Violet Roots Issue 12 || October 2016

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October 2016


A monthly letter from the editor series to forecast the upcoming month, reflect on the past, and share life’s anecdotes.

Issue 12: A Full Year of Letters has arrived much sooner than I could have imagined! After an entire year of

allows me to be a bit freer and not have to consider creating these magazines, things like, “does this fit I’ve gotten them down to a with the topics on my science. The format is set, blog?” or “what value does the images curated and this give?” the colors were chosen. Both of those The only variation is the questions are important subject matter. That things for any blogger to comes at the end and is ask themselves. Some entirely dependent on things just don’t really whatever is going on in my make sense to share in a life at the time. blog post. Maybe the I like using these letters message you’re trying to as a way to stay personal get across fits better in an and build an honest Instagram Story, or a relationship with you. It

Tweet or, in my case, a letter. Here, I don’t have to worry about that. These letters allow me to give you to a better idea of who I am and where I’m at in my life. You check in with me week after week so it’s only right that we’re open with one another.

Issue 12

VIOLETROOTS October 2016

This pending transition is hard for me to wrap my mind around. You may not remember exactly what I said in my last issue, but through these letters, I hope you’ve been able to walk away each time with a better understanding of my personality. With that being said I'm really excited about the new direction I'm going in for the expanded issues for 2017. This new burst of energy is coming at a time when a lot of other things are changing for me. Next summer, sometime in June I’ll be moving from NYC area to Washington, D.C. Even just typing that is surreal! I’ve lived in the NYC area all of my life, only pausing for a 4-year stint in upstate NY during college. When I was younger my aunt went to college in DC and lived there after she graduated for several years. I used to visit all of the time and as I grew older I began to get more and more annoyed by it. I wanted to travel elsewhere and see more of the world but my family loved going so we returned there more than anywhere else.

“Uneasy about leaving it all behind for D.C.”

I found out the news in July but I couldn’t say anything because I needed to wait until everything was finalized. The reason for my move is that A, my husband, got accepted into a fellowship program there. I always knew there was a chance that we might have to move after he finished his OBGYN residency program. I had always held out hope though that we wouldn’t actually have to do it. Regardless, I’m incredibly proud of my guy. The high-risk pregnancy/genetics program he was accepted into only accepts a couple of applicants nationwide each year! The fact that he was chosen just shows how much all of his hard work has paid off. I’m so happy that he’s closer to fulfilling his dreams but I’m not exactly thrilled about leaving. I’ll do a followup post about all the details later but this pending transition is hard for me to wrap my mind around. When I’m in NYC I immediately feel at peace. It’s the only place that gives me that sense of calm so I’m uneasy about leaving it all behind for Washington, DC.

VIOLETROOTS October 2016

New Bonuses debuting in ’17!

VR Letter From the Editor gets the 2.0 treatment in 2017! Things could be worse though. If I absolutely have to uproot my life at least I’m doing it with A. It’s all for the greater good in the end and, like I said, I’m really proud of him. Life doesn’t always go the way you planned and it’s not the end of the world so let’s see where this next chapter takes us! Until then sign up to stay connected and take control of your creative consistency with my FREE Email Course! You can also get excited for some of the possible new features for this magazine on the right >>

• Expanded Quarterly editions • Seasonal Creative Prompts • Artwork & Tutorials • Featured Community Members • New Design • Downloadable Content • Early Subscriber Access • & maybe more options!

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