Chatter - April 2020

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Community Groups News

April 2020 LIBRARIES Online Services


Ideas and Tips

What’s in

this Chatter edition Community Profile


Community Information




Services - Programmes




Training / Professional Development / Courses


Council Information


Chatter is compiled by Madeleine Burdon WDC Community Development Advisor Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440 Phone: 0800 965 468 Mobile: 021 480 851 Email:   Waimakariri Community Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is the 20th of the month prior to publication. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact Madeleine.



from the Editor Kia ora koutou “Te tiro atu to kanohi ki tairawhiti ana tera whiti te ra kite ataata ka hinga ki muri kia koe. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”

Warm greetings to this April edition, in these unprecedented times. If you are unsure what services Council is maintaining over the next while, please check the information set out under Council news Covid-19 page on our website. For all health information including advice, symptoms to look for, what to do if you are sick, information on self-isolation, financial support and ways to support each other visit the government’s official site Unite against Covid 19. If you are unwell, please call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or your local GP. Our hearts go out to those experiencing difficulties. The Community Team form part of the Council’s Civil Defence Response, in the Welfare role. Be assured staff are pulling out all the stops to assist our community. Though we are all nearly working remotely, our terrific community sector groups are also very busy. There are coordinated responses for example, from foodbanks to those in need, albeit everything has to be done differently within the Covid-19 restrictions.

We can’t deliver pastoral care in the way we were able to post earthquakes, so we are all learning a new normal, together. Challenges provide opportunities for innovation and people are reporting the positives they are discovering from our shared reality. There is a great flyer we have included that was sent in with suggestions where people can help out each other out if someone needs a hand, would like a buddy to make a phone call or pick up some groceries. Cheers for that! We’ve included tips too from the Ministry of Health and the Mental Health Foundation about looking after ourselves in stressful times and very changed circumstances. As well as the usual hygiene and distancing messages, keeping a routine and some structure in our days, is really sound advice. One of the most calming actions we can take for ourselves that we are in control of, is using our breath to relax mind and body. We hope you are finding ways to relax safely at home. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Until next month Ka kite



Community Profile

Introducing Tracy Pirie

Manager of Hope Op Shop

Tracy is passionate about local community, social enterprise and community building, she comes from a background of social enterprise and is well known within Kaiapoi and the Waimakariri. The Hope Op shop aims to provide clothing and household goods at affordable prices and where possible the goal is not only to recycle but to upcycle making new out of the old. Her newest initiative is the workplace clothing drive which provides a practical way business can support the work of Hope community Trust, if this interest you please contact her. The Hope Op shop provides financial support to the Hope Community Trust. At Hope Op shop we welcome donations of good quality clean undamaged clothing,

linen, household items and small furniture. We do not accept the following: electrical goods, broken damaged dirty and unusable items. (If you would not give it to your family and friends, please do not give it to us.) Donations are only accepted during opening hours. Tracy invites you to come and visit her at Hope Op shop when our services reopen.

Hope Op shop 111 East Belt, Rangiora Hours: Monday – Friday, 9– 4pm Closed public holidays

Community Information


Kindness is an incredibly powerful way to show you are united against COVID-19. Keep up-to-date with information at:

Older Persons’ Expo Due to the current circumstances around Covid-19 the Older Persons Expo, scheduled for 30 April has been postponed to later in the year. Keep an eye out for it, we look forward to profiling all the amazing services, activities and groups available for older people living in our district. In the meantime, stay in touch with people who might be on their own and take care of yourself. Best wishes, on behalf of the organising group, Nicola Trolove.

Waimakariri Water Zone Committee Meetings are cancelled until further notice. However, the local Environment Canterbury Zone Delivery Team is still operating – contact Zone Delivery Lead Marco Cataloni on 027 241 7951, marco. Email – or Incident Response, call 0800 765 588. For those interested in the progress of proposed Plan Change 7 of the Land & Water Regional Plan, which impacts Waimakariri, click here. Click here to view the update from the Chair.

