12 Maart 2020 Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za Wapad WAPAD ® IS DIE STUDENTEKOERANT VAN DIE NWU-POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS
TEL: (018) 299 2875
Rook verbode op koshuisbalkonne
Geallokeerde rookareas eerder as koshuisbalkonne word voorsien
Le-Lanie Ludick @lelanie_ludick
ydens die algemene primarii vergadering op 17 Februarie is dit aangekondig dat alle asbakkies op koshuisbalkonne verwyder sal word met onmiddellike effek en dat inwoners nie meer op balkonne mag rook nie. Hierdie is as gevolg van die Tobacco Products Control Act wat stipuleer dat geen persoon enige tabakbevattende produk binne 10m van enige ingang na ’n publieke plek mag rook nie. Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se rookbeleid implementeer hierdie wet al sedert 2006, maar nietemin het die universiteit steeds asbakkies op balkonne beskikbaar gestel tot op hede. Die Occupational Health and safety-eenheid van die NWU het hierdie probleem in die verlede onder koshuise se aandag gebring. Dit was egter eers tydens ’n onlangse vergadering tussen Kampusstudenteraad (KSR) en belanghebbendes dat dit amptelik
Alle asbakkies gaan van die balkone verwyder word weens nuwe rookbeleid by NWU.
geïmplementeer is. Matthew van Wyk, Koshuisraadvoorsitter van die KSR, het hierdie inligting deurgegee aan die primarii. Health and Safety sal nou rookareas moet allokeer waar dit veilig is vir inwoners om te rook. Van Wyk verseker dat daar druk geplaas word om hierdie rookareas so spoedig as moontlik te allokeer, maar intussen sal braaiareas nog deur rokers gebruik mag word. Die universiteit beklemtoon dat die rookareas egter
nie geld vir die rook van dagga nie. Die rook van dagga op enige van die kampusse of persele wat deur die universiteit beheer word, is streng verbode. Die balkonareas word direk geaffekteer omdat dit die geallokeerde rookareas vir koshuise was. Die probleem hiermee is dat die balkon moontlik langs ’n kamer is en die rook dan in die kamer kan inwaai. “Die rook sluit in hubbly, vape en sigarette,” sê
Van Wyk. Die reëls rakende rook in die klubhuis is nog ’n grys area en dit is onder die KSR se aandag gebring dat duidelike reëls hieroor ingestel moet word. Volgens Van Wyk sal die reëls in die klubhuise stelselmatig geïmplementeer word wanneer dit vasgestel is. Inwoners van die koshuis wat nie aan hierdie reëls voldoen nie, sal ’n boete ontvang of kan getug word. Lohan Bronkhorst, inwoner van Hombré-manskoshuis, sê dit
is ’n goeie besluit wat die koshuis skoon en netjies sal hou. “Dit gee vir ons kans om buite in die natuur te kom, maar dit lyk ook nie netjies om in die parkeerarea te staan en rook nie.” Die enigste teenstand wat ontvang is, is dat die primarii versoek om die beleid op skrif te hê en bordjies in die koshuise te hê wat rookareas uitwys. “Ons as KSR werk saam met die NWU om dit te implementeer. Dit is nie iets wat ons net wil implementeer om dit te verwyder nie. Dit is ’n landswet waaraan ons onderhewig is en wat geïmplementeer moet word,” beklemtoon Van Wyk. Sekere fakulteite het alreeds geallokeerde rookareas wat 10m van geboue af is sowel as asbakkies wat studente moet gebruik sonder uitsondering. Xavier van Tonder, vierdejaar in LLB sê die persone wat nie rook nie, moet gerespekteer word deur rokers. “Ek dink nie dis te veel gevra om na die rookarea toe te stap nie. 10m se loop gaan niemand skade aan doen nie,” sê Van Tonder. Die universiteit is onderhewig aan dié landswette en dit moet tegnies geïmplementeer word oor die hele kampus, maar geboue wat naby aan mekaar is, bemoeilik die implementering daarvan alhoewel dit geïmplementeer word waar moontlik.
Bladsy 2
12 Maart 2020
NWU verras met nuutste prestasie Ané Janse van Rensburg @anejvr_
ie Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) is onlangs deur die Times Higher Education (THE) geïdentifiseer as een van die top-vyf plaaslike universiteite. Hierdie universiteite het die THE Emerging Economies University Rankings 2020: hidden gems unearthed-ranglys gehaal, soos getoon op 18 Februarie vanjaar. Met ’n steekproefruimte van 533 internasionale universiteite, staan die NWU tans in die 109de posisie, met nege ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, onder andere die Universiteit van Kaapstad, wat ook die ranglys gehaal het. Die ranglys is geskep met die doel om klem te lê op universiteite wat gewoonlik oor die hoof gesien word. Dit stel instansies soos die
NWU is nommer 109 op die internasionale ranglys van Ekonomie en Besigheids Fakulteite
NWU in staat om hulself te vergelyk met ander organisasies wat binne dieselfde ekonomiese omgewing funksioneer. Lande wat in aanmerking kan kom vir die THE se ranglys, word
in die volgende kategorieë geplaas: Advanced emerging, Secondary emerging en Frontier, waaronder Suid-Afrika as ’n Advanced emerging-land geklassifiseer word. Volgens THE se webblad, het die
NWU hierdie posisie behaal weens hul veeltaligheid (Engels, Afrikaans en Setswana), sterk sporttradisies en die vyf navorsingsentrums vir uitnemendheid wat die universiteit bied.
Verdere statistieke toon dat die universiteit 29,9 studente per personeellid het, 4% internasionale studente akkommodeer, ’n verhouding van 62:38 vroulike tot manlike studente het en ’n totaal van 36,749 FTE-studente het wat deel vorm van die NWU. Daar is navrae gedoen om vas te stel wat die studente van die NWU dink oor die nuutste prestasie. Carli Grobler, ’n tweedejaar in BCom Forensiese Rekeningkunde, meen die volgende: “Ja, ek kan glo dat ons universiteit so ’n goeie posisie op die ranglys verower het, want ons fasiliteite is uitstekend en ons bied verskeie geleenthede aan wat pas by alle kulturele kontekste.” Volgens die nuuste artikel geplaas op die NWU se webtuiste getiteld “NWU onder die top-5 SA universiteite op ranglys vir ontluikende ekonomieë”, meen Prof. Linda du Plessis, adjunkvisekanselier vir Beplanning en Vaaldriehoekkampus-bedrywighede, dat hierdie internasionale erkenning as ’n aanwyser dien dat die universiteit op die regte pad is.
Kampusparkering – ’n gemors Canned food day Charma du Plessis @charmaduplessis
Die konstante soeke na parkeerplek het al vele student laat gemaak. Daarom word die area langs G23 omskep in ’n formele parkeerarea met 100 spasies. Louis Jacobs, Direkteur van Korporatiewe Kommunikasie vir die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het gesê: “Indien die weerstoestande dit toelaat, behoort die projek teen einde Maart klaar te wees.” Die area moet deur die Infrastruktuuren Beplanningsdepartement goedgekeur word vir gebruik na voltooiing. Tans is daar 6 464 parkeerareas regoor kampus, met spesifieke areas waar juniorstudente, seniorstudente en lektore onderskeidelik kan stop. Koshuisstudente mag op parkeerterreine by hul koshuise stop, maar geen ander areas nie omdat hulle reeds op kampus is. Eerste- en tweedejaarstudente mag parkeer op die parkeerarea langs Hombrè en Caput, sowel as die area by die astrohokkieterrein en die N1-area op die Ingenieurskampus naby die duikweg. Derdejaarstudente en werkers mag op die sentrale deel van kampus parkeer. Indien enige studente sonder ’n parkeerskuif op kampus parkeer, of in ’n area waar hulle nie toegelaat word om te parkeer nie, sal hulle ’n boete gegee word. Boetes is R300, soos vasgestel deur die
Kompetisie na Blikkieskosdag se insamelings
Charma du Plessis @charmaduplessis
Nuwe parkeerarea langs G23 onder konstruksie
Universiteitsbestuurskomitee. Verlede jaar is daar ’n totaal van 8 671 parkeerskuiwe uitgereik, wat heruitreiking van verlore of vervalde skuiwe insluit. Die parkeerspasieprobleem word ondersoek deur die Infrastruktuuren Beplanningsdepartement en die area langs G23 wat onder ontwikkeling is, is deel van die oplossing van die probleem. Cheryl Kotze, ’n nagraadse student in Biochemie het gesê: “Dit het my 45 minute gevat om
parkering te kry oor die hele kampus, Onderwyskampus ingesluit. Ek moes buite parkeer.” Die probleem is ’n algemene irritasie vir die meeste studente wat die noodsaaklikheid vir ’n oplossing aandui. Liandi Plotz, derdejaar in BA Kommunikasie, het intussen raad vir studente wat parkeerplek soek. Sy sê dat dit makliker is om plek te kry tussen klasse en om te kyk vir mense wat na karre toe loop en hulle dan te volg.
