Wexford Club Times | April/May 2023

Page 19

111 Wexford Club Drive | Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 | (843) 686-8810 | www.wexfordhiltonhead.com VOLUME XXXVII, ISSUE 2 • APRIL/MAY 2023 CLUB TIMES

In This Issue

Message from the GM, 2 Letter from the Board President, 3

Welcome New Members, 3 Member Notice, 4

Focus Groups, 5

Employee News, 6

Camp Wexford, 7

Clubhouse Corner, 8-10

Wexford Clubs, 11

Harbour/Yacht Club, 12-13

Golf, 14-15

Tennis & Pickleball, 16

Greens & Grounds, 17

Security News, 18

Foundation News, 19

Member Photo Gallery, 20-21

Calendar, 22-24

Wexford Briefly




Stephen Carter

Vice President:

Terry Ramey


Keith Poisson


Lynn Looby


Mary Boland

Michael Fajgenbaum

Harry Mellon

John Presley

Chris Wycoff


Dear Members,

Signs of spring are everywhere and our team is preparing for Easter and Heritage activities. We look forward to welcoming your families and guests to Wexford.

I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know each of you and for those that I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, I have an open-door policy and encourage open communication, feedback, and discussion regarding the community. Whether you see me in the Clubhouse, visit my office in the Administration building or stop to chat on property, I invite you to share any comments or questions with me.

In the month of March, I hosted the first edition of “Patrick’s Pop-Ups” on the Harbour Center Terrace. Members joined me for a cup of coffee and conversation on topics of their choosing. It is great to be able to host these more intimate gatherings where I can connect with members on a smaller scale and gain deeper insights into Wexford. These pop-ups will continue over the next few months, so stay tuned for additional dates and details.

Thank you to all who were able to attend our Amenities Enhancement Plan Focus Group meetings hosted by Harry Mellon, Gary Crandall, Dan Ogden and myself over the last two months. The thoughts and feedback gathered from all sessions are invaluable as we move forward with next steps in the planning process. It was great to see many common themes surface throughout the meetings as well as hearing many unique and creative ideas. A full summary of key takeaways

and next steps can be found on Page 5 of this issue of Club Times. We are in the process of interviewing staff members to get their insights on what would be helpful for their operations to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. We look forward to continuing the planning process over the next months. Finally, I would like to congratulate our Food and Beverage team who have worked diligently on the launch of our spring dining menus. Our new TGIF evening encourages gathering with friends and family to kick off the weekend, Sunday brunch and Waves menus have been updated with delicious new dishes, lunch at the Clubhouse has been enhanced with fresh, seasonal options while still serving your classic Wexford favorites.

With the arrival of the busy spring season, I look forward to seeing you all out and about enjoying the warm weather.

Be Well, Patrick




Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


The Club Times • 2
From the courts to the course, Wexford’s wide range of amenities are the perfect way to enjoy springtime in the Lowcountry.

Letter from the Board President

create a document that looks at the essence of what we want Wexford to be in both the near and longer term future. We agreed on some basic parameters and objectives, and determined that we want to identify not just physical improvements or standards, but also try to reach agreement on exactly what we all think represent Wexford’s core values and beliefs.

I am writing this at the beginning of March and I can say that February was an active and productive month. We are currently enjoying unseasonably pleasant weather while most of the rest of the country is still experiencing a severe winter storm. That warmth has made an incredible difference to our golf course which, while still recovering, is at least to my amateur eyes starting to regain its former verdancy.

I cannot pass up the opportunity to compliment Gary Crandall, Harry Mellon, Dan Ogden and Patrick McGuire, supported by the members of our Amenity and Planning Committee, who are diligently meeting with our community through 19 listening sessions. I have sat in on some and been reading the notes from the others and I am encouraged that there is consensus on many aspects, as well as producing some unique and interesting ideas. I am certain that once we have all of the feedback analyzed, it will allow us to be extremely productive in furthering the planning process for our amenities and our longerterm vision.

One unexpected benefit of organizing meetings by street has been the reconnection and, in some cases, a first meeting among neighbors. With the influx of new owners during the last two or three years, there have been more introductions than we expected.

