May / June 2018 Our Readership and Success Depends on this Publication being shared and events being well attended, Please Take it, Read it, Book the dates and Pass the What’s On Magazine to another Person. Sign up to our facebook account at “What’s On White Rock/South Surrey”
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Supporting and promoting community events... What’s On! White Rock South Surrey Magazine is your all-in-one source for community events and entertainment. What’s On! is a locally owned and operated media organization dedicated to supporting non-profit organizations, programs, services and local events that shape our community and make White Rock South Surrey prosper. Free publications are delivered across White Rock South Surrey through a network of community partners including eateries, community and business centres, waiting rooms, hotels, airport; anywhere consumers seek reading material and information. Check out a complete list of locations online. Do you have an event, want to advertise it, want to provide media sponsorship to your favourite non-profit organization? Get in touch! • Call 1-604-621-7915
Fresh Local Strawberries FARMER’S MARKET - APPLY NOW 2018 – Starting in June Applications are available now, please download and mail to P.O.Box. Raspberries,2018 Blackberries, Blueberries, 2018 Application & 2018 Policies Cherries, Fresh Chilliwack Corn May 6 - Oct 28 AGM Details Tuesday March 13th White Rock Library 7 pm Home Delivery by R Valley Delivery Service Meet our Vendors page: Place your orders by Phone 1-604-832-8964 Rocky Shoker Vendor | White Farmers' Market. DeliveringProfiles Fresh Farm GrownRock Berries, Corn, Vegs. Sign up for our weekly Vendor List here: To Market Place Stores And Events from the lower Fraser Valley to Lower Mainland.
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HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world, and Mother’s Day 2018 occurs on Sunday, May 13. Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Over time the Mothering Sunday tradition shifted into a more secular holiday, and children would present their mothers with flowers and other tokens of appreciation.
DID YOU KNOW? More phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. These holiday chats with Mom often cause phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent. 1-604-621-7915
Ruby D.
WHAT’S ON! FESTIVALS & EVENTS Depending on the location, events can include rodeos and parades, sporting events, and creative performances. Sip and sample at a food or wine festival or celebrate tradition and Aboriginal culture at a public event. With hundreds of events to choose from year-round, it’s easy to keep busy in any season. Thanks for checking out your What’s On! Community Events, Entertainment Community one stop solution, to finding out what festivals and events are happening in your neighborhood Whats On! •
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What’s In Season…Strawberries In June
Sanjha Vehra Woman’s Association Recipe Share
Happy Mother’s Day Getting To Know You.
What’s On! May Festivals
White Rock Library Events
14) Cloverdale Rodeo / 15 Cloverdale Market Days 16
55 plus Events May/June
Charity Walk Come Out & Support
June Events / Happy Father’s Day
Circus Coming to Guildford Mall
Eagles Season Tickets Special
To advertise call 1-604-621-7915 or e-mail
What’s In Season... Strawberries Raspberries Blackberries Surrey Farms 5180 152 Street
Come and enjoy the farm-fresh taste at Surrey Farms. We stand by the freshness of our hand-picked berries. We pick strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries daily to provide the real taste of the farm. For those adventurers, our À HOGV DUH RSHQ IRU 8 SLFN WKURXJKRXW WKH VHDVRQ :H JURZ RQO\ WKH EHVW YDULHWLHV RI YHJHWDEOHV DQG SURYLGH \RXU IDPLO\ ZLWK DOO WKHLU FDQQLQJ QHHGV 2NDQDJDQ IUXLWV DUH VKLSSHG IUHVK RII RI WKH WUHHV EULQJLQJ WKH 2NDQDJDQ WR \RX 6XUUH\ )DUPV DOVR LV SURXG LQ EULQJLQJ WKH IDUP IUHVK WDVWH WR \RXU dinner table.
You can’t beat the taste of BC’s farm IUHVK EHUULHV :H RIIHU PRXWK ZDWHULQJ strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, red DQG EODFN FXUUDQWV DQG JRRVHEHUULHV IRU VDOH IURP RXU IDPLO\ IDUP 8 SLFN DOVR DYDLODEOH LQ FOHDQ VXSHUYLVHG À HOGV %ULQJ \RXU RZQ SDLOV RU EX\ RQH IURP XV )UHVK baked fruit pies and homemade fruit jams. We FDUU\ %& SURGXFHG YHJHWDEOHV DQG WUHH IUXLWV when in season. Check out our daily specials and case lot sales. Families welcome! Open daily from June to October, 9 am to 6 pm.
Sponsored by
R VALLEY DELIVERY SERVICE INC. 1-604-832-8964 ROCKY SHOKER (owner) Delivering Freshness from Fraser Valley Farmers to Store Fronts within Lower Mainland
Therapeutic Garden History In December 2009, the City of Surrey, in partnership with Sources Community Resources, received an $18,500 grant from New Horizons for Senior’s Programs. The vision for this grant was to create an outdoor garden space that would engage the physical, psychological and social needs of those using the space. The result is a collaborative venture between the Semiahmoo Senior’s Planning Table, the City of Surrey and Sources.
For more information contact Tara-Lee Priebe at 604-592-6979
Sources Food Bank volunteers grow seasonal produce in three of the raised beds providing a variety of vegetables for the community. The City maintains two smaller raised beds planted with a variety of vegetables, as well as an abundant herb garden. The staff and volunteers all work together to nurture these garden beds. In the Spring of 2017, the City Parks department collaborated with staff and volunteers to create two pollinator garden areas on the perimeter of the garden. With help from MYzone (a children’s afterschool «À }À> ®] ÃÜiiÌ «i>] iÝ V> Ì ÀV y ÜiÀ > ` ÃÕ y ÜiÀ½Ã ÜiÀi Ãii`i` > ` Ü Ài>V ÛiÀ the existing garden fence and are in full bloom. This was an educational project to instruct the children on the importance of pollinators and their impact on the garden and it’s food sources. The rest of the garden is balanced with ground iÛi Li`Ã Ü V >Ài w i` Ü Ì y ÜiÀÃ] à ÀÕLà and herbs and even two apple trees! These plants provide a never ending source of food for insects, hummingbirds, mason bees and several local bunnies. The fence is embraced Ü Ì y ÜiÀ } Û ià v iÞÃÕV i] Ü ÃÌiÀ > and clematis that enhance the beauty and tranquility of the garden and provide an amazing backdrop for children’s programs, as well as Senior’s tea, coffee times and barbecues.
ANNUAL PROPERTY TAX AND HOME OWNER GRANT Each year you own or lease a property or manufactured home in B.C. , you pay Annual property taxes. They are one of the largest revenue sources in the province, and are critical to providing programs and services in communities throughout B.C.
• Emergency rescue services
Do I Qualify? To qualify for the grant: You must
• Road construction and maintenance
• Be the registered owner of the residence
• Garbage services • Recreation and community centres
• Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
• Parks
• Live in B.C.