Canned food day is an annual charity drive where hostels and Academic Student Associations’ (ASA) collect non-perishable foods to distribute between the Student Campus Council’s (SCC) 80 projects, and other non profit organizations (NPO) where needs have been identified. This year’s food is still being counted but an estimate of R660 000 worth of food, based on last year’s numbers, has been collected this year. Canned food day ended with blindfolded challenges in the amphitheatre last Monday afternoon. The challenges, completed by teams from hostels and ASA’s, were to create awareness for the Guide Dog Association (GDA). The challenges included completing various tasks
blindfolded, to create awareness of the disabilities that the GDA works with, and drinking a can of sweet corn as fast as possible. Two teams, consisting of two hostels and an ASA each, competed against each other at a time. The canned sweet corn featured in the game was to keep the main theme of the day in mind, and was purchased out of the SCC’s budget, not taken from the donations. It has been a feature every year since 2016. It’s meant to create awareness about how privileged people take food for granted that others may not have. Some of the food also goes to the Thuso drive, which supports students who can’t afford food regularly. Ruandro Minnaar, SCC Chairperson for Student RAG Community Support (SRCS), said, “It’s important to say thank you to the students and ASA’s for collecting so much food, and the difference they make in the community.” The winners of Canned Food Day will be announced at Big Prims later this year. As a bonus, members of the crowd were asked to see if they could down the cans of sweet corn faster than the participants.
12 Maart 2020
Bladsy 3
Droogte ’n dilemma vir NWU-studente Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
uid-Afrika word tans geteister deur die ergste droogte in 50 jaar. “Die Noord-Kaap kort bykans 688 miljoen rand om te oorleef todat dit behoorlik reën,” het Nicol Jansen, die voorsitter van Agri SA in die Noord-Kaap in ’n berig verlede jaar Desember gesê. Buiten die rampspoedige impak wat die droogte op boere het, word die effek deeglik gevoel deur hulle kinders wat huidige of aspirant studente is. Volgens geaffekteerde NoordwesUniversiteitstudente (NWU) het baie eers veel later die volle omvang van die situasie gesnap. “Jy kom dit eers nie agter nie, en dan tref dit jou skielik,” sê Beulah van der Heever, ’n NWU-student. “Ons het nie besef hoe erg dit eintlik was todat ek op universiteit gekom het en besef het dat dit steeds nie gereën het nie.” Alhoewel haar tuisdorp intussen
Die droogte in die Noord-Kaap plaas finansiële druk op NWU studente.
broodnodige reën ontvang het, sê sy dat daar baie ander studente is wie se tye van kommer nog lank nie verby is nie. Mev. Annemie Baard, een van die hooflede van die Studente
Droogtehulp Fonds (SDHF), sê dat daar “baie baie” studente van die NWU is wat aansoek doen vir finansiële hulp as gevolg van die droogte wat hulle raadop het. Die SDHF mik om boere geteister
Issues addressed during Environment week
deur die droogte te help om vir hulle kinders se skoolfondse te betaal. Aanvanklik was dit vir universiteitsfondse ook, maar hulle moes noodwendig hulle fokus grotendeels tot primêre en
De Wilgers is PROPvol inisiatief met AKSA-projek.
Anneke Langne @anneke_langner
Lovers’ Lane buzzing with activity during Value your Environment week
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
The Student Campus Council (SCC) Current Affairs portfolio held Value your Environment week from 17 to 20 February, but there was unhappiness among some students about the issues that were addressed by the stalls in Lovers’ Lane. Questions such as “What does my dairy consumption have to do with the campus?”, “Are our signatures to save the turtles going to help them?” and “Why do we have a ‘save the ocean stall’ when we are in Potchefstroom?” have been asked by
students. The answer to the question of whether the students’ signatures were actually going to help and save the turtles, is sadly that it will not. Current affairs house committee member of Villagers men’s residence, Jan-Harm Bezuidenhoudt, confirmed that these signatures were not linked to a real campaign and these signatures were just to create awareness. As to why these were themes at some of the stalls, SCC Current affairs official Johan Nel said that because there were 20 ASA’s as well as 28 residences that needed a theme for the week and their stall, it was impossible to give every single one an issue that relates to the NorthWest University’s Potchefstroom campus. To the question of why the SCC current affairs portfolio is
not addressing the huge issue on campus, the amount of polystyrene that is used daily by all of the dining halls as well as the Klipoog Cafeteria, Nel responded that the current affairs portfolio has been collaborating with all parties involved to reduce the amount of polystyrene, by selling their fries in cardboard boxes. Nel elaborates by saying that the current affairs portfolio aims to work in collaboration with the university instead of against them, and that is why the process is happening gradually and why students do not necessarily notice these small changes. He is however very positive about Wellness Week and says that the game-oriented programme for this week is to ensure that students participate and receive the message they are trying to convey.
sekondêre opvoeding skuif. “Dit is vir my die grootste seer om vir iemand wat ek weet die potensiaal het om verder te leer, te moet sê dat daar eenvoudig nie meer geld is nie.” Sy noem spesifiek Aptekerswese-kandidate. “Jy weet, om vir so iets toelating te kry moet jy al op skool baie hard leer. En dan moet ons vir hom of haar sê dat ons hulle net nie kán help nie.” Baard sê dat mense aanneem dat die onlangse reën wat op sekere plekke geval het, beteken dat die droogte, en dus die verwante probleme, nou verby is. “Dit is nog nie verby nie. Van die boere sit al sewe, agt jaar sonder reën. Daar is net eenvoudig nie meer geld nie.” Sy noem wel dat daar positiewes is. “Daar is baie mooi stories. Mense bel in en gee skenkings. Maar selfs dit word minder. Na sewe jaar kan mense ook nie meer so maklik gee nie.” Die SDHF het altesaam 22 beursaansoeke ontvang, waarvan drie vir die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, drie vir die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, twee vir die Universiteit van Kaapstad en elf vir die NWU is.
De Wilgers-manskoshuis het hierdie jaar dinge in hul eie hande geneem met hul AKSAvolhoubaarheidsprojek en hoop om spoedig ’n rolstoel aan iemand te skenk wat nie een het nie. Reinhardt Marx, Huiskomiteelid (HK) van De Wilgers, met die portefeuljes Aktuele Sake en Kleinsport sê: “Ons moet 150kg koeldrankdoppies (wat oopskroef) of die knippies wat aan die broodsakkies kom, versamel om uiteindelik ’n rolstoel aan iemand wat dit nodig het te skenk.” Hierdie projek behoort aan die Sweetheart Foundation, ’n SuidAfrikaanse organisasie wat die behoefte raaksien aan rolstoele in die gemeenskap. “The wheelchair is one of the most commonly used assistive devices for enhancing personal mobility, yet, thousands of South Africans remain bed-ridden, rely on family members to carry them around or turn to unsafe and uncomfortable home-made alternatives.” Marx gee die 150kg doppies wat die koshuis versamel het direk aan hierdie organisasie en hulle gee weer vir hom die rolstoel om aan die behoeftige persoon te oorhandig. “Die rede hoekom ek hierdie projek begin het, is omdat ek so baie doppies op kampus sien rondlê of in asdromme ophoop en niemand besef dat daardie doppie eintlik ’n verskil in iemand se lewe
kan maak nie.” Marx is positief en beoog om die projek verder as net De Wilgers-manskoshuis te neem. Hy is besig om met die UK-lede te gesels om sekere punte op te stel waar studente hulle versamelingdoppies of broodknippies kan inhandig. “As elkeen net ’n doppie kan optel of versamel en na ’n punt toe bring, kan elkeen so ’n bydrae lewer tot die verbetering van iemand se lewe. Studente moet in die gewoonte kom om die bottel weg te gooi, maar die proppie te bêre. Privaatstudente kan veral hiermee help deur die knippies van hul broodsakkies iewers te bêre tot dit genoeg is om in te gee.” Marx is beïndruk met die ondersteuning wat hy van sy koshuis ontvang. Hy hou gangkompetisies om te kyk wie die meeste doppies kan versamel. Een van sy gange het alreeds 60kg se doppies aan hom oorhandig. De Wilgers het die afgelope week mense van hierdie projek bewus gemaak deur op kampus mense daarvan te vertel en hul handtekeninge te versamel as ’n aanduiding vir hoeveel mense reeds van die projek weet. Marx het reeds op skool al van hierdie projek gehoor en daaraan deelgeneem. Die Sweetheart Foundation bieg ook op hul webtuiste dat hulle afhanklik is van die insameling van proppies deur skole, families en die gemeenskap. “Hierdie is ’n projek wat baie relevant en toepaslik in ons studentelewe is. Studente kan ’n bydrae maak deur bewus op te tree, die doppies te bêre en sodra dit ophoop dit na De Wilgers te neem.”
