To partner with families by providing a biblically-based, collegepreparatory education so that students will be equipped to serve Christ and influence the world.
To know and live the truth.
Welcome to Wesleyan Christian Academy! We are thrilled to have you on board as part of the Wesleyan family. Our goal this year—as it has been for each of our 50 years—is to ensure that Wesleyan’s school mission becomes a reality in the lives of every student. Our mission is “to partner with parents by providing a biblically-based, college preparatory education so that students may be equipped to serve Christ and influence the world” for God’s glory. We are committed to teaching, growing, loving, and equipping our students, for it is our passion and our calling. We are committed to being intentional about forging strong relationships with you and your children. We are committed to cultivating a positive Christian community where students flourish, and Christ Jesus is exalted – in the classroom, on the field of play and in the arts.
As you read the 2022 Back to School Guide and become acclimated with all the new people, processes, logistics, and locations, please know that we are here to walk with you every step of the way. We want to ensure that your child has a wonderful school experience this year. May the Lord bountifully bless your family through your time here at Wesleyan.
Associate Head of School
Assistant to the Head of School
High School Principal
Dr. David Ray
Mrs. Becky Owens
Mrs. Pam Haire
Mr. Tim Kohns
Middle School Principal Mr. Brad Clodfelter
Assistant Principal Mr. Jaime Cebollero
Assistant Principal Mrs. Adrienne Hurley
Elementary School Principal Mrs. Emily Orman
Enrichment Center Principal
Early Education Center Director
Ms. Nadine Griffin
Mrs. Amy McNeill
Early Education Center Associate Director Mrs. Casey Fowler
Athletics Director
Asst. Athletics Director
Mr. Joe Woodward
Mr. Harry Sherwood
Athletics/Facilities Coordinator Mr. Noah Adams
Facilities Director
Spiritual Life Director
Mr. Dan Baker
Pastor Deon Parker
HS/Athletics Administrative Assistant Mrs. Tammy Russell
MS/Enrichment Administrative Assistant Mrs. Cheryl Martin
Elementary School Administrative Assistant Mrs. Kristy Morrison
Elementary/Middle School Counselor
College Counseling Director
Upper School Counselor
Media Center Specialist
Media Assistant
Creative Media Specialist
Admissions Director
Admissions Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator
Mrs. Daryn Harrell
Mrs. Kendra Randazzo
Mrs. Michelle Ledbetter
Mrs. Leah Totel
Mrs. Emily Mack
Mrs. Erin Bowman
Mr. Josh Harris
Mrs. Angel Taylor
Mrs. Leah Burkett
Mrs. Dianne Stone
TK-12 Testing Coordinator/TK-8 Registrar Mrs. Ashley Compton
Facilities/Chaplain Coordinator Mrs. Marsha Flinchum
Development Officer
Mr. Chris Glover
Development Officer Mrs. Suzanne Cook
Development Coordinator - AGG/Projects Mrs. Mason Garner
Finance Director
HR Director
Accounting Manager
Payroll Specialist
Donations Accounting Specialist
Student Billing Specialist
Performing/Fine Arts Director
IT Director
IT Instructional Specialist
School Nurses
After School Coordinator
Mr. Tom Eller
Mr. Brian Moore
Mrs. Jowayne Twiddy
Mrs. Becca Jones
Mrs. Cheryl George
Mrs. Maria Graver
Dr. Mike Jarrett
Mr. Jonathan Ruble
Mr. Richard Bradley
Mrs. Shannon Moore
Mrs. Lesley Papciak
Mrs. Sarah Kiser
To keep you informed about everything that’s going on at Wesleyan, we use the following methods of communication.
Need to see the school calendar, child’s grade or lunch options in a hurry? Download the NEW Wesleyan app for iphone and Android phones via the Apple Store or Google Play for this info and much more!
