Corca Dhuibhne Beo
Kerry Live
Camp: Mossy Donegan
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 3: New Dingle - Killarney Bus Timetable
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 10: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 17: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 18: Nuacht ón Díseart
Pg 20: Siúlóid na Coicíse / Walk of the Fortnight
Pg 22: Aglish Cross Inscribed Ogham Stone
Pg 34: All in the Mind
Pg 36: Live Music Listings
Pg 37: Town & Peninsula Maps
Pg 40: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 41: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 42: Crossword
Pg 43: Classifieds
Published by West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry V92 EC85
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113
Does your Septic Tank
to be
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Cuir Glaoch/Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi, Baile an Mhúraigh 087 2969846 nó 066 9155446
Permit Number On Request - Uimhir Cheadúnais ach é a lorg
News from The Marts
Sheep Calf & Cattle Sale June 29th, July 13th & 27th.
Milltown Ring mart for details:
DINGLE 066 91 51586

MILLTOWN : 066 97 67309
To Advertise
Contact us on 066-9150530 Lorcán: 086-1737944 Mossy: 087-2149327 Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook www.westkerrylive.ie
Corkery-Johnson Linda BDS NUI
Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
New TFI Local Link Service available between Dingle and Killarney
Dingle - Lios Póil - Annascaul - Inch - Castlemaine - Milltown - Listry - Fossa - Killarney
Killarney - Fossa - Listry - Milltown - Castlemaine

Medieval cross-slab at Kilshannig graveyard, the Maharees Mossy Donegan
60 seconds with Seán Keeley

What was your first job?
Scivvy in a Maxol garage in Dolphins Barn
What is your favourite film? Terminator 2. It blew my mind as a kid.
What is your favourite book? Of Mice and Men
What was the first CD / Tape / Record you bought? The Score - The Fugees
What was your favourite holiday? Backpacking around South America
What is your favourite drink? Proper pint of Guinness
Who is your favourite actor?
Jack Nicholson
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Travel more, enjoy yourself. The hangovers only get worse.
Who is your sporting hero? Paul McGrath, the black pearl of Inchicore.
Two figures from history you'd like to have as dinner guests?
Richard Harris and Muhammad Ali
If a time machine could take you anywhere for one day, when/where would you go?
Woodstock 1969
What’s your favourite saying? Caith siar é sin!

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Pat Hanafin
Septic Tank Emptying & Drain Cleaning
With over 30 years in business providing a Septic Tank Cleaning Service in the Dingle Peninsula, we now provide DRAIN CLEANING. From 2” sink lines to 4” - 12” sewer pipes. Biocycle tanks filter system,washed after emptying. Providing power washing service and washing facility. 24 hour cover.

What Makes Collagen Essential for Your Health and Beauty?
Irene Flannery

Collagen is a hot topic, especially in the beauty industry, with promises of youthful, wrinkle-free skin. But it's not just about beauty—collagen benefits intestinal linings, joints, tendons, bones, ligaments, and cartilage, making it essential for everyone. With the collagen supplement market thriving, let's explore what collagen is and why it's crucial in keeping us together.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, comprising about 30% of our body’s protein weight and 70% of the skin’s protein. It is crucial for making connective tissue, hence its abundance in the parts of the body that need to be "connected." Scientists took a while to understand collagen, and it wasn’t until the 1950s that they figured it out. If you are familiar with the double-helix strand of DNA, collagen is similar but forms a triple-helix structure, like three strands of rope twined around each other, creating a much stronger strand. Each strand of the helix represents a chain of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. This unique structure provides stability, structure, elasticity, and flexibility to tissues, bones, blood vessels, and organs in the body. The word “collagen” is derived from the Greek words kolla (glue) and gen (gene), accurately summing it up—collagen is literally the glue that holds us together. Without collagen, the human body would be reduced to a clump of cells interconnected by a few neurons and would have been extinct years ago!
Types of Collagen and Their Functions
There are at least 28 different types of collagen, but the most common and well-studied types include Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV. Each type has unique properties and supports different tissues in the body:
Type I Collagen: found in skin, tendons, bones, and organs.
What it does: Provides strength and structure. It's the most common type and aids inwound healing and bone strength.
Type II Collagen: found in cartilage and eyes.
What it does: Gives cartilage strength and flexibility, crucial for joint health and cushioning. It also helps maintain eye structure.
Type III Collagen: found in skin, muscles and blood vessels
What it does: Supports muscles, organs, and arteries, aiding tissue repair and growth.
Type IV Collagen: found in basement membranes, underneath skin and organ linings
What it does: Forms layers that separate tissues and helps with kidney filtration.
Collagen Production and Degradation
The body produces its own collagen throughout its lifespan, maintaining a balance between collagen production and degradation (the breakdown or unravelling of the strands). In our youth, we produce more collagen
than we break down, ensuring our body remains plump, strong, and resilient. As we age, collagen degradation accelerates while production slows down, leaving our strands of rope worn, frayed, and falling apart. This process ramps up after menopause, which is why women notice significant changes in their skin, bones, and joints during this time.
Aging is inevitable, but factors such as UV light, smoking, stress, environmental pollution, and free radical damage also speed up collagen decline and are more avoidable. Do not underestimate stress in this list; cortisol, the stress hormone, is a major driver in collagen breakdown, literally tearing it apart. The good news is that regardless of why you are falling apart, there are still plenty of ways to ensure you hold it together and stay healthy as you age.
Nutritional Support for Collagen Production
"You are what you eat" is especially true for collagen. Amino acids from protein, particularly glycine and proline, along with zinc, vitamin C, and copper, are vital for collagen production. Historical cases of scurvy, caused by vitamin C deficiency, illustrate the importance of these micro nutrients in making collagen, thus in turn, preventing issues like bleeding gums and tooth loss. Today, collagen, vitamin C, and other nutrients are used to improve wound healing, atherosclerosis, and ulcers.
Sources of Collagen-Building
Most meats contain essential amino acids for collagen. Proline is in egg whites, cabbage, mushrooms, and dairy. Glycine is abundant in animal skin, organs, meat, fish, and eggs. Vitamin C is plentiful in colourful fruits and vegetables. Zinc is found in beef, lamb, pork, shellfish, chickpeas, lentils, beans, milk, cheese, and various nuts and seeds. Copper is in organ meats, cocoa powder, cashews, sesame seeds, and lentils. A balanced diet ensures you have the ingredients to make collagen. Bone broth is a ready-made source, easily absorbed and distributed by the body.
Collagen Supplements
Supplements can also significantly slow collagen decline. Most collagen supplements are made up of “collagen peptides” or “hydrolyzed collagen proteins,” meaning the collagen strands are reduced to tiny strands for easy absorption and assimilation in the body. Since collagen makes up the connective tissues of animals and fish, it is natural that collagen supplements are derived from bovine, porcine, or freshwater fish sources. These supplements are available in pills, liquids, and powders. Collagen powders are soluble in hot or cold liquids and are easy to incorporate into your diet. Vegan collagen is not yet available, although scientists are working on modified yeasts and bacteria to create animal-free collagen. The best vegan option is a specific amino acid blend derived from plants that may contribute to the formation of collagen when consumed. Some of these “vegan” collagens also contain additional nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, and copper to help build the amino acids into collagen. However, research to date is not entirely convincing regarding their efficacy.
Effectiveness of Collagen Supplements
Studies on collagen supplements to increase skin elasticity, improve bone density, and enhance joint health are robust, plentiful, and very promising. Delivering collagen through the skin using topical creams raises many questions about its efficacy and requires more research. The overriding message for collagen supplements is to source organic, tested, and trusted products and be prepared to use them for several months before seeing results.
Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist- Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planning. Home visits within Dingle Peninsula and online consultations. 086 1662562 www.omnom.ie


Sand Martins nesting in the cliffs above Kinard Strand. Photo: Mossy Donegan

Your Rights When Buying Services
The Consumer Rights Act 2022 introduced new rights when you buy services. However, they only apply if you bought a service on or after 29 November 2022. You have different rights if you bought on or before 28 November 2022. What is a service?
Consumer law covers many contracts for services. Examples of services covered include entertainment, accommodation, transport, building works and maintenance contracts. Personal services (for example, wedding photography), pet care services, storage facilities and legal or other professional services are also covered.
Traders must not make claims that would distort your buying decisions. A seller who makes a

In addition, they must meet the terms of the contract, where the service is supplied with goods or digital elements.
issue, so the service meets what was agreed in the contract. The seller must correct the issue for free, within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience to you. A reasonable time means the shortest possible time to fix
If it is not possible or too expensive for the supplier to resolve the issue, you have the right to either a price reduction or refund. If the issue is minor, you can only ask for a price reduction.
If your complaint cannot be resolved by the supplier of the service, you can make a formal complaint to the relevant trade or professional body. However, many suppliers are not members of any trade or professional body.
We are here to suppor t you in Kerry
If you have a contract for a service, consumer law sets out the minimum standards that apply and the remedies if the service falls short of these standards.
The trader is obliged to:
• Provide the service in line with the contract
Phone us Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm on 0818 07 7860
If you have used the service provider’s complaints procedure and the problem is still not resolved, you can use the small claims procedure (for claims less than €2,000) or take a civil case (for claims over €2,000).
Providing you with free and confidential information, advice and advocacy on:
What should you know before you buy a service?
You have a legal right to certain information before you buy a service, including:
• Have the required skills to carry out the service
• Supply the service with reasonable care and attention
Where can you get more information on what to do if you have problems with a service.
tralee@citinfo.ie National phone line 0818 07 4000 9am-8pm, Mon-Fri citizensinformation.ie
• The trader’s business name, address and phone number
• Details about the service (if not already clear)
• Total price, or how it will be calculated
• Length of the contract (if applicable)
• Any extra charges, for example, delivery charges
• Your right to cancel (where it applies)
The information must be clear, easy to understand and given to you before you buy. You have additional rights to information if you buy online or from your doorstep.
• Only use materials that are fit for purpose and match any descriptions you got
• Charge you a reasonable price, where the price is not agreed beforehand (for example, it was based on an estimate or quote)
• Comply with all applicable laws
If a trader tells you they will provide a higher standard of care and skill than can be reasonably expected, or if they are subject to a standard set by a professional body or a code of practice, they will be held to that higher standard.
What are the options if you are not happy with the service?
If things go wrong with the service, it is always the trader who should put things right.
Under consumer law, the trader must resolve any
If you have a dispute with an Irish-based service supplier, you can contact the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) for advice and support. Their telephone number is (01) 402 5555 and (01) 402 5500. The CCPC can take enforcement action against a trader who fails to comply with consumer law. There is also very useful information on their website: www.ccpc.ie
Deirdre Vann Bourke, Kerry Citizens Information Manager, said:
For anyone needing information, advice or have an advocacy issue, you can call a member of the local Citizens Information team in Kerry on 0818 07 7860, they will be happy to assist and make an appointment if necessary. The offices are staffed from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Alternatively you can email on tralee@citinfo.ie or log on to www. citizensinformation.ie for further information.

