Franklin September News

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Volume VII Issue 3, September 2017

PC: Devin Tran

The Monster Message Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Hola Monsters! I’m excited and honored to be bringing the September Edition of Our Club’s Newsletter! In this issue we’ll be discussing all the exciting events that our club members went to, as well as letting you in on the many volunteer opportunities open to you in the coming weeks! I’m very excited to be announcing that our club’s annual Grassroots Soccer Tournament is just around the corner! Since school has just started up again, I decided that It’d be fitting to include some articles about tips on getting back into the school groove (though I’m sure many of us don’t want to admit that we’re really back in school again already). I hope that everyone’s school year starts off on a great note and I’m looking forward to seeing you at our club meetings! - Vi Le

Key Club is a student— led organization that aims to provide SERVICE and LEADERSHIP opportunities to high-school students Mission Statement We are caring and competent student leaders transforming communities worldwide Core Values Caring, Inclusiveness, Leadership, and Character Building











































Franklin Key Club is proud to announce that our annual Grassroots Soccer Tournament is just around the corner! We hold this fundraiser soccer tournament every year in order to raise money for the Grassroots Foundation, an organization that works to “kick� AIDS out of Africa through sexual health education and other educational programs for the youth of impoverished Africa. All of the money from this event goes straight to the foundation so we hope that you all can come out and support!

Tips to Getting back in the School Groove: Irene Dich

Q: So tell us a little bit about yourself. What are you hobbies, funny quirks, and other things that you think make you you? A: To start off, I'm actually a pretty quite person when people first meet me, but normally once they get to know me, I open up & I'm a really loud person who loves anything with a sense of humor. In my free time, I like to watch kdrama or play league, & both are pretty time consuming, so once school hits I wouldn't be able to do them as often. Another thing is that many times when I first meet people I tend to become "antisocial" because I normally don't really talk or is kinda awkward. I feel like once people get to really know me, I'm somewhat the complete opposite. Q: What are you expecting for the school year to come? Any hopes or fears? A: I hope that this last year of high school is very eventful & "stress free", I want to make my last year my best & be less aware of how other thinks & just be myself. I want to enjoy it with people that are dear to me & to also become more involve in school activities. With that I hope that I become more involve with key club and meet more new people as I have throughout the past 3 years.

Q: Since you're a pretty well balanced person with many school and extracurricular activities, what tips would you give fellow students about balancing your time? A: Be organized, because the more organize you are the more motivates you are to do things. If all the things that you plan to do are a mess you are less likely to do them & more likely to put them off. Q: What are some mistakes that you might have made during the school years that you'd want to warn others of? A: Some mistakes that I've done throughout the years was not being as involve & wasting time. Also with not getting as close with my teachers because sometimes teachers give really good advice on what you may want to do in life or help you out the college apps. Another thing was being to obsessive with who wants to be my friend or not, that's something I really regret because I wasted so much time focused on that instead of school & ended up making myself feel really bad/sad. I really wished that I haven't done that & wished to focus on more things that would benefit in the long run. Q: What are some general tips about school that you've found useful that you would wish to share with others? A: Don’t afraid to do things & go out there & meet more people & not to stick with just that "group". Be less anxious about how other may view you or judge you because in the long run they wouldn't matter & that they'll just probably make you grow stronger & better. I wished that someone had told me these things beforehand, otherwise I wouldn't just be starting to do these things.

Tips to Getting back in the School Groove: Jane Q: So tell us a little bit about yourself. What are you hobbies, funny quirks, and other things that you think make you you? A: I like sewing, baking, tennis, swimming, origami, organizing things, papercrafts, listening to music, volunteering, making others laugh, talking to people one-on-one or in a small group, and using parentheses and semicolons a lot. I tend to procrastinate on homework; once I decided I would rather wash all the dishes and two giant oily pots then do hmwk. I don't have an account Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or Twitter. There are many places I haven't been to that other people probably go to often, like Denny's, Boba Teahouse, or Krispy Creme. I don't like bacon, donuts, and most other sweets. Too much sugar can result in a stomachache. Q: I know that you're an incoming junior,what would you say about the years you’ve been at frankliln? A: I really like high school, even more if I could force myself to practice good study habits, but it offers so many extracurriculars (sports, dance, misic, clubs) and opportunities (ex: STEM can help you get a summer job that will give you experience for a possible future job). I haven't gone to a single high school dance, but it looks like others really enjoyed it. In freshman year, it was pretty fun building a float, though, and seeing our class perform a music video rather than a skit (unique twist). But sophmore year was a year of little sleep since I was new to AP, had poor study/hmwk habits, and took both AP classes. Q: What are you expecting for the school year to come? Any hopes or fears?

