White Light - Autumn/Winter 2016

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

The Language of Knowing Realities by Rhondda Doherty

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Autumn / Winter 2016

Feng Shui Attract more Friends & Clients by Roseline Deleu

Kitchen Magick by Jane O’Connor Chapman

Francie Griffin’s Spirit Guides Cover Story

LOu Van stonE

How Did I Get Here?


Spring / Summer 2015 Edition

Editor’s Note Welcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Contents 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 32

White Light Expos Psychic Sunday Editor’s Etchings White Light Expos Upcoming Psychic Events Anahata by Francie Griffin Visuddha by Francie Griffin Cover Story - “How did I get Here?” by Lou Van Stone Vale - MaryeAnn Azzarello Feng Shui - Attract more Friends and Clients by Roseline Deleu Rune Magik by Ravenspell Stemtech Quick Guide to every Herb & Spice in the Cupboard Kitchen Magick by Jane O’Connor Chapman Vegetarian Recipes Horoscopes by Sammi B Pagans Pages Reviews by MaryeAnne Azzarello The Language of Knowing Realities by Rhonnda Doherty Advertising Rates & Deadlines Health Wealth Lifestyle Magazine - Coming Soon!

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Phone: (07) 5525 0259 Fax: (07) 5525 0209 Mobile: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au Autumn / Winter Edition 2016 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2016. White Light A Universal Publication.




ho would have believed that a little photocopied publication that first came out in 1997 would still be around 19 years later, albeit now in full colour & electronic.

Others that were out before it have long since disappeared as have many who launched after us. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY White Light Magazine & were looking forward to many more years to come. White Light Expos second visit to Coffs Harbour mid June was a roaring success & Im already planning next years event. We had exhibitors from Tamworth, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Coffs, Central Coast of NSW, Dangar Island on the Hawksbury as well as Readers from the Newcastle area, Grafton, Coffs & Gold Coast, the photos tell the story. There is much planning going on at present for the next 6months with 1day Psychic Saturdays &/or Sundays happening in Kingscliff, Tamborine, Caboolture, Woolgoolga, South Tweed & Bribie. Check the White Light Expos new website for details.

Over the next few months all my websites will be receiving an upgrade thanks to Will from Are You Online. This guy is brilliant & you can contact him at will@areyouonline.com.au My mascots (grandchildren) are whizzing through school & all will be in attendance full time next year (I can hear cheering from Bianca as young Natalie goes 5days lol). So then a few new look articles etc will be able to be researched & happen within the White Light pages that we have been looking forward to for quite some time. Until next time Go with Love & Light And I hope I see you at a White Light Expo very soon. Adrian

All the fun at the recent White Light Expo at Coffs Harbour Showground


Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Mascots having fun at a local football game

“Anahata Seed of Life� Acrylic on Canvas Chakra Seed of Life card sets are now available by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com Like and see samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook Namaste 6

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition



am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to………………. ANAHATA I am your centre of unconditional love and compassion. Unconditional love for self, for all sentient beings and your universe. When you are centered within your heart centre you feel calm, peaceful and a sense of all being well with the world. In times of stress and challenge a few deep breaths and a loving hand upon your heart can bring you back to that centre, a place of serenity, joy and balance. If you are in need of healing on any level drop into your heart centre. Immediately you will feel a softening and this allows the flow of life energy through your being; your emotional body in particular is in need of this as it affects your physical body’s wellbeing. Do you have something to communicate, a conflict with someone? Drop into your heart space first and breathe. Allow the love energy to flow so that you then speak with wisdom and act with compassion. By being in the warmth and love of the heart center one remains balanced and can respond rather than react and allow not only love but wisdom to flow. On a physical level your chest, lungs, heart, circulation and blood are governed by this chakra centre. It resonates with the colour green and sometimes seen as pink when sending love from the heart. My name in Sanskrit is Anahata and this means “unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten”. Anahata is the opening to the higher chakras and acts as a balancer and bridge between our lower and higher chakras. When the heart centre is shut

down we close ourselves off from living in harmony with universal energy and fear and worry and thought patterns such as jealousy, anger, guilt and unworthiness can surface. When overactive we can become egoistical and lacking in compassion for others. Tapping into the heart centre and this can be literal, physically tapping the center of your chest lightly, breathing from there can assist in the release of these energies and open the space for love and contentment. If I am out of balance you may feel some of the following restrictions in your life:     

Unforgiving, unloved or unloving Fear, worry, anger or envy Stuck in your head Unresolved grief or sadness Chest pains, breathing or circulation difficulties

Try some of these ideas to balance me within you:  Use this image or another such as a loving deity like Quan Yin, Mother Mary or Jesus and meditate and send healing energy thought and vibration to me and strengthen your connection to your spiritual world and guardians. Place your hands upon my center and breath gently but deeply until you feel a sense of warmth and comfort.

manner: In the morning and before you lay down to sleep at night connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus your attention softly, gently upon me, your Heart Chakra, Anahata. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils and feel yourself going deeper and deeper into me. Imagine yourself as a pearl within the heart of a beautiful pink lotus and its petals gently enfolding around you. Affirm “I am loved” “I am loving” “I am love” “I am” Gently open your eyes and step out into a day ready to give and receive love or at the end of day lay your body down and gently close your eyes with your hand on your heart for a peaceful night’s sleep. “Om Anahata” I bless you and look forward to introducing you to the fifth chakra, the throat chakra in the next issue. In Sanskrit it is called Visuddha meaning “pure place”. Namaste

 Listen to gentle, soft flowing music and sway and move your body to the gentle rhythm.  Be grateful for everything and everyone in your life.  Go out into nature and be like a child looking in wonder and delight at the natural beauty that surrounds you, gently hug a cat or pat a dog.  Connect with soft crystals like Rose Quartz the stone of unconditional love and forgiveness.  Clasp your hands behind your back and stretch opening your chest area or do yoga poses like the cobra to open and activate your heart centre.  Look people in the eye when you speak to them softly from the heart centre, touch gently and lovingly, hug warmly. I invite you to connect with me in the following www.whitelightmagazine.com.au



“Visuddha Seed of Life� Acrylic on Canvas Chakra Seed of Life card sets are now available by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com See samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook or on website www.franciegriffin.com Namaste 8

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition



ontinuing this article, I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to VISUDDHA I am your throat chakra and my name in Sanskrit is Visuddha and this means “pure place”. I am your centre of speaking, of communication, of expressing Truth. As the centre of expression I work in harmony with the heart and the mind. The neck is a channel connecting our brain to our heart. The heart helps us to communicate with truth, love and compassion. When the lower chakras are balanced we have the strength and stability to speak with truth and confidence. Love and wisdom then flow freely from my centre. Azure Blue is my colour associated with air and space, flowing and free. I am the first of the three spiritual centres. I am intimately connected with your inner knowing, your sight and hearing. In so many people I am often constricted and blocked by fear of being judged. A balanced healthy throat chakra helps one to listen, not only physically but it activates the sense of Clairaudience. I am overused by some. There are those who like to hear the sound of their own voice, to shout over others, to over power or belittle others. This is a reflection of fear and insecurity. He who speaks loudest and most is not always the most confident, often this is a mask, a means of hiding their insecurity. Listening to others is an important act of compassion and love. The ego can use this centre as a weapon to harm others or to protect their vulnerability. The phrase sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words can never hurt me alas does not ring true for most people, words vocalised and in particular the vibration with which they are emanated have an effect on the energy field of the person or mass audience they are directed to; unless they are totally grounded and centered within themselves their energy field can be weakened. Those that use this tactic, whether consciously or not, also weaken their own vital life force, it does not empower; it disempowers. It takes strength, fortitude, peace of mind and wholeness to withstand the tirade of venomous

words from another. Others wound themselves by not opening up this centre to express their ideas, their emotions and desires. This leaves them feeling stifled, weak and vulnerable, devoid of joyous expression. Slander, gossip, speaking untruths cause me to close down and be weak. Learn to balance saying what you mean, speaking truth and staying diplomatic. Practice talking to yourself in the mirror if you have to confront someone, ask for something, or are going into a stressful situation such as a job interview where your communication skills are paramount. Imagine you are the person you are talking to and put yourself in the other man’s shoes. In balance I speak in Truth with love and compassion. I speak in moderate tone and with moderation of words, leaving space to listen. I am like honey, sweet and rich, smooth and flowing. If I am out of balance you may feel some of the following restrictions in your life:  Sore raspy throat, larynx issues, headaches, dizziness  Mouth imbalances like ulcers, jaw and/or neck stiffness, issues with teeth  Hearing and/or breathing difficulties  Choking on words, stammering, inability to voice opinion or speak up for self  Thyroid or parathyroid issues  Blockage in lymph glands

