The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.

The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.
Kia ora koutou,
I'm sure we are all glad to see the signs of spring approaching.
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) continues to support local young people into work. We have been really pleased to see them pass their driving licences, gain skills, grow in confidence and start full time work in areas like retail, hospitality, sawmills and bricklaying. We still have great young people searching for employment and apprenticeship opportunities. Please reach out if you would like to find out how we can support your business to take them on.
MTFJ will be holding a free learner licence workshop on 19 September. If you know a young person looking for work and lack of a driving licence is holding them back please get in touchelizabeth.trevathan@wmk.govt.nz
Other free tools to help with this include: drive.govt.nz pathwaysawarua.com/pathways/road-code
With support from MTFJ funding, INZONE career kiosks are now in Rangiora and Kaiapoi Libraries. These play short videos on a wide range of career options. If you want to explore study or career pathways
then give them a go - you never know what inspiration may strike.
Other things going on in September include:
11–17 September is Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). You can kōrero (speak), waiata (sing), pānui (read) and more - whatever you do, do it in te reo Māori. Heaps of ideas and resources here reomaori.co.nz
18–24 September is Mental Health Awareness Week. Have a think about how you can include the five ways to boost your mental health – mhaw.nz 1.
Hei konā mai (goodbye for now)
It is that time of the year when the sea of aruhe covering the park is blanketed with morning frost. Tiny beads of ice have been forming on the ends of the fronds (photo 1). By midday, the park entirely defrosts, allowing the green hue of the aruhe to radiate for another day.
The rangers can be spotted planting and maintaining around the park. You may also spot a friendly new face and the absence of another. We said goodbye to one of our rangers, Zeta, as she set off for her adventure up North. While we extended a welcome to Nick, who has been settling in well as the new General Manager.
The rain in July uncovered a beautiful chorus of frog songs that echoed from behind the office.
We also saw the closure of the south end of the park to the public (photo 2). Fortunately, this closure was lifted at the beginning of August. This closure serves as a reminder of the park’s history, where wetlands once existed along the coast. Wetlands naturally manage heavy rain and floodwater by acting as natural sponges absorbing excess water and allowing the water to spread over a larger area. The land holds memory, akin to the way muscles do, and that is why the community, and our team, are putting in efforts to restore and expand these wetlands through projects like our biota node project. Helping contribute to the overall sustainability of the park and
naturally working towards keeping our tracks accessible all year round.
The community planting event held in early August was a great success! The community came together to establish a tōtara forest alongside Gladstone Road in Pegasus (photo 3).
We are looking forward to replicating this achievement on 2 September down at Huria Reserve in Kaiapoi. From 10am–1pm, we are organising another day for volunteer planting. Whether you’re new to planting or an experienced hand, we invite you down for a rewarding morning! Special thanks go to the Belfast Kaiapoi Rotary Club, who will be hosting a barbeque for all volunteers. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
Our Rangiora Service Centre will be temporarily closing later this month for upgrading to make it work better for the people we support every day, as well as our staff.
Waitaha (Canterbury) Regional Commissioner Blair McKenzie said similar improvements have already been made to service centres in other parts of the region, including New Brighton and Sydenham.
“We’ll have a more welcoming office, clients will have more privacy when they talk with a case manager and there will be added security for clients, visitors and our people,” Blair said.
“We've been waiting for this to happen in Rangiora Service Centre so we're excited about it.”
Work will start on the building on 18 August and it’ll take about three weeks to complete the work. The service centre will re-open to the public on 12 September.
Manager Client Service Delivery for Rangiora, Tina Robinson, thanked everyone for their patience while the centre is temporarily closed.
“While the centre is closed, people who need help can still reach us over the phone and online. Should a client need to book a face-toface appointment these are still available at our other service centres across Canterbury”.
There will also be a secure drop-box at Rangiora Service Centre during this period, for those who need to drop off physical paperwork.
“We appreciate this can be difficult for some clients who regularly access our services. This will not interrupt any payments,” she said.
To receive help and stay in touch with MSD people can:
• Go to the Work and Income website
• Log into MyMSD
• Call 0800 559 009 for Work and Income
• Call 0800 552 002 for Senior Services.
"It gave us peace of mind."
