Corca Dhuibhne Beo
& Mid Kerry Live
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 12: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 24 - 25: Times Past - Dingle Easter Parade
Pg 30: Archaeology: Kilmalkedar Carved Stones
Pg 33: Siúlóid na Coicíse / Walk of the Fortnight
Pg 34: West Kerry Gaa
Pg 41: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 44: It's All In The Mind: Mindful Breathing
Pg 48: Live Music Listings
Pg 52: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 53: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 54: Crossword
Pg 55: Classifieds
Published by West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry V92 EC85
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113
AY!! Also: Tractor & 14 Ton Dump Trailer

Cuir Glaoch/Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi, Baile an Mhúraigh 087 2969846 nó 066 9155446
Permit Number On Request - Uimhir Cheadúnais ach é a lorg To ps oi l f or Sa le p er Load G oo d Qu
News from The Marts
Calf Sale Saturday 30th March
BVD collection Tuesday 2nd April

Sheep Calf & Cattle Sale Saturday 6th April including clearance Sale of 70 Young Dairy Cows, mostly calved for Sean Kennedy, Doonshean
Milltown Ring mart for details:
DINGLE 066 91 51586
MILLTOWN : 066 97 67309
To Advertise
Contact us on 066-9150530 Lorcán: 086-1737944 Mossy: 087-2149327 Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com or check
Corkery-Johnson Linda BDS NUI
Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Dingle - An Daingean Phone: +353(0)669151188
Castlegregory - Talor’s Row, Strand Street, 066-7139422
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
Registeration Open Now For The 12th Annual County Clean Up

The 12th annual County Clean Up will take place across the county on Saturday, 6th April and voluntary organisations and individuals across Kerry are invited to get involved in one of the biggest community events of the year in the county.
The County Clean-Up takes place with the support of KWD Recycling and Kerry County Council and over the past decade, hundreds of tonnes of rubbish have been collected along Kerry roads by thousands of volunteers.
The Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr Jim Finucane urged everyone to participate in the effort to clear up towns, villages and the countryside across Kerry.
‘The tremendous effort of volunteers over the past twelve years has made a major contribution to keeping Kerry litter-free. The County Clean Up greatly complements the work which Kerry County Council does all year round to promote environmental awareness and maintain our wonderful landscape.
‘Registration is now open at www.countycleanup.com and I hope that local communities will participate in large numbers,’ he said.
Noel O’Reilly from KWD said: ‘KWD Recycling is proud to be involved in the County Clean Up which is now in its 12th year. It is a very important day that has made a huge difference on the roads of Kerry and west Cork with thousands of people showing great community spirit.’
Environmental Awareness Officer at Kerry County Council, Breda Moriarty said: ‘The amazing and diligent work of many community groups and individuals for the County Clean Up is admirable. Everyone coming together to keep Kerry clean and our roads litter free for an 12th year is fantastic.’
Groups must register to ensure they receive a clean-up pack and to nominate a collection point for any litter collected.
Window / Door Sales, Repairs & Glass Replacement
Handles, hinges, locks, patio rollers, letterboxes etc.
Replace all fogged & broken double and single glazed units.

60 seconds with Maura Wedel

What was your first job? 1981, as a lifeguard on Inch Strand
What is your favourite film? A Fish Called Wanda
What is your favourite book? This is Happiness by Niall Williams
What was the first CD / Tape / Record you bought? Rumours by Fleetwood Mac
What was your favourite holiday? 2 weeks in the south of France with my three daughters and my niece
What is your favourite drink? Guinness
Who is your favourite actor? Alan Rickman
What advice would you give to your younger self? Trust your instincts and go with the flow !!
Who is your sporting hero? Diana Nyad , World Record long- distance swimmer. Two figures from history you'd like to have as dinner guests? The author Jane Austen and the sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini
If a time machine could take you anywhere for one day, when/where would you go? A Sunday in my mid teens at home with my family
What’s your favourite saying? Please yourself!
McCarthy’s Bar Dingle
Table Quiz Thursday Nights
Only 3 left until our break for summer. 28th March, 4th and 11th April
Pat Hanafin
Septic Tank Emptying & Drain Cleaning
With over 30 years in business providing a Septic Tank Cleaning Service in the Dingle Peninsula, we now provide DRAIN CLEANING. From 2” sink lines to 4” - 12” sewer pipes. Biocycle tanks filter system,washed after emptying. Providing power washing service and washing facility. 24 hour cover.

Septic & Biocycle Tank Fitting
We supply and fit septic tanks and biocycle tanks. All percolation work carried out all over the peninsula.


Wouldn’t it be a gift to be free from pain, to move more easily and get back to all the things you enjoy doing?
There is a solution. Sports and remedial massage can release the underlying muscle tension that causes chronic pain in the back, hips and other areas. With just a few sessions, you’ll feel significant relief.
Book a treatment now. I’ve been successfully treating people with muscle pain for over 20 years, helping them regain mobility for optimum fitness.
Breaking News: The Easter Bunny has had Enough!
Irene Flannery
Recent research conducted by the Irish Heart Foundation found that children across the country will eat an average of four eggs over the Easter holidays, with about one in five getting six eggs or more. Just one average-sized Easter egg has about 23 teaspoons of sugar (almost four times a child’s daily recommendation) yet the trend to target children by associating major holidays with junk food, not only distorts the significance of the season, but keeps junk food firmly on the table at every occasion. The Easter Bunny (who is hopping mad) also added “that it is a shame that chocolate has fallen foul of a greedy food industry because there was a time when real chocolate was synonymous with great celebrations, health and happiness”. There is no other food on the planet that has the capacity to nourish the mind, body and spirit quite like real, honest-togoodness chocolate.
Native of the tropical rainforests of equatorial South America, Theobroma Cacao, literally means “food of the gods” and has history going back to 1000BC. The Olmec people of what is now Southeast Mexico were the first to hail its virtues but it was the Mayans, over 1200 years later that really put chocolate on the map. Cacao beans from which chocolate is made, were used to make luxurious beverage while also used as currency, such was the value of the beans. Only the very wealthy could afford to consume chocolate in Mayan times and the regular folk would only use cacao beans to trade for goods and services. The average industrial wage of the time was 100 beans per day. Ten beans would get you a rabbit or a tryst with a “lady of the night”, an avocado would set you back three beans and a turkey or feathered cape was a day’s wages. The trade of cacao beans was fierce – bean banks were established, and beans replaced gold as currency during the reign of the last Aztec emperor, Montezuma ll (1502-1520AD). Early on counterfeit beans made from clay were a problem and phrases such as “not worth a bean” and “bean counters” dates back to these times.
The traditional method of preparing cacao beans for drinking was a long, labour-intensive process. It involved harvesting the beans from cacao pods, allowing them to ferment and dry out. They were then roasted and ground to a paste called cacao liquor -which was added to hot water and spices to make the chocolate drink. The cacao liquor can be also separated into cacao butter and cacao powder. Cacao and cocoa powder differ slightly in that the latter is roasted before being ground to a powder whereas cacao powder is ground from raw, dried beans. The roasting of the beans brings out the chocolatey aroma we are more familiar with today. Both powders in their purest forms are highly nutritious – rich in B vitamins, antioxidants, fibre, magnesium and other minerals.
The original chocolate drink was used in marriage ceremonies, linking it to romance and used as a remedy for strength and virility, gaining reputation as an aphrodisiac. Amazingly, its ceremonial and medicinal use can now be justified through scientific research, with much of its nutrients truly beneficial to heart and circulatory health. Raw, unprocessed cacao is among the highest rated antioxidant foods known. Multiple antioxidantspolyphenols, catechins, flavanols among others, rank it higher than blueberries and acai berries in the antioxidant charts. The nutrient profile
of cocoa powder is similar to cacao, once it is pure and minimally processed. Studies examining its effect on blood pressure showed an increase in nitric oxide production in the cells lining blood vessels, prompting them to dilate and reduce pressure while increasing blood flow. Other studies have demonstrated that it lowers the susceptibility of LDL (bad cholesterol) to oxidative damage while increasing HDL (good cholesterol) thus further protecting cardiovascular health. Rich in fibre and minerals, it can also improve insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The combination of antioxidants and improved blood flow also aids memory, attention span and problem solving in brain health. Cocoa also contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which may be a key reason cocoa can improve brain function in the short term.
Following the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in the 1600s, chocolate made its debut in Europe. The Industrial Revolution paved the way for the chocolate we eat today. Steam engines reduced the time and labour needed for grinding cacao beans and also new machinery enabled more cacao butter to be extracted from the liquor, which was later replaced with cheaper oils such as palm oil and vegetable oils. The cheap version of modern chocolate is far removed from where it all began in terms of taste, health and ceremony. The addition of refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, milk solids, emulsifiers and chemical flavourings now offset any health benefit of the original ingredient.
Most of the 18 million chocolate Easter eggs sold in Ireland this year will hardly be fit for the gods, not to mind what they will do to our youngsters. We, the grown-ups can support the Easter bunny by choosing quality over quantity this year. This is an opportunity to support the wonderful artisan chocolatiers, the smaller businesses that promote a more sustainable, ethical way to celebrate the holiday. Seek out the quality dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids – the more non-fat cocoa solids, the better for our health. Without being the killjoy, we all can rediscover the real joy of chocolate by experiencing the real thing and ultimately making the Easter bunny a very happy bunny indeed!
Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist, specializing in Nutrition & Meal Planning, Healthy Weight Management & Food Intolerance Testing. House visits available in and around the Dingle Peninsula and online. 086 1662562 www.omnom.ie

Senior Citizens Annual Social Dingle Skellig Hotel
on Sunday 14th April 2024 2.00pm
Dinner and Refreshments Served
Music: Noreen Ashe
Ticéidí: €30 (available at Gairdín Mhuire)
Múrphictiúir nua ar Bhóthar na bPiarsaigh ag ceiliúradh Dreoilíní Daingean Uí Chúis, deartha ag an t-ealaíontóir Domhnall Ó Bric. The newly unveiled artwork celebrating the Dingle Wrens on Bóthar na Piarsaigh by local artist Domhnall Ó Bric.


Carpentry Services

Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
-Kerry news, 18 September, 1900
A man named James Barrett had a very lucky escape from being drowned in Dingle Bay last Sunday. Barrett was steering a hooker which was being towed to Dingle by the cargo vessel Effy Grey which had a delivery of flour for local merchants Russel and Sons.
However, the speed of the motor vessel was too great for the hooker which eventually became submerged and was dragged along underwater. Incredibly, the crew of the Effy Grey had not noticed Barrett’s perilous situation nor could they hear him shouting above the sound of their engine.
Meanwhile, Barrett had no option but to climb the hooker’s mast but was unable to keep his grip and was pitched into the sea. The arrival of a launch with local fishermen on board alerted the Effy Grey to the incident.
Barrett was taken on board the launch in an unconscious condition. When they reached Dingle Dr. Miles was alerted to the emergency and after some time he restored Barrett to health.
(If the name Effy Grey sounds familiar it was the name of a young woman named Effie Grey who was involved in an infamous Victorian scandal and which became the title of a film released in 2014. The owner(s) of the cargo vessel, in the story above, may have adopted the name ‘for the craic’.)
-Kerry News, 17 July, 1896
A young man named Thomas Sullivan was seriously injured as a result of a blasting accident in the Maharees a few days ago. Sullivan had set a charge of dynamite in a hole and had then taken shelter to await the expected blast.
However, there was no explosion within the usual time frame. After waiting for a further few minutes Sullivan went to discover why the burning fuse had not reached the powder.
As he stood over the hole the charge suddenly exploded causing terrible injuries to the young man’s hands. He was taken to the County Infirmary in Tralee where Dr. Hayes had no option but to amputate the victim’s right hand above the wrist and the thumb of his left hand.
-Kerry Evening Post, 10 January, 1857
Two young Tralee lads, George Stack and William Collis (better known as Master William) were up in court for stealing a box. Catherine Mulcahy was the owner of the box which contained some silver coins, a gold ring, some ribbons and silk and other items of value.
Stack was acquitted but Collis was found guilty. He was sentenced to six months imprisonment with hard labour and to be whipped.
(Children were treated the same as adult criminals during Victorian times until a succession of laws made life easier for them. But in the early 19th century, for instance, five children under the age of 14 were hanged at the Old Bailey, the youngest was only eight years of age.)
-Freeman’s Journal, 14 June, 1870
A bottle containing a card was picked up on a Maharees shore, near Castlegregory, in June. A message on the card declared that the British trans-Atlantic passenger/cargo steamer Aleppo was in a sinking condition in the Atlantic. According to the message the lifeboats had left the ship at night in a gale of wind. There was no date on the card.
(The Aleppo left Cork on May 12 that year with 46 first class passengers and 593 3rd class passengers. She became part of the Cunard line in 1878. Why didn’t the newspaper check with the shipping company before releasing this fake news?)
-Fife Herald, 27 April, 1871
A shocking and horrific murder took place at Banna, County Kerry. Last Saturday a farmer named Kennedy was heading home with a load of turf when he was attacked. He was pulled off his cart, thrown on the ground and beaten to death.
His body was discovered on Sunday morning beside a wall on the public road. An inquest into the killing was held on Monday and the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder by persons unknown. However, since then five men have been arrested on suspicion of murder. It is believed that Kennedy was killed over a dispute about turf.
-Kerry News, 14 May, 1906
The following is from a letter that was sent to Miss E. Aherne of Brosna by her brother who works in California.
“My dear sister, you have probably read details in the press of that terrible calamity that befell San Francisco in April. No description, verbal or literary, could convey to your mind the dreadful extent and disastrous consequences of that awful occurrence.
The city is in ruins, not only in terms of architecture but in commerce and finance. But the saddest feature of all is the terrible loss of life involved in the catastrophe.
Yes, money can restore the devastated city and the ruined commerce but nothing can compensate for the loss of life. A great number of Irish live in the city and it is believed they have suffered a great loss of life and property. People who were wealthy are now paupers.”
(The earthquake struck a few minutes after 5am on April 18, 1906. It was estimated that 3000 people were killed and up to 80% of the city destroyed by the quake and fires.)

Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga

Conradh 2 Bhliain ag clúdach Sos Gairme
Tá Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne ag lorg Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga fuinniúil chun Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar a chur i bhfeidhm, agus chun an Ghaelainn a chur chun cinn i gCorca Dhuibhne, le Tobar Dhuibhne. Cuirfear painéal le chéile don ról seo. Beidh an té a cheapfar lonnaithe in Áras Bhréanainn i mBaile an Fheirtéaraigh.
Sonraí an Phoist: Beidh an tOifigeach Pleanála Teanga ag obair chun na spriocanna i bPlean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar a chur i bhfeidhm. Beidh an tOifigeach ag cabhrú le grúpaí sa phobal stádas agus úsáid na Gaelainne a láidriú, agus ag eagrú réimse leathan imeachtaí agus ócáidí leis sin a dhéanamh. Tá an plean teanga don LPT Chiarraí Thiar le fáil ar an suíomh greasáin www.tobardhuibhne.ie/plean-teanga. An phríomhsprioc atá le baint amach na líon na gcainteoirí laethúla a ardú i gCiarraí Thiar.
Is post lán-aimseartha é seo le pinsean tar éis 6 mhí , agus costaisí taistil. Scála pá ó €36,450 agus €51,750 ag brath ar thaithí. D’fhéadfadh uaireanta oibre taobh amuigh de ghnáth uaireanta cloig oibre a bheith i gceist, ach solúbthacht le ham in lieu i gceist chomh maith.
Bíonn clár oibre leagtha amach gach bliain i gcomhpháirt le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta maidir leis na spriocanna atá le baint amach sa Phlean Teanga. Tá liosta na réimse sa chlár oibre sin leagtha amach thíos:
Na Réimsí: Oideachas; An Teaghlach; An Óige; Deiseanna Foghlamtha Gaelainne; Gnó; Eagraíochtaí Pobail; na Meáin; Seirbhísí Stáit & Poiblí; Pleanáil agus forbairt fhisiceach; Seirbhísí sóisialta agus caitheamh aimsire; Feasacht teanga
Critéir inmhianaithe: Fáilteofar roimh iarratais ó dhaoine leis an taithí agus na cáilíochtaí seo a leanas:
• Ardchaighdeán líofacht i labhairt agus scríobh na Gaelainne – riachtanach.
• Duine cumasach, fuinniúil, cruthaitheach go bhfuil suim, taithí agus/nó cáilíochtaí acu i gcur chun cinn na Gaelainne & i réimsí oibre an phlean (m sh an óige, an teaghlach, oideachas, spórt, srl.).
• Beidh an duine in ann ceannasaíocht a thógaint nó a roinnt ar thograí pleanála teanga i réimsí an phlean, mar chuid den bhfoireann nó go neamhspl eách.
• Tuiscint ar chúrsaí forbartha pobal agus comhoibriú le grúpaí eile.
• Taithí / eolas acu ar thograí agus buiséid a riaradh agus a bhainistiú mar chuid d’fhoireann
• Taithí ar theicneolaíocht na fáisnéise nó de chumas acu na scileanna san a fhoghlaim (bainistiú agus riaradh ar na meáin shóisialta, suíomh idirlíon, nuachtlitreacha ar líne, scannánaíocht, srl).
• Scileanna maithe idirphearsanta, cumarsáide, eagrúcháin agus pleanála
Tuilleadh eolais, nó dein iarratas le CV chuig: Páidí Ó Sé (Bainisteoir CFCD) p.ose@cfcd.ie 066 9156 100 (087 629 5283)
Dáta deireadh d’iarratais: Dé hAoine 19 Aibreán 2024 ag 5pm
Is fostóir comhdheiseanna é CFCD
Castlegregory Notes
Easter Egg Hunt: Including Best Bonnet Competition. Easter Sunday, 12.30pm, Free, Meet at the playground. Prizes for the most original and up-cycled bonnets
Kerry Hospice Foundation: The Kerry Hospice Foundation is holding the Good Friday Walk on 29th March starting at 11am from Bowler's Cross, Castlegregory. Everyone is welcome to participate. Enquiries to Rosarii O'Donnell or Ruth Bowler. We look forward to this annual walk in support of our local hospice. Thank you. Bingo: Bingo will next take place in the Clubrooms on Sunday April 7th at 2.30pm
The Joy of movement: Dance class, structured movement to beautiful music. Wednesdays 6.157.15pm, The Clubrooms
2025 Castlegregory Calendar Open Call for Photos: We are now gathering photos for our 2025 Calendar and would love to see your favourite places and sights of Castlegregory! To take part email your favourite images to castleinfocenter@gmail.com with “CALENDAR” as the subject. Please include your name so we can credit your work and ensure you have the consent of any people in the photo! For the calendar we need high resolution landscape images (300dpi ideally) if your photo is included, win a free calendar! *Images on our social media accounts will be credited ** Images selected for the calendar will win their creator a free
2025 calendar
Slainte Seniors Exercise Classes: Monday mornings in the Clubrooms from 10.30am
Castlegregory Care of the Aged/Active Retired: Dinners on Tuesdays in the Clubrooms. New members are always welcome. Please ring: 087 2406471 if you would like to come along or if you are a regular and can't make it for any reason.
The Academy of Dance: Tuesdays in the clubrooms. . To register or for more information please contact us on 087 2637044 or via email: theacademyofdance@live.ie
Solar Systems
Tom Kennedy
Parent & Toddler Group on every Thursday morning starting at 10.30 am
Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity.
Chosun Taekwondo: Thursdays 4pm to 7pm in the West End Hall. Email: boconnortkd1@ gmail.com Facebook Chosun Taekwon-Do and Fitness Mobile: 087 9837252 if you think your child might like to join the classes.
A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine.
There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how!
Whist: Every Thursday evening in the Clubrooms from 8pm. Newcomers and Learners welcome.
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.
Whist Results: 21/3/24: LADIES: 1st Joan Cantillon, 2nd Nora Walsh, Interval: Mairead Ni Dulehda, Catherine Dowd. GENTS: 1st Sheila O'Connor, 2nd UlaryMcKenna & John McEnery, Interval: Pat Moore, Sean Fitzgerald, Mystery: Maureen Dowling, Mary Murphy
Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year.
Set Dancing Classes: Set dancing classes every Thursday night in Halla le Chéile, Ballyguin., Contact Timmy Walsh 087 9744099. Come along and enjoy yourself while getting fit.
A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of energy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years.

Maintenance/ground staff required (eligible for C.E. scheme) in Castlegregory. Please ring Joe Bric: 087 2682097
News Items If any local groups have any news items they would like to be made known, such as match fixtures, results, courses or anything of special interest-could groups inform the office by 11am on Monday mornings so that it can be entered into the local community news items in the newspapers.

Eileen GalvinDoonties, Lispole and Bruree, Co Limerick
27.05.1953 ~ 31.03.2023

On this, Eileen’s First Anniversary, we wish to express our deepest appreciation to the many people who supported us during the past year.
We are very grateful to all who sympathised with us on Eileen’s passing – to those who attended her wake, removal and Requiem Mass; to those who sent Mass cards, sympathy notes, and messages of condolence on social media; to those who travelled long distances to remember Eileen and to be with us, and to all our thoughtful and generous friends and neighbours who showered us with food and refreshments during those difficult days.
We are deeply indebted to the many healthcare professionals who cared for Eileen – to her GP and public health nurses; to Fogarty’s Pharmacy, Kilmallock, and to the oncology teams in both University Hospital, Limerick, and Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.
We are extremely grateful to Sr Agnes, and all Eileen’s friends and colleagues in Cuan Mhuire, Bruree, for their unwavering love and support. Not forgetting the world’s best neighbours – Ann, Pat and Julie, whose kindness towards Eileen knew no bounds.
Míle buíochas to her fellow-craft-members in An Gailearaí Beag, who were very accommodating and co-operative during Eileen’s illness.
We are eternally grateful to the wonderful staff of Milford Hospice. To every single person we encountered during Eileen’s last 3 days and nights, for their exceptional physical, emotional and spiritual care, not only of Eileen, but also of us, her family. Their kindness and compassion will live on in our hearts forever.
A special tribute to Fr Michael, to all the priests who concelebrated her memorable Mass, which was a celebration of her life, and to Cathy Griffin for her valuable input – gabhaimid buíochas ó chroí libh. Focal ar leith do Shiobhán Ní Ghrífín agus Donnacha Ó Súilleabháin as an gceol agus amhráin álainn a thug ardú croí dúinn i rith na sochraide.
We would like to thank Dónal O’Connor, undertaker, and all those who helped during her wake, removal, funeral and burial. Your empathy and professionalism will never be forgotten.
A special thank you to all at Paul Geaney’s Bar - for their efficiency in providing a very welcome post funeral meal.
Míle buíochas to everyone who donated so generously to Milford Care Centre in Eileen’s memory.
Eileen was loved beyond words, and is missed beyond measure. Mass has been offered for all who have helped us cope with the loss of our lovely sister.
Codladh sámh Eileen. Le gach dea-ghuí, The Galvin Family.

Happy Easter To Everyone

Congratulations to Kieran Keane, Lispole and An Riocht a/c who won an Athletics Ireland Star Award recently in recognition of his achievements in 2023 at the Mullingar park hotel representing Kerry
Dingle Peninsula Tourism
Dia dhaoibh go léir agus tá súil againn go bhfuil ag éirí go maith libh
Hello to all and we hope you are keeping well Date for your Diary
Comhaontas Turasóireachta Chorca Dhuibhne (CTCD)/Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance (DPTA) have scheduled to have the Annual General Meeting on: Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Óstáin na Sceilge/Dingle Skellig Hotel from 2pm – 4pm
This is an open invitation to both businesses & the community on the Peninsula, and we will be bringing you further information in the next edition of the West Kerry Live.
From the work we have been doing, our mission is to support our local businesses & community. It is to excel as leaders in sustainable, regenerative tourism, connect visitors with our language, cultural heritage, inspirational landscape, and traditional welcome.
Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism
As this EU funded programme being run by the Munster Technological University in partnership with the Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance and other organizations from Iceland, Finland, Netherlands & Poland moves onto the next stage, we are pleased to welcome Dingle Boat Tours onto the programme due to an unexpected position becoming available. We wish them all the best as they continue their sustainable journey.
Local Enterprise Board Food Academy
Food Academy is a food business development programme where the participants receive training in food safety, market research and branding, marketing, finance, sustainability, and business development. The programme consists of 10 half day workshops covering 6 modules. Prior to the programme, there will also be a short online webinar on LEO Financial Supports for your business. The deadline for 2024 Applications - Friday April 5th 2024 for more details please visit:
https://www.localenterprise.ie/ FoodSupports/Food-Academy-Programme/ Kerry Airport Announcement
News has arrived that there will be weekly summer flights between Kerry and Brest, Caen and Pau in France with Chalair commencing on June 29th. This will not only increase the numbers of visitors arriving from a neighboring EU country but also an opportunity for some of us to fly direct to France from Kerry. To book visit https:// en.chalair.fr/destinations/kerry.
May we wish you all a Happy Easter and hope you enjoy the bank holiday
Nasc Áitiúil Chorca Dhuibhne / Local Link
Services Dingle Peninsula
Let’s continue to support our Local Link Services this summer. It’s a fantastic way to get about the whole peninsula visiting experiences and getting to walking trails – a great way to explore, discover and enjoy leaving the car parked! For the timetable, visit https://www.dingle-peninsula. ie/plan
Bígí linn! Let’s stay connected - follow Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance on all social media
Platforms. When sharing with #DinglePeninsula and #CorcaDhuibhne we can share with the Alliances’ reach of almost 40,000 followers as they plan their holidays this year…
o Facebook: @dingle.official
o Instagram: dinglepeninsulatourism
o Twitter: @DinglePeninsula
#CorcaDhuibhne #DinglePeninsula
#FanTamaillínEile #StayALittleLonger
Getting Active across the Peninsula! Make the most of our longer days……. Try a new walk or trail from Súilóidí Chorca Dhuibhne - for the full range of walks and trails across the peninsula visit the walking section on our website: https:// www.dingle-peninsula.ie/
DHUIBHNE Ag Cur Chorca Dhuibhne Chun Cinn Le Chéile
Promoting the Dingle Peninsula Together
Halla na Feothanaí
Dé Luain 1ú Aibreán 8pm
Fáilte roimh chách
Baile an Mhuilinn / Milltown,
Paul Devane

The old iron waterwheel at the Dingle Distillery building, just outside the town, has seen many winters come and go. It sits in the townland of Milltown on the western side of the bridge where the Milltown River enters Dingle Bay. Today the wheel makes for a rather forlorn sight, but it was once at the heart of a thriving industrial complex.
In fact, records indicate the presence of a mill at the site over 380 years ago. The changes which have taken place, at the mill, over the course of those many years is a testament to the resilience of a community in the face of changing economic conditions. The story of the many people who owned and worked at the mill offers a fascinating insight into life on the Dingle Peninsula.

these mills, the other is easily identifiable as the site of the present-day Dingle Distillery.
In 1657 Skiddy’s name appears on a list of forfeiting proprietors of Corkaguiney. Skiddy, it would appear, like many others was given the choice of going to "hell or to Connaught".
By 1670 Milltowne and Killbrack has passed into the possession of the Countess of Mountrath. Charles Smith’s History of Kerry (1756) claims that much of Mountrath’s land in the barony was purchased/transferred to Col. Frederick Mullins. The Mullins family would go on to hold the title of Lord Ventry and become the major landlord on the Dingle Peninsula. Precious little information about the mill, or the people who lived in the area, is available until 1824. In this year the marriage of Martin Kennedy of Milltown to Catherine Dealy is recorded in Dingle Parish (RC). A fuller picture of the townland can be seen in the Tithe Applotment Books of 1826. The return for Milltown lists 18 occupants of the townland with agricultural holdings above one acre. Many of the families listed still live in the vicinity of the mill today.
In 1837 Samuel Lewis mentions a Mill-town on the outskirts of Dingle in his Topographical Dictionary of Ireland.
It is not until 1841 that we get our first good look at the mill itself. The first edition of the ordinance survey of Ireland identifies Milltown Corn and Tuck Mill. This map tells us more about the activities at the mill.

