Chatter - May 2021

Page 1

Community Groups News

May 2021

Senior Digital Course


information evenings

Community Planting days

What’s in

this Chatter edition Community Profile


Community Information




Services - Programmes




Chatter is compiled by Training / Professional Development / Courses




Council Information


Cover photo:

Waikuku Lagoon

Waimakariri District Council Community Team

Private Bag 1005 Rangiora 7440 Phone: 0800 965 468 Email:   Waimakariri Community Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is the 20th of the month prior to publication. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.



from the Editor Kia ora koutou - Hello all What to write about, with Easter over, Anzac over and the bite in air a reminder that autumn is on notice? Perhaps May is a good month for some incidental exercise in building a stack of firewood close to the house for that first fire, or to catch the odd early evening walk while we still can. Sounds gloomy, but to me each season has its own simple pleasures. You just have to look for them! As the days get shorter, those of us used to long evenings in the garden often start thinking about what might save us from hours in front of the TV. Knitting? Making Jam? Fishing out the thermals and finishing off the half finished project in the barn? Perhaps try something new or upskill. Sadly, people are often judged by their paid employment, while the unpaid work that they do outside of their day job is so much more interesting; and our communities run on volunteering. So much of the fun stuff, the worthy stuff that goes on in our communities, is done by people who do it for love or a particular passion. Passionate people start with a dream, to improve the environment or ensure children aren’t hungry. While they might rather be delivering meals or arranging fun activities,

they often find themselves chairing the committee, writing funding applications, arranging promotions, balancing the accounts, employing and managing staff, and more. Passion for the cause doesn’t equal ability to manage or govern an organisation. Some community groups fail to reach their potential because they haven’t developed the capacity or capability to fulfill their mission. If this resonates with you then ‘On Track’ workshop series on page 36 could be beneficial. If that sounds too cerebral, Big Brothers Big Sisters are looking for volunteer mentors to give an hour per week to inject some extra fun into the lives of kids who need a bit of support. There’s plenty to do! So, as we head into the coming month May you find the time to feed body mind and soul; and May each day bring a little smile Puns intended! He maha nga manaaki - Many blessings



Community Profile

We are pleased to introduce 2 of our 6 new Youth Councillors. The new members will be attending their first Youth Council meeting next week. Bailey Waters

Youth Councillor

I’m Bailey, I’m 19 and lived in Invercargill for most of my life before moving to Rangiora at the start of last year. I work with WaiYouth and want to work with the Youth Council to have a positive impact on my community through whatever means I can.

Bailey Yulissa Louw

Youth Councillor

I’m really excited about this amazing opportunity to serve on the Youth Council and look forward to an awesome year with fellow members. I’m really passionate about issues that affect the youth, especially mental health. Last year I created an app for a computer competition. I called it ‘Good Vibes’, designed for teenagers with depression and anxiety, and that was a very rewarding experience. I also believe that community is very important. I live in the country, in Cust, and through Lockdown in 2020, it was amazing to see how my neighbourhood came together to support each other. Now it is my time to give back to the community.


Community Information


North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support work to connect communities in Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura.

A big thank-you to our 3,500+ members who have already signed up to North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support via our Gets Ready website. Gets Ready is our membership register and a tool used in Canterbury to register members of Neighbourhood Support. Members can register on their own to receive official information from Police, Councils, Civil Defence and Neighbourhood Support.

Neighbourhood Support will work alongside people to create Neighbourhood Support street groups and support and coach street leaders. In the event of an emergency, your neighbours are your first line of support and Gets Ready is a great tool to connect neighbours geographically to enable them to support each other. Research carried out by Stats NZ has shown that having connection with neighbours helps to create safe and resilient neighbourhoods. If you or anyone in your neighbourhood would be interested in belonging to a street group or becoming a street leader please contact us or sign up via Gets Ready and we will contact you. We will provide our street leaders with a morning tea basket, stickers for your letterbox and a street sign to share with your street group. (Dalice Stewart) or (Sarah Saunders) Please follow us on Facebook – North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support

Why Join a Neighbourhood Support Street Group? There’s a strength in numbers. A Neighbourhood Support street group brings local people together to share information, ideas and connect with each other. Together, you can assist one another to: • • • • •

Solve local problems Reduce crime Minimise anti-social behaviour Support victims of crime Learn to prepare and cope with civil defence emergencies

Engage Police, other emergency services or support agencies Liaise and co-operate with other likeminded community groups.

6 Healthy Day at the Pa at Tuahiwi Marae Last Friday of the month. Begins at 10am ending with shared Kai at 12.30pm. Everyone to bring enough Kai for two not twenty two.

Quiz Night Friday 14 May at St Bartholomew’s Hall 23 Cass Street, Kaiapoi. 7pm for 7.30 start.

4-6 people per team, $10 per person. Tickets available from Parish Office, 9am – noon, Wed – Fri or Kaiapoi I-site (cash only). BYO beer, wine & nibbles.

Kaiapoi Garden Club

Friday 28 and Saturday 29 May, 2021 at St Bart’s Church Hall, 23 Cass St, Kaiapoi. 9am to 6pm Friday and 9am to 2pm Saturday. Books $2 each or 6 books for $10. Tea and coffee available. Donations of good quality books, cds, dvds, jig saws are most welcome. Please no tapes. Donated goods can be left at the Church Hall. Contact Norman Clark 03 327 5552 or Ray Maw 03 327 6404. This is an Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi Fundraiser towards the maintenance of St Bartholomew’s Church and Hall.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, in the Riverside Bowling Club Rooms, Hinemoa Park off Belcher Street, Kaiapoi. May meeting, 12 May- speaker Jill Reader from Lincoln University, topic Propagation. New members and visitors welcome. For more information please contact Colleen 327 3210 or Margaret 327 6404.