NEW! THE RIDGE REPORT is a digital newsletter created to keep our Wesleyan family abreast of events, activities and progress on our Sandy Ridge Campus. It is sent to our current Wesleyan families and other constituents at the end of every month.
THIS WEEK AT WESLEYAN is our weekly email newsletter sent to all parents every Monday.
ELEMENTARY EXPRESS is our Elementary newsletter that is emailed at the beginning of each month.
MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL EMAILS will be sent to parents on an as-needed basis.
SOCIAL MEDIA Please follow us on Facebook (@wcacademy), Instagram (@ wesleyanchristiannc), Linked-In (Wesleyan-ChristianAcademy), Twitter (@Wesleyan1), Vimeo (Wesleyan Education Center) and YouTube (, search for Wesleyan Christian Academy NC.
THE WESLEYAN EDGE is an email communication that covers outstanding accomplishments among our students, alumni, and faculty and staff.
THE TROJAN MAGAZINE published two times a year to share the important events that have taken place on and off-campus during the Fall and Spring semesters.
ANNUAL REPORTS are published in the 3rd quarter of every year and highlight the academic and extracurricular accomplishments of our students.
The WEE TROJAN is our Early Education Center e-newsletter that is emailed to EEC families at the beginning of each month.
TEXT ALERTS are used primarily for weather-related scheduling, special announcements, important reminders, or changes that pertain to school or after-school activities. To sign up for text alerts, send an email to Dianne Stone at
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM M-F
MIDDLE SCHOOL (5TH - 8TH) 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
HIGH SCHOOL (9TH - 12TH) 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
• August 16-19, parents may walk their elementary students to class. Beginning August 22 parents are encouraged to drop off their children at Canopy A using the car line from Centennial Street.
• The first bell for students to go to class will ring at 8 am. and the tardy bell at 8:10 a.m.
• Students may arrive early and report to the cafeteria until 7:55 a.m. when they will be dismissed to their homeroom
Middle School & High School
• The first bell for students to go to class will ring at 8 a.m. and the tardy bell at 8:10 a.m.
• Students who are car riders will be dismissed by grade level at 2:30 p.m. at the following locations. All teachers will walk students to the designated areas and supervise the students until all are picked up by their parents. Students remaining at 2:45 will be taken to our After School Program.
• TK/Kindergarten - Canopy A
• 1st Grade - Canopy B
• 2nd Grade – Connector (Eastchester side)
• 3rd Grade - Middle School Gym Entrance
• 4th Grade - High School Entrance
Middle School & High School
• Middle school will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Students are expected to walk to their designated areas to be picked up by parents.
• 5th graders - Connector (Eastchester side)
• 6th graders - Canopy A
• 7th and 8th graders - Middle School Gym Entrance
• High schools students will be dismissed at 3:15 pm.
After School Program (ASP)
• Students participating in ASP will remain in their rooms at dismissal and be picked up by their respective ASP leaders. One-Hour Care groups will go to the cafeteria.
*SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS Our 2022-2023 School Supply Lists were posted on our school webpage in early July. To see them, please visit
*HOMEROOM ASSIGNMENTS: Teacher and homeroom assignments are emailed to the parents during the first week of August. If you have not received your email by the 2nd week of August, please contact the division administrative assistant according to your children’s grade levels.
*Early Education Center will receive school supply lists and room assignments during Open House on August 12, 2022.
Our car dismissal line and pick-up procedures have been created to provide student safety and parent convenience . When picking up your children from Wesleyan, please abide by the following guidelines:
• Do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled dismissal time.
• Maintain a MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF 15 MPH anytime you’re driving on campus.
• All assigned car pick-up lines, along Eastchester Drive and Centennial Street, become one- way traffic lanes between 2:30 P.M. and 5:30 P.M.
• Do not leave your car unattended in the pick-up line.
• Advance far enough ahead in the pick-up line so that other cars behind you can pick up their riders.
• Refrain from talking on your cell phone in the pick-up line.
