Hand to Heart GOD’S SILENCE MISUNDERSTOOD written by Diane Cheveldayoff Am I the only one who feels silence from God? In these days of so much change I often find myself asking: Does God hear my prayers? This is not an uncommon question and is one I’m sure every one of us can relate to at different points in our lives. When things are going well and we have no doubts or concerns, this thought does not enter our minds, but when things are unsettled and it is hard to see beyond today, the question becomes relatable for us all. When I am burdened by God’s apparent silence, I remind myself that God’s time is outside of my time and that He knows what is best for me. God is always there, and He always answers His children, just maybe not in the form we envisioned or the time we thought was most appropriate or even thought that we needed. Yet, He will reveal answers to us when His time is right and, what’s more, when those answers will benefit us the most. One way we can appreciate God’s ‘silence’ is to remember those times in our lives when, in hindsight, we can recognize that God was working even through those ‘silent’ times. The old saying of ‘hindsight is 20/20’ is real and reveals areas that we should capture, recognize, and hang onto, as God is showing us that He really does answer our prayers - sometimes we just can’t see it at the moment. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go.” (TPT) We may not understand ALL that God has for us, but we can trust the outcome as we lean on Him completely. Once we submit an issue to God and rely on Him, then He will give us peace even through the turmoil. If you are like me, I long for glimpses of how God is working. When I feel like I am not getting those glimpses of how He is currently working, I dig deeper and pray to trust Him – to trust that He does hear me and know that He cares deeply for me. I’ve learned that I must be patient, and that I must remember the glimpses of His glory that He has shown me in the past. All these are hard realities for me at this stage of 80 Cheveldayoff, Grand Canyon Jamie