September 2022 Community Groups News Please check for Covid protocols, postponements and cancellations with advertisers Parent to SupportParentgroup CommunityOxfordTrust Puāwai - Kai

What’s in this Chatter edition Community Information 4 Services & Programmes 23 Funding 32 Development/CoursesTraining/Professional 34 Youth 36 Events 37 Council Information 45 Cover photo: Waikuku Beach. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us. Chatter is compiled by Waimakariri District Council Community Team Private Bag 1005 Rangiora08007440965 Waimakaririwaimakariri.govt.nzchatter@wmk.govt.nz468Community Team Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.

Kia ora all I drove across the bridge on this beautiful clear morning, thankful for the early signs of spring. What a winter it’s been! Hopefully, some of you took the time to take the ‘Active August’ wellbeing challenge and brought a bit more physical activity into your day. If you missed the August challenge, it’s not too late! The benefits go beyond slightly looser clothing. There’s a significant link between physical and mental wellbeing. 26 September to 2 October is the Mental Health Foundation’s Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’ theme is “Reconnect with the people and places that lift you up!” It’s easy to get so busy with life that we forget to fill our cup. Inside this month’s Chatter, you’ll find a range of interesting engaging, and even confronting, opportunities to consider how to improve mental wellbeing and resilience in the face of the significant upheavals that modern life throws at us. It’s particularly good to see such a range of initiatives that address the challenges faced by our young people and men, who, sadly, are over-represented in suicide statistics. In terms of support for our more vulnerable residents, we’re delighted to hear that Hope Trust are restarting their weekly Community Dinners. Similarly, in Kaiapoi, Person to Person Trust’s Fuller Kai Lunches provide an opportunity for people to connect with others over some great food. Details are inside for this and a range of other great initiatives. For more information and a regular feed on what’s happening to support, connect, educate and empower local residents, ‘Like’ the Waimakariri Community Team Facebook Page: So, from the garden or the supermarket. It doesn’t matter. Make someone’s day! Maha ngā manaakitanga. Many blessings. Tessa 3
Greetings from the Editor

The Just Dirt Trust
Plant Sale on 15 October at Kaiapoi Farmers Market at 9.30am you will be able to purchase quality plants from members gardens. Keep 26 November for our Grand Dinner and Dance at the Kaiapoi Club - Tickets available next month. Annual Club membership is $25 per person. Visitors & new members very welcome to join us.

Clean Up Week
Good One is all about helping you have a great party without things getting hairy. When parties go bad, it’s worse for the hosts. Good One helps you have a good time while keeping your friends, families and neighbours safe. You can learn more and register at 4

We attended the Green Expo, there was many exhibitors. We are The Just Dirt Trust, we specialise in all forms of gardening. Remember although we are based in Christchurch we regularly visit north Canterbury. If you need any help it doesn’t have to cost much. Contact Selwyn on 027 604 6816 or
The Kaiapoi Garden Club is 100 years old this year and we are continuing our celebrations for this important event. On Wednesday 14 September at our Club meeting we will have a speaker - Sylvia Somerville - on Dahlias. Kaiapoi Spring Festival is on 24 September - 2 October and do look out for our display on William Street.
Clean Up Week is a great opportunity to get your friends, family, school, business or local community group together to participate in New Zealand’s largest clean up event and to make a positive and tangible impact in your local community.

This year Clean Up Week is kicking off on World Clean Up Day – Saturday 17 September and will run through until Friday 23 September 2022. Organise a crew to clean up your own little patch of the world and be part of a global movement to make a difference. Registrations are open until 23 September 2022. To register go to:
Community ProfileCommunity Information
Securing a private rental
For information about this, criteria and how to apply go’sBroughthouse/,AmplifyUisrunday-to-daybydisabledtoamplifythecontributionofNewlivingwithdisabilities,theirandfriends.outtheFacebookpage:youwanttolearnaboutWhaikaha–MinistryDisabledpeopleandthemahitheydo,
If your situation, or a barrier you face, is making it hard to find a landlord who will offer you a private rental house, MSD may be able to help. They can give you a letter of assurance to show to landlords when you’re looking for a place. The letter assures landlords that if they offer you a place and your tenancy lasts less than a year, we’ll help pay costs at the end that your bond won’t cover. This is called ‘Tenancy costs cover’.
The CommunityOxford Trust
The Oxford Community Trust supports people in Oxford and the surrounding Districts. We have a full time Manager Jo Ealam, who is supported by a team of workers including Georgia Harris (Youth Recreation), Nicky Stagg (Waimak Kids OSCAR), Julia Graham (U-Drive), Emma Woods (Community Worker), Sandy Smith (Food Bank Coordinator), Mike Rhynas (Financial Administrator), Trish Craig (Family Supervision), Emily Chapman (Assistant Co-ordinator).
Along with general support/advocacy we have a number of programmes running including Youth Recreation Events, Holiday Programmes, the U-Drive programme which helps young people move from their Learner’s Licence to their restricted. We work with Oranga Tamariki to provide family supervision. We have a partnership with the Oxford Budget Boutique who help us to assistance with firewood, school uniforms, and who also contribute to our food bank. Requests for food parcels has increased significantly, as we see people who have not had to access our services before come through. If you would like more info you can go to our website or you can get in touch by contacting us on 03 312 3006.