• Stay in the lane closest to the curb when picking up your children. The outer lane is for passing only.
• If you choose to park, please only park in designated spots and do NOT park in the Admission Visitors spots in front of the Main Academy Office.
• Please note that children are NOT ALLOWED to cross the parking lot to get to your car. You will need to park, walk over to the assigned dismissal area to pick up your child, and then walk with them back to your car.
The safety and security of your children is our number one priority! Wesleyan has taken the following measures to help ensure that students feel safe and protected:
• At least one High Point Police Officer is on-campus each school day from arrival to dismissal.
• Police Pull-Stations are installed throughout our school buildings.
• The High Point Police Department often uses Wesleyan’s campus for critical incident training after school hours.
• Security cameras are installed at all entrances and throughout parking lots. Speakers and additional walkie-talkies are being added to critical areas in 2022-2023.
• All classrooms lock from the inside and have coverings for the door window.
• Controlled Access to our building is critical for the safety of our students, faculty and staff. To accomplish this, ALL outside doors are locked and require a passcode for entrance. Further, we have established a NEW schedule for entrance access for 2022-2023:
• Middle School Gym Entrance will be operational from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
• The Main Academy Office (Canopy A), Early Education Center Lobby (Canopy B), High School Entrance and Auditorium Entrance will be the ONLY operational entrances during the school day.
• ALL parents and visitors are required to check-in at the Main Office, wear Wesleyan-provided name tags while on campus, and visitors must be accompanied by a staff member.
• Exterior security checks take place nightly.
• All faculty and staff have ongoing critical incident training, and twenty-two (22) staff members are identified as “Emergency Responders.”
• Fire drills, tornado drills, and critical incident drills are scheduled throughout the school year.
Three (3) Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located across campus.
• Five (5) Epi-Pens are located across campus.
Parent and visitors should enter through the Main Academy Office which is accessed via Entrance A from North Centennial Street. The office entrance is located under the canopy closest to the Wesleyan soccer field (Canopy A). Parents and visitors will be buzzed in via Academy Office personnel - please be prepared to show identification
Face coverings/masks are optional for all K-12 students, faculty, staff and parents.
Air Purifiers in Each Classroom. This year, we again have state-of-the-art air purifiers for every classroom on campus, as well as several common areas. The technology used in the Vollara Air Purifiers is patented and was originally developed for use by NASA in the International Space Station. According to the data and research provided, these purifiers effectively reduce 99% of surface dust and other contaminants in the air, including COVID.
Two school nurses provide first-aid care, consultation, staff training, wellness education, and on and off-campus health information coordination. Nurse Shannon Moore and Nurse Lesley Papciak can be reached at (336) 884-3333 x 255 or The Nurses’ Office is across from elementary Rm #51.
NEW IMMUNIZATIONS: All students must be up to date on immunizations by August 16 and documentation should be provided to Nurse Moore. If your child is a new student, a kindergartner, 7th, or 12th-grader, please check to make sure your children’s immunizations are up to date!! If they are not, please make plans to secure this information prior to August 16.
NOTE: 12th-graders must now have a meningococcal vaccination booster. Per the NCDHHS website, “A booster dose is required for individuals entering the 12th grade or by 17 years of age, whichever comes first … The booster does not apply to individuals who enter the 12th grade before August 1, 2021. If the first dose is administered on or after the 16th birthday, a booster dose is not required. Individuals born before January 1, 2003, shall not be required to receive the meningococcal conjugate vaccine.”
Wesleyan is also blessed to have two Athletic Trainers on campus to help our student-athletes. Mr. Nip Pesayanavin and Ms. Brandy Cardwell serves our students by providing precautionary steps to avoid injury and also when needed, injury assessment and treatment. Mr. Pesayanavin maintains our Sports Medicine Office on the second floor of our High School Gym. Mr. Pesayanavin can be reached at (336) 884-3333 x239 or via email at
Wesleyan is pleased to offer a Strength & Conditioning program for our high school athletes directed by Maurice Crocker, Wesleyan’s strength and conditioning coach. To serve the needs of this program, Wesleyan has a dedicated Fitness Center above the high school gymnasium.
