Moda con toque mexicano

Page 1

México va por su pase al hexagonal Pag 9

THE THE DENVER DENVER POST POST Año Año An An edition edition of of 5, No. 4 308 No. 24409/13/12 06/16/11 VIVACOLORADO.COM

Moda con toque

Policía de Arizona en aprietos por ley migratoria. Police in legal minefield on Arizona immigration law. Pag 5


Consejos para padres al elegir actividades extracurriculares para sus hijos.

Los mexicanos en Colorado encuentran un poco de casa en su vestimenta colorida Por Michelle Zayed

Pag 8


as fronteras pueden ser difíciles de cruzar pero la moda es capaz de penetrar barreras, cruces y bloqueos para servir como un medio de expresión de la cultura de personas lejos de su país. Con la celebración del 202avo aniversario de la independencia mexicana a la vuelta de la esquina los mexicanos en Colorado se preparan para demostrar su patriotismo por medio de su vestimenta. Gabriela Martinez una diseñadora de Denver oriunda de México dijo que ella siempre trata de incluir motivos mexicanos en sus diseños. “A mi me gusta usar mucho las flores”, explicó. “Así yo fuera usar unos vestidos de noche a mi me gustan con enlaces y flores”. Una de las piezas tradicionales más hermosas es el huipil, una túnica sin mangas de algodón decorada con detallados bordados de flores usualmente combinada con una falda oscura. Martinez dijo que ha notado que muchos elementos mexicanos como los rebozos se han empezado a usar en las modas alrededor del mundo. “Las mascadas (pañuelos de seda ) y los rebozos que antes no se usaban mucho, ahora están volviendo”, dijo.

El Condado Jefferson anima a vacunarse contra la tos convulsa. Officials encouraging whooping cough immunizations.

Pag. 7


con nosotros!

We speak your language!


News in English Noticias en Español We Speak Your Language. Hablamos Tu Idioma.

>> Pag 11

Federal prisons lock up Latinos at higher rate than Colorado prisons By Nancy Lofholm, The Denver Post


decade ago, there were 3,578 adult Latinos in Colorado’s state prisons. At the end of the last fiscal year, there were more than twice that, according to the Colorado Department of Corrections. Colorado does not have the same problematic numbers

as the federal prison system, where more than half of all prisoners sentenced to time behind bars last year were Latino. But the percentage of Latino prisoners in Colorado does outstrip the size of that population. Colorado’s Latino population now stands at 20.9 percent. In prisons, Latinos account for 33 percent of all those locked up, Colorado

corrections department figures show. Latinos have consistently made up about 30 percent of the state’s prison population for the past decade. Part of that increase in total numbers is due to the increase in the Latino population. But another factor, according to the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform

Coalition, is likely due to the fact that there is more street-level policing in neighborhoods with high Latino populations. “There has been consistent evidence over time that people of color are significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated, particularly for drug offenses,” said Christie Donner, executive director of the coalition. Figures for Colorado’s inmate population show some other disparities in prison populations related to race.

African-American males and females now make up 20 percent and 15 percent of their respective prison populations, while that racial group totals only 4.3 percent of Colorado’s population. Meanwhile, Caucasian men and Caucasian women represent 44 percent and 52 percent of their respective prison populations in the state. But Caucasians, who are not identified as of Hispanic descent in the latest U.S. Census report, comprise about 70 percent of the general population in Colorado.

2 Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Latinos in the U.S.: Still more work ahead

By Colorado Rep. Crisanta Duran


ispanic Heritage Month is an important time for the more than one million Latinos living in Colorado. It offers us the opportunity to celebrate the culture and contributions of Hispanic Americans, but what it also offers is an opportunity to look toward the future. Every day, Latinos are succeeding in ways that our forbearers may not have imagined possible. In fact, just last week, another milestone for our community was reached when San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention – the first Latino to do so. I watched Mayor Castro’s speech at the Convention with a tremendous sense of pride for our community. What I witnessed was inspiring – people across all ages and ethnicities coming together to celebrate history in the making and discuss the clear choice we face in this election. In his speech, Mayor Castro spoke of the strong leadership the president has shown and the tough decisions he’s made to strengthen this country and our community for decades to come. We heard how those decisions have been rooted in fundamental American values we all share: that hard work and responsibility should be rewarded, that

yet we have the everyone should play by the same rules lowest education and everyone has a fair shot and a fair attainment levels. shake. This should not President Obama believes we be the case. prosper when we recognize that we are His Recovery all in it together and we stand united as Act invested a nation without dividing or excluding $5 billion in people. He believes we must provide early learning opportunity for every American to be DURAN programs, including part of the middle class. Head Start, in which more than 8,000 When the president took office, Hispanic children in Colorado are our economy was in a free fall, losing enrolled, and he’s relieved Colorado 750,000 jobs a month. Latino families and small businesses educators and students of the onerous, top-down approach of No Child Left were among the worst hit. Behind. But the president responded And once our young people swiftly, laying the course for an are accepted into college, President economic recovery that has created Obama has worked to make their 4.5 million jobs, in part by enacting education more affordable. He nearly 18 tax cuts for small businesses and doubled Pell Grant funding and also expanding the availability of Small created the American Opportunity Business Administration loans. Tax Credit to help lower college He has also made quality health costs – which helps 150,000 students care more affordable and more and families across Colorado afford a accessible for 429,000 Latinos in college degree. Colorado. In 2014, Obamacare will We should also acknowledge make sure that every Latino has access how the President has stood up for to affordable health care coverage, comprehensive immigration reform while expanding and protecting and the DREAM Act. Just last month, Medicaid and the Children’s Health the Obama Administration began Insurance Program. accepting applications for deferred And the president shares our action, expanding the rights of more community’s belief that education than 1 million young undocumented should be a top priority. Latinos immigrants, relieving some fear of are the largest and fastest-growing deportation for those brought to the minority group in the United States,

United States at a young age. The president’s work on behalf of Latinos is in stark contrast to the Romney-Ryan ticket, which supports policies that won’t help the Latino community get ahead. Romney and Ryan’s plan would disproportionately benefit the wealthy by forcing a tax hike on middle class families, turn Medicare into a voucher program and slash investments we need to build an economy from the middle out. The choice in this election could not be clearer for Colorado Latinos. We can either move forward with President Obama, or fall backward with a Romney-Ryan ticket, which does not share our values or our concerns. But to move forward, we need to make sure our voices are heard. We need to make sure each of us and our friends and families are registered to vote, and we can do that by visiting And when the time comes, we need to show up to vote. This Hispanic Heritage Month, Latinos have much to celebrate. But we also have a responsibility to ensure our community and our country continue to move forward – and I believe the best way to do that is with President Obama. He has had our back for the past four years. Now it’s time for us to make sure we have his.

Hispanics deserve a better future By RNC Chairman Reince Priebus


his month we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, a tradition begun in 1988 when President Ronald Reagan expanded Hispanic Heritage Week into a month-long celebration. It’s a time to honor the many unique ways those of Hispanic descent have strengthened our society and country. The entrepreneurial spirit that generations of Hispanics have brought to America has long empowered our economy. But in recent years, the promise of opportunity that drew many to America has grown dimmer. The economy is weak, jobs are hard to find, and families are struggling just to make ends meet. The unemployment rate among Hispanics stands at an unthinkably high 10.3 percent, higher than the national average and higher than when President Obama took office. The last four years have been difficult on the entire country, but the Hispanic community has been forced to endure even greater difficulties. President Obama promised it wouldn’t be this way. In early 2009, he promised to fix the economy in three years or face a “one-term proposition.” He promised to create millions of new jobs and lift 2 million Hispanics from poverty. But under

Obama, more than 2 million have fallen into poverty. More Hispanics in America are living in poverty today that at President Obama’s inauguration, and hardest hit are children. Hispanics now make up the largest group of children living in poverty, making it increasingly difficult for them to attain the American Dream. This is more than disappointing; it’s unacceptable. America can do better, and Hispanics deserve better. But the only way to change course is to change presidents. Unlike President Obama, Mitt Romney has a plan to get the economy moving and create 12 million new jobs over the next four years. His plan has five key components: ensuring all workers have the skills and education needed to succeed, achieving North American energy independence, cutting the federal budget deficit, championing small business, and pursuing trade that benefits America and American workers. Mitt Romney has the experience to make this happen. As a businessman, he saved and started numerous companies, many of which are household names like Staples and Sports Authority. When the 2002 Winter Olympics were in trouble, he took the lead and saved the Games from scandal and near-certain disaster, bringing pride to the country. As governor of

Massachusetts, he cut taxes, created jobs, lowered unemployment, and strengthened the economy. That’s the kind of leadership we PRIEBUS need in America. When Mitt Romney is president, he will work every day to expand opportunity and break down the barriers that prevent small businesses from growing. He will never attack success or disparage entrepreneurs. Sadly, we cannot say the same of President Obama. A couple months ago, President Obama said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Someone else made that happen.” By “someone else” he meant government, but as any family business owner knows that’s simply not true. It takes hard work and dedication from enterprising individuals to make a successful business. Before the recession, Hispanic-owned small businesses were increasing at twice the national average, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Striving for a better life, Latino business owners poured their energy into helping our economy grow.

