Obedience to Khilafat and its Blessings Tahmeena Tahir Most of us have had the opportunity to meet with Hazuraba and receive guidance and advice on a myriad of topics. From education to family matters, Hazuraba takes the time from his busy daily activities to provide us with reassurance. But how many of us take this advice and turn these words into actions? And why is it so important? Everyone will tell you the same thing; acting on the words and guidance of the Khalifa-e-Waqt is purely a source of countless blessings. No matter how people are being tried and tested in their lives, the words of our Khalifa bring immediate ease to those who are suffering, happiness to those who are sad and peace to those who are in anguish. This article presents several instances where obedience to khilafat has brought ease, success and wisdom to a few individuals. A Change in Circumstance Hazuraba mentioned a quote from the Holy Qur’an in his Friday sermon of 7th January 2022, stating that those who offer financial sacrifices, God accepts their efforts and bestows His blessings upon them. At the time this Friday Sermon was delivered, I was, and still am, a full time Mother, prioritising the upbringing of my young son in place of my teaching career. I had dabbled in private tutoring, but this had recently stopped due to prior commitments from my students, consequentially leaving me with no independent income. Alhamdolillah, this is not a huge burden on us as a family, but at the time of hearing Hazuraba sermon regarding seeking God’s pleasure through financial sacrifices, it suddenly occurred to me that I would not be able to contribute to the blessed scheme of Waqfe-Jadid, or any other chanda schemes for that matter. This caused great anguish in my heart, and I remained upset and in quiet contemplation for a few days as to what I could do to alter my circumstances. I realised that the only thing to do would be to pray, as without the support of Allah, no outcome would achieve its full benefit. I followed up my prayers with a letter to Hazuraba, explaining my circumstances and my desire to pay chanda independently. Hazuraba has the closest relationship to Allah than any other living person today, so I knew that his prayers would be more likely to be accepted, and sure enough they were. In a matter of days of sending my letter, my circumstances changed, and I was able to resume tutoring on a weekly basis, which generated some small income. Even more surprisingly, I received a generous and unexpected monetary gift from a family member. The concerns I had about an independent income had melted away and I was now able to pay the chanda that I desired, Alhamdolillah! Alhamdolillah, I am very fortunate to have received many blessings by following the direction of Hazuraba, and this account only shows one of the many ways in which obedience to the Khalifa has had a positive impact on my life. A Miraculous Offer After I got married, it was initially my plan to go back to Belgium (my home country before marriage) and complete my university degree of which one and a half years was left. After being blessed to have a mulaqat with Hazuraba , Hazuraba hinted to me that it would be better to stay in the UK with my husband. I decided to act on this and stay in the UK, even though it was difficult for me as I would miss out on an important part of my degree as well as potentially not being able to complete