Wapad - 1 June 2017

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1 JUNIE 2017


Wenner van die 2016 ATKV Mediaveertjie vir die beste studentekoerant WAPAD® IS DIE STUDENTEKOERANT VAN DIE NWU-POTCHEFSTROOMKAMPUS




Biblioteekopgradering word uitgestel

3 Interkampus: PHOTO: SCHENÉ MEYER

LLB may be lost in translation Dennis Delport & Le-Lanie Ludick @Dennisdelport @le_lanie


he Faculty of Law may lose its accreditation after the National Review Committee (NRC) issued a notice of withdrawal of accreditation for the North-West University’s (NWU) LLB degree. The NRC’s notice is based on the findings of a revision programme conducted in 2016 on all South African universities that offer LLB as a degree. The NWU’s LLB programme does not meet all of the requirements needed to be fully accredited and therefore an improvement plan will be submitted by 6 October 2017 to stipulate how the faculty plans to resolve the issues identified by the NRC. Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg, campus rector of the NWU’s Potchefstroom campus, said the university has a plan of action. “Management has instructed the faculty judge to lay the foundations of its reconstruction plans, which the NWU will then submit on 6 October.” This reconstruction plan will be consulted with all stakeholders, including the academic staff and students of law. The NRC’s notice however does not mean the degree is no longer accredited or accepted. The degree remains valid, but the existence of a notice of withdrawal could lead to severe consequences for the faculty and prospective students. Current students enrolled for the LLB programme are not affected by

the decision of the NRC. Managay Reddi, president of The South African Law Dean’s Association’s (SALDA), assured all students that they will be able to continue their studies. “They will graduate with an accredited qualification.” The programme remains accredited until the NRC decides otherwise, but this will not influence students that are currently enrolled in the programme. This decision will be made after 6 October. Thereafter, students will be certain of their future in the NWU’s Faculty of Law.

I won’t feel comfortable with a degree that has been under threat in the past. The NRC based their decision on three elements that did not meet their standards. The first matter is the discrepancy between the two sites of delivery – Potchefstroom and Mafikeng. Among other issues, the provision of curriculum delivery was highlighted as one of the main concerns. This pertains to the disparity in both presentation of lesson material and its assessment on the two campuses. Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg assured students that these concerns are currently being addressed. “From 1 July 2017, there will no longer be separate faculties on each campus, there will be only one

Faculty of Law.” This decision ensures solidarity between the two campuses, as there will be only one executive dean responsible for both campuses’ faculties. Secondly, the NRC found that there is a lack of substantive integration in the programme as well as on the Potchefstroom campus. This issue was highlighted by students using the translation services during LLB lectures. SJ Lelaka, a first-year LLB-student, agrees with the issue. “In terms of where we are moving towards in the future, the institution is placing everyone at a disadvantage and not only English speaking students. Law is English and everyone will benefit from an English background in law.” Ultimately, it is the third matter that will affect prospective students. The NRC states that the low admission requirements are not on par with the amount of support for students during the course of their studies. In this vein, admission requirements for the BA and BCom law degrees have already been adjusted upwardly. Prof Fika Janse van Rensburg assured students in the faculty: “We have everything in place to have the improvement plan submitted by 6 October, ready in time.” However, if the NRC is not satisfied by the improvement plan and the structural changes proposed by the NWU, the withdrawal of accreditation is a strong possibility. Quinton Masemola, a firstyear BA Law student, said even though he will be able to complete his studies, he will consider another university. “I won’t feel comfortable with a degree that has been under threat in the past.”

1. Huiskomitee-bedanking op UCT 2. Student vermoor in Stellenbosch 3. Serrie gekanseleer by UP


2 Lan League sorg vir kompeterende pret


Nuus 1 Junie 2017

2 Wapad

10 things: I am fine, this is (not) fine Linzetta Calitz @LinzettaC


ithout a doubt (in most cases) this is quite the emotional time for anyone claiming to be a student. I use “claiming” because if it wasn’t for the official student number, would some people really be classified as students? I think not. Formalities aside though, here are a few emotional phenomena some of these student-like creatures display on campus. Group assignments. If you say every group effort ever has been a success, you. are. a. pathological. liar. Don’t even try to deny it. A breakdown at some stage is quite inevitable. Either you have too much to do, you don’t do enough, or, there are so many members, when you attend the compulsory group meeting, three people do the work while the other eight sit around handing out unwanted love advice. Individual assignments. It’s one thing to have other people not do the work, but when it’s all on you, there’s no one else to blame. My friend, admit it, unless you’re some supernatural form of a human being, you’ve had an emotional collapse caused by an assignment of sorts.



Lecturer breakdowns. Sometimes we might think these people were sent from down below, but how would you turn out if you had to deal with all the sh*t “people” (a.k.a students) came up with in assignments, tests, and even classes. Cut them some slack. If we’re entitled to an emotional issue or two, don’t be a hypocrite. Adulting looks really hard. And then obviously you have those calm souls who never break down. Or so it seems. They are the ones with “unhealthy” coping mechanisms from wine(ing) and dining (indulging) to ignoring emotions like a Potchefstroom stop

sign. Pro tip: crying in the bath is always an option. In this weather people might just assume you’re adding some more hot water. No fears public tears. Technically there’s no shame in showing your emotions, most people just prefer to, you know, not. But hey, graduation caps off to those brave individuals who aren’t afraid of admitting and showcasing their issues – that takes some serious guts, or just giving zero futs. “My circus, my monkeys, but if you’d like to pay for the show, you are more than welcome.” Buddy breakdown. A pity party for one is simply not as fun. Just get yourself some

pizza (don’t be stingy – an SS mini Roman’s won’t cut it), ice cream (sommer more than one flavour) and a guilty pleasure movie or just your party buddy’s conversation. Just suggestions, but pizza (actually food in general) doesn’t ask questions, pizza understands. The not my buddy, buddy breakdown. That awkward moment when you walk in on someone that has reached their breaking point. A stranger in need is a friend indeed. Few things reach bonding level: breakdown. Try to figure out the issue, even if it’s just with a tissue. Cheesy, but hey, that may be exactly what they need.

No chicken strips available breakdown. You know that moment when everything just comes crashing down? The collapse was coming, but if you could just get some comfort food and make it home, you’d be fine. Universe: “Oh, what’s that? You’d like some strips? With honey and mustard? Sorry hun, chicken didn’t make it across the road and neither did the bees. The birds might have kept them busy.” Horrible handouts. Now, I’m not saying always keep it bottled up around people, but you know when your freak out was uncalled for. Or at least the person who got it didn’t deserve it. Isn’t it always that way? Swallow your pride like your Red Bull the night before. The poor victim’s forgiveness might just give you wings. A bit broken, but good enough to fly. Or limp away. Some people, though I quite doubt their existence, seem to really have all their monkeys tamed and together and just chilling there eating their bananas. Like, how? If you are out there and reading this, Wapad (and I’m sure many, many other travellers of life) would certainly like to hear from you oh Holy Master of Breakdowns.

The effect of the depiction of Muslims in mainstream media Colette Combrink @CombrinkColette

In what ways do the depiction of Muslims and Islamicism in the mainstream media inform the thoughts and actions of nonMuslims? This is the question asked by Dr. Laurens de Rooij, a post-doctoral candidate at the University of Cape Town (UCT). De Rooij presented a talk at the North-West University’s Potchefstroom campus

on Monday 22nd of April. He asked questions such as “Does Islamophobic media make people Islamophobic?” to get to the core of how the news informs the public about religions that are not their own and how that influences the public perception of these religions. Based on case studies in Western societies that harbour a considerable amount of Muslim citizens, he created discourse based on how people chose to orientate themselves. One of the most important

questions De Rooij asked is, “who gets to speak?” He evaluated broadcasts from the BBC and Channel 4 News (influential networks in Britain), specifically looking at who is asked about issues where Muslim people are concerned. This, he said, can be compared to men who speak about issues concerning women and white people about issues concerning people of colour. He concluded that in many cases, minorities are not given the opportunity to speak, perhaps as the result of some kind

of social or political stigma. According to De Rooij, “the way minorities are discussed by the majority in a way defines the minorities – and, at times, that is totally incorrect”. He looked at the subjective perceptions that are constructed both in personal and social spheres when prominent people, like politicians, are asked about something that do not really concern them personally. Even though the media might influence people’s presuppositions, De Rooij warned that the problem

does not lie solely with the media, but also with an educational system that does not nurture critical thinking. “The media does what it is designed to do – it reaches the people. It is, however, the way that people interpret this news that makes the difference.” Finally, De Rooij is of the opinion that the media needs to be balanced and unbiased, but ultimately it is up to the people to make the distinction for themselves.

