Chatter February 2023

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February 2023 Community Groups News Census is coming. Be counted. Tatau tātou – All of us count 7 March 2023 Volunteer opportunities inside!

Cover photo: Greenspace are running Fun in the Park events at various parks in the district in January. featuring The Very Hungry Caterpillar story as a Yoga adventure, with craft and nature exploring activities

Chatter is compiled by

Waimakariri Community Team

Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address.

The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.

Community Information 4 Volunteering 17 Services & Programmes 21 Funding 31 Training/Professional Development/Courses 32 Events 34
What’s in this Chatter edition
Council Information
Waimakariri District Council Community Team Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440 0800 965 468

Greetings from the Editor

Kia ora koutou

By the time this goes to print you will no doubt have your feet firmly back under the working desk and/or be back into the usual routines of life; with seasonal celebrations and holidays a pleasant but slightly distant memory.

Talking to people after the break I noticed that, after two rather tumultuous years, the majority are feeling pretty relaxed and looking forward to getting stuck into 2023. For some reason this collective calm has stood out as rather different to previous years. Perhaps people are a bit more philosophical, having come through uncertainty and upheaval relatively unscathed. Whilst the impact on some has been dreadful, many people that I talk to say that it has helped them to realise what’s important – family, friends and alignment with their core values. So then, at the risk of cliche, perhaps every cloud does have a silver lining.

If you’re feeling a bit “New Year, New You”, there’s plenty in this month’s Chatter to educate, entertain or keep you busy.

The many volunteer-involving organisations that frame the strong social backbone of our communities are always looking for volunteers. Volunteering is far

from just being unpaid work. It is social connection, learning and really making a difference where it’s needed most –changing lives in many cases.

Perhaps you’re thinking about getting life in better order? Being a better parent, or managing your finances better. There are some great parent education workshops coming up in February and local budgeting services are incredible. They know more than we would imagine about how to get the best out of your money.

If you’re feeling super relaxed, though, and just want entertainment, the events section is full of great things to do over this last week of summer.


Tessa 3

Census Day 7 March 2023.

2023 Census is about all of us.

Community Information

When we all take part in the census, all of us count.

The census is a nationwide survey held every five years. It is an official count of every person in Aotearoa New Zealand, and the places where they live or stay (dwellings).

The census helps everyone understand how Aotearoa New Zealand has changed over time. It also helps iwi, community groups, and government plan services for people and communities, like hospitals, schools, and public transport.

Every person who is in Aotearoa New Zealand on Census Day, Tuesday 7 March 2023 must take part in the census. You can do the census online or on paper.

Stats NZ protects your information and identity. We make sure you cannot be identified in the data we publish.

We do not share your individual answers with anyone, for example government organisations such as Work and Income, Kāinga Ora, Police, or Immigration New Zealand.

Visit for more information. Freephone 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787) opens 6 February. 5

Can you sew?

Or do you have a sewing machine and spare time?

Help required to turn old street flags into Super Hero Capes for preschools and primary schools. Equipment provided. If you have a sewing machine and can help, please contact Lesley Ottey 027 333 1344.

Expressions of interest !

Are you interested in helping organise a community Christmas dinner in Rangiora for Christmas Day 2023? If you would like to be involved in planning and organising this day we would love to hear from you – contact Grant Harris on or phone 021 534 683.


Rangiora Combined Friendship Club

The Rangiora Combined Friendship Club meets every first Wednesday of the month. 10am at the RSA in Victoria Street, Rangiora. Apart from our general meeting with a speaker, we have a monthly outing and a coffee morning. Come and make some new friends. You are most welcome. Contact Leonie Shore 03 310 6308 or Fern McRae 0212 503 725 or just come along.

MainPower Stadium daytime sports programmes

Sports FUN-damentals – a fun programme for pre-schoolers to help build their confidence and fundamental skills in a range of sports and activities. Monday and Wednesday mornings. Visit for more information and to book.

Walking Netball – daytime social programme running each Tuesday at 10am. $5 per person per session. Come along and give it a go – no booking required.

Pickleball – new to North Canterbury this fast growing sport incorporates aspects of tennis, badminton and table tennis. It is easy to learn and suitable for a wide range of ages and skill levels. Most of all it is a heap of fun!

MainPower Stadium is introducing Pickleball to the North Canterbury community with social and competitive daytime and evening programmes. Wednesday nights 8–9.30pm and Thursday mornings 10–11.30am.

$7 per session. All equipment is provided. Visit for more information.

