Chatter - August 2020

Page 1

Community Groups News

August 2020 Creative Communities funding

Training opportunities

What’s in

this Chatter edition Community Information




Services - Programmes




Training / Professional Development / Courses


Chatter is compiled by



Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440



Waimakariri District Council Community Team

Phone: 0800 965 468 Email:

  Waimakariri Community Cover photo:

Melu and Neva at the Fairy Hunt in Kaiapoi Domain

Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is the 20th of the month prior to publication. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.



from the Editor Kia ora koutou I often receive positive feedback about the incredible way in which people in our community work together to get stuff done! A lot of that ‘stuff’ relates to making sure that people are supported when they are experiencing tough times; informed about things to do, help available and opportunities to have their say about important issues; connected to others, so that they have a sense of belonging; and empowered to achieve their aspirations. In these post-COVID times, more than ever, strong communities are crucial to ensure that people are safe, happy and resilient enough to survive changing circumstances, uncertainty and personal challenge. The impact of COVID has been widespread. Many of those affected may not know where to start, in terms of finding support. If you know of people that have been impacted or are struggling, Social Services Waimakariri have developed a great wee resource, ‘Seeking Help is Strength’. This is available in local libraries or online at: seeking-help-brochure. Local agencies and organisations have worked hard over recent months, supporting affected residents, gathering

evidence about the key issues affecting people and planning initiatives that will address issues and opportunities presented by the COVID crisis. On Thursday 6 August we will host a forum, aimed at informing the development of a COVID-19 Social Recovery Plan for the District. Work and Income and Council have partnered to plan an Employment Possibilities workshop, aimed at locals affected by COVID-related job loss. It will cover a range of topics; including how to re-frame career prospects and retain resilience in these challenging times. The workshop will run in late August/early September in Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Oxford. To enquire or register, email Winter’s almost over. Look after yourselves….and thanks! We are so proud of the people who play a part in making the Waimakariri District a great place to live work and play; whatever comes our way!



Community Information

North Canterbury Events to Celebrate 30 years of Daffodil Day Movie Night Fundraiser, 4.45pm Sunday 9 August 2020, Rangiora Town Hall Featuring the very popular Military Wives, the event commences at 4.45pm with drinks, nibbles and a raffle draw. Tickets cost $25.00 and can be purchased from the Cancer Society office, Old Court House, Rangiora or by phoning Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695. Paint the Town Yellow, Monday 24 to Monday 31 August 2020 Businesses in the main streets of Rangiora and Kaiapoi are asked to join in this creative and fun challenge to decorate their window. A starter pack of goodies (balloons, bunting and daffodils) will be supplied to each business. A trophy will be awarded to the best window display in each town. We would love to hear from other towns who may be interested. Phone Tiff on 0800226695 for more details.

ANZ Daffodil Day Bingo Night, 6pm Wednesday 26 August 2020 RSA ANZ is the principal sponsor for Daffodil Day and our Rangiora branch is hosting a Bingo Night. Bingo Cards $10.00 each and additional cards $5.00. Tickets to be purchased at ANZ Rangiora. Prizes and raffles to be won. Daffodil Day Collection Days Friday 28 and Saturday 29 August 2020 Our volunteers will be collecting at designated sites throughout North Canterbury on these days. These collections are organised by our volunteer groups in Rangiora, Oxford, Kaiapoi, Amberley, Hurunui, Cheviot and Kaikoura. Counter Boxes Throughout August Look out for the counter boxes when you are shopping locally - every little bit helps. Local businesses also support us by purchasing bunches of fresh Daffodils which are delivered the week of the 24th.


Cancer Support Groups for patients and carers in North Canterbury We are now able to offer a range of groups to support patients and carers in North Canterbury. Please phone Gabrielle on 021 904907 to register your attendance. Newly Diagnosed Support Group for patients and carers on the lst Wednesday of the month, 10am to 12pm commencing Wednesday 5 August. Held at the Cancer Society, Old Court House, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Oxford Coffee & Support Group for patients and carers meets 10am on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at CafÊ 51, High Street, Rangiora. Rangiora Walking and Coffee group meets weekly on a Tuesday at 9.30am for walk and 10.30am for coffee at Artisan. Our Therapeutic Art Group is full for terms 3 & 4. Art & Craft Group – for patients and carers meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10am to 12 pm commencing Wednesday 19 August. Held at the Cancer Society, Old Court House, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.

Mainly Music Has resumed and meets each Wednesday during school term time, at 10am in the St Bart's Hall, 23 Cass Street Kaiapoi. Music, singing, movement and play for pre-schoolers and caregivers. Morning tea provided for everyone. A warm welcome is guaranteed. For more details phone Margaret on 327 6404.

