EDITORIAL Valentina Misas directora internacional asistente de edición - escritora vmisas@waveslover.com
STAFF Marisol Sánchez ventas-anuncios
Zady López directora de marketing & redes sociales
COLABORADORES Cynthia Hernández Edda García
FOTOGRAFÍA Tino Aguemi fotógrafo inside
Sally Rodríguez CEO| FUNDADORA DE WAVES LOVER COMPANY, INC. zrodriguez@waveslover.com fotógrafa outside riders Portada bodyboarder Ben Player foto: suministrada
surfer Fernando Viera foto: Tino Aguemi arte: Sally Rodríguez
CONTENIDO Una Vida Surfer Autosustentable The Benefits of Drinking Water La Resiliencia en el Surfing CandyEyed Collective Ben Player
Vivir una vida surfer contrae consigo unos beneficios saludables y natrales. Es uno de los mayores momentos en que se puede estar conectado con la naturaleza, y la importancia de crear conciencia sobre nuestro medio ambiente, del que mismo se pueda mantener libre de contaminaciรณn, en especial nuestras playas. Nuestra vida, nuestra salud y nuestros cuerpos no difieren con el mundo
porque somos parte de la naturaleza, y es nuestra responsabilidad mantener un cuidado sobre nosotros y de lo que nos rodea, sumรกndole el mar, lugar donde podemos disfrutar del deporte del surfing y mรกs. La naturaleza nos regala grandes frutos para consumo saludable, como la papaya.
La papaya es un fruto tropical muy rica con altas propiedades nutritivas, y el mayor beneficio para los surfers por sus cualidades medicinales interesantes como la prevención y ayuda a la salud de la piel. Es una muy efectiva para las quemaduras solares, problema a que solemos estar expuesto a diario y en cada momento en que practicamos el deporte. La piel es el órgano más expuesto a sufrir grandes daño, es por eso que incluir la papaya en nuestra dieta ó consumo diario ayudará a eliminar el acné, manchas de la piel, cuida las funciones vitales como el oído, vista y las vías respiratoria. El surfing es un deporte completo, uno cardiovascular, con el consumo de la
papaya ayudara a prevenir problemas al corazón y posibles enfermedades, de esta manera lo fortalece. La papaya es una fruta muy saludable, y es recomendable tener un consumo regular por todo lo que puede aportar a nuestro organismo. La misma es una que no es difícil de digerir por su sabor agradable, se puede consumir crudo, en jugo, en licuados y hasta en comidas.
Receta 1 taza de papaya picada en cuadros ½ taza de agua 1 cucharada de agave o miel Procedimiento En una licuadora se echa el agua, luego la taza de papaya. Se licua por varios segundos la mezcla, luego se le echa el agave o miel hasta que este al gusto personal, y el mismo se vuelve a licuar varios segundos. El mismo se puede servir con hielo.
Receta 2 tazas de papaya picada en cuadros 1 taza de hielo ½ taza de leche de almendra 1 cucharadita de vainilla 1 cucharadita de canela 1 cucharadita de agave o miel (opcional)
La batida o licuado de papaya es muy refrescante para estos días de verano y días que suelen ser muy caluroso. Además, es una gran alternativa que satisface el hambre ya que el mismo puede sustituir un almuerzo o puede consumirse en una merienda.
Procedimiento En la licuadora se echa la leche de almendra y la papaya. Luego la vainilla y la canela Se licuan por varios segundos hasta que esté todo licuado y espeso, luego se le echa el agave o miel hasta que este al gusto personal, y el mismo se vuelve a licuar varios segundos. El mismo se puede servir con whipped cream y canela.
La semilla de papaya tiene un efecto positivo en el consumo del mismo, ya que la semilla es un quema grasa natural, tienen la capacidad de impedir que el organismo absorba exceso de grasa y azĂşcares, lo que acelera el proceso de digestiĂłn y contribuye a la pĂŠrdida de peso. Vitaminas A, C, E y alguna del complejo B. La papaya facilita el bronceado gracias a la gran cantidad de renina (facilita la acciĂłn de la melanina)
The Benefits of Drinking Water
specializes in molecular biology, got his degree at Florida International University. He granted me permission to question him on the benefits of drinking water. He is now currently teaching at my college to generally dazed and confused students like myself.