NEED A HEALTH FORM? Please visit either our School Nurse page ( nurse) or our Sports Medicine page ( to review Wesleyan’s various health forms and to download a copy for your records.
The faculty and staff at Wesleyan Christian Academy recognize that all students learn differently and that God created each one fearfully, wonderfully, and perfectly in His image. Because of His perfect plan for your child, we recognize the importance of meeting students where they are academically and providing the following services to bridge any existing educational gaps.
IN-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS like preferential seating are always available for students who simply need minor accommodations to help them reach their fullest academic potential.
RESOURCE CLASSES are offered to students who may need just a bit of additional academic assistance in the subjects of Reading or Math (1st - 4th) or English and Math (5th - 12th). Our Resource Classes are pull-out classes that will occur during your student’s school day. There is an additional charge for these classes that is billed monthly.
THE ENRICHMENT CENTER at Wesleyan Christian Academy provides quality, college-preparatory instruction from certified LD Teachers to students with mild to moderate diagnosed learning differences. Enrichment students need help in subject areas other than English and Math and need assistance beyond what our Resource Teachers can provide. Wesleyan students can take as few as 1 core class or as many as 6 core classes in the Enrichment Center as it is fully integrated into the traditional K-12 Academy.
INTERVENTION/EXTENSION HOURS have been a part of our curriculum since August 2020. Each week our elementary students who have mastered a particular grade-level concept have the opportunity to work beyond their grade-level during a teacher-led, dedicated Extension hour. During the exact same time frame, our elementary students who might need just a bit of additional instruction on a grade-level concept have the option of revisiting that particular concept with a grade-level teacher during our Intervention hour.
SPEECH THERAPY is available for all K-12 students. Mrs. Tyler Wilson, Speech and Language Therapist specializes in pragmatic, conversational language skills, auditory processing disorders, phonological processing, visualizations of verbal language, and diagnostics. Mrs. Wilson offers these services at a reduced rate to Wesleyan families and can be scheduled during your child’s school day. To learn more, please contact Mrs. Wilson at
Wesleyan is interested in educating the whole child and in that effort, all of the following programs are available to enrolled students in various grades:
ATHLETIC TEAMS Wesleyan offers 36 different teams that span across 13 different sports. The natural entry point for most sports is 6th-grade, although you should check with the coach to verify. To learn more about the various athletic teams, reach out to our Athletics Director, Mr. Joe Woodward at or call him at (336) 884-3333 x 224. You can also check out our Athletics page ( for the following information:
• Athletic Calendar
• Athletic Handbook
• Sports Forms
• Team Tryout Information and Schedules
• Text Alert Registration (Athletic Events Only)
• Trojan Club Athletic Boosters
INSTRUCTIONAL ATHLETIC PROGRAMS These programs offer after-school athletic opportunities to students in TK through 5th-Grade and include programs like:
• Basketball Assessment Training League (BATL)
• Go Far Fitness Program
• Imago Dei Soccer
• Star Aquatics Swim Lessons
• Wesleyan Instructional Soccer League (WISL)
PERFORMING & FINE ARTS offers a comprehensive program in instrumental and vocal music, drama, dance, and the visual arts. Our staff is highly trained and dedicated to developing the skills of each child. The following information can be found on our Fine Arts homepage:
• Elementary Music Information
• Middle School Performing and Fine Art Electives
• High School Performing and Fine Art Electives
OUR TEACHING STUDIOS provide private and group instruction in the areas of brass, woodwind, piano, percussion, strings, voice, fine art, drama, and dance to more than 300 students each week from all over the Triad. Visit our Teaching Studios homepage ( or contact Dr. Mike Jarrett at mjarrett@ or by calling him at (336) 884-3333 x 265.