Rangiora Men’s Friendship Club Meets monthly, 1st Thursday each month at Mainpower Oval, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. 6 May at 10am. Main Speaker will be Dr Rebecca Stack, senior Doctor at Public Hospital and Clinical Director of the Canterbury District Health Board eye Department. Rebecca currently practises at Southern Eye Specialists. New Members & Visitors welcome.

The Just Dirt Trust We can help with gardening help, of any kind. Tree pruning, garden bed, landscaping. We are based in Christchurch but work all over Canterbury. Contact Selwyn on 027 604 6816 or


Mainly Music Kaiapoi Will resume on Wednesday 5 May at 10am in the St Bartholomew Church Hall 23 Cass Street, Kaiapoi. Mainly music is a music and movement group for children between the ages of 0-5 years. Morning tea, chatter and play follow the music session. Cost per session is $3 per family. For more details contact Margaret 03 327 6404.

Online survey for rainbow young people aged 14 to 26 years A team of NZ researchers working with and for the rainbow community want to understand rainbow young people and younger adults’ experiences of education, employment, and community so they can make Aotearoa a better place for them. The experiences of Rainbow young people aged between 14 and 26 inclusive in Aotearoa New Zealand are diverse and important. Young rainbow people’s experiences differ in some important ways from other straight and cisgender young people, and they also differ from Rainbow adults (those aged 27 years and over). The Identity Research Team have prepared a 30 to 40-minute online survey for rainbow young people aged 14 to 26 years in Aotearoa New Zealand. This survey has been created with the help of rainbow young people and a range of

Christchurch Housing Forum 2021 Wednesday 12 May at the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church Auditorium (Cnr Oxford Terrace & Madras Street) Speakers: 11.30am-12.30pm TPA has invited privacy commissioner coming down from Wellington for this Housing Forum. The following questions are related to what you are expecting to hear from them: • What are the current issues that you have identified in housing? • If you could ask the privacy commissioner anything, what would you like to know? Any feedback regarding above please send it to:

youth workers, educators, community workers, union representatives, health professionals, and others involved in supporting the wellbeing of young people in their communities. to find out more information. This survey is an opportunity to identify what it is like to be young and rainbow. This means the survey has a lot of questions about what sort of environments help young rainbow people to be well and thrive, and what things make life difficult and challenging.

8 Cancer Society North Canterbury Happenings: April - May 2021

Rangiora Newly Diagnosed Patients Group for patients. 5 May (1st Wednesday of each month) from 10am-11.30am at the Centre. Meet in a safe, warm, friendly environment. Rangiora Support Group: Meeting every Tuesday for walking and coffee. 9.30am - Meet at the Jewellery Stand in The Warehouse for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Artisan Café at 10.30am to purchase your coffee and meet upstairs. North Canterbury Craft Group: Canbead NZ is running a workshop here Thursday 6 May 10.30am-12.30pm. Registration required. We are seeking unwanted beads for this workshop. Carers Group Tuesday 27 April 2pm-3.30pm. This group aims to provide practical help and support for those caring for patients with cancer. Look Good Feel Better for Women Saturday 1 May 2021 10am-12.30pm. Go to the Look Good Feel Better Website and choose Christchurch as region. Look for the date and 143 Percival Street. Here is the link. NEW Exercise classes for Men We are pleased to announce Blue Bros will be facilitating a weekly fitness class for men living with cancer in North Canterbury in Rangiora and Kaikoura. This is with the support of the North

Canterbury Sports Trust and Kaikoura Health. Please contact us for more details and to register. Writers and Orators Group. This group is facilitated by Jason Clements from the Waimakariri libraries in Rangiora. Please contact us to enrol for Term 2. Starting Monday 3 May at 10.30am-12 midday for six weeks. There will be a show at the end of the year for contributors to share their work.

Hurunui Men’s Get Together Support for men living with cancer. Next meeting 1pm. Wednesday 21 April 2021 @ Hawarden Bowling Club. Held monthly at different locations across North Canterbury.

Kaiapoi Therapeutic Art (acrylics) Class Mondays 10am-12pm. Facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Parking on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill.

Oxford Oxford Support Group Third Wednesday (21 April) of the month. 10am at Café 51, High Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans Fonteyn. All patients and carers most welcome.

Speaker Series Vitamin C Therapy for Cancer Patients presented by Margreet Visser, research scientist University of Otago, Christchurch campus. Held at our centre 1.30pm. Tuesday 18 May. Booking essential.


Improvements in gastro-intestinal cancer presented by Sharon Pattison, medical oncologist, University of Otago, Dunedin. Monday 15 November. Further details to follow. Please call or text Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695 to register for any of our groups. Find us on Facebook “Cancer Society North Canterbury”, please like or share our page to widen our support network. Thank you!

Sustaining Tenancies Sustaining Tenancies is a homelessness prevention service. The overall aim of Sustaining Tenancies is to support vulnerable tenants to retain their tenancy and address needs and concerns that are putting their tenancy at risk. Christchurch Methodist Mission (CMM) is funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to offer this service in Canterbury. There is limited capacity.

