUROPEAN SCHOOLS WITHOUT STEREOTYPESPROMOTING THEEUROPEANINTERCULTURALITY“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675 PROJECT FUNDED BY THEEUROPEAN UNION




Top 10 curiosities about Romania.............................................................................................7

Top 10 curiosities about Bulgaria...........................................................................................11

Top 10 curiosities about Turkey.............................................................................................17

Top 10 curiosities about Italy.................................................................................................. 22


Top 10 inventions from Romania............................................................................................27

Top 10 inventions from Bulgaria.............................................................................................33

Top 10 inventions from Turkey................................................................................................38

Top 10 inventions from Italy....................................................................................................43


Top 10 personalities from Romania........................................................................................47

Top 10 personalities from Turkey...........................................................................................53

Top 10 personalities from Italy................................................................................................59

Top 10 Ten Significant Dates in Bulgarian History.........................................................................63



The book is one the products of the Erasmus Project European Schools without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality that has developed over the years 2016-2018 by the Schools from Liceul Technologic Costesti-Romania, Sule Muzzaffer Buyuk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi- AntalyaTurkey), I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa Mazzarino e Riesi-Italy, Vocational School of Tourism Mihalaki Georgiev Vidin-Bulgaria.

Students will avoid stereotypes in the future and they will enjoy inter culturallity. They will try to follow only positive models.

Parents, communities and other people will be helped to know new cultures, fill choose the media information and stop judging people. Everybody will better know the purposes of EU by 2020 programme.


Mrs. Drăguț Violeta



Top 10 curiosities about Romania

Bucharest was the first oil-lighted city in 1858. In Bucharest, in 1871, there were 785 lamps with oil produced at a factory in Ploiesti.

Timisoara was the first European city street lighting company on 12 November 1884, when 731 electric filament lamps were put into operation on a 59 kilometer street length.

The Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains is the same height as the Sphinx in Egypt. Around this cliff at 2200 m altitude were born various legends that say whether it was made by humans or that it has extraterrestrial origins. Its formation is attributed to wind erosion, the positive energies that are said to emerge as rumors.

The 10-bani banknote put into circulation in 1917 is the world's smallest banknote according to the World Records Academy. Its


dimensions were only 2.75 x 3.80 cm, almost like a stamp. With a 10-dollar bill, a Romanian in 1917 could buy about a quarter of a kilogram of bread. If in 1917, it was exactly 10 bani, today the collectors can buy the banknote with prices between 20 and 100 lei.

The wooden church of Sapanta-Peri Monastery is the highest wooden church in the world, and is also called the church of continuity. The construction has a total height of 78 meters, is located on the bank of Tisa and was built between 1998 and 2003. The monastery's tower is visible from a distance of five kilometers and can be seen from Ukraine. Sapanta-Peri Monastery was included in UNESCO's patrimony and is a symbol of God's faith in the inhabitants of this region.

The ASTRA Museum in Sibiu is the second largest open-air museum in the world. The museum is located in the nature reserve called Dumbrava Sibiului and covers an area of 96 ha, of which the actual exhibition occupies 42 ha. It features over 300 houses and buildings, including water mills and windmills, wine presses, fruit and oil extractors, hydraulic forks and more. The Green Guide Michelin has awarded the museum with 3 stars.


Romania has the only gold museum in Europe and the fourth largest in the world after those in Colombia, Taiwan and Peru. Located in Brad, the Gold Museum in Romania has about 1,300 native gold exhibits and more than 1,000 mineral samples with a hard to estimate value. Among the most spect

acular forms of native gold exhibited in this collection are the ones called the Dacian flag, gold lizards and a pentagonal crystal, unique in the world. What gives the museum uniqueness is the fact that no exhibits have ever been crafted by goldsmiths or jewelers.

The longest poem of love in the world is Luceafărul, by Mihai Eminescu, with 98 stanzas. The record was "officialized" in February 2009. The official website of the World Records Academy has written: "Legend of Luceafărul is a story about a young princess who prays at Luceafăr every night. Luceafărul is ready to give up immortality for her, but realizes that the pure love he has for the young girl cannot be shared in the material world. "

Dor is a specific feeling for the Romanian people and can not be translated into another language, only words can be constructed, meaninglike phrases. It is said that dor is what you want and what you do not want, but especially a state of spell, can be considered the emperor's word of the Romanian language. At the end of the 20th century, UNESCO created an international dictionary of literary terms, and only three untranslatable words, namely dor, doina and colinda were accepted.


Artist Gheorghe Leonida, brother of Elisa Leonidathe first female engineer in the world, carved the head of Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) of Rio de Janeiro. He was one of the Royal Sculptors' official sculptors, and died, in full power of conception, in a stupid accident: he fell from a lime as he picked flowers. Gheorghe Leonida's works are rare pieces and there are few collectors who have a work of his own.

In Romania there is the largest number of brown bears in Europe, as well as the largest earthly mammal in Europe - the zimbru (auroch) Brown bears can be found in most forests while specimens of auroches can only be admired in some natural reserves. Auroches has become an endangered species due to excessive hunting, and sustained efforts are being made to preserve it even more as it once was a symbol of Moldova.