That leads me to mention that Patrick McGuire and I met with Board Directors, John Presley and Michael Fajgenbaum to start the process of furthering our Strategic Vision. We believe that rather than call it a “Strategic Plan” that is focused on specific longer term actions, and often becomes outdated, that we should

John and Michael have committed to presenting a brief one-page outline to their fellow board members in the latter part of April to confirm that we are all aligned before fleshing out further detail. We asked them to lead this initiative in part because they are both new to the Board, and will have an additional two more years to help provide some continuity in this ongoing process. Once we have a full draft, we intend to share it with you to determine if there is a broad agreement about where we are headed strategically. So stand by for much more to come on that later in the third quarter.

I also want to address the results of the Owner Survey which were shared with you last month. As we said in the cover letter, there were few, if any, surprises given the point in time that the survey was held; but truly these results produced meaningful data that will act as a statistically sound baseline that we will use to measure ourselves against in the months and years to come. We intend that this survey will be conducted annually, and the Board and Management are committed to improving those areas that disappointed.

In closing, I am optimistic about the future. As we have seen from the listening sessions and the survey, the vast majority of our owners, including me, are very happy that they are living at Wexford. That said, we all know that we can make it even better and fully intend to do so.


3 • The Club Times
New Members
Hello Neighbors,
Rusty & Nancy Brause 52 Yorkshire Drive New Hampshire Bennett & Paige Wood 2 Wexford Club Drive Pittsburgh, PA

Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes

Wexford will be the site for the Wounded Heroes Golf Classic on Monday, April 24th. In preparation for the event, Wexford will be placing flags in the yards along the route to the Clubhouse including Wexford Dive and Wexford Club Drive. The Greens & Grounds crew will begin set up on Sunday, April 23rd, and will be taking down the flags late Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.



Interested in introducing new neighbors & prospective me Wexford Community?

Interested in introducing new neighbors & prospective members t Wexford Community?

Member Services is recruiting volunteers to help new and members experience what it truly means to live at Wexfor

Member Services is recruiting volunteers to help new and prospec members experience what it truly means to live at Wexford.

email memberservices@wexfordhiltonhead.com.

For more information or to apply to become a Wexford Ambassa email memberservices@wexfordhiltonhead.com.

For more information or to apply to become a Wexford A email memberservices@wexfordhiltonhead.com.

The Club Times • 4

Focus Group Recap

Dear Wexford Owners,

The Amenities and Planning Committee has completed 19 neighborhood focus group meetings and wishes to thank all those who participated. The data generated from those sessions has been compiled and distilled by the committee as the next steps in the process are being undertaken. The Wexford staff is currently being interviewed for their input, as it is of utmost importance the needs of the homeowner’s association be blended with the wants of our neighbors, and all within the constraints of a reasonable budget. The committee is ready to provide a road map for this and future boards to phase amenities projects based upon what they heard from homeowners.

The main themes that emerged from the sessions were to maintain those amenities we already enjoy to a high standard, to make certain the Wexford Clubhouse is the heartbeat of the community, to explore an indoor/ outdoor, covered, four-season casual dining experience with spectacular harbor views, to enlarge the golf pro shop, and to deliver a functional harbour center featuring an enhanced grab-and-go area, flexible yacht club room, and outdoor four-season patio. Additional amenities such as a wellness center, bocce courts, golf training facility, and others will be incorporated into the road map. The numbers in parentheses illustrate the total number of sessions each subject was discussed, and common themes emerged.

• Indoor-outdoor casual covered dining with great views – manage climate and pest control. (19 of 19)

• No need to enlarge locker rooms, just refresh with renovation. (19 of 19)

• Enlarge the pro shop for better retail experience as well as adequate office and storage space for staff. (19 of 19)

• The Clubhouse is the hub of the community. (18 of 19)

• Indoor-outdoor bar with great views of harbor. (18 of 19)

• Flex/meeting space is important in Harbour Center and Clubhouse. (18 of 19)

• Better grab-n-go with commissary option. (17 of 19)

• The Harbor Center should be functional. No need for a roof deck, bar and separate kitchen. (16 of 19)

• Felt there was a value in wellness-fitness, if not immediately, at least in the near future. (13 of 19)

• We should research a golf teaching facility. (12 of 19)

• Can we have a dog park? (10 of 19)

• Can we add bocce court/s? (8 of 19)

The subject of beach access was raised by a number of owners. The Committee feels this needs to be studied further for cost and logistics before any commitment can be made to definitively include it on the strategic road map since it is not something we can achieve within the current boundaries of Wexford.