CANSA Relay For Life word vir ’n tweede keer uitgestel Marietjie Leonard @MarietjieLeona3

CANSA Relay For Life 2017 het vir ’n tweede keer uitgereën in Potchefstroom. Die Uitvoerende Komitee beskou die uitstel as ’n “act of God” en berus in die feit dat mens nie beheer oor die weer het nie. CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa) Relay for Life is ’n geleentheid waar mense wat kanker oorleef en oorwin het, die lewe vier. Dit is ook ter herinnering aan diegene wat ons verlaat het as gevolg van kanker, en verder om ’n bewustheid rondom kanker te skep. Die aflos duur 24 uur. Spanlede stap om ’n rugbyveld of atletiekbaan en los mekaar op sekere punte af. Die doel hiervan is om geld in te samel vir die stryd teen kanker. Die eerste CANSA Relay For Life sou op 5 Maart 2017 plaasgevind het, maar is uitgestel weens weerstoestande. Volgens Wilna Esterhuizen,


lid van die CANSA Relay For Life komitee, was die NoordwesUniversiteit se rugbyvelde deurdrenk na die goeie reën en

die moontlikheid dat die bane erg vertrap sou word met al die voete was te groot. Die daaropvolgende naweek was daar alreeds wedstrede

gereël wat gespeel moes word. Die komitee het op Vrydag 4 Maart besluit om die datum van die aflos te skuif. Belangegroepe is dadelik geskakel om hulle in te lig oor die stand van sake en dat daar later ’n nuwe datum deurgegee sal word. “Ons het gebruik gemaak van telefoonoproepe, SMS’e, WhatsApp’s en Facebook. OFM en Radio Overvaal is ook genader sodat hulle die nuus vir ons kon uitsaai”, het Esterhuizen gesê. Die nuwe datum is vir 13 Mei vasgemaak, maar weereens het die weersomstandighede veroorsaak dat die aflos nie kon plaasvind nie. Met ’n swaar hart het die komitee op 13 Mei rondom 9 uur die oggend besluit om die Relay for Life af te stel, selfs na alles reeds in plek was – tente, bane en staanplekke was alles reeds gemerk. Die vermaaklikheidsverhoog was ook al opgerig. Daar is wel besluit om in Julie (datum nog onbekend) ’n ete te hou

vir al die kanker-oorwinnaars wat die aflos sou bywoon. Die spanne se inskrywingsgelde is ’n donasie vir die CANSA Relay For Life en word self deur die spanne in die CANSA Relay for Life se rekening gedeponeer. Spanne wat kontant betaal het se gelde is die volgende dag gedeponeer. Dus kon daar nie aan spangelde terugbetaal word nie. Jannes de Jager, ’n tweedejaarstudent in BCom bemarkingsbestuur, het gesê dat die uitstel van die aflos hom nie direk geraak het nie. “Al het ek my R 20 inskrywingsgeld klaar betaal, weet ek dis vir ’n goeie doel. Baie mense het gesê hulle soek hulle geld terug, maar ek gee glad nie om om my deel aan hulle te skenk nie.” “Ons bedank wel steeds elke gemeenskapslid en student vir hul ondersteuning aan CANSA en hoop om elkeen by die volgende aflos te sien,” het Johann Hattingh, voorsitter van CANSA Relay for Life, gesê.

1 Junie 2017


Biblioteekopgraderings uitgestel Dennis Delport @Dennisdelport


ie Ferdinand Postma Biblioteek (FPB) se planne om opgraderings te doen het verlede week ’n terugslag beleef ná onderhandelinge met die tenderproses skeefgeloop het. Die opgraderings sou aanvanklik tussen Junie vanjaar en Maart 2018 plaasgevind het, maar sal nou eers einde Augustus vanjaar begin. Wanneer die opgraderings begin, sal die tweede vloer eerste aan die beurt wees. Dié area sal dan ontoeganklik wees vir studente. Die vorige keer wat die biblioteek op so groot skaal ontoeganklik was weens opknapping, was tussen


Desember 2013 en Maart 2014 toe die grondvloer opgegradeer is. Volgens Louise Vos, seniorbestuurder van die FBP, is dit belangrik om te weet dat die vorige opknapping nie op so groot skaal was nie. “In albei gevalle was net gedeeltes van die vloere oorgedoen.” Vos het gesê die biblioteek gaan alles in hulle vermoë probeer doen om die area steeds toeganklik te maak, maar volgens die riglyne van Fisiese Infrastruktuur en Beplanning mag niemand toegang tot ’n konstruksiearea verkry nie. Lesers kan ’n in-diepte berig oor die opknappingswerk in Wapad se volgende uitgawe verwag. FOTO: HEINZ SCHOEMAN-STRUWIG

UNIVERSUM awards NWU excellence Denise Robertson @Denisemybru

The North-West University (NWU) received the first place in both the “University Satisfaction” and “Best Career Services” categories in the UNIVERSUM Global Surveys Awards. The UNIVERSUM Global Survey is a survey that conducts research among university students in approximately 50 countries. The South African UNIVERSUM office approached current students as well as alumni at universities. The research focused on students’ job search behaviour and their preferences in employers and working conditions. Approximately 2 000 NWU students, representing all three campuses, participated in the UNIVERSUM survey. According to Peet Roos, acting manager and career consultant at the NWU’s Career Centre, 2 000 was a statistically significant number for UNIVERSUM. The survey, which was conducted between November 2016 and March 2017, was used to determine the winners. Some of the research questions


that were asked in the survey concerned the students’ satisfaction with their specific university and the university’s career services. This year, UNIVERSUM provided two possible awards for the universities in South Africa: “University Satisfaction” and “Best Career Services”. In the “University Satisfaction” award, the University of Stellenbosch came in second place and the University of the Witwatersrand in

third place. In the “Best Career Services” award, the University of Cape Town was second and the Central University of Technology third. Roos said: “The NWU can be very proud that an international organisation like UNIVERSUM recognised the students to be more satisfied with the NWU than other students are with their institutions. The NWU Career Centre is especially grateful for the award, as they outshone universities whose Career Centres are much older and consists of a larger number of staff members.” He also expressed his gratitude towards students who participated, hoping that even more students will participate in the next annual survey. Roos is excited about the future of NWU students and their careers after the results of the survey. “The most important benefit is that participating employers will take note of the NWU and the Career Centre and attend more of our career days to recruit more students,” said Roos.

