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NWU onder top 5% van universiteite ter wêreld Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Augustusmaand is die Sentrum vir Wêrelduniversiteitsgraderings (CWUR) se ranglys van internasionale universiteite vir 2019 – 2020 vrygestel. Die lys wat onder meer die gehalte van onderwys en opleiding meet, het aangedui dat die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) sy rang met 95 plekke verbeter het vanaf posisie 964 na 869. Dit plaas die universiteit onder die top 4,8% van meer as 18 000 universiteite wat wêreldwyd gegradeer word. Alhoewel die NWU sy sewende posisie op die CWUR se ranglys vir SuidAfrikaanse universiteite behou, is dit die plaaslike universiteit wat met die meeste posisies verbeter het. Die CWUR is ’n konsultasieorganisasie wat strategiese insigte aan regerings en universiteite bied om onderwys- en navorsingsuitkomstes te verbeter. Die organisasie is ook die enigste een wat ’n wêreldwye universiteitsranglys publiseer en
nie sy gradering op data baseer wat deur universiteite ingedien of deur opnames ingesamel is nie. Die CWUR gebruik sewe maatstawwe om die wêreld se top 1 000 universiteite op die ranglys te plaas. Dit sluit in: gehalte van onderrig, alumni-aanstellings, gehalte van die fakulteite, navorsingsuitsette, hoëgehalte publikasies en die invloed van navorsingsreferate en sitate. Die grootte van die universiteite word by al die maatstawwe in ag geneem.
Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n e-pos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za
Aangesien die CWUR sterk akademiesgesentreerde aanwysers gebruik, dui dit aan dat die NWU se navorsing- en akademiese standaarde gestyg het. “Studente moenie die waarde van akademie onderskat nie. Dit is die kern rede vir die bestaan van ’n universiteit asook die basis waarop jy jou toekoms moet bou. Wat hierdie uitslag egter verder uitwys, is dat die NWU hierdie positiewe groei ervaar het saam met die aktiewe studentelewe wat die NWU
bied,” het Dalena D’Assonville, Kampusstudenteraad: Voorsitter vir die termyn 2018/2019, gesê. D’Assonville is ook van mening dat studente kan bydra tot hierdie groei deur groter belangstelling te toon in die NWU se studierigtings en ’n denkwyse te ontwikkel wat akademiese gesprekke bevorder. Prof. Daryl Balia, adjunk-visiekanselier vir Toegewysde Funksies en Kampusbedrywighede van die Potchefstroomkampus
het namens die Universiteit Bestuurskomitee aan Wapad gesê: “Ek wil graag elke student en personeellid gelukwens en dankie sê vir al hul toewyding, lojaliteit en harde werk wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die NoordwesUniversiteit onder die top 5% van universiteite in die wêreld op die ranglys val. #ProudNWU: It all starts here!” In ’n onderhoud met Wapad wat 18 Oktober 2018 gepubliseer is, het Balia gesê dit is vir hom belangrik dat die NWU op ’n internasionale vlak erken word. Prof. Dan Kgwadi sê die resultate dui daarop dat die universiteit uitstekend vorder in sy droom om ’n internasionaal erkende universiteit in Afrika te wees. “Met al hierdie feite in gedagte, is dit heeltemal duidelik dat ons geweldige vordering toon om ons droom te verwesenlik om ’n internasionaal erkende universiteit in Afrika te wees wat bekend is vir betrokke wetenskapsbeoefening, maatskaplike responsiwiteit en ’n sorgsaamheidsetiek. Nie net blink ons uit in innoverende leer, onderrig en baanbrekernavorsing nie, maar baat ons ook ons samelewing deur kennis,” het Kgwadi in die amptelike verklaringsberig van die NWU opgemerk.
22 Augustus 2019
More than 700 arrested in Hong Kong protests
76% van verkragtingsake is onbewysbaar
Johan Rousseau
Megan Gittins
The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill 2019 which allows authorities to move suspected criminals to the Chinese mainland for trial, is the cause of the Hong Kong protests that are currently drawing the country to a halt. The implementation of this Bill was criticised by the citizens of Hong Kong who, in defence, started protesting against the Chinese government. The protest is now known as the 2019 Hong Kong antiextradition bill protest. The reason for this is that the people of Hong Kong and visitors fear that they will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Chinese mainland and as a result would be robbed of their human rights. The unrest is the largest since the British handover of the island to China in 1997.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het in ’n verklaring bevestig dat altesaam 76% van polisiestasies in Suid-Afrika nie verkragtingstoetsstelle vir volwassenes het nie, terwyl 69% van polisiestasies nie toetstelle vir kinders het nie. Hierdie statistiek is deur It.genl. Khela Sithole, nasionale polisiekommissaris, bekend gemaak nadat die DA ’n aansoek om inligting ingedien het, sê Andrew Whitfield, die DA se skadu-minister van polisie. “Dit is geheel en al onaanvaarbaar en ’n verdoemende aanklag teen die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) dat slegs ’n handjievol polisiestasies toegerus is om bewyse van slagoffers van verkragting te bekom,” sê Whitfield. “Sonder hierdie toetsstelle
kan bewyse in aangemelde verkragtingsake nie ingesamel word nie en sonder bewyse neem die vermoë om verkragters suksesvol te vervolg, drasties af,” het Whitfield gesê. Weens die skoksyfers beywer die DA om Bheki Cele, Minister van polisie, 90 dae te gee om dié krisis op te los deur elke provinsie se behoefte aan toetsstelle te bevredig. Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo, nasionale woordvoerder vir die polisie, beweer egter dat geen só krisis bestaan nie. “Daar mag dalk ’n situasie wees waar ’n polisiestasie glad nie toetsstelle het nie en dit kan wees omdat ’n stasie dit nie versoek het nie,” het Naidoo gesê. Nietemin, hou hy voort dat enige stasies wat nie toetsstelle het nie ’n versoek kan indien by naburige polisiestasies of ’n ondersoeker van die eenheid van Gesinsgeweld, Kinderbeskerming en Seksuele misdrewe te versoek om hulp te verleen. Bronne: Maroelamedia
healthcare and become another state-owned enterprise which will be an additional tax burden to […] South Africans.” Minister Mkhize said there would be “plenty of room for engagement”. He also stated on Radio 702 that the NHI would not bankrupt the country, nor is it a punishment
for private medical aid holders or companies. According to Mkhine, “It is not a punishment, it is actually equity.” In an article published in BusinessTech, Mkhine went on to say “the country is used to a situation where the privileged can go [to doctors] at the expense of the majority.” South Africans have taken to social media to voice their concerns about the bill with many raising concerns about the dire state of state facilities, but also the potential of the NHI to be a failure and a waste of public money. However, the president of the HPCSA, Kgosi Letlape, hit back at critics of this system by stating that the private sector is a “mafia land” that caused a lack of uniformity within the sector. “There needs to be boldness and strong political leadership to ensure that there be one land and not two,” said Letlape.
Megan Gittins
The protests started on 31 March and are still ongoing with five fatalities (all suicides). According to a CTV News report more than “700 protesters have been arrested in total since early June”. According to BBC News, unless China declares an all-out state of emergency or war in Hong Kong, Chinese military intervention can only come at the request of the Hong Kong government, and for the “maintenance of public order and in disaster relief”. On 15 June, Hong Kong’s chief
executive, Carrie Lam, stated that the bill might be suspended, although the bill is not completely withdrawn Lam stated that the bill is “dead”. During a recent press conference, Lam defended the police crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, whilst ignoring repeated questions about whether she has the autonomy to withdraw the extradition bill that has sparked more than two months of protests, claiming she had already answered the question.
Controversy over National Health Insurance Langa Cele @nativecele_
The process of developing the new National Health Insurance (NHI) started when the draft bill was introduced on Thursday, 8 August by the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize. He stated that the bill will bring “the nation one step closer” to realising the goal of universal health coverage. According to an article published by City Press, the plan is to have the NHI fully implemented in the country by 2026, thus only giving the government seven years to make radical reforms to the current healthcare system. According to a governmental press release, NHI will be structured as “an entity that pays for all health care costs on behalf of the population”.
This also implies “mandatory prepayment for the NHI, through tax payments”. Under NHI medical aid, private hospital schemes and medical aid would only provide “complementary” or “top-up” coverage for services that are not covered by the NHI and private practices, pharmacies and hospitals will not be nationalised. South Africans will be able to register at private hospitals. Although the bill has support from Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), the SA Medical Association and the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA), some are strongly opposed to it. The main source of funding for NHI would be through general tax revenue and also shifting funding from the provincial equitable share and conditional grants. The government would also impose a surcharge on personal income tax, as well as a payroll tax on employees and employers.
