White Light - Jun Jul Aug 2015

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

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June July August 2015

The Winter of Witchcraft by MaryeAnn Azzarello

Q&A with Gaia’s Guidance

Working with Higher Realms in Daily Life by Paul Mischefski

White Light Magazine turns 18!

Cover Story

Janelle Brown ‘Welcome to My World’


June July August 2015 Edition

Editor’s Note Welcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Contents 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 17 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 40 42 43 44

Health Wealth Lifestyle Upcoming Expo Dates Editor’s Etchings White Light Expos Psychic Sunday Svadisthana by Francie Griffin Cover Story - “Welcome to my World” by Janelle Brown The Winter of Witchcraft with MaryeAnn Azzarello Feng Shui by Roseline Deleu Charms, Amulets & Talismans Part 3.1 with Quenten Walker A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker Rune Magik by Ravenspell Yule & Imbolc by Quenten Walker Stemtech Gaia’s Guidance Q&A A-Z of Culinary Terms by Steve Duncan Mindfulness by Jane O’Connor Chapman Vegan Recipes - Vegan Sweets Horoscopes by Sammi Dean Pagans Pages Working with Higher Realms in Daily life by Paul Mischefski Through the Eyes of a Faerie by Tania Elizabeth Reviews by MaryeAnne Azzarello The Magic of Language by Rhonnda Doherty Advertising Rates & Deadlines Health Wealth Lifestyle Magazine - Coming Soon!

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Phone: (07) 5525 0259 Fax: (07) 5525 0209 Mobile: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au June July August Edition 2015 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2015. White Light A Universal Publication.




APPY 18th BIRTHDAY White Light Magazine! Yippee we’re now an adult, now as a magazine I’m not sure what that entitles us to do so my good self as Editor & Bianca as Layout Artist had a drink to celebrate (or maybe two, but who’s counting). As I have mentioned before we have been conversing with overseas writers & all things being equal a couple of new people will appear in the next edition. The launch of our new product Health Wealth Lifestyle Expos is going very well & I’m pleased to say that we will be embarking on a foray into Northern NSW with events in both Coffs Harbour (September) & Lismore (October). Other regional areas in Queensland are also being investigated at present.

We are so pleased to have Janelle Brown as our new front cover personality. She is a delightful lady & a very fine reader, Bowen therapist & Reiki Master. There is a plethora of information in this issue featuring Gaia’s Guidance Q & A’s, a great article from Paul Mischefski on ‘working with Higher Realms in daily life. And of course there’s our new Astrologer Sammi Dean with her first column. I hope to see you at one of my upcoming Expos oh & the date of the 1 day Psychic Sunday at Currumbin RSL has been changed to 9th August.

Go in Love & Light... Adrian

Happy 18th Birthday White Light Magazine

Editor, Layout & Design and the three Mascots celebrating


June July August 2015 Edition

Cheers to turning 18!




June July August 2015 Edition



ontinuing this issue I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to………………. SVADISTHANA I am your centre of sexuality, sensuality, feelings and creativity. I am commonly known as the Sacral Chakra and you will feel my energy centre approximately three centimetres below your navel. I resonate predominately with the colour orange, the colour of creativity, sensuality and joy, though like all the chakras I will hold the rays of all colours. My name in Sanskrit is Svadisthana and this means Sweetness. I am “your own abode”, the centre of your life force and related to your reproductive and sexual organs. When I am in balance within you will delight in the sensual pleasures of life, your intimate relationships will be harmonious and delightful passion will ensue. You will feel confident within yourself. You will be aware of your feelings and feel safe in expressing them. Creativity is one of my functions and this is a wonderful way of expression. Tap into me for your creative juices to flow. I am associated with the element of water, and as such embody the flow of life. If I am out of balance you may feel some of the following restrictions in your life:  Lack of intimate relationship in your life  Stiffness and rigidity of the body, lower back pain  Lack of confidence in your sensuality  Inability to express your feelings  Sense of lack of self-worth due to financial limitations and a fear of not having enough

Try some of these ideas to balance me within you:  Use this image or another of mine and meditate and send healing energy thought and vibration to me and strengthen your connection to your spiritual world and guardians. Place your hands upon my center and breath gently but deeply until you feel a sense of warmth and comfort.  Eat orange food eg oranges, kumara, wear orange undies and clothes or have the colour orange in your vicinity.  Dance to flowing music concentrating on your sacral chakra.  Nurture yourself: rest, eat well, enjoy a luxuriating bath, have a soothing massage, hold someone’s hand  Carry an orange gemstone eg carnelian, amber, citrine.  Explore your creative side: paint, draw, write, dance, cook, garden, knit, sculpt, visualize etc be creative in deciding what creative thing you can do!

feeling connected to the world and all around you. Connect your hands and feet to the earth, bless her and bless Svadisthana. Affirm “Life is Sweet, I Surrender to the Joy and Flow of Life, I Enjoy Life and Embrace all of Me” I bless you and look forward to introducing you to the third chakra, Manipura “the Lustrous Gem” in the next issue. Namaste “Svadisthana Seed of Life” Acrylic on Canvas By Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com Like and see samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook Namaste

I invite you to connect with me in the following manner: Sit or stand upon the ground, outside if you can, and connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus you attention softly, gently upon me, your sacral chakra ~ Svadisthana. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils and feel yourself going deeper and deeper into me. When you feel a strong sense of connection take your awareness down to the heart of Mother Earth and feel the colour orange and any others that come to mind, rise up from the earth, through the soles of your feet, up your legs and into my centre. From here visualize the colour orange, and any other colours that have made their presence known, radiate and spread out through your body. Let go any control and just allow these colours to move of their own accord and watch, feel where they move to. Call to your spiritual guardians to help you be aware and ask if there is anything you need to do to balance you Svadisthana. Spend a few moments in silence and when ready bring yourself back to the central core of your body, www.whitelightmagazine.com.au



