What’s in this Chatter edition
Cover photo:

Waimakariri Community Team
Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address.

The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.

Greetings from the Editor
It’s officially winter, the least preferred season for most, but I have to confess to enjoying a nice crisp frost and a wintry walk. I also like nothing better than to sit by the fire; something that is becoming a luxury for those living in our more urban areas.
Paying the power bill is a very real struggle for some at the best of times, but as the cooler months kick in, they may have to chose between power and food. The MSD energy supplement is certainly handy for our older folk, but families can take a hit at this time of year.

Food banks tell us that they increasingly see working homeowners, struggling to make ends meet. We’re fortunate out here to have a well-connected and resourced food support sector, including food rescue, food banks, food forests, community pantries and initiatives like Hope Trust’s Community Kai Dinners and Person to Person Help Trust’s Fuller Kai Community Lunches. These provide a tasty and nutritious meal and good company for those who are strapped for cash or feeling a bit on the lonely side.
Last Wednesday, the Community Team went along to help out at the weekly
Hope Dinner. It “filled our cup” seeing the warmth, generosity and sense of community amongst the 80 attendees. Hope Trust are looking to engage a broader range of volunteers. and it’s a great opportunity for team building or to get out of ‘self’. If you think you or your organisation might benefit from popping along one Wednesday evening, contact Hope Trust to inquire.
Tonight see’s the third of the successful series of Youth Employment Expos, held at Rangiora High School and attracting over 70 local work-readiness and education providers and local business from an extensive range of industries and sectors; as well as hundreds of local parents and young people considering options for the future. Our Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Coordinator will be there, ready to help with advice and support for young people who fall through the gaps and need a number of barriers removed for them to get work. Do contact us if you know someone who could benefit from this service.
Stay warm and ka kite.
The great feijoa rescue
stock source for propagation. The orchard has now become a much-anticipated yearly destination for families to enjoy picking their own fruit. However, managing the harvest can be challenging, as different varieties of feijoas fruit at different times, resulting in excess fruit going to waste.
As the cost of living continues to soar, Food Secure North Canterbury and Satisfy Food Rescue are celebrating the generosity of CJ’s Plants in sharing their surplus pick-yourown feijoas with the community. 183kgs of feijoas, which would have otherwise gone to waste, were picked by Satisfy Food Rescue to redistribute to food banks, schools, and community organisations in their network.
“Collaboration is key to community sufficiency,” said Krysten Phillips of Food Secure North Canterbury, a project focused on building local food resilience.
“We were thrilled to connect CJ’s Plants with Satisfy Food Rescue, and this partnership highlights the strength of working together. Rather than letting the feijoas go to waste, they can now benefit many in the community who may be struggling with the rising cost of fresh produce.”

CJ’s Plants’ feijoa orchard consists of approximately 300 trees that were originally planted to evaluate different feijoa varieties in the region and serve as a
Jane Hayes of CJ’s Plants praised Satisfy Food Rescue for their work, saying, “I think we are all walking around at the moment complaining about the economy but not doing anything to help. These guys are already out there, helping the folks that have been in this worrying situation a lot longer than all of us.”
Satisfy Food Rescue’s Operations Coordinator Cameron Crawley and a few volunteers stepped in to collect the excess fruit. “Going out with a handful of volunteers was great, with many hands

we made quick work of collecting the fruit. It’s very rewarding to get out into the community to do this kind of work and also connect with our amazing volunteers in addition to ensuring this source of food isn’t wasted.”
“Being able to harvest and donate fresh fruit is a lifeline for many of our recipient organisations who are struggling to meet the demand,“ says Fran Cain from Satisfy Food Rescue. “One of our local food banks who used to get five people in a week is now sometimes seeing up to five an hour. Where funding isn’t increasing to meet this need you can imagine how tough it is. The other bonus about receiving fresh fruit like this from CJ’s is that it is able to be given out through our networks to an increasing number of homeless who are unable to utilise cooking facilities.”

