Wapad – 13 September 2018

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EFF hands over memorandum Registration Fee vs. to Registration Free - 3 Registration Fee vs. management. Registration Free - 3 -3



Mickey breek wêreldrekord. NWU verloor finaal –teen 12 TUKS - 11

RAG 2018 launch ends with Behold a bang - 6 hits2018 Potch. 9 RAG ends–with a bang - 6

NWU verloor finaal teen TUKS - 11

0 0

8 Februarie 2018


8 Februarie 2018

September LEES13 JOU KAMPUS 2018



TEL: ( 018 ) 299 2875




TEL: ( 018 ) 299 2875


NWU: ‘We want to protect our students off campus too’ JJ Denton @jjdenton101


he North West University (NWU) together with the JB Marks municipality has announced historic plans that will change the face off the Bult and the surrounding neighbourhoods. A newly formed non-profit company (NPC) jointly managed by the NWU and the JB Marks municipality will take over all matters above ground on the Bult and surrounds with further expansion planned. The NPC will be run by a board of directors consisting of NWU personnel, municipality councillors and a

representative of the South African Police Service (SAPS). The idea is for this new company to take over services from the local JB Marks municipality, including safety, security, cleaning services, maintenance and beautification of the area. While the municipality will continue providing services such as the maintenance of below ground infrastructure, the provision of water, electricity, and sewerage. Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg, the deputy vice-chancellor of the NWU, said that the NWU has identified safety as one of the main reasons why students choose to attend the NWU Potchefstroom campus. “One of the biggest markers that we receive from students about why they apply to the NWU is safety, and that’s part of the studentity of the NWU,” said

Prof Fika. “While the safety of our students on campus is secured, we have identified that some of our students have become the prey of crime once they are off campus. It has become clear to us that we need a holistic approach to dealing with this issue, we can’t just provide security personnel on the Bult and hope that the problem is solved, instead, there is a certain model that we can implement to address this problem.” The NPC model not only aims to provide security services off campus, but also to provide a range of other services to community members such as the implementation of elements ranging from advanced CCTV identification systems to the installation of new street lights in an effort to increase the safety of Potchefstroom residents.

Under the NPC the City Improvement District (CID) will be created, while it will initially service the Bult and surrounding areas, it aims to eventually service areas reaching as far as Klerksdorp and Ventersdorp.

van 22 Januarie die geleentheid aan KSR-lede en koshuis primari gebied van geleentheid aan om 22 hulJanuarie misnoeëdie teenoor die NWUKSR-lede koshuisen primari bestuur teen bespreek vrae tegebied rig. om hulJacobs, misnoeë teenoor die NWULouis woordvoerder van die bestuur te bespreek en vrae te rig.wel NWU, het bevestig dat koshuise Louis Jacobs, woordvoerder vanbetrek die eers op die bogenoemde datum NWU, het bevestig dat koshuise wel was by die proses. Na afloop van eers op die datum betrek hierdie vyf bogenoemde ure lange vergadering is was die proses. Na afloop van tot daarby sekere aanpassings gemaak hierdie vyf ure lange vergadering is die bewoording van die bogenoemde daar puntsekere drie enaanpassings was dit baiegemaak duideliktotdat die van diewas bogenoemde die bewoording punte wat geopper deur die punt drie en dit die baieaandag duidelik studente, niewas onder vandat die die punte wat geopperwas wastoe deur diedie Universiteitsbestuur hulle studente, nie onder die aandag van die besluit geneem het sonder studente se Universiteitsbestuur was toe hulle die insette nie. besluit geneem studente Wapad het ophet 15sonder September 2017se insette nie. berig: “Studente kan gerus voel. Die Wapad het opof15 September 2017 koshuiskleure name sal nie verander berig: “Studente kan gerus voel. nie,” dít was die woorde van profDie Rikus koshuiskleure name sal nie verander Fick, direkteurofvan studentelewe aan nie,” dít was woorde van prof Rikus die NWU sedie Potchefstroomkampus. Fick, studentelewe aan Daar direkteur was ook invan 2017 groot oproer die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus. onder koshuisinwoners toe gerugte die Daar was ook inhet 2017 oproer rondte gedoen datgroot koshuiskleure onder koshuisinwoners die en name gaan verander.toe Diegerugte NWU het rondte gedoen het dat koshuiskleure toe ’n SMS aan studente uitgestuur en name gaan verander. Die NWU het toe ’n SMS aan studente uitgestuur

wat hierdie gerugte ontken het. waar studente kon stem vir ’n nuwe “Die KSR se beginselpunt oor unitêre kleur. Die konsultasieproses wat hierdie ontken het.’n waar studente kon stemwas vir64% ’n nuwe hierdie saakgerugte is as daar werklik se meederheidsuitslag vir “Die KSR oorsal die unitêre kleur. Die konsultasieproses probleem is se opbeginselpunt grondvlak, dan die ou universiteitskleure met swart hierdie is as daar werklikword ’n by se was vir leiers opsaak daardie vlak betrek as meederheidsuitslag ’n unitêre kleur. “Ons is 64% nie teen probleem is opvan grondvlak, dan sal die die universiteitskleure metwyse swart die oplossing daardie probleem die ou kleur nie, ons is teen die en leiers daardie vlak betrek by as ’n unitêre kleur. “Ons is geneem nie teen is. en nieop deel gemaak word vanword daardie proses hoe hierdie besluit TICKETS die oplossing probleem die kleur nie, ons is teen die’nwyse en probleem nie.van Ditdaardie is nie moontlik vir - 082 Hoe kan2294 jy voortgaan besluit MARJORIE 768 / ELANI met - 061 523 1693 en nie deel gemaak word van daardie proses hierdie besluitnie geneem is. hierdie kampus se studenteleiers om as 64%hoe van jou studente saamstem OR CONTACTmet IMPALA HOTEL probleem nie.aan Ditdie is nie moontlik vir Hoe jy voortgaan besluit saam te bou eenheid van ons nie? kan Dit dui juis daarop dat’ndit nie die hierdie kampus se studenteleiers om as 64%besluit van jou niedit saamstem universiteit indien die studenteleiers regte is studente nie en deur te doen saam te bou aan die eenheid van ons nie? Dit dui juis daarop dat dit om nie sy die met agterdog hanteer word nie,” het loop ’n universiteit die gevaar SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER universiteit regte besluit is nie enhet deur dit tegesê. doen Hugo gesê. indien die studenteleiers studente te verloor,” Hugo metDie agterdog hanteer word loop ’n universiteit die gevaar om sy NWU het tog by die nie,” het Hugo wil graag ook die volgende Hugo gesê. vergadering ’n studente te verloor,” bogenoemde aan studente sê “dit ishet dieHugo KSRgesê. se Die NWU het by die gegee Hugo wil ook die se volgende onderneming aantog studente mandaat datgraag die studente stem bogenoemde vergadering ’n besluite aan studente “ditisisdus diebelangrik KSR se dat dat daar nie in die toekoms gehoor word.sêDit onderneming aan studente gegee mandaat dat die studente gemaak sal word wat direk van jy jou stem in hierdie tyd se laatstem hoor. dat daar nieisinop diestudente, toekomssonder besluite gehoor toepassing dat Ons wilword. weet Dit wat isis dus onsbelangrik studente dat gemaak sal word wat direk jy stemoor in hierdie tyd laatdeel hoor. studenteleiers betrek word van by die sejou gevoel die algemeen, dit toepassing is op studente, Ons wat is ons platforms studente en besluitnemingsproses nie.sonder dat geruswil opweet die toepaslike PHOTO CRED: SILBER STUDIO studenteleiers betrek diedat se gevoel algemeen, deel dit Dit is egter nie die word eersteby keer gesels metoor onsdie oor sosiale media. Ons besluitnemingsproses gerus op die toepaslike en die NWU sy studente nie. se stemme verteenwoordig jou en platforms wil graag weet T AT Ons Dit is egter nie dienie. eerste keer dat gesels ons oor sosiale EVENmedia. ignoreer en afskiet Op 23 hoe jymet voel.” die NWU sy2017 studente se raad stemme verteenwoordig jougerugte en wil graag November het die die Dit blyk dus dat op dieweet ignoreer en afskiet Oppers 23 NWU hoe jy voel.” voorlegging van ’n nie. nuwe NWU nie meer net gerugte is nie – November raaddaar die ’n Dit tog blykdie dusrealiteit. dat gerugte op die goedgekeur.2017 Dít het komdie nadat maar voorlegging van ’n nuwe pers NWU NWU nie meer net gerugte is nie – konsultasieproses plaasgevind het goedgekeur. Dít kom nadat daar ’n maar tog die realiteit. konsultasieproses plaasgevind het

I have been named as the chairman, while Frans Kruger will be the CEO, and the brigadier of the SAPS will be the COO.

police station opened on the park. This will be opened by the end of October, and it will be staffed by SAPS officers during the day, and during the nights it will be staffed by security personnel that works for the NPC.” When asked whether there might be a violation of privacy with the planned mass surveillance of the Bult, Prof Fika responded. Wapad asked students how they feel about the plans and they echoed these sentiments, indicating that safety is indeed important to them even if the Bult is under 24-hour surveillance. “Great idea, safety first,” said Selby Mkhonto, a second year BACTIAN IT student. FOTO: DU PREEZ FOTO: TIAN DU PREEZ