Bladsy 4
12 Maart 2020
Budget Speech: Penny for your thoughts Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet
ncome tax relief, a cut in the public sector wage bill, and a rise in sin taxes are some of the key announcements by Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, in his annual Budget Speech delivered on 26 February this year. According to Mboweni, South Africa is in a “difficult fiscal position” and therefore the Finance Minister presented his speech in an environment of low economic growth, a growing budget deficit and record high unemployment rates, shifting the budget from a decrease in expenditure rather than boosting revenue. A proposal by Treasury to cut the state’s wage bill by over R160
Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, during his annual Budget Speech in 2020
billion in the course of three years, was not welcomed by trade unions and labour federation COSATU threatened that the agreement would “never be accepted”. Mboweni commented that the
relief in personal income taxes aims to stabilise already struggling consumers and that “substantial tax increases are unlikely to be effective”. In an effort to promote economic growth, Treasury
SAA plans predict troubled future
announced that the current corporate tax rate of 28% is likely to be lowered in order to be more competitive in a global market, however there has been no indication of when this would be
affected. Despite speculation by economists, the value-added-tax (VAT) rate remains unchanged at 15%. Fuel levies and excise duties on alcohol and tobacco are to be increased by 25 cents and between 4.4% and 7.5% respectively. Initiatives recently announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his State of the Nation Address (SONA) like the National Health Insurance (NHI) and the Sovereign Wealth Fund had little mention during the Speech. Poor projected economic growth of a gross domestic product (GDP) of only 0.3% for the 2019 year, paints the bleak picture of an expected downgrade to “junk” status by Moody’s Investor Service, the only major global ratings agency to not yet downgrade South Africa’s sovereign status. The implication of the downgrade is that the country would be forced out of the large Citigroup World Government Bond Index, leading to the possible outflow of billions of rands.
Corona makes markets plummet
Airport Officails following health restrictions
Corine Raath @corineraath
Mango airlines absorbing SAA are one of the four possible solutions for the impending
Helaine Duvenhage @helaineduvenhage
PA leaked South African Airways (SAA) document contains plans that could leave all 8 900 of their workers unemployed. On 4 March this year a Business Rescue Plan (BRP) document was allegedly leaked to the eNews Channel Africa (eNCA). It shows four possible solutions for the impending bankruptcy of the SAA, namely: “SAA Restructured, Version 1”,“ SAA Restructured: Version “, “Mango only/ SAA closure”, and “Liquidation”
In version one, described as the best-case scenario, the SAA would cut down on some unprofitable routes, firing 60% of their staff. This is similar to the second version, which would cancel all unprofitable flights and let 68% of the total staff go. Both of these options would require around R7 billion in funding. The third option sees Mango airlines absorbing the company completely, in the event that the SAA are unable to implement either of the first options. Some of the SAA aircrafts would still be used, and necessary funding would be between R1bn and 2bn. The fourth and final scenario shows the total liquidation of the SAA, indicating a loss of employment for all 8 900 staff members, with no retrenchment funds allocated and no contingency plan in place.
There has been backlash from both The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and the South African Cabin Crew Association (Sacca), who accused the SAA for not communicating with employees and failing to follow through on discussing contingency plans of courses of action in the event of liquidation. NUMSA have threatened continued legal action against the SAA in the case that they do not open cohesive communication with the workers at risk of unemployment. A previous attempt was made but proved unsuccessful. The Publication of SAA business rescue plan was originally intended to be published at the end of February but has been extended to the end of March.
The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is having various impacts on South Africa and can lead to a loss of R200 million and 1 000 jobs in tourism alone, following reports from PwC. The virus has a major impact on South Africa since China is the country’s main trader in imports and exports. However, PwC has mentioned that it will disrupt suppliers from all over the globe. This is aggravated by Wuhan being a large transportation port for around 6 000 companies globally. An unexpected result of the virus is the influence on the South African crab market. According to Moneyweb, “The lobster catchers of South Africa’s Western Cape have become an unexpected casualty of the coronavirus after China halted imports of the West Coast rock lobster as part of measures to contain the outbreak.” In China the crabs went for R340
a kilogram but in South Africa vendors can only get a measly R120. This will have a significant impact to which Moneyweb reports that “last year [China] bought 95% of its [South Africa’s] total allowable west coast lobster catch of 1,084 tonnes”. The West Coast Rock Lobster Association says that this can result in about a R257 million loss. In other areas Shoprite’s CEO, Pieter Engelbrecht, as reported by fin24, said that the virus could decrease their turnover by R100 million which “is normally around R170 billion”. Shoprite will now reroute orders for electric blankets and heaters from Chinese companies to countries like India, Bangladesh, Romania, Ukraine and Poland. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also reports that the cost of masks and protective clothing has shot through the roof since the outbreak. Their chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, also warned that the amount of gear is “rapidly depleting”. However, Eric Toner, a scientist at the John Hopkins Centre for Health Security in America, says masks do little to prevent the virus and one should just opt for washing your hands regularly.
12 Maart 2020
Bladsy 5
The influence of accents Kampusmenings: Dink jy dat boelie/afknouery steeds op kampus plaasvind?
Melissa Nel @melissa_nel99
Some of the words prevalent in South African speech
Yuané Dickson @ydickson711
outh Africa being a diverse country, is one of the multilingual countries in the world. As a result, the majority have English as a second language which means that the speech within this rainbow nation is filled with accents – a trait that plays a much larger role in everyday interactions than one realizes. Dr Pedro Álvarez Mosquera from the University of Salamanca, Spain, visited the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus on 9 March to share his findings of a case study he conducted, on how accents can influence our perception of others. His study
took place at the University of Cape Town (UCT) among 84 students between 18-25 years, who self-identified as part of the coloured race. The study made use of an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to determine how colored students perceive both “standard” South African English (SAE) and Afrikaans-accented English. IAT is a method of identifying participants’ bias by assessing their reaction time towards given stimuli when these are associated with certain positive or negative features. In his study, Álvarez Mosquera used short audio recordings of phrases being spoken in Afrikaansaccented English, and phrases spoken in a “standard” South African english accents as his stimuli. The test required the participants to complete sorting tasks in the shortest amount of time possible, and results reveal that a majority of coloured students at UCT held a bias towards the
standard accent. His study also shows that the overall bias towards the standard accent can be explained by two social factors: social distance with the white group and place of residency. As English was the predominant language in their place of residency, it appears to play a role in the development of positive bias towards the standard accent – as English is more socially valuable to the coloured students and overrode Afrikaans as an identity marker. Álvarez Mosquera commented on the “power of categorization” and how something as trivial as an accent can completely change one’s perspective of another, leading to profound social implications. Sonika Neethling, a Masters in Afrikaans and Dutch at the NWU, said that Álvarez Mosquera’s study highlights how strongly language acts as a marker for the identity of the self and of others within South Africa.
BBC World visits Mahikeng campus
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service visited the North-West University’s (NWU) Mahikeng campus to inspire prospective journalists to apply for their Komla Dumor Award. This visit forms part of their BBC News Komla Dumor Award roadshow that will visit a few South African universities and aims to
introduce budding journalists to this prestigious award and to strive to enter for this award, and Dr Aaron Tshidzumba, deputy dean for Community Engagement and stakeholder relations in the Faculty of Humanities, says that the NWU is honoured to have been considered. The BBC News delegation who spoke to communication students at the Mahikeng campus, consisted of former BBC news editor, Milton Nkosi, BBC head of partnerships and Kumla Dumor director, Emily Kasrielo and investigative journalist and 2019 winner of the Kumla Dumor award, Solomon Serwanjja. They all addressed the students and shared tips and experience on solution, data and investigative journalism. Mr Nkosi also explained the
BBC is on the lookout for a rising star of African journalism to apply for the sixth year of this award’s existence. The award is named after Komla Afeke Dumor, a Ghanaian journalist who worked for BBC World News and was the main presenter of Focus on Africa. Komla suddenly passed away in 2014 at the young age of 41, and was considered the face and voice of Africa, as his passion was to tell African stories with honesty and integrity. The award strives to continue Dumor’s legacy and was therefore established in his honour. The award is made every year to an outstanding individual living and working in Africa who combines journalism skills and telling African stories.
