Voorheesville Key Club | January 2016 Newsletter

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The Voorheesville Key Club Newsletter January 2017 Voorheesville Key Club started the new year by doing what we did best in 2016—working hard. We held our first meeting of the month on the 4th to begin planning our Teen Night. Our theme of “Teen Night in Your PJs” was finalized with a vote. From there, we broke up into committees for planning: posters, sports, decorations, concessions, activities, and more. At our next meeting on January 18th, we continued to plan Teen Night, to be held on Friday, the 27th. Everyone who attended the meeting helped to make decorations for the event, including paper stars, clouds, and signs for all the different activities. Members not already in a committee signed up for specific jobs and worked to finish planning, and posters advertising for Teen Night were hung around the middle school. Officers had a small meeting on the 25th to make sure everything for Teen Night was ready, and to begin to go over plans for LTC (Leadership Training Conference), which will be in March. If you don’t know already, LTC is an annual gathering of Key Clubs in the New York District held at the Desmond in Albany. Officers go to receive training and learn more about Key Club International. Awards recognizing service are also given out. In order for our club to win awards we qualify for, our officers are going to work hard submitting applications in February. Friday, the 27th, was our Teen Night in Your PJs. Members arrived early to help set up. All the posters we made were hung on the walls, while

By Olivia Rowland, Voorheesville Key Club Editor

streamers and paper stars served as decorations. By starting time, we had all our activities set up— concessions, the waffle maker, a dream interpretation station, a bottle flipping contest, and other assorted games. Once the partygoers arrived (in their PJs), we had a successful night. Admission was $5 or $4 with a canned good to donate to the Town of New Scotland Food Pantry, and we ended up collecting more than forty food items. Along with the canned good collection, we had boxes out for water bottles to be recycled for the Thirst Project. Profits made are going to help send officers to LTC and will be used for end-of-year senior scholarships.

Key Club would like to thank everyone who helped plan for Teen Night and everyone who volunteered at the event, including chaperones. Thank you to Kaelyn Lawson and Brayden Esposito for organizing concessions; to Trevor Relyea, Evan O’Connor, and Eli Straut for being in the pie booth; to our DJs, Sophia Gulotty and Cassidy

January 2017 Danz; and to Perfect Score who performed live for us (and on behalf of whom we will make a donation to the MS Foundation). This month, we reached 100 members, which is incredible—about a fourth of our entire school is involved in Key Club! We are so grateful to all of our members; we couldn’t do anything we do without your help and hard work. As this service year comes closer to its close, Key Club would like to remind everyone that we will be holding officer elections in the beginning of February. Anyone who wants to run should be present at our meeting on the 1st to be nominated. The following Wednesday, February 8th, will be the election. Members will vote after candidates give their speeches, so even if you’re not running for an office position, attend that meeting if you can so you can have a say in our club leadership by voting.

Upcoming Events • We will have meetings on February 1st and

8th in the library, to hold officer nominations and elections, respectively. If you want to run for office please feel free to talk to either Mrs. Bintz or a current officer! All members should attend elections so they can vote for next year’s officers. • Key Club t-shirts are in! If you haven’t picked yours up yet, they are available in the library for $10, and if you didn’t order one but would like one there are extra available. • Movie Night at the elementary school will be on March 17th. • LTC will take place from March 31st to April 2nd.

Find Us on Social Media! Instagram: @vvillekeyclub Twitter: @vvillekeyclub And make sure to check out our website at voorheesvillekeyclub.org

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