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Top 10 curiosities about Bulgaria

It is believed that the findings of "Varna Gold Treasure" are the oldest technologically processed gold in Europe and the world, belonging to the so-called Culture Varna (4400 - 4100 BC). Most of the discovered gold objects are jewelry and appliqués. The total weight of the deposited gold objects is over 1.5 kg. In addition to gold jewelry and appliqués in the grave, a stone ax-rod, as well as a gold bow, were found. The handle is lined with three gold tubes flanked with gold rings. At the top ends with a gold nozzle. Interpreted as a symbol of the power of burial.


Bulgaria is one of the oldest European countries, which has never changed its name!

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church - the Bulgarian Patriarchate is an autocephalous local Orthodox Church. Its rank in the Patriarchate in 927 made it the first autocephalous church after the ancient churches in Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, and the oldest national church in Europe.


According to the surveys, Bulgaria ranks third after Greece and Italy in archaeological excavation sites in Europe.

In 716 AD, Bulgaria saved Europe from Islamization. 716 AD, the Bulgarians, under the leadership of Khan Tervel, stopped the Arab invasion at the doors of Constantinople, helping the Byzantine Empire to deal with the danger. In a vital battle in 718 AD, the Bulgarian cavalry defeated over 60,000 thousand Arab army and saved Europe from the threat. Since then, many chronicles have called Tervel the "Savior of Europe".


The Bulgarian army is of the few forces in the world that has never lost a flag despite the fact that it has participated in every major war.

Excuse me, we did not know it was impossible to be captured ! The first air bomb attack was done by the Bulgarian Air Force during the Balkan War on 16 October 1912 when the Odrin was captured.


Bulgarians are the first people to use the Cyrillic alphabet right after its creation in the 9th century. After the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union on January 1, 2007, the Cyrillic alphabet became the third official in Europe.

The first digital clock was developed by the Bulgarian Petar Petrov.

The Bulgarian folk song "Izlel e Deliu haidutin", sounds aboard the American shuttleVoyager I, as part of the project to make contact with alien civilization.


Top 10 curiosities from Turkey

1- Writing 'Wash me' on the car's window when it is dirty.

2- Calling your home phone and asking 'Whose house is it?'.

3- Searcing for your own house on Google Earth. 4- Putting a piece of paper under the broken foot of the chair to prevent shaking.
5- Chatting for hours at the door while leaving the host house. 6- Watching the work machines working on the street. 7- Hitting on the machine to work it when something goes wrong.
8- Stepping on one's foot when she/he wears new shoes. 9- Covering everything with lace.

Hoping to come up faster


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21 10-
by pressing the key of the elevator

Top 10 curiosities from Italy

1. In Italy there are the only 3 active volcanoes in all of Europe: Stromboli, Etna and Vesuvio.


2. The smallest state in the world is the Vatican with an area of 0.44 km².

3. Italy is the fourth most visited country in the world

4. Italy is the only state in the world that contains two other states, namely: San Marino and the Vatican.

5. Italy has 50 sites declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO and is the highest number of any other country in the world.

6. Every day in Rome tourists throw around € 3000 into the Trevi Fountain. 7. The Italian population is the third oldest in the world, after Japan and Germany. 8. The Unicredit tower (in Milan) is the tallest skyscraper in Italy.

9. The river Aril (in the province of Verona), with its length of 175m, is the shortest river, not only in Italy, but in the world.

10. The narrowest house: "casa du Currivu" in the province of Palermo, the word "currivu" in Sicilian means "for spite" and just for spite against a neighbor a gentleman of the country has decided to build a large house as a normal dwelling, but was hampered by a neighbor who did not want his view to be ruined. Informing with a lawyer, the owner realized that there were no legal conditions for building a house of habitable size in that spot, but in order not to give it over to the hated neigh- bor he decided to finance the construction of a house as large as 100 cm, hence the nickname "casa du currivu", the narrowest house in the world.



Top 10 inventions from Romania

Romanian students and their stunning discoveries that revolutionized different areas of activity.

1. Nicolae Paulescu - the unrecognizable finder of the hormone antidiabetic or insulin therapy

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in France, specialized in the research of the spleen structure, Nicolae Paulescu has dedicated himself to the research of the pancreas and the disease that decimates it, diabetes. In 1922, after extensive studies and experiments on living organisms, Paulescu discovered pancreas, a form of insulin. Paulescu's merit was not recognized during his lifetime, he did not win the Nobel Prize and only in 1969 the injustice was repaired by A.W.K. Tiselius, vice president of the Nobel Foundation. Nicolae Păulescu is one of those people who deserve eternal gratitude because diabetics live because of him and suffering is more tolerable.