Of course, each new amenity phase will need to be examined to determine cost, design, and overall community support before it is put into action. The acknowledgement that these amenities were viewed so positively by a large number of owners will be very helpful to future Committees and Boards as we move forward. Ultimately, the pace of progress will be dictated by our homeowners.

Below are the next steps:

• Develop various design concepts.

• Present draft design concepts and refine if needed based on owner feedback.

• Finalize schematic design phase and begin construction cost estimates in conjunction with financial modeling.

• Prepare to present for a member vote.

Once again, the committee is grateful for the direction they were given. They look forward to delivering a plan to move the community forward in phases and to ensure Wexford is indeed Hilton Head’s premier waterfront community.


5 • The Club Times

Wexford employees honored with Appreciation Lunch

Wexford employees enjoyed an Appreciation Lunch on March 3rd. Employees celebrated Wexford’s 40th and honored long-time employees Michael Dupont (40 years) and Stevie Moultrie (35 years).

The Greens & Grounds department hosted the event, grilling up hamburgers and hotdogs with the Clubhouse providing sides.

Wexford welcomes Anne Marie Romano

Chef Anne Marie joins Wexford as the new Sous Chef at the Clubhouse. During her 20 years in Hilton Head, she has worked at The Sea Pines Resort, South Carolina Yacht Club, the SERG Restaurant Group and Hilton Head Social Bakery. She grew up in upstate New York and attended the Culinary Institute of America. Please join us in welcoming Chef Anne Marie to Wexford!

Congratulations, Shelby Price!

Shelby Price has been promoted to Wexford’s Director of Marketing and Member Services. She has worked at Wexford for two years and is extremely familiar with the brand and its membership. Please join us in congratulating Shelby as she continues to grow in her role here at Wexford.

The Club Times • 6


Weekly Tuition: Club Members, $355 Guests of Members, $395

Tuition will increase on June 1 so be sure to secure your spot early!

Drop-Off: 8:45am - 9:00am

Pick-Up: 2:45pm - 3:00pm

A one-time non-refundable $42 registration fee includes 2 camp shirts. Camp will be closed the week of July 3.

7 • The Club Times
T O E N R O L L : W W W . K E C A M P S . C O M W e e k l y S e s s i o n s J u n e 1 9 - J u l y 2 8 A g e s 4 - 1 2 M o n d a y - F r i d a y 9 a m - 3 p m

Josh Goetz Executive Chef

(843) 715-0915


Clubhouse Corner

Craig Kandravi

Clubhouse Manager

(843) 715-0913


Passover Seder

Friday, April 7th | 6:00pm

Join us for a small ceremony beginning at 6:00pm followed by a traditional 4-course Passover Seder.

$40++ per person

Reservations can be made online through the calendar event

Robert Mosco Food & Beverage Mgr.

(843) 715-0914


Vivienne Smith

Asst. Food & Beverage Mgr. (843) 686-8810



Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet

T o v i e w t h e m e n u a n d t o m a k e a r e s e r v a t i o n , p l e a s e r e f e r t o t h e c a l e n d a r e v e n t o n l i n e

viva la vino


Friday, April 21st | 5-7pm

Sip back, relax and discover new wines at Viva la Vino! The outdoor event will feature a wide variety of wines, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and live music.

$35++ per person with wines available for purchase at discount prices.

