13 Februarie 2020 Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za Wapad WAPAD ® IS DIE STUDENTEKOERANT VAN DIE NWU-POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS
@NWUWapad TEL: (018) 299 2875
Rough start for Mafikeng Protest action causes temporary closure
Marizyl Marais & Anneke Langner @marizyl; @anneke_langner
he Mafikeng campus of the North-West University (NWU) was temporarily shut down due to protests and has since reopened after the temporary evacuation. The protests commenced on Monday 27 January and were held in solidarity with the call from the South African Union of Students (SAUS) to shut down campuses across the country. Student protesters prevented other students from entering the campus while damaging property of the university and assaulting fellow students. According to the NWU, the campus was declared unsafe by relevant stakeholders and the SAPS by 15:00 on Tuesday 28 January. Louis Jacobs, director of Corporate Communication at the NWU, later confirmed that charges for assault were made at the Mmabatho police station. Around 14:00 on 2 February the NWU’s Mafikeng
Theo Seepamore, Mafikeng campus SCC Chairperson adressing the crowd
Student Campus Council’s (SCC) Facebook page reported that the Media and Operations Officer of the SCC was arrested on allegations of intimidation but was released 24 hours later. According to Jacobs, the damage to university property was “minimal”. Upon inquiry, Theo Seepamore, the Mafikeng campus
SCC Chairperson, said, “The case was removed from the roll. He [the Media and Operations Officer] did not even appear in court. I assume charges were withdrawn.” The Mafikeng campus was reopened on 31 January and classes commenced as normal on 3 February. Seepamore confirmed that the campus is fully operational
PHOTO: NWU-Mafikeng Campus SCC Facebook
during a telephonic interview with Wapad on 6 February, but added that “our issues are still pending”. “A big issue is students that have to make use of private accommodation but cannot afford it. The university does not say how to work on this. I am not against the protests and I am behind students,” mentioned Seepamore.
Some claims included in the memo of demands. Other claims made by the students through the SAUS include the cancelation of historical debt and that students who still owe the university money will be allowed to register for the 2020 academic year. Free access to the campus clinic is also demanded. In response to this claim, the NWU said in a news release that students pay only R10 administration fee at the Mafikeng campus. On the Potchefstroom campus a fee of R50 is required for a consultation. Other demands also entail specialised accommodation guidelines as well as transportation, the provision of sanitary towels in all female residences, as well as incampus bathrooms. The final demand is that “all first year students should be equipped with laptops as part of their Registration and Orientation packages, which already includes t-shirts and caps”. The NWU replied that they have already invested substantially in the digitization of the academic environment through the provision of Wi-Fi and computer labs that are open for every student to make use of.
Bladsy 2
13 Februarie 2020
Dis nie JOOL as dit nie reën nie
Die nadraai van die storm wat tydens JOOL gelei het dat die biertent inmekaar gesak het
Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
p Donderdag 30 Januarie het ’n onverwagse storm verwoesting op die JOOL-plaas gesaai. Rondom sewe-uur het dit begin reën en sterk stormwinde het tot die ontruiming van die JOOL-plaas gelei. Izette Blignaut, JOOL Uitvoerende Komiteelid en organiseerder van die biertent, het verduidelik dat vanjaar se biertent die grootste ooit was. Volgens prosedure het Gaffie Deale, JOOL Uitvoerende Komiteelid: Ondervoorsitter (Bedryf), twee eksterne ingenieurs gekry om alle
strukture en spesifiek die biertent af te teken. Die sertifikate is na die polisie gestuur waarna hulle ook ’n “walk through” deur die JOOL-plaas gedoen het. Toe die storm losbreek, het die sosiale komitee dadelik die biertentverhoog se elektroniese stelsels probeer skuif, maar dit is later bevestig dat daar geen skade aan enige klankstelsels is nie. Feesgangers het onder die reeds vol tent skuiling gesoek. Die organiseerders het onder leiding van Deale die mense begin ontruim toe die tent inmekaar sak. In ’n video wat die rondte op sosiale media gedoen het, het die feesgangers onder die tent seile vasgehou soos water instroom. “Die mense het eers gedink dis ’n grap totdat hulle die erns van die saak gesien het,” het Blignaut gesê. Deale het verduidelik dat ontruimings volgens wet binne agt minute moet plaasvind, maar dat die JOOL-plaas eers na twaalf
minute volledig ontruim was onder polisietoesig. Hy het uitgebrei dat dit die eerste jaar is wat JOOL ’n mediumriskogeleentheid was waar JOOL- organiseerders hulle verantwoordelikhede oorgee aan die polisie, en dat die polisie dan verantwoordelik is vir enige insidente. Om twaalfuur Donderdagaand het Deale weer na die biertent gegaan om seker te maak dat geen feesgangers vasgevang was nie. “Ons is dankbaar dat daar nie lewensverlies of ernstige beserings was nie,” het Dr. Corrie Rheeder, Direkteur: Studentelewe, gesê. Daar was agt beserings waarvan slegs een in die biertent was. Thuso was deurentyd daar om emosionele ondersteuning te bied. Na ’n angswekkende eerste aand, het ’n tweede slag Vrydag 31 Januarie getref. Omstreeks 11:30 kon ’n harde slag in die dorp gehoor word toe die bussie met die vuurwerke ontplof.
Video’s het versprei waar dik wolke rook van vêr gesien kon word. Dit het later duidelik geword dat die vuurwerke afgegaan het toe werkers van Fireworks for Africa dit uit die bussie gelaai het. Deale het dit duidelik gemaak dat die oorsaak van die ontploffing nog onduidelik is. Daar word wel vermoed dat vogtigheid ’n rol gespeel het. Daar is deur Deale sowel as Louis Jacobs van die korporatiewe kommunikasieafdeling van die Noordwes-Universiteit, bevestig dat twee van die Fireworks for Africa werknemers beseer is, waarvan een beserings aan sy hande opgedoen het. Geen student is tydens hierdie insident beseer nie. Die NWU brandweer, asook Potchefstroom se brandweerdienste, was almal binne tien minute op die toneel gewees om dit te isoleer. Dit het gekeer dat die bussie nie ontplof nie. Daar moes ’n volledige ondersoek ingestel word om te bepaal of die
optredes kon voortgaan en of dit veilig was vir die koshuisbouspanne om terug te keer. Die enigste skade aan vlotte was alles wat buite die boutente omgewaai, geskeur of weggewaai het. Die besluit is gemaak om die vlotoptog af te stel. Hierdie besluit is geneem nadat Colonel Myburgh van die plaaslike polisie sewe maatreëls gestel het waaraan die JOOL-plaas moet voldoen om veilig verklaar te word. Nadat daar aan die maatreëls voldoen is, het Myburgh weer na die vlotte gekyk en besluit dat alle vlotte afgebreek en weer opgebou moes word. Dit was egter duidelik dat die bouspanne dan nie hulle vlotte sou kon voltooi nie. Vlotte gaan egter Saterdag 15 Februarie van 09:00 tot 13:00 by die Mooirivier Mall uitgestal word. Deale het verseker dat JOOL nie ’n verlies sal lei in 2020 nie, ongeag die finansiële implikasies. Lees verder op bladsy 6 oor die JOOL optredes.
Modernising Interpreting Services Le-Lanie Ludick @Lelanie_ludick
Interpreting Services (IS) have been utilised over the years to assist students at the North-West University (NWU) to translate lectures or meetings that accommodate both English and Afrikaans students during lectures. In some instances, there have been cases where the headset equipment could only accommodate
twenty students at a time, which is insufficient during large lectures, which many students have complained about. This is one of the issues that has led to the introduction of a new application that will ease the usage of IS. The newly introduced application, Sennheiser Mobile Connect (MC), was introduced during R&O in January. The equipment used by the application is compatible with the NWU’s traditional interpreting equipment which reduces the cost of introducing the new system. According to Johan Blaauw, head of IS, users use their smartphones and personal earphones to access the app. “The app is user-friendly and very intuitive to use,” says Blaauw.
