Chatter - May 2020

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Community Groups News

May 2020

Home of Ngāi Tūāhuriri

What’s in

this Chatter edition Community Information




Services - Programmes




Training / Professional Development / Courses




Chatter is compiled by Council Information


Waimakariri District Council Community Team

Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440 Phone: 0800 965 468 Email:   Waimakariri Community Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. Cover photo: Maahunui II, our local marae.

The closing date for contributions is the 20th of the month prior to publication. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.



from the Editor Kia ora koutou In last month’s edition the cover photo featured the motif “Home Sweet Home”. This month we’ve featured Maahunui II, our local marae, the home of Ngāi Tūāhuriri and, in a sense, of all of us, as partners under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I trust you are all taking good care of yourselves and making sure that you take some time out to stretch your legs and smell the roses throughout the lockdown period. For those of you who are agency based this will no doubt be a busy time. I take my hat off to you all. Thank you for your passion and hard work. Something that’s really stood out for me over recent weeks is the willingness of local organisations to work together and go the extra mile to support our more vulnerable residents. “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King A shout out to our local community groups and networks who have set up Facebook pages or used their existing Facebook pages and/or phone trees to connect people with support and to share useful information, encouragement and humour to raise morale.

At Council level, staff have been kept busy keeping things ticking over. Under level three it’s time to get lawns mown, check the weeds and consider what recovery looks like in terms of the economic and social wellbeing of our District. Over the coming months we’ll continue to work with our partners to identify and develop appropriate responses to emerging issues and opportunities that will ensure that the Waimakariri District continues to be a great place in which to live, work and play. …..Only a few weeks until you can get your hair cut! Kia kaha. Noho ora mai. Stay strong and take care of yourselves.



Community Information

From what I hear they will do anything from grocery shopping to fixing punctures, deliveries from food banks, or just for a chat. Waimakariri is a great place to live in and my accolades go to Council staff.

Age-friendly Waimakariri Newsletter April 2020 It is not just children who are going on Teddy Bear hunts. We older folk are enjoying them too; and as we approach Anzac Day some teddies are donning red poppies. We have such a bear hanging in our window, even though we live in the country in a house on a hill, nowhere near the road. We have done it for us. February 25th seems a long time ago and in a different world. The Age-friendly Plan was launched at a function attended by our Mayor and the Minister for Seniors, Tracey Martin. The Age-friendly Advisory Group met and we had begun our process of implementing the Plan. Then along came COVD-19. We all shut our doors and stayed at home. It seems to be working and as our Prime Minister says, “because we are all in this together”. Our District Council offices may be closed, but staff are still working at home. A Help Line has been set up: 0800 242 411 for anyone needing help to ring in.

Madeleine Burdon from the Community Team is our Age-friendly Facilitator. She works three days a week – from home at present. Wednesdays is now her Civil Defence welfare desk day where she takes referrals from the community and responds with appropriate help. The current situation has got us thinking about our Age-friendly Plan which may need tweaking. We see our priorities need to be with three aspects at present: • Access to community support and health services • Improve communication and information to older people • Increase respect and social inclusion of older people. Advisory Group members represent different organisations: Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), IHC, Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Newcomers and Migrants, U3A, Greypower, Presbyterian Support, the Waimakariri Access Group, plus two independent members and a Councillor. These organisations have been busy contacting people to ensure they are getting the support they need. The Advisory Group will meet soon (by Zoom) to discuss how we can further progress the Plan. We would value your input. Maybe we suggest that, as part of the Council’s Future District Plan, regular Council newsletters are sent to everyone, not just ratepayers.

5 Madeleine is in communication with the Office for Seniors who want to know what groups are doing to support their community during this lockdown time. The Ministry has a regular update which anyone can subscribe to:


One way we are staying connected is digitally and we need to stay safe here too. When you send or forward messages to more than one person do use the Bcc.. (Blind copy) box rather than the To.. box and delete any other addresses from the body of the message. Go well, be kind and stay in your bubble. Nga mihi nui Joanne Gumbrell Chair Age-friendly Advisory Group

Not able to get to your local supermarket? Give them a call, they might have options you are not aware of, for example phone orders or deliveries. Rangiora • New World – 03 311 8130 • Countdown – 03 311 8170 • PAK’nSAVE – 03 311 8636 Kaiapoi • New World – 03 375 5180 • Countdown – 03 375 5172 Mandeville • Supervalue – 03 312 0000 Oxford • Fresh Choice – 03 312 4305

