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Registration Fee vs. Registration Free - 3

RAG 2018 ends with a bang - 6

NWU verloor finaal teen TUKS - 11


9 Mei 2019 8 Februarie 2018


LEES JOU KAMPUS TEL: (018) 299 2875





TEL: ( 018 ) 299 2875

Le-Lanie Ludick & Johan Rousseau

@lelanie_ludick & @one_tasty_ johansalad

Toeka Makiti is op 2 Mei uiteindelik gekanselleer weens “nalatigheid van KSR:Skakeling se kant af”. Só lees ’n verklaring wat deur die kampusstudenteraad (KSR) uitgereik is. Vanjaar se Toeka Makiti (TM) was aanvanklik gereël vir 13 April, maar weens “tegniese aansoek probleme” is die geleentheid uitgestel na 4 Mei. In tussen is die geleentheid verskuif vanaf Cachet Park na die JOOL-plaas enkele dae voordat die geleentheid sou plaasvind. “Daar was te veel reëls en regulasies waarvan ons nie geweet het nie en ons moes langer voor die tyd vir dit beplan het,” het Cari Kotze, KSR:Skakeling, gesê oor hoekom die geleentheid gekanselleer is. Dié jaarlikse studentebyeenkoms, wat fokus op die blootstelling van plaaslike kunstenaars Dennis Delport en talent, het nie hierdie jaar

gerealiseer nie. Die uitvoerende komitee-lid Kale Neethling, wie se portefeulje TM is, sê hulle wou dinge anders doen hierdie jaar. “Ons wou gaan met ’n Park Acoustics vibe sodat TM nie geassosieer word met net nog ’n Snowflake aksie nie.” Dit was skakeling se doel om TM te herontwerp in ’n buitelugbyeenkoms wat, buiten JOOL, nie ’n algemene verskynsel in Potchefstroom is nie. Cachet Park was die eerste opsie omdat dit “veilig en naby aan kampus is,” het Neethling gesê. Daar het egter probleme aangaande die aansoekprosedure ontstaan en dit het gelei tot die uitstel na 4 Mei om meer tyd te koop vir die Studentekampusraad (KSR) op die aansoekprosedure.

“Ons het nie iets gehad om vanaf te werk nie en moes alles self uitvind.” Die nuwe konsep wat skakeling gehad het vir TM het dus, volgens Neethling, met baie onverwagte struikelblokke gepaard gegaan. Die prosesse wat gevolg moes word vir dié musiekfees om plaas te vind soos wat skakeling beoog het, was “te veel in te min tyd”. Gerugte het ontstaan onder studente dat TM gekanselleer is as gevolg van die probleme rondom die aansoek vir ’n dranklisensie. “Dit was een van die kwessies, maar dit was nie die enigste probleem nie,” het Kotze gesê. Die reëlings het baie krisisbestuur geverg en kansellasie was die laaste uitweg van 22 Januarie die geleentheid aan vir skakeling.

Ten spyte van die feit dat skakeling al hierdie probleme ervaar het, het hulle reëlings vir die aand met die kunstenaars getref, en onverpoos met kaartjieverkope voortgegaan. Die kunstenaars wat sou optree, het tot op die aand van 2 Mei toe TM gekanselleer is, gedink dat hulle sou optree op 4 Mei. Wapad het met musikante wat by dié aand betrokke sou wees in kontak gekom, en volgens meerdere van die musikante, was daar ʼn verbale kontrak gestig vir reëlings in verband met die betaling. Daar was bespiegelings dat die musikante ʼn kansellasiefooi sou ontvang, maar geen verdere inligting is aan die lig gebring wat nie.hierdie gerugte ontken het.





Volgens Miemie Richter, lid van die groep Small Moves, was dit ʼn skok om te hoor van die kansellasie. Richter het gesê “om ʼn musikant te wees, is nie iets wat jy in jou vryetyd doen nie”, dit is ʼn werk en daar word baie ure ingesit om voor te berei vir so ʼn groot musiekfees. Mede-lid van Small Moves, Johan Viljoen, het gesê dat musikante verwag om betaal te word aangesien dit hulle werk is. As so ’n fees gekanselleer word kos dit ʼn persoon geld, moeite en tyd. Viljoen het ook gesê dat dit baie onprofessioneel is van die organiseerders om op die laaste minuut te kanselleer. As KSR:Skakeling voorsitter het Cari Kotze gesê, sy is baie jammer oor die ongerief wat FOTO: TIANgaan DU PREEZ veroorsaak is. “Ons egter die termyn op ’n hoogtepunt eindig met mnr en mej kampus wat op 28 Augustus plaasvind.” Studente kan daagliks die KSR:Skakeling kantoor in F14 kamer 117 besoek tussen 12:00 en 14:00 om hul kaartjiegelde terug te kry.

Koshuisdrag kommunikasie skok KSR was nie bewus van enige klagtes nie



rof Dan Kgwadi, Visekanselier aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), se skokaankondiging tydens R&O rakende koshuisdrag was onverwags en daar was geen kommunikasie met studenteleiers en koshuise vooraf nie. Net nóg ’n geval van waar die NWU nie sy studente se stemme aanhoor nie. Wapad verneem dat daar reeds op 19 Januarie vanjaar ’n vergadering onder die Universiteitsbestuur plaasgevind het waar daar besluit was dat daar onmiddellike aanpassings gemaak moet word tot die R&O-program na afloop van klagtes wat ontvang is. Studenteleiers is egter eers op 20 Januarie in kennis gestel van hierdie besluit en die aanpassings was reeds van toepassing op koshuise. Volgens Jacques Hugo, voorsitter van die

NWU se Potchefstroomkampus, weet die KSR tot op hede nie vanwaar hierdie klagtes gekom het of wat die inhoud daarvan is nie, hy verneem wel dat dit net enkele individuele gevalle was. “Daar is net gesê die klagtes bestaan,” het Hugo gesê. Hy vertel verder dat daar geen klagtes op die Klagte- en Gedagtelyn is nie, maar dat dié enkele klagtes direk aan die Visiekanselier uitgemaak was. Die dokument wat aan studenteleiers uitgestuur was, se voorwoord het verwys na sekere praktyke wat nie die NWU-strategie bevorder of aan toepaslike beleide, reëls en regulasies voldoen nie. Die dokument het agt bepalings verskaf waaraan voldoen moes word. Al hierdie bepalings was reeds geïmplementeer deur koshuise behalwe punt drie van die dokument wat as volg gelei het: “koshuisuniforms moet slegs gedra word na-ure (na 17:00), behalwe koshuishoede en -rugsakke wat reeds aangeskaf was.” Die NWU het egter op die aand

Het jy nuus? Stuur ’n epos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za

KSR-lede en koshuis primari gebied om hul misnoeë teenoor die NWUbestuur te bespreek en vrae te rig. Louis Jacobs, woordvoerder van die NWU, het bevestig dat koshuise wel eers op die bogenoemde datum betrek was by die proses. Na afloop van hierdie vyf ure lange vergadering is daar sekere aanpassings gemaak tot die bewoording van die bogenoemde punt drie en was dit baie duidelik dat die punte wat geopper was deur die studente, nie onder die aandag van die Universiteitsbestuur was toe hulle die besluit geneem het sonder studente se insette nie. Wapad het op 15 September 2017 berig: “Studente kan gerus voel. Die koshuiskleure of name sal nie verander nie,” dít was die woorde van prof Rikus Fick, direkteur van studentelewe aan die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus. Daar was ook in 2017 groot oproer onder koshuisinwoners toe gerugte die rondte gedoen het dat koshuiskleure en name gaan verander. Die NWU het toe ’n SMS aan studente uitgestuur

“Die KSR se beginselpunt oor hierdie saak is as daar werklik ’n probleem is op grondvlak, dan sal die leiers op daardie vlak betrek word by die oplossing van daardie probleem en nie deel gemaak word van daardie probleem nie. Dit is nie moontlik vir hierdie kampus se studenteleiers om saam te bou aan die eenheid van ons universiteit indien die studenteleiers met agterdog hanteer word nie,” het Hugo gesê. Die NWU het tog by die bogenoemde vergadering ’n onderneming aan studente gegee dat daar nie in die toekoms besluite gemaak sal word wat direk van toepassing is op studente, sonder dat studenteleiers betrek word by die besluitnemingsproses nie. Dit is egter nie die eerste keer dat die NWU sy studente se stemme ignoreer en afskiet nie. Op 23 November 2017 het die raad die voorlegging van ’n nuwe pers NWU goedgekeur. Dít kom nadat daar ’n konsultasieproses plaasgevind het

waar studente stem /virTM ’n nuwe Foto: Wapadkon Argief 2013 unitêre kleur. Die konsultasieproses se meederheidsuitslag was 64% vir die ou universiteitskleure met swart as ’n unitêre kleur. “Ons is nie teen die kleur nie, ons is teen die wyse en proses hoe hierdie besluit geneem is. Hoe kan jy voortgaan met ’n besluit as 64% van jou studente nie saamstem nie? Dit dui juis daarop dat dit nie die regte besluit is nie en deur dit te doen loop ’n universiteit die gevaar om sy studente te verloor,” het Hugo gesê. Hugo wil graag ook die volgende aan studente sê “dit is die KSR se mandaat dat die studente se stem gehoor word. Dit is dus belangrik dat jy jou stem in hierdie tyd laat hoor. Ons wil weet wat is ons studente se gevoel oor die algemeen, deel dit gerus op die toepaslike platforms en gesels met ons oor sosiale media. Ons verteenwoordig jou en wil graag weet hoe jy voel.” Dit blyk dus dat gerugte op die NWU nie meer net gerugte is nie – maar tog die realiteit.


