Corca Dhuibhne Beo
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Nuacht - Imeachtaí - Ceol Beo - Léarscáileanna
Eisiúint / Issue 396
26ú Meán Fomhair / September - 10ú Deireadh Fómhair / October 2024
Minard: Mossy Donegan
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 10: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 12: Siúlóid na Coicíse / Walk of the Fortnight
Pg 17: Local Archaeology
Pg 24: Dingle Food Festival - The Taste Trail
Pg 27: Ceiliúradh an Bhlascaoid
Pg 31: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 40: Live Music Listings
Pg 41: Town & Peninsula Maps
Pg 44: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 45: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 46: Crossword
Pg 47: Classifieds
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113

-ring for details
DINGLE 066 91 51586

MILLTOWN : 066 97 67309
Corkery-Johnson Linda BDS NUI
Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
066 7128021
Sheep Sale Saturday 28th September
Sheep Cattle & Weanling sale October 5th
An Fhéile Bheag Filíochta 2024
Dé hAoine/Friday 8ú – Dé Domhnaigh/Sunday 10ú
Samhain/November Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Co. Chiarraí
Ceardlanna Filíochta / Poetry Workshops
Cuireann Coiste na Féile Bige Filíochta fáilte romhaibh a bheith rannpháirteach i gceann desna ceardlanna filíochta seo a leanas a reáchtálfar le linn na Féile.
You are welcome to participate in one of the following poetry workshops during the Poetry Festival:
Ceardlann 1 / Workshop No.1
(as Gaeilge) le Caitríona Ní Chléirchín: 10.00 – 1.00 Dé Sathairn/ Saturday 9ú Samhain/November
Caitríona Ní Chléirchín
D’fhás Caitríona Ní Chléirchín aníos i nGort Muine, Scairbh na gCaorach, Co. Mhuineacháin. Is file gradamúil, criticeoir, agus léachtóir Gaeilge í Caitríona Ní Chléirchín in Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Tá ceithre leabhar filíochta foilsithe aici: Crithloinnir (2010) agus An Bhrídeach Sí (2014), The Talk of the Town (Gallery Press, 2020) agus Safó (2020).

Caitríona, who is originally from Co. Monaghan is an award winning poet, lecturer and critic.
Ceardlann 2 / Workshop No.2
(as Béarla/English Language) le David Wheatley: 10.00 – 1.00 Dé
Sathairn/Saturday 9ú Samhain/November
David Wheatley
File is léachtóir é David Wheatley, agus é ag cur faoi in Albain le fada an lá anois. Sé chnuasach filíochta foilsithe aige, Child Ballad ina measc (Carcanet, 2023). Eisean a d’aistrigh dánta Aifric Mhic Aoidh in Old Friends (Gallery Press, 2024).
David Wheatley is a poet and lecturer, and lives in rural Aberdeenshire. He has published six collections of poetry, most recently Child Ballad (Carcanet, 2023), and has translated the work of Aifric Mac Aodha Old Friends (Gallery Press, 2024).
Ionad / Location: Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Co. Chiarraí. V92 K5WT
Costas / Cost: €30
Teagmháil & Tuilleadh Eolais / Contact & Further Information: Justin Mac Cárthaigh: 4justinmc@gmail.com

60 seconds with Niamh O'Kennedy

What was your first job?
Baking Bread in my Uncle's Bakery
What is your favourite film? Ohhh so many...Dr. Zhivago
What is your favourite book?
Again, ohhhh so many....Skippy Dies, by Paul Murray
What was the first CD/Tape/Record you bought? Madonna, Immaculate Collection!
What was your favourite holiday? J1 in Ocean City Maryland
What is your favourite drink? Love an Aperol Spritz
Who is your favourite actor? Meryl Streep
What advice would you give to your younger self? Enjoy every minute!
Who is your sporting hero? Paul O'Connell
Two figures from history you’d like to have as dinner guests?
The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur
If a time machine could take you somewhere for one day where would you go?
Hop in with Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11, July 20 1969
What is your favourite saying? We are here for a good time, not a long time

Teagascóirí Aos Oideachais ag teastáil
Ranganna Oíche – Fómhar
Adult Education Tutors required Déan teagmháil ar 087-7951743 nó sf@pcd07.ie

Gaeilge / Irish
Garchabhair / First Aid
Pilates (Clinical) Safe
Pat Hanafin
Septic Tank Emptying & Drain Cleaning
With over 30 years in business providing a Septic Tank Cleaning Service in the Dingle Peninsula, we now provide DRAIN CLEANING. From 2” sink lines to 4” - 12” sewer pipes. Biocycle tanks filter system,washed after emptying. Providing power washing service and washing facility. 24 hour cover.

Septic & Biocycle Tank Fitting


How does that sound to you?

Dingle Notes
Richie Williams
FÉILE BIA. The Dingle Food Festival, now regarded as one of the best in the country, is scheduled to take place from Friday October 4th to Sunday 6th this year.
Over 60 local outlets spread throughout the entire town have indicated their intention to be part of the popular Taste Trail offering samples of different types of their specialities to ticket holders on Saturday and Sunday.
The Market Stalls will also be spread throughout the town where over 50 producers and traders will have a huge variety of ready edible or take away culinary experiences on offer to the public.
From past experience it is advisable to come early to avoid the queues and not be disappointed when the Taste Trail or Market Stall operators run out of offerings.
Ticket Stalls will be situated on each street and patrons will be offered a choice of renting a bowl if they do not bring their own bowl with them from home. A huge emphasis will be placed again this year on reducing the amount of Waste taken to Landfill with a view to having a zero waste to landfill policy within a short while. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!.
BLESSING OF THE BOATS. A great crowd turned out at Dingle Pier for the Blessing of the Boats ceremony which was recently revived after a few years. Most of the participating boats displayed a great variety of colour and another wonderful spectacle in the parade around the harbour with Parish Priest Fr Michael Moynihan giving his blessing to all present for safe passage in the years ahead.
CEILIÚRADH AN BHLASCAOID. The Annual Ceiliúradh An Bhlascaoid celebration is scheduled over the weekend of September 27th to 29 this year. The official opening takes place on Friday at 7.30p.m. followed by several open discussion sessions on Saturday and Sunday. The main theme of the weekend is "Conservation and Status of the Blasket Islands-
Future Models".
Bainigí taithneamh as an gceiliúradh suimiúil seo arís imbliana.
CULTURE NIGHT. Culture Night was celebrated in style around Corca Dhuibhne as well as many other parts of the country. Some beautiful impromptu sessions of music, song and dance sprung up around Dingle town as well as the pre-arranged events at various established locations attended by appreciative audiences of locals and visitors also. Maith sibh go Léir!!!.
SPORT. Great to see Dingle Bay Rovers seniors back in the Kerry District Soccer League after a brief recess. The club continues to field teams at both boys and girls under age leagues in Kerry providing much needed activity for the youth of Corca Dhuibhne.
GOOD LUCK to the Dingle Senior Mens team who have advanced to the second round of the County Senior Football Championship as our neighbours West Kerry bow out after a great effort last weekend.
Congratulations to the Dingle Junior Mens Team who were victorious after a replay in the West Kerry Junior Championship against An Ghaeltacht.
ROAD SAFETY. With the darker evenings now very much in evidence we appeal to all drivers, passengers,pedestrians and cyclists to take extra care and show courtesy, and common sense at all times when using the public roads, streets and residential areas.

Friend or Foe? The Nitty-Gritty of our Relationship with Salt

Irene Flannery
No foodstuff has stirred as much controversy as salt. For years, we’ve been told it’s a villain, the root cause of heart disease and high blood pressure. Yet, salt has been intertwined with human existence since the dawn of time. As unborn babies, we float in a salty sea of amniotic fluid. We shed salty tears, and even our sweat is rich in it. So, if salt is so crucial to life, why is it now considered public enemy number one? Let’s explore this grain of truth (pun intended).
Salt wasn’t always the simple table condiment it is today. Once upon a time, it was worth its weight in gold. Ancient civilizations valued it so much that Roman soldiers were paid in salt—a practice that gave us the word “salary.” Wars were fought over access to salt, and trade routes were established to transport this prized mineral. Salt was held in such high esteem that it was considered very unlucky to spill or waste any, a notion that is still with us today. Ironically, to counter the misfortune of spilling salt is to throw some more over your left shoulder. Some of these superstitions should really be taken with a pinch of salt and left at that! Naturally sourced, unrefined salt consists mainly of sodium chloride and small amounts of minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These minerals are essential for hydration, nerve communication,
retaining its natural moisture so that it appears “wetter” than regular salt. The claim? These two tiny grains will “mineralize” your body, balancing electrolytes and kick-starting your hydration for the day.
Sounds like a salty fairy tale, right? Well, sort of. While grey salt does contain trace minerals that can be beneficial, the idea that two grains can make a measurable difference in your hydration or mineral balance is a bit of a stretch. For most people, the best way to hydrate in the morning is, you guessed it, water! A pinch of salt could help in specific circumstances, like after intense exercise or sweating, but the overall impact of this morning ritual is likely more symbolic than scientific. In other words, it won’t hurt you, but it’s not a hydration hero either. More worryingly, is the notion that Celtic Sea salt is good for people with high blood pressure, which is certainly fake news. While swapping out table salt for Celtic Sea salt will marginally reduce your sodium intake, be aware that if someone is telling you to consume salt to treat high blood pressure, be it from the Celtic Sea, the Himalayas or the moon, they are probably trying to kill you! Salt is used to cure meat and fish, not high blood pressure!
A Less Refined Approach to Salt
The real trouble with modern salt consumption comes from processed and junk foods. These culprits sneak sodium into our diets in massive quantities—far more than what Mother Nature intended. Studies show that high sodium diets are linked hypertension, kidney problems and to autoimmune diseases, where the body essentially attacks itself. Conditions like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis are more common in Western societies where processed foods are the norm. So, the lesson here? Ditch the processed stuff.
If you’re worried about salt, the answer isn’t to shun it entirely but to choose the right kind of salt. Unrefined sea salt, Celtic sea grey salt or Himalayan pink salt are good options. They’re less processed, more natural, and retain those trace minerals that are stripped away in table salt. Just be mindful—too much of anything, even the good stuff, can cause trouble.
So, how should you season your meals without wrecking your health? It’s simple—embrace natural, whole foods which have a flavour of their own. Use unrefined salt in moderation to enhance flavour, not overwhelm it. You can also get creative by using herbs, spices, and seaweed flakes to add taste without the sodium overload.
Remember, real salt is born of the sea and raised by the sun. Unlike the Frankenstein’s monster that is table salt, unrefined salt is a gift from nature, and nature rarely gets it wrong.
The key to a healthy relationship with salt lies in choosing quality over quantity and listening to what your body needs. After all, life is all about balance, and that’s especially true when it comes to salt.

Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist & Medicinal Chef- Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planning. Home visits within Dingle Peninsula and online

Photo: Sean Lordan

Lynne Stratton

I have decided to retire, I'm 70 next year and want to get out there doing things before I can't.
I've been grooming here for 12yrs and I'd like to thank all my loyal customers for their support over this time. I've made many friends and I think this is what I'll miss the most, the people. But fear not, Rebbeca who is taking over, will be working at my premises, so you can bang on the door and say hi and pop in for a coffee. Or you might be glad to see the back of me!
Rebbeca (aka Beanie) is local, has done a grooming course and has been working with me since March. Her grooming is very good and she has a lovely way with all the dogs. I'm more than happy and confident to be passing my clients onto her. At this point a lot of you will have already met her. Continue to call me for your appointments. The change over will be at end of October / beginning of November At this point I will give out Rebbeca's number.
Thanks, Lynne.

• Excellent Academic achievement: 25% of 2024 LC cohart achieved 600 points or higher. 75% of 2024 achieved 500 points or higher
• Excellent Academic achievement: 25% of 2024 LC cohart achieved 600 points or higher. 75% of 2024 achieved 500 points or higher
• Class average size 2024 = 19
• Class average size 2024 = 19
• Majority of students enrolled attended English Medium primary schools!
• Majority of students enrolled attended English Medium primary schools!