"FF" Friendly Friday This is held every second Friday of the month from 9am - 11am. Free morning tea provided. Plants, produce, jams, baking, crockery, books, toys at bargain prices. All welcome. Rangiora Methodist Church, King Street.

Seeking Volunteers for Aviva Street Appeal Fri 18 & Sat 19 September Looking for volunteer street collectors for the Street Appeal. Funds will support communities to overcome violence, the enduring effects of COVID-19 and lockdown. If you would like to volunteer as part of a group by hosting a collection site, or if you are unable to volunteer this time but would like to organise a separate fundraiser or collection, please contact 027 342 1210 or

Kaiapoi Community Garden AGM on Tuesday 18 August 5.30pm at the Workingmen's Club.

6 Next Steps Cancer Group Exercise Classes Next Steps is a specialized group exercise programme run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes are specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable for all cancer diagnoses and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Classes are held at the Rangiora Fitness Centre (345 Flaxton Road) on Fridays from 12.30pm-1.30pm. One term of classes is funded for each participant. To read more about the exercise classes and to register please visit the Pinc and Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust’s website: Please contact Susan after you register to learn details and availability of the next term of classes: or ph 03-383-6290.

Woodend Movie Afternoon at the Woodend Methodist Church on Wednesday 5 August: 1pm.

Afternoon tea to follow. This month’s film is “Ladies in Lavender”. Aging spinster sisters Ursula (Judi Dench) and Janet (Maggie Smith) discover a young man (Daniel Brühl) near death on the beach by their home in a small Cornish fishing village. Taking him in, they discover that he is Andrea, a violinist from Krakow, Poland, who had been swept off an ocean liner on ... Gold Coin donation. Please phone Ruth on 03 312 2094 if you have any queries. All welcome.

Friday Lunch resuming Third Friday of the month Two course meal, $10 Koha. All welcome. If coming, contact Bev Alexander ph 313 7009 or Margaret Olorenshaw ph 313 9230. Next lunch: 21 August 11.30am at Trinity Methodist Church, 176 King St, Rangiora.

7 Age-friendly Waimakariri Newsletter July 2020 Kia ora Koutou I’ve joined a new group. There are about ten of us so far who meet on a Thursday morning for coffee and to learn basic te reo Maori. Last week I learned a short version of my mihi from my maunga (mountain), awa (river), ahau (place), to me. I think I am better at my pronunciation now too. I’m going to encourage my mokopuna (grandchildren), some whom are Maori, to learn theirs. While I suspect only a few of us will be bilingual, knowing a little of one of our other languages is enriching. I’ve been to a couple of network meetings where people from organisations in North Canterbury share what is happening for them and their people. At Kaiapoi we shared the effects of the lockdown on folk. Loneliness, communication, the digital divide and health, particularly mental health, were the main concerns. At the Hurunui meeting we had a workshop, beginning with the same exercise as at Waimakariri then talking about what needs to be done to fill the gaps. The Age-friendly Advisory Group at its last meeting responded to the Council’s invitation to comment on the consultation to shape the Waimakariri COVID-19 Recovery Plan. Our focus was on the wellbeing of all residents through additional community development and support which is what our Age-friendly Plan – Waimakariri – He Hoa Aakoa Ou Tau is all about. We pointed out that in the programme wellbeing was point number 5. In our view, this should be Number 1 with all other ideas listed under that umbrella.

We also commented that we supported the goal of a more green economy. You can keep up to date with what is happening by signing in to receive emails via: https://letstalk.waimakariri.govt. nz/recovery-plan?fbclid=IwAR1yWWc EMc6SfCpVS4N48TdFozNNS4jpPpT_ s3Yh7pV84tDaiWXpIR5hWb0 In last month’s Newsletter I mentioned the concern residents had about the move of the Rangiora branch of Southern Clinical Laboratories (SCL) blood testing clinic to 77b High Street and the lack of parking. We are in discussion with all involved and hope to come to a solution. The digital divide is another issue we talk about; how we can help older folk keep informed and access information they need. Library staff have met with interested parties, including SeniorNet, the Citizens Advice Bureau and Youth Development Advisor, to explore ways to help our older residents. Haere ora, haere pai Joanne Gumbrell Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group

8 Pegasus Parkrun Pegasus Parkrun restarted on 4 July and will be the same details as before lockdown - with a tracing QR code available if anyone wants to use it before or after the run/walk/jog! FREE 5km Walk, Jog or run, 8am Pegasus - by the swing bridge Register for free at, print your barcode and come along for a briefing at 7.45am. Walkers, Joggers and Runners of ALL ages and ALL abilities are welcome, as are children (under 11’s MUST be within arm’s length of a designated adult at ALL times), and dogs (one per runner, short lead and under control). Unfortunately due to space we are unable to have wheels on the course, except for wheelchairs and pushchairs (no skates, skateboards, rollerblades, bikes etc). Any questions please contact the Event Director, Jackie, via the Pegasus Parkrun Facebook page or through our email -