Saturday 24 We10.30am–12noonSeptemberwillshowyouhowto get seedlings going and what to plant in the spring. The gardeners have a wealth of knowledge that they love to share with others. We are situated at the Kaiapoi Borough School end of Hilton Street.
Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free. Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737. Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737. Whatever it is, we’re here. Free call or text 1737 anytime. 6

Parent to Parent hosts monthly Parent Support Groups in North Canterbury during the school term, to support carers and parents just like you. These groups are a safe space for family and whānau to share their experiences, their challenges, their triumphs, and to learn from each other in an open and 100% judgement-free environment. No topic is too ‘weird’, no question too ‘out there’. We get it, and we are here to help. So if you’d like to share a struggle, celebrate a success, raise a concern, or simply have a cuppa and chat with other parents and carers in your area, you are always welcome at our Parent Support Group. Children are welcome too! Drop in for as long or as short a time as you want.
Coffee9.30am—11.30amCulture,High Street, Rangiora
Coffee9.30am—11.30amCulture,High Street, Rangiora
Event details: • Wednesday 28 September 2022
For information contact coordinator: Louise Phone:Griffiths022659 2761 Office Hours: Mon 10am–4.30pm and Wed, Thurs 9am–4.30pm

• Wednesday 26 October 2022
Parent Support Group – North Canterbury Grab a free coffee and chat with other parents and carers who know what it’s like to care for a disabled child, a neurodiverse child, or a child with health impairments.

Email: aTheregion/
“Starting a Vegetable Garden”

To provide support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
To liaise with Council and others to ensure the area has well-maintained and fit-for-purpose community facilities
Waiora Links Community Trust is a newly formed charitable trust which covers the Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku area. The purpose of Waiora Links is to facilitate, promote, encourage and enhance a sense of belonging and wellbeing for the residents of Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku, both as individual communities and collectively, and to strengthen community networks. In particular the Trust will facilitate, promote, encourage and enhance opportunities for the following:
All the Trustees are local residents who have been actively advocating for and involved in their communities over many years and many projects. They have established successful, collaborative relationships with many organisations including Council and numerous social service and community organisations. Waiora Links has taken on the running of Ronel’s Community Cuppa, a free event for Pegasus residents that has been running successfully for five years. A new, similar event for Ravenswood and Woodend residents started in August. We have a lot of work to do before we are fully up and running. Meanwhile, if you would like to know more about Waiora Links, or want to have a conversation with us about how we can work together, please contact us by email:, or phone our Chairperson, Ronel Stephens on 021 072 4636.

To link residents with local agencies or organisations which align with the purpose of the Trust
To link residents with healthcare and social service
Introducing Waiora Links Community Trust

• Events and activities with the aim of increasing local knowledge, social inclusion and a sense of belonging
Please contact us on 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about the groups and activities, or pop into the office at 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.
What’s Happening in North Canterbury September 2022
Patient Group First Wednesday of the month,10am 7 September. 143 Percival Street, Rangiora We are delighted to have Kylie Tolman join us as guest speaker at our patient support group in September. You may remember Kylie from our video posts for Cancer Rehabilitation Week in September last year. She also donated the very popular selection of contemporary books at our office. “Kylie was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the young age of 30. She had had 6 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy, and breast reconstruction surgery, then eight years later she unfortunately endured a rupture in both of her implants. She now lives a happy and flat life. The part Kylie found the hardest was once treatment had finished. She felt like an abandoned sinking ship, lost, confused and angry”. Find out how she navigated through her journey and how she has been able to apply this now in her life.
Cancer Society Men’s Get Together 1pm Wednesday 29 September