Cllr. Michael D.
I want to say a big “Thank You” to all my canvassers and supporters and to you, the general public for the hospitality afforded to us when we called to your doors seeking support.
To my council colleagues and the public service staff that I have worked with over the past 30+ years – a big “Thank You” also. Unfortunately, I wasn’t successful this time, but my plan is to take a break for now and then decide what direction the next chapter of my political career will take.
Meitheal Trá Fionntrá
Tá grúpa ag teacht le chéile ar Satharn 22ú Meitheamh 2024 chun an trá a ghlanadh óna 11 a.m. go dtína 12.30. pm. Má tá suim agat a bheith páirteach ann bualfaimid le chéile sa chárchlós Ag Ceann Trá ar a 11.00 am. Tabhair leat do phiocadóirí féin. Beidh málaí agus láimhíní ar fáil. Teangmháil:- Orna Ní Dhuinnshléibhe 087-2286533

Ventry Beach Group
On Saturday 22th June 2024 a group is getting together to clean Ventry Beach from 11-12.30 am. If you would like to join in meet at Ventry Car Park at 11 a.m. Please bring your own pickers. Bags and gloves will be provided. Orna Dunlevy 0872286533
Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Ted Creedon
For want of a headstall
- Kerry Evening Post, 01 July, 1865
Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Sealy Weekes and child accompanied by Miss Sealy of Ballymalis with maid-servant and three children of Mr. William Eager’s of Blennerville, were returning from Spa on an outside car (jaunting car) of Mr. Eager’s when a horrendous accident occurred.
Coming down the Ballyvelly Road the horse, irritated by flies, shook himself and caused the headstall (linked to bridle) to come off. The driver jumped off to catch the horse by the head but the animal, still attached to the car, ran off at a furious pace.
The horse was unable to turn to the road at Blennerville and attempted to jump a stone wall five feet high. However, he failed to clear it and smashed through the wall, breaking the car to pieces and dashing the occupants in every direction.
Some of them were thrown over the wall while others were dashed against it and were injured by falling stones.
Mrs. Weekes and her child were seriously hurt. The child received concussion of the brain and injury to the spine and it is regretted that the 15 month-old will not recover from a coma. Miss Sealy was badly hurt and is not expected to survive. The maid-servant was thrown over the wall and suffered a dislocated wrist but the child in her arms was uninjured.
Arson in Ballyferriter
- Saunders News-Letter, 17 March, 1863
James Sullivan appeared in court in Tralee having been indicted and pleaded guilty to a charge of having wilfully and maliciously set fire to a dwelling-house, the property of Daniel Manning at Ballyferriter in this county on the 7th of September, 1862. Sentence deferred.
Horse stealing: Daniel Sheehan, aged eighteen years, was indicted for stealing a horse, the property of Thomas Phelin of Ardmore in this county on 21 January last and pleaded guilty. Sentence deferred.
was injured by a cow while tying her into her stall.
He was buried two days later at the churchyard in Brosna – a distance of 20 Irish miles from where he died. Constable Fennell heard some rumours about the death and became suspicious He questioned the dead man’s family and found that no medical help had been sought.
The constable inquired if the man had left any property and was told not. Subsequently the officer discovered that Fitzgerald was possessed of two cows, five sheep and £16 in cash at the time of his death.
Based on police suspicions the Coroner, Mr. Roche, ordered the body to be exhumed at Brosna and a post mortem was carried out in Castleisland by Dr. Harold.
The result of the medical evidence showed that the deceased’s neck was black, there was a wound over one ear and a severely injured shoulder. It was then decided that the wounds represented the work of wilful murder by a person or persons unknown. (Persons unknown?!)
Benners Hotel boycotted in Dingle
- Edinburgh Evening News, 21 February, 1887.
Large numbers of police are patrolling the town of Dingle and its hinterland in connection with the proposed evictions. The police are dispersing all parties of more than two people conversing together. All shops in the town were closed on Saturday to prevent any support or sustenance to the police.
Mrs. Benner of the Dingle Hotel has been boycotted for providing refreshments to the Sheriff. However, this move is not supported by the National League as Mrs. Benner was recently subjected to considerable expense for refusing admission to a landlord’s official at her Tralee hotel.
The evictions are to be resumed tomorrow with the assistance of a large force of constabulary for whom 50 horses have been requisitioned at Killarney and have been secured. Gun boats are also being spoken of and a serious disturbance is expected.
Foley murdered Foley
- Cork Examiner, 25 April, 1862
Our Killarney correspondent reports that Philip Foley of Killorglin murdered Philip James Foley of Killarney at Cromane by shooting him through the heart.

The men were first cousins and the outrage is the result of a disputed claim

Cruinnithe Eolais Poiblí / Community Information Meetings

Cruinnithe Eolais Poiblí

Tar éis bhunú Páirc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí, le déanaí, tá sraith de chruinnithe eolais poiblí á eagrú ag An tSeirbhís Páirceanna Náisiúnta agus Fiadhúlra (An Roinn Tithíochta, Rialtais Áitiúil agus Oidhreachta):
• 19:30, Déardaoin 20 Meitheamh 2024 - Halla Le Chéile, Clochán Bhréanainn, V92DK4C
• 19:30, Dé hAoine 21 Meitheamh 2024 – Ionad Pobail Inse, Inse, An Chillíneach, V92 HK31
• 10:00, Dé Sathairn 22 Meitheamh 2024 - An Díseart, Sráid an Doirín, Daingean Uí Chúis, V92 YP64
• 14:00, Dé Sathairn 22 Meitheamh 2024 - Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Páirc Ghnó an Bhuailtín, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, V92 K5WT
Fáilte roimh chách
Community Information Meetings Following the recent establishment of Páirc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (Dept. of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) are hosting a series of community information meetings:
• 19:30, Thursday 20th June 2024 - Halla Le Chéile, Clochán Bhréanainn, V92DK4C
• 19:30, Friday 21st June 2024 - Inch Community Centre, Inch, Killeenagh, V92 HK31
• 10:00, Saturday 22nd June 2024 - An Díseart, Green Street, Dingle, V92 YP64
• 14:00, Saturday 22nd June 2024 - Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Páirc Ghnó an Bhuailtín, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, V92 K5WT
All welcome

An agatsa a bheidh an práta is fearr in Iarthar Dhuibhneach?
Will you have the best spud in West Kerry?
Why not enter West Kerry’s famous “spud off”?
Comórtaisí na n-ocht gCeanntar 06 go 13 Iúil 2024
Craobh - Chomórtas Dé Domhnaigh 14 Iúil 2024 i mBaile na nGall
Urraithe ag
Liam O Neill
Féile an Phráta 2024
An agatsa a bheidh an práta is fearr in Iarthar Dhuibhneach?
Will you have the best spud in West Kerry?
Comórtais na n-ocht gCeanntar
Why not enter West Kerry’s famous “spud off”?
06 go 13 Iúil 2024
Baile na nGall - Cois Chnoic Dé Sathairn 06 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh Bheaglaoich
Baile na nGall - Cois Chósta Dé Domhnaigh 07 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh TP
Ceann Trá Dé Luain 08 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh Uí Chuinn

Ceanntar Chill Chuáin Dé Máirt 09 Iúil 8.00 in An Bóthar
Lios Póil
Comórtaisí na n-ocht gCeanntar
06 go 13 Iúil 2024
Dé Céadaoin 10 Iúil 8.00 in Garraí na dTor
Baile an Fheirtéaraigh Déardaoin 11 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh an tSaorsaigh

Craobh - Chomórtas
Dún Chaoin Dé hAoine 12 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh Kruger

An Daingean Dé Sathairn 13 Iúil 8.00 in Tigh na Cúirte
Craobh - Chomórtas Dé Domhnaigh 14 Iúil Baile na nGall
Urraithe ag
Dé Domhnaigh 14 Iúil 2024 i mBaile na nGall
Liam O Neill

- Fri, 9am - 4pm)
Sos Cogaidh Mar Dh'ea!
Mícheál Ó hUanacháin
Taimid sa bhearna beag a dtugann muintir na peile an Briseadh i Lár an tSéasúir air. Ach is ar éigin is briseadh in aon chor é, agus gan ach deireadh seachtaine amháin i gceist atá saor ó chluichí. Toasíodh ar an sos beag seo nuair a d'athraigh Sraith na h|Éireann ó shéasúr geimhridh, mar atá in an-chuid den Eoraip, go dtí séasúr samhraidh, chun an droch-shíon a bhí ag cur na sraithe as a riocht bliain i ndiaidh bliana.

Thug na húdaráis faoi ndeara go mbeadh na cluichí sraithe baile ag teacht salach ar chluichí Chraobh na hEorpa, bliain amháin nnuair a bhí foireann na hÉireann cáilithe don chraobhchomortas. Níor theastaigh uathu go rachadh cluichí na hÉireann ar an teilifís in iomaíocht leis na cluichí baile, agus cumadh an "sos". Ba leor cúpla seachtain idir chluichí baile leis na cluichí grúpa sa Chraobh a shaoradh, agus rachfaí ar ais chun gnó na peile baile ina dhiaidh sin.
Agsu bhí de bhuntáiste leis an sos freisin gur fhág sé tamall saoire sa tsamhradh ag na himreoirí, go háirithe iad san go raibh páistí óga acu a bheadh ar saoire scoile.
Cúngaíodh an sos go gairid ina dhiaidh sin go dtí nach raibh i gceist ach aon lá déag (ó Dhomhnach go dtí seachtain is an Déardaoin dar gcionn) gan cluiche. Ní leor é sin chun tamall deas saoire féín bheith agat!
Ach bímis buíoch gur ar muin na muice a d'fhág na Ciarraígh blár an chatha, agus bua suntasach fachta acu ar Bhaile Longfoirt ar an oíche roimh an briseadh. A bhuíochas de Ryan Kelliher, a fuair cúl tosaigh an chluiche agus cúl na bua ar aon, ainneoin gur scóráil Karl Chambers do na cuairteoirí díreach roimh leath-ama.
Fágann san muintir na Ríochta cúig phointe chun cinn ar an dream lár tíre sa tábla, agus ceithre chluiche buaite acu. Ní leor é go fóill, ach is fearr é ná toradh na bliana seo caite ar fad.
An tseachtain roimhe, bhíodar i mBaile Átha Cliath chun casadh ar mhic léinn UCD, agus ainneoin gur éirigh le Kelliher cúl an cothromaíochta a bhaint amach gan mórán moille tar éis do Éanna Clancy scóráil nach mór ar bhuille na leathuaire ní bhfuaireadar luach ar bith as a saothar.
D'éirigh le Antonio Tuta cic éirice ó Danú Kinsella Bishop a shábháil agus an cluiche ag dul i dtreo críche, ach b'fhánach aige é ar shlí, mar chuir Clancy a cheann le cic cúinne sa chúigiú nóiméad d'am cúitimh ghortaithe agus an bua a dhaingniú dn lucht na hArdchathrach.
Cruthaíonn an toradh san arís, dá mba ghá a mheabhrú, nach féidir na maidí a ligean le sruth go dtí go séidtear an fhead dheireanach.
Tar éis an briseadh, sara bhfillfidh lucht Pháirc Chnocán an Iolair ar chúrsaí sraithe, tá gnó beag acu leis na Déisigh. I bpáirc Chros an Tornóra a imreofar craobhchluiche Chorn na Mumhan ar an 24ú Meitheamh, agus a gcéad seans ag na Ciarraígh greim a fháil ar thrófaí sinsearach.
Fág i leataobh gurb iad Waterford rogha na coitiantachta don chluiche seo, is féidir le héinní titim amach i gcluiche coirn, agus ní bheadh fhios agat riamh roimh ré cad a tharlódh. Féach gur sháraigh Ciarraí ar Fhánaithe Chóbh, a raibh an Corn ina seilbh ó anuraidh acu.

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Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
• Payroll
Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry 085 1755362
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry

The winning crew of the ladies race at the Baile na nGall Regatta: Orlaith King, Eabha Jordan, Anna Ní Conchúir and Sasha Sheehy.
Ryan Kelliher