WanderSearch Canterbury supports vulnerable individuals to live healthy, active lifestyles, in the communities they love.
We work with all age groups and conditions e.g. dementia, autism, brain injury, etc. WanderSearch supply radio frequency devices that can be worn by the individual and allow them to be found quickly by NZ Police and Land Search and Rescue should they go missing. We stock and maintain a device loan bank so that anyone with a condition who has a risk of going missing can receive a device regardless of their circumstances.
WanderSearch provides peace of mind for the person using the device and their family/whanau, friends and caregivers that should they go missing there are methods to assist in locating them quickly.
Individuals who use a WanderSearch device are found much faster compared to those without any sort of location device.
“It gave dad the freedom to continue walking outside and be part of the community at his church.”
"I knew my mum with Dementia was safe."
"Your organisation saves lives, thank you."
"A device supported mum to walk with a friend of hers in the retirement community."
"This is an invaluable service providing peace of mind to care staff and resident family."
For individuals who have frail health or who can be unaware of environmental hazards, the time taken to locate them can be critical and the use of a WanderSearch device can be life-saving.
WanderSearch Canterbury is endorsed by both NZ Police and Dementia Canterbury.
If you care for someone with a condition, who has a risk of going missing and would like a WanderSearch device or would like more information, please contact:
Emma Parker - Programme Manager
WanderSearch Canterbury
Phone: 03 907 0072 (include area code)
Email: info@wandersearch.nz
Office hours
Monday, Tuesday: 8am–3.30pm
Wednesday: 8am–1pm
Recovered Living NZ is a team of highly trained eating disorder professionals from the US and New Zealand. We provide 24/7 residential eating disorder recovery support in Christchurch as well as a day and partial programme.
It has been a busy time over the past six months for Recovered Living NZ (RLNZ), but the exciting news is that our residential programme is open and taking clients. We have a full staffing team across a range of specialities and are fortunate to have several staff on our team who are recovered and are now working in the field.
We welcomed our first clients in May 2023 and as an extension, their families and friends have taken part in our monthly whānau weekend where families and friends of current clients come to RLNZ to participate in educational and therapeutic groups. It has been an honour to welcome both clients and their whānau into the RLNZ home, and the feedback about our programme has been overwhelmingly positive.
We are especially proud of the feel within the Recovered Living home. A core foundational value is that our programme feels like a home so that treatment can replicate real life as closely as possible. A local community member gifted her skills with interior
decorating, and the finished product truly feels like a safe and welcoming environment.
Thanks to the generosity of a supporter, a local photographer has put together a video of the property which is also on our website’s home page. It captures the character and serenity of our beautiful home, and we are delighted with the finished result. We hope you are too!
It is deeply moving for me to finally see my dream become a reality. I couldn’t have done this alone and want to thank everyone for their incredible support. My appreciation goes to the staff who have gone above and beyond their roles to make sure the home is presented beautifully. Together, they make up the Recovered Living family that is supporting our brave clients in their recoveries.
Please know that being fully recovered is absolutely possible. This fundamental philosophy of our programme drives hope and commitment for a fully recovered life.
For more information visit:
Aroha nui,
Kristie Amadio Founder and DirectorEvery Monday 10am–12noon in Kaiapoi. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Facilitated by Lynette. This popular group caters for absolute beginners to advanced skill.
Rangiora Walking and Coffee Group
Every Tuesday 9.30am.
Facilitated by Glenda and Chris, the group is for patients and carers. This longstanding offering is a great way to socialise and keep fit. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and coffee at Station Cafe at 10.30am.
Monthly Patient Support and Information Session
10am, Thursday 7 September. 43 Church Street, Rangiora. Note: change of day to the first Thursday of the month.
September Speaker: Julz Kavanagh, Health Coach. Under the Te Tumu Waiora initiative, this free service funds Health Coaches and Health Improvement Practitioners to support people focus on individual health needs. Julz works at Good Street Medical, Rangiora Family Doctors and Woodend Medical. Come along and hear about her work and how to access this service.
Third Wednesday of the month, 10am. Next held on 20 September.
At Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans and the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome to join for a coffee and chat.