Details to be confirmed after August get together. Oxford Support Group Third Wednesday of the month at 10am at Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated 8
Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group
10am Wednesday 5 October, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Catharine Hogan will talk about her own experience of ovarian cancer and her motivation to set up a Gynaecological Cancer Peer Support Group. In the same session she will run a craft session to create a beautiful small fabric covered item. More details to follow.
Children’s Holiday Art Morning Suitable for primary school and older children with their own or whānau experience of cancer. This morning session will be hosted by our therapeutic art group in Kaiapoi on the first or second Monday of the October school holiday.
Every Tuesday 9.30am Facilitated by Glenda & Chris the group meets every Tuesday. Open to all patients and carers. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Station Cafe at 10.30am to purchase your coffee.
Therapeutic Art group
Every Monday 10am-12pm This weekly group is facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Park on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill.
Ostomy NZ Support Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Cafe) and Christchurch (first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford St). Next meeting in Rangiora 10am Tuesday 6 September. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185
Lymphoedema Education Sessions (also via Zoom). Held each month on the 11am-12.30pm. Second Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register for the group or attend by Zoom.
Generally, held second Monday of the month 10am–12pm
Cancer Society online resources can-help/coping-with-cancer-videos/
• Kaiapoi Community Support 24 Sewell Street, held fourth Wednesday of the month (afternoon)
• Kaikōura Health Centre
• Silverstream Medical Centre Kaiapoi, held second Wednesday of the month (morning)
• Hanmer Springs Health Centre
Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men at 8.15am on Mondays, Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register.
• Amuri Health Centre (Rotherham)
Prostate Foundation support group Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email
• Waikari Health Centre Clinic
Generally third or fourth Friday of the month 10am–12pm
Bi-monthly second Tuesday of the month: 11 October and 13 December
by Ans from the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome.
Generally, second Monday of the month, 1pm–3pm.
Clinics Available for cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment related support and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts). Please contact us to make an appointment. Home visits and appointments at our centre in Rangiora available also.
Other resource and supports Look Good Feel Better Workshops for women at CS Rangiora 19 November 10am-12.30pm. To enrol online go to
• Oxford Hospital held first Wednesday of the month 2pm–4pm
The Rangiora workshops are listed under Christchurch with our address, 143 Percival St in the details. There are also workshops online for men. Please register
You can now pick up supplies of free RATs and masks from community testing centres and participating pharmacies. You don’t need to have symptoms to get free RATs. or by calling 0800 222 478.
Dig your old, defunct mobile phones out of the drawer for recycling, because RE:MOBILE wants your mobile phone regardless of whether it is in perfect working order or doesn’t even turn on.
Residents can now recycle their mobile phones through RE:MOBILE at the Council’s three libraries at Kaiapoi, Oxford and Rangiora. Old mobile phones can also be recycled at our ReSale Store at Southbrook resource recovery park, and a few stores in Rangiora. Please note that RE:MOBILE boxes are for mobile phones themselves, not for accessories like chargers, ear-buds, cables, etc. It’s easy-as: just drop your old mobile phones into the Mobile Phone collection box at one the libraries, and we’ll do the rest. Before you donate your mobile phone, there are four steps which we encourage you to do before you do so: 1. If the phone still turns on, disconnect it from any cloud service and complete a factory reset to erase any data from the phone. 2. Remove your sim card from the phone and keep it. 3. Leave the battery in the phone. 4. Switch the phone off. Phones will be checked out first. Any that still work well and can be reused will have their data wiped and are sold to businesses that specialise in the re-sale of second-hand mobile phones. Phones that are at the end of their life, are sent by Zero Waste NZ to Japan to be broken down into separate components. Around 95% of the materials in mobile phones will be recovered for recycling.
or email: for education and support for patients and families. Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men in Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. Join this community class to maintain your strength, flexibility, fitness and enjoy the camaraderie of others. Currently meeting for coffee. Reminder about getting free RATs and masks
Check Healthpoint for a list of pharmacies distributing free RATs at not all pharmacies are participating. P2/N95 masks are available for people who are at higher risk of hospitalisation if they get COVID-19. Mobile Phone Recycling has Reached Oxford and Kaiapoi
By recycling your old mobile phones, you not only save on resources, you help fund Sustainable’scoastlinesandwaterways,asisdonatedtoSustainableCoastlineseachphonerecycledwithRE:MOBILE.
Age Friendly Update Kia ora Koutou As I write this the August meeting of the Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group is about to meet where we will hear from our sub-group which has been working on ways to get feedback from the community on how best to get their opinion on what now needs to happen to continue the work of the initial Age-friendly plan “to make Waimakariri an even better place for older people to live”.

I understand that members of the sub-group are wishing to visit groups and take them through an exercise to get their ideas. They have also designed an exercise which individuals can do alone and send into us by hand, mail or internet. They have compiled a list of groups and individuals and will be contacting them soon. If you or your group would like to be part of this please contact Martin Pugh at or phone 021 567 544 during office hours. Haere ora Haere pai (Go with wellness, go with care) Joanne Gumbrell Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group ALL Wednesday,WELCOME26thOctober 2022 Town Hall Function Room Cnr King St and High St Rangiora 4:30pm – 5.30pm R S V P by Friday, 14th October 2022 E: T: 03 310 6375
At the workshop we decided we had two options: to either go it alone or seek Council support. The later was our preferred option and the Council have since agreed to support us. We now have a young man, Martin Pugh, from the Council Community Team to provide secretarial support for us.

The original plan ended in June and Madeleine Burdon our facilitator retired as it was the end of her term to work as our facilitator. Our Advisory Group had a workshop to decide what we would like to have happen next. After all people are not going to stop getting older. In June 2021 residents over 50 had exceeded 50% of the District’s population. Predictions show that by 2048 approximately 30% of Waimakariri residents will be over 65 years of age.
DATE: Wednesday, 26th October 2022
WELCOMEA nnual General Meeting ALL WELCOME
VENUE: Town Hall Function Room Cnr King St and High St
In the rainfall period, waterfowl birds such as pukeko, paradise shelduck, and spur winged plover have been spotted in abundance in particularly waterlogged areas. They are often found in areas where they may not usually visit such as the “lake” that has formed within the domain (picture 2). Flooding is a disturbance event within ecological systems; however, this disturbance can be beneficial to some and not others. Some birds even use flooding as seasonal indicators in which they base their timing of breeding and nesting.
Kia ora koutou mai Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara kaitiaki o te taiao. Greetings to you all from Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara ranger of the environment.
Spur winged plover have been spotted further inland, and in areas they haven’t been observed over the summer and autumn months which had less flooding. With tidal flooding being one of the main 1. Remains of young fur seal.
Alternately, for many ground-nesting birds, flooding can be devastating particularly in riverine, estuarine, and tidal areas with existing nests being washed away.
The park staff are doing their best to dig drains in attempts to redirect water, reshingle trails, and close flooded trails for public safety until surface water reduces.