of the mill from the first edition of the ordnance survey of Ireland. Source: https://osi.ie/
Tucking or fulling was a finishing process in the production of woollen cloth. Colin Rynne in his book, Industrial Ireland 1750 – 1930 An Archaeology, describes the fulling process. The fabric would be cleaned and thickened by repeatedly pounding it with stocks powered by the mill’s waterwheel. Tucking Mills are also to be found in the nearby townlands of Knocknahow, Ballyheabought and across the river at the Commons of Milltown. The mill’s connection with woollen production is interesting. In the mid to late 18th century Dingle boasted a burgeoning industry in the manufacture of linen, but Father Jackie McKenna tells us, in his History of Dingle, that by the 1830s this industry had collapsed.
The Primary Valuation of Ireland (1847 - 1864) reveals a wealth of information about the mill. It records Robert Hickson as Miller of Milltown Corn and Flour Mill (1851). Church records describe Robert Hickson as a Cork Merchant. The Hicksons were a prominent Church of Ireland family who held significant property and business interests throughout the barony of Corkaguiney. They are listed among the gentry in Slaters Commercial Directory of Ireland 1846 and the family’s primary residences in Dingle were at Grove House and Ballintagart. Robert Hickson and his wife Elizabeth lived at Farrenredmond, a short walk from the mill. Hickson was also the proprietor of the mill in Ballyheabought as well as a corn store and kiln in Dingle town itself. Its noteworthy that the valuation makes no mention of fulling or tucking equipment at the Milltown mill.
The Civil Survey of 1654-6 was carried out following the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland. It sought to establish a record of property ownership as a precursor to the mass confiscation of land. The survey tells us that the townland of Milltowne and Kilbrack in the Barony of Corkaguiney was the property of Christian Skiddy (Catholic) in 1641. The Down Survey Maps which followed the Civil Survey identify two mills on this land on opposite banks of the Milltown River. While no trace remains of one of
The mill’s overshot waterwheel was 17 feet in diameter and 5 feet in breadth. It was equipped with 56 buckets and could make 6 revolutions a minute. At full tilt the mill could grind 6 tons of corn a day. By comparison, Hickson’s mill in Ballyheabought could only grind 3 tons a day. A mill race which ran through the nearby townlands to the west was brought to a head by means of an aqueduct above the wheel. A drop of 200 feet in
the last 3 miles provided an abundant source of power. The wheel drove 2 sets of grinding stones (4 feet 2 inches in diameter) as well a pair of elevators. Sundry other outbuildings formed part of the valuation record including a kiln and clerk’s office.
The Kerry Examiner from the 27th of July 1849 tells us that Robert Hickson held a contract for the supply of Indian Corn Meal (maize) for the Dingle Districts. For this he received a rate of £8 12s 6d per ton.
These famine years and the years that followed seem to have been the busiest at the mill.
An examination of the activity at the Port of Dingle from 1858 – 1860 (Appendix 1) allows us to piece together a picture of Robert Hickson’s business. About three to four times a year a large quantity of wheat or Indian corn would arrive at the port bound for his mills.

Source: The Kerry Evening Post 13th Oct 1858.

Source: The Kerry Evening Post 19th May 1860.
An example of this was the Sardinian Brig, Ullsse which docked in Dingle in August 1860. It delivered 300 tons of Indian corn from Reni in modern day Ukraine.
On the 10th of March 1861 Robert Hickson died suddenly of an internal inflammation at his home in Farrenredmond. He had been predeceased by his wife by 7 seven years leaving their 10-year-old son Richard an orphan. The following year the family home, land and mill were put up for sale. The sale was the subject of a protracted legal dispute which would last over three years.
On the 24th of December 1864 The Kerry Evening Post reported that John Latchford from Tralee had finally completed the purchase of the extensive grist mills in Milltown, near Dingle. The newspaper notice advertising the sale indicates that Hickson had made substantial improvements to the mill. This included a bigger waterwheel (26 feet x 5 feet) powering five sets of stones and four sets of elevators. Machinery such as a silk flour machine, a vertical wheat screen and AB Child’s patent American corn separator are listed among the inventory. The Latchfords owned mills in
other parts of the county and were keen, no doubt, to add a modern and profitable facility to their portfolio of interests. The Latchfords had an office at 26 Bridge Street, Tralee as well as a bakery. Later they would branch off into coal and farm implements. The Milltown mill would remain with the family for the next 100 years passing from one generation to the next.

An advertisement for Latchford & Sons Flour.
Source: Kerry Reporter 12/07/1902
The early years of the Latchford’s tenure at the mill were marked by tragedy. In early November 1869 the miller in charge of grinding at the mill, Patrick Cody, lost his life in a workplace accident. He had come in contact with machinery and was crushed terribly suffering what would prove to be fatal injuries.
The 1911 census lists Richard Latchford (a grandson of John Latchford) and his domestic servant, Margaret O’Carroll as the sole residents of Farrenredmond. Richard is a magistrate and a corn merchant, and he has been living in Dingle since the late 1890s, managing the mill on behalf of the family.
In 1916 the Latchfords installed a threshing machine at the mill. The day of the water powered corn mill was almost at an end. The innovation of roller milling meant that millers had to invest and retool their operations or diversify. It is at about this time corn ceased to be milled at Milltown and it became a full-time sawmill. An article by Dan Graham for The Kerry Magazine describes how “cargoes of timber were often lashed together and ferried across the harbour to be cut and dressed at the mill as required.” (The Age of Industry in Dingle Port 1880 – 1940, Issue 23 2013).
The mill was twice extensively damaged by fire. In 1914 overheated bearings were thought to have been the cause of a substantial blaze. However, in 1927 more sinister motives were suspected. In the early hours of 17th of June, at about 1:00 a.m., a large fire was seen engulfing the sawmill. By 3:00 a.m. Richard Latchford himself was at the scene but the mill was completed destroyed. The threshing machine and a 30 hp oil engine were also lost. In an extraordinary court case, the following year a bitter feud between Latchford and the families living near the mill was laid bare. The court would hear that these families had claimed a right to take water from the millrace. They also traversed the millrace as means of a shortcut to the public road. In response Latchford had erected fencing to prevent what he regarded as trespass. The fencing had been destroyed several times. Latchford’s legal representatives alleged that the fire was started maliciously by a disgruntled neighbour. While the judge found that the fire must have been started deliberately no one party could be found guilty.
Richard Latchford passed away in 1955 and in 1967 the mill was bought by brothers Paudie and Tom Fitzgerald. They were natives of Lispole and the following year they also purchased Latchford’s shop on Main Street, Dingle. From here, the Fitzgeralds established a successful hardware

business. In an interview with The Kerryman newspaper in 1978 long time foreman at the mill, Paddy Baker, reminisced about his time there. His first job there was loading timber on horse drawn carts. He tells the reporter that he “doubts that there is a house in the district made since 1900 that hasn’t wood in it from this timber yard”. Paddy goes on to tell how, in 1969, the mill supplied large quantities of timber for the construction of the village set of the motion picture Ryan’s Daughter. By 1978 the mill had gone over entirely to electricity and in 2007 Fitzgerald’s moved their sawmill and timber business to a new location in Ballyhea. However, the mill would not be idle for long.
In 2009 the mill came to the attention of leading Irish publican Oliver Hughes. Hughes was behind the Porterhouse Brewing Company in Dublin and was looking to establish Ireland’s first purpose-built whiskey distillery
in two hundred years. Under the watchful eye of master distiller John McDougall, a traditional three copper pot distillery opened in late 2012.
Dingle Original Gin and DD Vodka followed soon after. The first batch of its premium triple distilled whisky followed three years later. Today the millwheel stands in silent contemplation of its surroundings. Its once abundant energy no longer required at the distillery. There can be few better representations of the industrial heritage of Dingle than the old millwheel. In his interview with The Kerryman in 1978 Paddy Baker expressed the desire of the community when he said that “we’d like to see the wheel preserved for posterity”. A statement which is as true today as it was twenty-five years ago.
Appendix 1

Camp Notes
Grateful thanks to our PP, Fr. Eamonn Mulbihill who celebrated Mass bilingually on St. Patrick's day at St. Mary's Church, Camp and to our beautiful choir led by Maire Begley OShea. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.
Congratulations to Brendan McCarthy, Camp worthy winner of the Cheltenham Tipster at The Junction Bar, Camp. In second place, Eddie O Donnelly, Derrymore, 3rd John and Diane Herlihy, Camp and 4th, Jimmy Herlihy, Camp. It was an exciting few days as always. Thanks to Bernadette for keeping the scores, not an easy job. Well done to all who participated and made it such a fun week. And the week would not be complete without the Cheltenham Party on Friday night with Culchie Goes Cool playing out a great week of racing and craic. Go mbeirimid go leir beo ar an am seo aris, le cúnamh Dé.
News from Camp Juniors FC - Aislinn Clifford, Upper Camp, deservedly got on the KSBCL this week. Aislinn is one of our up and coming stars. Well done Aislinn, best of luck to you!
ST. BRENDAN'S PARK FC announced that Eoghan O Driscoll, Camp and his colleague Nathan Anthony are affiliated to attend the National 2011 training on Sunday 31st March at the AUL Complex, Dublin. Eoghan is another young Camp footballer going from strength to strength. Full reports in the Sports Section and on Club Facebook pages. Well done
Denis Casey Garage

Eoghan and Nathan, Good luck to you both!
And to all our young footballers, continued success! Well done to all of you and your trainers and mentors.
We are delighted to host the Caltra drama group in Camp Community Centre' next to Camp childcare ' on Saturday March 30th . Show is on at 8pm and doors open at 7pm. Tickets €10 available at the door on the night. This promises to be an entertaining night with a very talented group one of which is local man Eoin Ò Mòràin !!!. For further info please phone Mary on 086 4089504 .
A Table Quiz for Derryquay School NS, Soil Doire Mhic Aodh, on 19th April at Mike O'Neills Pub, The Railway Tavern starting at 8.00 p.m. All welcome, guaranteed to be a fun night with great spot prizes… Míle buíochas Fáilte roimh chách.
Maureen Bowler of St. John’s Park, Tralee and formerly of West Inch, Annascaul died peacefully on 7th March surrounded by her loving family, beloved daughter of the late William & Margaret and sister of the late Peggy & James. Sympathy is extended to her brother John, sister Joan, nephews, nieces, grand-nephews, grand-nieces, brother-in-law, relatives and many friends. Maureen was a lovely lady, She is fondly remembered by all of us in The Vogue and Walsh Brothers, Tralee where she was always friendly and helpful to all of her customers.
Maureen was laid to rest in Inch Cemetery on Monday following requiem Mass at St. John's Church, Tralee. Rest In Peace.

Milltown/Castlemaine GAA
Lotto: Sponsored by Almas Takeaway, Milltown
The most recent fortnightly club lotto draw took place on Tuesday, March 19th at the club grounds. There was no jackpot or match 3 winner on this occasion. The numbers drawn were 12, 21, 26 and the bonus ball was 7.
Lucky Dip Winners were as follows:
€50 Katherine Giles - Castlemaine, €50 Kieran Woods - Callinafercy, €25 Theresa Foley - Milltown, €25 Colin McKenna - Castlemaine, €25 Tom Hanafin - Milltown, €25 Haulie Clifford - Milltown
Our next club lotto draw is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, April 2nd at 19:30pm in the Clubhouse where the jackpot will be €13,000.
Milltown/Castlemaine GAA Club Membership: Closing Date Sunday March 31st 2024
Milltown/Castlemaine GAA Club Membership is now due for the 2024 season and is open to Adult Players, Adult Non-Players, Juvenile Players and Families. New Members are always welcome too. The closing date for registering as a member is this Sunday, March 31st 2024.
Note: * There is an important issue coming up for our club within the next few weeks which will require a vote from club members. Only paid up members by the 31st March 2024 will be eligible to vote. Please use the links below to register your membership or alternatively visit our inperson registration night at the Clubhouse on Thursday, March 28th. *
Club In-Person Registration Evening: Please note an in-person club registration evening (membership sign-up or renewal) will take place on Thursday, March 28th from 6:30 - 7:00pm at the Milltown/Castlemaine GAA Clubhouse.
Kerry Petroleum Senior Club Football Championship: Group Stage Draw
The draw has been made for the 2024 Kerry Petroleum Senior Club Football Championship.
We have been paired with Dingle, Na Gaeil and Dr Crokes. Our first fixture will be against Na Gaeil. Dates, times and venues to be confirmed in due course.
Credit Union County Senior Football League: Division 1, Round 1 Result and Round 2 Fixture
Milltown/Castlemaine welcomed Glenflesk to the Paddy Burke Memorial Park, Milltown last Saturday afternoon for Round 1 of the Credit Union County Senior Football League. Unfortunately the away side proved too strong and after carrying a 1-10 to 1-04 lead into half-time, the visitors pushed on in the final quarter of the contest to run out comfortable 1-17 to 1-08 winners.
Round 2 takes place on Saturday, March 30th when Milltown/Castlemaine meet Ballymacelligott at Caherslee, Tralee. Keep an eye on our social media channels just in case the venue changes in the next few days. All support is welcome.
U12 Boys: Trip to Croke Park - Easter Bank Holiday Weekend. U12 Football Blitz - Croke Park
Every dream starts with a single step...... And on Monday April 1st, 2024, our U12 footballers get to fulfil their dreams, by playing in Croke Park, as part of the Munster Go-Game Blitz 2024.
It is impossible to understate the importance of this day in their football development. It is a huge day for the players, their coaches, their families and indeed our club; We know that this is a day that will last long in their memory and may play a small part in retaining these players for the club long into the future.
It is always truly wonderful to witness the excitement on the players faces as they get to run out on the same field as their heroes.
Credit Union County Senior Football League: Division 1
Round 2 - Ballymacelligott (Match confirmed for Saturday, March 30th at 5:00pm, Venue to be confirmed)
Round 3 - Laune Rangers (Home)
Round 4 - Kerins O'Rahillys (Away)
Round 5 - Killarney Legion (Home)
Round 6 - Kilcummin (Away)
Round 7 - Rathmore (Away)
Round 8 - Spa Killarney (Home)
Round 9 - Dingle (Away)
Round 10 - Dr. Crokes (Home)
Round 11 - An Ghaeltacht (Away)
Credit Union County Senior Football League: Division 6B
Round 2 - Beaufort 'B' (Away on Sunday, March 31st at 2:00pm)
Round 3 - Kenmare Shamrocks 'B' (Home)
Round 4 - St. Michaels/Foilmore 'B' (Away)
Round 5 - John Mitchels 'B' (Away)
Round 6 - Spa Killarney 'B' (Home)
Round 7 - Ballymacelligott 'B' (Away)
Milltown Tidy Towns: Volunteers Needed
Join Milltown Tidy Towns - We need your help. Meeting every Thursday at 6.30pm at The Old Milltown Community Hall. This is an opportunity for local businesses, families and anyone with an interest in creating "a sense of place" in Milltown. All welcome, no experience required. Please call Therese on 089-4767279 for further information or log onto Milltown Tidy Towns Facebook page.
Milltown Castlemaine GAA Clothes Recycling Collection:
Our clothing recycling collection is still happening so we urge you to clean out your wardrobes of all unwanted clothes, sheets, blankets, towels, curtains, shoes etc and drop them to the Paddy Burke Memorial Park in Milltown.
This is a wonderful way of doing your bit for the environment and raising much needed funds for our club at the same time.
Items for the Club Notes
If you have any items for inclusion in the weekly notes, then please contact the club's PRO Dara O'Connor on 086 268 8674 before 20:00 on Sundays. For anyone New to the Area, who would like to get involved with the club, please contact Ian Twiss on 087 252 1053.
General Enquiries
For any other queries, please send an email to our Secretary or Chairperson at the following addresses: secretary.milltowncastlemaine.kerry@gaa.ie or chairperson.milltowncastlemaine.kerry@gaa.ie
For emergencies, please call 087 409 3530 (Club Mobile Phone).