Cheviot Support Group – Coffee and Chat
Next held Wednesday 13 September. Open invitation to patients and carers in the Hurunui and other areas who would like a morning out socialising. Hosted by the Cheviot Volunteer Support Group. Held the second Wednesday of the month 10–11.30am at the Craft Centre, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot.
6.30pm. Meets every second Monday of the month in Rangiora at the Hope Trust, 115 East Belt.
A warm invitation is extended to people with gynaecological cancers to meet and gain support from others.
Please contact Catharine 022 046 5070 or CS NC 0800 226 695.
Life after Cancer Support Group
6pm. Note: Now held the last Thursday of the month.43 Church Street, Rangiora. Facilitated by Kylie Tolman. A regular support for those who have completed treatment and are seeking support and ideas to adjust to their new life. Please register by contacting 0800 226 695.
Canmove – Cancer Society
Five-week (attendance once a week) exercise and education programme facilitated by Mischa at Mainpower Gym and supported by the North Canterbury Sports Trust. If you are interested in participating in our next programme, please let us know 0800 226 695.
Appointments available locally for all cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment related support, services, and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts) at health facilities.
• Waikari, Amuri, Hanmer, Kaikōura (as required) health centres with Gabrielle.
• Oxford with Emma at Oxford hospital (third Wednesday of the month after coffee group).
• Amberley clinics fortnightly with Rachel on Fridays 10am–12.30pm.
Workshops for women at the Cancer Society Rangiora, Saturday 4 November 10am–12.30pm. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at lgfb.co.nz/programmes
Looking to host a class in Cheviot towards the end of the year. Please let us know if you are interested.
Blue Bros
Exercise classes for Men on Mondays and Fridays at 8.15am, MainPower Stadium. Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register. Note: classes starting in Amberley and Oxford.
Prostate Foundation Support Group
Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email rangiora@prostate.org.nz
Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Café) and Christchurch (first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora 10am, 3 October. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email ostomycanterbury@gmail.com for education and support for patients and families.
Sweet Louise
Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact 027 328 8003 sweetlouise.co.nz. Now offering a monthly coffee and support group in Rangiora.
Lymphoedema Education Sessions (also via Zoom). Held second Tuesday of the month at 11am–12.30pm, in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email physiobd@cdhb.health.nz to register.
Support group for men in Kaikōura (Blue Bros), Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Blou 027 562 0811 to register.
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ 0800 15 10 15, 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. For more information on services check out leukaemia.org.nz
Pinc & Steel
Cancer rehabilitation with a certified cancer rehabilitation physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions. Read more and/or register at pincandsteel.com or contact susan@activehealth.co.nz
Support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. Office at 23 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. See canteen.org.nz for more information.
Huge thanks to everyone who has participated in, and supported the Shoot for the Moon Challenge. We have
had 33 active ‘shooters’ raise $9,727 which is incredible. With fundraising still open, it would be super to be able to reach $10,000. Please check out shootforthemoon.org.nz if you would like to donate or find out more about this galactic event!
As we go to print Daffodil Day 2023 may have all wrapped up.
We are eternally grateful for the incredible support we receive across our community; from the businesses, organisations, schools, community groups, sponsors, volunteers, supporters and donors – THANK YOU!
Your contributions enable the Cancer Society to support anyone in a family that is going through a cancer diagnosis, whether it is a patient, their whanau or a carer. The Cancer Society provides free services such as, but not limited to, travel assistance, welfare vouchers, accommodation services, counselling and workshops, and crucially helps people navigate through a diagnosis.
They are involved in preparing a large decorative display in William Street just south of the river. This takes a considerable amount of time with planning and sourcing the materials. This year they are making flowerpot people and scarecrows as part of their display along with plants and spring flowers in the newly refurbished area near the ANZ Bank.
Please come and see this display from Sunday 17 September until Sunday 24 September. Take some photos and admire the spring flowers.
Our meeting on Wednesday 13 September at 7.30pm is a talk about Peonies by Michelle Moore at Riverside Bowling Club, Belcher Street, Kaiapoi. Visitors are welcome.