Mighty Music Movers preschool music group

Welcomes returning families and new families to the first session of the year

8 February, 10am, St Barts Hall, 23 Cass Street, Kaiapoi. Sessions consist of music, movement, play and morning tea for children and parents.

$3.00 per family. For further details contact Margaret 021 161 1705.


At community corrections we run an agency-based sentence for Community Work.

This is for very low risk offending. We are looking at working with agencies in the community to provide work for our people so that they can complete their given hours whilst giving back to the community.

Would there be anyone interested in becoming an agency with Corrections?

Please call with any Interest.

Ara Poutama Aotearoa, Department of Corrections

Wāhi mahi: 111 Ensors Road

Tau waea: 027 505 7764


Eco Educate

Confused about recycling, don’t understand why no lids, long life cartons, soft plastics in your yellow kerbside bin collection?

Eco Educate is available to do free talks and presentations in the Waimakariri district to groups and businesses.

Helping and supporting correct recycling. We can also take groups around Southbrook Transfer Station for a behind the scenes look!

Please email: to make an enquiry or booking.

Do you have spare clean paper bags?

Please drop off at the Resale Store for Lesley Ottey, 284 Flaxton Road, Rangiora.


Education Sessions

Eco Educate can provide the following topics on many levels for all learners:


• Water cycle, where it comes from and why it is precious, how to conserve water

• Waste water, the poo talk where it goes when we flush and what not to flush

• Storm water, down the drain and into the river

• River journey, the journey of a local river from alps to ocean.


• What can be recycled, why it needs to be clean and correct, where it goes and what it becomes

• These sessions can also include the need to reduce, refuse and rethink.

Waste audits

• What are you throwing away that could be diverted, saving you dumping costs?

• This is not a telling off but a help and support, it also helps us set up better systems for separation along with education sessions to support this action and behaviour change.


• What is true rubbish, where it goes and how to reduce.


• How to set one up, what to add and what not to add, how to maintain and use the wonderful compost.


• What it is and how to set one up.

Wonderful worms

• Education around what worms eat, the types of worms used, setting up a worm farm and maintaining.

Love food – hate waste

• Reducing food waste, tips and tricks, saving you money.


• A variety of topics in this area, t-shirt bags, bees wax wraps, sandwich wraps and more.

Rethinking waste

• How to reduce the single use, make better choices being a wise consumer.

Litter clean ups

• Help provided with organising, use of gloves, litter pickers, bags etc.

Transfer station tours

• Behind the scenes look at what goes on at a resource recovery park. This one proves to be the most popular school trip for adults.

Please ask if there is anything we can help with.We tie in with many curriculum areas and topics and are always happy to adapt something to suit your needs. Usually we work in classes, but can also run sessions for teachers, caretakers, parents, boards of trustees and community.

Regards in rethinking, Lesley Ottey

0273331344 |


Please contact us on 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about the activities listed below, or pop into the office at 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.

Therapeutic Art group

Every Monday, 10am-12pm. This weekly group is facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Park on site. The rooms are located at the end of the drive. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill. Learn new techniques and enjoy the opportunity to hear guest speakers share their skill.

Rangiora Walking and Coffee Group

Every Tuesday, 9.30am. Facilitated by Glenda and Chris the group meets every Tuesday. Open to all patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Station Café at 10.30am to purchase your coffee.

Oxford Support Group

Third Wednesday of the month at 10am, starting Wednesday 15 February.

At Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans from the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome.

What’s Happening in North Canterbury

January and February 2023

Support and information sessions

First Wednesday of the month, 143 Percival Street.

Eating to Support Wellbeing

Tea and Tasting Event

10am, Wednesday 1 February.

Natalie Price, local Clinical Nutritionist will offer a participatory workshop covering:

• Basics of nutrition (fats, carbs, protein)

• Other essentials (fibre, hydration, minerals, vitamins)

• Foods/fluids that support wellbeing

• Foods/fluids that undermine wellbeing

• Quality and quantity of foods/fluids

• Timing of eating throughout the day

• Gut & immune dysfunction, and the effect of inflammation on wellbeing

• Unhealthy cycles of food on brain function

• We are what we eat (think, see, say, hear…)

• Lifestyle support for wellbeing

This will be an educational and fun event. To help us plan please register by 25 January.

Canmove Exercise Programme

We are excited to be trialling a 5-week education and gentle exercise programme


developed by the Cancer Society and YWCA (Wellington) for people who would like to learn more about living well with cancer. This weekly programme will be held in conjunction with the North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust. Let us know if you would like to attend.

