Franklin August News

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Volume VII Issue 2, August 2017

All smiles at the July DCM

The Monster Message Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Good Day Monsters! I can’t believe that school is starting back up again in just a few days! Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and I hope that you’ve all taken advantage of your free time and gone to a service event or two! I just got back from a fun trip myself so I’m still not ready to say good bye to summer, but what better way to do that than to look at what’s coming up in the month of August! With the school year picking back up again, there are more service events to attend which we’ll be looking at! We’ll also be preparing for Club Rush by educating you guys even more about Key Club so you can get your friends in on this too! I also decided to feature our executive board in this issue so that our members might get to know us better so that we can be a closer family! Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter and I can’t wait to see you all again once the new school year begins! With love,

Key Club is a student—led organization that aims to provide SERVICE and LEADERSHIP opportunities to high-school students Mission Statement We are caring and competent student leaders transforming communities worldwide Core Values Caring, Inclusiveness, Leadership, and Character Building







































Executive Officer Cassandra Woo

PC: Devin Tran

PC: Devin Tran

Q: Tell us a little something about yourself. How would you describe yourself? A: I am Cassandra Woo and I currently serve as President of Franklin Key Club. I am a very shy person in general but Key Club has helped me go outside of my shell to reach out and meet new people. I enjoy listening to k-pop and I like doing makeup. An interesting fact about me is that I enjoy drawing and sketching different characters. I am currently not in any other extracurricular activities so I can dedicate 100% for Key Club. Q: Why did you decide to join Key Club? A: I first decided to join Key Club just for community service hours just like everyone else, but then I realized that this organization is more than just hours written on a paper. Q: What were your expectations of Key Club before you joined and how did they compare to your experiences after you'd been in the club for a while? A: Before I joined Key Club I thought its sole purpose was to just provide volunteer opportunities to the members. After being in Key Club for over a year, I learned that this club dedicates all of its time to help serve the community and the world around them. Not just by helping local charities, but also raising money for organizations around the world to help make a difference. I realized that I had a passion for serving the community around me and now I strive to help the world one step at a time.

Executive Officer Cassandra Woo Q: Since you've held a leadership position in Key Club prior to your current position, how would you compare the two experiences? A: Before I became president, I was the club's Bulletin Editor. These jobs are very different compared to each other because unlike editor, a president's task isn't outlined and most duties are self-imposed. Now I am responsible for all the officers and making sure everything is functioning in the club. When I was the editor I mainly focused on making advertisements and posting on social media while also focusing on the creative aspects such as gathering photos to make a newsletter Q: How do you think Key Club has impacted you and your life? A: Key Club has impacted my life majorly because it has helped me become a better leader who wants to inspire the people around me. Before I was an extremely shy person who found it hard to make friends, but because of Key Club I am now able to stand in front of a room and talk to people in which years prior, I thought I would never be able to do. Despite all of this, I discovered my passion for serving the community and being able to see the smiles on people's faces after I was able to help them. Key Club has changed me into the person that I always wanted to be

Executive Officer Mary Ramirez

Mary R. and Friends at the July DCM

Hey Franklin monsters, I'm Mary Ramirez, your 2017-18 Vice President. You can usually find me reading fantasy and contemporary books/series or watching youtube videos, but I also enjoy creative writing and playing the piano. I joined Key Club because as one of the 600+ freshmen that was lost and overwhelmed with the new environment and change that was high school, I followed the crowd and joined a well known club on campus. I knew that Key Club would fulfill the required community service requirements, but I did not expect the personal growth, passion and friendships that I would experience in the following years. In sophomore year, I began volunteering for more and more service events in and even became more devoted in serving on a higher level. I served on the 2015-16 Division Spirit Committee and planned, prepared, trained the division for Fall Rally North. Winning the spirit stick at 2015's Fall Rally will forever be a special moment to me because that was my first Key Club moment. That sense of unity, accomplishment, gratitude motivated me to become truly dedicated to this organization. After running and being elected as the 2016-17 Club Secretary, I was incredibly excited, yet anxious to serve in such an important club leadership position. Thanks to my IP and the 2016-17 President, Michelle Nguyen's training and inspiring leadership, I was able to push through any overwhelming and exhausting times, be an effective and organized liaison between the members, officers, division and grow as a person and leader. Another one of my Key Club moments was when all my hard work, time and effort was recognized on stage at 2016 District Convention when I was awarded Distinguished Secretary.

PC: Devin Tran

Executive Officer Mary Ramirez effort was recognized on stage at 2016 District Convention when I was awarded Distinguished Secretary. As the 2017-18 Club Vice-President, I utilize my knowledge from my previous term as secretary to further improve our committee head system and assist in improvements in the overall club. I am only a quarter way done with this term, and I'm beyond excited for what's to come. Regardless of my future with the Kiwanis Family, I am appreciative and thankful of Key Club for teaching me professionalism, public speaking skills, inclusiveness, social skills, appropriate business attire, team-work skills, communication and so much more. It is also because of this organization that I have met so many amazing, inspiring, caring people and experienced memories that I will forever cherish and reminisce over. Precisely because of that, I hope that I can inspire more students to be involved in this organization and ohana. Thank you!