You are warmly invited to the Annual General Meeting of
Kaiapoi Daycare For Seniors’ Inc
Wednesday 13 September 2023 at 3.30pm
Darnley Room
Kaiapoi Community Centre 24 Sewell Street, Kaiapoi
Please RSVP to Rebecca at darnleysecretary@gmail.com
26, 27, 28 SEPTEMBER 2023 8.30AM FOR A 9AM START—4.30PM Salvation Army Corps, 12 Ashley Street, Rangiora 7400
Purpose of this workshop
• To empower you with the self-confidence to be the parent you need to be.
• To allow you insight into your own inherent strengths and weaknesses.
• To identify key issues which are important to your children.
• To remain “connected” to your compassionate self during disagreements with your children.
“I felt positive that I can be a good parent; I didn ’t realise how much stress I was under and how it was affecting our children ”
Nelson has extensive experience in working with and mentoring families and individuals throughout New Zealand. He is currently facilitating many different programmes and has delivered these throughout the country. He has presented the Parenting 5 module programme to parents from all walks of life! His presentation is informative and empowering. He will outline the tools parents need to enable themselves to parent effectively. It will enable parents to look at parenting from a different perspective: a perspective that will help parents identify their hidden talents and potential for themselves and their children.
• S p e n d i n g T i m e
• L i s t e n i n g a n d H e a r i n g
• B e i n g O r g a n i s e d
• C r e a t i n g a f r a m e w o r k
• H a v i n g B o u n d a r i e s
• F o l l o w i n g t h r o u g h
• C o n s e q u e n c e s
• B e i n g a M u m v s . a P a r e n t
• P a t i e n c e
• E m p a t h y
• B r e a k i n g t h e c y c l e a n d
l e a r n i n g n e w w a y s
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
When: Every Tuesday
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Time: 10.30am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email Sadie.Ross2@cdhb.health.nz or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
Community Wellbeing
North Canterbury Trust
2023 Annual General Meeting
DATE: Wednesday 25 October 2023
VENUE: Council Chambers
Waimakariri District Council
All welcome
Please RSVP to info@wellbeingnc.org.nz by Monday 16 October.
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust
2023 Annual General Meeting
DATE: Wednesday 25th October 2023
VENUE: Council Chambers
Waimakariri District Council 215 High Street, Rangiora
4–10 September 2023
TIME: 4:30pm – 5:30pm
An annual campaign to promote individual, organisation and community action to prevent child abuse and neglect in Aotearoa.
Nau mai, tauti mai
All welcome
campaign to promote individual, organisation and community action to prevent child abuse and neglect in Aotearoa.
Please RSVP to info@wellbeingnc.org.nz by Monday 16th October.
That’s why the CAB service is so important. We act as a critical community hub, connecting people with the information and services they need.
We provide the warmth and welcome of a place where anyone can come to talk about, and get help with, any issue.
The CAB service includes in-depth interviewing of a client to identify what is happening for them or what information they seek, and to find out what they’ve done so far. The trained volunteer researches options specific to each client’s situation and then explains these to the client in a way that helps them understand and work out what they want to do next.
Our bureau has an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, along with pamphlets and booklets.
If English isn’t your first language, we have an internal Language Support service to make it easier for clients to access the language skills of CAB volunteers across the country. Our intranet enables one of our volunteers to see others around the country who are available to assist a client in another language. Currently, we are able to support more than 30 languages using this service.
Do come and see us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz
In exciting news, the criteria for subsidised insulation has expanded. This expansion means more home owners across Canterbury can access 80–100% subsidised funding for insulation.
If you weren’t eligible before, you may be now. Community Energy Action, a charitable trust based in Christchurch, encourages you to get in contact to find out if you qualify. Community Energy Action offers free assessments for all home owners. Subsidies are also available for insulation top-ups, with all homes built before 2008 recommended to have their insulation levels checked. Subsidised insulation is made possible through the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme, which offers 80% funding for eligible home owners. As a charitable trust, Community Energy Action can provide further financial support for those in need.
Insulation is the first step to a warm, dry and healthy home. Contact CEA at 0800 438 9276 or visit their website at cea.co.nz to check if you qualify.
We’re here.
Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. Our service is completely free.
Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to?
Call or text 1737.
Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed?
Call or text 1737.
Whatever it is, we’re here. Free call or text 1737 anytime.
Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234, email: talk@youthline.co.nz or webchat at youthline.co.nz (webchat available 7–11pm) – for young people and their parents, whānau and friends.