Later in the month of August, we have been experiencing some frosty mornings but drier days overall as we approach daylight savings and the spring season.
Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Cold weather periods could have also been the cause for a young fur seal found on Woodend Beach which was found to have passed away with low body fat deposits. The fur seal was able to provide knowledge and interest for keen young minds through observation of dissection of the animal and measurement taking. This exploration allowed us to get a better idea of how or why it may have passed away. The animal was treated with respect in its death, and we are grateful for all we were able to learn and will continue to learn as we have marked burial location with GPS and will be able to look at its skeleton after 2/3 years (picture 1).
In the months of July/August we have seen great volumes of rain in the park with low-lying residents experiencing flooding. Surface water can be a pain for people in the area and interrupt recreational activities, however significant rainfall periods can have their benefits. Contrasting weather over differing seasons is a natural process of balance for ecosystem function, however the frequency and intensity of significant events are increasing as a result of climate change.
If you have any questions, or want to get involved with what we do, feel free to follow us or get in touch: Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Instagram: tuhaitara.coastal.park Website: 3. Nesting Spur-winged plover. 2. Waterfowl at the domain. 13

contributors to nesting failure specifically over the winter period, perhaps this is the reason that we currently have a devout spur winged plover mother warming her eggs through these frosty mornings at one of our new biota-nodes (picture 3). We have also began collecting water quality data with schools at their biotanodes. This data has made for interesting discussions about reasons why data may differ between the sites in relation to habitat quality, age, and species present. Overall, at the park, we are excited to continue using nature as an education tool and point of inspiration for the next generation of young people. We hope that this education will prompt them to consider the needs of the environment and its importance as they grow older and pursue their passions. Our upcoming planting day is on Saturday 10 September. Meet at the north end of Batten Grove by Achilles Parade

WALKINGNETBALL a fun & social sports programme for players of all abilities This fun and social sport is ideal for players of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness. Rules are very similar to normal netball, but with everything at a walking pace which can level the playing field and creates a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Keep active without the impact of running and jumping. Each 50 minute session will involve a warm up, skills drills and mini games, with players randomly drawn into teams so you’ll play with different people each week. Tuesdays at 10am, $5 per person per session. To register your interest Email: or Phone: 03 975 5560 MainPower Stadium is located at 289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora. 14


In April 2022 I posted on the Rangiora Community Facebook page, explaining the concept. The response from the local community was immediate, extensive and very supportive. I then set up a Facebook page so people could contact me and The SEDE Project was born. Given the simplicity of the idea and the fact that it is not a new concept, the extent of the response surprised me. It’s merely going back to the basics, and it is becoming increasingly necessary to return to the basics, given the relentlessly escalating cost of living. The SEDE Project promotes this in a way that addresses a particular need for help amongst elderly people in our communities. According to Stats NZ, the number of people in New Zealand aged 65+ doubled between 1991 and 2020, to reach 790,000, and is projected to double again by 2056.
The SEDE Project 16
New Zealand has an ageing population and the need for help within this demographic is going to steadily increase. The SEDE Project has two options for home gardeners and recipient pensioners. The first option involves linking a home gardener

Last summer, whenever I had vegetables from my garden that were surplus to my needs, I gave them to my elderly parents. They have always been keen gardeners but due to age-related issues are no longer able to look after a vegetable garden. The delight on my mother’s face every time I handed over home grown produce sparked a thought - what if other home gardeners did the same, thus benefitting numerous elderly people who can no longer grow their own? This thought coincided with a newspaper article about an elderly man who was skipping lunch each day due to affordability issues. His situation appalled me and I realised I should implement my idea.

• approaching garden centres about donating vegetable seedlings to SEDE Project gardeners • a workshop to teach people how to grow vegetables • promoting grow-your-own produce as a means of reducing the cost of living for people of all ages. If you would like to pass on home grown produce, or become a recipient (pensioner) of this initiative, please contact me via the
At this stage there are over 100 pensioners able to receive produce via The SEDE Project, in Rangiora and Kaiapoi. Fruit and vegetables are received by one-to-one arrangements and/or one-off donations.
Julie Lamplugh
A need has been identified regarding people in our community wanting to learn how to set up and maintain a vegetable garden. To address this, a series of posts will be published over the coming months on The SEDE Project Facebook page, documenting the process as a vegetable garden is developed at a local property (by a gardener with horticultural training).
• vegetable seedling swaps amongst home gardeners