Fun activities for whānau at home Plunket National Coordinator Maire Perrott has created a series of booklets full of activities for whānau at home. Check out the booklets below for fun ideas to keep you and your little ones busy and happy! Activities for: • Six months to one year old • One to three-year-olds • Four to five-year-olds • Six to ten-year-olds. To check out the booklets click here


Best Bubble During lockdown, our bubbles have become our worlds. Let's help each other have less bubble battles and more bubble laughs – and be the best bubbles we can be! Struggling with alcohol or other drug use during lockdown? Find help here:

Grocery Delivery Service Grocery Service The StudentDelivery Volunteer Army Grocery Delivery service is for those aged 65+, medically vulnerable andVolunteer families ofArmy healthcare workers or healthcare themselves. The Student Grocery Delivery service isworkers for those aged 65+, medically vulnerable and families of healthcare workers or healthcare Payment is online, and a friendly SVA volunteer (wearing full PPE at all times)workers will pick the themselves. shopping at a store which opens early, especially for us. The volunteer then delivers the shopping, and will leave it at your door – completely contactless. Payment is online, and a friendly SVA volunteer (wearing full PPE at all times) will Ifpick youthe prefer phone assistance, you can contact the Student Volunteer Helpline between shopping at a store which opens early, especially for us. Army The volunteer then Monday Saturday 9am -and 5pm, 005 902. Wedoor know that not everyone uses the internet – delivers -the shopping, will0800 leave it at your – completely contactless. or that some people just prefer to speak to a real person. you prefer phone assistance, you can contact the Student Volunteer Army Helpline IfIfyou need assistance, you can contact our Student Volunteer Army Helpline. To check out between Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm. 0800 005 902. We know that not everyone their website Click here uses the internet – or that some people just prefer to speak to a real person. If you need assistance, you can contact our Student Volunteer Army Helpline. To

7 Online strength and balance classes for over 60’s Sport Canterbury is continuing to support people to be steady on their feet with accredited online strength and balance exercise classes. Most of the classes are via Zoom, but class numbers are limited to make it easier for the instructor to view participants and give feedback. From pilates, tai chi, dance, circuit to yoga there is something for everyone and some of the classes are free. To view the classes Click here There are also some online videos to help with strength and balance: Steady As You GoŠ Falls Prevention Exercise - Click here Exercise as Medicine Brains and Balance drills - Click here For more information and support contact the Strength and Balance team: Rebecca Logan - 022 023 9365 Laura Organ 022 130 6862 Follow us on Facebook @ Sport Canterbury

The North Canterbury Mini Bus Trust The North Canterbury Mini Bus Trust have three vans available for free. The hirer needs to provide their own driver. Please contact Roni Jordan, Regional Volunteer Co-ordinator on: Phone 03 261 2889 or Mobile 021 657 474

Presbyterian Support Upper South Island, Rangiora

8 IHC and Carers NZ IHC and Carers NZ have partnered with other community networks to launch – we would appreciate your help to promote it to people in your (membership/network/region) so they are aware this help is available. We’re offering practical help and check-ins and it’s easy to register at the website, or you could register people on their behalf and we’ll get in touch. IHC’s 3000 police vetted volunteers are supporting people around the country for everything from basic check-ins to escalating serious cases to the right help in their community – this might be a health or disability service, or their needs assessment agency if a situation is urgent. If people are on their own or caring for others, WeCare.Kiwi can help! Backed by Carers NZ and IHC, they’re offering check-ins, a listening ear, and a helping hand through COVID-19. If they need information, advice, or practical support, the police vetted volunteers may be able to assist! Phone 0800 777 797, email, or click For adults with an intellectual disability the People First New Zealand COVID 19 free phone 0800 20 60 70 is a great place to start. We’re also helping to coordinate food and supplies, and are in discussions to get PPE out to households that meet the criteria for needing PPE. Just over a week ago IHC Library collaborated with other organisations to set up a Facebook page called Awhi@ home (Awhi means Embrace).