War Memorial Hall
1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440
Office Phone: 03 313 3505
Are you finding it difficult to make ends meet?
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.
Here at Budgeting Services North Canterbury we’re very familiar with the financial pressures many people are facing with the increased costs of living.
The types of things they can help with are:
Then together you agree your first appointment venue and timing.
• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
• You need help with your living expenses.
• A range of services for Seniors.
The financial mentor will work with you to find savvy ways to save, and they will create a plan that works for your situation.
• A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).
• Support with health and disability issues.
• Help for those caring for others.
Our financial mentors are calm, kind and knowledgeable.
• Help and support for those raising children.
• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
• Other benefits and entitlements.
While we can’t wave a magic wand, we can work with you at an individual level to discuss what your options might be to help your money go further. Many of the banking websites and the Government money management websites (e.g. Sorted) offer tips and suggestions of how to save money. But, rather than tell you about these – what we can offer is to work with you, so we can learn about your specific situation, and then advise which options and offers will give you the best opportunity to save you money.
The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fillin.
They appreciate that speaking to someone else about your financial situation can be difficult, although many of our financial mentors have also been in similar situations at some stage in their lives – so they understand many of the challenges you might be facing.
If debt is causing you sleepless nights and you’d like to talk to someone who can actually help you make some headway – then contacting our team is a great place to start.
We have a team of very savvy financial mentors who each provide confidential and tailored help for your particular situation. Our service is free – there is no cost to you at all.
However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help. However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income.
A financial mentor will not take control of your money, all they can offer is to provide you with new tools and knowledge which might improve your situation – what you do is entirely up to you.
A financial mentor can be an advocate for you, or provide you support and guidance to advocate for yourself. A financial mentor is able to empower you to make better household budgeting decisions.
In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments. Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.
There is no obligation, all our services are free and confidential.
After talking with someone from our team you will be matched to a financial mentor who is best able to assist you with your situation.
Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
Take the first step now and contact our Service Manager, Sharon Grant, on 03 313 3505.
So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.
Comcare Trust is a recovery focused organisation that provides free mental health and addiction services in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts for people with diagnosed mental illness and/or addiction . issues.
Peer Support: Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward.
Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to learn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. Promoting a ‘trauma -informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing.
Referrals: Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing mental distress and/or addictions. People can self -refer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit www.comcare.org.nz/generic-referral to complete a referral.
For Peer Support, select “Support to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me ” or “Support to understand my barriers to moving forward ” from the What support is required field.
"Let's normalise depression. The language is very important as many people still see it as a negative and some people don't know why they are the way they are." says Bryon Cope of Depression Support Network.
A support group is happening in Kaiapoi in collaboration with the Person to Person Help Trust.
Confidentially is paramount. Anyone wanting to attend the support group meetings needs to be a Depression Support client.
To connect please call Bryon on (03)366 8083 or 027 298 6445 or email: bryon@dsn.org.nz
Tu-o-pae ki Te Ao Mara ma• Keep your eye on the light on the horizon
Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley
10:30 Day out in Christchurch
10:30 Day out to Pam's Place
10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting
Visit the Step Ahead Art Exhibition at Phillipstown Community Hub
Visit the Mental Health Education & Resource Centre in Christchurch or Op shopping in Addington
We will finish the garden bed and plant vegetables. Wear old clothes and sturdy shoes
Bring lunch
11:15 Gentle Seated Exercise or
11:15 Meals on Wheels - Round 2
12:00 Bring lunch
Bring lunch to have at Stanmore Road followed by the Mental Health Awareness Walk with Puriri, Ashburton and Stanmore members
Bring lunch to have in the Botanic Gardens
Walk through gardens and enjoy the spring flowers
1:00 Craft - clay markers for the garden ($2) or
1:00 Sign Language with Cam
Refreshments at Puriri Street
Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.
Free weekly educational discussion group to develop skills to support mental health.
Explore the reality of Te Tiriti, the issues it presents for healthcare, and its implications for practitioners and services in the broader healthcare setting.
Common Mental Health Disorders: An Overview
Learn about the experience of common mental disorders: mood disorders, psychosis, and anxiety disorders. Develop a better understanding of how to best support those with mental illness and their family members.