Bydrae tot bewusmaking Le-Lanie Ludick @le_lanie

Elke koshuis op die NoordwesUniversiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWU-Puk) is betrokke by ’n SJGDprojek wat intern gekoördineer word deur inwoners van die koshuis, sowel as die SJGD (Studente JOOL en gemeenskapsdiens) huiskomiteelid (HK). Buiten die SJGD-projekte, is daar koshuise wat bykomende projekte onder koshuisinwoners reël om bewusmaking te skep. Twee van hierdie koshuise is Patria- en Veritas manskoshuise wat bydra deur hulself in minderbevoorregtes se skoene te plaas. Patria manskoshuis se inwo-ners neem jaarliks deel aan bewusmakingsweek. Dít behels dat inwoners wat vrywillig deelneem, vir twee aande en drie dae buite die koshuis in sinkhuise slaap. Hulle ontvang slegs R 20 per dag om van te lewe. Die inwoners word in spanne van ses verdeel en om hulle geld verder te laat strek sal die spanlede hulle geld bymekaarsit. Die week is tradisioneel in die tweede kwartaal, dus is dit reeds nogal koud. Niel Volschenk, Patria se SJGD HK-lid het gesê dit moet koud wees. “Die doel daarvan is om mense bewus te maak van armoede. Ons is in warm koshuiskamers en net 10 km verder is daar mense in Ikageng wat werklik

swaarkry.” Die inwoners mag slegs een kombers saamneem en dra vir die drie dae hul bewusmakingshemp, ’n langbroek en een baadjie. Stortgeriewe word van hulle ontneem omdat meeste mense in informele nedersettings nie badkamergeriewe het nie. Hulle word toegelaat om in die koshuis te studeer en woon nog klas by in die drie dae. Die omstandighede is ongunstig vir die deelnemers, maar volgens Volschenk dra dit by tot die bewusmaking. “Ons is verseker bewus, want dit was nogal vrek koud daai week.” Tronkweek is die tradisie wat in Veritas manskoshuis bewusmaking skep. Die tradisie is op die gang Beurocrats. Dít maak inwoners bewus van die omstandighede in ’n tronk deur die hele week soos tronkvoëls behandel te word. Die HK-lid in die gang tree op as die “tronkbewaarder” oor die “gevangene”. Vir ’n week lank is daar slegs ’n halfuur stort tyd vir al die inwoners gegee en mag hulle slegs hulle oranje ovie en hoed pakkie dra. Tiaan Grové, vyfdejaarstudent in bedryfsingenieurswese, neem al vir drie jaar lank deel aan tronkweek en beskryf dit as pret en ’n tradisie wat die gang nader aan mekaar bring. In hierdie week sal die inwoners elke dag as ’n groep by ’n ander eetsaal gaan eet, onder leiding van die tronkbewaarder. Daar word strafoefeninge gedoen soos gevangenes in die tronk sal doen.

SJGD skep geluk met ’n suksesvolle Mnr en Me Witrand Le-Lanie Ludick @le_lanie

Tien mans en tien vrouens het deelgeneem om moontlik as Meneer en Mejuffrou Witrand gekroon te word. Items wat tydens die talentkompetisie opgevoer is, het treffers vanaf “Ou ryperd” en “Love me tender” deur Elvis Presley tot “I love you” van die kinderprogram, Barney, ingesluit. Elke item het ’n staande applous gekry. Meneer en Mejuffrou Witrand, wat by die Witrand Psigiatriese hospitaal plaasvind, is die jaarlikse hoogtepunt vir die SJGD-projek, Droomhuis en Witrand, en ook vir die inwoners van Witrand. Met behulp van die hospitaalpersoneel neem enkele pasiënte deel aan dié geleentheid. Die aand is deur Witrand personeel en die Droomhuis en Witrand-komitee gereël onder leiding van projekleier Marunelle Hitge. Volgens Hitge sien die pasiënte die hele jaar lank uit na dié funksie. “Meneer en Mejuffrou Witrand is baie goed vir pasiënte


se emosionele toestand om uit hul gemaksone te kom. Dit verg maande se motivering sodat hulle op die verhoog kan klim en ’n soentjie blaas vir die gehoor.”

Deelnemers kry elkeen die geleentheid om die gehoor en beoordelaars met hul talente te beïndruk. Die pasiënte, meestal bejaardes, het geestesversteurings of ’n verstandelike

gestremdheid, maar dit het hulle nie verhoed om met oorgawe deel te neem nie. Pasiënte wat daartoe in staat is, het die personeel gehelp om reëlings te

tref wanneer hulle nie besig was met terapie nie. Tyd wat personeel nie aan pasiënte gewy het nie het hulle spandeer om die dekor met die tema “Candy Land” te maak. Die aand behels baie logistieke reëlings rondom die pasiënte en hoe hulle geakkommodeer kan word om dit so gemaklik as moontlik te maak. Die vrouens se rokke is deur die Prinses Projek geborg – deelnemers is ook bepunt op hul uitrustings. Verskeie NWU personeel, onder andere Potchefstroomkampusrektor prof Fika Janse van Rensburg, het die aand bygewoon. Die hoofdokter van Witrand, dr Simon Chemanga, het die gehoor toegespreek en die NWU bedank vir die vennootskap wat al jare staande gebly het. Hy het Meneer en Mejuffrou Witrand as een van die belangrikste funksies van elke jaar beskryf: “Hierdie geleentheid is ’n bewys daarvan dat ons pasiënte gelukkig is en rond beweeg.” Pasiënte het ook deel gevorm van die gehoor en die deelnemers ondersteun tydens die optredes.

4 Wapad

LAN League: kompetisie én pret Alta Grundlingh

wat LAN League bygewoon het, is gaming ’n baie gewilde stokperdjie en word dikwels onderskat.



ie Media en Kommunikasie uitvoerende komitee (MEKUK) se jaarlikse LAN League het nie net gesorg vir pret en ernstige kompetisie vir die gamers op kampus nie, maar ook gedien as voorlopige keuring vir die proewe kortlys vir die universiteit se LAN-span. LAN staan vir local area network en is wanneer ’n aantal rekenaars aan mekaar gekoppel word om sodoende saam speletjies te kan speel. Hierdie samekoms vir gamers het studente van 18 tot 20 Mei agter hul skerms vasgenael gehou. “Ons stel ’n platform op waar sowat 250 gamers kan kom kompeteer teen mekaar met die keuse van twee rekenaarspeletjies: CounterStrike: Global Offensive en Dota2,” het Heike Oberholzer, projekte en bedrywe van MEK-UK, gesê. LAN League het egter meer as net rekenaarspeletjies gebied. Volgens Oberholzer was daar ook ʼn spesiale afdeling vir die kaartspeletjie, Magic the Gathering, en vir die wat nie veel van gaming weet nie, was daar ʼn area om te ontspan met verskeie vermaaklikhede. Hierdie jaar se LAN League was ’n

Nuus 1 Junie 2017

Selfs van my vriende van Bloemfontein het deurgekom om saam met my te speel.


“fees” met ’n Medieval tema en rooi kleurskema. Die byeenkoms het ook baie gegroei, verander en natuurlik ʼn paar uitdagings ingehou. Volgens Oberholzer was daar vyf Dota2 opgraderings, waaraan ʼn mens nie

eintlik veel kon doen nie. “Die doel van LAN League is om ʼn samekoms te hou vir die gaming community op kampus. Daar is so baie mense wat uit hulle doppe kruip en nuwe vriende maak,” het

Oberholzer gesê. Verder dien dit ook as geleentheid vir diegene wat nie veel van LAN weet nie om te kyk waaroor die ophef gaan. Volgens Jay-Jay Prinsloo, ʼn derdejaar BA kommunikasie student

“Selfs van my vriende van Bloemfontein het deurgekom om saam met my te speel,” het Prinsloo gesê. Volgens Oberholzer kompeteer studente in ’n clan van vyf tot ses mense en daar was groot pryse op die spel. Borge soos TP-Link, COREX, Go wear, buy all, Jenny Internet en Videotheque het gesorg vir die pryse en kon hierdie jaar se geleentheid moontlik maak. Studente het die ervaring baie geniet en was nie skaam oor hul talente nie. “LAN League was vet pret. Ek hoop daar kom volgende jaar meer mense sodat ek kompetisie het,” het Prinsloo gesê.