Cancer Society Men’s Get Together

Please contact us to find out about our next event.

Gynaecological Cancer

Peer Support Group

Monday 13 February, 7pm. Meets every second Monday of the month. A warm invitation is extended to people with ovarian, cervical, vulva, uterine and vaginal cancers to meet and gain support from others with gynaecological cancers. Contact Catherine Hogan 022 046 5070 or the Cancer Society NC 0800 226 695. Held 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.

Cancer Society Rural Clinics

For all cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment-related support and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts) at medical centres in Waikari, Amuri, Oxford (at the hospital), Kaikōura, Hanmer and Amberley. Please contact us to make an appointment. Home visits and appointments at the office in Rangiora available.

Cancer Society online video resources

Coping with Cancer where you’ll find an excellent range of information and support here:

Other resources and supports …

Look Good Feel Better

Workshops for women at CS Rangiora, Saturday 27 May, 10am–12.30pm. To enrol online go to The Rangiora workshops are listed under Christchurch with our address, 143 Percival Street in the details. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at

Blue Bros

Exercise classes for men at 8.15am on Mondays, Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register.

Prostate Foundation support group

Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email

Sweet Louise

Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact Lesley 027 328 8003, and facebook.

Lymphoedema Education Sessions

(also via Zoom). Held each month on the 11am-12.30pm, second Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema.

To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register for the group or attend by Zoom.


Ostomy NZ Support

Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Café) and Christchurch (first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora 10am, Tuesday 7 February 2023. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email: for education and support for patients and families.

Kaikoura Blue Bros

Exercise classes for men in Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. Join this community class to maintain your strength, flexibility, fitness and enjoy the camaraderie of others. Currently meeting for coffee.

Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ

0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out:

Pinc & Steel

Cancer Rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions. Read more and/or register your interest at: or contact

For families


Canbead will be hosting a beading workshop for families at the office on Friday 21 April from 1–3pm (April school holidays). We will be having another fun activity over the same holiday period … will keep you posted.


Support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with

cancer. Office at 23 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. See for more information.


Relay for Life North Canterbury

YES! Relay is coming back to North Canterbury. We are super excited to be hosting again at Dudley Park in Rangiora after such a successful Relay in 2021 and cannot wait to see you all, new friends and old.

Relay for Life is an incredible event that celebrates, remembers and fights back against Cancer. Be part of the atmosphere, the fun, camaraderie, entertainment and poignant moments during special ceremonies. Grab your mates, work colleagues, school friends, committee or team members (or you can even go it alone!!) and go to: northcanterbury to register or find out more.

All profits raised from Relay North Canty go to supporting cancer patients and their whānau in our local communities. Come and be part of the magic! Contact Tiff on or 021 139 4909 for more information.

Bulbs of Hope

We will be selling quality Daffodil and Tulip bulbs again this season. Brighten up your garden with gorgeous bulbs from Hadstock Farm and support the Cancer Society.

Mixed bulbs available: 10 x Daffodils $11, 10 x Tulips $13, 100 x Daffodils $100, 100 x Tulips $115

Contact Tiff on or 021 139 4909 to preorder your bulbs today. Bulbs will be available for pick up in March.


Kaiapoi Garden Club

The Kaiapoi Garden Club has celebrated their centennial last year and we are ready to start our next century! Our members come from different parts of the district as we offer an evening meeting once a month on the second Wednesday at the Kaiapoi Riverside Bowling Club at 7.30pm. At our meetings we have a speaker that presents a talk on their specialty in gardening, as well as competitions for excellence in flowers, floral art, vegetables and fruit.

We have projects that we develop and we also have an annual plant sale and a bus trip to visit gardens to areas further away.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8 February at 7.30pm.

Speaker - Dave Malcolm'Mulching and Conserving Water in Summer'

Annual club membership is $25 per person. Visitors and new members very welcome to join us.

Phone: 03 327 3210 or 03 327 6404.

Find out at our open day EcoSort 21 Parkhouse Road Parking available on Michelle Road Saturday 18 February, 9am–1pm What happens to your recycling? For more information visit 16

Volunteer Expos 2023

Does your group or organisation rely on volunteers?

Looking for new volunteers? Mentors, companions, drivers, receptionists, governance, catering, clean ups, advisers, retail, deliveries…

If the answer is yes, your group might want to take part in the Volunteer Expos 2023.

These Expos are co-ordinated by the Waimakariri District Council Community Team and provide the chance to talk to potential new volunteers.