2 Wapad

Notre Dame-brand: Oorsaak laat kenners kopkrap

Sixth national election after democracy Umamah Bakharia & Langa Cele @official_umamah & @nativecele_


n 8 May 2019, South Africa held its sixth election after democracy to elect a new National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province. The ANC, EFF and DA are some of the biggest parties to run in this election. According to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), approximately 26 736 704 individuals have registered to vote in the 2019 elections. This can be regarded as an average turnout of voters. The Association for Free Research and International Cooperation (AFRIC) published a report in February 2019, focusing on those aspects that worry South Africans the most. The survey revealed fifteen concerns with unemployment, corruption, crime, drug and alcohol abuse and poverty at the top of the list.

The ANC campaigned to distance itself from the troublesome public scandals that has engulfed the party in recent years. Ramaphosa was being hailed as the one who will bring on a new era for the governing party. The DA focussed on pointing out the failures of the governing party as well as using fear appeals to encourage voters to vote for them. This was evident with their slogans “vote DA to keep the EFF and ANC from taking your land”. Ramaphosa seeked to reinforce his presidential legitimacy with the elections as he was serving as the acting president after former president Jacob Zuma’s resignation. Social legitimacy guarantees political and economic stability because in this way the public can hold the government accountable for their term in office. Foreign investors are also believed to look to the elections as an indication of political stability. Concerns have been raised about young South African’s lack of desire to engage in public and political discourse. Mpumela Mkhabela, news24 journalist,

9 Mei 2019

wrote in an article titled, “We don’t have civic education to teach young people the significance of participating in elections.” Furthermore, she wrote, “Sometimes voters make incorrect assumptions, staying away from the polls, because they believe reason will prevail and the correct party or candidates will win”. It is lack of will from the citizens that will allow systematic suppression of the state institutions from the governing party and organisations, because citizens are not willing to hold those in office accountable. Mkhabela said citizens should consider the significance of exercising their right to choose a government, especially in a society with vast inequality and high levels of unemployment.

Henriëtte Venter @hen3hetventer

Op 15 April 2019 is die Westerse wêreld tot stilstand geruk toe die Notre Dame in Parys, Frankyk, omstreeks 18:20 in vlamme was. Voetgangers het magteloos toegekyk hoe die beroemde toring van die kerk in ’n bal van vlamme na die grond neergestort het. Die Roomse katolieke kerk en die Franse regering het eerste vinger na mekaar gewys oor wie verantwoordelikheid sal aanvaar vir die rekening van die herstelwerk, maar die bydrae van private kapitaal het gou ingestroom van regoor die wêreld. Sedertdien is oor die €1 blijoen ten bate van hierdie Katolieke Kerk ingesamel en ondersoeke is reeds geloods om die oorsprong van die brand te bepaal. Bespiegeling oor die oorsaak van die brand het reeds die rondte begin doen. Netwerk24 berig op 25 April 2019 dat ’n onafhanklike ondersoek sewe sigaretstompies, wat op die kerk se dak gevind is, opgelewer het.

Die sigaretstompies behoort heel moontlik aan kontrakteurs wat aan die herstel van die kerkstruktuur gewerk het. ’n Woordvoerder van die kerk meen dat die kontrakteurs gemaan is om nie op die dak te rook nie, maar dit hulle hulle nie daaraan gesteur het nie. Alhoewel dit hoogs onwaarskynlik is dat die sigaretstompies soveel skade kon aanrig, word die moontlik daarvan tans ondersoek. Verdere ondersoeke het ook gedui dat ’n moontlike elektriese kortsluiting die brand kon veroorsaak. Die ondersoek het getoon dat die afwesigheid van brandblussers en daksproeiers aanleiding tot die verspreiding van die brand gegee het. Die vernietigende vuur is eers na nege uur van brandbestryding deur ongeveer 400 brandweermanne geblus. Die Notre Dame is een van die oudste landmerke en besienswaardighede in Parys, Frankryk. Die Katolieke Kerk is ongeveer 850 jaar oud en ’n bekende animasie film is al oor die geskiedkundige Kerk gemaak, genaamd The hunchback of Notre Dame.

Cybercrime: the cost of the internet Ipeleng Mafora Ser_Ipeleng

By the time a reader is finished reading this article, the world will face over 500 new cyber threats. About 360 000 new unique malicious files are detected by global cybersecurity firm, Kaspersky Lab, every day. That is 250 files per minute. The internet has empowered consumers to bank, shop, study, work and communicate virtually anywhere with just a few touches or clicks. But has it improved our lives or made us more vulnerable to danger? In terms of mobile banking, the South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) found that in 2017, 13 438 incidents were recorded across banking apps, online banking and mobile banking – costing the industry more than R 250 million in gross losses. “While incidents from January to August 2018 already show a 64% increase, we are pleased that the increase in gross losses is just 7% when compared to the same period in 2017,” reported SABRIC. To better understand what cybercrime is, Wapad spoke to Wilhelm van

Belkum, the IT department’s director of operations and infrastructure at the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus. Van Belkum said cybercrime is any form of criminal activity which involves the use of computers and the internet. Examples include the common phishing and also ransomware, malware and identity theft. Van Belkum admitted that although there can never be total safety, the NWU is in the background fighting to keep the students and staff safe. He also highlighted that while it is not entirely wrong to use free hotspots, nothing is free and that users often open themselves up to danger. He highlighted a few safety measures. His advice is to scrutinize any email that has links or requests identity details and to be wary of sim swap fraud. Furthermore, important information can be stored on the NWU student drive. It is also important to ensure that user devices are always protected and when travelling to another university, it is best to use the Eduroam network rather than another university’s guest network. Additionally, anyone can check their email addresses on https://haveibeenpwned.com/ for any potential threats.

Suider-Afrika loop deur onder sikloon Kenneth Melissa Nel @melissa.nel99

Donderdag, 14 Maart, het sikloon Kenneth die provinsie van Cabo Delgado in Mosambiek met ’n gemiddelde windspoed van 280 km/h getref. Die dodetal in Mosambiek het teen Maandag, 22 April op 38 gestaan. ’n Totaal van 30 000 mense is haweloos gelaat en talle beseer. Dié sikloon het oor die afgelope paar weke sinoniem geword met die doodsengel nadat talle mense dood is in vloede en stormweer wat deur die sikloon veroorsaak is. Die noordelike dele van Mosambiek, die Comoros Islande, en noord-oostelike Suid-

Afrika was grotendeels geaffekteer deur die sikloon. Vloede in Botswana het ook veroorsaak dat verskeie hoofpaaie gesluit moes word. Swaar reën en haelstorms het ook verwoesting gesaai in dele van Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal en die Oos-Kaap. Op Saterdag, 18 April, was die provinsie van KwaZulu-Natal deur ’n reeks verwoestende vloede getref. Die vloede was ’n direkte gevolg van swaar reën in die provinsie. Teen 30 April is daar bevestig dat 70 mense dood is en president Cyril Ramaphosa het 1 tot 7 Mei as ’n amptelike week van rou verklaar. Die premier van KwaZulu-Natal, Willies Mchunu, het ook Donderdag, 2 Mei, as ’n provinsiale dag van rou verklaar. Die premier het in ’n persverklaring

genoem dat die beraamde skade van die vloed R 1 biljoen is. Ongeveer 1 469 mense is haweloos gelaat as gevolg van die vloede en maak tans van tydelike verblyf gebruik. Die eThekwini-munisipaliteit was die ergste getref deur die vloede. 64 van die 70 slagoffers het in die metro gesterf. Die munisipaliteit se beraamde skade is meer as R 685 miljoen. Reddingspanne is drukbesig om vermiste persone op te spoor en talle inwoners woon roudienste by ter herdenking aan die persone wat deur die tragiese vloede geraak is.

9 Mei 2019



DTB: Practical change in Potch J.J. Denton @jjdenton101

A group called DTB has been labouring under the sun on weekends, restoring the road infrastructure in Potchefstroom for the past ten months. DTB stands for Dipuo Tsa Bothle and means “all the languages” and was founded by Martin-David Coetzee, who is nicknamed MD. The group makes use of volunteers and paid labourers who have had troubled pasts to paint and clean bridges, roads, traffic islands and the flora next to the roads. Students regularly participate in this initiative. DTB needs all the hands it can get. Apart from the good Samaritans

taking it upon themselves to clean up Potchefstroom, it also serves as an opportunity for some of the paid labourers to get out of unemployment and use it as a springboard to rehabilitate from a past of drug abuse. “It is important to not just give them the minimum, but instead to give the workers a helping hand,” said Coetzee, referring to the fact that workers are being paid at an above-market rate for their work. The clean-up and restoration operation is an expensive activity and it cost the founder money out of his own pocket to get the project up and running. Coetzee has secured two sponsors in PicknPay and Wohnen Paints. DTB would welcome additional sponsorship to keep the project sustainable as

the consumables such as the paints and paintbrushes need regular replacement. “Some of the traffic islands cost about R 3 000 with all the consumables needed to restore it,” said Coetzee, highlighting the need for companies to support a civilian project that takes action to improve their city. Coetzee emphasised that for the initiative to become sustainable it needs to grow and more people must become involved. The group has a Facebook page called “DTB for God” where students and other volunteers can get in touch with the organizers. “We aim to spread the word of God practically, by presenting job-opportunities to unemployed residents with our weekly events,” said Coetzee.