In the morning and before you lay down to sleep at night connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus your attention softly, gently upon me, your Throat Chakra, Visuddha. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils and sense a beautiful cloud of azure blue light emanating from and gently flowing through and around your throat and neck and ears. Gently block your ear canal with your fingers and hum to yourself allowing the sound to envelop you and feel the healing vibration gradually expand out and fill every cell of your being. Affirm “It is safe to speak” “I speak in Truth” “I am Truth” “I am” Gently open your eyes and step out into a day ready to communicate clearly and with love, truth and compassion. At the end of day lay your body down and gently close your eyes with your hand on your heart for a peaceful night’s sleep. “Om Shanti” I bless you and look forward to introducing you to the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra in the next issue. In Sanskrit it is called Ajna meaning “to command”. Namaste

Try some of these ideas to balance me within you:  Connect with blue crystals like Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar or Turquoise.  Tone, chant, sing (like no one is listening!), open your mouth and allow whatever sound arises from the throat to come out.  Sound Ham (sounds like hahm) while blocking ears with fingers and allow the vibrations to resonate through your energy centre, close your eyes to help go within.  Sit quietly, close your eyes and visualize eating your favourite fruit or food and the taste swirling around your mouth and the feeling of satisfaction throughout your whole body.  Yoga poses like the plough and supported shoulder stand (seek professional help if not experienced in yoga).

francie@franciegriffin.com I invite you to connect with me in the following manner:



Cover Story

How Did I Get Here? From Black-Suited Advertising Executive to Conscious Music Artist

with LOu Van stonE


ow did I get here? From blacksuited, wine bar-frequenting London advertising creative, to Conscious Music Artist in Australia. My journey has taken me from writing TV and Radio Commercials in a hectic London world, to performing and channeling conscious music and sound healing sessions all over the world. How did I get here? I have been musing over this recently and have had further insights as to how it all began. How I was opened up once again to my source and my spirituality, having closed down many years before. So just how was my spiritual side re-ignited? Spirituality is a difficult word to define. I see it as a sense that life has a purpose and that there is a connection to all living beings, an experience of oneness. Back in the London days, I had no awareness of this; I was just concerned with where the next party was and whether I was going to win an advertising award. I see now that I was always spiritual, but that I learned to repress and hide this in an attempt to ‘fit in’. I don’t remember there being any talk of a spiritual life then. Organised religion was the only way into any form of spirituality and that didn’t really appeal. Although I do remember at around the age of 10 or 11 taking myself off to church to Sunday school, I wanted to be around the church and I see now that it was the peace of the place that was drawing me in. Like many women of my generation, I sought to emulate male role models. I pushed my femininity to one side and tried


to beat the boys at their own game. I went into a ‘shadow career’ as an advertising creative. This phenomenon is described in Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artist’s Way’. She talks about how musicians and artists settle for ‘almost’ careers that are creative, but not what is their true hearts desire for security reasons and often out of fear of success. I’m grateful for my time in the world of advertising. I learned many skills which are now used in marketing myself and my music, so nothing is wasted. I also met many inspiring people and was lucky to fly around the world on shoots with great directors and production teams. The part that I found stressful was sitting at a desk in front of a blank piece of paper, having to come up with new ideas on demand all day. Plus I really was a woman in a male dominated industry. I think I was very naïve at this time. I didn’t really know what I was feeling and numbed out my frustrations in the pub on a Friday night. I wasn’t aware that I was not yet in the right place for the person I truly am. This week I had another insight into something that, very early on, started to open me up once again during those early days. In the mid 90’s, I got a Jack Russell called Spartacus. I had to walk him every day before work, come rain or shine. Our beautiful strolls along the Thames at Mortlake, location of the Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race, were my chance to unwittingly connect with nature. I know now, that these walks were sowing the first seeds of my awakening. During this time, I began to be more and more passionate about singing. It took the form of a few glasses of wine and a sing along with my girlfriends. I loved singing to The Carpenters, Carole King, Julie Andrews Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

and Abba. I would get so carried away and felt like I would burst with joy. There came a point where I had to take this further. This burning desire to discover my voice. I knew I had to study singing. I joined a choir and began singing lessons at The Royal College Of Music in London. I also realised recently that the beautiful Baroque pieces that I performed by Mozart, Handel and Bach were another spiritual doorway. Now I see that this powerful sacred music was slowly and subtly working its magic on me without my knowledge. About a year later, I found myself at my first yoga class at a busy gym on Oxford Street. Here was something that touched me deeply and opened me up further. I had my first experience of chanting mantra, little did I know the profound effect it would have on my life. The week following this first class, a voice in my head was repeating it’s own mantra. It kept saying ‘how can you smoke and put poison into your body?’ Within seven days of that class, I gave up smoking, just like that. It was a major leap forward in the slow and strange transformation that was occurring. I know now that a higher force was propelling me. This period of rapid evolution continued and the following year on 4th April 1999, I stopped drinking alcohol, which was to prove totally transformative. I had no idea how monumental and life changing this would be, or how many incredible people I would meet on the road to recovery. Now doors and pathways began to open. I had been blocked and was trying to connect using substances as so many of us do, not knowing how this was compromising the being that I truly am. I have been 100% abstinent for 16 years now and my life is forever changed.