• Libraries
• Occupy the residence as your principal residence
• Schools • Hospitals The home owner grant reduces the amount of property tax you pay for your principal residence. July 4 is the Deadline to apply for the home owner grant without late payment penalties You may qualify as a homeowner who is:
• A veteran • A person with disabilities • Living with a spouse or relative with disabilities • A spouse or relative of a deceased owner
If you pay your property taxes to a First Nations, contact them directly.
• The assessed or partitioned value of your property must not exceed the grant threshold • Ensure you meet additional requirements if you are buying or selling your property The homeowner who meets these TXDOLÀ FDWLRQV PXVW EH WKH RQH ZKR applies in order to receive the higher grant amount for that residence.
• Under 65 years of age • A senior
areas of the province, the total grant amount for seniors aged 65 or older is $1,045.
If you’re a senior aged 65 or older and you meet certain requirements, you may be eligible for the additional grant of $275 on top of the regular grant of $570. The total grant amount for seniors aged 65 or older is $845 in the Capital Regional District, Greater Vancouver Regional District and the Fraser Valley. For all other
For more details: Source: property-taxes This document is not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale with another broker. This document does not replace the advice or services offered by your REALTOR®, nor provide any legal advice.
ͻ &Z ŽŶƐƵůƟ ŶŐ ͻ ϰ ĂƌĞĂ ŽĨ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ͻ >ŝĨĞ Θ >ŝǀŝŶŐ ĞŶĞĮ ƚƐ ͻ ,ĞĂůƚŚ Θ ĞŶƚĂů ͻ >ŽƐƐ KĨ /ŶĐŽŵĞ ͻ dƌĂǀĞů Θ sŝƐŝƚŽƌ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƟ ŽŶ ƉůĂŶƐ Phone: 1-604-621-7915 ůŝĨĞƉŽŝŶƚƐĐŽŶƐƵůƟ ŶŐΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ Whats On! •
Sanjha Vehra WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Makes 8 to 10 pancakes. MOTHER’S DAY APPLE ALMOND PANCAKES 1/2 c Whole-wheat flour 1/2 c Unbleached flour 1 tbsp Brown sugar 1 1/2 tsp Baking powder 1/4 tsp Salt 2 Eggs, separated 4 tbsp Oil 1/2 c Buttermilk 1/2 c Apple Juice 1/4 c Chopped almonds Combine flours, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl. Beat egg yolks with oil, buttermilk, and apple juice. Stir into flour mixture with nuts until all ingredients are moistened (do not over stir). Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into batter. Spoon onto a hot, greased griddle and turn once when bubbles
MAY 6TH, 2018 MEETING AGENDA May is a month of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and spring in the Northern Hemisphere. 2:00pm 2:20pm 2:35pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 3:05pm 3:10pm 3:15pm 3:20 pm
Member Sign In Welcome and happy mother’s day Some Jokes Mental Health Door prizes / Kittie Welcome to New Members and Birthdays Father’s Day – who wants to go bowling Beauty Tip of the month - What’s in Your Lipstick Special Day’s in May • First full week of May - Mental Health Week • Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month • Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month • May 8th Second Sunday - Mother’s Day • May 21st, is Victoria Day is celebrated on the last Monday on or before May 24. 3:45pm Snacks and Tea Special Gift for Special Mothers By: Millstream Natural Foods
JUNE 3RD 2018 FROM 2PM – 4PM Scottsdale Lanes 12033 84th Ave, Surrey, BC, V3W 3G4 (604) 596-3924
MORNING GLORY FRUIT SHAKE 2 c Sliced bananas 2 c Sliced strawberries 2 c Chopped pineapple or papaya* 1 c Chopped peeled apples 1/2 c Ice cubes 1 ts Honey In a blender, combine the bananas, strawberries, pineapples, papayas, apples, ice cubes, and honey.
Enjoy snack and soft drink while Bowling for $10:00/per person . All participants must wear bowling shoes - rental shoes available.
Puree on high speed until smooth. Serve immediately for Mother’s day breakfast.
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY GETTING TO KNOW YOU Interview with Denice Thompson by April Lewis Denice with her Son Christopher & Granddaughter
“I loved him when he was born but I didn’t like him until he was nine.” A tongue-in-cheek comment from a mother who adores her son Christopher, now a strapping lad at 6 feet 7 inches with a law degree, a wife and a new baby daughter.
Denice with her Son Christopher & his Bride on their wedding day.
Denice became a widow when Christopher was 16. Working full-time as a single mother, Christopher, all 6 feet of him, was a wonderful support to her. “Ours has always been a mature relationship,” Denice says, and is proud of the man, husband and father he has become.
Denice Thompson, at the age of 70 is a new grandmother or glam-ma as her friends call her.
“I cried just before we walked down the aisle, but managed to keep it together for the rest of the evening.”
A fashionista with an Audrey Hepburn flair, Denice admits she wasn’t entirely prepared for motherhood, trying to balance a career with the demands of being a loving mother.
Settling down in White Rock 13 years ago after retiring from the Vancouver Police Department, Denice recalls asking Christopher if he would like to go to Hawaii with her.
But as a grandmother that has all changed.
“No,” he replied. “Let’s go somewhere exciting like Africa!”
“I can sit back and relax now.”
And since then they have enjoyed a number of “Mother/Son” travel adventures including Dubai, Bhutan, China, Brunei, India and Easter Island, to name a few.
But this lively septuagenarian hardly has time to relax as she volunteers as the Events Director for the local chapter of CARP – A New Vision of Aging for Canada, travels, exercises and enjoys life with friends and family. Born in Regina, Denice knew from an early age she had to escape the cold Prairies and so moved west to Vancouver at age 18.
She hopes this wonderful journey will continue perhaps to include her new daughter-in-law and the next generation, her granddaughter. Just be sure to call her glam-ma as she is too young, gorgeous and glamorous to be called a grandma!
That didn’t last long as her adventurous spirit took her to a job in Ottawa with the Canadian Foreign Service followed by a posting in Washington, DC with the Canadian Embassy. Her career path then led her to an exciting and challenging secretarial position with the International Monetary Fund where she was bitten by the travel bug. As a member of the Western Hemisphere department, her job took her to Central America, Mexico, Canada and South America. Moving back to Canada, and taking on the role of wife and mother, Denice gave birth to her only child, Christopher, who grew up being close to his grandparents.