Who is eligible? Tenants in public or private housing who: • are living in adequate housing and have a tenancy agreement, and • are on a pathway to homelessness and/or at immediate or serious risk of losing their tenancy, and • have given consent to receive the Sustaining Tenancies service. Sustaining Tenancies is for individuals, families and whanau requiring different levels of service including: • Tenants who need a low level of support to stay in their home • Tenants with complex- life events and risk factors (may have problems with alcohol and drugs or require mental health support) • Vulnerable tenants experiencing multiple risk factors and adverse life events (may have been recently released from prison or have a history of family violence). How does it work? CMM will carry out an assessment to identify the type and level of services the tenant needs. With the tenant, develop a whanau led plan then provide services to the individual, family or whanau based on their plan and the level of support needed.

10 CMM will deliver core services. Where tenants need additional support, CMM will refer them to specialist social and health services with the aim to set up frameworks of support as needed by tenants to support improvement of their overall wellbeing. When tenants have completed their plan, CMM will work with them to develop a sustainable exit plan.

Who can refer? Tenants can be referred by any third party, with the consent of the tenant. Tenants can also self-refer to the service. How is a tenant referred? The CMM Sustaining Tenancies Referral Form must be completed. Completion of the form acknowledges that the tenant referred is aware of and has consented to the referral being completed. How do I contact a Sustaining Tenancies Coordinator at CMM? • Vivienne Sinclair-Phillips on 027 2511 307 or email •

Sara Somers on 027 229 9835 or email

Kirstin Waters on 027 266 3342 or email

Silverstream Reserve

Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park Here at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust we care about water. This precious resource, which is the essence of life, is key to restoring and maintaining a flourishing wetland ecosystem. We were excited to witness, and very grateful for, Environment Canterbury coming to visit the park by helicopter recently to take a water sample of Tūtaepatu Lagoon. The testing will hopefully confirm that the lagoon is healthy and free from the presence of harmful algae.

Environment Canterbury taking a water sample of Tutaepatu Lagoon We are also extremely grateful to the Woodend Fire Brigade who, after hearing about how dry some of our planting sites

(See Facebook)

Community Planting Day Sunday 6 June (10am), South Eyre Road, Clarkville. Volunteers welcome on work days every Tuesday and Sunday 10am. Meet – South Eyre Road (Calf shed down driveway – follow signs in reserve). Contact:

11 are, came to fill up our water tanks across the park. The much-needed water will be used to nourish the trees we are planting during the community volunteer planting sessions (dates below).

School group taking water clarity measurements.

Woodend Fire Brigade providing much needed water. The first planting session of the season was a great success. We are hugely grateful for the hard mahi of everyone with the corrections team and everyone who travelled from near and far to give generously of their time and energy. Together we got around 1000 plants in the ground supplied by the Wai-ora Trust nursery - a mixture of Tauhinu, Ribbonwood, Muehlenbeckia, Tī Kōuka, Toetoe and Harakeke. In other news, in April we reached a significant milestone. We now have now created 50 biota nodes! Biota nodes are groundwater-filled freshwater ponds surrounded by native planting that form a biodiversity network across the length of the park. Each biota node is adopted and developed by a school, a community group or a local family. Our visiting school groups have been using scientific instruments to measure water clarity, pH, and the amount of dissolved oxygen in their biota node pond.

Regular monitoring of water quality of the ponds will help ensure the habitat is suitable for introducing native species such as kōwaro, the endangered Canterbury mudfish. Visit our website to find out more about the biota nodes and our wider programme of environmental restoration:; or follow us on Facebook - search for Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park. If you’re keen to get involved, we have four more tree planting sessions coming up. Please note the date of the June planting has changed from the 12 to 5 June. Come for as little or long as you can: Wednesday 12 May. 10am–12pm. Meeting point: Te Kōhanga wetlands, Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus Saturday 22 May. 10am–1pm. Meeting point: End of Batten Grove, Pines Beach Saturday 5 June. 10am–1pm. Meeting point: Tūtaepatu trail. Entry into the park at the end of Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus. Staff will be at the gate entrance to direct you. Saturday 4 September. 10am–1pm. Meeting point: End of Batten Grove, Pines Beach

12 Keen to improve Waimakariri’s biodiversity?

The Waimakariri Water Zone Committee Biodiversity Working Group is seeking trustees for an independent community-based Biodiversity Trust that will work collaboratively to improve the local environment. Biodiversity Working Group member, Dr Judith Roper-Lindsay, says they are seeking people from a variety of age groups and backgrounds to reflect the diverse range of people living in Waimakariri who are interested in the protection, restoration, and development of native biodiversity. “We’re aiming for a collaborative approach and want to create a cohesive Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust where everyone works together to restore and enhance biodiversity so that we can protect and develop our local sustainable indigenous ecosystems. It’s an inclusive approach which brings together different ways of looking at our biodiversity including Mātauranga Māori. I am really keen to see younger people getting involved, along with people who are living in our towns, lifestyle blocks and farms so that we can really reflect who we are as a community and learn from each other.”