Keamogetswe Paledi, second year Environmental Science student, anticipates that the app will have disadvantages when using it in class. “Some lecturers do not want students to use their phones during lectures. Some students will abuse this privilege and be busy on their phones with other things during lectures,” says Paledi. The app was first tested at the Faculty of Engineering during lectures, and students seem to prefer the app over the traditional equipment. “The NWU is heavily invested in the older traditional system, which cannot be replaced quickly, but the MC system will be introduced as fast as financially viable,” says Blaauw. The traditional
equipment required a lot of attention after use during a lecture like cleaning, returning and the possibility of lost headsets. The MC system eases this process and reduces the risk for users and IS. The system is currently in use during certain lectures and is accompanied by the traditional system. The MC system can accommodate 100 students at a time and is thus more accessible and convenient for large classes. Ilze Fourie, third year BCom Financial Accounting student, says even students who don’t use IS will benefit from the app. “The app allows you to listen to the lecturer’s voice or the interpreter’s voice and that means it can be used if
you struggle to hear a lecturer in a big lecture hall.” Initially, additional headsets were not available for students who do not have smartphones, but this issue was resolved. “As soon as it was realised that students could not all use the app, traditional earphones were provided to fill this gap,” says Blaauw. The goal of IS is to accommodate students and create equality for learning during lectures. The app is achieving this goal and is available on the App store for iPhone and on Google Play for Android. Ensure to be connected to the NWU’s Wi-Fi during lectures to be able to access the app.
13 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 3
VC-hemp verander na borg onttrek
Melissa Nel @melissa_nel99
arsity Cup-seisoen het aangebreek en daar is niks meer eie aan Varsity Cup as die amptelike Varsity Cup-hemp nie. Die Varsity Cup-hemp van 2020 sal egter anders lyk as vorige jare weens die amptelike borg, FNB, wat onttrek het. Christi Cloete, organiseerder van Varsity Cup op die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) Potchefstroomkampus, het in ’n onderhoud genoem dat FNB vir die afgelope dertien jaar die Varsity Cup-hemde geborg het. “FNB het 3 000 hempies vir elke universiteit gegee en ons het deur die Pukki Winkel nog 3 000
Die nuwe ondersteunershemde wat studente na Varsity Cup wedstryde kan dra
aangekoop. Einde verlede jaar het FNB ons laat weet dat hulle nie meer die bemarkingswaarde in
die hempies sien nie omdat die produksiekoste hoër was as die opbrengste wat daaruit gegenereer
R5 vir Varsity Cup toegang Melissa Nel @melissa_nel99
Dit het onlangs aan die lig gekom dat toeskouers ’n toegangsfooi moet betaal indien hulle Varsity Cup-wedstryde by die Fanie Du Toit Sportgronde wil bywoon. Talle studente het egter beswaar gemaak daarteen as gevolg van onsekerheid oor waarom ’n toegangsfooi betaal moet word. Wapad het Christi Cloete en Louis Jansen van Rensburg, die organiseerders van Varsity Cup op die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus, genader om meer uit te vind oor die toegangsfooi en die relevantheid daarvan. Cloete en Jansen van Rensburg het aan Wapad genoem dat die besluit om ’n toegansfooi te vra een was wat hulle glad nie ligtelik opgeneem het nie. Volgens Cloete
vereis die Safety At Sports And Recreational Events Act (SASREA) dat stadions wat Varsity Cupwedstryde aanbied aan seker riglyne moet voldoen. “SASREA se bepalings vereis dat die aantal toeskouers by stadions wat omhein is, op enige tydstip moet bepaal kan word,” het Cloete aan Wapad genoem. Volgens Jansen van Rensburg word die nodige gradering van ’n stadion deur die risikobestuurafdeling van die plaaslike brandweerdienste gemaak. Nuwe gradering van die A-veld was egter nodig omdat dit verlede jaar omhein is. Die gradering het aan die begin van die jaar plaagevind. Voordat die Fanie du Toit Sportgronde se A-veld omhein was, was die kapasiteit wat dit kon hanteer ongeveer 15 000 toeskouers. ’n Omheinde stadion word volgens nasionale standaarde gegradeer op grond van een persoon per vierkante meter. “Die stadion is tans gegradeer vir 3 500 toeskouers wat veel minder is as die normale hoeveelheid toeskouers van tussen 10 000 en 15 000 is. Ons het gevoel dis onregverdig teenoor studente en
plaaslike toeskouers wat graag die wedstryde wil kyk en ons het aansoek gedoen by die plaaslike brandweerdiens vir ’n tydelike hergradering na 5 500 toeskouers,” het Cloete verder genoem. Die stadion het dus ’n maksimum kapasiteit van 5 500 toeskouers wat nie oorskry mag word nie. Volgens Cloete en Jansen van Rensburg was verskeie alternatiewe opsies oorweeg buiten kaartjieverkope, maar weens omstandighede buite hulle beheer, moes hulle hou by ’n toegangsfooi. Die Fanie du Toit Sportgronde se toegangsfooi van R5 is egter steeds die goedkoopste toegangsfooi vir Varsity Cupwedstryde in die land, met toegangsfooie van R15 by die Universiteit van Pretoria en R70 by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. “Ons as organiseerders van Varsity Cup is glad nie daarop uit om studente uit te byt nie en die toegangsfooi sal gebruik word om die kontrolestelsel van die stadion te verbeter,” het Jansen van Rensburg genoem.
NWU Hive app has students buzzing
Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
Hive, an app developed “for students, by students”, was recently launched into cyberspace. It combines elements of eFundi, the current North-West University (NWU) app and the university’s website to create a user profile for students that is supposed to mitigate the need for multiple sites. Its idea was “inspired due to frustration invoked by the current system”.
Screenshot of Hive app
On a homepage with customisable colours and themes, Hive displays your student card balance, the amount and nature of assignments due, grades, and gives you the option to add upcoming deadlines to your “tasks” (a feature allowing students to build an academic todo list). Another feature the app offers is a personalised timetable for each
student. This feature seemed to have some trouble depicting the subjects for each personal timetable correctly, but the creators were very clear in emphasising that the app is still being improved. It is, however, possible to tell that the app is not yet a finalised project. Among other issues, there was some difficulty regarding posting correct announcements and the coordination of certain subjects, in addition to the links to Hive’s social media leading to a blank page. Regardless of the initial issues, the app certainly holds great promise and, once fully functioning, could make the lives of NWU students much easier.
is,” het Cloete verduidelik. Varsity Cup het die voorstel aan universiteite gemaak om hul eie
ondersteunershemde te ontwerp. Varsity Cup mag egter nie op die hemp staan nie en so-ook nie hul embleem nie. Die Varsity Cup-span op kampus het in samewerking met die NWU-Puk Rugbyinstituut en die Pukki Winkel ’n nuwe ondersteunershemp ontwerp wat studente na Varsity Cup wedstryde kan dra. Anders as in die verlede is die hemp slegs ’n T-hempsnit met ’n Eagi-ontwerp aan die voorkant. Agterop die hemp is die borg, Energy bar, en die NWU-Sport se embleem. Die hemp is ontwerp sodat dit na alle NWU-verwante sportgeleenthede gedra kan word. “Die hemde sal beskikbaar wees by die Pukki Winkel teen R100. Indien studente voor die eerste of tweede Varsity Cup wedstryd ’n ondersteunershemp koop, is hul toegangskaartjie verniet,” het Cloete aan Wapad genoem.