Food Secure North Canterbury is calling on growers, harvesters, and community groups to help create a robust and sustainable food system that both increases access to healthy food for the community, and promotes zero waste.
Through the “Harvest Collaboration” initiative which was created by Food Secure North Canterbury and Satisfy Food Rescue, growers supply fresh produce, harvesters collect the produce, and processors process the excess produce if needed to create food with a longer shelf life (i.e., preserves, jams, frozen stewed fruit). Satisfy Food Rescue is then able to distribute this excess to their recipient organisations that are doing the work to feed those in need. This collaborative effort sees the equivalent of 62,400 meals a year distributed to community organisations through harvested produce alone.
The Oxford and Districts Lions Club was the first group to connect to the Harvest Collaboration in late 2020. Food Secure North Canterbury funded seed potatoes and fertiliser for them to grow the produce. Since then the Oxford and District Lions have supplied a whopping 30,000 kgs of fresh vegetables to Satisfy Food Rescue. These community initiatives, along with the kindness from growers like CJ’s Plants who don’t want to see their surplus produce wasted, are contributing to a massive community effort to make North Canterbury a more sustainable and food secure place.
To learn more about the Harvest Collaboration project please visit: foodsecurenc.org.nz/projects or email foodsecurenorthcanterbury@gmail.com
Oxford Community Trust Update
We have welcomed a new Youth Worker – Nicky Stagg Nicky is well known to the community as she currently runs our OSCAR Holiday Programme. She is starting off with a collaboration with the Mitre 10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre to run an Active Youth programme for up to 12 young people for six weeks. We are thrilled to have her on board in this role!

To keep up with our youth events follow us on Facebook – Oxbox Youth.
Transport Options
U-Drive is a Mentor Driving programme to help young people obtain their restricted licence.

We have a vehicle for students to learn to drive, and sit their licence in, and a pool of trained mentors who will work alongside them to get the driving skills they require. For more information contact Julia on 021 995 942.
We have a driving service available to get you to your medical appointments from Oxford to Rangiora or Christchurch. The cost is $35 to Christchurch and $20 to Rangiora.
We also run a Shoppers Bus fortnightly to Northlands or Rangiora.
You can book for either service by contacting the Trust 03 312 3006 or popping in to see us at 37 Main Street, Oxford.
New office location
We have moved from Percival Street and are now located at Dudley Park, 43 Church Street, Rangiora.
We are co-located with North Canterbury Netball, which is on the left as you enter the car parking area.
Our office phone number remains the same: 0800 226 695 and 03 975 5640. We look forward to you popping in.

Therapeutic art and craft group
Every Monday 10am–12pm
Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Facilitated by Lynette. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced skill. Upcoming specialist workshops (please register): 12 June –Glass tile making with Jackie Hancock. To find out more or to register contact 0800 226 695.
Rangiora walking and coffee group
Every Tuesday 9.30am.
Facilitated by Glenda and Chris, the group is for patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and coffee at Station Café at 10.30am.
Oxford support group
Third Wednesday of the month, 10am. Next held on 21 June. At Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans, Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers welcome.
Cheviot support group
Coffee and Chat. Open invitation to patients and carers in the Hurunui and other areas who would like a morning out socialising. Held the second Wednesday of the month 10am–11.30am. Next held on 14 June. Craft Centre, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot.
Kaikōura women’s cancer support group
Facilitated by Blou Rickerby, Community Support Group Worker, Kaikōura Health Centre. Meets weekly 10.30am on Tuesdays. Please contact Blou on 027 562 0811 to register.
Gynaecological cancer peer support group
12 June at 6.30pm. Meets every second Monday of the month in Rangiora at the Cancer Society office, 43 Church Street. A warm invitation is extended to people with gynaecological cancers to meet and gain support from others. Contact Catherine 022 046 5070 or Cancer Society North Canterbury 0800 226 695.

New support group – Life after Cancer
Facilitated by Kylie Tolman. Following the success of the Life after Cancer – the “new normal” workshop last year, Kylie (cancer survivor) is now offering regular support for those who have completed treatment and are seeking support and ideas to adjust to their new life. Begins 6.30pm. Thursday 1 June at the Cancer Society office, 43 Church Street, Rangiora. Please register by contacting 0800 226 695.
Cancer Society 5-week (attendance once a week) exercise and education programme facilitated by Mischa at Mainpower Gym and supported by the North Canterbury Sports Trust. The current class finishes end of May. If you are interested in participating in future programmes, please let us know on 0800 226 695.
Cancer Society rural clinics
For all cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment-related support, services, and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts) at medical centres in Waikari, Amuri, Oxford (at the hospital), Hanmer and Kaikōura (as required).
Other resources and supports…
Look Good Feel Better workshops
For women at Cancer Society Rangiora
Saturday 18 November 10am–12.30pm. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at lgfb.co.nz/programmes
Blue Bros exercise classes for men
On Mondays and Fridays at 8.15am, Mainpower Stadium. Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm
welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register. Note: classes starting in Amberley and Oxford.
Prostate Foundation support group
Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email rangiora@prostate.org.nz
Ostomy NZ support
Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Café) and Christchurch (first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora 10am, Tuesday 13 June. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email ostomycanterbury@gmail.com for education and support for patients and families.
Sweet Louise
Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact 027 328 8003 sweetlouise.co.nz and Facebook.
Lymphoedema education sessions (also via Zoom). Held each month at 11am–12.30pm on the second Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email physiobd@cdhb.health.nz to register.
Kaikōura exercise and coffee classes for men
In Kaikōura (Blue Bros), Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Blou 027 562 0811 to register.
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ
0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out leukaemia.org.nz
Pinc & Steel
Cancer rehabilitation with a certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions. Read more and/or register pincandsteel.com or contact susan@activehealth.co.nz
Fundraising and events
Support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. Office at 23 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. See canteen.org.nz for more information.
Upcoming Canbead workshops
Kaikōura 5 July at 1pm. Rangiora
19 July at 10.30am. Please contact us on 0800 226 695 for more information and to register.
Shoot for the moon challenge
Our Shoot for the Moon Challenge is back for 2023 and we are super excited about this fundraiser that has ‘galactic’ expectations!
Are you up for the challenge?
Shoot 384 goals in your favourite winter sport and get sponsored to complete your challenge by family, friends, classmates and colleagues!