The official opposition shadow Minister of Health from the Democratic Alliance (DA), MP Siviwe Gwarabe, slammed the bill but also its “problematic elements”. Gwarabe stated, “The DA is convinced that instead of being a vehicle to provide quality healthcare for all, this bill will nationalise
Voortdurende bendegeweld ten spyte van SANDF Melissa Nel @melissa.nel99
Die Minister van Polisie, Bheki Cele, het op 11 Julie vanjaar in sy begrotingsrede aangekondig dat President Cyril Ramaphosa vir hom toestemming gegee het om die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANDF) in die Kaap te ontplooi. Cele het op Sondag, 14 Julie, in Philippi-Oos in Kaapstad die inwoners toegespreek om hul gemoedsrus te gee en verder oor die doelwitte van die SANDF uit te brei. Hy het ook genoem dat die weermag van 18 Julie tot 16 September in die Wes-Kaap sal wees.
Inwoners was egter steeds ontevrede omdat bendeverwante misdade nie reg vervolg word nie. Sedert die begin van die jaar was ongeveer 2 000 mense deur bendelede vermoor. Volgens verslaggewing wat 15 Augustus op Maroelamedia geplaas is, is 47 mense dood oor die naweek van 9 tot 12 Augustus. Marlette van Zyl, eerstejaarstudent in BPharm en inwoner van Caledon in die Wes-Kaap, het aan Wapad genoem dat dit vir haar kommerwekkend is hoe die bendes oor die Wes-Kaap versprei het. “Bendegeweld is regtig ’n groot probleem in die Kaap en dis besig om hand uit te ruk. Bendes maak en breek soos hulle wil terwyl onskuldige mense vasgevang
word in ’n wêreld van gevaar,” meen Van Zyl. Premier Alan Winde het in ’n persverklaring genoem dat ’n swanger vrou, Sadiqah Newman, en ’n jong perderuiter, Meghan Cremer, deel was van die 47 mense wat oor die naweke deur bendes vermoor was. “Beide die vrouens se lewens was kortgeknik as gevolg van sinnelose geweld. Ons moet ’n einde hieraan sit,” meen Winde in reaksie op die moorde. Vannie Kaap, die bekende sosiale media platform wat sy oorsprong in Manenberg het, het gesê die ontplooiing van die weermag behandel slegs die simptome van bendegeweld en nie die oorsake soos werkloosheid en gebroke huishoudings nie.
22 Augustus 2019
A promise of dignity: Pad stations
New person behind our NWU Pukki Johan Rousseau @one_tasty_johansalad
Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
This Women’s Month the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom Student Campus Council (SCC) have been keeping themselves busy with a feminine hygiene products campaign. It has recently been implemented and it aims to assist women on campus who cannot afford sanitary pads. Current Affairs SCC member for the term 2018/2019, Lerato
Nyelele, said, “Last year we had a sanitary pad campaign and we received more than expected and so we tried thinking of a way that we could make these pads available to students in need of this product. I then saw a tweet of another campus that put up pad stations in the ladies’ bathrooms and it was a perfect idea, as we were just trying to fill that need. So earlier this month we began with three bathrooms, to see how the response is and then take it from there.” The current pad stations are at G1, the bathroom in lover’s lane and the campus gym bathroom. Although there have been hygiene issues that have raised regarding the pads
without wrappers, Nyelele said that they are aware of it and there has been a solution put into place. When asked what is the future plans for this campaign, Nyelele replied by saying, “We want this to be a success so that we can hopefully have a pad station in every bathroom on campus. This is for people to have access to it when they are in need of it. It is about time; we shouldn’t have to pay for something that we don’t have a choice on.” If there are any other concerns or a need of feminine hygiene products, students are invited to visit the SCC office where the SCC: Current Affairs portfolio will advise them accordingly.
The person behind the NorthWest University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus mascot, Pukki, is giving up his huggable exterior to embrace new opportunities. NWU Potchefstroom can expect a new student behind the mascot soon, as applications opened on 5 August and closed on 16 August. The process of choosing the right person lies in the hands of the mascot search committee and is highly confidential because of the tradition of anonymity. Each person who completed an application will get the chance to attend an interview and act out a scenario given to them in front of the mascot search committee. Pukki is expected to bring new levels of energy, spirit and personality. The determining of
the new mascot will be stretched over a month where candidates will be put to the test to find the best fit for this role. According to mascot manager AJ Mey, the new mascot search committee consists of a council in association with the Student Campus Council (SCC), which includes Mey, the mascot manager on all three campuses, as well as the marketing directors and the SCC member overseeing media and communication. When choosing the new candidate who will represent as our mascot, there will be a panel of about four to five judges present who will judge and interview the new candidates based on skill and passion. The rest of the process will stay a secret because of tradition and to keep the element of surprise when the new Pukki is introduced to the public. The role of Pukki has been held to an honorary status amongst students and alumni, the legend will live on but with a new spirit.
A woman crowned as Mr NWU 2019 Ipeleng Mafora and Mizanne Hattingh @Ser_ipeleng & @mizanne_h_98
The North-West University (NWU) Mafikeng Campus crowned a woman, twenty-one-year-old BCom student Hope Bhuda, as this year’s Mr Campus during the annual pageant. This year the competition’s theme was “breaking the code” which allowed participants of various genders to choose a category in which they preferred to participate. According to NWU spokesperson, Louis Jacobs, the event took place “within the context of the Gender Awareness Week that is scheduled to take place later". Tshepo Batlang, the Mafikeng Student Campus Council (SCC) Arts & Culture member and the event’s organiser said, “I decided to make it different this year to highlight our university’s diversity.” Subsequently, the theme of this year’s Mr and Ms NWU Mafikeng Campus focused on inclusivity despite size, sex or gender. According to Batlang these category changes “caused a stir among the heterosexual males who argued that they were being undermined”. After the reaction on social media, a
statement was posted on the NWU Mafikeng Facebook page that stated, “Management has taken note of issues raised by certain stakeholders regarding the crowning of Mr NWU Mafikeng Campus.” Wapad asked Ms Campus Potchefstroom 2016 and fourth-year LLB student, Bianca Saayman, what her take on the situation is. “I think that every person who enters a Mr and Ms Campus competition should do it for the right reasons and should genuinely identify as the
category they entered for. People shouldn’t participate just to draw attention to the community they belong to but to make a difference,” said Saayman. Peter de Klerk, Mr Campus Potchefstroom 2017 and third-year BA Communication student, identified some issues with regards to a traditional judging sheet in a context like this and reckoned that similar competitions need to be adjusted in order to keep the process fair.
22 Augustus 2019
Oud, maar nog nie koud
Anmané Eckard @spontane_blond
’n Fiets, 2700 km, manalleen en 77 jaar oud. Dít is hoe Jakkie van der Colff die swart hond, depressie,
by die deur uitgeskop het. ’n Vriend het Van der Colff genader om hierdie toer in die naam van Die Voortrekkers te doen om bewusmaking te skep. “Wat die kinders by Die Voortrekkers leer, kan hulle nêrens anders kry nie,” sê Van der Colff.
In ’n persverklaring sê Dr. Danie Langner, hoofleier van Die Voortrekkers, dat só iets nog nooit in hul geskiedenis gebeur het nie. Hy erken dat hy eers skepties en ongelowig was tydens die beplanning terwyl “oom Jakkie” gelowig en optimisties was.
Die verwelkoming wat Van der Colff deur Die Voortrekkers gekry het, is vir hom verstommend. “Ek is ’n gewone ou, nie ’n celeb nie.” Hy sê die toer gaan nie oor hom nie, maar oor Die Voortrekkers. “Ek wil hê Die Voortrekkers moet maksimum blootstelling kry. Hulle
is ’n moderne en dinamiese organisasie.” Van der Colff se motivering om fietstoere te doen, is omdat enigiemand drie dinge het: tyd, talent en bates. Tog het ’n mens soms net een van die drie en op ander tye almal. Hy het besef hy het tyd op sy hande en hy wou dit nie nutteloos laat verby gaan nie. Van der Colff sê dat hy teen sy depressie met behulp van die fietstoere veg. In 2013 het hy sy eerste fietstoer aangepak om geestelik en liggaamlik fiks te wees. “As ’n mens niks doen nie, ís jy later niks. So, ’n mens moet liggaamlik fiks wees.” Na die eerste toer het hy gevoel hy is nog nie klaar nie en hy het ’n groter geeslike en liggaamlike uitdaging aan homself gestel waar hy langs die kus van Suid-Afrika getoer het. “Jy ontmoet mense, hoor interessante stories en sien dinge wat jy nie sou sien as jy met ’n kar gery het nie.” Van der Colff was nog nooit bang gewees nie en hy het nog nooit probleme gehad nie. “Ek dink nie mense besef watse interessante, wonderlike land en mense ons het nie. Daar is net ’n klein persentasie probleemmakers, maar die res het almal dieselfde begeertes en drange in die lewe. Ons wil die beste vir ons kinders en onsself hê.”