Camp Notes
Brigid O'Connor
TEXT ALERT The Text Alert system is now operational in Dingle for the Dingle Peninsula. The more names and numbers the Garda Station has the better the system will work for all of us living in West Kerry. If anyone wishes to be included in the Text Alert, you can contact Garda James Hurley by email james.g.hurley@Garda.ie giving your name, address and mobile number. Go raibh míle maith agaibh as bhúr cabhair.
FARMING AWARD Congratulations to Dinny Galvin from Lispole on winning the Best Dairy sustainability Driver Award recently. Well done Dinny and well deserved.
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Local Camp man and native of Listowel, Victor Sheahan, Upper Camp celebrated his 50th last weekend. Victor is a great supporter of the community, involved in coaching underage sports in all codes locally in Camp. Happy Birthday Victor, "Go maire tú an céad.”
ANNE’S COFFEE BAR- SUMMERTIME Anne invites you to Join them and enjoy a delicious menu featuring toasties, wraps, breakfast chia and overnight oat bowls to start your day, and pizzas and loaded fries in the afternoon. They’ve got your whole day covered - and remember - start your day right with our great Fixx coffee.
June Hours: 9 AM - 4 PM (Open Every Day)
July & August Hours: 8:30 AM - 6 PM (Open Every Day)
Experience great hospitality at Anne's Coffee Bar in Camp.
COUNCIL ELECTION Congratulations to Tommy Griffin FG, Robert Brosnan SF and Breandan Fitzgerald FF on being elected to Kerry Co. Council. Go n-éirí an bóthar libh. Commiserations to the candidates who did not win a seat at this time, beidh lá eile!
CAMPMAN ELECTED IN CORK It was an historic weekend for the Social Democrats in Cork City with the election of the party’s first Councillor to Cork City Council. And the young newly elected Councillor, on his first time out is a Campman. He is Padraig Rice from Cappaclough, Camp and it is no surprise to see this young man elected, he has always excelled in everything he did even from his days in Camp Youth Club, Padraig showed great community spirit and initiative. Congratulations and well done, Padraig and best of luck to you. Well deserved, you will make a great Councillor. Camp is very proud of you!
Helen D. FitzGerald, née O Connor, 72, of Northampton and Gleann na nGealt, Camp passed away peacefully on Tuesday, June 11 surrounded by her family. Deeply regretted by her devoted and beloved daughter Mara, her sister Brigid, brother Batt, nieces, nephews, cousins and Tom and the FitzGerald family and good friends. Helen's only daughter Mara was the centre of her world, Mara will miss her mother greatly. Helen was born into a hill sheep farm in the valley of Gleann na nGealt in Camp on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry on 8th October, 1951. She is the youngest of three children of the family of Tom Batt and Mary O'Connor, nee O'Donnell, who predeceased her.
Helen walked 3 miles with her siblings, Brigid and Batt and neighbours to the local Camp National School morning and evening. Helen made lifelong friends at Camp school.
Her mother, Mary was very artistic and Helen started drawing and painting at a very young age. So it was no surprise when teaching art became her chosen profession. Helen attended the Crawford Municipal College of Art in Cork, before taking up a teaching post at The Abbey, Loreto Girls Secondary School in Rathfarnham, Dublin. Her most precious artwork is a portrait of Tom Crean, the Antarctic explorer a native of the village of Annascaul.
Helen's portrait of Tom Crean is hanging on the walls of some local businesses in the village of Annascaul and Camp and in Tralee.
Helen went to the USA in the 1980's and America became her home. She always said she loved America and she had great friends, her loving and caring personality again endeared her to many. She taught after moving to the United States at the Green House School in Salem, Massachusetts.
She married Thomas M. FitzGerald, and they settled in Northampton. Helen taught art for the Y's Kids Learning center in Northampton for 15 years. Helen had a way of bringing out the individual hidden talents in children, teaching many kids to recognize their talents in art & design. Helen was deeply religious, attended Mass daily and her faith helped her greatly in her journey through life. She was a constant presence at adoration. She was a communicant of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish family in Northampton. She was very fond of animals and had a caring and gentle way about her that they recognized. Helen loved to sing, and her Irish charm and personality were ever in the forefront to her family and friends. Helen leaves her devoted daughter, Mara FitzGerald of Northampton. Her former husband and friend, Thomas M. FitzGerald of Northampton. Her brother and sister; Bartholomew "Batt" O'Connor (Margaret) of Limerick and Brigid O'Connor (Vincent) of Camp, nieces, Regina, Marie Therese and Deirdre, nephew's Tomas, Michael and Liam, great nieces, Brigid, Erin-Rose and Lilah, great nephews Cillian, Justin, Rory and Connor and cousins, in the USA and in Ireland.
A Funeral Mass for Helen was celebrated in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Northampton on Tuesday last. Helen will be interred with her family in Ireland later. RIP Helen.
Mini Masterpieces at Cruinniú na nÓg
This years day had a fantastic turn out for the Mini Masterpieces workshop at An Diseart. As part of a larger celebration of the centenary of Harry Clarke's masterpieces in the upstairs chapel, local artist Ben Dearnley, ran an open day for families to come and make their own stained glass like work on coloured cellophane. These were complied throughout the day to create a large scale panel fulled with joyful colour and light.
Ben says, "we had over 100 drop in for this creative session from as far off as Melbourne and California to closer to home, Sligo, Castleisland, with many from Dingle too. It was such a calm peaceful event with those joining in really getting creative having seen the inspiring windows upstairs to then make their own mini masterpiece to add to the main panel".
The finished works will become part of a summer display in An Diseart throughout August along with works created by local schools and community groups.

Aidan Fanning Permission granted, age 10
Thanks to Creative Communities Ireland, for sponsoring this event for young people. May we long continue to support art for the younger generations and keep West Kerry as one of the most vibrant of Irelands communities.
Thanks also to an Diseart for hosting the event.
Basil Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce
Mark Murphy, Dingle Cookery School

An Easy Summer Recipe!
Basil gnocchi with tomato sauce is a delightful twist on a classic Italian dish, blending vibrant herbs with rich, comforting flavours. The gnocchi, small dumplings made from potatoes and flour, are infused with fresh basil, giving them a fragrant and an aromatic taste that captures the essence of summer. Paired with a robust tomato sauce, this dish becomes a symphony of flavours and textures. The sauce, simmered to perfection with ripe tomatoes, garlic, and a hint of olive oil, provides a tangy and slightly sweet contrast to the soft airy gnocchi. Perfect for a quick weeknight dinner or a special occasion, basil gnocchi with tomato sauce is sure to impress and satisfy.
500g potatoes
1 egg, slightly beaten
150g flour (you might not need all this)
some basil leaves
salt and black pepper
pinch of baking powder
For the tomato sauce
1 shallot, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
handful of thyme leaves
1 tin of tomato, or ¾ bottle of passata
For the garnish
handful of rocket parmesan shavings
Bake the potatoes in a hot oven until done. Allow to cool enough so you can handle them. Remove the skins and mash well to make sure there are no lumps. Put the potatoes in a large
bowl and add the chopped basil, salt and pepper, baking powder and the egg and then add mix some flour in until it comes together (you are looking for a dough like mix but do not over work it). Keep the dough warm and use it straight away. Dust a work surface with a minimal amount of flour. Divide the dough into about 6 or 8 parts, take each part and roll to form a long roll. Using the back of the knife cut into equal sizes, continue until all are finished. Meanwhile boil a large pot of salted water, add a batch of gnocchi to the pot and allow to cook until they float to the top. Continue to cook for a further one or two minutes - taste one; there should be no taste of flour. Remove and place in cold water to stop the cooking process, remove them once they
are cold and place them on a tray. for the sauce
Sweat the shallot in oil for five minutes then add the garlic and thyme. Add the tomatoes and cook for about 20 mins until rich and thick. to serve
Heat a pan and add some oil and butter. Place the gnocchi in the pan and colour on both sides. Once browned and warmed through add the tomato sauce and rocket. Spoon on to a plate and serve with some Parmesan cheese.
Bain Taitneamh as!!

Oifigeach Forbartha (Cúige Mumhan) x 2
Oifigeach Forbartha (Teicneolaíocht & na Meáin) x 1
Tá trí phost mar Oifigeach Forbartha á dtairiscint ag Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta.
Beidh beirt Oifigeach Forbartha ag obair sa phobal i gCúige Mumhan mar a mbeidh suas le trí Limistéar Pleanála Teanga faoina gcúram. Beidh siad freagrach as seirbhísí, imeachtaí, ócáidí agus scéimeanna Thuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta a eagrú agus a fhorbairt sna ceantair sin.
Beidh Oifigeach Forbartha eile freagrach as cúrsaí teicneolaíochta san eagraíocht a riar – suíomh idirlín, nuachtlitir, meáin shóisialta, córas clárúcháin srl.
D’fhéadfadh na daoine a cheapfar a bheith lonnaithe in oifig na heagraíochta i gCorca Dhuibhne nó i suíomhanna oibre lárnacha eile, atá le roghnú go fóill, sna ceantair ina mbeidh siad ag feidhmiú.
Tá tuarastal an Oifigigh Forbartha bunaithe ar scála pá d’Oifigeach Feidhmiúcháin sa tSeirbhís Phoiblí (€34,562 – €56,969).
Tá tuilleadh eolais faoi na poist seo, na ceantair a mbeidh daoine ag obair iontu agus conas iarratas a dhéanamh ag www.tuismitheoiri.ie
Dáta deireanach d’iarratais: 1.00in Dé hAoine 28 Meitheamh 2024 Cuireann Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta cúnamh agus tacaíocht ar fáil do theaghlaigh atá ag tógáil a gclann le Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht nó ar mian leo a leithéid a dhéanamh.
Tá sé i gceist ag TnaG liosta ionadaithe a bhunú mar chuid den phróiseas earcaíochta seo,a fhéadfar a úsáid le haghaidh folúntais sa réimse seo amach anseo. Is fostóir comhdheiseanna é Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta

Nuacht ón Díseart

Baill ó Dhia oraibh!
Cruinniu na nÓg
Chuir an Díseart fáilte roimh Cruinniú na nÓg an deireadh seachtaine seo chaite. Ár mbuíochas le Louise Fox, Rebecca Lyons agus Ben Dearnley as a bheith páirteach i Lá náisiúnta cruthaitheachta do leanaí agus roinnt ceardlanna origami agus gloine dhaite a chuir ar fáil do dhaoine óga Our thanks to local artists who took part in art workshops for children last weekend.
National Heritage Week
A further workshop with international artist Ben Dearnley will take place in the Díseart on 17th August from 11-4.30pm as part of National Heritage Week. Participants will be invited to view the Harry Clarke windows and to create their inspired pieces. A set of contemporary stained glass panels made over a series of workshops will be on display in the Díseart from 3 til 31 August 2024.
Walking Meditation – “I have arrived – I am home” (Thich Nhat Hanh).
Tá ríméad ar Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara deis iontach a fhógairt do bhaill nua agus do bhaill reatha araon €500 a bhuachaint. Tá an promóisean speisialta seo oscailte do dhuine ar bith a d’oscail cuntas reatha linn ón 1 Bealtaine 2024 go dtí an 31 Lúnasa 2024.
“Ní haon ghnáthchuntas ár gcuntas reatha; is cuntas reatha lánseirbhíse é a dearadh go speisialta dár mbaill féin. Tagann sé le Cárta Dochair MasterCard a nglactar leis ar fud an domhain agus is féidir é a úsáid le haghaidh do chuid riachtanas siopadóireachta agus baincéireachta ó lá go lá, sa bhaile nó thar lear. Baineann áis rótharraingte leis an gcuntas reatha seo leis, agus tá sé comhoiriúnach le Google Pay, Apple Pay agus Fitbit Pay – rud a chiallaíonn gur féidir íocaíochtaí gan tadhall a dhéanamh díreach ó d’uaireadóir cliste nó ó do ghuthán cliste. Chomh maith leis sin, is féidir aip Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara a úsáid chun teacht ar iarmhéideanna cothrom le dáta agus airgead a aistriú ó do chuntas coigiltis chuig do chuntas reatha, ach cnaipe a chliceáil” arsa Philip Lynch, Oifigeach Margaíochta Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara.
Níl i gceist le cuntas reatha Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara ach táille chothabhála íseal €4 in aghaidh na míosa. Tá sé SAOR IN AISCE do mhic léinn, do bhaill atá 12-16 bliana d’aois agus do bhaill atá 66+ bliana d’aois.
Ná caill do sheans an €500 seo a bhuachaint! Oscail do chuntas reatha Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara agus chífidh tú an difríocht a dhéanann Comhar Creidmheasa áitiúil iontaofa ó thaobh cuntas reatha lánseirbhíse de. Más maith leat iarratas a dhéanamh chun cuntas reatha a fháil, buail isteach i mbrainse ar bith de chuid Chomhar Creidmheasa Cara i dTrá Lí, in Oileán Ciarraí, i gCill Orglan, sa Bhaile Dubh, sa Tóchar nó i gCorca Dhuibhne, cuir glaoch ar 066 71 22373 nó tabhair cuairt ar www. caracreditunion.ie
Tá téarmaí agus coinníollacha i bhfeidhm. Tá Comhar Creidmheasa Cara á rialú ag Banc Ceannais na hÉireann.
Beidh an t-ealaíontóir agus múinteoir MBSR Silke Michels ag cur cúig sheisiún machnaimh ar siúil gach maidin Dé Céadaoin i nGairdíní an Díseart ón 26ú Meitheamh go 24ú Iúil.
Artist and Mindfulness teacher Silke Michels will be leading five walking meditation sessions on Wednesday mornings in the Díseart Gardens. Meet at the Labyrinth in the upper garden from 10.30am to 11.30am on Wednesday 26th June. Walking meditation sessions will continue throughout July on the following dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th July. There is no charge for these sessions and all are welcome to attend. No need to bring anything – just dress for the weather. Feel free to drop in or you can commit to all five sessions.
Aifreann sa Díseart
Bionn aifreann i seipeál an Dísirt gach Luain ag 10 in. Mass is celebrated in the beautiful Díseart Chapel every Monday at 10am
Grúpa Paidir Ioslamach
Beidh grúpa ag teacht le chéile gach tráthnóna Dé hAoine chun paidreacha ioslamacha a rá. On Friday afternoons the Díseart welcomes a Muslim prayer group who gather for congregational worship.
Ceol Am Lóin – Lunchtime Concerts.
Cuireadh tús le ceolchoirmeacha an tsamhraidh an tseachtain seo chaite le Caroline Keane and Tom Delaney. Join us for concerts with Mike Dowd (bosca ceoil) and Máire Ní Bheaglaíoch (amhráin & cláirseach) from 1 to 2 in the Upper Garden on Thursday 20th June and with Gormfhlaith and Amhlaoibh Uí Shuíocháin on
27th June. Seo deis do scith a ligeaint i ngáirdíní álainne an Dísirt agus eisteacht le scoth an cheoil thraidisiunta. http://diseart.ie/ceol-am-loin-2024/ Cúrsaí Samhraidh
Táimíd tar éis slán a fhágaint le daltaí Sacred Heart University. Beidh scoláirí ó Santa Cruz linn thar an tsamhraidh le fear an chruit, Steve Coulter le Dingle Global Education.
Beidh cúrsa ceoil do phaistí ar súil ag Kerry School of Music an chéad seachtain i mí Iúil
Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta
Tá tús curtha ag Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta ar chúrsa suathaireacht leanaí leis an teiripeoir Neasa Ní Chonchúir.Oiriúnach do leanaí 6 seachtaine go 10 mí d’aois. Cúrsa 5 seachtaine a thosaigh ar an 13ú Meitheamh. Tá costas €50 ar an gcúrsa.
Beidh Ceardlann “Babaí ar an mBealach” sa Díseart Dé Sathairn 13ú Iúil ag 11rn. Ceardlann Réamhbhreithe do lánúineacha atá ag iompar clainne. Eolas faoi: ag ullmhú don leanbh, cad le cur sa mhála don ospidéal, brúphointí agus cleachtaí scíthe, ag teacht abhaile leis an leanbh. Gach eolas ó Roibeard@tuismitheoiri.ie (0873762941)
Maidin Caife
The Díseart monthly coffee morning continues next month, Friday 5th July at 12. Bígí linn i gcóir tae agus plé. Seo seans bualadh leis an bhfoireann agus cloisteáil faoi na himeachtaí ar fad atá ar siúl sa Díseart
Michael Greaney Ltd
Agri Contractor
Ballyguin, Brandon, Tralee, Co. Kerry.