The Oxford Community Men’s Shed Is in full swing for 2020, we are currently getting 10 -11 members attending each session. We have just completed and delivered 2 picnic tables and seating to the Millton Trust, they have installed these in the area of the Birch Hill Cemetery. A very unusual place to picnic, but beautiful surrounds, well worth a visit. We have also cut out 32 large Poppy Shapes which were then painted red and given to the Oxford Area School pupils to apply finishing touches to, these will end up at each end of the township. A project being organised by the Oxford Beautification Group. Plans for the extension of our building are progressing well. Hopefully getting started on in the near future. Email address: Chairperson: Raymon Charles Phone: 022 4087755


Free App! It’s filled with easy and fun activities to do with your child—even if you’ve got just a minute to spare. Recently updated, the app contains 87 activities that take anywhere from one minute to an hour, and include items like “bouncy balloony fun” and “jokey journeys” as well as arts and crafts activities. Playing with your kids builds strong relationships and healthy brains. Even if you’ve only got a minute, you have time for a Tiny Adventure! The Tiny Adventures App can be downloaded for free from: App Store or Google Play For more great resources go to:

Helping tamariki live brighter Sparklers is a free wellbeing toolkit full of fun and simple activities to help tamariki learn about their own mental health and wellbeing. Sparklers actively teaches tamariki how to manage big emotions, draw upon their strengths, connect with others and be ready for learning. Sparklers is designed around a pick-and-mix approach - teachers can choose the activities that best meet the needs of their tamariki, goals and school culture. Used ‘a little and often’, the activities help tamariki live brighter. For information on these go to:

7 Next Steps Cancer Group Exercise Classes Next Steps is a specialized group exercise program run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes are specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable for all cancer diagnoses and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Classes are held at the Rangiora Fitness Centre (345 Flaxton Road) on Fridays from 12.30pm-1.30pm, in conjunction with the normal school term. One term of classes is funded for each participant.

Bringing Sight to Blind and Low-vision People - Be My Eyes Is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.

To read more about the exercise classes and to register please visit the Pinc and Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust’s website. Please contact Susan after you register to learn details and availability of the next term of classes: or phone (03) 383 6290.

Volunteer Recognition Awards Volunteering Canterbury is delighted to announce that nominations are now open for Volunteer Recognition Awards. These Awards will be presented during National Volunteer Week, at an event to be held on Monday 22 June 2020 in the Civic Offices. Nominations close at 4pm on Friday 15 May 2019. A copy of the nomination form, together with more details, is listed on the Volunteering Canterbury website: under ‘events’. Please note, even if the Volunteer Recognition Awards event is not held on 22 June, we will look to present Awards for 2020 at another time, so do get your nominations in today!

8 Some ideas around how you can look after yourself.

5 Ways to Wellbeing during COVID-19

do a mindfulness exercise on YouTube, watch the plants in your home or outside your window growing and changing with each passing day. • Be Active: Play ‘the floor is lava’ with the kids, do a yoga class online, try out a new workout on YouTube, go for walks or runs outside (just stay 2m away from others!), use the cans in the pantry as weights, stretch.

• Connect: writing emails that share a favourite memory, playing video games with mates, playing online scrabble or other board games, joining or starting a virtual book club, sharing a favourite karakia or waiata with your friends on social media, having video catch-ups with workmates, calling friends and whānau who are in self-isolation and reaching out to neighbours to ensure everyone has what they need to get through. • Take Notice: Notice the beauty in the world around your home. Take time to feel the sun on your skin, breathe in fresh air whenever you can, make a list of what you’re grateful for, take the time to thank someone for how they make you feel,

• Give compliments: Think about a skill you have you could share with your whānau/flatmates/friends, share a favourite recipe, let people know you’re there to help (and tell them what help you can offer – e.g. can you pick up food for a neighbour when you go shopping? Can you help your friends’ kids with their English homework via Skype?). Check in on neighbours and members of your community who may need to hear a cheery voice or need a helping hand. • Keep Learning: Pick a question you’ve always wondered about and take some time to look it up. Call your parents or grandparents and ask them questions about life when they were growing up. Research your whakapapa or family tree. Look up stories, myths and legends from different cultures. Discover the name of the iwi, hapu, maunga and awa of the place you live. Download an app like Duolingo and start learning a new language. Ask your tamariki/kids to teach you something they learned at school. For more information go to:


Tips for managing your own mental wellbeing in lockdown • Staying connected with others is so important for our wellbeing and helps to make us feel safer, less stressed and less anxious. We can support each other to get through this. While we are limiting social contact to contain the spread of COVID-19, there are still lots of ways we can connect. • Acknowledge your feelings and reach out for support. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, worried or scared in the current situation. Allow yourself time to notice and express what you are feeling. This could be by writing them down in a journal, talking to others, doing something creative, or practising meditation. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. • Wherever possible we should try to stick to our daily routines. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, eat at regular times, shower, change your clothes, have regular e-meetings with colleagues or virtual coffee dates with friends, do your chores. Meditating and exercising can help you to relax and have a positive impact on your thoughts. Try not to increase unhealthy habits like comfort eating, drinking or smoking. • Assisting other people who might need help and reaching out to those who

may be feeling alone or concerned can benefit both you and the person receiving support. • Seek accurate information from legitimate sources. You may find it useful to limit your media intake. Get the facts in order to help distinguish facts from rumours. Seek information updates at specific times during the day once or twice. • Seek further professional support if you need it. For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • If you are currently getting help with your mental health, continue with this if possible and notice if your symptoms are getting worse. Talk to your GP, counsellor, case worker or mental health team about how they can continue supporting you. Can your appointments take place over the phone, via email, text or video chat? What tips do they have to help you get through? Who can you call if you need help urgently? Write this down so you have it handy when you need it. They also have a great Wellbeing in SelfIsolation page that you can access. Go to:


Essential workers needing access to childcare. If essential workers are unable to access childcare to perform their essential service, the government will fund other licensed childcare providers (for example through PORSE, Barnados and Edubase / Home Grown Kids) to provide in home care to the children aged 0-14 of essential workers. The carer would be subject to the same Public Health rules as set out above. For the purposes of providing care to children of essential workers, the in home carer will be classified as an essential worker in both cases.

Initial list of contact details for providers • Barnados Visit the website, email or call 0800 BARNARDOS (0800 227 627) • Edubase / Home Grown Kids Visit the website, call 0508 44 54 37 or email • PORSE Visit the website or call 0800 023 456.


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• Having good home insulation is one of the most important ways to keep your house healthy. Home insulation will help keep you cooler in summer and warm in the winter, reducing the cost of heating your home.


• Take advantage of the sun by opening your curtains during the day, by wiping away any condensation and by closing curtains at sunset to help retain the heat.

• Hang washing outside - drying a load inside can release up to 3 litres of moisture into the air.

• When using the bathroom, keep the door closed. Use the heater and extractor fan and open the window after showering.

• Keep lids on pots when cooking, use your range hood or open a window.

• Open windows in the house for a short time every day – even in winter (as if you have burnt the toast)



for further information.

or visit

0800 438 9276 or 0800 GET WARM

Contact Community Energy Action

• Avoid portable gas heaters inside as they release dangerous pollutants and moisture as the gas burns.

• Use an electric heater or heat pump.

• Be sure to heat the bedrooms of infants, elderly or unwell people as they are more vulnerable to the cold. Take care not to overheat baby’s bedrooms as babies can’t regulate their temperature (Use heaters with thermostats or leave the door open to avoid overheating)

• The best temperature for health is 18 -21 degrees in the living room while you are at home and 16 degrees overnight in bedrooms.


• To reduce the amount of heat going out your windows, you could use a DIY window insulation kit.

• Try to seal gaps around windows and door frames to prevent draughts. Used lined curtains and door snakes to help retain the heat.

• Get good quality winter curtains. You may be able to access free lined curtains from Community Energy Action Curtain Bank.

For tips and tricks on how to light your fire visit 0800 324 636

• If your chimney is smoking for more than 15 minutes, then the wood might not be burning efficiently.

• If your log burner has a switch on the wall make sure this is on. This could improve your fire’s efficiency, giving you more heat for the amount of wood.

• Find out how to use all the levers and slides on your burner to make sure you are using your burner correctly.

• Use only untreated, dry wood in your log burner, rather than damp wood which burns less efficiently.

• Clean heat pumps – vacuum the filters regularly.