“Ek dink nie dit gebeur so gereeld soos wat dit op skool sal gebeur nie. Universiteit is so groot dat dit moontlik vir jou is om toksiese mense te vermy en vriende te kry wat jou nie negatief beïnvloed nie.” Chanel Hugo, tweedejaar in BCom Finansiële Rekeningkunde
“Ek voel dat boelie wel op kampus plaasvind, maar meer op ’n emosionele vlak as wat dit fisiek is. ’n Mens is geneig om te swyg onder groepsdruk as gevolg van die vrees om afgekraak te word.” Junior van der Merwe, tweedejaar in BIng Meganiese Ingenieurswese
“Daar vind definitief steeds afknouery op kampus plaas, maar meer emosionele afknouery as fisiese afknouery. Daar is steeds mense wat manipulerend is wat jou wil dwing om op ’n sekere manier te dink of jou afkraak as jy nie noodwendig met hulle saamstem nie.” Marilé Brits, derdejaar in BCom Forensiese Rekenmeesterskap
“Ek dink daar is afknouery op kampus, want nie almal hanteer mekaar noodwendig dieselfde nie. Mense dink anders en omdat ons so verskil is sekere mense geneig om jou aan te vat daaroor en af te kraak as jou opinie van hulle verskil.” Waldo Cilliers, derdejaar in BCom Risikobestuur, Internasionale Handel en Ekonomie FOTOS: MELISSA NEL
Bladsy 6
Kuns en Vermaak
12 Maart 2020
Ontmoet jou Miss Varsity Cup-finaliste
Duané Fourie
Faith Mhlongo
Marcelle Samons
Marlé van Zyl
Merriam Maloka
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek wou al lankal deel wees van Miss Varsity Cup. Ek het verlede jaar al ingeskryf, maar dit ongelukkig nie gemaak as ’n finalis nie. Ek wil die platform gebruik om ’n verskil te maak in jong meisies se lewens. Ek het self aan depressie gely, en die geestesgesondheidaspek van die veldtog is ’n goeie manier om aan meisies te wys dat enige iets moontlik is. Wat wil jy bereik: Ek wil die geestesgesondheidstigma aanspreek, met meisies kan praat en bewys dat enige iets moontlik is as jy jou kop daarop ingestel het. Wat het jy sover geleer: Dit is nog nie ’n lang tyd wat ons besig is nie en ek het nog nie iets spesifiek geleer wat vir my uitgestaan het nie. Fun fact: Ek kan glad nie kos maak nie, ek brand selfs toast.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Om myself uit te daag en om myself te aanvaar. Ek doen dit vir die meisies wat nie seker is of hulle iets kan bereik nie. Ek wil net vir hulle sê: “Girl, jy kan.” Wat wil jy bereik: Ek wil groei en myself uit my gemaksone druk. Ek voel skaam om voor baie mense te staan, en ek sal graag aan die einde my groei wil sien. Jy leer elke dag iets nuut van jouself. Wat het jy sover geleer: Dat ek is nie so skaam is soos wat ek dink nie. Fun fact: Ek is glad nie ’n oggendmens nie.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek sien nie Miss Varsity Cup as ’n skoonheidskompetisie nie, ek sien dit as ’n leierskapsposisie en ’n platform vir bemagtiging om mense te verenig. Wat wil jy bereik: “I’ve been advocating for empowerment.” Hierdie platform se hulpbronne gebruik om projekte te begin met geestesgesondheid as die fokuspunt. Ek wil baie graag die projek aanpak wat saam met die Miss Varsity Cup-titel kom. Wat het jy sover geleer: Ek hou van skryf en praat oor bemagtiging en rekonsiliasie, geestesgesondheid is ’n nuwe belangstelling vir my en ek het in hierdie tyd baie meer geleer oor geestesgesondheid as wat ek geweet het. Fun fact: Ek het nog nooit een koppie koffie in my hele lewe gedrink.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek het nie self ingeskryf nie, ek was genomineer Ek het eers gedink ek het iets gemis, maar toe besluit om die kans te vat en vir die onderhoud te gaan. Wat wil jy bereik: Om dit as platform te gebruik om vir meisies te wys en te leer hoe belangrik dit is om “fearlessly feminine” te wees. Wat het jy sover geleer: Ons is al twee weke besig met Miss Varsity Cup. Baie mense kyk vas in die meisies as “beauty queens” of poppies, wat ’n baie lelike konnotasie is om te maak. Miss Varsity Cup gaan glad nie daaroor nie, maar eerder oor die veldtog en wat dit mense leer. Fun fact: Ek is baie bang vir vuur en het nog nooit met vuurhoutjies gewerk nie. Ek het met Valentynsdag vir die eerste keer kerse met ’n lighter aangesteek om my kêrel te bederf.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek het die inskrywing op iemand se “status” gesien en besluit om in te skryf. Later het ek gesien dis nie net ’n skoonheidskompetisie nie, maar ook om te leer om jouself te “embrace”, ’n beter persoon te word en meer selfvertroue te kry. Wat wil jy bereik: Ek wil ’n groter, beter mens wees. Ek wil ’n groter prentjie van myself hê, leer hoe om met mense te werk en hoe om mense te bemagtig. Ek wil ontdek wie en wat Merriam is. Wat het jy sover geleer: Mense is baie anders, almal het hulle eie perspektiewe. Niks in die lewe is meer ’n kompetisie nie, maar eerder om te leef, te kyk na mekaar en elke dag nog iets te leer. Fun fact: Ek is ’n coconut: bruin buite, wit binne. Ek is ’n lekker mens.
Nicole Klopper
Nokukhanya Ngobeni
Rethabile Molepo
Ofentse Shakoane
Veronique Rossouw
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek is iemand wat toegewyd is, baie gedrewe is. Ek het suiwer bedoelinge en wil graag gemeenskappe en liefdadigheidsorganisasies na aan my hart help. Wat wil jy bereik: Ek het van kleins af geweet mense het emosionele probleme en dat hulle skaam is om daaroor te praat. Ek wil graag bewusmaking skep. Wat het jy sover geleer: Almal is uniek en mooi in hulle eie manier en ook om mense te respekteer en te aanvaar vir wie hulle is. Fun fact: Ek is mal oor diere; my gunsteling dier is ’n lammetjie. Ek hou so baie van lammetjies dat ek nie eers lam eet nie.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek het dit op Facebook gesien en dit was nog altyd iets wat ek wou gedoen het. Wat wil jy bereik: Ervaring opbou en myself geniet. Ek wil leer hoe om dinge te doen. “When you know better you do better. If you have knowledge you will reach greater platforms.” Wat het jy sover geleer: Tydsbestuur. Daar is gereeld foto’s wat geneem moet word of onderhoude wat gevoer moet word en baie word soms op kort kennisgewing gereël. Fun fact: Ek is baie spraaksamig, ek sal myself wel eerder as ’n ambivert klassifiseer as slegs ’n ekstrovert.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek wil altyd iets doen wat niemand anders al gedoen het nie. Ek doen al vandat ek sewe jaar oud was skoonheidskompetisies en daarom het Miss Varsity Cup my geïnteresseer. Wat beteken Miss Varsity Cup vir jou: Ek is mal daaroor om na die wedstryde toe te gaan en die spelers te ondersteun. Almal voel soos familie en almal is daar vir dieselfde rede. Wat wil jy bereik: Ek wil mense help om te kan praat oor hulle geestesgesondheid. Ek wil ’n oop deur vir ander mense wees. Wat het jy sover geleer: Ek het geleer dat mense baie behulpsaam is. Fun fact: Ek is ’n baie borrelende en gelukkige persoon, maar ek is ook mal oor “horror movies”.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Ek was baie geïnteresseerd in die veldtog agter dit. Geestesgesondheid is baie belangrik en ek het baie vriende wat daarmee saamleef. In sekere gemeenskappe is dit nie so maklik om ’n oop gesprek oor geestesgesondheid te voer nie. Mense dink altyd dat dit net ’n skoonheidkompetisie is, dat die finaliste net mooi is, maar nie slim is nie, maar dit is soveel meer as dit. Wat wil jy graag bereik: Ek wil ook graag ’n deel van myself hier los. ’n Kroon bepaal nie watter impak ek in die gemeenskap maak nie. Wat het jy sover geleer: Ek het by die finaliste geleer dat almal met een of ander vorm van geestesongesteldheid sukkel of al met dit in aanraking gekom het. Fun fact: Ek hou van gedigte skryf, my gunsteling digter is Charles Bukowski.
Hoekom het jy ingeskryf: Die veldtog pas in by wat ek swot, omdat ek my meesters in bedryfsielkunde doen. Ek het kennis wat ek kan bydra. Hulle fokus ook op die bemagtiging van vroue en leierskap. Wat wil jy bereik: Die hoof doelwit is die geestesgesondheidfokus van die veldtog. Ek wil nie iemand regruk nie, maar eerder aanmoedig om die eerste stap te neem en met iemand daaroor te praat. Wat het jy sover geleer: Dit is wonderlik om bemagtigend te voel. Ek het ook geleer dat dit nie net gaan oor leierskap nie, maar om ook by ander te leer. Fun fact: Ek dans al vir 20 jaar en het al meer as veertien dansstyle bemeester. Die weirdste ding wat ek al gedoen het, was om ’n mopaniwurm te eet net om ’n sertifikaat te kry.