West Kerry Live

Kennedy's Bar, Goat St, Dingle 11am - 4pm Easter Sunday 31st March Flea Market, Food Face Paint, Live music
Raffle with local prizes
Tel: 066 9150530
Tel: 066 9150530
Mobile: 086 1737944 / 087 2149327
Mobile: 086 1737944 / 087 2149327
Email: info@westkerrylive.ie West Kerry Live, Green St. , Dingle.
Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com
Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle

Raffle tickets for sale in Kennedy's €4 per ticket €15 for 5

Féile na Cásca 2024
Taispeántas Ealaíne

Mícheál Ó Gaoithín agus Maria SimondsGooding, Taispeántas na Cásca i 1974. Le caoinchead Maria Simonds-Gooding.
Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Trá Lí. Co. Chiarraí, V92 K5WT
Carved stones in Kilmalkedar: Clocha greanta i gCill Maoilchéadair
Isabel Bennett
Is áit an-shuimiúil í an láthair eaglasta ag Cill Maoilchéadair. Tá an sáipéal Rómhánach ann ón dara aois déag agus an reilig mórthimpeall air, ach, chomh maith leis sin, tá cloch oghaim, cloch ghréine, cloch eile a bhfuil aibítir na Laidine greanta uirthi agus roinnt iarsmaí suimiúla eile le feiscint ann. Tá a scéal agus a dháta féin ag gach ceann acu, cuid acu ón séú aois, agus cuid eile tógtha chomh déanach leis an dara aois déag. Deir siad linn go raibh an mhainistir ana-thábhachtach ón séú aois ar aghaidh, agus saibhir a dhóthain leis i rith a saoil.
The ruined church and graveyard at Kilmalkedar are features of interest to many visitors to the area, and are familiar to many local people who may have family buried there, or have attended funerals there in the past. But there are also several interesting artefacts to see in and around the graveyard.
The oldest carved stone on the site may well be that which is known as the Alphabet Stone, which has been dated, on the style of the carving of the inscriptions, to the 2nd half of the 6th century AD. Unfortunately the stone is broken at the top, damaging the carvings of crosses which are to be seen on opposite faces, but also the commencement of the secondary inscription on a 3rd face, which consists of the letters of the alphabet (as it might be used in the Irish language at that time). The primary inscription, in the middle of this secondary one, consists of the letters ‘dni’, which are a contraction of the Latin word domini, meaning ‘Lord’.
Of a roughly similar date is the ogham stone. This too had two inscriptions, but one has been almost completely cleared away (perhaps there was a spelling error, or the person commemorated fell from grace?), and the main remaining inscription reads ẠNM MẠỊLE-INBIR/ MACI BROCANN (‘the name of’ [or ‘the soul of’] ‘MAILE INBIR the son of BROCANN’. This person may well lie buried under the stone. The hole in the top of the stone is an unusual feature, not generally found in ogham stones. It may have been present in the stone before the carving was made on it, and

is associated, in local folklore, with the swearing of oaths.
The sundial, one of only 9 early medieval sundials in the country, probably dates from the 8th or 9th centuries AD. The presence of this beautifully carved object tells us that the monastery at Cill Maoilchéadair was already quite wealthy at this period, having the wherewithal to commission an object which can only be classed as a ‘luxury item’ when used to tell the time in Ireland! This wealth would have come, in part, from its association with the pilgrimage route Cosán na Naomh, and donations from pilgrims. The large Latin cross which greets you as you walk through the graveyard towards the church may be as late as 12th century in date. It is quite simple in design, with short, stubby arms. When first erected, the cross may have appeared much higher, but the continuous burial within the graveyard over the centuries would have raised the ground level considerably. It is likely that, when originally erected, there would have been a painted panel (a crucifixion perhaps?) in the centre of the cross.
As well as these stones, and many other shaped stones within the graveyard, the 12th-century Romanesque church itself contains many beautifully carved stones, and the site is worth a visit at any time.

Lúb na Cille
Lúb na Cille, Dún Chaoin
Spectacular way-marked coastal walk in Dún Chaoin, West Kerry.
Fad: Thart ar 5 Km. Am: thart ar 1.5-2 uair.
Dist/Time: 5km / 1hr30mins – 2hrs
Airde/ Height: 130 méadar/ 130m
Oiriúnach do gach leibhéal. Bróga maithe Siúl ag teastáil. Bí ciallmhar agus tú ag siúl.
Tosnú/Trailhead: Car Park at The Blascaoid Centre, Dun Chaoin, Co. Kerry
Is cuid de ghréasán náisiúnta de lúbshiúlóidí d’ardchaighdeán atá á fhorbairt ag Fáilte Éireann, an tsiúlóid seo. Tá an lúbshiúlóid seo forbartha le comhoibriú úinéirí talún agus eagraíochtaí áitiúla. Táimid buíoch dóibh ar fad. Tá cóip de mhapa na siúlóide ar fáil go háitiúil.
Sara dtugann tú faoin Siúl seo leag do láimh ar cheann nó an dá cheann de leabhráin eolais breátha atá ar fáil go háitiúil. Bróisiúr snasta dátheangach (Gaeilge agus Béarla) le mapa lámhtharraingthe ag an ealaíontóir áitiúil Dómhnal Ó Bric is ea an chéad cheann agus é ar fáil saor in aisce in Oifig Turasóireachta Daingean Uí Chúis agus in Ionad an Bhlascaoid. Leabhrán oideachasúil as Gaeilge is ea an dara ceann, scríte ag Máire Ní Mhaoileoin, Príomhoide Scoil Dhún Chaoin, atá áiSiúl le breith leat agus cuirtear romhat gnéithe nádúrtha, fiadhúlra agus flóra a aithint feadh na slí. Costas €2. Tá an dá fhoilseachán seo foilsithe ag an bpobal áitiúil féin.
Tosnaíonn an tsiúlóid seo i gcarrchlós Ionad an Bhlascaoid mar a bhfuil clármhapa den tsiúlóid crochta in airde, leanaimid na marcanna Uaine agus Bán, ag casadh ar chlé i gcoinne an aird ó thuaidh i dtreo Brú An Óige. Trasnaigh an R559 go cúramach agus lean suas bóthar na Ceathrún. Cas ar chlé den mbóthar ar sheanbhóithrín agus buailfidh tú le crosaire beag. Féadfaidh tú do rogha slí a roghnú anseo ach coimeád do dhúil amach don marc Uaine agus Bán. Tabharfaidh an dá chosán seo tú go bun an Mhionnáin Mhóir, seanláthair bolcáin, atá léirithe ar an mapa. Tá radharcanna breátha le feiscint de na Triúr Driféaracha agus Ceann Sibéal anso. Uaidh seo tabhair aghaidh siar arís i dtreo na farraige agus an Oileáin agus na radharcanna iontacha. Leanann an cosán siar ar bharr na bhfailltreacha arda os cionn na farraige. Ní fada nó go mbainfidh tú amach láthair na seanscoile a tógadh don scannán Ryan’s Daughter. Ar chúl na scoile, tá Tobar Gobnait marcáilte agus is sa tobar beannaithe seo atá dealbh de cheann an naoimh déanta ag an ealaíontóir Clíodhna Cussen. Tamaillín suas an cnocán tá iarsmaí de Chill Gobnait, cill a meastar a tógadh sa séú haois, chomh maith le Cros Luath Chríostaíochta. Iompaigh arís i dtreo na farraige agus lean ort ar bharr na bhfailltreacha chomh fada le geata beag a thabharfaidh amach arís ar an mbóthar tú i mBéal Átha. Lean an bóithrín seo cúpla céad slat go dtí Ionad an Bhlascaoid. Ba cheart d’éinne a thugann faoin siúlóid áirithe seo cuairt a thabhairt ar an Ionad taibhseach seo. Déantar ceiliúradh ann ar litríocht, cultúr agus teanga na mBlascaodaí agus an cheantair.
Lúb na Cille
Overview: This looped walk starts and finishes in the Blasket Centre car park in Dún Chaoin. It offers beautiful Atlantic views of the Blaskets and surrounding areas. It is a moderate walk suitable for people of varying fitness levels and will take between one hour and one hour and a half. The initial part is uphill but is easy enough after that. There are about half a dozen stiles to climb. The final bit is along a cliff so you need to be attentive if walking with young children. Tips: Wear good foot gear and bring rain gear as the weather changes quickly . A-B. Leaving the car park of The Blascaoid Centre, turn left and follow the green arrow for 200m to reach a crossroads. Cross the road with caution and follow the green (and yellow) arrows uphill on a narrow roadway. The yellow arrows are for the long-distance Dingle Way - you will be overlapping with it for a short distance. After 500m the roadway rounds a right bend - watch for a sandy lane on your left. Turn left here. After 30m veer right at a Y-junction and continue to follow the green and yellow arrows as the loop ascends gently to reach a ‘crossroads’ of lanes where the Dingle Way goes straight - but you turn left.
Services: The Blascaoid Centre, (1km), Dingle (20km)
Difficulty: Easy
Terrain: Minor roads, sandy paths, coastal tracks
To Suit: Average levels of fitness
Min. Gear: Hiking boots, raingear, fluid & mob. phone.
Grid Ref.: OS Sheet 70, Q317 013
B-C. Follow the sandy lane as it takes you around a large rocky outcrop (An Mionnáin Mor) and then descends to reach the R559. Cross the road with care and descend gently to reach a track that runs parallel to the coastline. Be aware that there are cliffs on your right as you follow the path for nearly 1km to reach a dilapidated building which served as the schoolhouse in the film Ryan’s Daughter. At the end of the building there is a spur to your left to St Gobnait’s Well (50m) and St Gobnait’s Church (Cill Gobnait) 100m. The loop continues straight on.
C-D. After 100m the loop joins wire fences and follows them along the indented coastline for nearly 1kmbe aware that there are cliffs on your right. At the end of this section you exit a kissing gate and join a sandy roadway at a footbridge. Turn left here.
D-A. Follow the sandy roadway uphill for 200m to reach the trailhead!

West Kerry GAA
Breandán Fitzgerald
Lee Strand West Kerry League Final 2024 – Dingle 0-11 to 0-10 Castlegregory
This year’s Lee Strand West Kerry League Final 2024 saw Dingle retain the Paudie O’Shea Memorial Cup after defeating Castlegregory in a very enjoyable game of football played on Sunday, 17th March, St. Patrick’s Day 2024 in Páirc an Ághasaigh, Dingle 0-11 to 0-10 Castlegregory
With a strong wind assisting them Dingle made all the running from the throw up and it was Mikey Geaney that began proceedings proper for Dingle with a point from play after about 2 minutes played. This was followed by a Tadhg Browne point from a free kick for Dingle shortly after. Mikey Geaney kicked another point from play for Dingle before Cian O’Grady kicked a point from play for Castlegregory to score their first and only point of the first half with 13 minutes played. Niall Geaney kicked a point from play for Dingle. With 15 minutes played in Páirc an Ághasaigh the score was, Dingle 0-4 to 0-1 Castlegregory.
Both teams were evenly matched at this stage, Alan Fitzgerald was trying his best to ignite Castlegregory’s attack, but it was Dingle that continued to push ahead in the game. Dingle’s Brian O’Connor kicked a point from play, and this was followed by points from play for Paul Devane and Tadhg Browne. When Referee Maurice Murphy blew the whistle for half time the score in Páirc an Ághasaigh was, Dingle 0-7 to 0-1 Castlegregory.
Castlegregory began the restart with a Maurice O’Connell point from play. Dingle responded with a Tadhg Browne point from a free kick. Points from play from Cian O’Grady and Maurice O’Connell had Castlegregory back to a deficit of four points after just 7 minutes played. Castlegregory continued to take full advantage of their momentum and another Cian O’Grady point from a play got the travelling supporters cheering. Shortly after Conor O’Leary added to the Castlegregory tally when he kicked a point from play and when Cian O’Grady kicked a point from a free kick to reduce the deficit to just one point the Castlegregory supporters roared. With 15 minutes played in the second half in Páirc an Ághasaigh the score was, Dingle 0-8 to 0-7 Castlegregory.
Shortly after Patrick O’Donoghue had the Castlegregory supporters on their feet when he levelled the game with a point from a free kick. Both teams were giving of their best at this stage, but it was Castlegregory who looked to be gaining the upper hand. A huge Maurice O’Connell point from play for Castlegregory put them ahead for the first time in the game and the Castlegregory supporters were really pushing their team on at this point. Colm O’Mahony extended Castlegregory’s lead to two points with a fine point from play and it was looking very much like the Cup was going to be heading over the Conor Pass.
Dingle responded with a Mikey Boland point from play to reduce Castlegregory’s lead to one. Dingle won the resulting kickout and when the ball found its way to Mikey Boland once more, Boland made no mistake when he levelled the game with a fine point from play to give the home supporters something to cheer about. Again Dingle won the kickout and when the ball found its way to Breandán Kelliher he calmly kicked it over the bar to put Dingle ahead by one point in injury time. Time was against Castlegregory at this point and when Referee Maurice Murphy blew the whistle for full time the score in Páirc an Ághasaigh was, Dingle 0-11 to 0-10 Castlegregory.
Dingle Captain Niall Geaney received the Paudie O'Shea Memorial Cup from Cathaoirleach of the West Kerry Board Muiris Ó Fiannachta and Mikey Boland received Laoch na hImeratha from John O'Connor, Treasurer of the West Kerry Board. Cathaoirleach of the West Kerry Board Muiris Ó Fiannachta thanked Lee Strand for their continued sponsorship and praised both teams and match officials for a very enjoyable game and wished them the very best in the year ahead.
Dingle: Gavin H Curran, Jack O’Sullivan, Conor Flannery, Leo Browne, Darragh O’Sullivan, Breandán Kelliher (0-1), Seán Roche, Niall Geaney (0-1), Brian O’Connor (0-1), Chris Kane, Mikey Boland (0-2), Brian Devane, Mikey Geaney (0-2), Tadhg Browne (0-3, 2fr), Paul Devane (0-1) Fir Ionaid: Gavan Curran, Patrick Cahill
Castlegregory: Eoghan Kennedy, Tommy Flynn, Jack O’Neill, Jack Shannon, Eoin Lyne, Seamus Lyne, Daragh Crean, Colm O’Mahony (0-1), Dylan O Sullivan, Maurice O’Connell (0-3), Cian O’Grady (0-4, 1fr), Alan Fitzgerald, Thomas O’Donnell, Patrick O’Donoghue (0-1), Conor O’Leary (0-1) Fir Ionaid: John Joe Hussey, David Sheehan, Greg Fitzgerald