22 Augustus 2019
Metro FM apologises
Huawei introduces Harmony OS after US bans
Campus opinions
Karlien Meiring @karlien_meiring
The radio station, Metro FM, started to trend on Saturday, 10 August for all the wrong reasons - an insensitive poll the station ran on their Twitter account encouraging their followers to weigh in on the Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi’s win. Voters could choose between Tunzi being seen as “stunning,” “just ok” or the “wrong choice”. Zozibini Tunzi (25) from Cape Town walked away with the title of Miss South Africa 2019 at the pageant’s prestigious finale event, held at Times Square, Pretoria on Women’s Day. This natural-haired beauty was a fan favourite from the start and represents what many South Africans feel is an “under-represented representation of South African beauty.” Following public backlash, the poll was deleted and replaced with a congratulatory message. The SABC radio station also issued an apology, calling the unfortunate choice of words “unapproved content” placed on social media without the station’s endorsement and that the poll was “against our ethos and brand values”. The station confirmed an inquiry is underway and those responsible will be dealt with accordingly. Speaking to Sunday World, Zozibini said that she was unbothered by the incident and that she would have been offended if the poll questioned her intelligence. The station further apologised to Tunzi and the rest of South Africa, by saying, “We together with the rest of South Africa celebrate women of all backgrounds, and are truly proud of the new Miss South Africa.”
Is this the degree of your dreams? Thato Mokhomong @___t.hato
Choosing a career path can sometimes be daunting. Even while studying, students may feel uncertain about their future career or immediately know that they made the right choice. Wapad asked a few students on campus if they are passionate about their field of study and this is what some had to say.
CEO Richard Yu unveiling “HarmonyOS” at Huawei Developer Conference Ipeleng Mafora @Ser_ipeleng
On 15 May 2019 United States President, Donald Trump, declared a national emergency, signing an executive order banning US companies and government agencies from operating telecommunications equipment that poses a risk to national security. Soon after Trump’s announcement, the US Commerce Department added Huawei to its Entity List, which implies a ban from doing business in the US. This came after the US accused Huawei of spying for China’s government and essentially posing a risk to US national security, as reported by Business Insider. After this, Google revoked Huawei’s license for operating the Android operating system on its smartphones. Consequently, Huawei was forced to create its own operating system. Huawei’s chief executive officer of the
mobile business, Richard Yu Chengdong, said in an interview with German publication Die Welt, “Chinese company has developed a proprietary OS as tensions between the company and the US government could impact the availability of US-made operating systems used on Huawei devices.” At the Huawei Developer Conference 2019, Huawei launched the HarmonyOS operating system that is designed to deliver a new user experience across all devices and scenarios. Huawei also announced the evolution roadmap for HarmonyOS and its kernel. HarmonyOS 1.0 will be first adopted in its smart screen products, which are due to launch later this year, as reported by Huawei central. The company said they can use the operating system from smartphones to smart speakers, watches, and in-vehicle systems to create a shared ecosystem. It will release the operating system as an open-source platform worldwide to encourage adoption, as reported by The Verge.
Stellenbosch se Huis ten Bosch brand Megan Gittins @megan_gittins
’n Brand het op 12 Augustus in ’n saal by Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se vrouekoshuis, Huis ten Bosch, uitgebreek waar ’n ander brand glo op dieselfde plek in 1983 uitgebreek het. Die brand het om 19:30 Maandagaand opgevlam waarna Huis ten Bosch-inwoners en die omliggende koshuise ontruim is. Die brandweer het reeds teen 20:30 die vlamme getem en teen 21:30 dit heeltemal geblus. Martin Viljoen, US woordvoerder,
het bevestig dat die 164 Huis ten Bosch-inwoners na Wilgenhofmanskoshuis ontruim is terwyl enkeles behandel is vir rookinaseming en een student vir brandwonde op haar hande. Twee traumaberaders was ook by Wilgenhof beskikbaar vir ondersteuningsdoeleindes. “Dit was emosioneel om te sien hoe die koshuis brand,” sê Nikita Köhler, Primaria van Huis ten Bosch-vrouekoshuis. ’n Skadebepaling deur die US se Fasiliteitsbestuur en eksterne konsultante het bevestig dat die oorsaak van die brand steeds onbekend is en dat die brand en water taamlike skade aan sommige dele van die koshuis aangerig het. Gevolglik sal Huis ten Bosch nie beskikbaar wees vir die res van die
semester nie. Emma Wiehman, voormalige Primaria van Huis ten Boschvrouekoshuis en huidige lid van Pieke Huis Komitee, sê dat die studente wat nie in staat is om huis toe te gaan of alternatiewe behuising het nie, tans in Monica-vrouekoshuis en Irenevrouekoshuis gehuisves word. “Op die oomblik is ons besig om ’n meer permanente oplossing te soek,” sê Wiehman. Ondersteuningsinisiatiewe is reeds deur US-studente geloots om die geaffekteerde inwoners te help om boeke, skryfbehoeftes en toiletware te vervang. “Dit is regtig lekker om te sien hoe mense saamkom tydens moeilike tye,” sê Zoë Human, joernalis by ’n US studentekoerant, Matie Media.
“Honestly, it’s a love-hate relationship. Accounting is not nice, but I would not change it because it has always been something I’ve wanted to learn about since high school. Basically, I enjoy learning about currencies, forex exchange and hopefully one day I will own an investment company.” Christopher Murray, third-year student in Financial accounting
“Yes, it has initially been my first choice and I have no regrets. It’s a very flexible career; I would have loved to work abroad but there is a great need of teachers in South Africa, and it is quite easy to find a job. I really love kids so I would like to contribute greatly towards the education and bring a lot of change in my home country.”
Ciara Nel, first-year student in BEd Foundation Phase “I liked it in the beginning, then it got a bit boring and not what I wanted to do any longer. Well, when I was in school I wanted to study LLB and if I could, I would change to LLB. I want to further my studies in Financial Accounting, so I really won’t get time to obtain my LLB, but hopefully I will get to like what I’m currently studying. And I do not regret choosing Accounting.” Ruan Erasmus, third-year student in Financial Accounting “I really don’t like what I’m studying, because I’m simply trying to get my degree. But given the opportunity I would change my course to communications because it is more of me and growing up in my household, it was either law, medicine, engineering. But ‘m still trying to find passion in Law. If it doesn’t work, I will definitely study communications.”
Reghan Anthony, second-year student in BA Law with Industrial Psychology
22 Augustus 2019
Kuns en Vermaak
Boxing Night: Rumble for Revenge
Ciska de Waal en Henriëtte Venter @ciska_dewaal en @ hen3hetventer
“The Orginal Black Tie Boxing Event” aangebied deur manskoshuise, Excelsior en Overde- Voor, het weer plaasgevind 16 Augustus by Snowflake, Potchefstroom. Die aand wat gebasseer is op vyf rondtes
boksgevegte, is in 2018 gestig om ’n goeie gees tussen die twee koshuise op ’n unieke manier te vestig. Die aand was gelei deur die seremoniemeester, Nico Swartz met Kate Roothman (ook bekend as Anna van Getroud met Rugby) wat ook haar verskyning saam met Swartz in die ring gemaak het. Nie net het die aand oor die boksgevegte gegaan nie, maar optredes deur kunstenaars: Rooksein, Sunset Sweatshop, Van Pletzen en Early B,
Shortstraw en Francios van Coke, het ook die gaste vermaak. Aan die einde van die aand het Over- de- Voor die algemene aand van gevegte gewen met ’n telling van 4 – 1. “Dit was goed dat Overs gewen het. Dit hou die rivalry lekker aan die gang vir die events vorentoe,” het Pieter Minnaar, Excelsior se huiskommitee-lid met die portefeuljes onderprim en Boxing Night onder andere, gesê. Die organiseerders van hierdie
aangeleentheid het ook saam met die Cachet Park City Improvement District gewerk in hulle inisiatief teen geweld deur ’n persentasie van die aand se opbrengs aan die organisasie te skenk. “Ons as Cachet Park CID is dankbaar en voel geëerd dat die organiseerders van Boxing Night ons as vennote aangeneem het in die fighting crimeveldtog. Die deel van die finansiële opbrengs wat na ons kant toe kom, sal ons tot groot voordeel van die
groter Bult-gemeenskap aanwend. Cachet Park CID en al sy lede sê vir Boxing Night dankie! Behou hierdie mooi tradisie,” het Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg, oud AdjunkVisekanselier en hoofuitvoerendep beampte van die Cachet Park CID, gesê. Ten einde was ongeveer 2 200 kaartjies verkoop en organiseerders het bevestig dat R10 000 van hulle opbrengste aan die Cachet Park CID geskenk sal word.