12 Maart 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
Bladsy 7
Pro-feminism video fires up social media the independent Canadian fashion magazine Girls.Girls.Girls as advertisement for the publication’s latest issue expected for release on 13 March. The magazine is known for its controversial and vocal stance against social norms, one example being Canadian actress Rachel McAdams on the cover posing with a Versace coat, Bulgari diamonds and a milk pump in operation. The video consists of Nixon, known for her role in the HBO series Sex and the City, reciting a piece written in 2017 by Camilie Rainville accompanied by images and an ominous soundtrack. Nixon’s progressively angrier tone matches the successive visuals of women trying to aspire to impossible beauty standards and traditional gender roles as she continues to describe the constant pressure of women to live in service of men and inflicting abuse on no one other but themselves.
Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet
“Your skirt is too short; your shirt is too low. Don’t show so much skin; cover up. Leave something to the imagination. Don’t be a temptress. Men can’t control themselves. Men have needs. Look sexy. Look hot. Don’t be so provocative; you’re asking for it. Wear black. Wear heels. You’re too dressed up; you’re too dressed down.” This is the thought-provoking intro of a three minute viral profeminist video narrated by actress and activist Cynthia Nixon, titled “Be a lady, they said”. The video was released on 23 February by
The video provoked an influx of social media comments, ranging in constructive to criticising. For some viewers it is considered a piece of work that each woman can relate to, in other instances the piece attracted criticism for being a mere commentary and not presenting a way for women to overcome these external pressures. Some men also took to social media platforms in defence, explaining that they were not the problem, with one user commenting, “…men are very simple. They will love any woman that will take the time to love them back. These statements are all what women say to each other.” Since the video was released, it has accumulated more than four million views, gathering praise for both the magazine and Nixon. Nixon tweeted in response, “Proud to be involved with this powerful film that has struck a chord with so many people around the world.”
Snippets of the Cynthia Nixon and Rachael McAdams
Ineffable Designs ontwerp jou van jou voete af
Hilde Kruger se kunsstyl vir haar besigheid
Marizyl Marais @marizyl_
Die eerste fase van die lewe se bagasie
Ané Janse van Rensburg @anejvr_
Hierdie kunswerk handel rondom die tema van bagasie en dit wat ’n mens saam jou dra in
elke fase van jou lewe. Die seuntjie met die leë tassie en teddiebeertjie staan nog vol verwondering en hoop, onwetend oor die eintlike las wat hy nog gaan moet dra – die las van liefde, grootmensdinge en verantwoordelikhede, en dan later ook as ou man. Ek is mal daaroor om verskillende teksture en kleure vas te vang. As my kuns mense iets laat voel, is ek op my gelukkigste. Ek werk met alle
media, maar kleurpotlood kry beslis voorkeur. Dit is ook waarmee ek die skets gedoen het. Alhoewel ek in graad nege eers begin teken het, het ek wel besluit om Kuns as een van my keusevakke te neem. Ek kom van Hartbeespoort af, maar ek woon tans in Heidevrouekoshuis. Ek maak my lewe vol met woorde en prentjies. Kuns maak my gelukkig, dit is my “happy place”.
Ineffable Designs, ’n digitale ontwerpbesigheid, behoort aan een van die passievolste en kreatiefste mense wat al die Potchefstroomkampus betree het. Hilde Kruger se reis tot klein besigheidseienaar is een waar deur baie van ons daagliks gaan, ons het dit nog net nie in ’n besigheid verander nie. Sy vertel dat verlede jaar ’n jaar was waarin sy baie geworstel het met die kwessie en idee van aanvaarding en dat dit in verskeie aspekte van haar lewe soos haar studies, verhoudings en vriendskappe opgeduik het. Sy het egter besef dat dit ’n stryd is wat die meeste mense rondom
haar ook voer en het begin om elke dag ’n “collage” aan iemand op te dra om hulle te laat besef dat hulle waardeer word en om hulle aan te moedig om te doen wat vir hulle belangrik is ten spyte van negatiewe gevoelens wat dalk mag nesskrop. En dit is net hier waar die idee ingeskop het om haar besigheid te begin. Ineffable designs skep pragtige digitale “collages” vir enige geleetnheid of van enige tema wat jou hart begeer en Hilde sê die lekkerste deel van wat sy doen is om elke produk uniek te laat lyk al gebruik sy soms van dieselfde elemente. Haar raad aan voornemende klein besigheideienaars is om geїnspireerd te wees deur wat jy doen en om net in jouself te glo. “Kyk wat jy kan doen om menslikheid terug te bring eerder as om dit weg te vat,” sê Kruger Ineffable beteken dat jy te min woorde het om iets besonders te beskryf en haar ontwerpe pas een honderd persent by hierdie beskrywing.
Bladsy 8
Kuns en Vermaak
12 Maart 2020
Locals tell untold story of Peri-Peri’s Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde
he local creatives Christoff Els and Eddy Oosthuizen are telling the untold story of the Peri-Peri’s in the short film “Caught in the Crossfire” produced by their co-found video and photography business, Venture Media. The Peri-Peri’s are an activist group in Ikageng that take a stand against crime in their community by patrolling the streets on foot. The short film opens with a shot of Lucky Relefolo, president and co-founder of the Peri-Peri’s, that explains the purpose of the group, “I told myself for as long as I am alive, I’m going to make a difference.” Richard Dlamini, Peri-Peri co-founder and deputy-president, explained the necessity for a group like this, “The crime was so high, especially in Extension Eleven, that there was no passing week where nobody was killed.”
Christoff Els in action working on their short film Caught in the Crossfire
The participants report that not everyone welcomes the initiative and that their families have been threatened and their houses set alight. The film shows some chilling shots, which justify the question if Eddy, a fourth year Computer Engineering student, and Christoff, an Environmental Science graduate, were ever concerned for their own
safety during production? “We had a meeting with Lucky and the group on 24 October and we asked them if they can guarantee our safety. We made it clear that we just want to tell their story and we don’t want to gain anything from it. I think we had an understanding and we were at ease,” said Eddy. Christoff recalls putting his
Cape Town Opera “Verdi” talented
Corolla’s indicator on to turn into Extension Eleven and saying to Eddy, “No going back now!” Initially there was some fear but the duo remarks that “people always fear the unknown”. Before Venture Media came into being Christoff and Eddy were just two strangers newly elected to the 201819 Media and Communication
Bonjour to new opportunities
Riandi van Rensburg by die opedag Two singers singing their heart out during An Afternoon of Opera in Potchefstroom
Lezahne Nel @lezahne_nel
No need to think outside the “Bach’s” for something to do, Cape Town Opera (CTO) has something in store for you. During the afternoon of Sunday 1 March Cape Town Opera performed in the conservatorium of the North-West University (NWU) alongside selected musical students from the university. In the show, the talented singers performed brilliant compositions from classical composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Franz Joseph Haydn, Giuseppe Verdi and many more. According to Professor Conroy Cupido, who is not only a professor at the NWU but also the conductor and a director on the board of the Cape Town Opera, they deliver “world-class performances”. Cupido stated that this was “an amazing learning experience for the NWU, who could take part in the performance”. These students had the privilege to rehearse alongside the members of the Cape Town Opera and enjoyed learning from the experienced opera singers. The Cape Town Opera, a non-profit organization (NPO), inspires and entertains their audiences through their educational outreach, community development programs and stage productions. The organization is devoted to enriching the lives of music lovers
(MAC) Executive Committee (EC) and tasked to make videos and take photographs every week. Both express their gratitude for this opportunity and reckon that they would not have started Venture Media or learned essential skills if it wasn’t for the EC. Eddy mentioned mentorship also played an important role, “I am grateful for Heinz [SchoemanStruwig, MAC Chairperson 2018/19] who knew just when to allow us the freedom to be creative and when to lend a hand.” Eddy and Christoff’s soon became friends. Both enjoy walking trail adventures and they share a passion for the outdoors and have the same taste in music. Their playlists and compatible personalities make working together professionally easier. Here are some facts to get to know Venture Media better: Production company goals: Black Bean productions Editing style: The opposite of “backflips in Bali”. Goal: Building meaningful relationships, beyond just delivering a service. Company retreat: Trail walking and filming outdoors.
in South Africa and to being a source of national pride. The Cape Town Opera provides training and amazing job opportunities to artists who come from communities where they were not able live out their passion. The performers from disadvantaged communities often go to the Cape Town Opera with high hopes, a lot of passion and a little bit of formal training. The performance was funded by multiple organizations such as the National Lotteries Commission, RMB, The Maria Marina Foundation and the National Arts Council. This was such an “inspirational show” to watch, because you could see that every single singer was enjoying their time on the stage and living out their passion.