MainPower Community Fund Supports a number of community events and initiatives each year through the MainPower Community Fund. The contestable fund allows members of the North Canterbury community to have their say about which charitable organisations and school projects should be supported. Nominate the community group(s) or school(s) you'd like to see receive a share of the $30,000 fund. The next funding round will be awarded in October 2020. For more details, please go to:

They wanted to do something to help, so were delighted to work alongside the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to deliver ‘Visitor Care Manaaki Manuhiri. How we care for visitors says a lot about New Zealanders, and in these difficult times we must look after both our own and the people visiting our country. Many of the visitors Red Cross has met so far are in difficult circumstances, with no options to go home and no options to support themselves in New Zealand. We feel for those who have been separated from loved ones and who are deeply worried about what the future holds.

Red Cross - Visitor Care Manaaki Manuhiri info

Visitor Care Manaaki Manuhiri is a shortterm intervention. It will not solve many of the problems our visitors are facing but it will provide some relief to ensure basic needs such as rent, electricity, food and clothing can be met.

Like many of you, the New Zealand Red Cross has been increasingly concerned about the wellbeing of visitors to Aotearoa who have been affected by COVID-19.

For more information and to apply, visit, or call the Red Cross on 0800 REDCROSS (0800 733 276).


10 Age-friendly Community Facilitator: Update July-August 2020 Kia ora koutou This is a mini progress report on “Waimakariri – He Hoa Ahakoa Ōu Tau” our age-friendly plan. The Advisory Group decided to focus on four themes from the plan that seemed most relevant post the Covid-19 lockdown. Below are the themes we have prioritised as most relevant to the current time and the recovery period ahead. We see this as presenting both challenges and opportunities for many people in our District. • Access to health & community services • Social Participation • Social inclusion and respect • Communication and Information Currently we have a project outline for enhancing “digital literacy” which also includes library staff and Senior net, plus a potential inter-generational project. The Youth Development Advisor and I met with the Rangiora High School Deputy-Principal to talk through ideas. We will keep you updated about progress. This initiative crosses three of the above themes and is in response to stated need. Since June there has been an approach by some age-friendly volunteers and key groups regarding following up the Housing plus Outdoor Spaces and Buildings themes. With my role being to oversee and report on the plan implementation, I am more than happy to follow where the energy is. A housing focus group has met twice and last week that included a visit to papakaianga housing (for families) at Tuahiwi. We are visiting an upgraded Council older persons

unit at Kaiapoi; plus looking at affordable housing provision in line with the agefriendly Waimakariri plan. Angela Curl from the University of Otago staff has approached me for help with a project they are doing on “pedestrian falls and the quality of the street environment’, hoping to influence future urban design with safer streets. Angela helped us on the initial Age-friendly Community Steering Group. I will be advertising how people at risk of falls can participate in the research locally. This will be in small focus groups and the project relates to the Outdoor Spaces and Buildings plus our Accessibility strategy. Our Plan references the Accessibility Strategy so we are keen to support any of the Waimakariri Access Group submissions where there are mutual interests, for example to the town centre upgrades, Good Street redesign etc. We have submitted on the Council’s planning related to social recovery from COVID - 19 and will again when there is more detail available. Some Advisory Group members will participate in the Recovery Hui on 6 August at Woodend Community Centre. Our Chair, Joanne, is a speaker at the online Pre-election Forum that Social Services Waimakariri have organised for 26 August. Do contact me if you have ideas and energy to follow through with your particular interest in Age-friendly. The Plan “Waimakariri – He Hoa Ahakoa Ōu Tau” is online on our website and I have a few hardcopies available. You can reach me on 0800 965 468 or 021 480 851, or email me at I am part-time Tuesday-Thursdays and based at the Community Team Office, Rangiora.

11 Interesting Research With uncertainty ahead of us and recovery planning underway, it is useful to have quality research undertaken not only to inform decision-making but to help make sense of what people are experiencing. ”The Experience and Perceptions of Socially Isolated Older Adults in Covid-19 Times” by Sarah Wylie June 2020. This was a qualitative study exploring the perceptions of socially isolated older adults in Papanui-Innes Wards and Riccarton, Halswell and Hornby Wards regarding the extent to which older people are valued in society in light of New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, their experience of the Lockdown, and what this could mean for programmes and interventions moving forward. If you have any questions or want the full report, please contact Karla Gunby on or 03 941 6705 / 027 706 5684

Election 2020 Getting ready to enrol and vote Over the past few days the NZ Electoral Commission has forwarded to every voter on the Electoral Roll a letter: • asking the recipient voter to check their details and update these if required; and • providing information about the two referenda that will be part of this year’s voting. If you did not receive a letter it is likely you are not enrolled or possibly enrolled at a previous address. You will, however, still be able to vote as it is now possible to enrol and vote when you go to a voting place.