After signing in to the Biology office, he allowed me inside his cubicle, decorated with pictures of different animals in the womb and stacked high with folders and textbooks. Ironically enough, he donned a shirt that had a map with the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii’s islands dotted in the middle. He by: Valentina Misas peered at me with brown rimmed glasses, cooly and amused as we conversed lightly and then he said, What is the importance of water? “Let me see the questions.� Water is made in all living things: mammals and plants carry in it in their I handed him the paper, cringing a little system. It gives us life, allows us to live at the fact that my precious questions were spoiled ahead of time. After a few and sustain ourselves. minutes, he nodded and handed them back to me. Although humans have made incredible strides in biotechnology and in sports medicine, there are other things that are more difficult to overcome: water, air and land pollution, the evaporating ozone layer and the rising tides from the ocean. Bodyboarders and surfers have been making strides in the athletic community; for making smart inventions to protect themselves against the raw elements but still, nature can run rampant. I had to study and research the importance of hydration and maintaining health throughout the eternally hot summer days for our athletes. Dr. Avner Ittah, an Israeli biologist who
V: Why is water so vital to people in general? A: Because water is the essence of life. It enables processes to take place and some other processes, providing, working as a solution to dissolve salt, creating in general a [combination] that enables life to happen.
claim it’s actually bad for teeth and could hurt someone. Does water with electrolytes or flouride make any difference? A: Okay, so this a complex question. Why? Because we can break it down to a electrolyte aspect or a fluoride aspect. Electrolytes are extremely important. So, faucet water will contain V: For athletes who are in the sun a lot, all the necessary electrolytes. All the surfers specifically, what advice would problems with bottled water is that you give them about staying hydrated? some of the essential electrolytes have A: Well, to keep drinking water all been removed, like Magnesium, for the time. Protecting their skin in order instance. This can cause a problem. The to prevent dryness to the skin, to fluoride doesn’t bother me that much prevent salt damage to the skin, and because yeah, recently studies have uh, that’s it. I can’t recommend them to shown that fluoride doesn’t really wear a hat, it would be lost in five benefit you that much, but it’s not the seconds. issue. I mean, this shouldn’t be the decision making when choosing faucet V: When you say salt damage, what do water. Me, I drink only faucet water. you mean by that? V: Really? A: I mean the burning of the outer A: Oh yeah. I just can’t stand that layer of skin due to a higher somebody took faucet water, bottled it, concentration of salt that has been and sold it to me for, I dunno, a dollar deposited on the skin. or something. V: Because of the plastic from the V: Does sunblock help with that? water bottle? A: Uhhh, yes, but sunblock doesn’t A: The plastic is a different issue. contribute to any hydration. It only When you leave it in your car, the prevents radiation damage. chemicals from the plastic can leech V: Is there a specific kind of water you into the water and this can cause long would recommend for athletes to look term damages. So, if you keep water in out for? your car, I would greatly recommend A: Absolutely! Water that has that you keep it in a glass bottle. electrolytes. As they (athletes) sweat, they lose a lot of electrolytes. The pH should be neutral, like 7.2 or 7.4 which is a physiological pH. V: Many people are banning the use of public water because of the government putting fluoride in it to help strengthen teeth. Many naysayers
V: Once during lecture, you mentioned how “sea salt” in reality doesn’t really differ that much from normal salt, the only difference being that it’s from the sea. Do you think salt water has any benefits for people? Are there any downsides to being in salt water a lot? A: Well, again, salt water has to be salty just right because if it’s too salty, your kidneys are working extra hard to get rid of the salt and this is why we shouldn’t be drinking salt water. If you were in the sea and extremely thirsty, I wouldn’t recommend drinking sea water because they would end up losing more water in the process through urination. When we are asking, is salt water good to drink? The answer is yes but the concentration of electrolytes, of salts, should be the right one, and the right one is fresh water. V: What are the precautions should surfers and bodyboarders take when being in the water? A: I don’t know what to tell you, I mean, general precautions. They should surf in water that is shark free, for instance. General alert. Just be alert, always aware of your surroundings. Water, at the end of the day, is a hostile environment for us, we weren’t meant to be in the water, we were meant to be on land. So, just a general alert. V: Has being a biologist affected your view in the way water works? A: Yes, of course, because I always look at things through a biological prism. It’s like tunnel vision in a way.