Cover Story “Welcome to My World� Up in the misty mountains The old witch, Durrangan hid her supply of water away from the rest of her people. She was greedy - not sharing it with the others. But one day when she was sick she had to send one of the young warriors to get some of her water. When the young warrior saw how much water she had damned up, he grew very angry. In his anger, he smashed down the walls of the dam with a large stick. The water rushed everywhere causing a large river to form. Durrangan tried to stop the water from getting away, and the places where she stood in front of the water, land mass was formed. But the water continued to snake around and through the land masses. She also built large rock formations to try to dam the water again. But her efforts were fruitless - the water commenced to flow stronger and faster covering a larger area. When the water had flowed many miles from the mountain she realised that it was hopeless. She could not get her water back so she cursed it so it became salty and formed the sea. Some say she then turned into the large rock that is at the mouth of the river today, others say that she turned into a fig tree.


his is how my beautiful home the Clarence Valley (and the Clarence River) was formed according to the stories of my people – the Bundjalung. We are blessed to share our beautiful Valley home with the Yaegl and the Gumbaynggirr people (they too, have their own creation stories). Hi my name is Janelle. Welcome to my world! I would like to share the story of my spiritual journey with you. I was born in Grafton, second youngest of five children and the only girl in the family. My father was a Bundjalung man and my mother a 8

Gumbaynggirr woman. Like most Aboriginal people living in urban and rural communities, I grew up as a child of two cultures - my Aboriginal culture and the wider Australian culture. My Aboriginal culture connected me to the land, the Dreaming, family/kinship and an intricate spiritual belief system, whilst Australian culture connected me to the material and physical world and sometimes, to less pleasant aspects of life such as racism. For Aboriginal people it is a given that there is an afterlife and that those that have passed over can still contact the June July August 2015 Edition

living. There were many stories that I was told as a child that reinforced this concept and the concept that the "impossible" can happen. I learnt about the Clever Men who could do things that are considered impossible such as shape shifting, levitating and teleporting. I learnt also that there are many sacred places that are taboo to me as an Aboriginal person/woman and the need to be respectful when on another Aboriginal nation's country. When I grew up there were many occurrences which confirmed for me, that there is more than just this physical life - incidents that I could not

explain rationally - unexplained sights and sounds, too many co-incidences. Not just my experiences either but those of other Aboriginal people which they shared with me.

The next big step on my spiritual journey happened when I undertook a psychic development course. It was then that I realised I actually had psychic ability.

So I guess courtesy of my Aboriginal upbringing I always was on a spiritual path, but I remember when I first started to consciously develop my spirituality. I was in my early 30s and my sister-in-law told me about a book she had read. She said that I really needed to read it. But when I asked the name of the book and the author she couldn't tell me either of these. But she did describe the book.

But not just me. But that we all do, each and everyone of us, it's part of being human. But I guess some of us are more skilled than others. It's like most of us can run but not everyone can run like Cathy Freeman. But like with anything, the more you practice the better you get.

A couple of weeks later I was in a bookstore and came across the book The Power is Within You by Louise Hay. I realised it was the book my sister-in-law had been talking about. I feel this book literally changed my life. At the time I had many issues in my life that I wanted to change; through reading this book I began to feel empowered to make those changes. I learnt about the concepts of reincarnation and karma. I also learnt about affirmations which I still use today.

I have developed over the past several years, a passion for the concept of healing. For the past 18 months or so, I had been employed on a part time basis, to compile a development plan for an Aboriginal Healing Centre in the Clarence Valley. More recently I have been employed to implement the plan I created. Our Healing Centre's (and my) definition of healing is anything that improves the quality of life of an individual or a community. This definition enables a broad range of activities to be held at Centre including parenting programs, women's groups, a healing garden and cultural activities to name a few. My passion for healing has also led me to become both a Reiki Master and a Bowen Therapist and I am currently undertaking further study in Bowen at diploma level. I still take every opportunity to develop my psychic and intuitive ability as I believe it will help me to become a better therapist. Besides that I really love doing angel card readings, particularly when the Reading has given the client comfort or clarity that they have needed. Another of my passions is bush tucker and Bush medicine plants. I hope one day to be a herbalist specialising in Bush medicines. My philosophy in life is "anything is possible". Whilst, one of my favourite affirmations that I repeat when I am www.whitelightmagazine.com.au

not confident in completing a task is "I want to do it, I can do it, I’m going to do it and I am doing it". Saying this really seems to give me the lift to achieve whatever it is I am wanting to do. I am now 52 years old and a mother of a beautiful daughter (Keira) and the grandmother two beautiful grandchildren (Amahlia and Rhys) yet, there are many goals that I still want to achieve in life. These include, being able to work and/or volunteer in both a remote Aboriginal community in Australia and in a Canadian First Nations community. I believe that if it's meant to happen, it will. I have always found too, if I want something strongly enough and if I put in the effort, that I am always supported by life (and spirit) to achieve my goals. Thanks for listening to my story Janelle Brown Bowen Therapist Angel Card Reader Reiki Master A proud Mum and Nan A proud Bundjalung woman 0423 918 602 9

The Winter of Witchcraft by Marye-Ann Azzarello


y interest in the Craft began when I was a young teen ager. I am now in my seventy-eighth year and what started as a matter of historical interest has become the basis of my life long spiritual belief system.


Before those explanations from physicists got underway the energies were being felt, and in many cases not being understood. Out of this chaos of feelings grew the motivational and self-help movements in an effort to make sense of what was going on and help people to understand why they felt as they did.

In those now long ago days of the 1950s what was to become known as the ‘New Age’ had not yet come to fruition. There was talk in the astrological community about the coming of the Age of Aquarius but what was actually in process was little understood.

Also at this time came a mixed up idea of magic resulting in upheaval in the minds of people who were feeling strange without having any idea why. As such they simply reacted and logic went out the window.

One thing that was happening was a massive shift in energy as the cosmos moved from the age of Pisces with its focus on dreamy, insubstantial things into the age of Aquarius with a feeling of the visionary and the intellectual. This energy shift had a much deeper and more complex meaning however. Modern physics was about to begin explaining things that would seem like ‘magic.’