A few months later, I moved to Australia in 1999 to work for an advertising agency in Sydney. I was studying classical singing in my spare time. I started to hear music all the time in my head, original pieces and beautiful melodies. I know it was because I was opening up and more able to receive. I took up guitar and right in the first week, when I had only learned two chords, I wrote my first song. It was such a surprise how it just ‘popped out’, I had no idea I was a songwriter, it just crept up on me and tapped me on the shoulder. I guess all that music was just backed up and bubbling over ready to be born. I rented a piano, I had learned as a child, so all my previous piano experience came flooding back and I began composing in earnest. I went on a month’s trip to India and visited many spiritual teachers, ashrams and holy places. This blasted me open to consciousness, spirituality and sacred music in one crash course. At this time I know I began channeling music, the melodies would just come through and I would sing them out loud. It is only now that I can see what was happening the true origin of the sounds and why they were so strong. I returned to Sydney and shortly after I was doing my singing practice, looking out to the ocean. I was suddenly gripped by a powerful and uncontrollable feeling. I wanted to drop to my knees and shout out a declaration, “I have to give up my job and study singing full time”. It was so potent and strange. I called my vocal coach straight away and set the wheel in motion. The very next day I heard an actor describe exactly the same experience. How he was acting part time and had a day job. He had a ‘fall to the knees’ moment and knew he had to dedicate his whole life to his craft. He called his agent immediately and started his journey. This was a very pivotal moment in my life. A moment when I stated with total certainty the path I wanted to take. The universe swiftly got to work making it all happen. Unfortunately not in the graceful, Hollywood way I would have liked. Within two weeks, I became incapacitated. I couldn’t function, was exhausted, anxiety-ridden and scrambled. I was promptly diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and told that I couldn’t work. I moved to The Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales and as I slowly recovered I was able to study singing and piano full time. I went on to complete a Diploma of Music and a Music Degree at Southern Cross University. I was a ‘Keen Jean’ always sitting at the front of class, I was so grateful to be there and immersed in music. I’m so pleased I had this formal musical training. It’s given me so many more colours in my musical palette, increased my confidence in songwriting, performance and ability to work easily with other musicians, which I find immensely rewarding. I moved back to Sydney to pursue a jazz career, but I was shortly to be set on my correct path. Another trip to India saw me reconnecting with sacred music and chanting. I created my first album in the spiritual genre ‘Awakening To Big Nature Feelings’ with producer and singer Rick Price. I was pregnant with my son Max at this time and my singing performances were accompanied by morning sickness. I loved every moment though and can hear Max’s presence whenever I listen to this album. I have now made many more albums and am about to release my latest offering ‘Line To Divine’, which was four years in the making. During this time I ventured more into the role of producer, thanks to producer and mentor Michael Worthington. I hope to produce my next album ‘And There Is Beauty’ myself. There are so many new songs written, enough for at least two albums, but I will be patient and let them evolve as they want to. I’ve also been working with dance producer

Simon Hollway and we’re signed to German Label Plasmapool and Swiss label 5howtime. I’m so excited about the conscious dance movement and that our music is being played in mainstream clubs all over the world. I’ve been working with an incredible teacher and mentor, Nick Turner, Angel Of Light for the past four years now and have never looked back. Through daily meditation practice and tuning in with nature my music has skyrocketed. I am moving more into the realm of songs and away from chanting. It’s a natural progression and I’m so excited about the music that is coming forth. I am no longer compromising who I am musically. Before I was always attempting to be what I thought people wanted, to give them the music I thought they sought. Now I simply tune in and receive the music that wants to come through, regardless of the audience. The irony is, that now I’m making music for myself, people love what I do even more. I see that to be an artist is to give all of my authentic self, however that comes out. I am now fully expressing who I am in my own unique way. Therefore my sound is becoming more original and interesting. There are celtic flavours seeping through, channeled melodies, layers and loops, harmonies and grooves. The light language is flowing. This is totally channelled and spontaneous, songs just get downloaded. After the chords come through, the melodies appear in light language. I then wait for the light language to transform into English lyrics and the subject and flow of the song is born. It may take me a few days or even months to find out what the song is about. There is very little intellectual process now, it’s so spontaneous and in the moment. It feels so effortless as if I haven’t written the song myself, it’s like it’s just arrived in the post. I’m also passionate about the production process and how a finished recorded song comes into being. I’m so excited by my life now. Travelling to festivals and meeting so many diverse and interesting people. Each festival moves me forward, makes me grow and brings fresh inspiration and ideas. I travel to different cities and I take the beautiful energy from the land where I live with me. As I write this, I’m looking out over beautiful green hills, listening to a chorus of birdsong and insects. This is all bottled up into my songs and people can feel it when I perform. I feel that nature is literally singing through me, I’m merely a portal. More and more songs are coming and I can wait to get out there and share this magic. The overriding theme that is coming through in my work is about connecting to the infinite source through nature, of oneness and our ultimate connection to all living things. This is our natural state and one that we get to experience through meditation, being in nature, spending time with animals (and people of course), or just stopping to take a deep conscious breath and coming back to the now. It sounds so trivial and simple, but I am experiencing it to be profoundly powerful. The power is in the simplicity. The ego just loves to make things complicated, so we often miss out on the beauty of what is happening. There really is nothing wrong, nothing to fix. We can rest at peace in our natural state of joy. All we have to do is tune in to our authentic selves. We all have so many unique gifts to share and we don’t ever have to bend or mould ourselves to be what we think people want us to be. We can stand tall and shine our own unique and special light. For more information, Tour Dates and/or purchases visit: www.louvanstone.com



Vale Marye-Ann Azzerello

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to Marye-Ann, who died on the 10th of January this year. She was a well known and much loved figure in the pagan community, not only on the Gold Coast where she lived, but also further afield, as her students and friends are scattered far and wide. Her loss will be keenly felt by many. She was the wise-woman of Earthwyrm Coven and a wonderful teacher of Wicca, combining traditional pagan lore with quantum physics, which she felt had at last helped to explain why spellcraft worked. She met life with a smile and her door was always open to those in need of assistance, whether they required a spell, a lesson or just a chat over a cup of tea to provide a little perspective. Marye-Ann was loved and respected by many people – her family, her coven, her students and her friends and we all miss her and will keep in our hearts forever. May she flourish in the Summerland till next we meet. Blessed be, Morganna. 12

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Feng Shui with Roseline Deleu

Attract more Friends & Clients


pply the Magic Square grid onto your premises and find out where the area corresponding to 'Friends' is located. This sector number 6 is usually either on the right hand side of your building in which case you enter into it - or - it is on the right hand side of your main entrance. It can be a room, part of a room or part of a couple of rooms. Just draw the lines onto your home plans without worrying about the walls.

This sector '6' is the part of your home that relates to the element of Metal. Which means that for your decor, I would encourage you to choose touches of either grey, silver, gold, copper, or glitter in that room. Further meaning for this '6' sector is: Friends, Helpers, Clients, Connexions, Travels and Movement. Yes this area is indeed very Yang, very active! To attract new clients, new friends, new connexions place a symbol of quantities in that room or on one of its walls. For example: in your sector '6', display a nice bowl with colourful beads or marbles (= quantities) in which you put your hand daily and mix them with the intent of welcoming new people. Would you ignore or forget about that bowl, it then stays static sadly collecting dust - then it won't do the job! Another example: on one of the walls of your '6' area, place a photo or a collage of people walking towards you and see how many people start calling, visiting or connecting with you! It happens fast, you won't need 9 days to see them appear. To reconnect with old friends, family or acquaintances (alive or deceased), place a photo of the person next to a freshly cut white flower (symbolising your pure intent) in your sector '6' and you may

well hear from them, see them, get an unexpected mail or a phone call within the next few days. Placing the white fresh flower with a peaceful intent is important, this is part of respect. Would you place it with an impure intent, it will have a boomerang effect on you and you don't really want that! Now, let's look into the word 'Helpers'. It could well have two different meanings: either you are the one helping or you are the one seeking help. In both cases, write your wishes carefully (to help or to being helped) on a nice piece of paper without naming any specific person - that is important! Place that wish list under a round faceted crystal and see what happens. You will notice on this colourful Magic Square illustration that your sector '6' includes the idea of 'Movement' and 'Travels'. Movement is life, changes are encouraged - otherwise you feed stagnation and depression. Friends and acquaintances come and go in our lives. We all know the adage "We meet people for a reason, a season or a life time". Ready for your next move in life? Take a look at that room occupying sector '6' and de-clutter, change touches of your decor, update photos, get rid of all what you don't really like anymore. For those who are ready to travel, display a photo of your favourite destination and you may well be on your way very soon. Feng Shui helps you to manifest what you wish in life, special experiences, and good moments. It is about creating positive emotions TO BE happy not so much TO HAVE money or material possessions. This art of placement is accessible to everyone. I do my best each month to give you some tips and ideas how you can work Feng Shui easily in your home. I am always happy to read roseline@fengshuisteps.com






Roseline Deleu International Feng Shui Master, Author, Shaman Mob: 0412 717 454 www.fengshuisteps.com BLOG www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com



Rune Magik M

erry Meet all, and welcome to the realm of runes.

reflected in the mirror) As you glaze at the flame's reflection say...