• Lesson Descriptions
• Registration Forms
• Teaching Studios Schedule
WESLEYAN’S SPIRITUAL LIFE PROGRAM exists to give each student - from Early Education through 12th-Grade - the opportunity to hear the gospel, respond to it and grow in their faith. Wesleyan students have regular opportunities to worship together, participate in community service opportunities, travel locally, nationally, and internationally on annual mission trips, and help lead their peers in worship. All of the following links can be found on our Spiritual Life homepage:
• Chapel and Special Event Videos
• Commencement Addresses and Keynote Speakers
• Mission Trip Information
• Prayer and Praise
• Student-Led Outreach and Ministry Projects
In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus instructs his disciples on how to deal with conflict. “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”
In this same light, when concerns arise at Wesleyan, we ask parents to follow the principle of Matthew 18:15-17, to bring any and all questions and concerns to the WCA employee most directly involved. If you have a question about a classroom action/procedure, please contact the teacher involved. If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached, then reach out to the appropriate principal. After contacting the teacher, principal, and Associate Head of School, the Head of School may be contacted if concerns have not been resolved.
As a new or returning parent to Wesleyan Christian Academy, we want you to be part of our school family. Please consider getting involved in one of the following organizations and/or talking to your student’s homeroom teacher or other parents about how you’d like to be involved. At the beginning of the year, you will receive a Volunteer Form to indicate your interests. Please return it to your child’s homeroom teacher or the academy office, and we will reach out to you with opportunities that may interest you.
Join a powerful group of women who meet regularly to pray for our school, our teachers, and our students. These are the prayer warriors of Wesleyan and they’d love to add you to their ranks.
Wesleyan has one major fund-raiser each year known as our Annual Gift Giving or AGG. There are a variety of ways that parents can serve through AGG, including the AGG Planning Committee or Silent Auction Committee.
Whether you’re substituting in the classroom, judging our annual science fair, helping to develop sets for our high school musical, or serving as a class chaperone, Wesleyan would be blessed to have you support our efforts to provide the very best Christian education possible. To find out where you can serve, please contact your division’s administrative assistant (you can find that information on page 3 of this guide).
As a PTO member, you will assist in developing a strong relationship between our students’ homes and our school. PTO members plan on-campus events like August Open Houses; PTO Fun Festival; and Teacher Appreciation Week.
Our Patrons of the Performing Arts support our vocal, instrumental, and theatre students by volunteering during our Winter and Spring Choral Awards, High School Musicals, and Fall Drama.
Parents who serve on our Trojan Club help support Wesleyan’s 36 athletic teams, student-athletes, team coaches, and parents. Trojan Club members promote school spirit and Christian character both on and off the athletic field.
The Together in Education program helps to raise funds for Wesleyan. It’s easy, and it’s free!! Simply link your VIC card with our school code, #2098, every August. Once your card is linked, WCA will receive a percentage of all Harris Teeter brand purchases you make during the academic school year.
Support your Parent Teacher Organization! It’s so easy!! Go to and register to support “Wesleyan Education Center, Inc.” in High Point, to enable your qualifying purchases to help support Wesleyan’s PTO!
In addition to athletics and performing and fine arts, Wesleyan students can also participate in any number of clubs and organizations offered after school or during school hours, depending on grade level. Below is a list of past and current student organizations and activities:
• 8th-Grade Spiritual Leadership Retreat
• Astronomy Club
• Battle of the Books
• Bible Studies
• Chess Club
• Elementary Talent Show
• Fellowship of Christian Athletes
• High IQ Bowl
• High School Leadership Team
• Homecoming Committee
• Investment Club
• Journalism Club / Yearbook
• Junior / Senior Prom Planning Committee
• Junior Beta Club
• Senior Beta Club
• Lego Robotics
• Math Olympics
• Missions Fair
• Mission Trips
• National Honor Society
• Photography Club
• Recycling Club
• Red Cross Youth Club
• Science Fairs
• Snow Ball Committee
• Spanish Club
• Spelling Bees
• Student Government
• Summer Camp Counselors
Wesleyan offers an After School Program (ASP) for families needing care after school, and/or during some teacher workdays and school holidays. This program is provided as an optional service for students in Transitional Kindergarten - 5th-grade for an additional fee.
