Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to give a BIG shout out to Te Puna Tahua, the NZ Lottery Grants Board, for continuing to support its youth mentoring programme. The Lottery Grants Board distributes the profits made from New Zealand state lotteries, such as Lotto and Instant Kiwi, for the benefit of New Zealand communities.
Programme Manager Ellie (pictured left) is over the moon that she can continue to make life-changing matches - just like Sid (Little) and James (Big), also pictured - in North Canterbury, providing Mentors to young people most in need of a positive role model Get in touch today to find out how you can change the life of a child in your community;
Cover photo: Marketing materials from the launch of our new community support website
Waimakariri Community Team
The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.
A different voice for the editorial this month. I am the Youth Development Facilitator in the Community Team.
May is a great month for a number of reasons, including the wide range of events and national weeks.
New Zealand Sign Language Week. This is a great opportunity for everyone to have a go at learning Sign Language. The NZSL Week website has a great range of resources.
Youth Week. Keep an eye out for events and activities on the Ara Taiohi website.
North Canterbury Youth Futures Careers Expo is back in 2023. Wednesday 24 May, 4pm–8pm at Rangiora High. This event is a engaging and informative opportunity to:
• Explore some cool and interesting career and employment opportunities you may not have considered.
• Get a taste for future options.
• Receive guidance around opportunities in a field or education programme that interests you.
Youth Council have a new cohort of members. This cohort will bring a fresh view point for our current members and are ready to hit the ground running with continuing current projects as well as developing their own priorities.
Our Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs coordinator, Elizabeth, is available to connect with community members who are either; a young person not in education, employment, or training; a person living with disabilities - other disadvantaged people into work.
On Track is being delivered again starting this month. On Track is a capacity building training programme for community groups to strengthen their governance and organisational practice.
See inside for more details.
Emily BeltonAn online tool to find out what benefits you are eligible for
BenefitMe is a new independent online tool you can use to find out what income support you are entitled to from Work and Income.
BenefitMe is created by a citizen group, independent of government, and works out your eligibility based purely on legislation. It's designed to put power in the hands of the people so that if you get a different result than what Work and Income is telling you, you can confidently question this. BenefitMe has information about how you can do this.
Visit and click on the 'Get Started' button. Enter details about your circumstances, and it will calculate your eligibility for the most common benefits. This will include whether you are entitled to them and the amount you can receive. Have a look at this video demonstrating how to use BenefitMe.
At this stage BenefitMe will tell you your eligibility for:
• Jobseeker Support
• Sole Parent Support
• Disability Allowance
• Accommodation Supplement
• (With more to come).
BenefitMe is an initiative by the Digital Aotearoa Collective, a civil society collective committed to addressing injustice and improving well-being in Aotearoa New Zealand. It was designed in consultation with Citizens Advice Bureau.
Sometimes Work and Income gets it wrong, and if BenefitMe is giving you a different result than what Work and Income is telling you, then you can ask Work and Income to give you an explanation of how they determined your eligibility. BenefitMe has some information about how you can do this.
The Kaiapoi Garden Club is a club that meets in the evening while the majority of other Garden Clubs meet in the afternoons. By meeting in the evenings it gives younger people a chance to follow their gardening hobby after working hours.
We meet at the Riverside Bowling Club at Hinemoa Park, Belcher Street, Kaiapoi at 7.30pm the second Wednesday of every month.
We have members from Kaiapoi, Ohoka, Clarkville, Rangiora, Belfast and Christchurch. If you would like to know more please phone Colleen 03 327 3210. We are known for a club for men and women in a friendly atmosphere.
Next Meeting - Wednesday 10 May at 7.30pm at Riverside Bowling Club, with our speaker Valmai Becker – 'Using Native Plants'.
Visitors and new members are very welcome to join us.
R13 Youth Development Trust provides mentoring, counselling, and flexible wellbeing support for young people aged 12–18 in North Canterbury. We have had some staff changes: farewelling our truancy youth mentor Holly to her exciting new role with Stepping Stones, and welcoming Celine on board who is an experienced practitioner in the area of family harm and intimate partner violence.