Lezahne Nel @lezahne_nel
Ooh la la, the French Alliance is blooming. The French Alliance in Potchefstroom is a non-profit organization (NPO) that aims to “create a cultural space” for individuals locally, as said by Riandi Van Rensburg, a teacher at the Alliance and lecturer at the NorthWest University (NWU). The opening of their new library and classroom took place on 6 March this year, where fun games for children and adults took place. The aim of the new library is to “provide people with fun learning
material for all ages, this includes novels and even Spongebob books in French”. The new classroom was presented because of the demand for these classes. They currently have around 75 students which “includes children from the age of ten, to married couples who enjoy learning together”. The Alliance hosts various events to promote the French language and culture. These include openair movies, art exhibitions, French culinary experiences and general french affairs. The next event the Alliance will host will be in cooperation with the NWU, where there will be an art exhibition and live music. The French ambassador was invited by the Alliance to come and witness their progress, and will visit them at the end of March this year.
12 Maart 2020
Kuns en Vermaak
“I do” approve this show
Bladsy 9
Oorleef as ’n enkellopende
Ané Janse van Rensburg @anejvr_
Jy is nie alleen nie – jy is net enkellopend. Nee, dit is nie vreemd nie, jy gaan nie verstoot word nie en jy hoef nie te vlug nie. Volg dus die volgende raad oor hoe om okei te wees in die skoene van ’n enkellopende. 1. Onthou die voordele: Selfstandigheid is aan die orde van die dag wanneer dit kom by die lewe van ’n enkellopende. Jy is jou eie mens, jy kan besluite neem volgens wat die beste vir JOU werk – geniet dit! Dit mag dalk net van korte duur wees. 2. Verskuif jou aandag hierdie jaar op jouself. Geniet elke nou en dan wyn alleen, jou eie
geselskap is dalk net die beste op die mark. 3. Wees geduldig, die windpomp gaan soek nie die wind nie. 4. Geniet jouself, maar moenie goedkoper wees as ’n Wimpy-koffie nie. 5. Daar is veel meer in hierdie lewe om te bereik as ’n verhouding-status op Facebook. Vang dalk ’n graad of twee, dit behoort jou besig genoeg te hou. 6. Viva la vida! Om enkellopend te wees beteken nie jy hoef heeldag in jou koshuiskamer te sit met ’n bak roomys as geselskap nie. Lewe! Wees ’n toeris in jou eie land, neem deel aan ’n protes of gaan drink selfs koffie by jou vriendin. Moenie jou geluk in iemand anders se hande sit nie. Al sien Van Coke nog nie sterrestelsels in jou gesig nie, al is jy stoksielalleen op ’n Saterdagaand en al is Bok van Blerk se koue voete nie warm vir jou liefde nie, hoef jy ten minste nie te eet, slaap, herhaal nie. Sien? Altyd iets om voor dankbaar te wees…
Halt cavities with mouth tape Amber and Jessica from love is Blind during the reunion episode.
Andrea Botes @andrea_botes
ove is blind. Or are we just blind to love? It is easy to state that when it comes down to the final decision, that we love others for who they are on the inside and not for how they look on the outside. Is this still true when this hypothesis is put to the test? Netflix’s latest show Love is Blind dives deep into an experiment where male and female contestants sign up to meet their potential husband or wife. The catch to it all is that they don’t get to see each other until an emotional
connection is formed and they become engaged. Not only do they date and become engaged within a matter of weeks but within a few more they have to say “I do”. Within this time, they were able to move in with one another, meet the parents and go through the ups and downs of “happily” engaged couples – but only sped up about ten times. The happy times were promising and cheerful but the rest of the time it was filled with heartbreak, tears and fear of the future. Only a handful of contestants made it to the altar but no matter how in love they might have seemed, no one was able to predict whether it would be an “I do” or “I don’t”. Between the viewers of the series, the producers and the actual contestants, it is difficult to decide who was more surprised by the outcomes in the tenth episode.
Between therapy sessions, apologies, reconnections, old crushes, quitting, second chances and potential babies (Jessica might be involved in a few of these, but no surprise there) the reunion and final episode of the Love is Blind series was nothing less than interesting and explosive. Even though most of the cast were at the reunion without rings on their fingers, they could all agree on the fact that love can truly be blind and that each of them were able to grow and learn more about themselves in the process. The producer, Chris Coelen, says that he not only wants to see a season 2 but a season 20 although the decision of renewal ultimately lies with Netflix. So, for now, it continues to be a waiting game as viewers anxiously wait for a new group of contestants or a spin-off starring season 1’s most popular couples.
Turkse reekse nie meer volksvreemd
Corine Raath @corineraath
Turkse reekse is besig om die vermaaklikheidsbedryf te stormloop. Te danke aan internasionale verkope en globale kykers, is Turkye tweede, naas Amerika, wat wêreldwye tvverspreiding betref. Turkye se grootste aanhangers is Rusland, Sjina, Korea en Latyn Amerika. Latyn Amerika is veral oorgewen nadat die besluit geneem is om die Turkse stories in Spaans oor te klank. In die afgelope tyd het Suid-Afrika ook wakker geskrik en
begin om van die gewilde reekse in Afrikaans oor te klank. Hierdie reekse, wat as dizi bekendstaan, kan tot twee uur lank wees per episode en kan tot 50 karakters bevat. Een van die redes hoekom die reekse so aanloklik is, is omdat studiotonele vermy word en daar eerder in Istanbul verfilm word. Dus kry die kyker ook ’n smakie van hoe die land werklik lyk. Die reekse maak staat op tipiese temas soos Aspoestertjie se verhaal: ’n Held, die soeke na liefde en natuurlik ook struikelblokke langs die pad. Basies, die stories waarna almal smag, maar wat hulle nie noodwendig sal erken nie. In Suid-Afrika het SPI/FilmBox die nuus openbaar gemaak dat aanhangers van dizi nou die Turkse stories op sy Timeless Dramakanaal kan kry met reekse soos
The Uncle in Black, Kurt Seyit and Sura, 20 Minutes en The End. Op eTV kan Suid-Afrikaners egter programme soos Fatmagul en Matter of Respect kyk nadat ’n ooreenkoms met die firma Kanal D Internasionaal aangegaan is. Die Afrikaanse weergawes is onder andere Gebroke harte en Bittersoet. Daar is verskeie mense betrokke by die oorklank van die reekse waaronder stemkunstenaars, vertalers, klankingenieurs en so meer. Dit het gelei tot die skep van ongeveer 350 nuwe werksgeleenthede. Van die akteurs sluit in Ingrid Vraagom, Zetske van Pletzen,Renske Jacobs, Richard van der Westhuizen, Kevin Smith, Bradley Olivier, Duncan Johnson, Paul Luckhoff en Justin Strydom ’n Turkse aksiereeks, Vierspel Vuurspel, gaan vanaf 6 April om 21:00 op eTV Extra verskyn.
Surgical tape is suitable for mouth taping
Corine Raath @corineraath
Mouth taping is one of the newest wellness trends of 2020 but unlike others, this can provide some serious benefits especially for mouth breathers who are in desperate need of a good night’s rest. As the name implies, mouth taping involves using special surgical tape over your mouth to aid your sleep. This forces your body to breathe through your nose. “Nasal breathing increases nitric oxide production in the sinuses, which has been linked to reduced inflammation, improved sleep, improved memory, and an overall increase in immune system function,“ explains Mark Burhenne, a family and sleep medicine dentist in Sunnyvale, California. Burhenne also says,
“When you breathe mainly through the nose, you wake up feeling more rested, without a dry mouth or a sore throat.” Sleep benefits aside, mouth taping can also help to reduce stress and to prevent cavities since a constant stream of breath can disrupt your oral microbiome. Another interesting aspect is the fact that people are in their sympathetic nervous system (stressed state) when mouth breathing. The same implies when you are exercising hard and breathing through your mouth. However, nose breathing puts you in a parasympathetic state thus relaxing the body and leading to better and deeper sleep. In the long run, this might also mean that you need less, but better-quality hours of sleep per night to feel rested. If you are someone that suffers from insomnia, sleep apnea or even just frequent bouts of wakefulness during the night, then mouth taping is an inexpensive way to improve your quality of life without having to rely on medications that might have adverse effects.