Jan het weer geBlohm in Potchefstroom Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal
Die gewilde Melkstraat Confessions sanger, Jan Blohm, het weer sy jaarlikse besoek aan Potchefstroom gemaak met ’n optrede 17 Augustus by Mystic Boer. Die buitelug optrede het gesorg vir meer voete as wat daar sitplek was en bewonderaars wat geklee
in die gunsteling “Groen Trui” die vertoning kom kyk het. Dié Breyten Breytenbach bewonderaar het nie net in sy optrede op sy nuutste blues en rock vrystellings gefokus nie, maar het ook sy poëtiese verlede herhaal deur sy klassieke treffers te speel. Blohm wat al ongeveer vyftien jaar in die musiekbedryf is, het in 2018 na ses jaar, weer nuwe musiek na die toneel gebring met Die Liefde Album. Blohm het in ’n persverklaring aan Vonk verduidelik dat hierdie album nie gevul is met “heuning-lirieke wat drup nie”, maar eerder oor sy werklike
ervaringe van liefde in sy oorgang van rebelse seun na meer volwasse musieklegende. Verder glo Blohm dat in die tye waarin ons tans leef, liefde al is wat die wêreld nou nodig het. Dit kon ook in sy optrede gehoor word deur na sy lirieke te luister en sy passie in die stiltes tussen woorde op te merk. Die 40-jarige musikant is nie net talentvol met woorde en note nie, maar besit ook ’n kunsgalery in Kaapstad waar sy eie kunswerke vertoon word. Van die kuns was ook te koop na die vertoning.
Ms Campus bids farewell Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah
On 28 August Ms Campus Potchefstroom 2018/2019, Zahraa Omar, will be handing over her crown at the yearly Mr and Ms Campus competition. In her term, she has managed to break stereotypes surrounding the pageant and was the first Muslim Indian to be crowned Ms Campus Potchefstroom. Wapad had the honor of sitting down with her to reflect abouther term. What did you aim to accomplish in your term? To use my platform to create lasting, positive change on campus and within
the community. What would you say the title ‘Ms. Campus’ means? Ms Campus is an ambassador for the
respective university, a representative of all students and someone who is given a platform to make a lasting, impactful difference in the university
and hopefully allow it to spread. Tell us more about your projects. With the help of Ratau Lebone Men’s Residence, I planted a vegetable garden at the care home Droomhuis, which is a Student RAG Community Service (SRCS) project. It was important to me that the residents had a sustainable source of food with an emphasis on the importance of looking after and nurturing something that is their own. I focused on building a relationship with SRCS. They do amazing work for the community and for Mr and Ms Campus. I also hosted a silent march to raise awareness against domestic violence. What was your goal with the silent march? To raise awareness and bring the topic of domestic violence to the forefront
of conversations. By creating a safe space to have these discussions, we can diminish the stigma surrounding victims, giving them an opportunity to speak out and seek help. What do you wish you had done during your term? I feel like a lot of my term was spent doing admin. I would have liked to have spent extra time focusing on new ideas and projects, but just because I’ve handed over does not mean that I can’t focus on them now. What can we expect from you in the future? The Ms Campus platform allowed me to grow and gain confidence in using my voice. I’d like to use that to lend a voice to those who are too afraid to use theirs and to empower people to reach their full potential.
22 Augustus 2019
Kuns en Vermaak
Meraki Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Meraki (v). To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. As you can see in the above definition, Meraki is all about soulful creativity and love. In this creative corner, Wapad wants to celebrate students’ art in all kinds of formats, as students don’t receive enough credit for their hard work and talent. Whether you are an art student, or you just enjoy art in your free time, this corner is a creative space for
students to express their love for their own kind of art. We want to encourage amateur artists to keep on persevering to become professionals one day, or just to make another soul smile because of their art. Therefore, students can feel free to send in their diverse artworks to us at wapad@nwu.ac.za, where it will be shared either via our Facebook page or in a printed edition of the newspaper. Marli Malan, third year student in BCom Risk Management “I wrote this poem during a moment of sorrow. What motivated me to write this poem was the untimely death of my father. This poem is very personal and expresses the feelings I had during that time.”
Barely a Month
These brief days, hours and minutes have been torture and yet barely a month has passed. I long for your reassurance and presence The silence is deafening and yet it is filled with Mother’s tears Wanting to comfort and yet not knowing how I comfort myself with the fact that you are always near Although I doubt it’s true But know that I will always love you.
Nuwe emoji’s klets saam Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer
Deesdae is dit onmoontlik om ’n boodskap op Whatsapp te stuur sonder om dit af te rond met ’n bypassende emoji. Op 17 Julie is Nasionale Emoji-dag gevier ter ere van hierdie ontwikkelende kommunikasievorm. Daar is tans 3 000 emoji’s wat die rondte doen en jy kan enigiets vanaf nuwe velkleure tot geslagsvariasies verwag. Sommige kenners verwys selfs na emoji’s as die lyftaal van die 21ste eeu. In ’n onlangse opname is verskillende mense gevra of hulle voel die gebruik van emoji’s, boodskappe (onder meer in WhatsAppboodskappe) aanvul en dit meer interaktief maak? 61% van
mense het aangetoon dat hulle graag emoji’s in hul boodskappe gebruik. Van die emoji’s wat die meeste gebruik word, sluit die skaterlaggesiggie sowel as die pers hartjie in. Dit blyk wel asof die pers hartjie eersdaags deur die geel hartjie vervang gaan word. Emoji’s wat selde gebruik word, sluit onder meer die hangspoor emoji in. Nuwe emoji’s is onlangs goedgekeur en sowat 230 nuwe emoji’s is aan die begin van 2019 vrygestel. Emoji’s soos die knypende hand kan aan iemand gestuur word om te wys dat hulle ’n klein penis het. Ter wille van geslagsgelykheid, is nuwe menstruasie-emoji’s ook bekendgestel en dit word deur ’n menigte instansies ondersteun. Bron: Netwerk24
Vrouemaand se heel mooiste modes
Joanique van Wyk Henriëtte Venter en Cherecé Appelcryn @hen3hetventer en ries_77
Georgia Armani is van mening dat jeans “demokrasie” in die modewêreld verteenwoordig. Snitte en style het oor die jare al baie verander. Bootlegs het skinnies
Kesia Felix
Martin van Wijk
Otlotleng Sebetlele
Salmaan Moosa
geword en intussen weer super skinnies. Dit maak nie saak hoe die modes verander nie – denim bly altyd denim. Dis amper asof die modegiere rondom die huidige denim-trends aangepas word. Geskeurde jeans was twee seisoene terug hoog-
mode en niemand kan ooit met die getroue denimbaadjie verkeerd gaan nie. Modekenners meen dat denim hierdie seisoen nog groter as ooit is. Die nuwe modeneiging wat onlangs kop uitgesteek het, is die “denim op denim”-neiging. Hierdie is gewoon-
lik wanneer ’n denimbroek en bypassende denimbaadjie, hemp of onderbaadjie gedra word. Modeguru’s moet ook op die uitkyk wees vir wye, lang denimrompe soos wat dit in die 70’s gedra is. Verder is bonkige, oorgroot denimbaadjies hoogmode hierdie
seisoen en ons moet beslis nie van die geliefde kort denimrompie vergeet nie. Hoe ook al jy hierdie seisoen jou denim dra, dra dit met hope selfvertroue. ’n Denim is immers soos ’n pak skyfies: ’n Mens kan nooit genoeg daarvan kry nie.