Slowly the ideas of the physicists began to be heard – sometimes from spiritual rather than scientific sources. Laurie Cabot, a well known American witch, taught a course in Witchcraft as a Science at the local community college in her home town of Salem, Massachusetts. Eventually physicists began writing books for lay people to explain the ‘new’ energies, and then came such things as the movie ‘What the Bleep do We Know’ and the

June July August 2015 Edition

experiments of Dr. Masuro Emoto showing the effects of energy on frozen water crystals. Through all this people like me who had begun many years in the past to feel an affinity with the teachings of Witchcraft were moving into the scientific realms in order to understand more clearly what we had been doing for a long while – shifting energy to create change. Things began to settle down – the New Age was being more clearly understood and was no longer being seen as either a way to snap the fingers and change our lives, or to jump on this bright new band wagon to make a lot of money. Witchcraft, which has been my spiritual belief system for approximately fifty years, has moved out of the frozen stillness of a metaphorical ‘winter’ and into the light of day. It is accepted by many as a religious belief, seen by many as a way of harnessing energy, and is still feared by others – but the forward steps are being taken.

The energies of the ‘New Age’ are noticeable, and the energy that we are all made of is being accepted as a normal scientific fact. To burn a candle of a certain colour or make a tea of a specific herb is not all there is to magic, but if we take the time to learn just what the different energies are we can learn how to use them constructively. And this, then, is magic. A new and wonderful way to live our lives and to make changes if we feel they are necessary. The changes will not appear in a puff of orange smoke, nor will they come about because we wave a wand. There are rules to follow and things we should do and not do, but we’re moving in the right direction. In the future everyone will have some idea of the nature of energy, what it means, how to use it competently and without fear. This is a time of great change and we can be part of it if we so choose. I welcome your comments and/or questions. Email me at maryeann.azzarello@gmail.com.



Feng Shui with Roseline Deleu


or more than two decades now, I have wanted to find another branding name for Feng Shui in order to adapt it to the worldwide understanding. I am still looking for it... so your suggestions are welcome! The term Feng Shui today is already very popular, sadly too many people worldwide are following the Chinese approach of it which becomes then a fearbased/superstitious ritual. Placing an object somewhere without understanding the meaning and reason of its placement welcomes a temporary and coincidental good fortune. Let's see how we can make luck, fortune and good health last! We have to remember that for us here in Australia, we are living on Aboriginal land and those energies are very different than the Chinese ones. This principle applies for all people living outside of China of course!

Therefore, using a lucky Chinese 3-legged toad for wealth, Chinese coins or any other Chinese item referred as Feng Shui here in Australia will feed a foreign superstitious belief, they will work for a limited time and at a limited strength. These Chinese items are working very well on the Chinese continent because each and every Chinese item as its Chinese signification. In Australia, Aboriginal Artefacts are the best way to apply Feng Shui around you! Working with Aboriginal Australian art and craft will make your Feng Shui intentions last longer and stronger. Your Luck will be luckier, your Health will be better, your Love will be more compassionate and all is possible for those who wish to BE abundant. Building a home in Australia following only Chinese instructions and without connecting with the local energies of the land won't thus be as auspicious! 12

In each part of Australia, culture and local energies differ in each and every Aboriginal country. Yes, I talk about the many countries that are on our Australian continent, each one speaking a different language, each one having a different vibration, each one having its own ancient traditions and connections. Each one offering different people, medicine, trees, language, landscape. Dixit Wikipedia: in the late 18th century, there were between 350 and 750 distinct Aboriginal social groupings, and a similar number of languages. At the start of the 21st century, fewer than 150 Indigenous languages remain in daily use and all except roughly 20 are highly endangered. When you purchase your local Aboriginal art or crafts, they are 'charged' with a story, the story of country where

June July August 2015 Edition

In Australia, we live on Aboriginal Land! you are now living or visiting. Welcoming this energy into your home shows respect and your wish to integrate. Many of us are of non-Aboriginal descent. Having at least one object of our first Australians into our homes creates a bridge towards country, people and their ancient culture. It is powerful on many levels that you will soon discover by yourself.

loved and appreciated, I count many wonderful people as friends, I am fit and healthy - what more can I ask?

Fig 3 - Hand made local craft, Kaltukatjara (Docker River, NT, Australia)

Fig 2 - Beanies from Nyirripi (NT) visit the Beanie Festival in Alice Springs 19-22 June 2015 http://www.beaniefest.org When I play my clap sticks, I call upon the Ancestors of this land to accompany and keep me safe on my current journey - how much more lucky can I be? They know exactly what I need and are looking after me. Haven't they lived, care for country and survived for over 40,000 years here. Since I started doing this, I have felt protected and my Abundance is everlasting. I always have a comfortable and clean "roof above my head", food on my plate, I travel freely and safely, I am

Today, when purchasing an original piece of art or local jewellery or a hand-made pair of clap sticks, and eventually didgeridoo (for men), you acknowledge and welcome powerful Aboriginal Australian consciousness into your home and into your life. You will then be looked after as much as you look after their people and country. Thank you. Roseline Deleu International Feng Shui Master, Author, Trainer & Assessor Mob: 0412 717 454 www.fengshuisteps.com BLOG www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com For your Feng Shui consultations in Cairns and FNQ, you can also call Carol Crumlin 0417 716 819



Charms, Amulets & Talismans with Quenten Walker Part 3 TALISMANS (1)


alismans differ from Charms and Amulets in that they are totally constructed with specific purposes in mind and definite symbolic meaning. Nearly always, the timing of its making is important and a ritual of dedication to its purpose is involved. Some of the earliest known man made talismans were figures of men and women, also animals modelled into clay to represent gods, or animals endowed with qualities such as power, courage, strength, virility etc. that the creator of the talisman wished to emulate. These talismans became to be regarded as very powerful because the powers of the deities or creatures that they personified could keep the owner of the talisman safe from harm, protect his property and family and afforded the possessor power over others. A talisman also forms the link between the possessor of the talisman and a link with the invisible powers that the talisman has had incorporated into it. Talisman magick is not confined to small, personal objects - these are regarded as personal talismans. Talismans can also be constructed to encompass a wider vicinity of a community or a group that is working together. This may be done with objects or tools, images etc. that serve a general purpose to that group or community. Essentially a talisman acts as a bridge between the user and the force that the practitioner wishes to utilize or evoke to act on his or her behalf. A talisman is the creation of a psychic link.