The Helen Clark Foundation, which was launched in March 2019, is an independent public policy think tank. It has recently released A Post Pandemic Futures Series Volume 1 called “Alone Together – the risks of loneliness in Aotearoa New Zealand following Covid-19 and how public policy can help” – the paper is by Holly Walker.

However the voting process will be easier if you enrol and/or update your details early. You can do this by visiting and use your NZ driver licence, NZ passport or RealMe verified identity to enrol online.

Lastly From Koi Tu: The Centre for Informed Futures “Protecting and Promoting Mental Wellbeing: Beyond Covid-19” June 2020 from “the Future is Now” Conversation Series.

Call free 0800 36 76 56 and ask for a form and reply paid envelope to be sent to you.

Best wishes Madeleine (Age-friendly Community Facilitator)


NB Libraries in Waimakariri have pamphlets about enrolling plus information about the two referenda


Manager Vacancy

Part time (30 hours/week) 6mth fixed term with a view to extend to 12mths dependent on funding Are you passionate about reducing waste and helping others? Are you an excellent communicator who loves variety in their work? Satisfy Food Rescue is a registered Charity who gather surplus edible food in North Canterbury to benefit people in need. We are seeking an exceptional person to manage Satisfy Food Rescue’s operations. Essential skills include managing staff and multiple stakeholders, office administration, and preparation of grant applications and budgets. For an application pack please email our Coordinator

Applications close: 4pm, Friday 14 August 2020 th


English Language Classes For speakers of English as a second language. Improve your speaking and listening skills. Enjoy the friendly atmosphere and interesting topics as well as social activities with classmates.


Saturdays, 22 August - 26 September 2020 10am-12pm


Rangiora Town Hall Function Room 303 High Street, Rangiora


Classes are free

For more information or to register

For more information about the Migrants and Newcomers group visit


Julie Cloughley, tutor Email - - Phone - 027 403 8245


HOW CAN YOU DRUG PROOF YOUR CHILDREN? Pat Buckley from Amped4life presents a community forum that realistically and graphically communicates the risks of Drug and Alcohol use and abuse in our community.




26TH AUGUST 2020 7PM Pat will be speaking to the senior students at Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Oxford and Rangiora New Life schools throughout the week. Refreshments and light supper will follow Pat’s presentation. This is a free event. For more information about Pat see Brought to you by the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Harm Waimakariri Steering Group. FOR ENQUIRES PHONE 0800 965 468

15 You are all invited!

Pre Election candidates forum A forum with a Social and Community Sector focus facilitated by Social Services Waimakariri Candidates include: Matt Doocey – National Party Waimakariri Elected Candidate Dan Rosewarne – Labour Party Candidate Waimakariri Denis O’Rourke – NZ First Party Banks Peninsular Candidate Gerrie Ligtenberg – Green Party Representative Leighton Baker – New Conservative Party Leader Questions have been prepared from the social and community sector and the forum will start with a short address from representatives from the youth, age friendly, disability and families/whanau with children sectors. We hope you are able to join us live or at your leisure.

Wednesday AUG 26 | 3 - 5pm | YouTube Live


1 Blackett Street PO Box 753 Rangiora

Interested in joining the Rangiora Toy Library Committee? The Rangiora Toy Library is a Community-run, not for profit Organization that relies on membership fees, grants and donations.

The Library would not be where it is today without the generous support of the voluntary committee members, who willingly give up their time to run the executive functions of the library. We have an informal meeting each month and we are always keen to welcome new members! This is a great way to meet new people and contribute to your community. If you are interested in either attending a meeting or joining the committee, please call us, email or come in and ask the Librarians for details.

PHONE NUMBER: (03) 424 1008 027 264 6924 Email: After Hours: please email or Facebook message

The role

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Do you have a spare 30 minutes per week to volunteer The Rangiora Toy Library is looking for someone to take on the role of treasurer. This role includes: Pays once a fortnight, Reports, Emails, Banking, Eftpos, Petty cash, Membership Transactions, Xero Recondition and Monthly Bills. For more information please send an email to or contact our President — Kerry on 021 108 3257 .






The Health and Wellbeing of Aotearoa Secondary School Students An update from the YOUTH2000 series LUNCHTIME SEMINAR Friday 21 August 2020 The Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey is the latest in the Youth2000 series, These are rigorous surveys carried out by Adolesecent Health Researchers from multiple Universities. Youth2000 surveys include over 36 000 adolescents from 2001 to 2019. In this seminar Youth19 co-leaders Associate Professor Terryann Clark and Dr Terry Fleming will present initial findings from Youth19 to highlight new trends, challenges and opportunities for supporting young people. This is one of the first Youth19 presentations and the first for the South Island.