Fare-free essential travel for Total Mobility clients Fares for Total Mobility services will be removed from Tuesday 14 April to help ensure that essential service workers can get to work, and the general public can access essential services, as they currently can with standard public transport. In Canterbury, Total Mobility will be farefree for eligible users for travel up to a cap of $70. Total Mobility clients will only pay a fare if their trip exceeds $70. This applies while New Zealand is at COVID-19 pandemic response alert levels 3 and 4, up until 30 June 2020. This may be reviewed earlier if the COVID-19 alert is reduced to levels 1 or 2. Total Mobility is part of our public transport system and is designed to help people who can’t access standard public transport services. It provides door-to-door transport for those with long term impairments. Driving Miss Daisy is a TM provider and are an essential service provider during the lockdown period. For more information click here

9 Dear Friends, warm greetings! We are quietly doing our thing as usual here at the station including‌.. making available INFORMATION FOR NICHE CALD COMMUNITIES as .mp3 audio files and we need your help to spread the word via your networks and including this link: Along with interpreters from Interpreting NZ, Plains FM has compiled Covid-19 information about: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Services Financial Support Employment Assistance Accommodation Support Health Care Mental Wellbeing

In the following languages: Amharic















Thank you so much! NgÄ mihi nui Nicki Reece Station Manager By, for and about Cantabrians website/podcast/livestream connect with us on facebook twitter phone: (03) 365 7997 mobile: 027 360 7568 Postal address: 154 Madras Street, Christchurch 8011


Enterprise North Canterbury (ENC) was established by the Waimakariri and Hurunui District Councils in 2002 to promote economic development in North Canterbury. As the economic development agency for the North Canterbury region, ENC continues to work hard through the COVID-19 situation to support and assist local businesses. How ENC Can Help Your Business During COVID-19 • The ENC Professional Services Grant is available for small to medium businesses in Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura districts who have been negatively affected by COVID-19. The grant is for a limited time only and can provide funding to go towards cashflow forecasting. Find out more on the ENC website >> • During regular business hours, the ENC business-related COVID-19 email address has a response time of 24 hours maximum. Email ENC at this address if you would like to arrange a time to discuss your business’s immediate and short term needs or to discuss access to available funding to support your business. • The ENC COVID-19 Business Response webpage is regularly updated with information and support resources including a new webinars and training page that lists businessrelated webinars from various agencies and a page on operating your business at Level 3. • Looking for staff? ENC can help you by listing your job vacancies for free on their website and sharing any urgent vacancies via their Facebook page. List your job vacancy here. • Are you a North Canterbury Food & Beverage business? ENC has a new Food & Beverage section on their website which aims to eventually list all North Canterbury and Kaikoura F&B businesses. During Alert Level 4 and 3, this page also serves as a directory of Food & Beverage businesses that can operate. To add your business to the list fill in this form. • ENC regularly posts and shares helpful business-related information on their Facebook page. Like and follow their page to see their regular posts. • Sign up to the ENC mailing list. During the COVID-19 situation ENC is sending out a weekly newsletter full of helpful business information. ENC is here to help local businesses so please take advantage of the above resources and email the ENC team on if you need anything else.

11 NZ Drug Foundation The impacts of alcohol and drug use on ourselves and others are different while we are at home in lockdown. We want to avoid overloading our health services and police with extra work. This may also be an opportunity to think about taking a break from alcohol and other drugs. If you or someone in your household decides to use alcohol or other drugs, or change their use during this period, look at this information on how to stay safer, manage withdrawal symptoms, maintain recovery and support others.

Survey: How Survey: How is is COVID-19 COVID-19affecting affectingpeople peoplewith withdisabilities? disabilities? It is important to understand the issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic being

It is important understand the issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemicto hear experienced bytopeople with disabilities and their whānau/families. It’s also important being experienced by people with disabilities and their whānau/families. It'sunderstand also from you, families, providers and others in the disability sector. This will help us important to hear from you, families, providers and others in the disability which issues require more work and which issues are being effectively managed. sector. This will help us understand which issues require more work and which IHC hasare been working with the Office for Disability Issues and other organisations to issues being effectively managed.

develop a survey to help us understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities.

IHC has been working with the Office for Disability Issues and other organisations There is alsoaan Easy Read version, and so if you a family member or to develop survey to help us understand thehave impact of COVID-19 onsupport people someone with a disability, we’d encourage you to assist them in filling it out. It’s a great opportunity with disabilities.

to check in and hear how they are doing now that we’re past the three-week mark

There is also an Easy version, if yousurvey have so a family support under lockdown. It’s notRead a one-off – thisand is a so weekly we canmember see howor things are someone with a will disability, we’d encourage you to assist filling it out. It's a progressing and be an important step in reporting backthem to theinGovernment. great opportunity to check in and hear how they are doing now that we're past the Please take the time to fill this out and share widely throughout with your Committees, three-week mark under lockdown. It's not a one-off – this is a weekly survey so we members and your networks. Please Click here to begin. can see how things are progressing and will be an important step in reporting back to the Government.