Information Night on Internet Banking and Safety Online
On Tuesday, March 5th, AIB Dingle hosted an event aimed at empowering its customers with essential knowledge on Internet banking and financial safety online. With over 30 attendees, the "AIB Chats: Banking Made Easy Workshop" proved to be an interactive and informative session. The workshop featured insightful presentations including Local Garda Sgt James Hurley and Sgt Michael Quirke, Crime Prevention Officer, who shed light on the crucial topic of Financial Safety Online. Their expertise provided attendees with invaluable tips and strategies to protect themselves from online scams and fraudulent activities.
In addition, Séamús Ó Lúing from Ceann Trá Post Office joined the discussion, offering insights into banking facilities available at An Post. This comprehensive approach not only covered online banking but also explored alternative banking options, ensuring that attendees left with a well-rounded understanding of their financial choices.
The overwhelming positive feedback received from the community reaffirms the success of the event. Attendees found the workshop both helpful and informative, emphasising the importance of such initiatives in fostering financial literacy and empowerment among the locals.
As the workshop concluded on a high note, AIB Dingle looks forward to continuing its commitment to community engagement with more engaging events in the future.

The Dingle Bookshop

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Our team of professional experienced book keepers will care just as much about your business as you do.
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Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area Easter Ceremonies
Annascaul Parish
Sacred Heart, Annascaul
(Clár na Cásca 2024)
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7.30pm.
Good Friday: Liturgy of The Passion: 5.00pm.
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil: 7.30pm.
St Mary’s, Camp Easter Sunday: Mass 8.30am.
St Joseph’s, Inch Easter Sunday: Mass 10.00am.

Dingle Parish
Naomh Muire / St Mary’s, Dingle
Holy Thursday: Morning Prayer 10.00am Walk for Water – leaving St Mary’s Church, walking as far as Garfiney Bridge and returning to St Mary’s. Please bring a bottle 2.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6.15pm.
Good Friday: Morning Prayer 10.00am Liturgy of The Passion 3.00pm. Prayer around the Cross 7.00pm – 10 30pm. (Good Friday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence)
Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer 10.00am Easter Vigil: 8.00pm.
Easter Sunday: 11.30am.
Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil Domhnach Cásca – Aifreann: 10.00r.n.
Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá Domhnach Cásca – Aifreann: 10.00r.n.
Paróiste an Fheirtéaraigh
Déardaoin na Comaoine, Séipéal Naomh Gobnait 6.00i.n.
Séipéal Naomh Uinseann 7.30i.n.
Aoine an Chéasta – Dé hAoine, (Lá Troscaidh agus Tréanais)
Céiliúradh Pháis ár dTiarna
Séipéal Naomh Uinseann 3.00i.n.
Séipéal Naomh Gobnait 5.00i.n.
Séipéal na Carraige: Dráma na Páise 8.00i.n.
Bigil na Cásca Dé Sathairn, Séipéal na Carraige 8:00i.n.
Domhnach Cásca Dé Domhnaigh, Séipéal Naomh Gobnait 9:00r.n.
Séipéal Naomh Uinseann 10:00r.n.
Castlegregory Parish
St Mary’s, Castlegregory

Confessions –after Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.
Holy Thursday: Morning Prayer 10.00am
Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7.30pm. If you wish to spend time in prayer the church will remain open until 9.00pm.
Good Friday: Morning Prayer 10.00am. The Lord’s Passion 3.00pm.
Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer 10.00am
Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil 8.30pm.
Easter Sunday: Mass 11.30am.
St Brendan’s Church, Cloghane
Easter Sunday: Mass 10.00am.

Prayer around the Cross Good Friday 7.00pm –10.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Outwest is delighted to launch our partnership with New Wave Wild Project. New Wave offers professional adventure therapy in natural blue & green spaces. Outwest wants to make an effort to reduce the barrier of entry for young people and adults to get the support they need. Our landscapes & natural habitats are powerful places that can have a huge impact on people's lives.

April 5th 7pm - 8pm Outwest Store
All proceeds and money raised on the evening will go to New Wave Wild Project

An bhfuil fonn ort do chuid Gaelainne a fheabhsú? Beidh seisiúin cainte ag tosnú ar an 2ú Aibreán i siopa Outwest!
Gach Máirt ar a 7:00i.n ar feadh 5 seachtaine
Teacht le chéile neamhfhoirmealta atá i gceist - chun ábhair a phlé agus foghlaim óna chéile!
Do you want to improve your Irish? Talk sessions will start on April 2nd in store at Outwest!
Every Tuesday at 7:00pm for 5 weeks
It's an informal gathering - to discuss topics and learn from each other!
• Intended for complete beginners
• Classes based on spoken word, no writing or grammer involved
• Free of charge
• No registration necessary

Message from Fr Michael Moynihan
We are people of hope. We hope for fine weather, hope for good health, hope for peace throughout the world. The Christian faith offers hope. Especially during these days of Holy week and Easter. The message is that Jesus died for us so that we might have a new approach to life believing in Him. The story of Jesus did not end on the Cross. In West Kerry Live this week there is list of times for the Easter Ceremonies in the four parishes of Corca Dhuibhne. I extend a word of invitation and encouragement to all to attend the Holy Week Ceremonies. As we journey through Holy Week in the liturgy, in a most extraordinary way it makes those wonderful happenings of the events surrounding the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, present to us in real time. They become present to us in the here and now. This is brought home to us in our celebration of the Eucharist where time past, present and future come together on our altar and, through one of God's greatest gifts, we are present at all three of them. We will witness his Agony in the Garden, we will observe his betrayal by one of his close followers, we will view his trial and his scourging, we will accompany him on his journey to the Hill of Calvary. We will be there when he is nailed to the Cross and we will gaze on him in his last agony. We will honour him in the moment of his death and we will accompany his body to the tomb in the hillside. And then we will wait. We will wait and then with Mary Magdalene we will go to the tomb early in the morning to find it empty, coming to the realisation that Jesus is risen from the dead. And then our joy will be complete.
Holy Thursday Walk for Water in solidarity with the people for whom running water is a distant dream. People are invited to join in the Walk for Water, leaving St Mary’s Church at 2.30pm, walking as far as Garfiney Bridge. Please bring a bottle to bring back some water.
Prayer around the Cross will take place on Good Friday from 7.00pm to 10.30pm in St Mary’s church, dingle, beginning at 7.00pm with Stations of the Cross.
Tuesday, April 2nd is the100th anniversary of the installation of the Harry Clarke-Stained Glass Windows in An Díseart. To mark the occasion, Mass will be celebrated in An Diseart Chapel on Tuesday 2nd April at 10am.
Today Trócaire works in partnership with local and church organisations, supporting communities in over 20 developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to bring about lasting change. Your continued support is much appreciated.
Fear is the deafening sound of war. Love is the hand that quietens it Fear is the voice that is never heard. Love is breaking the silence Fear is the truth that is locked in the dark. Love is the courage that feeds it Fear is the hunger that starves all hope. Love is the food that feeds it. As long as pain exists, as long as suffering is here, we will stay. Until love conquers Fear.
Wishing you all Gods blessings in the lead up to Easter and the joy of the Risen Christ throughout the Easter Season
- Fr Michael
Kerry Hospice Sponsored Walk
Milltown/Listry Branch of Kerry Hospice are holding their annual sponsored walk on Good Friday 29th March, starting with registration at Muintir na Tire Hall, Milltown.
Walk commences at 10am. All funds raised will go to Palliative Care in Kerry. Our walk will honour the memory of our esteemed former member Mary Pat O'Sullivan. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Bhfuil fonn ort ticéad go Féile na Gealaí a bhuachaint?
Is í Féile na Gealaí féile cheoil agus ealaíona a dhéanann ceiliúradh ar chultúr chomhaimséartha na Gaeilge.
Beidh sé ar siúl i Ráth Chairn ar an 7ú - 9ú Meitheamh agus tá roinnt ticéid ag Dúchas an Daingin agus ag Tobar Dhuibhne chun a thabhairt amach!
Bígí linn ar an Déardaoin, an 4ú lá do Mhí Aibréain sa Green Room ar a 7:30i.n i gcóir Tráth na gCeist ar son na Palaistíne - beidh €5 ar an ndoras agus beidh ana chraic go deo againn.

Tae & Plé
Bíonn Tae agus Plé againn na haon Déardaoin, deis iontach atá anseo duit do chuid Gaelainne a chleachtadh i spás nádúrtha. Bígí linn
Gach Déardaoin, 12.00i.n., Óstán Benners
Is féidir teachtaireacht a sheoladh chugainn ar whats app 087 7004 884 leis an ionad a dheimhniú.
Join us every Thursday at 12pm in Benner's Hotel for our weekly conversational group. This is a great opportunity to practice your Irish in a natural setting.

Ciste an Phobail
Tá buiséad beag teoranta ar fáil do thionscadail a thacaíonn le spriocanna phlean teanga Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis (BSG) le Dúchas an Daingin agus Limistéar Pleanála Teanga Chiarraí Thiar (LPT) le Tobar Dhuibhne a bhaint amach.
Is d’imeachtaí/gníomhaíochtaí nó tionscadail nua teangabhunaithe a léiríonn dea-thionchar ar úsáid nó ar chleachtas teanga sa phobal atá an maoiniú seo dírithe. N’fhéadfar tacú le himeachtaí seanbhunaithe mura bhfuil gné nua á cur leo.
Cuirfear fáilte speisialta roimis iarrataisí d'imeachtaí pobail a thacaíonn le cur chun cinn na teanga, ach go háirithe i réimsí na hÓige agus na bhFéilte.
Braitheann an ciste seo ar chlár oibre na gCoistí Pleanála Teanga gach bliain. Is féidir aon ghné ded' iarratas a phlé linn ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le: Dúchas an Daingin: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com nó 087 7004 884.
Tobar Dhuibhne: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie nó 0873769538.
Foirm Iarratais ar fáil anseo: https://linktr.ee/duchasandaingin
Frásaí & Nathanna Úsáideach / Useful Phrases & Terms
Bain triail astu sa ar na meáin an tseachtain seo! Why not try some of these on your posts this week!
- Arán úr, déanta age baile
- Glasraí fásta go háitiúil / go hórgánach
- Saor ó glútan
- Níl faic níos fearr ná babhla breá anraith
- Tá na cístí déanta age baile
- An bhfuil spalladh ort?
- Bain trial as an ___
- Ná caill do sheans
-Tá athrú tagtha ar ár uaireanta chloig oscailte…
- Táimid lán - bí i dteangmháil linn amárach
- An Cháisc - Laetheanta Saoire na Cásca
- Briseach lár téarma
- Lá faoin dtor
-Lá saoire bainc
- Fresh, homemade bread.
- Veg grown locally / organically
- Gluten Free
- Nothing beats a nice bowl of soup
- The cakes are homemade
- Are you thirsty?
-Give ____ a go
- Don’t miss your chance
-Our opening hours have changed…
- We’re full - be in touch tomorrow
-Easter - Easter Holidays
-Midterm Break
- A day off
-Bank holiday
An dteastaíonn uait do chuid Gaelainne a fheabhsú?
Táimid ar bís ar fad a fhógairt go mbeidh Seisiúin Cainte neamhfhoirmealta ag tosnú i gceann cúpla seachtaine lenár gcairde i Outwest ar Shráid an Dóirín.
Seo deis iontach do ghlantosnaitheoirí teacht le chéile agus forbairt a dhéanamh ar na frásaí/nathanna a bheadh ag teastáilt uatha go laethúil. We are so lucky to have teamed up with Outwest Clothing on Green Street to host informal Irish Conversational Sessions. This is a great opportunity to come together in a relaxed atmosphere and practice everyday phrases.
Siopa Outwest, Sráid an Dóirín 19:00i.n ar an 2ú Aibréan ar feadh 5 seachtaine. Bígí linn!!
An féidir linn cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn:
Rút Ní Mhurchú, Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin
Linktree: Dúchas an Daingin
Dingle Notes
Richie WilliamsCOUNTY CLEAN UP. The Annual County Clean Up will take place on Saturday April 6th this year. Dingle Tidy Towns Group invite volunteers to meet at the Bottle Bank on The Tracks at 10 a.m. that morning and it is hoped to pick litter off all approach roads up to a distance of 5km from the town centre. Intending participants are reminded to bring suitable clothing and gloves and arrange transport if possible to your chosen clean up location. Míle Buíochas.
DEMENTIA. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland would like to reach out to the people of West Kerry with a view to starting an active branch in our area to help families involved either directly or indirectly with Dementia.
Anyone who would like to attend an initial meeting are invited to contact the Operations Project Manager Donal Murphy on mobile number 0867858672 who will arrange a suitable venue, time and date.
PEIL. Comhgairdeachas do Foireann Sinsear Peile Daingean Ui Chúis a bhuaidh Comortas Sraithe Chiarraí Thiar le déanaí.
All under age football training and competitions have recommenced and the players would like more support particularly at their inter club games which take place almost every evening of the week at different age levels.
The under 7s training starts in Pairc An Aghasaigh on Easter Sunday Morning at 10a.m.and is open to all young people who wish to take their first steps into the football and sporting world.
PARKING. The Business Chamber appeal to all people who travel to work in town to please park their vehicles in suitable locations outside the centre of Dingle. This appeal is to help Town Centre residents to have spaces freely available to access their homes and shoppers and service users to be able to park closer to their intended business locations. Vehicles parked in the town centre or side streets for most of the business day take up valuable spaces which should be turning over usage at least every half hour as witnessed in other towns of our size.
We had a good response to this request in previous years so lets do even better if possible in 2024 and it may even help secure your job into the future also.
TOWN PARK. Kerry County Council advise that the Town Park which has undergone some redevelopment work will be open to the public very shortly.
The new Multi Use Playing Area has been lined for Basketball, Football and Tennis with a possibility of Pickleball Courts being considered also.
Groups who have suitable insurance cover can book this area for specific periods and a timetable is being drawn up at present to try and cater for all local groups and individuals. Further details from Risteard Mac Liam 0868641340.
TARRACH. The popular sport of Naomhóg Racing was featured on our television screens recently when the long awaited film TARRACH was featured on TG4.