Friday 21 August 2020


Turanga Library, TSB Space, 60 Cathedral Square, Christchurch


Free to attend, but registration is required. BYO lunch

For more information or to register visit:


Free family evening – all welcome! Information for migrants, newcomers, and members of the community • Financial assistance information update with Migrant Connect • Games and entertaining activities to keep your children occupied • Join your local library • Free pizza This evening session is funded by Immigration New Zealand.

Friday 4 September, 5-7pm Rangiora Library No bookings needed. Please contact the team at CAB North Canterbury on 03 313 8822 for more information.

20 COMPUTER COURSE FOR SENIORS In partnership with Stepping Up and Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa, Waimakariri Libraries are offering a free computer course for seniors. The course is called Digital Introductory Pathway and is designed for seniors who want to use digital technologies to pursue hobbies, find the right digital device, communicate with family and friends and become more independent online. The course consists of four classes which are two hours each and are delivered over four weeks. Enrolling in the Digital Introductory Pathway means you are enrolling for four classes. Kaiapoi Library Starting Thursday 20 August at 10.00 am Rangiora Library Starting Friday 21 August at 10.00 am Book at the library, or phone us on 03 311 8901

Visit our website for more information.

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BBBSÂ matches children aged between 6 - 11 years Primary aged children, although matches can continue on during high school or even further!

The children who are matched are those who just need that bit of extra attention and support

The ones who can often 'fall through the cracks'

Children are chosen from the school closest to where the Mentor lives / works

And YOU get a say in what type of child you are matched with - i.e. age, interests, background etc.

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We Support You BBBS professionally match mentors to the ideal child &

are there every step of the way along the match journey

Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust

Barnardos rural Community Social Work Service works with children and families who are under stress and

Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust offers a large range of community services including community youth work, youth drug and alcohol support, family counselling, in home social work, Mana Ake, school attendance services, Karanga Mai Early learning Centre and community Information.

03 378 2734

family issues.

CAF North Community and Outreach team 03 339 1126 or 0800 218 219 Child, Adolescent and Family Community Services (CAF) North Community and Outreach team is an outpatient service providing comprehensive psychiatric assessment and therapeutic intervention for children and adolescents 0-17 years (or older if still at school) in their family context.

North Canterbury Victim Support 0800 842 846 or 03 363 8182

For practical support to the victims of crime and trauma and help with court support. Referrals can be made by the Police, community of self.

Work and Income New Zealand 0800 551 001

Immediate appointments available at Rangiora and Kaiapoi for emergencies with family violence. WINZ can provide assistance for relocation expenses and may qualify for.

Oxford Community Trust

03 310 6375

We are here to help.

Family violence referral and support agencies/groups in North Canterbury

03 327 8945 Kaiapoi Community Support KCS is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust. They offer a range of services including a food bank. 03 310 6375 Restorative Justice Restorative Justice is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust and works with victims and offenders who have been sent through process is completely voluntary and is also highly

Presbyterian Support (also called Family Works) 03 313 8588

Offers a range of professional services (including and in homes. Can help families and elders facing unsafe situations through social work support and counselling for families and younger persons.

Hope Community Trust 03 928 3066

Hope provides a Counselling Centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit & vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.

03 312 3006


including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.

For emergencies phone 111 North Canterbury Police phone 105 supported by the Violence Free North Canterbury Network

The role for Police in dealing with family harm is both to attend episodes and to provide information.

Services & Programmes

Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service

Afraid to go home?


Support Agencies:

Women’s Refuge

Family Violence Agencies

Aged Concern Canterbury

Women’s refuge provides a range of services to families experiencing family violence in North Canterbury.

Aviva Family Violence and Sexual Assault Supports.

The Elder Abuse Service aims to improve the quality of life of older people in abusive situations. The service provides information, advocacy and support.

24/7 Free phone 0800 733 843

Battered Women’s Trust 03 364 8900

BWT offers a full range of support services across the in crisis response via crisis line, which allows for immediate contact. They are the only refuge in Christchurch with two safe houses, one for emergency and one for transitional clients.

Te Whare Hauora (Otautahi Maori Women’s Refuge)

0800 117 474 (24/7 Crisis Line) 03 379 6910

environment that is culturally appropriate for women and their tamariki including community outreach, domestic violence education and training, integrated safety response services and Whanau Ora navigator assistance.

Shakti Ethnic Women’s Refuge 0800 742 584 or 03 389 2028

migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shakti; meaning strength; works to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women of color. It supports women to overcome the barriers that come with migration and inter-generational bonds of cultural oppression.

West Christchurch Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 or 03 379 0575

West Christchurch WR are a general refuge, which means they support and provide services for all ethnic groups.