Custom Jewellers 604-541-1503 #3, 1920 – 152nd Street, South Surrey, White Rock, BC V4A 4N6
Come in for your Complimentary Custom Design Consultation! SALE ON NOW • Valued clients receive up to 50% off Regular price merchandise. (Restrictions apply, see store for details) We are EXPANDING 2018! Handcrafted Custom Pieces Corporate Custom Designs
Whats On! •
Jewellery Appraisals Onsite Jewellery Repairs Cash for Gold
Wha W ha hat att’ at’ t’s ’s s On! TM
Depending on the location, events can include rodeos and parades, sporting events, and creative performances. Sip and sample at a food or wine festival or celebrate tradition and Aboriginal culture at a public event. With hundreds of events to choose from year-round, it’s easy to keep busy in any season. Thanks for checking out your What’s On! Community Events, Entertainment Community one stop solution, to finding out what festivals and events are happening in your neighborhood. 19TH ANNUAL HALL’S PRAIRIE COUNTRY MARKET May 12, 2018 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT Hall’s Prairie Elementary School 18035 8th Avenue, Surrey Hall’s Prairie Elementary is excited to be hosting our 19th Annual Country Market school fair! Come join is in beautiful rural South Surrey for live music, food, a huge garage sale, crafter’s market, raffle/50-50, silent auction, games, prizes and more! Hall’s Prairie Elementary PAC Send an Email. Free event! JOIN US FOR GUIDED WALKS IN SURREY’S NATURE PARKS AND LEARN A LITTLE MORE ABOUT THE URBAN FOREST THAT WE ARE LUCKY TO CALL HOME! Surrey Nature Centre (14225 Green Timbers Way) Saturday morning walks (10 - 11am) Join our guide for a family-friendly nature walk to discover Green Timbers Park and the animals and plants who call it home! Walk routes and themes may change from month-tomonth, so come back often. All ages welcome. Drop-in, rain or shine. May 19, Jun 16, Saturday afternoon walks (2 - 3:30pm) • Join us for a guided nature walk to explore the Surrey Nature Centre and Green Timbers Park. Walk routes and
themes may change from month-to-month, so come back often. This walk is for ages 13+. Drop-in, rain or shine Location: Various locations Contact: 604-502-6065 Category: Parks and Environment Free Event ROYAL CANADIAN FAMILY CIRCUS SPECTAC 2018 Multiple Cities, Surrey, British Columbia, V3R 7C1 Phone: 403-815-7499 Website: The Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC! ® 2018, is coming to Surrey, Tsawwassen, Richmond between May 17 to June 10 with 33 captivating shows. The internationally renowned cast includes; the famed Guerrero (America’s Got Talent), the S Caleb Equestrian Acrobats, Bilea Transformation, aerialists, jugglers, trapeze, Chinese acrobats, hula hoops and the death defying Wheel of Destiny. There are NO exotic animals. For 2 for 1 tickets visit our website and book using promo code “Amazing”. For more details, including specific locations and dates, please visit our website. Let Them know you saw it in What’s On! White Rock / Surrey Events, Entertainment Community Magazine.
RENATA NOWAK Travel Consultant
Discover and be Inspired! Join me on 18 day Escorted Tour DISTINCTLY POLAND
Email: Phone: 604-417-5025 Fax: 604-872-0882 Address: 12869 16th Avenue, Surrey BC V4A1N5
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ROYAL VICTORIAN PARTY All hail her Majesty, the Queen! The whole family can enjoy this regal event with live dancing, birthday cake and a chance to meet the woman who had a whole era named after her – Queen Victoria. Future kings and queens are encouraged to dress the part. Location: Historic Stewart Farm, 13723 Crescent Rd Date & Time: May 20, 2018 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Contact:604-592-6956 COME CELEBRATE YOUR ARTISTIC SIDE! SURREY INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL Arts Festival for Children aged 0 to 12 May 24 - 26, 2018 Surrey Arts Centre and Bear Creek Park Surrey International Children’s Festival The 14th Annual Surrey International Children’s Festival inspired young hearts and minds to the greater possibilities and celebrates our rich and diverse cultural heritage though performing and visual arts experience. Children have an incredibly rich arts experience as they take part in the many hands-on activities on site, led by professional artists. The ticketed programming is a national and international selection of the highest caliber of performances for young audiences, bringing inspiration and awe to the residents of Surrey and the surrounding areas. See and do it all with the $12 Saturday Festival Pass. Get full access to all site activities and ticketed performances. Bear Creek Park / Surrey Arts Centre, 13750 88 Ave
On-site access is free to the public: May 24 to 26, 2018Thursday and Friday: 9am to 2:30pm Saturday: 10:30am to 7:30pm May 24 & 25, 9:00am-2:30pm, May 26, 2018, 10:30am7:30pm Contact:604-501-5598 Category: Arts Festivals Kids and Family Community: Whaley Cost:Varies SOUNDS OF SPRING Surrey’s Sounds of Summer free music series is so popular, we’ve decided to kick off early with this one-time Sounds of Spring! Come tap your toes while Canada’s coolest band Willy Blizzard plays a folk music jam against the beautiful ocean backdrop of Blackie Spit at Crescent Beach. Be sure to bring your folding chair or picnic blanket to enjoy the show under our tented seating area. Pack a picnic as well or purchase light refreshments from Roaming Coffee. If the weather is nice, the beach will be busy and parking will be limited - please carpool. Given the nature of the event, we ask that event attendees do not bring their dog to the event. Location: Blackie Spit, 3136 Mcbride Ave Date & Time: May 30, 2018 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Contact: 604-501-5050 Community: South Surrey Cost:Free
Whats On! •
Whiterock Library Events Master Artists in the Library - Leah Murray Developing her ‘Celtic eye’ within the digital world and applying that to the visual world around her, Murray documents the extraordinary life and activities of ordinary Canada. Her vision extends from northern Ontario to the coastal wetlands of British Columbia. Developing her Celtic eye within the digital world, Murray documents the extraordinary life and activities of ordinary Canada. Wednesday, May 23 Thursday, May 24 11 am – 4 pm
Matter of Life and Death with Lara McIntyre RPC-C &RQĂ LFW 5HVROXWLRQ Learn the basics of selfresponsible language and how to talk to your loved ones AND your unloved ones. How do we express our needs while maintaining the relationships in our lives to their highest potential? Lara McIntyre is a Registered Professional Counsellor and Hypnotherapist. “Matter of Life and Deathâ€? education and discussion, exploring the challenges and opportunities in our lives together. Wednesday, June 27 • 6:45 – 8:30 pm
Master Artists in the Library - Catherine Brown Brown’s watercolors express her love of nature and are representational of the wonder and beauty seen on the west coast. Friday, May 25 Saturday, May 26 11 am – 4 pm
6XPPHU 5HDGLQJ &OXE Move, groove, and prove that you can make a Motion Commotion this summer when you join FVRL’s 2018 Summer Reading Club. There is a club for everyone! Sign up starts June 21 and continues throughout the summer. There are oh so many ways to make a Motion Commotion when you join 2018 Summer Reading Club! Visit White Rock Library to join.