REDAKSIONEEL Lenings en gegewens Mama, I made it The first term is almost at its end and my goodness, we have come such a far way in such a short time. For those first-years studying at the Potchefstroom campus from different provinces and countries, the end is in sight and soon you will hopefully taste those wholesome home cooked meals that no night in Bourbons can replace. The first term as a university student can really change you. And trust me when I say that every single term has that effect on a person. It is a combination of things: the endless search for parking, the new habits (like pulling all nighters or eating out way more than you can actually afford) and the enriching experience of studying. There’s something about reading and writing. It will expand your mind more than anything.
You have my heart, Wapad
It is graduation season again and to the undergrad students this might mean an overly full SS or Jakker (what I call Die Jonge Akker). But to those happy graduates posing for photographs it is the culmination of their hard work and all-nighters. If you are just starting out or if you are graduating soon, congratulations on making it this far! Every step in the right direction is a cause for celebration. And congratulations to those homes that will have a brand new picture of a graduate up where everyone can see it. Parents, brothers sisters and grandparents sacrifice just as much as any student and I sincerely hope that everyone has cause to celebrate as we head home for the March recess soon. Alet Janse van Rensburg Editor in Chief 2019/2020
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
Congratulations to the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new members of our Wapad team. We hope that this will be an enriching experience and that you will always serve the student newspaper as it serves you. “Die probleem is: jy kry hulle lief, dié goed wat joernaliste heet. Want in hulle kennis, hulle storie-gejaag, hulle verwerking van die dinge wat hulle beleef, sit daar baie moois van wat menswees is: die sin van die rat race dood toe.” - PG du Plessis
fter three years of Monday night meetings and awaiting Thursday deliveries, I finally say goodbye to the Wapad. In one of my first year modules, I remember we wrote a test and one of the questions were What is the campus newspapers name? and I had no idea what it was and today I can say that the name Wapad will never leave
Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 9 April. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.
much you pushed me to my fullest potential. My predecessor, JJ Denton, thank you for believing that I could fill your shoes. Lastly, the person that forced me join the Wapad because I complained that I was bored, Isaac, thank you for always being by my side through this journey. Not forgetting my loyal readers that would always stop me to tell me they loved my article and to my news team, you made this journey worthwhile. To my dearest Wapad, you taught me how to write with integrity, to be more passionate and committed to journalism and to be proud that I could contribute towards your legacy. I am forever grateful to you.
Jy kan nie altyd alles beplan nie
Redaksie HOOFREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg NUUSREDAKTRISE: Umamah Bakharia KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Ciska de Waal FOTOREDAKTRISE: Lisa van Rooyen TEKSREDAKTRISE: Corine Raath SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christiaan Venter, Kiara Schuman (Uitlegkunstenaar) SOSIALE MEDIA: Andrea Botes INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chelaine de Wet ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 0833033292 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad
my heart. Growing up, I would always tell my friends, “One day you going to see my name somewhere,” and when I saw my first byline, my dreams felt so much more achievable. I feel grateful that I could be both a journalist and news editor, this really allowed be grow into the journalist that I am today, I feel more curious then ever stepping out of this experience. Wapad, you made me see pride for me in my parents’ eyes. I would like to thank a few people who have had an impact on me through my journey: my dearest Editor and Mama, Colette Combrink, I will never forget how special you made me feel and how
Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16
Die lewe is ’n eenvoudige komplekse gedoente wat g’n mens ooit sal verstaan nie. Maak nie saak in watter situasie jy jouself bevind nie, maak nie saak hoeveel planne en skedules jy maak nie; die lewe sal altyd iets onverwags na jou kant toe gooi. Of jy nou 21 of 51 is, jy sal nooit regtig weet wat die toekoms vir jou inhou nie. Vandag bevind jy jouself in Potch en jy wens dat jy net hier weg kan kom, maar môre lê die grootste
avontuur van jou lewe voor en jy sal dit nie weet nie. As ek gou vir ’n oomblik cliché en “cheesy” kan wees, die beste dinge gebeur die meeste van die tyd wanneer jy dit die minste verwag. Jou toekomstige man of vrou begin met jou praat in die koffie-ry in die SS, jy luister na ’n Spoefwolf-liedjie en jou siening oor die lewe verander binne vier minute of jy loop jou beste vriend van kleuterskool raak en julle raak “inseperable”. Ja, die lewe se verrassings is nie altyd maanskyn en rose nie, inteendeel, die meeste van die tyd voel dit of jy net in jou bed wil klim, die komberse oor jou kop wil trek en net daar bly tot die lewe beter word. Soms gebeur daar iets wat jou laat voel of jou hele wêreld inmekaar
tuimel. Jy kry ’n oproep wat tyd laat stil staan omdat jy weier om te glo wat jy nou net gehoor het. Net soos alles in die lewe is daar positiewe en negatiewe uitkomstes. Ek glo vas dat alles altyd iets positiefs het, maak nie saak wat gebeur nie, daar is altyd iets goed in die situasie, Jy moet net mooi kyk. Die lewe kan nie beplan word nie, jy kan vooruit beplan tot jy blou is, maar daar sal altyd ’n verrassing vir jou wag, hetsy of dit nou of eers oor tien jaar gebeur. Ek sê nie dat jy nie moet beplan nie, moet net nie verbaas wees as dinge nie daarvolgens uitwerk nie. Die lewe het ’n wil van sy eie en soms moet jy maar net “go-withthe- flow”.
12 Maart 2020
Bladsy 11
Spanning loop hoog in koshuis basketbal Natalie Thysse @natalie_thysse
ie Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se mans- en vrouekoshuise speel tans nog die poelwedstryde in vanjaar se koshuis basketbaltoernooi teen mekaar, maar die spanning tussen die koshuisspanne loop klaar hoog. In een van die vroue basketbalwedstryde op Vrydag, het Wag-’n-Bietjie-vrouekoshuis en Lavaria-vrouekoshuis mekaar gepak en het beide spanne hare laat rys met hulle spel. Teen die einde van die wedstryd was daar niks tussen die twee spanne nie met die telling gelykop, 10 elk. Twee minute se ekstra tyd was nie genoeg om die spanne te skei nie en daar was dus nog ’n ekstra minuut gespeel, maar die telling het weereens onveranderd gebly. Louis Theron, kleinsportorganiseerder, het toe
Patria 2 en Villagers 2 in aksie tydens koshuis basketbal poel wedstryd
besluit dat ’n uitskiet gehou sal word om te bevestig wie wen. “Dit was ’n intense wedstryd gewees, maar dit was een van die beste wedstryde van Vrydagaand. Beide spanne het hulle eerste en tweede pogings gemis. Die derde pogings was vir beide spanne suksesvol en in die vierde poging het net Lavaria gedoel en die wedstryd gewen,” het Theron gesê. Die NWU-Puk vroue
basketbalspan het ook Vrydagaand die geleentheid gekry om in ’n opwarmingswedstryd te speel teen ’n gemengde span van Wanda 1- en Lavaria-spelers. Die manskoshuise het ook nie laat slap lê op Donderdag 5 Maart nie en in van die interessante wedstryde het Patria 2 vir Villagers 2 met 9 – 0 geklop. Volgens Theron is daar baie potensiaal vir verbetering vir
Speel onderwater hokkie saam Sub Aqua
al die koshuisspanne, maar oor die algemeen lewer die spanne goeie basketbal. Theron het gesê: “Daar is niemand wat met die spel weghardloop en die ander spanne verneder het nie, maar Ratau staan uit bo die res, veral met hulle verdediging en Excelsior is ’n baie vinnige span met goeie talent.” Verder bedank Theron die basketbalkomitee vir hulle bydrae
Leer NWU-swemmer Marné Meier ken
Marné Meier oefen haar borsslag
Potchefstroom Sub Aqua klub speler in aksie
Clarissa Vosloo @clarissavosloo
Onderwater hokkie is soos gewone hokkie, maar moeiliker. Dit is ’n populêre sport wat regoor die wêreld beoefen word, maar wat wel nog in die begin stadium in SuidAfrika is. Daar word elke tweede jaar ’n wêreldkampioenskap gehou vir onderwater hokkie, en word deur sommige mense geklassifiseer as ’n ekstreem sport. Verlede jaar, tydens
die wêreldkampioenskappe het die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouens en mans onderskeidelik derde en vierde plek behaal. Potchefstroom het ook hulle eie onderwater hokkieklub genaamd Sub Aqua, waar daar gereeld geoefen en deelgeneem word aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe. Daar is wel ’n tekort aan NoordwesUniversiteitstudente (NWU) wat hierdie sportsoort beoefen wat veroorsaak dat daar gereeld nie ’n volledige span is nie. Onderwater hokkie word in ’n swembad van twee tot vier meter diep gespeel met tien spelers in ’n span waavan ses spelers op ’n slag in die water is. As ’n speler speel jy met vinne, ’n snorkel, ’n handskoen en ’n dertig sentimeter stok. Die doel is om met die stok parallel met die bodem ’n silindriese “puck” van een
speler na die volgende aan te skuif en in die uiteinde die “puck” in die opponent se doelhok te kry. ’n Wedstryd bestaan uit twee vyftien minuut helftes en word deur drie skeidregters geblaas. Twee van die skeidreigters is onderwater, terwyl die ander een van buite die tyd beheer. Alhoewel onderwater hokkie nie as ’n kontaksport geklassifiseer is nie, is dit wel moontlik vir spelers om vir een tot twee minute uitgestuur te word vir vuilspel. Potchefstroom Sub Aqua klub verwelkom enige nuwe spelers, van beginners tot kampioene om deel te neem aan die sportsoort. Stel jouself bloot aan hierdie wonderlike sport wat jou sonder twyfel sonder asem sal laat en dalk vind jy jou ware passie en talent.