During Hispanic Heritage Month Viva Colorado wants to recognize the heroes among us. Do you know someone who is making a difference in your community? Nominate them for the Viva Colorado Community Hero Award. Send us a 400-word nomination in English or Spanish, along with a photograph of the person and we will publish it on Viva Colorado and At the end of September we will announce the winner of the award which will be chosen by a panel of journalists and community leaders. Please send your nomination, a high resolution photo and contact information to And be sure to check out our Hispanic Heritage Month special series throughout the month of September.

Today, President Obama is standing in the way of their success. That’s not the American way. As Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said in his speech at the Republican National Convention, in America “we’re special because dreams that are impossible anywhere else, come true here.” What are those dreams? As Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico, a Republican and the first Latina governor in the United States, said at the Republican convention, “Success is the American Dream.” We need a president who champions success, not one who attacks it. Only then can we truly ensure future generations have a shot at the American Dream. Hispanics across America have a commitment to family, a love of freedom, and a tireless work ethic. They deserve a country that honors their values, their work, and their contributions to our communities. During this month of cultural celebration, Americans embrace the rich traditions and customs of the Hispanic community. We honor their past and our shared present. But in two months on Election Day, we can also honor their future by electing a new president capable of leading us to the prosperity America has so long promised.

09.13.12 | Año 5, No. 308

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09.13.12 |


Prisiones federales encarcelan a más latinos que cárceles en Colorado Por Nancy Lofholm, The Denver Post


ace una década. Había 3.578 latinos adultos en las prisiones estatales de Colorado. Al final de último año, había más del doble, según el Departamento Correccional de Colorado. Colorado no tiene ese mismo problema en el sistema de prisiones federales, donde más de la mitad de los presos sentenciados el año pasado eran latinos. Pero el porcentaje de latinos en las prisiones de Colorado es mucho mayor que el porcentaje de latinos en la población en general. Los latinos representan el 20,9 por ciento de la población de Colorado, pero el 33 por ciento de los presos en las

cárceles de este estado. Los latinos han sido siempre más del 30 por ciento de los presos estatales desde hace más de una década. Parte de ese aumento se debe al crecimiento de la población hispana. Pero otro factor, según la Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, es que probablemente las fuerzas del orden patrullan más vecindarios con alto porcentaje de latinos. “Hay evidencia consistente a lo largo del tiempo que las personas de color son arrestadas y condenadas significativamente más(que los blancos), particularmente por delitos de tráfico de drogas”, dijo Christie Donner, directora ejecutiva de la coalición.

Los números de los presos de Colorado muestran discrepancias con respecto a razas. Los hombres y las mujeres afroamericanas representan ahora el 20 y el 15 por ciento de sus respectivas poblaciones carcelarias, aunque esos grupos representan sólo el 4,3 por ciento de la población de Colorado. A la vez, los hombres y las mujeres blancas representan el 44 y el 52 por ciento de sus respectivas poblaciones carcelarias en Colorado. Pero los blancos que no son hispanos representan el 70 por ciento de la población estatal. Los latinos están sobrerrepresentados entre los presos de Colorado, pero el número es menor que en las

Altos porcentAjes. Torres de guardia de las instalaciones de la carcel de máxima seguridad en Florence, Colorado.

prisiones federales. Los latinos, según la Comisión de Sentencias de Estados Unidos, son el grupo mayoritario entre los presos en prisiones federales. En el 2012, más de la mitad de los criminales en prisiones federales son latinos, según la mencionada comisión. A la

Governor’s move to engage communities still TBD By Ivan Moreno, AP

also the beauty in the name. The outcome is to be determined.” Initiative organizers are working on a report to present in November. The initiative, which has a budget of $1.2 million, is funded by donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. Participants at the meetings around the state were polled on what they thought should be the priorities of government. Some gave their answers after going through an interactive online budgeting process that forced them to balance the state budget. They had to make cuts if they wanted more money for other services. The areas that received the most support were providing funding for home and communitybased services for the elderly and disabled; maintenance of the state transportation system; managed care for Medicaid; and expanding

funding for early childhood education. About 63 percent also supported restoring the state’s income tax rate to 5 percent, as it was in 1999. It is currently 4.63 percent. An increase would boost state revenue by $414.8 million. Last year, voters rejected a tax increase that would have temporarily restored the income tax rate to 5 percent. Democrats behind the proposal increase said it was necessary to get more funding for schools. Hickenlooper remained neutral on the proposal. Lawmakers have long complained that conflicting constitutional amendments, which limit taxes and spending while calling for increasing funding for K-12 education, have hamstrung the state budget. TBD participants seem to agree. They supported either having a constitutional convention or abolishing the tax and spending limits known as the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, and the mandatory increase in education funding, known as Amendment 23.


DENVER — A plan by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper to engage communities in charting a new course for Colorado has generated skepticism because of its vague name, TBD Colorado, and its unclear goals. During the past several months, the project has involved more than 60 statewide community meetings and more than 1,200 residents. Organizers are now beginning to process data reflecting whether residents want government to prioritize spending for education, transportation, health care or other areas. Detractors of the initiative, which stands for “To Be Determined,” remain leery. “To this point, it all seems pretty vague,” said House Speaker Frank McNulty, R-Highlands

Ranch. He and other Republicans worry that Hickenlooper is laying the groundwork for a tax increase — something the governor has insisted is unpalatable to voters. “My hope is that there will be opportunities that arise out of TBD for us simply to run government better and be more efficient, be more responsive,” McNulty said. Hickenlooper announced the initiative during his State of the State address in January, saying TBD would focus on listening and avoid top-down, government-driven solutions. Hickenlooper’s office dismissed the notion that its goal is a tax hike. “We know some may believe there was a pre-conceived plan about what would result from TBD Colorado. But that simply isn’t true,” Hickenlooper spokesman Eric Brown said. “It’s

crímenes relacionados con inmigración, como ingreso ilegal al país y contrabando de personas. Los crímenes relacionados con inmigración serían responsables por el aumento en el número de hispanos arrestados en la última década, dice el reporte de la comisión.

vez, los latinos representan 16 por ciento de la población del país, pero el 50,3 por ciento de los presos en establecimientos federales. Los afroamericanos son el 9,7 por ciento y los blancos el 26,4 por ciento. El 33 por ciento de los latinos en prisiones federales fueron sentenciados por


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09.13.12 |


News in English Noticias en Español We Speak Your Language. Hablamos Tu Idioma.

FUN. Kids and adults were able to try stand-up paddleboarding on Sunday.

Adventures Denver debuts in Colorado By Michelle Zayed


dventures Denver 2012 brought the outdoor experience to over 3,000 Denverites on Sunday at Sloan’s Lake Park. The event brought by The North Face and REI in collaboration with Backpacker Magazine was the first of its kind in Colorado. Backpacker Magazine has hosted Adventures New York City for the past eight years bringing in about 35,000 attendees this past June. In a warm cloudless day attendees were able to try out rock climbing, attempt stand-up paddleboarding and make snow cones by moving a human-sized hamster machine. Jon Frankle, market manager for REI, said stand up paddling began 2,000 years ago inTahiti. “It’s new for us in the Rocky Mountains it is getting huge,” he said. “Everybody loves it, it is easy to pick up, you don’t have to be terribly fit, its super fun.” Frankle said introducing new sports like stand-up paddle boarding are effective ways to get more people outdoors. “We want to make sure people are recreating outdoors and kind of foster that engagement in the community,” he said. “So doing something that is new and exciting and fun is what we’re all about.” Frankle said being outside can bring benefits for both physical and mental health. Adults need to include the element of playing more into their lives, he explained. “You clear your head, you get away from school or work and be outside and play,” he said.“Play is a big thing in our society that we need to focus on more.” Miguel Isaza, who attended the event, said that playing is an integral part of his life and living in Colorado helps him include some recreational time in his busy schedule. “The event is very cool it is very family friendly,” Isaza said. “I rode on a kayak and I wanted to tryout the boards but the line is too long.” Isaza who is a native of Medellin, Colombia, said being in Denver reminds him of home because of the mountainous scenery and the many opportunities to go outdoors. “I live in the mountains and I am an adventure athlete,” he said. “I ran adventure races and I also ride my bike.” However, Isaza maybe in the minority of people with such an active outdoor life, especially among Latinos. According to a study by the Outdoor Foundation, in 2011 outdoor recreation had the highest participation level in five years. But when it comes to racial and ethnic breakdown, Hispanic are one of the groups with the lowest participation rates only behind African Americans. Frankle said REI and local organizations are trying to get people to come out more. One of the ways REI has tried to reach this goal is by offering both free and paid classes through their Outdoor School.