CREATING TALISMANS When creating talismans the following should be strictly observed: • The purpose • The link (it must have strong associations with the force it represents). • Materials (eg metals, stone, clay model, parchment, gems etc. They should have symbolic value in keeping with your purpose) • Purification • Consecration • Timing (eg Moon phases, Planetary hours) THE PURPOSE Each talisman (unless for the purpose of protection) should be created for the purpose of the magickal act that the practitioner has designed the particular talisman for and no other. The purpose of the creation of the talisman must be specific. Some


also believe that the talisman should be destroyed after its purpose has been achieved, using fire, water or air to do this. THE LINK (see consecration) One must create a link between themselves and the entity or elemental that the talisman represents. This always involves a sacrifice of some sort, eg money, a drop of your own blood. PURIFICATION Purification is simply the act of ensuring that any unwanted energies that may have been picked up in the construction of the talisman or before it came into your possession (in the case of jewellery) are negated. Purification by Water, Fire, Air, Earth and/or Will are the most suitable. Water - Immerse the talisman in a bowl of consecrated water within a ritual area or if in nature, in a fast running stream. Fire - Pass the talisman through the flame of your cauldron or a candle within a ritual area or leave in direct sunlight in the correct planetary hour on the preferred day of your working. Air - Pass the talisman through consecrated incense within your ritual area. Earth - Create a ritual area (outside) and dedicate the ritual to the purpose of the talisman (very effective), placing the said talisman in the centre of the ritual area or bury it in the ground (in the correct planetary hour) at a time deemed suitable (ensure the talisman is retrieved in the correct planetary hour). Will - Hold the talisman toward the four directions within a ritual area willing the purification of the four elements to enter and purify. CONSECRATION Consecration of the talisman will endow it with the magickal qualities needed to carry out the purpose of the talismans creation. This positive act will emphasize these magickal powers and at the same time strengthen your confidence in the talisman’s effectiveness. It is important that the act of consecration be a conscious one - a significant occasion that will be established in your mind after the event which will be realized each time you use the talisman. The act of consecration will make you do something that they would not normally do in their day to day existence. You begin a chain of events that heightens your awareness to the purpose

June July August 2015 Edition

that you wish to happen.


For consecration purposes these steps must be followed:

A dot within a circle: Centre of infinity; emanation or first cause; essence; manifestation; materia prima; the Sun; primal power; concentrated spirit; the eye of God; perfection; the One; the cosmos.

• •

The Ritual area must be set properly. The correct timing is to be observed. (this will be dealt with in another issue). A simple one is to check whether the moon is waxing or waning (depending on your purpose) and ensure the consecration is not taking place during the dark phase of the moon (the moon is not visible in the night sky), between the last quarter and the next. • Be certain the correct materials are being used in conjunction with the talisman. • Always use an intentional attitude not a casual one. • Develop your psyche to the purpose. • Keep your words simple but intentional and they should be voiced out loud. • Only you should be present unless the purpose is for more than just yours. • Spend time meditating before and after on the purpose for the talisman. If you decide to destroy it after its purpose has been achieved, do this using the opposite element from which it was created. Earth – Fire Water - Air Moon Phases

New Moon - new beginnings, fresh opportunities, growth, development, increase, expansion, creativity. First Quarter - business ventures, prosperity, health, love, romance. Full Moon -psychic ability, expansion of consciousness, group activities, nurturing, astral travel, fertility. Last Quarter - removal of unwanted influences, negative emotions, banish disease, endings of projects. Essential Symbolism Terminology apart, all talismans, no matter what form they may take and irrespective of their intended use, are symbolic. This may be obvious when a talisman is inscribed with words, numbers or graphics but is equally true even of those where the symbolism is less overt. The most basic symbolism will be in the material used – the shape, the colour, the type. A talisman may be made in the form of a cross or crescent, for instance, in which case the shape of the talisman is itself symbolic. Or it may be made from a particular metal and incorporate a gemstone which have both been selected specifically because of their association with a particular planet and its influences. Sometimes a found item such as an acorn will be kept and used as a talisman because it embodies the spirit, essence, potential, call it what you will, of the tree from which it came. Or a tiger's claw may be retained because it exemplifies the strength and courage the talisman owner wishes to assimilate. These would be normally be called amulets, but by creating a larger symbolic model with these as the base material, you are creating a talisman out of an amulet.

The circle bisected by a single horizontal line forms the basis of all Lunar symbols. The Moon represents the soul and reflects the light of the Sun in the same way as the two halves of the circle reflect the whole or totality. Thus the crescent or half circle symbolizes the feminine, passive, receptive principle. The triangle, or basic three (ternary) figure, embodies the concept of construction or development as it derives from the dot (centre, source, origin) above or below the horizontal line (inert matter). Thus it takes two basic forms, the active and the passive, which equate to the elements Fire (active, masculine) and Water (passive, feminine). The introduction of a second horizontal line within the primal ternaries produces the symbols for the other two elements, Air (active) and Earth (passive).

The superimposition of the active and passive ternaries produces the six pointed star which therefore embodies the principle of multiplicity: The four visible/physical elements surrounding the invisible/non-physical element - Spirit or quintessence. As a celestial body, a light shining in the darkness, the star also signifies divine order, destiny, etc. Five is the next prime number after three and all pentads signify the five physical senses and the five esoteric elements, no matter what form they take. The five pointed star, also known as the pentagram, is probably the most familiar and has specific significance when depicted with the single point uppermost. In this form it embodies the anthropomorphic principle (each point representing one of the human bodies extremities), cosmic man, the microcosm or the third logos. The primal quaternary, or basic four figure, like the ternary, takes two forms, the neutral and the active. It derives from two lines intercepting at right angles - a cross signifying the four fold aspects of man's existence: The seasons, directions, archetypes, etc. A cosmic axis symbol, it joins and balances mind and matter, body and sensation, above and below, thus signifies equilibrium, the union of opposites, integration, manifest order, the world tree. One simple but very ancient variation of the basic quaternary or equal armed cross is the swastika, gammadion or fylfor



(clockwise version) and the sauvastika (anticlockwise). This again incorporates the fourfold principle but the jointed arms add a further dimension, movement or motion, and it therefore equates symbolically to the cosmic wheel of life (see following).

