Fazle Umar
Education The birth of Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib had been the source of enormous universal contention. The truth of the claim of the Promised Messiah [as] depended on the long and successful life of Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib. Hence, this child certainly deserved that his father should leave no stone unturned for the provision of his health, security, education and training. But it is astonishing that no such step was taken by the Promised Messiah [as]. He did not pay any special attention to the health and protection of the child, nor were any special arrangements made for his education and training. Neither was it the case that the child was healthy and strong nor was he clever in class, requiring no special attention. On the contrary, this was a weak and feeble child whose health in no way could be considered enviable. Before his birth all other children born to his mother had died in their infancy. The malady he suffered of a chronic inflammatory eye infection was not only a physical problem but was also creating difficulty in his education. Because of the eye infection he often missed school. Even when he did attend, he was unable to give proper attention to his lessons. As a result his childhood education cannot be called satisfactory according to any worldly standard. It is an important psychological question that a man who makes a prophecy of the birth of a son that he will have a long life and great scholarship, if he had contrived it and it had nothing to do with divine glad tidings, then what should be his course of action for the arrangement and supervision for the education of his children. It was no ordinary matter, as the eyes of all friends and foes were focused upon this child. However, it is astonishing that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad [as] showed no anxiety over this. Other than his rejoicing greatly at the completion of reading the Arabic text of the Holy Qur’an by Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib [ra] we see no specific interest in his education shown by the Promised Messiah [as].