09.13.12 |

Policía de Arizona en aprietos por controversial ley migratoria Por Jacques Billeaud y

Nicholas Riccardi, AP

PHOENIX, Arizona, — Más de dos años después de que fue promulgada, la parte más controvertida de la histórica ley de inmigración de Arizona está por entrar en vigencia tras el fallo de un tribunal federal. Pero la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos abrió un campo minado en el ámbito jurídico a través del cual debe navegar ahora el gobierno de Arizona cuando empiece a aplicar la controversial disposición. La cláusula, una de las pocas significativas que el alto tribunal mantuvo en un veredicto en junio, requiere que todos los policías de Arizona verifiquen la situación migratoria de las personas que detengan cuando apliquen otras leyes y sospechen que no tienen permiso para estar en Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, aunque preservó ese requisito, el máximo tribunal dejó explícitamente abierta la puerta a discusiones de que la ley conduce a la violación de derechos civiles. Los abogados necesitarán que las víctimas demuestren esa situación. Varios activistas por los derechos civiles se alistan para registrar todo el estado en busca de ese tipo de víctimas.

Lydia Guzmán, que dirige el grupo Respect/Respeto, dijo que los voluntarios de su central telefónica tienen instrucciones de atender las quejas que se presenten cuando se empiece a aplicar esa disposición. “Estamos atentos y en espera de casos”, declaró la directora del grupo, que está radicado en Phoenix y da seguimiento a los casos de encasillamiento racial. A menos que haya una impugnación de emergencia exitosa contra el fallo de la semana pasada ante una corte de apelaciones — algo que observadores jurídicos estiman improbable — se espera que la disposición empiece a regir proximamente. La juez federal de distrito Susan Bolton rechazó los argumentos de los abogados que le pidieron que evitara la vigencia de la cláusula. Bolton señaló que la Corte Suprema había considerado que debía permitirse la promulgación de esa medida. La policía de Arizona estaba, en términos formales, entrenada para la instrumentación de la ley poco después de que la gobernadora Jan Brewer la convirtió en legislación en 2010. Los jefes de algunas de las fuerzas policiales más grandes del estado —los departamentos de

ArizonA. El alguacil del Condado Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, es uno de los apoyantes más fuertes de la ley de Arizona. Recientemente se cerró una investigación en su contra por abuso de poder. AP

policía de Phoenix y Tucson y la comisaría del condado de Pima— criticaron la ley, pero al final dijeron que obedecerían las partes que las cortes determinen se apegan a la constitución. “Nosotros hacemos respetar leyes aprobadas por nuestros legisladores”, precisó el sargento Tommy Thompson, vocero de la policía de Phoenix, en declaraciones la

semana pasada, y señaló que el nuevo requisito no entra todavía en vigencia. El alguacil del condado de Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, que ha sido el jefe policial públicamente más agresivo en la persecución de los inmigrantes irregulares, dijo el pasado miércoles en una entrevista que sus agentes ya verifican la condición migratoria de sospechosos con

September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012



Adams County Community Development 4430 South Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 These notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by Adams County Community Development.

los que se topan. Arpaio, que apoya la ley, anticipó que no espera nada nuevo salvo un aumento en el número de las demandas. El autor de la legislación, el ex-senador estatal Russell Pearce, dijo que no prevé cambios drásticos en la manera en que la policía local se conduzca una vez que empiece a aplicarse la disposición. “No estoy pidiendo

redadas, no estoy pidiendo nada, sino que se ponga atención y se haga nuestro trabajo”, afirmó. “No es que queramos gente en la cárcel. Queremos cumplimiento”. El profesor de derecho Peter Spiro, que enseña en la Universidad de Temple y ha seguido el conflicto legal de dos años, advirtió que Arizona continúa en un difícil embrollo jurídico.


Adams County Community Development 4430 South Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 Colorado Department of Local Affairs 1313 Sherman Street, Room 521, Denver, CO 80203 These notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and Adams County, Colorado.



On or about September 21, 2012 Adams County Community Development will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on behalf of Adams County Housing Authority for the release of HOME funds, under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended or Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, to undertake a project known as Yorkshire for the purpose of multifamily residential rehabilitation with HOME funding in the amount of $450, 000 from Adams County, CO and additional HOME funding from the State of Colorado which has been previously published.

On or about September 21, 2012 the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and Adams County, CO will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on behalf of ACCESS Housing, Inc. for the release of HOME funds, under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended or Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, to undertake a project known as Holly Gardens, for the purpose of rehabilitation of Holly Gardens Apartments, four duplex

FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Adams County Community Development has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. An Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), therefore, is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at Adams County Community Development, 4430 South Adams County Parkway, Brighton, CO 80601 and may be examined or copied weekdays 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS

buildings, located in Commerce City. $200, 000 in HOME funding will come from the

Colorado Department of Local Affairs and $267, 264 in HOME funding will come from Adams County, Colorado. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The Colorado Department of Local Affairs and Adams County, CO has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. An Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), therefore, is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 521, Denver, CO 80203 and may be examined or copied weekdays 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS

Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Adams County Community Development. All comments received by September 20th, 2012 will be considered by Adams County Community Development prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds.

Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs or Adams County, CO. All comments received by September 20th, 2012 will be considered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and Adams County prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds.



Adams County Community Development certifies to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that Claire Mannato in her capacity as Interim Administrator consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows Adams County Housing Authority to use Program funds.

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs and Adams County, CO certifies to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that Tamra Hooper in her capacity as Environmental Compliance Officer consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the ACCESS Housing, Inc. to use Program funds.



The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will accept objections to its release of funds and Adams County Community Developments certification for a period of 15 days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are made on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of Adams County Community Development; (b) Adams County Community Development has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before the approval of a release of funds by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; or (d) another Federal agency, acting pursuant to 40 CFR part 1504, has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures of 24 CFR Part 58 and shall be addressed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region VIII Office, 8ADE, 1670 Broadway Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-4801. No objections received after 15 days from the date of request for release of funds will be considered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. DP-6841194

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will accept objections to its release of funds and Adams County and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs’ certification for a period of 15 days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are made on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs or Adams County; (b) the Colorado Department of Local Affairs or Adams County has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before the approval of a release of funds by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; or (d) another Federal agency, acting pursuant to 40 CFR part 1504, has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures of 24 CFR Part 58 and shall be addressed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region VIII Office, 8ADE, 1670 Broadway Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-4801. No objections received after 15 days from the date of request for release of funds will be considered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. DP-6841195


09.13.12 |

Police in legal minefield on Arizona immigration law By Jacques Billeaud y Nicholas Riccardi, AP

DREAMERs. Nancy Olivas talks at the podium as undocumented Colorado youth gathered on the steps of West High School in Denver on Aug. 15 to celebrate the release of applications for Deferred Action. Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post

Deferred action for immigrants requires immediate hard work By Nancy Lofholm,

The Denver Post


month ago when the federal government made applications available for young undocumented immigrants wanting to get jobs and attend school in the United States without fear of being deported, there was celebration. Since then, it has been all hard work. Immigrant-advocacy groups, as well as immigrants seeking what the government is calling Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, are finding out that what sounded fairly simple on the surface is requiring an unprecedented statewide education effort. An estimated 25,000 Coloradans may qualify for deferred action, and this has created a widespread need for legal advising in uncharted waters and for document-gathering that is not easy for those who have been living in the shadows. “There has been no time to celebrate when you have to set up an infrastructure to support this,” said Julien Ross, executive director of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition. “It’s really been an all-hands-on-deck response across the state.” Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an incremental reform done by executive order of the Obama administration after the latest attempt to pass a DREAM Act failed. The DREAM Act would have given citizenship opportunities to those who were brought to this country as children and who have lived clean lives in the United States. Deferred action gives such immigrants just what it says: immigrants who can meet a list of criteria, including having a record free of serious crime and proof they have been in the United States continuously for the past five years, can apply for a waiver that allows

them to get a driver’s license and a work permit for two years. During that time, if they continue to meet the requirements, they will not be deported. There is no citizenship in the deal and no guarantee that the waivers will be renewed at the end of two years. In spite of it being far short of a DREAM Act, those eligible have been lining up for applications and showing up at workshops and educational sessions in droves. A workshop in Yuma drew 125 people. In Denver, there have been upward of 600 people at some sessions. A workshop in Grand Junction on Sept. 22 is expected to bring out many hundreds. This effort to help undocumented immigrants navigate the intricacies of deferred action has required a mobilization of groups and volunteers across Colorado. Churches, consulates, law firms, politicians and immigration groups have been working together to hold informational meetings and training for the army of volunteers needed. The U.S. Customs and Immigration Service has been holding weekly phone conferences with immigrationlaw firms to answer questions. Colorado’s congressional delegation has been fielding calls from those seeking help and placed links with answers on websites. Even those who are applying for deferred action have pitched in. At a recent Denver-area meeting that drew 250 undocumented immigrants seeking advice, 65 signed up to also work as volunteers to help others. “Fundraising efforts have also begun to help those who can’t come up with the $465 cost of filing the application or, much less, the cost of an attorney. Immigration-advocacy groups are going to churches,