12 Resources The Canterbury Men’s Centre The CMC is open for phone calls 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri. We are still taking clients, though doing this by phone. Please call if you are wrestling with a significant challenge and suspect we could be helpful.

National Helplines • Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor • Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) • Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) • Healthline – 0800 611 116

03 365 9000.

• Samaritans – 0800 726 666

Or email us at to view their website click here

For a full list of helplines click here

The Mentemia app Created by Sir John Kirwan, tech entrepreneur Adam Clark and an expert team of medical advisors, give you practical tips and techniques to help take control of mental wellbeing. This app is designed to help people cope with everyday stress and anxiety in as little as 10 minutes per day. (this is a great app!) To view their website click here

Hey Bro Hey Bro is here to listen and offer support where possible. Their goal is to keep whanau/families together safely using our experience and ability to find the information you need. They have a team of men with a wealth of knowledge who have all worked in this mahi. We’re here to support 24/7 to listen and to help. So give us a call next time you’re on the edge! For more information go to: click here

CALM Website Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind [NZ] - An online resource created and managed by Dr Antonio Fernando, a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland. The website has tools for coping with stress and managing life. To view their website click here Thelowdown An interactive website for young people featuring a self-test, fact sheets, a moderated message board and video clips from popular musicians and high profile young sports people talking about their experiences of depression. The site gives access to a team of counsellors who provide email, phone, webcam and text-based support services for young people. (excellent recourse for our teens!) To view their website click here


Kia ora koutou Call to Action – Social and Community Sector Second Survey – North Canterbury (Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts) Thank you for your response and contribution to the first survey, the response was really great! The major findings were in line with what we suspected; Food / Financial / Family Harm / Technology / Social Isolation / Anxiety / Migrant Visa / Rural Farming pressures – cumulative. For us to be able to track the strengths, gaps and needs of our community while most are still in lockdown, we ask that you spend some time filling in the attached second survey. If this survey has come into your mailbox and you are most appropriate person in your organisation to fill this in, please do so. If you are not, please send it to the most appropriate person(s). Where you have many services within one organisation please feel free to submit this survey more than once, so that we capture the most information from services.

Not only will each sector/group/ organisation be able to utilise this information to plan forward, it will also inform the recovery strategy across our communities. Nth_Canty_Community_Social_Services_ Response_Covid-19

If you know of any groups who have not received the survey, please forward this on within your networks! Nga mihi Nicki Nicki Carter Social Services Waimakariri Facilitator E: P: 022 3177 660 W:

14 For all the latest updates and information on COVID-19 For individuals & households, businesses & employees, communities and resources Click here

Service Update from MSD We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent. We work to provide: • Employment, income support and superannuation services • Funding to community service providers • Student allowances and loans. The Ministry of Social Development is here to help during Covid-19 with financial support for emergency and on-going needs. MSD service centres are currently closed to keep people safe, so all appointments are now done over the phone to help people in need. There is a wide range of information on the MSD website, which we are keeping regularly updated. You can apply for a main benefit on-line and check your eligibility for food assistance. You can also ask for help by phone for other essential needs, such as emergency housing. We’re experiencing high demand on our phone lines and in MyMSD so please continue to be patient. Employers! You can apply for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy or Essential Workers Leave Support. There are also frequently asked questions available online.

Netsafe Netsafe is New Zealand’s independent, non-profit online safety organisation. Taking a technology-positive approach to the challenges digital technology presents, we work to help people in New Zealand take advantage of the opportunities available through technology by providing practical tools, support and advice for managing online challenges. Netsafe can help with information about: • Bullying & Abuse • Staying Safe • Scams • Information for Parents & Young People • Educators. Check out their website Click here


Guidelines for Community Organisations Working with Volunteers Requirements under Alert Level 3 Only organisations that can operate safely may operate during Alert Level 3. Details are set out on the COVID-19 website Community organisations working with volunteers must comply with the same requirements under Level 3 as businesses and employers. See details here People are required to work from home unless that is not possible. Organisations must; 

Operate in a way that minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission. If you are unsure whether you can operate in a manner that minimises the risk of transmission of COVID-19, you should not operate until you have put in place appropriate measures.