Koshuisdrag kommunikasie skok Koshuisdrag kommunikasie skok Prof Fika said. He added, “there will be a permanent 24-hour

continued on page 2

KSR was nie bewus van enige klagtes nie KSR was nie bewus van enige klagtes nie

Studentekampusraad (KSR) op die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus, weet Dennis Delport @Dennisdelport Studentekampusraad (KSR) op die die KSR tot op hede nie vanwaar NWU Potchefstroomkampus, hierdieseklagtes gekom het of wat weet die @Dennisdelport die KSRdaarvan tot op hede niehy vanwaar inhoud is nie, verneem wel hierdie klagtes gekom het of wat die dat dit net enkele individuele gevalle inhoud daarvan nie, die hy verneem was. “Daar is netisgesê klagtes wel dat dit nethet enkele gevalle rof Dan Kgwadi, Visekanselier bestaan,” Hugoindividuele gesê. Hy vertel was . “Daar is netgeen gesêklagtes die klagtes aan die Noordwes-Universiteit verder dat daar op die rof Dan Kgwadi, Visekanselier bestaan,” hetGedagtelyn Hugo gesê.isHy (NWU), se skokaankondiging Klagte- en nie,vertel maar dat aan die Noordwes-Universiteit verder dat daar geen klagtes op die tydens R&O rakende koshuisdrag dié enkele klagtes direk aan die Visie(NWU), seenskokaankondiging Klagteenuitgemaak Gedagtelynwas. is nie, maar dat was onverwags daar was geen28 SEPTEMBER kanselier FRIDAY tydens R&O rakende koshuisdrag en diéDie enkele klagtes wat direk aan die Visiekommunikasie met studenteleiers dokument aan was onverwags daar kanselier uitgemaak was. was, se koshuise voorafen nie. Netwas nóggeen ’n geval studenteleiers uitgestuur kommunikasie met studenteleiers Die dokument wat aan van waar die NWU nie sy studenteense voorwoord het verwys na sekere koshuise vooraf nie. studenteleiers uitgestuur was, se stemme aanhoor nie.Net nóg ’n geval praktyke wat nie die NWU-strategie vanWapad waar die NWUdat niedaar sy studente na sekere verneem reeds opse19 voorwoord bevorder ofhet aanverwys toepaslike beleide, stemme nie. praktyke wat nie die NWU-strategie Januarieaanhoor vanjaar ’n vergadering onder reëls en regulasies voldoen nie. verneem dat daar reeds op 19 bevorder of aanhet toepaslike beleide, dieWapad Universiteitsbestuur plaasgevind Die dokument agt bepalings Januarie ’n vergadering onder reëls en regulasies voldoenmoes nie. het waarvanjaar daar besluit was dat daar verskaf waaraan voldoen die Universiteitsbestuur plaasgevind Die dokument hetbepalings agt bepalings onmiddellike aanpassings gemaak word. Al hierdie was reeds het waar daar was dat daar verskaf waaraan voldoen moes moet word totbesluit die R&O-program geïmplementeer deur koshuise onmiddellike gemaak word. Al punt hierdie bepalings was reeds na afloop vanaanpassings klagtes wat ontvang behalwe drie van die dokument moet word tot dieisR&O-program geïmplementeer koshuise is. Studenteleiers egter eers op 20 wat as volg gelei deur het: “koshuisuniforms na afloopin van klagtes watvan ontvang behalwe punt drieword van die dokument Januarie kennis gestel hierdie moet slegs gedra na-ure (na is. Studenteleiers is egter eers 20 wat as volg gelei koshuishoede het: “koshuisuniforms besluit en die aanpassings wasop reeds 17:00), behalwe en CURRENTLY P/NIGHT Januarie in kennis van hierdie moet slegs wat gedra word na-ure (na van toepassing op gestel koshuise. Volgens -rugsakke reeds aangeskaf was.” besluit en die aanpassings was reeds 17:00), behalwe koshuishoede en Jacques Hugo, voorsitter van die Die NWU het egter op die aand #POTCHVEGAS2018 van toepassing op koshuise. Volgens -rugsakke wat reeds aangeskaf was.” Jacques Hugo, voorsitter van die Die NWU het egter op die aand Dennis Delport



Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n aan wapad@nwu.ac.za Het jyepos nuus?




2 Wapad

continued from page 1

Kea Buthelezi, a second year human movement science student says it’s a great idea and that she would rather be safe, than worry about privacy concerns. Eddie Steenekamp, a third year BA English and anthropology student, believes that this is a very nuanced issue, “there are pros and cons, firstly I am concerned about the carte blanche that the university will have in terms of the development in the area if this goes ahead, public spaces are important to me and if there is a risk that with more privatisation our freedom will be restricted, then that would be a

Nuus 13 September 2018

concern together with my privacy. At the end of the day, it would be nice not to get harassed on the Bult.”

There are pros and cons. The goal for the project and NPC is to start implementing its services by 1 January 2019. The other members included in this project, such as the private land owners other than the university will offer an optional financial contribution to

fund the project. If they choose so then they will not necessarily need to provide financial aid to the NPC but could offer goods and services instead. The current proposal is for the university to provide the initial capital investment to get the project up and running, as supposed to a loan to the yet unnamed NPC. The NPC will not require the local Potchefstroom municipality to provide more capital expenditure than they are already proving. On the contrary, the contribution of the university and other parties will allow the JB Marks Municipality to focus on other essential areas of its mandate.


Emerging markets in trouble JJ Denton @jjdenton101


outh Africa’s rand and subsequently its economy is suffering as a result of emerging market selloffs, and the Turkish lira is playing a large role. Turkey is directly straining South African consumers as the actions taken by its government, more specifically its president, are not only harming the Turkish economy but all the emerging

markets globally. Emerging markets are countries that are predicted to become developed countries. Examples of emerging markets include: Brazil, Chile, China, Columbia, India, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey amongst a grouping of 23 countries. Stats SA revealed on 4 September that South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has fallen by 0.7%. This implies that South Africa is now technically in a recession, especially considering we are an “emerging market”.

While the South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has blamed the agricultural sector it is more a case of various elements in the global market that contribute to South Africa’s economic woes. The rand is the most over traded currency in the world, meaning it is bought and sold more than any other currency globally. Economists say this is because South Africa is following a floating exchange rate where the price of the currency is determined by supply and demand in the global market.

The downside to this is that if Recep Erdogan, the Turkish president, makes radical announcements such as “my son-inlaw is now the new finance minister” then global investors get scared of investing in risky economies. South Africa is a high-risk investment. Naturally, there are more factors that come into play like the global trade war taking place. The USA imposed strict tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminium imports (Turkey is the world’s sixth largest producer of steel).

There is also the uncertainty regarding the land policy in South Africa where investors are unsure if it is safe for them to invest in South Africa and the recordbreaking dollar with high interest rates. Combine all these factors and a perfect storm is brewed where it will be very difficult to improve our economy. Investors simply see South Africa as too risky at the moment and they would rather invest their money in places where there is more certainty.

Boeremeisie verskyn op Amerikaanse nuuskanaal Kristien Kruger @kris10.kruger

René Krüger het op 29 Augustus besluit om ’n video te neem waartydens sy vir President Donald Trump om hulp vra om ondersoek

in te stel in Suid-Afrikaanse plaasmoorde en grondonteiening. Haar video het binne ʼn paar ure viral gegaan en het tans 270 000 views en 16 100 retweets. ’n Amerikaanse nuuskanaal het René genader en ’n lewendige video gesprek met haar gedoen tydens een van hulle uitsendings.

René is ʼn derdejaar BA Kommunikasiestudent wat reeds op die ouderdom van 9 aan haar ouers gesê het: “Ek soek eendag ʼn koshuis vol kinders net om meer Afrikaanse mense te kry.” Haar passie en liefde vir die Afrikaanse kultuur is die basis waarop sy verskeie aanlyn video’s maak en oplaai. Tydens vanjaar se NAMPO Oesdag geleentheid, het René die herdenking opgelewer aan alle boere wat dood is as gevolg van plaasmoorde. “Dit het my erg ontstel, want dit is iets wat my nog altyd na aan die hart lê – Afrikaans en my volk.” “Ek het so magteloos gevoel, want ek weet ek moet iets doen, maar ek het nie geweet wat nie. Ek vra toe vir liewe Jesus wat ek moet doen en hy sê toe ek moet video’s maak om vir die buiteland te vertel wat aangaan.” Hierna het René in kontak gekom met Willem Petzer, ʼn eerstejaar teologiestudent aan die NoordwesUniversiteit (NWU). Willem het eers veeartseny studeer, maar het opgeskop, want volgens René glo Willem dis “sy roeping om die volk

terug te bring na God toe”. Daarom het Willem ʼn paar maande gelede sy eie YouTube-kanaal gestig onder die naam Pofadder media – moet nie op my trap nie. Dit was Willem wat vir René aangemoedig het om ʼn “Boertestimony” video te maak en te deel op sosiale media platforms om vir Trump om hulp te vra. Die video het baie mense bereik en baie terugvoer ontlok. ʼn Amerikaanse nuuskanaal, One America News Network, het met René in aanraking gekom en haar genooi om ʼn videosessie op lug te doen tydens een van hulle uitsendings. Tydens die gesprek het René probeer om die hart agter die video te deel en meer besonderhede te gee oor wat werklik aangaan in Suid-Afrika. Hiertydens het René gesê dat daar baie fopnuus is oor Suid-Afrika wat nie Trump se hulp soek nie, en sê sy dit is glad nie die geval nie, maar dat plaasmoorde ʼn werklikheid is en dat Suid-Afrika hulp nodig het. Na die afloop van die video het René baie positiewe terugvoer ontvang, maar sê sy ook dat sy “elke

dag duisende doodsdreigemente op Twitter” ontvang. Sy het wel aan Wapad gesê:

Ek is nie bang nie – as ek moet doodgaan omdat ek iets vir my volk wil doen is dit die beste manier waaraan ek kan dink. René vorm nou deel van Willem se span en plaas nou een keer ʼn week ʼn video op YouTube. Sy het ʼn Engelse kanaal met die oog om buitelanders in te lig oor wat hier aangaan en dan het René ook ʼn Afrikaanse kanaal. Die visie van die tweeman-span is om inspraak te lewer op die probleme wat deur die Afrikaner-kultuur ervaar word, om bewusmaking te skep en om mense in die buiteland in te lig. Daar is verskeie mense van oorsee wat daarna kyk om in die beweging te belê. Hulle het daarom groot planne vir die toekoms deur om meer aktief te wees en hulle span te vergroot.