• Sár Thorthaí Acadúla le 25% de chohórt na hArdteitimeireachta 2024 ag baint amach 600 pointe no níos mó 75% ag baint amach 500 pointe no níos mo.
• Sár Thorthaí Acadúla le 25% de chohórt na hArdteitimeireachta 2024 ag baint amach 600 pointe no níos mó 75% ag baint amach 500 pointe no níos mo.
• Líon Scoláirí sa Rang 2024: Meán 19
• Líon Scoláirí sa Rang 2024: Meán 19
• Remote Area Grant available from Department of Education subject to geographical location.
• Remote Area Grant available from Department of Education subject to geographical location.
• Scoláireachtaí Gaeilge, Cultúrtha agus Gaeltachta ar fáil. (Daltaí bliain 1 amháin)
• Scoláireachtaí Gaeilge, Cultúrtha agus Gaeltachta ar fáil. (Daltaí bliain 1 amháin)
• Deontas do cheantair Iargúlta le fáil ón Roinn Oideachais de réir suíomh geografach.
• Deontas do cheantair Iargúlta le fáil ón Roinn Oideachais de réir suíomh geografach.
• Irish, Cultural and Gaeltacht scholarships available (1st year students only)
• Irish, Cultural and Gaeltacht scholarships available (1st year students only)
• JC exams over? Immerse in the Irish language with us for the year and experience many other TY activities! (Limited Places).
• JC exams over? Immerse in the Irish language with us for the year and experience many other TY activities! (Limited Places).
• Clár cuimsitheach idirbhliana don 5ú bliain. Deis iontach chun tumoideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge (Áiteanna teoranta).
• Clár cuimsitheach idirbhliana don 5ú bliain. Deis iontach chun tumoideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge (Áiteanna teoranta).
• Réimse leathan gníomhaíochtaí seac-churaclaim.
• Réimse leathan gníomhaíochtaí seac-churaclaim.
• Wide range of Extracurricular Opportunities.
• Wide range of Extracurricular Opportunities.
• Timpeallacht oiliúnach shábháilte.
• Timpeallacht oiliúnach shábháilte.
• Safe Nurturing Environment.
• Safe Nurturing Environment.
19ú Deireadh Fómhair 2024 10.00am - 4.00pm Lá Oscailte

Coláiste Íde, Baile an Ghoilín, An Daingean, Co. Chiarraí Teileafón: 066 9151211 • Ríomhphost: info@colaisteide.com • www.colaisteide.com

The Gregory Peck – Dingle Classic Film Society is pleased to announce the start of its sixth season of classic films, beginning with A Man for All Seasons, in Saint James’ Church, on Thursday Sept. 26th
A Beautiful Mind, will be screened in the Díseart on Thursday Oct. 3rd Doors open: 7. 30 PM. Screenings : 8 PM Memberships may be renewed at these screenings. The full programme of eight films is available from: dinglefilmlovers@gmail.com
Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Ted Creedon
Blown to pieces by exploding shell
- Cardiff Times, 09 June, 1894
Last weekend the military conducted their annual artillery practice near Glenbeigh in County Kerry. The peasantry of the area were in the habit of collecting the remains of exploded shells for the purpose of getting scraps of lead, copper and brass for sale locally.
On this occasion a number of young people were walking on the beach, following the military exercise, and came across an unexploded shell which they picked up.
One of the group, Michael Riordan, attempted with the aid of a hammer and chisel, to detach a piece of brass. His sister, Mary, along with Daniel Shea, Jane Clifford and Tom Clifford stood looking on.
The shell suddenly exploded and Riordan and his sister were killed instantly, their arms and legs being blown off and the rest of their bodies being terribly mutilated. The other three were badly, and it is feared, fatally injured.
(A military party had been assigned to search for unexploded shells following the exercise that day but it was not carried out on this occasion.)
Cruelty to a Child
- Kerry News, 12 May, 1916
A carpenter from Duagh (Listowel) was summoned on a charge of cruelty to his daughter. Sergeant MacAulay explained that the defendant’s child was burned by the house fire on Saturday last but her father did not seek medical help until Monday. The child is now in hospital.
The chairman asked the sergeant, “What class of a man is the defendant?”
The sergeant replied – “He isn’t bad or he isn’t good but the wife and mother-in-law would drive a saint mad.” (Laughter in court). The case was adjourned for two weeks.
Youth entangled in machine
- Kerry Evening Post, 28 March, 1891
A few days ago a youth named Connell, a resident of St. Joseph’s Industrial School in Tralee, met with a very serious accident. While he was attending to some machinery his arm became entangled in cog wheels and was lacerated in a frightful manner.
He is currently in the County Infirmary and it is believed that amputation of the limb will be necessary.
Derelict ship in the Maharees
Kerry Reporter, 29 November, 1890
On Tuesday morning a derelict ship named the Charger was cast on a beach at the Maharees. The vessel, with most of her sails set, was seen approaching Tralee yesterday but no pilot went to her because she had not signalled for one.
She headed out to sea again but later returned and was wrecked. She was boarded on the beach by a policeman who found the ship deserted and all the hatches securely battened down. The only living thing on board was a cat which had taken to the rigging.
The Charger is from Belfast, of 1041 tons register, has a cargo of deal on board from New Brunswick (Canada) and is owned by Messers Dixon of Belfast. Reports say the crew were taken off in mid-ocean by a passing steamer. If any local pilot had boarder her at in the bay they would have made a small fortune in salvage.
(No explanation as to why she was abandoned. Most of her sails were set –but the Atlantic is notorious for storms in November.)
Impressions of Dingle, 1878
- The Graphic, 02 November, 1878
(We have had a couple of items in previous issues giving impressions of Dingle in 1878 by a visitor with the initials C J. H. – here’s another one.)
A town without a butchers shop sounds like an anomaly; yet Dingle, though it once boasted three castles and used to send two members
to the Irish Parliament, does not possess such a thing.
Whenever a sheep is killed the joints are hung up on the wall outside a not-so-clean cabin announcing to the public that meat can be had that day. A quarter of mutton is sold for four shillings and sixpence. Beef is scarcely ever found but there is always a glut of chickens and ducks. The usual price for a good sized chicken is nine pence. However, the principal food of the poorer classes is coarse salt fish, usually hake. Every cabin has two or three hake hanging near the fire and it is sold by the cart-load at the fairs. Dillisk, a species of seaweed which is found in great amounts on the Blasket islands, is deemed a delicacy.
Murder Suspect’s Secret Release
- Bradford Daily Telegraph, 30 June, 1890.
A prisoner in Tralee Gaol named Dennis Connell was secretly released from prison a few days ago. He had been tried five times for the murder of a man named Denis Daly but at each of the five trials the jury could not agree. The result was that he was secretly released from prison on condition that he would leave the country immediately. He embarked for America last Sunday under an assumed name.
Soldier Commits Suicide
- Kerry Evening Post, 03 September, 1890
At around half past-five five o’clock yesterday morning a Lance Corporal of the Royal Munster Fusiliers committed suicide at the military barracks, Ballymullen, by blowing his brains out with his rifle.
He was corporal of the guard that morning and at the time mentioned he left the guard-room and entered a nearby store-room. He removed his right boot and stocking, placed the barrel of his rifle in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his big toe. He was around 45 years of age and leaves a wife and family.
(These articles are taken from the British Newspaper Archive (BNA), London.

Ecumenical Harvest Thanksgiving
The Ecumenical Harvest Thanksgiving at Camp will be held in Kilgobbin Church on the 29th September at 3pm, followed by tea in the Old School House in Camp. The service will include a celebration for 200 years of Kilgobbin Church. The Village Voices Choir from Castlegregory and the Camp Choir will take part in the service. The collection will be for the Church Missionary Society CMS which has supported the building of water storage tanks in Kenya.

Dingle Way Section
An Fheothanach / Feohanagh - An Clochán / Cloghane
The Dingle Way is a beautifully scenic long distance walking trail on the world famous Dingle Peninsula. At approximately 176 km (109 miles) long, the hiking route officially begins and ends in Tralee, the county capital, and takes in some of the world’s most breath taking scenery. You can join the trail at any number of points along its length as it hugs the coast along the Wild Atlantic Way. There are also many short loop walks and many mountain hikes and trails off the main Dingle Way offering excellent walking alternatives to cater for all interests.
Is slí siúlóide fad-achair í Slí Chorca Dhuibhne ar leithinis aithnidiúil domhanda Chorca Dhuibhne. Ag faid thart ar 176km / 109míle, tosaíonn agus críochnaíonn an bealach go hoifigiúil i dTrá Lí, príomhbhaile an chontae, agus cuid de na radharcra is áille ar domhan. Leanann an tsiúlóid Slí an Atlantaigh Fhiáin agus is féidir tosnú ag siúl ar Shlí Chorca Dhuibhne ag pointí éagsúla feadh na slí. Tá go leor lúb-shiúlóidí gearra, siúlóidí ar chnoic agus siúlóidí eile faid Shlí Chorca Dhuibhne, a thugann go leor rogha siúil don uile dhuine.
6. An Fheothanach / Feohanagh — An Clochán / Cloghane
6. An Fheothanach / Feohanagh An Clochán / Cloghane

Distance / Faid Ascent / Aird Time / Am Grade / Grá d
Distance / Faid Ascent / Aird Time / Am
Grade / Grá d
24 km 655 m 6 7 hrs/uair Difficult/ Deacair
24 km 655 m
7 hrs/uair Difficult/ Deacair
This is the most challenging part of the Dingle Way and sees it reaching its highest point If weather conditions are poor and visibility is bad then serious consideration should be given to finding an alternative method of transport to reach An Clochán To the west of the trail on the way up there is a 450 metre drop into the sea Note, there is no shop along the way until you get to Clochán therefore ensure that you have all the provisions you need.
This is the most challenging part of the Dingle Way and sees it reaching its highest point. If weather conditions are poor and visibility is bad then serious consideration should be given to finding an alternative method of transport to reach An Clochán. To the west of the trail on the way up there is a 450 metre drop into the sea. Note, there is no shop along the way until you get to Clochán therefore ensure that you have all the provisions you need.
Leaving An Fheothanach , the Dingle Way follows the main road, turning left at the local school house and community hall before turning right onto an old road that leads the trail in a north -easterly direction for a few kms before bringing you back onto the road again near An Bóthar Pub.
Leaving An Fheothanach , the Dingle Way follows the main road, turning left at the local school house and community hall before turning right onto an old road that leads the trail in a north -easterl y direction for a few kms before bringing you back onto the road again near An Bóthar P ub
The Way passes up through small country roads through the townlands of Baile an Chnocáin and Baile na hAbha. Below you is Cuas an Bhodaigh or Brandon Creek which, as legend has it, St. Brendan, together with 14 monks, is said to have set sail in 535 A D. all the way to North America
The Way passes up through small country roads through the townlands of Baile an Chnocáin and Baile na hAbha Below you is Cuas an Bhodaigh or Brandon Creek which, as legend has it, St Brendan, together with 14 monks, is said to have set sail in 535 A.D. all the way to North America.
The long stiff cli mb up the sacred mountain begins and if the weather is clear you can view the site at Fothar na Manach , an ancient field system cultivated b y hermits. Continue up the shoulder of Brandon where the trail rounds the saddle between Más an Tiompáin (763m) and Piaras Mór (748m) An ancient marker ogham stone with an inscribed cross can be found here. Extra way markers painted in white are placed along here to help you find your way should the weather deteriorate. Note some way markers are painted on boulders.There is a sharp severe descent after the Ogham Stone and it may be wise to zig zag in wet weather. The use of walking sticks is well -advised for this section.
The long stiff cli mb up the sacred mountain begins and if the weather is clear you can view the site at Fothar na Manach , an ancient field system cultivated b y hermits. Continue up the shoulder of Brandon where the trail rounds the saddle between Más an Tiompáin (763m) and Piaras Mór (748m). An ancient marker ogham stone with an inscribed cross can be found here Extra way markers painted in white are placed along here to help you find your way should the weather deteriorate. Note some way markers are painted on boulders.There is a sharp severe descent after the Ogham Stone and it may be wise to zig zag in wet weather. The use of walking sticks is well -advised for this section.
Having descended the mountain, a further 4km brings one to the pier at Brandon. The final stage of this section sees the Dingle Way leaving the pier and heading south -west across lanes for just over 6km before finall y making it to the nice friendly village o f Cloghane (An Clochán).
Having descended the mountain, a further 4km brings one to the pier at Brandon The final stage of this section sees the Dingle Way leaving the pier and heading south -west across lanes for just over 6km before finall y making it to the nice friendly village o f Cloghane (An Clochán).
Lea bor Lispo whic The road Lio the cros hea tow Dis

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Castlegregory Community Games Recognition & Awards Day: Celebrating Local Talent and Achievement
The community of Castlegregory came together for an inspiring afternoon of celebration and recognition at the Castlegregory Community Games Recognition and Awards Day held on Sunday, September 15th. The event was a huge success in celebrating the incredible talent and achievements of local youth in various Community Games events.
This year’s celebration highlighted the diverse and exceptional talents showcased by under 16 participants across a range of disciplines including cross-country running, athletics, quiz, swimming, music, gymnastics, cycling on grass, pitch and putt, projects, art, tag rugby, futsal, chess, and handwriting.