Photo: Sourced

JOOLig vir 2019/2020 Ciska de Waal @ciska_dewaal

Die nuwe kampusstudenteraad (KSR) lid vir JOOL (Jou Onbaatsugtige Opoffering vir Liefdadigheid) en fondswerwing is op 6 Mei bekendgemaak. Studente van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus kan uitsien na ʼn JOOLige 2019/2020 termyn met Zané Botha, derdejaarstudent in BCom regte, aan die stuur van sake. Die verkiesingsproses is al etlike weke onderweg en het afgeskop toe Botha en Gaffie Deale op 15 en 16 April by kampuskoshuise en in die Alumni-saal hulle sake gestel het en studente se vrae beantwoord het. Daarna kon studente stem van 16 tot 23 April,

Foto: Le-lanie Ludick

gevolg deur ʼn protestydperk (26 April tot 2 Mei) waarin enigiemand besware kon aanteken. Botha het ten einde met ’n persentasie van 52,88% die stem gewen. Tydens Botha se termyn as die JOOL en publikasies huiskomitee (HK) lid van Vergeet-My-Nie vrouekoshuis, het sy ’n liefde vir

JOOL ontwikkel. Sy het besef dat “HK-lede nie teen mekaar gewerk het vir die kompetisie nie, maar eerder saamgewerk het vir die groter doel”. Sy het groot planne vir die termyn, onder andere om vlotte meer herwinbaar te maak, verandering aan te bring op die JOOL-plaas, asook om die FinJOOL-projekte te hersien en

te vernuwe. KSR:JOOL, wat die fondswerwingsbeen van die KSR se Studente JOOL gemeenskapsdiens (SJGD) is, sorg jaar na jaar vir genoegsame fondse deur die optredes, vlotoptoge en FinJOOLprojekte. Dit is wat SJGD se gemeenskapswerk moontlik maak. Botha beskou JOOL se verhouding met SJGD as noodsaaklik en beplan om SJGD meer sigbaar te maak op die JOOL-plaas en hulle te integreer by JOOL-aktiwiteite. Tradisies is vir baie studente ʼn belangrike deel van die NWU Potchefstroomkampus se studentelewe en in terme van JOOL-tradisies wil Botha verseker dat die tradisies wat opbouend is en spanwerk bevorder, behoue bly. Die uitslae van die 2018/2019 termyn was ook aangekondig. Die JOOL HKlede het die hele termyn hard gewerk

en die uitslae het dit weerspieël. PrakJOOL uitslae is as volg: Calmeer VER MY in derdeplek, Pasop vir KARing in tweedeplek en mHEI BIETJIE hemel as wenners. By FinJOOL was Wag-’n-Bietjie in derdeplek met R 293,25 per capita, in tweedeplek: Caput (R 323,21 per capita) en Kasteel was die wenners met R 398,67 per capita. Algehele JOOL-wenners vir die termyn is as volg: In die vyfdeplek, Eikenhof; vierdeplek, Vergeet-MyNie; derdeplek, Wag-’n-Bietjie; tweedeplek, Caput en die algehele JOOL-wenner is Kasteel. “Ons [die HK] is ongelooflik trots op Kasteel en die dames op my komitee wat hierdie wen moontlik gemaak het,” het Isabel Jardim, JOOL HK- lid van Kasteel vrouekoshuis gesê.





9 Mei 2019

OR Tambo se nuwe bagasie regulasies


Megan Gittins @megan_gittins

OR Tambo Internasionale Lughawe het onlangs nuwe regulasies ingestel rondom bagasie en die kriteria waaraan dit moet voldoen voordat dit ingeboek kan word. Die lughawe stipuleer dat geen ongewone bagasie, wat ronde tasse insluit, aanvaar word nie, sowel as tasse met lang bande. Slegs bagasie met minstens een plat oppervlakte en ’n gewone vorm sal aanvaar word. Kris Reddy, assistent bestuurder van operasionele dienste by Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), verduidelik dat ongewone bagasie, spesifiek ronde tasse, die grootste hindernis is: “Opeenhopings kan gedeeltes van die stelsel wat bagasie hanteeer afsluit. Dit vertraag die vervoer van bagasie na vliegtuie en verontrief die lugdiens en passasiers.” OR Tambo-lughawe het egter nie hierdie besluit ligtelik geneem nie: “Daar is oor die nuwe reëls ooreengekom na konsultasies met die Lugdien-

Game of Thrones: Worth the fuss? Chélaine de Wet @chelainedewet

Foto: TimesLive

soperateurskomitee (AOC) en ander verteenwoordigende liggame van lugdienste.” Reddy verduidelik meer oor dié besluit: “Ons het hierdie saak vir ’n jaar ondersoek en ’nverskeindenheid alternatiewe oorweeg, maar dit is ons en ander lugdienste en belangegroepe se siening dat veranderende reëls vir onreëlmatige sakke die algehele diensvlak vir alle passasiers sal ver-

beter.” “Passasiers hoef egter nie bekommerd te wees dat hulle weggewys sal word nie,” sê Bongiwe Pityi-Vokwana, ’n bestuurder by OR Tambo. Passasiers kan gebruik maak van die lughawe se bagasie toedraai-stasie. Die personeel sal ’n ongewone tas toedraai en ’n plat oppervlakte inkorporeer vir R90 wat dit in ’n nie-vlugvertragingstas in verander.

More than just (award-winning) radio Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde

This year the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus’s official radio station, PUKfm 93.6, won three Liberty Radio Awards in the campus radio categories for a community project, promotions/stunt and breakfast presenter. PUKfm received seventeen nominations in ten different categories. The nominations include an impressive three nominations in the category for news bulletin readers and two nominations in the category for the best music show. Except for Charonike Nel, the station manager at PUKfm, this radio station is run exclusively by full time students. “The wide range of categories the station received nominations in speaks of skills development across all the aspects of radio. Students work hard on a daily basis and we are the only cam-

pus station that is run by students.” Pamela Davis, a third-year student in BCom communication management, is currently the marketing manager at PUKfm. She managed the organization of the winning projects, namely Cause4PAWS and #FindTheJoy. PUKfm’s third award was for breakfast presenting by Davis during her time on the Big Bang Breakfast show. “I use to be in studio by 5:00 in my second-year. For a show like this, I think it’s important to be yourself on and off air. I also think the content of the show has to be relevant and fun!” Cause4Paws entailed a 93.6 hour stay for two presenters, Armand Rautenbach and Niel Koegelenberg with only four hours of sleep every night and five minute breaks. PUKfm collected 141 bags of food and helped to facilitate sixteen adoptions. “It was incredibly emotional process for all pet lovers and I think working together on something like this also brought us (the PUKfm team) closer to each other,” said Davis During the Find the Joy campaign,

members of PUKfm took turns to sit in a glass box for a total of six hours to illustrate the feeling of the world closing in. Many people who struggle with anxiety and depression have described experiencing the feeling. People passing by were urged to write positive messages on post-it stickers on the glass box to support the person inside it. “Through this we were showing that we cannot take the pain away but we can help those who are struggling with anxiety and depression to get through the day. Seeing the effects that bullying had on someone close to me made me realise that we need to be kind to everyone we meet. Words have the power to change lives,” said Davis. Davis mentioned that planning and group work lead to the success and that she believes without vision people perish. “I have a passion for using creativity to make a difference and this platform has helped us to make a difference while also developing our brand,” said Davis.

ASMR: weird or wonderful? Le-Lanie Ludick @lelanie_ludick

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is a new trend on YouTube which evoked mixed emotions. These videos involve a person’s gentle whisper, nail tapping or chewing directly into a microphone giving listeners a 3D sound experience. The videos’ main aim is to create a relaxing tingle at the back of the neck or spine when the person listens to the audio. In 2007 “the virtual barber”, a similar audio clip, emerged. It was suggested that listeners listen to the clip with headphones to have the full experience. When listening to the audio clip it creates the sensation that the barber is cutting your hair, while almost chopping your ear off. Remember the

chill you experienced when listening to that clip? That was caused by ASMR. Although it is a relatively old concept, YouTubers are only buying into the concept now. A popular ASMR channel includes SAS-ASMR with 6.4 million subscribers. Video’s on the SAS-ASMR channel usually include the sound of a person chewing into the microphone. Her most watched video has 32 million views of her eating a piece of honeycomb into the microphone. ASMR is not the regular person’s way to relax but it is suggested that ASMR can help cure your depression, anxiety or insomnia, according to The List. The sensation that leads to relaxation has a measurable improvement in mood-related symptoms. Tony Bomboni, an ASMR artist, says he avoids ASMR if he has something to do because he will too easily “drift off”.

It is not confirmed by scientific research whether ASMR can indeed do all the things that viewers claim they have experienced. It is known that not everybody will experience ASMR and can just be grossed out by someone chewing in your ear. If you don’t experience feelings of “euphoria and comfort” as explained by The List it could be that you may not have found your specific ASMR stimuli yet. If you have not yet watched ASMR videos, YouTube can possibly become your best friend to experience the tingling sensation. Various ASMRtists to search is ASMR Darling, Gibi ASMR and Life with MaK. And if you have listened to these audio clips and you feel no tingling sensation and rather a sensation of “what did I just watch”, you are not the only person.