They are being held at the Kaiapoi and Rangiora libraries, Saturday mornings

18 and 25 March and at Pegasus Community Centre on Friday evening

24 March.

Each event will be approximately two hours (plus set up and pack up time).

Groups will be expected to have a small amount of display material, banners or posters and some take-away information about the organisation and the volunteer roles. Plus one or two representatives on hand to talk about the volunteer opportunities.

If your group is interested in taking part, please contact


HomeShare Hosts Needed!

HomeShare brings a small group of older people, who may be socially isolated, together in a HomeShare host’s private home for friendship, fun, laughter and a meal.

As a volunteer host, this is your chance to offer your time, home and hospitality to enable those connections to happen.

The difference you’ll be making in the lives of older people is significant and we’d love you to join our team!

You’ll receive full training and be supported by our HomeShare Coordinator.

We’re looking for hosts in Hurunui, Selwyn, Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Christchurch.

Please contact: Kim Jackson

P. 027 413 2296 or 03 261 2880



Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to give a BIG shout out to the Kiwi Gaming Foundation for continuing to support its youth mentoring programme. Dedicated to making quality grants to local organisations that make a real difference in our community, the Foundation have provided funding to enable Mentoring Coordinators, Ellie and Olivia (pictured), to start 2023 with a bang, matching more tamariki in North Canterbury with positive role modelslike beautiful Zoe (pictured) who was matched with her Mentor Grace a few months ago.

03 310 7004 @bbbsnorthcanty
Services & Programmes 21

We look forward to helping you in 2023 with free, confidential, independent information and advice about your rights and the services available in your community.


At CAB North Canterbury, in addition to our face-to-face, phone and email services, we offer additional services for clients including:

• free Justice of the Peace service (please check for days/times)

• free Budgeting, Employment, Immigration and Legal clinics (please check for days/times)

• free CV preparation and cover letter service (by appointment only)

• one-to-one help with online forms and applications (by appointment only)

• a face-to-face settlement information service to newcomers to New Zealand.

Language Support

Citizens Advice has an internal Language Support service which means that CAB volunteers can check to see when other volunteers across the country are available to assist clients in another language.

Currently, we are able to support more than 30 different languages using this service. We also have access to a telephone and video interpreting service through Immigration New Zealand. This complements our own nationwide pool of volunteers who speak various languages.

General Support

If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help.

Our opening hours are 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email


Presbyterian Support Upper South Island, Rangiora Branch would like to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2023.

We hope people have had a chance to relax and unwind over the Christmas break and we look forward to meeting with many of you during 2023.

Our services are all back on board as of Monday 16 January 2023. Our day programme restarted on Wednesday 4 January and most staff on Monday 9 January.

You can find us at 258 High Street, Rangiora. For enquiries please phone 0800 447 874 or for more direct enquiries please phone Michelle for Family Works (children, youth and family services) on 03 261 2887, or for Enliven (Older Person’s Services) on 03 261 2890 Vicki Lucas.

Advice Bureau North Canterbury — Number of Enquiries 1–31 October 2022 1–30 November 2022 1–31 December 2022 Community 24 22 14 Consumer 56 60 47 Education 1 0 1 Employment/Business 12 18 15 Family/Personal 34 24 14 Finance/Benefits 10 28 12 Health 21 9 16 Housing/Land 17 19 12 Legal/Government 51 68 40 TOTAL ENQUIRIES 226 248 171
Kia pai tō koutou rā

War Memorial Hall

1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400

PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440

Office Phone: 03 313 3505

Benefit Entitlements – Talk to a Financial Mentor Today

Money Worries? We Can Help…

Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.

If you have money worries, bills you can’t pay, creditors keep phoning demanding payment – or maybe your situation has changed and you would like help to budget for your new circumstances; then contact Budgeting Services North Canterbury.

The types of things they can help with are:

The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act now requires lenders to implement more stringent lending criteria to ensure that borrowers have the funds to repay their loan.

• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.

• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.

• You need help with your living expenses.

• A range of services for Seniors.

• A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).

• Support with health and disability issues.

As a result, lenders are asking for much more detailed information concerning your financial situation. Our Financial Mentors can help you understand what this means for you, and help you get your paperwork in order.

Budgeting Services North Canterbury is a registered charity and has been working with families and whānau across the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts since 1980.

• Help for those caring for others.

• Help and support for those raising children.

• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.

• Other benefits and entitlements.

You’ll always work with a fully qualified Financial Mentor, who provides you with free and confidential advice to support you budget better.

The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fillin.