Eminem takes on critics with his new release Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah

Eminem has yet again caused controversy amongst musicians with the surprise release of his tenth studio album, Kamikaze. “The Real Slim Shady” rapper used this album as a way to take aim at his critics and fans who felt that he was not producing his best work.

In the song ‘Fall’, released earlier this month, he claps back at all his haters. He starts off the song by saying: “You know, everybody’s been telling me what they think about me […], maybe it’s time I tell them what I think about them”. This gave fans an indication about his intentions with the album. The album is critical commentary aimed at various people, including “mumble” rappers. In the song, he criticized other rappers and people who had things to say about him in the past. He

challenged Machine Gun Kelly and Donald Trump, just to mention a few people. This song is known as the complete diss track. South African rap group, Die Antwoord, received critique as he responded to their claims that he cannot pronounce their name correctly in his track ‘Greatest’. He raps: “I know there’s people that are p****d about the way I mispronounced a name, Die Antwoord!”. He hurled profanities at Ninja, the group’s lead man.

13 September 2018




EFF hands memorandum to management Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16


he EFF Students Command (EFFSC) and South African Students Congress (SASCO) organised a peaceful march from the main building to F1 on Friday 7 September. Nhlanhla Mthethwa, the chairperson of SASCO, handed a memorandum of fourteen demands to prof Lumkile Lalendle after reading it to the crowd. The protesting students sang struggle-songs while holding signs with phrases written on. Some of the phrases read: Afrikaans must fall, away with interpreting services, Afrikaans for who? For what? Be liberal, down with Institutional Racism and English the medium NOW! Among other things the students demanded English classes only, an increase to 51% black African students admitted on campus and admitted to residences. The memorandum also said that the SCC must be disbanded with immediate effect because the electoral process used differed to the processes used at sister campuses. The de-gendering of more than just one bathroom was one of the requests and the final


request was that all buildings named after ‘white colonial figures’ must be renamed to ‘black progressive figures’. The memorandum also included demands for a shuttle service to and from student accommodation that is not situated close to campus. Another demand was that there should be no fee-increment for registration, tuition and residence fees for the following year.

While reading the demands Mthewthwa referred to prof Fika Janse van Rensburg as the “missmanagement” of the Potchefstroom campus more than once and therefore he decided that prof Janse van Rensburg was not worthy of receiving the memorandum of the EFFSC and SASCO. The management of the Potchefstroom campus was given seven working days to respond to the

demands they received. Mthethwa did not want to comment or give a response to Wapad about the march and his views about the whole afternoon. Late afternoon on Friday, prof Janse van Rensburg gave feedback via a video on Facebook. In the video he said that the organisers of the march did not keep to the agreed times for the march. There will be consequences for the fact that the

deputy vice chancellor (DVC) was pushed aside during the handingover of the memorandum. Annelé Conradie a second year student later on told Wapad, “I saw the EFF striking the night before the march, in Wasgoedpennetjielaan and I emailed Dalena [d,Assonville, SCC chairperson] about it. So, I was very surprised that they were still allowed to protest.”

Zuma gives lecture on NWU Vaal campus Colette Combrink @colettecombrink

In the first week of September, Former President Jacob Zuma gave a lecture to political students on the North-West University’s (NWU) Vaal campus. The lecture was

reportedly organized by students, but sparked controversy, especially amidst the current state capture enquiry. According to The Citizen, the former president touched on the apartheid legacy, his preferred type of democracy, and the economy. His students were made up of third-year, honours, masters and PhD students in the university’s politics department. Zuma has been dubbed a political genius and a political mastermind as

he managed to make it into the presidency while clouded in controversy, surviving various votes of no confidence, an impeachment and facing 783 counts of corruption charges. The Daily Post reported that Zuma also lectured on why he believes that South Africa needs a Parliamentary democracy instead of a Constitutional democracy where the final say is in the hands of the electorate and not in the courts.


PUKfm voer vierpotige vriende Colette Combrink @colettecombrink

Vir vier dae – 94 uur – het PUKfm aanbieders Niel Koegelen-

berg en Armand Rautenbach hulself ingehok in die PUKfm-studio om kos in te samel vir Potchefstroom Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Hulle mikpunt was om 94 sakke kos vir ons vierpotige vriende in te samel. Hierdie doel het hulle ver oorskry. Albei aanbieders is dit eens dat dit een van die moeilikste goed is wat hulle ooit

moes doen, maar dat die eindresultaat dit alles die moeite werd gemaak het. Elkeen het daagliks slegs vier ure in elke 24 uur gehad om te slaap, maar het wel van Donderdag tot Vrydag deurgedruk daarsonder. Teen negeuur Vrydagoggend het die moegheid en gatvol begin inskop, maar darem het die PUKfm-span en Niel en Armand

se geliefdes elke 20 minute vanaf vieruur boodskappe deurgestuur om hulle deur die laaste paar ure te dra. Teen Maandag het hulle 141 sakke kos, ’n totaal van 723.5 kg, by PAWS afgelewer. PAWS het met hierdie geleentheid gesê: “Ons harte loop oor van blydskap en dankbaarheid vir hierdie wonderlike bydrae. Julle is

almal tops.” PUKfm het nie woorde om dankie te sê vir elke student, personeellid en Potchefstromer wat hierdie inisiatief moontlik gemaak het nie.

Astronomy observatory launched at NWU Mahikeng campus Chané Jonker @chane_jonk

On Friday 7 September an astronomy observatory was launched at the North-West University’s (NWU) Mahikeng campus. According to the NWU’s website, the Mahikeng Astronomy Telescope will be used as a powerful teaching tool, “it will be operated remotely, which will allow learners and educators to access it from anywhere in the country”.

The Mahikeng Astronomy Telescope will mainly be used to study the interiors and the evolution of stars. The Mahikeng Astronomy Telescope, or the MAT, is a teaching tool used in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The telescope will also be used as a teaching tool in outreach programs. In June 2018 the new building of the astronomy observatory at the NWU Mahikeng campus was completed. The program is co-funded by the Department of Science and Technology and led by Professor Thede Medupe, an Astrophysicist that started at the NWU Mahikeng campus in 2010. Professor Medupe

started as a part of the former Physics Department at the NWU Mahikeng Campus. The Mahikeng Astronomy Telescope is a 40 cm, computercontrolled, telescope. To access the telescope from anywhere in the country, a device with internet access is needed. This includes a device, such as a smartphone or computer. Apart from internet access, you will need to ask for permission to use the telescope. Once permission is granted a password will be provided. The password can be used to log onto their website and from there you will be able to control the telescope. PHOTO: NWU WEBSITE


4 Wapad

13 September 2018

Making visa-free travel a reality Chané Jonker @chanejonk


student budget can be tight and it is hard enough to save money for travel, not even to mention international travel. If your bucket-list destination is in the United States or Europe, you are out of luck because you will need a Visa permit. This implies that you need to cash up to obtain one. According to Travelstart, there are a few countries you can visit for up to 90 days without a Visa permit. As a South-African citizen, you can visit destinations like Malawi, Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia, Israel, Mauritius and Russia for up to 90 days without needing a Visa permit. If you are planning to stay longer than 90 days, you may need to choose

a destination like Ireland or Peru. Ireland offers Visa-free travel for South-African citizens for up to three months and Peru offers 180 days of Visa-free travel. If you are planning a short international adventure the list of destinations you can visit is quite lengthy. You can add Madagascar, Singapore, South-Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia as possible destinations. These destinations offer Visa-free travel if your stay does not exceed the 30-day Visa-free limit. When traveling a bit closer to home you can choose a destination like Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Botswana or Mozambique that offers Visa-free travel to South African citizens. Other popular Visa-free destinations include the Bahamas, Belize, Chile, Costa Rica, Fiji, Jamaica, Tanzania and the Dominican Republic.


Gevaar agter TEFL-programme Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde

Dit is deesdae glad nie volksvreemd om te hoor dat ʼn student van plan is om oorsee te gaan Engelse onderrig gee nie. Dis ʼn geleentheid om die wêreld te sien en terselfdertyd goeie geld te verdien. Só het 51 jong Suid-Afrikaners wat deur Sanda Youth International werk in China gekry het, ook gedink. News24 berig dat die groep jongmense deur ʼn wrede werklikheid begroet is met hulle aankoms in Beijing. Owen Wang, ʼn verteenwoordiger van Sanda Youth International, het die groep studente gelei om te glo dat hulle voorlopig met hulle studievisums China toe kon vlieg en dat die maatskappy hulle kort daarna sou help om werkspermitte te kry. Die Suid-Afrikaners het toe voorlopig

begin werk sonder werkspermitte, wat ʼn ernstige oortreding is. ʼn Ervaring wat veronderstel was om winsgewend en aangenaam te wees, het ontaard in ʼn duur uitstappie China toe. Wapad het met ʼn student, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, gesels oor haar onderrigervaring in China. Sy het na hoërskool besluit om in China Engels te gaan gee. Die student was bewus daarvan dat sy met ʼn studievisum China toe is, maar die maatskappy waardeur sy gewerk het, het dit regverdig omdat die studente vir twee weke ʼn kortkursus gedoen het by ʼn kollege met hulle aankoms in China. Die student het aan Wapad gesê: “Ek was nie so bekommerd nie, omdat ek geweet het dat ek tegnies ʼn intern was en nie ʼn onderwyser nie. So ek het my ‘praktiese onderwysure’ deur die kollege gedoen. Ek het egter ʼn salaris gekry wat die maatskappy in my rekening by ʼn Chinese bank inbetaal het”. Sy het egter begin probleme

verander en dat hulle my net weer kon aanstel mits ek ʼn BA-graad gehad het”. ’n Vriendin, wat sy tydens die ervaring gemaak het, het besluit om oor te skuif na ʼn ander maatskappy omdat sy nie genoeg geld verdien het na haar smaak nie. Sy het toe

oorgeskuif na ʼn ander maatskappy wat bereid was om haar aan te stel al het sy nie ʼn graad gehad nie. Die maatskappy het haar kort na sy van skool verskuif het, laat weet dat sy so gou as moontlik weer moes skuif omdat daar emigrasieoffisiere in die buurdorp inspeksies begin doen het. Daarna is sy ook huis toe, teen ʼn verlies. Die student het aan Wapad gesê dat sy die volgende raad sal gee aan ander wat dit oorweeg om oorsee Engels te gee: “Dit is maar die veiligste om met ʼn werksvisum te gaan, omdat hulle nou baie strenger is as tevore. Ek sal studente ook aanraai om navorsing te doen oor die spesifieke omgewing waarin hulle gaan skoolgee. Die omgewing waar ek skoolgegee het, was regtig rural. Ek sal ook sê dat jy definitief moet leer hoe om met chopsticks te eet! Verder maar net die gewone goedjies: gehoorsaam die wet tot die letter en adapt or die”.