No no, tunnel vision has a negative connotation. It’s like, uh, the fact that biology has given me a wider perspective to look at things in a general way and then in a biological aspect. It has given me a richer way to look at things and it has giving me the biggest appreciation for life.
La Resiliencia en el Surfing por: Cynthia Hernández Coach
¿Te has preguntado cómo algunas personas logran salir adelante de manera rápida a las adversidades mientras otras se quedan detenidas? La respuesta la puede explicar la palabra resiliencia. La resiliencia ha existido siempre, solo recientemente se le ha asignado una palabra a esta cualidad humana. En la física, la resiliencia significa la resistencia que oponen los cuerpos en especial los metales a la ruptura, choque o percusión, o bien capacidad de un material de resistir choques imprevistos sin quejarse. En la sociología, la resiliencia es la capacidad humana para enfrentarse, sobreponerse y ser fortalecido o transformado por experiencias de adversidad. ¿Cómo sueles enfrentar las situaciones difíciles? Las personas resilentes aceptan las situaciones, aprenden la lección y toman decisiones. La resiliencia nos permite volver nuevamente a seguir caminando sobrepasando los obstáculos más altos que pudieras encontrarte en el camino como crisis, tragedias, problemas, etc. Si tienes resiliencia sabrás como afrontar el estrés y recuperarte de eventos negativos con mayor rapidez que otras personas. ¿Cuán rápido te recuperas de las dificultades? Las personas resilientes tienen tres
características principales: saben aceptar la realidad tal como es, tienen una profunda creencia en la que la vida tiene sentido y tienen una inquebrantable capacidad para mejorar. Una mente resiliente te permite tener la fortaleza para enfrentar las situaciones, superar los retos y asumir los cambios del diario vivir. ¿Cuáles de estas características te describen? Si eres surfer, seguramente puedes identificarte con el concepto de resiliencia y es que se ha reconocido que la resiliencia es una característica que identifica a las personas que practican el deporte del surfing a lo largo de los años. Situaciones como el hecho de caerse, volver a intentarlo y seguir intentarlo hasta lograr una buena ola. También la flexibilidad que desarrollas al depender de la naturaleza y sus continuos cambios climáticos como protagonistas del momento. Mas aún, al enfrentar situaciones de riesgo no se detienen para volver al mar y demostrar su pasión por las olas. El surfer ha aprendido a construir actitudes positivas frente a las situaciones diarias de adversidad adquiriendo un estilo de vida resiliente. Esto les otorga la oportunidad de no paralizarse ante el miedo, de ser perseverantes, de afrontar la adversidad con humor, de ser flexibles ante los cambios, de confiar en sí mismos y sus capacidades. ¿Qué actitud tienes ante los cambios? Practicar un deporte debe ser una prioridad para un mejor desarrollo personal y social en el mundo actual.
Las situaciones tan variantes en las que las familias de hoy están enfrentando es fundamental que puedan desarrollar la resiliencia como una cualidad necesaria para aprender a ser feliz en el hoy. Sin duda, los deportes extremos como el surfing son un gran impulsor para estabilizar los niños y jóvenes de hoy para manejar la adversidad. El deporte del surfing permite que las personas desarrollen continuamente una cualidad resiliente que les beneficie en su desarrollo hacia todas las áreas de vida. ¿Cómo puedes aportar a la sociedad por medio del deporte? El deporte es una herramienta que tiene la sociedad para desarrollar individuos más saludables y con habilidades sociales para afrontar de manera eficaz un mundo de constantes cambios y dificultades sociales. Además, ayuda al manejo de emociones, comportamiento y mejora la posibilidad de tener relaciones sociales saludables. A mayor resiliencia, mayor probabilidad de actuar de manera positiva ante los desafíos de la vida y ser más feliz. ¿Cuán importante es el deporte para ti? En cada momento tenemos la oportunidad de tomar una decisión sobre cómo vamos a responder a nuestras circunstancias. Cuando construimos habilidades de resiliencia, fortalecemos nuestra capacidad de relacionaros con las circunstancias y retos en nuestra vida de una manera más saludable y eficaz. Las circunstancias no te hacen, te revelan quien eres y lo que necesitas para llegar a ser quien quieres ser. ¿Cuán resiliente te consideras? ¿Qué aún necesitas para tener una cualidad resiliente?