tot die voorbereiding vir wedstryde. Louis het gesê ongeveer 50 ondersteuners het op Vrydagaand die basketbal gaan kyk wat baie is vir kleinsport. Theron het die wedstryde opgestel volgens die koshuise se punte en in watter posisie hulle in die 2019-kompetisies geëindig het. Hy het ook hierde jaar besluit om elke span vyf poelwedstryde te bied in teenstelling met die vorige jare waar net drie wedstryde gespeel is. “Ek wil hê die spanne moet meer ondervinding opdoen. Ons wil die sport groter maak, al beteken dit ons moet tot laat oefen. Ons moet basketbal druk, want kleinsport is baie belangrik en basketbal is een van die sportsoorte wat baie aan die groei is in Suid-Afrika,” het Theron gesê. Op Donderdag 12 Maart speel die manskoshuise hulle finale poelwedstryde met spanne wat ‘n oog het op die semi-finale en finale van beide die vroue- en manskoshuise op Saterdag 14 Maart. Die NWU Potchefstroom basketbalspanne sal ook op Saterdag in vriendskaplike wedstryde teen koshuisspanne om 09:00, 11:00 en 11:24 te staan kom.
Clarissa Vosloo @clarissavosloo
“Swem gaan oor elke millisekonde, elke slag, elke asemteug en die laaste raak aan die muur wat jou maak of breek,” sê Marné Meier. Marné Meier is ’n derdejaar in BCom Ondernemingsbestuur aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) en lewe elke dag haar passie uit tussen die lyne in die water by die gimnasium. Haar gunsteling slag is borsslag en alhoewel Meier nog nie seker is wat sy na afloop van haar studies met haar swempassie gaan doen nie, is haar groot droom om eendag haar eie besigheid te begin.
Haar oorspronklike tuiste is in Pretoria, waar sy van die ouderdom van vyftien alreeds swem beoefen het. Verlede jaar was sy aangewys as een van die top vier vroue by Universiteits Sport Suid Afrika (USSA); asook derde jeugmedaljewenner by die nasionale kompetisie. Die USSA was volgens Meier een van haar mees opwindende oomblikke tydens haar swemloopbaan. Buiten haar liefde vir swem, is wat vir haar uitstaan van die sport die atmosfeer by oefensessies en om omring te wees deur ander studente met dieselfde passie. Die moeilikste gedeelte van swem volgens Meier is die vroeg opstaan en laat gaan slaap, aangesien sy nege swemsessies ’n week tussendeur haar studies moet inpas. “As jy ’n talent, ’n passie en ’n dryf het vir die water en hou van harde oefensessies is swem vir jou,” sê sy.
Sport 12 Maart 2020
UFS player on the attack in search of their second goal in the second match
NWU loses opening matches Lizaan Snyman @lizaan9779
he North-West University (NWU) Women and Men hockey teams lost both of their opening matches of the season against the University of the Free State (UFS) this weekend at the NWU Astro. The first match of the weekend saw the NWU women’s team lose to a spirited UFS side, 2 – 0 on Saturday 7 March. The first quarter of the match started slowly as UFS did not capitalise on the numerous opportunities they had. The host had the most possession and clearcut chances in the second quarter, however, a quick counter-attack saw UFS go into half-time 1 – 0 up. In the third quarter, the NWU side once again had multiple
opportunities to score, the best coming towards the end of the quarter, however, again they did not succeed. The last quarter started with the UFS women’s team with a slender 1 – 0 lead. UFS attacker, Antonet Louw ensured the win for her side as she scored in the dying minutes of the match through a counter-attack. The second match on Saturday saw the UFS men side easily beating the NWU men side, 3 – 1. The NWU men’s side started just like the NWU women, enjoying most of the possession and opportunities, however, in the last minutes of the first quarter the UFS men managed to take advantage of the chance they had. The UFS went into the second quarter 1 – 0 ahead and although both sides had their opportunities, the men from the Free-State once again capitalised on an opportunity as they scored from a penalty corner four minutes before halftime, giving them a 2 – 0 lead. In the third quarter, it was a stalemate between the sides as both teams were wary of letting
their opponent score. NWU men’s team coach, Shaun Hulley’s chargers, however, came out firing in the last quarter creating multiple opportunities – but only managing to score four minutes from full time through Louis Nel. Still, 2 – 1 behind the home side went in search for an equaliser, but once again UFS countered and was awarded a penalty corner in the last minute from which they scored, sealing their victory. Mthokozo Mbotho, NWU men’s goalkeeper and fourth-year BSc Sport Science student, said, “The difference between the sides was that UFS used their chances and were able to utilize the speed of their players on counter-attacks.” The NWU women in their second match of the weekend on Sunday 8 March, lost 3 – 1 to a confident UFS side. The UFS women started the match in a more attacking manner and with the continuous pressure, they finally broke the NWU’s defence down to score. The NWU women also had opportunities of their own,
however, the first quarter ended with UFS leading with 1 – 0. NWU women’s team coach, Nelson Komane’s chargers fought back quickly as they scored early in the second quarter through, NWU striker, Mialette Kock, to level the score. Amazing saves by the NWU goalkeeper, Caitlin Grant, kept the score to 1 – 1 going into half-time. Throughout the rest of the match, NWU created opportunities that they did not score from. The UFS side used counter-attacks to score in the third quarter and the game was put out of NWU’s reach when UFS striker, Antonet Louw, scored in the fourth quarter. Christa Ramasimong, NWU women’s defender and second-year BEd student, said, “We did well with staying in the game, and also managed to get under their skin by getting into good positions and putting in the extra effort.” Ramasimong added, “We just let ourselves down in both friendlies, as we had a lot of opportunities but we just could not convert it into goals. The UFS side was focused
more on counter-attacking on our mistakes and they scored from the opportunities it created.” While the women were playing the NWU men’s team lost in a nailbiting game against UFS, 2 – 0 on the A-field. The visitors came out all guns blazing and scored within the first two minutes of the match. Throughout the other quarters, both sides created opportunities to score, NWU creating the most, but lacking the finishing touch. Once again on the counter, UFS made the NWU pay for a mistake and scored the winning goal in the fourth quarter. Mbotho said, “It is not the results we wanted, but the reason we have these friendlies is so that we can identify what to fix and what we can build on.” Mbotho added, “Overall it was a great intervarsity derby, the rivalry between the teams is quite healthy and it was a weekend of great hockey. As the NWU hockey club, we would like to thank everyone who came through to support us, even though we did not get the results.”
Proteas’ clean sweep over Australia in ODI’s Lizaan Snyman @lizaan9779
The South African men’s cricket team trashed Australia in the third One-Day International played at Senwes Park in Potchefstroom on Saturday 7 March. In front of a packed crowd, the Proteas won by 6 wickets with 27 balls to spare and secured the first series win of 3 – 0, under Proteas coach, Mark Boucher.
The Australian side was sent in by the South Africa captain, Quinton de Kock, to bat first. In their innings Australia managed to make 254/7 as Marnus Labuschagne was the top scorer with 108 (108) while Jon-Jon Smuts had bowling figures of 42/2 in 9 overs. In the chase the Proteas got off a flying start as their openers made a solid 47. The major contributors to the Proteas’ achievements were Kyle Verreynne who scored his first international half-century, Heinrich Klaasen continued his great form 68* (63) and Jon-Jon Smuts top scored for South Africa with 84 (98).
Jon-Jon Smuts was named player of the match with his 84 runs from 98 balls and bowling figures of 42/2 in 9 overs. The player of the series is Heinrich Klaasen as he was the top run scorer of the series with 242 runs. The young and inexperienced players in the South African squad has impressed throughout the ODI series. Heinrich Klaasen was the man of the match in the first ODI as he helped South Africa set a competitive total with his score 123* and man of the match of the second ODI, Janneman Malan scored 129* to guide his side home. The next game for the Proteas is against India in India on 12 March.
Klaasen celebrates after hitting the winning runs