Judith says the Trust will take a districtwide approach to indigenous biodiversity protection and restoration with a strong focus on practical actions which will achieve measurable outcomes. “We know there are many people in Waimakariri who want to enhance biodiversity areas in their backyard or in the wider community, but it is difficult to get clear advice on what to plant so we will help locals prepare planting plans and provide guidance on weed and pest management, along with the monitoring and maintenance of these areas.” The Trust aims to employ a coordinator who will help landowners to restore areas of indigenous biodiversity on public and private land by sourcing plants, organising fencing, and planting, and providing access to specialists with expert skills in environmental fields. Facilitating waterway and riparian enhancement projects, especially those located along the plains and coast is another important aspect of the group’s planned work. Funding will be sought from a range of sources including local and national government. Working in tandem with other organisations with similar aims while engaging with schools and community groups is key to ensuring the success of the Trust, says Judith. “Raising awareness of the importance of protecting Waimakariri’s biodiversity is vital. We want to work together with other groups and organisations to provide the best outcome for the future of our natural ecosystems.” If you are interested in applying to become a trustee of the Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust, please email Judith at judith@roperlindsay. com to receive an application pack or to find out more information.






VITAMIN C Therapy for Cancer Patients

TUESDAY 18TH MAY 2021 1.30PM - 3PM Vitamin C therapy for cancer has recieved a lot of media attention in recent times. Professor Margreet Vissers (Research Scientist University of Otago, Christchurch) will talk about the latest research and what we do and don’t know about using Vitamin C as a potential option for cancer treatment. Where: Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora Bookings essential Book Now 0800 226 695 or email:


Wai: We care "I joined the committee because change is needed to improve our water quality. I want to help by bringing a practical, on the ground point of view to ensure that the actions are achievable for those who have to make them." Nine of Canterbury’s ten water zone committees are looking for new community members. If you are interested in joining your local committee, visit before 10 May and let us know wai you care. Canterbury’s water zone committees recommend actions and tactics to councils while working with the community. They deliver sustainable benefits from our water resource and enhance natural values.

Environment Canterbury

Wendy Main – Waimakariri Water Zone Committee member




apply now online CORCORAN FRENCH






one hour. once a week. one life

mentoring. so simple. it works

Become a Mentor - Types of Mentoring

It's all about spending time together






Services & Programmes

Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury is here to help. Remember all our services are free. Our opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. You can visit us in our office for face-to-face assistance, phone us or contact us by email. We offer a fortnightly free legal clinic (by appointment) with the support of seven local law firms. Two of our volunteers are Justices of the Peace and when they are on CAB duty they can also offer a JP service. Please phone to check availability and if we don’t have a JP in the office we will find one for you. If you can’t afford it, or aren’t confident in drawing one up, we can help you put together a CV and covering letter (by appointment). We have listened to those of you who are feeling excluded because you aren’t confident online and have developed a

team to help you to navigate the digital world. This includes helping clients to set up a RealMe login, use myIR, use MyMSD, fill in government forms online, and upload documents for online applications. The service is by appointment. Over the last three months (January to March 2021) we received 864 enquiries and the top categories were legal and government, consumer, family and personal, health, community, employment and business, finance and benefits, and housing and land. As you can see, we deal with anything and everything, so please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn. We’re here to help you. You can find us in the Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or send us an email


North Canterbury

We can teach


with money?



practical budgeting skills

Need help to access

We can


your Kiwisaver? We provide

with agencies on your behalf

For individuals,




Waimakariri & the Hurunui



Contact: Sharon Grant | Service Manager E-mail: Office: War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora Ph: 03 313 3505 Supported by: MSD and the Rātā Foundation Affiliated member of the National Building Financial Capability Charitable Trust. Registered Charity Number: CC10710

24 Support Agencies: Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service

Community Wellbeing North Canterbury

Barnardos rural Community Social Work Service works with children and families who are under stress and want to find new ways of dealing with a range of family issues.

Well being North Canterbury offers a large range of community services including community youth work, youth, drug and alcohol counselling, family counselling, family support social workers, Mana Ake, school attendance services, Karanga Mai Early learning Centre and community Information.

027 744 79860

CAF North Community and Outreach team 03 339 1126 or 0800 218 219

Child, Adolescent and Family Community Services (CAF) North Community and Outreach team is an outpatient service providing comprehensive psychiatric assessment and therapeutic intervention for children and adolescents 0-17 years (or older if still at school) in their family context.

03 310 6375

03 327 8945 Kaiapoi Community Support KCS is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust. They offer a range of services including a food bank. 03 310 7454 Restorative Justice

0800 842 846 or 03 363 8182

Restorative Justice is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust and works with victims and offenders who have been sent through the Christchurch Court. The restorative justice process is completely voluntary and is also highly personal and confidential.

For practical support to the victims of crime and trauma and help with court support. Referrals can be made by the Police, community of self.

Oxford Community Trust

North Canterbury Victim Support

Work and Income New Zealand 0800 559 009

Immediate appointments available at Rangiora for emergencies with family violence. WINZ can provide assistance for relocation expenses and identify other benefits or supplementary a customer may qualify for taken on a case by case basis.

03 312 3006

Confidential and non-judgemental support provided including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.


Presbyterian Support (also called Family Works)

0800 477 874

Offers a range of professional services (including Enliven, Mana Ake and Family Works) at their offices and in homes. Can help families and elders facing unsafe situations through social work support and counselling for families and younger persons.

Afraid to go home?

We are here to help.

Family violence referral and support agencies/groups in North Canterbury

Hope Community Trust 03 928 3066

Hope provides a Counselling Centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit & vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.