The month of Mabon in the Southern Hemisphere and Ostara to the North. Ostara heralds in new life, new beginnings with promise of strong growth as the God and Goddess grow with the maturing year. Here, we are honouring the growing light of the Lord. It is also a time where the expanding Light shines upon the darkest of places revealing the once unknown. In celebration of the Light the following is a spell to enhance 'sight' using the Laguz Rune glyph.

Come see from a bird's eye view What lies ahead and ensues What was, what is and what is yet to be Will all be revealed with clarity Perched upon the crevice high Crystal gaze connects the eye Look within for vision clear Tallon's eye is for the Seer

Laguz 18

The night before Ostara carve or draw the Laguz glyph into a yellow or white candle Arise before dawn, light a yellow or white candle and visualise the flame cleansing purifying you and all that surrounds you. Now, safely stand the lighted candle between you and a mirror. (ensure you can see the flame and yourself

Dear Lord and Lady let me See As I will So Mote It Be Relax and allow flame to bring forth images to you mind's eye. Where possible, allow the candle to burn out naturally or snuff out the flame ...never blow out a candle. Once the sky is light, go outside and welcome the daylight and new sight.

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Mabon is the second harvest of the year, a time when we give thanks for the bounty that we have harvested thus far and prepare for the long Winter ahead. It is a time where we are encouraged to look at how far we have come holistically or how a project that we have started has progressed. Mabon is about assessing where we are and where we wish to be as much as what more we may need to do to get there. This is a perfect time to turn to the Ehwaz rune as this rune is about teamwork, moving forward, reaffirming, focusing attention, communication and consistency. For the second Harvest; to continue the growth and success of a project/ transformation try this spell... Write on a piece of paper what you wish to complete, become, or succeed in (you may simply wish to grow in Spirit)


Light an orange or yellow candle and on the same paper draw the Ehwaz glyph in the dripping wax Fold the paper once, twice and

thrice all the while visualising what it is you wish to enhance or achieve. Affix the paper to a small crystal of your choice by using more dripping wax. Now place 'plant' them in a healthy area of your garden (or pot plant) and then say... Hear me now for of this I know Man shall reap of all that he sows In times to come as in Ages past Anach's stone will stand steadfast With Joy renewed and forgiveness of Self Gift of harvest and good Health Lift abundant is Anach's Creed Motivation is the Seed As I will so I create for this is Lore and this is Fate RavenSpell (c) 2012 Brightest Sabbat Blessings RavenSpell



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Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells. Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells. Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, ST-5 with MigraStem® and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system. 16

For animals, Stemtech has created StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans. *These statements have not been evaluated by TGA and Medsafe. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. SE2 SE2® Advanced Stem Cell Support is the world’s first ALLNATURAL supplement documented to support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow. Our patent-pending, proprietary formula is long-lasting and releases millions of stem cells in the bloodstream. It is an extraordinary blend of ingredients starting with AFA Concentrate. An advancement in Cellular Renewal – helping Nature do what it is designed to do Our Advanced Formula helps the body maintain and repair tissue and organs. In fact, Stemtech was first to discover the way to support the body’s natural renewal system by supporting the release of millions of adult stem cells into the bloodstream. SE2 is not a traditional multivitamin supplement that works to supply nourishment to old cells. Instead, SE2 supports the natural release of “master” cells that can transform themselves into healthy new cells.

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

StemEnhance StemEnhance is the world’s first all-natural supplement documented to support the natural release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow. In a clinical study, published in a 2007 issue of Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, StemEnhance increased the number of circulating adult stem cells by approximately 3-4 million within the bloodstream. A patented all-natural concentrate of an edible aquatic botanical known Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae (AFA), the supplement offers the ultimate in stem cell nutrition, by supporting the natural renewal process within the body. StemEnhance, the right choice for Stem Cell Nutrition!

based ingredients that assists the body in its natural renewal process by supporting the migration of adult stem cells to tissues and organs in need. StemPets® Advanced Formula Stemtech wants your pet to have optimal health just like you! StemPets Advanced Formula is Stemtech’s patented stem cell enhancer for Pets. StemPets Advanced Formula is chewable tablets, which have been specially formulated for the needs of small to medium sized domesticated animals. Your pet will love them! StemEquine®

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Quick Guide to Every Herb and Spice in the Cupboard Ever get coriander confused with cumin? Or wonder just what exactly curry powder is made out of? As much for our benefit as for yours, we've put together this quick reference guide to all the most common (and some uncommon) herbs and spices! Dried Herbs & Spices •Asafoetida (Asafetida) - Used as a digestive aid in Indian cooking, asafoetida has a strong odour that mellows out into a garlic-onion flavour. •Achiote Paste and Powder - Reddishbrown paste or powder ground from annatto seeds with an earthy flavour. Used primarily in Mexican dishes like mole sauce, cochinita pibil, and tamales. •Allspice - Similar to cloves, but more pungent and deeply flavoured. Best used in spice mixes. •Annatto Seeds - A very tough reddishbrown seed with a woodsy aroma and an earthy flavour. Called Achiote Paste (see above) when ground, this is used to flavour many Mexican dishes. •Bay Leaf (also: Indian Bay Leaf) Adds a woodsy background note to soups and sauces. •Caraway Seed - These anise-tasting seeds are essential for soda bread, sauerkraut, and potato salad. •Cardamom - This warm, aromatic spice is widely used in Indian cuisine. It's 18

also great in baked goods when used in combination with spices like clove and cinnamon.

lot of Southwestern U.S. and Mexican cuisine, as well as North African, Middle Eastern, and Indian.

•Cayenne Pepper - Made from dried and ground red chili peppers. Adds a sweet heat to soups, braises, and spice mixes.

•Fennel Seed - Lightly sweet and liquorice flavoured. It's excellent with meat dishes, or even chewed on its own as a breath freshener and digestion aid!

•Chia Seeds - No, these seeds aren't just for growing crazy terracotta sculptures! Nearly flavourless, they can be ground into smoothies, cereals, and baked goods for extra nutrition and texture, or even used as a vegan egg substitute.

•Fenugreek - Although this herb smells like maple syrup while cooking, it has a rather bitter, burnt sugar flavour. Found in a lot of Indian and Middle Eastern dishes.

•Cinnamon (also: Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon) - Found in almost every world cuisine, cinnamon serves double duty as spice in both sweet and savoury dishes. •Cloves - Sweet and warming spice. Used most often in baking, but also good with braised meat. •Coriander Seed - Earthy, lemony flavour. Used in a lot of Mexican and Indian dishes. •Cumin - Smoky and earthy. Used in a Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

•Garlic Powder - Garlic powder is made from dehydrated garlic cloves and can be used to give dishes a sweeter, softer garlic flavour. •Ginger - Ground ginger is made from dehydrated fresh ginger and has a spicy, zesty bite. •Gochugaru - This Korean red pepper spice is hot, sweet, and ever-so-slightly smoky. •Grains of Paradise - These taste like a cross between cardamom, citrus, and black pepper. They add a warming note to many North African dishes.

•Kaffir Lime Leaves - Used to flavour curries and many Thai dishes. Can be sold fresh, dry, or frozen.

•Sumac - Zingy and lemony, sumac is a Middle Eastern spice that's great in marinades and spice rubs.