Fotos: Tino Aguemi
How can we begin to talk more about climate change and what we can do about it? How many times do we enjoy eating our fruits for breakfast as we stare at the sun? How is it that we can feel the ocean and the wind blowing in our faces knowing that it’s always going to be there for us every step of the way? But then again we do not talk about or know how serious climate change is. Since my early years, I have felt the unexplainable desire to help others and to help the earth; this has allowed me to learn many invaluable lessons. This subject about climate change and total climate catastrophe has found its home deep in my soul. I have been surfing since I was twelve years old. The beach was just five minutes away from my house in Puerto Rico and I have always turned to my ocean in every opportunity, in every tear, in every lovely moment with my mother, father and sister…with friends—it is my everything. I felt in it the force that I could relate with God our creator and everything made sense in those moments. Let’s be honest. The weather is acting weird and I don’t know about you, but it’s all around us. Something is changing and information just keeps rolling in from different sources. Media, movies, friends, weekend specials, random people in the street, documentaries, experiences, church. For some reason, this information had to be heard and with the opportunity granted to me by this magazine, I hope this message about the circumstances
of our climate reaches the many who decide to read this. Let’s get a little serious. We have to change now; not years from today, for our children or our grandchildren, the day is now. Get informed and let others know! Everyone knows that the polar ice caps are melting...and yet no one is going out of their way to do anything about it. This is happening because we are already at 1.5% Celsius, having begun to decline since the industrial revolution and has now affected us so much, that the Greenhouse effect has damaged the ozone. All the harmful gases are just there coming down on the planet. That’s kind of alarming don’t you think? Surfers, did you know that, because of that ice melting, water moves differently through the planet? This will very soon cause the water to rise 5 to 9 meters. The first places to go if we get to that alarming 2% Celsius are all the beautiful waves that we wish we could surf in a lifetime in the South Pacific like: Indonesia, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, Samoa, Maui, Oahu, Vava’u Tonga… …to name a few. What else are we all losing? What is going to happen? This is only the beginning.
Now, this is not an article to freak people out. We just want to encourage you to have a SELF-SUSTAINABLE SURF HUMAN LIFE. Go back to the roots, disconnect from electronic gadgets and connect with your humanity and true nature. Think and meditate on what we all can do to save our planet and to save ourselves and the ones we love. If we don’t choose to move now, this 2% Celsius that we are strongly headed into can get rid of these islands that we hold so dear. We would have hundreds of millions sea refugees, the drought will increase which can lead to infectious diseases, following with the destruction of our forest. Then 30-50% of species on earth can be eliminated! That’s crazy if you ask me. What is the answer? Use what you got! Use what you know and look even further. What is your talent? What is your dream? What is your career? Your line of work? We surely have to pay things, have a roof over our heads and we have food on the table (if we are part of the lucky ones). That is our comfortable life and by standard, I mean that we need it to survive. But if we don’t have a planet, we will lose everything including this roof and this food that we maybe take for granted every day. At the end what has worth? This planet’s life has all of us included together. I wish I could do more but for now I can tell you what I’m doing. Maybe it will inspire you to do the same (in your own way).
What is Candyeyed Collective? It is a platform inspired by life, good vibes, good times, art, music and extreme sports. FREE THE HUMANS and REP. THE ALWAYS YOUTH is our motto. We need to go back to the basics of being and LOVE is the only way. Being involved in this real truthful movement gave me life and a way for us to use it, is to contribute in different ways—to the planet / to the human community (all ages). It started with a dream to give back and that is what we thrive for. We are working in manufacturing with different products that are completely organic / vegetable based leading to our aromatherapy organic surf wax. Because on this subject of crazy climate change, we found out about the coral reef! And because everything in this planet is perfect and everything is a beautiful. Chain coral reefs are vital to the planet (and also more that 500 million people depend on it). We as surfers should be able to protect the ocean and therefore coral reefs from petroleum found on many surf wax brands today. Candyeyed Collective aromatherapy organic surf wax it’s made out of coconut oil, bees wax & lavender essential oil – all organic.
Let’s recap! -Let’s look on more information on how we can be more proactive on saving our home: Planet Earth -What type of energy can save us? : Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Tidal Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Wave Energy -What can we do with what we have? : Change your attitude and be open to change / make little steps every day as well as big steps like changing your house to renewable energy for instance... and many more. For a Self-Sustainable Surf life be happy by giving complete love to your home Earth, each other and every species. Keep working at it as we save it only together. We promise we will continue with this platform and to bring forward the message of a clean Earth for us all. FREE THE HUMANS!!!!!!! Edda Garcia; Candyeyed Collective.