As lenders will investigate your previous three months’ worth of transactions, through your bank accounts, it is best to come to us well before that so that we can discuss how your spending habits might influence the lender’s decision.

We also offer community education via MoneyMates, where people can talk, share and learn about money.

We provide advocacy services to help negotiate fairer repayment options with creditors. Whether it’s a government department, a bank, or a financial institution, we can advocate on your behalf.

However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help. However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income.

Sharon Grant, Service Manager of BSNC says: “It’s a real privilege to be able to support families to improve their financial wellbeing. We have received wonderful feedback from people delighted to finally repay long-term debts and who are now able to save for the first time in their lives. Talk to us about your situation, we’d be glad to help you to budget better.”

In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments. Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.

If you need help with insolvency documents or want to understand your consumer rights, our team of Financial Mentors have the expertise to help you improve your situation.

Phone or email to talk about your situation: 03 315 3505 or email:

Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.

We’re on Facebook and

Our office is in the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora.

So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.


Women’s Self Defence

Women and teens self-defence workshop. Come along and learn effective self-defence techniques that could save your life.

The two-hour workshop will be hosted by Budgeting Services North Canterbury and delivered by trained instructors from the Shizoku Martial Arts Club.

No experience necessary. Our workshop is designed for first time students and is suitable for 13 years and over. Girls under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Topics covered

• How to make yourself a ‘hard target’

• How to break free from an attacker that grabs you without warning

• How to escape from underneath an attacker who is pinning you to the ground

• How to escape from dangerous encounters

• You learn the vital parts of the body –parts of the body that are vulnerable and easy to attack

• Learn how to defend yourself against slaps, punches, pushes and grabs

• Learn to defend yourself against headlocks, hair grabbing, wrist grabs

• How to use your hands, legs, knees and elbows

• ……plus much more.

Unfortunately, across New Zealand, criminal attacks, domestic violence, sexual assault and bullying are on the increase and affecting all corners of society and all ages. We aim to provide participants with a little bit of knowledge so that they will be able to

feel more confident and safer at home, on the street and at their place of work. Each of the techniques are easy to learn, easy to remember and easy to execute.

At the Women’s Self-Defence workshop, we do not teach you how to fight oneon-one with an attacker. The workshop teaches you how to avoid certain situations, how to protect yourself or a loved one should you find yourselves being attacked or assaulted.

When the de-escalation failed - what next? We teach how to deal with the worst case scenario, there’s no obvious way to escape and it all turns physical.

Learn something to get yourself out of trouble in our two-hour workshop teaching you ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.

All you need to bring with you is a positive attitude, comfortable clothing, a drink bottle and towel plus something to eat during the breaks. Please note that the workshop takes people out of their comfort zone and can be both physically and mentally demanding at times.

Bookings are limited.

To register please contact Sharon Grant I Service Manager

Email: Phone: 03 313 3505

Cost: $20 per participant

Date: Tuesday 28 February Time: 9.30am to 11.30am.

Venue: Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend 7610.


S t e p A h e a d R a n g i o r a R ā h i n aM o n d a y F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3 P i c k u p ( b y a r r a n g e m e n t ) f r o m K a i a p o i a n d A m b e r l e y

R ā h i n aM o n d a y 2 7 t h

1 0 : 3 0 D a y o u t t o t h e I r o n R i d g e Q u a r r y S c u l p t u r e P a r k . W a l k a r o u n d t h e p a r k a n d c h a t w i t h R a y m o n d . B r i n g y o u r l u n c h , h a t , w a t e r b o t t l e , a n d w e a r w a l k i n g s h o e s ( $ 6 )

2 0 t h

R ā h i n aM o n d a y

1 3 t h

R ā h i n aM o n d a y

R ā h i n aM o n d a y 6 t h

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g

1 0 : 3 0 M e m b e r / S t a ff L i a i s o n M e e t i n g

1 1 : 1 5 D a n c i n g F o r F i t n e s sb o o g i e f o r e x e r c i s e t o m u s i c o r

1 1 : 1 5 M e a l s o n W h e e l s

1 2 : 0 0 B r i n g y o u r l u n c h

1 : 0 0 S e l f D e f e n c ep r a c t i s e m e t h o d s a n d m e n t a l i t i e s t o k e e p y o u s a f e ( $ 2 . 5 0 ) o r