businesses and municipalities seeking funding help,” Ross said. They are also seeking attorneys to take on the large new caseload. About 200 Colorado attorneys are members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Ross said only about 50 have said they are willing and able to take on deferred-action cases, which can be quite complicated. Glenwood Springs immigration attorney Jennifer Smith said she has been seeing a lot of applicants in jams as they try to gather the necessary paperwork needed to complete the application. “It’s very difficult for advocates and for applicants even if they meet all the criteria,” Smith said. Applicants have to come up with proof that they have lived in the U.S. for the required time, but some have never rented a home, had a bank account or received pay stubs to prove where they have been. Smith said some are having to resort to digging up evidence such as doctor-visit receipts, documentation of participation in religious ceremonies or letters from employers who paid the undocumented immigrants under the table. Immigration authorities have not released the number of applicants who have already gathered their documentation and submitted applications. The process of scrutinizing and approving or denying the applications is expected to take about six months. In the meantime, immigrant advocates say the deferred-action measure has already made a difference in the lives of some young undocumented immigrants. Many are stepping forward and going public with their status for the first time, including a young woman who spoke at the Democratic National Convention.

PHOENIX — More than two years after it was signed into law, the most contentious part of Arizona’s landmark immigration legislation is expected to go into effect following a federal court. But the U.S. Supreme Court laid a legal minefield that Arizona now must navigate when the critical provision takes effect. The clause, one of the few significant ones that the high court left standing in a June ruling, requires all Arizona police officers to check the immigration status of people they stop while enforcing other laws and suspect are in the country illegally. While preserving that requirement, however, the Supreme Court explicitly left the door open to arguments that the law leads to civil rights violations. Attorneys would need actual victims to make that case. Civil rights activists are preparing to scour the state for such victims. Lydia Guzman, who runs Respect/Respeto, a Phoenix group that tracks racial profiling, said volunteers at the organization’s call center have already been told to listen for new complaints when the requirement goes into effect. “We’re watching and we’re looking for cases,” she said. Barring a successful, emergency challenge of last Wednesday’s ruling to an appeals court — an outcome that legal observers believe is unlikely — the requirement is expected to go into effect in the next several days. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton rejected arguments by civil rights attorneys that she should prevent the requirement from kicking in, noting that the Supreme Court had specifically found that the provision should be allowed to become law. Arizona police were formally trained on how to implement the law shortly after Gov. Jan Brewer signed it in 2010. The heads of some of the state’s biggest law enforcement agencies — the Phoenix and Tucson police


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was the most important part of the statute, whose stated purpose was to reduce the problems associated with illegal immigration through enforcement by the state. Immigrant rights groups believe the requirement presents the most opportunities for civil rights abuses. Shortly before the law was to take effect in July 2010, Bolton prevented police from enforcing the questioning requirement and other parts of the statute, ruling the Obama administration would likely succeed in showing federal law trumps the state law. Brewer appealed the ruling, lost at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and took her case to the Supreme Court. Less controversial sections of the law have been in effect since late July 2010 but have rarely been used. Arizona’s law was passed amid voter frustration with the state’s role as the busiest illegal entry point into the country. Five states — Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and Utah — have adopted variations of Arizona’s law. Brewer’s office said the law is expected to go into effect shortly. “The courts have now consistently found that the plaintiffs have not met the high bar in arguing this law needs to be enjoined before it’s allowed to take effect,” gubernatorial spokesman Matthew Benson said. “Certainly, Gov. Brewer is pleased with this decision. She believes it’s time SB1070 is implemented and so that we can see how effective this law is in practice.” Karen Tumlin, an attorney for the National Immigration Law Center, said her office was “considering our legal options” after Bolton’s ruling. “We were surprised and disappointed,” said Dan Pochoda, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona. Bolton did, however, grant a preliminary injunction against a statute making it illegal to harbor individuals suspected of being in the country illegally.



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departments and the Pima County sheriff’s office — were critical of it but ultimately said they would obey whatever parts the courts found to be constitutional. “We enforce laws passed by our legislators,” Sgt. Tommy Thompson, a Phoenix Police spokesman said las week, noting the requirement still has not gone into effect. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been the most publicly aggressive in pursuing illegal immigrants, said in an interview last Wednesday that his deputies already check the immigration status of people they encounter. Arpaio, a supporter of the law, said he expects no differences other than an increased number of lawsuits. The law’s author, former state Sen. Russell Pearce, said he does not expect sweeping changes in the way local police will conduct themselves once the requirement kicks in. “I’m not asking for roundups, I’m not asking for anything but paying attention and doing your job,” he said. “It’s not that we want people in jail. We want compliance.” Peter Spiro, a Temple University law professor who has followed the two-year legal battle, said Arizona remains in a difficult legal spot. “If the state’s savvy at all, it’s going to be very cautious” about how it implements the requirement, he said. “Further litigation is imminent.” Since it overwhelmingly passed Arizona’s Republicancontrolled Legislature in 2010, the immigration law has been fiercely challenged in court. Among its opponents was the Obama administration, which challenged the law based on the argument that federal immigration law trumped Arizona law. The challenge didn’t confront racial profiling, and the administration failed to persuade the nation’s highest court to strike down the questioning requirement. To the supporters of Arizona’s law, the questioning requirement

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09.13.12 |

Tu Salud


El Condado Jefferson anima a vacunarse contra la tos convulsa Por Karen Groves, YourHub


as autoridades de salud del Condado Jefferson sugieren que las personas que trabajan con niños se vacunen contra la tos convulsa (whooping cough, en inglés). El Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado reporta un número epidémico de casos de esta enfermedad en Colorado. El Condado Jefferson es uno de los cinco condados con el mayor número de casos de tos convulsa. Se trata de una enfermedad respiratoria contagiosa que se caracteriza por la tos persistente y que comienza como si fuese un resfrío o como gripe. Nancy Braden, especialista en comunicaciones del Departamento de Salud Pública en el Condado Jefferson, indicó que se ofrecerá algunas vacunas gratis para personas que trabajan con niños. Christine Schmidt, enfermera y supervisora del programa de inmunizaciones de ese condado, enfatizó que las personas que trabajan con niños deben vacunarse porque los bebés son demasiados pequeños para recibir la vacuna. Braden dijo que se recomienda la vacuna contra la tos convulse para niños y adultos. La dosis dura 10 años. Ella dijo que esta vacuna no debe confundirse con la vacuna DTaP, que se le da a los bebés a partir de los 2 años, con dosis completas entre los 4 y los 6 años. En septiembre, sólo se ofrecerán las vacunas Tdap. Urbina dijo que la vacuna puede ser administrada a mujeres embarazadas (al final del segundo trimestre o en el tercer trimestre), padres o abuelos de niños menores de 12 meses, personas que cuidan niños y niñeras. En los adultos y los adolescentes los síntomas son

Vacunas. Nyah Ojeda, 6, ofrece su mano su hermano Elija Ojeda, 4, quien está a punto de recibir una vacuna en la clínica de salud del Condado Jefferson en Lakewood. Las autoridades sanitarias de ese condado sugieren que se vacune a los niños y a los padres. Whooping cough. Nyah Ojeda, 6, offers her hand to her four-yearold brother, Elija Ojeda, who was receiving a shot, as part of a round of vaccinations at the Jefferson County Public Health clinic in Lakewood.

moderados, pero esas personas pueden contagiar a otros. Los niños pequeños quizá no tengan tos, pero pueden experimentar problemas al respirar, como apnea o falta de aliento. En los bebés, esos síntomas pueden ser fatales. Courtney Satery, del Cradle to Crayons Learning Center, dijo que en ese centro tiene 18 niños menores de 12 años, dijo que los 21 maestros de ese centro han recibido la vacuna, como precaución. “Somos muy estrictos en cuanto a la prevención de enfermedades. Si un niño está enfermo, se lo envía a la casa y deben quedarse en la casa”, dijo Satery, agregando que es muy importante seguir estrictamente esas reglas de salud.