The Club Times • 8
A P R I L 9 T H S E A T I N G S A T 1 1 A M , 1 P M A N D 3 P M A D U L T S : $ 4 5 + + C H I L D R E N ( 5 - 1 2 ) $ 2 2 + + C H I L D R E N 4 & U N D E R : C O M P L I M E N T A R Y T o v i e w t h e m e n u a n d t o m a k e a r e s e r v a t i o n , p l e a s e r e f e r t o t h e c a l e n d a r e v e n t o n l i n e
Reservations required This replaces a la carte dinner service
S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 8 t h | 1 1 : 0 0 A M - 3 : 0 0 P M 1 1 : 1 5 A M : E a s t e r E g g H u n t o n t h e D r i v i n g R a n g e B r i n g y o u r b a s k e t | M i m o s a & B l o o d y M a r y B a r 1 1 : 4 5 A M : L u n c h B u f f e t O p e n s a t t h e C l u b h o u s e B o u n c e H o u s e | B a l l o o n T w i s t e r | M u s i c b y D J G u t t y A d u l t s : $ 3 3 + + | C h i l d r e n ( 5 - 1 2 ) : $ 2 0 + + C h i l d r e n 4 & U n d e r : C o m p l i m e n t a r y
MAY EVENTS K E N T U C K Y D E R B Y W A T C H P A R T Y M a y 6 t h | 5 : 0 0 p m - 8 : 0 0 p m T H E M O S T E X C I T I N G T W O M I N U T E S I N S P O R T S $ 2 5 + + C O V E R C H A R G E I N C L U D E S D R I N K S A N D F O O D . R E S E R V A T I O N S R E Q U I R E D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E U S I N G T H E C A L E N D A R E V E N T R A C E O N O V E R T O W A V E S I N Y O U R B E S T D E R B Y A T T I R E F O R A N E V E N I N G F E A T U R I N G : S P E C I A L T Y D E R B Y C O C K T A I L S S E L E C T B E E R & W I N E F O O D A N D M O R E A G E S 2 1 A N D O V E R O P E N B A R & L I V E G R I L L | T I C K E T P R I C E T B D M E M B E R S & T H E I R G U E S T S W E L C O M E POOL PARTY & CONCERT FEATURING WGB (WEXFORD GARAGE BAND) S U M M E R K I C K - O F F TICKETS ON SALE APRIL 14TH ** SAVE THE DATE ** SATURDAY, MAY 27TH | 5:00PM - 10:00PM
Sunday, May 14 Seatings at 11:00am & 2:00pm A D U L T S : $ 4 7 + + | C H I L D R E N ( 5 - 1 2 ) : $ 2 2 + + C H I L D R E N 4 & U N D E R : C O M P L I M E N T A R Y Reservations are required and can be made online through the calendar event. T G I F C E L E B R A T E C I N C O D E M A Y O A T H E C L U B H O U S E W I T H A S P E C I A L M E X I C A NI N S P I R E D T G I F M E N U . F R I D A Y , M A Y 5 T H | 5 : 0 0 P M - 8 : 3 0 P M CINCO DE MAYO Reservations can be made online using the Dining Reservations link
Mother's DayBRUNCH

Monday, May 29th | 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Thursday 11:30am – 2:30pm Lunch; 5:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner

Friday 11:30am – 2:30pm Lunch; 5:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner

Saturday 11:30am – 2:30pm Lunch; 5:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner

Sunday 11:00am – 2:30pm Brunch; 5:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner


To find out the Daily Specials or to place To Go orders, call 843-715-0912 during the listed Clubhouse hours.

Friday-Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm; 5:00pm - Close


Monday - Thursday Closed

Friday - Sunday* 11:00am - 8:00pm

*Weather permitting

The Club Times • 10

Wexford Clubs

Book Club

Find more books you’ll love with the Wexford Book Club! Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm in the Waterford Room. For more information, contact Andi Purple at andipurple990@gmail.com.

The Wexford Book Club will be on hiatus for the summer, returning in September!


April 11th

Whisper Network by Chandler Baker

Ladies on the Lawn!

Some of our members enjoying one of Wexford’s crown jewel amenities. Organized play with new and experienced players on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5:30 and Fridays 10-11. Space is limited so you must sign up by sending an email to lslooby1@gmail.com. If you would like to reserve a lawn at other times, be sure to use the reservation system on the Wexford website or app.

Events and Travel Club

Wexford’s Event and Travel Club (ETC) recently hosted a Speakeasy at the Clubhouse, with Charleston lessons, Prohibition drinks, and a dramatized “arrest” as part of the fun.

If you’d like to join ETC, contact Marisa Hay, President, (614) 580-7777, or Lisa Klein, Membership Chair, (313) 212-0277.