Matter of Life and Death with Lara McIntyre RPC-C An Introduction to Clinical Hypnotherapy: Does it really work, and will I quack like a duck? Dispelling myths and explaining what challenges might be improved, altered or relieved using hypnotherapy such as: addiction; fears and phobias; trauma and abuse survival; eating disorders; smoking, weight and VOHHS FRQFHUQV VHOI HVWHHP DQG FRQĂ€ GHQFH FKURQLF pain; pre and post surgery recovery; anxiety and depression. Lara McIntyre is a Registered Professional Counsellor and Hypnotherapist. “Matter of Life and Deathâ€? education and discussion, exploring the challenges and opportunities in our lives together. Wednesday, May 30 6:45 – 8:30 pm Carol M. Cram – Author Reading Join award-winning historical novelist Carol M. Cram for a presentation of her third novel The Muse of Fire about an actress in early 19th Century London. The event includes a lively discussion of historical women in painting, music, and theater through the lens of Carol’s three novels about women in the arts. Copresented with New Arcadia Publishing. Wednesday, June 13 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Children’s Programs 6WRU\WLPH Introduce kids to the love of books and language with Storytime! Children and caregivers will enjoy interactive stories, songs, rhymes, and more. Storytime prepares children to learn to read. Wednesdays until March 14; April 4 – June 20 • 10:30 am Babytime Make language fun! Start early with Babytime. Help your baby develop speech and language skills - enjoy bouncing, singing and rhyming with stories. Babytime is a fun, social bonding activity for babies AND caregivers. Thursdays until March 15; April 5 – June 21 Ongoing Programs Book Tastes Drop-in for a summary of books by library staff and share your own favorites. Call White Rock Library at 604-541-2201 for more information. Second Friday of the month 10:30 am
Titles and Tea Afternoon Book Club Classics to new titles discussed in a casual setting. New Members welcome. Books are provided. Call White Rock Library at 604-541-2201 for more information. Third Tuesday of each month 2-3:30 pm Wednesday Night Book Club Classics to new titles discussed in a casual setting. New Members welcome. Books are provided. Call White Rock Library at 604-541-2201 for more information. Last Wednesday of each month 7 - 9 pm White Rock Chess Club All ages and experience welcome! Children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Dropin program. Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Saturdays, 2:30 - 4:30 pm White Rock Laughter Yoga Enjoy deep breathing, light stretches and interactive laughter exercises. Last Tuesday of each month • 7 pm White Rock History Club Members are invited to give a short presentation on history themes of their choice. General discussion follows. New members welcome. Moderator is Herb Spencer (604-542-2299). Last Monday of each month 7 pm :KLWH 5RFN DQG 6RXWK 6XUUH\ :ULWHUV· &OXE Are you an aspiring writer? Join the Writers’ Club and enjoy constructive critiques, readings and writing support. New members are welcome. 3rd Wednesday of each month 7 pm White Rock Bridge Club Contract bridge in a relaxed environment. Thursdays 12:30pm – 4:30pm :KLWH 5RFN /LEUDU\ 6FUDEEOH &OXE Do you have a way with words? Drop in and test your word power. All ages and experience levels welcome! Wednesdays • 1 pm
Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair are back May 18 – 21 2018 72nd annual Cloverdale Rodeo and 130th annual Country Fair to unfold at Cloverdale Exhibition Grounds Surrey, BC – This year marks the 72nd annual Cloverdale Rodeo and 130th annual Country Fair and visitors can once again expect British Columbia’s most beloved annual tradition to be an action-packed weekend full of family fun. Event fans can look forward to more competitions, more live entertainment, and more food for all ages. Be sure to mark your calendars for the May Long weekend! Recognized as some of the best athletes in the world, national and international Cowboys and Cowgirls are getting ready to compete for large cash prizes. The Cloverdale Invitational Rodeo will feature three rough stock rodeo events: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, and Ladies Barrel Racing. Cloverdale’s youngest athletes will get their chance to compete when Mutton Bustin’ takes centre stage during all five Rodeo performances happening all weekend long. Move over fire fighters, here come the cowboys. New to this year’s Rodeo is a charitable element sure to be a hit amongst those young and old. Award-winning photojournalist John Lehmann is the talent behind a one-of-a-kind collectible 12-month “cowboy” calendar to be available for purchase at the Rodeo. All proceeds from calendar sales will be donated to charity. Families will once again have a blast in the Country Fair with the Envision Financial Kids Zone, Agri Zone and Douglas Lake Equipment Zone, formerly the Cone Zone. Visitors of all ages will enjoy the S&R Sawmills West Coast Lumberjack Show, the BC Country Music Association Pavilion, the seventh annual World Freestyle Roundup Skateboarding Competition, Ram Truck Test Drive, B.C.’s largest travelling Midway, and the spectacular Art Knapp Outdoor Living Pavilion. The World Freestyle Round-Up will once more take over the Cloverdale Curling Rink and bring together the best in professional and amateur freestyle skateboarders from all over the world who will be competing for $10,000 in prize money. Beginning May 18 and all weekend long, skateboarders from countries like Japan, Germany and Sweden will come to Cloverdale to show off their best technical tricks and choreographed freestyle routines that are sure to leave visitors in awe. Cloverdale’s cowboy and cowgirl culture would not be complete without its annual artistic offering. Returning for its fourth year, the West Fine Art Show, one of B.C.’s largest and most prestigious art shows, will bring together the best in collected work from 18 of the finest artists in western Canada who will also be in attendance at the show. A percentage of all proceeds will be donated to C.H.I.L.D. Foundation and the Cloverdale Rodeo Youth Initiative Foundation. Prominently featured again this year will be work created by legendary artist Jeff Robinson, son of Red and Carole Robinson. Jeff, who passed away after a valiant battle with Crohn’s Disease, will be forever remembered among the art-loving community for his bold style and colorful disposition.
Open daily from 4pm to 2am to the 19+ crowd, The Longhorn Saloon is proud to present live performances including the Ken McCoy Band, Ettinger & Big 50 and everybody’s favorite, the Chris Buck Band. Guests of all ages can catch performances on The Lordco Auto Parts Outdoor Entertainment Stage where you can two step the night away to the likes of: The Heels, Whiskey Jane, Rosemary & The Sweet Sound Revival, and more! With a mascot dance party nightly starting at 6pm on this is a must-see attraction for the family! The BC Country Music Association (BCCMA) will be hosting an impressive pavilion that will include a meet-and-greet with BCCMA artists throughout the May Long Weekend. Called Boots and Buckles, this Pavilion is open to all ages and is free until 8pm when it will transform into a live music dance hall for 19+ Fair attendees. For a detailed schedule of event, performances, competitors list, and to purchase tickets, please visit Event: Dates: Gate Hours:
Location: Tickets:
2018 Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair May 18-21, 2018 Friday 4:00pm – 10:00pm Saturday 10:00am – 10:00pm Sunday 10:00am – 10:00pm Monday 10:00am – 5:00pm Cloverdale Fairgrounds in Surrey, BC Pre-purchase tickets are available online now: Country Fair admission is $10 (12 and under free)
Pre-Purchase Gate Admission tickets at selected London Drugs and IGA stores and save $2.00! Pre-Purchase Midway Ride All-Day tickets at selected London Drugs and IGA stores for $35, saving $10.00! About the Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair: The Cloverdale Rodeo and Exhibition Association is the non-profit organization that manages the world-famous Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair, held every year on the May long weekend at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds in Surrey, British Columbia.