Lindsay Pierce, YourHub

Jeffco officials encouraging whooping cough immunizations By Karen Groves, YourHub


efferson County public health officials are advising people who work with children to get immunized against pertussis, also known as whooping cough. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reports an epidemic number of pertussis cases in Colorado. Jefferson County is one of five counties

with the largest number of cases reported. The contagious respiratory disease is characterized by a persistent cough and may start with cold or flu-like symptoms. Nancy Braden, Jefferson County Public Health communications specialist, said there will be some free vaccines available for child care workers. Christine Schmidt, Jeffco’s public health nurse and immunization program supervisor, said the emphasis is on people

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Symptoms in adults or adolescents may be mild, but those people can spread the disease. Infants may not have a cough but experience apnea (an abnormal pause in breathing) or periods of gasping. The state health department warned it can be fatal in babies. Courtney Satery, owner of Cradle to Crayons Learning Center, with 18 infants younger than 12 months, said the center’s staff of 21 is being immunized as a precaution. “We are really strict about our illness policy. If a child is sick they are sent home and must stay home,” Satery said. She added that following strict sanitary guidelines is imperative.

Si percibe un olor a huevo podrido, quedarse en la casa es una mala idea.

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who work with infants because the babies are too young to be fully immunized. Braden said the pertussis or Tdap immunization is recommended for all children and adults, and is only one dose, which lasts for 10 years. She warned it is not to be confused with the DTaP vaccine, which is a childhood vaccination administered beginning at 2 months and completed by 4 to 6 years of age. The September clinic is only for the Tdap. Urbina advised the Tdap vaccine for pregnant women in the third or late second trimester, parents and grandparents of infants younger than 12 months, caregivers and babysitters.

© 2012 Xcel energy Inc.


09.13.12 |

Consejos para ayudar a los niños a escoger extracurriculares Por Elizabeth Gyori, Newsday


asi todas las actividades extracurriculares, desde danza a debate, comienzan cuando comienza el año escolar. Con tantas opciones, los padres pueden sentirse preocupados al tener que dirigir a sus hijos. Los psicólogos infantiles y los consejeros dicen que los elementos claves al elegir las actividades extracurriculares son el equilibrio y conocer las limitaciones de los hijos. “Cada niño es distinto. Todo depende de lo que cada niño pueda hacer”, dijo ReneeClauselle, psicóloga infantil y propietaria de un centro de psicología infantil y familiar. La mayoría de los expertos enfatiza que, aunque es importante que los niños experimenten distintas actividades para que desarrollen sus intereses y gustos, los padres no deben forzar actividades en sus hijos. “Muchos padres no tuvieron las oportunidades que ahora tienen sus hijos y creen que esta es la oportunidad para ellos”, dijo el psicólogo Joseph Volpe. Estos son algunos de los consejos para guiar a su niño según su nivel de motivación.

LOS SUPER EXITOSOS Estos son los niños que quieren hacerlo todo y que están todo el día ocupados con algo, sea en la escuela o practicando deportes o música. Generalmente hacen varias cosas a la vez y lo hacen con equilibrio. Frank Muzio, director de consejeros en una escuela en Long Island, N.Y., afirma que los consejeros hablan con sus súper exitosos de una manera distinta que con otros, para

asegurarse que tengan un buen desempeño académico y que no están abiertamente estresados. Al evaluar a estos estudiantes, Muzio dijo que los consejeros y maestros deben prestar atención a bajas en las calificaciones, falta de compromiso, y cambios en la actitud o en la apariencia. Bill Milliken, gerente general de una escuela de deportes en Huntington Station, N.Y.,dijo que una clara indicación de la falta de motivación es el hecho que a los muchachos les cuesta concentrarse al practicar un deporte. A veces los estudiantes dicen que están estresados. Pero, según expertos, los niños más jóvenes tienden a mostrarse desafiantes, a llorar o a argumentar, mientras que los de mayor edad siguen en la actividad hasta estar totalmente agotados.

LOS NIÑOS EN EL MEDIO Muchos niños y jóvenes quieren hacer algo especial pero no saben exactamente qué hacer. Paras ellos, la clave es explorar varias opciones. María Lombardo, psicóloga infantil en Oakdale, N.Y. dice que dejar que los niños experimenten distintas actividades durante el verano, cuando tienen tiempo libre, los puede ayudar a elegir actividades durante el año escolar. También son de beneficio los programas que les permiten a los participantes probar distintas actividades. Por ejemplo, algunas escuelas ofrecen pruebas de deportes para que luego los muchachos y los padres decidan. Milliken dijo que esas actividades tienen un 90 por ciento de retención,

PorPaisano De Tu Saluda Paisano El almuerzo de la va ser diferente para muchas escuelas porque en enero del escuela es clave 2012 se publicó un nuevo reglamento a nivel nacional para la salud

es decir, que cuando un muchacho lo prueba luego lo practica. ¿Cómo saber si a un niño le gustan las actividades extracurriculares? “Por la alegría en sus rostros”, dijo Clauselle. “Si los padres le prestan atención a sus hijos, lo verán”. Cuando los muchachos encuentran una actividad que les gusta, dijo Lombardo, es bueno que se les explique a qué se están comprometiendo. Por ejemplo, si van a practicar un deporte, deben saber que quizá no puedan ir a fiestas de cumpleaños o a otros eventos.

LOS QUE SOLAMENTE QUIEREN ESTAR CON OTROS No se trata de muchachos perezosos, sino que no quieren hacer cosas en su tiempo libre. Pero no participar de actividades extracurriculares puede ser preocupante. Muzio dijo que hay estudios que los estudiantes que participan en actividades despues del colegio tienden a ser más felices y a tener un mejor desempeño en las clases. “Los ayuda a madurar. Ese el propósito y el valor de esas actividades”, indicó. Como psicólogo, dijo Volpe, cuando ve casos como esos, trate de encontrar la raíz del problema. ¿Los niños se mantienen inactivos por sus padres, o por baja autoestima, o por ansiedad, o por haber tratado y fracasado? Encontrar la fuente del problema es comenzar a resolverlo. Y luego hay que encontrar la actividad adecuada. La clave es tener varias opciones. Muchos niños se dedican automáticamente al futbol o al béisbol, por ser actividades grupales pero estas puede que no sean las más adecudas para alguno niños. Para los más solitarios, dijo Volpe, existen actividades como karate, boliche o caminar por las montañas, que resultan atractivas especialmente para los más pequeños. Aún más importante, el permitirles a los niños elegir sus propias actividades extracurriculares beneficia su autoconfianza, especialmente cuando les va bien. “Si hay algo que hacen bien, se lo muestran a todos”, dijo Volpe.

Malena Perdomo

Nutricionista, MS, RD, CDE


para mejorar el planeamiento de los menú del almuerzo y del desayuno de las escuelas. Este reglamento del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos o conocido por sus siglas en inglés como USDA, fue basado en las recomendaciones del Instituto de Medicina y las guías dietéticas del 2010 para los estadounidenses con el fin de mejorar la alimentación de los niños y ayudar a contrarrestar el problema de obesidad. Con este nuevo reglamento, las escuelas tienen que cumplir con ciertos requisitos para que las comidas escolares sean reembolsables. Además las cafeterías de las escuelas tienen que ofrecer más fruta, vegetales, alimentos de granos integrales y leche sin grasa o baja en grasa. El Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares y el Programa de Desayunos Escolares ha cambiado con estas nuevas normas de nutrición para que los niños coman alimentos nutritivos de mejor calidad y sigan listos para poner atención en las aulas escolares. Si su niño recibe comidas escolares pregúntele que le están sirviendo y apunte los nuevos alimentos que le gustan para que usted también tome ideas para prepararlos en la casa. Así poco a poco llegaremos a ver cambios en la nación y a tener niños más saludables, con mentes sanas y cuerpos sanos.

l verano está por terminarse y los niños regresan a las escuelas. Muchas cafeterías de las escuelas abrirán sus puertas y los empleados estarán listos para preparar los almuerzos de los niños. Existe mucho interés en como los niños comen en las escuelas debido al gran problema nacional de obesidad. Las últimas estadísticas del 2008 indican que más de un tercio de niños y adolescentes están en sobrepeso u obesidad. Los jóvenes que están obesos tienen un alto riesgo de padecer de enfermedades cardiovasculares como el colesterol alto o la alta presión. Debido a esto, las escuelas cada vez han hecho más cambios para mejorar las comidas escolares y aumentar la actividad física. Por ejemplo, las barras de ensalada se usan en muchas escuelas. Las escuelas públicas del Condado Denver han entrenando a sus empleados para cocinar los alimentos en sus cocinas en vez de solo calentar alimentos refrigerados o de paquetes. También algunas escuelas en el Condado Tri-County recibieron un premio coordinado por el Departamento de Salud de Tri-County y un programa del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades y la Prevención (CDC), para mejorar los patios de juegos para fomentar la actividad física. Para más información visite: Este año escolar también



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09.13.12 |

Manning, Porter magnificent in Denver debut By Arnie Stapleton, AP DENVER — Now that they’re teammates, Peyton Manning can celebrate when Tracy Porter returns an interception for a touchdown. Three seasons ago Porter denied Manning a second Super Bowl title when he returned an interception 74 yards to seal the New Orleans Saints’ win over the Indianapolis Colts. Their Denver debut Sunday night was a success thanks to Manning’s magnificent return from a year’s absence and Porter’s 43yard interception return for a score that sealed their 31-19 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Broncos’ final drive stalled at the Steelers 8 and Matt Prater’s short field goal left Roethlisberger with 3 minutes to erase a 25-19 deficit. “We wanted to get a touchdown there at the end and it was frustrating to have to settle for a field goal,” Manning said. “Hate to give Roethlisberger a chance in the two-minute drill.” Roethlisberger had done a great job matching Manning’s mastery of the nohuddle and keeping the four-time MVP on the sideline much of the night by converting 11 of 19 third downs. After a 19-yard completion to his 39, Roethlisberger threw an incomplete pass, then tried to thread a pass to receiver Emmanuel Sanders along the left sideline.