May 9th

The 13th Hour

A Thriller by Richard Doetsch

11 • The Club Times

A Message from the Commodore

On behalf of the entire Committee, thank you for making the 2023 Oysters in the Dark kick-off event a complete success. While the “No-SeeUms” showed up in force, we had over 110 members and guests participate with an abundance of Lowcountry oysters, platters and plates of finger food and, best of all, the camaraderie shared by family, neighbors and friends.

We also kicked off the official “boating season” with the Blessing of the Fleet, a ceremony offering prayers for bountiful harvest and safe passage on the water. Did you know Wexford has been holding our version of The Blessing for the past 39 years? On the evening of March 5th, over 115 Wexford members and guests were blessed with wonderful weather, words of guidance and safety from Coast Guard Senior Chief Warren Wilson and a thoughtful blessing from Coast Guard Chaplain, Joe Seifert.

For the first time, past and current Commodores from Hilton Head Plantation Yacht Club (HHPYC) joined us with their wives and have reciprocated by extending an invitation to ALL Wexford members to attend their Blessing of the Fleet taking place in Skull Creek (north end of the island) on May 13th. It’s nice to see our community coming together sharing the celebration of boating activities.

The Club Times • 12 Harbour/
Wanda Marshall Administrative Assistant (843) 686-8813 wmarshall@wexfordhiltonhead.com
Mark Dryden Harbour Master (843)
Steve Duvall Commodore

Kids Fishing

Wednesdays at 3:30pm - 5:00pm

The Wexford Kids Fishing Club will be meeting every Wednesday after school from 3:30-5:00pm. Bring your tackle and bait and meet up around the Harbour Center and lock. Anyone new to fishing is welcome to come and learn. Contact Brian Nelson or Jackie Lawless for further information.


Docktails | First Tuesday of the Month Reminder all members are invited to Docktails at 5:00pm at the Harbour Center. Bring your beverage of choice and an appetizer to share.

America’s Boating Club Coordinated Education Seminars | Starting in April

The Yacht Club is coordinating with the America’s Boating Club (formerly the US Power Squadron) to have several of their courses and seminars presented at Wexford. These will be scheduled through the year, watch the weekly emails for times and dates.

Join us in April for the premiere course, Partner in Command. Are you a crew member or passenger who has no idea what’s going on during a boat trip? Learn the essential skills you will need to help the skipper safely operate a recreational boat, including how to respond in an emergency. You’ll become an asset on board with Partner in Command.

This is an excellent course for spouses and children! Seminars will be conducted here in Wexford, so keep an eye out for when they are scheduled.

Cobia Fishing Tournament | Early June

The annual Cobia Fishing Tournament will be held in early June, watch for updates in the weekly email on the final date and times, and format of this bragging-rights showdown!

Mystique for Heritage

The Mystique will once again be providing transportation to and from Harbour Town during Heritage. The roundtrip price this year is $30 per person and below is the schedule.

Please note, all reservations will be taken by Harbour Town Yacht Club. Call 843-671-1400 to make your reservation.

Thursday, April 13th – Sunday, April 16th


Depart from Wexford at 9AM (60 min transit)

Free water and soda only.


Depart from Wexford at 11:20AM (60 min transit)

Free water and soda only.


Depart from Wexford at 4:35PM (60 min transit)

Free water and soda only.


Depart from Wexford at 6:35PM (60 min transit)

Free water and soda only.

13 • The Club Times

(843) 686-8812, ext. 141


Prime time in our corner of the world

April and May bring lots of great weather and great golfing experiences.

The first week of April, people can travel two hours west to Augusta for the Masters! The roars, azaleas and diabolical greens entertain the masses. Then the Lowcountry gets its opportunity to host a PGA Tour event when Harbour Town hosts an “elevated” golf event. It should be great to see if Rory,

Rahm, JT, Jordan, Scottie, and more venture to Hilton Head to try their hand at Pete Dye’s Harbour Town. Here at Wexford, it will be busy will lots of events and more. As always, the shop will be filled with lots of new merchandise for men and women plus we offer Callaway hard goods. And for those technology-savvy people, the golf shop is now using online registration through Golf Genius for most of the events.