Verpleginggetalle vanjaar verminder
Verpleegkundestudente is vanjaar yl gesaai
Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad vir Verpleegkunde (SANC) het vanjaar minder universiteite akkreditasie gegee om verpleegkunde aan te bied en die universiteite wat wel geakkrediteer is, neem heelwat minder studente as vorige jare in. Van die universiteite wat nie vanjaar akkreditasie ontvang het nie, is Medunsa, die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand en die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Maroela Media berig dat die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) vanjaar slegs 60 eerstejaar verpleegstudente kon registreer teenoor die 120 wat vorige jare ingeneem was. Hierdie veranderinge is volgens Dr. Molekodi Jacob Matsipane, die direkteur van Verpleegkunde by die NWU, as gevolg van veranderinge in die kurrikulum – waar ’n vierjaarkursus jou gewoonlik met ’n kwalifikasie in algemene verpleegkunde, psigiatrie, gemeenskap en verloskunde kon voorsien, is dit nou net algemene verpleegkunde en gemeenskap – wat dus die noodsaak regverdig vir nuwe inspeksie en akkreditasie. Matsipane het gesê hy is nie bekommerd oor die beperkte hoeveelheid studente en die
vooruitsig daarvan vir die land se gesondheidstelsel nie, maar eerder tevrede en optimisties omdat die getalle blykbaar van volgende jaar af weer gaan toeneem. Matsipane sê die veranderinge is ’n direkte besluit van die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Raad (SANC), en hulle moet hulself noodwendig daarby berus. Hy het egter sy tevredenheid uitgespreek oor die studente wat wel by die NWU aangemeld het wat blykbaar reeds baie goed presteer. Daar is egter baie kommer en ontevredenheid in ander sirkels. Verpleegstudente aan die Potchefstroomkampus, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, het hulle ontevredenheid uitgespreek daarmee dat ’n vierjaarkursus jou nou veel minder kwalifikasies in die sak bring, terwyl ander NWU eerstejaars erken hulle voel verward en onseker in hierdie tydstip. Daarmee saam is daar ook ’n dreigende gesondheidskrisis omdat daar volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge reeds sedert 2017 sowat 44 000 vakante verplegingsposte is, wat kan vererger met die aanvang van die huidige situasie. Wapad het ook telefonies met Dr. Paul Steyn van die hoëronderwysinstelling, Akademia, gesels, wat gesê het hulle wag ook steeds vir akkreditasie en kommunikasie vanaf die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en die SANC. “Al wat mens regtig kan doen, is om te wag,” meen hy.
Bladsy 4
13 Februarie 2020
Scare from Corona outbreak
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
n recent reports, the total number of deaths reached 909 on Monday 10 February. 3085 new cases of infection were confirmed, bringing the total up to 40 554 people who are now infected. Due to this, the virus has been declared a global emergency with many foreigners being detained because of the fear that the virus might spread globally. The Coronavirus has been a deadly illness that has not previously been identified in humans. The outbreak began in China in December last year with individuals all over the world curious to know how far the virus has reached. The virus is transmitted between animals and humans and symptoms include a fever, coughing and problems with breathing, according
Chinese taking precaustions against the Coronavirus
to the World Health Organization (WHO). Although pangolins have been suspected to be the cause of the virus, there has been no official reports to confirm this. There have been no reported cases in South Africa. However, South Africans fear the spread of the virus as there is a strong trade link between the countries. In an economical perspective, this affects
the share prices becoming low in the JSE. The North-West University (NWU) has released a statement that reads, “In the case of private visits to China (and other affected countries as and when identified), the student should inform the relevant campus’ director for student life before the planned visit, including the expected return
date. Upon return, the student should notify the relevant campus occupational health centre on his or her return and then remain off campus for 14 days.” Richard Dettmar, a NWU alumni who is currently employed in China and who was forced to evacuate the city of Wuhan due to the outbreak, said, “When the virus broke out in December, it was not a big issue, but from January it started becoming a serious issue. I do have to fill in forms on my blood rates etc. to my employers but at this point I think the virus risk in South Africa is not that high as they are really working hard to formulate a vaccine to prevent it from spreading globally.” The Chinese embassy said that anyone returning from China would be screened and all necessary precautions would be taken to prevent the virus from spreading to South Africa. Precautions that can be taken are washing your hands regularly, covering one’s mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and cooking eggs and meat thoroughly.
Arrest warrant issued for Zuma Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
Former President Jacob Zuma faces an arrest warrant after his absence in the Pietermaritzburg High Court regarding corruption charges in the past week. According to Zuma’s lawyer, his absence was due to him needing medical treatment. Former President Jacob Zuma was charged on 16 March 2018 for eighteen charges of corruption that include over 700 counts of money laundering, racketeering and fraud. The court appearance was in relation to a controversial arms deals with arms manufacturing company, Thales.
The Former President Zuma is said to be ill
The latest in the case of the state against Zuma, is that he did not show up to court for his trial and now faces another arrest for obstruction of justice.
Zuma’s lawyer, Daniel Mantsha, presented a document which, according to him, was written by a military medical doctor, saying that Zuma is seeking medical treatment
in Cuba. Assigned to the case is Judge Dhaya Pillay, who believes that the document presented to the court to be false as there are inconsistencies, such as the date being changed on the doctor’s note. State Prosecutor, Billy Downer, requested that Mantsha tell the court what the illness is and why Zuma could not be present in court, to which Mantsha answered that it was a matter of state security and that he cannot answer. The arrest warrant will not come into effect until 6 May when the trial will commence. Zuma denies all charges against him and says that the case was made to interfere with South African politics. It is not clear when Zuma will return to South Africa and according to the South African Justice Department, they have negotiated but not signed an extradition agreement with Cuba.
Nuwe kragbron Melissa Nel @melissa¬_nel99
Gwede Mantashe, Minister van Minerale Hulpbronne en Energie, het Sondag 2 Februarie vanjaar, by die 26ste Investing in African Mining Indaba aangekondig dat ’n afsonderlike kragopwekkingsentiteit opgerig gaan word. Dit volg na maande se onsekerheid rondom die bestuur van Eskom. Mantashe meen die nuwe entiteit sal help om die huidige probleme met Eskom en hoë elektrisiteitskostes aan te spreek. “Ons poog om ’n Nederlandse raamwerk te gebruik waar jy elektrisiteit in Johannesburg vanaf ’n kragopwekker in Kaapstad kan koop. Die elektrisiteit beweeg deur transmissie- eenhede en verbruikers betaal wat met produsente ooreengekom is. Ons dink dit sal die kostes van elektrisiteit laat afneem,” het Mantashe genoem. Mantashe het dit duidelik gemaak dat Eskom nie beperk word tot steenkool nie. Eskom is welkom om volhoubare energie te oorweeg. André De Ruyter, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Eskom, het egter Dinsdag 4 Februarie in ’n persverklaring genoem dat Eskom nie ingelig is oor die nuwe entiteit nie. De Ruyter het verder genoem dat hulle nie gekant is teen nog ’n entiteit nie: “Die toename in kompetisie sal lei tot ’n toename in kragvoorsiening”. De Ruyter het genoem dat dit belangrik is vir Eskom om in kennis gestel te word van enige wysigings ten opsigte van die staat se beleid rakende kragvoorsiening. Die minister het genoem dat dit grootendeels fokus op die bereidwilligheid van moontlike beleggers. “Die hoofdoel wat ons wil bereik, is om die druk op Eskom te verlig,” meen Mantashe.
13 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 5
Groot dors in Matieland Campus opinions: Dear first year, love a senior…
Corine Raath @corineraath
It’s that time again where the first years are like busy bodies on campus excited to start a new journey. With all the new first years on campus, Wapad thought it would be wise to ask a few of the older students with experience, what advice they would give the first years to ensure a smooth transition into university life. Studente het saamgedrom na ban teen alkohol by Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
lkoholverkope by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is vanaf Janarie 2020 uit alle koshuise verban om die sogenaamde “drinkkultuur” op kampus aan te spreek. Die beleid volg na twee insidente met studente verlede jaar, waaronder een oorlede en die ander ernstig beseer is na gevalle van alkoholmisbruik in koshuise. Laasgenoemde is beseer in ’n geval van geslagsgebaseerde geweld
weens alkoholmisbruik. Die Universiteit het sedertdien ’n anti-geslagsgebaseerde geweld veldtog begin om hierdie probleem op meer as een manier aan te spreek. Die beleid word vir ’n toetsperiode van ses maande deur die Universiteit ingestel en verbied die verkoop, verbruik en stoor van alkohol in alle kampuskoshuise en inwoners mag nie ’n bloedalkoholpersentasie van 0.08% oorskry wanneer hulle in die koshuis is nie. In hierdie ses maande is die doel om besprekings te hou waar daar besluit sal word waar alkohol toegelaat sal word en waar nie en om terugvoer by koshuisstrukture oor die beleid te kry. Tiaan Loots, ’n huiskomiteelid
van Wilgenhof-manskoshuis, het aan Die Matie, Stellenbosch se kampuskoerant, gesê dat hy bekommerd is dat die nuwe beleid die veiligheid van studente negatief sal beïnvloed omdat hulle geen plek het om te slaap indien hulle ’n paar drankies iewers gaan geniet nie. Charné van der Westhuizen, ’n inwoner van Lydia-vrouekoshuis, eggo hierdie bekommernis en sê dat die vrouens in hul koshuis baie gespanne is oor hul veiligheid omdat hulle nou moet stap na kuierplekke wanneer hulle sosiaal wil verkeer, waar hulle voorheen in ’n veilige omgewing kon kuier. Die Universiteit se senior bestuur sal aan die einde van Junie 2020 ’n langtermyn besluit neem met betrekking tot alkoholverbruik in koshuise.