To advertise call 1-604-621-7915 or e-mail
Save the Dates MAY 26 • JUNE 23 • JULY 21 AUGUST 18 • SEPTEMBER 22
Historic Downtown Cloverdale 176 St between 56A & 58 Ave • 10am-3pm :Yk]\ gml g^ ;dgn]j\Yd] :;$ o] Yj] Y dg[Yd fgf%hjgÚ l Ykkg[aYlagf l`Yl hjgegl]k [geemfalq ]n]flk Yf\ l`] Yjlk af ;dgn]j\Yd]& ;dgn]j\Yd] `Yk Y naZjYfl Yf\ \an]jk] f]a_`Zgmj`gg\$ Yf\ ak gf g^ Kmjj]q k gd\]kl [geemfala]k&
O] afnal] qgm lg [ge] ]phdgj] ;dgn]j\Yd] k `aklgja[ hYkl Yf\ al k ]p[alaf_ f]o k`ghk j]klYmjYflk& L`jgm_` gmj ;DGN=J<9D= E9JC=L <9QK ]n]flk$ o] hjgna\] dg[Yd j]ka\]flk Yf\ nakalgjk oal`
an open air market experience
O`]j] l`]q [Yf hmj[`Yk] Y nYja]lq g^ fresh locally grown Yf\ hj]hYj]\ ^gg\k$ nakal local artist exhibitions, Yf\ ]fbgq l`] eYfq fun family activities, restaurants & shops l`Yl ;dgn]j\Yd] `Yk lg g^^]j&
ͻ &Z ŽŶƐƵůƟ ŶŐ ͻ ϰ ĂƌĞĂ ŽĨ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ͻ >ŝĨĞ Θ >ŝǀŝŶŐ ĞŶĞĮ ƚƐ ͻ ,ĞĂůƚŚ Θ ĞŶƚĂů ͻ >ŽƐƐ KĨ /ŶĐŽŵĞ ͻ dƌĂǀĞů Θ sŝƐŝƚŽƌ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƟ ŽŶ ƉůĂŶƐ Phone: 1-604-621-7915 ůŝĨĞƉŽŝŶƚƐĐŽŶƐƵůƟ ŶŐΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ Whats On! •
Events for
the 55+
What’s On! • May and June 2018 CITY OF WHITE ROCK RECREATION AND CULTURE 6 locations including: Kent Street Activity Centre, 1475 Kent Street (604-541-2231) Centennial Park Leisure Centre and Arena, 14600 North Bluff Road (604-541-2161) White Rock Community Centre, 15154 Russell Avenue (604-541-2199) Horst and Emmy Werner Centre for Active Living, 1475 Anderson Street, (604-541-2199) Fraser Valley Regional Library, 15342 Buena Vista Ave. (604-541-2201) White Rock Museum and Archives, 14970 Marine Drive (604-541-2221). Register for Summer 2018 programs at 604541-2199 or online at register. Buy a 2018 White Rock Recreation and Culture membership $39. 6RPH RI WKH ÀWQHVV SURJUDPV IRU VHQLRUV include the following: Fit Camp 55+ Exercise to Prevent & Manage Chronic Disease and Diabetes Boxing Boot Camp for Seniors Get Up and Go 65+ Afternoon Meditation for Seniors Balance Class for Adults 65+ 2VWHRÀW ([HUFLVH 3URJUDP Cardio & Strength Training Circuit for 55+ Stretch & Strength 55+ Yoga for Seniors Zumba Gold
EXCURSIONS: TEA & TRUMPETS – THE PROMS! Take a trip to Royal Albert Hall and the BBC Promenades in a concert based on The Last Night of the Proms. Includes admission, refreshments. Thursday, May 17th 11:30 am – 5:30 pm Cost $67 or $62 for members Call 604-541-2199
GALIANO ISLAND WITH JOY BROWN Enjoy a walk through Bluff Park and a visit to Montague Park with its white sandy beaches. Visit a local artist and her garden. Lunch at the Hummingbird Inn and afternoon tea. Includes guided tours, lunch, afternoon tea, ferry fare. Wednesday, June 13th 8:20 am – 7:30 pm\ Cost: $163 or $158 for members Call 604-541-2199
KENT STREET ACTIVITY CENTRE 1475 Kent Street, White Rock (604-541-2231) Activity Groups and Programs are open to adults 55+ with memberships. Activities include bridge, cribbage, whist, bowling, snooker, computer, Spanish conversation, table tennis, woodcarving, stitching, singing, dancing, acting and lunches. Call 604-541-2231 for more information and registration.
HIKE FOR HOSPICE SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2018 Blackie Spit Park, Crescent Beach from 9 am - 12 noon
PEACE ARCH HOSPICE SUPPORTIVE CARE CENTRE PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018 1 – 4 pm Ribbon cutting with Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner and other dignitaries Details:
MIXED SINGLES OVER SIXTY Don’t stay home alone, come and join this active group. Great way to make new friends. General meeting third Thursday of the month. For more info, call Norval at 604-542-9923 or Jill at 604-534-5631
every Wednesday from 7 – 10 pm Kent Street Auditorium $8 or $6 for members
A social club for retired and semi-retired women. Regular meetings the last Wednesday of the month at White Rock Baptist Church, 1657 – 140th St., South Surrey from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. For info call Sharon at 604-536-5294
3rd Saturday of the month 5:30 – 10:00 pm Kent Street Auditorium $25 or $20 for members
For retired men. Meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at Hazelmere Golf and Tennis Club, 18150 – 8th Ave., Surrey at 9:30 am Contact Bill Parker at 604-531-9822 for more information.
Tuesdays 9 – 11:30 am Kent Street Auditorium
FUN BRIDGE Wednesdays 1 – 3:30 pm Kent Street Classroom
STITCH & CHAT Fridays 1 – 3 pm Kent Street Classroom
PEACE ARCH HOSPICE SOCIETY 15435 – 16A Avenue South Surrey, BC (604-531-7484)
City of Surrey is divided into six town centres: • Cloverdale • Fleetwood • Guildford • Newton • Whalley • South Surrey
Events for
the 55+
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On! â&#x20AC;¢ May and June 2018 SUPPORTING HEALTHY ACTIVE AGING The City of Surrey is leading the way in supporting healthy active aging through its Age Friendly Strategy for Seniors. Through successful collaborations with partners and organizations, the City of Surrey offers educational opportunities to gain further knowledge and resources that will support seniors, caregivers and families with the tools to remain healthy, active, independent and engaged in the community. The following events focus on safety, health and wellness, transportation and mobility, housing and buildings and outdoor spaces: Focus on Seniors Forums, Seminars, Workshops, Healthy Active Aging Conference Active Aging Resource Fair National Seniors Day
SENIORSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; WEEK JUNE 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10, 2018 Celebrate a weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth of free activities that support awareness and education of healthy, safe and active aging in our community. To learn more: call 604-501-5100 or www.