Chipping: ‘Rotate the Arc’

Chipping is a fairly simple golf move, requiring control mixed with the proper fundamentals. You will notice in the pictures above, the sequence of the takeaway, impact, and follow through resemble a small arc.


This is a great visual to have while chipping and pitching, but always remember you still need some upper body rotation (see red line in pictures) to keep your tempo smooth and accelerating through impact.

Men’s Member Member ...........................................

April 21-22

Club Championship..........................................................

Women’s Invitational ..........................................

Men’s Member Guest

Ladies Broad Creek Classic

May 5-7

October 13-14

November 1-4

November 10-11

The Club Times • 14 Golf
Bobby Blanken 1st Asst. Golf Professional
686-8812, ext. 142
15 • The Club Times
Intercollegiate Am Champs — Peter Halsey and Denny Yetter with USC Aiken players
to our Champions!
WWGA Opening 2023 Champs — Lonnie Ruzic, Joan Harrigan, Sandra Rossetti, and Sandy Stuckert

(843) 686-8816, ext. 150


Tennis & Pickleball

Spring is great time to hit the courts

With the arrival of warmer weather, now is the perfect time to pick up a new sport. If you’re tired of going to the gym, running on the treadmill, and doing the same gym workouts, pick up a racquet and paddle and join us on the courts! Here are the main benefits of playing Tennis and Pickleball regularly:

• Stronger bones

• Stress reduction

• Increased cardiovascular fitness

• Weight loss

• New and strengthened relationships within communities

Join one of our beginner tennis or pickleball clinics or call one of our pros to schedule a private lesson to help get you started.


Tennis Social with Long Cove

Friday, April 28th | 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Join us for a fun, social tennis round robin. Drinks and appetizers will be served. $20/Player

Big Break Big Smash

Thursday, May 4th | 10:00am

We will split into teams for this unique golf and tennis collaboration! Take on the golf putting and chipping contests then move over to the tennis courts to try out different tennis games.

Cinco de Mayo Round Robin

Friday, May 5th | 4:30pm - 6:00pm

Stop by the courts for some friendly competition and stay for festive hors d’oeuvres and drinks. $20/Player

Ultimate Club Championship

Saturday, May 13th | Long Cove

Players of all levels are welcome to join as we take on area clubs to compete for the title of Ultimate Club Champ!

$25/Player includes lunch and an after party at Long Cove.


(843) 686-8816, ext. 152




Have you ever been on the court during a match and been questioned on a call? Here are a couple of common calls and the applicable USTA rule.

Voice Let or Talking When Ball is in Play

• Singles players should not talk during points

• Talking between doubles partners when the ball is moving toward them is allowed.

• Doubles players should not talk when the ball is moving toward their opponent’s court.

• Any talking that interferes with an opponent’s ability to play a ball is a hindrance. For example, if a doubles player hits a weak lob and yells “get back” and the yell distracts an opponent who is about to hit the ball, then the opponent may claim the point based on a deliberate hindrance. If the opponent chooses to play the lob and misses it, the opponent loses the point because the opponent did not make a timely claim of hindrance.

Ball Rolls on Court

• Let called when ball rolls on court. When a ball from another court enters the playing area, any player on the court affected may call a let as soon as the player becomes aware of the ball. The player loses the right to call a let if the player unreasonably delays in making the call.

• When the server’s second service motion is interrupted by a ball coming onto the court, the server is entitled to two serves.

Can’t Agree on Score

Disputes over the score must be resolved by using one of the following methods, which are listed in the order of preference:

• Count all points and games agreed upon by the players and replay only disputed points or games

• Play from a score mutually agreeable to all players

The Club Times • 16

(843) 686-8808, ext. 121


Greens & Grounds

(843) 686-8808, ext. 124


The Benefits of Bats

Calling Hilton Head home means a lot of things. We have mild winters, pleasant springs, and very hot summers. We tend to focus our lives around outdoor activities.

Everyone knows or has experienced mosquitos and gnats when trying to enjoy the outdoors. A common practice is to douse ourselves in “bug spray” or even have our yards fogged with an insecticide.