SA tot rooitapyt: bulletin oor bekendes Mizanne Hattingh @mizanne_h_98
Baie bekendes was in die afgelope tydperk groot nuus en die lesers kan hulle maar gereed maak vir ’n paar interessante feite. Zozibini Tunzi was die naweek van 9 Augustus as die nuwe Mej. Suid-Afrika 2019 aangekondig en sy het ook nie op haar laat wag om haar planne vir die tydperk
wat sy die kroon gaan dra, bekend te maak nie. In ander Mej. SuidAfrika nuus, het Rolene Strauss en haar man aangekondig dat hulle ’n tweede pienkvoet verwag. In terme van babanuus, het die akteurs Marijke van der Westhuizen en Werner Coetser van Getroud met Rugby, ook hul eersteling verwelkom. André van Zyl, die geliefde boer van Boer Soek ’n Vrou se elfde seisoen, het ten tyde van hul sprokiestroue sy liefde aan Monja Strydom beloof
wat ook op dié reeks verskyn het. In Amerika het die Hollywoodpaartjie, Miley Cyrus en Liam Hemsworth, besluit om hul verhouding te beëindig na ’n reeks probleme. Ook in Amerika, hou Disney aan om die nuus te haal met hul nuwe weergawes van populêre films soos The Little Mermaid en Lady and the Tramp. Verder is die rooitapytaand vir die nuwe film, Descendants 3, gekanselleer ter nagedagtenis aan Cameron Boyce wat onlangs dood is.
Miley Cyrus en Liam Hemsworth poseer by ’n Hollywood geleentheid
Kuns en Vermaak
22 Augustus 2019
10 to-do’s between classes
DIY organic skin-care Ciska De Waal @ciska_dewaal
Are you struggling with problematic skin? Or maybe you just want to convert to an organic skincare routine? We have some tips for you to make your own products with simple storebought ingredients. Traditional face cleansers are designed to break down the oils in your skin but often end up breaking down the natural oils your skin needs to maintain its balance. If you haven’t heard of the oil cleansing method, the basic chemistry principle is that “oil dissolves oil”. Make your own cleanser with 30 ml of hempseed oil and 10 –12 drops of lavender essential oil. This mix is anti-inflammatory and balances out oily skin. If you are struggling to remove stubborn make-up, use coconut oil as a make-up remover. Masks can be used once a week to deep cleanse pores and exfoliate dead skin. Make your own mask by using a coin-sized amount of 100% natural calcium bentonite clay and mix it with either apple cider vinegar or water to form a paste. Cover your face with the mask and leave it on for 30 minutes. This routine is usually better in the evening. Toners were originally designed to rebalance your skin after cleansing. They also get rid of excess oil, dirt and leftover makeup after you washed your face and prepare the skin for moisture. Although the smell may not be pleasant, apple cider vinegar is a good toner. Dilute
Karlien Meiring @karlien_meiring
the vinegar with a one to one ratio of apple cider vinegar to distilled water. Apply it with a cotton ball or cotton wipe. The last step in your routine is to moisturize. Using oils to moisturize your face keeps oily skin balanced and moisturized without clogging pores and it is great for healing
problem skin. Make your own moisturizer by mixing 30 ml of jojoba oil with 10 –12 drops of lavender essential oil. If you try this, one thing you should keep in mind is that your skin might break out at first, while it is adjusting to your new routine.
Ayurveda: tradisionele Hindu leefstyl Corine Raath @corineraath
Met die toename in leefstylverwante siektes, kroniese stres en ongesonde werksomstandighede begin al hoe meer mense terugkeer na antieke leefstyle waaronder Ayurveda een van die gewildste is. Ayurveda is ’n tradisionele Hindu en medisinale sisteem wat gebaseer is op die idee van balans tussen al jou liggaamlike funksies. Dit gebruik onder meer verskillende kosse, kruiebehandeling en joga-asemhaling om hierdie balans te bereik. Volgens Ayurveda is daar drie tipes waarvolgens ’n mens se lyf en gees geklassifiseer kan word. Daar word hierna verwys as jou dosha. Die drie doshas is Pitta, Vata en Kapha. Die onderskeid word getref volgens sekere liggaamlike aspekte soos jou liggaamsbou, metabolisme en veltekstuur terwyl jou gees geklassifiseer word in terme van aspekte soos hoe perfeksionisties jy is, jou konsentrasievermoë en jou kreatiwiteit. In Ayurveda is daar die idee dat jy ’n wanbalans in jou doshas kan ervaar. Aangesien elke persoon ’n geneigd-
heid tot ’n spesifieke dosha het, moet jy dit teenwerk deur sekere leefstylaanpassings te maak. Daar word geglo dat sekere kosse sekere doshas kan vermeerder. ’n Pitta moet byvoorbeeld suur, sterk en sout smake vermy, terwyl Kaphas op sterk en bitter kos moet fokus om hul dosha te balanseer. Daar is ook ander leefstylfaktore wat aangepas moet word volgens jou persoonlike doshawanbalans. Vatas moet fokus op ’n verskeidenheid van oefening wat beide krag- en strekoefening insluit. Pittas moet ook fokus op krag, maar hul oefening moet ook as stresontlading dien en dus sal
iets soos swem of joga hulle meer baat. Kaphas aan die ander kant, is geneig om ’n stadiger metabolisme te hê en hulle sal dus baatvind by kardiovaskulêre oefening soos draf of dans. Selfs al glo jy nie noodwendig in hierdie sisteem nie, is die leefstylveranderinge wat voorgeskryf word beslis iets waarby sekere mense kan baatvind. Indien jy kan assosieer met een van die doshas, kan dit nie skade doen om van die aanbevelings te implementeer nie. Taktieke om stres te verminder is iets wat ons almal nodig het in ’n gejaagde studentelewe.
It’s every student’s dream to have the perfect schedule; attend a few classes and have the rest of the day as free time. Unfortunately, this usually isn’t the case. Here’s how to utilize those gaps between classes: 1. Take a walk and find a hidden gem. Stroll around our campus in the sunshine to work on your tan and your fitness level. Make it a mini-adventure with friends by exploring all the cozy corners in the huge garden. You might find those awesome spots that few know about. Ask around and see if anyone knows about any serene surroundings. 2. Get a job on campus. Working on campus is a great way to not only kill time between classes but to gain job experience. Opportunities can range from working as a waiter at De Jonge Akker, providing interpreting services or assisting and mentoring in computer and reading labs. 3. Join a club, society or student structure. With such a multitude of structures on campus, there is sure to be something that interests you. And if no group piques your interest, you can always create your own! 4. Make use of your lecturer’s consultation time. If you are struggling in a class or don’t understand an assignment, go visit your lecturer to discuss it with
them. Lecturers have office hours and would be glad to help you no matter how intimidating they may seem. 5. Work out. Take advantage of our campus gym and facilities by exercising your body and mind daily. Physical activity also acts as a natural stress reliever. 6. Go to the library and study or do homework. Be the responsible adult you know you are. Studying is an extremely productive use of time. This can give you extra time later in the evening to hang out with friends or to relax. 7. Take care of any admin. Do you have registration paperwork that you’ve been putting off? Or a financial aid question? Get a move on to the appropriate office and get everything taken care of in one fell swoop. 8. Read While you lounge on campus, whip out that paperback or Kindle to escape into a different world for a few hours. 9. Attend a lecture that you don’t have to. There are so many different study fields, so attending lectures on subjects you have always been interested in may teach you something new or just feed your curiosity. 10. Check your email. This is something that a lot of students neglect to do but it is actually quite important. Stay up to date on time-sensitive information and events in your life by checking and responding to emails between classes.
Kuns en Vermaak
22 Augustus 2019
Lees, lees, lees Mizanne Hattingh @mizanne_h_98
Wanneer jy elke Friends episode al stukkend gekyk het, wanneer daar klaar geëet is en wanneer die Netflix-moontlikhede begin opdroog — wat doen die gewone student dan met hulself? Die vergete kuns van lees het êrens op skool verlore geraak en in die besige lewe van student wees, is dit nie juis hoog op die meeste se prioriteitslys nie. Tog is almal nie rekeningkundestudente nie en het almal nie elke liewe oomblik van ’n dag klas nie. Sommige studente kry gesonde stokperdjies (soos brei of leer); ander hou hulself besig met onheilighede in kuierplekke. Maar wat van diegene wat hulself so tussen die kuierleiers en pliggies bevind? Lees. Onderwysers sê mos so gereeld: “As jy kan lees, sal jy ver kom.” Op daardie oomblik laat dit die klomp tieners sug en hul oë opslaan, maar tog is daardie stukkie wysheid heel betekenisvol in die besige 20’s waarin die meeste
tieners hulself later sal bevind. Die vraag duik op: Hoekom lees jongmense nie meer nie? Hoekom is daar ’n fase waardeur so baie gaan waar die boeke neergesit word en daar meer waarde aan ’n reeks geheg word? Die waarheid is: Lees hou jou brein baie besiger as Friends of Game of Thrones. Om eerlik te wees, is die meeste steeds op hul fone terwyl hulle TV kyk.