Not allow any person who is unwell, has had close contact with a possible COVID-19 case, or has been overseas within the previous 14 days to work or volunteer within the organisation under any circumstances.

Take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of your volunteers (and staff) and your clients. This means ensuring appropriate health, hygiene and safety measures are in place and carrying out additional induction and training processes to those you normally undertake if needed.

Ensure volunteers and staff follow physical distancing practices.

Ensure volunteers and staff follow hygiene basics such as handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes.

Minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical interactions with and between staff, volunteers and clients.

Version 3 28/04/20



Services & Programmes

Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury Everyone at Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury hopes you and your families are all managing well in your bubbles. We have continued to deliver our service over the lockdown period through our coordinator and a team of volunteers being part of the triage team dealing with telephone enquiries to the CAB’s national 0800 number. We also have a team of volunteers tasked with making phone calls to vulnerable people on behalf of Civil Defence’s National Emergency Management Agency and the Ministry of Social Development. Between Monday 30 March to Wednesday 24 April 2020 CABs conducted 275 client interviews for the Canterbury region. This amounted to 110 hours of in-depth interviews. There continues to be a range of difficult and complex issues facing clients. Some are related directly to Covid-19, such as information about illness, disease, mental health, inability to contact GP, and other health issues.

• communication (including lack of access to wifi, owning no computers or mobile phones, how to get groceries delivered when you don’t have access to the internet) • material welfare assistance (such as food banks) • relationship issues (such as separation, care of children, custody, moving children between bubbles when there is shared custody, and family violence) • banking and financial services • budgeting and general financial issues • migrant issues (such as work visas, and financial help in the event of a migrant losing a job) • consumer law • legal (how to have documents witnessed while the JP service is suspended, trespass, legal aid). You can see we deal with anything and everything! Please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn. We’re still here to help you.

Others related to Level 4 regulations or general matters such as> • conditions of work (including wage subsidies, redundancies, annual leave) • rental housing • income support

Our office will remain closed over the Level 3 period, however you can reach us on 0800 367 222 or by email

17 War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505 email:

Covid -19 and maintaining a safe space for all Dear Clients and prospective clients,  We remain open and ready to provide you with budgeting support and advice.  However, the way we provide this service will be a little different to normal.  We won’t be able to come to your home or meet face to face.  We won’t be able to see walk-in clients.  PLEASE call us on 03 313 3505 and we’ll contact you as soon as we can.  We’ll contact you by phone, mobile, text or email.  We will try to continue advocating on your behalf with WINZ, banks, creditors etc.  We will attempt to work with all the other agencies and food banks and try to deliver all our normal services. Phone: 03 313 3505 (please leave a message and we’ll get back to you) Email: Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm However,

 If you cannot wait to talk with us please call the

MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123 as they are open 64 hours a week Budgeting Services North Canterbury Inc., gratefully acknowledges the support of: Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children and the Rātā Foundation. Affiliated member of: The National Building Financial Capability Charitable Trust Registered Charity Number: CC10710


“I can’t keep up with my bills!”

“I can’t afford to buy food this week.”

MoneyTalks is a free helpline for individuals, family and whanau. If you or somebody you know is struggling with money, get in touch with our trained Financial Mentors. We can provide advice, or put you in touch with a local budgeting service who can help you to get on top of your money issues.

Phone 0800 345 123


Text 4029

Live chat

Available 8am to 8pm weekdays 10am to 2pm Saturday

MoneyTalks is a free financial helpline operated by FinCap.

19 Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd in Rangiora The team at Ara Connect Rangiora has been providing free, flexible computing courses for the local community for nearly 20 years. Whatever your skill level, we have a course to match, from basic computer skills to the level 3 and 4 National Certificates in Computing – formal qualifications that employers across NZ recognise and value. During Alert Level 3 you can contact us by email at to discuss your options.

Healthy for Life’ new over 65-year olds programme (Started Saturday 2 May) Hosted by Bernice Mene, Healthy For Life is designed to help older people work on their strength and balance through an exercise programme called the Super7. All done from the comfort of your bubble, this show provides great tips for staying safe in the home, keeping your brain active, how to keep up your social links and friendships and advice about healthy eating and sleep during this time. Healthy For Life screens on TVNZ 1, from Saturday 2 May at 9am and repeats Saturdays thereafter (9, 16 etc) and is also available at TVNZ OnDemand. Maintaining core strength and balance is important. We know regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and having core strength and balance keeps you active and steady on your feet, reducing the risk of a fall and keeping you confident and independent. Remember, when you’re exercising at home it’s important to wear comfortable clothes that you can move in, and flat comfortable shoes such as sneakers or a firm fitting flat-soled shoe.