You can complete this challenge by yourself or with team-mates and you can shoot your goals at home, down at your local park or court, during practices and games.
As well as shooting 384 goals, we’d love it if you set yourself a fundraising target of $384.
Why 384?!
Because the moon is 384,000 km away from the Earth.
Join us as we Shoot For The Moon and raise much needed funding to help Kiwis across Canterbury and the West Coast with cancer.
This is the perfect challenge to get you active during winter and do something special to mark the month of Matariki and the shortest day.
Get all the info and sign up here shootforthemoon.org.nz
Free insulation available for eligible households

As winter approaches, now is the time to start thinking about insulating your home.
Community Energy Action Charitable Trust is able to provide 100% subsidised funding with assistance from the Kiwi Warmer Homes programme for eligible households. To be eligible, you must be a homeowner with a Community Services Card holder, or live at a qualifying address. To check your eligibility visit cea.co.nz, or call them on 0800 438 9276.

Community Energy Action also offers Home Energy Checks. A Home Energy Check sends a qualified assessor to your home to give you tailored advice to make your home more energy-efficient. This can help to keep your home warmer, save money on your power bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Most services are free. Visit their website to view their full range of services at cea.co.nz
Established in 1994, CEA has a proud history of helping Canterbury homes stay warmer and healthier.
Abbeyfield Waimakariri Incorporated
Abbeyfield Waimakariri Incorporated
Abbeyfield Waimakariri Incorporated

Jams, Chutneys, Jellies, Sauces, and Pickles
Jams, Chutneys, Jellies, Sauces, and Pickles
Jams, Chutneys, Jellies, Sauces, and Pickles
To order: email - abbeyfieldwaimakariri@gmail.com
To order: email - abbeyfieldwaimakariri@gmail.com
To order: email - abbeyfieldwaimakariri@gmail.com
Plum Jam
Plum Jam
Preserves Plum Jam
Traditional Plum Chutney
Traditional Plum Chutney
Plum Jam Traditional Plum Chutney
Traditional Plum Chutney

Plum Sauce (gluten free) Rhubarb Chutney (gluten free)
Plum Sauce (gluten free) Rhubarb Chutney (gluten free)
Plum Sauce (gluten free)
Plum Sauce (gluten free) Rhubarb Chutney (gluten free)
Spicy Plum & Apple Chutney
Spicy Plum & Apple Chutney
Spicy Plum & Apple Chutney
Rosehip Jelly
Rhubarb Chutney (gluten free)

Rosehip Jelly
Spicy Plum & Apple Chutney Rosehip Jelly
Rosehip Jelly

Rhubarb Ginger Jam Pear Apple & Fig Chutney (gluten free)
Rhubarb Ginger Jam Pear Apple & Fig Chutney (gluten free)
Rhubarb Ginger Jam
Rhubarb Ginger Jam Pear Apple & Fig Chutney (gluten free)
Pear Apple & Fig Chutney (gluten free)

Pear Ginger Jam Orange & Lemon Marmalade
Pear Ginger Jam
Pear Ginger Jam
Orange & Lemon Marmalade
Pear Ginger Jam Orange & Lemon Marmalade
Orange & Lemon Marmalade
Cranberry & Quince Jam Crab Apple Jelly
Cranberry & Quince Jam Crab Apple Jelly
Cranberry & Quince Jam Crab Apple Jelly
Cranberry & Quince Jam Crab Apple Jelly
Lemon Honey Spicy Zucchini Pickle (gluten free)
Lemon Honey Spicy Zucchini Pickle (gluten free)
Lemon Honey