Creator of The SEDE Project
• volunteer gardeners maintaining the vegetable plots of elderly people who are unable to do so (and sharing the resulting produce with them)
Eventually I want to implement other ideas that also further the aims of the project:
During the colder months supply from home gardeners is understandably greatly diminished. To address this, Satisfy Food Rescue is passing on free produce to some recipients in order to maintain a regular supply and I am extremely grateful to the Satisfy team for this help. Next spring/ summer it is anticipated that supply from home gardeners will increase considerably and more home gardeners will come on board, which will then enable the Project to take on more recipients. To help with distribution in Rangiora, we now have a bicycle courier who can deliver donated produce to elderly recipients. Our fabulous courier is a local retiree who loves cycling, was keen to be a part of the initiative and offered to do this.
one-to-one with a pensioner for ongoing donations of surplus produce. However there are instances where home gardeners wish to make one-off donations of produce, usually of an amount that is too much for one pensioner, and often only one type of fruit or vegetable. To accommodate this, I implemented a second option, whereby a group of pensioners who live near to each other, usually within a block of retirement units, receive the one-off donations and share the produce out amongst themselves. Both options work well. The ongoing challenge is ensuring that supply and demand are as equal as possible.
There is already considerable community interest in this venture.
NCRDA’s current horses have undergone rigorous training to desensitize them from any external distractions and are tolerant of anyone on their back, flags being waved, balls thrown, strange and loud noises, strange objects – in fact they are incredible and seem to have a innate ability to recognise those amongst us who have obstacles and challenges to try and overcome and act accordingly.
Being a purely voluntary organisation, the biggest challenge for the organisation, is fundraising. An active fundraising committee organises an annual horse trek which is extremely popular and usually one other major fundraiser with this year’s being “Spring Fling” in September.
Throughout history, horses have played a significant role in shaping peoples’ lives. The concept of using horses for therapy purposes has been around since 2000BCE - ancient Greeks and Romans recognised that horses were valuable in maintaining and improving health and well being.
Volunteering is not an onerous task and most find it extremely rewarding when a rider with challenges actually improves and responds to riding and it is fun.
Early 1900’s through to after WWI, a British movement began where horses were utilized in orthopaedic hospital programmes for the rehabilitation of convalescing soldiers, especially amputees.
The late Des Moore and a handful of like minded people realized that there was a need for a Riding for the Disabled facility in North Canterbury and they went about achieving that goal. Riding originally on ground owned by the Rangiora High School with some 12 riders 11 years ago to now having their own facility on leased land beside the Rangiora Show Grounds with 42 riders and 7 horses. Through hard work, determination and the generosity of the North Canterbury trades people and community, North Canterbury Riding for the Disabled can offer a first class arena, pavilion, extensive grounds and fully trained coaches and an amazing band of volunteers all there to support the riders.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like further information on North Canterbury Riding for the Disabled, please contact Lin Bisman on 03 312 0998 or

Volunteers are a very important part of North Canterbury Riding for the Disabled and without them there would be no riding –each rider needs at least two volunteers (one leading the horse and one sidewalking) and there is always a need for more volunteers.
Volunteers range in age from 15 to 70+, both men and women and although many are very competent horse people, but this is not an absolute criteria as training is given.

Opening Hours Saturday 10.30-12.30pm 9 Cass Street, KaiapoiKaiapoi Toy Library is a non-profit organization that relies on fundraising, memberships, grants and donations. Membership:Normally….. Duty Membership $65 a year Non Duty Membership $125 a year Quote this advert to our librarian to receive a great deal! Join the kaiapoi toy library! Reasons to join the Kaiapoi Toy Library To get access to a huge range of fun and educational toys for children 0-6 years Save money by borrowing toys instead of buying. Support sustainability and stop toys heading to landfill. Access to a range of indoor and outdoor toys : ride ons, games, puzzles, costumes and much more Meet other families in the area. For more information contact Kaiapoi Toy Library Kaiapoi.toy.library@gmail.com0278930237 20


965 468, Email: facility/�es/Website:office@wmk.govt.nzh�ps://communitycentre Southern

For more centre informa�on or to book, please
Waimakariri District

The Big Room, holds 50 (has kitchenette) contact Council: Call 0800 Room, holds

The Todd Room, holds 16 (tea/coffee making facilities and use of kitchenette)
for events, community services or groups, social groups, workshops, special func�ons, conferences, training, or mee�ngs etc. Facility details * Well equipped for a range of functions * Variety of rooms * Big room with kitchenette * Whole venue bookings available * Airconditioned * Free onsite parking * Data projector available * Tables, chairs, whiteboards * Bluetooth speaker system 22
6, table and chairs, and couch
Infinityseating.Foyer, shared space for users of venue. Exclusive use via a Whole Facility booking. Pegasus Community Centre is located in the heart of Pegasus, at the corner of Pegasus Main Street and Tahuna Street. The facility is available to booked


The Oasis Centre for Reducing Gambling Harm is a counselling and public health service. We offer free counselling for anyone affected by gambling harm - people who gamble, family members and friends who are affected by other people’s gambling, couples, whānau. We can talk to you in person, by phone or over Zoom or Skype.