LISTED BELOW ARE THE OPTIONS AVAILABLE. To register for this service, please complete our online After School Program Registration Form or call Mrs. Sarah Kiser, After School Program Coordinator at or call her at (336) 884-3333.
2:30 - 3:30 PM
2:30 - 5:30 PM
Wesleyan’s All-Day Summer Camp is offered during the summer months for students who have completed Transitional Kindergarten - 5th grade. Campers enjoy daily activities and weekly field trips. To learn more about this program or to see the calendar of events, please visit our Campus Life homepage and click on Summer Camps, or email Sarah Kiser at
Wesleyan’s Athletic Camps are offered throughout the summer to campers in Elementary through High School and are for all athletic levels. Our camps are designed to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience for your child. Our coaches and camp counselors provide individual and team instruction in a distinctly Christian environment. For more information, please visit our Campus Life homepage ( or email Tammy Russell at
Past academic camps have included STEM, Lego Robotics, and SAT Preparation. A list of the academic camps offered is available each year on our Summer Camps webpage.
As an add-on to Wesleyan’s All-Day Summer Camp, campers can take group swimming lessons in our indoor pool. Wesleyan has partnered with Star Aquatics to provide low student-teacher ratios, individual attention, and small, organized group sessions. For more information, please visit our Campus Life homepage ( and then click on Summer Camps.
To assist us in providing the very best education possible, we ask that you prayerfully consider giving to Wesleyan in the following areas.
ANNUAL GIFT GIVING (AGG ) Gifts to the Annual Gift Giving campaign support special projects that enhance a student’s experience at Wesleyan through a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular programming. All students from the Early Education Center through 12th-grade benefit from AGG.
FINANCIAL AID (TK - 12 GRADE) Each year, approximately 160 financial aid awards are made that enable students to attend Wesleyan. The amount of money that families qualify to receive is more than double the money available to award through financial aid. Without the support of generous donors like you, many families might have to withdraw from Wesleyan.
FACULTY ENDOWMENT Wesleyan’s faculty endowment fund is used to honor innovation, provide special recognition, and provide professional development opportunities to our amazing teachers.
THE LEGACY SOCIETY The Legacy Society has been established at Wesleyan Christian Academy as a means to provide special recognition of those individuals who have included us in their estate planning.
UPDATE ON OUR SANDY RIDGE CAMPUS In His perfect timing, the Lord provided 71 acres in the “Heart of the Triad” at the corner of Sandy Ridge Road and Johnson Street. This new property has been a tremendous blessing, freeing us from previous constraints to allow us to faithfully seek God’s direction for expansion and other exciting educational opportunities.
The true “first phase” of this development was obtaining the land in 2010. Since 2012, we went through the process of zoning, architectural renderings, engineering studies, etc. While the end goal is to build a new school on the Sandy Ridge Campus, our first goal has been to build athletics facilities and leadership venues.
To that end, we now have a beautiful campus that includes an incredible baseball complex, open-air pavilion, grill pad, soccer field and ropes course, a new softball field and amphitheater scheduled to be finished in the fall of 2022, and a track circling the soccer field that will follow in 2023. We thank each and every person who has given to this effort as we are well on our way to having a state-of-the-art athletic facility for our student body and families to enjoy.