Treintoere – die perfekte studentewegbreek Kristien Kruger @Kris10Kruger

Sommige koshuise op die NoordwesUniversiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWU-Puk) het ’n nuwe neiging om tydens die September/Oktobervakansie hul pad na Stellenbosch te vind. Vergeet-My-Nie vrouekoshuis was verlede jaar een van die eerste koshuise wat met dié gewilde vakansieplan – studente wat per trein na Stellenbosch reis – begin het. Verskeie ander koshuise het ook al hierdie toere meegemaak en baie reël nou een van hulle eie. Vanjaar het Riëtte van Rensburg, ’n derdejaar farmasiestudent en inwoner van Wag’n-Bietjie vrouekoshuis, die organisasie van só ’n toer aangepak. Hulle is 36 studente, 15 van Wag-’n-

Bietjie vrouekoshuis en 21 van Over de Voor manskoshuis, wat van 29 September tot 7 Oktober hulle tyd in Stellenbosch gaan deurbring. Alles vir die prys van ongeveer R 3 500 per persoon. Die prys sluit sewe wyntoere en vervoer na- en vanaf die lughawe uit Potchefstroom in. Van Rensburg noem ook dat hulle van plan is om die “naglewe” daar te beleef, maar steeds baie vryetyd sal hê. Hierdie studente gaan in die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Sonop vrouekoshuis gehuisves word en met verskeie ander koshuise skakel. Hulle deel ook hulle 24 uur treinrit met studente van ander universiteite – vier koshuise van Pretoria en ’n groep uit Vishuis manskoshuis van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat.


“Deutsch macht Spaß” (pronounced “Doitsh macht shpass”), said Helga Fourie, chairwoman of the GermanAfrikaans Student Association (DAS) which is just starting to find its feet again. Directly translated, it means “German is fun”, but a better translation would be “to be German is fun”. According to Fourie, the culture, people and language are amazing. Officially, Fourie is the chairperson, but she would like the association to grow and the committee to take leadership in their own hands. One of the leaders of DAS, Gerda Wittmann, is the subject chairperson for German on the North-West University’s Potchefstroom campus (NWU-Puk) and one of the two lecturers for

Teaching: not only a plan B, plan A – Z Jené Liebenberg @NEkiee

DAS: German-Afrikaans Student Association Megan Olivier


this subject. The vision of the association is to promote German language and culture and expose the NWU and community to German. All students are welcome, even if they can’t speak the language and just want to be part of the culture. DAS has already hosted two events, a welcoming event as well as a German movie night. DAS plans to have more events in the second semester, including an Oktoberfest. For more information on DAS, Helga Fourie can be contacted at ferreirahelga144@gmail.com

Teachers are a pivotal part of society and are in great demand. According to Business News Daily, teaching is among the top 25 jobs that pay you to travel, a definite career that should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, education students on campus are not always viewed in a light of importance. Carlie Stroebel, a first-year BSc zoology and physiology student, said she is strongly considering completing an education diploma as well as her BSc degree as “it doesn’t matter where you find yourself, the chances of not finding a respectable job opportunity within the field of education is in the minority”. This is a good example in which you do not necessarily have to start out with an education degree and still end up in that industry by completing your Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), which qualifies you as a teacher.

However, Ingrid-Louise Marnewick, a second-year foundation phase education student, said she knows that she could have done another degree with a PGCE but chose to do her BEd because education is what she wanted to do.

Teachers are greatly respected since they are made a priority by their government. Not only are qualified teachers desperately needed within South Africa, according to Politics Web, but they are also wanted internationally. The job opportunities for teachers abroad, English teachers specifically, are abundant. Teachingaway.com has job offers with packages including a salary of up to R 72 000 with accommodation and health insurance allowance. According to The Guardian, in

countries such as China and Switzerland teachers are greatly respected since they are made a priority by their government. Switzerland has also been rated as the country that pays its teachers the highest salaries. Thinus Marais, a third-year BEd mechanical technology student, has often heard that teachers are the people who didn’t know what they wanted to study and decided to take the easy way out via studying education. Although this is true in some cases, teachers are still in high demand. According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to achieve universal primary education by 2030, the demand for teachers is expected to rise to 25.8 million. On their official website NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) said: “Teachers are critical to NASA’s success. Teachers not only educate and motivate our future workforce but they also communicate and share the knowledge and skills that NASA develops.”

1 Junie 2017


Puk-alumni maak ’n verskil op verskeie velde


InterKampus Annemarie Hoogenboezem & Colette Combrink @annihgbzm & @CombrinkColette

Universiteit van Kaapstad

Alet Janse van Rensburg

aantal gevalle van seksuele aanranding beskuldig. Aangesien slagoffers egter nie amptelike klagtes teen hom gelê het nie moes sy moontlike skorsing intern opgelos word. Die beskuldigde het bedank na daar ’n stil protesaksies geloods is. Dit het gebeur voor die ander huiskomiteelede oor die saak kon stem. Die situasie bevraagteken die universiteit se beleid oor watter kwessies intern hanteer moet word en watter nie. Bron: Varsity Newspaper



alle noemenswaardige persone het al hulle studies voltooi of deel gevorm van die personeelkorps by die NoordwesUniversiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWU-Puk). Wapad het gaan kyk na enkele van die Alumni. FW de Klerk het aan die Hoërskool Monument in Krugersdorp gematrikuleer en daarna regte aan die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (PU vir CHO) gestudeer. Hy het in 1958 ’n LLB-graad verwerf – dieselfde jaar wat hy as ondervoorsitter van die studenteraad gedien het. Gedurende sy universiteitsloopbaan dien hy ook as redakteur van Wapad. Hy het in 1993 saam met Nelson Mandela die Nobelprys vir Vrede ontvang vir die hervorming van die Suid-Afrikaanse grondwet. Hy het ook vanaf 1992 tot 1998 as Kanselier van die PU vir CHO gedien. Ralph Rabie, later bekend as Johannes Kerkorrel, het ook aan die PU vir CHO studeer. Foto’s van Rabie is te sien in die Agrief (E7) waar hy deel vorm van die 1978 PUKanergroep (sanggroep). Die onlangse rolprent, Johnny is nie dood nie, speel af in die era waarin Kerkorrel, na hy afgedank is as joernalis by die Rapport, alternatiewe Afrikaanse musiek vrygestel het as ’n voltydse musikant in die groep Johannes Kerkorrel en die Gereformeerde Blues Band. Die gewilde Afrikaanse liedjieskrywer, Koos Kombuis, was ook deel van dié groep. Rabie het al van sy studentedae af ’n skryftalent gehad en sy gedigte was te sien in ’n Engelse poësietydskrif op kampus wat hy saam met klasmaat, Deon Meyer begin het. Deon Meyer, immergewilde Afrikaanse romanskrywer, het ook sy BA-graad met Engels en geskiedenis aan die PU vir CHO voltooi. Hy noem tydens ’n onderhoud met die NWU se Alumni Tydskrif, NWU & U, dat hy vir sy eie studies betaal het met geld wat hy verdien het deur by die Spur in Klerksdorp te werk. Deesdae word Meyer se spanningsvolle misdaadfiksie in meer as 20 tale vertaal en regoor die wêreld gelees. Die skrywer noem dat


prof Annette Combrink destyds een van sy grootste motiveerders was. Sy het onwetend ’n baie groot invloed op sy skrywersloopbaan gehad toe sy eendag gesien het hy lees die Amerikaanse misdaadskrywer, Ed McBain, se boeke en vir hom gesê het dat sy McBain se werk geniet. Annette Combrink het haar BAgraad, honneurs en MA in Engels aan die PU vir CHO verwerf, almal cum laude. Nadat sy onderrig gegee het by Wonderboom Hoërskool in Pretoria en Girls’ High in Potchefstroom, het sy in 1972 teruggekeer na die PU vir CHO as ’n lektor. Sy het vinnig opgang gemaak en met die stigting van die NWU in 2004 is sy as die rektor aangestel. Sy het dié posisie gevul tot 2009. Sedert Julie 2013 het sy ook in Potchefstroom se stadsraad vir die Demokratiese Alliansie gedien. Meer onlangse alumni sluit Katlego Maboe in. Maboe het in 2007 sy graad in BCom geoktrooieerde rekenmeesterskap verwerf aan die NWU-Puk nadat hy ook sy hoërskoolloopbaan in Potchefstroom voltooi het. Hy leef nou egter sy passie uit as ’n gesogte TV-aanbieder, sanger, stemkunstenaar, seremoniemeester, model en akteur. Maboe is ’n model NWU-Puk in die opsig dat hy Afrikaans, Engels en seTswana vlot praat. Hy is ook bekend vir die a capella sanggroep, Flip a Coin, waarin hy ’n sanger was. Nog ’n sanger, Bouwer Bosch, het destyds aan PUKKEtv gesê hy het vakke gesleep as gevolg van