• If you need help with your power bill contact your power company first. You can also get in touch with Work and Income, or try the Mayor’s Welfare fund.

• Use to make sure you are on the right plan for your home with the cheapest provider.

• You may be able to spread your power bill payments across the year so that there are no surprises. Talk to your power company.





Would you like to work at our Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre? We’re looking for relief teachers to cover kaiako while on leave. Karanga Mai are a whānau-based community centre working in partnership with parents/whānau to ensure tamariki recognise their talents, know they are important, engender pride, and feel a sense of belonging. We provide high-quality culturally responsive education and care for tamariki of both young parents attending Karanga Mai Young Parents College and community whānau. For more information please contact Jacinta McInerney via phone or email, to make a time to visit: 03 3278315 or 0278165388

For more information please contact Jacinta McInerney via phone or email, to make a time to visit when we are open again.



Services & Programmes


Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury, along with all CABs throughout New Zealand, is closing its office, with immediate effect. Although our physical premises will be closed to clients we are fortunate to have a wide range of ways to deliver our service. People will be able to ring our national freephone number 0800 367 222, including from a mobile phone, and talk to a CAB volunteer. We are committed to continuing to provide phone, email and other online services as best we can to help clients in our community. This decision to temporarily cease providing face to face services, made by our National Board, is about putting the safety of our volunteers, employees, clients and communities first during the Covid-19 outbreak. Given the extraordinary circumstances and the risk that Covid-19 poses, if we cease our face to face contact now, this will limit the potential exposure of our volunteers and our clients. This is an unprecedented move, but one that is necessary if we are to ensure the health and safety of our volunteers, while continuing to provide a service to our community. We appreciate your understanding of our decision. Kind regards, Theresa Evans - Coordinator

Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737. Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737

Call us on (03) 378 3847 or 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for people in Canterbury.

Whatever it is, we’re here. Free call or text 1737 anytime.

To see everything AVIVA provide go to:

16 This number is setup for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member:

0800 KIDSLINE A dedicated national helpline for children and young people aged 18 and under. We don’t give advice, instead we listen, support and encourage you to come up with the best approach for what’s happening for you. Kidsline is a 24/7 service and between 4pm – 9pm weekdays, calls are answered by specially trained teenage volunteers who are professionally supervised and supported.

Hey Bro

Phone: 0800 54 37 54

Hey Bro is here to listen and offer support where possible. Our experienced team can direct you to specific information or services that can help. We understand how anger can take control and lead to hurting people we love. Our goal is to keep whanau/families together safely using our experience and ability to find the information you need. We have a team of men with a wealth of knowledge who have all worked in this mahi. Were’re here to support 24/7 to listen and to help. So give us a call next time you’re on the edge! For more information click here.

To view their website go to:


Corcoran French’s Corcoran French’s family law team is also still working remotely during the Level 4 lockdown to assist families With any concerns that have existing parenting orders or parenting plans and for any urgent care of children and family violence applications. Gemma and Jennifer Robinson can be contacted using our normal office numbers on (03) 327 8159 (Kaiapoi office - Gemma) and (03) 379 4660 (city office -Jennifer) or email – or Gemma is a legal aid provider so can also offer Legal Aid to clients on a case by case basis. However, Jennifer is not. We are able to conduct meetings by phone, skype or zoom.

William McKenzie Lawyers Two family lawers at William McKenzie Lawyers are working remotely and available to assist our community during this time. Especially those families who are vulnerable and need urgent family court assistance. The two family lawyers Tandy GwazeMusesengwa and Kaknika Lap are available and their mobile phone numbers are on the website and our facebook page. Tandy 027 261 3303 Kaknika 027 3555776




Nacotics Anonymous

Alcohol Drug Helpline

Narcotics Anonymous meet regularly to help each other stay clean, and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.Â

For emergencies phone 111 North Canterbury Police 03 313 6167 0800 787 797

Alcohol and Other Drugs Specific Services

Familial Trust

03 981 1093 Familial Trust empowers families/whanau to understand the impact of addiction and make lasting changes for the future.

Christchurch Central Service

03 338 4437 A coordination and resource centre for alcohol and drug issues. A key role of this service is to facilitate access to the Canterbury AOD treatment services.