Lemon Honey Spicy Zucchini Pickle (gluten free)
Spicy Zucchini Pickle (gluten free)
Tomato Relish (gluten free) Tomato Sauce (gluten free)
Tomato Relish (gluten free)
Tomato Relish (gluten free)
Tomato Sauce (gluten free)
Tomato Sauce (gluten free)

Tomato Relish (gluten free) Tomato Sauce (gluten free)
Quince Jelly
Quince Jelly Quince Chutney (gluten free)
Quince Jelly
Quince Jelly

Mint Chutney (gluten free)
Mint Chutney (gluten free)
Mint Chutney (gluten free)
Mint Chutney (gluten free)
Quince Chutney (gluten free)
Quince Chutney (gluten free)
Quince Chutney (gluten free)
Traditional Apple Chutney (gluten free)
Traditional Apple Chutney (gluten free)
Traditional Apple Chutney (gluten free)
Traditional Apple Chutney (gluten free)
Feijoa Ginger Jam Feijoa Chutney (gluten free)
Feijoa Ginger Jam Feijoa Chutney (gluten free)
Feijoa Ginger Jam

Feijoa Ginger Jam Feijoa Chutney (gluten free)
Feijoa Chutney (gluten free)
Chow Chow Chutney Pickled Onions
Chow Chow Chutney Pickled Onions
Chow Chow Chutney Pickled Onions
Chow Chow Chutney Pickled Onions

Living Well - North Canterbury
A exercise and peer support group for people living with heart failure.

Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.

When: Every Tuesday
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Time: 10.30am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email Sadie.Ross2@cdhb.health.nz or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.


The Pegasus Community Centre is located in the heart of Pegasus, at the corner of Pegasus Main Street and Tahuna Street. The facility is available to be booked for events, community services or groups, social groups, workshops, special func�ons, conferences, training, or mee�ngs etc.

Facility details
* Well-equipped for a range of functions
* Variety of rooms
* Big room with kitchenette
* Whole venue bookings available
* Airconditioned
* Free onsite parking
* Data projector available
* Tables, chairs, whiteboards
* Bluetooth speaker system
For more centre informa�on or to book, please contact
Waimakariri District Council: Call 0800 965 468,

Email: office@wmk.govt.nz
Website: h�ps:// online.waimakariri.govt.nz/facili�es/ facility/pegasus-community-centre

The Big Room, holds 50 (has kitchenette)
The Todd Room, holds 16 (tea/coffee making facilities and use of kitchenette)
Infinity Foyer, shared space for users of the venue. Exclusive use via a Whole Facility booking.
Southern Room, holds 6, table and chairs, and couch seating.

Do it right. Gotta light?
Properties under 2 hectares
Prohibited – you can’t burn outdoors. Consider alternatives like kerb-side collections or transfer stations.
Even if your property is over two hectares, consider alternatives before lighting up:
Always check Fire and Emergency NZ restrictions at checkitsalright.nz

Properties over 2 hectares
Allowed – do not burn your rubbish or other banned materials. Follow all conditions listed on ecan.govt.nz/outdoorburning
Instead of lighting up those lawn clippings and leaves, lay them down for mulching. It enriches soil and plant life.
Collection or transfer sites
Don’t take a match to rubbish – take it away. See waimakariri.govt.nz/rubbish for more information.
Leaves, food scraps, grass cuttings, and organic manure are great for the soil.
For the rules and conditions when undertaking an outdoor burn see ecan.govt.nz/outdoorburning

T IME : 10.00 am - 1 2 .30 pm
Heywards Road, Clarkville. L ook for the sign on the Heywards Road gate beside the stream , d rive along the stream to the foot bridge to park, then walk across and up to site .
Suitable clothing, sturdy shoes and gardening gloves, if you use them. We ’ll provide the tools .
B RING A drink
It’s not all work and no play. We ’re big fans of morning tea and always stop at 11am for a drink and a chat.
We hope to see you there!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to thank everyone who attended and supported The BIG Breakfast Fundraiser on 3 May! Sponsored by long time supporters PAK'nSAVE Rangiora and hosted by rugby legend Frank Endacott, guests enjoyed a buffet breakfast and scrumptious treats from The Sugar Room, took part in an exciting live auction with Linda Warren-Davey and were humbled to hear the truly inspirational story of Guest Speaker Matt Brown of My Fathers Barbers and She Is Not Your Rehab.

Proudly Supported By

Local Business Consultant and Coach, Debs Taylor-Hayhurst and her match, Milly, also took to the stage to share heartfelt tales from their mentoring journey. Over $14,000 was raised on the morning, funds which will be invested straight back into the North Canterbury community, matching vulnerable tamariki with safe and trusted adult role models.