Police For emergencies phone 111 North Canterbury Police phone 105 supported by the Violence Free North Canterbury Network

The role for Police in dealing with family harm is both to attend episodes and to provide information.

26 Women’s Refuge

0800 733 843 24/7 Free phone Women’s refuges provide a range of services to families experiencing family violence in North Canterbury.

Battered Women’s Trust 03 364 8900

BWT offers a full range of support services across the life cycle of a domestic violence journey. Their niche is in crisis response via crisis line, which allows for immediate contact. They are the only refuge in Christchurch with two safe houses, one for emergency and one for transitional clients.

Te Whare Hauora (Otautahi Maori Women’s Refuge) 0800 117 474 (24/7 Crisis Line) 03 379 6910

Te Whare Hauora provides a safe, confidential refuge environment that is culturally appropriate for women and their tamariki including community outreach, domestic violence education and training, integrated safety response services and Whanau Ora navigator assistance.

Shakti Ethnic Women’s Refuge 0800 742 584 or 03 389 2028

Shakti is a non-profit organisation serving migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shakti; meaning strength; works to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women of color. It supports women to overcome the barriers that come with migration and inter-generational bonds of cultural oppression.

West Christchurch Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843 or 03 379 0575

West Christchurch WR are a general refuge, which means they support and provide services for all ethnic groups.

Sexual Abuse Services These agencies provide counselling and support to sexually abused children, youth, adults and their families, and community consultation and education.

Start Inc

03 355 4414 START is an organisation that provides early intervention, counselling and support for children, youth and adults and their families who have experienced sexual violence or other trauma. START also provides education about sexual violence and other trauma to the wider community.


03 353 0257 Provides community-based assessment and intervention services for adolescents and adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior and for children who have engaged in concerning sexual behavior. STOP also provides training and consultation to government and community professionals.

Male Survivors Canterbury 03 377 6747

Provides support to men recovering from the effects of sexual abuse. They have extensive resources to help you back to recovery.

Te Puna Oranga 03 381 8472

Te Puna Oranga is a Kaupapa Maori provider who work with whanau affected by Sexual Harm. Our services include Counselling, Social Work Advocacy, Youth Mentoring, Integrated Safety Response, Education (including a parenting and women’s empowerment programme), and a 24/7 Sexual Harm Whanau Crisis Response Line. We embrace Kaupapa Maori values and tikanga to heal whanau.

27 Family Violence Agencies Aviva Family Violence and Sexual Assault Supports

Family Violence 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) Services for women, children and men 03 378 3847 Sexual Assault Support 03 377 5402 Aviva supports people of all ages, genders and ethnicities to live free from family or sexual violence/abuse. They support people who have experienced violence, and those who use it, to create healthy relationships and brighter futures. Aviva supports whānau throughout North Canterbury, Hurunui and Waimakariri.

Seuga Pasifika Men’s Group Seuga is an education programme aiming to improve the resilience and wellbeing of Pasifika men (and their families) by addressing the underlying issues of family violence, addiction and anger. It provides holistic support for participants based on the Fonofale model and covers culture, family, mental health, law, physical health, and spirituality as it relates to Pasifika people.

Oranga Tamariki 0508 326 459

Oranga Tamariki is a statutory social work agency working with families, children and young people under 17 years. Their primary task is to ensure that children and young people are provided with adequate care and protection.

Stopping Violence Services (SVS) 0800 478 778

03 365 6266

Stopping Violence Services (SVS) offers a range of services to men, women and youth who use violent and controlling behaviours. SVS offers specialist behavioural change programs that specifically address issues related to family violence. Contact services are also provided to partners and family/whanau.

He Waka Tapu

0800 HE WAKA (43 9252)

He Waka Tapu is a Kaupapa Maori organisation. Services are therefore delivered using a kaupapa Maori framework encompassing Tinana (physical well-being), Wairua (spiritual well-being), Hinengaro (mental well-being), Whānau (family well-being).


0800 439 276 HEY BRO is a number set up for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member.

Aged Concern Canterbury 03 366 0903

The Elder Abuse Service aims to improve the quality of life of older people in abusive situations. The service provides information, advocacy and support.


Aviva Tamariki RISE Programme One morning per week in North Canterbury*. Offering 10-week in-person group programmes for children (aged 5-12) who have been impacted by family violence, and/or who have a protection order. Trained facilitators will support tamariki to stay safe, understand emotions, build self-confidence and overcome the harms of family violence. Now accepting referrals for term 2. Call 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669), email or visit *Time and location dependent on numbers

29 Riki (Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) Ara graduate

to get digital savvy for free! Growing your digital skills is easy and FREE with Ara Connect at Rangiora High School. Learn how to use devices like smart phones and tablets, and gain skills in tools such as email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Google Docs for personal or professional use. Study at your own pace and fit your learning around work, family and other commitments.

For details call 0800 24 24 76 or email



Community Board Funding Available Calling all community groups, non-profit organisations, registered charities and incorporated societies with strong links and benefits to your communities. Do you need funding for projects, equipment, advertising? Your Community Board could help with grants up to $500. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre or Library. For more information about funding contact or phone 0800 965 468. Find out more at

31 Te Kīwai is a new fund developed in partnership between Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa. This two-year pilot fund is designed to support Māori wellbeing through play, active recreation and sport. Te Kīwai is available to tamariki and rangatahi 5 to 18 years living in Te Waipounamu, Rakiura and Rekohu/ Wharekauri, and is designed to help remove barriers to participation in sport and recreation. Each tamariki or rangatahi is eligible for up to $300 per year to contribute to: • Clothes and shoes (such as uniforms, sneakers, boots); • Equipment (such as bats, racquets, balls); • Participation costs (such as membership fees, class fees, club dues); and • Transportation (such as fuel costs, bus tickets). You can apply on behalf of tamariki or rangatahi in your whānau, in a club or team you manage, or who are participating in a marae or rūnaka event or wānanga you are running. Group applications are capped at 15 tamariki or rangatahi per team.