The award winning Irish Language film was shot here in West Kerry in 2021 and featured many well known local personalities and popular scenic locations. The interesting storyline had to be followed right to the end and was another opportunity to highlight the magnificence of the Dingle Peninsula on film screens all over the world stage.
PARADES. The organisers of the St Patrick's Day Parade in Dingle would like to thank Cara Credit Union for their generous and unexpected contribution of €300 towards the costs of the 2024 event.
Music groups who participated on the day included the Fife and Drum Band, Scoil an Gleanna Pupils, Féile Lispole, Bunscoil an Clochar and Scoil Caitlín Naofa Cill Mhic a Domhnaigh.
35 separate entries took to the streets on the day which was followed by another superb display of traditional Irish Dancing at Holyground by Rinceoirí Na Ríochta under the direction of Miriam Ó Suilleabhain.
The Parade was really brought to a new level with the pristine display of dress and march by the members of the visiting Southampton Fire Department New York who were declared the winners of the DANNO O'KEEFFE Memorial Plaque as Best Entry on the day. They were joined by members of the Dingle Brigade which was also much appreciated by the large crowds along the various streets and vantage points.
Full marks and our thanks to the Gardaí, all the musicians, participants, the stewards, Kerry County Staff and David O'Donoghue of Munster Sound for their continued support and help with this and other Parades throughout the year.
The one disappointing side of the 2024 event was the visible absence of some of the clubs, organisations and larger business outlets who chose not to be part of this great community day out this year.
The pre dawn march by the Dingle Fife And Drum Band was followed by one of the largest crowds in many years and with such interest is sure to survive for many years to come. The continued coverage by TG4 and the various press reporters of this unique march is much appreciated by the band members and supporters.

Tommy Griffin
Local Election Candidate Corca Dhuibhne Electoral Area
Parliamentary Assistant to Brendan Griffin TD
I am always available to help with any matter. I am available Monday to Friday in our Castlemaine office or I can call to your home anytime that suits you better. Phone:087-2549116
Tomás Ó Grifín Ag coinneáil i dteagmháil...

Mark Murphy, Dingle Cookery School

Why not have Tiramisu this Easter?

For the assembly
350ml strong coffee (use espresso if you can)
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
24-30 Savoiardi biscuits (lady fingers)
1¾cups good espresso or very strong coffee (cooled to room temperature)
100g dark chocolate bar
Add the egg yolks and half of the sugar together in a bowl. Using an electric mixer with a whisk attachment, mix this until the mix has become pale in colour and has tripled in volume. This should take about 3-5 minutes. In a separate bowl, add the cream and the remaining sugar. Using the mixer, bring this to soft peaks. Add in the mascarpone and mix this all together. Fold this into the egg and sugar mixture.
To assemble
Dust a baking dish with cocoa powder (20cm x 20cm or use a round cheesecake tin)
As Easter approaches, there's no better time to treat yourself and everyone to a delightful dessert that's both elegant and effortless. Tiramisu, the classic Italian indulgence that never fails to impress. With layers of delicate ladyfingers soaked in coffee and nestled between rich mascarpone cream, Tiramisu strikes the perfect balance of sweetness and sophistication Happy Easter.
For the filling
3 egg yolks
100 grams caster sugar, divided in two 180ml cream
220g mascarpone
Quickly dip each biscuit into the coffee, don’t leave them there too long. Carefully place them in the baking dish to create your first layer. You can break them if you need them to fit. Spread half of the creamy mixture over the biscuits. Dust this with some cocoa powder. Repeat with the remaining biscuits. Spread the remaining mixture over the biscuits. Dust the tip with plenty of cocoa powder.
Cover with cling film and place this in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight.
Grate some dark chocolate over everything before serving.
Bain Taitneamh As!!


Annascaul ICA
Annascaul ICA Guild will hold their AGM on Monday 15 April, 7pm, in the Community Care Centre. We wish our members and their families a Happy Easter.

Back Row: Alfie Kinvig; Fionn O'hAanafin, Oscar Matthews, Tomas O'Murchú
Front Row: Jack Prendiville, Paddy, Rónán O'Duinnín, Paddy O'Cruadhlaoich, Fionn O'Suileabhain, Jamie O'Suileabhain, Fiach O'Dochartaigh, Aidan Fanning, Darragh Murphy, Tadhg O'Suileabhain, Liam O'Murchú, Fintan Fanning
Notaí an Clochán - Bréanainn
Clochan/Breanainn ICA Whist Drive to be held in Halla Le Chéile Tuesday 2nd April at 8pm. Everyone is welcome.
Tinteáin Ceoil: .. Ceol, Rince, Scéalta, Dánta, Amhráin, Craic agus Cupán tae & Scóna úr-bhácáilte. Gach Luain(Every Monday evening) 7:30pm9:30 pm at the Halla. V92DK4C
Local Link Bus Service:
Brandon to Tralee ……Gach Luain & Céadaoin 9:10am
Cloghane to Castlegregory………Gach Déardaoin 7:15pm
Cloghane Public Dinner Bus to Halla Le Chéile……...Gach Máirt 12:15pm
Thuilleadh Eolas https://www.locallinkkerry.ie/Brandon/ Am Aifreann / Mass Times. Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn, An Clochán
Gach Dara Sathairn/ Every 2nd Saturday 6:15pm
Also Mass every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm
Adhradh Comaoineach / Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesdays – 11.15am to 12.15pm
Thursdays – 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Saturdays – 11.15pm to 12.15pm
Subject to change…weekly parish newsletter available in church every weekend with full details.
French tutor: Learn and practice your French with native speaker Geoff. Suitable for all levels in both Junior cert and Leaving cert. Contact Geoff : 0830043943.
Spás Oifige le ligean ar cíos. Office space to let Tuilleadh eolais www. cflt.ie/office-hot-desks-to-let/ nó glaoch a chuir orainn ar 066 713813

Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht
Tobar Dhuibhne - West Kerry Language Plan - Info & News
Aibreán ar leaic an dorais againn, na laethanta níos faide, na tráthnóntaí níos gile, agus sinne ag cur le pleananna an Ghaelainn a threisiú timpeall na Gaeltachta! Tá ról láidir ag gach éinne sa Phlean Teanga – níl le déanamh ach an Ghaelainn a labhairt. Tá sé chomh simplí sin! Bí páirteach linn nó cabhraigh led’ phobal-sa an Ghaelainn a chur chun cinn pé slí gur maith leat.
April on our doorstep, the days are getting longer, the afternoons brighter, and we’re adding to our plans to strengthen Irish around our Gaeltacht! We all have a strong role in the Language Plan – all you have to do is speak Irish. It’s as simple as that! Take part in our events, or help your community to promote Irish however you can.
Post mar Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga
An bhfuil fonn ort obair a dhéanamh ar son na Gaelainne i nGaeltacht álainn Chorca Dhuibhne? An duine fuinniúil, paiseanta tú, gur mhaith leat deathionchar a imirt ar líon na gcainteoirí laethúla Gaelainne sa cheantar? Tá Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga á lorg ag Tobar Dhuibhne, Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar. Cuir CV go p.ose@cfcd.ie fé 19/04/24.
Job as a Language Planning Officer with Tobar Dhuibhne
Do you want to work with Irish in the lovely Gaeltacht of Corca Dhuibhne? Are you an energetic, passionate person, who wants to have a positive impact on the number of daily speakers of Irish in the area? Tobar Dhuibhne is looking for a Language Planning Officer for the West Kerry Langauge Plan. Send a CV to p.ose@cfcd.ie by the 19/04/24.
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne's news & events
• Tráth na gCeist a bheidh ar siúl ar an 4ú Aibreán, 19:30 sa Ghreen Room, thuas staighe in John Benny’s sa Daingean. Ticéidí d’Fhéile na Gealaí le buachaint ar an oíche. €5 an duine – airgead ar mhaithe le muintir na Palaistíne
• Seisiún Saibhris - le Máire Ní iarlaithe, gach Céadaoin ag a 10:00 in Áras Bhréanainn. Cruinneas, saibhreas agus Gaelainn nádúrtha á bplé ag Máire - dírithe ar chainteoirí líofa, agus fáilte speisialta roimis thuismitheoirí & seantuismitheoirí!
• Scoláireachtaí do Chúrsa Ollscoile le Má Nua á dtairiscint ag Tobar Dhuibhne chun tabhairt fé’n nDioplóma i Múineadh na Gaelainne do Dhaoine Fásta.
• Ciorcal Comhrá - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Fáilte roimh chách // all welcome.
• Bricfeast Ghnó, 10:30 ar an 9ú Aibreán i nGalfchumann Cheann Sibéal. Cláraigh inniu - 087 473 5055. Tacaíochtaí teangan & deontaisí do Ghnónna – cainteanna ó Ghlór na nGael, Údarás na Gaeltachta & eile. Deascéalta
Seo daoibh blaiseadh des na scéalta maithe mar a bhaineann siad leis an nGaelainn ar fuaid na háite:
• Bhí siúlóid ana dheas le Conall Ó Ciobháin le déanaí ar shiúlóid na Cille. Fair an spás do bhreis deiseanna gabháilt amach fé’n aer leis amach anseo
• Comhghairdeachas le Lucy Saunders atá tosnaithe againn le déanaí mar Oibrí Óige – comhtfhiontar idir Thobar Dhuibhne agus Dúchas an Daingin é seo chun teacht i dtír ar an ganntannas deiseanna do dhaoine óga sa dúthaigh!

Deis iontach cur le do shaibhreas cainte le Máire Ní Iarlaithe. Bígí linn!
Deiseanna / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh:
• Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga, Tobar Dhuibhne, Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar
• Aistritheoirí Gaelainne, DCU
• Léachtóir cúna san Oideachas – Marino.
• Bainisteoir Léirithe, Aniar TV

Tuilleadh deiseanna ar www.peig.ie.
Tomhais na coicíse
Ceannaigh go daor é agus caith in aer é. Cad é? (Buíochas le Séan Ó Bric as an gceann seo). Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar r-phost!
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/TobarDhuibhne
Glaoigh ar 066 9156 100 (3 do Thobar Dhuibhne), nó 087 376 9538 do John Prendergast, 087 377 9337 d’Evelyn Ní Lúing nó 087 473 5055 do Chaitlín Ní Shúilleabháin.
It’s All In The Mind: Mindful Breathing
Orla Smyth