A: I'm expecting to have a very busy schedule, so yes, much fears. And that's taking 4 AP classes, not all of them. The homework load (counts study time) is my my biggest concern. I'm still not sure how I will be able to balance tennis, swim, clubs, hmwk, and living (no idea how my friend can do all that and still have time for anime). And my family will be babysitting 4 kids. I hope I will be able to stay physically, mentally (ie. maintain good grades), and emotionally healthy. I also hope I figure out what to do after high school soon. Q: Since you're a pretty well balanced person with many school and extracurricular activities, what tips would you give fellow students about balancing your time? A: Never procrastinate on hmwk. Sleep before 11. Develop a plan or schedule. Silence your phone while doing hmwk; if available, use an older phone with no social media apps on it and no SIM card in it (you can still use the dictionary and other study tools). Drop what you don't need/ want to continue. Probably don't get caught up in drama. Q: What are some general tips about school that you've found useful that you would wish to share with others? A: You should elimimate distractions before starting hmwk, try not to procrastinate when your hmwk is not immediately due, and pace yourself.

Tips to Getting back in the School Groove: Vi Le

Hello monsters, greetings from your Bulletin Editor! I know that school is starting and I thought that it’d be a cool idea if we shared some back-to-school tips with you all! To start off, a little bit about myself; if you here someone talking much louder than an inside voice like it’s normal, 99.9% of the time that will be me. If you can’t find me that way, you can easily spot me attending key club meetings, school events, or getting my necessary fix of boba at Tea Rex. Most people would describe me as really expressive, it’s true that self restraint is a foreign concept to me, and that I’m fun to be around ( I do love a good time). If you ever see me around don’t feel afraid to come up to me and just say hi, I don’t bite I promise. This year I am going to be a junior and I can’t believe that I’m already starting my second half of high school, I still feel like a baby (when I close my eyes I can totally picture making gingerbread houses around the holidays in 6th grade). High school so far has been a lot of fun, there are always ups and downs and I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself through the process. If you knew me freshmen

year, or better yet middle school, it’d seem like I went from a magikarp to a garrados. Some people say that highschool will be the best four years of your life, and that’s arguable, but I do have to say that I’ve been having a lot of fun. Junior year is the year where grades matter the most if you’re trying to get to a prestigious college. Personally, my dream is to attend UC Berkeley, so the pressure is on. I’m juggling water polo, taekwondo, Key Club, ASB, and not to mention studying for SAT’s, so I have more on my plate than I’ve had any other year, But oddly enough, I’m looking forward to Junior Year. It’s exciting, knowing that I’m getting older and that I’m getting through high school one day at a time, though it’s terrifying knowing that the day I leave home for college is drawing nearer and nearer. So, I’m going to take advantage of all the time I’m given to have the greatest time of my life! Tips I would give about balancing the responsibilities of being a well balanced student are one; choose what you decided to put your time into wisely. You must consider how this activity will help you, whether you truly enjoy it or not, and what kind of impact it will have on your future. Two, remember to take care of your health. Often times we take our health for granted, we’re young, that’s just what we do, but if your health fails then everything else that you do will fall apart, so taking care of your health must come first before anything else. Finally, three, don’t feel ashamed of dropping something. If you feel like you truly can’t handle five clubs and a sport at once, drop a few. There’s no point in spreading yourself so thin, that you can’t do anything well; better to do a few things well than many things poorly, quality over quantity after all. I hope that my tips helped you in any way, and thank you for reading!