Among the stand out performers were two young athletes Evie & Ryan Fields who each earned five county medals and a National medal. We have had some fantastic representation at a national level with Maeve Wallace receiving a silver medal as part of the Kerry Cross country team and our Castlegregory U13 girls swimming relay winning a bronze medal representing Kerry - Evie Fields, Grainne Dowd, Charlie Blennerhasset, Aoibhin Long, Aine Mibach Ahern and Maeve Wallace. A special mention must go to our u13 girls Futsal team who represented Kerry in the Munster final. The competitor's dedication and hard work brought immense pride to our community.
On hand on the day to present the awards were Eimear Dineen, current Kerry Rose and Ciara Butler Kerry County GAA player and both past Castlegregory Community games participants.
The event was a fun-filled occasion with a great sense of community shared by our inspiring local recipients , and a chance for the community to come together and celebrate the young talents who make our area shine.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and made this a memorable day for our young achievers, honoring their exceptional contributions to the Community Games.

Grace Cawley of the under 13 girls team who represented Kerry in the Munster Final with the Current Kerry Rose Emer Dineen.
Positive Ageing Week 30 September – 6 October 2024
Positive Ageing Week is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the posi tive aspects of aging and celebrate the amazing contributions of the many older people who make our families, workplaces, and communities better places.
Over the last 50 years, Ireland has changed significantly. We have a multinational, cosmopolitan, and globalised society with an increasing popu lation. Our population aged 65 years and over is growing as too is our population aged 85 years and over. And while living longer poses some challenges it also presents huge opportunities to develop a society which supports older people to participate fully and live their best lives. How we respond to these challenges and opportunities will determine our soci etal well-being and a positive response will allow us all to benefit from the experience and knowledge of older persons, so noted Ciara O'Gorman, Development Manager with South Munster Citizens Information Service. Positive Aging Week 2024 will continue on the theme of Challenging Ageism, reframing how we think, feel and act towards aging and older persons. A number of events are planned at a local and national level typically in partnership with Age Action (https://positiveageingweek. com/) and these events reflect the diversity of experience and the vital ity of older people.
In Citizens Information our staff recognise that not all older people access the benefits and entitlements that may be available to them. On the Citi zens Information website there is a checklist “Entitlements for Older Peo ple” https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/birth-family-relationships/ older-people/checklist-entitlements-for-older-people/ this checklist is to help you to check out all entitlements for older people. There are a number of welfare payments available to retired and older people living in Ireland.
State Pensions

The State Pension Contributory Pension is paid to people from the age of 66 who have enough Irish social insurance contributions. It is not means-tested.
The State Pension Non-Contributory Pension is means tested may be paid from age 66 to people in Ireland who do not qualify for a State Pension (Contributory).
Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds are paid to people aged 65 who have retired from work and who have enough social insurance contributions. It is not means-tested.
Free Travel in Ireland
Everyone aged 66 and over living permanently in Ireland is entitled to travel free of charge on public transport. Others on certain social welfare payments also share this entitlement.

Household Benefits Package
You may qualify if you are aged 70 or over, or aged between 66 and 70 and receiving the State Pension. Others may also qualify, depending on their circumstances. The Household Benefits Package (HBP) helps towards the costs of your electricity or gas bills. It also includes your television licence. Only one HBP is payable per household.
The Living Alone Increase is an extra payment for people aged 66 and over, on social welfare pensions who are living alone.
Fuel Allowance is a payment to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months. It is a means tested payment under the National Fuel Scheme and is paid to people who are getting a State Pension or are dependent on long-term social welfare.
This year we are seeing an increase in clients calling and wanting to get information on housing grants and supports (in particular keeping warm in winter); working in retirement; public health nursing; home support services; caring for a loved one (and carer’s allowance); making a will and extra social welfare benefits (additional needs payment). Ciara stated that typically Citizens Information is busy during early October as it is the annual governmental budget and people want to understand what the budget means for their personal circumstances. Some clients have specific needs as they encounter barriers to accessing services, including language, literacy, and online access issues. So far this year clients with specific needs enquired most about Disability Allowance, Medical Card, applying for Local Authority/Social Housing, Jobseekers Allowance, Basic Supplementary Welfare Allowance, Carer’s Allowance and Additional Needs Payment. Clients express their concern in how difficult it can be to keep up to date with not just budget changes but general information as well as advances in technology. The online world is not for everyone for a variety of reasons but your local Citizens Information is available to answer your queries and staff provide a confidential information, advice and advocacy service.
Deirdre Vann Bourke, Kerry Citizens Information Manager, said: For anyone needing information, advice or have an advocacy issue, you can call a member of the local Citizens Information team in Kerry on 0818 07 7860, they will be happy to assist and make an appointment if necessary. The offices are staffed from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Alternatively you can email on tralee@citinfo.ie or log on to www.citizensinformation.ie for further information.

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Isabel Bennett, Eoin and Suki Ó HUallacháin and Seán Houlihan found plenty of interest in our magazine recently, while taking a break from visiting Chinatown in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Aon Scéal?
Filíocht agus Prós
Poetry and Storytelling Night
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Awards 2024 Taste Trail

Local Archaeology
Clocháin or ‘Beehive’ Houses
Isabel Bennett

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help make the 2024 festival a huge success If you’re passionate about food, fun, and community, we’d love to have you on our team!
The festival can only happen with the support of our amazing volunteers Be part of the action, meet new people, and help us create a memorable event!

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Cé go scríobhas cheana mar gheall ar na clocháin, cheapas go raibh sé in am cur síos a dhéanamh orthu arís! Cad iad féin? B’shin iad na tithe a bhí ag na gnáthdhaoine (feirmeoirí don chuid is mó) a mhair le linn Ré na Luath-Chríostaíochta, uair éigin, b’fhéidir idir 500-1000 A.D. Bíonn ceann aonair ann, agus uaireanta dhá cheann (nó fiú trí cinn!) ceangailte le chéile. Thógtaí cinn eile laistigh desna ráthanna, agus insna mainistreacha, mar atá ar an Riasc (cóngarach do Bhaile an Fheirtéaraigh). Tá cinn eile le feiscint in aice le tithe feirme atá lonnaithe timpeall Cheann Sleibhe, agus i gCom Dhíneol, a tógadh sa dara leath den 19ú aois, agus a bhí in úsáid mar bhotháin feirme. Léiríonn san nach raibh ceird na tógála caillte fén am san, agus bhí daoine fós ag tógaint agus ag baint úsáide as an stíl choirbéalach. Although I wrote on this topic before, several years ago now, I thought it might be good to revisit one of the better-known monument types to be found on the Dingle Peninsula. Practically everyone who visits West Kerry has heard about, or has visited, a ‘beehive hut’, but what exactly were they looking at? Clocháin (to use the Irish word) are round, stone-built houses in use in Corca Dhuibhne, and elsewhere along the west coast of Ireland where stone was plentiful, during the early medieval period. Some of them may date from as early as the time of St Patrick, but others are probably somewhat later, dating from up to the 9th or 10th centuries AD, or even after that.
These buildings would have been either roofed in stone, using the corbelling technique (also to be seen in Gallarus oratory), or were thatched or perhaps roofed with wooden shingles, if the room was of a large diameter. Each clochán was some -

one’s home (or a room in someone’s home, if the example has two or even three rooms, joined together). They were lived in by the ordinary people, who would have been farmers, or worked for farmers. When found within monastic sites (e.g. at An Riasc, not far from Baile an Fheirtéaraigh), they were the homes of the monks who lived within those communities.

When within raths or ringforts, the occupiers would have had a higher status than those who lived in the unenclosed examples, wealthier farmers. Some might have had other purposes, e.g. as workshops, but the majority were likely to have been dwelling places.
They are known as ‘beehive’ houses because they look like a type of beehive (for bees!) used in the past, but not so much today.
There are also more modern versions, usually still roofed, to be seen, generally beside farmhouses of the late 19th century. Interestingly, their distribution is similar to that of the earlier examples, with some fine structures still to be seen in the Slea Head/Com Dhíneol area, a testament to the quality of stonework still being carried out in the relatively recent past.
Further information about these, and other monuments, can be found in Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh (13km/8 miles west of Dingle), www.westkerrymuseum.com.

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Tobar Dhuibhne - West Kerry Language Plan - Info & News

Coiste Comhairleach Thobar Dhuibhne ag bailiú ag tús na míosa Club Óige
Beidh Club Óige do Rang 5&6 ag tosnú arís Déardaoin an 10ú Deireadh Fómhair i Halla Cheann Trá. Tá líon teoranta spásanna mar sin má tá fonn oraibh clárú, déanaigí teagmháil linn nó cláraigh ag an nasc ar ár meán shóisialta.
Our Club Óige for 5&6th class is starting again on Thursday the 10th of October in Halla Cheann Trá. There’s a limited number of space so get in contact to register or follow our lin on Social Media.
Bígí i dteagmháil le hÉibhín má tá ceist ar bith agaibh - 0873779337
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne’s events
• Tráth na gCeist ar son na Palaistíne @ 7:30 i dTigh Mhic Cárthaigh
• Babhta Cuileachtan sa bheár bheag i dTigh Kruger gach Luan @ 12in
• Ciorcal Comhrá - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Óstán Cheann Sibeál, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Fáilte roimh chách // all welcome.
• Caifé & Cadaráil - lasmuigh do Shiopa Uí Lúing, Ceann Trá gach Déardaoin @ 11:30rn
• Tae & Plé gach Déardaoin @ 11:45 i gCistí Chorca Dhuibhne le Dúchas an Daingin

Foireann an Chomharchumainn ag ceiliúradh Príomhdhuais agus an chéad duais san Oideachas ag Gradam Ghlór na nGael
Glór na nGael
Bronnadh duaiseanna Chomórtas Náisiúnta Ghlór na nGael ag ócáid speisialta i bPáirc an Chrócaigh ar an Satharn 14/09/24. Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne a thug príomhdhuais Ghlór na nGael abhaile leo. Bhí an t-ádh orainn freisin an chéad áit sa rannóg oideachais a thabhairt linn leis.
Cúis mhór cheiliúrtha do phobal Chorca Dhuibhne é an duais seo! Ár
mbuíochas leis an bpobal a thugann tacaíocht dúinn i gcónaí agus le foireann Ghlór na nGael.
Tráth na gCeist ar son na Palaistíne
Beimid ag déanamh Tráth na gCeist ar son na Palaistíne i gcomhpháirt le Dúchas an Daingean, i dTigh MacCárthaigh sa Daingean ar an 27ú Méan Fomhair ag a 7:30in. Beidh duaiseanna iontacha le buachaint ar nós Ticéidí do cheolchoirim Kneecap i gCill Áirne, earraí na Palestine, dearbhán do ghnóanna an Daingin agus ualach duaiseanna eile.
Bígí Linn!