There are many more exciting opportunities at the Sandy Ridge Campus and we look forward to sharing more of that with you in the near future! If you would like more information about being a donor, please contact Suzanne Cook, Development Officer (, Chris Glover, Development Officer (, or Mason Garner, Development Coordinator (
“PAVING THE WAY” CAMPAIGN At Wesleyan Christian Academy, we want to encourage our students to remember the Cross and the finished work of the Lord Jesus on our behalf on a daily basis. As we think of our new campus, one practical but meaningful way to accomplish this is to build a brick courtyard in the form of the Christian cross located in a central location on the new campus. Ideally, this cross will be located between the athletic and academic facilities on our new campus, allowing this courtyard to serve as a central gathering place for many years to come.
Our hope is that everyone who enters our campus will see the cross and remember the reason for the hope that we have as Christians. Each brick forming this cross will be personalized with a name of an alumni, current families, grandparents, business partners, and those who are excited about our mission, which is “to equip students to serve Christ and influence the world” for God’s glory.
Current and alumni families and friends may purchase a personalized brick for $365 which equates to a dollar for each day of the year that our courtyard stands for students and families to enjoy. The proceeds from the brick sales will also help build a beautiful eight-lane track around our soccer field on the new campus. This track will also include all field events. Lord willing, our students will be competing on this track in 2023! Thank you for your support as we seek to build a beautiful courtyard and continue to make progress on our new campus.
SPIRIT WEEK & HOMECOMING 10/3/22 - 10/7/22
ANNUAL GIFT GIVING 10/13/22 - 10/24/22
BOOK FAIR 11/7/22 - 11/18/22
ES 1/9/23
MS & HS 1/10/23 - 1/12/23
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2/23/23 - 2/26/23
ES SCIENCE FAIR 2/21/23 - 2/24/23
Commonly Used School-Wide Acronyms.
ACSI Association of Christian Schools International
AGG Annual Gift Giving
ASP After School Program
AUD Auditorium
BATL Basketball Assessment Training League
CESA Council on Educational Standards & Accountability
ENR Enrichment Center
ES Elementary School
FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FKC Farlow Kennedy Center
HS High School
TK Transitional Kindergarten
K Kindergarten
MIP Moms In Prayer
MS Middle School
NCAIS North Carolina Association of Independent Schools
NCISAA North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Assoc.
PTO Parent Teacher Organization
PK Preschool Kindergarten
SACS Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math
WCA Wesleyan Christian Academy
EEC Early Education Center
WEC Wesleyan Education Center
WISL Wesleyan Instructional Soccer League
Did you know that almost 90% of our new families come to Wesleyan because of what they’ve heard from our current families? As Wesleyan parents, you are an essential part of our recruitment efforts.
We encourage you to talk with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about why you chose Wesleyan for your children and share the impact we’ve had on your family. You are welcome to invite prospective families to attend an Admissions Preview Day or to schedule a private tour by reaching out to our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Angel Taylor at ataylor@ or by calling her at 336-884-3333 x263.
Wednesday, OCT 19, 2022
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Farlow Kennedy Center
Sunday, JAN 8, 2023
3:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Farlow Kennedy Center
Wesleyan uses a Continuous Enrollment process to re-enroll all current students for the next school year. This means that all current students, eligible to return will be automatically re-enrolled each year until graduated, and your account will be billed the continuous enrollment fee on February 15 each year. If your circumstances change and you do not plan on returning to Wesleyan, simply submit our School Withdrawal Form by February 1, and you will not be charged the continuous enrollment fee.
Wesleyan Christian Academy recognizes that some families may need financial assistance in order to provide our Christian-based, college-preparatory education for their children. In order to address the financial needs of our current and future families, any or all of the following tuition assistance programs are available for qualifying families.
• Children with Learning Disabilities Grant (CDG)
• Educational Savings Accounts (ESA)
• FACTS Tuition Assistance
• Opportunity Scholarship Grant (OSG)
You may find more information about each of the above tuition assistance programs on our admissions webpage under “Affording Tuition” (
TK-12 ACADEMY OFFICE 336.884.3333
TK-12 ACADEMY FAX 336.884.8232