Die stryd teen verkragtingskultuur het weer aan die lig gekom tydens ’n onlangse voorval by Huis Kopano, ’n manskoshuis by die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Een van die Kopano-huiskomiteelede is van ’n

Universiteit van Stellenbosch van “doelbewuste kwaadsoek”.


sy betrokkenheid by die SAMA genomineerde groep Straatligkinders en ook Dans Dans Lisa saam met Deon Meiring van Glaskas. Bosch het ten spyte daarvan in 2009 sy BA kommunikasie graad verwerf en is baie suksesvol in die vermaakbedryf. Hy het in 2011 ’n debuut solo album, Almal maak Voute, uitgebring waarvoor hy as beste nuweling by die Ghoema’s in 2012 genomineer is. In 2013 het Bosch sy debuut as ’n akteur gemaak in die Afrikaanse fliek, Klein Karoo. Tans is hy betrokke by Bouwer Bosch Films, wat musiekvideo’s en ander materiaal produseer. Die nuutste daarvan, #Versoening, in dié video vra Bosch vir ’n swart vrou om verskoning oor apartheid, dit het positiewe én negatiewe reaksie ontlok.

Drie studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is geskors en kan vervolging in die gesig staar. Dit volg na ’n voorval vroeg in Mei waar ’n plakkaat met Nazi-Duitsland konnotasies op kampus opgesit is. Die plakkaat het vir die “Anglo-Afrikanerstudent” gevra om te “Veg vir Stellenbosch”. Die universiteit distansieer hulle van die voorval en dit word deur hul Equality Unit verder behartig. In ’n tyd van geweldige rassespanning, veral by Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, noem kampusrektor Wim de Villiers hierdie ’n voorval

Universiteit van Pretoria

Merietebeurse maak vir ’n sakpas-Puk Alet Janse van Rensburg @aletjvrensburg

Die nuweling akademiese merietebeurs is waarskynlik een van die redes waarom baie eerstejaarstudente gekies het om hulle by die NoordwesUniversiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWU-Puk) te vestig. Elke eerstejaarstudent wat in die voorafgaande jaar matriek geslaag het kry afslag volgens die volgende glyskaal: • 75 – 79 % gemiddeld kry ’n merietebeurs ter waarde van 25 % van klasgeld • 80 – 84 % gemiddeld kry ’n merietebeurs ter waarde van 75 % van klasgeld • 85 – 100 % gemiddeld kry ’n merietebeurs ter waarde van 100 % van klasgeld Die merietebeurse is baie kompeterend.

Die vraag is egter: watter ondersteuning bied die universiteit nadat die student deur die aanvanklike eerstejaarsbeurse na die universiteit gelok is?

Die merietebeurse word outomaties ingereken op die student se rekening. Akademiese merietebeurse word ook aan senior studente (tweede-, derdeen vierdejaarstudente) toegeken. Die senior moet geregistreer wees vir die volle kurrikulum van hulle eerste, voorgraadse kwalifikasie om te kwalifiseer vir die merietebeurs.

Die beurs dek dan 50 % van hulle klasgeld mits die student ’n gemiddeld van 75 % behaal het in die vorige studiejaar. Die merietebeurs word slegs toegeken op grond van die vorige jaar se algehele gemiddeld. ’n Student sal byvoorbeeld nie 50 % korting kry as hy/sy 75 % of meer vir slegs ’n spesifieke module behaal het nie. Addisionele modules word ook nie hierby ingereken nie en die student sal die volle koste van addisionele modules dra, selfs al kwalifiseer die student vir ’n merietebeurs. Hierdie merietebeurse word outomaties ingereken op die student se rekening en dit is nie nodig om daarvoor aansoek te doen nie. Buiten die merietebeurs is daar ook ondersteuningsbeurse beskikbaar waarvoor studente met die toepaslike bewyse aansoek kan doen.

Verdere nuus vanuit Stellenbosch is die moord van Hannah Cornelius (21) tydens ’n kaping op 27 Mei. Sy is met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek en verwurg. Haar lyk is op Knorhoek Road gevind. Cornelius en ’n vriend, Cheslin Marsh, is na bewering in die vroegoggendure van Saterdag deur vier mans gekaap. Marsh was in die kattebak van die voertuig toegesluit en het later ontsnap. Twee verdagtes is Saterdagoggend gearresteer. Vernon Witbooi (32) en Geraldo Parsons (26) het Maandag in Stellenbosch se landdroshof op aanklagte van moord, verkragting, kaping en ontvoering verskyn. Die saak is tot 28 Julie uitgestel vir verdere ondersoek. Bron: SU Bulletin & Die Matie

Die Universiteit van Pretoria se Serrie 2017 finale (’n sing en danskompetisie waaraan koshuise jaarliks deelneem) is gekanselleer. Dit volg na foto’s van neerhalende plakkate wat mansstudente tydens vrouekoshuise se optredes gewys het, aan die lig gekom het. Foto’s van dié plakkate is deur Perdeby fotograaf, Fezikile Msimanga, geneem. Die foto’s wys aanhalings soos “Nice thigh gap, can I fill it?”, “I’m not Asian but I’ll eat your cat” en “Show us your tits”.

Sommige studente van die universiteit het gevoel die kansellering van die finale was ’n maklike en vinnige uitweg vir die universiteit eerder as om die probleem ordentlik aan te spreek. Ander het egter die besluit verwelkom. Soortgelyke plakkate word ook dikwels deur vrouens tydens manskoshuise se optredes opgehou, maar geen foto’s is hiervan geneem nie. Jaco Grobbelaar, AfriForum Jeug se Tuks koördineerder, het gesê die besluit om die kompetisie te kanselleer straf studente wat hard gewerk het om aan ’n konstruktiewe studentetradisie deel te neem, eerder as om die paar oortreders te straf wat hulself nie kan gedra nie. Bron: Perdeby Newspaper



Kuns en Vermaak


1 Junie 2017


Die gehoor is vermaak deur vele bekroonde kore tydens die MUSICA! Koorfees.

Harmonieë wat jy weer sal wil hoor Chané Jonker @Chanejonk


ie Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWU-Puk) koor en talle ander kore het op 26 Mei by die 24ste Musica! Koorfees opgetree, wat hierdie jaar plaasgevind het by die Snowflake in Potchefstroom.

Die aand is geopen met gebed deur Yvette Venter, bestuurslid van die NWU-Puk koor. Die eerste koor op die verhoog was van Girls’ High Potchefstroom. Daar was ook optredes deur die NoordWes Kinderkoor en Laerskool Mooirivier se Seniorkoor, wat bestaan uit meer as 80 lede. Laerskool Mooirivier se koor is in 2016 as die beste laerskoolkoor in

die land aangewys. Die Horizons Project Choir van Pretoria, wat bestaan uit verskeie ervare sangers, het ook opgetree. Dié koor is begelei deur Pieter Bezuidenhout en spesialiseer daarin om oorspronklike komposisies te vertolk wat deur jong SuidAfrikaanse komponiste geskep is. Bezuidenhout het gesê dat die koor se enigste doelwit is om

musiek te maak en ’n platform te wees vir Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste. “Die koor bestaan spesifiek sodat daar ’n platform vir jong komponiste is,” het Bezuidenhout gesê. Die NWU-Puk koor, wat sedert 1955 bestaan, het die aand afgesluit. Die NWU-Puk koor, begelei deur Kobus Venter, het oud-koorlede

genooi om ’n ou tradisie voort te sit en saam op die verhoog die Magaliesburg se aandlied saam te sing. Die NWU-Puk se volgende vertoning, wat nie misgeloop kan word nie, is op 4 Junie saam met TUKS Camerata by hul Road to Europe vertoning.