Deiseanna / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh (tuilleadh ar www. peig.ie):
• Folúntais le Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta
Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta
• Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga i dTrá Lí
Glór na nGael
• Láithreoirí Raidió le Gaeilge Líofa
An tOireachtas
Tomhais na coicíse
Bosca mé nach mbogann, ach gur féidir tú a thabhairt go háit eile le cnáipe amháin a bhrú. Cad is ea mé?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar r-phost!
Freagra an eagráin seo chaite:
Má chuireann tú an rud seo, seans go bhfásfaidh sé mar phlean i gceann duine eile. Cad is ea é?
Pats Ó Duinneacha, Niamh Ní Bhaoill, Órla Ní Bheaglaoich
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Bí ag caint linne, Tobar Dhuibhne. Táimid ar Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Instagram. Cad é do Phlean Teanga féin?
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/TobarDhuibhne
Glaoigh ar 066 9156 100 (3 do Thobar Dhuibhne), nó 087 376 9538 do Bharry Ó Siochrú nó 087 377 9337 d’Éibhín Ní Shlattara
Embracing What We HaveWhatever The Weather
Tom Connolly - Sona
‘It’d be a grand country, if we could put a roof over it!’ was heard more than a few times this summer, and with good reason. Putting a roof over Ireland, I quite like the sentiment. It suggests that Ireland, with it’s beautiful nature and good natured people is the best place to be. You wouldn’t want to change a thing, if you could just change the weather. But there is an easier way we can enjoy our island without changing the weather, all we have to do is change our attitude.
Ok changing our attitude isn’t easy, it requires unlearning old behvaiours and thought patterns; patience, practice and discipline. But let’s look at the alternatve first shall we? If it costs that shower in Leinster House €336,000 to put a roof over 18 bicycles, imagine how much it’s going to cost put a roof over a 84,000 square kilometers?
So from this perspective, changing our attitude is definitely easierand I’ve a little tip that might help you, courtesy of a friend I lost to kitesurfing. Don’t worry, he’s still very much alive, it’s just I see him less because kitesurfing has taken over his life. So much so that one day I asked him the question ‘why kitesurfing?’. His response surprised me, it was less about his obsession with twintip carbon boards and straterial kites and more a simple observation ‘Tom, we live in a windy country, so why not choose a hobby where you can look forward to a windy day?’.
Around this time I was living beside a beach and a little bit broke, so I decided cold sea swimming might be a cost effective entry into this change of attitude. So one day I took the plunge (not literally at first of course), and over the coming autumn forced my shoulders then head, for seconds then minutes. A few weeks into this excursion, a wood fired sauna was set up beside the beach. The first time I opened the door, my shivering bones melting against that wall of heat, I was sold. While I subjected my body and mind to cold and hot therapy that winter, I subjected my ears to podcasts and my friends to unsolicited conversations about the topic. I had found my kitesurfing.
Sauna has helped me look forward to the autumn and winter. That bite we’re feeling at the moment, I hope it grows fangs. The colder the air is now, the colder the sea and ocean surrounding our island become, the more invigorated I will feel leaving the sauna session. The session that’s a catch up with friends, downtime to myself or a chinwag with the people sitting across from the roaring fire. Many people around the island are now embracing Ireland’s new sauna culture. I could go into the sciencey benefits of cold exposure and heat therapy or the sense of community that comes with regular participation. But I think on some level it’s less about embracing something new, and more finally accepting something we always knew: We live on a small cold island surrounded by a big cold sea. We can’t change this fact and the weather that comes with it, but adopting an activity like sauna can help shift our perspective positively towards it.
This shift can make the colder and darker seasons more manageable, help with symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and combat isolation. With seasons being cyclical, over time these positive thought patterns will reinforce positive behaviours, repeated through the years, this will lead to long lasting positive impacts on our physical and mental health.
So as the days get colder, wetter and darker, why not try an activity that compliments our colder climate? Take kitesurfing lessons and see what the wind has to offer. If the sea ain’t your thing, forage berries from hedgegrows after the rain for jam (...or gin). And hey… if the winter gets really wintery, we can always start a bobsleigh team. We’d have better luck qualifying for the Winter Olympics then that shower in Leinster House have of ever building a roof.

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Inch Notes
Thanks to all who attended the Clean Coast Clean-up last Saturday!
Kids Halloween Party: Sunday 27th October 4-6pm at Inch Community Centre. Kids Disco – Prizes for best fancy dress. Come and meet Kenny the Clown! €6 entry.
Quiz Night: Saturday 16th November at 8pm at Foley’s Bar Inch. Maximum four in a team, €10 per person. Raffle on the night.
Children’s Books Ireland has brought the Book Clinic to thousands of young readers and their families all over the island of Ireland. The Book Clinics are free, fun, pop-up events which give personalised recommendations to each child based on their interests, reading level and books they have previously loved (or hated!). Each child meets an expert Book Doctor in a white coat and comes away with their own personalised ‘book prescription’ which can be filled at their local library or bookshop.
The element of theatre and in-depth consultations makes this an impactful way of encouraging reading for pleasure. Each Zoom Book Clinic lasts for 2 hours, with each consultation slot with a child lasting 15 minutes. The Book Doctor and Book Clinic administrator will join the call from their homes. The administrator will invite the Book Doctor and patients to join the call and will oversee the ‘waiting room’. When the Book Doctor is ready to see a patient, the consultation begins with some questions about books the young reader previously enjoyed as well as activities, movies, tv shows and video games they like. This lets the Book Doctor know a little bit more about the patient so they can write a book prescription, which is a personalised list of books recommended for the individual patient.
The Zoom Book Clinic is supported by Children’s Books Ireland’s online resources. Each child will receive their book prescription via email to their parent or guardian following their consultation, along with a link to CBI’s recommended Reading Guides. Following their appointment the young reader can browse the Little Library and bring home a copy of Children’s Books Ireland’s Reading Matters reading guide.
Spaces are limited. To book a place please call Jane on 0871942116.
The Inch-Annascaul Community First Responders are trained volunteers that live locally. When an ambulance is called to an address within a radius of 8-10km of Inch Beach, Co Kerry, Community First Responders received an alert, and any available responders will attend with a defibrillator.
The responders receive alerts specific to Cardiac Arrest, Stroke, Choking, and Chest Pain. The aim of the Community First Responders is to reach a potential life-threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance arrives.
If you think you would like to volunteer to train to become a Community First Responder, the next round of training begins in November. For more information or to sign up for training please contact Niamh on the following number 085-7126947.
Inch Community Council will be hosting a fundraiser bingo on Thursday October 24th at 7.30pm to raise much needed funds for the InchAnnascaul Community First Responders. These funds will be used to buy new defibrillators.
Senior citizen community lunches started back again at Inch Community Centre V92HK31 on Tuesday the 24th September at 1pm and will continue every second Tuesday after that. All are welcome.
Inch Farmers Market will take place on the following Saturdays from 10am-2pm at Foley’s Beer Garden: 12th October, 9th November, 7th December. If you are interested in a spot, please contact inchfarmersmarket@gmail.com
There is the opportunity to be involved through a cooperatively run farm produce stand. This is for farmers that don’t have enough produce, variety or hours to warrant a stall themselves and allows locally grown produce to be available in the community. If anyone has extra veg etc. that they would like to sell, get in touch!
Events at Inch Community Centre:
Yoga with Shannah (www.yogatimeforyou.com): Mondays 7-8pm, book in advance on 087 061 5544.
Yoga with Mélanie: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm, book in advance via WhatsApp +33 659 286 354.
Bingo nights on the following Thursdays at 8pm: 26th September; and Thursdays at 7:30pm: 10th October, 24th October.
Coffee Mornings on the following Sundays at 10:30am (after mass): 29th September, 13th October, 24th November.
Other regular notices:
Upcoming mass times for St Joseph’s church Inch at 10am on alternate Sundays: 29th September, 13th October, 27th October.
The Kerry Mobile Library Service will be parked opposite Foley’s Bar Inch from 12:25pm – 1pm on Friday 4th October and 18th October.
Practice your Irish at the weekly Comhra at Foley’s Bar Inch on Wednesdays at 10:30am. All levels welcome.
The 276 Bus Service from Killarney to Dingle will be passing Inch Church daily at 9:53, 15:28 and 18:53, and Inch Beach daily at 9:55, 15:30 and 18:55.
The service from Dingle to Killarney will be passing Inch Beach daily at 7:45, 12:20 and 16:50, and Inch Church daily at 7:47,12:22 and 16:52.

The Dingle Bookshop

Roof Cleaning & Repairs, Driveway Cleaning & Repairs, Patio and footpaths - cleaned & sealed, hedge trimming, power washing, gutter repairs and general garden & property maintenance.
Photos by Mossy Donegan

Oscailte ó Luain go Aoine

would like to invite you to it's open day on Sunday the 29th of September from 1pm until 4pm. BBQ, games, tea and coffee and a cake sale will all take place. Anyone who would like to bring a cake for sale would be greatly appreciated.
Camphill Dingle
Camp Notes
Brigid O'Connor
CAMP FAIR The sun shone brightly on Camp Fair day to the delight of all of us.The pens were put down the evening before and sheep sold, bargains made at Camp Cross, like in days of yore. This is a remarkable effort on the part of sheep farmers, local to West Kerry, who turn up to buy and sell sheep every year at Camp Fair. Truly a Meitheal of young and old coming together every year on Camp Fair Day. Ava and Lina Herlihy, back from the Caribbean islands, won the Jack Quirke Memorial Cup for the best Heritage Pen of sheep. Made from sheets of zinc and wood and perfected by their Grandad Jimmy and Uncle John's artistic touches, Ava and Lina were delighted with their prize, their first Camp Fair Day in Ireland.
Jimmy O'Dwyer won Best Pen of Rams. Tom Griffin won the Maureen and Brendan Deane Memorial cup for the best pen of ewe lambs.
The Tom Batt O'Connor Memorial cup for the Most traditional pen of sheep was won by Conor O'Dwyer. Pat Joe O'Connor won The Michael O’ Shea Memorial Cup for the best pen of sheep at the fair.
Michael Curran, Brandon won The O'Dwyer cup for the best trailer of sheep. Gearoid O'Shea won The Michael Cahillane Cup for the traditional Millenium pen.
Aoibhinn O'Dwyer was the overall winner of the U18 category for the best pen of sheep receiving the John O’Shea Memorial Cup.
U/18’s who won trophies for their pens were as follows - Brian Griffin, Michael O'Shea, Jimmy Griffin, Conor O’Dwyer, Ava and Lina, Justin, Mena and Jack and Clara, her great grandfather's ponies rail, as good as ever and erected by Clara's grandfather Jack Crean. All worthy winners on the day and indeed all are known to be helping out on the farm at home….from time to time.
The Tommy Griffin Memorial Cup for the best Horse at the fair was won by Damien Gleasure. It was Mary Casey’s 90th birthday and a cake and a gift was presented to her at the old school. Mary from Acres, Annascaul whose mother Annie Moynihan came from Gleann na nGealt is at the fair every year. Great to see her hale and hearty as always.
The Keel Castlemaine farmers were always the first to cross the hill on Camp Fair morning and in olden times came the night before the fair. So it was only right that Fin Deane from Gortineedin, Keel be acknowledged for never missing Camp Fair since he was a young boy coming with his father. Again we earnestly hope that Fin continues to make bargains at Camp Fair for many years to come.
And our own Camp lady, Amelia Day, whose ancestors have farmed in Kilteenbane for generations, has some wonderful childhood memories of the fair. Amelia was acknowledged too, she never missed a fair in over 70 years, proudly standing alongside her pen of sheep. Great to see her in good form at the fair on Wednesday. And the mutton pie, the staple dish of Camp Fair past and present, was enjoyed by all. Mike's (the chef at O'Dwyers) mutton pies were delicious
according to everybody.
And in keeping with tradition, a trip down to enjoy Mary’s pies, her very own recipe, at The Junction Bar in the evening was a must for all of us. She is surely an amazing lady at 92, still making mutton pies for the fair day. Mary, long may you be blessed with the stamina and the health to keep making your delicious mutton pies.
And at Ashe's Bar, the aroma of food, cooked by Hannah on the barbeque filled the air. Another lovely tasty choice for everybody and not forgetting Anne's cafe bar at the back brewing the best from early morning til late afternoon.
CAMP FAIR FUNDRAISER Camp Fair fundraiser in aid of Camp Childcare and Ailise's Quest was a resounding success.
Well done to Carol and her team, staff, parents and children at the centre and everybody who helped out before the day and on the day on their hard work, a massive achievement for all of you. The auction of sheep in the afternoon was well supported. Thanks to Jimmy O'Dwyer and auctioneer and all those who sponsored sheep and farm products and those who purchased sheep, Ailise has already begun her journey and the entire community is behind her, wishing her every success in her amazing venture, a true hero and outstanding athlete. She has done us all proud as she continues to put Camp on the map of the world of adventure sports. Final amount raised will be available in next weeks notes.
TABLE QUIZ A Table Quiz will be held this Friday night at The Junction Bar at 9.00 p.m. Great prizes to be won. Proceeds in aid of Ailise's Quest for the World Championship. Your support is appreciated.
CAMP DRAMA GROUP Invite you to join us for a drama taster evening on Monday 7th. October at 8.00 p.m.in The Old Schoolhouse, Camp. Experienced performer or complete beginner, all are welcome.
HARVEST THANKSGIVING Ecumenical Harvest Thanksgiving which will include thanksgiving for 200 years of Kilgobbin Church will be held in Kilgobbin Church on the 29th September at 3pm followed by tea in the Old School House in Camp.
The Village Voices choir from Castlegregory and the Camp Choir will take part in the service, The Collection will be for the Church Missionary Society CMS which has supported the building of water storage tanks in Kenya.
DEFIBRILLATOR Many thanks to those of you who stopped to chat to us at Camp Sheep Fair. Well done to all of you on providing this great community service.
GAA NEW FROM NY Kerry defeated Westmeath recently in New York. The Chairman of Kerry GAA in New York is none other than Campman, Kenneth Quirke from Curra. Kenneth lined up with the winning Kerry team on the day and afterwards jumped on a plane for home to the pleasant surprise of his Mum, Breda and Dad Martin. He even got to be here for Camp Fair. Congratulations and well done Kenneth. All very proud of you at home in Camp.
OCEAN VIEW A lovely summer party was held at Ocean View Nursing Home, Camp on Sunday. There was a prayer service for the residents led by Sheila O'Donnell and a blessing given by Bishop of Kerry, Rev. Ray Browne. Fr. Michael Moynihan, Moderator Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral area also joined in the ceremony. Delicious food was served and local musicians entertained.
Earlier there was a gathering at the roadside where politicians and public representatives were united in support of Ocean View residents and staff. All speaking with one voice to keep Ocean View open.
Thanks to Councillor Robert Brosnan (SF) for calling the gathering together and to all the public representatives, Kerry TD’s, Pa Daly (SF), Norma Foley (FF) Minister for Education, Michael HealyRae (Ind). Councillor Tommy Griffin (FG), Dr. Peadar Fanning and Chloe Murphy, (Green Party), Albhie Keoghan, speaking for the residents, Shane Scanlon Alliance supporting Nursing Homes and all who attended on the day. Thanks to the HSE and all who are working in any way to help keep Ocean View open.
Ocean View is a beating heart in the pulse of the Community of Camp and the Dingle Peninsula. Go n-éirí an t-adh libh!