“Moenie voor die yskaste in die SS staan en chats bou nie.”
Marelie van der Merwe, vyfdejaar BSc Fisiologie en Psigologie
“Gaan klas toe en universiteit is ’n renbaan nie ’n loopbaan nie.”
11 February: Celebrating 30 years of justice Vernon Witbooi, sewendejaar BCom Ekonomie en Risikobestuur
“Be friendly with people and talk to as many as you can. The atmosphere is already nice on campus.”
Modubedi Id Humeleng, PGCE student previously from UJ
Nelson Mandela revisting his cell on Robben Island as President
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
11 February this year marks the 30th anniversary of Former President and freedom fighter in South Africa, Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.
Though the 1994 elections brought an official end to the apartheid era, Mandela’s release from prison marked the day that millions of South Africans felt relief and joy amid an apartheid that shattered the dreams of many. This event marked the light at the end of a very dark tunnel for the country. After decades of being mistreated by their government, 100 000 people gathered to hear the voice of an apartheid hero speak at the Grand Parade grounds outside the Cape Town city hall.
Mandela entered into negotiations to end apartheid with the South African President, F.W. de Klerk at the time, shortly after his release, and to this day the name Nelson Mandela or as he is also known, Madiba, will forever be the hero that paved the foundation for the rainbow nation that we are known as today. Madiba will always be the father of our nation and as we celebrate this milestone, may we always remember the values he fought and spent 27 years in prison for.
Moenie tot vieruur die oggend in Bourbons uithang nie. Werk hard en speel hard.”
Michael Greenphin, tweedejaar BIng Meganies
Bladsy 6
Kuns en Vermaak
When it rains on your JOOL parade
13 Februarie 2020
Soeke na talent Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Sule’ Steenkamp admiring RAG performances
Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
fter a stormy first evening of RAG 2020, the shows on Friday 31 January made up for the canceled shows the previous night. Due to heavy rain and storms (see page 2 for the full story), the RAG-farm had to be evacuated and all shows were canceled for
Thursday 30 January. On Friday, RAG received the go-ahead to continue with the shows on Friday and the gates where opened at 17:00. Festivalgoers where not discouraged by the weather and came in their masses to attend the shows. Artists included: Memphis Panic, Sunset Sweatshop, Appel, Majozi, Die Heuwels Fantasties and Karen Zoid. At around 11:30 Friday morning the fireworks exploded inside and around the minibus of Fireworks for Africa, and the firework display was canceled for safety
reasons. This, however, did not halt the shows or discouraged the festivalgoers, as they still enjoyed themselves. Wapad had some trouble communicating with the organizers regarding artists and were denied access to interviews. The reason for the lack of access to artists was still uncertain at the time of publication. The Student Campus Council: RAG is planning to have a JOOL/ RAG Tribute event in the future to give the opportunity for the shows that were canceled as well as celebrating RAG with the firework display.
Op 4 Februarie het Massa Oudisies 2020 plaasgevind. Eerstejaars sowel as seniors is genooi om te oudisie en die kans te staan om aan een van die Noordwes-Universiteit Potchefstroomkampus se sewe kunsteverenigings te behoort. Wapad het gaan uitvind wat presies Massa Oudisies behels en of daar werklik nog ’n plek vir kunsteverenigings op kampus is. Janice-Lynn Witbooi (KSR: Kunsteraad Uitvoerende Komitee-lid) verduidelik dat Massa Oudisies ’n jaarlikse instelling is, waartydens die KSR:Kunsteraad en PUK-Kunste hande vat om die volhoubaarheid van kunsteverenigings op kampus te bevorder. Hierdie jaar het daar sowat 250 studente vir die oudisies opgedaag. Elke jaar word daar keurders na eerstejaarskonserte se kleedrepetisies en vertonings gestuur en hierdie studente word dan persoonlik na die Massa Oudisies genooi. Almal wat ’n liefde en passie vir die kunste het, is egter welkom om steeds te
kom vir oudisies. Witbooi meen dat daar beslis nog ’n plek vir kunsterverenigings op kampus is. Elkeen van die sewe kunsteverenigings het hul eie unieke kenmerke. Die hoofrede vir die ontstaan van meeste kunsteverenigings was om ’n leemte wat geïdentifiseer is, te vul. Kunstevereningings maak seker dat studente nie net hul talente een keer gebruik en dan wegbêre totdat die volgende aksie weer plaasvind nie, maar eerder konstant besig is om dit waarvoor hulle lief is uit te leef. Dit is belangrik vir die oorlewing van kunste op universiteitvlak. Indien jy die oudisies gemis het, skep kunsteverenigings steeds ’n platform vir studente om betrokke te raak. Op ’n tegniese basis of ‘n met die bemarking van aksies. Witbooi moedig studente aan om betrokke te raak by kunste op kampus. “Ek dink dis belangrik om deel te vorm en betrokke te raak by enige kunsteplatform. Dit is sowaar een van die lekkerste goed om te doen terwyl jy nog ‘n student is en hierdie geleenthede vir jou gebied word.” Verskillende kunsteverenigings sluit in: Disfunctional Beat Dance Crew, Divaco, Gospella, PUKKoor, Serenaders, Simfonie-orkes en Thalia Toneel.
Welkom terug vieringe
Eerstejaars maak eerste verskyning op die planke
Wag-‘n-Bietjie inwoners geniet ‘n afskoppartytjie
Kasteel-vrouekoshuis en Patria-manskoshuis vier fees as wenners van Eerstejaarskonsert
Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Eerstejaarskonsert is ’n ou kunstetradisie wat al jare lank produksies op die planke sit. Na 70 ure se oefentyd het eerstejaars van die veertien sleepkoshuise op 24 en 25 Januarie hulle harde werk ten toon gestel in die Sanlam Ouditorium. Met die vermaaklike Leon Gropp
as seremoniemeester, was die gehoor nie eers tussen optredes verveeld nie. Beoordelaars vir die twee aande was Mila Guy, Jak de Priester, Bianca le Grange, Deon Meiring, Eugene Coetzer, Nadia Beukes en Eloise Clasen. Temas van die optredes het gestrek van Farmville, James Bond en selfs ’n nagemaakte weergawe van Hotel (die reeks op Kyknet). Skrywers, afrigters, koreograwe en dekorspanne het hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt en die koshuise se eerstejaars het die harde werk deurgetrek om veertien goeie produksies op te lewer.
Die algehele wenners was op 29 Januarie op die JOOL-plaas aangekondig: Vyfde plek: Minjonetvrouekoshuis en Veritasmanskoshuis Vierde plek: Wag-’n-Bietjievrouekoshuis en Ratau Lebonemanskoshuis Derde plek: La Varia-vrouekoshuis en Laureus-manskoshuis Tweede plek: Vergeet-MyNie-vrouekoshuis en Heimatmanskoshuis Algehele wenners: Kasteelvrouekoshuis en Patriamanskoshuis
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
“Welcome back” partytjies is die nuwe mode op die Puk en byna elke koshuis het hul eie weergawe hiervan gehad, selfs die Sekretaris-Generaal het hul eie welkom-terug feesviering gehou. Volgens Renaldo, Veritas-manskoshuis se sosiale Huiskomitee-lid (HK), word sulke geleenthede hoofsaaklik aan die begin van die jaar gehou en oopgemaak vir almal
omdat dit dien as fondsinsameling vir aksies wat gedurende die jaar gehou word. Hul komitee het dan ook van die wins wat tydens hierdie aksie bekom is, uitgesit vir sinvolle gebruik in dié koshuis se Primfonds. Hoewel sommige van hierdie geleenthede nie baie goed bygewoon is deur die publiek en selfs die koshuise wat dit gereël het nie, was die Sekretaris-generaal se Roaring twenties-geleentheid op 5 Februarie by Impala ’n reuse sukses en al die kaartjies wat hulle vooraf beskikbaar gestel het, is uitverkoop. Die Roaring twenties-geleentheid was ’n kans vir studente om uitrustings wat deur die twintigerjare geïnspireer is, aan te trek.