At the moment at R13 we are seeing the need for youth-friendly spaces, drop-in activities, and practical workshops and we are eager for any volunteers or youth work students that this might interest.
Get in touch with us about anything – or
Volunteering Canterbury’s Volunteer Recognition Awards take place each year during National Volunteer Week, which runs this year from 18–24 June.
Since the Awards began in the early 1990's, their purpose has been to recognise outstanding efforts and achievements by volunteers of all ages, in all sectors. Volunteer Recognition Awards are a great way to acknowledge and celebrate your volunteers, tell their stories and encourage others to volunteer with your organisation.
Nominations for our 2023 Volunteer Recognition Awards are now open! Not-for-profit voluntary organisations or projects within the Canterbury region are invited to nominate a volunteer, or group of volunteers, to receive an Award. For more information and to download a nomination form please visit:
May 2023
Please contact us on 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about the activities listed.
Every Monday 10am–12pm
Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street. Kaiapoi. Facilitated by Lynette. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced skill. Upcoming specialist workshops (please register):
• 1 May - Paper Flowers with Sandie Brown (bring scissors, glue gun if you have one).
• 8 May - Folk Art with Chris Threadwell, (bring a terracotta pot).
• 12 June - Glass Tile Making with Jackie Hancock.
To find our more or to register contact 0800 226 695.
Every Tuesday 9.30am
Facilitated by Glenda and Chris the group is for patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk
around Northbrook Waters and coffee at Station Café at 10.30am.
Oxford Support Group
Third Wednesday of the month at 10am. Next meeting 18 May at Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans, Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers welcome.
NEW Cheviot Support Group –Coffee and Chat.
First meeting to be held 10–11.30am, Wednesday 10 May
Craft Centre, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot. Open invitation to patients and carers in the Hurunui and other areas who would like a morning out socialising.
Kaikōura Women’s Cancer Support Group
Meets weekly 10.30am Tuesdays
Facilitated by Blou Rickerby, Community Support Group Worker, Kaikōura Health Centre. Please contact Blou on 027 562 0811 to register.
8 May, 6.30pm. Meets every second Monday of the month in Rangiora.
A warm invitation is extended to people with gynaecological cancers to meet and gain support from others. Contact Catherine 022 0465 070 or Cancer Society North Canterbury 0800 226 695.
NEW Support Group - Life after Cancer
Facilitated by Kylie Tolman. Following the success of the Life after Cancer - the
“new normal” last year, Kylie (cancer survivor) is now offering a regular support for those who have completed treatment and are seeking support and ideas to adjust to their new life. Begins 6.30pm Thursday 4 May in Rangiora. Please register by contacting 0800 226 695.
Cancer Society Rural Clinics
For all cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment related support and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts) at medical centres in Waikari, Amuri, Oxford (@ hospital), Kaikōura and Hanmer.
For women at CS Rangiora, Saturday
27 May 10am–12.30pm. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at
Blue Bros exercise classes for men
8.15am on Mondays and Fridays, Mainpower Stadium.
Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 2027 525 to register. Note: classes starting in Amberley and Oxford.
Prostate Foundation support group
Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email
Ostomy NZ support
Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Café) and Christchurch
(first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora, Tuesday 13 June, 10am. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email: for education and support for patients and families.
Sweet Louise
Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact 027 328 8003 and Facebook.
Lymphoedema education sessions
(Also via Zoom). Held at 11am–12.30pm every second Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register for the group or attend by Zoom.
Kaikoura Blue Bros
Exercise classes for Men in Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Blou 027 562 0811 to register. Currently meeting for coffee.
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ 0800 151 015, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out:
Pinc & Steel
Cancer rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions. Read more and/or register your interest at or contact
Support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. Office at 23 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. See for more information.