2021 NFP Finance Forum Managing a Not-For-Profit organisation's finances can be challenging at the best of times - but throw in some technology changes, new legislation and a global pandemic and things get really hairy! Join some of your peers at the NFP Finance Forum to see how they have adapted and capitalised on new opportunities. Thursday 13 May 2021 Each session starts on the hour: 9am, 10am, 11am 1pm and 2pm. (12noon lunch break) Can't join live on 13 May? All registrants will be sent the link to the videos - you can watch it on demand (until 30 June 2021). For information on cost and how to register go to:

Writing Winning Grant Applications with Robin Cabral - 1 online workshop, 3 modules. Thursday 3 June, 8 July and 12 August 1pm-4.30pm This workshop will teach you (over 3 modules) where to begin, and what you need to have in place before you start applying. And most importantly: how to write a winning grant application. It also looks at what you need to do after you have received the grant: the reporting and relationship building for a sustainable longterm future. For more information on cost and how to register go to:


Training / Professional Development / Courses



Saturday 8th May, 2021 10.00am-12.00pm Neighbourhood Trust, 64 McFaddens Road, St Albans, Christchurch Come along and take part in a range of fun practical sessions that will grow your knowledge and give you greater confidence. This Share and Show session is a collaborative training event between the Strength & Balance team at Sport Canterbury and Active Canterbury. The theme is "All things balance" so expect a host of practical balance drills - both static and dynamic - that you can incorporate into your older adult classes. TO REGISTER GO TO: Attendance is FREE but registration is essential. For more information, contact: Kris Tynan, Workshop & Training Coordinator Ph/Txt: 021 262 8886 or Email:







Thursday 13 May 9.30am —12.30pm

The Collaborative Trust is committed to assisting the healthy development of young people, through: •

Training the people who work with young

Undertaking and disseminating research and

One of the most difficult parts of working with young people is when they become angry or upset. Many professionals often encounter this behaviour but they don’t know what to do about it. If you want to know what causes young people to “lose their temper” become angry or violent, what the stages are that lead up to an angry outburst, and how to deescalate the situation as quickly as possible, you need to attend this workshop.

people; evaluation so that training and services can be based on evidence; •

Informing and influencing policy and practice.

The Importance of Sleep

Tuesday 18 May 9.30am—11.30am

Sleep is an often understated and underappreciated piece of the wellbeing puzzle. This workshop aims to empower participants with knowledge and understanding on a broad range of topics related to sleep such as: •Sleep basics and hygiene •Sleep challenges and supports

Supporting Young People’s Positive Development and Wellbeing : A Resource Building Workshop Tuesday 1 June 9.30am—11.30am

Wellbeing is often portrayed in media and policy as equating with Health, Wealth and Happiness. Yet, anyone who works with young people knows there is much more to being well, and it doesn't look the same from one young person to the next. In this workshop, we will share what we know about supporting the positive development of young people, and will facilitate a sharing of resources about "what works" for young people we are working with.

For more information or to register visit:


Community Exercise Foundation Course 2021 Saturday 22nd May Christchurch This one-day workshop is for... • Inexperienced instructors in a community or church setting who want to develop more confidence • Current activity providers or exercise professionals who want to upskill in the area of community-based group exercise delivery • Volunteers who lead or assist with the delivery of classes in age care facilities or for organisations that provide exercise classes for seniors • Anyone interested in becoming a group exercise leader – no previous experience is necessary

“The course was a wellwell-balanced blend of knowledge put into practical applications both on the course and which can be applied in my particular group”

“So many fantastic ideas…” ideas…”

“I learnt some good energiser activities and exercises that I can use with older people in a group exercise setting...”

*Course attendee feedback

For more information and to register go to: Questions? Contact: Kris Tynan Workshop & Training Coordinator E. P. 021 262 8886






Friday 21 May 12.30pm—1.30pm

Manawa Building, 276 Antigua Street, Christchurch Free to attend, but registration is essential Our ever popular Research Seminar Series is returning in 2021. This series will present you with research findings on relevant youth focussed topics, which can be used both policy and practice. We welcome anyone with an interest in young people to attend these free lunchtime sessions! BYO lunch.

Making the most of now: Young women’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic

Presented by Dr Louise Tapper and Adjunct Assoc. Prof Rosemary Du Plessis Young women are a group whose lives have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have worked as essential workers, cared for children and relatives, and attended school and tertiary institutions online during periods of lockdown. Some have lost jobs while others have struggled to find employment. Some have grieved for loved ones or faced personal challenges.

This seminar will report on a small scale oral history research project in which we listened to a group of diverse young women from Otautahi talking about their experiences through the lockdown in March and April of 2020 and the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. How has life changed for them, and how has the pandemic altered their hopes and aspirations for the future? We will share some of the strategies these young women used to promote their personal wellbeing in stressful, uncertain and difficult times. Ideas from the interviewees about how our communities can support young women will also be shared.