North Canterbury
Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free Mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction issues.

Comcare North Canterbury provide three valuable support services, offering Peer Support, Activelinks, and Community Mental Health Support. Support staff use a strengths-based approach to empower people to lead their own recovery journey.
Peer Support uses shared experiences to support people one to one with understanding of what is happening and discovering how they can move forward. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self-refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.
ActiveLinks encourages exploration of mental and physical wellbeing through exercise one to one and in groups. People can be referred by a health care professional, community organisations, or self-refer for this support via the generic referral on our website.
Community Mental Health Support guides people towards independence using a holistic goal-based approach. Accessible via a ‘CAP’ referral form by a Mental Health Provider or GP.
Please reach out and get in touch if you or someone you know is experiencing mental health or addiction challenges and would benefit from our support.
3 Alfred Street, Rangiora 7400
Free Phone: 0800 537 3464
Our office is open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
At CAB North Canterbury, in addition to our face-to-face, phone and email services, we are proud to offer clinics for clients. They are all free and confidential.
Legal Clinic: Our fortnightly legal clinic is for a 10-minute period and is by appointment only. The lawyer will help with information but do no other work for the client, such as writing a letter or making a phone call on their behalf. Seven legal firms make a staff member available for this clinic on a rostered basis over the year and we are grateful for their ongoing and longstanding support.
Budgeting Drop-In Clinic: This fortnightly clinic gives CAB clients the opportunity to discuss their budgeting needs and questions with a Financial Mentor from Budgeting Services North Canterbury. Appointments are for 15 minutes. We encourage clients to book. However there is a drop-in option available as well.

Immigration Clinic: This fortnightly clinic is by appointment only and gives CAB clients the opportunity to meet with a licensed immigration advisor who will help, advise and support clients to understand how to navigate the immigration application process. Appointments are for 15 minutes.
Employment Drop-In Clinic: This clinic is run by a work broker from the Ministry of Social Development and the sessions will support those needing help finding employment, requiring advice on interview tips, or needing to speak about employment seeking goals. Appointments are for 15 minutes. We encourage clients to book. However there is a drop-in option available as well.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential, and no question is too big or too small.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz

War Memorial Hall
1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440
Office Phone: 03 313 3505

Benefit Entitlements – Talk to a Financial Mentor Today
Talk to a financial mentor today
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.
The types of things they can help with are:
• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
• You need help with your living expenses.
• A range of services for Seniors.
The types of things they can help with are:
• A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).
• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
• Support with health and disability issues.
• Help for those caring for others.
• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
• Help and support for those raising children.
• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
• You need help with your living expenses.
• Other benefits and entitlements.
• A range of services for seniors.
• A range of services for youth (16 to 19-year-olds).
The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fillin.
• Support with health and disability issues.
• Help for those caring for others.
• Help and support for those raising children.
• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help. However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income.
• Other benefits and entitlements.
The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you are able to receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fill-in.
If you find the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all, you can talk to the great people at Work and Income – they are only too happy to help. However, you can talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential). We can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income. In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments. We can also work with you online, using your own MyMSD Log-in, to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms. Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
So if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.
In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments. Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.
Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
Call or email us for an appointment to discuss your situation. There is no obligation, all our services are free and confidential. Take the first step now and contact our Service Manager, Sharon Grant. 03 313 3505 or bsnc.org.nz
So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.

Step Ahead Rangiora R
10:30 Mental Wellbeing - explore online resources and also local services or

10:30 Lunch prep
10:30 Member Staff Liaison Meeting
11:15 Walk - explore local interestsart and history or
11:15 Meals on Wheels
10:15 Swim at Jellie Park ($3) or
10:30 Fun Quiz
12:00 Midday Meal - Chicken Drumsticks, Veges & Dessert ($4.50)

12:00 Bring lunch
12:00 Bring lunch

1:00 Matariki Education - craft activity and learn about the cultural importance of Matariki or

1:30 Explore Woodend Beach for craft items
1:00 Housie - bring $2 wrapped prize or
1:30 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)

1:00 Music with SoonMay - play and sing together or
1:00 Walk to Riccarton Bush

Step Ahead Rangiora Rā
Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley

10:30 Share a poem or a book that you like
11:15 Meals on Wheels or

11:15 Tai Chi with Rosie
10:00 Crowns and Tiaras Tea Party
- wear a crown or tiara and share a tea party (nibbles provided) Bring a teapot and a teacup (if you have one)

10:30 Newsletter - preparing mail out 10:30 Day out to Kura
Tawhiti/Castle Hill - walking the track - bring a picnic lunch