6TH ANNUAL HEALTHY ACTIVE AGING CONFERENCE Supporting healthy, active aging SATURDAY, JUNE 9th Newton Seniors Centre The Conference will focus on 4 key areas: 1. Safety 2. Health & Wellness 3. Buildings & Outdoor Spaces 4. Home All workshops are free and require preregistration. To register, call 604-50-5100
55+ BUS TRIPS Sit back, relax and leave the driving to Paramount Travel as you explore fun and interesting destinations on local day trips. Bus Trips in partnership with Paramount Travel, an internationally recognized custom tour company specializing in seniors. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love their luxury motor coaches with a friendly, knowledgeable tour manager on board each trip. Coming up: Quintessential Vancouver, Deep Cove and Capilano Suspension Bridge. Contact: Cloverdale Recreation Centre (604598-7960) Fleetwood Community Centre (604-501-5030) South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre (604-592-6970) Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre (604-598-5898) Guildford Recreation Centre (604-502-6360) Newton Seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Centre (604-501-5010)
SHELL BUSEYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TOOL BOX A thrift store for new and gently used tools with all proceeds to Surrey Hospice Society. Call 604-584-7006 or visit 5625 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 176th Street in downtown Cloverdale.
SOUTH SURREY RECREATION AND ARTS CENTRE 14601 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20th Ave., South Surrey (604-5926970) Register for badminton, pickle ball, table tennis, duplicate bridge and social groups taking place Monday to Friday from 7 am to 3 pm. Call 604-592-6970. Fitness Programs â&#x20AC;¢ Chair Exercises 55+ â&#x20AC;¢ Chair Yoga 55+ â&#x20AC;¢ Osteoarthritis Fitness 55+ Sign up for aquatic programs at South Surrey Indoor Pool, 14655 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 17th Ave. (604-5026220) or Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre, 16855 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24th Ave., South Surrey (604-5907800)
SOUTH SURREY WHITE ROCK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NINE â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;N DINE FUN GOLF TOURNAMENT THURSDAY, MAY 31st Nico Wynd Golf Course 9 Hole Texas Scramble Shotgun start at 4 pm Cost: $72 plus GST per person or $280 plus GST per foursome. Includes a delicious steak, Caesar salad, fries and garlic toast. To register, please call 604-536-6844 or Register securely online at www.
CARP â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A NEW VISION OF AGING FOR CANADA (formerly Canadian Association of Retired Persons) is a QDWLRQDO QRQ SURÃ&#x20AC;W QRQ SDUWLVDQ DGYRFDF\ organization which promotes healthy aging DQG Ã&#x20AC;QDQFLDO VHFXULW\ IRU DOO &DQDGLDQV For more information: or call Ramona Kaptyn @ 778-294-0787 Next event isâ&#x20AC;¦
CAN WE MEND A BROKEN HEART: CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH FOR ZOOMERS This is the third in a series on Heart Health featuring geriatric medicine specialist, Dr. Larry Dian Thursday, June 7th White Rock Community Centre, 15154 Russell Ave., 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9 pm (Registration at 6:30 pm) RSVP to Denice at 604-538-5778
South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Visit South Surrey Recreation Centre for registered & drop-in programs for all ages. Arts Programs South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre and the Semiahmoo Arts Council offers a variety of arts programs to the community to participate in. Join an art class, attend an art event or drop by the facility to view an exhibition in the Turnbull gallery. Intergenerational Therapeutic Garden Located at the South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre, dedicated staff and volunteers who share a passion for the garden take care of the site and provide educational tours for all ages. This staff and community involvement encourages
an awareness of the importance of gardening. Sources Food Bank volunteers grow seasonal produce providing a variety of vegetables for the community and the City of Surrey maintains beds planted with a variety of vegetables, as well as a large herb garden. To get involved with the Intergenerational Therapeutic Garden, contact Tara-Lee Priebe at 604-592-6970. Announcements Birthday Parties! Plan your birthday party with us! Choose a birthday party package for your child and we’ll keep your plans on track while the kids celebrate.
Facility Information Address: 14601 - 20 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 9P5 Phone: 604-592-6970 Hours of Operation Mon - Fri: 6:00am-10:00pm Sat & Sun: 8:00am-8:00pm Holidays: 8:00am-8:00pm Childminding Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00am-1:00pm Mon - Thurs: 5:00pm-8:00pm Sat - Sun: 8:00am-12:00pm
Our fully accessible facility offers registered and drop in programs for everyone in the community. We're open seven days a week and offer licensed onsite and offsite preschools, multi-purpose rooms, dedicated arts space, community and youth lounges, gymnasiums, weight room, a café, free parking and free wi-fi.
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create your future
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Whats On! •
Walk your way to weight loss Romi Singh Gill
Everyone goes through time of splurging in unhealthy foods and lack of exercise. Unhealthy food feels like a reward and “laziness” or choosing to not exercise is the easier choice. What happens next?
What’s the best Exercise?
Bigger stomach, thighs, a little flap on the back side of our arms and a tire around our waist. Not only that, we also start getting tired quickly and have less focus.
- the one gets done. The thought of gym and treadmill and intense cardio probably makes your head spin. Which is why I am going to suggest the simplest human movement as exercise -
What’s worse than bad health and weight gain?
Judgemental, and sometimes shameful, comments from friends and relatives. “How dare they talk about my weight”, you think. It happens to all of us. Not many people can stay in “fit” shape all year long. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, answer this question:
Try the following ways to add more walking to your day: 1. Go for a walk for 15-30 minutes 2. Park your car farther way in a parking lot at stores, work etc 3. Take the stairs at work, if possible 4. Go to the gym and walk on treadmill
What are you going to do about your weight? Here’s 2 simple steps you can take to lose weight: 1. Cut out all sugary drinks and unhealthy foods, and add more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat a whole food diet. 2. Exercise. I will suggest a simple exercise you can perform to lose weight.
Spend two weeks doing simple walking for 15-30 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Next, try speed walking. One hour, 3-4 times a week is enough. Keep doing this regularly and you will lose some weight. And, if you’re looking to lose more weight, you need to incorporate a jogging intervals in your walk.
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Yvonne Ehrenholz An inspiration to us all. Hello, my name is Yvonne Ehrenholz and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m here to share my story with IBD and how participating in the Gutsy Walk can make a difference in lives of those living with Crohnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Colitis. I was diagnosed with Crohnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Disease at 11 years old and have been living with it for the past 17 years. Life with CD became my â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;new normalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s difďŹ cult to remember what life was like without the disease. Since I was young at time of diagnosis, one thing I remember was being adamant that I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ill and hiding the disease from those around me. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell anyone about my symptoms or treatments and treated it as a closet disease. As an adolescence I was confused and fearful of other people thinking I was different. Between the ages of 11 & 19 years old I had countless blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, CT-scans, MRIs and other tests. It was a challenge to maintain a normal life outside of my medical treatments and self-care. At 16 years old I was asked to make a choice between having surgery or trying a relatively new drug, Remicade, where the long term side-effects were not fully known yet. After choosing Remicade, I still required to have part of my colon removed.