13 Februarie 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
Bladsy 7
Liefde met die eerste kamera flits
Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Hierdie week se Meraki-kuns is gebaseer op die onlangse oorstromings in die nuus
Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Meraki is ‘n die afdeling in Kuns en Vermaak waar jy jou kreatiwiteit kan uitdruk. Kuns het verskeie vorme of dit digkuns of skilderkuns is, en ons wil dit sien! Het jy `n gedig, ‘n mooi foto wat jy geneem het, ‘n prent wat jy geskilder/geteken het of iets wat jy
ontwerp het? Stuur dit vir ons per e-pos na wapad@nwu.ac.za, met jou naam en die betekenis van jou kuns by. Die week se Merakikunstenaar is Wian Moolman, ’n eerstejaarstudent in BCom Rekeningkunde wat in Veritasmanskoshuis tuisgaan. Hy is oorspronklik van Volksrust in Mpumlanga en sê hy neem al vir min of meer twee jaar foto’s. Wian sê sy vriendekring is ook vol kreatiewes en hulle is altyd op die uitkyk vir kuns wat wag om te gebeur. “Ek en twee vriende het
Mare Chagall beskryf die liefde so mooi. Sy verduidelik dat, soos op ’n kunstenaar se palet, is daar in die lewe een kleur wat aan alles betekenis en diepte verleen. Dit is die kleur van die liefde. Wapad het twee fotograwe gevra wat tans by die NoordwesUniversiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus studeer, vir wenke om seker te maak dat jou Valentynsfoto’s die mooiste nóg is. Lara Jonker van Lara Jonker Photography, meen dat spontaniteit een van die belangrikste eienskappe van ’n foto is. Die paartjie moet vooraf besluit hoe spontaan hulle die fotosessie wil hê. Sy verduidelik ook dat wanneer
die ligging van die fotosessie gekies word, dit verkieslik ’n plek moet wees wat baie betekenis vir beide dra. Laastens, beveel sy aan dat die paartjies nie moet poseer vir die kamera nie. Alhoewel hierdie raad maar vreemd klink, hou sy van beweging en om dit te kan vasvang. Laat jou meisie na jou toe hardloop en in jou arms spring of gee haar dood eenvoudig net ’n stywe druk. Al is dit voor ’n kamera, is dit steeds spesiale oomblikke waar ’n mens mekaar moet waardeer en dit sál op die foto’s wys. Mareli Joubert van Mareli Joubert Fotografie, hou daarvan om interessante lig vas te vang asook van verskillende invalshoeke gebruik te maak om by die geleentheid en effek te pas. Die geheim van ’n goeie fotosessie lê in die gemaklikheid van die paartjie. Sy maak altyd seker dat sy die paartjie van die begin af op hul gemak stel. Dit help ook dat hulle gemaklike klere aantrek.
besluit om een middag op kampus te gaan stap om foto’s en video’s te neem. Dit was tussen 16:00 en 18:00 toe ons by die Spinnekopgebou en die Amfi gestap het, en die die koerant daar gesien het. Ek het gedink dit is ’n cool foto en toe besluit om dit te stuur,” het Wian gesê. Hy het die foto ook op sosiale media gedeel en baie pittig gesê dat die oorstromings die afgelope tyd baie in die nuus was. Sy fotografiestyl is natuurlik en sy raad is om te “werk met wat jy het” en dan die kleure in die foto optimaal te gebruik.
NWU gallery celebrates alumni artwork
Wees gemaklik met mekaar
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
The North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus hosts its first exhibition of the year to celebrate the artwork of NWU alumni at the art gallery and botanical gardens from 13 February 2020. The exhibition is titled Decades in Waiting – the Art of our Alumni Unibo, to commemorate the years of creativity that the alumni artists put into creating spectacular art pieces. The main focus of the exhibition is Lesego Moncho which includes artwork that he has been working on for several years. The exhibition is titled Decade of Expressions & Creativity, and resembles Moncho as part of the generation of artists from the era of township art who started as a self-taught artist and found ways to contribute in the growth of South African contemporary art. “The thing that I think I loved at first sight was colour. Not colour from books or anything else, but mud colours or earth coloured soil that was used to beautify our mud homes,” explains Moncho about where his love for art was born. Along with Moncho, other NWU
Donald - Blue Chair
Donald - Chair Covered in Pink Kies ‘n plek wat vir julle iets beteken
Dichaba - Naked Woman in Chair
Unknown Selfportrait
alumni such as Frank Moleleki Ledimo, Daniel Rankadi Mosako, Felicious Tonic Dichaba, George Bunu and Gemma Tabane among other names will have their artwork
exhibited at the botanical gardens. The exhibition will be available for viewing from the 13th to the 20th February at both the main gallery and botanical gardens.
Moenie ‘pose’ nie
Bladsy 8
Kuns en Vermaak
13 Februarie 2020
Is The Starless Sea star material?
Corine Raath @corineraath
he Starless Sea (2019) is the second novel by author Erin Morgenstern with her first being Night Circus (2011). This 500-page monster is an intricate maze in the typical envelope style, meaning that there are stories within stories within other stories. Loaded with symbolism and metaphors, this story is not just a casual read but begs interpretation, which also means that everyone will have a different experience reading it. The main plot follows a man named Zachary Ezra Rawlins who goes on a quest to fulfill his fate and
The bee on the book’s cover is one of the symbols in the book
he even meets Fate herself along the way. Of course, no novel is really complete without a love interest.
Dorian is the one who makes Zachary’s heart beat extra fast while simultaneously giving the book
Green friends for indoors
LGBTQ+ representation in the bag. The characters are definitely not your run of the mill cast. You have
All things naaldwerk
Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Corine Raath @corineraath
The latest decorating trend is to give life to rooms, literally speaking. Indoor plants are the new statement piece in your home, hostel or apartment. Here is how you can plant yourself firmly into this new trend. If you have the talent to kill any plant, do not fear, since there are quite a few safe indoor options. Air plants, as the name implies, hang in the air and don’t need any soil. The only thing you have to do is dunk them in water for about two hours once every ten days. If you are someone, however, that likes to kill their plants with kindness by overwatering them, then peace lilies are a viable option. They can practically grow in a pond. Moreover, these plants work wonders for cleaning the air. Closer to home, you can rely on the well-known aloe. This is another plant that only needs a bit of water every week or two. The juice in the leaves also acts
A hardy spekboom is a good indoor plant
as a wonderful gel for cuts, insect bites or sunburn. Spekboom is also making a comeback since it is so effective at reducing carbon gas in the air and is another plant that needs minimal water. You can simply cut off a stem from another spekboom and place it into soil to sprout a new plant. If you want a leafier look you can opt for Chamaedorea Elegan which
is just a fancy way of referring to a plant that resembles a small palm tree. Shops like Woolworths, Pick ’n Pay, and Checkers are all options to purchase your new green friends but if you are looking for something that would fit a slightly cheaper budget you can try Mr Price Home or even Builders Warehouse for some bargains.
girls with pink hair, a man without a hand, Persian cats who are just that tad bit too smart to make you wonder if that is really all they are and of course Zachary’s fortunetelling mother who might know more than she seems. And let’s not forget Zachary’s friend Kat who knows all the wrong places to poke her nose in. The Starless Sea, however, is not just a novel based on stories and fate but rather a play-off on a reallife video game. Just like in video games you have choices that can be made that affect your outcome. The question is: Will Zachary be able to change his fate? Or are his choices predetermined? You will have to read the book to find out! The Starless Sea is available at all major retailers at about R470-R490. Our rating:
Wat doen jy as jy Forensiese Rekeningkunde studeer en as SJGD Huiskomiteelid verkies word? Jy begin sommer jou eie besigheid. Ilze Fourie, eienaar van All Things Naais, meen dat sy al baie oor hierdie einste vraag gewonder het. Dit was nie altyd maklik nie en soms word daar nog steeds klippe gekou, maar op die einde is dit haar passie en beslis die moeite werd. Die idee van die besigheid het eintlik tydens JOOL 2019 vlamgevat. Nadat ’n vriend eendag met haar ’n grap gemaak het oor haar naaldwerk, was dit ’n warrelwind van verandering en vandag, ’n jaar later, bestaan All Things Naais nog steeds. Sy maak amper enige iets onder die son wat naald en gare betref.