1:00 Craft with SoonMay - Origami boxes or

Walk at Silverstream Reserve

Safer Gambling Aotearoa Community Grant Fund 2023

Applications for the SGA Community Grant Fund 2023 will open soon for four weeks. This grant fund is open to MGH Service Providers and community groups to develop gambling harm minimisation initiatives that address the specific needs of their community.
We are continuing to build on the changes we made for the 2022 Community Grant Fund. Here are some important things to know:
• We have increased our budget pool and the grant amount you can apply for. Grants will again be available from two Pools:
» Pool A: $2,000 - $3,000.
Pool A is for one off events or initiatives (for example, those aligned to GHAW). Pool A allows grants of up to $2,000 for individual services and up to $3,000 where multiple services are collaborating on an initiative.
» Pool B: $5,000 - $15,000.
Pool B is a pool that was introduced last year which aims to encourage and support innovative approaches
to minimising gambling harm. These initiatives will ideally be community led and more substantial in nature (for example, not one off events). This may be linked to GHAW if you wish, but has to have a long-term element.
• We are again offering the opportunity for applicants to meet with our project team to have a conversation about their application before submitting it. The intention of this is to support applicants with the development of their grant applications, answer any questions you may have, hear more about your initiatives, and discuss how we can support you.
• Anyone can apply for a grant – it is not limited to the PMGH sector.
• GA Community Grants will be a distinct project from Gambling Harm Awareness Week (GHAW). Your initiative may align with GHAW if you wish, but there is no prerequisite to.
For more information or to apply go to: www.safergambling.org.nz
To celebrate our 10 anniversary the Canterbury Safety Charter is hosting a 1-day conference and celebration dinner. Following the Canterbury earthquake rebuild, health and safety has an increasing focus on mentally safe work.

To celebrate our 10th anniversary the Canterbury Safety Charter is hosting a 1-day conference and celebration dinner. Following the Canterbury earthquake rebuild, health and safety has an increasing focus on mentally safe work.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary the Canterbury Safety Charter is hosting a 1-day conference and celebration dinner. Following the Canterbury earthquake rebuild, health and safety has an increasing focus on mentally safe work.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference aims to provide a framework for understanding the challenges of psychosocial safety, and what practical steps organisations can take to improve both their procedures and outcomes.
The Details
The Details
The Details
Thursday , 29th June 2023
Thursday , 29th June 2023
The Mentally Safe Work Conference aims to provide a framework for understanding the challenges of psychosocial safety, and what practical steps organisations can take to improve both their procedures and outcomes.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference aims to provide a framework for understanding the challenges of psychosocial safety, and what practical steps organisations can take to improve both their procedures and outcomes.

The Safety Charter is excited to bring a world-class conference to the South Island and give the opportunity for industry professionals to learn and understand the challenges of creating mentally safe work and mentally safe workplaces. Presenters come from a diverse range of backgrounds and industries and will provide delegates with a solid understanding of both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to create safer, thriving, and more productive work.
The Safety Charter is excited to bring a world-class conference to the South Island and give the opportunity for industry professionals to learn and understand the challenges of creating mentally safe work and mentally safe workplaces. Presenters come from a diverse range of backgrounds and industries and will provide delegates with a solid understanding of both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to create safer, thriving, and more productive work.
The Safety Charter is excited to bring a world-class conference to the South Island and give the opportunity for industry professionals to learn and understand the challenges of creating mentally safe work and mentally safe workplaces. Presenters come from a diverse range of backgrounds and industries and will provide delegates with a solid understanding of both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to create safer, thriving, and more productive work.
Mentally Safe Work Conference delegates will hear from experts on developing an integrated intervention approach, practical case study examples, WorkSafe perspective, as well as legal obligations and how technology can be utilised. This conference is for any organisation or individual who are looking for guidance as they navigate their mentally safe workplace journey.
Mentally Safe Work Conference delegates will hear from experts on developing an integrated intervention approach, practical case study examples, WorkSafe perspective, as well as legal obligations and how technology can be utilised. This conference is for any organisation or individual who are looking for guidance as they navigate their mentally safe workplace journey.
Mentally Safe Work Conference delegates will hear from experts on developing an integrated intervention approach, practical case study examples, WorkSafe perspective, as well as legal obligations and how technology can be utilised. This conference is for any organisation or individual who are looking for guidance as they navigate their mentally safe workplace journey.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference is part of the Charter’s 10-year Anniversary celebrations, which features a gala dinner on Thursday night. All conference delegates, past and present Charter members, and anyone with an interest in the Charter are warmly invited to attend. Hear and share stories from the early days, learn about the challenges overcome, and honour our 10-year members.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference is part of the Charter’s 10-year Anniversary celebrations, which features a gala dinner on Thursday night. All conference delegates, past and present Charter members, and anyone with an interest in the Charter are warmly invited to attend. Hear and share stories from the early days, learn about the challenges overcome, and honour our 10-year members.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference is part of the Charter’s 10-year Anniversary celebrations, which features a gala dinner on Thursday night. All conference delegates, past and present Charter members, and anyone with an interest in the Charter are warmly invited to attend. Hear and share stories from the early days, learn about the challenges overcome, and honour our 10-year members.
Christian Cullen Lounge followed by Anniversary Dinner
Thursday , 29th June 2023 9am—4.30pm Christian Cullen Lounge followed by Anniversary Dinner Silks Lounge from 5.30pm
Silks Lounge from 5.30pm
Christian Cullen Lounge followed by Anniversary Dinner Silks Lounge from 5.30pm
Click on the links below for further details
Click on the links below for further details
Presenter Information
Presenter Information
Registration Details
Registration Details