For more information or to register visit:


IS YOUR ORGANISATION ON TRACK? Help your community organisation ensure it is on track to success. Join in this six part workshop series, lead by specialist presenters. Funding | Governance | Communications | Finance/Legal People Management | Future Proofing

— May to October | Fridays 9am to 12.30pm

Woodend Community Centre | $100 for up to 2 people per group For more details and registration visit or contact Wendy Howe 021 432 028 |

Find out more at


Chamber Gallery Rangiora Sunday 9 May 2021 - Thursday 3 June 2021 Beyond the Glass by Thomas Heaphy Beyond the Glass is a photographic exhibition featuring an eclectic collection of images printed on archival cotton rag. The pictures are taken from a broader body of work by West Coast photographer, Thomas Heaphy. Loosely landscapes, both big and small, timeless and fleeting. They are painterly and ambiguous, creating a feeling of familiarity yet otherworldliness. The straight landscapes place an emphasis on aesthetic grandeur rather than place recognition. The more abstract images are little everyday microcosms and playful drive-by snippets. They are clean, featuring natural elements with minimal manmade material and avid cliched juxtapositions and irony. Heaphy’s intention is to paint with the camera and create a body of original work for quiet contemplation.


38 May 2021

Waimakariri Events 05


2nd: SeaThru Bridge to Bridge 10km Long Distance Rowing Race 8.30-11.30am, Cure Boating

Club, Kaiapoi. Open to all coxed Crews. Pack a picnic and watch from the banks of the Kaiapoi River.

16th: Lees Valley Trail Ride 8am - 4pm, Lees Valley Station. The ride of a lifetime in the stunning backcountry of Lees Valley Station!

23rd: Annual Sefton Tug of War 9am-3pm, Sefton School, Sefton. A great day out for the whole family. Children’s entertainment, market and food stalls. Alongside the main event there is a gumboot throw, truck pull competition and highland dancing.

25th: Megiddo & Thomson – ‘Cello Journey’ 7th & 21st: Oxford Area School – Observatory Open Nights 7.30pm and 8.30pm,

Oxford Area School, 52 Bay Road, Oxford. Look through a 12” Meade Schmidt Cassegrain telescope and be taken on a stargazing tour by one of the observatory’s volunteers. $10 adults, $5 children (under 16yrs) – bookings essential.

7.30pm, Chamber Gallery Rangiora. Travel around the globe in a programme of music that explores different music cultures, styles and periods.


28th-29th: St Bartholomew’s Church Book Fair Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-2pm, 23 Cass St, Kaiapoi. A two-day book fair offering a great selection of books, puzzles, DVD’s and more! This is a fundraiser towards the maintenance of St Bartholomew’s Church and Hall.

13th-29th: 7.30pm-9.30pm, Rangiora Town Hall. North Canterbury Musicals are proud to be presenting this family-friendly tale with familiar themes and catchy music. Bursting with local talent of all ages and a full live orchestra, this vibrant story is a delightful and captivating musical parable.


Kaiapoi Farmers Market

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday 10am–12pm.


Chamber Gallery Rangiora Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora. Beyond the Glass, from May 9th

North Canterbury Sunday Market

Rangiora Racecourse. Every Sunday 9am–1pm.

Ohoka Farmers Market BIKE, WALK AND PLANT THE TŪHAITARA COASTAL PARK 12th: Pegasus Community/Volunteer Tree Planting. 10am-12noon, Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus 22nd: Pines Beach Community/Volunteer Tree Planting. 10am- 1pm, Batten Grove, Pines Beach Help grow the future at these tree planting sessions in the Tūhaitara Coastal Park. BYO spade, water bottle and gloves. Please ensure you dress to the weather conditions. For walking and cycling information visit

Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday 9am– 12.30pm.

Art on the Quay

Oxford Farmers Market Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday 9am–12pm.

Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi. Colours of Nature, until June 2nd

Oxford Craft Market

Arts in Oxford

Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.

Rangiora Sunday Market

Blake St Carpark, Rangiora. Every 2nd Sunday, 10am-2pm.

72 Main Street, Oxford. FOLIO an exhibition of Oxford Area School, NCEA Art Folios by students achieving Excellence, from 6th- 23rd May

MORE INFO AT: or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E:

39 MEGIDDO & THOMSON 'Cello Journey'





Tickets available at Rangiora Library (cash only)

Inbal Megiddo and Rachel Thomson will be performing music by; de Falla, Fisher, Shostakovich, Brahms Presented by WAIMAKARIRI COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL in association with CHAMBER MUSIC NEW ZEALAND


Council Info

Play your Part in Road Safety It’s that time of the year when weather conditions can affect visibility for road users and extra care is needed to ensure we keep ourselves and others safe. Sunstrike can occur at any time of the day, but is particularly prevalent during peak hours, especially for drivers heading eastbound in the morning and westbound in the afternoon. Combine this with dirty windows and it’s a recipe for trouble. In the last ten years in the Waimakariri district there have been 58 crashes where sunstrike or fog were factors. Two of these crashes resulted in deaths and 9 others were seriously injured. To reduce the risk of sunstrike – •

Keep your windscreen clean, inside and out. Dust and grime on the windscreen can make the effects of sunstrike much worse.

Wear sunglasses when driving with the sun in your eyes.

Use your car’s sun visors to block the sun.