08/04-25 Hot August Nights

08/05 Twilight Trail Adventure

08/05 Color Run

08/06 California Kids Triathlon

08/12 Susan B. Anthony 5k

08/1411/17 Girl’s Tennis Runners

08/18-19 Walk For Wishes

08/19 Region 16 Color Splash

08/19 D7S DCM

08/27 Local Authors Festival

08/27 Curtis Festival

08/27 Front Animal Shelter

August DCM + Region 16 Social

“ The Region Social was a very new experience. It was the first time six division got together for an enormous breakout session where we were all separated into different teams. We played different ice breakers and I got to know people form all over the region. Even though personally I’m not a big fan of ice breakers, I enjoyed them because I was exposed to so many other people. After all the breakout sessions were over, we had a fun time at the end throwing color and making cards for the hospital” - Cassandra Woo FHS KC President

PC: Devin Tran

D7S Social

PC: Devin Tran

“I love Division Seven South and how we are like a family with each other. Even though we all don’t go to the same school I love seeing everyone from all around the division coming together and sharing a common theme of community service!” - Jason Lam

Throughout the month of July, the ending month of Summer break, Brent Lee has shown their appreciation for the community by attending community service events. Along with this he has been overall active within the club and has also completed the total of 8 hours within July. He also sees Key Club as another way to connect and to hangout with his friends. 1) What was your favorite service event and why? 2) "I liked volunteering at the Jingle Bell Run the most because i got multiple free shirts and I got to play in the rain" 1) What are your hobbies? - "I'm tryna grow a whole farmers market" 2) What do you enjoy most about Key Club? - "I like hanging out with my friends at meetings and events" 1) Why is volunteering important to you? 2) "Not only do 25% of my shirts come free from volunteering but I also get to help others run events and have a fun time".

Color Run The event was about running in colorful clothes and being coated in color (colored cornstarch/powder). There were many unicorns and rainbows; it was the "happiest race in the world." I worked at the water station with my sister and some Monterey Trail kids (they're only a year below). We got dark blue Color Run shirts for this station. We had to keep 3 inflatable pools of drinks, 2 water and 1 sparkling drinks, in stock and filled with ice. The ice had many chunks melted together, so we threw ice against each other. I did that in the water bottle tub (really satisfying) but others tried doing so in the sparkling water tub, which resulted in many broken aluminum cans (also from using a knife to break the ice). Then I tried hitting ice against ice instead of throwing it, which sort of worked. Later, we loosened up the ice by dropping in on the ground a couple times first, then pouring it out. Worked much better. We opened boxes of sparkling water, tried to scatter them in the ice bath, and flatted the boxes to recycle. The dragon fruit-cherry (red) one ran out the fastest, but most people, upon trying the sparkling water didn't) like it. It was funny watching people's reactions. I tried some of it from a can recently broken and it tasted diluted (0 sugars). We all shared it and no one liked it; it was like they drank bitter medicine! For water bottles, we opened the packs and put them in the ice

Color Run end, there was a lot of ice water, which turned a nasty color from all the powder-covered runners; some washed themselves a bit in the water. Periodically we would push the side of the pool down to let out some water, which later became planking on the edge to prevent wet clothes. At the end, there were many left over bottles, cans, chips, lemonades, etc, so volunteers got some free things. The water and cans in the pools would've all been thrown away, so volunteers and other workers took as much as they could. But most of those sparkling waters were probably thrown away... We also gave two nearby homeless people who were looking for recyclables many waters. I had a great time and felt happy for helping homeless people after the event.—Jane Huynh

Executive Board

President E-mail:

Vice President E-mail:

Treasurer E-mail:

Secretary E-mail:

Bulletin Editor E-mail:

Extended Board

Project Head E-mail:

Project Head E-mail:

Media Head E-mail:

Web Head E-mail:

Member Recognition Head E-mail:

Extended Board

Scrapbook Head E-mail:

Scrapbook Head E-mail:


Faculty Advisor E-mail:

Kiwanis Advisor E-mail:

PC: Devin Tran

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