leading to weight loss. Furthermore, fasting increases your body’s production of the growth hormone. The growth hormone helps to delay aging and to increase the rate at which muscle building takes place. Intermittent fasting also helps to decrease inflammation in the body and helps to restore damaged cells. In the long term, this could potentially lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, fasting also has mental benefits. This includes mental

clarity, better focus and productivity. Many people have noted fogginess during the first few days of fasting but after the body has adapted you will feel more energetic. It can be challenging to fit intermittent fasting into your schedule. Fasting isn’t for everyone but if you can implement it into your week, even if it’s only for a few days, you will eventually reap the benefits. It is always important to remember to speak to your doctor before taking drastic measures.


ervaar nadat haar eerste kontrak van vier maande verstrek het: ”Die maatskappy het my voor die tyd verseker dat dit net ʼn formaliteit was en dat ek beslis weer aangestel sou word na die vier maande. Toe die tyd aangebreek het, het hulle egter gesê dat die wetgewing besig was om te

Fasting: starvation or nutrition? Umamah Bakaria @official_umamah

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating where you only eat within a strict time window. Fasting has existed for thousands of years and it has played a key role in many religions. Nowadays, fasting is also implemented for health reasons. There are three main approaches

to fasting. The first method is 5:2 fasting. Using this method, you eat normally for the first five days of the week and consume very little calories (about 500 calories) during the remaining two days. The second method is informally referred to as the lean gains method, which consists of fasting every day for 16 hours consecutively (including the hours you sleep) and having an eating window of eight hours. The last and most extreme approach is to fast for 20 hours each day and to eat for the

remaining four hours. Many people start intermittent fasting to lose weight due to the fact that it is difficult to eat large amounts of food in a small amount of time. Fasting also has a whole range of benefits unknown to the average citizen. The biggest health benefit of fasting is a decrease in insulin sensitivity. This could be beneficial for diabeticswho struggle with insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity helps the body to use fat for energy, thus

’n Huldeblyk aan Biko en die media in een mondvol Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde

Onlangs het baie pre-1994 skandale aan die lappe gekom, met “The Lost Boys of Bird Island” as die nuutste voorbeeld. Ek glo daar sal nog baie sulke openbarings gemaak word wat telkens skokkende reaksie sal uitlok.

Dit is egter die brawe aktiviste en publikasies wat in die middel van die donkerste tyd in Suid-Afrika hierdie skokkende onthullings gemaak het waarop ek die fokus wil plaas. Steve Biko is op 12 September 1977 alleen en kaal op ’n selvloer in ’n hospitaal in Pretoria dood. Kort daarna was die persverklaring uitgereik wat sy dood toegeskryf het aan ’n “eetstaking”. Op 7 Oktober verskyn ’n artikel in Rand Daily Mail wat die waarheid ontbloot. Die

nadoodse ondersoek het geen bewyse van ’n eetstaking identifiseer nie. Verbasend genoeg was die artikel deur Helen Zille, bekende SuidAfrikaanse politikus, geskryf. Op daardie stadium was sy ’n joernalis by Rand Daily Mail wat ’n gewoonte gemaak het daarvan om leesstof te publiseer wat nie strook met die Apartheidsregering se ideale nie. Ek het ’n voëltjie hoor twiet dat dit nie die laaste keer was wat Zille haarself in warmwater bevind het nie. Dit is

fassinerend dat ’n ervare joernalis juis as gevolg van ’n ondeurdagte uitlating gebuk gegaan het onder kritiek wat haar reputasie baie skade aangedoen het. Nou, 41 jaar na Biko se dood, moet ons eer betoon aan hom vir sy bydra tot die demokratiese Suid-Afrika wat ons vandag ken. In die woorde van die skrywer, Zakes Mda, “he who digs a well does not drink from it”. Ek wil ook eer betoon aan die media wat slegte nuus “goed” vertel

aan gehore wat nie noodwendig toeganklik is vir die nuus nie. Biko het ook die krag van woorde ingespan deur gereeld rubrieke te skryf vir sy kolom, “I Write What I Like”, wat in die South African Students’ Organization se nuusbrief verskyn het. Ook ’n eerbetoning aan die intelligente, hardwerkende studente onder ons wat hulle lywe “Frank Talk” hou, al koester almal nie noodwendig dieselfde ideale nie.

13 September 2018




Suid-Afrika verval in resessie Marianne Steyn @mariannesteyn_


tudente sonder sente se probleme is aan die vererger, omdat Suid-Afrika se ekonomie volgens verskeie bronne in ʼn resessie in gly. ʼn Tegniese resessie, soos wat Suid-Afrika nou ervaar is as daar twee opeenvolgende kwartale van negatiewe bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) groei plaasgevind het. Volgens Andries van Zyl op RSG geldsake was die bekendmaking van die resessie ʼn skok gewees, omdat die ekonomie met 0,7% ingekrimp het, nadat daar ʼn groei van 0,6% verwag is. Sy

gas, Maartin Ackerman, hoofekonoom by Citadel Wealth het bygevoeg dat Suid-Afrika dalk nou in die handboek definisie van ʼn resessie ervaar, moet daar in ag geneem word dat Suid-Afrika al sedert 2013 sukkel om 2% groei te kry en dat BBP die afgelope paar jaar het BBP ver onder populasie groei gegroei. Dit beteken dat Suid-Afrika se burgers nou al vir ʼn hele ruk armer word en dat die regering nie hulle doelwitte kan bereik nie. Hy sê volgens daardie feite ervaar Suid-Afrikaners nou ʼn geruime tyd iets wat volgens hom ʼn “resessie” genoem kan word. President Cyril Ramaphosa het volgens EWN gesê dat Suid-Afrikaners nie bekommerd hoef te wees oor ʼn resessie nie, omdat Suid-Afrika nog altyd sy ekonomiese uitdagings kon oorkom. Hy beweer verder dat dit hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die

landbou bedryf is, omdat landbou nie presteer het soos verwag nie. Hy sê dat dit kan moontlik wees as gevolg van die laat reën en oes.

Professor Raymond Parsons, ʼn ekonoom verbind aan die NWU se besigheidskool, beweer volgens die NWU se webtuiste

dat Suid-Afrika ʼn baie groter poging moet aanwend om uit die “laegroei-strik” te ontsnap. Volgens hom het die resessie slegte vooruitsigte vir sakevertroue en werksvooruitsigte. Hy voeg by dat dit duidelik is dat Suid-Afrika die ekonomiese skade van die afgelope dekade onderskat het oor hoe lank dit realisties sal duur om die ekonomie en die negatiewe impak van beleidsonsekerheid om te keer. Ondanks die feit dat SuidAfrika tans aan die vereistes van ʼn resessie voldoen is daar egter ekonome, soos ekonoom Roelof Botha in fin24, wat beweer dat Suid-Afrika nie in ʼn resessie is nie, omdat daar nie net na twee kwartale gekyk kan word nie, maar dat daar na die groter prentjie gekyk moet word. Volgens hom is dit duidelik dat SA nie in ʼn resessie is nie as daar na laasjaar se kwartaal punt ook gekyk word.

‘Why do I feel tired all the time?’- every student ever Umamah Bakaria @official_umamah

Fatigue has the potential to overwhelm students during their time at university. It can lead to a lower quality of life if it goes untreated. Fatigue and weakness can influence how we go about our daily activities, like going to class and doing assignments. Often it leads to students falling

behind on work. The difference between weakness and fatigue is that fatigue is a lingering tiredness that limits a person’s ability to handle everyday life. A person suffering from fatigue experiences inexplicable exhaustion, like someone with flu or someone who has lost plenty of sleep. Feeling weak, on the other hand, is a lack of physical strength. Often, feeling weak is described as having to exert extra effort to move your

arms, legs, or other muscles. Lifestyle factors that could cause weakness and tiredness include: sleeping on an old mattress or pillow, spending too much time on your smartphone and straining your eyes with excess screen time without rest. Your body could also be dehydrated and in dire need of nutritious food. There are also health concerns that could be the cause of exhaustion like anaemia, which is the result of a lack of red blood

cells that bring oxygen from your lungs to your tissues and cells. The following could also be a reason for fatigue: a thyroid disorder, B12 deficiency, diabetes and in many cases depression. The best way to get treated for medical causes of fatigue and weakness is to see a certified doctor, who will diagnose your condition and prescribe the correct treatment or medication. Following a balanced diet and drinking enough water is vital for

bettering your physical health. Exercising regularly, balancing rest and activity, improving your sleeping habits and decreasing stress levels are all good places to start the journey towards improving your stamina and energy levels. With the heavy workload on campus, it is important to listen to your body when it is telling you to look after it. After all, it’s the temple of our minds, souls and spirits.