Just to update you all, the total profit raised to date is just over $92,000! We are incredibly thankful to everyone who has made this year’s relay such a wonderful success. Not just for the funds raised but from everyone who has contributed their time, resources, support, expertise, sponsorship and talent – THANK YOU so much for being involved!
Make Mother’s Day this year a bloomin’ beautiful day by giving mum a packet of gorgeous mixed tulip bulbs, or better yet, plant them in a lovely pot and give to her for her special day! Final bulbs now available.
Mixed bulbs available:
• 10 x Daffodils $11
• 10 x Tulips $13
• 100 x Daffodils $100
• 100 x Tulips $115.
Contact Tiff on or 021 139 4909 to order your bulbs today.
Yes, Shoot for the Moon is coming back this winter. Keep an eye out for more information about this year’s challenge in next month’s issue of Chatter and on our Facebook page. To find out more about this fun event and how you can be involved go to
Going into Autumn is the perfect time for our rangers to be planting native trees at the wetlands. This year, as a part of the Trees that Count movement, we have been generously donated 10,000 native trees for wetland restoration and rehabilitation. Planting them as soon as possible is a major priority for our team as Autumn is the season that provides optimal conditions for planting due to higher levels of rainfall and it is not too hot or cold. This will give our plants the best chance to establish and survive. Keep a close lookout for upcoming volunteer planting days as we have some exciting events on the horizon. Our team of rangers would love a helping hand, not to mention it is a wonderful way to come together as a community and give back to nature.
Our newest plantings can be found near our pā harakeke on the Tūtaepatu trail. When these plantings grow up, the public will be able to access a koru shaped hideaway surrounded by native trees which will attract native birds and wildlife. Having shapes in landscapes helps to promote health and wellbeing by adding different aspects of dimension and diversification. In Māori tradition the koru represents new life, growth, and movement.
At Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust we document our projects by taking photographs so that over time we can look at sites to monitor and compare. These photos show our most recent biota node project which was funded by Driving Miss Daisy and established only last year. The first photo was taken immediately after our ranger team had finished planting and mulching. The second photo is from this month. It is truly incredible to see such a difference between the two photos and how fast our native plants are growing in their new wetland environment!
Lastly, we would like to bring to your attention an invasive plant species that poses a significant threat to our biodiversity and native ecosystems. It is called yellow bristle grass. Yellow bristle grass is an invasive annual grass that spreads rapidly, is unpalatable to stock and when it dies off in the summer it causes the reinfestation of other weed species. While it can grow in pasture, it has been found along roadsides in Mid and North Canterbury but can be easily spread by vehicles, machinery or on clothing. Our best chance to try and manage these types of invasive species is with the help of our community. If you see this plant, please report your sighting using the Find-APest app or email with photos and location details.
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tuhaitara_coastal_park
On Wednesday 3 May, 10.45am–12pm the Kaiapoi Community Garden will be having a morning tea for the public in celebration of organic week NZ. Come along for an organic based morning tea made with produce from the garden and take a look at a great example of an organic community garden.
Saturday 27 May – Fermenting workshop. Come along to the KCG and learn how to make kombucha, sauerkraut and simple vege ferments.
Citizens 10
Advice Bureau
St John Health Shuttle service is available to your community to provide transport for health related appointments in Christchurch. The service operates Monday to Friday, with stops at:
• Amberley
• Leithfield
• Pegasus Town
• Woodend
• Rangiora
• Kaiapoi
Medical appointments need to be made after 10am and be completed by 3pm. Bookings are required 24 hours prior to transport. For more information or to make a booking please call St John: 0800 103 046.
In 2023 we are piloting a weekly choir in sunny Rangiora, for those too far away to attend our central city choir.
What is a neurological choir?
It is a therapeutic choir for people with neurological conditions such as (but not limited to) Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and brain injury. The choir is led by a registered music therapist and a speech language therapist.
The choir aims to improve and maintain communication through the physical act of singing, the social interaction and connection that comes with singing in a group.
For more information or to register your interest please contact Charlotte: or 020 405 84425
Knit a Peggy Square 15x15cm – as many or as few as you like!