To help alleviate this problem, the grounds staff has been asked to think outside the box and come up with a solution. With a little research, we learned we can use nature against itself. Ten bat

houses have been installed around the activity areas here in Wexford. It will take anywhere from six months to two years for bats to find the houses and begin using them. Some of the benefits of having bats around include:

• Bats are silent predators, hunting in the darkness of the night.

• Bats control insect populations — easily eating up to 1,200 mosquitos an hour

• Reduces the demand for spraying insecticide chemicals into our environment.

• Female bats need safe places to raise their “pup” — they only have one offspring a year.

New Spring Annuals

The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and the grass is greening up. Spring is in the air!

With the changing of the season comes new flowers. New annuals are on their way for the Wexford biannual flower change-over. This year, we will see a lot of familiar

flowers returning, including begonia, penta and vinca. Throughout the spring and summer take time out of your day to enjoy all the hard work the grounds staff does to provide us with beautiful flower beds throughout the community!

17 • The Club Times

(843) 686-8817





Test your alarm regularly with your central station provider.


Close and lock all windows. Install security films.


Install commercial grade locks and hinges with nonremovable pins.


Illuminate all entry points and exterior sides of your home.



Lock and secure.


Do Your Research

Before hiring any outside contractors or domestic workers, find a company that has an excellent reputation and a long history.


Protect Your Privacy

Clear surfaces of bills, appointment books, work files and any other documents you feel the need to protect.

Safe-guard your vehicle. Vehicles are stolen for a variety of reasons, including theft for parts, insurance fraud, retagging, exporting, and joy riding. Help prevent theft and damage to your vehicle.

Secure Valuables

Place your valuables (jewelry, cash, small electronics) in safe or locked room.


Ensure cameras are functioning, unobstructed, and DVR can record for at least 30 days.


Change the combination. Bolt to floor. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) rated for value of contents.


Lock up or remove climbing aids such as ladders and trash bins.

Make a Request

If you use a company, request the same workers every time.


Opt to make certain room(s) off limits.

LOCK — Always lock and secure our vehicle. Always activate your alarm every time you leave your vehicle.

KEYS — Never leave the keys in your vehicle – even for a minute!

PROPERTY — Never leave property in your vehicle. Items such as loose change, shopping bags, GPS, cellphones, laptops, tablets, purses, and firearms are targeted by thieves.

PARKING — Park in high traffic or well-lit areas, when possible.

REPORT IT — Contact your local precinct crime prevention officer or visit the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office for more information.

SECURITY SERVICES — Before leaving on vacation or for an extended period of time, contact Wexford Security to sign up for daily house checks.

The Club Times • 18 Security
Security Captain

Foundation awards $368K to local charities

At a luncheon on February 7th, the Wexford Foundation awarded $368,000 in grants to 35 local charities that provide humanitarian services to those in need on Hilton Head Island and the surrounding area.

Fred Noonan, the chairman of the Foundation, paid tribute to the dedicated service of the award recipients, the generosity of the Wexford donors and also expressed his appreciation to Howell-Chase and Island Environments, who graciously sponsored the event.

The Wexford Foundation is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting local health, housing, hunger and educational charities with financial and volunteer services. The Foundation has awarded $2.4 million in sustaining and major impact grants since its inception in 2012.

Clearwater Pool Service joins sponsors

Wexford Foundation is pleased to announce Clearwater Pool Service has agreed to sponsor our Foundation during the coming year. Clearwater Pool Service is a local company covering the construction, renovation and regular maintenance of residential and commercial pools in the Hilton Head area.

Clearwater Pool Service already serves a significant number of Wexford homeowners as well as taking care of the Wexford community pools. They also donate their services to Hilton Head Heroes, focusing on terminally ill children, and Operation RR, supporting military families and fallen heroes.

Clearwater Pool Service join our existing business sponsors South State Bank, Arbor Nature, Island Environments and Howell Chase Heating & Air in supporting our Foundation and we hope you will consider using the services of all these sponsors whenever the need arises.