Huldeblyk aan ’n ewige held Colette Combrink @colettecombrink

Hartseer nuus is op 2 September bekend gemaak toe die student wat vir maande teen kanker geveg het, die stryd finaal verloor het. Jeané Myburgh, ’n derdejaarstudent aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus, is

Sondagoggend om 07:00 oorlede. Sy was verbonde aan Kasteel vrouekoshuis en moes hierdie jaar haar finale jaar in BCom bedryfsielkunde voltooi. Sy is in Januarie gediagnoseer met ’n baie aggressiewe kanker genaamd ’n PNET Ewing sarkoom en het vir ses maande onder andere 16 chemoterapie-sessies ondergaan. Tesame daarmee moes sy verskeie operasie ondergaan, maar aan die einde was daar medies geen meer uitweg nie.

Jeané het tot die einde toe hard teen die kanker geveg en positief gebly dat sy volgende jaar sal terugkeer Potchefstroom toe om haar studies te voltooi. Hoewel baie hartseer heers oor Jeané se heengaan, het sy baie lewens in haar kort lewe aangeraak. Veral deur die #BlueForYou inisiatief waar sy moed vir baie kankerlyers gegee het deur positief te bly en nooit op te hou veg nie. Jeané se pa, Jan Myburgh, het op Facebook gesê dat haar laaste aand baie erg

was en dat die kanker die lewe uit haar uit gestoei het. “Toe ons vandag die hospitaalkamer verlaat, het ons ’n handjievol besittings saam met ons geneem, maar ons mees kosbare besitting moes ons agterlaat,” het hy Sondag gesê. “Sy is nie alleen nie. Sy sal onthou word en haar energie en gees sal met ons almal wees solank as wat ons leef.” ‘n Troosdiens is op 8 September in Durban gehou. FOTO: FACEBOOK

NSFAS pays backlog to open 2019 applications Le-Lanie Ludick lelanie_ludick

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has been experiencing a backlog of payments for 2017 and 2018. Since 30 August 2018 this backlog started to clear after a payment of R1.2bn was paid out to students to cover the overdue allowances.

The payment would benefit nearly 25 000 students who have not received student allowances. Earlier in August, the South African Union of Students (SAUS) president Misheck Mugabe, warned of a looming protest if NSFAS still neglected to pay allowances. The backlog of payments dated back to 2017 which left many students in dire straits. The payments followed after NSFAS appointed a new Administrator, Dr Randal Carolissen. His first order of business as Administrator was to clear the backlog and prepare for

2019 applications. Soon after his appointment, the previous CEO Steven Zwane was made an offer of R1.7m to resign as the CEO of NSFAS. He did not accept this offer and this decision led to his suspension. According to NSFAS, students will start to receive their allowances which will relieve financial strain. Jade Sateria, a first year student in BA Communication, says the pay-out was the least of his problems with NSFAS. “The communication between NSFAS and students has to improve because it causes the most frustration for so many

applicants”. Any first-time entering student or a first-time bursary recipient, is required to sign the bursary agreement (NBA), available on their website or contact NSFAS if the document has not yet been signed. No student will receive funding without this signed document. The applications for 2019 opened on 3 September. Since the opening the process has been running smoothly with 400 applications within the first few hours. Applications are done online and all applications have to be accompanied with a consent form regardless of the applicant’s

income. Students continuing with their studies are not required to re-apply, provided that they meet the progression rule of 50% pass. Applications for 2019 close on 30 November 2018.



Kuns en Vermaak

13 September 2018


Die nuutste studentefees in Potchefstroom was ’n groot sukses. Rocking Potch het vir opwinding veroorsaak met groot name soos Bobby van Jaarsveld, Willem Botha, Early B en nog vele meer.

Unspoken rules for getting a formal date Annami den Heyer @annami_dh

It is September, which means it is formal season at the North-West University. Every year this can be a big headache for many students – not knowing what to wear, who to ask and how to ask them.

Wapad has done some research and found that this spring there are a few popular colours to wear. According to Vogue Italy, it is lavender, but according to Pantone, purple is the colour of the year. Rapture rose is a full, princesslike, intense shade of pink and apparently highly recommended. Sky blue is also popular because it is such a fresh colour.

As seen in the video Wapad has posted on Facebook, it is clear what not to do when asking someone to a formal, but how should one pick a date? If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, of course, you are going to ask him/her, but what if you are single? Ask someone that you know will have no strings attached, but who you are also comfortable taking

pictures with. It is also important to ask someone who can dance and make you laugh. That way it won’t be an awkward night(mare) and you and your date can enjoy the evening. If you are friends with the potential candidate, asking them should be easy enough. You can do it via WhatsApp, or face-to-face. Just build up enough confidence and

ask the person. If your friends set you up with someone who you don’t really know, grabbing a coffee beforehand can drastically decrease the level of awkwardness upon meeting for photos. You only live once, so don’t be that person who goes to a formal alone, when you could be spending the night with a friend or meeting someone new.

The six sins of cellular use Karlien Meiring @karlien_meiring

A video of Ivanka Trump at Senator John McCain’s funeral in Washington DC has gone viral on Twitter after some users suspected her of texting during the ceremony. This has led many to believe the touch-screen-generation is out of touch with appropriate cell phone behaviour. To avoid committing a similar cellular sin, here are cell phone etiquette rules you should be following. 1. wwwPut your phone away at the dinner table. “Being courteous in public to both your dining partner and other diners is important,” said Amy Rice, Gadget Expert of Gazelle. Brett Graff, parenting, etiquette and financial expert, added, “If it rings, and you must answer it,


explain to your dining companions that you’re waiting for an important call. Otherwise, ignore it,” he said. 2. Never shout when talking on the phone. Can you hear me now? If they can’t, call them back later. Rice

said that when you are in public it’s good phone etiquette to try not to raise your voice while on the phone. 3. Never text or talk while driving. This is an obvious sin of cellular use. There are laws in place re-

garding texting and talking on the phone while driving. 4. Avoid texting in meetings. You don’t want your group members looking up to see that you are texting away and completely ignoring the discussion. Plus, if you’re the

group leader, it’s setting a bad example. 5. Turn off your phone in places such as churches, temples, or theatres. Rice said there are no exceptions to this rule. There are certain places where cell phones should be (and often are) off-limits. Checking your phone and having it light up in a dark theatre — even if you don’t talk, text, or tweet — is just rude. 6. Don’t take a call in the middle of a face-to-face conversation. “Cell phones can destroy all your interpersonal dealings,” Graff said. He also told cell phone user not to give the screen a glance while they’re speaking to someone at a gathering.” Sometimes it’s best to merely think about how you would feel if that happened to you. If it would bother you, then you probably shouldn’t do it to someone else.

13 September 2018

Kuns en Vermaak



Potch Oppidam – ’n vars uitkyk op vermaak Denise Robertson @Denisemybru

Is jy moeg vir eentonige vertonings waar jou bene lam raak van staan voor ’n verhoog? Hierdie nuwe partytjie is dan net vir jou. Potch Oppidam is ’n byeenkoms wat op 20 Oktober by Tanglewood, Boskopdam, sowat 13 km buite Potchefstroom, gaan plaasvind. Hierdie affêre wil vir jou ’n wegbreek bied waar jy en jou vriende kan vergeet van die stresvolle eksamen wat voorlê en agteroor sit op ’n tube in die dam, met ’n bier in die hand en lewendige musiek wat jou vermaak. Moné Rautenbach, ’n derdejaar

BCom Bemarkingsbestuurstudent en een van die organiseerders van Potch Oppidam, is van mening dat hierdie dag heeltemal anders is as dit waaraan studente gewoond is. “Die punt van Potch Oppidam is om uit die dorp uit weg te kom en om saam met vriende te ontspan” het Moné gesê. “Studente hoef nie voor ’n stage te staan heeldag en op te kyk nie. Daar is baie om te doen, jy kan gaan swem, gaan beerpong speel, gaan volleyball speel saam met jou vriende. Jy kan regtig net ’n bietjie vergeet van jou studies, wegkom en ontspan” het sy gesê. Daar gaan ook bekende plaaslike DJ’s wees wat in beheer gaan wees van die musiek. Hierdie DJ’s sluit in, DJ Endura, DJ Get Loud, DJ NL en nog vele meer. “Ons wou nie ’n DJ kry wat verbonde is aan een enkele genre

nie, maar eerder ’n paar DJ’s wat ’n verskeidenheid genres voorstel, soos Afrikaanse musiek, House, Bootleg ensovoorts”, het sy gesê. Potch Oppidam begin 10:00 en hou aan tot 19:00, maar studente is welkom om verder te kuier en oor te kamp, aangesien Tanglewood kampgeriewe het wat gebruik kan word. Die kaartjies is R150 per persoon en verdere inligting kan op die Facebook-blad Potch Oppidam gekry word. “20 Oktober is ’n week voor eksamen, so in Potch word dit maar gesien as die laaste naweek van kuier. Dus kan studente so net-net voor die eksamen wegkom en ontspan om hulself rustig te maak voor hulle moet begin leer” het Rautenbach gesê. Kom rus dus in jou speedo by Potch Oppidam!

DIY décor letter


Umamah Bakharia Saamgestel deur Colette Combrink



Once completed this DIY project can be used for many purposes. It is especially handy if you are a student living in a residence or sharing a flat. This crafty project is a cute way to mark your bedroom’s entrance or simply to fill up an empty wall. You will need: - Cardboard - A ruler - Scissors - Wood glue or a glue gun - Decorative material e.g. fake flowers or paint etc. Method: 1. Measure the preferred size of the letter with a ruler and mark it out on the cardboard with a marker. 2. After marking the outline of the letter you want to make, cut it out with a scissor and cut off any untidy pieces. 3. Now that you have the letter/s, use decorative material of your choice to cover the cardboard. The following example will explain the process of decorating the letter using flowers or paint. Flowers: - Pin the flowers into the cardboard and glue in the finishing touches. Paint:

- Paint a few coats to cover the cardboard box. - Add preferred décor like glitter or ribbons. 4. Attach a string to the ends so that

it can be hung up. 5. Your DIY letter is ready to hang!