Family Violence 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) Services for women, children and men 03 378 3847 Sexual Assault Support 03 377 5402

Aviva specialises in sexual and family violence servicesthat support men, women and children to overcome the effects of violence and create safer, more fulfilling futures. Aviva supports whanau throughout the North Canterbury, Hurunui and Waimakariri. Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC) supports adult victims - female and male - of recent or historic rapes and/or sexual assaults.

Oranga Tamariki 0508 326 459

Oranga Tamariki is a statutory social work agency working with families, children and young people under 17 years. Their primary task is to ensure that children and young people are provided with adequate care and protection.

Stopping Violence Services (SVS)

03 366 0903

Sexual Abuse Services These agencies provide counselling and support to sexually abused children, youth, adults and their families, and consultation and education for the community.

Start Inc

03 355 4414

START is an organisation that provides early intervention, counselling and support for children, youth and adults and their families who have experienced sexual violence or other trauma. START also provides education about sexual violence and other trauma to the wider community.


03 353 0257

Stopping Violence Services (SVS) offers a range of services to men, women and youth who use violent and controlling behaviours. SVS offers specialist

Provides community-based assessment and intervention services for adolescents and adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior and for children who have engaged in concerning sexual behavior. STOP also provides training and consultation to government and community professionals.

issues related to family violence. Contact services are also provided to partners and family/whanau.

Male Survivors Canterbury

0800 478 778 or 03 365 6266

He Waka Tapu

0800 HE WAKA (43 9252)

He Waka Tapu is a Kaupapa Maori organisation. Services are therefore delivered using a kaupapa Maori framework encompassing Tinana (physical well-being), Wairua (spiritual well-being), Hinengaro


0800 439 276

Te Puna Oranga 03 381 8472

Te Puna Oranga is a Kaupapa Maori provider who work with whanau affected by Sexual Harm. Our services include Counselling, Social Work Advocacy, Youth Mentoring, Integrated Safety Response, Education (including a parenting and women’s empowerment programme), and a 24/7 Sexual Harm Whanau Crisis Response Line. We embrace Kaupapa Maori values and tikanga to heal


HEY BRO is a number set up for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member.

03 377 6747

Provides support to men recovering from the effects of sexual abuse. They have extensive resources to help you back to recovery.



Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley

Monday 3​rd

Monday 10​th

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Day Trip to Geraldine 10:30 Open Craft or or Walk at Pegasus Lake Lunch Prep

Monday 17​th 10:00 Coffee Morning

Monday 24​th 10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Word Finds or Day out to Yaldhurst Museum ($6.00)

Monday 31​st 10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Member Staff Liaison Meeting

10:30 Visit Christchurch Ten Pin Bowling ($6.00) and Botanic Gardens or Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)

12:00 Bring your own lunch 11:30 Salt Water Pools - 11:00 Meals on Wheels Te Puna Taimoana in New Brighton ($5.00) 12:00 Bring your own lunch 12:00 - Filled Roll and Fruit - or bring your own lunch ($2.50)

11:00 Walk at Spencer Park 12:00 Bring your own lunch Beach or Technology Help - Getting the most out of your devices 12:00 Bring your own lunch

1:00 Canterbury Museum Tour - with Marisa ($2.00)

1:00 Op Shopping in Kaiapoi or Pool at the RSA

1:00 Walk at Northbrook Reserve to feed the ducks

1:00 Afternoon out in Cust/Oxford

1:00 Fun Quiz

86 Victoria Street, Rangiora BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673

STEP AHEAD – RANGIORA WEDNESDAY – AUGUST 2020 Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley

Wednesday 5​th 10:00 Coffee Morning

Wednesday 12​th 10:00 Day Trip to Kura Tawhiti/ Castle Hill

Wednesday 19​th

Wednesday 26​th

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:00 Coffee Morning

10:30 Collating Newsletter & Programmes for mailing

10:30 Board Games

12:30 Bring your own lunch

12:30 Bring your own lunch

12:30 Bring your own lunch

1:30 Painting by Numbers

1:00 Coffee out for Volunteers

1:00 Walk at Bottle Lake Forest

10:30 News Discussion 11:15 Meals on Wheels


War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673



NEED FUNDING FOR A LOCAL ARTS PROJECT? Assistance is available for groups and individuals who are keen to provide arts and cultural activities in the Waimakariri District from the Creative Communities New Zealand Scheme. The next Creative Communities round will close Monday 21 September 2020, for events or activities that take place between 1 November 2020 and 1 November 2021. The Application Form and Guide for Applicants is available from Council Service Centres and Libraries or from the Council website at

If you have any questions please contact the administrator, Karen Livingstone Phone 03 311 8901 or 0800 965 468 Email


Community Board Funding Available Calling all community groups, non-profit organisations, registered charities and incorporated societies with strong links and benefits to your communities. Do you need funding for projects, equipment, advertising? Your Community Board could help with grants up to $500. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre or Library. For more information about funding contact or phone 0800 965 468. Find out more at


Training / Professional Development / Courses

Upcoming Workshops Recognising and Responding to Psychological Distress in the Workplace Date: Wednesday 19 August, 9.00am - 1.00pm Facilitator: Dr Chris Taua Gain fundamental skills to understand and support others who may be experiencing mental distress and/or mental illness while in the workplace. Recognise and acknowledge your responsibility within your role in identifying and supporting co-workers with mental health conditions, including legislative requirements, supportive workplace adjustments and information sharing.