Despite having IBD and its complications on my life, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to achieve many accomplishments. I pursued a BBA in Marketing Management and settled into a successful career. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve travelled to Peru, Europe and Mexico and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m often hiking or running on the North Shore Mountains. These are things that seem impossible when dealing with a ďŹ&#x201A;are up. After becoming involved in Crohnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Colitis Canada, I realized that I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t alone. The monthly meetings have helped me meet people who are also suffering from IBD and experiencing the same challenges as me. This has helped me remember that no man is an island and my journey is not something to be ashamed of. I invite you to walk with me on June 3rd and help ďŹ nd a cure for IBD, while raising awareness doing it. Walk location is happening on Sunday June 3rd at Fleetwood Park in Surrey.
Park Information. Location: 15802 - 80 Avenue, Surrey BC Phone: 604-501-5050. Email: Fleetwood Park has it all: from picnic shelters and play areas (including a spray park) to scenic gardens and nature trails, there is something for everyone to enjoy and explore! The nature trail...
Whats On! â&#x20AC;˘
Wha W ha hat attâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; atâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s s On! TM
WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON!
â&#x20AC;˘ JUNE 17, 2018 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; FATHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DAY â&#x20AC;˘ JUNE 20, 2018 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SUMMER SOLSTICE â&#x20AC;˘ JUNE 21, 2018 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DAY â&#x20AC;˘ JUNE 21, 2018 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA
RECOMMENDED JUNE ACTIVITIES Being a summer month, June is deďŹ nitely a month to be outside (except for on the rainy days). With the ski season long past and forgotten, focus their attention solidly on outdoor summertime activities.
Rock, Crescent Beach and water parks. Water Slides to bring Splash of fun to anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face.
These can include hiking and camping in the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s various parks, canoeing and kayaking in places like Deep Cove, picnics throughout the region, and hanging out at beaches like White
Being the last month of the year before schools let out, Our Communities really starts to come alive in June. The Surreyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s night market is full swing and Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market to enjoy the true freshness, all sorts of live entertainment and other events start springing up everywhere (or at least in lots of places)
WHITE ROCK FARMERS MARKET The White Rock Farmers Market takes place every Sunday at 15154 Russell Avenue from early May until late October in White Rock. Market times run from 10 am until 2 pm. IN 2018 the market runs from May 6th until October 28th. While in the area â&#x20AC;Ś stroll along the waterfront at White Rock and check out the beach, especially if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at low tide. Also, just a short drive away, there is Crescent Beach, plus historic Stewart Farm in Elgin Heritage Park along the way.
ELGIN HERITAGE PARK IN SURREY Elgin Heritage Park has a forested area with hiking trails as well as marshland with a boardwalk. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a popular place for bird watching and is home to eagles and other large fowl. Elgin Heritage Park is home to Stewart Farm, a local heritage site with a historical house and barn that are open to the public by donation. The farm and park are connected by trails to Crescent Beach, which makes the area ideal for walks and leisurely bike rides.
EVENTS AT STEWART FARM Best times to visit historic Stewart Farm include any sunny day in the warmer months when combined with a trip to Crescent Beach or White Rock, and during any of the following special events, all of which are admission by donation. â&#x20AC;˘ Royal Victorian Party â&#x20AC;&#x201C; on the Sunday of the Victoria Day statutory holiday long weekend in May. â&#x20AC;˘ Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Open House â&#x20AC;&#x201C; on Father`s Day every year. â&#x20AC;˘ Olde Harvest Fair â&#x20AC;&#x201C; on a Saturday in mid-September) when in the early afternoon there are people in costume, tours of the orchard, apple cider making and market vendors. Elgin Heritage Park is located on the Nicomekl River in South Surrey, not far from beautiful Crescent Beach and the seaside resort town of White Rock. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an attractive and very popular park, and home to historic Stewart Farm.
DARTS HILL GARDEN Darts Hill Garden Park is a 22.5 acre property located at 1633-170th Street in South Surrey just a 10-minute drive from White Rock. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a beautiful spot with paths winding through densely vegetated forested-style gardens. On days when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open, admission is by donation. FLEA MARKET Cloverdale has been home to the ďŹ&#x201A;ea market for 40 years and over 5 million customers have passed though itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gates. Situated on the famous Cloverdale Rodeo Fairgrounds, it is a well- known institution in the Fraser Valley. Here, you will ďŹ nd a fantastic mix of people and products among a bustling, vibrant community of market sellers and their customers. 604 837-1676 â&#x20AC;˘ Open every Sunday 6 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 pm
Celebrate to the Beat of the Drum 7R WDNH SDUW LQ HYHQWV RU WR Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH contact AHFOMAD at: Website: Email: Phone: +1 604 828 4127
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Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day: Black Powder
A community event at Harrison Hot Springs that features war canoe competitions, Indigenous cultural performances and a salmon BBQ. In 2018 it takes place on the Saturday and Sunday of June 16-17.
)DWKHU¡V 'D\ DFWLYLWLHV DW WKH .LOE\ +LVWRULF 6LWH DW Kilby Road in Harrison Mills.
Go for a Hike
BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival
7DNH 'DG DQG WKH IDPLO\ RQ DQ\ RI 9DQFRXYHU¡V %HVW Hiking Trails at some of the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best parks.
A sports and cultural festival at Coquitlamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Percy Perry Stadium on June 16 in 2018.
Take Dad out to a Restaurant
Lynn Valley Day
Go out for brunch, lunch or dinner at any of Vancouverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Restaurants.
A community festival and parade in North Vancouver on June 16th.
Take Dad Boating
Spend the Day at the Beach If the weather is good then a fabulous way to spend the day will be at one of Vancouverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best beaches, including those in White Rock, Jericho, Kitsilano, Boundary Bay, Stanley Park and the list goes on.
Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Walk/Run A 2K, 5K and 10K walk or run at Burnaby Lake on the 6XQGD\ EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WLQJ WKH %& 3URVWDWH &DQFHU )RXQGDWLRQ
Rent paddle boards, kayaks or canoes at Alice /DNH &XOWXV /DNH 'HHS &RYH 'HHU /DNH RU DQ\ RQH of numerous other places in Metro Vancouver and the surrounding area.
Take Dad Fishing *UHDW Ă&#x20AC;VKLQJ VSRWV LQFOXGH 1RUWK 9DQFRXYHU¡V Rice Lake, in West Vancouver off the pier at HLWKHU $PEOHVLGH RU 'XQGDUDYH RU LQ DQ\ RI WKH Lower Mainlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other great waterfront locations.
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Whats On! â&#x20AC;˘
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On! TM
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Money concepts for each age From: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Money concepts Read and play Money concepts for early childhood games to reinforce for school-aged money concepts children Children can begin learning about money in their preschool years. Show your child money. Examine the shapes and values of coins and bills with them or make pretend money out of paper. Help them count, sort and match bills and coins.
When you read to your child, À QG VWRULHV WKDW KDYH WR GR ZLWK earning, saving or spending.
Once children start school, they’re able to understand more complicated money concepts.
Play games when shopping, such as comparing items to see which is least expensive.