Attention all incorporated societies: New law alert!
What’s the new law?
A new Incorporated Societies Act has been passed. This law will apply to all community groups that are incorporated societies*.
What do we need to know?
If your group is an incorporated society, the new law means that your group will need to:
*How do we know if we are an incorporated society?
Your group will be an incorporated society if your group’s name ends in the word “Incorporated” and if your group is listed on the register at: is-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz
update your constitution, and apply to re-register your group, and check that your senior management and Board/Committee are not ‘disqualified’, and (for some groups), start following new financial reporting rules.
Once your group have updated your constitution and re-registered, you will need to start following the new rules in the Incorporated Societies Act.

When do we need to do this?
Your group has until the end of March 2026 to get this done but most groups will update their constitution at their AGM in 2024 or 2025. We recommend your group find out more about the new law now so you can make a plan to get this done.
What happens if we don’t?
If you don’t update your constitution and re-register, your group will be dropped from the register of incorporated societies. This will mean that your group will no longer be incorporated and it won’t be able to own assets or property. It also means that the people on your Committee could be held responsible if your group can’t pay your bills.
Where we can find out more?
More information about the new law is also available on the Registrar’s website.
https://isregister.companiesoffice.govt.nz/ law-changes-for-societies/
Community Law Canterbury are running workshops to help groups learn more about the new law. Our next workshops are in late May and early-mid June. For more information about these, please email communityeducation@canlaw.org.nz. If those dates don’t suit your group, please email us and let us know. We can keep you updated about workshops that will be held later in the year.


Waimakariri Gorge Bridge
Soak in the magic and power of the mighty Waimakariri River as you cycle along the stop bank, beside dairy farms, bare land and an aerodrome as you ride towards the finish! Suitable for first time as well as elite riders. Entries online at www.bridgetobridge.co.nz


7pm – 10pm – Hiwa i Te Rangi, 101 Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi
2pm Friday – 5pm Saturday
– A&P Showgrounds, Rangiora
Marvel at over 1000 of the finest birds in the country at this show and learn about different breeds of chickens, ducks, geese and cage birds big and small! There will be displays, raffles and prizes, plus the chance to connect with breeders of heritage poultry.

Adults $5. Children free. Pay on the day.
Shaun Wallace (The Dark Destroyer) from The Chase is coming to Kaiapoi! Dress up in black tie and get a team together to take part in a three-hour puzzle packed night which involves the chance to go head-to-head with The Chaser.
Tickets $110 pp. Tables (up to 8 people) can be booked for $880 online at www.humanitix.co.nz
5 – 9pm – RSA Club, Rangiora
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.
Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.

Main St, Oxford.
Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 9am – 2.30pm
8am – Waimakariri Gorge Bridge
4.30pm – 6pm – Chamber Gallery, Rangiora
Watch talented soprano, Alexandra Hope, perform an inspirational programme in the Chamber Gallery, Rangiora.

Tickets $20 Adults, $5 Students - available at Rangiora Library, cash only.
Starting at the picturesque Waimakariri Golf Course and finishing in the charming town of Kaiapoi, this event offers some truly stunning scenery. With four different distances to suit all abilities, whether you’re an experienced runner or just looking for a new challenge, let this be the ultimate test of your endurance.
Entries online at www.bridgetobridge.co.nz
events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events
Witness several keen, community minded folk take the plunge into a pool of ice-cold water in the middle of winter to raise funds for the Rangiora Stroke Club and Rangiora Promotions. Reserved tables are recommended. Seats start from $15+GST pp. Bookings can be made through Karen Dugdalerangioraliaision@gmail.com
ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library
176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library
141 Percival Street, Rangiora
72 Main Street, Oxford
Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!

Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.

Piano recital Chamber Gallery

Sunday 25 June 4.30pm
$20 Adults
$5 Students
Tickets at Rangiora Library cash only
Rangiora Early Records Society

On Thursday 22 June, 7.30pm, at the Rangiora Museum, 29 Good Street, wellknown local personality Bob Gumbrell is presenting “Why we have Veterinarians and who they have been?” Promises to be fascinating. All welcome. Donations appreciated from non-members. Supper provided. Enjoy an interesting and social evening meeting with our community in the cosy Museum.
The Museum is open Wednesday and Sunday afternoons, 1.30pm–4pm, specialising in family archives and local history.

Come check out hundreds of artworks from 130 local artists all under one roof including painting, photography, ceramics, woodwork and more.
PLUS for something a little different on Saturday get involved in an interactive art display before visiting Blackwell’s carpark, host once again to the now famous Live Ice Sculpting event from 12.30pm followed by the Fire and Ice Market kicking off at 5pm.

Ashley Rakahuri
Kaiapoi Borough
Kaiapoi High
Kaiapoi North
Oxford Area
Rangiora Borough

Rangiora High
Rangiora New Life
St Joseph’s Catholic, Rga
Te Kura o Tuahiwi
Te Matauru Primary
Tihiraki North Loburn
Waimakariri Homeschools
West Eyreton
Woodend School

Sign up for On Track Workshops
Waimakariri District Council’s Community Team is holding a series of workshops for community groups and not-for-profit organisations called On Track.
On Track is a six-part programme of training sessions. These workshops will cover key information to help your community group or not-for-profit organisation ensure it is on track to success. This training will be ideal for board or committee members, managers or sole employees who may have taken on a new role and others who would simply like to be re-energised and refresh their knowledge.
The topics of focus will be Governance, Strategic and Operational Planning, Communications, Funding and Team dynamics. The sessions are planned as an overall suite of learning and groups are encouraged to participate in all six.
The fee of $100 includes up to three people per organisation for all six workshops. Support to cover the cost may be available, please enquire.
Contact wendy.howe@wmk.govt.nz or call 021 432 028 to register.
Here’s what people who attended previous workshops thought:
“On Track highlighted a number of things we could improve on including our social media profile and the programme was a great help.”
“I am pleased to see you are running On Track again. Having attended the last time, I think they were very interesting and contained a wealth of information and sound practical advice for volunteers running community groups and clubs.”
“I highly recommend this course for those involved in the voluntary sector. As members of the governing board of a relatively new Trust, we found it very useful. It gave us tools to set up governance, financial and administrative structures. It was a great opportunity to meet managers, staff and volunteers, and learn from their experiences.”
“For me, one of the most important takeaways from the On Track seminars is the fantastic opportunity to learn and interact with other community leaders.”
Padi Nistala – GLOW Global Locals of Waimakariri/Timebank Waimakariri Judith – Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust Ian – The Person to Person Help Trust David Gambold – Secretary, Ashley RFC
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Employer Support
Support for local businesses to help young people to join the local workforce.
Do you have employment or apprenticeship opportunities for local young people? Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) can support you to train and upskill your new staff.
MTFJ is a collaboration between Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
MTFJ is focused on helping local businesses when they employ a young person under the age of 25, those of any age who live with a disability or health condition or other needs and have had difficulty finding work. Each funding request is considered on a case-by-case basis and tailored to fit the needs of the

new hire and the business they will be joining.
Funding and support examples
• Purchase of tools
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Wage subsidy
• Training/courses
• Driver licencing costs
• Pastoral care.
Want to find out more?
Elizabeth Trevathan
027 249 7284

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs
Job Seeker Support
Do you need help finding a job?
Need training or driving licences?
Want to work on your confidence for job interviews?
Not sure where to find work locally?
Mayors Taskforce For Jobs (MTFJ) can help with all of that and much more.
MTFJ is a partnership between the Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development.

We will listen and work with you to set personal goals and help you along your journey.
We have funding to pay for things like
• Drivers licences
• Counselling
• Clothing or tools and equipment for work

• Training courses
About you
• Aged 16–24 or
• Any age living with a health condition or disability or
• Any age and had difficulty finding employment.
Want to find out more?
Elizabeth Trevathan
027 249 7284
Everyone deserves the right to feel comfortable. Period products are now available in your local Library or Aquatic Facility if you need them.
Choose the colour token from the bathroom that works for you and take it to the front counter. Staff will swap your token for a bag of your choice. Period.

Hello From The Community Team!