Next Steps is a specialized group exercise program run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes combine pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatments and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Next Steps benefits participants whether they attend one week or 10 years after their cancer treatment. The goal is to help people affected by cancer take the Next Step on their road to recovery, with the goal that following these classes they will be ready and confident to attend mainstream fitness classes, gym based training or independent fitness. Classes run on a term by term basis and you can register your interest for each term on the Pinc and Steel
Office: 126 Bealey Ave, Christchurch
Facebook: The Salvation Army OasisReducing Gambling Harm NZ Harm Week
Services & Programmes
Next Steps cancer group exercise class at FitnessRangioraCentre,
For more information: 03 365 9659 Website:
5 - 11 September 2022
This year we are running a project to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around gambling harm. Watch out for our information sessions, quizzes and giveaways!
• Help and support for those raising children.
• A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).
Did you know there are a large number of community based social services providers across North Canterbury who offer support for a large ranges of services?
The Waimakariri District Council has a dedicated Community Team who provide a wide range of services and information to support the wider community.
Copies can be found
• Other benefits and entitlements.
Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
The types of things they can help with are:
Social Service Providers in North Canterbury

Benefit Entitlements – Talk to a Financial Mentor Today
• You need help with your living expenses.
• A range of services for Seniors.
The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fill However, to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help. However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income. In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments.
• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
• Support with health and disability issues.
War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505
• Help for those caring for others.
• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling in forms.
• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.
So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.
There is a page on their website which gives contact details of social services providers in the district go theinformationnewsletterDistrictAnotherthewhichTogroupsTogetherInwaimakariri/social-services-directoryand-health-services/
You can get support and information on: legal help, rural support, business support, mental and general health support, foodbanks and budget advisory services to name a few.
MSD provides an Early Response Work Broker who holds one-on-one sessions with clients at our office supporting those needing help finding employment, requiring advice on interview tips, or needing to speak about employment seeking goals. Please note this clinic is not for those seeking help with benefits. Our CAB volunteers will assist those clients as much as possible and/or refer them to Work and Income for specialist support. This clinic is in addition to the three we already host – legal, immigration and budgeting Remember,drop-in.CABhas an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, and we display many pamphlets and booklets which are available to take away.
We can help you with information as wide ranging as dealing with noisy neighbours, passport applications, art classes in Canterbury, piano tuners, relationships, tenancy, and so much more.
The clinic is hosted by CAB in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Development.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

NEW - Employment Clinic: We’re delighted to be adding to our service another free clinic to support our clients.
Our office is open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday until further notice. We’re located 209 High Street, Rangiora in the lane that runs from High Street to the Rangiora Library alongside the Waimakariri District Council’s main building.

Our new Employment Clinic runs fortnightly on a Wednesday between 1pm and 2pm as a drop-in clinic with provision for bookings.
Appointments will be for 15 minutes.
Step Ahead Rangiora Rāhina - Monday September 2022 Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley Rāhina - Monday 5th Rāhina - Monday 12th Rāhina - Monday 19th Rāhina - Monday 26th 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:30 Ted Talk - hints for wellbeing then discuss or 10:30 Walk’ n Draw in Northbrook Wetlands or indoor sketching if wet 10:30 Day out to Lyttelton bring lunch, explore township or 10:30 Ride on the Christchurch Gondola ($10) Lunch in the cafe at the top 10:30 Celebrate Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori. Let's have a go! practise Te Reo 11:15 Open Craft bring your project and share ideas, or mandala art or 11:15 Meals on Wheels 10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting 11:00 Lunch prep or 11:00 Walk to Matawai Park 12:00 Bring your lunch 12:00 Bring your kai 12:00 Midday Meal - Easy Fried Rice, veggies & dessert ($4.50) 1:00 Walk and a cuppa at Woodend Beach or 1:00 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50) 1:00 Craft make jewellery with CanBead. All materials supplied. Bring your tool kit if you can or 1:00 Hīkoi (walk) at Bottle Lake Forest 1:30 Afternoon at Amberley Domain for a cuppa and team building games Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness 86 Victoria Street, Rangiora BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673 26

Step Ahead Rangiora Rāapa - Wednesday September 2022 Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley Rāapa - Wednesday 7th Rāapa - Wednesday 14th Rāapa - Wednesday 21st Rāapa - Wednesday 28th 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:00 Coffee Morning 10:30 Card Game - Memory 11:15 Bring a board game to play or 11:15 Meals on Wheels 10:30 Open Craft or Card Craft or 10:30 Word Find/Card games 10:30 Newsletter - collating for mailing out 10:30 Open Day for Rangiora. Invite family/whānau, friends. Tea/coffee and nibbles provided 12:30 Bring your lunch 12:00 Bring your kai 12:00 Bring your lunch 12:00 Bring your lunch 1:00 Afternoon at Ashley Gorge games and a walk 1:00 Hīkoi (walk) at Ohoka Stream Walkway 1:00 Cuppa out for Newsletter Volunteers 1:00 Open Day continued board games/card games Enhancing the well being of people who experience mental illness War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673 27


To see helpful resources and the activities in Canterbury for 2022 go to: Please insert Five winning ways here Introduce these five simple strategies into youR life and you will feel the benefits. FIVE ways to wellbeing © MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION OF NZ 2014 29

0800 333 405 | Puāwai - Kai is a free course! Small changes in the way you live can add up to a big change in your health! Learn about: Call today! SleepingwellMovingmore ManagingstressCooking nutritious food for yourself and your whānau Tuesday 18 October to 6 December 6pm to Rangiora8pm-venue to be confirmed 8 sessions, 2 hours per week Call the Puawai team on 0800 333 405 to register your interest 30
Bereaved by WAVESSuicide? A Bereaved by Suicide Group This grief education programme is for adults (18+) who have been affected by the suicide of someone they know. The group is facilitated by professional counsellors and educators and runs on a term 4 weeknight (likely to be a Tuesday or Thursday night TBC) over 8 weeks. The course is evidence based and really does help, whether your loss is from many years ago, or more recent. Please contact To register your interest in attending a Waves Programme contact Yellow Brick Road on 0800 87 66 82, (03) 366 9284 or text 022 369 3582. Date: Mid Oct Early Dec (Term 4) 2022. Venue: Rangiora, North Canterbury. (Exact location TBA.) Time: 7.00pm—9.00pm. Cost: Free of charge. 31