Aanvanklik het die besigheid slegs haarlinte en pofrekkies (scrunchies) verkoop, maar intussen het sy al ’n hele eerstejaarskonsert uitgerus, strooimeisierokke, dineerokke en haar gunsteling: ’n Two Broke Girlspakkie vir ’n informal, gemaak. Vra jy haar hoe sy haar besigheid, HK en akademie balanseer, is haar antwoord heel eenvoudig – beplanning en baie min slaap. Hierdie is beslis nie haar enigste uitdaging tot dusvêr nie. Haar besigheid bestaan tans uit die vier mure van haar koshuiskamer en dus is daar nie altyd genoeg spasie vir die maak en die aanpas van die klere nie. Studente word ook nie aan hulle sakke vol geld geken nie en verstaan ook nie altyd waarom sy ’n sekere prys aan haar produkte moet heg nie. Sy is nogtans nie vir ’n dag spyt oor haar keuses nie en sal dit aan enige iemand aanbeveel. Haar raad: Doen jouself ’n guns en doen ’n paar kursusse. Belê in jouself en gryp jou geleenthede aan. Jy sal nie spyt wees – sy is nie.
New courses spark your inner creative
Anneke Langner anneke_langner
“Creativity is what sets you apart, no matter what you do for a living.” This is, Lindi Cameron, manager of the Creativity Centre of the NorthWest University’s (NWU) motto for 2020. The Creativity Centre is a platform that offers several artistic
courses at the Potchefstroom Campus to students and the public. You receive a certificate to prove your attendance and knowledge on completion. The courses that the Creativity Centre offers, includes categories like drawing, graphic & web design, digital photography and Adobe software. This year the Creativity Centre’s potential courses include drawing art, visual concept design, character development for graphic novels and so forth. Acrylic and oil painting, printmaking, drama intermediate,
photography and film history and appreciation are some programs Cameron would like to include. “We are working on some new courses like digital marketing, app development and game design, but because we rely on different structures, we are not sure if it will be launched this year.” “We strive to provide excellent training in visual creativity to the public aimed at equipping participants with the appropriate practical skills and theoretical knowledge to develop and hone their creative interests.”
Die logo vir Ilze Fourie se besigheid – All Things Naais
13 Februarie 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
Bladsy 9
Biodegradables: our new best friend Le-Lanie Ludick @lelanie_ludick
t is not uncommon for the average Joe to be environmentally conscious in the 21st century. The stigma of tree huggers is forgotten, and it is expected of every individual to do their part to live more environmentally friendly. The solution is to start on a small scale and to not attempt to live a zerowaste life from day one. Start with your teeth and your hair and you’re off to a good start. Biodegradable products do not cause a fraction of the environmental damage that conventional products cause. These biodegradable products are ethically sourced and often
the companies use zero-waste packaging. A bamboo toothbrush is the ideal example. This toothbrush eliminates waste and is biodegradable, unlike its conventional counterpart, the plastic toothbrush, that takes up to 400 years to decompose. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants and is naturally antimicrobial which will kill all germs that penetrates its surface. South African companies such as Simply Bamboo sells bamboo toothbrushes for R50 that can be ordered online. Together with the toothbrush, you can switch to shampoo and conditioner bars. These bars’ ingredients are the main reason to choose it over mainstream shampoo bottles. The biodegradable substances that go down the drain are unnoticeable when it enters our water, unlike the nasty chemicals in shampoos and conditioners. When choosing a shampoo bar, look for ingredients like Aloe Vera and coconut oil. An online shop,
Biodegradable toothbrushes made from bamboo
Zero Bar, sells shampoo and body bars for R75. The shampoo bar will last between 55 and 70 washes and ranges from bars containing moringa which is ideal for damaged
Do you know how to adult? Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Money is about a lot more than money. It’s about your choices, and what kind of life you want to live. Being in control of your money means being an active participant in your financial matters. In her new book, Manage your Money like a F*cking Grown-up, Sam Beckbessinger forces us to take a long and hard look at the stupid things we say or do when we try (but often fail) to save money. We summarised some tips:
- Get your sh*t together Decide why your money matters to you, and take the time to learn some of the basic principles of money. Start taking control by tracking your money on an app such as 22seven. - Spend less than you earn Go into lockdown mode until you spend less than you earn. It won’t be easy to trim you expenses, but with hard work and discipline your will eventually get there. Set up strict spending restrictions for yourself and try to earn some extra money. Draw up an excel sheet to help you plan. - Don’t be old and poor Start saving for you retirement now! It sounds silly, but it is wise to open a retirement annuity and start saving monthly (even if it is
hair or the argan bar which assists with growth, dandruff and increases shine. Environmentally friendly products are becoming more
accessible and essential in the modern household and there is an alternative for nearly every essential product. Save the earth and brush with bamboo and wash with a bar.
The Oscars shine yet again
the smallest amount) towards your retirement. Try an annuity such as Easy equities’ tax free savings account. - Build an “Oh sh*t fund” This will be your emergency fund for when things really go south. Open a seven day notice deposit account to ensure that you have seven days to decide if your situation is really an emergency. - Save for specific goals: Set up goals for yourself in terms of: a few months, one year and three to five years. Even if you are unsure, save anyway. It will be easier to save if you have specific goals. Tymebank offers an Everyday account with a free Goalsave account in which you can save for up to ten goals at a time and receive high interest rates.
Breek die siklus van vergete voornemens Academy Award-winner Bong Joon-ho
Corine Raath @corineraath
Om nuwe gewoontes te kweek, is moeilik, maar om slegte gewoontes te breek, is nog moeiliker. Gelukkig is daar praktiese maniere om hierdie proses ’n bietjie makliker te maak. Een van die beste maniere om ’n slegte gewoonte te oorkom, is om dit met ’n goeie een te vervang. ’n Voorbeeld sal wees om in die oggend dadelik jou selfoon te gryp. Dit kan vervang word deur om dadelik ’n glas water te drink of om ’n paar strekke te doen. Beplanning is gewoonlik van groot belang in voornemens, en in hierdie geval sal jy byvoorbeeld die glas reeds die aand voor die tyd langs jou bed moet plaas om jou kans op sukses te
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
Pen jou voornemens in ’n dagboek neer
verbeter. Nog ’n belangrike wenk is om jou dryfkrag agter jou gewoontes te kry. Hoekom het jy daardie slegte gewoonte om eerder te laat te kuier as om vir jou toets te leer? Is dit regtig iets wat jy geniet of voel jy dan deel van jou vriendegroep? As dit die geval is, kan jy dit met ander aktiwiteite vervang wat vir jou dieselfde gevoel bied soos koffieafsprake of om almal saam vir daardie toets te leer. Jy gaan steeds kan sosialiseer, maar sonder dat dit ’n negatiewe effek op jou akademie
het. Die belangrikste aspek om te onthou, is egter dat jy nie altyd gaan kan hou by jou voornemens nie. Wees realisties. As jy ’n 70%-gemiddeld op skool gehad het, gaan jy waarskynlik swakker doen op universiteit. Maak doelwitte haalbaar. Dis beter om ’n bietjie laer te mik as om iets nie te bereik nie en dan sommer handdoek in te gooi. Maak 2020 die jaar wat jy uiteindelik kan sê jy het jou voornemens bereik.
This year’s Academy Awards was all sparkles and Brad Pitt. Over the years the Oscars have been one of the most glamorous and prestigious awards worldwide. The show was initially supposed to be hosted by comedian Kevin Hart but due to the resurfacing of decade old homophobic tweets, he stepped down and the ceremony was hosted by various celebrities. A few of the highlights from the 92nd Academy Awards: Eminem performed a song from
2002 titled Lose Yourself that confused the audience, Jokerstar Joaquin Phoenix spoke a lot about milk, Parasite took away four Oscars and the hosts were all favorite celebrities. The winner for this year’s Oscars in the best picture is Parasite, actor in a leading role Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, actress in a leading role Renée Zellweger for Judy, supporting actor Brad Pitt for Once upon a time in Hollywood, supporting actress Laura Dern for Marriage Story and best director Bong Joon Ho for Parasite. Stars this year shone in their attire from Billy Porter wearing Giles Deacon Couture to Janelle Monae in Ralph Lauren. This year was sure to be a memorable one because of the outstanding performances that were celebrated so elegantly.