Bringing mindful attention to our breath is beneficial to us in so many ways. Mindfulness breathing exercises can reduce stress and calm the central nervous system. They lead us away from overthinking and keep us in the present moment.
Studies show that mindful breathing techniques can lead to better overall health, helping to reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels, two physiological markers that tend to rise with stress. Those who practice mindfulness breathing exercises report less stress, greater resilience and improved self-regulation. Mindful breathing is even a suitable practice for kids. It is simply the act of paying attention to the breath. We intuitively know from experience that a full exhale sigh out can be calming, or that a big breath in can feel enlivening. When we’re anxious or agitated, for example, we tend to take short, shallow or uneven breaths. When we’re deeply relaxed, we tend to breathe more patiently and evenly.
When practicing true mindful breathing, we simply observe. We breathe naturally and normally, watching each breath out and in with an open, spacious and caring curiosity. There’s no need to alter or fix the breath, or to breathe in any one certain way. We just meditate on the breath.
Unlike foundational mindful breathing, mindfulness breathing exercises may incorporate gentle breath manipulation. We do this only to the extent that it feels safe and comfortable. For example, breathing the way we would in a calm, contented state can nudge us toward that state. Breath and mind are connected, and each influences the other.
There are numerous different breathing exercises we can explore. Such as various pranayama techniques taught by yogis that entail breathing in different manners and patterns. While there are numerous benefits of these techniques, mindful breathing can be made much simpler than this. Mindful breathing solely requires us to pay open attention to the breath – exactly as it is. To practice mindful breathing:
Come to a comfortable seated or lying down position. Ensure that the back is straight and the body is as relaxed as possible. Take a moment to ground yourself into the space you are in by closing your eyes. And then, noting the presence of the room around you. What does the air feel like against your skin? What does the earth feel like beneath your feet, backside, or resting body? Then, draw your attention to the natural rhythm of your breath. Without trying to change or control it. Simply practice observing it exactly as it moves in this present moment. You might notice its pace and depth shift, allow this. Simply hold your focus on each in breath and out breath. Also, observing the brief pause in between each inward and outward movement.
We can practice mindful breathing in unconventional settings as well. In other words, it is not a practice reserved for meditation or for solitude. We can practice mindful breathing while on the bus, when waiting in line at the supermarket, while walking or running, or during those moments right before we drift to sleep. In essence, mindful breathing exercises can be explored in just about any setting, whether we have 30 seconds or 30 minutes to spare.
Benefits of Mindful Breathing Exercises
Scientifically-proven benefits of mindful breathing have started to emerge over the past few decades. Some of the benefits include the following:
It reduces Stress: Breathe mindfully and you’ll notice that even when trying not to, you’ll naturally breathe more deeply and slowly. This type of breathing engages the body’s relaxation response and brings our parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system) online. In fact, mindful breathing is so effective at reducing stress, researchers in 2024 found that it even lowers blood pressure.
It positively impacts on mood: Research shows that mindfulness breathing exercises reduce the frequency of repetitive thoughts, as well as our negative reactions to those thoughts. In a 2010 study of nearly 200 people who had never meditated before, mindful breathing had a more significant impact on rumination and negativity than relaxation exercises or even loving-kindness meditation.
It boosts the brain: We all know that when we’re stressed we’re more forgetful. Mindful breathing techniques boost memory by reducing stress, but also create real, lasting change in the brain. A meta-review of recent studies points out that narrowing our attention to the breath increases our capacity for focus. As attention improves over time, so does working memory.
It improves sleep: Insomnia is often the result of hyper-arousal, an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. Breathing mindfully is a non-pharmacological intervention that shows promise for regulating sleep. In 2019, researchers described how mindful breathing exercises such as slow, deep breathing can help us fall asleep sooner, and sleep better, by
balancing sympathetic nervous system activity
Mindful Breathing Techniques
How we breathe influences energy in the body. We can use different breathing techniques to evoke calm, focus, presence, or even an increase in energy. As you practice the following, never force or strain the breath. Move at a pace that feels easy and comfortable for you, while remaining mindful of your experience. If you begin to feel agitated in any way, release control of the breath and let the body breathe itself. Return to the practice only when you feel safe and regulated.
Nostril breathing is recommended, as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This only works, however, if it’s comfortable for you. So, choose the breathing technique (through the nose or mouth) that puts you most at ease.
Technique 1 : Basic Mindful Breathing
Description: Mindfully observe the breath with caring curiosity.
How to Practice: Breathe in and out through the nose at your most natural, normal pace. Observe each breath in, each breath out, and the space between each breath. Loosely anchor your mind to the breath, while bringing kind awareness to your experience.
When to Use: Use this technique during formal meditation practice or any time you’d like to move attention from your thoughts to the body, grounding yourself in the present moment. Technique 2: Deep Breathing ( Diaphragmatic)
Description: Deep belly breathing helps induce a state of relaxation.
How to Practice: This technique can be practiced lying down, seated or standing. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Breathe gently but fully, in and out through your nose. See if you can fill the belly with breath, lifting the hand on the belly, while the hand on your heart remains relatively still.
When to Use: Diaphragmatic breathing is an excellent calming technique. Deep belly breathing activates the vagus nerve and calms the central nervous system.
Technique 3 : Box Breathing
Description: Box breathing is an even breathing technique that helps induce focus and clarity.
How to Practice: Without straining whatsoever, breathe out through the nose for a count of 3. Hold for 3, inhale through the nose for 3, hold for 3, repeat. As you breathe out, hold, breathe in, hold and so on, you can visualize this rhythm as a square.
When to Use: Box breathing can be helpful for calming an unsteady mind and returning us to focus. Practice it daily to develop a clear, steady mind.
Orla Smyth - certified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Relief (MBSR) and Dot B. -mindful awareness for children / orlasmyth67@gmail.com
A Penny for my Thoughts

News from Dingle Hub
The Farmers Journal have announced a new roadshow, geared towards demonstrating how farmers, businesses and households can save money and create a new income stream through renewable energy. This free event will take place on April 9th at the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, Cork. You must register before the event. The topics they will cover at this event are:
Session 1: Getting paid for making renewable heat
Session 2: Making sense of solar PV on your farm
Session 3: Retrofitting your farmhouse.
Session 4: Anaerobic digestion and farming – how will it work?
Corca Dhuibhne Tourism & Hospitability SEC
We will have the Energy Master Plan in the next few weeks and are looking forward to seeing the recommendations. Each business who took part in the project will get information on their energy use and the next steps to get them on their sustainability journey.
The Solar PV roll out has begun as part of the project and we hope to launch a second run in the next few months. Please let us know if your business is interested in solar PV or have any questions on solar PV. Contact ann@dingehub.com
Castlegregory National School
Clothing Collection
• Re-wearable items of clothing
• Paired Shoes
• Handbags and Belts
• Towels and Blankets
• Curtains
• Soft Toys
Please no duvets, pillows, ripped or soiled clothes or single shoes
Bags can be dropped to the school on the
8th and 9th April until 7 p.m.
Thank you for your support!

I don’t know what to tell you
My mind is as blank as a cheque
A cost of living crisis
Is going on in my head
If a fool and his money are easily parted
Should a wise man keeps his thoughts to himself?
I’ll stick with fixed rates of interest
And wait for the penny to drop
- Artwork and words by Laurence Jones.

Roof Cleaning & Repairs, Driveway Cleaning & Repairs, Patio and footpaths - cleaned & sealed, hedge trimming, power washing, gutter repairs and general garden & property maintenance.

Scéalta ón bPobalscoil
Mairéad Ni Dhubhaigh agus Katie Ní Eanacháin.
Céiliúradh na nÓg 2024

Ghlac roinnt daltaí i mbliain a ceathair páirt i lá “Céiliúradh na nÓg”, eagraithe ag Deoise Chiarraí, in Ostán Bréanainn i dTrá Lí an tseachtain seo chaite. Is í aidhm Ceiliúradh na nÓg ná, saol creidimh daoine óga a cheiliúradh. Bhí roinnt ceardlainn taitneamhacha ar siúl ar an lá dá bharr, mar shampla ceardlainn bainte leis an athrú aeráide agus tábhacht na haclaíochta, agus iad i mbun rince agus gníomhaíochtaí. Chomh maith leis seo bhí ceardlann drumaí, ceardlann dírithe ar mhachnamh agus creideamh, agus alán imeachtaí suimiúla eile. Bhain na daltaí ana thaitneamh as, táímid chomh buíoch as na múinteoirí Máirtín Ó Fraithile agus Antóin ó Braoin as an turas a eagrú dúinn. Fiontar na nÓg

Bhí coicís ana ghnóthach ag daltaí ‘Fiontar’ na hIdirbhliana. Ghlacadar páirt i gCraobh an Chontae sa chomórtas ‘Fiontar na nÓg’ a bhí urraithe ag an Oifig Fiontair Áitiúil. Bhuadar duais, ‘An Scoil is Fearr ó thaobh Fiontraíochta de’! Tháinig an grúpa “Glan go Glas” (le hOisín Ó Dubhda, Cian Ó Gallachóir, Katie Ní Éanacháin, Riona Ní Ghealbháin, Kate Ní Shúilleabháin agus Tiernan Ó Cuarnáin) sa dara háit sa tsraith shinsearach. Bhuaigh an grúpa “Tonnta SSS” (le Séan Mac a tSíthigh, Séamus Mac Gearailt, Séamus Ó Grifín, Michael Ó Grifín agus Jamie Ó Loinsigh) duais na gaeilge. Bhain na Cártaí Spáinnise “Eres Competitivo?” an 3ú duais Gaelainne amach agus tá plean gnó leo cáillithe do Chraobh na hÉireann sa chatagóir ‘SMART Idea’ - sin Ciara Ní Chinnéide, Hayley Ní Fhlaithearta agus Ellie de hÓra. Comhghairdeas chomh maith leis an ngrúpa “Mise agus mo Mheabharsláinte” a chuaigh chomh fada leis an gcraobh seo leis na grúpaí eile. Maith sibh go léir!
Comórtas Fiontraíochta Clár na gComhalachtaí, urraithe ag Údarás na Gaelachta

Bhí daltaí na hIdirbhliana páirteach i gcomórtas Fiontraithe Óga na Gaeltachta i mBaile Bhuirne chomh maith. Bhuaigh ‘Tonnta SSS’ an Duais Nualaíochta - sin Séan Mac a tSíthigh, Séamus Mac Gearailt, Séamus Ó Grifín, Michael Ó Grifín agus Jamie Ó Loinsigh.
Tá ‘Glan go Glas’ - Oisín Ó Dubhda, Cian Ó Gallachóir, Katie Ní Éanacháin, Ríona Ní Ghealbháin, Kate Ní Shúilleabháin agus Tiernan Ó Cuarnáin, agus Cártaí Spáinnise ‘Eres Competitivo?’ - Ciara Ní Chinnéide, Hayley Ní Fhlaithearta agus Ellie de hÓra, cáilithe do Chraobh na hÉireann a bheidh ar siúl sa Ghaillimh i Mí Aibreáin. Labhair cúpla dalta ar nuacht TG4 agus ar Radió na Gaeltachta faoi na duaiseanna a bhuadar agus cad a raibh i gceist lena gcomhlachtaí.
Comhghairdeas le gach éinne a ghlac páirt sa chomórtas agus go n-éirí an bóthar leis an dá ghrúpa atá ag dul ar aghaidh go dtí an chéad babhta eile. Cluiche Ceannais Na Mumhan sa Rugbaí

Táimid fíor bhródúil as foireann rugbaí Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne agus an taispeántas den scoth a léiríodar i gcluiche ceannais na Mumhan faoi 19 i bPáirc Musgrave le déanaí .Cluiche cóngarach a bhí ann agus thugadar troid iontach an slí ar fad tríd, ach faraoir bhí mí-ádh leo i dtreo an deireadh. Chríochnaigh sé ar 31- 14, buaite ag an méanscoil Corcaíoch “Hamilton High”. Comhghairdeas ó chroí leis na himreoirí as an tréan iarracht a dhein gach aon duine acu.


Seisúin do thuismitheoirí agus páistí a bheidh ag freastal ar an Naíonra i Méan Fómhair ‘24
Ar mhaith leat na hamhráin agus na rannta a bheidh ag do leanbh sa Naionra a fhoghlaim?
Support your child before they attend Naíonra by learning the songs and rhymes used in the Naíonra Bígí linn ar feadh 6 seachtaine/6 Weekly sessions.
Dé Céadaoin/Wednesday 10/4/24 @11.00 i nGráig na hÓige, Lios Póil 087 7581381 orlaith@cfcd ie
Cláraigh le/Register with Orlaith

Ceol Beo / Live Music
Baile an FheirtéaraighBallyferriter
Thursday 28th March
8.00pm Tigh Uí Catháin / Kanes - Aon Scéal? Filíocht & Prós / Poetry & storytelling night. Open Mic.
Saturday 30 March
Tigh Uí Catháin / Kanes - DJ Phill Edwards (Slow Riot) & Guest DJ
Clochán BréannainnCloghane Brandon
Monday 1st April
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Monday 8th April
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Ventry - Ceann Trá
Saturday 30 March
9.00 Quinns - Foxtales
Dingle-Daingean Uí Chúis
Thursday 28th March
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Friday 29th March

7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 30th March
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Mick Keirns
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Sunday 31st March
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Tango Woodiens
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 1st April
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
Tuesday 2nd April
9.15 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 3rd April
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis
Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
Thursday 4th April
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Friday 5th April
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 6th April
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Dan Phelan
Sunday 7th April
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Tango Woodiens
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
Monday 8th April
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
Tuesday 9th April
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 10th April
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis
Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)

Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál
Clinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm,
An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 15ú Aibreán 7.00-8.00 Tigh Uí BtSaorsaigh / Tigh Uí Chuinn/ Tigh Pháidí Uí Shé
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904 Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
Lúbra - aimsighanchonairtríd #11
8FáıḋsaḂíoblaaġlacnaDeıċnAıṫeantaó Ḋıa(5)

West Kerry Gardening Services
• Lawn Cutting
• Large and Small lawns Catered for
• Power Washing / Spraying
• Garden Waste Disposal
• 2.5 tonne loads of sand/gravel delivered
• Landscaping work such as timber fences/ kerbs/concrete/gravel areas etc.
Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Gráinne Nic Áodhán, Cois Chnoic, An Daingean
Crainn agus Toir le
Máirín Uí Chonchubhair
‘Is leabhar iontach é Crainn agus Toir le Máirín Tom a’ Mháistir, Máirín Uí Chonchubhair, ó Dhún Chaoin. Is in 1995 a d’fhoilsigh Máirín an leabhar gleoite Flóra Chorca Dhuibhne agus seo anois an dara cuid, an leabhar ar chrainn agus ar thoir.