2. Ioan Cantacuzino - the researcher who took down the cholera

He was founder of the Romanian microbiology school and his discoveries were of particular importance in the treatment of cholera, typhus epidemic, tuberculosis and scarlet fever. The anti-holistic vaccination method he invented, called the "Cantacuzino Method", is still used in countries where there are cases of cholera. In 1913, he led the first massive anti-holocaust vaccination in infectious outbreaks, known in science as "Great Romanian Experience," saving thousands of lives.

3. Traian Vuia - the plane with landing gear on wheels with tires

His great dream was to fly, so he began making calculations for the plans of a flying machine. He invented the first airplane with his own propulsion means, with which he made the first flight in the history of mankind, rising from the ground by his own means (1906). This flight took place in France at Montesson, where Traian Vuia's flying machine started off with his own engine, ran about 50 meters, then departed from the ground and flew only 12 meters at a height of 1 meter due to side wind. Bearing in mind the creation of a good airplane engine, Vuia managed to invent the internal combustion steam and catalytic combustion steam generator. Traian Vuia and another collaborator, Emmanuel Yvonneau, patented several types of steam generators.



Henry Coanda the world's first reaction plane

The biplane built by Coanda, with its fuselage and wings covered with wooden plywood mounted on a steel reinforcement, sparked sensation at the Paris Exhibition in 1910. Gustave Eiffel helped him design the plane and tested his flight instrument for life. Physicists know him well because of the name effect, the Coanda effect, or the deviation of fluid jets near curved surfaces. The largest airport in Romania is named after it.


Aurel Vlaicu - the world's first aerodynamic aircraft

Aviation pioneer, Vlaicu designed and built one of the first Romanian gliders, entitled "Aurel Vlaicu-1909", followed by two other types of monoplanes: "A. Vlaicu nr. I "(1910) and" A. Vlaicu nr. II "(1911). On June 17, 1910 he made the first flight with Vlaicu I at a height of no more than 4 m. On August 16, 1910, Vlaicu flies by plane at a height of 100 m, and on October 17, 1910 presents the apparatus at the aviation meeting in Baneasa. The passion for flying kills over the Carpathian Mountains before building Vlaicu III.

Bucharest Baneasa International Airport is called "Aurel Vlaicu", and its face can be found today on the 50 lei banknote.


6. Ana Aslan Gerovital

It has been one of the pioneers of world medical gerontology that has intuited and discovered the biotrophic therapeutic actions of the procaine by longterm treatment in small doses, curative and prophylactic. Gerovitalul H3, an original Romanian biotrophic product and, at the same time, the first drug created to delay the aging process, was developed between 1946 and 1956 by Ana Aslan who, in a man's world, managed to create in 1952 Bucharest, the first geriatric institute in the world. Ana Aslan treated many famous personalities such as: Mao Tsetoung, Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso, Sir Winston Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, Marlene Dietriech, Nicholas and Elena Ceausescu, Konrad Adenanuer, Aristotle Onasis, John F. Kennedy and many others.

7. Petrache Poenaru - endless pencil or pen

His pen has revolutionized writing tools in the world. It also had a system to pump the ink from the cover area to the pen. Moreover, this system also included the basis for the later invention of the pistons.

He was the holder of the first patent obtained by a Romanian. He was the first Romanian to travel by train between Liverpool and Manchester, one of the organizers of the Romanian national education, the founder of the Carol I National College in Craiova. A subway station in Bucharest is named after him.


8. Stefan Odobleja - the concept of cybernetics

Cybernetics deals with how a system processes information and responds to it, and studies how systems change or allow changes to optimize their actions.

Doctor Stefan Odobleja is the creator of generalized psychocybernetics and cybernetics, and wrote about this in 1929, the study of the Method of Thoracic Transonance in which he enunciates the Law of Reversibility.

In 1937, his main work, "Consonant Psychology," makes public the first version of the generalized cyber conception and demonstrates its multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary character.

9. Anastase Dragomir - the ejectable chair

Anastase Dragomir focused on the safety of flight machines and, implicitly, on their passengers, perfecting their own pilots and passengers rescue system in case of accidents. One of the inventions was "a new parachute system of air-borne locomotives, each passenger having his own parachute, which at the critical time allows the release of this airplane assembly so that the parachute, together with the passenger installed in the seat, a floor aperture. "In 1950, he obtained the patent for the" parachute cell "which consisted of using a sliding curved back to eject the cabins either on the floor or on the top. In 1959 he registered an application for the construction of a plane with such seats.



Dragomir Hurmuzescu - the electroscope

He was a physicist with significant contributions in the field of X-ray and electrical physics. He discovered dielectrine - "an insulator consisting of a mixture of sulfur and paraffin", the highvoltage dynamics 3,000 V and the electroscope now bearing its name, the electroscope Hurmuzescu, electrostatic screen. With this electroscope in 1899, Pierre and Marie Curie will make their first experiments on radios, and Becquerel will use it in 1903 in Nobel Prize-awarded radioactivity research. He established the first electricity laboratory in the country, then transformed into the Electricity School of the University of Iasi, the first experimental physics school. In 1922, under his leadership, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society started operating, which on 1 November 1928 broadcast the first broadcast with the announcement: "Alo, alo, here Radio Bucharest". It is the moment that actually inaugurates the national radio station in Romania.