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Tel: Michael 087-2531483 Thomas 087 9844751

West Kerry Gardening Services
• Lawn Cutting
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• 2.5 tonne loads of sand/gravel delivered
• Landscaping work such as timber fences/ kerbs/concrete/gravel areas etc. Call Seán anytime on 087 6336082
Quality work, experience , fully insured.
Inch Notes
Jenny Attard
Inch Community Council is hosting the annual Inch Pattern Coffee Morning in aid of Kerry Hospice Foundation, which will take place at Foley’s Bar Inch on Sunday 30th June at 10:30am-12:30pm. The morning will include face painting with Samantha Houlihan and a kids fancy dress competition. There will be a Raffle Fundraiser to Win a Signed Kerry Jersey! Tickets go on sale online and in Foley’s Bar from Sunday 16th June. Draw takes place on 30th June.
Clean-up and Maintenance Days will take place on the following Saturdays from 10am-12pm. For clean-ups, bags will be provided. Pickers and high-vis vests might also be provided but please bring your own if you have them.
Inch Beach Clean (meet at Inch Beach car park): 22nd June, 10th August
Inch to Annascaul Coast Road Clean (meet at Inch Beach car park): 6th July, 31st August
Graveyard Maintenance Day (meet at Inch Graveyard entrance): 13th July
Clean-ups are weather dependent. Please check the Inch Community Facebook page for last-minute changes.
Inch Farmers Market will take place on the following Saturdays from 10am-2pm at Foley’s Beer Garden: 13th July, 17th August, 14th September, 12th October, 9th November, 7th December
If you are interested in a spot, please contact inchfarmersmarket@gmail. com
There is the opportunity to be involved through a cooperatively run farm
Courtney’s Bakery
Dick Mack’s Yard, Dingle 066-9151583

Open: Mon - Sat, 7am - 5pm
Large selection of cakes, confectionery, sandwiches, hot pies, sausage rolls, teas, coffees etc.
Wide selection of breads

produce stand. This is for farmers that don’t have enough produce, variety or hours to warrant a stall themselves and allows locally grown produce to be available in the community. If anyone has extra veg etc. that they would like to sell, get in touch!
Following the recent establishment of Páirc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (Dept. of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) are hosting a meeting at Inch Community Centre, Killeenagh, Inch V92 HK31 on Friday 21st June at 7.30pm. All welcome.
A community biodiversity survey of the Inch Graveyard will take place on the 3rd August at 11am-1pm with ecologist Cathy Eastman (Biodiversity Partners) as part of the Inch Community Biodiversity Action Plan funded by Community Foundation Ireland. All welcome to take part and learn about the biodiversity in our community.
Graveyard Mass on Sunday 30th June in Inch at 10am followed by the hospice coffee morning.
Events at Inch Community Centre:
Yoga with Shannah (www.yogatimeforyou.com): Mondays 7-8pm, book in advance on 087 061 5544.
Yoga with Mélanie: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm, book in advance via WhatsApp +33 659 286 354.
Bingo nights on the following Thursdays at 8pm: 20th June, 4th July, 18th July, 1st August, 15th August, 29th August.
Coffee Mornings on the following Sundays at 10:30am (after mass): 21st July, 18th August, 29th September.
If you would like to add something to the Inch Community notes, please contact inchcommunityevents@gmail.com.

Slí an Mháimín
Tús/Críoch: Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh
Fad: c. 8.5km
Léarscáil: Uimhir 70, Sraith Eolais
• Galláin - Geata an Ghlas Ghaibhnigh Cloch ard théagartha ina seasamh sa talamh is ea an gallán. Bíonn meáchan ana-mhór ina lán des na clocha. Cloch aonair a bhíonn le feiscint ana-mhinic ach péire atá anseo ar an gcnoc in aice le Baile an Éanaigh. Tá scéal béaloidis ann fén mbó, An Ghlas Ghaibhneach, a tháinig isteach ón bhfarraige i mBéal Bán. Tháladh sí bainne ar éinne a chrúdh í is líonadh sí cibé áras a chuirtí fúithi suas go barra. Tá gort i Márthain, fé bhun Chruach Mhárthain chomh maith leis an ngeata seo, ainmnithe ina diaidh, Gort na Glas Gaibhní. Tá na galláin seo ar thalamh príobháideach.
• An Raingiléis
Séadchomhartha Náisiúnta is ea an láthair seo go ngabhann an bóthar tríd. Is beag eolas atá againn ar an láthair féin seachas a bhfuil d’iarsmaí le feiscint fós inti. Tá falla mórthimpeall ar an láthair, aireagal a bhfuil fardhoras ann fós, crosleac agus crois sa bhfalla sa ghort atá ar thaobh na láimhe clé ar an dtaobh ó thuaidh den láthair. Deineadh leanaí a cailleadh óg, a adhlacadh sa cheallúnach anseo anuas go dtí an naoú aois déag nó ina diaidh.
• Dún agus Caisleán Ráthanáin
Tá caisleán Ráthanáin, túrtheach ón 15ú aois, tógtha ar ionad seanarátha ó aimsir na luathMheánaoiseanna. Táthar den tuairim gur sa ráth seo a mhair feirmeoirí móra an cheantair roimh theacht na Normánach. Ridirí Chiarraí, ar Ghearaltaigh iad, a thóg an caisleán ar an láthair a sheasann os cionn Chuan Fionn Trá. Tá ana-radharc uaidh ag éinne a bheadh ag gabháil ó thuaidh trí Mhám na Gaoithe. Deineadh an caisleán a scrios le linn aimsir Chromail. Tá an caisleán seo ar thalamh príobháideach.
• Eaglais Bhaile an Éanaigh-Ceathrú an Teampaill Dhealródh gur shéipéal Pharóiste Mhárthain a bhí anseo sna Meánaoiseanna déanacha. Cuma dhronuilleogach a bhí air agus dearadh anashimplí air. Tá crosleaca, os cionn uaigheanna sa teampall, ná fuil in úsáid mórán fé láthair. Tá ardán dronuilleogach atá 36m fé 24m, sa chúinne thiar theas. Tá fásra á cheilt anois. Creidtear gurb ionad adhlactha do pháistí a bhí anseo. Reilig an Draghbháil a tugtar air.
Start/Finish: Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh
Distance: c. 8.5km
Map: No. 70, Discovery Series
• Galláin - Geata an Ghlas GhaibhnighStanding Stones
Here, a pair of stones stands as an entrance gate to the hillside of Cruach Mhárthain to the south west. A local folktale tells of a magical cow, An Ghlas Ghaibhneach, whose milk always flowed. She is said to have come in from the sea at Béal Bán, and both the gate formed by the two pillars and a field on Cruach Mhárthain bear her name - Geata an Ghlas Ghaibhnigh and Gort an Ghlas Ghaibhnigh. The standing stones are on private property.
• An Raingiléis
The road bisects this monastic site, which is a National Monument. We know little about this site, apart from what the visible remains tell us. Still evident is the stone enclosing wall, the oratory (you can see the lintel visible over the doorway), a cross-inscribed stone and a cross in the field wall on your left, just to the north of the site. We also know the site was used as a ceallúnach, a burial ground for infants, well into the 19th century and possibly even later.
• Rahinnane Castle and Ringfort
On the west side of the road a ruined 15th-century tower-house sits within a ringfort of the early medieval period (probably dating from the 7th-10th
centuries AD). The ringfort would have been the home of a strong farmer of that period. The castle was built by the branch of the Fitzgerald Family known as the Knights of Kerry, who re-used and probably re-fortified the ringfort, which is in a strategic position overlooking Ventry Harbour and also guarding the pass to the north. The castle was destroyed during the Cromwellian wars in the middle of the 17th century. The castle is on private property.
• Baile an Éanaigh-Ceathrú an Teampaill, Church ruins
This simple rectangular church was probably the parish church of Márthain during the later medieval period. There are some cross-inscribed grave markers in the graveyard, which is now rarely used. A children’s burial ground, Reilig an Draghbháil, lies about 75m to the south-west. It consists of a rectangular platform, 36m east-west by 24m north-south, which is now overgrown.

Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne
Galláin - Geata an Ghlas Ghaibhnigh / Standing Stones
An Raingiléis / Early Monastic site
Caisleán Ráthanáin / Rahinnane Castle
Séipéal Bhaile an Éanaigh / Medieval parish church

Corca Dhuibhne
Slí an Mháimín
Crois Raingiléis Cross-inscribed Stone
Eaglais Bhaile an Éanaigh Medieval parish church
An Raingiléis Early Monastic site
Caisleán Ráthanáin Rahinnane Castle

Sun 4th
David O’Doherty LIVE
Comedian David O’Doherty returns with his tiny piano bringing a new pageant of laughter, song, and occasionally getting up from a chair. It’s gonna be a big one so don’t miss out on the star of TV comedy.
Suitable 16 yrs +
Tickets €24
Springsteen – A Tribute
With a reputation of authenticity and outstanding musicality, this in demand Bruce Springsteen tribute act delivers a breath-taking, high energy show and a must see spectacle for all fans of The Boss. This six-piece band and veteran American singer and guitarist Monte Thompson exude the passion of The Boss’ timeless music. .
Tickets €28.50

7-9th & 23rd-25th Aug

June - August 2024 Tralee
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Siamsa Tíre presents Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s multi award-winning show Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Don’t miss this West End/ Broadway classic, one of the world’s most beloved family musicals featuring a local talented cast of adults and children and directed by Oliver Hurley.
Tickets €21/19
Three Little Pigs & Little Bo Peep
From the company that brought Baby Shark to Tralee, join the FairyTale StageShow for two incredible interactive shows for the price of one! Perfect for children aged 2-6 years old, there are lots of sing-along songs, games and puzzles that is certain to create lasting memories..
Tickets €15/12 18th Aug 2pm