The Taste Trail - Beir Leat Do Babhla / Bring your own Bowl
Bay Fishcakes, Chilli Aoili or Anascaul black pudding bon bons, autum chutney 23 Café No 3 @ The Chart House Chocolate Chip Oreo Muffin (Sat Only) 24 Meeres Pork products @Random Restaurant Gourmet Sausage Rolls.
25 Rugbaí Chorca Dhuibhne @ Fenton’s Restaurant Fresh Dingle Bay Oyster / Bloody Mary
26 Crinkle Stores Alternative Christmas Pudding (Sat Only)
27 Skelligs Chocolates @ Sweet Pea Skelligs Chocolate
28 Wild Wines @ La Boheme Tasting of wines from indigenous grapes from sustainable farms.
29 The Little Cheese Shop
30 The Dillon Gallery
Homemade Pickles, Sourdough Bread
BBQ Slider
31 Cáis @ Lisbeth Mulcahy’s Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Shewer / Blackberry

Ticket / Multiple Tickets Bean Tortilla
Smoked Salmon Mousse Vol-au-Vent / Dingle Bay Prawn Cocktail
Island Vermouth and tonic Crispy Chicken Wings
Kerry Rosé Veal
a taster not a waster, rinse and reuse!
Chocolate Bonbon / Four tickets for a box of four
flavours Cheese Bits: A Taste of Our 3 Cheeses
Íogurt: Dingle Farm Yougurt Fruit Compote
bán: Dingle Farm twist on a White Russian Blenders Coconut Fish Curry with Rice. / Currans Seafood Platter.
Adams Seafood Bisque
Taste of an Annascaul Breakfast - Black & White Pudding & Traditional Pork Sausage / An Annascaul Sausage Roll Cakes
Clean Cut Meals (Sat only)
a taster not a waster, rinse and reuse! # Ainm/Name


Gift & Craftshop
Gift & Craft Centre

Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Green Street. OPEN DAILY
Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Lower Green St. Dingle

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Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 8pm
On Line Shop Open for Sales
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Tel: (083) 8520705 email:originalkerrydingle@gmail.com
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Jackie 085 1621950 Pawel 087 3198681

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We are now Hiring an Apprentice Plumber CALL US NOW FOR DETAILS
Scór na nÓg
If you are interested in taking part in Scór na nÓg (u17). Please contact your local GAA Scór & Cultural Officer for an application form or westkerryscor@gmail.com
Entries need to be received by 5pm on 27th September.

There are eight events/disciplines in Scór that cover all aspects of Irish culture: Figure/Céilí Dancing, Solo Singing, Ballad Group, Recitation/ Scéalaíocht, Nuachleas/Novelty Act, Instrumental Music, Set Dancing and Table Quiz
Domestic Appliance Repair

Washing Machines - CookersTumble Dryers - Fridge Freezers - Dishwashers Pat Kearney
Est. 1989. Spare Parts Available. New Appliances Installed 087-2565569

27ú - 29ú Meán Fómhair
Cá bhfuil ár dtriall? - Caomhnú is Aitheantas do na Blascaodaí
and Status of the Blasket Islands - Future Models
Dé hAoine, 27 Meán Fómhair
Seisiún 1
7:30 Oscailt an Cheiliúrtha.
Bean an Tí: Treasa Ní Mhainín, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne
12:00 Clabhsúr/Close
• Lorcán Ó Cinnéide, Ionad an Bhlascaoid - Comharthaí sóirt /raison d’être na comhdhála
• Ciaran O’Connor, Iar-ailtire an Stáit, OPW - Caomhnú is Bainistiú an Bhlascaoid
• Trish Walsh, Joyce County and Western Lakes Geopark – Stádas, Tionchar agus Buntáistí
• Paddy Bushe, File is scríbhneoir - Sceilg Mhichíl agus
Oileán Dairbhre: Stádas UNESCO
Clárú • Registration
• Guthanna ón mBlascaod Mór
Táille Iomlán €25 an duine (€5 an seisiún)
Plé oscailte i ndiaidh na gcainteanna / Open discussion
Cathaoirleach, Fondúireacht an Bhlascaoid
• Pádraig Firtéar, Bronnadh Sparántacht an Bhlascaoid 2024 (Award of the Blasket Bursary 2024)
Róisín Ní Chéilleachair - Amhráin
Simultaneous translation of talks in Irish will be available.
Tae/Caifé agus fáiltithe san áireamh.
Dé Domhnaigh, 29 Meán Fómhair
Seisiún 5
Full Registration Fee €25 per person (€5 per session) FREE TO THOSE UNDER 18
10:30 Taithí Thar Lear
Tea/Coffee and reception included.
Níl béilí san áireamh. Meals not included.
Dé Sathairn, 28 Meán Fómhair
Seisiún 2
10:00 Múnlaí agus Stádas na mBlascaodaí /Options and Models for the Blasket Islands
Cathaoirleach - Mícheál Ó Cinnéide, (Rúnaí Fondúireacht an Bhlascaoid)
Tomás L. Ó Murchú, Máirín Uí Shé, Bernie Firtéar, Míc heál de Mórdha, Máire Uí Mhurchú, Lorcán Ó Cinnéide agus Doncha Ó Conchúir (Ionad an Bhlascaoid), Mícheál Ó Cinnéide, Pádraig Ó Héalaí, Treasa Ní Mhainín (Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne)
• Alasdair Mac Eachain, Alba - St Kilda, UNESCO World Heritage status
Mol an Óige
• Niall Ó Donnchú, Stiúrthóir, NPWS - Páirc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí - fís nua / Marine National Park, Kerry, a new model
(Briseadh tae agus caifé)
Seisiún 3
Taispeántas grianghraf, cóirithe ag Muireann Ní Chearna, a léiríonn an t-aos óg sa Bhlascaod Mór fadó. le feiscint i gcaitheamh an deireadh seachtaine ar fad.
• Dr Donal Griffin, Fair Seas - A Marine Protected Area off the Blasket Islands & Kerry
• Seáinín Mac Eoin, Iascaire 12:30 Lón san Ionad
Seisiún 4
2:00 Múnlaí agus Stádas na mBlascaodaí /Options and Models for the Blasket Islands
Cathaoirleach - Seán Kelly, Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa
Cathaoirleach - Mícheál de Mórdha, (Fondúireacht an Bhlascaoid)
Ainm / Name
• Phil Gawne, Iarbhall de House of Keys do Rosien, Oileán Mhanann - Manx National Heritage, a victory of passion and determination over bureaucracy
Seoladh / Address
• Jim McAdam, Ollamh Emeritus AFBI, Béal FeirsteManagement of Remote Islands, the Falklands case study
Seoladh Leabhar
R-phost / Email
Ceiliúradh an Bhlascaoid 26 In eagar ag Tomás L. Ó Murchú
Ní mór clárú roimh 1 Meán Fómhair 2024, más féidir. Please register before 1 September 2024, if possible.
An dara heisiúint de Méiní: The Blasket Nurse le Leslie Matson (Mercier Press 2024), á sheoladh ag Mícheál de Mórdha
Tá táille istigh leis seo / Registration fee enclosed (Nó cláraigh ar an lá / Or register on the day)
Seol thar n-ais go dtí: An Rúnaí, Please return to: Ceiliúradh an Bhlascaoid
12:00 Clabhsúr/Close – Pádraig Firtéar, Cathaoirleach Fhondúireacht an Bhlascaoid
Ionad an Bhlascaoid
Dún Chaoin
Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí. V92 TH73
Simultaneous translation of talks in Irish will be available.
Eolas/Information:Fón: 066 - 915 6444
12:30 Ollchruinniú /AGM ag Fondúireacht an Bhlascaoid
R-phost: ceiliuradhanbhlascaoid@gmail.com http://www.ceiliuradh.net

Ionad an Bhlascaoid
Dún Chaoin, Co. Chiarraí

Caitriona ag Dul ar Scor.

Is le brón a chualamar go bhfuil Caitríona Ní Chathail ag dul ar scor cé go bhfuil buíochas ó chroí ag dul leis an mbrón, as na blianta go léir a chaith sí ag múineadh Gaelainne do dhaoine fásta anseo i gCorca Dhuibhne.
Nuair a fhiafraítear dí cén fáth gur tháinig sí go Corca Dhuibhne don gcéad uair, freagraíonn sí gan moill ar bith, “De bharr na teanga.” Dúthracht agus grá don teanga
Ghaelainne a spreagann a gairm agus go deimhin, a saol.
Tá bua na múinteoireachta ag Caitríona. Bogann sí timpeall an tseomra ranga ag coimeád aire agus spéise na ndaltaí go léir. Bhí féith an ghrinn éadroim aici agus í sásta i gcónaí dul ar seachrán ar phointí áraithe a dhein eachtra de gach ceacht, cé gur eachtra le ceann scríbe ab ea é.
Ag dul siar ar na nótaí óna ranganna, tuigtear dúinn cé có saibhear ab ea an acmhainn a thug sí dúinn.
Bhí cumas as cuimse aici chun gach scoláire a spreagadh, a rá linn “Fan Inti!” Lean ort!
Baineann Caitríona feidhm as an gcanúint aitiúil, Gaelainn Chorca Dhuibhne, ina múinteoireacht, fé mar a deir sí féin “Seo an áit go bhfuilimid ann.”
Tá tuiscint dhoimhin aici ar bhéaloideas áitiúil, logainmneacha agus nathanna cainte agus bíonn sí sásta i gcónaí iad a roinnt go fiail le héinne gur suim leo. Go maire sí i bhfad.
“Ní bheidh a leithéid anseo arís”.
- Pádraig De Brún, aistrithe ag Bob Ó Cathail

Féile Bídh an Daingin!
Táimid ag súil go mór le Féile Bídh an Daingin, a bheidh ag tárlú ar an 4ú - 6ú Mí Deireadh Fómhar.
Bígí linn tráthnóna Dé hAoine an 4ú lá chun an Fhéile a sheoladh ag Céiliúradh Bídh Chorca Dhuibhne. Déanfar ceilúiradh ar an oidhreacht shaibhir cocaireachta agus ar ár gcultúr bídh bríomhar ag an imeacht seo.
Beidh Rás Spraíúil 5km ar siúl ag a 10rn, Dé Sathairn, 5ú Deireadh Fomháir ag Muiríne an Daingin ag Ciarraí Thiar A.C. Deis ar leith é seo tús breá a chur leis an bhFéile. Tá ticéidí ar fáil ar suíomh Ciarraí Thiar A.C - www. ciarraithiarac.com
Chomh maith le sin, bí ag faire amach mar beidh ár gcomharthaí le feiscint timpeall an bhaile.
Duaiseanna Comórtas Náisiúnta Ghlór na nGael 2023 Bronnta

Bronnadh duaiseanna Chomórtas Náisiúnta Ghlór na nGael ag ócáid speisialta i bPáirc an Chrócaigh ar an Satharn 14/09/24. Bhíomar ana shásta glacadh leis an duais don gcéad áit sa rannóg An Stáit & Gnó - n'fhéadfaí é sin a bhaint amach gan an pobal iontach atá againn anseo sa Daingean! Gura maith agaibh go léir as bhur dtacaíocht.
Moltóireacht Gradaim Ghnó
Bhí ana lá againn ag dul timpeall le Glór na nGael ag déanamh moltóireacht ar ghnóanna sa Daingean Dé Luain seo caite.