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Top 10 inventions from Bulgaria

After the death of Khan Kubrat in 651, the Old Great Bulgaria disintegrated under the hurdles of the Khazars. The third son of Khan Kubrat - Khan Asparuh played a major role in establishing of the so-called Danube Bulgaria. In 681 a peace treaty was signed through which Byzantium committed to pay to the Bulgarian khan an annual tax and the empire actually acknowledged the existence of the new Bulgarian state.

Paisii Hilendarski, often referred to as Father Paisii, is a Bulgarian popular clergyman, author of Slavic Bulgarian History. His ideas of national revival and liberation of the Bulgarian people, expressed in his work, make many scientists point to him as the founder of the Bulgarian Revival. Our Church canonized him a saint.


St. Knyaz Boris – Mihail I is a Bulgarian ruler who imposed Christianity and introduced the Slavic script in Bulgaria. He ruled from 852 to 889 and later just briefly in 893 when he dethroned his firstborn son Vladimir Rasate (who dared to reject the new Cristian religion). After that Simeon the Great ascended to the throne.

Simeon the Great ruled the First Bulgarian State from 893 until 927. Simeon's successful wars against Byzantium, the Magyars and the Serbs brought Bulgaria's largest territorial expansion throughout its history, making it the strongest state of Eastern Europe at the time. His reign is also a period of cultural flourishing, later called the Golden Age of Bulgarian Culture. During his rule the borders of Bulgaria reached three seas White, Adriatic and Black, whi Constantinople. le contemporaries compared his capital Preslav with


By 855, in the Polychron Monastery, the two brothers, St Cyril and St Methodius created the Slavic alphabet – Glagolitic, and began translating the sacred books. At the core of the new literary language lied the Thessaloniki dialect of the Bulgarians, which they knew perfectly well. The mission of the Thessalonian brothers leaves a profound and lasting trace in the history of Europe. The Bulgarian Church canonized them for saints and together with their students was created the cult of the "Holy Seventh" every year on 11 (24) May Bulgaria celebrates the brightest feast of the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Vasil Ivanov Kunchev, known as Vasil Levski, is a Bulgarian national hero. He was an ideologist of the Bulgarian National Revolution and founder of the Internal Revolutionary Organization. He is also known as the Apostle of Freedom for organizing and developing a revolutionary network for the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman domination.


Poet, publicist, journalist, translator, literary critic, revolutionary and thinker, Hristo Botev became a national symbol and an icon for the Bulgarians. His writings gave the shape and style of the Bulgarian literature up to the present days, and his entire creative heritage offers a radical version of Bulgarian national thinking and philosophy.

Stefan Stambolov is a distinguished Bulgarian politician, revolutionary, journalist and poet. He was an Apostle of the Inner Revolutionary Organization and organized the April Uprising in one of the revolutionary counties. In the peroid 1887-1894 he was appointed Prime Minister and turned to be one of the founders of Bulgaria's economic and cultural upheaval in the decades before the Balkan wars. Criticized for his dictator methods and assassinated by his political enem.


Ivan Vazov is a Bulgarian poet, writer and playwright, often called "Patriarch of Bulgarian Literature". Vazov's work is a reflection of two historical epochs Renaissance and postliberation Bulgaria. Ivan Vazov is an academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Minister of Public Education from 7 September 1897 to 30 January 1899

Peter Dunov, called by his followers Master or Beinsa Dune, is a Bulgarian philosopher, a founder of a religious-philosophical teaching, which he describes as "esoteric Christianity" and occultism. The doctrine is considered by the Bulgarian state to be religious and registered as a separate religion. This teaching in Bulgaria is known as the Danovism. Danov calls himself and his followers “students of the Universal White Brotherhood”.

Peter Dunov

Top 10 inventions from Turkey

1. ALİ KUŞÇU (1403 - 1474)

Ali Kuşçu is an astronomer, mathematician and linguist in the Ottoman Empire.

He has taken the first map of the moon. He measured the latitude and longitude of Istanbul and made various solar clocks.

The Turkish inventors who made remarkable inventions and contributed to new developments in many fields.


"İsmail Ebul z Bin Rezzaz Al Jezeri" who is accepted as the founder of cybernetics, physicist, robot and matrix master is a great scientist. He died in 1206 in Cizre,Şırnak,Turkey.


In 1632, in a troubled time, it was assumed that he crossed the Bosphorus through the flight of the Galata Tower with a similar vehicle to the bird wings and landed on Üsküdar, 3358 meters away. He made his first flight to Turkey. Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi is seen as one of the most valuable people in the history of Turkish aviation.



Piri Reis, born in 1465 is an Ottoman sailor, captain and cartographer. Piri Reis drew the second world map in 1528.

The map of North America that you have today is part of this map.


He was a great saint who grew up in the time of the Ottomans and he was also the tutor of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. He made microblogging recipe five hundred years ago.


Ulug Bey worked extensively on the science of trigonometry, which is the basis of his astronomy studies.