Foundation Board of Trustees elected

The Wexford Foundation’s Annual Meeting was held on March 15th for the election of officers, new appointments, and committee assignments. The following officers were elected to serve for a one-year term: Fred Noonan — Chair; Paul McEvoy — Vice-Chair; Andi Purple — Secretary; Cyndi Duvall — Treasurer

Two new Trustees were also elected to join the Foundation Board for a three-year term. Kathy Alexander will chair the Communications Committee and Nancy Sturgis will chair the Events Committee. Both Kathy and Nancy join fellow board members Mark Brown (Grants Chair), Cyndi Duval (Finance Chair), and Kurt Grindstaff (Development Chair) to further the work of the Foundation.

A special thank you is offered to John Cunningham who moves off the board after serving as Communications Chair and Vice-Chair. The Trustees would like to recognize John for completing two terms on the board and for his outstanding service. He has been an integral part of the leadership team since 2017 and his dedication to the Wexford Foundation and its mission will truly be missed. Learn more at WexfordFoundation.com.

19 • The Club Times
Wexford Foundation News
Kathy Alexander Nancy Sturgis



Chef Josh helping and teaching John Lawless and friends how to clean and cook the red fish they caught.


The Club Times • 20
Looking good! The USTA 40+ 3.0 team won their match against Moss Creek, 38-31. FOUNDATION GRANTS LUNCHEON
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21 • The Club Times
Member Photo Gallery

APRIL 2023

The Club Times • 22 Clubhouse Closure (All Day) 10am Zumba 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Full Body Fusion 5pm Docktails 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 8:30am Men’s Day Red, White, and Blue 6pm Passover Seder Spring Carnival Easter Egg Hunt 10am Zumba Easter Brunch Golf Course Open 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg RBC Pro-Am 9am Women’s Bible Study 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 1pm Ladies Bridge 3pm Patrick’s Pop-Up (Driving Range) 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 8:30am Board of Directors Meeting Men’s Member Member Clubhouse Closure (Men’s Member Member) 5pm Viva La Vino Men’s Member Member Clubhouse Closure (Men’s Member Member) 10am Zumba Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes Golf Outing 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole Pickleball Social @SPCC 5:30pm Member Happy Hour Tennis Social 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30
9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics Docktails Georgetown Overnight Trip 1pm Ladies Bridge Georgetown Overnight Trip 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour Georgetown Overnight Trip Cinco de Mayo Club Championship Pickleball Cinco de Mayo Round Robin Georgetown Overnight Trip Club Championship 10am Zumba 5pm Kentucky Derby Georgetown Overnight Trip Club Championship Georgetown Overnight Trip Course Closed for Maintenance 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Patrick’s Pop Up (Member Happy Hour) Cobia Seminar Clubhouse Closure (Hospice Yacht Hop) 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba Tennis Ultimate Club Challenge @ Long Cove Mother’s Day Brunch Course Closed for Maintenance 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 4:30pm Waves Closure (Private Member Event) 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole Daufuskie Lunch Trip 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 8:30am Board of Directors Meeting 4pm Neff’s Nasty Nine & Dine Men’s Golf Day Event/ Short Course (All Day) 10am Zumba 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga WWGA Spring Closer 5:30pm Member Happy Hour Thunderbolt/Sav. Overnight Thunderbolt/Savannah Overnight 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba 5pm Wexford Garage Band Concert Thunderbolt/Savannah Overnight Thunderbolt/Savannah Overnight Golf Course Open 9am Golf Croquet 3pm Family Pool Party 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge
2023 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 28 29 30 31 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour Under Armour Junior Series (Afternoon Tee Times) 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Water Aerobics Docktails 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 10am Patrick’s Pop Up (Pickleball Courts) 10am Zumba FloatTails 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5:30pm Member Happy Hour Bohicket Overnight Doc Malloy Cheeseburger in Paradise Bohicket Overnight 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba Bohicket Overnight 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour 8:30am Board of Directors Meeting Clubhouse Closure (All Day) 9am Men’s Day 10am Zumba 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 9am Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 9am Ladies Day 18 Holers 10am Yoga 10am Ladies Day 9 Hole 5:30pm Member Happy Hour JUNE 2023 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 25 26 27 28 29 30 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 COURSE AERIFICATION COURSE AERIFICATION COURSE AERIFICATION COURSE AERIFICATION COURSE AERIFICATION COURSE AERIFICATION

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