Community Board Funding Available Calling all community groups, non-profit organisations, registered charities and incorporated societies with strong links and benefits to your communities. Do you need funding for projects, equipment, advertising? Your Community Board could help with grants up to $500. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre or Library. For more information about funding contact or phone 0800 965 468. Find out more at



(Community Organisation Grants Scheme) Open NOW – closes on Wednesday 20/5/2020. Please check out this link for further info community-organisations-grants-scheme/

NB - there is a change this year to whether or not you need to provide a budget with your funding request and this information is also contained in the above link. When making a request please ensure it aligns with the Canterbury Rural LDC priorities.

Lottery Community Funding – the next round opens from 3/6/2020 to 17/7/2020. For further information check out this link: lottery-community/

If you already have a grant from DIA and need this repurposed or an extension of time contact 0800 824 824 Local Advisor Trish Hughes 027 557 1046 email

Waimakariri Libraries Funding Databases As a first port of call we recommend you check out the database available free from our District libraries. Through our library website, you can access databases to help you find funding for your community group or for your personal study. GivUs lists potential funders for community groups and organisations. GivMe lists providers of grants for personal study. Step 1: go to the library website Step 2: Under eLibrary choose Community eResources Step 3: Choose GivUs or GivMe as required Step 4: You’ll be asked for your library card number and PIN Step 5: Fill out your information according to the on-screen instructions – the better your details, the closer your results will match your needs. You will get a list of possible funding providers with information on how to apply.


Training / Professional Development / Courses



COVID-19 Update: We hope that you are all managing to stay safe and well in your bubbles during this rahui. Like others, we have made the decision to cancel our scheduled face to face Community Workshops during the level 3 and 4 lockdown period, and it may be some time before we are able to run workshops again in this format. We are busy behind the scenes designing some amazing new content that will be presented in dynamic new virtual formats over the coming weeks and months. INHOUSE TRAINING We are however still able to offer any of our existing workshops for you and your team using online training options on request. These workshops are interactive and the topics we cover are relevant to your work and the experiences of young people today.



EXAMPLES OF YOUTH FOCUSSED INHOUSE TRAINING THAT WE CAN PROVIDE: Understanding and Responding to Self Harm and Suicide Managing Angry and Anxious Behaviour Understanding Mental Illness De escalation Trauma Informed Care Communicating Well With Young People Gender Diversity Relationships and Young People

Contact us at for more information.







VISIT WAIMAKARIRI 143 Williams Street, Kaiapoi P.O. Box 80, Kaiapoi 7644 P: +64 3 327 3135 E: W:

Virtual Events

Event Update

Hello and welcome to our Visit Waimakariri Events update. We hope you are all keeping well during the lock-down period. During this unprecedented time our Event Calendar has been put on hold. But don’t despair; there is still lots going on in Waimakariri and you can access it all from the comfort of your own home. Join us and explore a bunch of online activities and events right at your fingertips. Check it out and if you are running a virtual event, class, exercise group or similar then please submit to our website for all to see. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can do to help. Gwen, Janine & Lucy

We bring to you Waimakariri Virtual Events - a showcase of online events that are fun, interactive and educational from fitness through to community events. During the COVID-19 lockdown period we encourage you to spend time browsing our website and the online events that are available to you. This page will be updated regularly so come back any time you want to escape into the virtual world of Waimakariri. We would LOVE you to SHARE this to your social media pages too - the more people knowing about our awesome virtual events throughout the district - the better!

Inspiring Your Wellbeing As we all get used to our new norm, travel and exploration have temporarily been put on hold. We’ve launched #inspireyou to give you your regular dose of travel inspiration and a well-deserved break from our lockdown lives. #inspireyou is designed to celebrate and share your favourite spots, activities, moments and adventures in the Waimakariri District and to brighten your days with beautiful pictures of our backyard; to bring nature and Waimakariri to you at home, and to inspire your future Waimakariri adventures when the time comes. We would love you to join in and share your favourite photographs and memories of Waimakariri with one another, as well as the things that you can’t wait to get out and explore again. To join in, simply comment on our Facebook posts with #inspireyou and share your pictures away! Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram too.