At the time of Uluğ Bey, new astronomy tools were made, old tools were developed, and he made a map of the sky.

4 0

Sabit Bin Kurra was an arabic philosopher, mathematician and medical scholar. He contributed to spreading philosophy in Islamic countries.

Sabit bin Kurrâ has written many treatises on mathematics and geometry. He was the first person to apply algebra to geometry. Trigonometry studies have enabled this field to be learned and spread in the West. Numerical studies and methods of solving high-order equations are also the first in these fields.

He had many works related to medicine, logic, pharmacy, philosophy and music.He also worked on topics such as formation of mountains, solar and lunar eclipse, measles and flower disease.

MİMAR SİNAN (1489-1588)

Mimar Sinan was the greatest architect and building artist who served as chief architect during the reign of Suleyman I from the Ottoman sultans, II., Selim and III. Murat. He was known with his unique structures and and constructions.

41 7.


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He was one of the world's 20 most famous astronomers who is the first scholar to use trigonometry in term for sinus and cosine.


He prepared judgments that show the measure of the ministry, and he led the followers in this regard. He was a Turkish miniature. He was also a sophisticated scholar who wrote books in mathematics and history.

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Top 10 inventions from Italy

Top 10 – Italian inventions that have changedthe world

1. Radio

It was in 1894 when Guglielmo Marconi succeeded, by pressing a remote transmitter, to ring a bell: it was the first step towards the invention of the radio. Patentedin 1896, it was initially a system intended only for wireless telegraphy: the first real radio was created after a fewyears.

2. Telephone

The inventor of the phone was the Florentine Antonio Meucci. However, like many other inventions that have changed all our lives, actually the phone has more than one inventor. People, independently from each other and, sometimes without knowing anything about each other, have


come to the same conclusion.


3. Pila

Alessandro Volta built the first static electricity generator ever built in 1799. The apparatus passed into history as Pila di Volta.

4. Helicopter

Corradino D'Ascanio was also an aviation pioneer and creator of the first workingmodelofa helicopter. Sincethe timeof LeonardodaVinci,similarprojectsand prototypeshad fascinatedthe inventors: but it was D'Ascanio with his D'AT3 model in 1930 to fly the first helicopter, for a time of8 minutes and 45 seconds.

5. Olivetti, writingmachine

It was made by Olivetti. It was one of the most successful products of Olivetti in the fifties, and received awards both in Italy and abroad.

6. Vespa

The Vespa is a Piaggio scooter model, patented on 23 April 1946, on a design by the aeronautical engineer Corradino D'Ascanio. It is


one of the most famous industrial design products in the world and used several times as a symbol of Italian design


7. Telescope

The telescope is an optical instrument for close observation of terrestrial objects. it was invented by Galileo Galilei.

8. Motore ascoppio

If today cars are an essential part of our lives, we owe it to the Tuscan inventors Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci, who in 1853 patented the first model of internal combustion engine, also called "burst". A more modern and efficient version was instead patented by engineer Giovanni Enrico for FIAT in 1909.

9. Barometer

The barometer is the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. It is used in the field of meteorology to detect data useful for weather


forecasts. It was invented by EvangelistaTorricelli in 1643.


do not allow to control the dynamics.

10. Piano

The piano is a stringed musical instrument with hammers operated by a keyboard. The first model of piano was designed in Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori in 1698. The novelty was the application of an ower to the harpsichord. Cristofori's idea was to create a harpsichord with dynamic possibilities controllable by the performer; in the harpsichord, in fact, the plucked strings

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Top 10 personalities from Romania

Became a famous sculptor pursuing his dream of becoming famous all over the world in spite of poverty and obstacles that would have discouraged many. Few people know about the life full of hardships he endured and how he worked incessantly, as he believed work to be the only key to success. In Romania his portrait appeared on banknotes, there are countless boulevards and streets bearing his name, while statues and replicas of his works can be found in almost all major cities. He is the Romanian who when asked by Rockefeller What can I do for you? he answered and You can sweep the workshop, and when the great August Rodin invited him to enter his workshop, he refused, saying Nothing can grow under big trees! His works are characterized by the lack of detail in the attempt to represent the essence of the form, with his wood sculptures having almost abstract shapes. Brâncuşi used to make his own furniture, most utensils and the pipe from which he smoke.

A musician who showed talent from early in his childhood, began studying the violin but was


keen to become a composer, which is something he achieved and made the musical world richer thanks to his works. George Enescu's most famous compositions date back to the first years of the early 20th century: the two Romanian Rhapsodies (1901-1902), Suite no. 1 for orchestra in Do major, op. 9 and Symphony no. 1 in Mi bemol major. His most beloved work, dedicated to his future wife, is the opera Oedipe, for which he worked for more than ten years. He collaborated with Queen Elizabeth of Romania on a series of extraordinary lieds. The memory of the great musician is kept alive by the International Festival that bears his name.