Venus Planetary number and day: Zodiacal sign:

6/Friday Y Taurus and Libra

Favourable for: Attracting love, affection or friendship; effecting reconciliations; partnership issues, whether business or romantic; creative activities; leisure pursuits; entertainment; the luxury or beauty trades; financial transactions; increasing personal resources; negotiating contracts or settlements; self development and growth. A cross in a circle: The world of matter within the cosmic sphere symbolizes the creative principle; male and female; form and manifestation; the planet earth; the cross wheel of life and death; transformation and transmutation; the material and the spiritual; the physical quaternary within totality; the cycles of existence; the wheel of fortune.

Mars Planetary number and day: Zodiacal sign:

The other basic quaternaries are formed by joining the cross points to represent the four fold nature of the physical universe, the material plane of existence; the earth; the manifest world; order and development. Again, there are two basic forms of this primal symbol, the active and the neutral, and both figures incorporate the principle of a double ternary. Planetary Symbols Sun Planetary number and day: Zodiacal sign:

1/Sunday Leo

2/Monday Cancer

Favourable for: All matters pertaining to water and the sea, including voyages; dealing with the general public; conception; children and their interests; family and domestic issues; appeasing enemies or opponents; starting new ventures; developing emotional self expression; seeking inspiration or enhancing psychic abilities; initiating changes. Mercury Planetary number and day. Zodiacal sign:

5/Wednesday Gemini and Virgo

Favourable for: Road, rail and air travel; gathering and conveying information; improving literary, oratory or technical skills; signing documents; borrowing or lending money; general trade; study or training; promoting mental health; starting a course of medical treatment; preparing for exams, including a driving test; inventive schemes.


Favourable for: Police or military matters; competitive sports; mechanical engineering and the hardware trades; undergoing surgery; combative or hazardous pastimes; overcoming rivalry or enmity; short term projects or enthusiasms; developing physical strength and courage; anything requiring great force and energy; protecting own interests. Jupiter Planetary number and day: Zodiacal sign:

3/Thursday Sagittarius and Pisces

Favourable for: Law suits and legal transactions; dealing with the clergy, doctors and professional people generally; seeking favours or financial backing; speculative ventures; long journeys, emigration or foreign affairs; further knowledge; religious, philosophical or humanitarian issues; large scale events; group activities; marriage and remarriage.

Favourable for: Career or professional advancement; seeking sponsorship or public acclaim; dealing with influential people or government officials; large commercial ventures or business undertakings; the jewellery trades; the performing arts; beginning management training or becoming self employed; promoting health, virility and self confidence. Moon Planetary number and day. Zodiacal sign:

9/Tuesday Aries and Scorpio

Saturn Planetary number and day: Zodiacal sign:

8/Saturday Capricorn and Aquarius

Favourable for: Long term projects and constructive enterprises; dealing with establishment figures, elderly people and their affairs; land or property deals, including tenancies agriculture, mining, archaeology or their produce; antiques; the building trades; concluding any outstanding matter or settling debts; pursuing metaphysical studies. Finally, you should make your own symbols, eh hearts, diamonds, pictures of your purpose, even writing the goal down in one or two words. An example would be to write a $ sign on a real or picture of a banknote (note the sacrifice involved in giving up the bank note, wrapping it up in green paper (green for money), and enclosing it in a small pouch with the sign for Jupiter on the outside. Consecrate it at Full Moon after purifying it with Earth (money) eg salt sprinkled over it. Then wear it around your neck, or put it in your wallet for a specified time, then burn it when you gain your wish – don’t be too greedy. Above all, use your imagination, and combine as many symbols as aesthetically possible in a vessel to carry around or put in a specific place, eg your door lintel for protection. Next issue we will discuss sigils and magic squares to make complex talismans.

June July August 2015 Edition

A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker










































June July August 2015 Edition

Calendar continued

by Quenten Walker











Rune Magik M

ERRY MEET and welcome to the Solstice time of the Year as we celebrate Mid Summer to the North and Mid Winter to the South. This is where in the North we traditionally see the peaking of the Sun and simultaneously his decline bringing all into darkness. While we in the South eagerly await His rebirth (Mid Winter) As light equates lush growth and virility Dark signifies confinement and preparation so Litha (Mid Summer) is a fertile time, a time of expansion and hand fasting. Litha is also a good time of outer connection i.e. socially, and with the other world whether it be communing with Nature Sprites or Spirits beyond the Veil. Now is the time to seek our Magik herbs for they too will be ripe with the Sun's energy and the Earth's promise. As with Litha, Yule (Mid Winter) is a Fire Feast however Yule is a time of inner connection and inner growth. Yule is when Mother Earth turns her snow capped brown mantel to the Sun and retires to Her confinement. Thus Yule is a domestic rather than a social observation; one may see it as a time of a personal journey within in order to let it internal personal growth yet both Solstices are a time of change, hope and harvest. Midsummer and Mid Winter Rune Magik both are a time of transformation Make a list of everything you wish to manifest during the next six months and border this list with the Rune Jera; representing the harvest or the turning of the year. This Rune is both the dark and the light of the year, the turning of the wheel and the desire for change. Jera ensures what is planted will be harvested and previous actions will bear fruit.


Solstice Rune Magik After Sunset light a yellow candle. Place a vase of yellow, gold and white flowers of your choice to the candle. ( wild flowers would also serve purpose) Have a bowl of water for your altar to represent the element. So now you have a candle for Fire and Air, flowers for Earth and Water represented Say aloud: "I gather in the power of this day of greatest light and call in the guardians of fire, earth, air, and water to bring the last grace of power in light to manifest my desires in the coming harvest. I ask that this be� Read aloud your list "I affirm that I am able and willing to allow these wishes to manifest and I participate in the miracle of creation and with faith. So mote it be." Take your list and put to the flame if the candle then place in the fire proof bowl abc allow to burn out while focusing on these manifesting. Empty the ashes into the water bowl and them take the bowl and empty the entire contents over favourite part of your garden (or favourite pot plant). Allow the candle to burn down and out before you go to retire and ensure to celebrate the energy of the evening in some way --play music, raise a glass, allow yourself some indulgence for you have planted the seeds for a new you! As the wheel turns again we find ourselves at Summer Solstice. Litha - Midsummer is one of the Lesser Wiccan Sabbats. The sun is at the height of it power before begining its slide into darkness and we experience the longest day and shortest night of the year.