These include the ideas that: • people have a limited amount of money to spend • there are choices when it comes to using money • money spent on one item means less money for other items or activities
Introduce basic concepts ,QWURGXFH À QDQFLDO FRQFHSWV ZKLOH Encourage your child to pretend: • they’re going to work and you play pretend with your child. getting paid • they’re going to the bank to Help your child understand that: deposit or withdraw money • money is used to buy things • they’re going shopping • people work to earn money • they’re running a business • there’s a difference between what you need and what you want
CBA Productions Ltd.
SmartKids SmartParents
Whats On! •
COULD 2018 BE YOUR YEAR? Look out for What’s On! Abbotsford, back in publication May 1st!
May / June 2018
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Could you be the next What’s On! Owner Publisher?
What’s On! Chilliwack Christine Nelson
Your Business Will Include... What’s On! Mission Ellen Nguyen What’s On! White Rock South Surrey What’s On! Surrey Ruby Dhaliwal
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Michelleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Music Page Use background music to spur creativity Strange but true - it turns out that a moderate noise level helps spur creativity! Even more than low noise levels, ambient noise apparently gets our creative MXLFHV Čľ RZLQJ 2I FRXUVH Č&#x160;QRLVHČ&#x2039; FDQ PHDQ PDQ\ things, like nature sounds, white noise, or music. Each RI XV PD\ FKRRVH VRPHWKLQJ GLÎ? HUHQW IURP JHQWOH waves to hard rock, but moderate volume level is key. Even for those of us who are more visual in our imaginings, music remains one of the most powerful daydream launchers. In fact, it's so powerful, it can send our thoughts in a very particular direction. Keeping the music on in the background of what you are doing could allow your mind to help you reach a GHFLVLRQ RU Č´ QG D PHPRU\ \RX KDYH EHHQ VHDUFKLQJ IRU while it is distracted.
For example, background music found at stores and restaurants is either up-tempo energy tunes inspiring you to shop more, or peacefully behind the scenes to help you digest. You may have not even noticed it was WKHUH GLUHFWO\ EXW OLNHO\ IHOW WKH HÎ? HFWV Next time you're feeling low on energy or needing a FUHDWLYH ERRVW WU\ H[SHULPHQWLQJ ZLWK GLÎ? HUHQW W\SHV music and see where it leads you.
Without music, Life would be a mistake. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Friedrich Nietzsche
EVENTS - MAY / JUNE 2018 Friday, May 4 8 pm Flanagans Live at the Billy Bishop Legion, Vancouver 1407 Laburnum St Friday, May 11 8 pm Flanagans Live at the Wolf & Hound, Vancouver 3617 W Broadway Saturday, May 12 7pm Halifax Wharf Rats at Porterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bistro in Murrayville 21611 48 Ave Langley, BC 604-530-5297 Reservations recommended
Saturday, June 16 Times TBA, see Games website Blackthorn entertains at the BC Highland Games Perry Percy Stadium, Coquitlam Friday, June 29 8pm Halifax Wharf Rats at Heritage Grill, 447 Columbia St. New Westminster No cover, all ages event, reservations (604) 759-0819
Michelle Carlisle * Performer Music Teacher * Composer 604-317-5123 * Whats On! â&#x20AC;˘*
This is an invitation to the SOUTH SURREY AND WHITE ROCK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS to bring you and your family to experience the Royal Canadian Family Circus under the BIG TOP in BRITISH COLUMBIA.
-1,, 9]Ê ÊUÊ 9Ê£Ç]ÊÓä£n GUILDFORD TOWN CENTRE PARKING LOT 10355 - 152 STREET Thursday, May 17 @ 7:00 pm
DISCOUNTED PRICE OF $ (incl. Taxes) PER TICKET (regular $31.50 at the door - a saving of $21 per ticket!) The all new Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC!® 2018 is coming to SURREY in British Columbia under the Magnificent BIG TOP showcases a circus tradition that goes back to the medieval era. The internationally renowned cast* from throughout the world includes; the famed Guerrero 4 Man High Wire (America’s Got Talent) from Portugal, the S Caleb Carinci–Asch Equestrian Acrobats from Europe, the Bilea Transformation Act from Romania, Gonzales Duo Aerial Act from Peru and Puerto Rico, the Juggling world record holder Tommy Tequila, the sensational Trapeze, The Chinese Acrobats from the People’s Republic of China, the TZ Aerialists, Hula Hoops and the death defying Wheel of Destiny with Joseph Dominik Bauer.
TO ORDER, CONTACT: MAUREEN ANNABLE, Event Manager (604) 536-6844 ext 204 email: Note: Handicapped seating is available
WXekj j^[ f[h\ehc[hi © j^[ WYji © WdZ ceh[DDD
go to: 28
“the Royal Canadian Family Circus Spectac!® 2018 is exotic animal free!!!”
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May Day Celebrations on May 1st May Day is celebrated as a holiday in European countries such as United Kingdom, Scotland, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Poland. It is not a recognized public Canadian holiday, but the city of New Westminster has the longest continually observed May Day in Canada. The first was held in May 4, 1870.
However, these are not the only celebrations on this day as it is also International Workers Day for the communists and socialists. In some cities the labor unions organize parades on this day. Lastly, we must remember the international distress signal spoken over radio transmissions. “mayday”. It means life-threatening problems and request for immediate help.
Usually the customs involve dancing around a maypole, dancing and singing, crowning a Queen of May and creating May baskets that were in the past left anonymously at other people’s doors. The baskets were decorated with ribbons and flowers and usually had some good wish written on notepaper. The neopagans and wiccans have their own celebrations (probably the original May Day celebrations) called Beltane Festival in the Northern Hemisphere and Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere. The earliest celebrations of May Day date back to Roman times and the holiday, Florala, celebrating this Goddess of Flowers.
We must remember the Vancouver Morris Men who hold performances all year but especially on May Day. The word, “Morris” probably originated from the word, “Moorish”. The dances and singing have been performed since the 15th century. You can find out more about their local Vancouver performances and schedule by going to: Vicki Starfire is a psychic medium living in Langley, BC. Find out more about her work by going to: http://www. or writing to: contact@
Spiritual Meaning of May 2018 May is ruled by the constellations, Taurus (to May 20) and Gemini (May 21 – May 31). This year it will be an unusually strong time for change. Persistence and hard work will pay off. Go the extra mile and reach lucrative business opportunities or your heart’s desires. You might find making business or personal contracts difficult around the middle of this month with Uranus and Mercury in Taurus, even the new moon in Taurus. It’s important to wait this period out or make sure you can back up your ideas with facts. By the time the full moon in Sagittarius rolls around on May 29, it’s important to see the big picture and free yourself from attachments to traditions. It will be a good day (and night) for spiritual experiences of all kinds. Written by Vicki Starfire.
Psychic Spiritual Reading and Mediumship Send in a photo copy of the palm of your hand you write with and receive DEVROXWHO\ )5(( IURP 9LFNL 6WDUÀUH WKUHH LPSRUWDQW DVSHFWV RI \RXU SDOP Email your photos to: YVWDUÀUH#\PDLO FRP DQG LQFOXGH \RXU QDPH Expiry: April 30th, 2018 Want to contact Vicki directly? Just call
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Hope for the Vulnerable In our World
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