Happy procrastinating: what to watch this exam season Megan Olivier @Meganolivier

The exams are almost upon us, so here’s a list of movies “not” to watch this month, because you obviously have to study. Happy procrastinating. The long anticipated new instalment of Pirates of the Caribbean is finally here. The movie was released on 29 May, but if you haven’t watched it yet, here’s the lowdown. Our beloved captain Jack Sparrow is back and pursued by his old nemesis, Armando Salazar. Sparrow seeks the legendary Trident of Poseidon, the only way to defeat Salazar, aided by Henry Turner

(does the surname ring a bell?), Carina Smyth and some old friends. If you like Young Adult book-tomovie adaptions (think John Green), then Before I Fall, starring Zoey Deutch (also staring in Vampire Academy), is a must-watch. Based on a book by Lauren Oliver, it is

about a girl who dies and relives her last day for a week, discovering the mystery around her death. Another adaption that looks promising is Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. Maddy (played by Amandla Stenberg) is a girl with an illness

who accepts her fate to remain cloistered indoors until new neighbours move in. Those looking for a bit of action should go and watch Wonder Woman, which appears in cinemas on 2 June. Other movies to look forward to

are The Mummy, which is a reboot of the original franchise, starring Tom Cruise, as well as the fifth instalment of the Transformers. In Transformers: The Last Knight, Optimus Prime has left and a war has begun between the human race and the Transformers. In the mood for something a bit more light-hearted? Rough Night, an R-rated comedy, could be for you. Five college friends reunite for a bachelorette weekend that takes a dark turn. And if you aren’t tired of Minions yet, Despicable Me 3 is coming out on 30 June. This time it’s Gru and his wife against a former child star. They really are milking this whole thing.

Something for the bookworms: a great alternative to textbooks Megan Olivier @Meganolivier

Do you need some new reading material? Here’s a few books to read before the exams begin or in the holiday, when you can breathe again. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli Molly Peskin-Souso has had lots and lots of crushes. Lots. Her twin sister always told her to get over it, until Cassie falls in love. At least Cassie’s new girlfriend comes with a cute hipster-boy sidekick, Will. And then there’s

Reid, Molly’s co-worker. Apocalypse Now Now by Charlie Human As the title suggests, this is obviously South African, as only we (vaguely) understand the meaning of the term “now now”. This Urban Fantasy is set in Cape Town’s supernatural underworld. Baxter Zevcenko, a schoolyard gangster, must save his girlfriend who was kidnapped by strange forces. It is described as Neil Gaiman meets Tarantino, which makes it a must. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margeret Atwood This is definitely on my reading list for the holidays, especially

as the series based on it is so good. In this 1985 dystopian novel, a totalitarian theocracy has overthrown the US government. Women’s rights are taken away and people are divided into new social classes. The protagonist, Offered, is a “handmaid” and kept as a concubine. This is definitely a must-

read, especially if you like feminist fiction. We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknow Universe by Jorge Cham & Daniel Whiteson Cham, the creator of PHD comics, teamed up with particle physicist Whiteson, to explain scientific concept in an easy-to-

understand way. This book, filled with infographics and cartoons, is sure to hold your attention while it explains some of the mysteries of science, from quarks and neutrinos to exploding black holes. Two honourable mentions, which are favourites of mine, are Looking for Alaska by John Green, where a character obsessed with last words meets the girl of his dream (warning: this book will cause an existential crisis in your life), and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, if you love Greek mythology and are still young at heart, like me.

1 Junie 2017



How to avoid (yet another) awkward first date


Maryke Hamman @d3e6a0787525477


e all know how awkward the typical first date can be. Try some of these tips and ideas to make your next first date one for the books. Do something out of the ordinary, like going to a pottery or cooking class. You can learn a lot about a person by the way they handle situations during the class and it could turn out to be very amusing. Another activity like bowling or playing minigolf is also a good option.

Nature is a lovely backdrop. Take your date somewhere educational or historic, like a museum or art gallery. These surroundings can make for fantastic conversation starters and you’ll get to see each other’s point of view. Be old school and go out for coffee, it keeps the mood light and comfortable. Daylight prevents the date from becoming too romantic, which you might want to avoid on the first date. Focus on light conversation while you get to know the other person in a relaxed environment over

Leefstyl a cup of joe. Have a picnic outside. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this, so it’s ideal for budget-conscious students. Prepare some coffee or hot chocolate in a flask and be creative with snacks. Take a few board games

along, something competitive can be great fun on a first date. Attempt a hiking- or horse riding trail, but first make sure your date is up for it. Nature is a lovely backdrop to keep the date and conversation flowing.


Make the date memorable by giving your new sweetheart something to remember the date by, like a vase from your pottery class, or a key chain you bought at the museum, or even a golf ball from your mini-golf game. Try some of these ideas on your

next first date, it might just turn out to be the first of many.

Eksamenlokaalreëls vir ’n gemaklike eksamenseisoen Bianca Stevens @bee_the_bibi

Indien jy by die eksamenlokaal opdaag en mens kan jou deur ’n ring trek, is daar een van twee verduidelikings. Nommer een: jy het nie geleer nie en het ’n goeie nege ure se slaap in gekry, óf nommer twee: jy is een van daardie mense op kampus wat permanent jou lewe agtermekaar het en jy het nie éérs die aand voor die tyd begin leer nie.

Eksamenstres kry almal soms onder. Om op te daag in jou pajamas, onesie of sweatpants is die minste van jou bekommernisse. Ander mense sal tien teen een wens hulle was jy. Hoe gemakliker jy aangetrek is, hoe lekkerder sal jy skryf. Die goeie nuus is, jy mag nou jou vuil hare onder ’n hoed of mussie wegsteek, want as dit crunch time is, het niemand tyd om nog hare te was ook nie. Daar gaan mense buite die lokaal sit wat lyk of hulle nounet deur Wêreldoorlog III is. Moet nie vrae soos “is jy oukei?” of “jy lyk moeg,” waag nie. Ja, buddy, ek lyk so sonder ’n goeie

nag se rus, stres wat my op-vreet en die feit dat ek nie tyd gehad het om ontbyt te eet nie. Moet nie daardie persoon wees wat almal vrae vra oor die leerwerk nie. Jy gaan hulle net meer laat stres en hulle gaan in hul eie vermoë begin twyfel wat lei tot die gevolgtrekking: “Ek gaan definitief her.” Studente – onthou jou studentekaart. Dit is jou goue kaartjie om jou eksamen te gaan aflê. Susan Vorster, bestuurder van eksamens en roosters van die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus, het gesê indien jou studentekaart se foto en/of

nommer nie meer duidelik sigbaar is nie, is dit tyd vir ’n nuwe een. Die rede hiervoor is slegs om seker te maak dat jy jou eksamen aflê en nie jou vriend(in) nie. Laastens, bêre jou selfoon voor in die lokaal in jou sak van die begin af. Moenie na die vyfde waarskuwing eers opstaan en dit gaan bêre nie. Jy trek almal se aandag af. Jy kan jou Snapchat storie ná die eksamen kyk. Die eksamenriglyne is op eFundi beskikbaar – lees dit.

Let your pores breathe: too much makeup is bad for your skin Tyrah Jacobs

products to use as well as how to apply it. “Rather do it properly from the start, save money and consult a professional than experimenting with products,” Agathagelou suggested.


When are you wearing too much makeup? “It’s okay for women to wear makeup to empower them or make them feel confident,” somatologist, Irini Agathagelou, said. “The problem comes when they use makeup to cover or hide their insecurities and, most importantly, if it negatively affects their skin health.” When you are wearing makeup and your skin breaks out in blemishes or pimples, this is your body’s way of telling you that you are using too much of a good thing. According to Agathagelou you get two kinds of makeup: day makeup and night makeup. “Day makeup is lighter, whilst night makeup makes your face look heavier, think black lipstick or dark eyeshadow. It is not wise to mix the two. The secret here lies in the eyes and lips,” Agathagelou said. Finances play a big role in buying makeup, because when you buy, you obviously want to use quality brands that work for you. According to

You can afford it if you just find the right places to look for your makeup.