Learn about autistic experiences compared to those of people who are seen as ‘normal’ (neurotypical), from a lived experience facilitator who is autistic.
Gain essential skills for providing support and care when you encounter users of methamphetamines and new psychoactive substances.
8 week course Rangiora
RESEARCHED MBSR is the evidence based , international “gold standard “of mindfulness training…..right here in Rangiora.
INTENSIVE and COMPREHENSIVE MINDFULNESS TRAINING 27 hours of teaching: 8 weeks of classes, a day mindfulness retreat with daily mindfulness practices at home/ in your daily life. Individualised, local and ongoing specialist 1x1 support, to make the practice fit you and your life.
BENEFITS OF BOTH SCIENCE AND ANCIENT WISDOM It combines modern day science, physiology, neuroscience, and psychology with ancient wisdom practices.
EXPERIENCED FACILITATION Facilitated by experienced mental health professional s and specialist Registered MBSR teacher.
For those who wish to: reduce work, family or health-related stress, bring a greater sense of balance and meaning to their lives and manage challenges more skilfully.
Live a more mindful, conscious, and compassionate life.
27 hrs CPD/ CME for health professionals and teachers.
STARTS October 11th 2023
Registrations now open
Mindfulness and self-compassion based supervision, mentorship, and support for health, professionals
Local, professional, grounded in research and science, facilitated with heart. Connecting modern day neuroscience with ancient wisdom
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.
Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.
10am – 4pm, Pegasus Bay School
Admire the work of over 70 artists as they exhibit a wide range of their creations, with guest artist Joel Hart.
Tickets are $25 for opening night from New World Ravenswood or Pegasus Bay School. Gold coin donation for Saturday and Sunday.
10am – 12pm, Pearson Park, Main Street Oxford
Attend this inaugural market showcasing local North Canterbury performers along with a great range of stall holders so you can eat, shop and enjoy the show!
Meet with a wide range of North Canterbury wedding vendors all in one place! Be inspired by what the region has to offer to make your big day one to remember. Gold coin donation.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
2.05pm, Rangiora Showgrounds
Be part of this massive festival of rugby held at the Rangiora Showgrounds, as Canterbury take on Taranaki. There’ll be food trucks, a bouncy castle and plenty more!
Tickets on the gate, $10 pp.
5pm – 9pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora Experience a light and sound wonderland with laser lights, neon, disco lights, interactive lighting displays, glow toys and more. $10 pp, $25 for a family of five. Available at www.rangioralightandsound.co.nz
Get ready to let your hair down, embrace your inner wild side and become part of the phenomenon that is The Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast. It’s a night of pure entertainment you won’t want to miss!
Tickets start from $69.92 pp, available at www.eventfinda.co.nz or at the theatre.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 9am – 2.30pm
ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library
176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library
141 Percival Street, Rangiora
72 Main Street, Oxford
7pm – 9.30pm, Rangiora Baptist Church, 111 East Belt
Witness a premier creative fashion event, featuring an extraordinary showcase of unique wearable art from students and adults.
Tickets start from $22 pp + fees, available at www.humanitix.com
9am, Mandeville Sports Centre
Crawl through mud pits, slip down water slides, climb over hay bales and scale containers as you and your family take part in this muddy good run!
Tickets start from $35 pp, available at www.raceroster.com
Set amongst peaceful countryside north of Rangiora, this new relay offers unforgettable experiences for casual and serious runners. Create a team and share the adventure!
Please check our website for more events and updates.
Our 28 September meeting is going to be really interesting. Dan Smith will tell us the story of John C. Smith Ltd, a well-known company in Rangiora.
Come along to our cosy Museum at 29 Good Street, 7.30pm, all welcome. Donations from non-members appreciated and supper will be served. This is a good opportunity to catch up with friends while learning more about Rangiora history.
Volunteers always welcomed on Wednesday afternoons, 1.30–4.30pm. The Museum is also open on Sundays 1.30–4.30pm. It is a good place to search out family records.
Saturday 30 September, 7.30pm at The Balcairn Hall
Keep updated on the Balcairn Hall Facebook page: facebook.com/BalcairnHall
Too Many Chiefs are four of New Zealand’s busiest singer/songwriters: Rob Joass, Andrew London, Wayne Mason and Lorina Harding.