0800 628 632

Rangiora Meets Tuesdays, 7.30pm at John Knox Presbyterian


0508 425 266 Al-Anon provides support to families of alcoholics. They believe that alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Kaiapoi Meets Tuesdays, 6.30pm at 53 Fuller Street

Comcare Young Adults Support

03 377 7020 Individual and group support for young adults battling addiction.

Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service 03 378 2734

Barnardos rural community social work service works with children and families who are under stress and want to find new ways of dealing with a range of family issues.

Work and Income

0800 559 009 Work and Income helps financially if a family/individual are on a low income or not working. They also help support individuals into work and help secure housing.

Oxford Community Trust

03 312 3006 Confidential and non-judgemental support provided including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.

Community Well Being North Canterbury

City Mission

Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust

Alcoholic Anonymous

Family Support Services

Presbyterian Support

03 313 1056 or 027 451 1567 A community-based service for adolescents with mild/moderate alcohol and drug issues. Covers Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Oxford, and Hurunui District to Hanmer Springs. 0800 229 6757 Christchurch Service Centre, providing Alcohol and /or Drug support services in Christchurch , New Zealand . Rangiora Meets Wednesdays, 7.30pm at John Knox Church Hall Kaiapoi Meets Mondays, 7.30pm at Kaiapoi North School

03 365 0635 The Alcohol and Other Drug services at the Christchurch City Mission are responsive to the needs of clients who present with alcohol and drug and co-existing mental health conditions wanting to make changes in their substance misuse.

Oranga Tamariki

0508 326 459 Oranga Tamariki is a statutory social work agency working with families, children and young people under 17 years. Their primary task is to ensure that children and young people are provided with adequate care and protection.

03 310 6375 Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust offers a large range of community services including community youth work, youth drug and alcohol support, family counselling, in home social work, Mana Ake, school attendence services, Karanga Mai Early learning Centre and community information .

03 313 8588 Offers a range of professional services (including Enliven, Mana Ake and Family Works) at their offices and in homes.

Hope Community Trust

03 928 3066 Hope provides a counselling centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit and vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.

19 War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505 email:

Covid -19 and maintaining a safe space for all Dear Clients and prospective clients,  We remain open and ready to provide you with budgeting support and advice.  However, the way we provide this service will be a little different to normal.  We won’t be able to come to your home or meet face to face.  We won’t be able to see walk-in clients.  PLEASE call us on 03 313 3505 and we’ll contact you as soon as we can.  We’ll contact you by phone, mobile, text or email.  We will try to continue advocating on your behalf with WINZ, banks, creditors etc.  We will attempt to work with all the other agencies and food banks and try to deliver all our normal services. Phone: 03 313 3505 (please leave a message and we’ll get back to you) Email: Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm However,

 If you cannot wait to talk with us please call the

MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123 as they are open 64 hours a week Budgeting Services North Canterbury Inc., gratefully acknowledges the support of: Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children and the Rātā Foundation. Affiliated member of: The National Building Financial Capability Charitable Trust Registered Charity Number: CC10710


“I can’t keep up with my bills!”

“I can’t afford to buy food this week.”

MoneyTalks is a free helpline for individuals, family and whanau. If you or somebody you know is struggling with money, get in touch with our trained Financial Mentors. We can provide advice, or put you in touch with a local budgeting service who can help you to get on top of your money issues.

Phone 0800 345 123


Text 4029

Live chat

Available 8am to 8pm weekdays 10am to 2pm Saturday

MoneyTalks is a free financial helpline operated by FinCap.



Waimakariri Libraries Funding Databases As a first port of call we recommend you check out the database available free from our District libraries. Through our library website, you can access databases to help you find funding for your community group or for your personal study.