SPECIAL PRICE $60 (usually $129) Use Promo Code: CHATTER Alcohol and Other Drugs Overview: Brief Intervention for Mild Alcohol Problems Date: Thursday 27 August, 9.00am - 4.00pm Facilitator: Mel Johns | Cost: $229 per person Discover an overview of different types of substances of misuse, their effect, how to assess for intoxication, withdrawal and brief introduction into options of screening tools to use for young people and adults. Learn skills to provide brief intervention for mild alcohol problems which can be used in any work setting.

Thrive and Revive: Managing Capacity and Reducing Overwhelm Date: Thursday 10 September, 9.00am - 12.00pm Facilitator: Marina Shearer | Cost: $99 per person Learn practical ways to address overwhelm. Discover what changes can make a worthwhile difference and create an action plan to implement them. Learn to take control of your brain chemistry, prioritise obligations and how to rest and recharge your brain and body for peak performance.

Register at 0800 424 399



Training Opportunities for Activity Providers Community Exercise Foundation Course

Date: Saturday 22 August 2020 Time: 8.30am to 4pm Location: North New Brighton Community Centre, Christchurch Cost: $30 per person or $50 for 2 people from the same organisation This one-day workshop is for... • Inexperienced instructors in a community or church setting who want to develop more confidence • Current activity providers or exercise professionals who want to upskill in the area of communitybased group exercise delivery • Volunteers who lead or assist with the delivery of classes in age care facilities or for organisations that provide exercise classes for seniors • Anyone interested in becoming a group exercise leader – no previous experience is necessary Registrations close on Friday 14 August at 12 noon.

Spring Activity Providers Workshop Date: Saturday 29 August 2020 Time: 12.30 to 4.30pm Location: Pioneer Recreation Centre, Christchurch Cost: Free (registrations essential)

The main topic of this workshop is delivering safe exercise options to pre- and post-natal and other groups for whom pelvic floor weakness is an issue. There will also be sessions on Pharmacology and the valuable role pharmacists play within Canterbury healthcare; Square dancing with Lyn Prentice; Hikitia Te Ha with Vaea Coe and Top Tips from award-winning instructor Danielle Mather. Registrations close on Friday 21 August at 12 noon. Testimonials from previous attendees: “I went home buzzing with new information and ideas” “Every time I come, I learn something new and meet new people. Really worthwhile” “Excellent resources in a fun way with a chance to connect with other providers” For more information, or to register visit the Active Canterbury website:

Questions? Contact: Kris Tynan, Workshop & Training Coordinator Email:, or Phone: 021 262 888






UPCOMING ONLINE WORKSHOPS: Great news - our workshops will now be online for the rest of 2020!

The Collaborative Trust is committed to assisting the healthy development of young people, through: •

Training the people who work with young people;

Undertaking and disseminating research and evaluation so that training and services can be based on evidence;

Informing and influencing policy and practice.

Supporting Young People’s Positive Development and Wellbeing : A resource-building workshop Tuesday 1 September 9.30am—12.30pm

Wellbeing is often portrayed in media and policy as equating with Health, Wealth and Happiness. Yet, anyone who works with young people knows there is much more to being well, and it doesn't look the same from one young person to the next. In this workshop, three presenters will share what they know about supporting the positive development of young people, and will facilitate a sharing of resources about "what works" for young people they are working with.

Understanding and Preventing Suicide in Young People Thursday 10 September 9.30am—12.30pm

New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the Western World. Suicide is not inevitable and it can be prevented. This evidence based best practice workshop will take you through the latest research about suicide and provide practical tools to help to identify people who might be suicidal.

Trauma Informed Care

Wednesday 21 October 9.00am—12.00pm

Many people talk about trauma informed care, but what does it actually mean? This workshop also cover: • What creates trauma in people’s lives? • How do people behave when they have been harmed? • Does it make a difference what kind of harm they have been through or how old they were? • What difference to care does it make if you know there has been trauma in the past?

For more information or to register visit:

31 Mindfulness

North Canterbury

Local, professional, grounded in research and science, facilitated with heart.

8 week research based course on developing an ongoing practice of mindfulness and live with less stress. No prior experience required M.B.S.R. has been teaching people mindfulness and helping them with stress and stress related conditions for 40 years, all over the world. It is the course that much of the research and evidence on the benefits of mindfulness came from.