•Loomi - Also called black lime, this is ground from dried limes. Adds a sour kick to many Middle Eastern dishes.

•Turmeric - Sometimes used more for its yellow colour than its flavour, turmeric has a mild woodsy flavour. Can be used in place of saffron in a pinch or for those of us on a budget.

•Mace - From the same plant as nutmeg, but tastes more subtle and delicate. Great in savoury dishes, especially stews and homemade sausages. •Mahlab - Ground from sour cherry pits, this spice has a nutty and somewhat sour flavour. It's used in a lot of sweet breads throughout the Middle East. •Nutmeg - Sweet and pungent. Great in baked goods, but also adds a warm note to savoury dishes. •Nutritional Yeast - Very different from bread yeast, this can be sprinkled onto or into sauces, pastas, and other dishes to add a nutty, cheesy, savoury flavour. •Oregano - Robust, somewhat lemony flavour. Used in a lot of Mexican and Mediterranean dishes. •Paprika - Adds a sweet note and a red colour. Used in stews and spice blends. There is also a spicy version labelled hot paprika. •Peppercorns - Peppercorns come in a variety of colours (black, white, pink, and green being the most popular). These are pungent and pack a mild heat. •Rosemary - Strong and piney. Great with eggs, beans, and potatoes, as well as grilled meats. •Saffron - Saffron has a subtle but distinct floral flavour and aroma, and it also gives foods a bright yellow colour. •Sage - Pine-like flavour, with more lemony and eucalyptus notes than rosemary. Found in a lot of northern Italian cooking. •Smoked Paprika - Adds sweet smokiness to dishes, as well as a red colour. •Star Anise - Whole star anise can be used to add a sweet liquorice flavour to sauces and soups.

•Thyme - Adds a pungent, woodsy flavour. Great as an all-purpose seasoning. •Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon (also: Cinnamon) - Sweet and spicy. Can be used in both sweet baked goods and to add depth to savoury dishes.

Fresh Herbs •Basil (also: Thai Basil) - Highly aromatic with a robust liquorice flavour. Excellent in pestos, as a finishing touch on pasta dishes, or stuffed into sandwiches. •Chervil - Delicate anise flavour. Great raw in salads or as a finishing garnish. •Chives - Delicate onion flavour, great as a garnish. •Cilantro - From the coriander plant, cilantro leaves and stems have a pungent, herbaceous flavour. Used in Caribbean, Latin American, and Asian cooking. •Curry Leaves - These pungent leaves are not related to curry powder but impart a similar flavour. Used in Indian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan, Singaporean, and Pakistani cuisine. Used to flavour curries, soups, stews, and chutneys. •Dill - Light and feathery herb with a pungent herb flavour. Use it for pickling, with fish, and over potatoes. •Fenugreek - Although this herb smells like maple syrup while cooking, it has a rather bitter, burnt sugar flavour. Found in a lot of Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. •Lemon Thyme (also: Thyme) - Sweet lemon aroma and a fresh lemony-herbal flavour. This is excellent with poultry and in vinaigrettes. •Lovage - Tastes like a cross between celery and parsley. Great with seafood or to flavour stocks and soups. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au

•Marjoram - Floral and woodsy. Try it in sauces, vinaigrettes, and marinades. •Mint - Surprisingly versatile for such an intensely flavoured herb. Try it paired with lamb, peas, potatoes, and of course, with chocolate! •Oregano - Robust, somewhat lemony flavour. Used in a lot of Mexican and Mediterranean dishes. •Parsley - Available in flat-leaf (Italian) or curly varieties, this very popular herb is light and grassy in flavour. •Pink Pepper - Small and sweet, these berries are fantastic when marinated with olives or simply sprinkled on shortbread. •Rosemary - Strong and piney. Great with eggs, beans, and potatoes, as well as grilled meats. •Sage - Pine-like flavour, with more lemony and eucalyptus notes than rosemary. Found in a lot of northern Italian cooking. •Summer Savoury - Peppery green flavour similar to thyme. Mostly used in roasted meat dishes and stuffing, but also goes well with beans. •Shiso - A member of the mint family, this herb is used extensively in Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian cooking as a wrap for steaming fish and vegetables, in soups, and as a general seasoning. •Tarragon - Strong anise flavour. Can be eaten raw in salads or used to flavour tomato dishes, chicken, seafood, or eggs. •Thai Basil (also: Basil) - A spicy, edgier cousin to sweet Italian basil. A must-have for Thai stir-fries, Vietnamese pho, spring rolls, and other South Asian dishes. •Thyme (also: Lemon Thyme) - Adds a pungent, woodsy flavour. Great as an all-purpose seasoning.

By Emma Christensen - The Kitchn http://www.thekitchn.com/quickguide-to-every-herb-and-spicein-the-cupboard-108770 19

Kitchen I

love working my magick in the kitchen as I cook. I have been doing it for many years. Right now as the day is coming to a - close, I have a copper pan on the stove top, full to the brim with veggies and herbs, crafting a delicious soup for this evenings meal. In the oven is a loaf of bread that I made to accompany the soup. I didn’t have the usual bread ingredients (I am always making Yorkshire puddings and so run out of flour quite often) in my cupboard so I used what I have and put leftover cheeses from the weekend, grated, wholegrain mustard, a remaining half a bag of pasta flour and some gluten free spelt flour that I have had in the pantry for ages, eggs, olive oil, some milk, lots of dried coriander and my love into a bowl, stirred it up and placed it into a greased and floured loaf pan.

Cheesy Rune Bread

I draw various runes into my food too, this magical enhancement I find truly beautiful. There is always music playing and I dance around my kitchen, wherever that may be in the world. So far in this lifetime I have worked my kitchen magick over in England, Scotland and here in my beloved Australia. Today is the first day of February, the first meal that I have made for this fresh new shiny month, which is always special. I am always full of gratitude for my life and each day that I am here and alive is a day that I actively give my thanks 20

for. I give thanks for having this roof over my head, enough food to cook with and folk’s that I love with all my heart in my life. My religion is love and gratitude. When my four kids were little and all living at home, I loved baking cookies for their arrival from school in the afternoon, such happy times. Seeing them come home excited that I had made my shepherd’s pie is such a lovely memory. Now as adults, when we get together such as last Christmas when my eldest daughter Catherine came to stay with us with her family and the grandkids, it ignites my heart with flaming love to see how she still at aged almost 26, loves my magical cooking. True bliss. There are so many delicious memories that are attached to food and its aromas. I have memories of my mother Ann and her mother Elsie, in the kitchen, making food at our home in Yorkshire, England. Meat and potato pie, my Nan’s onion sauce that accompanied Sunday roasts. I remember how every weekend my Dad would cook us all bacon and eggs with tomatoes and fried bread or ‘Fr..br’as he called it, for breakfast. Then on Sunday evenings he would create his tuna sandwiches, it was a ritual that I now cherish myself as my husband makes them for us on Sunday night’s too. Every time I make my Nan Elsie’s onion sauce (email me if you would like the recipe) I am transported right back to that kitchen as my memories awaken and I see her smiling at me. She was such a beautiful woman, a perfect blend of kindness and strength. My mother would make our family the shepherd’s pie that I was speaking of earlier, my Dad would return home from work and say ‘how many shepherds’ in this one Ann?’ which made us all laugh as they joked about how many she had killed and put into it. I love our twisted Yorkshire humour! Haha. Do not worry, they never took a life for our dinner… (or did they?) ;) My Grandad Jack would make what he called puff balls, they were very simple but delicious, from self-raising flour, water and salt and pepper. He would mix the ingredients up and cook spoonsful of the mixture in a hot oiled frying pan, they would magically puff up and be golden within minutes, a tasty accompaniment to bacon, eggs and spaghetti or baked beans. Yum! Last year Catherine and I made her wedding cake together.