Go n-éirí go geal leis na gnóanna atá istigh ar Ghradaim i mbliana!
Tae & Plé
Bíonn Tae agus Plé againn na haon Déardaoin, deis iontach atá anseo duit do chuid Gaelainne a chleachtadh i spás nádúrtha. Bígí linn
Gach Déardaoin - 12.00i.n. - Cístí Corca Dhuibhne
Is féidir teachtaireacht a sheoladh chugainn ar whats app 087 7004 884 leis an ionad a dheimhniú - nó más maith leat cuireadh chun dul isteach sa Ghrúpa atá againn le a thuilleadh eolas!
Join us every Thursday for our weekly conversational group. This is a great opportunity to practice your Irish in a natural setting.
Contact us on Whatsapp at 087 7004 884 if you’d like to be added into the group with more information!
Frásaí & Nathanna Úsáideach don bhFéile Bídh
Useful Phrases & Terms for the Food Festival!
Bain triail astu sa ar na meáin an tseachtain seo!
Why not try some of these on your posts this week!
- Conas tánn tú?
- Blaiseadh beag led’thoil
- Táim stiúgtha!
- Tá boladh aoibhinn air
- Tá blas ana dheas air sin
- ‘Bhféadfainn é sin a thrialt led’thoil
- Ní beo gan bia sinn
- Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras
- Sí capall na hoibre an bia
- Bíonn blas milis ar phraiseach na gcomharsan
- Blais é agus tiocfaidh dúil agat ann
- Glaoigh sall chugainn
- Bí cinnte é seo a thrailt
- Ná caill é seo!
- Táimid ag súil go mór leis
- An deireadh seachtaine is fearr sa bhliain
- Tá mo bholg thiar ar mo dhrom
- Ith siar é
- Táim lán go barra
- Sceanra
- Forc
- Scian
- Spúnóg
- Seol DM chugainn
- Dein teagmháíl linn ar…
- Glaoigh orainn inniu
- Cur bord in áirithint ar ..
- Glaoigh isteach chugainn
- How are you?
- A small taste please
- I’m starving
- That has a lovely smell
- That has a really nice taste
- Could I try that please
- We can’t live without food
- Hunger is a good sauce
- Food is a good workhorse
- Food always tastes better served up to you!
- Taste it and you will like it
- Call over to us
- Be sure to try this
- Don’t miss out on this!
- We can’t wait
- The best weekend of the year
- I’m ravenous
- Eat it up
- I’m stuffed
- Cutlery
- Fork
- Knife
- Spoon
- DM us
- Contact us on…
- Call us today
- Book a table on
- Call in to us
An féidir linn cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn:
Rút Ní Mhurchú
Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin
Linktree: Dúchas an Daingin

News From Dingle Hub
Céim mór do táirgí Corca Dhuibhne!
Find delicious Uaineoil Corca Dhuibhne / West Kerry Lamb from Pádraig Ó Dálaigh's farm, Dún Chaoin, at Sheehy's Spar. This is a part of a trial to explore new market routes that will support the livelyhoods of our small farms and keep our communities thriving.
Is cuid é seo de thriail chun bealaí nua margaidh a iniúchadh a thacóidh le slite beatha ár bhfeirmeacha beaga agus a choimeádfaidh ár bpobail faoi bhláth. Scaip an scéal!

Corca Dhuibhne Tourism & Hospitability
To complement the Dingle Food Festival’s zero waste initiative, Corca Dhuibhne Community Forum are partnering with 2GoCup and local coffee shops for the weekend to trial a returnable coffee cup scheme here in Dingle. This trial gives consumers and businesses a chance to try out a returnable coffee cup scheme. We have negotiated a special offer for businesses a free trial (no €365 signing up fee, no commitment) over Friday, Saturday and Sunday 4th – 6th October. Please get in contact if you would like to be part of this trial ann@dinglehub.com

This initiative is supported by Údaras na Gaeltachta, Dingle Hub, Dingle Tidy Towns and Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance. Le tacaíocht ó Údarás na Gaeltachta.

Devane’s Christmas Trees - Closing Down Ballymoreagh
It is with regret that we are announcing the closing down of our Christmas Tree business with immediate effect. This was not an easy decision to make but after 28 years we feel the time is right.
We would like to thank all our customers and helpers who supported us through the years - much appreciated
Any queries to Helen 087 7655873 all gift vouchers will be honoured

Can You Help?
I have just gone through four years trying to get myself accommodated in our beloved town of Dingle, for two of those years I was homeless, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, to find yourself homeless at forty-six is absolutely soul destroying, thankfully I am at last in full time accommodation. I am back full time in Dingle six months now and after four and half years I am at a loss to find that not much has changed in the housing situation particularly as it affects a young woman who has been an integral part of our community for the past eighteen years. This young lady and her mother, both well-known and cherished by many, are now facing the heartbreaking prospect of being forced to leave the area they have called home. Having moved to Dingle from abroad, this lady has not only embraced our town but has also contributed significantly to its vibrant community spirit. She has worked tirelessly to support local initiatives, engage with residents, and enhance the lives of those around her. It is disheartening to see someone who has given so much to our community now struggling to find a place to live. Is there anyone in our town who can offer a long-term rental solution, a stable home for this deserving family. Thank you for consideration.
- Paddy Lyons
If you can help please contact me on Paddypanic@gmail.com and I will pass your details on.
One Pot Coconut Chicken
Mark Murphy - Dingle Cookery School

As autumn's cooler evenings roll in, there's nothing better than a warming one-pot meal to soothe the soul. This fragrant chicken, rice, and coconut dish is the perfect answer. Tender chicken thighs are simmered with rice in a rich, creamy coconut milk broth, infused with warming ginger, garlic, and lemongrass. A sprinkle of fresh coriander and a squeeze of lime lift the flavours beautifully. The best part? It's all done in one pot, making it not only delicious but also easy to prepare, ideal for a comforting, no-fuss dinner.
800g chicken thighs, bone removed and cut in half
1 shallot, sliced
1 inch of ginger, peeled and diced finely
3 cloves garlic, crushed
250g short-grain white rice, rinsed until water runs clear
400g chicken stock
1 can coconut milk
1 red pepper, seeds removed and sliced
100g roasted cashews, roughly chopped
3 spring onions, sliced
handful of coriander, chopped half of lime, juiced oil
salt and pepper
Turn on oven to 170ºC. In a bowl add the chicken, with a dash of oil, pinch of salt and pepper. Rub this in well.
Place an oven proof pot over a medium to high heat. Once hot add a little oil and then add half of the chicken. Allow each side to brown. Remove from pot and continue with the other pieces of chicken. Remove the chicken once browned, turn down the heat slightly. Add the shallot, ginger, garlic and lemon grass, let this cook for about 5 minutes and keep stirring every now and then.
Add in the rice and stir well, add the stock, coconut milk, red pepper, cashew nuts, spring onions. Stir and season well. Place the chicken on top of the rice. Allow this to cook for a few minutes before placing the lid on top and placing it in the oven.
Leave in the oven for about 40 minutes. Carefully remove and check that the chicken is cooked. Add some coriander and the lime juice over the chicken and serve.
Bain Taitneamh As!

Listowel Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92DX44

The View from the Chair
Irish Cultural Center West Springfield
Privileged to lead a Kerry County Council delegation to West Springfield, Massachusetts to help support our businesses and build on existing tourism and economics links. As part of a the KCC delegation to West Springfield and the Eastern States Exposition (The Big E) at West Springfield, Massachusetts we received a great welcome at the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England West Springfield.

Our KCC delegation was part of an initiative to help promote Corca Dhuibhne and Kerry at the Dingle Peninsula Showcase at the Big E and to build on our West Springfield Sister City connection. Special thanks to Mayor Will Reichelt, Ed Sullivan & Sean Cahillane.
Networking Breakfast Briefing to showcase Corca Dhuibhne & Kerry
Delighted to host a Networking Breakfast Briefing in West Springfield to showcase Corca Dhuibhne & Kerry as a destination for business, investment and tourism and explore opportunities to build upon existing partnerships and links between Corca Dhuibhne, Kerry, West Springfield and the State of Massachusetts.

The Big E - Eastern States Exposition

Honoured to make a presentation to Gene Cassidy, President & CEO of the Big E Exposition in appreciation of the exposure Corca Dhuibhne businesses have received at the Big E, the largest event on the East Coast. We then got a tour of the Big E on our way to the Dingle Peninsula Showcase. The Meet the Makers and Mingle with Dingle events at The Big E are a wonderful opportunity to showcase what the Dingle Peninsula has to offer. We took part in the Big E Parade with Holyoke and West Springfield Groups where the theme was Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day.
ECTN Finalist announcement for Dingle Peninsula’s festivals
As Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council I was able to make a special announcement that The European Cultural Tourism Network and European Travel Commission have recognized the Dingle Peninsula’s festivals as a finalist in its Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism category of its annual ECTN Awards program.
We have a busy calendar of over 45 festivals and events every year. The work of our festival organizers and the work of the Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance make this happen and they work very hard to coordinate and publicize dozens and dozens of events every year. Our festivals celebrate the Irish language, culture and heritage through the arts, music, dancing, poetry, sport, food, spirituality, and celebrations of land and sea.
We’ll know the final decision on October 24th when ECTN announces the winners in Dublin. On behalf of Kerry County Council, I would like to offer congratulations to the Tourism Alliance and its hard-working members, but importantly the men and women whose passions drive our festivals.
Western Mass Economic Development Committee
Took the opportunity as guests of the Western Mass Economic Development Committee to take a fact-finding tour of the Business Hubs and Education Campus’s where we had several meetings and networking opportunities with Western Massachusetts businesses, Chambers of Commerce and Educational Organisations.

Gone Now, to Springfield: Celebrating the Legacy of the Blasket Islands
Honoured to attend the Inaugural launch of the Blasket Exhibit at the Springfield Museums as Mayor of Kerry alongside U.S. Representative Richard Neal, Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, Blasket Centre Manager Lorcán Ó Cinnéide, Explore Western Mass President Mary Kay Wydra, Springfield Museums President Kay Simpson, Consul General Síghle FitzGerald, State Representative Brian Ashe, State Senator Jacob Oliveira and most importantly Blasket Islander Mairead Kearney.

This is part of the Springfield Museums partnership with the Office of Public Works of Ireland to recognize and honour those who travelled more than 3,000 miles across the Atlantic and made Springfield, Massachusetts their new home. National Conference of State Legislators in Killarney House
Returned home to host a delegation from the National Conference of State Legislators in Killarney House. Members of US State Assemblies met with Council staff, officials, education and business interests to discuss increasing links with the US.
Culture Night Kerry 2024

Fáilte go dtí Oíche Chultúir! Delighted to celebrate Culture Night Kerry 2024 in the Greenlane Gallery, Dingle with "How I Love their World" - Preview of new works by the artist Margo Banks. With over 50 events happening in many venues across the county, these events allowed us to showcase our living culture in Kerry. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the artists who participated in this year’s events that celebrated Kerry’s arts and culture. Culture Night again showcased Kerry’s rich cultural heritage. Proving Kerry to be not only a scenic destination but a cultural centre.