June July August 2015 Edition

It is important to note that the separation of the light and dark halves of the year have nothing to do with good and evil. Light signifies growth and expansion; dark means withdrawal and rest. Both are necessary. While steamy Midsummer marks the beginning of the Sun's dying strength the season itself is very lush and fertile. The Sun, flowers and Earth are in full bloom. The God is at the very height of his power as we hit midsummer, at this point of the year the crops are coming along nicely. We have done all of the planting associated with spring and life gets a little easier as we sit back and tend what we have created. Its a time of great celebration before we meet the work ahead as the harvest comes in.

same time, she is in the process of giving birth to SonLover who will re-fertilise her and the earth, bringing back light and warmth to the world.

We honor the God and Goddess whose union has blessed us with the fertility to create the projects we began way back at Imbolo. On Midsummer the veil between the worlds is said to be very thin making this a great time for divination, historically many maidens would divine a husband at this time. Midsummers Eve is said to be a time when fairies abound in great numbers this is a great time to commune with them and leave gifts of sweets outdoors. Litha celebrates abundance, fertility, virility, the beauty and bounty of Nature.

Be complete -- include things related to career, personal issues, and other factors like clarity, confidence, and fun. After sunset, light a yellow candle. Place a vase of yellow, gold and white flowers of your choice to the candle. ( wild flowers would also serve purpose) Have a bowl of water for your altar to represent the element. So now you have a candle for Fire and Air, flowers for Earth and Water represented.

Harnessing the Suns great power makes all types of magick appropriate now. We can also harvest the first of our rnagickal herbs at this time since they are drenched with the great power of the sun on this longest day of the year. It is a good time for empowerment, for strong magick and male ritual Also for handfastings and communing with Nature Spirits, for workings of culmination.The journey into the harvest season has begun.

Midsummer and Mid Writer Rune Magik both are a time of transformation. Make a list of everything you wish to manifest during the next six months border this list with the Rune Jera; representing the harvest or the turning of the year. This Rune is both the dark and the light of the year, the turning of the wheel and the desire for change. Jera ensures what is planted will be harvested and previous actions will bear fruit.

Say aloud: "I gather in the power of this day of greatest light and call in the guardians of fire, earth, air, and water to bring the last grace of power in light to manifest my desires in the coming harvest. I ask that this be� Read aloud your list "I affirm that I am able and willing to allow these wishes to manifest and I participate in the miracle of creation and with faith. So mote it be."

Yule, Winter Solstice, is deeply rooted in the cycle of the year, it is the seed time of year, the longest night and the shortest day, where the Goddess once again becomes the Great Mother and gives birth to the new Sun King. In a poetic sense it is on this the longest night of the winter, 'the dark night of our souls', that there springs the new spark of hope.

Take your list and put to the flame if the candle then place in the fire proof bowl abc allow to burn out while focusing on these manifesting. Empty the ashes into the water bowl and them take the bowl and empty the entire contents over favourite part of your garden (or favourite pot plant).

That Yule is another fire festival however unlike the more public outdoor festival of the summer solstice, Yule lends itself to a more private and domestic celebration. Yet like its midsummer counterpart, is strongly associated with fertility and the continuation of life. Here the Goddess is in her dark aspect, as 'She Who Cuts The Thread' or 'Our Lady in Darkness', calling back the Sun God. Yet, at the

Allow the candle to burn down and out before you go to retire and ensure to celebrate the energy of the evening in some way --play music, raise a glass, allow yourself some indulgence for you have planted the seeds for a new you.

JERA www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Yule Y

ule (mid-Winter), from Anglo-Saxon "yula", meaning "wheel", is the Sabbat of Midwinter usually 20th or 21st June. Celebration of the monarch's birthday is also close to this day and, for Australia, appropriately so. It is the end of the financial year, and the beginning of another. Of course, in the Northern hemisphere, it occurs around Christmas time, and has been associated with the birth of a Sun God for millennia - in fact Christ's birthday was 'moved' in 273 CE to 25th December to correspond to the birthday of Sol Invictus (The Unconquerable Sun) and Mithras, another solar saviour. Throughout the world, society has seen midwinter as both the peaking of the power of winter and the rebirth of the sun in that from that day onward, daylight starts to get longer, and the nights shorter and the land warmer enabling crops to grow and animals to breed and prosper. In early society, it was the last feast before Spring, so the winter stores were raided for nuts and dried fruits and meat, the pig or turkey was slaughtered before the cold took them off, and warm mulled wine was drunk - wassail. An air of merriment prevailed and was reflected in the Saturnalia of ancient Rome in December, a time of real partying on and transfer of presents. The biggest log - the

by Quenten Walker

Yule log - was brought in, decorated and burnt for at least 12 hours, and some kept for the following year. Odin, in his red suit, brought blessings and gifts to the deserving - Christian myth changed this to the red cassock of a cardinal - St Nicholas, who gave clothing and food to the children of the poor. Yet for all this merriment, we overlook that this is not only the birth of the new Child of promise, the Sun Lord to be, but also the crowning of the Dark Lord, the Lord who is 'Within', the Lord of Death and the Underworld, just as the Saturnalia celebrated Father Time (Saturn) with his death-dealing scythe, not Jupiter, King of the Gods. It is the time of the Goddess' reign in the Underworld, as personified by Persephone's acceptance of Her role as Hades' Queen, to love the 'unlovable' - Death itself. And through death comes rebirth, for at the crowning of Hades and Persephone, the Sun God is born anew. No death is final, no despair is absolute - the wheel will always turn, and something new and fresh is always around the corner - we just have to look. The world is in a dormant phase, the seed (and life) is underground, the deciduous trees are bare, forage is no longer plentiful, the grass is brown, cattle are moved into areas of winter pasture and hand-feeding is often the order of the day, the dry season in the northern parts of Australia commences. In Southern Australia the cold winds are common and bring blustery thunderstorms, the nights are long and the days short. The psychological aspects are those of coming completely to terms with our dark self and with the concept of death and re-birth. For even at the height of all despair, be it psychological, physical or that of death itself, there is the re-affirmation as seen in nature and on a more Cosmic level of re-birth. The cycle in essence remains the same but each manifestation of it is always unique with small differences making "all the difference".