ComebaCk. Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning passes against the Pittsburgh Steelers. ViCtoria. Los Broncos derrotarons a los Steelers de Pittsburgh en su primer juego de la temporada. AP

Porter, who also had eight tackles and broke up five passes — the most by a Denver defender in 11 seasons — stepped in front and took it home. “There’s a safety over the top so I’m aggressive on anything short,” Porter said. “The quarterback tried to fit it in there and I just made a play on the ball. I just made the most of my opportunity.” “I should’ve called timeout,” Roethlisberger said. “The play clock was running down. I should’ve. We were kind of all over the place. “There’s no one to blame but myself. I already told my teammates and

coaches that it’s my fault. I’ll take that and get better and learn from it.” After over a year away from the field, Manning couldn’t wait to resume his career, but Roethlisberger was determined to keep him on the sideline, giving the Steelers more than a 10-minute advantage in time of possession. Whenever he was between the lines, Manning was masterful, finishing with a 129.2 passer rating. The four-time MVP coming off four neck surgeries that wiped out his final season in Indianapolis last year

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completed 19 of 26 passes for 253 yards and two touchdowns. He was sacked twice and bounced up both times without trouble. After going to the no-huddle midway through the first half, Manning led Denver on three straight 80-yard touchdown drives, picking apart Pittsburgh’s defense with precision. “It helped a lot,” Manning said of the hurry-up. “We’re going to use the nohuddle as a change-up. Once we did it, it went so well, the coaches kind of said stay with it.” After Porter’s pick-six, Roethlisberger was sacked three times on his last possession after going down just twice all night. “Better late than never,” said Von Miller, who had two of those sacks. Although this one was a screen pass, Thomas’ long TD was reminiscent of his 80-yard touchdown on a crossing pattern on the first play of overtime that beat the Steelers 29-23 in the AFC wild-card game eight months ago when Denver was Tim Tebow’s turf. That changed when Manning was released by the Colts in March after 14 seasons and after a frenzied free agency tour chose Denver as his destination for his comeback two weeks later. On Sunday night, Manning looked like he hadn’t missed a beat. “What can you say?” Steelers safety Troy Polamalu said. “I mean, he’s Peyton Manning. He’s the same Manning.”


Manning tiene éxito en su debut con los Broncos Por Arnie Stapleton, AP DENVER — Peyton Manning regresó exitosamente a la NFL después de un año sabático con una victoria de 31-19 sobre los Steelers de Pittsburgh el domingo en su debut con Denver. El cuatro veces Jugador Más Valioso, operado cuatro veces del cuello, completó 19 de 26 pases para 253 yardas y dos touchdowns. Recibió un gran apoyo de otro agente libre, el cornerback Tracy Porter, cuya devolución de 43 yardas tras interceptar un pase de Ben Roethlisberger selló la victoria cuando quedaban dos minutos en el reloj. Manning, dado de baja por los Colts de Indianápolis en marzo después de perderse toda la temporada pasada debido a una lesión en un nervio, sólo recibió dos centros en el tercer cuarto. Pero uno de ellos fue un pase de touchdown de 71 yardas a Demaryius Thomas, el primer pase de anotación de Manning como un Bronco y el 400mo de su carrera.

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Mundial: México va por su pase al hexagonal Por Carlos Rodriguez, AP MEXICO — Después de haberle ganado como visitante, México procuraró amarrar el martes en casa su boleto al hexagonal final de la eliminatoria del mundial ante Costa Rica. Los mexicanos marchan con paso perfecto tras doblegar el viernes pasado 2-0 a los “ticos” en San José y luego de tres rondas tienen nueve puntos para encabezar el Grupo B de la eliminatoria de la CONCACAF. Los centroamericanos están segundos con cuatro unidades mientras que El Salvador suma dos y Guyana está al fondo con un punto. Sólo los dos primeros de cada grupo avanzan al hexagonal final, que clasificará dos equipos directamente para Brasil 2014. “Siempre nos preparamos para ganar y

queríamos los puntos para clasificar lo antes posible”, dijo el entrenador de México, José Manuel De la Torre. “Esperemos que ahora volvamos a hacer un buen partido y que saquemos el resultado que necesitamos para estar dentro del hexagonal”. México se puso en el asiento del conductor con su triunfo de 2-0 sobre Costa Rica el pasado viernes e incluso un empate combinado con otro empate entre salvadoreños y Guyana les podría dar el pasaje a la ronda final. “Ahí vamos poco a poquito, paso a pasito y ojalá logremos el pase ahora en México”, agregó De la Torre, quien vive su primera etapa como seleccionador nacional. De la Torre suplió en el banquillo a Javier Aguirre, con quien los mexicanos fueron eliminados en los octavos de final de Sudáfrica

ClasifiCaCión. Andrés Guardado de México lucha por el balón con Randall Brenes de Costa Rica durante un partido para calificar al Mundial 2014 en San José, Costa Rica. AP

2010 y bajo su mando los mexicanos se han confirmado como uno de los equipos más fuertes de la zona logrando ya el título de la Copa de Oro del año pasado y ahora marchan invictos. Por segundo encuentro en fila, los “Ticos” no podrán contar con su capitán Bryan Ruiz,

lesionado de la pierna izquierda. “Estamos trabajando mucho el aspecto táctico y anímico del equipo, estudiamos todas las variantes que tenemos y habrá tres o cuatro cambios con respecto al partido del viernes”, dijo el seleccionador Jorge Luis Pinto.

10 Los Horóscopos de Holiday Mathis ARIES (Marzo 21-Abril 19). Respetas las normas sociales excepto cuando amenacen tu privacidad, la expresión personal o la libertad. Tales infracciones son intolerables para ti, y probablemente hables acerca de la injusticia, especialmente el jueves y el viernes. Podrías comenzar un movimiento social. TAURO (Abril 20-Mayo 20). Lo que evita que alcances una cierta meta es sólo real porque tú crees que lo es. Si crees que es solamente una excusa, será eso también. Y ¿que si crees que es un problema solucionables? Lo resolverás. Tendras la respuesta y avanzarás. Tu creciente confianza esta semana también ayuda. GEMINIS (Mayo 21-Junio 21). Te presentarán a gente nueva y grupos de una manera que te hace sentir de fantasía. Podrías encontrar esto ligeramente sorprendente porque no es a menudo que piensas en cómo te ven los demás. Las presentaciones tienen manera de darte un vistazo interesante a ti mismo desde la perspectiva de otros. CANCER (Junio 22-Julio 22) Los infantes cundo están aprendiendo a caminar no piensan en la última vez que se cayeron. En lugar de eso, se levantan y lo intentan de nuevo, y su cuerpo trabaja en la ecuación física. De manera similar, no tienes que pensar en el pasado para actuar sobre todo lo que te ha enseñado. LEO (Julio 23-Agosto 22). Conocerás a alguien a quien quieres impresionar. Para impresionar a esta persona, simplemente se auténtico. Hay muy pocas personas dispuestas a decir lo que realmente quieren o admitir aquello a lo que tienen miedo. Sé diferente, y resultará de lo más impresionante. VIRGO (Agosto 23-Septiembre 22). La actitud lo es todo. ¿Tiene realmente sentido seguir adelante con una actitud amarga? Ya sea que


la actitud en cuestión sea tuya o de otra persona, considera alejarte por un tiempo. Resolver los problemas y avanzar por los momentos de baja moral sería más fácil con una mejor perspectiva. LIBRA (Septiembre 23-Octubre 23). Su forma de tratar con una parte difícil de tu vida cambiará, y esta es la primera semana del cambio. Rehúsate a pelear esa pelea. Da unos pasos hacia atrás para sentir tu ventaja. ¿En dónde están tus puntos de superioridad? El martes te traerá todo un sistema de apoyo. Sostendrás evidencia de tu éxito el viernes. ESCORPION (Octubre 24-Noviembre 21). Una llave es algo pequeño que puede caber en la palma de tu mano, pero su poder es enorme. Puede abrir una casa o encender un vehículo que te lleve al otro lado del mundo. Esta semana introduce una especie de llave típicamente pequeña y todavía no tangible. Es más un idea o un enfoque que puede abrirte el mundo. SAGITARIO (Noviembre 22-Diciembre 21). Si das una mala impresión, no te preocupes. Una mala impresión sigue siendo una impresión. No te pusieron sobre la tierra para perderte en el fondo. Considera cual fue la razón de tus errores y que puedes hacer para ocasionalmente sentir la exquisita emoción de ganar. CAPRICORNIO (Diciembre 22-Enero 19). Tus deseos vienen en muchas formas y colores. El universo no discrimina. A veces los grandes deseos se vuelven realidad mientras los pequeños no reciben respuesta y vice versa. Puedes sospechar que tus bendiciones han sido otorgadas al azar. La evidencia de esta semana sugiere que ese no es el caso en absoluto. ACUARIO (Enero 20-Febrero 18). ¿Cuándo es tuyo tu tiempo? Si regalas demasiado a actividades que no significan nada para ti o a gente que te agota, pude que la respuesta