Déantar cuir síos cuimsitheach san saothar seo ar chrainn agus ar thoir na hÉireann, a dtábhacht miotaseolaíochta agus topagrafaíochta, litríochta, míochaine agus béaloidis; a dtábhacht mar shiombail an dúchais agus a ról i bhforbairt na mainistreacha agus na n-eastát tar éis teacht na Normannach i leith. Lámhleabhar bunúsach é seo a chabhróidh go mór linn tairbhe agus taitneamh a bhaint as an acmhainn nádúrtha seo chun oideachais agus chun áineasa agus cuirfidh sé abhaile orainn ag an am gcéanna ár ndualgas i leith a caomhnaithe.
Is leabhar eisceachtúil iontach é a léiríonn go cuimsitheach na crainn is na toir atá ag fás in Éireann, idir na cinn atá nádúrtha dúchasach agus iad atá tugtha isteach. Ní hamháin san, ach léiríonn sé stair an fhásra seo, na cúinsí fáis ar a bhraitheann sé agus stair a scaipthe.
Cuireann Máirín an fásra seo i gcomhthéacs stair fhásra na hÉireann ag dul siar sna haeóin gheolaíochta ag miniú an bhaint atá ann idir gheolaíocht, ithir agus na plandaí, an fáth go bhfuil siad ann agus a d’fhorbraigh mar a dhein. Tá an scéal iomlán soiléirithe le griangrafanna agus léaráidí anótáilte go hoiriúnach.’ - Crainn agus Toir
An Café Liteartha
Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis
Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

3 bed House to let in Ballyferriter for Christmas and New Year. Also available 13th Aug - 3rd September 2022. Contact Mary 086-8287776
Ó Mhárthain
New luxury house to let. Weekly or fortnightly, Ballyferriter. 5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Broadband, Sky TV etc. Phone Mairín 086-8471815
For Sale/Le
Breandán Mac Gearailt
2 shipping containers,dry,good condition,one shelved and wired for electricity,transport can be arranged. Also a dog house(4.5×4ft),weather proof cladding,beige in colour,non drip,warm and timber floored. 086 1758433
2nd hand 20 head space round galvaised circular feeder for cattle. 086-1639333
Más fíor tá an- phraghas ar uain agus fóisce. Deirtear go bhfuil scata t’réis tógaint caorach a chaitheamh uatha. N’fheadar fé sin. Le go mbeadh uain mhaith agat ní mhór duit iad a bheith saolaithe fadó.
Table and 4 chairs (light wood) for sale, good condition. €180 (3 sets available). Ph: 085-2021181
N’fheadar an dtiocfaidh suaimhneas ar an anaithe anois go bhfuil an t-Aibreán chugainn. Bhí nimh san aimsir agus an ghrian ag lonradh.
Cane furniture: 2 seater and 2 armchairs. Good condition. Dingle area. 0860858117
Baineadh an- sceit as Pútin le déanaí tá an t-airgead Rúiseach a reodh le cur ar fáil don Úcráin.
Sheep Dog Pups for sale. Contact 085-7674742 for more information
Tá sé in am ag an Iosraeil sos cogaidh a fhógairt.
Henley inset stove. As new. €350. 087-6627804
15 spools of Nylon twine for mounting nets for sale. 087-2944722 Services / Seirbhisí
Tá an Taoiseach Leo éirithe as a ghradam. Gach rath air. Fear sibhialta go raibh Gaolainn mhaith aige.
Bua na hÓige
Cleaner available. Can travel. References available. 086-8198908
Ashe tree cutting strimming and hedge trimming service, footpath washing service. No job too big or small. Located in mid and west kerry. Call or textPaddy on 087-7532064
Tree felling service, Fallen trees cut into firewood, General chainsaw work. Phone Conor 087 2821271.
Bhí mustar ar fhoireann caide na Gaeltachta fé 15 bl. i gcomórtas i bPáirc Ghallarais ina raibh ocht fhoireann ag áireamh Stacaigh Thrá Lí agus Na Gaeil, Fánaithe Nemo 7rl. Sa chraobh chluiche bhuaidh an Ghaeltacht ar Lios Uí Chathasaigh An Chláir le 3-5 v 0-5. Níos luaithe bhuadar ar na Stacaigh agus ar Nemo. Cogháirdeachas. A leithéid do lá bhí sé fliuch gaofar ach ní raibh aon bheann ag buachaillí na Gaeltachta ar an síon.
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Mature friendly reliable lady available to provide companionship to an elderly person in the Lispole, Dingle or Castlegregory area. Contact Bernie 087-2944722. Childminder available Inch/Annascaul. Call or text Mary D 0857360614.
Insurance: Guaranteed cheapest rates for Life Assurance, Mortgage Protection, Serious Illness & Income Protection. Also, Health Insurance reviews. Colm Lundon Q.F.A. 087-9927950 UR Insurances (Europe) Ltd. t/a Actual Insurances are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
Bhuaidh sínsir Chiarraí ar an nGaillimh ar an Domhnach seo caite le dhá phoinnte. Bhí Ciarraí beagán níos fearr ná an Gailllimh ach idir an isteach agus amach imreoirí a bhí timpeall deire an chluiche fuair Gaillimh báide. Bhí Seán Ó Sé go maith cé gur chuir sé cupla saorchic amú. Bhí Ó Conchúir, Lár Páirce go diail agus Spilláin. Bhí Brian ó Beaglaoi go diail nuair a cuireadh ag imirt é. D’imir Barry Dan agus Paul Geaney go maith leis. Gan dabht bhí Páidí Ó Clúmháin ar fheabhas. Toradh 0- 15 v 1-10. Má tá aon tseans go mbuafaidh Ciarraí ar Bleá Cliath ní mór doibh Miorúilt a thabhairt óna saoire oiliúna sa Phortaingéil.
Bhuaidh íománaithe an Chláir ar Thiobrad Árann.
All kinds of roofing and roofing repairs. West Kerry area. 086-4085007
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Thug Roscommán cluiche maith do Dhoire ar feadh tamaill. Dhein Bleá cliath slad, chúig bháide arís.
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toiletsdrains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Homecare support. Carer with 20 years experience/ Fetac Level 5. Daytime/ Nights. For more info contact 087-6880723.Thank you.
Tá mná Chiarraí sa chraobh chluiche sraithe caide i gceann coicíse in aghaidh Ard Mhacha. Gach ádh ortha in aghaidh crua imreoirí Ard Mhacha. Bhí an bhua ag mhá Chiarraí anuiridh. Féile na Bealtaine
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Dingle Heating & Plumbing

Tá coiste Fhéile na Bealtaine go cruaidh ar na maidí agus iad ag réiteach don bhFéile. Tá an dochtúir Peadar an Cathaoirleach coitianta ag tabhairt instealladh éirime don bhféile i gcomhar lena choiste deichniúr. Bíonn clár mór taithneamhach ag an bFéile agus míreanna i scata áiteanna ar fuaid na leithinise. Tá Peadar an- shásta go bhfuil cúrsaí ag dul ar aghaidh go sásúil agus iad ag súil le Féile mór blasta go mbainfidh an pobal solás agus sásamh as.

Tá Taispeántas Ealaíne na Cásca ar bog shodar chugainn. Bhí an oscailt Oifigiúil ar an 27ú Márta mean lae in Aras Bhréanainn. Mar bharr ar an ócaid ‘sé an caogú taispeántas é. Ócáid iomráiteach.
Teach Siamsa
Bhí cruinniú i Halla na Feothanaí ar an nDéardaoin seo caite ag cur agus

ag cúiteamh fén bfhadhb go raibh dar le scata acu lár choiste Shiamsa
3 bed family home wanted for rental - couple with 2 young children looking for rental opportunities in and around Dingle Town or surrounding areas. Good References available. Please contact Danny 0894848212 or Amanda 0861648869
Tíre i dTrá Lí, meáite é a dhíol. Bhí scata moltaí dearfacha réidh ach aontaíodh toscaireacht triúr nó ceathrar a chur le bualadh le Coiste Thrá
Looking for house to rent, long term. Detached, in peaceful location, 4 bedrooms, including field for 2 small horses. Call or App Emma 089 987 0107
Professional composer and family seek 4-5 bedroom house with garden on Dingle Peninsula: Ventry, Anascaul etc For Long term rental.089/2130976
Interior designers and photographers required in Dingle. Call 087-2940912
Lí chun cúpla fadhb má tá a chíoradh. Bhí daoine an- shuaite mar gur bunaíodh agus gur tógadh Teach Siamsa na Carraige le teacht i dtír ar an réimse ceoil, rinnce, drámaíocht agus a leanann sa dúthaigh seo. Bé’ Boscó Ó Conchúir fear abalta an tí.
Dar liom go bhfuil muintir na háite lán dearfa ná díolfar an áis Phobail seo agus ná fágfar fiú púróg ná cloch ná triallfar le Teach Siamsa na Carraige a choimead do phobal na Gaeltachta seo againne. Bhí an gaiscíoch an tAthair Pádraig Ahern i láthair. Árd dhuine. B’é an t-athair Pádraig bunchloch Teach Siamsa na Carraige ó thús.
Single female professional looking to rent accommodation long-term in West Kerry. Please contact 087 740 7064.
Single male, local, 45, looking for long term rental apartment or small house in and around Dingle town. Rent allowance or HAP preferable, but not essential if fair agrement can be agreed. Clean and tidy with good reference from former landlady on request. Text details to 085-7359049
Sheep wanted, all types. Payment on the day. Factory sheep also wanted. 087-6522357
Fuair Tommí Ó Conchúir Ó Bhaile Reo bás le déanaí. Méala mór a bhás da dheirféaracha, Marion, Máire, Janette, deartháir Mossy, gaolta agus cáirde. Fear caoin cneasta agus is mó port a sheinn sé ar a cháirdín ag ócáidí éagsúla sa cheanntar. Solas na bhFlaitheas ag a anam gan teimheal.
Vacant / Postanna
Busy general fully computerised dental surgery in Tralee requires an experienced dental nurse and a receptionist to join our team. Immediate start, late January 2022. Fáilte roimh iarrataisí i nGaolainn. Please email your CV to fiacloir@gmail.com
Fuair Caitlín Ní Chonchúir Uí Heifearnáin ó Dhroichead Uí Bhriain Contae an Chláir agus Baile Breac bás le déanai. Bhí a céile Tomás básaithe roimpi. Méala mór a bás dá clann, Micheál, Séamus, Valentina, Susan agus Máire.
Other / Eile
I nGairdíní Pharthais a hanam.
Dry secure storage unit for rent, Lispole area. 087-2820062
Fuair Máire Ní Chinnéide ón gCúil Abha na Scáil agus Bleá Cliath bás le déanaí. Iníon do Thomás agus Bríde ná maireann agus deirfiúr do Chaitlín, Pádráig, Tomás agus Mícheál. Méala mór a bás dá gaolta agus cáirde.
Gur é Flaithis Dé a stáitse.
Denis Casey Garage

1. Lukewarm
4. Spool
7. Water expanse
9. Insurance payment
10. Card game featured in The Cincinnati Kid
11. Period of time
12. Reptiles with shells
13. Repeated short sounds
15. Sotto voce remarks 18. Displaying openness 20. Aims
22. _____, Rattle and Roll 24. Butt-in
25. Extremely long time
1. Records 2. Go before
Remote 5. Conglomerates 6. Charge 7. Good health (Scandinavia) 8. Comes about
13. Upper garment
14. Large astronomical bodies
16. Bram Stoker creation
17. Gave sensible suggestion
19. Word used for contrast or exception
20. Small, tidy
21. Emits
23. Cooking surface

Holiday Rentals/ Tithe Saoire
Summer House (To Rent): 3 bed roomed house available to rent in Ardamore, Ballydavid during summer months. Weeks available in June/July & August. Attractive rates (No Pets). Contact Peter @ 087 6386248
Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
Three bedroom detached bungalow in Killorglin. Living / dining room, utility room and 2 bathrooms (one en-suite). Ready to move in. Contact Mary 087-9760750
Cosy bungalow to rent, Muríoch area. Call 087-9939498
House to rent in Camp village long term (1 year). Call 087-6966553
Room to rent in Dingle Town through April & May 2024. Call 087 7150212
En suite rooms to rent 1 mile from Dingle town. 087-6627804
Two bed house in Cloghane area to rent. No pets. 087-6559428
Accomodation available for people willing to work in local restaurant (Dingle). Chefs, kitchen porters, front of house. 087-2361346
Stable or stables available for long term rent. Feothanach area. 086-0847372
2 bedroom apartment in scenic location. Ventry area. 087-7037941
Open plan studio apartment with ensuite bathroom, 15 min from Dingle Close to all amenities. Call 087-9042113
For Sale/Le Díol
2 Brown Leather Armchairs (One Recliner) - €60 The Pair. Also 2 x Rossmore Bedside Lockers - €50 the pair. Can deliver in West Kerry. 086-3739233
1,000 litre water containers in cages, 1,500 & 1,000 litre Kingspan diesel tanks. Steel barrels with lock covers, also ordinary steel barrels. Camp area. 087-9647699
Stainless steel commercial fridges and chest freezers, all in good working order. Call Tom 086-1688007
Well bred puppies available off Sheepdog/Cattle dog Ballyferriter area call 0863095744
Services / Seirbhisí
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633. GRAPHIC DESIGN, logotypes, icons, business cards and forms. Professionally, high-quality work for results, responsibility, attention to detail and customer preferences. Open for new projects. Call Alisa (Eilís) 089 980 1206 (WhatsApp and Telegram) or email alisahazel87@gmail.com
Civil Celebrant available for wedding ceremonies, baby naming and funerals. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066835 www.yourdayyourwaycelebrant.com
Affordable garden maintenance. Hedge cutting, tree topping, power washing, general gardening maintenance and clear outs. Gutter repairs and house painting. Call 087-4051756
Patrick Roche - Painting Decorating, Property & Garden Maintenance call 086-1652875
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
Home support for the elderly available, Dingle / West Kerry. Day / Night. Brigid 087-6880723
Carer available to provide support and care to elderly people. Many years experience. Phone for more information. Ph: 087 6997154. South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Affordable garden maintenance, Lawn cutting, Tree topping, hedge trimming, power washing, gutter repairs and general garden maintenance and clear outs. 087 4891894
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Staff required for a busy Bed and Breakfast in the centre of Dingle town. Start Date: March 1st. €15 an hour. Flexible hours. Please email us for further details. dinglejob23@gmail.com
Dúinín House, Dingle - Housekeeping assistant required for B&B on Conor Pass Road. Starting April ‘24. Competitive wages. Call Anne-Marie 087 2769242 or email info@duininhouse.com
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Small house or apartment wanted for family long term, Dingle or surrounding area. 085-2024394
Looking for a unicorn in Dingle/west of Dingle! Does anyone know of one? I've been looking for quite some time...I know I've yet to find one, but I still believe in miracles! The unicorn would look like a warm, dry house for rent, long term, for a mature, responsible long-time resident of the area! Thank you! 085 190 0188
Family (longterm residents of the area) looking for 4/5 bedroom house in Dingle peninsula. 086-2504868
Other / Eile
We are looking for a suitable tenant, with a view to offering them low-cost rental accommodation within an active elderly lady’s home, in the Castlegregory area. In return, we would require some companionship in the evenings, and some light housework. The use of a car would also be included for the right person. A mature female is preferable. Please call me on 087 6178074 for more details, thank you.
Insulated storage unit to rent in West Kerry. Approx. 400 square feet. Excellent access. 087-2027698
Puppies available, I male, 1 female 4 months old (off sheep/cattle dogs). Free to good homes. Phone Brendan 087 6763196
Shop / Office Unit for rent on 1st floor off Green Street, Dingle. 086-0547665
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062