Knit a strip of squares or even a whole blanket!
Sew donated peggy squares together into blankets
Donate wool for others to knit with
Knit while watching TV, on the bus, during your lunch break, or anywhere else that suits! This is a project for the young and young at heart, the knitting newbies and the seasoned pros.
You can knit on your own, teach your whānau, get your craft group involved or invite your neighbours to join in! All are welcome!
Visit for all the details, including a handy knitting pattern.
Micro-Volunteering Day: 15 April
Microvolunteering is bite-sized, ondemand, no commitment actions that benefit a worthy cause. This year, we invite you to get involved by knitting Peggy Squares for blankets.
Completed blankets will be donated to those in need in our community through local organisations
World Wide Knit in Public Day: 10 June
Knitting can be dropped off to us at Christchurch Community House at any time, or we'd love you to join us on World Wide Knit in Public Day, to finish knitting and sewing together as many blankets as we can!
Saturday , 10 June 2023 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Christchurch Community House 213 Lichfield Street
Could you spare a little time to become a volunteer visitor?
Many older people in your community are lonely and isolated as they receive few or no regular visitors. Age Concern Canterbury’s Visiting Service helps reduce the loneliness by providing friendship and companionship through a volunteer visitor.
We provide full training and support and ask that you commit for at least 12 months, one hour per week.
If you’d like to make a real difference to an older person’s life please contact Rebecca or Peter at Age Concern Canterbury on 366 0903.
IHC Volunteering North Canterbury is looking for volunteers to join our one-to-one Friendship programme.
Want to share the things you enjoy with a friend? Have fun, feel good, and make a difference to an adult with an intellectual disability and yourself. Keen to find out more?
027 531 3579 for further information.
My name is Diana Shoppee, and I am proud to run the IHC Friendship Programme in North Canterbury. Our programme is about friendship in the community, spending time doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, with an adult who has an intellectual disability. Have fun, feel good, make a difference.
I am currently looking for ladies and gentlemen in the Rangiora area of North Canterbury who would like to volunteer. I have several clients who would really relish the opportunity to have a one-to-one friendship.
Their interests include (but are not limited to) walking; chatting with a friend; going for a cuppa; watching aeroplanes;
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to give a BIG shout out to Te Puna Tahua, the NZ Lottery Grants Board, for continuing to support its youth mentoring programme. The Lottery Grants Board distributes the profits made from New Zealand state lotteries, such as Lotto and Instant Kiwi, for the benefit of New Zealand communities.
mme Manager Ellie (pictured left) is over the moon that she can continue e life-changing matches - just like Sid (Little) and James (Big), also d - in North Canterbury, providing Mentors to young people most in need sitive role model. Get in touch today to find out how you can change the child in your community;
Have you bought something recently which is faulty in some way, or maybe it’s broken down after only a very short time? Your rights to have it repaired or replaced are covered under the Consumer Guarantees Act.
The Act covers almost all goods (new and second-hand) and services you would normally buy from a commercial entity. Items the Act does not cover includes houses and private sales (e.g. through Trade Me from a private individual).
One very important point to note is that retailers cannot contract out of the Act. It’s also worth noting that the Extended Warranty that many retailers try to sell you is offering no more protection than you’re already entitled to under consumer law, your home and contents insurance, or the manufacturer’s warranty. In some cases, the extended warranty offers less cover than you’re entitled to under the law. For more information on Extended Warranties click here:
Consumer NZ is an organisation which has been in operation since 1959, they provide consumers with a wide range of consumer protection advice and information. They have written an excellent article which is easy to read and it takes you through your consumer rights for when something goes wrong. Go to:
Consumer NZ are very willing to help if you have any concerns about a purchase, their office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday and they may be contacted on 0800 266 786, or you can email them on
The Government has also produced information for consumers to explain how the Consumer Guarantees Act works – go to:
If you are particularly interested in your rights when you buy on-line here is another great article:
Other useful links: · Banking Ombudsman
· Citizens Advice Bureau
· Commerce Commission
· Consumer Protection
· Disputes Tribunal
· Telecommunication Disputes Resolution Service
· Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal
· Utilities Disputes
We are advertising for volunteers, with applications closing on Friday, 12 May 2023. Training will commence in late May.