All tour their own respective shows, sometimes internationally, and once or twice a year come together in Too Many Chiefs to share songs and stories from the road.
Their individual influences and performing styles range from blues and jazz to country and folk, often with an element of social commentary, personal reflection and occasional satire.
The quartet’s collective repertoire represents a broad spectrum of songwriting styles, and the songs are delivered with skill, enthusiasm and respect, despite a healthy dose of spontaneous mickey-taking banter and self-deprecating humour. Tickets are: $30 and can be bought at:
• Sally Mac’s, Amberley
• Sefton Garage
• Stans 7 Day Pharmacy, Rangiora
• Online - Balcairnhall.com (via Google Docs booking form and bank transfer).
• 9 September
TBW fifth birthday celebration
• 23 September
Harakeke Raranga
• 29 September
Make Pet Beds
• 7 October
Spring Plant, Produce and Seed Swap
Monday 2 October 2023
RSA Club, 82 Victoria Street, Rangiora
Waimakariri Older Persons EXPO
Find out what Waimakariri has to offer older people from health and social services to clubs, groups and activities. The initiative is a partnership between the Waimakariri District Council, Presbyterian Support, RSA and Age-Friendly Advisory Group.
Finger food
Connect with the community and celebrate with music, dancing, and a raffle!
A&P Showgrounds, Rangiora
16 September 2023
9am – 1pm
Sausage sizzle and Coffee Cart
Come along or book a site...
$25 prebooked or $30 on the day.
Cash only on the day.
Email office.northcanterbury@cab.org.nz or phone 03 313 8822 and leave a message for Sue.
"Help us to help you"
In partnership with the Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust:
Bev Alexander - Ashley-Rakahuri River Group
Mark Taylor - Environmental Consultant, Aquatic Ecology
Mike Quant - Waimakariri District Council
Waikuku Beach Hall
Wednesday 13 September
Support for local businesses to help young people to join the local workforce.
Do you have employment or apprenticeship opportunities for local young people? Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) can support you to train and upskill your new staff.
MTFJ is a collaboration between Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
new hire and the business they will be joining.
Funding and support examples
• Purchase of tools
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Wage subsidy
• Training/courses
• Driver licencing costs
• Pastoral care.
Want to find out more?
Elizabeth Trevathan
027 249 7284
Wednesday 17 August 2022 • 6.30pm
MTFJ is focused on helping local businesses when they employ a young person under the age of 25, those of any age who live with a disability or health condition or other needs and have had difficulty finding work. Each funding request is considered on a case-by-case basis and tailored to fit the needs of the
Bookings Essential
We’re holding WELCOMING WEEK sessions at the libraries providing newcomers the opportunity to come and have a cuppa and cake, meet with staff, other newcomers and find out useful information and ways to get connected.
FRIDAY 1 September 4.30–6PM
SUNDAY 3 September 1.30–3PM
TUESDAY 5 September 10.30AM–12NOON
THURSDAY 7 September 10–11.30AM
FRIDAY 8 September 3.30–4.30PM
Have you ever wanted to apply for the Youth Development Grant, but not sure how or what to do?
Register today for an event management course that is specifically for youth!
You will learn about the basics of event management, how to apply for the Youth Development Grant, and how to design events specifically for youth.
Following on from the successful Waimakariri Civil Defence Emergency Management Cadet programme, the Waimakariri District Council is offering a short Youth in Emergency Management course to interested groups throughout the District.
The Youth in Emergency Management course is offered free of charge to established youth groups in the Waimakariri District that are working with young people aged 12 to 17 years old.
This course will help raise awareness of Civil Defence Emergency Management in our district and provide young people with practical experience with disaster resilience programmes that are available. This will include hazard and risk awareness, disaster preparedness, Community Emergency Hub activation, and Community Emergency Response Team training.
The course consists of nine 90-minute modules covering disaster preparedness and response topics, with an optional additional leadership module. It could be taught as a weekly lesson over a school term or as two-day block course or holiday programme. It can be offered at the host group’s facility or at the WDC Civil Defence Training Base in Rangiora.
Please contact Paul Cull at the Waimakariri District Council Emergency Management Office on 0800 965 468 or paul.cull@wmk.govt.nz