DIA (The Department of Internal Affairs) Community Operations (We administer COGS, Crown and Lottery Grant Funding) - We are still working and information about how can be found here. Current Grant Information: It is likely you are experiencing changes to your own service delivery. We are aware that a number of funded events have been cancelled and that community needs are changing. If your organisation has received funding from the Department and your initiative has been affected due to COVID 19, we will actively work with you to find the best solution whether that is a time extension, change of purpose, etc. When you are ready to discuss any changes just ring us on 0800 824 824 or get in touch with your local Community Operations team to discuss options. Future Funding Rounds: Our current funding calendar remains unchanged and you can find opening and closing dates in this link Important funding dates

GivUs lists potential funders for community groups and organisations. GivMe lists providers of grants for personal study. Step 1: go to the library website: Step 2: Under eLibrary choose Community eResources Step 3: Choose GivUs or GivMe as required Step 4: You’ll be asked for your library card number and PIN Step 5: Fill out your information according to the on-screen instructions – the better your details, the closer your results will match your needs. You will get a list of possible funding providers with information on how to apply.


Community Board Funding Available Calling all community groups, non-profit organisations, registered charities and incorporated societies with strong links and benefits to your communities. Do you need funding for projects, equipment, advertising? Your Community Board could help with grants up to $500. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre or Library. For more information about funding contact or phone 0800 965 468. Find out more at

Training / Professional Development / Courses


Professional development from the comfort of your home Upcoming Webinars: Anxiety and Depression in Youth Date: Tuesday 14 April 2020, 9.00am - 12.00pm Facilitator: Dr Chris Taua | Cost: $99 per person Anxiety and depression are two common conditions affecting adolescents. Discover the complex interplay of biological and environmental processes which contribute to the emergence and progression of mental health issues in this group. Learn useful tools to help improve the mental health of adolescents.

Trauma Informed Care: Providing Safe and Effective Support for Adults Date: Thursday 30 April 2020, 9.00am - 12.00pm Facilitator: Jackie Moore | Cost: $99 per person Discover current research on trauma, including vicarious trauma, and how this affects people’s everyday life. Learn about trauma and its relationship to wellbeing. Gain practical skills and resources for trauma work and how support workers can best provide support.

Recognising Compassion Fatigue and Building Resilience Date: Monday 4 May 2020, 9.00am - 12.00pm Facilitator: Dr Karey Meisner | Cost: $99 per person Effectively manage the cumulative effects of being concerned for other’s needs on an ongoing basis. This webinar will help participants identify signs of compassion fatigue and stress and explore effective helping, coping styles and strength-based management styles of self-care.

Register for these webinars at 0800 424 399



Council Info


Waimakariri Library members can access these on their own eReading device or computer. All loans are free of charge. You will need a valid library card with a PIN to access our eBooks. BorrowBox

Story Box Library

BorrowBox has our eAudio books and also a selection of eBooks for adults and children. If you have a tablet, you can download the free BorrowBox app from your app store. You can borrow 3 eBooks and 3 eAudiobooks for two weeks at a time.

Watch and listen to some of your favourite stories being read by Australian and New Zealand storytellers at home, as well as in the library. To access Story Box Library at home:

ePlatform has the greatest number of our eBooks. If you have a tablet (iPad, Android or Kindle Fire) you can download the ePlatform app. You can borrow 3 books for 3 weeks at a time.

• Visit Story Box Choose Log In from the top menu bar and click Public Library & Tertiary Log In • Use your Waimakariri library card number Enjoy the library of stories on any device with internet connection!

OverDrive & Libby


Download eAudio and eBook titles using OverDrive. OverDrive contains over 10,000 fiction and non-fiction titles for adults, young adults and children. Access is free for library members - just enter your library card number and PIN. The Libby app is the best way to access OverDrive on your tablet or mobile device.

Hundreds of animated picture books to listen to or read. Read along early readers, Chapter books and non-fiction. Puzzles and National Geographic videos

Wheelers ePlatform

Read online on your computer or tablet. Log in with your library card.

Visit our website for more information.

l ib rar ie s.w aim akar ir i.


ONLINE LEARNING ANYTIME, ANYWHERE What is is a leading online learning platform that helps people learn business, personal, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through your local library, you have access to thousands of free online courses and videos. Personal & Professional Development

Creative & Hobby

• • • Interview skills • • Resume writing • • Building resilience • • Business etiquette • • Rock your LinkedIn profile • • Communication skills • Effective listening • • Time management • Overcoming procrastination • • • Mindfulness practices • • Giving & receiving feedback • • Setting goals • • Problem solving • • Thinking critically • Building trust

Photography skills Videography Animation Creating short films Learning piano Facebook marketing Creative briefs Learning guitar Content marketing Writing press releases Learning ukulele Digital marketing trends Advertising Creative writing Script Writing

How do I access Visit today with you library card + pin. Contact you local library for assistance.