June July August 2015 Edition

Imbolc Imbolc (the beginning of Spring - usually 1st August or 'Wattle Day').


his represents the lengthening of days, the re-birth of flowers and life in the Australian Bush and the commencement of many mating rituals between the sexes in the native Australian fauna. From a mythopoetic point of view it represents the return of the Goddess from the Underworld. She is now transformed into the Maiden and begins her interest and courtship with the young Sun God. The aging reigning God of the Underworld looks on with increasing frustrated envy as Winter gives way the re-birth that is Spring. From a psychological point of view this represents new beginnings, new plans undertaken, new seekings commenced. We are on the journey once more, hopefully at a higher level than the previous year as we continue to spiral up in our own spiritual and psychological transformation. Imbolc, or Oimelc, meaning "ewe's milk," is also known as Candlemas, or Lady’s Day. In Europe, this was the time when pregnant ewes began lactating, and the event was celebrated as another sign that winter was ending. In Cornwall they honored this event by making a ritual drink from ewes.

It is a fire festival that celebrates the coming of Spring. New beginnings and spiritual growth are represented by the "sweeping out of the old,' symbolised by the sweeping of the circle with a besom (a Witch's broom). This is traditionally done by the woman playing the role of the Goddess, who wears a brilliant crown of thirteen candles on top of her head. In ancient Europe (in February 2nd), the Candlemas Sabbat was celebrated with a torchlight procession to purify and fertilise the fields before the seed planting season, and to honour and give thanks to the various deities and spirits associated with agriculture.

aspects of the Goddess. They stand opposite one another across the Wheel of the Year: one the Maiden who, from Imbolc to Lughnassadh will wax to full; the other, the Crone, who from Lughnassadh till Imbolc will wane like the Moon, until She is renewed. In Irish tradition Brigid is celebrated at this time. Bridid is typical of the universal Goddess of Fertility. Her counterpart in Celtic traditions is the Cailliach, or Crone. In some traditions the Maiden is held captive during the winter months. Greek Goddesses Demeter and Persephone represent the Mother making the land and crops barren in anger while her daughter, the Maiden is held captive in the Underworld. Also at this time it is traditional to collect stones for new magical circles and altars, bringing the energies of the Earth at this time. In Latin countries, this same image of a maiden wearing a crown of burning candles is Santa Lucia. Lucia is obviously a feminine form of the name Lucifer, the Light Bearer, who in Italian traditions is the brother/consort of Diana Maiden Goddess of the Moon. To the ancient Greeks, he is the son of the Goddess Eos, Goddess of the sunrise and is identified with the morning star, and also Prometheus, bearer of celestial fire to humanity, bringing them to material and spiritual civilisation.

Imbolc was originally set aside not as a Sabbat but a day of honouring the Goddess to bring us back from the dark winter to Spring. Every Sabbat has its opposite and Lughnassadh and Imbolc express the waxing and waning www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


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June July August 2015 Edition

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Guidance aia’s

Hello Gaia, May you please let me know what is coming up for me career wise? Bec M

Bec I see that you are looking straight ahead on your career path and life path as well. As I look through your eyes I get the feeling like ‘wiping the sleep out of the eyes’. This is a great omen as it speaks of clearing your own vision and looking further ahead than usual for yourself. Do not be afraid of changes that come this year my dear. They are designed to take you upwards and onwards in your career path and personal growth. I do see a problem with papers or qualifications or what is expected of you and a feeling of you wanting to move on or move forward. This does not have to be worried about nor forced, as it will unfold when the timing is right. Guides say: “The pay is good”. Be proud of what you have achieved so far. It is time for you to acknowledge and celebrate this.

Hi Gaia, Are there more children in my future? If so when and how many? Melinda F I am told it is time for you to follow your own inner guidance more Melinda. We all have gut feelings about people and situations in our lives. I am certain you already have gut feelings around more children, and I have to say…they are right. I 26

June July August 2015 Edition

feel at this stage there are a few small challenges in relationship that need to be ironed out. I do see happy outcome and hear also of a trip away that will help. It is a time for you to work on clearing away what no longer serves you, to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate. I feel babies will be held off until next year. Hello Gaia, Is my husband on the right path & what can I do to help him? Sam & Tanya W

Hi Sam and Tanya. When I look through your husbands eyes, he looks high up above him, which shows me his dreams are really big on his life path and what he is looking at in life is a high climb and will take strength and determination. It also shows that he is here for much more than the average Joe. I am shown he has quite a tendency to ‘bend over backwards to please everyone’ and while that is very nice, he does need to watch that that does not affect his ability to stay focused and see clearly where he’s going (as it currently does). There is no turning back. He is on the right path. I see a really big financial decision that is pending, but the outcome is truly great. Like I said, no turning back. You can help him best by reassuring him of this, helping his focus and remind him not to bend over too far backwards. And I get the word ‘family’ and feel you will play an important role in dealing with

someone from his side of the family. Trust him. Dear Gaia I would love to know if our finances will improve enough to pay off all our debt. Please and thank you. Sofie O Good question Sofie, and one I am sure a lot of people would like to know. Your feet are well planted on the ground. This is about foundation and support, and while I feel this ground is not shaky at the moment, sometimes it must feel as though life is moving very slowing or that it is hard to take the next step forward. I feel it is time for you to ‘lighten up’ a bit my dear. Life becomes too damn serious, especially when we are worries or concerned about finances. Take time out to do the simple things in life that give you pleasure and you will find that life weighs you down less. Remember to smile. I really feel that if you can’t see your way clear of debt, it may be making it difficult to make that happen. One of the secrets to manifestation is that “If you can’t see it, you can’t achieve it” and also (If you can see it, you can achieve it). See yourself as already free, take the time to do this and activate your feeling centers when you do. Life is all about feeling good. I am assured by spirit that there is great sense of balance

around your finances and that if you are already not feeling that, that this is on the way to you. I do see a house move for a young man in your future. Try not to look backwards any more… only forwards my dear. After a woman has a trip to hospital (she will be fine), there will be a good letter or phone call that will see that good financial balance. Try also not to worry and above all, keep your hope centred on what you want. Hello Gaia, Will I be able to buy a house soon? Thank you Jess R OMG! You are fiercely independent and strong willed my dear! You can make anything happen in your world, but you are also learning that wonderful lesson of patience with the timing of the Universe. I am drawn ahead to 4 months’ time and I see that then there is a shift in the Universe that clears the path to your dream. I feel your goal may be a little further off than you may want and it requires more work, but I am certain you will purchase a house and when you do, there is a strong sense of ‘I have made the right decision’ that goes with it. I see that you have good belief in yourself and am reminding you to believe strongly in what you are manifesting.