Die nuwe tendens is mos ’n social media cleanse. Wat help hierdie sogenaamde cleanse as almal steeds ’n heenkome op hul skermpies vind? Dis waar lees nou ter sprake kom. Jy kan nie gelyk na die nuutste kiekie op Instagram kyk én lees hoe Katniss rebelleer teen die Capitol of hoeveel sigarette Bridget Jones daardie dag gerook het nie. Jy het reg gelees; Bridget Jones is nie net ’n fliekreeks nie,
Moord op die spyskaart in Gifbeker
media nie. Hierdie persoonlikhede stel dan boeke voor om te lees en geniet die terugvoer wat hul volgelinge gee. Daar is ’n kleur vir elke geur: As jy hou van stroperige romanse is daar talle klein boekies wat oorloop van ridders op wit perde. As jy hou van geskiedenis is daar meer boeke as Ross se aantal skeisake. Hoekom moet jy lees? Of eerder: Hoekom nie?
Beat the heat with this smoothie bowl Corine Raath
Henriëtte Venter
Gifbeker deur Irna van Zyl sorg vir hoendervleis reeds vanaf die eerste bladsy. Die speurverhaal is die tweede boek in ’n reeks met Moordvis as die eerste boek. Die leser maak in die boek vir die eerste keer kennis met die hoofkarakter, Kaptein Storm van der Merwe. Irna van Zyl het haar honneursgraad aan die Stellenbosch Universiteit behaal en in 1985 word sy Die Burger se eerste vroulike hoof subredakteur. Na jare in die mediabedryf, besluit sy om in 2015 voltyds aandag aan haar skryfwerk te gee. Haar eerste speurverhaal (Moordvis) is in 2016 gepubliseer en kort daarna volg Gifbeker. Van Zyl beskou haarself as Deon Meyer se grootste aanhanger en in haar vrye tyd speel sy graag golf of reis sy die wêreld vol. In Gifbeker sterf ’n bekende kosresensent van ’n giftige sampioen in ’n voorstaande restaurant. Natuurlik is Kaptein Storm van der Merwe eerste op die toneel. Haar agterdog is duidelik te sien en die leser kan nie anders as om elke leidraad saam haar te volg nie. Intussen het Kaptein Storm van der Merwe haar eie geraamtes in die kas wat dreig om uit te
dit het begin in die geskrewe vorm en soos die woorde so gereeld uit boekwurms se monde lui: “Boeke is tog soveel meer kleurvol as flieks.” Talle Instagram influencers en sosiale media persoonlikhede soos Zoella, het wel die gewoonte aangeleer om boekklubs vanaf hul profiele te bestuur — ’n inisiatief wat talle laat dankie sê dat hulle nog nie opgegee het op sosiale
With Potchefstroom’s weather already showing signs of summer’s approach, it’s time to enjoy some refreshing smoothie bowls again. And who doesn’t love eating something if it can be so pretty too? This smoothie bowl recipe can be adapted according to your preference and used as a template for your creations but if you are scared of stretching your own food boundaries you can just stick to this simple recipe. You will need: - 2 frozen bananas - A handful of ice cubes - A handful of berries of your
choice 1 tsp honey or 1 date if you prefer it sweeter - A few baby spinach leaves for #health Blend everything in a high-speed blender or food processor under smooth. Try to add as little water as possible to ensure that your smoothie will have a nice thick consistency, almost like ice cream. Your blender might struggle a little, so remember to stop and stir the mixture since large lumps can hinder the blades from turning. Scoop the smoothie into a bowl and top it with your favourite extras. The best toppings are usually ones that add some texture such as granola, pumpkin seeds, some more fresh berries, coconut flakes, nuts or a drizzle of crunchy peanut butter for some healthy fats.
tuimel. Nog moorde vind plaas en dinge lyk nie goed vir die sjef van die restaurant, Zebardines, nie. Sal Kaptein Storm die moorde betyds kan oplos voor nog mense sterf, of voor sy haar werk kwyt is? Gifbeker sorg vir baie onheilspellende oomblikke en is gemaklike leesstof vir die hele
gesin. Lesers wat van speurverhale hou, sal Irna van Zyl se aanslag tot moderne letterkunde geniet. Hierdie boek word uitgegee deur Penguin-boeke en is landswyd beskikbaar by CNA en Bargain Books of aanlyn by Loot. Pryse wissel tussen R180 en R250.
Granola, pumpkin, berries, coconut and peanut butter smoothie
Redaksioneel Hallo in die verbygaan Jan Blohm was laasweek in Potchefstroom en hierdie weersomstandighede het seker gemaak daarvan dat hy nie seker was of hy sy “Groen trui” moet saamvat of aantrek of eerder tuis los nie. Is dit net ek wat ’n kennisgewing ontvang het wat ander groen goedere verban? Verder is die derde kwartaal verbyvlietend soos oom Jakkie (77) op sy fiets. Sy aktiewe leefstyl hou hom vrolik, maar laat my wonder oor my eie leefstyl. Die enigste oefening wat ek doen is wanneer ek op en af stap op kampus. En ook wanneer ek uitasem voice notes stuur. Dit is genoeg om enige longkapasiteit te verbeter.
Was die NWU Mafikengkampus se poging om genderinklusiwiteit te bevorder ’n nuttelose oefening as gevolg van die kommentaar op sosiale media? Op eie bodem is Zahraa, Mejuffrou Kampus 2018/2019, besig om uit te tree en maak sy plek vir haar opvolger wat hopelik ook die ekstra myl sal stap. Oom Jakkie is reg: Oefening maak ’n mens se kop oop en verwilder die swart depressiehond. Altyd as ek deur die duikweg stap dink ek “jou drome is net een duik weg”. So vat die sprong. Wapad-groete
22 Augustus 2019
Oordink jy ook? Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16
Ek het vir lank geglo daar is iets fout met my omdat ek alles wat ek doen, hoor, beleef en sien, oordink. Dis hartseer, maar dis waar. Ek het onlangs uitgevind dis nie so vreemd om te oordink nie; inteendeel, dis heeltemal normaal vir sommige mense. Party mense vind dit vreemd as ander oordink. ’n Belangrike ding wat jy moet besef, is dat jy nie alleen is nie. Daar is baie ander wat nét so baie soos jy oordink. Iemand het een keer vir my gesê dat mense wat oordink eintlik baie intelligent is en die rede waarom hulle oordink, is omdat hulle van alle uitkomstes van ’n situasie bewus wil wees. Dit laat hulle in ’n mate beter voel. Ek is eintlik ’n baie rustige en go with the flow mens, maar vir een of ander rede oordink ek alles – selfs al is dit die kleinste, onbelangrikste ding wat geen impak op my lewe het nie. Ongelukkig maak jy die lewe dan net vir jouself moeilik. Wat ek bedoel is: Dis ’n bietjie erg om te dink jy is lelik as jou kêrel nie elke liewe dag vir jou vertel jy is die mooiste meisie
in die suidelike halfrond nie. Of as jou vriend nee sê vir ’n kuier om te dink hulle het nou ander, “beter” vriende, maar dalk is hy of sy net lus om ’n bietjie me-time te hê. Waaroor ek die meeste oordink, is wat ánder mense oor my dink; ek doen dit minstens 200 keer per dag. Maar wat maak dit saak om daaraan te dink? Hulle ken jou tien teen een nie eers nie so hulle het nie eintlik die reg om ’n opinie oor jou te hê nie. So, trek aan wat jy wil; as jy in jou pantoffels en kamerjas op kampus wil loop, doen dit.
Terselfdetyd moet jy praat en lag so hard as wat jy wil. Laat die mense maar staar as hulle wil. Die punt waarby ek wil uitkom, is dat daar niks fout is daarmee om te oordink nie, maar moenie álles oordink nie. Probeer om so nou en dan die I don’t give a damn-jy vry te laat en jou lewe te geniet. Die belangrikste is: Selfs al oordink jy moet jy nie jouself verander nie. Wees net jouself al wonder jy elke dag wat daardie ou of meisie wat jy in die oog het van jou dink.
Wat is werklik waardevol? Corine Raath @corineraath
Wapader van die uitgawe: Wapader van die uitgawe is Henriëtte wat nie net tot haar huiskomitee verkies is nie, maar wat ook vir Wapad talle berigte geskryf het. Ons waardeer die ywer waarmee jy alles aanpak. Mag daar nog vele berigte wees en mag jy jou kampushuis tot hoër hoogtes neem.
Redaksie HOOFREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg NUUSREDAKTEUR: Umamah Bakharia KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Ciska de Waal & Henriëtte Venter FOTOREDAKTRISE: Lisa van Rooyen TEKSREDAKTRISE: Corine Raath (Teksversorging: Tyler Jacobs) SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christian Venter INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chané Jonker ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 072 511 8289 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 5 September. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.