Waimakariri Kai We’re bringing your favourite Waimakariri recipes to you! Here you’ll find some of the most popular recipes from eateries in our district, shared strictly on the basis that you make them, eat them and enjoy every moment.

Wellbeing Wellbeing is so important right now as we all adjust to a new norm. Here we’ll share with you our tips and tricks on self-care and staying well (both mentally and physically) during the lock-down.

Your Waimakariri Check out our favourite images, shared from our followers with the #inspireyou tag. Browse, be inspired for life after lock-down and don’t forget to share your own picturess on our Facebook and Instagram page.



Every year, over 700 drivers in Canterbury cause a crash by failing to giveway

When at an intersection, check and check again.


Council Info


Council Update on Services

As we move into Alert Level 3 this week we collectively b have had the desired effect and we can turn our minds to Next week the Council will meet on Tuesday 5 May followed by public hearings on the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21 on Wednesday 6 May. These meetings will be live streamed and you can pop on to our website to watch them live. Council continues to provide a range of services with the majority of staff working remotely from home.

Some key service changes include: Kerbside recycling This is back up and running but only plastic types 1, 2 and 5 can be accepted. All other plastics, including lids need to go in the rubbish. Please make sure your bins are out by 7am on collection day, and that they are spaced at least 50cm apart. Transfer stations Southbrook Resource Recovery Park - Open for green waste, rubbish disposal and recycling of clean mixed glass – expect delays in the first few weeks. From Monday 4 May it can accept clean flattened cardboard. All other drop-off areas are closed. Oxford Transfer Station - Open for drop-off of official Council branded rubbish bags in the skip during normal opening hours. From Friday 1 May it will accept clean flattened cardboard and glass. All other areas are closed.

The Cust Rural Recycling Drop-off remains closed. Rates Information on rates relief is available on our website. You can contact the team on 0800 965 468 or email Our team can work with you to come up with a plan that suits your circumstances – please contact us as soon as possible so we can help you. Parks, Reserves and Community Facilities The access gates to our beaches will be opened to the public and you can go to your closest beach – please still practice physical distancing. While our parks and reserves are open – please don’t use playgrounds, skate parks or dog parks. These are closed and where possible locked or have tape or signage in place. Please make sure that your kids stay out of these spaces too - there is a risk of breaking your bubble and physical distancing can be hard in these spaces. And again please clean up after your dogs when you are out and about – your dog, your mess! Libraries Our librarians continue to work from home and are keen to connect from their bubble to yours. You can reach them by email on library@wmk., by phone on 311 8901, or via Facebook at


at Level 3

breathe a sigh of relief that the lockdown seems to o recovery planning. Please note that Waimakariri Libraries is unable to take any returned items during Alert Level 3. Hold on to your items and we will let you know when we are accepting returns again. All loans have been extended and there will be no overdue fines accrued during this time.

We are here to help. You can contact us in a number of ways: • Rangiora Service Centre, 0800 965 468

Capital Projects and Maintenance You will notice Council staff and contractors will be restarting key projects and maintenance work across the District where it is safe to do so. There have been changes made to the way both site inspections for contractors and building inspections will be carried out to keep everyone safe. You can find out more information at

• Or search for us on facebook @WaimakaririDistrictCouncil

We Wecan canallall slow the slow the We can all spread We can all slow the spread • Try our online options • Snap Send Solve App.


slow the spread

Upcoming Meetings

We all need to work together if we want to slow the spread of COVID-19. Unite against the virus now.

We all need to work together if we want to slow the spread We all need to work if we want to slow the spread of COVID-19. Unite against thetogether virus now.

The following meetings will take place via video conference (Zoom) and will be live streamed through our website.

of COVID-19. Unite against the virus now.