REDAKSIONEEL Aangename kennis Ek was net nou die dag splinternuut op kampus vanuit ’n dorp omtrent die grootte van ’n gemiddelde Potchefstroomse pothole. Ek het aanvanklik gedink die gemeenskap hier is konserwatief en Afrikaans, maar ek was verkeerd én baie trots om dit nou te erken! As jy nog nie mooi weet waar jou klasse is of waar jy inpas nie, moenie moed opgee nie, want komitees en klubs is legio op kampus en daar is vir elkeen ’n plekkie onder die son. Myne is by die einste studentekoerant wat jy nou lees, waar ’n mens soveel meer groei as in enige kommentaarveld. Om Wapad aan nuwelinge voor te stel, sal ’n mens moet noem dat die koerant altyd poog om gebalanseerd en regverdig verslag te doen. Ons is, nes die Kampusstudenteraad, ’n studentestruktuur deur studente vir studente, wat ook laat blyk dat mediamense van die toekoms
hier hulle tande kan slyp. Onderhoude, foto’s, oproepe en e-posse is nie onnodig nie, maar ’n manier om belangrike vrae waaroor studente mag wonder, te vra. Indien jy ’n denkwyse met ons deel en aansoek wil doen om op die redaksie te dien, stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Ons is juis opsoek na vars asems ;). Stel jy nie belang daarin om deel te word van die span nie? Geen probleem nie, geniet net elke brokkie inside info, kuns, sport en opiniestukke. Is jy vies vir Wapad? Moenie te lank ’n wrok koester nie, want die redaksie verander elke jaar en die persoon wat jou kwaad gemaak het, het seker lankal pos gevat in ’n negetot-vyf kantoorwerk. En selfs dan is jy geregtig op jou opinie en vryheid van spraak waarvoor Wapad hand en tand sal baklei.
Alet Janse van Rensburg
Hoofredaktrise 2019/2020
“Voor in die wapad brand ‘n lig” en hierdie uitgawe was dit Wapadjoernalis Marizyl Marais, ’n tweedejaar in BA Kommunikasie. Marizyl het ’n ware golden week gehad in die sin dat sy vir al drie afdelings geskryf het. Dankie dat jy oor sake dwarsoor die land en die Stroom verslag doen en nie skroom om enige uitdaging met ywer aan te pak nie.
HOOFREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg NUUSREDAKTEUR: Umamah Bakharia KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Ciska de Waal FOTOREDAKTRISE: Lisa van Rooyen TEKSREDAKTRISE: Corine Raath SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christian Venter ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 0833033292 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad
Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 27 Februarie. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.
The present is an egg laid by the past Sisca Julius
have been a newcomer to the town and to the province for exactly a week now. A week of me learning to navigate a new province, a new town and a new campus. And it has been exhausting. I have been exhausted by experiencing three different seasons in one day (no one tells you that Potchefstroom thinks it is a tropical rainforest for one moment and an arid semi-desert the next). I have mostly been exhausted by the daunting task of figuring out and navigating an entirely new socio-cultural domain, one which is very welcoming to first years but that disregards the crises that ensues with regards to the adaptation needs of those of us who are not entirely new to university. (Side note: can you all stop talking about things like Jool and Duikweg and eFundi as if all of us are just supposed to know what those refer to?) Before I came, I had made up my mind that I was going to keep all my feelings and opinions to myself, but the loneliness that comes with migration and the migration that seems to be a packagedeal with education, has forced me to really optimize my outsider’s perspective. I have never been the biggest fan of the North-West University. And that has been due to personal experiences. I sent my older sister (I consider myself the matriarch of the family although anyone who is in it will tell you otherwise)here in 2012 and got her back after she’d spent one month in a psychiatric facility. One of my closest friends also, despite my warnings and pleas, came here in 2017 and I got her back with two failed suicide attempts and a scar that runs deeply across her wrist; and my heart. But I decided to make amends with the university, to give it one last chance to be nice, lest I unleash my fury and burn it to the ground. I’m joking. But I really do think the university has a lot of transforming to do, a lot of breaking boundaries, discarding toxic
traditions and unlearning to do for it to be an inclusive environment for all. My first unbiased, trying-not-tolet-the-past-influence-my-outlook experience, was with the application form. Which already had my activist cat-claws out. See, the thing is that many of us do not come from model c high schools. Our extra-curricular activities were playing outside on dirt roads or emptying the “balie” (it’s like a bucket but only you use it as a toilet in your outside toilet, which has to be emptied) or trying not to get shot. So, I don’t think you should be entitled to a discount or a trophy or a pat on the back because of your swimming lessons or your grade three in music or your national colours in netball. Furthermore, and this pained me the most, I don’t understand why, in a post-apartheid society where I imagine or would like to at least hope that we are all woke, it is still necessary for us to fill in whether or not our parents are alumni. I was
seriously tempted to write, “yes of course my mother came to the PUK in 1989 after matriculating because the government permitted it for a woman of colour to attend, and no, her prospects were not to go and work at Shoprite”. So, you already come here equipped with the tools to navigate university because your parents and their parents went. Now you’re even more equipped because you know how to navigate this university because your parents and their parents went, it’s not okay that you also get a cookie and a key chain for having parents who went here. And I know that privilege is relative and contextual. I know Michelle Obama is more privileged than a poor white girl growing up in a trailer park with a tikkop mother and a jailbird father. Race is not what I am talking about. I just firmly believe that this university needs to facilitate new discourse for discussing inequality.
Valentine’s day: kinda overrated? Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
The first thought that might have crossed your mind when reading the title is that I am not a fan of this day. Maybe… maybe not. But the pressures and expectations that this day brings makes me doubt the actual value of the day. Somehow, you will receive all the love from your partner in forms of flowers or a date but what about the rest of the year? I believe that this holiday
is an excuse for us to be superficial in some way… but that’s just my opinion. This day has always surprised me with the way that we behave. The clothes that we wear, the money that we spent to get the perfect gift for someone and all the excitement that we have for this specific day. Do you not find all these pressures exhausting? Yes, you might say that you do all this out of love for this person, and I agree it is a good way to express your love for that person, but can we not ignore the day before or after? Valentines day for a single individual can be both frustrating and relieving at the same time.
Frustrating because you see all these people in love, and it makes you want to be with someone but then there’s a cloud of relief that overcomes you that you don’t have to face the brutality of this overrated day. This should be a self-love day instead, where we treat ourselves to dinner and roses and appreciate and love the person that we are. Valentine’s day should also not be pointed only at a specific person but rather people that you care about. Let us rather show love throughout the year because we need it daily rather than on a specific day only. You all are my valentine.
13 Februarie 2020
Bladsy 11
NWU lose in their first Nedbank Cup Lizaan Snyman & Natalie Thysse @lizaan9779; @natalie_thysse
he North-West University’s (NWU) Mafikeng football team took on the Black Leopards, a Premier Soccer League side, in their first ever Nedbank Cup match in the round of 32, at the Thohoyandou stadium in Limpopo on Sunday 9 February. The Black Leopards were quick out of the blocks as Mogakolodi Ngele scored in the seventh minute and saw the host ahead at halftime with 1 – 0. In the second half, the Black Leopards dominated proceedings by scoring another
NWU’s Mafikeng celebrate after qualifying for Nedbank Cup
three goals, two from Thobani Mncwango in the 59th and 83th minute and with Tumelo Khutlang scoring in extra time, beating the NWU side 4 – 0. Vuyolwethu Sambo, NWU’s
Stormy first years rugby
Mahikeng club manager, said, “We have reached our goal. Playing the last 32 for the first time is an achievement on its own. Hopefully in years to come, we will look into reaching more milestones.”