Dingle Notes
Richie Williams
TRACTOR DRIVING COURSE. A Safe Tractor Driving Skills Course for young people between the ages of 14 and 16 years will be held in The Dingle Mart Premises on Tuesday July 1st where successful participants will be awarded an FRS Training Certificate. As places are limited prior registration through NEWKD Tralee on 0667180190.
CEOL AM LÓIN. The popular Ceol Am Lóin series in An Díseart Gardens has recommenced for the Summer period. Another great list of talented artists are due to perform between 1 and 2p.m.each Thursday so do drop in and support this wonderful free initiative from An Diseart Committee. Fáilte roimh chách idir óg 's aosta.
SEASHORE EXPLORE . Interested in a Seashore Safari with a Marine Biologist from Sea Synergy and discover marine life on Kerrys Blue Flag Beaches this Summer?. The opportunities in the Corca Dhuibhne Area are scheduled for 10.30a.m. at Inch Beach or 1.30p.m. at Ventry Beach on August 21 next. Places are limited so prior booking at 0874554034 or online at info@ seasynergy.org is recommended. Intending participants are requested to dress weather appropriate and wear waterproof shoes with
all children to be accompanied by an adult.
ELECTION RESULTS. Congratulations to all the candidates who were elected to Kerry County Council and the European Parliament recently. Commiserations to all the unsuccessful candidates all of whom received strong support from all over the Peninsula and hopefully they will all continue to be actively involved in their local communities.
A special mention to Séamus Cosaí MacGearailt and Michael O'Shea both outstanding Councillors who have given tremendous service to the Community and were promoters of many successful projects in Dingle and throughout Kerry during their term in office.
Anybody who puts their name forward for election to public office have to be admired and commended as public life can be cruel especially with the unwarranted criticism coming from some faceless social media users.
PARKING. We appeal to all motorists and especially delivery truck drivers to respect the Disabled Parking Spaces that we have on our Public Streets and Car Parks at all times.
A noticeable misuse of these important spaces has been reported in recent times which results in the unfortunate drivers who need the spaces having to walk excessive distances to their intended locations. Please call out the offenders if you witness this practise in your area.
ADVENTURE RACE. Over 600 participants recently took part in the Dingle Adventure Races which from the general feedback would appear to be one of the most successful such events in the country at present.
The organisers would like to thank the public for their cooperation especially those effected by the short road closures and slight traffic delays on the day. Not forgetting all the 600 plus participants many of whom were local athletes who took part in the various cycling, running, climbing and kayaking challenges in various corners of Corca Dhuibhne.
TIDY TOWNS. Our sincere thanks to the Milltown Meitheal who this week undertook their biannual task of painting the exterior walls and capping at Milltown Graveyard.
The new Rockery opposite The Pier( behind the ATM machine) has also been finished as part of our efforts to make the side streets and lanes more attractive for locals and visitors alike.
Work evenings continue on Mondays meeting at the Bottle Bank at 7p.m.
APPOINTMENT. Congratulations to Rachel Holstead of Ventry who has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Ealaín na Gaeltachta Teo which is a joint venture between Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Arts Council. Go neirí leat sa phost nua Rachel.
The Aglish Cross Inscribed Ogham Stone
By Tony Bergin, ‘Kerry Magazine’, Issue no. 23, 2023

The Aglish cross inscribed Ogham stone was initially situated in Aglish graveyard, Lios Póil, Co. Kerry, but removed to the Royal Irish Academy in the middle of the nineteenth century. The stone’s unique decoration and the link it forms between pagan and early Christian Ireland, has captured the imagination of many antiquarians over the years. It is now part of the National Museum of Ireland’s collection and has been displayed in exhibitions both in Ireland and abroad. In 2013, a local community group in Lios Póil commissioned the production of a replica stone which now stands in the graveyard of Aglish, where the stone was originally discovered. 2023 marked the 175th anniversary of the stone’s removal from West Kerry.
The Aglish stone was first identified to the academic community by the Kerry antiquarian Richard Hitchcock. Originally from Blennerville, Hitchcock had an avid interest in ogham writing and regularly corresponded with Rev Charles Graves, a professor of mathematics at Trinity College Dublin, and future bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. In 1848, while working and residing in Dingle as a temporary clerk on famine relief schemes, Hitchcock sent the Aglish stone to Dublin where it was presented, on his behalf, by Graves to the Royal Irish Academy (RIA).
The stone remained in the collection of the RIA until 1877 when a new state-run Museum of Science and Art was established in Dublin.
Collections from societies such as the RIA, the Royal Dublin Society and Trinity College Dublin were transferred to the new institution including the Cross of Cong, the Tara Brooch, and the Ardagh Chalice. In 1890, all the collections were moved to a new facility on Kildare Street.
The Aglish stone was originally an ogham stone marker that was trimmed and repurposed to make an early Christian tombstone. Its dimensions are 2ft 10 inches tall, 10 inches wide and 2 inches thick. The current stone was likely split off from the surface of a larger stone and as such, part of the initial ogham inscription is missing - this would likely have been inscribed on an angle of the back surface of the fully intact stone.
The face of the stone bears a Maltese cross within a circle, beneath which is a spear or arrow like motif flanked on each side by a swastika. The swastika to the left is now quite difficult to make out. Traces of the lower one of two very faint circular marks below the shaft of the arrow, noted in early examinations, are evident on a 3D model. The cross and other features described are inverted with respect to the ogham inscription.
Ogham inscriptions date back to the fifth century AD and record names of prominent people, tribes, or geographical areas. There are over 400 ogham stones found across Ireland, but the highest concentrations are found in county Kerry, with approximately 60 originating in Corca Dhuibhne. R.A.S. MacAlister, Professor of Celtic Archaeology in UCD, read the inscription on this stone as:
Macalister denoted [NN] as a name lost when the stone was split, and the remaining ogham inscription then reads from top left to bottom left; and then bottom right to top right. Ogham scholar Damien MacManus suggests that the ‘MAQUI MAQUI’ formula is likely to mean ‘devotee’ indicating perhaps the inscription reads something akin to: [Missing name] devotee of [I…O] GGODIKA.
The later Christian inscriptions on the stone are likely to date from the sixth or seventh centuries. The swastika symbols are a very interesting feature and originate from Indian antiquity as a symbol of the sun or of good fortune. Archaeologists such as Etienne Rynne and Robert M. Chapple have studied the use of the symbol in an Irish context and theorise that later medieval use may be linked to the sun and resurrection, while early medieval use, like on the Aglish stone, may simply be an early variant form of the Christian cross.
Though it is many years since the Aglish stone
left West Kerry, its existence remains alive in local folklore and memory. This memory was refreshed in 1978 with the discovery of an early Christian cross-slab in the nearby townland of Arda Mór, excavated by Manning on the land of Séamus Ó Dubhán, and now held in the collection of Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Following this, the inclusion of the Aglish Stone in the Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula, published in 1986, also reminded the local community of its provenance.
After several years, members of the local Aglish Cemetery Committee – Denis G. Galvin and Denis (Dinny) M. Galvin – decided to undertake a practical archaeological project to install a replica of the stone in the graveyard where it originated, in collaboration with Kerry County Archaeologist, Michael Connolly and Kerry County Council. The project involved carving a replica stone, recording the inscribed grave markers in the graveyard, and installing an information board and map on site. The local community also carried out fundraising locally to support the project.
An appropriate sandstone slab was obtained from the nearby Reen Quarry of John Joe Noonan and local stonemason Malcolm Ó Curráin carved the stone using the dimensions and motifs recorded from the original. The stone was formally unveiled in 2013 and is now a focal point in the graveyard for visitors, tourists, and the local community.

The replica in-situ at Aglish graveyard
The original Aglish stone is still in the safekeeping of the collections of the National Museum of Ireland (NMI) on Kildare Street.

The stone is currently in storage – but has previously appeared on public display in the museum on Kildare Street. In 2013, when the replica was being unveiled in West Kerry, the original stone was on loan as part of an international exhibition in Paderborn, Northwest Germany. The ‘Credo’ cultural-historical exhibition explored the Christianisation of Medieval Europe from 200 AD and the Aglish stone was an important exhibit in the catalogue, demonstrating the Christianisation of Ireland and the missionary initiatives from the British Isles to the Continent. The stone itself is in remarkably good condition and this is no doubt due to the care and attention given to it by the RIA and NMI teams over the years
An interesting detail pointed out by the NMI team was the reference number of the artefact in the museum’s collection – which is W1. This numbering relates to the original cataloguing of the antiquities of the Royal Irish Academy by William Wilde and the reference means ‘Wilde 1’. William Wilde, father of the writer Oscar Wilde, was an accomplished antiquarian as well as an aural and ophthalmic surgeon, archaeologist, ethnologist, biographer, statistician, naturalist, topographer, historian, and folklorist. In anticipation of the British Association coming to Dublin in 1857, Wilde organised a new display for the RIA museum objects and prepared a ground-breaking catalogue of antiquities. The fact that the stone is numbered ‘W1’, or ‘Wilde 1’ is indicative that this was the very first item catalogued by Wilde. Was this by preference or by chance? We shall venture the former and that this spectacular artefact also captured the imagination of Wilde in his cataloguing endeavors.
The article above is taken from the Kerry Magazine, a publication of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society.
The Society is a voluntary group that promotes and preserves the history and antiquities of Kerry, as well as fostering interest in the wider culture and heritage of our county.
Annual membership costs just €35 and members receive copies of the Society’s Journal, Magazine and may attend Society’s annual series of lectures and outings.
For more information go to www.kerryhistory.ie
Gift & Craftshop
Gift & Craft Centre

Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Lower Green St. Dingle
Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Green Street.

Open 7 days a week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 8pm
New Online Shop
Tel: (083) 8520705