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Magick by Jane O’Connor-Chapman I never cook if I am feeling upset or hormonal or not in a good enough mood. I do believe that the chef or cook, imparts emotions into the food as they cook, therefore I always make sure that whilst I am dancing around my kitchen, I am thinking of really good thoughts as I concoct, create and weave the magick.

Veggie Love Soup

My mother makes this totally amazing Bailey’s cheesecake that she made for me when I was over in the UK visiting her a few years ago. My memories of drinking a few glasses of good grape and indulging in a huge piece of that love filled cheesecake with her will stay with me forever.

We made two vanilla and two lemon cakes and her then fiancé made a carrot cake, and we took the five layers and placed them together, icing them in the new ‘naked’ icing way. We drank champagne and had a chilled out, beautiful night together, making a cake for their wedding day that both looked stunning and tasted delicious. It was a real honour to make my daughter’s wedding cake with her.

So this article is lovingly dedicated to my mother Ann, my Dad Mick, my Nan Elsie and my Grandad Jack, the latter three who are all in spirit, and all of my fellow kitchen witches out there. Let us continue to craft our magick with loving intent, feeding and inspiring ourselves and our loved ones, whilst creating magical memories for years to come. Many blessings to you and your food, Jane

I’ll have to mention how all of my kids are great cooks, and I am so proud that they now love creating magick in their kitchens. My youngest daughter Belle makes a scrumptious chicken and leek pie that we all drool over as it is really bloody good. My second eldest daughter Maisie made a memorable meal combining chicken and fish a few years ago, for which we ribbed her for at the time. We were watching MasterChef a few months ago and a contestant created a similar dish to hers to which the judges all said was a stroke of pure genius. So to you Maisie I say, congrats my love, you were ahead of your time with sheer ingenuity. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Vegetarian Spicy Mango & Avocado Rice Bowl Ingredients 2 cups cooked black forbidden rice, or other grain 1 14 oz. package extra firm tofu drizzle of olive oil drizzle of tamari 1 mango, cubed 1 scallion, sliced 1 cup shredded red cabbage a few radishes, thinly sliced  cup chopped cucumber 1 avocado, pitted and diced lime slices handful of chopped cilantro (or basil or mint) Coconut Peanut sauce:  cup coconut milk (full fat or light, from a can or box) 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 teaspoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 teaspoon sriracha optional - minced garlic and/or ginger Instructions 1.Cook black rice as you would brown rice (I use a rice cooker). Ratio is 1 cup rice to 2 cups water. 2.Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper. 3.Pat tofu dry, slice into cubes and toss with drizzle of olive oil and tamari. Arrange on baking sheet and bake until golden brown around the edges. About 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven and toss with a little sriracha to coat the outside of the tofu. 4.While your tofu bakes, mix together the sauce ingredients. (I do this in a jar with a tight lid - shake until combined). Taste and adjust seasonings. 5.Assemble bowls with mango, scallions, shredded red cabbage, radishes, cucumber, avocado cilantro and tofu. Serve with coconut sauce, extra sriracha and lime slices.


Vegan Quinoa Power Bowls with Roasted Veggies and Avocado Sauce Ingredients •1 cup quinoa •2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil •2 cups vegetable broth •3 beets, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes •1 large or 2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 2 inch cubes •1 head cauliflower, cut into florets •1 pound asparagus, thick ends cut off •salt, to taste •few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil •1 and 1/2 cups chickpeas •For the dressing: •1/2 avocado •2 tablespoons lemon juice •2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil •1-2 cloves garlic, minced •1/4 cup coconut milk •1/4 cup water (or more depending on desired consistency) •salt to taste Instructions 1.Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. 2.Heat pot over medium heat, add 2 teaspoon olive oil and quinoa. Toast for a few minutes until quinoa starting to brown. Add vegetable broth, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered 15-20 minutes until quinoa cooked through. 3.Separately toss each of the veggies with a drizzle of olive oil (just to coat them) and salt to taste. 4.Place in single layer on baking sheet and roast in preheated oven until cooked through. The beets and sweet potatoes with need 40-45 minutes, the asparagus will need 20 minutes and the cauliflower will need 25 mins. 5.Heat pan over medium heat and add 1 teaspoon olive oil. Add chickpeas and toast until browned. 6.In a blender combine the ingredients for the dressing and process until smooth.

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Kale Salad Balance Bowl Ingredients For the roasted sweet potatoes: •1 large sweet potato, peeled and cubed (~1 cups) •drizzle of olive oil • teaspoon powdered harissa •sea salt to taste For the sweet tahini dressing: • cup tahini • cup water •2 tablespoons Bragg's Amino Acids (or tamari/soy sauce) •2 tablespoons agave (or maple syrup) •2 tablespoons toasted sesame seed oil •1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar •1 tablespoon miso paste For the salad: •3 cups kale, destemmed and chopped •drizzle of olive oil •sea salt to taste •1 cup cooked black beans (or canned beans, rinsed and drained) • cup cooked quinoa (optional) •2 tablespoons dried fruit such as cranberries or raisins Instructions Roasted Sweet Potatoes: 1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Toss cubed sweet potatoes with a drizzle of olive oil, transfer to a baking sheet and sprinkle with powdered harissa and sea salt. Bake for 2030 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork. Sweet Tahini Dressing: 1.Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until well combined and emulsified. Salad: 1.In a bowl, drizzle kale with olive oil and add a dash of sea salt. Use hands to massage kale until well coated with oil. 2.Add beans, massaged kale and roasted sweet potatoes to a bowl. Toss in cooked quinoa and a few dried cranberries if desired. Drizzle with dressing and enjoy!

Buddha Bowls BBQ Baked Tofu Rainbow Bowls

Quinoa Taco Bowl Recipe

Ingredients •1 lb. extra firm organic tofu, cubed •favorite BBQ sauce •2 cups cooked quinoa •2 sweet potatoes, sliced and roasted* •2 avocados, cubed •1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved •1/4 purple cabbage, shredded or sliced •1 bunch Tuscan kale, roasted in olive oil or sautéed* •favorite fresh greens or herbs such as cilantro •Ranch or tahini dressing (optional)

Ingredients: •2 cups cooked quinoa (about 1 cup uncooked) •1 (15 oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed •1 (15 oz) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed •taco seasoning to taste •1 small head romaine lettuce, chopped •3 roma tomatoes, diced •1 small bunch cilantro, chopped •quick guacamole *see recipe below •store bought salsa (optional) •shredded cheddar cheese (optional) •corn chips (optional) •tortillas, warmed (optional)

Instructions 1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Pat tofu cubes with a paper towels to remove some liquid. Place on a cookie sheet coated with cooking spray. Spray lightly with cooking spray. Bake until golden brown, about 35 minutes, turning halfway through. Pour BBQ sauce over the tofu and toss to coat. You don't need to measure, just use enough to coat the tofu. Bake an additional 5 minutes. 2.Pile tofu, quinoa, and veggies in bowls, creating a rainbow of foods. Dress with a little extra virgin olive oil and sea salt, or favorite creamy salad dressing like Ranch, if desired. Enjoy! *To roast sweet potato slices, roast on a cookie sheet at 450 degrees F for 20 minutes coated with cooking spray or evoo and a sprinkle of salt. I make this in advance and reheat throughout the week. *To roast kale, remove ribs. Coat with 1 tablespoon evoo and a few pinches of sea salt. Bake at 375 degrees on a cookie sheet for 15-20 minutes.