Documented benefits of MBSR courses include

Reductions in depression and anxiety * Improved self compassion and well-being * Improved immune functioning * Greater ability to cope with stress, pain and illness Improvements in physical health * greater ability to be calm and relax * better sleep * Decrease in emotional reactivity * increased attention and concentration

Starts September 30th in Rangiora Professional development hours  27 hours of mindfulness teaching to support you own home practice.  a whole day of mindfulness/ retreat day  Recordings of mindfulness practices and course book for you to keep for your ongoing meditation practice and reading. Facilitator: Kate Brandram-Adams RN(MH) Registered Mindfulness Teacher. Mindfulness is integral to Kate’s life and she teaches from her own experience of it as well as being formally trained to teach it. Kate combines this with her background as a mental health clinician and years of experience facilitating groups; enabling her to teach with compassion and authenticity.

For more info.





August 2020

Waimakariri Events 08


29th: Southern Stampede Championship Wrestling 5.30pm, Kaiapoi Club. This event will feature some of New Zealand’s biggest and best Professional Wrestlers. Adult, Child & Family tickets available from $10.

MARKETS Kaiapoi Farmers Market 8th: Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen Tribute 7pm, Kaiapoi Club & RSA. Queen tribute fronted by Paul Madsen and Band. Tickets $25 per person, purchase from Kaiapoi Club & RSA.

10th – 28th: Winter Indoor Fun - Obstacle Course Every Friday, 3pm–5pm, North Loburn Community Hall. Indoor obstacle course, perfect for the young ones to let off steam on a cold winters days. $10 per child.

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday 10am–12pm

North Canterbury Sunday Market Rangiora Racecourse Every Sunday 9am–2pm

Ohoka Farmers Market


Ohoka Domain, Mill Rd, Ohoka Every Friday 9am–12.30pm

Oxford Farmers Market Main St, Oxford Every Sunday 9am–12pm

Oxford Craft Market Oxford town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm

Rangiora Sunday Market Blake St Carpark, Rangiora. Every 2nd Sunday, 10am–2pm

20th September:

Rangiora Festival of Colour 10am–4pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora. We are very excited to share with you that a new date has been announced for Rangiora Festival of Colour. A colourful day out in Waimakariri; throw vibrant colours, play traditional games and enjoy performance, music and food with family and friends. Colours are now available for sale at PAK’nSAVE Rangiora!

15th: Ben Hurley and Friends 8.30pm–10.30pm, Rangiora Town Hall. One of the most recognisable and hairy comedy faces in New Zealand is coming back to Rangiora! Presales $27.50 Concession $25 Door Sales $35 (if not sold out prior).

ART EXHIBITIONS Arts in Oxford 10th July – 13th September: Open House - Artist in Residence Project.

Art on the Quay

23rd: JD Duathlon Series – Mandeville 9am–12pm, Mandeville Sports Centre. Duathlon (run/bike/run) event for all ages and abilities. Team and individual options.

Kaiapoi, 13th August – 16th September: “Let Me Count the Ways” - Portraits by Canterbury artists.

Chamber Gallery

Shop til’ you Drop No matter where you live in Waimakariri, fabulous shopping might be closer to you that you realise. Discover over 30 boutique shops situated in our urban centres, rural towns, along SH1 and hidden in slightly remote places. You will be treated to the latest fashion, quality preloved clothing, top-end homewares, giftware, art and more. Remember to replenish at your favourite local café or restaurant. For a full guide to our boutique shopping

Rangiora Library, 5th July – 12th August: “I Do” an exhibition by Anjie Connon.

MORE INFO AT: or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E:







Now with two date options to choose from ur d a & Sat h t 6 y Come D ncing... Frida a

y 7th N o v e m b e r 2 02


An evening for people with

Disabilities & Carers & Friends Entertainment by guest DJ Hitman & Marion Outlaws as entertainers.

Tunes of Today & Yesteryear Easy Listening or come ‘Dancing’ WHEN: community


rangiora church baptist


Friday 6th November & Saturday 7th November 2020 7pm - 9:45pm Rangiora Baptist Church, 111 East Belt, Rangiora $5 at the door. Bottles of soft drink 50cents each, supper provided, plus spot prizes. DEFINITE numbers attending need to be confirmed to insure your entry to this event by Wednesday 23rd October please. P: 03-313-8989, E:

Hello From

The Community Team! Wendy Howe Sam Redman

Youth Development Co-ordinator

Rachel Thornton

Community Development Faciliator

Community Development Facilitator

Denise Wiggins Nicola Trolove Community Development Safe Community Facilitator


Age – friendly Community Facilitator

Community Team Manager

Natalie Paterson Safe Community Facilitator

Serena Peychers Administration Support


Tessa Sturley

Madeleine Burdon

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