Fazle Umar
Efforts of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] to promote education Pakistan has a poor educational record. According to a recent survey its literacy rate is 35%, as against this, Ahmadis have 99% literacy rate and it is because of their love of knowledge that they follow a saying of Holy Prophet [saw]: In pursuit of education even if you have to go to China, go and pursue it. Ahmadis followed this command of their beloved in spirit and in letter. A n E x traor di nary S cheme — A Detaile d Sy lla bus for all Ages a n d A b ilities As well as the great body of righteous and upright Ahmadis, the first historic annual gathering in Rabwah also consisted of such men who participated solely to witness with their own eyes the decline and death of the organisation and the unity of the Community. However, the organisation of the gathering and its proceedings, particularly the exhilarating speeches of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] became a source of disappointment and frustration for these people. It was in that very gathering where Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] persuaded the ladies to work tirelessly in trying to raise the standard of belief and faith of the succeeding generations. He stated: “Only such women are worthy of respect who do not give birth to a child but to a lion. Who do not give birth to a human but to an angel. This was exactly what the Companions did and this is the true example and true guidance for you.” (Misbah Magazine, May1950). The new headquarters were established through great hardship and the first gathering was held during a state of great helplessness. However, even during these difficult times Huzur did not deem it sufficient just to give praise to his Lord. He wasted no