Voice of Truth Stories Together we are world changers How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your "joy" of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
MEET THE CARTLANDS Brian and Josy Cartland have been sharing love, sharing Jesus and now sharing Voice of Truth magazines at the “Casa Cartland.”
MEET MEGAN DANIELS When my longtime friend and mentor was featured in Voice of Truth in January, I was excited to take a look. When I received this magazine in the mail, I was pleasantly surprised. It takes a lot for me to want to read. The articles in Voice of Truth are engaging and, honestly, make me want to read more. It’s refreshing and inspiring to see how many talented ladies are using the gifts God has given them to reach others around the globe. I’ve now signed up for the bi-monthly subscription and I look forward to reading more. Thank you.
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15, NIV 88
Casa Cartland is a private tropical vacation rental cottage in the heart of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They host missionaries, ministers, couples, professional athletes, artists, traveling nurses and individuals from all over the world who are looking for a quiet retreat. In late 2020, they opened their cottage to the Airbnb community and have met many people in need, including those who are looking for a place to recover after a surgery, a weekend to reconnect with their spouse, or even to have a spiritual retreat. Their cottage is decorated with encouraging scripture throughout. Recently they hosted a single mother who was having surgery. She shared how blessed and peaceful she felt staying in their cottage, but she also expressed how she was greatly touched to find the Christian magazine “Voice of Truth” in her cottage. She truly enjoyed reading it during her recovery. We provide this magazine as a courtesy to all our guests, but we also use it as a witnessing tool. The Cartlands invite you to come visit them soon! Josy Cartland CasaCartland.com