One of the greatest painters of Romania, who is known for other t activities such as caricature, pottery, drawing, scenography. He is recognized for portraits of young women and children, which shown a great expressivity. His work In Iatac was sold at an auction in 2011 for 290.0 euros, making it one of the most valuable paintings in Romania of all times.

Nobel Prize laureate in 1974 for medicine, was characterized by one of whom he shared the prize with as a multidisciplinary, perfectionist, and charming person. Comparisons of some scientists say all about the genius of this scientist: Palade was for cell biology what Einstein was for


physics, and while Galilee drew the map of heavens, Palade drew the map of the cell. He discovered the role and functions of the mitochondria, and he was first to see inside the human cell some small particles made of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins, which were named "Palade's particles" or ribosomes.

Mihai Eminescu (1850 1889)

Known as "The Vesper of Romanian poetry" or "the unpaired poet" has written countless poems and every Romanian knows at least a stanza of his work. He is also recognized for his works in prose and attempts at dramaturgy. His work was influenced by great Romantic German authors, such as Novalis, from whom he took the "blue flower" motive, Goethe, Lenau and others He was a true patriot, accustomed to greet anyone by saying Long live the nation!

Mircea Eliade (1907 1986)

Amere search for his name on Google yields almost 1 million references. He is known due to more than 30 scientific volumes, literary works and philosophical essays translated into 18 languages as well as more than 1,200 articles. The condition that would give the name of his book - The Nearsighted Adolescent, did not prevent him from reading extensively, studying Indian philosophy and Sanskrit language and giving humanity the novel of unfulfilled love - Maitreyi. From 1957 he was a professor of religion history at the University of Chicago and has left behind an exceptional work: The History of Religious Beliefs and Ideas.

Nicolae Titulescu (1882 1941)

A remarkable personality of the Romanian diplomacy, who advocated for the international public opinion to recognize the national unity of his country. Since 1921 he has been permanently


delegated to the League of Nations in Geneva, being elected twice (1930 and 1931) as President of this international organization. In this capacity, he tried to stop the tendencies of revisionism in Europe and Africa. He was Minister of Finance and three times Minister of Foreign Affairs and he fought against Nazism and wars in general.

Simona Halep

Leader, beloved, appreciated and supported in her matches by all Romanians, is the highest-ranking player in Romania. She follows in the footsteps of other famous Romanian tennis players such Ilie Năstase, Ion Ţiriac, Virginia Ruzici and given her youth and the dedication with which she plays every match surely she will surely win some Grand Slams.

It is the world number one in simple tennis.

The only gymnast who had the 10.0 at world bar competitions

Was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 for her extraordinary performance at the Montreal Olympics. She remains in the heart and memory of gymnastics lovers as the Goddess of Montreal. She is the winner of five Olympic gold medals, countless medals at international competitions and is the first Romanian sportsperson to be included

Nadia Comăneci

in the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame. She had the courage to defect to the US in the Ceausescu era, which had a great impact on public opinion in Romania.

In 1999, she became the first athlete invited to speak at the United Nations at the launch of the Year 2000 as the International Year of Volunteering, and was twice awarded the Olympic Order by the CIO. She is currently working with her husband at the Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy and is involved in charity projects, councils, committees and sports federations.

Gheorghe Hagi Romanian footballer

Is a former Romanian footballer, currently coach, considered one of the best attacking midfielders in the 1980s and 1990s and the greatest Romanian football player of all time. Galatasaray's fans called him The Commander and Romanians call him "The King", being regarded as a hero in our country by the millions of football fans. He was named Romanian footballer of the year seven times, played for the Romanian national at three world championships in 1990, 1994 (where he was named in the World Cup All-Star Team) and 1998, as well as three European championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000.

He founded the Gheorghe Hagi Football Academy near Constanta, where he teaches and prepares over 250 children to become professional football players.

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Top 10 personalities from Turkey


He is the great Turkish leader, founder of the Turkish Republic. He was born in Salonika in 1881 and died in 1938. With his great revolutions he brought the Turkish Republic to the level of modern civilizations. He made many innovations for the benefits of Turkish people. He gave women the right to elect and to be elected in 1934. He made many changes on industry, agriculture, education, wearings, and so on to develop the country. He is such a great leader that we cannot forget him and his sayings. We always commemorate him with respect and love. We always miss him.


2. Professor Dr. AZİZ SANCAR

Aziz Sancar was born in in Savur in southeast of Turkey. Aziz Sancar studied at Istanbul University and then he studied at the University of Texas, Dallas, where his received his doctorate in 1977. He was a professor at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Medical School. Aziz Sancar is married to Gwen Boles Sancar, a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the same time.

Professor Dr. Saint Sancar won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2015, thanks to research that mapped the way cells repair damaged DNA and protect their genetic information.