Sopa de letra

Horizontales 3. Que no está cocido. 8. Repartir las aguas para el riego. 10. Padre de Raquel y Lía. 12. Relativo a la olivicultura. 13. En números romanos, “300”. 14. El río más importante de Europa. 15. Hizo salir a uno de un lugar. 17. Ave trepadora sudamericana. 19. Sale del vientre materno. 21. Soga que ata una o más caballerías (pl.). 23. Otorgaran. 25. Símbolo del niobio. 26. Instrumento quirúrgico de corte, en forma de sierra, usado para horadar el cráneo. 27. Símbolo del neodimio. 28. Roture la tierra con el arado. 30. Reptil ofidio americano, de gran tamaño y no venenoso. 31. Muy difícil (fem.). 34. Remolcará la nave.

conjunto de filmes simplemente no fue suficientemente atractivo”, agregó. A continuación, las cifras estimadas por boletos vendidos de viernes a domingo en las salas de cine de Estados Unidos y Canadá, de acuerdo con la firma 1. “The Possession”, $9,31 millones. 2. “Lawless”, $6 millones. 3. “The Expendables 2”, $4,95 millones.

4. “The Words”, $4,75 millones. 5. “ParaNorman”, $4,19 millones. 6. “The Bourne Legacy”, $3,96 millones. 7. “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”, $3,65 millones. 8. “The Campaign”, $3,37 millones. 9. “2016: Obama’s America”, $3,30 millones. 10. “The Dark Knight Rises”, $3,21 millones. AP

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37. Acción y efecto de reembolsar. 39. Agradable, dulce, suave en la conversación y el trato. 41. Estereotomía. 43. Punzón. 45. Quitará algo de una superficie como raspando. 46. Perezoso americano. 47. Dispersión coloidal de un líquido en un gas. 48. Contracción. Verticales 1. Individuo de un antiguo pueblo sármata, que habitó los territorios donde hoy están Polonia y Ucrania. 2. En América, anchura de la vía ferroviaria. 3. Gato, máquina para levantar pesos. 4. Acción de unir o unirse en sus diversas acepciones. 5. Aroma, fragancia. 6. Hacer aire con el abano.

sea “nunca.” Remedia tu situación esta semana, separando varias horas para hacer lo que alimenta tu alma. PISCIS (Febrero 19-Marzo 20). Dedícate a desarrollarte en la forma en la que aspiras. Quizá sea un proyecto, un talento o un ejercicio. Veinte minutos pueden no parecer un tiempo significativo para hacer algo, pero si lo haces diariamente las cosas se desarrollaran a un buen paso.

‘Possession’ encabeza la taquilla norteamericana LOS ANGELES — “The Possession” ocupó el primer lugar de los ingresos de los cines de Estados Unidos y Canadá, pero encabezó una taquilla casi en estado de coma. La película de terror con Kyra Sedgwick y Jeffrey Dean Morgan como los padres de una niña poseída por el demonio ganó $9,3 millones en su segundo fin de semana, que fue además el de la recaudación más baja en lo que va del año y una de las peores taquillas de fin de semana en una década. Fue la primera vez desde 2008 que ninguna película logró romper la marca de los 10 millones de dólares. El fin de semana después del Día del Trabajo (que en Estados Unidos se celebró el lunes 3 de septiembre) es típicamente el más lento del año, pero los ingresos de este fin de semana fueron un 20 por ciento menos que los del año pasado, cuando “Contagion” se estrenó en primer lugar con $22,4 millones. Se calculó que los ingresos totales de taquilla sumaron $67 millones, lo que haría que este fin de semana haya sido el peor fin de semana después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, cuando los ingresos fueron de $59,7 millones. “Simplemente no fue una abridora fuerte”, dijo Paul Dergarabedian, analista de taquilla para la firma “Venimos de un verano que terminó con un gemido. No hubo ningún impulso. Simplemente se trata de las películas y el mercado. No hubo una fuerza extraña que alejara a la gente de las salas de cine. Este

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7. Eliminación o corrección de un error o falta. 9. (Louisa May, 1832-1888) Escritora estadounidense, autora de “Mujercitas”. 11. Sitúo varias cosas en línea recta. 16. Mamífero perisodáctilo équido de África, de pelaje listas transversales, pardas o negras. 17. Cocí directamente a las brasas. 18. Muy distraída. 20. Embarcación ligera, de proa muy aguda y popa recta. 22. Hierba quenopodiácea erecta y anual, de hojas triangulares, lobuladas y carnosas que se consumen como verdura. 24. Que carece de color. 29. No acertar. 30. Pimpollo o renuevo que empieza a desarrollarse. 32. Estaba obligado a algo por ley divina. 33. Quiera, estime. 34. (“La cabaña del tío ...”) Famosa novela de Harriet Beecher Stowe.

35. Perteneciente o relativo al asno. 36. Cebo de pesca hecho de huevas de bacalao. 38. Gran dios de los semitas. 40. Me dirigí. 42. Período largo de tiempo. 44. Pronombre personal de primera persona. Respuestas de la semana pasada

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09.13.12 |


Un estilo diferente. Las botas se han convertido en un arte con la forma y diseños hechos al gusto del cliente. Los materiales usados comúnmente son la piel de armadillo, de serpiente, de lagarto y de avestruz. Ernesto Chavez, dueño de la tienda El Caporal en Greeley, dijo que sus botas cuestan entre $280 y $480 dependiendo del detalle del diseño. Fotos por Abraham Torres

diseÑo. Gabriela Martinez diseña vesrtidos con inspiración mexicana. Orin Fryson

Muchos mexicanos usan la moda para expresar su cultura << Pag 1 Martinez dijo que tanto latinos como americanos aprecian cuando el arte es usado o interpretado en la ropa especialmente si tiene mucho color. Linda Aguirre, quien nació en Colorado pero es de familia mexicana, dijo que ella usa trajes tradicionales para ocasiones especiales y blusas mexicanas al menos dos veces a la semana. “Cuando uso mis blusas mexicanas primero que todo recibo muchos cumplidos por lo bonitas que son, por los bordados a mano y por los hermosos colores”, dijo Aguirre. Sin embargo no solo las mujeres disfrutan de la diversidad de la moda. Muchos hombres mexicanos son notorios por su cuidadosa forma de vestir la cual incluye botas vaqueras con diseños extravagantes, inspirados en partes importantes de su cultura. Daniel Nuñez de Jalisco es un representante de esta tendencia. Nuñez quien se encontraba en camino al concierto de Los Temerarios estaba vestido para la ocasión con unas botas negras y cafés hechas de menudo, jeans oscuros, un cinturón café con una hebilla decorada con cristales y una camisa azul rey con un estampado de brillantes en la espalda. Para terminar el atuendo, Nuñez llevaba un sombrero de vaquero con una hebilla dorada que decía Jalisco. “Me recuerda de cuando andaba por allá en Mexico en el rancho”, Nuñez dijo. Ernesto Chavez dueño de la tienda de botas “El Caporal” en Greeley dijo que la moda Mexicana viene de la


mezcla entre las culturas española e indigenas. “A los indios les gustaban los colores muy llamativos y eso y la mezcla con la cultura española que era un poco más conservadores”, explicó Chavez. Chavez dijo que él recibe todo tipo de pedidos para el diseño de las botas, desde la forma de la punta la cual puede llegar a ser extremadamente puntiagudas hasta nombres bordados y logos de Ferrari. “La picudota va con mucho arreglo, con mucha pedrería, mucho color”, explico Chavez. “La cuadrada es bien sencilla no mas los colores normales el café, el negro y el gris. Esa se me hace a mi muy bonita.” Las botas se han convertido en un arte con la forma y los diseños hechos al gusto del cliente. Los materiales usados comúnmente son la piel de armadillo, serpiente, lagarto y avestruz. Chavez, oriundo de Chihuahua, dijo que antes se podía deducir de donde era una persona dependiendo del tipo de botas que usaba. Aquellos que usaban botas más puntiagudas eran del norte de México, si la punta era más redonda a lo mejor eran del sur. Ahora, dijo, se pueden diseñar las botas al gusto sin importar de donde provenga la persona. “Son elementos muy diferentes a antes de mi época”, dijo. “La gente dice los de Chihuahua les gusta usar picudas pero en realidad son todos”. Los elementos extravagantes son un estilo relativamente nuevo. Nuñez dijo que son los jóvenes méxicoamericanos quienes están cambiando la moda. Rafael Brito de Guerrero, al sur de México, y quien llevaba un sombrero de vaquero blanco, una tejana de cuadros, jeans y unas botas blancas de serpiente, dijo que la gente no usaba