Met die onlangse brande by Huis Ten Bosch-vrouekoshuis by Stellenbosch Universiteit, het dit my laat wonder: Wat sou ek doen as ’n brand uitbreek? Wat sal ek red? Dit het my nog altyd effens geïrriteer as mense sê hulle sal dadelik hul Bybel gryp. Moet my nie verkeerd verstaan nie, ek is self ’n Christen, maar hierdie antwoord is vir my net daardie bietjie te aansitterig. Ons is tog in die gelukkige posisie waar jy net nog een kan gaan koop indien dit sou nodig wees. Dan is daar die mense wat sê hulle sal seker maak dat hul troeteldier en familie veilig is. Hiermee kan ek saamstem. Ek dink egter selfs hierdie antwoord is dalk ’n bietjie te dik vir ’n daalder. In so ’n situasie is dit baie maklik om te voel “elke man vir homself”, familie of nie. Ek bedoel hierdie glad nie onsensitief nie, ek dink maar net dat ’n mens se natuurlike instink om te oorleef sal inskop. In die koshuis is familie natuurlik nie ’n kwessie nie (tensy jy jou kamermaat al as ’n suster beskou). Om eerlik te wees, sal ek waarskynlik net my foon en
skootrekenaar vat. En voordat iemand kommentaar lewer oor die jeug wat so aan tegnologie verslaaf is, dis nie wat julle dink nie. Ek sal dit wil red omdat dit al my inligting bevat; al my werk. Ek weet almal is nie noodwendig sentimenteel oor hul akademiese argiewe nie, maar ek is. Boonop is dit die plek waar ek foto’s stoor, so ek sal van my herinneringe ook verloor. Dit gaan dus nie oor die fisiese foon of rekenaar nie, maar oor wat dit voorstel. Ek is seker veronderstel om al my inligting op ’n kuberwolkie te stoor, maar ek is lui (tipies student) en spyt kom altyd te laat. Wat ek nog sal gryp, is my beursie; nie oor die geld nie, ek het in elk geval nooit kontant nie, maar oor my identiteitsdokument en bankkaarte. Ek gaan nou seker
soos ’n regte bedorwe brokkie klink, maar as daar een ding is wat ek verpes, is dit admin. Om by binnelandse sake in die ry te gaan staan, klink vir amper na ’n groter nagmerrie as my kamer wat afbrand. Terwyl ek oor al hierdie dinge getob het, het ek besef: Ons is eintlik heeltemal te geheg aan materiële dinge. Sommer weer terug by die Bybel-tema: Hulle is reg as hulle sê jy moet vir jou skatte in die hemel eerder as op aarde bymekaar maak. Ek hou net soveel van mooi klere soos die volgende meisie, maar dis ook al wat dit is: klere. So as die hele wêreld in vlamme opgaan (of ten minste as dit so voel), neem net ’n tree terug om die dinge in jou lewe wat regtig saak maak te waardeer.
22 Augustus 2019
SA Hockey Men and Women win AFCON Hockey Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
The African countries had converged to Stellenbosch to contest the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) event from 12-18 August on the Maties Hockey Astro Turf. Winning the tournament not only meant being the champions of African Hockey, but more importantly it secures the winner one of twelve spots in the hockey tournament at the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. Due to both Nigeria and Uganda withdrawing from the both the men’s and women’s tournament, no finals were played and the tournament was decided in a round robin stage with only five nations contesting in the women’s tournament and six nations in the
men’s tournament. The South African (Proteas) women first match was against an improving Zimbabwe side on Tuesday, 13 August, and the Proteas scraped away a 2 – 1 win. In their next two games the Proteas easily walked over Namibia, 5 – 0 and Kenya 3 – 0. With three victories, the South African women’s side only had to draw their last game against Ghana, who needed a victory to win the tournament on Sunday, 18 August. The game was however one-sided with the Proteas leading 3 – 0 at half-time with two goals from Lillian du Plessis (in the seventh and 20 th minute) and Robyn Johnson (ninth minute). The Proteas showed no mercy to a fighting, but outplayed, Ghana side as they continued their dominance in the second half. They added another three goals to the score through Sylvia van Jaarsveldt (39 th minute), Lillian du Plessis (42 nd minute) and Lisa Deedlefs (45 th minute) to come out 6 – 0 victors in the end.
The South African men started their campaign off on Monday, 12 August against a spirited Namibian side, however the South Africans were too strong and walked away 3 – 1 victory. In their next three games they easily flew past Zimbabwe, 9 – 0, Ghana, 9 – 1 and Kenya 4 –0. On Sunday, 18 August, the South Africans came up against their biggest rivals and fiercest competition, Egypt, who were level on four wins, with the South Africans in first place on the log due to goal difference. After a goalless first quarter the Egypt side capitalised on some poor South African defending and scored a minute out from half time. The Egypt side held the 1 – 0 lead until the start of the fourth and last quarter. The South African side fought back with two goals from Nic Spooner in the first four minutes of the last quarter. Spooner sealed the game for South Africa when he scored his hat-trick from a penalty stroke in the 54 minute, however Egypt scored a consolation
Springbokke kampioene na ’n dekade
goal one minute from full time to lose 3 – 2 in a thrilling final match. The South African women captain, Erin Hunter and Dan Bell celebrated their 50 th cap, while men’s goalkeeper, Rassie Pieterse celebrated his 150 th cap. The women tournament ended as follow: 1. South Africa, 2. Ghana,
Get to know NWU netball’s Monique Reyneker Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
Lisa van Rooyen @lisavanrooyen16
Die Springbokke het Saterdag 10 Augustus in die Rugbykampioenskap teen Argentinië (die Pumas) gespeel. Die Bokke het die Pumas op hul tuisveld in Argentinië verpletter en vir die eerste keer in tien jaar die Rugbykampioenskap gewen. Die eerste twintig minute van die spel was maar net ’n voorsmakie van wat voorlê. Die Pumas het binne die eerste vyf minute sewe punte aangeteken, maar dit het die bokke slegs elf minute geneem om terug te
veg deur hul eerste drie te druk. Die Pumas het klippe gekou tydens die skrums. Met rustyd was die telling 24 – 13 in die Bokke se guns. Alhoewel die Bokke se spel in beide helftes een vir die boeke was, het die Pumas nie moed opgegee nie. Gelukkig vir Suid-Afrika was hul verdediging uitstekend en kon die Pumas nie weer agter hul doellyn gaan kuier nie. Die Bokke het die wedstryd 46 – 13 gewen en so met die kampioenskap in die sak na SuidAfrika teruggekeer. Handré Pollard het hom uitstekend van sy taak as losskakel gekwyt in hierdie finale wedstryd van die kampioenskap en sy plek in die Wêreldbekerspan is so te sê bevestig. Op 17 Augustus het die twee
spanne mekaar weer gepak, maar hierdie keer op Loftus in Pretoria. Die Bokke het weer ’n oorwinning behaal, maar hierdie wedstryd was, weens die Argentynse veggees, taaier. Na ’n lang stryd het die Bokke uiteindelik weggebreek en agter die Pumas se doellyn gaan kuier en met rustyd het die Argentynse span voorgeloop met 10 – 8. S’bu Nkosi het die eerste drie van die tweede helfte gedruk. Met twintig minute se speeltyd oor, was die telling 18 – 13 vir Suid-Afrika. Die Bokke het die kragmeting met ’n telling van 24 – 18 gewen. Die afgelope twee Saterdae se wedstryde het Suid-Afrikaners ’n goeie idee gegee van wat te verwagte is van Rassie Erasmus en sy Springbokke.