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g P u r i r i m e m b e r s j o i n i n g u s f o r t h e

d a y

1 0 : 3 0 T e c h S e s s i o n w i t h B r y a n o r

1 0 : 3 0 B o a r d G a m e sS c r a b b l e ,


J e n g a , c a r d s o r

1 0 : 3 0 O p S h o p p i n g a t R a n g i o r a O p S h o p s

1 2 : 0 0 B r i n g y o u r l u n c h

1 : 0 0 Ō h o k a S t r e a m H i s t o r i c W a l k o r

1 : 3 0 F l o w e r A r r a n g i n g . L e a r n a b o u t fl o r a l a r r a n g e m e n t s w i t h F l o w e r W i z z ( $ 5 )

1 : 0 0 W a l k & D r a ws h o r t s t r o l l a l o n g A s h l e y R i v e r t h e n s i t t o s k e t c h t h e s c e n e r y E n h a n c i n g t h e w e l l b e i n g o f p e o p l e w h o e x p e r i e n c e m e n t a l i l l n e s s 8 6 V i c t o r i a S t r e e t , R a n g i o r a

h o n e 0 8

0 0 6 8 8 7 3 2 o r t x t 0 2 2 1 7 3 1 6 7 3 26

S t e p A h e a d R a n g i o r a R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3 P i c k u p ( b y a r r a n g e m e n t ) f r o m K a i a p o i a n d A m b e r l e y

R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 2 2 n d

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g

1 0 : 3 0 C r a f t w i t h S o o n M a y ( $ 2 ) o r

1 0 : 3 0 P h o t o S c a v e n g e r H u n t

1 2 : 0 0 B r i n g y o u r l u n c h

R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 1 5 t h

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g

1 0 : 3 0 N e w s l e t t e rp r e p a r i n g t o m a i l o u t

R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y 8 t h

9 : 3 0 D a y o u t t o v i s i t V i o l i n o s M u s i c a l A d v e n t u r e l a n d . W a l k i n g t o u r w i t h R u t h . W e a r w a l k i n g s h o e s , b r i n g l u n c h , h a t , w a t e r b o t t l e ( $ 7 . 5 0 )

1 s t

R ā a p aW e d n e s d a y

1 0 : 0 0 C o ff e e M o r n i n g

1 0 : 3 0 V i s i t S a l l i e s O p S h o p

1 2 : 0 0 B r i n g y o u r l u n c h

1 0 t h

R ā m e r eF r i d a y

1 1 . 3 0 S t e p A h e a d ’s

1 : 0 0 W a l k a t S i l v e r s t r e a m R e s e r v e o r 1 : 0 0 W r i t e a n a r t i c l e / s t o r y f o r t h e n e w s l e t t e r

1 : 0 0 C u p p a o u t f o r n e w s l e t t e r v o l u n t e e r s

4 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y P a r t y ! S p e e c h e s , B B Q, a n d a c t i v i t i e s . D r e s s u p i n a n 8 0 ’s t h e m e

1 1 : 1 5 M e a l s o n W h e e l s o r

1 :

1 5 W a l k t o t h e R a n g i o r a L i b r a r y


1 2 : 3 0 B r i n g y o u r l u n c h

1 : 3 0 A f t e r n o o n a t K a i a p o i D o m a i n . C u p p a a n d a g a m e o f q u o i t s

E n h a n c i n g t h e w e l l b e i n g o f p e o p l e w h o e x p e r i e n c e m e n t a l i l l n e s s W a r M e m o r i a l H a l l , C n r A l b e r t S t & H i g h S t B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L P h o n e 0 8 0 0 6 8 8 7 3 2 o r t x t

2 2 1 7 3 1 6 7 3 27
Funding YOUTH Development Grant Available to young people living in the Waimakariri District aged between 12 and 24. To support one or more young people seeking: • To enhance and grow their personal development • To enhance their leadership skills • To enhance the community in which they live • To help or benefit others. For more information: 027 254 3940 Applications are now open and will close on Friday 3 March 2023. 31

Strangulation the context of Intimate Partner Violence

– A Public Health Issue

About this Presentation/Workshop

It is critical that agencies, professionals and the wider community recognise the signs, symptoms and dynamics associated with strangulation in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV). Described as ‘a red flag on the trajectory to homicide’, strangulation together with other associated risk markers should be considered in all risk assessment and safety planning processes.

This workshop also introduces topics such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), sexual violence, threatening behaviour and other factors including ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) to enhance decision-making and ultimately safety for victims, families and whanau.