The Nedbank Cup gives amateur teams an opportunity to compete with top-tier clubs. The NWU Mafikeng football team, fresh of their maiden Varsity Football triumph in 2019, had to qualify for
the Nedbank Cup through a series of qualifiers. First, in the North-West provincial final they won 4 – 1 against the Red Lions and then in the inter-provincial stage faced Limpopo-based King Born thrashing them with 8 – 0. Sambo considers the Nedbank Cup a great platform for the NWU to gain marketing and national recognition as this is the first time NWU reached this stage since the team joined the second division league in 2008. He is also proud of the technical team led by Coach Karabo Masehela and the players led by captain Paseka Matsheka. Some other success stories from the NWU Mafikeng soccer institute are alumni players being signed for Premier Soccer League sides. The likes of Lindani Nkabinde and Mandisi Gadla signed for Baroka FC, while Tabiso Lebitso signed for Chippa United FC.
Alli apologizes over video Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
The Tottenham Hotspur and England midfielder, Dele Alli, has issued an apology after a video appeared where he mocked an Asian man, making jokes about the ongoing and deadly Coronavirus outbreak in China. The 23-year-old, who has won 37 senior England caps, zooms the camera towards an unsuspecting man of Asian appearance before panning to a bottle of antiseptic hand wash captioned “This virus gunna have to be quicker than that to catch me”. A group of what are believed to be Chinese accents can be heard in the background throughout the video. The video was subsequently deleted after several complaints were made, with Alli issuing a statement on Sunday evening on the Chinese social media platform
Hombre’ player jumps in the lineout
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
The quarter-finals of the first year hostel rugby tournament had to be split between Friday 7 February and Monday 10 February due to heavy rain and thunder. Players and spectators were once again met with heavy rain on Monday, but luckily the four remaining teams were able to compete. Excelsior narrowly won against Patria by 5 – 0, while Hombré prevailed victorious over Laureus by 30 – 22 on Monday.
The game between Hombré and Laureus was extremely tense and the match became physical before half-time, after which the bad weather did nothing to improve the situation. Although Laureus had most of the possession, Hombré managed to score most of their tries through brilliant interceptions. Over-de-Voor lost against Caput, while Villagers overpowered Veritas in the quarter-finals that was played on Friday 7 February In the semi-finals, Caput will battle it out against Hombré, while Villagers take on Excelsior with both matches being played on Friday 14 February for a spot in the final of the first year rugby tournament.
The Tottenham Hotspur and England midfielder, Dele Alli
Weibo. He admitted he had let himself and the club down. "I would like to apologise for the video I posted on Snapchat yesterday," Alli said in the statement. Alli concluded his statement by saying, “It is not something that should be joked about. Sending all my love and thoughts and prayers for everyone in China.”
The virus, which has spread from the Chinese city of Wuhan, has killed more than a thousand people globally and infected more than 40 000. The Tottenham team is currently on a mid-season break and find themselves in sixth place on the English Premier League log with their next match on Sunday 16 February at AstonVilla.
Get to know Christa Ramasimong Lizaan Snyman @lizaan9779
Christa Ramasimong is a second year BEd student originally from Krugersdorp in Johannesburg and was a part of the North-West University Women’s side who won the 2019 Varsity Hockey Cup. The proudest moment for Ramasimong so far was when she had the opportunity to captain the South African u/21 invitational side in the Summer Series where they played against teams like the Senior South African Women’s side and the Netherlands u/21 side. “I enjoyed the match against the
Christa Ramasimong on the attack against the Netherlands
Senior South African Women’s side, but I was stressed and nervous for my first international match against the world favourites, the Netherlands u/21 side,” said Ramasimong. In the near future, Ramasimong would love to be a part of the Senior Olympic team, just like her role model, Sulette Damons, was in 2012. Former South African hockey player, Sulette Damons,
was Ramasimong’s role model since she started playing hockey in 2012, as they share so many similarities between their lives. Ramasimong’s advice to upcoming players is, “You need to continuously work hard in life so that you learn more about what your strengths and weaknesses are so you can work on it.” She lives by her own quote that says, “The only weapon a champion needs is God in their heart.”
Sport 13 Februarie 2020
Akhone Nela, North-West University’s Centre, focusing during pre-game warm-ups in Cape Town ahead of the game against UCT
NWU loses consecutive matches By Section Editor Lizaan Snyman @lizaan9779
he North-West University (NWU) lost their second consecutive match in the Varsity Cup on Monday 10 February against the University of Cape Town (UCT), by 31 – 22. UCT, as hosts, took advantage of the windy home conditions.
Although the hosts played the first-half against the strong winds, they struck first, with a seven-point try from fly-half, James Tedder, that he converted to lead by nine points. The NWU side, however, quickly fought back with an unconverted try from centre, Khulu Mcuma. The gutsy defence of UCT kept the visitors out for a while but Lincoln Daniels, the NWU leftwinger, managed to break the wall of defence to cross the line twice, giving NWU a 17 – 9 lead with half-time approaching. The deficit was reduced to 17 - 14 with a few
minutes left in the first half as the NWU side let in a soft try from UCT left-winger, Rayno Mapoe. In the second half, UCT came out firing with the strong wind at their back, scoring two tries through Gary Porter and Liam Furniss in mere minutes. Heading into the final twenty minutes of the match, UCT lead 28 – 17. “We started both halves slowly and struggled to adapt to the wind as we did not always execute the plans that were set in training,” said Evardi Boshoff playing in his third Varsity Cup.
However, before UCT picked up two yellow cards, a penalty from their fly-half, Tedder, took the match out of the purple army’s reach with Ruan Swigers scoring a consolation try for the NWU. Edmund Rheerder, NWU captain, said, “Our scrums were better, but we did not capitalise on the opportunities we had.” Boshoff agreed with Rheerder and added, “We are playing good rugby at times, but then we ease off, we must focus to play for the full 80 minutes. We must also focus on keeping and building on our selfconfidence and put the two results
behind us.” Busanda Mabena and James Tedder of UCT respectively won the FNB Player that Rocks and Steer Kinging Moment. The first home match at the Fanie du Toit for the NWU side is on Monday 17 February at 19:00 against the winless Shimlas. Rheerder said, “We are looking forward and are very excited for our first match at home this season, we believe we will make the crowd proud. It is our responsibility to play attractive rugby to ensure everyone is prepared to pay to enter and watch our matches.”
NWU’s new multi-surface courts to host The North-West University (NWU) joined forces with Tennis South Africa (TSA) and Riaan Venter Tennis Academy (RVTA) February last year in a project to upgrade the tennis facilities at the NWU High Performance Institute with new multi-surface clay, grass and hard courts. When completed, the institute will be the only facility in South Africa with five clay courts, two grass courts and ten hard courts that will be accessible to all national and international tennis players. The deadline for the completion had to be moved to end February/ begin March due to heavy rainfall the past two months. “The weather has not played along, especially since this is not just a resurfacing of the courts, they replaced the whole precinct, as well as the cable as it rusted and became a risk since it was last fixed many years ago,” said Heléne Botha,
sport manager of NWU Tennis. There are a number of massive tournaments set to take place the next three months. The first tournament is a back-to-back International Tennis Federation (ITF) Junior Grade event that is set to take place from 15 to 29 February. Then, TSA partnered with the NWU to host a combined ITF tournament, where 32 men and women from across the world will battle it out for the $25 000 reward from 1 to 8 March. From 8 to 15 March, the top upcoming international players are set to face off in the ATP challenger 50 tournament, the second tier event behind the first tier ATP tour, while, simultaneously a similar women’s tournament will be hosted (not the WTA). The first-year hostel tennis tournaments, that was scheduled in February, will now also take place in March. By the end of April, the NWU will host a tournament against Kovsies and Maties, where the
Some of the upgraded tennis courts at the Fanie du Toit Sports Centrum of the NWU
teams are going to play on two different types of surfaces which are the hard courts and grass courts. “It is new for university tennis that players get to play on two different types of surfaces in one tournament, so they are really
excited to come to us for that tournament,” said Botha. Both the tournaments in March are live-streamed, but students are urged to come and watch the semi-finals and the finals that are taking place, as there are prizes
to be won. Studentsalso have the opportunity to become ball boy/ girl or even become a linesman for thematches from 1 to 15 March. Contact Ms Heléne Botha if interested on 018 299 2911 by 15 February.