202do Aniversario de la Independencia Mexicana Cuando: 13 de septiembre, 7 p.m. Donde: Boettcher Concert Hall Denver Performing Arts Complex 14th St. & Curtis St., Denver w Fiestas Patrias 2012 Cuando: 16 de septiembre, 11 a.m. Donde: Civic Center Park Detalles: Antojitos y comida mexicana, actividades para los adultos y juegos para los niños. w El Grito de los Dolores Cuando: 17 de septiembre, 10:30 a.m. Donde: St. Cajetan Centro de eventos. Detalles: Traído por Metropolitan State University. Habrá bailes y discursos. Bordados. Los elementos mexicanos adornan vestimentas en modas alrededor del mundo. AP

este tipo de ropa por que no podía costearla. Chavez dijo que él vende botas entre $280 y $480, y entre más detallado el diseño más alto el precio. “Se puede decir que a lo mejor por

sus prendas para ocasiones especiales como conciertos, fiestas y el Cinco de Mayo. Una de esas ocasiones será por supuesto durante las celebraciones del día de la Independencia Mexicana el 16 de septiembre.

Maestro Jose Gregorio ES USTED DE LAS PERSONAS: • • • • •


falta de dinero no se viste uno así en el rancho”, dijo Brito. Es difícil poder usar los extravagantes atuendos de diario debido al esfuerzo y el costo de las prendas. Brito dijo que el solo usa

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09.13.12 |

Fashion brings a piece of home for

Mexicans in Colorado

MexiCAn inspirAtion. Dress by Gabriela Martinez, a Mexican designer who now resides in Colorado. Orin Fryson/ Denver Fashion Photographers

By Michelle Zayed

202nd Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico


ountries borders may be difficult to cross, but fashion has been able to permeate through boundaries, barriers and crossings to serve as a medium for culture. As the independence of Mexico inches toward its 202nd anniversary many Mexicans in Colorado are preparing to show their patriotism through their daily wear. Gabriela Martinez who grew up in Mexico and is a fashion designer in Denver said she has always included Mexican motifs in her creations. “I like using a lot of flowers, even when I use night dresses I like to include something with lace and flowers,” Martinez said. One of the most beautiful traditional pieces for women is the huipil, a sleeveless cotton tunic embellished with intricate flower embroideries, usually paired with a dark skirt. Martinez said she has seen many elements of Mexican wear crawl into worldwide trends such as the use of rebozos, an elegant cover-up with unique designs including fringe, embroidery and lace. “Right now scarves and ‘rebozos’, which were not being used as much, are coming back,” she said. Martinez said Latinos and Americans alike appreciate when art is placed or interpreted through clothing especially when it is colorful. Linda Aguirre, who was born and raised in Colorado, but her parents are from Mexico, said she wears traditional outfits for special occasions and Mexican-inspired blouses at least twice a week. “When I wear my Mexican blouses first of all I get a lot of compliments on how pretty they are, the hand-made embroidery and the beautiful colors,” Aguirre said. Women don’t have all the fun though. Many Mexican men are known for their impeccably arranged styles and over-the-top boot designs, many times inspired in their culture’s staples. Such is the case with Daniel Nuñez, a young man from Jalisco who wanted to show off his culture through fashion at a recent concert of Grupera music (a genre of Mexican folk music). For this occasion he wore black and brown boots made out of menudo (the inside of a cow’s stomach) dark jeans, a brown belt with a crystal encrusted buckle and a bright blue shirt with the sparkled pattern of an eagle on the back. To top it all off he wore a black cowboy hat with a gold brooch spelling out Jalisco. “It reminds me of when I used to be in Mexico at the ranch,” Nuñez said. Ernesto Chavez, owner of “El Caporal” a boot store in Greeley, said Mexican fashion comes from a mix between the Spanish and

UniqUe Designs. Women’s boots with exotic skins. Abraham Torres “You could say that because of a lack of money you wouldn’t dress like this at the ranch,” Brito said. “Now it is better and you can

buy something.” The effort behind these outfits makes it difficult to turn into daily wear.

When: Sept. 13, 7:00 p.m. Where: Boettcher Concert Hall Denver Performing Arts Complex 14th St. & Curtis St., Denver w Fiestas Patrias 2012 When: Sept. 16, 11 a.m. Where: Civic Center Park Details: Snacks and Mexican

food, activities for adults and games for the kids. w El Grito de los Dolores When: Sept. 17, 10:30 a.m. Where: St. Cajetan’s Event Center Details: Organized by Metropolitan State University. There will dancing and lectures.

Brito said he usually only dresses this way for special occasions like concerts, parties, Cinco de Mayo and some

weekends. One of those times will of course be while celebrating the Independence of Mexico on Sept. 16.

Diversidad. No es lo que piensas. En Macy’s, forma parte de todo cuanto hacemos. A hint of Color. Gabriela Martinez uses motifs of her Mexican culture in her creations. Orin Fryson the indigenous cultures. “The Indians loved wearing bright colors and that mixed with the more sober Spanish culture,” Chavez said. Chavez said he gets all kinds of petitions for boot designs, ranging from the shape that can get extremely pointy to embroidered names and Ferrari logos. “The very pointy ones usually come with a lot of adornments, with rhinestones and a lot of color,” Chavez said. “The square ones are simpler, you only have the traditional colors like brown, black and grey. I personally like those better.” Boots have become an art form with shapes and designs being custom made many times. The material of the boots can include, armadillo, snake, crocodile, and a favorite, ostrich leather. Chavez who comes from Chihuahua said you used to be able to tell where someone came from based on the types of boots they wore. Those with pointier boots came from Northern Mexico, while a more rounded front referred to the south. Now, he said, everyone can design what they want to wear regardless of where they come from. “Now they have elements different to what it used to be when I was young,” Chavez said. “People say those from Chihuahua like the pointy ones, but really it’s everybody.” The over the top detailing and the intricate designs is a fairly new style. Nuñez said young Mexican-Americans are the ones changing the style. Rafael Brito from Guerrero, in southern Mexico, who wore a white cowboy hat, a checkered tejana, jeans and white snake boots, said people didn’t dress this way mainly because they couldn’t afford it. Chavez said he usually sells boots between $280 and $480, and the price increases as the design gets more intricate.


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Únete a Macy’s para homenajear a nuestro ÍCONO DE ESTILO 2O12,

CARLOS SANTANA. Entre el 15 de septiembre y el 15 de octubre, Macy’s celebrará eventos en las tiendas de todo el país para homenajear a Carlos Santana y a la cultura latina y sus influencias. Además, participa* en el sorteo para ganar un viaje a Las Vegas para ver a Carlos Santana en vivo, cortesía de American Airlines. Inscríbete en la tienda entre el 27 de septiembre y el 13 de octubre, en el sorteo que ofrece la oportunidad de ganar un viaje para dos, que incluye entradas VIP para “An Intimate Evening with Santana” en House of Blues, una noche de hotel de cortesía en el Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino y $5OO para comprar en Macy’s. Visita para conocer las razones por las cuales Carlos Santana es nuestro ícono de estilo, obtener más información y medir tus conocimientos acerca de la historia de la herencia hispana, con la oportunidad de ganar** una tarjeta de regalo Macy’s de $1OO.

Todos los eventos están sujetos a cambios o cancelaciones. *No es necesario comprar. Abierto a los residentes legales de todos los EE.UU. y el Distrito de Columbia que tengan 18 años o más. Los empleados de Macy’s, American Airlines y sus familiares directos no pueden participar. El sorteo no es válido en Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico y cualquier otro lugar donde esté prohibido. Para saber todas las reglas oficiales, tiendas participantes y otros detalles del sorteo, visite **No es necesario comprar. Abierto a los residentes legales de los 5O estados de EE.UU., (D.C.), Puerto Rico y Guam, que tengan 18 año o más. El sorteo estará vigente del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre. Para conocer todas las reglas, visite

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