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı was born in Bregenz, Austria in 1947 and came to Turkey when he was two years old. He finished his primary and middle school in Istanbul and Ankara and graduated from Ankara Atatürk High School in 1965. After graduating from the Faculty of Political Sciences (1968) and the Department of History in the Faculty of Language, History, and Geography at Ankara University, he pursued his study at the University of Vienna. He completed his master′s degree at the University of Chicago under Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık. Ortaylı received his doctoral degree in the Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University in 1978. In 1979, he was appointed as an Associate Professor at Ankara University. He has lectured at many universities in Turkey, Europe, the US, and Russia, and given numerous seminars and conferences. Prof. Ortaylı returned to Ankara University in 1989 and received his Professorship. He became the Head of the Section of Administrative History. After teaching at Galatasaray University from 2002 to 2004, he taught at Bilkent University. From 2005 to 2012, Prof. Dr. Ortaylı served as President at the Topkapı Palace Museum. Currently, he teaches at Galatasaray University.



Naim Süleymanoğlu was born on January 23, 1967 in Bulgaria. Naim Süleymanoğlu started weight lifting in 1977.

At the age of 15, he won two gold medals in 52 kilograms at the world youth weightlifting championship held in Brazil. He won many world championships.

With spectacular success, he was the first who won the gold medal the Seoul Olympics outside the wrestling in Turkey.

He died on 18th November, 2017.

Tarkan Tevetoğlu, Turkish singer and song writer. Since the early 1990s, he has been known by millions with Turkish pop music with a continuous list and the sales with Turkish pop music in Turkey and in Europe. 5. NAİM SÜLEYMANOĞLU


Ferzan Özpetek was born on February 3, 1959 in Istanbul, Turkey. He is a writer and assistant director, known for Le fate ignoranti (2001), Mine vaganti (2010) and Steam: The Turkish Bath (1997).

His first film, 'The Turkish Bath', succeeded internationally.The film was selected and presented in Cannes Film Festival's Selection Officielle category in 1999 and has achieved significant box office success in all European countries.


Orhan PAMUK was born in İstanbul in 1952 and grown up in a large family. He is a Turkish author. He has won many awards on literature. He was one of the youngest recipients of this award, winning several other literary awards with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006.

59 6. FERZAN


Gülse Birsel was born on March 11, 1971 in İstanbul. She completed her high school education at Beyoğlu High school and university education in Department of Economics at Boğaziçi University. In 1994, she had the master degree at the University of Colombia in New York.

She is a columnist, scriptwriter and actress.

Mîna Urgan was born on May 1st , 1915. Mîna Urgan, professor of Turkish English literature, author, philologist and translator. He brought the most important works of English literature to Turkish literature.Her books are still being taught at universities.

She died on 15th June, 2000.

60 8.

10. TÜRKAN SAYLAN (1935 –2009)

Türkan Saylan was a Turkish medical doctor in dermatology, academic, writer, teacher and social activist. She was famous for fighting leprosy, and for founding a charitable foundation called "Association for the Support of Contemporary Living".

BIBLIOGRAPHY, accessed at 18.02.2018, accessed at 18.02.2018, accessed at 22.02.2018


Top 10 personalities from Italy

1. Dante Alighieri

Was the major Italian poet of the Late Middle Ages. He wrote Divine Comedy, originally called Comedìa which is considered the most important poem of the Middle Ages and the greatest literary work in the Italian language.

2. Christopher Columbus

Was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer. He completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. Those voyages initiated the permanent European colonization of the New World. In fact he had an important role during the discovery of America.


3. Leonardo Da Vinci

Was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering,. He is considered one of the greatest painters of all time. Sometimes credited with the inventions of the parachute, helicopter.

4. Galileo Galilei

Was an Italian polymath. Galileo is a central figure in the transition from natural philosophy to modern science and in the transformation of the scientific Renaissance into a scientific revolution. He introduced the scientific metod and studied speed and velocity, gravity and free fall, the principle of relativily, inertia, projectile motion and also worked in applied science and technology.

5. Rita Levi Montalcini

Was an Italian Nobel laureate, honored for her work in neurobiology. She was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.


6. Luigi Pirandello

Was an Italian dramatist, novelist, and poet. He was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize in Literature. Pirandello's works include novels, hundreds of short stories, and about 40 plays, some of which are written in Sicilian.

7. Giuseppe Garibaldi

Was an Italian general, politician and nationalist who played a large role in the history of Italy. He is considered "Hero of the Two Worlds" because of his military enterprises in Brazil, Uruguay and Europe.

8. Giotto di Bondone

Was an Italian painter and architect from Florence during the Late Middle Ages. Giotto's contemporary wrote that Giotto was "the most sovereign master of painting in his time, who drew all his figures and their postures according to nature”.


9. Maria Montessori

Was an Italian physician and educator best known for the philosophy of education that bears her name, and her writing on scientific pedagogy. She was a single mother. Her educational method is in use today in many public and private schools throughout the world.

10. Sophia Loren

Is an Italian film actress and singer. Encouraged in acting lessons after , Loren began her film career in 1950 at age of 15. She appeared in several bit parts and minor roles in the early part of the decade, until her five-picture contract with Paramount in 1956 launched her international career. Notable film appearances around this time include The Pride and the Passion, Houseboat, and It Started in Naples.