Go raibh míle maith agat
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everybody who put their trust and faith in me by voting for me on June 7th.
I’m humbled by such a massive show of support and looking forward to representing the people of the Corca Dhuibhne Electoral Area on Kerry County Council.
Thank you to my campaign team, my brilliant canvassers, leaflet droppers and posterers.
Most of all thank you to my wife Sinéad and our three boys, without whom I could not have achieved this.
I promise to work hard everyday and will always do my best for everybody. The real work starts now…
Phone:087-2549116 tommygriffinfg@gmail.com
News from Dingle Hub
Dinny Galvin wins Best Sustainability Driver at 2024 National Dairy Awards.
Dinny Galvin, Aglish Lios Póil, won Best Sustainability Driver at this year’s National Dairy Awards for his work with the Dairy Farmers community.
The event took place on 13th June at the Midlands Park Hotel Port Laois and had over 400 people from all over Ireland in the Agri-industry. Other awards looked at biodiversity, animal health tech innovator, Grassland manager and Young Farmer of the Year. MC Ivan Yeats presented Dinny with a beautiful award on the night.
Dinny was involved with setting up the West Kerry Dairy Farmers SEC back in 2020 and is responsible for local national and international farmers engagement for various projects on the Dingle Peninsula. He has a keen interested in renewable energy incentives which benefit the environment and farming community.
Comhghairdeas Dinny as an sár obair.
Dingle Peninsula Sustainable Mobility Pathfinder Survey
“Your Journey Counts – Scaip an Scéal!”
JUST OVER two weeks remain for people to be in with a chance of winning a fantastic prize of an electric bicycle or a 2kW solar PV system, sponsored by Solar Beo, by filling out the Dingle Peninsula Pathfinder survey.
Notaí an ClochánBréanainn
Tinteáin Ceoil: Ceol, Rince, Scéalta, Dánta, Amhráin, Craic agus Cupán tae & Scóna úrbhácáilte. Gach Luain(Every Monday evening) 7:30pm - 9:30 pm at the Halla. V92DK4C
Local Link Bus Service:
Brandon to Tralee ……Gach Luain & Céadaoin 9:10am
Cloghane to Castlegregory……Gach Déardaoin 7:15pm
Cloghane Public Dinner Bus to Halla Le Chéile……...Gach Máirt 12:15pm
Thuilleadh Eolas https://www.locallinkkerry. ie/Brandon/
Am Aifreann/ Mass Times. Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn, An Clochán
Gach Dara Sathairn/ Every 2nd Saturday 6:15pm June 22nd & July 6th, 20t h
Also Mass every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm
The survey, compiled by UCD researchers, will inform a pilot Pathfinder project for Dingle to give people more choice in how they move around. It’s part of a Government initiative, supported by Kerry County Council, to lower emissions, combat climate change and improve safety on our roads.
Deirdre de Bhailís of Dingle Hub, who's leading the project, says community involvement is crucial and she is encouraging everyone, over the age of 18, to complete the survey and ask their family and friends to do the same. "If we want to improve rural and urban transportation, measuring people's travel experience is a very good source of information," Deirdre explained. "This survey provides high quality data that can inform future policy decisions," she said.
The survey is part of the Corca Dhuibhne National Sustainable Mobility Pathfinder project, which aims to identify and advocate for easy, affordable and integrated travel options to suit everyone. Deirdre said no one knows better what will work on the Dingle Peninsula than those living here and this is why their input is crucial.
"Local people know best what will work best and we need their feedback to progress this idea and to implement the Pathfinder project. But all proposals have to be based on highquality data and this is why the survey is so important," she said.
Participation in the survey will help shape viable options to reduce our dependency on private cars. “It will also help cut emissions supporting climate action goals and help to improve quality of life for everyone on the peninsula,” Deirdre added.
So far, over 120 people have completed the survey but over 1,000 responses are needed by researchers to give them a better picture.
Adhradh Comaoineach / Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesdays – 11.15am to 12.15pm
Thursdays – 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Saturdays – 11.15pm to 12.15pm
Subject to change…weekly parish newsletter available in church every weekend with full details.
French tutor: Learn and practice your French with native speaker Geoff. Suitable for all levels in both Junior cert and Leaving cert. Contact Geoff : 0830043943.
Spás Oifige le ligean ar cíos. Office space to let Tuilleadh eolais www.cflt.ie/office-hot-desksto-let/ nó glaoch a chuir orainn ar 066 7138137
Pobal ar aire: community/ text alert.
A new text alert system is being offered by the Dingle Garda free of charge. We would like to invite everyone to come and listen to see how it works before we accept it. All welcome at Halla Le Chéile on Thursday the 11th of July at 8pm.
Comharchumann Forbartha An Leith Triúigh
Job Vacancies - After-School Assistants
Comharchumann Forbartha an Leith Triúigh
To participate in the survey and be in with a chance of winning the prize, go to www.dinglehub.com/projects/sustainability/ transport. The closing date is July 7th, 2024. Corca Dhuibhne Tourism & Hospitability SEC Effective energy management in kitchens can provide big savings. In some kitchens 40% of the energy consumer is used for food preparation and storage. Most of the wasted energy is dispersed into the kitchen as heat. Now is a great time to look at your equipment in the kitchen.
Capacity – running equipment that doesn't match capacity. Heating ovens or stock pots that are larger than necessary uses more energy and more cost. Under and over used fridges and freezers causes the fridge/freezer to work harder and cost more money.
Efficiency - modern fat fryers heat oil more quickly, have better temperature recovery times and use less oil than older models. After the summer season we will be helping our members access LEO Green Efficiency grants than can help cover the cost of any upgrades in equipment.
Maintenance – Get your equipment services one a year to make sure they are performing correctly. This will keep it running more efficiently and save you money.
We are looking for x4 businesses in the T&H SEC who are interested in learning more about their food waste and how to reduce it. We have space for x4 businesses to do a food waste management audit. Please contact ann@ dinglehub.com if you would like to be involved.
(CFLT), provides a very valued after-school service for the Cloghane/Brandon community.
Children aged from 5 to 13 years are provided with safe, secure, care and supervision in Halla le Chéile, four afternoons per week during school term.
The after-school service is provided by afterschool assistants who are responsible for general supervision of the children including supervising mealtime and playtime and assisting with homework.
To continue providing this valuable service to the community, CFLT are seeking to hire two AfterSchool Assistants to commence work in September 2024.
Hours of work for this very rewarding position are from 1pm to 6pm, Monday to Thursday. Extra office hours may be available, if desired, for the right candidate. A basic level of fluency in the Irish language is required. Candidates interested in applying for the positions should email a CV to Jessica O’Connor at eolas@cflt.ie.
Corca Dhuibhne

Tá’n Samhradh Faoi Lán tSeoil!
Tá sé ina shamhradh - tá súíl againn go bhfuileann sibh ag baint taitneamh as an dea-aimsir.
Tá na sráideanna lán do thuraseoirí faoi láthair - is breá leo a gcuid Gaelainne a chleachtadh agus iad ar saoire sa Daingean.
Tá comharthaí ar fáil againn dod’ ghnó, cuirfidh siad seo le feiceálacht na teanga ar an mbaile agus cuirfidh sé in iúil do dhaoine go bhfuil seirbhís le Gaelainn ar fáil agaibh!
Chomh maith le sin, Tá bailiúchán d’fhrásaí agus nathanna úsáideacha ar fáil ar ár linktree atá úsáideach dos na meáin, agus tá fáilte romhaibh cur leis an liosta anseo > https://linktr.ee/duchasandaingin
Deiseanna Cainte
Tae & Plé
Gach Déardaoin , Cístí Chorca Dhuibhne, Lána an Úllóird, An Daingean, 11:45r.n
Tá Tae & Plé ar siúl i gCístí Chorca Dhuibhne anois mar athrú! Táimid ag tosnú beagánín níos luaithe anois ionas go mbeidh am againn freastail ar Cheol am Lóin sa Díseart ina dhiadh idir a 1:00-2:00i.n.

Siúlach Scéalach
Gach Máirt, Teacht le chéile ag dealbh Fungie, 7:00i.n
Fáilte roimis na héinne na bróga a chur orthu agus siúl timpeall Slí na Sláinte sa Daingean.
We meet at 7pm at the Fungie Statue - all levels of Irish are welcome. Bígí Linn! Tá ÁISITHEOIRÍ á lorg againn!
Táimid de thiar ag lorg áisitheoirí a bheadh ar fáil le cúpla uair sa tseachtain a dhéanamh agus rudaí ar nós Tae & Plé, ranganna, agus seisiúin cainte a stiúradh.
Tá áisitheoirí leis uainn a bheadh ar fáil le imeachtaí agus ranganna éagsúla a dhéanamh trí Ghaelainn, rudaí ar nós yoga, ealaíon, spórt.
Má tá aon ní gur mhaith leatsa a rith nó a thosnú sa Daingean, dein teagmháil linn ag optduchasandaingin@gmail.com . Ba bhreá linn na féidreachtaí a phlé leat!
Gaeilgeoir na Coicíse - Séamus Ó Beaglaíoch

*Tógadh an ghrianghraf seo ar Thráigh na Muirí an tseachtain seo caite*
Cá mbíonn tú ag obair? Tigh Tábhairne Uí Mhurchú, An Daingean.
Cad é an Nath Cainte is deise leat? Tá an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch.
Aon mholtaí agaibhse do Ghaelgeoir na Coicíse? Bí i dteangmháil linn ar na Méain!
An féidir linn cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn:
Rút Ní Mhurchú
Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin

Castlegregory Notes
Variety Concert at the Clubrooms Castlegregory Friday 28th June at 7:30 pm. All proceeds to Kerry Hospice. One, two, three o'clock rock... sounds of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies. Free entry- silent donations on exit. Raffle with great prizes on the night. All ages and fancy dress welcome - prize for the best one. Hope to see you there for a great night of fun.
Naionra an Chaisleain are currently recruiting for the position of Room Leader/ Supervisor. Contact marymitchellwhelan@gmail.com for further information.
Naionra an Chaisleain is open for enrolment for the ECCE preschool year. Contact Mary on 087 6281698.
The Parent and Toddler group of Castlegregory Community Council wish to acknowledge the grant of €500 awarded to them from the Community Support Fund of Kerry County Council.
Castlegregory Tidy Towns: If you would like to join our weekly volunteering activities we usually meet every Saturday at 10:00am at the Castlegregory Playground unless otherwise stated. Please check the side of the little library there for any updates each week.
Village blitz: Saturday 22nd June 10-12.30pm. Castlegregory Tidy Towns are inviting everyone in the village to our annual Village Blitz; cleaning up kerbsides and footpaths outside your own houses or helping those who are unable to do this themselves. Rubbish bags will be supplied. Anyone who cannot make that Saturday is welcome to do this anytime during June. Tea and Coffee afterwards.
Lego Summer Camps: Brandon & Castlegregory, 6-12 year olds. Contact Damien on 086 0531657 for dates and further information.
Shannen's Summer Camp: Castlegregory, 3-5 year olds. Text 087 6224691 for more information.
Castlegregory Care of the Aged/Active Retired: Dinners on Tuesdays in
Photos by Mossy Donegan
on sale at
The Dingle Bookshop

the Clubrooms. New members are always welcome. Please ring Michelle on 085 243 2251 if you would like to come along or if you are a regular and can't make it for any reason. Volunteers needed, Tuesday's 12.30-2.30pm to assist with dinners. Please contact 087 2854779. Everyone welcome. CE Scheme Vacancy. The role will be to assist in the kitchen and include assisting the cook when and as required, deep kitchen cleaning, venue prep/ set-up for the weekly dinner and assisting with the delivery of the entertainment programme. Contact: castleactiveretired@gmail.com 085 43 2251.
Parent & Toddler Group on every Thursday morning starting at 10.30am. Castlegregory Beach Toddler Group: An informal playgroup on Castlegregory Beach. Wednesday's 2.15pm-3.30pm (weather permitting).
Whist: Every Thursday evening in the Clubrooms from 8pm. Newcomers and Learners welcome.
12/06/24: Ladies: 1st,Patricia Kennedy, 2nd Anne Kavanagh and Mary Farrell, Intervals: Nora Devine, Emma Havermann, Gents 1st Martin Courtney 2nd Mary Connelly Kenny Intervals: Mary McKenna, Mystery: John Sayers.
13/06/24 Ladies: 1st Catherine Lyons 2nd Mary Farrell, Intervals: Cattherine Dowd, Maureen Dowling. Gents 1st Sheila O'Connor, 2nd Sean Fitzpatrick, Intervals Robert Brosnan, Mary Connolly Kenny. Mystery: John McEnery, Pam McCavert
Office Staff & Maintenance/ground staff required (eligible for C.E. scheme) in Castlegregory. Please ring Joe Bric: 087 2682097
News Items If any local groups have any news items they would like to be made known, such as match fixtures, results, courses or anything of special interest-could groups inform the office by 11am on Monday mornings so that it can be entered into the local community news items in the newspapers

Tourism News
Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance
Dia dhaoibh go léir agus tá súil againn go bhfuil ag éirí go maith libh
Hello to all and we hope you are keeping well
As we kick off the high season in earnest following the June Bank Holiday weekend, we look forward to a busy summer. Let’s remember to remind visitors that when driving Slea Head, it is best to go one-way based on the clockwise direction through Ventry / Ceann Trá village. Please ask them to turn off their sat nav/ google maps, and following the local road signs. If you could also remind them to pre-book their taxis when going out/returning later in the evenings.
Congratulations at the National Dairy Awards
We are delighted to see that Dinny Galvin from Lios Póil won an award in the Sustainable Driver category at last week’s National Dairy Awards. The 2nd National Dairy Awards took place in the Midlands Park Hotel Portlaoise on the evening of June 13th, 2024. The awards celebrated the primary producers, the artisan producers, sector services and the dairy processors as an industry collective.
Text Alert
Residents and businesses on the Dingle peninsula can now avail of the new Text Alert system that has been launched by the Dingle Garai. Please contact Sargent James Hurley at Dingle Garda Station 066 915 1522 or james.g.hurley@garda. ie to find out more and be included.
A new way from Castlegregory to Tralee
TFI Local Link Kerry is launching a new bus service, which will improve connectivity between Cé Bhréanainn and Tralee, from Monday the 24th of June 2024. This new route is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan, which is a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as part of the Transport for Ireland (TFI) Network. Route 273 will operate five daily return service between Castlegregory and Tralee Monday to Saturday, with two daily return services extending to Cé Bhréanainn. On Sunday’s the route will operate four daily return services between Castlegregory and Tralee, with two daily return services extending to Cé Bhréanainn.
Outdoor Markets
Castlegregory Outdoor Market has once again
started for the summer. It will run every Sunday from approx. 9:30 to 1pm until the end of August. The next Inch Farmers Market will be on the 13th July at Foley’s Bar, Inch from 10am – 2pm. Dingle Market is on as usual every Friday from 9am – 3pm at the Holyground, Dingle
Upcoming Events on the Peninsula
Annascaul walk this year’s Tom Crean endurance walk takes place on Saturday 22nd of June. To find out more please visit https://annascaulwalks. org/hillwalking/.
We welcome the summer with the Ceol Am Lóin series of lunchtime concerts, each Thursday in An Diseart gardens. On Thursday 27th June will be Gormfhlaith & Amhlaoibh Uí Bheaglaoích amhráin, feadóg, bosca ceoil starting at 1pm Promotion Opportunities for the Peninsula
The Big E 2024 13th – 29th September 2024 preparations are underway for the Dingle Peninsula Cultural, Educational, Tourism and Trade Showcase return to the Big E, West Springfield – New England’s State Fair where they annually get a foot fall of over a million people. The aim is to promote the Dingle Peninsula and encourage early bookings for 2025. If your business would like to be included, please contact our office on 066 915 2448 or at info@dingle-peninsula.ie. We are also creating: Special diaspora Big E offers for 2024/2025, Stay longer itineraries with our members. We are always proud to be able to say that the Dingle Peninsula is a place to come and stay longer (not a ‘drive thru’)
• New pvc guttering • Gutter cleaning
• Flat roof
Let’s continue to support our Local Link Services this summer. It’s a fantastic way to get about the whole peninsula visiting experiences and getting to walking trails – a great way to explore, discover and enjoy leaving the car parked! For the timetable, visit https://www.dingle-peninsula. ie/plan
Bígí linn! Let’s stay connected - follow Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance on all social media Platforms. When sharing with #DinglePeninsula and #CorcaDhuibhne we can share with the Alliances’ reach of over 40,000 followers as they plan their holidays this year… o Facebook: @dingle.official o Instagram: dinglepeninsulatourism o Twitter: @DinglePeninsula #CorcaDhuibhne #DinglePeninsula #FanTamaillínEile #StayALittleLonger
Getting Active across the Peninsula! Make the most of our longer days……. Try a new walk or trail from Súilóidí Chorca Dhuibhne - for the full range of walks and trails across the peninsula visit the walking section on our website: https:// www.dingle-peninsula.ie/
DINGLE PENINSULA TOURISM ALLIANCE Promoting the Dingle Peninsula Together