Wapad asked several students on campus how they feel about the hype created on social media about the release of Game of Thrones season eight and the newest Avenger movie, End Game, and if it lived up to their expectations.

“Both of them are in their last seasons and everyone wants to know what the outcome will be. I feel like the hype is giving it the goodbye it deserves and it is definitely worth it.”

Tshepang Mokonyama, a second-year in BSocSci history and psychology.

“Game of Thrones is so captivating. I love the series and I can’t understand why there are people who don’t watch it.”

Marike Stols, a third-year student in BSc consumer sciences.

“In a way, but then again I don’t watch any of it. But from a third person perspective, it’s fun to watch other people freak out about it.”

Mveledzo Mathivha, a second-year student in BCom law.

“I don’t watch it at all because I don’t have the time for it.”

“I think it is overrated and not as big a deal as the fuss on social media suggests. It’s a nice series and I am excited too but I definitely won’t let it change my lifestyle.”

Neil Behnke, a second-year student in BCom chartered accountancy and Ruben Kriel, a second-year student in BCom marketing.

9 Mei 2019

Kuns en Vermaak



Waar daar ’n Rooksein is, is daar ’n treffer Karlien Meiring @karlien_meiring


ooksein, die band op almal se playlist, sal vandeesweek al ’n jaar aktief betrokke in die musiekbedryf wees. Met treffers soos “Krag” en “Kyk na my hart”, was hulle te sien by die Big Prims Launch. Die groep bestaan uit Megan Danner, Renier van der Westhuizen, asook Dian Maritz en het hulself as ’n groep mense wat dieselfde passie en liefde vir musiek deel, beskryf. “Ons het een middag saam musiek gemaak en net daar besef dat hierdie gaan werk en ons het nog nooit opgehou nie.” Rooksein het hul musiek beskryf as ’n manier om stories te vertel, waardeur hulle kan sê wat hulle en soveel ander mense voel en niemand kan keer dat dit vertel word nie. “Dis vir ons soveel meer as net liedjies maak met lekker wysies waarvan mense sal hou en mee kan saamsing. Ons musiek is ’n stem wat praat en skree en huil en lag.” Die groep sien inspirasie as ’n gevoel van onverklaarbare emosies wat hulle wakker hou en kwaad maak as dit nie wil terugpraat nie.

Foto: Verskaf

“Inspirasie praat deur ons eie gebeurtenisse, idees en drome. Ons skryf egter nie net diep musiek nie. Dit gaan vir ons eerder daaroor om rustigheid in ons harte te hê dat ons wel iets deur ons liedjies sê.” Volgens Danner, die hoofsangeres, is daar geen spesifieke manier waarop hulle die

liedjieskryfproses benader nie. Rooksein se liedjies begin as ’n wysie, treffende woorde of ’n spesifieke onderwerp waaroor hulle wil skryf. “My goue reël is om dadelik idees neer te skryf. Van kleins af sing ek vir myself liedjies en skryf neer waarvan ek hou sodat ek daarna toe kan teruggaan vir

Spoegwolf en Straatligkinders saam by Snowflake

inspirasie. Liedjieskryf kom vanself, wanneer dit wil,” het sy gesê. Rooksein se hoogtepunte bly optredes en die vrystelling van hul eie musiek op platforms soos Apple Music en Spotify. “Ons het nog altyd net ons eie weergawe van bestaande liedjies en dan net somtyds Rooksein-originals

gedoen, maar mense begin nou vir ons vra om ons eie musiek te speel en hulle sing saam. Dit is die beste gevoel ooit.” Die groep se planne vir die toekoms behels nog musiekmaak en het gesê dat Jesus nog net goed vir hulle was. “As dit Sy wil is, dan sal Hy ons verder in ons journey dra.” Hierdie groep beskou optredes ook as ’n leerskool en omhels elke uitdaging. “Ons het soveel groot planne en drome: Ons sal graag wil hê meer mense moet ons raaksien en na ons musiek luister sodat ons kan uitbrei na groot feeste buite Potchefstroom.” Aanhangers kan uitsien na baie nuwe musiek en Rooksein beplan om teen die einde van die jaar hul eerste album van oorspronklike liedjies uit te bring. Hul nuutste liedjie, “Woordelose Storie”, word ook binnekort vrygestel. Rooksein se raad vir ander opkomende bands is: “Vir jou band om dit te maak, moet al die lede op dieselfde bladsy wees oor waarheen julle op pad is en bereid wees om alles en nog so bietjie meer te gee om daar uit te kom. Wees geduldig, goeie goed vat tyd. Leef jou passie en doen net waarvoor jy lief is.”

Big Prims behoorlik afgeskop Chelaine de Wet @chelainedewet

Foto: Tian du Preez MC Engelbrecht @mcvirpresident

Nuwe bands verskyn gereeld op die musiektoneel en verdwyn dan weer stilletjies na ’n paar musiekvertonings. Ander bands se liedjies bly treffers ten spyte van terugslae groter as dié wat Britney Spears in 2007 ervaar het. Dis wat Straatligkinders, Saterdag 4 Mei, bewys het toe hulle die skare opgewarm het vir Spoegwolf wat by dieselfde geleentheid te Snowflake

opgetree het. Die atmosfeer was elektries en die skare was mal en sodra die koor van elke liedjie begin het kon Bouwer maar sy mikrofoon afsit, want niemand kon hom hoor bo die skare wat luidkeels saamgesing het nie. In die rye het Danie en sy makkers alreeds die aanhangers besig gehou met ’n liedjie hier en daar – ’n definitiewe voorsmaak van wat op pad was. Daar was nie spasie vir ’n enkele siel nie en kaartjies het al die middag op 2 000 verkope gestaan. Snowflake het nog nie so iets gesien

Die Big Prims-aksie se Alice in Wonderland afskoppartytjie het op 7 Mei, by Snowflake plaasgevind. Dié spoggeleentheid word jaarliks deur die kampusstudenteraad (KSR) se finansies portefeulje aangebied en dien as die hoof fondsinsameling vir die onderskeie Primfondse van elke koshuis. Tydens die Big Prims-aksie word al 28 primarii, tesame met twee KSR-lede in ’n glaskas gesit sonder kos as bewusmaking vir minderbevoorregte studente en om sodoende ook geld in te samel. Die KSR-lede wat ook tyd in die glaskas gaan deurbring saam met die primarii verteenwoordig privaatstudente. Ugo Louw, primarius van Veritas manskoshuis het gesê hierdie uitdaging is sy manier om te wys hoeveel hy vir die studente in sy koshuis omgee. “Dit is iets wat ek met my hele

hart wil doen,” het Louw gesê. Marelize Scheepers, primaria van Heide vrouekoshuis ag die geleentheid as ’n “goeie manier om jouself in ander mense se skoene te plaas”. Vanjaar se program het die Prim derby ingesluit, wat volgens Dewald Coetzee, ’n lid van die finansies uitvoerende komitee (UK), ’n goeie toevoeging is tot die program. “Dit maak die prims meer interaktief, in plaas daarvan om net hier te sit en te wag die heeltyd.” Prim derby is ’n bordspel-gebaseerde aktiwiteit waar die onderskeie prims nog fondse vir hul koshuise of addisionele hulpmiddels vir die glaskas kan wen. Rooksein en Glimpse het ook by die geleentheid opgetree. Patria manskoshuis en Karlien vrouekoshuis is as die algehele wenners van blikkieskosdag aangekondig.

nie en Spoegwolf ook nie. Danie wat deur die skare loop en sing (iets wat nou al eie aan Spoegwolf raak) is definitief ’n hoogtepunt van die aand. Snowflake moet ook gekomplimenteer word. Met so baie mense was die diens by die deur vinnig, die sekuriteit was goed en die verkope by die kroeg was spoedig as daar na die hoeveelheid mense teenwoordig gekyk word. Saterdae aande saam met Spoegwolf en Straatligkinders? Oor en oor en oor, Julie. Foto: Verskaf

9 Mei 2019


Kuns en Vermaak


Meraki (v). To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. As you can see in the above definition, Meraki is all about soulful creativity and love. In this creative corner, Wapad wants to celebrate students’ art in all kinds of formats, as students don’t receive enough credit for their hard work and talent. Whether you are an art student, or you just enjoy art in your free time, this corner is a creative space for students to express their inner love for their own personal kind of art. We want to encourage amateur artists to keep on persevering to become professional one day, or just to make another soul smile because of their art. Therefore, students can feel free to send in their diverse artworks to us at wapad@nwu. ac.za, where it will be shared either via our Facebook page or a printed edition of the newspaper. Die volgende gedig is ontvang van ’n anonieme digter. Wapad meen die gedig handel oor die mens se geneigdheid om obsessief te raak oor die dinge waarvan hy hou. Boonop is die obsessie nie eers blywend nie, maar verbyvlietend. In die laaste strofe noem die spreker dat hy vinnig weer paaie kruis met ‘n’n nuwe afgod.