If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as they come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential.
To give you an idea of some of the questions we deal with on a daily basis, here are some examples.
• How do I check if I am due a tax refund without paying someone to do it?
• Can I put up a boundary fence without talking to my neighbour?
• Our flat is cold and damp. What should we do?
• Where can I find a Justice of the Peace?
• Can I claim for the cost of damage or loss resulting from a power outage?
• Can a landlord advertise a rental property without stating the rent amount?
• My mobile phone has been stolen. What should I do?
• How should I talk to my creditor about having trouble with my debt repayments?
• What is the phone number of a new retailer in Rangiora?
• How should I dispose of used light bulbs?
• Is a verbal agreement with a friend legally enforceable?
As you can see, no question is too big or too small.
You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email
10:30 Dancing For Fitnesshave a boogie and move to music or 10:30 Open Craft - bring along knitting or colouring
10:30 Doco Group - pick a topic and have a chat about what we learn or 10:30 Local Op Shopping
10:30 Day Trip to Birdlings Flat and Tai Tapu
10:30 Game of Charades or
10:30 Craft with Rachelmaking toys for the SPCA
10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting
11:00 Fun Quiz - general knowledge quiz
12:30 Bring your lunch. Animal theme dress up
12:00 Bring your lunch
12:00 Bring your lunch
1:00 Craft - decorate a journal for thoughts or poems ($2) or
1:00 Walk at Pegasus Beach
1:00 Craftjewellery making with CanBead or
1:00 The Good Home Cafe at Pegasus followed by a walk around the lake
Bring your lunch
After lunch we will visit the Gem and Rock Museum
1:00 Craft with Rachel - DIY personalised postcards ($2) or
1:00 Pool at RSA
12:00 Picnic lunch at Deans Bush followed by a walk through the bush and a visit to Ferry Road BookshopsToffs, Finders Keepers
Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley
10:30 Team Fun Quiz
11:15 Tai Chi with Rosie (gold coin donation) or
11:15 Meals on Wheels
10:30 Day out to Ashburton
10:30 Newsletter - preparing mail out
10:30 Day out to Christchurch
12:30 Bring your lunch
Lunch in Ashburton Domain (bring your own picnic lunch)
Visit Ashburton Aviation Museum with a guided tour ($5)
12:00 Bring your lunch
Visit Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities ($2.50)
Lunch at the Botanic Gardens (bring your lunch)
10:30 Craft with SoonMaymake a hand sewn pinch purse or
10:30 Walk to St Johns Op Shop or
11:15 Meals on Wheels
12:00 Bring your lunch
1:30 Walk at Kairaki Beach or
1:30 Op Shopping in Kaiapoi
1:00 Cuppa out for newsletter volunteers
Walk through Botanic Gardens
1:00 Explore local shops for craft ideas or
1:00 Walk n Draw in Victoria Park
volunteers and volunteer organisations.
Capacity Building Training series for Community Groups and NGO’s.
• Ensure your organisations future success
Learn about the new Incorporated Societies Act, the changes and timeframes and how it affects your incorporated society.
Health and Safety
• Improve your governance skills and knowledge
Friday 8 July 9.30am – 12pm
• Ideal for volunteer boards and committees, managers
Woodend Community Centre
• Monthly sessions May to October
• Morning and evening options
• For more information visit
The programme will run monthly from May to October. This year we are offering both an evening and a daytime option, the content will be the same for both sessions. Thursday evenings 6–8pm or Friday mornings 9.30–11.30am.
Incorporated Societies Act 2022
Friday 12 August 10.00am – 12pm
Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre
$20 per person, per session | Registration essential
For more details visit or contact Wendy Howe 021 432 028 |
The topics of focus will be Governance, Strategic and Operational Planning, Communications, Funding and Team dynamics. The sessions are planned as an overall suite of learning and groups are encouraged to participate in all six.