Executive Officer Serena Phen Q: Tell us a little something about yourself. How would you describe yourself? A: On my free time I enjoy watching Netflix and spending time with my family and friends! Some hobbies I have are exploring Pinterest and shopping. Some extracurricular activities I'm involved in are swimming and interning at an orthodontic office. Q: Why did you decide to join Key Club? A: I joined key club my freshman after my cousin advised me to. I do not regretting key club one bit as I was able to acquire everlasting leadership traits and friendships. Q: What were your expectations of Key Club before you joined and how did they compare to your experiences after you'd been in the club for a while? A: My first expectations was the club would be weird as everyone always wore orange and dressed up as monsters but after my first fall rally I joined in and found that the spirit was amazing. Q: What would you say was your “Key Club Moment�? A: My key club moment would have to be presenting at DCON. Presenting at DCON was an amazing opportunity that allowed me to meet more members and share my knowledge.

Q: How do you think Key Club has impacted you and your life? A: Key club has helped me grow as an individual. With more friends and knowledge I have had many opportunities to learn and grow. Q: How would you imagine your relationship with Key Club and the Kiwanis family beyond continuing even after high school. A: I hope to continue to keep key club in my life as I hope to join Circle K in college and Kiwanis as an adult.

Executive Officer Sara Shao Q: Tell us a little something about yourself. How would you describe yourself? A: I would describe myself as an overachiever, since I always try to push my limits even if I cannot handle the pressure, whether it be involving extracurricular activities or academics. I love to play mahjong and ping pong, and I can also partially speak three languages other than English. I have played piano for ten years and am currently on the school's tennis team. Q: Why did you decide to join Key Club? A: I first decided to join Key Club as a way to easily find events to volunteer for and because a lot of my friends joined also. Q: What were your expectations of Key Club before you joined and how did they compare to your experiences after you'd been in the club for a while? A: Before I joined Key Club, I assumed that it was just another volunteer club, however after attending many division events and even DCON, I learned that it was a club of people who loved service and were practically a family. Q: What would you say was your “Key Club Moment�? A: My Key Club moment was when I was helping our school's prop director clean up his workshop and he was so grateful, since it had been a very long time since anyone helped him. Q: Since you've held a leadership position in Key Club prior to your current position, how would you compare the two experiences? A: Since I was on the project committee before being secretary, the difference in the amount of work was surprising. As the backbone of the club, my duties now have a very strict deadline and require a lot of interaction with the members. Q: How do you think Key Club has impacted you and your life? A: Although Key Club has made me a lot more busy with my secretary duties, meetings, and events, I am grateful for my friends that I probably would not have met if it wasn't for Key Club. Q: How would you imagine your relationship with Key Club and the Kiwanis family beyond continuing even after high school. A: Next year, I hope to have another leadership position so I can make a difference in this club. Also, depending on where I go to college, I may also join Cir-

7/04-7/13 Franklin Girl’s Tennis Runners

7/05 Produce Day

7/07 Recycling Party

7/08 Fairy Tale Community Days

7/08 + 7/15 Eagle Scout Project

07/15 Eppie’s Great Race

07/16 July DCM

07/23 Front Street Animal Shelter

07/28 Produce Day

“ The DCM was a great experience because it was the first time that we ever had a joint event with the Ninjas. Although our Division attendance was not the greatest, we were able to break down the ice between us and the Ninjas by playing ice breakers, which allowed us to get to know each other better” - Cassandra Woo

PC: Devin Tran

“The July DCM was different in the sense that the Monster-Ninja Olympics that followed it was a joint division event with D7S and D44N. Immediately when we arrived, we saw spirited, excite key clubbers in orange and purple socializing with each other. We started with an ice breaker which helped us learn each other’s names and then proceeded with the DCM. Each club in the division gave their updates and those that stayed were provided pizza for lunch and a fun “Olympic” course where teams competed with each other. It was a hot day, but the new faces an friendly competition made it all worthwhile” - Mary Ramirez

Community Day

The community service that you provide is one of the greatest contributions that you can make to your community, thank you so much for all that you do and all your hard work!

Executive Board

President E-mail:

Vice President E-mail:

Treasurer E-mail:

Secretary E-mail:

Bulletin Editor E-mail:

Extended Board

Project Head E-mail:

Project Head E-mail:

Media Head E-mail:

Web Head E-mail:

Member Recognition Head E-mail:

Extended Board

Scrapbook Head E-mail:

Scrapbook Head E-mail:


Faculty Advisor E-mail:

Kiwanis Advisor E-mail:

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