This new Purpose reflects our aspirations for the future and builds on the journey Rātā has been on for the last decade. We will be looking for more equitable and sustainable outcomes across our community investment programme.
We help create communities that are able to care for their environment so they and future generations can thrive. We also want local community organisations to grow their capacity to enable them to take care of their communities and create long-term social change. ‘under the korowai of Te Tiriti o Waitangi’
We believe in respectful relationships and partnerships with everyone we work with, whether they be Māori, Pasifika, or any other ethnic group, young people and the elderly, people with disabilities, people with health or mental health challenges, or people from the rainbow community. To us, this means our work wraps around the organisations, communities, and the people we support, drawing on the same values that underpin Te Tiriti and respecting Aotearoa’s bi-cultural history. We want a world where people are Empowered to Thrive. For more information on our new Purpose visit: 32

Funding Kia ora On behalf of the Board and Staff of the Rātā Foundation, we are excited to share with you our new Purpose. We strive for an equitable and sustainable society under the korowai of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Over the years, we have engaged with our community to understand better how our funding can make a difference. We have learnt that our funding makes more of a difference in communities where the need is greatest and where people face barriers or cannot access the services many take for granted.
We help those who need it now while building a better future where communities thrive. With a solid investment portfolio, a strategic and proactive community investment programme, and strong community relationships and partnerships, Rātā can achieve much more beyond the responsive grants we’re mostly known for. We think and act with an intergenerational mindset.
What does the new Purpose mean?
By taking a fair and just approach, we help make sure nothing gets in the way of people getting the support they need to enjoy a full and healthy life. ‘sustainable’
NEED FUNDING FOR PROJECOMMUNIATYCT? Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website. Find out more at 33

Training/Professional Development/Courses MHERC MHERC is a leading provider of professional development and education in mental health and wellbeing, mental illness, and addictions. Upcoming Workshops: • Resilience: Build, Adapt, Grow • Understanding and Working with Attachment in Children and Adolescents • Working with People Who Hoard • Dual Diagnosis: Intellectual Disabilities and the Impact of Mental Health Issues • Navigating the Mental Health Sector: Specialist Services and NGOs • Trauma Informed Care: Providing Support to Children and Adolescents • Children’s Anxiety: What Adults Need to Know and Strategies for Management • Borderline Personality Disorder: Enhancing Understanding and Providing Support • Methamphetamine and Synthetic Substances: What You Need to Know • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) • Effective Note Writing for Community Support Work • Boundaries and Ethics in Health and Community Settings • Workplace Diversity: Building Relationships and Working Successfully Together • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): Applying Informed Skills For information about these workshops go to: or phone: 03 365 5344 or 0800 424 399 Zoom to Noon A series of online alcohol and other drug lunchtime and afternoon discussion groups • Recovery 24/7 • Understanding Addiction • Relapse Prevention • Family/Whānau Support • Peer Support Fridays For information about the meetings go to: 34

Sexual Violence Awareness A Professional Development Training Day The importance of whakawhanaungatanga and manaakitanga to our practice Trauma informed care & handling disclosures Similarities and differences between family violence and sexual violence Community services Topics will include: $10 per person To register and arrange payment, please visit violence training workshop or contact Alyssa Bright, Please register early, as spaces are limited Morning tea & lunch provided Violence Free North Canterbury Presents... 30 September 2022 | 9am 3pm Rangiora Baptist Church 35



Youth Trade Training Courses 2022 – registrations welcome for Term 4 Courses SMALL GROUP NUMBERS Low Course cost of $90pp Courses are run in our Trade Training Workshop in Flaxton Road, Rangiora 8 week modules 3hrs x 2 days per week Welding and Metalwork Learn welding and fabrication skills working in an engineering workshop. Carpentry Learn carpentry skills and gain confidence using power tools and machinery. Automotive Hands on learning learn basic vehicle repair and maintenance and how to troubleshoot car problems an exciting course for budding mechanics! Tiny Home Project We are currently offering some exciting Project courses multiple skills and disciplines including carpentry, fabrication, finishing etc GYM Circuit Training – FREE COURSE!! Learn more about Gym equipment and technique in a fun environment suitable for all capabilities. Grab a friend, or just come along and up the fitness level with a qualified trainer. This course runs 2 evenings per week from 7 8pm. The course is FREE, you must register. There is a one-off registration fee of $10pp. The GYM Course is a very popular, fun module series!!! To register your interest for all courses, apply online

RANGIORA CHURCH STREET MARKET St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm
17 NORTH CANTERBURY WEARABLE ARTS 7pm – 9pm, Rangiora Town Hall Experience music, lights and beautiful creative costumes in this show designed for the whole family to enjoy. $22 - $35 pp. Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!