The continued practice of a sport helps the athlete build skill and confidence in themselves; without the style that is being set in a competitive role. Bodyboarding has been evolving in the past years, like most of the professional athletes in the sport. Ben Player is one of those players completely, with notable triumphs in his career as a professional, with three Worldwide Champion titles.
From day one until now how have you been? Great I guess. I mean, I’m alive and have a lot of fun until now so I can’t complain. Now that you're a professional, what opinion do you have of yourself? I’m stoked on where I am at in my life and what I have achieved. When I was 12 years old I knew I wanted to win a bodyboarding world title and I have done that three times so I would say that I am pretty proud of who I am. Of the 20 years you've been doing this career, what has been the best wave you've surfed? Was it in free surfing or while you were competing? The best waves I have surfed have always been when free surfing, nothing compares to the feeling of riding perfect waves with no pressure and stress. When it is just you and the wave and nothing else matters. It is an amazing feeling and a sensation I have only felt one other time, and that was when I almost died last year as a result of tearing my spleen while surfing up in Ireland. Pretty crazy that the sensation of almost dying is equal to the sensation of living to the fullest. They are the only two times where I haven’t thought about the past or the future, and you are totally in the moment and completely present.
How has 2016 treated you professionally and personally? It has been great, a little different but great. I started a new challenge, it is a new business where I am importing and distributing NMD boards in Australia. It’s very different to what I used to do, but I’m loving it. When you think about it, it’s pretty similar to surfing in that you have to set goals and strive to achieve them, the only difference now is that I don’t get wet as much as most of my goals need a computer to achieve. In these next few months are we going to see you compete in the Tour? What event of the Tour will you be competing in or which event would you like to win?
No, I just want to do a few select events and have fun. I am not in the head space to compete full time, especially with the challenges of business, so I am just going to compete in the events that I have time to focus on and want to compete in. I’m hoping to get over to Nazare and Fronton for the last few events towards the end of the year, but we will see. Bodyboarding has revolutionized greatly; technology has helped bodyboarders deliver a better representation of themselves. What do you think is lacking still in order to get better? What do you think can be offered in proposal to the bodyboarding world? There is a lot of progression happening
with the manufacturing of bodyboards which is super exciting, and I think as a result we will see a lot of progression occurring with performance from the athletes. Especially with the technologies of the wave pools like Kelly Slater Wave Pools. The combination of all of the above ingredients means that the sport of bodyboarding should flourish, especially because the type of wave that Kelly has produced is perfect for a bodyboard and will attract a lot of outside of the market interaction like traditional surfing gets. That would be rad and something that I hope will happen in the future. As a professional, what advice can you give to the new blood bodyboarders to
present themselves in an efficient way? If you want to be the best then put 110% into it. No one is a natural at bodyboarding and if you want to be the best then put more energy and focus into it than any other person and you will be the best. It is pretty simple really. For the promoters, what ideas or suggestions would you present for a global event? Get it happening in Slaters wave pool. Would be incredible!
How would you present bodyboarding so that it can advance to become an Olympic discipline? I would use my same argument as I previously suggested. Olympic sports needs an arena which offers spectator interaction with an even/equal field for the athletes to compete against each other. Kelly Slaters wave pool offers this, and the bodyboard is the perfect vehicle for the type of wave. You just won an event from the ABA circuit. Tell us how it was to be on a competitive level and what it means for you to have won this event? The level was super high in that event and I was proud to see how far competitive bodyboarding has come in Australia. For me, I didn’t go into that event wanting to win or lose, I just wanted to surf and have fun and it paid off in the event. But it did feel good to win and to know that I can still apply myself to competitions. What does bodyboarding mean to you? Everything.
If you want to know more about Ben Player you can follow him on Facebook and Instagram or go check www.benplayer.net
Photos: Facebook & http://nmdboardco.com
What has been your best surf moment? My best surf moment was the time I surfed Padang Padang for a whole afternoon by myself. It was absolutely perfect at 4-6ft. It was amazing. I would ride a set wave and paddle out as quickly as I could, then there would be another set wave to take off on. I did that until after the sun had set and I couldn’t see anymore. Was incredible and a moment that will never be replicated.