Vier skrywers, vier regisseurs, sestien akteurs, vier produksies in 24 uur. Op Vrydagmiddag 7 September om vyfuur het al die Uurglas deelnemers vir die eerste keer ontmoet. Spanne is ingedeel en daarna het drama begin gebeur. Elke skrywer het ’n rekwisiet en ’n karakter uit ’n hoed getrek. Die ruimte, ’n haarsalon, is reeds vooraf bepaal, dus was die taak aan die skrywers om die gegewe ruimte, gesamentlik met die hoed se verrassingselemente, in hul tekste te inkorporeer. Vir die volgende uur kon die skrywers met hul akteurs gesels, bepaal wat hul sterk- en swakpunte is en die regisseurs kon insette en bydraes lewer. Die skrywers se groot taak het egter eers klokslag seweuur begin. Deur die nag het hulle gewoeker en gewerskaf om teen sewe uur Saterdagoggend die teks gereed en afgerond aan die beoordelaars te e-pos. Na ’n lang nag vir die skrywers, het almal mekaar agtuur Saterdagoggend ontmoet. Vir ’n uur kon die skrywers húl prentjie van die toneelstuk aan die regisseurs probeer skets en om negeuur kon die akteurs begin repeteer. Soos blits is rolle toegeken, woorde geleer en verhoogplasings gedoen. Half drie, is daar ’n tegniese kleedrepetisie in die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus se

POK-saal gehou. Laaste repetisies en veranderinge is aangebring. Uurglasteater is ’n unieke konsep, wat nie net aan al die deelnemers pure genot en adernalien verskaf het nie, maar ook aan die gehoor. Puik gehalte produksies is op die planke gebring en dit in slegs vier en twintig uur. Christel van den Bergh, geken aan haar rol in die reeks Getroud met Rugby, was die seremoniemeester, Pierre-Andre Viviers en Franciska van der Merwe die beoordelaars. Die pryse van die aand het onderskeidelik gegaan aan: Die beste produksie – Ek ‘cope’ dankie Beste aktrise – Veronica Ramokgoname Beste akteur – Dylan le Roux Beste regisseur – Henry Jacobs Beste skrywer – Karla Cloete

Fliek resensie: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Annami den Heyer @annami_dh

Draaiboek: Sofia Alvarez Regisseur: Susan Johnson Rolverdeling: Lana Condor as Lara Jean Convey, Janel Parrish as Margot Covey, Noah Centineo as Peter Kavinsky, Anna Cathcart as Kitty Covey, Israel Broussard as Josh Sanderson & John Corbett as Dr. Dan Covey. Ouderdomsbeperkings: NA Datum van vrystelling: 17 Augustus 2018 Die 2018 Engelse tiener romans fliek

wat talle tiener meisies in oproer het, se Peter Kavinsky is seker die hoofrede daarvoor. Die fliek is gebaseer op Jenny Han se boek wat in 2014 uitgekom het, die skrywer kan haarself baie vereenselwig met die hoofkarakter, omdat sy self briewe geskryf het. Lana Condor, speel die hoofkarakter as, Lara Jean. Sy is ‘n skaam teruggetrokke meisie, wat liefdes briewe vir haar vyf groot liefdes in haar lewe geskryf het, maar dit nooit vir hulle gestuur het nie, omdat sy eenvoudig nie die moed gehad het nie. Nadat haar oudste suster, Margot, universiteit toe gaan, voel haar tipiese jonger sussie, Kitty,

dis tyd dat sy � kêrel kry. Sy stuur die briewe vir Lara Jean se liefdes en so begin Lara Jean se opwindinde liefdes reis, of sy op die ou end ‘n man kry, hang van haar af. Die fliek is gemik op tiener meisies, alhoewel ‘n seun nie die fliek sal geniet nie en dit beslis nie vir die ouer generasie gepas is nie, kan die fliek opgesom word in een woord, oulik. Die fliek sal talle meisies leer om nie skaam te wees oor hul gevoelens nie en inspireer om kanse te vat, of dit nou kom by ’n kêrel of enige ander aspek van die lewe. As jy nie ‘n tiener meisie is nie, mag jy die fliek sien as voorspelbaar, maar jy gaan beslis verlief word op die karakters, veral Peter.


8 Wapad

Kuns en Vermaak

Meraki Hy was ’n kunswerk Elke ding van hom herinner my aan wat gister was. Sy kunstenaarshande. Ek skets altyd sy hande. Sy sterk hande wat so teer kon werk met my fyn hare. Sy hande is so mooi vir my, elke lyn, elke letsel, elke sproet en elke vinger. Ek’t seker honderde sketse van sy hande. Sy hande was ook gereeld gelig in frustrasie. Frustrasie was ook gereeld… Sy stilswyende lippe. Almal praat van pragtige pienk lippe, maar syne was anders. Sy dun bolip met die sterk Cupido-boog was ’n ligter rooi as sy voller onderlip. Ek dink die rede vir sy dieper rooi onderlip is omdat hy gereeld sy tong – in die geval sy

lip – moes byt. Dan het ek harder geskree op hom om sy mond oop te maak, want ek wil hom hoor. Ek wou hom net hoor… Sy middernag kuif. Daardie diep kuif wat hy so gereeld agtertoe gooi soos die as van sy sigarette, het sy oë van my weggehou. So baie keer wou ek die verdomde kuif stomp afsny, net sodat hy kan sien wat die verhouding vir my beteken. Wat hy vir my beteken… Sy krimisroos-blou oë. My skatkis. Sy oë kon deur my sny en dit het gevoel of hy my kaal uittrek, maar nie op jou tipiese verliefde manier nie. Die gevoel van naaktheid het my woedend gemaak. Hy kon reg tot in my siel sien en ek sukkel om sy blik te vang. Keer op keer pro-

beer ek, maar dis te versmaai. Ek kon nog nooit die lagie ys voor sy vensters breek nie. Sy marmer hart. Stewig staan sy hart. Boonop toe, maar nie gesluit. Sy hart was ’n tempel wat ek wou aanbid, maar hy was ’n beneukte god wat my geweier het. Hierdie leë mens het liefde nodig gehad, maar sy wurm-brein was vêr te vrot om te red.

13 September2018

Must reads Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16

Although not all people get butterflies in their stomachs while reading a romantic novel, there are some books that might just change the way you feel about “juicy love stories”. Some romantic stories are some of the best books ever written. 1.Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 2.Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 3.Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 4.Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë 5.Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell 6.The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks 7.Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

- Anoniem

PUKfm in mooi-moois Bianca Stevens @biancastevens1997

Ons mede-media-maats, PUKfm het uitgehaal en gewys in hulle PUKfm mooi-moois. Hierdie span het 141 sakke kos ingesamel vir PAWS. Lees meer hiervan op bladsy 3. Om jou gekose instansie te verteenwoordig deur iets so eenvoudig soos ’n hemp kan jou laat bars van trots. Die hemp verteenwoordig nie net noodwendig die instansie waaraan jy behoort nie, maar jou familie op kampus. Die mense wat jou hart beter ken as jou broer, suster of ouers. Die hemp raak ’n weeklikse roetine waar

jy nie hoef te bekommer oor wat jy op Donderdae aantrek nie. Die hemp raak meer as net ’n objek dit raak iets wat jy by troos vind, waar jy veilig voel en hoe jy jou familie uitken in ’n skare vol vreemdelinge.

Hoe jy jou familie uitken in ’n skare vol vreemdelinge. ’n Gesamentlike vraag is gevra oor wat hulle gunsteling deel van lente is? “Die son gaan sak weer later so die dae voel langer en dit voel of mens meer tyd het om goed gedoen te kry.”


Van links: Owen Crafford (aanbieder), Sharné van Wyk (aanbieder/nuusleser), Maché Pretorius (aanbieder), Niel Koegelenberg (programbestuurder/aanbieder), Jean-Mari Schmidt (musiekbestuurder/aanbieder). Onder: Pamela Davis (bemarkingsbestuurder/aanbieder en nuusleser), Zarnele N Mahotso (bemarker).

Trending now – fill up your hipster pantry Bianca Stevens @biancastevens1997

The last two weeks have been depressing with two big stars breathing out their last breaths. The world had to say goodbye to Mac Miller (1992-2018) and Burt Reynolds (1936-2018). All our love to all their family, friends and fans. Serena Williams had a fit on the tennis field breaking her racket and schooled the umpire accusing her of cheating in the US open where she ended up with a $17 000 fine. Kendall Jenner also revealed that she doesn’t care enough to get involved in the Kardashian family drama. Maybe I should follow her advice.

