“The Holocaust - the Drama of Humanity”

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The Holocaust the drama of humanity

Made by teacher: Prisacariu Elena Mihaela Student: Unguraș Daiana Ana, class XI C School: Technical College ,,D. Ghika" Comănesti, Bacău

Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403_1 Project funded by the European Commission Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully SITE:


Chronological milestones: • 1933 – the first concentration camp – Dachau (March 22); - law on the sterilization of disabled people, Roma and blacks (July 14) • 1935 – Nurnberg Laws – Jews lost their citizenship status and all civil rights; • 1936 – exclusion of Jews from all positions related to education, politics or industry; • 1938 - Jewish students and teachers were forbidden to attend German public schools (November 15); • 1939 – Jews are obliged to wear the yellow Star of David (November 23); • 1939-1941- camps and ghettos were built in Poland; • 1942 - The Wannsee Conference - the adoption of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Problem" implementation plans, i.e. their extermination and execution; • 1945 – collective massacres take place in the extermination camps of Auschwitz, Chelmno, Sobibor, Belzec

Etymology and definition •

The Holocaust is a term used to describe the killing of approximately six million Jews of all ages, mostly in Europe, but Jews were also persecuted and murdered in Asia and North Africa during World War II as part of the "the final solution to the Jewish problem", the Jewish extermination program led by Adolf Hitler and his collaborators. Among the victims, there were 1.5 million children. Fascists also murdered non-Jews, such as Polish Roma and other Slavic ethnic groups, Soviet citizens, prisoners of war.

• The persecutions were carried out in stages, culminating in the policy of extermination referred to as the "Final Solution of the Jewish Problem". Following Hitler's rise to power, the German government passed laws that excluded Jews from civil society, the most famous being the Nuremberg Laws of 1935. Beginning in 1933, the Nazis began to set up a network of concentration camps . After the outbreak of war in 1939, German and foreign Jews were herded into ghettos. In 1941, when Germany began to prepare to conquer new territories to the east, all anti-Jewish measures were radicalized. Specialized paramilitary units, called Einsatzgruppen, killed an estimated two million Jews in mass executions in less than a year. Until the middle of 1942, the victims were constantly transported by freight trains to the extermination camps. Most of those who survived the journey were systematically killed in gas chambers. This continued until the end of World War II in Europe in April–May 1945.

Adolf Hitler's vision of the world


The origin and first expression of Hitler's anti-Semitism remain a matter of debate. The central idea of Hitler's philosophy was expansion and vital space for Germany. Hitler openly displayed his hatred of Jews and subscribed to most anti-Semitic stereotypes. Since the early 1920s, Hitler equated Jews with germs and argued that they should be treated exactly the same. Hitler considered Marxism a Jewish doctrine and proclaimed that he was fighting "Jewish Marxism". He believed that the Jews had created communism as part of a conspiracy to destroy Germany. In the 1920s, journalist Joseph Hell claimed that when Hitler was asked what he would do to the Jews once he came to power, he replied that "the first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews."

Labor and concentration camps ( 1933-1945) The Third Reich first used concentration camps as places of extrajudicial incarceration of political opponents and other "enemies of the state". Jews were not sent in large numbers to these camps until after Kristallnacht in November 1938. Although the mortality was high, these camps were not centers of systematic killing. The Ghettos (1940-1945) After the invasion of Poland, the Germans established ghettos in the annexed territories and in the General Government to limit the movement of Jews. Ghettos emerged and were isolated from the rest of the world at different times and for various reasons. For example, the Łódź ghetto was closed in April 1940, to force the Jews inside to surrender their money and valuables; the Warsaw ghetto was closed for sanitary reasons.

Liberation of the Jews The first large camp, the Majdanek extermination camp, was discovered by the Soviets on July 23, 1944. Auschwitz was also liberated by the Red Army on January 27, 1945; Buchenwald - by Americans on April 11; Bergen-Belsen - by the British on April 15; Dachau - by Americans on April 29; Ravensbrück - by the Soviets on the same day; Mauthausen - by Americans on May 5; and Theresienstadt by the Soviets - on 8 May. Treblinka, Sobibór, and Bełżec were never liberated, as they had been destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. In most of the camps discovered by the Soviets, most of the inmates had been evacuated, leaving only a few thousand alive. For example, 7,000 inmates were found at Auschwitz-Birkenau, including 180 children who had been experimented on by doctors.

The Holocaust în Romania Jews in Romanian space The Jewish minority on the current territory of Romania has a history that spans approximately two millennia, but it became significant in terms of numerical, economic and cultural weight, especially starting from the 19th century. According to the official census, from 1930, the number of Jews in Romania was 756,930.

Testimonies of survivors "As a survivor of the Holocaust, I feel obliged to shout and repeat endlessly on behalf of myself and all those whose killing I witnessed, that that Wannsee plan did not remain a dead letter, but everything that was foreseen was executed with Prussian meticulousness and precision with unimaginable cruelty„ Oliver Lusting

Elie Wiesel "The victims demanded my efforts and dedication. In my memory there was only room for theirs. Even today, when I evoke the past, what I try to communicate is their past: for them I bear witness, not for me ... to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all ! "

Paulina Vasile "We were tomorrow"

hoping to die

from today to

Life here was a torture. "Dead people, misery, hunger, typhus, lice", lists the horrors experienced by the old woman who was a silversmith. "The lice were put aside, a cloth was put on it and eaten on it", Vasile Paulina recalls living in the camp. "If you went to the fields, you got more tain, that is, food: some curdled milk," the woman says. "We also ate roots, and from the garbage, potato peels..." "They took us to death. They took us to die, standing up, like trees"

Images representative of the Holocaust Jews in front of trains death

Holocaust survivors on liberation day

Bodies transported for burial

Bodies removed from death trains with Romanian Jews

Auschwitz concentra tion camp

Jews before the camps

Movie Some films that present the life of the Jews during the Holocaust and that mark the cruelest moments are:  The Pianist – Adrien Brody (2002)  Leningrad (2009)



 Anne Frank – Robert Dornhelm  The boy in the striped pajamas Mark Herman

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Biography • https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagina_principal %C4%83 • https://marturiiholocaust.wordpress.com/ • Google foto • https://www.cinemagia.ro/liste/100-de-filme-despreholocaust-si-razboi-9016/

! C S E M U Ț L U M ! E I Z A GR R Ü K K ŞE TEŞ ! M İ R E ED ! S A I C GRA ! U O Y K N A H T By teacher-Prisacariu Elena Mihaela COLEGIUL TEHNIC ,,D. GHIKA" COMANESTI

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