Celebrate Father’s Day at Dudley Park and enjoy an amazing array of activities. Experience InflataRun, watch live demos, marvel at a Cool Wheels display and let your children run wild in the kids’ fun zone. Then, when you’re ready to refuel, make the most of the food truck alley and beer garden. Gold coin entry. 9 57 THE SHOW 7pm – 9pm, Pines Beach Hall, EnjoyKaiapoia show written by Down by the River that involves many locals and a specially created live band The Gladstones. Move, groove, and admire snippets of life from the late ’50s that have been collected from Kaiapoi locals. $20 pp, text Nigel on 027 404 7712 for tickets.
4 FATHER’S BIG DAY OUT 11am – 3pm, Dudley Park, Rangiora

ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora OXFORD GALLERY 72 Main Street, Oxford


OXFORD CRAFT MARKET Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
9am – 3pm, Hope Community Centre, 111 East Belt, Rangiora
25 MUDDY GOOD RUN 9am – 3pm, Mandeville Sports CrawlCentrethrough mud pits, climb over hay bales, scale cars, and slip down water slides. Tackle New Zealand’s muddiest mud run and finish it off with a firehose washdown. This is one run you and your family can’t Entriesmiss. start from $30, checkout their website for more info.
At Planty Affair you’ll find a myriad of stallholders selling everything from full-sized indoor plants to cuttings, planters, pots, botanical art, jewellery and more! Limited entry in two time slots: 9am – 11am for $10pp & 11am-1pm for $5pp. Tickets from Eventfinda. Gold coin entry at the door from 1pm.

EVENT INFORMATION Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.

RANGIORA WELCOME MARKET Hope Centre - 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Every Thursday, 3pm-7pm
16 COMEDY BINGO WITH ETHEL & BETHEL (R18) 7pm – 10.15pm, Rangiora Baptist JoinChurchacouple of old biddies for an evening of laughter and frivolity as they fundraise for Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury. $35 pp or $245 for a table of 8.


Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 10am–12pm OHOKA FARMERS MARKET Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm OXFORD FARMERS MARKET Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm
Opening night Fri 7pm. Sat – Sun 10 – 4.30pm, The Brick Mill, ShowcasingWaikuku imagery of stunning landscapes, wonderful wildlife, still life, portraiture and much more. Be sure to vote for the ‘People’s Choice’ award, too.
The Professional Weavers New Zealand Inc presents Network of Ngahere Ngahere 38

Presents... Presents... Presents... Friday 16th September @ F7pm riday 16th September @ F7pm riday 16th September @ 7pm Rangiora Baptist RChurch angiora Baptist RChurch angiora Baptist Church Buy tickets online TODAY! 39


GUEST SPEAKER helping you thrive in uncertain times rural resiliencefromthefrontlinetothebackpaddocksjoinsafety,wellnessandresilienceexpertlanceburdettcreatinghabitstohelpdealwiththeupanddownchallengesoffarming.lookingafteryourmostvaluableasset,yourmenta l h e a lt h a n d w e l l b e i n g uncertaintymanagingoverthinkingcontrolworrywithdealing emotionspastreducing worldchangingeverthe L A N C E B U R D E T T rossburn reception spark lane rangiora all welcome please rsvp for purposescatering 4pmtuesday6thonwardslightrefreshmentsprovidedfreeadmissionseptemberjenny.cationsbrown@ruralsuppor or text 027 587 5237 41



Presbyterian Mini-Market Saturday 1st October From 10am-2pm on the corner of High and King Street, Rangiora. See you there! Stalls with Baking, Preserves and Jams, Plants and All Things Gardening, Books, Jigsaws and Sausage Sizzle. Outside Stalls/Car Boot Sales as well as a Mini Golf Course to try your hand at. Lots of Bargains and Fun to be had. 44
Council Info Celebrating Culture & Sister Cities Bookings Essential 03 311 8901 | New Zealand poets are joining forces with Chinese musicians from the New Zealand Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association. They will celebrate the sister city relationship between Waimakariri District and Enshi, China, and 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and New Zealand. Featuring: Ben Brown, Erik Kennedy, Annabel Wilson and Ciaran Fox, plus young Chinese writers from the Write On School for Young Writers, and Doc Drumheller launching his haiku collection, Drinking With Li Bai. This not to be missed cultural exchange is part of the WORD Christchurch Festival 2022. Friday 2 September 2022 • 7pm Rangiora Library Sponsored by: 45

One Card Endless today Sign up and get free access to digital audiobooks, eBooks, learning apps, movies, and much more! 46

Free four-week course which covers introduction to devices, internet and email. Classes run for two hours once a week for four weeks. Kaiapoi Library Starts on Monday 5 September at 10am. Rangiora Library Starts on Friday 9 September at 10 am. Traffic light restrictions will be in place. Visit for further info. EssentialsDigital Bookings essential 03steppingup.nz3118901 47

Hello From The Community Team! 220823144632

Carolyn Boswell Trolove
DevelopmentCommunityFacilitator Nicola
Sturley CommunityManagerTeam Rachel Thornton CommunityFaciliatorDevelopment Wendy Howe DevelopmentCommunityFacilitator
SafeFacilitatorCommunity Emily Belton YouthFacilitatorDevelopment Martin Pugh Community Development Facilitator Alyssa Bright SafeFacilitatorCommunity