Food When you were little pickled food displayed in your grandmother’s kitchen or pantry was the worst sight and taste you could ever imagine. Now if it is pickled it is perfect according to hardcore hipsters. Youtube Music Kanye West & Lil Pump ft. Adel Givens – “I Love It” (Official Music Video) (10/09/2018) Movie Halloween – New Trailer [HD] (10/09/2018) Spotify Global Top 50 Drake - In My Feeling (10/09/2018). Drake will now and forever be part of trending now. You can’t argue with the charts and I have this conspiracy that if he is

not trending charts will crash all over the world. New Netflix movie Sierra Burgess Is a Loser. Another reason to watch this movie is the fact that Noah Centineo plays a main role. Fun Facts 7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. This is more or less 16.4 million adults (The Fact Site, 2018). Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun (The Fact Site, 2018). Social media trend People destroying their Nike products that they already paid for. Nike still made money so who really won? Must listen album Troye Sivan - BLOOM

13 September 2018

Kuns en Vermaak

Stand-up Komedie by Aardklop Colette Combrink @colettecombrink


anjaar het Aardklop weer ’n propvol program wat Stand-up Komedie betref, met verskeie vertonings wat veral gemik is op studente. Eerste aan die beurt is Schalk Bezuidenhout, die gewilde komediant

met die krullebol en kenmerkende truitjies. Schalk tree deesdae gereeld op in Potchefstroom, maar gaan by Aardklop vir die eerste keer te sien wees in sy nuwe eenmanvertoning Snorseun. Schalk reken hierdie is sy snaaksste vertoning nóg. Snorseun is by die Totiussaal op Dinsdag 2 Oktober om 20:00 en Donderdag 4 Oktober om 14:00. Kaartjies kos R80 vir studente en is beskikbaar by Ticketpro of by die deur. Netwerk24 se Feeskafee speel

ook gasheer vir Schalk en verskeie van Suid-Afrika se topkomediante vir drie aande by Aardklop. Vir daardie drie aande kan jy by die Feeskafee kom kyk na ten minste vier uiteenlopende en skreeusnaakse komediante per aand. Schalk Bezuidenhout tree elke aand op, asook die improvisasie duo Melt Sieberhagen en Hannes Brümmer, wat as Die Flying Dutchmen bekendstaan. Op Donderdag 4 Oktober om

20:00 tree Cobus van Rensburg, Mariette Loubser, Melt Sieberhagen, Hannes Brümmer én Schalk Bezuidenhout by die Feeskafee op. Op Vrydag 5 Oktober om 20:00 is dit Bennie Fourie, Melt Sieberhagen en Hannes Brümmer, Schalk Bezuidenhout en Alfred Adriaan se beurt. En op Saterdag 6 Oktober om 20:00 sluit dié komediefees af met Melt Sieberhagen en Hannes Brümmer, Bennie Fourie, Mojak



Lehoko en Schalk Bezuidenhout. “Ons is opgewonde om Netwerk24 se Feeskafee ná suksesvolle vertonings by die KKNK en Vrystaat Kunstefees as ’n tuiste vir puik stand-up komedie te vestig. Nou is dit Aardklop se beurt. Kom sluit jou feesdag af met skaterlag!” sê Erns Grundling, die vervaardiger. Kaartjies vir die Stand-up Komedie by die Netwerk24 Feeskafee kos R120 per persoon en is beskikbaar by Ticketpro en by die deur.

Gluten free black bean brownies Corine Raath @corineraath

Ingredients: - 1 rinsed and drained can of black beans - 2 large eggs - 3 tbsp melted coconut oil - 3/4 cup cocoa powder - 1/4 tsp sea salt - 1 tsp vanilla extract - heaped 1/2 cup sugar - 1 1/2 tsp baking powder - Optional toppings: crushed nuts or chocolate chips Method: Preheat your oven to 180˚C and lightly grease a 20x20cm

ovenproof dish. Thoroughly rinse the black beans and put it in a food processor with the sugar. Pulse until the mixture has a smooth consistency. Mix the eggs, salt, baking powder, vanilla extract and coconut oil in a separate bowl. Once mixed, it can be added to the black bean mixture along with the cocoa powder. Pulse until all the ingredients are well-combined. If the batter is too thick you can add a tbsp or two of water. Place the batter in a dish and spread it evenly. Optionally sprinkle nuts or chocolate chips over the batter. Place the dish in the oven and bake your brownies for 20-25 minutes. Leave to cool down before removing the brownies from the dish and enjoy!


Tuna & Sweetcorn casserole recipe Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah

This quick and affordable recipe is perfect to stir up in a couple of minutes! It’s filled with all the right ingredients to fill your tummy. - Ingredients: - 1 tin drained tuna - 1 tin sweetcorn - 1 sachet three cheese mix - Pasta – preferred amount - Grated cheese for topping - Salt to taste Instructions: Cook the pasta in boiling water until soft, drain. Boil cheese sachet and mix with water until a thick paste forms. In a skillet, add the drained pasta, tuna, sweetcorn and cheese paste and mix well. Put the final product in a serving dish and sprinkle grated cheese over it. Pop it in the oven until the cheese has melted. Food is served!


Behold launches in Potchefstroom Colette Combrink @colettecombrink

ShofarBand launched their new album, Behold, on Saturday 8 September in Potchefstroom as part of their first leg of the nationwide tour. This band came

all the way from Stellenbosch, where the Shofar Christian Church’s headquarters are located, but the band as a whole is made up of musicians and songwriters form many different Shofar congregations. James Pringle, vocalist and guitarist, explained the message behind the new album in between the worship that the band led. It was clear that the main focus of the evening, as well as the album, is to focus on the Cross and behold the

glory of God. “Every time we get to see a little bit of Jesus, we realise just how much we are not able to grasp him, and we hunger more to behold his presence,” James said. The album consists of a variety of heart-wrenching songs, including the title track ‘Behold the Lamb’. Many of the songs have a deep focus on the goodness of God and how He is just, even in the most difficult times. A personal favourite is ‘You are the Potter’ that deals with the issue of

trying to be strong and in control, but how much freedom there is in giving over to God and being mendable clay. The second verse written by Tamsyn van der Merwe is “So I will not be ashamed / I’ll not be disappointed / in this life You give / in both pain and joy / Because You are just”. Pringle also spoke about how when we draw near to God, he draws near to us, as the scripture says, and continued, “There is a constant war for our attention and affection every

morning when we wake up. The greatest gift we can give to God is our attention and affection.” The band still has 13 launches nationwide to spread this message. The album is of international quality and the message along with it is an everlasting promise. The album is available to download free on Noisetrade.com, but can also be downloaded/streamed on Apple Music, Spotify and Google Play.





13 September 2018

Waarmee ons sit Vandeesweek was vreedsaam op kampus. Soos meeste ander weke, al begin almal bietjie rondhop van semesterweekstres en keuses wat oor die jaar wat kom gemaak moet word. Baie mense het net ongeveer 50 dae van studentewees oor, en vir ander is hierdie net die einde voor ’n volgende begin. Hierdie is waarmee ons elke dag op kampus sit: lentebloeisels en stuitige kampusapies en samekomste van kampuskatte en drie verdwaalde hoenders. En eFundi wat aanhoudend ’n raaisel is om te verken. Ons sit met vier seisoene en vreemdelinge wat vir mekaar glimlag terwyl hulle verby mekaar stap. Of in Lovers’ Lane maak asof hulle op hulle selfone is om oogkontak te vermy. Elk tot sy eie. Dit is alles deel van ons realiteit, en ook eens in ’n leeftyd ’n vreedsame optog. Daardie optog wat jy van ver af dophou en jou glas wyn verder drink, vreedsaam. Maar tot is dit hierdie optogte wat veroorsaak dat

elke familielid en langverlore vriend bel om seker te maak jy is darem nog oukei. Dan maak jy amper asof jy nie oukei is nie, net om hulle stemme vir bietjie langer te hoor, en nie op ’n Instagram storie of hulle verhoudingsopdaterings nie. Aan elke ou maatjie wat ek nie meer werklik kontak mee het nie, ek is jammer vir wat ook al ons uitmekaar uit gedryf het. My skuld of jou skuld, dit maak nie saak nie. Wat wel belangrik is, is dat jy weet dat ek nog nooit ophou omgee het nie, dat ek nooit werklik gaan ophou omgee nie. Ek is jou rasieleier vanuit die donkerte – ek is trots op elke uitdaging wat jy uitoorlê, op elke oorwinning, op elke nuwe mens in wie se lewe jy kan inspreek en op wie jy besig is om te word. Ek is trots op jou, en as ons paaie dalk eers weer oor 30 jaar kruis, sien ek uit om elke weergawe van jou wat nog wag te ontmoet. My deur sal altyd oopswaai as jy klop. - Kaalvoet Koebaai

Daar was ontsteltenis na studente wat ‘n afkoelsessie by die Fanie du Toit se swembad wou geniet, voorgekeer was. Voorheen was dit algemeen vir studente om te gaan ontspan en swem by “die Fanie se swembad”.

Hoofredaksie 2018/2019

Hoofredaktrise Colette Combrink

Wapader van die uitgawe:


Hierdie uitgawe se beloning gaan aan langarm Le-Lanie Ludick wie se livestream, en foto’s en menswees altyd net wonderlik is.

Die App-berig in die 30 Augustus-uitgawe is deur Lisa van Rooyen geskryf en nie Karlien Meiring nie. Gaan lees Lisa se nuwe insiggewende EFF-berig op bladsy 3.

Nuusredakteur JJ Denton

Kuns-en-Vermaak Redaktrise Denise Robertson

Sportredaktrise Kristien Kruger

Fotoredaktrise Le-Lanie Ludick

Uitlegredakteur Christiaan Venter

Videoredakteur Isaac Welcome Ndlovu

Sosiale Media Redaktrise Corine Raath

Interne Koördineerder Chané Jonker


HOOFREDAKTRISE: Colette Combrink NUUSREDAKTEUR: JJ Denton KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Denise Robertson FOTOREDAKTRISE: Le-Lanie Ludick TEKSREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg SPORTREDAKTRISE: Kristien Kruger UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christian Venter (Uitlegkunstenaars: Chané Jonker, Bianca Stevens, Jancke Minnaar.) INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chané Jonker ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 072 511 8289 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn weer na die Oktobervakansie. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.