Instructions: 1.Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the beans and heat to warm. Season to taste with taco seasoning. 2.Place quinoa, seasoned beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro, guacamole, salsa, cheese, and chips or tortillas in dishes and set on the table. Allow everyone to make their own taco bowls. If your bowl seems too dry, add a little salsa, lime juice, or your favorite salad dressing.

Butternut Squash Curry with Pumpkin, Cauliflower, and Chickpeas Ingredients • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • 5 cups peeled and cubed butternut squash (1-inch cubes) • 1 yellow onion, diced • 2 cups small cauliflower florets • 4 cloves garlic, minced or crushed • 1-inch fresh ginger, grated • 1 heaping tablespoon curry powder • dash chili pepper • 2 (15 oz.) cans coconut milk (I used light) • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree • 1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed For Serving (choose any or all of these!) •cooked rice or quinoa •Sriracha hot sauce •Thai basil or cilantro •pomegranate seeds •chutney •pumpkin seeds or peanuts •boiled egg, chopped •plain yogurt Instructions:

Quick Guacamole Recipe Ingredients: •2 large ripe avocados •Juice of 1 lime •garlic salt to taste (I use a grinder from Trader Joe's) Instructions: 1.Mash avocados with lime juice in a small bowl. Stir in garlic salt to taste.


1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place butternut squash cubes on a baking sheet and toss with 1 tablespoon coconut oil to coat. Roast for 30 minutes or until tender. 2. Meanwhile, heat one tablespoon of coconut oil over medium heat in a large pot. 3.Saute the onion until softened. Add the cauliflower, garlic, and ginger, and continue to sauté until cauliflower has begun to soften, being careful not to let the garlic burn. Add curry powder, chili pepper, coconut milk, pumpkin, chickpeas, and roasted squash. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Serve with rice or quinoa. Top with your favorite toppings.


HOROSCOPES Autumn / Winter 2016 by Sammi B




Seems you may be curious about things, time to ask questions instead of thinking you know and getting the wrong ideas. Trust your inner guidance at this time, might be time to learn new things, enrol in a course, or a class. Things seems to be moving along at a fast pace so slow down a little, time for you to own your own power for the next 3 months.

The answers you are searching for are within, Magic is all around you at this time, go outside sit up against a tree listen to the birds, this is where you will do your healing. If there are "alarm bells' ringing in you somewhere about something, trust this, attention is needed to something so please don't put things off. You may find yourself seeing or feeling Spirit around you at this time.

Slow down, be gentle on yourself, if you are feeling drained others may be taking your energy!! You are a provider but remember provide for you first, Feel some attention is needed with your diet, and you may be making plans to take a trip or move. Your inner you is looking for peace. You are on a journey, let the beauty of who you are shine out now!!

Be gentle on yourself, please don't say your "Gonna" then don't, time to take action, be kind and gentle to self, make sure you complete all things that you start, there maybe some kind of a commitment from a Fire Sign.

You may be having past memories thinking of those gone, trust your inner knowing and know they are ok, be compassionate and kind to self, and know you are loved and watched over.

Meditation and quiet time is a must for you, there is a cleansing going on, to allow the new we must shake off the old. Be around people who will encourage you, time to be patient, use your inner strength and watch miracles happen.



11 seems to be a number coming up for you, look out for this, its time for you to connect to the spirit within, you are very psychic, and maybe your dreams are becoming more and more, listen to their message. You are going through a rebirthing, time to let go of past issues, become aware of what it is you want, do yourself a bucket list of all the things you wish to achieve this year.

Time to play and connect with your inner child, wipe away those tears and know your emotional healing is almost over. Time to cleanse yourself, your home and environment, and allow new growth to forge forward, Your well being is number one at this time, so make sure you take care of self first in all things. You may need to get your eyes tested.

Time to spend time with friends, smile and remember you are the ruler of your own destiny, you may have been over emotional and feeling a bit unbalanced but you are moving forward now. Time to be open to receive, be prepared and open to changes, a good time to look at career options, some learning or study, and follow your own truth.

Protect yourself from negative energies around you, time to take action and make the changes needed for you to go forward. Each morning get up and thank the universe for a new day, and try and do some singing to lift your spirits.

There are no obstacles in your way now, time to move forward, you are a winner!! Intelligent and fearless, use all you have learnt in the past year to surge forward. Many happy months are ahead for you.

You are a builder, a worker, a healer and ready to be of service to yourself and others, time to be open to all ideas, trust yourself, and watch and let the abundance you deserve begin to flow in.


Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition


Sammi B Psychic medium & Tarot Reader Psychic TV email: psychicsammi11@gmail.com FB: Sammi Dean Spiritual & Clairvoyant Tarot Reader Past Life, Spiritual path and Pet Astrologer




Home is where the heart is, if you have been feeling un-grounded maybe its time to move, you are a teacher and have much to share with the world, time to get creative, am seeing lots of green, if you have been feeling a little off balance dancing and music will help you settle. Let things flow now and go with it, feeling romance is in the air!!

Time to paint, draw, write poetry or a story, time to lighten up, treat yourself, you have worked hard time to give you something, you have a sparkle about you now, there is much joy and happiness ahead, be confident, you know you can do it, laughter is the best medicine, bring laughter, bring joy, it is time.

It seems maybe everyone wants to know your business, please share only with those you wish too, trust and keep your personal boundaries, if you have been feeling blocked know the walls are breaking down, don't put too high expectations on yourself, time to expand, and have no attachment to anything at this time.

You are on a Spiritual Journey, don't be shy and shut yourself away from others, time to go within and listen to the inner you, Quiet time is needed yes, but please don't get to comfortable in that blanket.

Scorpio Time for family and friends, its been never ending so time for you to relax, the law of attraction is watching over you at this time, so there maybe some money coming from somewhere, finances looking better, have faith and trust, time to say "yes", trust your inner voice and take that giant leap, you are ready, it is your destiny, it is time, know you are safe. There maybe some documents you need to sign or take care of. Please don’t put this off, someone around you maybe being a little deceitful, look out for the number 8, and if you feel someone is being dishonest, trust that!!

Your Karma debt is paid, time to move forward, be a little more trusting, past life flashes or De Je Vue maybe happening, time to let go of all your past and secrets or things you may have been hiding. There is no more, the road ahead is clear now.

You are wiser beyond your years, an old soul reborn to help and teach others, Eagle is flying around you at this time, connecting you to Spirit and sending Spiritual Healing, he tells you, "you know the way" Trust at this time.



Time for transformation, a new you is forming, you are coming out of your shell, change your hair colour, style, clothes, whatever feels right for you, now is the time!! Give thanks for the wonderful being that you are, time to adapt and accept the real you with grace and remember yes you are perfect!! You may have to compromise with someone around you, but don't bend too much, meet each other half way!!

You have been stuck in a rut for a while which has left you wondering 'are things ever gonna change?'!! But it is an exciting time for you, change is afoot, time to discover and explore new things, you are very intuitive, and wise like the owl, you have many psychic gifts and feeling your third eye is opening. Trust your intuition, use tools to help guide you, be still and meditate, time to connect with Spirit.

Time to face fears, stop thinking negatively, you are stronger than you think you are, be brave like the warrior you are. It takes courage and strength to face your fears, but you are now ready, 1 step at a time. Look closely at what needs changing and change it!!

A new friend/lover, lots of love and laughter, feeling free for the first time in ages, if your finding it hard to connect with your spiritual side, maybe time to find a group or circle, your self esteem is awesome, you are glowing now, time to finally be in harmony with self.