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

• Define strangulation in the context of intimate partner violence

• Describe the signs, symptoms and injuries associated with strangulation

• Know some of the resources available to facilitate effective documentation

• Understand behaviours often associated with strangulation including TBI, sexual violence, threats and separation

• Apply learnings to risk assessment and safety planning

• Consider how an awareness of ACEs could be included in current organisational practice.

The presenter

Rob has worked in the family violence sector for over 30 years. His work in this area was recognised in the New Year Honours list in

Family Violence Workshop Series

Christchurch, Monday 20th March 2023

2006. He shares his experience as a police officer, a national and international advisor, a member of the Family Safety Team National Steering Committee and New Zealand Family Violence Death Review Committee.

Rob has developed and delivered training to many groups throughout New Zealand on a range of family violence-related topics. Leading up to and since the introduction of specific strangulation legislation, Rob has delivered presentations at workshops and conferences throughout New Zealand, raising community awareness of strangulation in the context of intimate partner violence as a significant public health issue.

Dates, times and venue

Attendees are invited to a one day presentation from 9.30am on Monday 20 March 2023 in the Piharau Seminar Room at the Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre situated at 341 Halswell Road, Halswell. Registration details can be found on

Costs (GST inclusive)

• $95 for staff from Government departments, DHB staff, other professionals

• $75 for community, NGOs, PHOs and/or not-for-profit organisations

• Groups may also choose to organise a workshop on a one-off cost basis. Please contact Rob directly.

Mobile: 027 498 8653

Training/Professional Development/Courses

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

8 week course Rangiora

RESEARCHED MBSR is the evidence based, international “gold standard” of mindfulness training…..right here in Rangiora.

INTENSIVE and COMPREHENSIVE MINDFULNESS TRAINING 27 hours of teaching: 8 weeks of classes, a day mindfulness retreat with daily mindfulness practices at home/ in your daily life. Individualised, local and ongoing specialist 1x1 support, to make the practice fit you and your life.

BENEFITS OF BOTH SCIENCE AND ANCIENT WISDOM It combines modern day science, physiology, neuroscience, and psychology with ancient wisdom practices.

EXPERIENCED FACILITATION Facilitated by an experienced mental health professional and specialist Registered MBSR teacher.

For those who wish to: reduce work, family or health-related stress, bring a greater sense of balance and meaning to their lives and manage challenges more skilfully.

Live a life more mindful, conscious, and compassionate life.

MBSR is the mindfulness course to do as CPD/ CME for health professionals and teachers.

STARTS February 22nd 2023

Registrations now open

Local, professional, grounded in research and science, facilitated with heart. Connecting modern day neuroscience with ancient wisdom

Mindfulness and self-compassion based supervision, mentorship, and support for health, professionals



11am – 3pm – Victoria Park, Rangiora

Get amongst the inflatable awesomeness as a family and enjoy an ‘all you can play’ experience in the heart of Rangiora. Bring a picnic and spend the day or support the local food vendors that will be available there to satisfy your cravings!



7.30pm – 9pm – Chamber Gallery, Rangiora Library

Experience the talent of Christchurch-born pianist Jun Bouterey-Ishido at the Chamber Gallery where he will be joined by Portuguese violinist Matilde Loureiro. This performance is proudly presented by the Waimakariri Community Arts Council.

$35 Adults $15 Students

Tickets $15 each, $40 for three people, $50 for four people.



10am – 3pm – Loburn Reserve, 154 Loburn Whiterock Road

Looking for an opportunity to meet vintage and pottery enthusiasts?

Attend the Rangiora RSA Vintage club’s annual rally of tractors, trucks and vehicles which finishes at Loburn Domain at lunchtime for a social gathering. The Rangiora Pottery group will be providing a sausage sizzle, cakes, tea, and coffee alongside stalls of fresh produce, preserves and ceramics. Bring a picnic and enjoy the company of people with similar interests! Free

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.


Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm.


Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.


Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.



St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.



Kaiapoi Library

176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi

CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library

10am – 2pm – Trousselot Park, Kaiapoi

141 Percival Street, Rangiora


Spread the word about this ultimate fishing competition for kids aged up to 15 years! Entrants will have to target certain species and present their catch in a clean, ready to eat condition (a great life skill!). With $12,000 worth of prizes up for grabs why not get amongst it? Enter for $15 and find a copy of the rules from either the Ashley Hotel, Mandeville Hotel, Hunting and Fishing Rangiora, Rivers and Ranges Rangiora or Cattermoles Butchery.

Entry fee $15

Discover a fabulous and free day out in Kaiapoi suitable for the whole family. Enjoy live entertainment, a Kaiapoi High School hangi, several market stalls, bouncy castles, pony rides, face painting and more! Free


72 Main Street, Oxford

Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!