Teksredaktrise Alet Janse van Rensburg

13 September 2018



Varsity Netball update – Kovsies on top Kristien Kruger @kris10.kruger

Round six of the Varsity Netball Tournament caused for big changes on the log. The University of Stellenbosch (Maties) was defeated by the University of the Free State (Kovsies) and the North- West University (NWU) has experienced a loss against Nelson Mandela University (Madibaz). Before the matches, on 10 September hosted by Maties, the top four teams on the log was Maties, Kovsies, NWU, Madibaz and the University of Pretoria (Tuks) with each team only losing one out of their five matches. Maties was in the first place with 22 points, Kovsies in second with 21 and the NWU in third with 20 points. Round six disrupted this order entirely. The NWU played against Madibaz,


who started the match strongly and ended the first quarter with a twopoint lead. In the second quarter, the NWU made a comeback and at the

end of that quarter enjoyed a 34 – 32 lead. Sadly, Madibaz took control of the game and swung the score in their favor at 49 – 43. The NWU


take the third place in this part of the competition. Kovsies defeated Maties in a close encounter. Early in the match Maties took the lead with a score of 13 – 9, but Kovsies was able to grab hold and end the first quarter in a 13 -13 draw. The game remained a competitive show from both teams, but it was Kovsies who took advantage of the PowerPlay to create a 12-point lead. Maties was able to score and narrow the gap to 46 – 37 at the end of the third quarter. Kovsies won the match with a score of 59 – 56 and moved up to the top spot on the log. Round seven will take place on 24 September where the NWU will take on Kovsies and Maties will face Madibaz. This will be the last round before the semifinals which will take place on 1 October.

was able to narrow the gap but did not manage to win the match. The final score was 49 – 47 for Madibaz, allowing them to move up the log and

Karlien en Veritas oorwin in vinnige-vyf gemengde netbal Kristien Kruger @kris10.kuger

Vanjaar se vinnige-vyf gemengde netbal was ’n gepaste einde vir die sporttermyn van 2017/2018. Die slepe van dié termyn kon vir oulaas die geleentheid kry om kragte te meet. Dit was wel die uitmuntende kombinasie tussen Karlien vrouekoshuis en Veritas manskoshuis wat daarin geslaag het om as oorwinnaars uit dié stryd te tree. Hulle het tydens die finaal vir Vergeet-My-Nie vrouekoshuis en Excelsior manskoshuis met ʼn telling van 8 – 6 gewen. Die eindstryd het geweldig baie opwinding veroorsaak as gevolg

van die kompeterende aard daarvan. Albei spanne het geveg vir die titel, maar dit was die sleep onTASbare KARakter wat aan die einde as oorwinnaars uit die stryd kon tree met ʼn punte verskil van slegs twee punte. Dit was Patria manskoshuis en Oosterhof vrouekoshuis wat teen Wag-’n-Bietjie en Caput moes uitspeel vir die derde en vierde plek, en dit was die sleep EXClusive VER MY wat die stryd gewen het. Die PATRIOTS moes tevrede wees met die vierde plek. Tydens die halfeindstryd was dit Karlien en Veritas wat vir Wag-’n-Bietjie en Caput laat lesopsê het, waarna Karlien en Veritas deurgegaan het na die eindstryd. Vergeet-My-Nie en Excelsior het in die ander halfeindstryd vir Patria en Oosterhof gewen.


Oorwinning is sielkundig vir NWU spiertier Kristien Kruger @kris10.kruger

Wildré Smith, ʼn finalejaar Sport Wetenskap-student, vorm deel van die 21 atlete wat die Noordwes-provinsie verteenwoordig in vanjaar se International Federation of Body Building & Fitness (IFBB) Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe. Hy het op 4 Augustus aan die Noordwes Provinsiale kampioenskappe deelgeneem waar hy ʼn tweede plek verower het. By die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe, wat op 15 en 16 September in Rustenburg sal plaasvind, gaan Wildré in die kategorie Men’s Muscular Physique deelneem. Wildré is ’n Namibiese burger en hy sê buitelanders “vind dit moeilik om die intensiteit en die uitdagings te verstaan”, omdat die sport nie in Namibië baie populêr is nie. Dit is ook waarom hierdie sport hom so interesseer het. Hy het begin navorsing doen en het vinnig besef hoe ver hy homself kan druk. Dit was wel nie so eenvoudig soos dit klink nie. Wildré noem dat dit

“geweldige self-dissipline en deursettingsvermoë verg”. Hy oefen reeds die afgelope drie jaar, maar het eers twee jaar gelede begin belangstel in die fiksheid-industrie. Hy handhaaf ʼn sterk sosiale media teenwoordigheid, veral op Instagram. Hy deel al sy ervaringe, etes, oefeninge en sy deelname in kompetisies. Hy ontvang baie ondersteuning en kry baie mense wat vra hoe hy dit doen en watter tipe oefeninge hy doen. Hy sê: “Ek sal altyd help waar ek kan, want ek leer self nog hoe alles werk”. “Ek geniet dit om ʼn gesonde leefstyl te handhaaf en om sukses te ervaar as ’n produk van harde werk”. Sy voorbereiding behels ʼn gereelde oefenprogram en ʼn uitgewerkte eetplan en sien dit as “80% dieët en 20% gym”. Hy is tans besig met ʼn ses week oefenprogram, waar hy slegs moes “maintain” – bedoelende dat hy nie teveel gewig of spiermassa moet optel of verloor nie. Hy volg ook ʼn streng gekontroleerde dieet en voel dit is “die belangrikste aspek van sukses”. Wildré het aan sy afrigter, Tristan Marais, ʼn lys gestuur van kosse wat hy gewoonlik geëet het. Sy afrigter het daarna ’n paar veranderinge gemaak en kosse weggelaat of vervang met gesonder alternatiewe. “Elke vyf tot

ses dae word ʼn “cheat-dag” toegelaat. Met so ʼn dag gee ek my oor aan roomys, KFC en muffins. Julle kan seker net dink hoe ek na dié dag uitsien”. Die grootste uitdaging vir hom is om gemotiveerd te bly of soos hy dit stel: “Daar is soms moeilike dae waar ek voel ek kan nie meer nie, ek het nie meer die energie of die krag nie. Daar is dae wat ek honger gaan slaap en as vriende jou vra om saam te braai of “takeaways” te gaan eet, is jy slegs ʼn toeskouer. Oorwinning kan net sielkundig verkry word”.



Sport 13 September 2018


Didi wins netball Newcomer of the Year Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah


Didintle Keebine, a netball player at the NorthWest University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus, was given the title of Newcomer of the Year. Everyone who is familiar with Didi, knows that she glows inside out. In a candid interview with Wapad she opened up about where she is heading and where she is in her journey. Q: How does it feel to be awarded the title ‘Newcomer of the Year’? A: Honestly, when I was nominated for the award I didn’t even know about it. I only found out two days before the actual

awards ceremony and I really couldn’t believe it. I was like: “Oh wow, this is actually happening”. Most importantly I would like to point out, that I am very thankful to everyone who played a role in shaping me into the person that I am right now. Those people groomed, helped and guided me into becoming the person that I am today. And lastly, I am a woman of faith and a firm believer in Christ. This award is all thanks to God’s favour and greatness in my life. I give all the glory to God. Q: What made you want to play netball in the first place? A: I remember being a very hyper and energetic kid. I was also the tallest kid throughout my school career so I became a shooter in grade one. That’s basically where it all started. I

learned to put my length, my joy and my whole heart into this sport. Q: What lessons have you learned from being such an accomplished netball player? A: I’ve learned a lot of lessons one of them being that we are never alone. We cannot achieve anything alone but a team that works together can accomplish great things. I learned that you should always get back up when you fall. I learned to be responsible and to be there for others. Also, that you should never, ever allow someone to tell you that you cannot do something. Honestly, you can do anything that you put your mind to. I’ve learned to strive, be strong, to fight until the very end because in the end whatever’s coming, is far better than what you’re going through. You will

always get back up. This sport has shaped me to become the person that I am. Q: Do you think netball is under- or overrated? A: It is underrated. As netball players we don’t get that much recognition and we do deserve it. I believe that this is changing rapidly. Q: What can we look forward to in your netball career? A: I just want to become greater and greater. I might have plans for myself, but God has greater plans for me. The best is yet to come. If you think that I’m at my best right now, just wait and watch. Q: What is your proudest netball moment? A: I have a lot of proud moments! One of them is when I reached my peak when I got

chosen for the South African under 18 team in 2014. In 2016 I got chosen for the South African under 21 top African team. We were known as the “baby Proteas”. I came back stronger after my injury in 2016. After that I played one of the best tournaments of my life, the Spar National Championships in 2017. Proudest moments just keep escalating for me in netball. All the falls have made me better for my greatest comeback. I cherish every moment being on the court. Q: What are your pregame rituals or something that gives you “luck”? A: I don’t believe in luck. Instead, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I do start and end everything in prayer.

NWU-swemafrigter se spesiale behoeftes swemmer breek wêreldrekord Kristien Kruger @kris10.kruger

Hannes-Walt de Klerk, ’n Downsindroom-inwoner van Amelia Nasorgsentrum, se swemafrigter is ʼn man wat reeds deur diep waters was in sy kort loopbaan as swemafrigter aan die Noordwes-Universiteit. Mickey Olivier, ʼn BCom honneursstudent in Ekonomie, is vanaf Mei vanjaar die hoof swemafrigter by die Noordwes¬-Universiteit se

Junior Swemklub. Mickey is self ʼn swemmer en iemand met ʼn groot passie vir die sport. Hannes-Walt is die eerste gestremde atleet wat Mickey afgerig het en gehelp het om sy droom te bewaarheid om as wêreldkampioen gekroon te word tydens vanjaar se Downsindroom Wêreld Kampioenskappe wat op 30 Julie in Kanada plaasgevind het. Die span van nege het feitlik almal Afrika-rekords laat spat. Hannes-Walt het twee Afrikameestersrekords en een wêreldmeestersrekord opgestel. HannesWalt is ʼn veelsydige sportman en presteer ook in atletiek in die items spiesgooi, 100 m en gewigstoot. Hy het al aan meer

as vyf wêreldkampioenskappe deelgeneem as ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse verteenwoordiger. Mickey sê dat sy “afrigting nie verskil met Hannes-Walt nie, ek hanteer hom gelykstaande aan die res van die klub en motiveer hom om sy volle potensiaal te bereik. Hannes-Walt is ten spyte van sy gestremdheid altyd positief. Hy het hard gewerk en het die vrugte daarvan gepluk”. Hannes-Walt en Mickey oefen ses keer ʼn week. Elke sessie is tussen ʼn uur en twee ure lank en fokus op tegniek. Mickey poog om Hannes-Walt gereed te kry om op ʼn internasionale vlak te kan kompeteer.


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