On-Track is a six-part programme of training sessions. These workshops will cover key information to help your community group or not for profit organisation ensure it is on track to success. This training will be ideal for board or committee members, managers or sole employees who may have taken on a new role and others who would simply like to be re-energised and refresh their knowledge.
The workshops will be held in the Woodend Community Centre.
Priority registration is for organisations participating in all six sessions. The fee of $100 includes up to three people per organisation for all six workshops. Support to cover the cost may be available, please enquire.
Contact or call 021 432 028 to register.
What’s the new law?
A new Incorporated Societies Act has been passed. This law will apply to all community groups that are incorporated societies*.
What do we need to know?
If your group is an incorporated society, the new law means that your group will need to:
update your constitution, and
apply to re-register your group, and
*How do we know if we are an incorporated society?
Your group will be an incorporated society if your group’s name ends in the word “Incorporated” and if your group is listed on the register at:
check that your senior management and Board/Committee are not ‘disqualified’, and (for some groups), start following new financial reporting rules.
Once your group have updated your constitution and re-registered, you will need to start following the new rules in the Incorporated Societies Act.
When do we need to do this?
Your group has until the end of March 2026 to get this done but most groups will update their constitution at their AGM in 2024 or 2025. We recommend your group find out more about the new law now so you can make a plan to get this done.
What happens if we don’t?
If you don’t update your constitution and re-register, your group will be dropped from the register of incorporated societies. This will mean that your group will no longer be incorporated and it won’t be able to own assets or property. It also means that the people on your Committee could be held responsible if your group can’t pay your bills.
Where we can find out more?
More information about the new law is also available on the Registrar’s website. law-changes-for-societies/
Community Law Canterbury are running workshops to help groups learn more about the new law. Our next workshops are in late April and early May. For more information about these, please email If those dates don’t suit your group, please email us and let us know. We can keep you updated about workshops that will be held later in the year.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary the Canterbury Safety Charter is hosting a 1-day conference and celebration dinner. Following the Canterbury earthquake rebuild, health and safety has an increasing focus on mentally safe work.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference aims to provide a framework for understanding the challenges of psychosocial safety, and what practical steps organisations can take to improve both their procedures and outcomes.
The Safety Charter is excited to bring a world-class conference to the South Island and give the opportunity for industry professionals to learn and understand the challenges of creating mentally safe work and mentally safe workplaces. Presenters come from a diverse range of backgrounds and industries and will provide delegates with a solid understanding of both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to create safer, thriving, and more productive work.
Mentally Safe Work Conference delegates will hear from experts on developing an integrated intervention approach, practical case study examples, WorkSafe perspective, as well as legal obligations and how technology can be utilised. This conference is for any organisation or individual who are looking for guidance as they navigate their mentally safe workplace journey.
The Mentally Safe Work Conference is part of the Charter’s 10-year Anniversary celebrations, which features a gala dinner on Thursday night. All conference delegates, past and present Charter members, and anyone with an interest in the Charter are warmly invited to attend. Hear and share stories from the early days, learn about the challenges overcome, and honour our 10-year members.
Courses are run at our Trade Training Centre in Flaxton Road, Rangiora
8 week modules – 3hrs x 2 days per week
Graduation Certificate issued on completion of course work
Registrations of interest welcome for 2023 courses
To Register go to
Low Course cost of $90pp for trade training modules
Welding and Metalwork
Tiny Home Project
GYM Circuit Training – FREE COURSE!!
Learn more about Gym equipment and technique in a fun environment suitable for all capabilities. Grab a friend, or just come along and up the fitness level with a qualified trainer.
Learn more about Gym equipment and technique in a fun environment suitable for all capabilities. Grab a friend, or just come along and up the fitness level with a qualified trainer. This course runs 2 evenings per week from 7-8pm.
This course runs 2 evenings per week from 7-8pm.