Be kind. Check-in on the elderly or vulnerable

• Council Tuesday 5 May at 1pm

Washing and drying your hands kills the virus

Be kind. Check-in on the elderly or vulnerable

• Annual Plan Hearing Wednesday 6 May at 1pm. Sarah Nichols Governance Manager

Be kind. Check-in on the elderly

Cough or sneeze into your elbow Washing and drying your hands


Find out more at STS_A4_20/03

Cough or sneeze into your elbow

or vulnerable virus Washing and kills the Cough or sneeze drying your hands into your elbow kills the virus

Find out more at Find out more at STS_A4_20/03

Stay home if you are sick Stay home if you are sick

Stay home if you are sick



Waimakar librarians You can re Facebook

Please no Alert Leve returns ag accrued d

My Book Bag

Digital Library at Home

Run out of books to read in your bubble? My Book Bag has got you covered! While we are unable to take any returns in Alert Level 3, we are pleased to bring you our new contactless book borrowing service. My Book Bag gives you access to our physical collections while the library remains closed. Simply fill out our online order form, let us know what you would like us to put together for you, and we’ll be in touch to arrange a safe time for you to collect your books. Delivery will be offered on a case by case basis for those in need. You will be able to choose from our children’s, teen, and adult books, magazines, DVDs, music CDs, and audiobooks. Visit our website to fill in the order form or email us to find out more.

Our digital collection is able day, 7 days a week. Keep connected to the worl discovery with our eBooks, e eNewspapers, and eComics databases, and resources. We have a variety of easy to librarians are happy to walk the phone. Simply contact u email and we will be in touch

Direct to your Device

Already read all the books fr and unsure what to read nex number of books to browse We can provide some perso from our online catalogue fo Fill in the online form on our




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your preferences, and we’ll get back to you with five recommendations selected specially from our collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, eNewspapers, eComics & Graphic Novels. Visit our website and search for ‘Direct to your Device’ for more info.

Facebook Branch Have you been missing popping into your local library for preschool sessions, book recommendations and more? Visit the Waimakariri Libraries Facebook page for Babytimes, Storytimes, Toddler Times, quizzes, Lego Club videos, book reviews and more to keep you and your whānau occupied during lockdown. All preschool sessions are available on our website to view during lockdown and new videos will be posted to Facebook at 10.30am, Monday to Friday. and theres more, turn the page

30 WAIMAKARIRI LIBRARIES AT YOUR PLACE Bubble Book Chat Have you been reading in your bubble? Do you have an urgent need to talk to someone (anyone!) outside your bubble about what you’ve been reading? Are you keen to get some recommendations for what to read next? Join our librarians for a relaxed book chat over Zoom each Wednesday at 2pm – they can’t wait to reach out from their own bubbles and hear what you’ve all been reading and how everyone is doing in lockdown. Put the kettle on, grab a cuppa, distract the kids and settle in for a friendly and fun discussion. Check out our Facebook Page or email us for the Zoom meeting link.

Local History and Research Support Have you long been wanting to learn more about local history but are not sure where to start?

Do you want to begin a genealogy project and would like some help learning about Our librarians are more than happy to help and can provide a one-onone service over the phone. Simply contact us via phone, Facebook, or email and we will be in touch.

Memories of Lockdown There is no doubt we are living through historic events. Our local history team would love to preserve your memories of lockdown for future residents of Waimakariri. If you would like to share your story, photographs, drawings, videos or thoughts, please reach out to our team via Facebook, phone, or email the avenues below. We would love to hear from you!

For more info visit libraries.

l i


ONLINE LEARNING ANYTIME, ANYWHERE What is is a leading online learning platform that helps people learn business, personal, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through your local library, you have access to thousands of free online courses and videos. Personal & Professional Development

Creative & Hobby

• • • Interview skills • • Resume writing • • Building resilience • • Business etiquette • • Rock your LinkedIn profile • • Communication skills • Effective listening • • Time management • Overcoming procrastination • • • Mindfulness practices • • Giving & receiving feedback • • Setting goals • • Problem solving • • Thinking critically • Building trust

Photography skills Videography Animation Creating short films Learning piano Facebook marketing Creative briefs Learning guitar Content marketing Writing press releases Learning ukulele Digital marketing trends Advertising Creative writing Script Writing

How do I access Visit today with you library card + pin. Contact your local library for assistance.

Technolgy & Software • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Excel Microsoft 365 Photoshop InDesign Adobe Bridge Adobe Illustrator Azure Logo design Windows 10 Web design & development WordPress Java Script Coding Cloud computing Python

Hello From Hello From

The Community Team! The Community Team! Wendy Howe Natalie Paterson Madeleine Burdon

Tessa Sturley

Community Team Manager

Nicola Trolove Safe Community Facilitator

Age – friendly Community Facilitator

Safe Community Facilitator

Sam Redman

Youth Development Co-ordinator

Kerry Miles

Safe Community Facilitator

Serena Peychers Administration Support

Denise Wiggins

Community Development Facilitator


Community Development Facilitator

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