Fazle Umar
Rabwah The Muslim Community was very blessed to have a brave leader in Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad [ra]. He alone had the courage and vision to save the Community from dispersion and depravation during these difficult times. It was his hard work, dedicated effort and extraordinary leadership that despite overwhelming circumstances resulted in the foundation of the new city for the headquarters of the Community. Thus a new city was born which would take its place on the map of the world and serve as a beacon of light radiating the truth and beauty of Islam for future generations. Migration is among the traditions of the prophets. Many prophets and their communities have undertaken migration in order to spread the religion of Allah throughout the world. Our beloved Holy Prophet, Hadhrat Muhammad [saw] also migrated after enduring 13 long years of hardship. As a result a new era of Islamic history began and a new Islamic nation was born. Away from the oppressive confines of Mecca the truth and beauty of Islam rose like a spiritual sun engulfing the world with its light and radiance. During the era of the righteous Khalifas the advancement of Islam reached its apex. Then at the beginning of the 14th Islamic Century in accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophet [saw], Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad [as] of Qadian claimed to be the Promised Messiah. He established the headquarters of the Community in Qadian and this blessed land became the flag bearer in the service of Islam throughout the world. 117 On 18 September 1894 the Promised Messiah [as] had received the revelation (Urdu): “The stigma of migration.” He himself and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II [ra] had seen dreams and visions that revealed some of the aspects of the migration with which the Community would be confronted. For instance, six years before the partition