Fazle Umar
Circle of contacts In his childhood days his relationships extended to friends, brothers and sisters, teachers, with his revered mother and father, and also extended to the Imam of Imams Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa [saw]. There was no opportunity to have direct contact with opponents because circumstances never arose to bring about such an encounter. His treatment of children younger than him has been glimpsed in the small incident involving his horse. It demonstrated his bid to please the poor little girls who requested hair from the horse’s tail. Some of the impressions of his childhood friends have been given here and there and no doubt some will be related in the future. However, a study of how he treated his own brothers and sisters and their developing impressions of him is quite revealing. I mpression s of H is Sister Ha dhrat M u baraka [ra_ha] It is fortunate that Hadhrat Nawab Mubaraka Begum sahiba [ra_ha] who was his younger sister, by the Grace of Allah has captured her memories of childhood in print. She states: “I heard Hadhrat Ummul Momineen [ra_ha] (Hadhrat Amma Jan, mother of Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib) relate a dream several times. She stated, ‘When your older brother was about to be born I saw in a dream that I was being wed to Mirza Nizam Din. This dream had a terrible affect on my heart because of Mirza Nizam Din’s staunch opposition. Why did I see my wedding with an enemy? I remained sorrowful for three days and wept quite frequently. I did not mention this to your father, the Promised Messiah [as]. But upon his persistence to know what was wrong and what pain I was suffering, I hesitantly related the