If you experience sunstrike, it may be best to pull over and wait for a few minutes until your eyes adjust or visibility improves.

All road users need to think about how visible they are to other road users. For cyclists and pedestrians, we encourage the use of bright or high visibility or reflective clothing to ensure you stand out against the background, particularly when sunstrike or fog is present. Driving in fog can also affect visibility and while you may be able to see where you are going, others may not see you as clearly or as quickly as they normally would. To reduce the risk in fog – •

Turn your headlights on (don’t use high beam as the light will reflect back at you)

Use your front fog lights if you have them (switch them off when visibility improves)

Keep your windscreen clean – turn on the demister or open the windows to keep it clear

Where visibility is affected by weather conditions, remember to reduce your speed. This allows you extra time to react should something unexpected occur.

Everyone has a part to play in road safety – are you doing your bit?



FREE four week small group beginners class Covers using different devices, the internet and email

Kaiapoi Library Starting Monday 3 May 10am-12pm for four weeks

Bookings essential on 03 311 8901 or at any Waimakariri library

l i b ra r i e s .w a i m a ka r i r i . g o vt . nz




Hear about the science behind the new tsunami evacuation zones and learn practical things you can do at home to be better prepared in this series of free public meetings. KEY SPEAKERS: Justin Cope Principal Science Advisor Natural Hazards, Environment Canterbury

Brennan Wiremu Emergency Management Advisor, Waimakariri District Council

TOPICS INCLUDE: The Science Behind the Tsunami Zones | How Likely is a Tsunami Overview of the New Zones | Responding to a Tsunami Event Having a Plan at Home | Q&A Time INFORMATION EVENING DATES: Pegasus

Wednesday 12 May, 7pm

Pegasus School Gymnasium

Waikuku Beach

Thursday 13 May, 7pm

Waikuku Beach Hall


Wednesday 19 May, 7pm Wednesday 2 June, 7pm

Kaiapoi Riverside Church Kaiapoi High School Auditorium

Pines Beach/Kairaki

Thursday 3 June, 7pm

The Pines Beach/Kairaki Community Hall


Wednesday 9 June, 7.30pm

Woodend Community Centre


Wednesday 16 June, 7pm

Watch on Facebook & Youtube


Honda Forest Community Planting Days Come one, come all! Let’s restore native forest to Kaiapoi’s Regeneration area.

Saturday 10 April, 8 May, 4 and 18 September Start time 10am Help transform this area...

into this!

Rain or shine. All ages are welcome! Regeneration Kaiapoi has partnered with Honda to bring the mighty Kahikatea back to Kaiapoi. The Honda Forest will surround wetlands with two hectares of trees. Location: Cass Street, entrance opposite Norman Kirk Park Carpark (look for the flags) What to bring: Sturdy footwear, spade, gloves and a drink bottle. We finish up each planting day with a sausage sizzle for the volunteers. For more information contact Mike Kwant Community Projects Officer - Greenspace Email: Phone: 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV)

44 Free Computer Classes at Waimakariri Libraries TERM TWO 2021

Introduction to Digital Banking Rangiora Monday 10 May 2.30 pm-4.30 pm Kaiapoi Thursday 13 May 10 am-12 pm

Introduction to Email Rangiora Wednesday 19 May 10 am–12 pm Kaiapoi Thursday 20 May 10 am–12 pm

Introduction to Smart phones Rangiora Monday 24 May 10 am–12 pm Kaiapoi Thursday 27 May 10 am-12 pm

Bookings essential Phone 03 311 8901 or at anyWaimakariri Library


Welcome to our new four-legged volunteer! Hazel is a three year old maltipoo dog and her job is to lie or sit and listen while a child reads to her for 15 minutes each week. This provides children, who may have difficulties with reading, a non-judgemental listener and encourages confidence with reading aloud. It also helps us introduce children and their families to the many benefits of the library. Hazel has behavioural certification which means she has been specially trained to socially interact with children and adults. She’s been a regular visitor to local rest homes and preschools. This is a free service open to children aged between 5 and 12 years.

Sessions for term 2 start from 11 May › Tuesdays 3.30–4.30 at Rangiora Library › Thursday 3.30–4.30 at Kaiapoi Library For more information and bookings call Donna McMillan on 03 311 8901 or email


English Language Classes For speakers of English as a second language. Improve your speaking and listening skills. Enjoy the friendly atmosphere and interesting topics as well as social activities with classmates.

When Saturdays, 1 May – 26 June 2021 10am-1pm

Where Rangiora Town Hall Function Room 303 High Street, Rangiora

Cost Classes are free

For more information or to register Julie Cloughley, tutor Email - - Phone - 027 403 8245

For more information about the Migrants and Newcomers group visit



RANGIORA WRONGDOINGS Join four Canterbury authors for a criminally good evening. Past Ngaio Marsh Awards longlistee Mark McGinn will chair a discussion on crafting page-turning stories with past Ngaios longlistee Katherine Hayton and 2021 Ngaios entrants Kevin Berry and Justin Warren


Hello From

The Community Team! Wendy Howe Rachel Thornton

Community Development Faciliator

Community Development Facilitator

Age – friendly Community Facilitator

Safe Community Facilitator

Serena Peychers

Tessa Sturley

Madeleine Burdon

Nicola Trolove

Administration Support

Community Team Manager

Natalie Paterson Safe Community Facilitator


Sam Redman

Youth Development Co-ordinator

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