Nasc Áitiúil Chorca Dhuibhne / Local Link Services Dingle Peninsula

A HUGE thank you from everyone at Castlegregory Celtic F.C. to Liam Maunsell of Maunsell's Garage, Castlegregory who presented the soccer club with new club crested t-shirts which he has very kindly sponsored.
Pictured is Liam presenting the new t-shirts to Castlegregory Celtic FC chairman Damien Finn along with players, management & committee members. Thank you Liam for the ongoing support of our club, our players and our community. Looking forward to next season already! Ní neart go cur le chéile

SUMMER Courses
Kerry College Admissions Office info@kerrycollege.ie 7 Denny St, Tralee, Co. Kerry V92 K44T 25 High St, Killarney, Co. Kerry V93 X529 (066) 7149696 (064) 6622593

Building Futures

The Narcotics Anonymous Message

An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.
Anyone who wants to stop using drugs may become a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Membership is not limited to addicts using any particular drug. Those who feel they may have a problem with drugs, legal or illegal, including alcohol, are welcome in NA. Recovery in NA focuses on the problem of addiction, not on any particular drug.
Our program of recovery begins with abstinence from all drugs, including alcohol. Sometimes people come to NA meetings while still using drugs, detoxing from drugs, or on drug replacement therapy. Regardless of what you may be taking when you first come to NA, you are welcome. NA’s primary approach to recovery is its belief in the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. Members take part in NA meetings by talking about their experiences and recovery from drug addiction. The NA programme is one of complete abstinence from all drugs, including alcohol.
Narcotics Anonymous is not a religious organization. It does teach basic spiritual principles such as honesty, open-mindedness, faith, willingness, and humility that may be applied in everyday life. Recovery in NA is a process, ongoing and personal. Members make an individual decision to join and recover at their own pace.
Our experience in NA is that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
Dingle NA meetings are on Tuesdays 7.30pm & Fridays 8.30pm, in the Dingle Presbytery, off Green St, V92 AT18. www.nasouth.ie NA helpline 087 – 138 6120

Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht
Tobar Dhuibhne - West Kerry Language Plan - Info & News

Bhuaileamar le Clíodhna Ní Dhufaigh ó Ghlór na nGael le caint fé Chomórtas Ghlór na nGael.
Post mar Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga
An bhfuil fonn ort obair a dhéanamh ar son na Gaelainne i nGaeltacht álainn Chorca Dhuibhne?
An duine fuinniúil, paiseanta tú, gur mhaith leat deathionchar a imirt ar líon na gcainteoirí laethúla Gaelainne sa cheantar? Níl ach seachtain fágtha le cur isteach ar an bpost mar Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga atá á lorg ag Tobar Dhuibhne chun tacú le cur chun cinn na Gaelainne I gCorca Dhuibhne. Cuir CV go p.ose@cfcd.ie fé 27/06/24. Níos mó eolais ar an bhfógra poist nó tar I dteagmháil linn!
Job as a Language Planning Officer with Tobar Dhuibhne
Do you want to work with Irish in the lovely Gaeltacht of Corca Dhuibhne? Are you an energetic, passionate person, who wants to have a positive impact on the number of daily speakers of Irish in the area? There’s a week left to apply for the job as a Language Planning Officer with Tobar Dhuibhne. Send a CV to p.ose@cfcd.ie by the 27/06/24. More information on the job advert or you can come in contact with us!
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne’s events
• Ciorcal Comhrá (athrú ionad) - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Óstán Cheann Sibeál, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Fáilte roimh chách // all welcome.
• Caifé & Cadráil ag tosnú i Siopa Uí Lúing, Ceann Trá gach Déardaoin @ 11:30rn
• In éineacht le Féilire an tSamhraidh beidh imeachtaí iontacha do dhaoine óga á reachtáil againn. Beidh seo á bhfógairt go luath againn!
Bainisteoir Tograí á lorg againn faoi Scéim na gCéimithe
Tá post mar Bhainisteoir Tograí a thairiscint ag Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne (CFCD) do chéimí go bhfuil na cailíochtaí aitheanta bainte amach acu le 4 mbliana anuas. Duine fuinniúil, cumasach go bhfuil suim aici/ aige i gcúrsaí gnó, teicneolaíocht faisnéise agus forbairt tograí atá á lorg againn. Duine a bheadh sásta oibriú mar pháirt d’fhoireann agus a bheadh solúbtha ag cabhhrú chun bearnaí difriúla a líonadh san eagraiocht. Tá sonraí an phoist le fáil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le Bainisteoir CFCD ag p.ose@cfcd.ie. Seol iarratas mar aon le CV roimh 5pm Déardaoin 27 Meitheamh 2024 chuig: p.ose@cfcd.ie (066-9156100)
Deiseanna / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh (tuilleadh ar www.peig.ie):
• Áisitheoir Ealaíon do Ghaeltacht na Mumhan – Ealaín na Gaeltachta
• Oifigigh Forbartha – Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta
Solar Systems
• Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga - Cathair Saidhbhín
Tom Kennedy Solar..panels

than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine,
Na ceannairí ar Choláistí Chorca Dhuibhne i mbun traenála agus cúrsaí sábháilteachta le Nuala Moore i gColáist Íde.
Tomhais na coicíse
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water
Nuair is mó a theastaíonn sé uait, beireann tú air agus go gcaitheann tú uait é. Cad atá ann?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar r-phost!

Cén rud nach bhfuil mórán maitheasa ann go dti go mbristear é?
“Ubh” – Cuán Ó Flatharta, Dara Ní Dhálaigh, Lís Ní Chiobháin, John Prendergast (Wahúú!), Martha Nic Giolla Dhaltúin, Tríona Ní Shúilleabháin, Bride Lucid, Traolach Ó Buachalla, Sinéad Ní Uallacháin, Maitiú Ó Coimín.
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Bí ag caint linne, Tobar Dhuibhne. Táimid ar Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Instagram. Cad é do Phlean Teanga féin?
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/ TobarDhuibhne
Glaoigh ar 066 9156 100 (3 do Thobar Dhuibhne), nó 087 376 9538 do Bharry Ó Siochrú, 087 377 9337 d’Evelyn Ní Lúing nó 087 473 5055 do Chaitlín Ní Shúilleabháin.

It’s All In The Mind: Stay Connected
Orla Smyth

As the busy summer season kicks off we may find that we have less time on our hands for looking after ourselves, for slowing down, attuning to our mental and emotional state and listening to the body. It gets harder to find time for meditation and contemplation and we tend to slide into survival mode, operating mostly on auto pilot.
Rather than completely giving up on being mindful and driving ourselves into a state of stress and overwhelm, here is a short self-compassion practice, based on mindfulness, common humanity and kindness to keep in your back pocket for difficult or challenging times
• Settle into a comfortable seated position. Connect with the feeling of the surface beneath you and take a few moments to breathe mindfully.
• Call to mind a challenge you’re experiencing that is mild to moderate in nature (a challenge that’s a level 3 or 4 in intensity on a scale from 1 to 10).
• When you think about this challenge, sense into how it manifests in your body. Are there any specific sensations you become aware of?
• Recognize this experience as a difficult or stressful situation as a way to validate its presence.
• Connect with our common humanity, recognizing that other people who are going through this very same challenge may feel the exact same way that you do now.
• Acknowledge that you’re not alone in your suffering.
• Next, bring a hand to the part of your body where you feel this challenge manifesting. Imagine a sense of care emanating from your hand and into that area.
• Then imagine that someone you love was struggling with the very thing you’re struggling with now. What words of care would you offer to them? Offer those words to yourself now.
• Cultivate mindfulness around how you’re feeling after you’ve moved through the above steps. Can you foster a sense of complete acceptance for how you’re feeling right now, without judgment or expectation?
• Reconnect with your felt sense of the surface beneath you and open your eyes when you’re ready.
And a poem by May Oliver to remind us of the healing sense of liberation and unity in the natural world when we get caught up in our personal issues
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and excitingover and over announcing your place in the family of things.
Orla Smyth - certified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Relief (MBSR) and Dot B. -mindful awareness for children / orlasmyth67@gmail.com
A Happy Accident

There’s an accident waiting to happen
Something is bound to go wrong
But let’s just let go for a moment
Let’s see where the pieces belong
There’s a freedom in slipping and falling
In letting it all fall to the ground
And dizziness brings new perspectives
As your head spins around and around
Some things might go wrong
For a reason
Or they might go right
By mistake
You might be battered or bleeding
But enjoying the trip that you take
- Artwork and words by Laurence Jones.

Go raibh míle maith agat!
Más féidir liom aon chabhair a thabhairt duitse nó d’éinne do’d theaghlach, ná bíodh aon leisce ort dul i dteangmháil liom.
Thank you!
As always, if you would like to discuss any of your hopes and concerns, or if I can be of any help to you or your family, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mise le meas

Ceol Beo / Live Music
Clochán BréannainnCloghane Brandon
Monday 24th June
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Monday 1st July
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Dingle-Daingean Uí Chúis
Thursday 20th June
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
Friday 21st June
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 22nd June
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Mick Keirns
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Sunday 23rd June
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 24th June
6.00 Curran's Bar (back) - session
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)

8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 25th June
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 26th June
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
Thursday 27th June
1.00 Díseart Gardens - Lunchtime concert with Gormfhlaith & Amhlaoibh Uí Shuícháin (Songs, whistle and accordian)
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
Friday 28th June
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 29th June
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.30 (Doors 8pm) The Green Room (upstairs John Benny's) presents Cabl Live (indie-rock) support from Segotia (€15)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Dan Phelan
Sunday 30th June
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 1st July
6.00 Curran's Bar (back) - session
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad

9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 12nd July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 3rd July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly 9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
20th June
1.00 Díseart Gardens - Lunchtime concert with Eoin Duignan (Uileann Pipes and Low whistle) and John Browne (Guitar and vocals)
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne


Foireann na Gaeltachta a bhuaidh cluiche ceannais Sraith an Chontae fé 13 roinn 4 i gcoinne Lios Póil/Abhainn an Scáil Dé Domhnaigh an 17ú do Mheitheamh i bPáirc an Ághasaigh
Ar an bhfoireann bhí: Tommy Ó Fearghasa, Jack Bobby Ó Sé, James Ó Slattara (Captaen), Jonas Ó Coileáin, Conall Ó Sé, Liam Mac Gearailt, Miquel O’ Scanláin, Aodán K. Mac Gearailt, Darragh Mac a tSíthigh, Sonai Mac a tSithigh, Seán Ó hAinifín, Muiris O’ Súilleabháin, Liam Ó Sé, Tommy Ó Súilleabháin, Darren Ó Catháin, Seán Ó Mainín, Cian O’ Murchú, Micheál Ó Dubhda, Jeaic O’ Cinnéide
Bainisteoirí: Bernard O' Súilleabháin, Breandáin O' hAiniféin
Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-Rae
Clinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm, An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 15ú Iúil 7.00-8.00 Tigh Uí Bheaglaoich, An Bóthar
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904
Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
Lúbra - aimsighanchonairtríd #17
3Gon-éıreoḋgogealleat,goraıḃant-___ leat(2)
Tagairtinmheánach: CDBeo_9x9F_33
Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Buaiteoir na coicíse seo caite: Gráinne Ní Choileáin, Carrigrohane, Corcaigh
Iarmhairt le Pádraig Mac Fhearghusa
foilsithe ag