The course is FREE, you must register. There is a one-off registration fee of $10pp.
The course is FREE, you must register. There is a one-off registration fee of $10pp.
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.
Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.
7 – 8.30am – Rangiora Baptist Church
Join Big Brothers Big Sisters and Guest Speaker Matt Brown, an internationally acclaimed barber, for a delicious buffet breakfast. Listen to Matt’s empowering speech as he shares more about the global anti-violence movement he inspired. Don’t forget to bring cash for the raffle!
$45 pp, tickets available online at
7pm – MainPower Stadium, Rangiora
Get amongst the action of the 2023 ANZ Premiership Netball as the Tactix take on the Magic at MainPower Stadium. Live netball is an experience not to be missed, with entertainment, excitement, and action on and off the court that the whole family will enjoy. Tickets from $20 available online
10am – 12pm – Cure Boating Club, 136 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
Come down and watch the Cure BC Mother’s Day Long Distance Race from land, or upgrade your view of the action from the iconic Kaiapoi River Queen - limited places available. $30 per head on board. Email for bookings.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford.
Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 9am – 2.30pm
7pm – 11pm – Kaiapoi Working Mens Club
Attend a musical showcase that will be fundraising for the families of QFF Craig Stevens and SO Dave Van Zwanenberg, the two Muriwai fighters killed in the landslide during cyclone Gabrielle. Listen to nine different groups as they perform a mix of rock n roll, 60s and 70s music and country tunes.
$10 pp. Door sales only.
ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library
176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora
OXFORD GALLERY 72 Main Street, Oxford
Rangiora Town Hall
Witness one of the most beloved musicals of all time, featuring hit songs ‘Summer Nights’, ‘Greased Lightning’, and ‘Hopelessly Devoted To You’ in Waimakariri.
Performances start at 7.30pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Matinees at 4.00pm on Sundays and 2.00pm on the last Saturday.
Adults $37.50, Concession $32.50
Tickets available from Kaiapoi Isite, online at iticket. or call 0508 484 2538
7.30 – 9.30pm – Chamber Gallery, Rangiora Library
Experience a gypsy jazz performance in a gorgeous gallery as Fiona, Connor and Dan from Fiona Pears Trio perform live. $35 adults, $15 students. Cash only at the Rangiora Library.
Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.
On Thursday 25 May, former Waimakariri Mayor David Ayers, with John Hawker, former principal of Ashgrove School, will present a great story of their memories of the 1953 Flood at Waikuku Beach. Waikuku residents, come along! It will be held at the Rangiora Museum, 29 Good Street, at 7.30pm.
All welcome and donations from non members would be appreciated. Supper will be served. The monthly meetings are very popular so come early to get a seat.
The Museum is also open Wednesdays and Sundays 1.30pm to 4pm.
Over 5,000 objects to view and extensive archives if you are researching family history.
We have 24 dancers from Waimakariri and Hurunui who need your support. Aged between 10–18 years we have teams, duo/trio and solo performers who dance in jazz, lyrical and contemporary styles.
You can support by allowing us to entertain you at our “Celebration of Dance 2023”. Visit to order tickets.
Alternatively, you can sponsor the team. Both cash and prize sponsorship would be gratefully accepted.
All sponsorship and fundraising goes towards attending out of region competitions.
Exciting news! On 17 April our senior team AND a soloist earned nominations, based on their outstanding performance, to attend the National Young Performer Awards in October.
Help us to get them to Palmerston North to represent our region at Nationals.
If you wish to support the team please contact us at
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A n e x h i b i t i o n o f a r t l o v e r ' s f a v o u r i t e a r t w o r k s .
S e l f P o r t r a i t | R i t a A n g u s P e n c i l S k e t c h
2 7 / 0 43 1 / 0 5 A R T E X H I B I T I O N
Everyone deserves the right to feel comfortable. Period products are now available in your local Library or Aquatic Facility if you need them.
Green: 45
Regular Tampons
Red: Slim Tampons White: Regular Pads Orange: Super Pads