Agathgalou, you can love makeup and have a variety of lipsticks, mascaras, eyeshadows and foundation without ruining your budget. “You can afford it if you just find the right places to buy your makeup,” Agathagelou said. Most people buy makeup at

pharmacies, but if you really want to spoil yourself you can splurge at Mac Cosmetics, like Agathagelou. She is not a heavy makeup wearer, but she really likes her purple and pink lipsticks. According to Agathagelou, “when it comes to skin care, it’s quite difficult,

because not all skin types are the same. And if you use the wrong products, it can damage your skin.” To assure that you are indeed taking good care of your skin, you can consult a beauty therapist and they will be able to advise you on which

If you have acne or blemishes and use makeup to cover it, make sure you know how to take care of your skin lest it becomes a permanent problem. This, however, does not mean that you cannot wear makeup – not all of us can pull off the natural look. If you look after you skin – cleansing and hydrating it properly – you can wear makeup. On the other hand, if you are someone who doesn’t particularly look after your skin, rather try to avoid makeup altogether.




HOOFREDAKTEUR: Heinz Schoeman-Struwig NUUSREDAKTEUR: Linzetta Calitz KUNS-, VERMAAK- EN LEEFSTYLREDAKTEUR: Annemarie Hoogenboezem FOTOREDAKTEUR: Marianne Steyn TEKSREDAKTEUR: Colette Combrink SOSIALEMEDIA-BESTUURDER: Marné Coetzee UITLEG: Tayla de Beer TEKSVERSORGING: Tobie Kolver & Anneke Schoeman ADVERTEER BY ONS: e-pos wapad@nwu.ac.za of bel 083 284 1100 WAPAD-KANTOOR: 018 299 2875 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Wapad TWITTER EN INSTRAGRAM: @NWUWapad Het jy iets om te sê? Skryf vir ons en stuur dit aan wapad@nwu.ac.za. Dalk verskyn jy in die volgende Wapad. Die volgende uitgawe verskyn 27 Julie. Tot dan, besoek ons Facebook-blad vir die varste nuus en lekker leesgoed.

1 Junie 2017


Studentwees in Junie: die struikelblokke is eg As mens jou oë uitvee is helfte van die jaar verby. Dis al deelname-te-laat-omte-red tyd, wat hand aan hand met ekmoes-vroeër-begin-leer-het-vir-eksamen gaan. Dié tyd van die jaar het so ’n krapperige gewoonte om mens te wil laat uitrafel. Almal om jou val stelselmatig uit mekaar uit – dosente én studente. As die verslaap nie jou roetine ruïneer nie, is dit jou finansies of punte of dat jou dosent nie afbakenings gee vir die eksamen nie. Rêrig? Ál die hoofstukke? Junie beteken beslis om te vries in die eksamenlokaal. Ek is wel opgewonde om te sien watter interessante klerasie mense mee gaan opdaag. Daar is mos

daardie groepie mensies wat hul onesies wíl dra want hulle is mós oulikies. Nee. Junie beteken wel die winter is halfpaderig, maar wie weet eintlik wat met Potchweer aangaan? Wie weet wat met akademie aangaan? Wie weet eintlik enige iets ooit? Sug. Junie bly maar bittersoet (soos goeie wyn). Vir dié sonder jaar-modules is dit (on)gelukkig tyd om afskeid te neem van jou gunsteling modules en jou gunsteling dosente. Dis nou sleg. Dis ook ’n goeie tyd om vir die swotbetalers te laat weet: “Hey dalk gaan my graad so jaar langer vat as verwag,” of

“hey, ek dink nie ek wil dié met my lewe doen nie oops, jammer hoor!” Maar, die halfpad beteken ook daar is ’n lekker lang vakansie wat beslis klaar propvol ervaring-kry werk is. Dis só lekker om mens se lewe bymekaar te (probeer) trek. Nè? Mag jy jou Junie oorleef met geld gespaar, ’n werk vir die vakansie, onderskeidings in alles ooit, en somer/winterweer, nes jou voorkeur. Jy is welkom.

xoxo LaventelHeinz en span

Opinion: #menare(not)trash Colette Combrink @CombrinkColette

My boyfriend raped me”, “I had to convince my father not to shoot my mother” and “he told me if I told anyone he would kill me”. These are just some of the comments that came forth in the newly sparked #MenAreTrash online movement. On April 28th, a 22-year old woman, Karabo Mokoena, was reported missing in Johannesburg. Later, after weeks of waiting and searching, the news emerged that she was found brutally murdered and burned to ashes by her boyfriend. This event sparked the #MenAreTrash online movement, where women are pouring out their hearts about the horrifying things that men have done to them. I am against violence of any kind, and my heart breaks when I hear these stories. Most of the stories that women shared about the things that happened to them at the hands of men are as shocking as they are painful to read. However, I am also against depicting all of men, all of any part of society actually, as trash just because of the few idiots roaming our streets. Are some men trash? Indeed they are. Is it true for everybody? Hell no. Is it fair

towards men to generalise? I answer this question with another question – is it fair towards women to generalise them in any way? Not even slightly. I will not get on the #MenAreTrash train, but I will also not try to pretend that all men are good, kind and gentle souls. A man who kills a woman who trusted him with her life and then burns her body, can only be classified as trash. There are many unflattering names that I can think of for men who hit, harass, exclude and talk over women.

That being said, I think the last thing our society needs, is to put yet another negative label out there. Aren’t we the generation that is supposed to break stereotypes and build a cohesive, honest and open society? A society where our children can grow up being accepted and where our sons shouldn’t have to grow up under labels of trash and, perish the thought, fulfil this awful prophesy. Aren’t you afraid that the next generation of men, or even this one, will in protest or in defeat actually become trash?

Texting and driving needs to stop Megan Olivier @Meganolivier9

We all do it, don’t even try lying to yourself. You text and drive. You look away from the road for a few seconds because more interesting things are happening on your phone.

As a pedestrian, this concept is terrifies me. Crossing the road when it’s my turn and have a car speed down on me because they’re looking at the device in their hand really isn’t a pleasant experience. I would enjoy going through my day and walking to campus without fearing for my life when I cross the road. In my experience this is much more prevalent in Potchefstroom than in my hometown and the surrounding area. Is it just a student thing? So tune your radio to OFM and pay attention to their Driving While Intexticated campaign. “Studies have proven that texting can reduce your reaction time by 50 %. That is much worse than driving under the influence. We hope that this campaign will encourage our listeners, and those driving through our provinces, not to text while driving. We hope that

this campaign will have a positive influence on the driving behaviour of our listeners. There are too many deaths on our roads and we need to encourage our road users to be more responsible,” says Nick Efstathiou, the General Manager of OFM. I will concede that sending voice notes are better than sending a text, but it still entails looking away for

a while and possibly putting lives in danger. Speaking on the phone means that, while your eyes may be on the road (except for when you answer), your attention is not fully focused on driving. Maybe you should sit on your phone so you can’t reach it? It’s safer than putting it on your backseat.

Ladies, I hear you, because I am you. You say: men should get over it because women have been called names and been on the receiving end of this great injustice for ages - but why on earth, when we know how it feels, will we want to put other people through the same thing? Will the violence stop by creating more anger? In my opinion our generation needs to stop hiding behind hashtags (and Facebook posts and even posters) ALONE and actually go out and do something and – in risking the cliché – be the change we want to see in the world. A place to start is by including the men around us in the discussion on the safety of women. We can raise our sons right and end the problem in this generation. We can raise our boys to be men, to treat women and themselves with respect. We need men with integrity and character, men who will hold themselves to a higher standard, to a moral code and never compromise. A final note towards men and women alike on how not to be trash. If you have ever done the following, you have been part of the problem.

• If you have spoken about someone in a way you would not be proud of to do so in front of that person YOU ARE TRASH. • If you have ever catcalled, whistled or yelled at somebody who did not want to acknowledge you, YOU ARE TRASH. • If you ever touched someone in an inappropriate way, just because they looked “fine”, YOU ARE TRASH. • If you have ever tried to guilt-trip someone into doing something that person doesn’t want to do, YOU ARE TRASH. • And if you ever force yourself on someone who said “no”, YOU ARE TRASH. ‘No’ doesn’t mean ‘ask me again’. ‘No’ does not mean ‘maybe’. ‘No’ does not mean ‘convince me’. And ‘no’ NEVER means ‘yes’. We have an array of reasons to become angry today. I fully support women standing up for themselves, but I do not stand for something that takes away from the people that are not the afore-mentioned trash. Rather, we need to do things that will inspire men to be better. Ladies and gents, don’t be trash, be lekker.