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Top 10 Ten Significant Dates in Bulgarian History

1. The earliest known country that existed in our lands is the Odrysian kingdom. It existed from the 5th CENTURY BC to the 1st century. In the 5th century BC Thucydides wrote:

"The Odrysian kingdom extends from Abdera to the Black Sea (Ekskinski Pont) at the mouth of the Danube (Ister) Inside the country the distance from Byzantium to Struma ( Strimon) is taken by a good pedestrian for 13 days."

Thracian gold jewelry and Thracian fighting uniform


2. The treasure of Varna dates back to the 6th century BC. It is believed to be the world's oldest technologically-processed gold. 294 tombs have been found, in which more than 3,000 jewels and ornaments of pure 24-carat gold have been found. Their total weight is over 6.5kg

Coins of Thracian kings Sevt I, Amadok II, Sevt III

3. In the summer of 681, around August 9, the Byzantine emperor was forced to sign a peace treaty with Khan Asparuh. According to this treaty, the emperor recognized the lands he had conquered and was obliged to pay an annual tax. Thus, Byzantium legally recognized the existence of the new Bulgarian state on the Balkans, and Bulgaria received legitimacy in interstate relations.

The Valtchitran and the Panagyurishte golden treasures

Probably the greatest success of Khan Tervel as a ruler is the victory over the armies of the Arab caliphate (a huge theocratic Muslim state, stretching from Spain to Persia). He helped the Byzantine emperor to push back the Arabs who besieged Constantinople in 717. This victory put an end to the Arabs' attempts to invade Europe through the Balkans. His victory equals the victory of Carl Martel's over the Arabs in the Battle of Poitiers in October 732. This victory and the deterrence of the Arab invasion to the interior of the continent won Tervel the name of Savior of Europe and raised the prestige of the Bulgarian country in international relations.

4. The Battle of Adrianople on 14th April, 1205, was a clash between the Bulgarian army led by Tsar Kaloyan and the crusaders from the Latin Empire, headed by Emperor Baldwin I. It was won by the Bulgarians after a successful ambush. In the battle Tsar Kaloyan defeated the knight, who were regarded as invincible due to their heavy armour. Their emperor was captivated, and he was enprisoned on the top of a tower in the fortress of Tsarevets. About 300 knights were killed, and Emperor Baldwin later died in captivity

5. The Battle of Klokotnitsa took place on 9th March 1230 between the Bulgarian army led by Tsar Ivan Asen II and the army of one of the 5 Byzantium kingdoms, Teodor Komnin. There was a peace treaty between the two countries, which the Epir ruler did not respect and the Bulgarian Tsar led his army with the peace treaty stuck on a spare instead of a flag. The Bulgarians completely defeated the ephemeral state and captured the Epir Despot with his family, and his army. Instead of killing the


whole family and taking the soldiers in slavery the Bulgarian ruler just liberated the soldiers and kept the king family in prison in good conditions and respect.

6. On February 28, 1870, the Sultan government issued a decree which legitimized the establishment of a Bulgarian church hierarchy (the "Exarchate") of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. According to the Sultan Order and the Exarchate Statute, made by the Church-People's Council, convened in Constantinople in 1871 the Bulgarian Exarchate was recognized as an official representative of the Bulgarian nation in the Ottoman Empire.

The church "St. Stefan "in Constantinople and the berat for determining the boundaries of the ExarchyIndependent Bulgarian Church


7. The Constitution of the Bulgarian Principality, widely known as the Turnovo Constitution, is the first constitution of Bulgaria. It was adopted on 16 April 1879 by the Constituent National Assembly in Tarnovo." It was created after the constitutions of Greece, Serbia and Romania, but in the tradition of the Bulgarian intellectuals from liberation struggles and with the participation of lawyers and other Bulgarians who have received their higher education in leading universities in Europe. "Innovatory and progressive for its time and liberal character, the Turnovo Constitution affirms the principle of personal privacy and private property as the basis of production and social relations. Freedom of the press, the right of association, and others.

8. The Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising was organized by the Inner Macedonian-Odrin Revolutionary Organization and it was directed to liberating and uniting areas populated with Bulgarians which were still part of the Ottoman Empire. The revolt broke out on 2 August 1903 and in Macedonia and the area around Odrin. The revolt marks a high point in the national-liberation struggles of the Macedonian and Thracian Bulgarians, to unite with the newly born Bulgarian principality.It bears the names of the two religious feasts on which the two major rebellions broke out. In Bitolia vilayet and round Thessaloniki it broke out on July 20 - Ilinden and in the Odrin vilayet on August 6, the Transfiguration of the Lord.


9. The Unification is the act by which East Rumelia broke away from the Ottoman Empire to unite with the Principality of Bulgaria on 6th September 1885 despite the decisions of the Great Powers on the Berlin Congress


10. The independence of Bulgaria was proclaimed on 22 September 1908 in Tarnovo. Through this act, the Bulgarian state rejected its political and financial dependence on the Ottoman Empire, imposed by the great European states with the Berlin Treaty thirty years earlier, and the Bulgarian prince adopts the title “tsar."

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