‘Tá sé de bhua ag Pádraig Mac Fhearghusa liricí lonracha aonair a chruthú - uaireanta is loinnir dhubh dhorcha í - ach le himeacht ama is léir go bhfuil snáth cúraim á leanúint aige ón tús, anuas trí sheacht gcinn d’imleabhair bhuacacha a bhaineann creathadh as litríocht na Gaeilge agus as an teanga féin. Crochta ar an sreangán sin tá péarlaí, rúibíní, diamaint féin, gach ceann díobh niamhrach, i ndíolaim atá inchurtha leis na saothair is maorga, is drithlí agus is tábhachtaí d’fhilíocht na Gaeilge ó thús ama. Is geall le huaimh dhraíochta an saothar seo, réitithe amach le séada agus iad ag glioscarnach trí sholas na gréine, na gealaí agus lasracha na samhlaíochta.’ - Máire Ní
An Café Liteartha
Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis
Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

Ó Mhárthain
Breandán Mac Gearailt
Cé a déarfadh go raibh an mhí seo caite i bhfad níos teo ná mar is gnáthach. Ní aontaímíd ach is amhlaidh a bhí. Bhíomair ag déanamh go maith le seachtain ach ghaibh an ghaoth aduaidh agus ceathanna troma báistí chughainn. Is beag an mhaitheas bheith ag clamhsán sé sin mura a dteann tú ar shlí na bpaidreacha, faid is a déarfair i gceart iad.
Caid na mBan
Bhí an lá fliuch gránna nuair a bhuail mná Chiarrai le Tír Chonaill i mBealach Féith. Lá gránna fliuch fuar agus gort féarach agus gan puinn do amas ag na Ciarraigh. Chuireadar raidhse caid amú ar an dá thaobh don mbáide. Chríochnaíodar cothrom.
Bhí scéal difriúil ag na mná in aghaidh Phort Láirge. Bhuadar go bog agus fuaireadar scóranna maithe gan dua. Bhí Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh ar ais agus bhí fhios aici cá raibh an baide. Fuair sí buille beag mar a raibh a gortú níos luaithe sa bhliain.Tugadh sos dí ag leath ama. Is iontach an bhua ató ag Louise, pé é cic óna lámha nó saorspeach. Tá súil againn go mbeidh sí i mbarr a láin don gcéad chluiche eile. Tá foireann deas éifeachtach ag mná Chiarraí. Ó Thuaidh.
Titim Beag
An feirmeoir, cad é ach ná fuil titim tagtha ar an mairteoil agus an chaoireoil, timpeall 6-8 cent as gach K. Is minic go dtagann titim beag timpeall an ama seo ach éiríonn siad isteach lár Iúil agus as san go Deire Fómhair. Níl sé ró stuama a bheith ag cur tuise leis na praghasanna, mar go bhfuilimíd chun deiridh go mór san Aontas Éorpach inár n-iarrachtaí dul in earraid leis an ardú teasa.
Dúirt fear liom an lá cheana go raibh sé ag cur agus ag saothrú seamair, coirce agus eorna agus ag déanamh sadhlas dó rud a fhágann ard chaighdeán bia ag na hainmhithe agus ní gá aon niotrigin a chur amach. Sin é a dúirt sé, agus níl aon ghábhadh go mbeadh sé ag scaitseáil dhom.
Mheas scata ná beadh cuid don gcomhaireamh againn go lár an tsamhraidh. Dhein Seán Ó Ceallaigh Fine Gael an-vóta. Fear caide agus fuinnimh. Fuair Fianna Fail dhá shuíochán sa Mumhain, Billí Céilleachair agus Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, fuair Michael McNamara, Neamhspleach ón gClár suíochán. An- ghaisce ag fear a bhí bainteach le Páirtí an Lucht Oibre. Sheas sé Neamhspleách. Fuair Sinn Féin suíochán.
I dtoghcheantar Laighean, Chonnacht, agus trí chontae in Uladh. Bhí trí iarrathoir ag FF ach ní fuaireadar ach ceann. Fuair Fine Gael ceann, beirt Neamhspleách Ming Flanagan agus Ciarán Mullooley a bhí ina thuairisceoir do RTE i gConnacht.
An Chomhairle Contae
D’éirigh le Peadar Ó Fionnáin vóta maith d’fháil, cupla céad eile agus bheadh sé tofa. Fuair an Gearaltach Breandán a dhóthain a chinntigh suíochán dó. Go háitiúil dhein an Grífíneach agus an Brosnachánach go diail. Chaill Mícheál Ó Sé rud a chuir ionadh ar scata agus bhí Séamus mac Gearailt gortaithe rud a áirigh gur beag in aon chor stocaireacht a fhéad sé a dhéanamh. Sin beirt go bhfuil blianta maithe caite acu ar an gcomhairle agus atá anois ag glacadh sos. Fuair an Cinnéideach blas ar an gcúram, a chéad iarracht mar bhall do Pháirti an Lucht Oibre. Gach ádh ar gach duine a chuir a n-ainm ós chomhair an Phobail.
Caid na bhFear Bhí bua gan dua ag Ciarraí ar an nDomhnach seo caite in aghsidh chontae Lú. An éireoidh leo an bonn a bhaint ó Bhleá Cliath? Sin ceist ná réiteodh beirt. An dála céanna ná cé a bhuafaidh ar Luimneach. Tá Cill Choinnigh agus Corcaigh feabhsaithe agus iarracht eile ag an gClár. Ní aon dóichín iad, ach dar liom gur ag Luimneach a bheidh corn Mhac Cárrthaigh i ndeire an lae.
Cothrom a bhí an chluiche idir an Ghaillimh agus Ard Mhacha ar an nDomhnach. Bhí an iomad ar fad ping pong ag an dá fhoireann, sall agus anall i lár na páirce. Ba mheasa Ard Mhacha. Mheas gach aon duine go raibh rith an ráis le Gaillimh go bhfuair Ard Mhacha báide agus poinnte ag déanamh ar dheire. Ach chuir Maigh Eo eagla amach. Chríochnaíodar
cothrom le Bleá Cliath. Aiséirí ar fhoireann Mhaigh Eo. An- chluiche. Bhí Donoghue, Conroy, Ruane agus Ó Sé ar fheabhas do Mhaigh Eo. Beidh sciolladh sna seachtainí rómhainn.
Fuair Eddie [Mícheál] Ó Hainifín ón mBaile Beag, Fionn Trá bás le déanaí. Fear socair cáirdiúil. Méala mór a bhás dá chéile Áine, a mhac Caoimhín agus iníon Fiona a dheartháir Seán agus deirfiúr Máire.
Soillse na bhFlaitheas ag a anam caoin cneasta.
Fuair an Garda Sáirsint, Noel Ó Cíobháin ón Muirígh agus Droichead na Bandan, Corcaigh bás le déanaí. Méala mór a bhás dá chéile Pádraigín [bhíodar pósta 57 bliain], clann, Noel, Róisín Deirdre, Patrice, Adrian, deartharácha, Breandán, Eoin, Seamus, Simon, Alec, Colm, garchlann gaolta agus cairde. Bhí an- aithne agam air im óige, fear geanúil, cuideachtúil. Beannacht dilís Dé lena anam.
Fuair Máirín Byrnes (Ní Chonchúir), ó Bhaile Reó bás an tseachtain seo caite. Bhí a céile Máirtín básaithe roimpi. Méala mór a bás dá mac Mairtín, a beirt iníon, Cáit agus Maria, deirfiúr Caitlín, deartháir Séamus, garchlann, gaolta agus cairde.

Gur iad Geataí na bhFlaitheas stáiste a hanam caoin. WANT TO CREATE SPACE IN YOUR HOUSE OR GARAGE ? DE-CLUTTER WITH A SKIP
Upfront price with no hidden extras
We deliver Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Other hours are available on request
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY All skips are sorted, picked and recycled
1. Local group of peaks, The Three _______
5. Gets the better of
9. Denotes a pseudonym (abbr.)
10. Transport provider Irl. (abbr.)
11. Toil
12. Stuck fast in the mud
13. Tilted
14. Small piece of info
18. Incompatible
23. Moistens
27. Lebanese tree
28. Copenhageners
30. Squashed
31. Piece of a circumference
32. All About ___, Bette Davis film
33. Rob
34. Fights against
1. Relax
2. Seán Connery western
3. Bring into law
4. Transactions
5. White-tailed deer from animated film
6. Cast aside
7. Connection
8. Calm
15. Impudence; brass ____
16. Greek letter
17. Course of action
19. Small bite
20. Those bearing all
21. Apparel, footwear, corporation
22. Gives one for the other
24. Grind into small pieces
25. Artist’s stand
26. Of high grade
27. Board game
29. Acquired skill

Holiday Rentals/ Tithe Saoire
087 214 9327 / 086 173 7944
Holiday home to let in Lispole area, July/August. 086-0307629
Spacious, bright 1.5 bed apartment in Dingle Town with parking available for summer rental, monthly rates only Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep. Contact eocurran@gmail. com
Property to let - Spacious, bright 1.5 bed apartment in Dingle Town with parking available for summer rental Jun - Sep. Contact eocurran@gmail.com
Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
Four bedroom house available for long term rent immediately in Lispole area Call 087 6943630
Room available to let in mobile home in Ballymore (just outside Dingle). Sharing with one other lady. Beautiful sea views, regular local link bus. Would suit one person or perhaps couple. €80 p/w. 087-2023004 For Sale/Le Díol
Solid pine single bed & 2 matching lockers. €170 . Phone : Kate on 086-1706483
Walker Bay 8 ft dinghy on trailer with oars, sail, rudder, daggerboard etc. Dingle area. 086-8973798
Solid mahogony coffee table 35" x 20" - €25. Mahogony effect TV table with storage 27" x 16" - €30. Burnswood 6 string guitar and carry case - €40. Must collect in Dingle area. 087-6893857
All black cast iron fireplace including surround, hearth etc. Very good condition. 086-3739233
Small commuter E-bike. Ideal for Bus/Train. 250 Watt motor. 48 Volt x 12 AH battery. Range 40 - 50 km. Lights, horn, disk brakes. Phone Brendan 085-1962649
Tall fridge and seperate freezer for sale. 087-9947927
Light oak kitchen presses in great condition. 087-9947927 Services / Seirbhisí
Garden Services in Kerry: Lawn mowing, strimming, vertical pruning, treesurgery. Reasonable rates. Ring 0838268371
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633.
Civil Celebrant available for wedding ceremonies, baby naming and funerals. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066835 www.yourdayyourwaycelebrant.com
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Breakfast Cook required for a unique Guesthouse located on the Dingle Peninsula, If interested please contact Sandra on 087 225 2126. We look forward to hearing from you.
Tower View Guest House, full and part time positions available. Contact Helen on 086 3282176 or email towerviewdingle@gmail.com
Cothú at the Blasket Centre is hiring for the season, both in kitchen and front of house. Please contact Ed 086-8264118 or Laurence 087-2640614 for more information.
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Workshop suitable for campervan conversion and repair needed. 087-4747393
Couple with 2 teenage girls seek small house in West Kerry. 087-4747393
Looking for 1 bedroom apartment / house to rent in West Kerry, long-term. Excellent local references. 087 407 2061
2nd hand house/ vacant / derelict property wanted in Anascaul or surrounding area for young family with mortgage approval, insurance in place and ducks in a row for quick sale. Contact Rosie 086-1544951.
Nice guy available for a room in Dingle town. call 085-1908004
Retired couple seek 1 or 2 bedroom furnished apartment or house Dingle area for 1 year approx. References available. Contact pjdered@hotmail.com
Other / Eile
Insulated storage unit to rent in West Kerry. Approx. 400 square feet. Excellent access. 087-2027698
Shop / Office Unit for rent on 1st floor off Green Street, Dingle. 086-0547665
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062