The Quiet Sabbats A

t last autumn has come! Summer just didn’t want to let go this year, but finally it starts to feel like the season of heat is giving way to cooler days. I always feel that the autumn Sabbats are the most enjoyable, heralding as they do, a more peaceful time of year when all the rush and hurry of spring and summer have been put to rest and we can start to take stock of our achievements and enjoy our individual harvests. Lughnasadh, the first harvest, occurs at the height of summer when there is still much work to be done, but by Mabon, the second harvest, we can begin to slow down, knowing that the bulk of the work is behind us. Although most of us don’t work the fields anymore, the energy of the year is still bound up with times of planting and harvest and if we go with this flow of energy, metaphorically planning, planting and harvesting at the appropriate times, we can achieve better results with less effort than if we constantly try to swim against the current. In Europe, Mabon signalled the grape harvest, so toasting the season with a glass of wine and pouring some as a libation to the Deities and the land is an appropriate and enjoyable part of this Sabbat. By Samhain, for our ancestors in cold climates, the green leafy vegetables were gone and they were relying on root vegetables like turnips, [and in America, pumpkins], and that is one reason Jack o’ lanterns are so popular for guiding the spirits of our loved ones home, or for scaring off unfriendly spirits, depending on how you look at it. Personally I don’t see why it can’t work both ways! Even though, in the Southern Hemisphere, Samhain is out of sync with Halloween the same trapping apply and we pagans get to enjoy two such times each year, as well as the more serious side of Samhain where we honour our dead and consult the oracles for guidance in the coming year. Then we come to winter, the time of respite when the earth rests in order to renew herself before the cycle of growth begins all over again. The winter solstice marks the deepest part of winter when the earth is furthest from the sun and this is the point at which our ancestors gave offerings to encourage the return of our life-giving star. From here we know that although we might be in the midst of cold and darkness, the tide has turned and we are on our way back to a time of renewed energy and new life. Our rituals reflect this confidence and joy as we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun God. So make the most of the quiet energy of the cooler months by relaxing when you can and giving thanks for this year’s good harvest, perhaps with a nice glass of wine. And in the midst of winter, give thanks and prepare for the revitalization to come. Blessed be, Morganna.


Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Groups OakSun Grove - Gold Coast

Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com

Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts

Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com

Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com

Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris 0418 787 854

The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com

Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Pillow Talk), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Tric: 0402 066 330.



Reviews by Mar ye-Ann Universal Wisdom – Oracle Cards by Toni Salerno These oracle cards from Toni Carmine Salerno are a revised and updated edition of his very successful Universal Wisdom deck from 2002. The combination of Toni’s intuitive insight and wonderful art once again make for a beautiful tool for guidance. Whether used for daily individual personal work or to give full readings, for oneself or others, these cards do indeed present ‘universal wisdom.’ As Toni points out, there is no single meaning to the cards, either the image or the message. The true wisdom lies in each person exploring the various layers of meaning to receive a highly individual and personal piece of the Wisdom of the Universe. www.tonicarminesalerno.com RRP: $29.95

Spirit Oracle by Toni Salerno These cards from Toni Carmine Salerno are a deck with a difference. There are fifty-four cards, each complete with key words and a full message to blend with the beautiful and inspired art work. There is no guide book – the cards are complete within themselves, giving answers and information through the messages and through the images. A good deck for daily use as well as to assist with specific situations. www.tonicarminesalerno.com RRP: $29.95 28

Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

Connection: Keep Your Light Burning Bright by Katherine F. Bright N.D. Katherine Bright is qualified in many fields of natural healing and has a busy clinical practice. She is also and firstly a lightworker. She has a personal connection to God/Creator, and her wish (and the aim of this book) is to help all to make this kind of personal connection. With this step by step guide she helps us to do this, and interpret the information we get as we ask for assistance in our lives. For additional information or to order this very special book contact Katherine on www.katherinebrightaustralia.com RRP: $21.00

Creator’s View on Compassion A Guide for Life by Katherine F. Bright N.D Katherine Bright’s second book brings us directly channelled letters from God/Creeator. These quotes from the Divine Source are interspersed with information from Katherine’s human perspective. The resulting whole is a guide for living. Enjoy! To contact Katherine visit her on www.katherinebrightaustralia.com. RRP: $26.00

Two beautiful CDs from Katherine Bright ‘The Joy of Music’; ‘Instrumental Meditations – Touched by the Fields of France’ In addition to her work in the field of natural health and her inspiring writings channelled from Creator, Katherine Bright is an accomplished and talented musician. These two recordings open the heart and clear the mind, making meditation a joy. See also www.katherinebrightaustralia.com. RRP: $30.00 each www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


T h e La ng u ag e of K nowi ng Rea li ti es Aut um n /Wi nt er 2 0 16 E dit ion Presented by Rhondda Doherty


hat, you may ask is a Knowing Reality? In simplified terms any Reality is what is physically experienced in every day life, through the choices we make. In other words choices create our Reality, therefore we exist in multiple Realities all at the same time. For example we have a different experience with our family, a different experience with our friends, a different experience in our work life and a different experience within the body to the one we live outside of ourselves. All are physically lived, simply because we are walking in it, breathing in it, swimming in it, playing in it and working in it. None of these experiences are separate from us, yet all to often we are separate from that which creates it. If we were able to follow every thread in just one physical experience we would be amazed at the way in which all the pieces come together. This is the essence of a Knowing Reality. We know nothing is separate from us, therefore we are present as each piece comes together. In order to unravel the mystery surrounding a physical outcome, that is of specific key importance to other events coming to pass, we must first know the point of creation. A hint to show us this point of creation is when the thought, the wish, the need, the want or the inspired spark presents us with a choice. If it was simply the inspired spark at work, outcomes would be easier to follow, but life is complicated, with many of us unaware of which aspects of us have a different take on the outcome. For example: Our greatest potential for using our creative spark dwells in relationships, regardless of whether they are family, fellow students, friends, lovers or work colleagues. These areas alone present opportunities to change an outcome, moment to moment. How is this possible when we are in the heat of the moment?

Awareness is the key. Have you ever noticed how silent nature becomes before the storm or have you ever noticed how there is a moment of stillness when life seems to take a breath, all hinging on our next word or action or reaction or non-reaction. This is the moment when all choices and outcomes are shown in an instant. If we allow the heat to take over completely, there is a mess to clean up on many levels. If we choose to listen to the silent witness that is always present watching without judgement all we do, then the mess will not eventuate. As the season of Autumn approaches it is a time of shedding that which has grown to maturity for it must now be released and returned to the earth to be used to sustain her through Winter, to be re-birthed in Spring. For us on a physical level the word Maturity conjures up many labels. For the purposes of this article, Maturity, to me, relates to the Elemental Power we all have at our fingertips and how we use it to create our outcomes or Realities with. The greatest challenge to peace within is the Element of Water, for it is easily contaminated by the mind (Air), by how we act (Fire) and how we impact the environment around us (Earth). Water is emotion, feelings, intuition and the key through which we enter the state of Oneness (Ether). Therefore it is no accident that our bodies contain vast amounts of water. It is through the Element of Water that we use and misuse the other Elements to our detriment. This Autumn perhaps it is time to lay aside certain behaviours, practices or beliefs, long held in the body, that have reached that point of over maturity. Their continued use will only manifest the same outcomes!

Rhondda Doherty Dip. Counselling & Holistic Insight

Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Numerologist, Intuitive Body Consciousness Counselling balances the Nervous System, reducing Stress! Ph:


0410 528 817




www.soulframents.com Autumn / Winter 2016 Edition

There are Maps to Life, left by the ancients, to guide us back to a place of remembrance. For us to remember the Body, Mind and Spirit must be in a place of balance. Each modality I use gathers the pieces, puts them in order, life experience makes sense. The map is easier to follow!





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