1 Junie 2017 Sport

Wapad 11


Veritas- en Caput manskoshuise het vir ’n aksie-belaaide basketbaleindstryd gesorg.

Basketballiga: Caput kraai koning NJ Gelderman @GeldermanNJ

In ’n taai eindstryd waar die drama en intensiteit só ooglopend tasbaar was, was dit Caput manskoshuis wat eindelik geseëvier het in die koshuisbasketbaleindstryd teen Veritas manskoshuis. In die vroeë minute van die spel het Veritas vinnig weggespring en ’n

redelike voorsprong opgebou. Danksy uitstekende verdediging het Caput egter die halftydtelling tot 16 – 11 in Veritas se guns beperk. Die tweede helfte het vir meer intensiteit en verdediging gesorg terwyl beide spanne om balbesit geveg het. Dit was egter Veritas wat hulself in die voet geskiet het deur onnodige foute te maak en gereeld balbesit af te staan. Caput het in die doodsnikke van

die wedstryd die voortou geneem en met 20 – 16 as wenners uit die stryd getree. Christopher van der Walt, Caput se kaptein, het gesê dit “was rêrig ’n lekker gevoel om die beker te wen”. Volgens hom sou dit nie moontlik gewees het sonder sy span se toewyding en die leiding van hul afrigter nie. Hy het ook gesê “dit maak die gees baie lekker” as al die koshuise


Koshuisligawedstryde kom tot ’n einde:

kom kyk. Tiaan Kleynhans, kaptein van die Veritasspan, was duidelik teleurgesteld oor die uitslag maar steeds trots op sy span se prestasie. Soos Van der Walt was hy ook dankbaar vir die ondersteuners. “Aan my span, dit was ’n voorreg om saam met julle te speel en die koshuis te verteenwoordig. Ook baie geluk aan Caput manskoshuis, hulle verdien die

wen,” het Kleynhans gesê. Oor hulle swakker tweede helfte het Kleynhans gesê: “Dit was ons dissipline wat ons in die steek gelaat het. Om gereeld die bal af te staan is een van die grootste foute wat jy kan maak in basketbal, ons kon net geen momentum genereer nie.”

Heide oorheers VMN in netbaleindstryd Kristien Kruger @Kris10Kruger

Heide vrouekoshuis het teen Vergeet-My-Nie vrouekoshuis te staan gekom in die netbal koshuisligafinaal en die wedstryd met ’n eindtelling van 10 – 5 gewen. Die finaal het op 18 Mei plaasgevind. Vergeet-My-Nie het met twee beseerde spelers en geen reserwes die finaal ingegaan en die wedstryd was tot halftyd nog gelykop. Elrika Grobelaar, sport huiskomiteelid van Vergeet-My-Nie, het egter gesê sy “sal dit vir Heide gee. Hulle was beslis op die dag die beter span en alhoewel die meisies alles gegee het, het Heide behoorlik oor ons geloop in die tweede helfte.” Shadi Tshoane, Heide se sport huiskomiteelid, het gesê dit is die eerste keer in die afgelope vier jaar wat Heide die liga wen en glo die resep vir hulle oorwinning was dat die spelers hulleself en spanmaats verstaan het.

Sport 1 Junie 2017


Die meeste atlete in die geskiedenis van die universiteit is deel van die finale span vir vanjaar se Wêreld Universiteit Spele.

Die NWU-Puk pronk met rekord-aantal atlete in Wêreld Universiteit Spele-span Kristien Kruger @Kris10Kruger


ie finale span vir vanjaar se Wêreld Universiteit Spele is aangekondig. Die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus (NWUPukke) Atletiekklub het nie net die meeste atlete in die geskiedenis van die universiteit in hierdie span nie, maar ook die meeste atlete van al die ander universiteite in SuidAfrika wat tot hierdie span verkies is. Dié spele vorm deel van die FISU-Universiade wat in Taipei,

die hoofstad van Taiwan, aangebied word vanaf 19 tot 30 Augustus. Dit word gekoördineer deur die International University Sport Federation (FISU) en net die beste studente van universiteite reg oor die wêreld neem hier deel. Terseus Liebenberg, NWU-Pukke atletiekbestuurder, het gesê hierdie spele is “waarskynlik die tweede grootste sportskouspel in die wêreld en ’n wonderlike verhoog vir ons atlete om hulle talente ten toon te stel”. Liebenberg het gesê hierdie groot aantal atlete kan “toegeskryf word aan die harde werk, volharding en deursettingsvermoë” van die atlete

en hulle afrigters. Hy vertrou ook dat atlete rekenskap van hulleself sal gee en verskeie medaljes sal tuisbring.

Die meeste atlete van al die ander universiteite in Suid-Afrika Die klub se top atlete wat vir groot opgewondenheid sal sorg in hierdie skouspel sluit die wêreldklas

Caster Semenya en ander atlete soos Pieter Conradie, Jo-Ané van Dyk en Johann Grobler in. Die NWU-Puk het ook vanjaar skoonskip gemaak by die USSAkampioenskap waar die land se top studente mekaar uitgedaag het. Daar is stof in die oë van teenstanders TUKS, UJ, Kovsies en Maties geskop. Die NWU-Pukke Atletiekklub se verteenwoordigers is as volg: Lente Pieterse: 100 m, 4 x 100 m aflos Julia du Plessis: Hoogspring Jo-Ané van Dyk: Spiesgooi Sherilene Gelderblom: 5 000 m

Caster Semenya: 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m Ariane Nel: 200 m, 4 x 100 m aflos Letitia Janse van Vuuren: Hamergooi Chederick van Wyk: 100 m, 4 x 100 m Pieter Conradie: 400 m, 4 x 400 m aflos Henco Uys: 800 m Rantso Mokopane: 1500 m, 3000 m hindernis Mpho Links: Hoogspring Tshepang Makhete: Hamergooi Johann Grobler: Spiesgooi Leon Laubser: Spiesgooi

Thaba-Jäh men’s hostel on the cusp of becoming football league champions star performers, is Thaba-Jäh’s top scorer this season with five goals to his name.

Dennis Delport @Dennisdelport

Thaba-Jäh men’s hostel’s first football team is on the verge of being crowned champions in the 2017 men’s hostel football league. Thaba-Jäh needs two wins out of their remaining three matches to dethrone Veritas as champions and win their third title overall. They haven’t lost a match all season and that can be due to their excellent defensive performances which saw them only conceding five goals in the entire season. Mine Nkala Nelson (also known as Fisho), captain of the team, said he is very proud of his players. “Unlike other seasons, this is a very competitive one. People expect

Last year we were over-confident and Veritas piped us to the league.

The proud Thaba-Jäh team.

hostels like Veritas, Heimat and us to win the league, but this season was different and the other hostels

Het jy sportnuus? Stuur ’n epos aan wapad@nwu.ac.za



were well prepared. The title race is still wide open.” Hussein Fritz, one of the team’s


Nelson said Fritz is a very talented winger. “Other teams try to get the ball forward to their strikers and hope to score like that. We, on the other hand, like to keep possession and then hit them with Fritz’s pace on the wing upfront.” The team’s coach, Solomon Meki,


drives from Carletonville to attend practice and matches. “He is a very determined coach. He brings unity to the team and believes in his players,” Nelson said. He is optimistic about this year. “Last year we were over-confident and Veritas piped us to the league. I would like to say to my fellow players to stay on the ground, be optimistic, keep focus and fight.” Nelson also commended Excelcior’s team coach, Kagiso “Sugar-Ray” Monamodi, on his excellent performances. “He is a very upcoming and talented coach. He can make a small mountain a very big one. He has a very good vision for football.” Thaba-Jäh will face Patria, Heimat and Caput respectively in July after the exams. This will also be Nelson’s last games for the team.

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