Banyana Banyana wen Cosafa Beker Melissa Nel @melissa.nel99
Op 31 Julie vanjaar het die sewende Council of Southern Africa Football Associations (Cosafa) se Vrouekampioenskap afgeskop. Vanjaar was die toernooi in PortElizabeth gehou, met twaalf spanne van Suidelike Afrika wat deelgeneem het. Banyana Banyana het die toernooi sterk begin met ’n 17 – 0 wen teen Comoros. Banyana se tweede wedstryd teen Malawi was egter moeiliker en Banyana se Janine van Wyk kon weens ’n besering nie verder speel nie, maar hulle het steeds met ’n telling van 3 – 1 as wenners weggestap. Na
Banyana Banyana se 3 – 0 wen teen Madagaskar, het hulle bo in die poel geëindig en só hul plek in die halfeindrondte verseker. Die twee halfeindrondtes was onderskeidelik: Suid-Afrika teen Zimbabwe en Zambië teen Botswana. Banyana Banyana se wedstryd teen Zimbabwe het gesorg vir groot opwinding met ’n vroeë doel wat deur Bambanani Mbane aangeteken is. Zimbabwe het egter nie gou moed opgegee nie en ’n doel deur Mavis Chirandu het gesorg vir ’n gelykoptelling. Banyana Banyana het egter hul voorsprong met twee doele deur Amanda Mthandi en Busiswe Ndimeni voortgesit en só hul plek in die eindrondte verseker. Zambië het vir die eerste keer deurgedring na die finaal met ’n 4 – 0 wen teen Botswana. Banyana Banyana en Zambië het
gesorg vir ’n spannende eindstryd. ’n Doel deur Busiswe Ndimeni in die eerste sewe minute was nie toegestaan nie, omdat sy onkant was. Tiisetso Makhubela het vier minute na Ndimeni se poging, Banyana se eerste doel aangeteken. Banyana Banyana se verdediging was sterk tydens die wedstryd en dit het dit moeilik gemaak vir Zambië. Nege-en-twintig minute in die wedstryd in, is ’n doel nie toegestaan aan Zambië nie, ook weens die feit dat die speler onkant was. Banyana Banyana het hul voorsprong behou en só hul sesde Cosafa wen verseker. Danny Jordaan, SAFA president, het in ’n persverklaring genoem dat hy trots is op Banyana Banyana. “Ons kyk nou na ’n span wat vir die Olimpiese Spele en die Afcon Vrouebeker gekwalifiseer het. Die toekoms lyk helder vir Banyana Banyana.”
3. Zimbabwe, 4. Kenya, 5. Namibia. While the men tournament results looked as follow: 1. South Africa, 2. Egypt, 3. Ghana, 4. Kenya, 5. Zimbabwe, 6. Namibia.
Monique Reyneke is currently an honours student in Sport science at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus and has played for the NWU Netball first team for the last five years. Besides playing for the NWU side, Reyneke (originally from Vanderbijlpark) has played for the North-West Flames, o/21 North-West team, Senior NorthWest team, Top 15 Protea squad, o/21 Baby Protea World Cup Team and the Spar Smileys. Reyneke said, “My favourite moment thus far was to be part of the Top 15 Protea Squad and traveling reserve for the Quad series in New Zealand and Australia. While my proudest moment was when I made the Top 15 Protea squad and being vice-captain of the o/21 Baby
Protea World Cup Team.” The goal defence player’s dream for the future is to make the Protea team, as well as to be part and play in the 2023 World Cup team. She also got the chance to meet three of her sport heroes, Jane Watson, Geva Mentor en Sharni Layton on the court. When Reyneke isn’t playing Netball, she plays international korfball and ring tennis (Tennikoit) and before each game she plays music, while sometimes playing hacky sack for fun. Reyneke lives her life by two quotes, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “everything happens for a reason”. Reyneke added that if you want to achieve something, “you must believe in yourself and what you are capable of, while still being honest with yourself. Then you should also never give up even if other people don’t recognise talent… go out and prove them wrong.”
22 Augustus 2019
Residences perform in badminton and hockey Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
This year’s Spar National Championship took place at the University of Johannesburg APK Netball courts from 5 – 9 August, while the finals took place in the Old Mutual Sport Hall at the Wits University on 10 August. In the Senior Division of the tournament the North-West side, otherwise known as Dr Kenneth Kauda (Dr KK) made their way to the finals against Tshwane. After beating Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) in the semi-finals and ending unbeaten in their group stage matches. The group stage match scores looked as follow: 61 – 27 against NMB, 46 – 18 against Ekurhuleni, 65 – 22 against Cape Town, 46 – 39 against Tshwane, 67 – 36 against Johannesburg and 53 – 29 against Mangaung. The final against Tshwane was a fierce and close contested match that ended in a 40 – 40 all draw in normal time with the half-time score being 24 – 23 in Tshwane’s favour. After the 7–minute aside extra time, Tshwane ended up victors by 52 – 48, with the North-West senior side walking away with silver. “We knew we stood a big chance to win the tournament, all we had to do was focus on our strengths, trust each other while enjoying each moment, we however came up just short,” Monique Reyneke, defender of the Senior Dr KK team. There are two North-West university players, Simone Rabie and Didintle Keebine, that have been selected for the National Squad and Reserves, while Kgomotso Itlhabanyeng won best centre and Monique Reyneke the best defender at the senior tournament. Reyneke added, “It is an honour
to win the reward, not everybody gets chance to be rewarded for their hard work. It is a sign that I am doing good and that I am on the right track to reach my goal.” While in the u/21 tournament, Dr KK had two side competing, one in the A- and one in the B- section. In the A-section, Dr KK reached the semi-final after winning four out of their six group stage matches. The group stage matches results looked as follow: 68 – 30 win against Ekuruleni, 29 – 38 lost against Mangaung, 54 – 29 win against NMB, 29 – 54 lost against Tshwane, 58 – 37 win against Cape Town and 55 – 46 win against Johannesburg. In the semi-final they once again came up against Johannesburg who they easily beat, 50 – 37, but came up short with a mere three points against Tshwane in the final with a score of 34 – 37 after leading at a stage in the game with 10-points. Lizelle Erasmus, coach of the Dr KK u/21 A-team said, “Our first goal was to win a medal, since last year we ended sixth, but the dream was to be crowned champions. The team was brilliant.” Erasmus added, “During the tournament some of the things I learned as a coach is that you should never run out of plans, make sure you have an X-factor plan, give specific in instructions and don’t stop at achieving your goals, but also remember you are working with ‘young-hearts’.” Lucy Strydom and Adivhaho Tshivhiahuvhi are two NWU players that were picked for the National u/21 squad, while Leonie Maree won best defender for u/21 A-tournament. In the B-section of the u/21 tournament the structure of the tournament worked a bit different with only group stages being played with no semi-finals or finals taking place. The winners were announced based on where one placed on the table after the group stages. After losing their first two matches, 54 – 48 against Ethekwini and 46 – 39 against Tshwane, the Dr KK team
Sport 22 Augustus 2019
picked up their game to win three matches and draw one of their last four matches. With the scores as follow: 41 – 31 against Sedibeng, 33 – 33 against Buffulo City, 42 – 38 against Umgungundlovu and 52 – 48 against Zululand. Andisa Tracey Magwebu, coach of the Dr KK u/21 B-team said, “Although the hardest game was against Tshwane, the proudest
moment for me was when my team came back from 14-goals behind against Zululand in our last match, to win by 4 goals.” This meant the Dr KK u/21 B-team just like the other two North-West sides had to settle for the silverware behind Tshwane, who won gold in all three sections, the senior, u/21 A and u/21 B tournament. Nosibulelo Kgauhelo Jack, a
u/21 Dr KK B-team player, said, “The tournament was amazing and educational. The President of Netball South Africa Cecilia Molokwane is an amazing woman and with her presence she made the tournament extra special.” Magwebu added, “It is good tournament that gives players the opportunity to get recognised by the national selectors.”
Heide and Caput end top in table tennis Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15
During the past two weeks both the men and women’s residences competed in this year’s thrilling table tennis tournament that took place on the basketball court at the Sport Centre that started on 3 August. In the men’s section, both the A- and B-league, semifinals and finals took place on Thursday, 15 August which saw Caput ultimately walking away champions in the A-league and
end fourth in the B-league. The Caput A-side made up of Duan Du Preez, Christof Steenkamp and Ruvo Du Preez, showed their skills and talent after they beat Excelsior in the semi-final and Laureus easily in the final. Christof Steenkamp, a Caput player and Caput sport house committee memeber (HC) said, “It is the best feeling. In the four years that I am competing for Caput, it is the first time we won the league. The tournament is enjoyable, and it gives everybody competing enough exposure as we played against almost half of all the men’s hostels before winning the tournament.” While in the B-league of the men’s section Excelsior came up trumps and against a strong Ratau side. In the women section the semi- and finals of both the A- and B-league
took place on Tuesday, 13 August. Heide women’s residence (Marli du Toit, Melindri Joubert and Chrisna Wagenaar) came up trumps in the A-league after beating Wanda in the final, while ending third in the
B-league. Chrisna Wagenaar, a Heide player, said, “The best part of the tournament was when we played in the semi-finals and finals and the stands were filled with Heide
supporters. Overall the tournament had a pleasant atmosphere with music being played during the games and everybody making it fun.” Wagenaar added, “The tournament provides one with the opportunity to get to know other people and it is fun to measure yourself and compete against other hostels.” Besides the table tennis on 15 August, Huis Republiek won the women’s section and Patria A won the men’s section of this year’s Residence Chess tournament that was held at the Engineering campus. Upcoming hostel sport: Hostel Rugby finals: 28 August at the Fanie du Toit Hostel and Hostel golf is cancelled due to lack of interest.