Broken and Beloved
written by Aimee Taylor
WE ARE BELOVED… I lived a long time not knowing how loved and pursued I am by the Lord. Though I felt that God loved me when I was saved at 16, I definitely let my zeal and joy in the Lord fade as time, life, sin, and well-meaning people pulled at me. I don’t think I ever really understood the true extent of His love for me or understood why Jesus wanted to buy me back at the cross. I knew that I was a sinner, and that I needed Jesus to save me from my sin. But I had no idea what for … other than the fact that if my sin was swept away, I could somehow bring glory to God. Oftentimes that’s where it stops... but much to my surprise that is not all He wants from me or you. When I think over my journey with Christ over the last few decades, I see how I missed so much of what Jesus really said to us - His whole creation - in the Gospels. I mean look at some of the things He has said to us!
In Matthew 6 He tells us that we don’t have to worry about what we will eat or drink because our Father in Heaven sees us and knows what we need and actually wants to give us what we need. He declares in Luke 11 that if we ask, seek, and knock he will give us good gifts, not a snake instead of fish, or a rock instead of bread. Jesus calls out to us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come and be yoked (always connected) with Him, because He wants to teach us how to live humbly. He also wants to relieve our weariness and bear our burdens with us. Just what kind of God wants to do that? In John 14-17 He says I am going to prepare a place for you, so that you will be with me where I am. What? He