Die volgende gedig is deur Alet Janse van Rensburg, ’n derdejaar in BA kommunikasie, aan Wapad gestuur. Die gedig is geïnspireer deur al die cliché aanhalings oor die “see wat die strand soen” en onsterflike liefde, ensovoorts. “Mense sal altyd nuwe gedigte en aanhalings uitdink wat hulle dink baie uniek is. Soms voel dit vir die persoon op die strand dat elke liewe see metafoor presies dieselfde is,” het sy gesê.

En so lank soos wat die see die strand bly soen, sal digters nuwe metafore parallel plaas teenoor die branders. Ontstuimig kraak my gedagtes nes dit ‘n kruin bereik. Aan land besef ek die voorspelbare repistisie van ondersoek, sintese, foutsoek én dit net voor die deurbraak kry.



miskien sal ek nog eendag leer om alles oor ’n matigheid in te neem stukkie-stukkie oor ’n langer duur nie heeldag daaroor te teem dit nie heeltemal in te sluk en met rustigheid daaroor te dink maar vir nou; verteer dit my hele lewe elke gedagte , elke oomblik sonder kou en huiwer sluk ek soveel as moontlik elke gesonde belangstelling maak ek ’n afgod maak ek ’n obsessie darem nie vir lank; voor die volgende my aandag kry en ek elke deel van my verloor. - Onbekend

- Alet Janse van Rensburg

Koffiekritiek in Steve Biko-straat MC Engelbrecht @mcvirpresident

Met geldsake wat soms broekskeur gaan, is die soeke na goedkoop, maar smaaklike koffie ’n groot uitdaging vir elke student. Wapad het gaan ondersoek instel om te kyk watter koffie is ewe lekker en bekostigbaar.

Eerste aan die beurt was Varsity Café waar die prys en onmiddellikheid beslis beïndruk. R 15 vir ’n koffie wat jy onmiddelik kry omdat jy dit self maak. Die smaak van die koffie was net so goed soos die prys, wat verbasend is, siende dat mens soms mislei kan word deur die kitskoffiemasjiene wat by ’n diensstasie te vind is. Nadat die prys, smaak en diens in ag geneem word, sowel as die feit dat Varsity Café 24/7 oop is en hul koffie dus altyd

beskikbaar is, het die koffie stewige 7/10 puntetelling ontvang. Die volgende rusplek was ou, betroubare Wimpy. Wimpy en koffie is al sinoniem met mekaar, maar het die Suid-Afrikaanse staatmaker restaurant werklik die beste koffie? Nee. Hulle het nie eers die beste koffie op die Bult nie. Die R 24 wat spandeer is, het gepaard gegaan met vyftien minute se gewag vir twee wegneemkoffies en ’n verdere 10 minute se aanhoudende geblaas om die

koffie drinkbaar te kry. Na dit, kon die smaak van die koffie as baie gemiddeld beskou word. Dus, met alles in ag geneem, is ’n telling van 5.5/10 heel gepas vir ’n Wimpy-koffie. Laaste was die Akker. Die Akker is bekend vir kwaliteit diens en smaaklike etes. Die prys is R 25 per wegneemkoffie en alhoewel daar vir dertien minute gewag is, omdat die restaurant bogemiddeld vol was, het die koffie darem drinkbaar by ons opgedaag. Die koffie was smaaklik,

soos ons verwag het, maar ongelukkig was tyd ’n faktor. Mens kan ook nie 24/7 hier koffie kry nie. Die Akker het ’n telling van 6.5/10 ontvang, wat beteken hul moes die knie teen die koffie van Varsity Café buig. Die Bult se koffie het ons verras, beide in die prys- en smaakkategorieë, maar daar is nog baie koffie om te proe en baie reputasies op die spel. Tot volgende week, wanneer ons die soektog voortsit.

9 Mei 2019


Kuns en Vermaak


Avengers: Endgame, an emotional roller-coaster Cherece Appelcryn @ries_77

After eleven years, 23 movies and eleven franchises the game had to come to an end. Marvel has always been a huge part of most people’s lives; some people even grew up with Marvel. That’s why it is so difficult for people to accept that the end has finally arrived. Most people experienced laughter the one moment and then sadness the next. If there was a moment that your eyes did not even get a little bit teary, you were not watching the correct movie. Avengers is an American superhero movie based on the Marvel comics. In this much-anticipated film, the remaining superhero’s duty is to fix the damage that was caused by the one and only, Thanos. Adrift in space

with no food or water, Tony Stark sends a message to Pepper Potts, as his oxygen supply starts to run low. The remaining Avengers are busy with making a plan to get their allies back for their showdown with the infamous Thanos. The marketing for Endgame is the largest for any Marvel Studios film, surpassing a huge $ 200 million. Avengers was the first movie to earn more than $ 1 billion in just 5 days, and no other movie has ever done this. The universe belongs to Marvel as Avengers Endgame shattered the record for the biggest opening weekend, reaching a new pinnacle in this blockbuster era. If it wasn’t for the legend, Stan Lee, people would have never had the opportunity to experience these Marvel comics. It is safe to say that Marvel viewers will always be grateful for his hard work and what he accomplished, “With great power comes great responsibility.”- Stan Lee.

Photo: Sourced

Pink’s new album: Hurts 2B nothing special

Trending: Billie, Bundy and the royal baby Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah

and cinemas are still fully booked. According to sources, this movie has already surpassed 2 billion dollars in earnings.

Spotify Global 50:

These past few weeks have been a roller-coaster with the Jonas Brothers announcing their tour to the longawaited royal baby who finally made his arrival on Monday. It’s difficult to keep up and refresh all your social media accounts, so here we have what has been going on:


Billie Eilish- Bad guy (03/05/2019). Billie has been up on the charts for quite a while and who can blame her when she got us feeling some type of way through her music.

New Netflix movie:

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. The new Ted Bundy story that stars the talented musical star, Zac Efron.

Fun facts:

According to Forbes, more people actually prefer staying home and cooking their own food. This is one way to save money!

29 May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day”. It is said to bring luck and wealth to the household.

Taylor Swift - ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) (06/06/2019).

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s baby ihas arrived, one question: what is he or she going to be called?

Avengers: Endgame. This movie has been trending for two weeks now

American Football, American Football (LP3)

YouTube Music


Social media trend:

Must listen album:

Photo: Sourced Karlien Meiring @karlien_meiring

With her latest record Hurts 2B Human, pop veteran Pink goes for that elusive, classic feeling album. Sadly, she does not quite make it. Pink is known as a pop veteran. Since her solo debut in 2000, she has sold more than ninety million records, joining an exclusive club with the likes of Madonna, Beyoncé, Prince, Britney Spears, and Michael Jackson. Her legacy as a voice for the broken and downtrodden is secured and unbeatable. The one thing she does not have, however, is a ‘classic’ album which

she will most likely be remembered for. Her latest full-length album, Hurts 2B Human tries to remedy this. On the surface, it ticks all the boxes, however, in retrospect it falls a little short. Hurts 2B Human is effectively broken down into three types of songs. Unapologetic pop songs, tender ballads, and unstable rock anthems. “Hustle”, “Miss You Sometime”, and “Can We Pretend” are the kind of songs that made Pink a popular household name. They are fun, infectious and pretty much everything one has come to expect from Pink. “We Could Have it All”, co-written with Beck, shows that Pink can still rock out, but compared to 2003’s “Feel Good Time”, it falls flat. The rest of the album consists of earnest ballads. These songs are split

into cries for help with the tone and tempo almost identical to each one. Her vocals still sound amazing, but she is not saying anything new, interesting or poignant. Pink has never prominently released a ‘classic’ album in the same way her music peers have and sadly, Hurts 2B Human is not that album. There are hints that the singer is still capable of reaching those heights in pop that few ever reach. There are moments when she still sounds like she’s genuinely having a good time recording the songs. Unfortunately, these moments are all too fleeting. When Hurts 2B Human works, it is superb. It reminds you why Pink is such a big star. When it doesn’t, it truly does hurt.

Photo: Sourced



Kuns en Vermaak

9 Mei 2019

“Winter is coming!” – Wintermodes begin kop uitsteek Henriëtte Venter & Cherece Appelcryn @hen3hetventer & @ries_77


ns begin regmaak om ons somersklere weg te bêre en ons wintersklere uit te pak. Dis tyd vir mooi aantrek en warmsjokolade vroeg in die oggend by die SS. Dis nie noodwendig almal se gunsteling seisoen nie, maar volgens ons beslis die mooiste seisoen op die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus. Hierdie jaar het modieuse studente weereens nie teleurgestel nie en Wapad van hulle “moet-hê bykomstigheid” vir hierdie winter vertel. Christine Mbatha, ’n eerstejaar in BHSc afrigtingswetenskap, meen dat sy eerder die somer as die winter verkies. Haar “moet-hê” item hierdie

winter is beslis haar stewels. Mojalefa Magage, tweedejaar in BSc menslike bewegingskunde, verkies ook die somer, maar verlaat selde die

Chocolate cake in a mug Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah

As students we don’t have much time to bake an entire cake, so why not opt for something that can tingle your taste bud after just a few minutes of patience. Here is a recipe that could come to handy when you’re craving some chocolate cake:


1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 tablespoon water 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Preparation time: 5 min cook; 2 min chill and ready in 7 min Instructions: Mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in a large microwave-safe mug; stir in milk, canola oil, water, and vanilla extract. Cook in microwave until cake is done in the middle, about 1 minute 45 seconds. Optional: pour melted chocolate over for extra taste

huis sonder ’n baadjie en stewels gedurende die winter. Bernice Viljoen, eerstejaar in BSc menslike bewegingskunde is mal oor herfs. Sy dra graag rokkies met

sykouse in die winter. Raeesa Bhikhoo, ’n vyfdejaar, tans besig met haar BSc honneurs, verkies die lente bo die winter. In die winter dra sy graag pelsbaadjies. Maak nie saak hoe jy jouself warm

hou dié winter nie, maak net seker dat jy dit stylvol doen.