EVENT INFORMATION Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.

Come and hear these World Class Musicians play Chopin, Schubert and Beethoven favourites for violin and piano

Wednesday 1 February, 7.30 pm, The Chamber Gallery Rangiora Library

Admission: Adults $35.00 / Students $15.00. Bookings Rangiora Library, cash only please


Boulder Copper Sounds

An outdoor family musical event at Silverstream Reserve.

Bring your lunch and a picnic rug and enjoy the live entertainment in a beautiful reserve setting.

Sunday 5 March 11am–2pm at 155 South Eyre Road. If wet alternative venue is the Eyreton Hall, corner of South Eyre Road and Mandeville Road. Koha welcome.

The Adventures of Milly Ward

Thursday 23 February 7.30pm. At the Rangiora Early Records Society, The Museum at 29 Good Street, Rangiora.

A film presentation of 96-year-old Rangiora resident Milly Ward, who was born in the Chatham Islands. All welcome with a donation please from non-members. Supper to be served.


Come Dancing... Friday 31 March & Saturday 1 April 2023

An evening for people with Disabilities & Carers & Friends

Entertainment by guest DJ EMCEE & Marion Outlaws as entertainers

Tunes of Today & Yesteryear

Easy Listening or come ‘Dancing’

WHEN: Friday 31st March & Saturday 1st April 2023

TIME: 7pm - 9:45pm

WHERE: Rangiora Baptist Church, 111 East Belt, Rangiora

ENTRY: $5 per person at the door. Bottles of soft drink 50cents each, supper provided*, plus spot prizes. *Sorry but we can’t cater for Special Dietary Needs.

RSVP: Numbers attending need to be confirmed to insure your entry to this event by 15 March please. If coming from out of town we can offer free accomodation for people with a disability at the Woodend Christian Camp.

To RSVP/Book Accommodation: P: 03-313-8989, E:

rangiora baptist church community trust
Council Info FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES Enrol Now Julie Cloughley | Tutor Email: Phone: 027 403 8245 Come along to our classes to improve your speaking, listening and grammar skills through a range of interesting topics! Every Saturday, 11 February–1 April 2023 • 10am–1pm Rangiora Town Hall Function Room • 303 High Street, Rangiora 41

24 Feb 3.30 – 5.30pm


Come down to Dudley Park with your family and friends. Enjoy a range of fun games and activities, free sausage sizzle, and be in to win some awesome spot prizes!

Find out more


Waimakariri District Community Networking Forums 2023

2023 Schedule

Location Venue and address



Venue: Kaiapoi Ruataniwha Centre

Upstairs meeting room, 176 Williams Street

Dates: 9 February, 11 May, 10 August

Oxford 12noon–1pm

Venue: Jaycee Rooms, Main Street, Oxford 56 Main Street, Oxford

Dates: 9 March, 8 June, 14 September



Venue: Rangiora War Memorial Community Centre, corner of Albert and High Streets, Rangiora

Dates: 13 July,12 October, 14 December

Pegasus 12noon–1pm

Venue: Pegasus Community Centre 8 Tahuna Street, Pegasus (just along from the Flat White Café)

Dates: 13 April, 9 November

Contact people

Gabrielle Barlow

Coordinator, Kaiapoi Community Support c/- Wellbeing North Canterbury

Phone: 03 327 8945


Jo Ealam

Manager, Oxford Community Rooms 37 Main Street

Phone: 03 312 3006


Serena Peychers

Community Team Admin Support, Waimakariri District Council

Phone: 0800 965 468


Roger Rule

Pegasus Community Centre team


Phone: 021 108 0634

NB: Forums are held on the second Thursday of the month - 12noon–1pm.

Tea and coffee will be provided - bring your lunch if you wish.

Presentations (prior to networking meetings) will be notified in advance in Chatter.

Please get in touch if there is a significant community issue which would be valuable to have a presentation on.

We can also assist with carpooling from the Rangiora Service Centre (215 High Street) to Kaiapoi, Oxford or Pegasus.

Send any apologies and requests for meeting notes to the contacts listed.


Hello From The Community Team!

Tessa Sturley Community Team Manager Rachel Thornton Community Development Faciliator Wendy Howe Community Development Facilitator Carolyn Boswell Community Development Facilitator Nicola Trolove Safe Community Facilitator Emily Belton Youth Development Facilitator Martin Pugh Community Development Facilitator Alyssa Bright Safe Community Facilitator

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