Fazle Umar
Childhood interests, games and pastimes
Variet y of I n terests a n d Pastimes Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib had a wide variety of interests and pastimes. As one ponders over them one is left in awe of his all-embracing nature. At first glance, such interests may appear to have no direct link to the human condition however, these pastimes manifest one’s deep inner self because this period of life is free from artificiality. Hence, wherever the subject of childhood and interests is brought together, it is a valuable opportunity for unbiased and unambiguous study. During recreational pastime for example, incidents of emotional incitement and their effects on the temperament, situations of loss and gain, physical dangers, dealings with friends, opportunities to usurp the rights of others, usurping the rights of others, opportunities to be self-conceited and vain or on the contrary to be humble, pious and sympathetic; many such situations arise offering the chance to study a child’s mental state, emotions and the quality of their morals. Parents worry about whether their child will actually learn anything while he is playing. It is virtually impossible for a child to play without learning something. Play is one of the most educational activities a child will ever participate in. Through play, children develop their social skills, thinking abilities, learn how to deal with various emotions, improve their physical abilities, and find out about themselves and their capabilities. When children become bored with how they are playing, they just change how they play and the learning continues. The greater the variety of ways the child plays, the easier it is to learn.