Lifestyle changes for students Umamah Bakharia @official_umamah


s students, our schedules are basically all over the place. Sometimes we don’t find the time or even think about activities that are essential like sleep or eating. This can become a problem for both our physical and mental well-being. Here are a few tips that you could start incorporating into your daily life that might enable you to become a refreshed and brightened version of yourself:

1. A healthy diet

A healthy diet is called healthy for a reason. It helps your body

to perform at its best potential. That doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself or not allow yourself a slice of pizza when you’re too busy to cook. However, you can also have a fresh fruit that is filled with the right vitamins to assist your immune system and besides, making your own food can also be a relaxing process.

2. Physical exercise

Have you ever noticed that when you’re sitting or doing something for a prolonged period of time and you get up to stretch or have a little walk, you feel better? Well, according to a study from St. Mary County Research Centre, this is due to an increase in blood flow which results in better oxygen supply to your brain. There’s also an option of joining the campus gym or taking a jog, to keep your fitness

levels up.

3. Sleep

For an average adult, eight hours of sleep is important. When you don’t sleep enough, it takes more time for your body to perform the basic functions and you don’t seem to perform at your best. You become anxious, which only adds to your stress. So, manage your time appropriately to get enough time to rest so that you can perform better during the day.

4. Manage your time

This is probably the most important tip one can mention. As a student, unexpected plans come up, making you put aside tasks for socialisation. Rather plan your time that will accommodate both your social and academic life. Don’t leave things for the last minute, because it might just backfire.

Photo: Sourced

Photo: Sourced

Eenvoudige pampoenkoekieresep Corine Raath @corineraath

Pampoenkoekiebestanddele: 2 koppies gaar pampoen 4 eetlepels meelblom 10 ml bakpoeier ’n knippie sout 1 eier Stroopbestanddele: 1 koppie melk ’n halwe koppie suiker

1 teelepel kaneel 1 eetlepel botter


Plaas ’n pot op die stoof en verhit die melk en botter totdat al die botter gesmelt is, maar moenie dat die mengsel kook nie. Voeg die suiker en kaneel by en roer die mengsel ten einde al die suiker opgelos het. Plaas die sous eenkant terwyl jy die pampoenkoekies



Meng die pampoen, meelblom, bakpoeier en sout totdat dit ’n homogene mengsel vorm. Klits die eier in ’n aparte bak en voeg dit by die pampoenmoes. Indien die mengsel te slap is, kan daar nog meelblom bygevoeg word. Verhit ’n neutrale olie soos sonneblomolie in ’n pan en plaas opgehoopte eetlepels van

die beslag in die warm olie. Braai tot ligbruin aan elke kant. Plaas die gebraaide pampoenkoekies op handdoekpapier om die oortollige olie te dreineer. Wanneer al die pampoenkoekies klaar is, kan jy óf net kaneelsuiker bo-oor strooi óf die pampoenkoekies in die kaneelstroop laat week vir ten minste twee ure. Bedien die pampoenkoekies warm as bykos of as nagereg.

Foto: Verskaf

9 Mei 2019





Van semesterweek tot eksamen: hoe om positief te bly Melissa Nel @melissa.nel99

So semesterweek is verby en ons almal sweet om te weet of ons deelnamepunte genoeg gaan wees. Met die eksamen wat om die draai is, voel dit byna onmoontlik om positief te bly na ’n taai semesterweek. Hier is ’n paar wenke om kop bo water te hou in die eksamenseisoen:

Spandeer tyd saam met jouself. Vat ’n uur in jou dag en

gebruik dit om net te vergeet van semesterweek wat verby is. Bederf jouself met jou gunsteling kos, TV-reeks of stokperdjie. Dit sal jou help om jou kop skoon te kry en

sodoende geestelik reg te wees vir die eksamen.

Verbeter jou deelnamepunt.

Dosente is geneig om klein toetse in te werk voor die eksamen. Leer hard en probeer om ’n goeie punt te kry. Hierdie klein toetse is juis dié wat drasties gaan bydra tot jou deelnamepunt.

Gaan leer in die bib.

Die biblioteek bied ’n rustige studieruimte sonder enige afleidings. Hoeveel keer het dit al gebeur – jy wil werk aan jou projek, maar jou kamermaat oorreed jou om die volgende episode van Game of Thrones te kyk. In die biblioteek bestaan hierdie afleidings nie en jy kan jouself boonop bederf met ’n koppie boeretroos by Ferdi’s. Drink koffie. Ten spyte van

baie oneenigheid, word daar geglo dat koffie kognitiewe funksie verbeter. Drie tot vier koppies koffie ’n dag verhoog konsentrasie en help jou om te fokus op ’n hoofdoelwit wat jy wil bereik. Dus sal koffie jou help om meer te fokus op jou leermateriaal. En laaste, maar nie die minste nie. Handhaaf ’n goeie balans. Universiteit is ’n baie stresvolle tyd in ’n jongmens se lewe, maar dis ook baie verrykend. Deur ’n goeie balans te handhaaf tussen werk en ontspan, kan jy die vreugdes van studentelewe geniet sonder om soos ’n stresballetjie te lyk. Sterkte met die eksamen – werk hard en jy sal die vrugte daarvan pluk.

Entrepreneurship: the job of the future

Foto: Verskaf

Aannames is onaantreklik

Ipeleng Mafora Ser_ipeleng

Many people dream of working for themselves. But why is this the case? Is it because of the supposed glory that comes after being successful in this field? Or is it the thrill of hard work that makes it so desirable? Maybe, but perhaps there is a deeper meaning behind this. Entrepreneurship is the foundation and driver of the economic market. Many would beg to differ because for most entrepreneurs the beginning is insignificant. But they fail to realize that this is one of the things that makes the experience so valuable, as their business gradually expands with the market. Perhaps, one of the most important yields of entrepreneurship is that it ushers in technological advancements, which seeks to ease people’s lives. Does South Africa have an environment favourable for entrepreneurship to flourish? The answer to this is debatable. In the February budget speech Tito Mboweni, finance minister, allocated R 481.6 million to small enterprise development agency, which seems insufficient to support aspiring entrepreneurs. The debacle of Mzansi’s entrepreneurs suggests the insufficiency of adequate support. It is fair to assume that countries with high rates of entrepreneurial success also have effective support structures from both the private and public sectors. To get a better grip of this, I interviewed Bonolo Matshediso. Matshediso, a recently graduated economics student from the North-West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus bewailed, “There is not enough support honestly; people go through the most to get funding. So, although Mzanzi needs entre-

Foto: Verskaf Corine Raath @corineraath

Photo: Sourced

preneurs, I don’t think they stand a chance.” To explain the effectivity of support available for entrepreneurs at the NWU a commercialisation and project management assistant, Onkemetse Mosetlhe, was happy to note that the success rate is satisfactory. A third-year student in law, who is also an entrepreneur and chose to be identified as Recou, noted, “Like any other business, there were risks for me to take, such as traveling to go do people’s nails without a penny for a deposit, which is probably poor business skills. It is such decisions that lead me to where I am today as a self-proclaimed nail tech.”

I also interviewed the founders of Candid Curls. Mellison-ann Snyders, Jade Jantjies and Leigann Kock are a trio of friends determined to make natural beautiful – in this case, natural hair. They were happy to note that theirs is rather a platform to share the love for natural hair in their community. When asked about the availability of support for entrepreneurs on campus, the Student Campus Council chairperson of council of societies, Vanessa Mokhethi, could neither confirm nor deny any such support.

Vooroordele. Daar is mos niks so lekker soos wanneer iemand besluit wie jy is nog voordat hulle jou leerken het nie. Ons was al almal daar. Jy is nog rustig besig om met jou vriende gesels en toe loop sy in. Skelgeel romp, swart crop top, broques met dik sole en babapienk hare. Daardie meisie moet beslis ’n skroef of twee los hê. Maar kom ons wees eerlik. Wat is dit wat jou eintlik pla? Die feit dat sy nie soos almal anders lyk, of die feit dat jý nie die selfvertroue het om so iets te doen nie? Ons het die geneigdheid om dit waaroor ons selfbewus is op ander te projekteer. Dié geneigdheid op sigself is seker nie die probleem nie, maar eerder die feit dat ons vooroordele gewoonlik verkeerd is. Ek weet ook nie wanneer ons begin het om status aan klere te heg nie, maar om die een of ander rede dink ons altyd dat iemand wat mooi aantrek baie geld het. Ek het ook al so gedink totdat ek myself eenkeer lelik misgis het. Deesdae gee dit my baie plesier as iemand sê “Mooi skoene!” of “Ek hou van jou jean,” en ek kan reageer met: “Dankie, dis Pick ’n Pay”. Die skok op party mense se gesigte is vir my een teveel. Ja, ’n mens kan

toe tog oulike skoene kry vir ’n fraksie van die prys. Die ding is: geld kan nie styl koop nie, tensy jy ’n stilis aanskaf. Jy het tog sekerlik al van die hollywoodsterre se uitrustings gesien? Soms lyk dit lyk asof ‘n wasmasjien letterlik oor hulle opgegooi het, maar dan kos hul pakkie duidende dollars. Die ergste vir my is dat hul aanhangers dit wragtag nog sal gaan staan en koop. Breinspoeling op sy beste. Natuurlik oordeel ons nie net op grond van klere nie. Nee, ons is sleg genoeg om mense se voorkoms ook af te kraak. Dink jy Jannie het sy bakore gekies? Nee. Wou Sannie hare soos Nina in die bos hê? Waarskynlik nie. En dan gaan ons nog so ver om vir die mense te besluit hoe hulle oor hul voorkoms voel. Ek gee nie om of jy dink daardie meisie moet gewig verloor nie. Sy leef dalk haar beste lewe; as dit pizza en ’n paar ekstra kilo’s insluit then so be it. En nee, nie alle “vet” mense is lui nie. Daardie “pokkeltjie” sukkel met ’n skildklierprobleem terwyl jy jouself elke dag aan skyfies vergryp sonder om ’n gram op te tel.Die lewe is reeds onregverdig. Moenie daardie persoon wees wat dit nog moeiliker maak nie. Glo my, jy is so besig om ander mense te oordeel dat jy vergeet jy lyk ook nie aldag te goed nie.