Ar an Luain 23 Meán Fómhair in Amharclann Náisiúnta Drámaíochta na Gaeilge, An Taibhdhearc i nGaillimh, ag ócáid mhór cheiliúrtha d’fhoilsitheoirí agus do scríbhneoirí Gaeilge, d’fhógair An tOireachtas, i gcomhpháirt le Foras na Gaeilge, Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin ar an teach foilsitheoireachta, Dingle Publishing, ar son an leabhair, Crainn & Toir le Máirín Uí Chonchubhair.
Sa phictiúr tá Siobhán Prendergast (Dingle Publishing) agus Neasa Ní Chonchubhair (iníon an údair))
Pic:Andrew Downes, xposure

Dingle Heartsafe invite you to a meeting of those interested in forming a Cardiac First Responder Group in Dingle.
The meeting will take place in An Diseart Centre at 19.30 hrs on Tuesday October 15th.
Contact Fiona 087 9190632 if any queries.

Na hÓgánaigh i dTreis
Mícheál Ó hUanacháin
Níorbh í seo an choicíos ab fhearr do mhuintir Chiar raí an séasúr seo. Dhá chluiche caillte, ceann sa bhaile in aghaidh churaí na Sraithe, agus ceann ar an gcósta thoir, in aghaidh Bhré.
Chun ardú beag meanma a thabhairt dúinn, breathnóimid áit eile, ach caithfear sonraí na foirne sinsearaí a bheachtú, agus ansin déanfaimid iarracht an beaguchtach a mhaolú.

An tríú lá déag Meán Fómhair a tháinig na Corcaígh go Páirc Chnoc an Iolair, agus an tSraith buaite acu. Ní dócha go rabhthas ag súil le toradh ar bith seachas teip, agus le tréchleas ó Barry Coffey cúl eile le Jack Doherty, tháinig an tuar faoin tairngreacht. Is mór an éid gur éirigh le Erthan Kos ceann amháin a scóráil chun náire a sheachaint. An Aoine dar gcionn, d’éirigh leis na Fánaithe dhá chúl a chur thairis Antonio Tuta, agus le fírinne ba bheag an seans a bhí aige ceachtar acu a stopadh: ceann a tháinig gan coinne chuige ó Harry Groome, agus an dara ceann ón Spáinneach Guillermo Peñalver Almirall.
Ach idir an dá linn, bhí ógánaigh na Ríochta tar éis éacht dá gcuid féin a bhaint amach – in aghaidh lucht Chille Mantáin! An fhoireann fear faoi 17 atá i gceist, agus iad sa tóir ar Chorn Mark Farren, duais chorn na sraithe sin acu.
Is in 2016 a bunaíodh an Corn áirithe sin, tar éis bhás Farren, naoscaire Chathair Dhoire, nach raibh ach 33 bliain aige. Sna blianta ó shin, ní raibh an Chraobh-chluiche san sroiste níos mó ná uair amháin ach ag dhá fhoireann, na Bóihéimigh a bhuaigh faoi dhó é, agus Corcaigh a bhuaigh uair amháin é. Ciarraí a fuair an ceann is fearr ar Bhré sa chluiche leathchraoibhe le cúl ó Luke Palmer agus iad sa bhaile ar an 15ú lá. Is iad na céilí comhraic a bheidh sa Chraobh i mbliana acu, Síol Bhroin Átha Cliath. Bhí an då fhoireann sa Chraobh cheana, agus Ciarraí ag imirt
gan ballraíocht sa Sraith in 2019 – an t-aon fhoireann neamh-sraithe a shrois buaic an chomórtais go dtí seo.
Theip orthu san iarracht an bhliain sin, agus bua slachtmhar ag na Bóihéimigh orthu i dTrá Lí. Bhí leaids na cathrach i bpáirt an uair sin le hÓgánaigh Naomh Chaoimhín, ach is mó is díol suime é an liosta foirne a chuaigh chun páirce an lá sin i nDeireadh Fómhair 2019.
Chuaigh aon duine dhéag acu ar aghaidh de réir a chéile go dtí an fhoireann faoi 19, agus seisear a d'fhan ar scuaine sinsearach na bliana 2023, a thug an Ríocht isteach sa Sraith Náisiúnta. Tá ceathrar acusan fós ag imirt le Ciarraí go dtí an lá atá inniu againn: Rob Vasiu, Nathan Gleeson, Cian Brosnan agus Daniel Okwute.
Ní hé go mbeidh an seans ag éinne acusan dul chun páirce an dara huair i gCraobh Mark Farren, ach is maith an teist iad bheith fós sa chlub ar an bpolasaí óige atá ag Kerry FC – an tAcadamh mar is nós le lucht an FAI tabhairt air. Agus fiú mar n-ardaíonn siad an Corn faoi 17, beidh eispéireas na Craoibhe acu ar feadh a mbeo.

Corn Mark Farren

Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh was honoured with a special tribute delivered by Dónal Ó Loingsigh at the book launch dinner of “Memories of Colaíste Iosagáin Baile Mhuirne” in the Abbey Hotel Ballyvourney last Saturday night. The book was launched by Séan Ó Sé and is now available for purchase online at: iosagainbailemhuirne.com
From left: Dónal Ó Loinsigh, Aonghus, Doireann, Éadaoin and Eamonn Ó Muircheartaigh

Dancing in the Kitchen and Falling over the Cat

House Painting



- Artwork and words by Laurence Jones. Experts in exterior house painting Experts in exterior house painting

Let the Washing Up be Damned
Let the Ironing stay Wrinkled
I’m Really in the Groove
I’ve found the Right Music
Feel the Calories melt away
Feel the Good Vibes take control
Waltzing without a Witness
Dancing without Stars
I Pussyfoot around
The beast I have awoken
As I tumble to the Ground
Nature brings me Down to Earth
Photo: JOD'Photography
We are pleased to announce the commencement of a major development at Kerry Airport with the introduction of a New Arrivals Hall and Departures Lounge.
Passenger numbers have soared since 2022 and we are redeveloping to ensure that everyone who travels through Kerry Airport has a comfortable and positive experience.

Departures Extension & Café

Important Travel Information For Passengers
It is our intention to minimise the disruption to passengers and other customers at Kerry Airport during the construction of the new Arrivals Hall and Departures Lounge.
Passengers are advised to:
• Arrive in plenty of time before your flight to ensure a smooth check-in and passage through Security.
• Use the Long Term Carpark as space in the Short Term Carpark will be limited for the duration of the build.
• Drop off and pick up passengers from the Long Term Carpark.
• Adhere to the Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAGs) Rules that are clearly displayed throughout Kerry Airport.
• Have your travel documents ready for inspection to allow for an efficient transition to the Departures Hall and the boarding of your flight.
Kerry Airport regrets any inconvenience during this important phase of our future development.
Baggage Reclaim

Architec ture Kerr y celebrates Kerr y ’s built environment. The festival is funded by the Heritage council, creative Ireland, the Depar tment of Housing, Local government & Heritage and Kerr y county council, and features f r e e talks, exhibitions, guided tours and children’s events.
Architec ture Kerr y celebrates Kerr y ’s built environment. The festival is funded by the Heritage council, creative Ireland, the Depar tment of Housing, Local government & Heritage and Kerr y county council, and features f r e e talks, exhibitions, guided tours and children’s events.
It showcases the extraordinar y built environment on offer in Kerr y and is open to people of all
It showcases the extraordinar y built environment on offer in Kerr y and is open to people of all ages.
The vision behind Architec ture Kerr y is to show why good architec ture, design and vibrant public spaces are vital to our quality of life.
The vision behind Architecture Kerr y is to show why good architecture, design and vibrant public spaces are vital to our quality of life.
architec ture.kerr ycoco.ie
architec ture.kerr ycoco.ie
Where Art Embraces Nature
Art Embraces Nature
The landscape of Kerr y is well known for its scenic qualities, not only for its extensive panoramic views, beautiful lakes and coastlines, mountains, and rivers, but also for its designed historic landscapes. Kerr y County Council is par tnering with the Irish Georgian Society and Cairde Choláiste Íde Teo to deliver a one - day seminar, which forms par t of Kerr y Architecture Festival 2024 The seminar takes place in Coláiste Íde (formerly Burnham House and home to the Lords Ventr y and now Ireland’s only Irish speak ing secondar y boarding school for girls) and will explore the designed landscapes and gardens of Kerr y : their histor y & conser vation.
The landscape of Kerr y is well known for its scenic qualities, not only for its extensive panoramic views, beautiful lakes and coastlines, mountains, and rivers, but also for its designed historic landscapes Kerr y County Council is par tnering with the Irish Georgian Society and Cairde Choláiste Íde Teo to deliver a one - day seminar, which forms par t of Kerr y Architecture Festival 2024 The seminar takes place in Coláiste Íde (formerly Burnham House and home to the Lords Ventr y and now Ireland’s only Irish speak ing secondar y boarding school for girls) and will explore the designed landscapes and gardens of Kerr y : their histor y & conser vation

O Coileain, Finola O’K ane, Terence Reeves-Smyth,

E e A
Des Byrne, Vandra Costello, Tom Dillon, David Fleming, Victoria McCar thy, Micheal O Coileain, Finola O’K ane, Terence Reeves-Smyth, Aaron Har ty
Booking via Event Brite
Des Byrne, Vandra Costello, Tom Dillon, David Fleming, Victoria McCar thy, Micheal
Aaron Har ty

Ceol Beo / Live Music
Baile an FheirtéaraighBallyferriter
Thursday 26th September
8.00 Tig Uí Catháin (Kane's) - Aon Scéal, Filíocht agus Prós / Poetry and storytelling
Clochán BréannainnCloghane Brandon
Monday 30th September
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Monday 7th October
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Dingle-Daingean Uí Chúis
Thursday 26th September
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
Friday 27th September
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 28th September
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Mick Keirns
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session

Sunday 29th September
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 30th September
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 1st October
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open session
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 2nd October
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
Thursday 3rd October
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
Friday 4th October
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad 7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis
Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 5th October
3.00 - Late The Green Room (Upstairs John Benny's) Subterranean Soul presents P Disconaut - Cosmic Sleazy Disco House
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Dan Phelan
Sunday 6th October
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 7th October
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 8th October
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 9th October
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
Thursday 10th October
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Cáit Ní Riain (Fiddle & vocals), Eoin Ó Beaglaoích(Concertina)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne


Castlegregory Notes
Halloween and Christmas markets: Now that both markets are over for the summer months and the nights are starting to draw in our thoughts drift to Halloween and dare I say it Christmas.
The Christmas market is on November 30th..and is now fully booked. We hope to see you all there .... Halloween market is on October 26th ... Both markets will be held in the Clubrooms...time for both markets is 11am to 4pm.
Outdoor Country market Castlegregory: We would like to thank everyone who visited our market over the Summer months. Even though the weather wasn't the best over the 13 weeks we were up and running it was still a good summer. It was lovely to see all of the regulars returning and it is always lovely to see new faces as they discover our market for the first time. That's all folks until June next year.... see you all there.
Castlegregory Tidy Towns: If you would like to join our weekly volunteering ac-
tivities we usually meet every Saturday at 10:00am at the Castlegregory Playground unless otherwise stated. Please check the side of the little library there for any updates each week
Castlegregory Care of the Aged/Active Retired: Dinners on Tuesdays in the Clubrooms. . New members are always welcome. Please ring Michelle on 085 243 2251 if you would like to come along or if you are a regular and can't make it for any reason. Volunteers needed, Tuesday's 12.30-2.30pm to assist with dinners. Please contact 087 2854779. Everyone is welcome.
Solar Systems
Tom Kennedy
Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity.
CE Scheme Vacancy: The role will be to assist in the kitchen and include assisting the cook when and as required, deep kitchen cleaning, venue prep/ set-up for the weekly dinner and assisting with the delivery of the entertainment programme. Contact: castleactiveretired@gmail.com 085 43 2251.
A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine.
There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how!
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.
Whist: Every Thursday evening in the Clubrooms from 8pm. Newcomers and Learners welcome.
Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year.
A solar system for a family
18/09/24: Ladies: 1st Mary O Connor 2nd: Pam McCavert Intervals: Joan Cantillon, Gerry Curran Gents: 1st:Martin Courtney .
2nd: Joan Sayers Intervals: John McEnery, Brid Baker Mystery: Nora Devine 19/09/24 Ladies: 1st Maureen Dowling 2nd: Brid Baker Intervals: Nora Walsh, Mary Farrell Gents: 1st Sheila O'connor 2nd: Thomas Maunsell, Pat Moore Intervals:Mairead Ni Dubhda, Anthony O Kelly-Lynch Mystery:Anne O Connor, Robert Brosnan,Joan Cantillon

Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-Rae
Clinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm,
An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 21ú D. Fómhair 7.00-8.00
Tigh Uí Chuinn, Tigh Páidí Uí Shé, Tigh an tSaorsaigh
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904 Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
←− arais

Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Buaiteoir na coicíse seo caite:
Seán MaAileen Ní Choileáin, An Locha, Corcaigh
Intermezzo le Sally Rooney

‘Aside from the fact that they are brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek seem to have little in common. Peter is a Dublin lawyer in his thirties - successful, competent and apparently unassailable. But in the wake of their father’s death, he’s medicating himself to sleep and struggling to manage his relationships with two very different women - his enduring first love Sylvia, and Naomi, a college student for whom life is one long joke. Ivan is a twentytwo-year-old competitive chess player. He has always seen himself as socially awkward, a loner, the antithesis of his glib elder brother. Now, in the early weeks of his bereavement, Ivan meets Margaret, an older woman emerging from her own turbulent past, and their lives become rapidly and intensely intertwined. For two grieving brothers and the people they love, this is a new interlude - a period of desire, despair and possibility.’ - Faber
An Café Liteartha
Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis
Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

Ó Mhárthain
Breandán Mac Gearailt
Mar a bhíos ag tagairt don aimsir bhreá a thagadh deire Meán Fhómhair agus m’fhéidir tús Deire Fómhair, tá ar a laghad cuid do i gceart agam. Nílim ach ag magadh!
Tá an margadh ar stoc agus caoire an-shásúil. Tháinig árdú maith ar na huain agus an stoc agus tá sé amhlaidh fós.
Rud gur thána treasna air ná mar a dhíol fear ó Chill Manntáin a chuid caorach agus cheannaigh sé caoire Romney. Chuir sé olann na gcaorach san go dtí An Choirn i Sasana le í a phróiséil agus ansan dtí Monarca i nDún na nGall réidh chun snímh. Tá sé anois ag éileamh go mba cheart sáslach próiseala bheith againne mar tá costas ar olann a thabhairt sall agus anall ó Shasana. Bhí margadh mór againn sa Rúis ar feadh blianta ach tá san imithe de bharr clabaireachta. Tá Éirinn ró-bheag le bheith tiarnúil, ba cheart duinn bheith ag moladh suaimhneas agus síocháin coitianta gan a bheith ag déanamh ceannaireachta ná gliogaireachta ná baoth thiarnúlacht. Is ceart dúinn ár bhfadhbanna baile a réiteach sara mbeadh aon ghíog asainn.
Ba cheart don nGaeltacht seo againne aird mar Gaeltacht ceart a chur ar an margadh. Má tá tithe folamh agus ag loghadh sa bhfaid théarma ba chóir dos na húinéirí iad a dhíol agus pinginí a chur ina bpóca seachas a bheith ag féachaint ortha ag leigheadh.
Tá togha na gceoltoirí, amhránaithe, rinnceoirí agus aisteoirí againn.
Ba cheart don rialtas mar abhar ciallmhar óstaíocht a bheith fé rialacha daingean.
Seo cupla nod fén Aimsir
• Dá mbeadh Jóní an Scrogaill ag eitilt soir ós cionn na habhann bheadh aimsir thirim, agus más siar a bheadh sí ag eitilt bheadh báisteach chugat.
• Dá mbeadh Lias i mbéal an chuain - bheadh droch aimsir chugat.
• Na réalta ag spréacharnaigh - ag sioc.
• Má tá an cat agus a bhúndún leis am dtine aige – báisteach.
• Nó an madra ag ithe féir - tiocfaidh droch aimsir.
• Fadó dá mbeadh an sú ag titim – báisteach.
• N’fhaca le tamall na Northern Lights – sioc.
• Na faoileáin ag eitilt isteach fén dtír - aimsir bhriste.
• Dá mbeadh boghsín ar an ngealaigh - droch aimsir.
• Má éiríonn deatach anairde ón dtigh – aimsir bhreá..
• Dá dtitfeadh réiltín – bheadh anam imithe isteach sna Flaithis.
• Dá gcífeá trampalán, chuirfeá an cheist,’ a thrampaláin a thrampaláin an mbeidh an mbeidh an lá amáireach brea’? Chaithfeá anairde é, dá mbeadh a bholg amairde bheadh aimsir bhreá ach dá mbeadh a dhrom anairde bheadh sé fliuch.
• Dá mbeadh Cúl Dorcha ag Búirigh [glór mór] - droch aimsir.
• Má tá na cnoic gairid duit – báisteach.
• Ceó ar chnoic – báisteach.
• Dath gorm ar chuid do lasracha na tine – báisteach.
• Bearradh na gcaorach [scamaill] sa spéir – báisteach. Caid
Ní raibh an rath ar shinsir caide na Chiarraí Thiar in aghaidh an Ráth Mhór i bPáirc Aibhistín de Staic. An Ráth Mhór 1-16 Ciarraí Thiar 1-11. Bhí Ciarraí Thiar an- chaillte sa chéad leath ach d’fheabhasaíodar go mór sa dara leath. Is baolach de bharr bua An Ráth Mhóir tá Ciarraí Thiar as an gcomórtas.
Fuair Mícheál Ó Dubháin ó Chathair an Treanntaigh bás le déanaí. Fear cleachtan agus spoirt. Is mó eachtra a chuir sé dhó. Bhíos an- mhór leis. Méala mór a bhás dá chéile Noelle, a dheirfiúr Máire, gaolta agus cairde. Beannacht dílis Dé lena anam cuideachtúil.
Fuair Caitlín Uí Shé ó Bhaile Móir agus Liatroim bás le déanaí. Méala mór a bás dá céile Seán, deartháir Aodh, deirfiúr Marion, gaolta agus cairde. I bhFlaitheas Dé a hanam.
Fuair Antóin Ó Súilleabháin ón Mináird agus roimhe sin Birmingham, bás le déanaí. Méala mór a bhás dá dheartháracha Cristóir, Tomás, Peadar agus Mícheál, gaolta agus cairde. Soillse na bhFlaitheas ag a anam.
Fuair Fionnán Ó Lóinsigh ó Chill Fhionntain bás le déanaí de bharr timpiste. Méala mór a bhás dá deirféaracha Eibhlín, Áine, Máire, deartháracha, Seán agus Rónán, Úncailí Batt, Seán, Dónal agus Seán, Aintíní Mairín, Áine agus Berní, gaolta agus cairde. D’eascair tocht trom bróin sa cheannntar de thoradh a bháis
I nGáirdíní na bhFhlaitheas a anam.
Fuair Gearóidin Uí Chinnéide [nic ’n Aongusa] ón nGhairthinigh bás ar an 30ú Lúnasa. Meala mor a bás da céile Séamus, iníonacha Caitlín agus Áine, mac Mike, deirféaracha Ellen, Liz, Mary, Theresa agus Agnes, dearthair Mike, garchlann agus cáirde.
Gáirdíní gléineacha na bhFlaitheas ag a hanam.
Upfront price with no hidden extras
We deliver Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Other hours are available on request
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY All skips are sorted, picked and recycled
1. Levered with a bar
5. Closes (door) forcefully
8. Diced meat
10. Narrow-shaped
11. Sudden rise
12. Go around; surround
13. 1982 film, The Ballroom of _______
16. Finished (4, 3, 6)
21. Negative
24. Inhalations (slang)
27. Enticed
28. Central; important
29. Display abundantly
30. Finished
31. Esteem DOWN
1. Leaps
2. Imposing residence
3. Idleness
4. Bedouin (6, 7)
5. Hot mist
6. H Boland in Micheal Collins film, _____ Quinn
7. Period of unrestrained activity
9. Mongrel dog
14. Detestable person (informal)
15. Signal
17. Peculiar
18. Get, with difficulty
19. Disrobe
20. Lie to shame another
21. More than adequate
22. Lively
23. Graded
25. Dinosaur, T-
26. Worn out

Holiday Rentals/ Tithe Saoire
Mobile home to rent to long term, 5 minutes from Inch beach. Reasonable rent. email: polaoghaire@yahoo.com
Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
Single En Suite Room to rent long term close to PCD and town centre. House share with two others. “A” rated new house. Please contact. sadaingean@yahoo. com with name, work info etc.
One en-suite room with jacuzzi in Dingle town. Garden front and back. Sharing house with 2 others. 086-1210038
Cottage available to rent in Béal Bán Ballyferriter from approx 22nd August to the end of June 2025. 085-2147550
Room available to let in mobile home in Ballymore (just outside Dingle). Sharing with one other lady. Beautiful sea views, regular local link bus. Would suit one person or perhaps couple. €80 p/w. 087-2023004 For Sale/Le Díol
Sturdy tubular table and two hand-made wooden stools, all 7ft long, ideal for catering for families and large groups. Table €80, stools €40 each. The lot for €150. Phone 086-8900025
Sturdy wooden bunks beds for sale with matress in West Kerry. 087-9829829
Beautiful, as new electric moped. 250 Watt motor. 48V x 20ah lithium battery. Fully road legal - with pedal assist / PAS system. Photo available. Contact Paul: 087-4125034
Tall fridge and seperate freezer for sale. 087-9947927
Light oak kitchen presses in great condition. 087-9947927 Services / Seirbhisí
Frank McGowan-Sports and Physical Therapy. Sports, Deep Tissue, Remedial and Relaxation Massage. Lower Main St, Dingle Town Centre. Monday to Friday. 9 am-2 pm. Call, Text or Whats App 0857338601 for an appointment. Regina Sheehy - Kinesiology and Food Intolerance Testing. Treating all forms of digestive issues, fatigue, candida, fungal issues, stress, food intolerances, recurrent infections. Clinics in Dingle (Tuesday and Thursday) Tralee (Wednesday and Saturday) Evening appointments available. Ph: 0860820224 www.reginasheehy.com
Plumber specialising in boiler breakdown, servicing and commissioning. Complete range of plumbing services. Call John 086-3165714
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
West Kerry Gardening services - lawn cutting, sand/gravel delivered, landscaping, power washing etc. Call Seán 087-6336082
Fiber National Broadband in all parts of West & Mid Kerry. Free installation and equipment. No hidden charges. Refs available from local hotels and businesses. Government NBI broadband covers all costs. email: info@ruralbroadband.ie or call 066-9414708
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633. South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Natural healing at Red Lotus Clinic. Fertility, gynaecology, pediatric, injury, stress, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, homeopathy, reflexology, massage. Clinics in Dingle and Castlegregory. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066865 www.redlotusclinic.com
Garden Services in Kerry: Lawn mowing, strimming, vertical pruning, tree surgery. Reasonable rates. Ring 0838268371
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat
Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Looking for a cleaner eight hours per week every Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 9-10:30am and Friday from 9-11am. for Dingle town, rate €13:30 per hour. This is a permanent position. 086 1438025
Cleaner wanted for house / B&B in Dingle town from 11am - 1pm. Paid daily. 087-7995984
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Looking to buy grazing land for horses. 4 - 8 acres. Within 5km of Dingle. Please call 087 692 0378
Looking for 1 bedroom apartment / house to rent in West Kerry, long-term. Excellent local references. 087 407 2061
Báinín is hiring for a part-time coffee shop assistant for weekend work, starting in September. Email bainin2021@gmail.com for full details.
Quiet family of 4 looking for long-term accommodation in Dingle area or outside. 2 adults and 2 children. Quiet people. No animals. No smoking. My contacts: 085-2019988, yana7625344@gmail.com
Young couple looking to buy approx. 10 acres (preferably 20+) immediately, in Inch or surrounding areas. 085 764 6564
Other / Eile
House gutted out - lots of timber available for free, ideal for fire. Must collect. 087-3820170
Shop / Office Unit for rent on 1st floor off Green Street, Dingle. 086-0547665
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062