Fazle Umar
Family Life P olygam y The impact of Western civilisation along with the Hindu culture and traditions had influenced the Indian Muslim way of life in such a way that many of their practices had no connection with true Islam. Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] showed great zeal and determination in his efforts to re-establish the Islamic civilisation. This is why he hated all those practices which were inherited out of an inferiority complex or were adopted under these strong influences. On the subject of polygamy he encouraged members of his Community to breath new life into this Islamic practice that had become unpalatable for the Muslim majority. Through their beautiful example they should prove that polygamy is a practical and commendable practice. He warned those Muslims whose misconduct had made women suspicious of this beneficial and proper practice to the point where injustices committed by the husband become the justification by some ignorant and godless women to lose their faith that they will be answerable to God for weakening and disgracing His Faith. 112 Islam permits a man, though it certainly does not enjoin or encourage, the taking of up to four wives at a time under certain circumstances. According to the Holy Qur’an, a man can marry again if his wife becomes a permanent invalid or suffers from a contagious disease, or if she is unable to have children. Also, to protect orphans left unprotected in wartime. Polygamy provides husbands for marriageable widows. This becomes especially critical during wartime when many men may be lost in battle leaving behind vulnerable widows and orphans. The husband must be able to deal equitably between them, otherwise he must remain monogamous. 113 Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] fulfilled the necessary conditions. To elaborate