Redaksioneel Stem dan vir wyn Gister was daar ’n verkiesing. Een wat my deurmekaar en effens hartseer gelos het. Ek het geweet vir wie ek wil stem, en ek het ook dit gedoen, maar intussen het ek stemdoos na stemdoos op sosiale media gesien wat onwettig aangepas word, of langs die pad lê of wat vol valse inligting geprop is voordat ons kon stem. Nietemin. Hier is ons nou. Die eerste dag in ʼn nuwe Suid-Afrika. Ek moes vandag geskenke gaan koop vir ʼn baby shower, en ek het gevoel dat dit iets simbolies sê oor die geboorte van iets nuuts in hierdie land. Ek kan vir niemand belowe dat dit maklik gaan wees nie. Kinders is nooit nie. Nie eers hierdie gedeelde een van ons nie. Toe ek uit die winkel uit loop, lees ek die kommentaar wat iemand op my sosiale media los wat baie

ontsteld daaroor is dat ek my opinie oor ʼn Suid-Afrika waar ons saam kan werk lig. “F*k jou.” – begin die kommentaar, (sonder die sterretjie). Maar dis oukei dat mense van ons verskil. Baie mense het gister, want die stembrief was langer as ʼn semestertoets. Dinge gaan nie vandag, of selfs more, beter gaan nie. Daarvan is ons almal seker. Maar dit gaan my nie keer om te probeer nie, ek hoop met my hele wese dat dit jou ook nie keer nie. Ek het darem ook ʼn paar bottels wyn aangeskaf – want maak nie saak wat in hierdie land gebeur nie, ons gaan altyd die lekkerste wyne in die wêreld maak. Daaroor kan ons darem seker wees. Dít, en dat die DA jou darem nie meer gaan wakkerbel nie.

Kaalvoet Koebaai C


9 Mei 2019

Pleidooi aan die 20/20 individue Le-Lanie Ludick @lelanie_ludick

Ek het laas 20/20 visie gehad toe ek dertien jaar oud was. Dit was ook die laaste keer wat ek ’n voorwerp 20 m voor my met duidelikheid kon sien. Dieselfde geld vir my visie vir die toekoms wat ook laas op dertienjarige ouderdom helder was. Maar dis net ek en ek kyk op na diegene wat wel 20/20 visie het, letterlik en figuurlik. Die individue op universiteit wat duidelikheid oor hul toekoms en hul planne het, is normaalweg diegene wat jou daarvan sal vertel. As ek duidelikheid oor my toekoms gehad het sou ek ook daarmee gespog het, maar daar is wel die van ons wat maagpyn kry sodra jy “vyf jaar plan” in ’n gesprek sê. Daar is persone wie al sewe jaar lank studeer sonder een voltooide graad weens ’n paar onverwagte struikelblokke. Ongelukkig sal die 20/20’s dan verder aangaan oor hul derde graad, wat sonder enige slaggate in die pad, voltooi is. Die persone wat elke ding volgens die vyf jaar plan beplan, sal die persone wees wat glo dat jou toekoms bepaal word deur elke goeie besluit wat jy neem en daarom moet die slegtes vermy word. Ongelukkig is daar persone wat ’n ompad via brandewyn-laan vat en per ongeluk ’n paar slegte besluite neem langs die pad. Natuurlik is die 20/20’s nie perfek nie, maar slegte besluite word baie makliker vermy indien jy gefokus is op die plan. Diegene met 20/20 visie gee gereeld

Foto: Verskaf

raad en fokus slegs op die positiewe totdat hulle so ver vooruit kyk dat hulle struikel en val oor die eerste klip voor hul voete. Die van ons wat sukkel om ver vooruit te sien weet om af te kyk, want die mees onverwagte dinge is vermybaar wanneer jy weet om uit te kyk daarvoor. Indien jy jouself in die beskrywing van ’n 20/20’er herken, is dit blote toeval en ek is baie jaloers. Indien jy jouself raaksien in die persoon wat af kyk en via brandewyn-laan jou

eerste graad kry, is dit blote toeval en ek is baie jaloers. Elkeen van hierdie persone het hul eie herinneringe wat hulle volg deur universiteit tot daar waar hulle op hul eie tyd sukses behaal. Ongeag die tydlyn kom net by jou bestemming uit en fokus op die reis. N.S ek rig ’n pleidooi aan diegene wie letterlik 20/20 visie het. Ek weet jy kan my sien wanneer dit reën en jou motorligte afgeskakel is, maar asseblief nie almal van ons is so bevoorreg nie, skakel jou ligte aan.

Germaphobe: Bathroom etiquette

Wapader van die uitgawe: Die Wapader van dié uitgawe is Karlien Meiring. Karlien het twee wonderlike berigte geskryf en haar eerste smakie van teksredigering in hierdie uitgawe gehad. Karlien, ons waardeer jou en sien uit om te sien wat die toekoms vir jou inhou.


HOOFREDAKTRISE: Colette Combrink NUUSREDAKTEUR: JJ Denton KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTRISE: Denise Robertson FOTOREDAKTRISE: Le-Lanie Ludick TEKSREDAKTRISE: Alet Janse van Rensburg (Teksversorging: Tyler Jacobs & Karlien Meiring) SPORTREDAKTRISE: Lizaan Snyman UITLEGREDAKTEUR: Christian Venter INTERNE KOÖRDINEERDER: Chané Jonker ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 072 511 8289 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 25 Julie. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.

Photo: Sourced Langa Cele @native_cele

We all cringe at the sight of a dirty and stinking bathroom on campus, and wonder to ourselves how can people leave the bathroom in such a mess. It is our etiquette which distinguishes us from animals. Etiquette of an individual speaks a lot about their background and upbringing.

Not only should we bare in mind that there are others that use the bathroom, but there are cleaning staff as well. Just because it is their job to clean the bathroom does not mean that they should work in an undignified environment. We encounter young and old black women who work in the bathrooms. It is unacceptable for students to disregard them and not take into account their dignity when they use the bathroom and leave it in a mess. A few recommendable tips would be: 1. Always flush (twice, if necessary).

2. Dispose of excess toilet paper. 3. Observe social responsibility – if you mess on the toilet seat, clean it. 4. Avoid shaking wet hands onto the floor, paper towels and hand dryers are at your disposal. 5. Throw paper towels away. 6. Take out what you bring in. It is important to keep the bathrooms on campus clean and safe, just like we would not allow anything to happen in our private bathrooms at home.

9 Mei 2019




NWU Miss Varsity Cup crowned first princess Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletterkunde


his year the NorthWest University (NWU) could boast that Lesego Sathikge, Miss Varsity Cup from the Potchefstroom campus, was selected as the first princess in the nationwide competition for inspiring women from each leading campuses in South Africa. The national competition ended in Stellenbosch at the Danie Craven Stadium. Sathikge mentioned that every representative from the respective campuses was unique and that through the process she was forced out of her comfort zone and could learn from the “welleducated and mannered representatives”. Sathikge, a third-year BSc microbiology and biochemistry student, said that winning Miss Varsity Cup was initially not something she set out to do during her time at university but she

ascribed it to serendipity. Sathikge ended up becoming the Potchefstroom campus’s first black woman to win Miss Varsity Cup and it is clear that her eloquence and passion for the youth has more to do with it than serendipity. “Being a pioneer in this regard is such an honour. I want to show black young ladies that any boundary can be broken as long as you put your mind to it, believe in yourself and put in the hard work it requires.” In terms of her involvement in the term ahead, Sathikge said that working with the youth is something she has always been passionate about. “I believe in developing the youth of South Africa in terms of education and empowerment. In my hometown, Carletonville, there’s a seminar where we give learners career guidance and also empower them by teaching them to find themselves and develop firm morals and beliefs.” In the near future Sathikge looks forward to furthering her studies and also to develop her modelling career. Photo: Sourced

Anabolic vs. catabolic exercise and what it means to you Corine Raath @corineraath

When people want to lose weight, they typically implement cardio, which is a form of catabolic exercise. However, new research suggests that this might not be as effective as anabolic exercises. Anabolism and catabolism are both metabolic processes. Anabolism refers to the building of molecules, while catabolism is when molecules are broken down into smaller pieces.