Technolgy & Software • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Excel Microsoft 365 Photoshop InDesign Adobe Bridge Adobe Illustrator Azure Logo design Windows 10 Web design & development WordPress Java Script Coding Cloud computing Python


Council Business Continues t

The vast majority of our staff are now working from home with ke As we all adjust to the COVID-19 normal we want to reiterate the Council is open for business (remotely) and you can contact us in a number of ways: • Council Rangiora Service Centre or 0800 965 468 • Or search for us on facebook @WaimakaririDistrictCouncil • Try our online options online-services • Snap Send Solve App.

A couple of keys changes in service provision includes the temporary closure of our transfer stations in Rangiora and Oxford. This means that you can only drop rubbish in official Council bags into the skip at each of these transfer stations during normal working hours.

A key focus for the Response Committe weeks will be to con need to be made to Plan 2020/21. The c at the heart of that process and we will

There are also a few changes to the building services that we can provide during this time mainly those activities that require some sort of site visit or inspection will need to be put on hold until Alert Level 4 is lifted.

We will also be worki to see how we can b community through our business partners social service provid

In line with Government guidance we’ve closed our playgrounds, dog parks, skateparks and access gates to beaches.


We have made contingency plans to enable decisions to be made by Council during the COVID-19 outbreak. We have set up an Emergency COVID-19 Response Committee with all members of the Council. This same response was adopted following the Canterbury earthquakes.

Bekind. kind.Check-in Check-in on Be on the the elderly or vulnerable. elderly or vulnerable. Make a difference by: • checking-in on any elderly or vulnerable people you know Make a difference by: • dropping supplies to those at home sick. • checking-in on any elderly or vulnerable people you know • dropping supplies to those at home sick.

Find out more at Find out more at

All Community Board meetings as well as Committees, Joint Committees, Working Groups and Steering Groups are suspended until further notice. The new Emergency COVID-19 Response Committee will deal with any Board or Committee business.

Support for fami Locally there are • Presbyterian Su Phone 03 313 8 • Age Concern Ca Phone 0800 80 There are a numb banks – you can c phone only: • Kaiapoi: Kaiapo Support Phone 03 327 8 • Rangiora: Hope Phone 03 928 3 • Oxford: Oxford Phone 03312 3


through Alert Level 4

ey staff only out in the community to carry out essential duties.

COVID-19 ee in the coming nsider if changes o our Draft Annual community are t decision making l keep you updated.

ing with our partners best support our h this. This includes s, health sector and ders.

We will continue to provide community information and updates through our website covid19 and Facebook as well as through the local newspapers. Please share with your family and friends across your virtual networks.

Please take care of each other, follow the rules and be kind.


ilies people who can help: upport 8588 anterbury 0 33 44. ber of local food contact them by

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8945 e Trust 3066 Community Trust 3006.

National helplines Business support • There is a dedicated Healthline • ENC Business Support team at: 0800 number for COVID-19 health advice and information - 0800 358 • For a list of useful and regularly 5453. This is supported by online at updated links specific to businesses For other health dealing with COVID-19 visit the related issues call 0800 611 116 ENC COVID-19 page. • ‘Need to talk?’ service on 1737 to Temporary accommodation talk with a trained counsellor • For help to self-isolate if you • Mental Health Crisis Line phone or can’t in your own homes or are text 7174 available 24 hours travellers visiting New Zealand • Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text and do not already have suitable 234. Their website also has a web self-isolation accommodation chat facility arranged. You can find out more at temporaryaccommodation.mbie.

Hello From Hello From

The Community Team! The Community Team! Wendy Howe Natalie Paterson Madeleine Burdon

Tessa Sturley

Community Team Manager

Nicola Trolove Safe Community Facilitator

Community Development Advisor

Safe Community Facilitator

Sam Redman

Youth Development Co-ordinator

Kerry Miles

Safe Community Facilitator

Serena Peychers Administration Support

Denise Wiggins

Community Development Facilitator


Community Development Facilitator

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