Catabolic exercises are usually referred to as aerobic exercise which implies that it uses oxygen. This can include activities such as jogging, swimming, dancing or any other activity done at a moderate pace for a prolonged period of time. On the other hand, anabolic exercises include weight-lifting, yoga, skipping or plyometrics. These exercises typically help to build muscle, while catabolic exercises burn excess energy or fat. Although catabolic exercise seems like the more rational choice since it burns fat, this is not

necessarily the case. One of the main problems with catabolic exercises is that the body adapts to them. What this means is that over a period of time you won’t be burning as many calories doing the same amount of exercise. To combat this adaptation, one would have to keep increasing the intensity of the exercise. In terms of catabolic exercise, this would mean spending more time performing said exercises. On the other hand, it is much easier to increase the intensity of anabolic exercises by increasing the weight you are

lifting or to increase the height at which you do plyometric exercises like box jumps. Catabolic exercise also has a tendency to give you a bigger appetite because it increases your stress hormones. This, in turn, will more than likely cause you to eat more, thus, cancelling out any progress. Anabolic exercise can also increase hunger but in this case, the extra food is used to build and maintain your muscle mass. The main advantage of anabolic exercise is this continuous building of muscle. Most bodybuilders have to eat a big calorie surplus to gain

muscle mass. Muscle is also much more metabolically active, meaning it burns more energy during the day than fat tissue which in turn means that your metabolic rate increases and you can eat more. The conclusion is, that while both anabolic and catabolic exercise can benefit your health and lead to weight loss, anabolic exercise increases your metabolic rate; however, the exercise that you enjoy the most, is the exercise that is most suited to your needs.

UEFA Champions League heating up Langa Cele @native_cele

The first leg of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League semi-final saw Barcelona and Ajax Amsterdam overpower their counterparts, going into the second leg of the semi-finals with the aggregate in their favour. The first semi-final took place between Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) and Ajax Amsterdam on Tuesday, 30 April at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. A goal in the fifteenth minute through Donny van de Beek secured the talented and youthful Ajax team an important away goal and victory. Spurs truly missed the attacking presence of injured star player, Harry Kane, and suspended, Son Heung-Min. However, the return of Heung-Min in the second leg on Wednesday, 8 May at the Johan

Cruijff Arena, might help the Spurs pose a bigger threat on their attack. The second semi-final was Barcelona against Liverpool at Camp Nou in Barcelona on Wednesday, 1 May. A great brace by Lionel Messi in the 75th and 82nd minute, after Luis Suárez netted Barcelona’s first goal in the 26th minute, secured the home team a 3 - 0 victory over their counterparts. It was not only Messi who had a great game but the Barcelona goalkeeper, Marc-André ter Stegen pulled off crucial saves to deny the visitors an all-important away goal. This puts Barcelona in a comfortable position for the second leg tie at Anfield, on Tuesday, 7 May, as it will be all to play for as Liverpool look to do the impossible and overturn a 3 - 0 aggregate lead. The winners on aggregate after this week’s games will play in the UEFA Champions League final that takes place on Saturday, 1 June at the Estadio Metropolitano in Madrid.

Photo: Sourced

Sport 9 Mei 2019

Semenya win some, ya lose some Photo: Sourced

Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15


aster Semenya won the 800 m at the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) Diamond League on 3 May for the 30th time in a row, a mere two days after losing her appeal against the IAAF with a time of 1 minute 54.98 seconds. Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi came in second with a time of 1 minute 57.75 seconds and the United States runner, Ajee

Wilson at 1 minute 58.83 seconds. This was the last time Semenya will be able to compete in the 800 m as the IAAF ruling is set to take effect on 8 May. The ruling states that female athletes with naturally high testosterone levels who wish to compete in both the 400 m and 800 m events must limit their testosterone level to under 5 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) by using medical treatment. Semenya is not the only athlete that will be affected by the ruling. Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi and Kenya’s Margaret Wambui have also faced questions about their testosterone levels in the past. The ruling has left Semenya supporters frustrated. President

of Athletics South Africa (ASA), Aleck Skhosana, stated, “We are deeply disappointed and profoundly shocked that the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s (CAS) award is in favour of upholding the new IAAF regulations for female athletes.” Minister for women, Bathabile Dlamini, added, “It’s a violation of her rights as a woman and in violation of her rights as human being.” “Athletics has two classifications – it has age and it has gender. We are fiercely protective of both. We are really grateful that CAS has upheld that principle,” said IAAF president, Sebastian Coe, in a statement that was released on 3 May.

NWU Athletes shine at SA Athletics Championship

Although the IAAF is not forcing female athletes to get surgery or take medication to lower their testosterone levels, the president of the World Medical Association (WMA), dr Leonid Eidelman, said in a statement on their website, "We have strong reservations about the ethical validity of these regulations. They are based on weak evidence from a single study, which is currently being widely debated by the scientific community”. The WMA also warned that the treatment involved certain risks and dangers and the WMA is calling for “immediate withdrawal”. It is unethical for physicians to prescribe treatment

High stakes for NWU Hockey this weekend Lizaan Snyman @lizaansnyman15

Isaac Ndlovu @iwn_isaac_welcome

Athletes from the North-West University (NWU) competed against some of South Africa’s elite in the South African Athletics Championship held from 25-27 April in Germinston. The elite athletes included Caster Semenya, Akani Simbine, Luvo Manyonga and Wayde van Niekerk. Van Niekerk later withdrew as he is still recovering from a recent injury. The athletes competed for SA’s athletics greatest price at national level. One of the events of the day included Chedrick

van Wyk and Theodor Young in the 200 m. The two NWU athletes finished behind South Africa’s fastest all time man, Akani Simbine. Four NWU Potchefstroom campus athletes were crowned as SA champions in their respective events. NWU athletes achieved the following results: Tshepang Makhethe: Men’s Hammer Throw – 72.25 m – Gold Mpho Links: Men’s High Jump – 2.25 m – Gold Rantso Mokopane: Men’s 3000 m Steeplechase – 08:59.17 - Gold Danél Holton: Women’s 400 m – 0:54.03 – Gold Johann Grobler: Men’s Javelin – 76.97 – Silver Anri Salim: Women’s High Jump Heptathlon – 1.75 m – Silver Anri Salim: Women’s 200 m Heptathlon – 26.36 s – Silver Eljoné Kruger: Women’s Long Jump – 6.61 m – Silver Chedrick van Wyk: Men’s 200 m –

20.64 s – Silver Anri Salim: Final Women Senior 800 m Heptathlon – 2:29.31 – Silver Ariana Nel: Women’s 200 m – 24.17 s – Silver Jo-Ané van Dyk: Women’s Javelin – 54.09 m – Silver Theodore Young: Men’s 200 m – 20.71 s – Bronze Stefanie Greyling: Women’s Hammer Throw – 57.24 m – Bronze Edmund Hern: Men’s Javin Decathlon – 52.39 – Bronze Tiaan Kleynhans: Men’s 110 m Hurdles – 13.86 s – Bronze Anri Salim: Final Women Senior Long Jump Heptathlon – 5.31 m – Bronze Anri Salim: Final Women Senior Javelin Heptathlon – 28.66 m – Bronze Anneri Gravett: Final Women Senior 800 m Heptathlon – 2:40.19 – Bronze

to lower testosterone if the condition is not recognised as pathological. When Semanya was asked if she would take medication so she can compete, she said, “Hell no. No way.” Semenya was also asked what her next step will be regarding the IAAF Diamand League were she wanted to defend her 800 m title this year. Since Semenya does not want to conform to the IAAF’S new ruling, she will have to take part in longer distance events. Semenya just said, “I keep training. I keep running, it does not matter. If something comes in front of me I will always find a way to jump (over) it.”

The North-West University (NWU) women’s hockey team won their first two matches against Nelson Mandela University, 6 - 2 and University of Witwatersrand, 4 - 1. The other two matches against the University of Free State and the University of Pretoria, however, did not go as planned. The NWU lost with scores of 4 - 1 and 3 - 0 respectively. These matches took place at the University of Cape Town (UCT) from 3-6 May. The NWU team currently find themselves in fourth place on the log as they play their last three round matches against the University of Stellenbosch (Maties), University of Cape Town (UCT) and the University of Johannesburg at the NWU Astro this weekend from 10-12 May with the semi-final taking place on 13 May. Charne Maddocks, NWU captain and striker, said, “Our goal for this weekend is to win all

three games as we want make it to the final, if not win the tournament.” “We also have an advantage for the next three games since the astro is new and the other university teams don’t know how the turf plays,” added Maddocks. Interesting facts about the Hockey Varsity Cup, is that athletes must be 25 years old or younger and must maintain 60 credits minimum to participate. The tournament also works on a yearly “gender-rotation system” in which the women and men take turns to compete for the title. The NWU women team also brags with six out of the thirteen national players playing in the Hockey Varsity Cup this year, namely, Courtney du Preez, Mia Barnard, Mishka Ellis, Kirsty Adams, Sare Laubscher and Jacolene McLaren. Catch the NWU team in action this weekend at the NWU Astro: 10 May: NWU vs Maties (18:45) 11 May: NWU vs UCT (17:45) 12 May: NWU vs UJ (18:45) – Televised on channel 210

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