Hello Gaia, When will I find true love? Thanks, Evie C So many thoughts on your mind. So many ideas and ideals Evie. And I feel you are tired of carrying the weight of the world on your own shoulders and would like someone to share that burden. When I look through your eyes psychically, with your question in mind, you look to the right, which is the male side, but not it’s not the relationship side of life! I get from this that you may find relationships confusing, and I distinctly heard the words “not looking in the right direction”. This can indicate that where you are looking for a relationship, a man or that someone special is not where you will find him. More confusion. Anger, frustration. Many emotions. Too hard. Giving up. Evie be true to yourself. At this stage I am not shown ‘the one’, nor am I given a time. But what I am shown is that when you uplift and treat yourself as though you are in love with you, you will start to look in the right direction. From then, I am shown a vision of a whole world of lovely experiences opening up for you. True love is about connecting with someone. Keep your connections open.


A-Z of Culinary


“Invaluable for Food Lovers” Q Quatre-epices - A French spice mixture containing ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and pepper. This mixture is used to season stews and pâtes. Quenelle - A dumpling made from fish or meat forcemeat. Quesadilla - Originally a corn masa empanada filled with meat then deep fried. Modern versions found throughout restaurants are made with flour tortillas that are filled with cheese and folded over when cooked. Quiche - An open top pie made of eggs, milk or cream, and anything else within reach. The most famous of these is the quiche Lorraine of Alsace, made with bacon and Gruyere cheese. Quince - This yellow-skinned fruit looks and tastes like a cross between an apple and a pear. Its texture and flavour make it better cooked than raw. Its high pectin content make it ideal for use in jams, jellies, and preserves.

R RADICCHIO - A member of the chicory family with red and white leaves. The different varieties range from mild to extremely bitter. The round Verona variety are the most common . Radicchio is used most often in salads, but is quite suitable to cooked preparations. Ragout - A French term for stew made of meat, fish, or vegetables. Ratatouille - A vegetable stew consisting of onions, eggplant, sweet peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes flavoured with


garlic, herbs, and olive oil. Traditionally simmered until all of the vegetables are quite soft and the flavour has blended into one, ratatouille takes on the appearance of marmalade. Newer versions reduce the cooking time, allowing the vegetables to retain some of their original identity. Ravioli - Stuffed pasta dough served in broth or with sauce. Remoulade - This classic French sauce is made by combining mayonnaise (usually homemade) with mustard, capers and chopped gherkins, herbs and anchovies. It is served chilled as an accompaniment to cold meat, fish and shellfish. Rennet - An extract from the stomach of lambs and calves used in cheese making to coagulate milk. There are also rennets obtained from vegetables such as cardoons. Rigatoni - Large pasta tubes with ridged sides. Rijsttafel - A Dutch word, meaning "rice table". It is a Dutch version of an Indonesian meal consisting of hot rice accompanied by several (sometimes 20 or 40) small, well-seasoned side dishes of seafoods, meats, vegetables, fruits, sauces, condiments, etc. Risotto - An Italian preparation of rice resulting in a creamy liaison with stock and butter. This may be served as a first course, main course, or side dish and embellished with meat, seafood,cheese, or vegetables. The best known version of this dish is risotto ala Milanese, with saffron and parmesan cheese. Rissole - Small pies similar to empanadas and piroshki. They are filled with meat, June July August 2015 Edition

by Steve Duncan vegetables, or cheese and deep fried. Rissole - The British version of small savoury pies. Rosti - A Swiss potato pancake made from cooked potatoes, sometimes flavoured with bacon. Rouille - A thick sauce similar to aioli, made of dried chiles, garlic, and olive oil. Rouille is traditionally served with bouillabaisse and soup de poisson. Other recipes also add saffron and tomatoes. Roux - A mixture of flour and fat used to thicken sauces, soups, and stews. Though usually made with butter, rouxs are also made with bacon or poultry fats, margarine, and vegetable oil. The mixture is cooked for a brief time to remove the raw taste of the starch from the flour. Longer cooking results in a darker colour, which is favourable in Creole cooking where rouxs are cooked for long periods until they reach a dark brown colour.

S Sabayon - See the definition under zabaglione. Sable - A rich short cookies similar to shortbread. Saffron - A spice consisting of the dried stigma of the Crocus sativus plant, originating in the eastern Mediterranean, now grown as well in Spain, France, and South America. It has a characteristic pungent aroma and flavour and bright yellow colour. It is also very expensive and used sparingly. Saffron is indispensable in paella and bouillabaisse. A good substitute for the yellow colour is turmeric, though nothing can replace its unique flavour.

Salt Cod - Cod that has been salted and dried to preserve it for long periods of time. Salt cod is evident in cuisines of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas. To reconstitute the fish, you must soak it in many changes of fresh water to remove the excess salt. You may then poach the fish until it is just flaking off the bone, or use it raw for other preparations. Saltimbocca - An Italian dish comprised of thin slices of veal, rolled around ham and cheese, seasoned with sage and braised until tender. Saltpeter - The name for potassium nitrate, which is used primarily in the meat industry to help preserve cured meats. It gives a distinctive pink colour to hams and bacon. There are recent reports that nitrates, and nitrites are carcinogenic.

Scone - a small unsweetened or lightly sweetened biscuit like cake made from flour, fat, and milk and sometimes having added fruit Sea Urchin - A round spiny creature found off the coast. The only edible portion is the coral, usually eaten raw with fresh lemon juice. Semifreddo - Meaning "half cold", this is gelato with whipped cream folded into it. Semolina - A coarse flour made from durum wheat, used in making pasta and bread. Seviche - A Spanish dish of raw fish, scallops, or shrimp marinated in citrus juices until the flesh becomes "cooked". Onions, peppers, and chiles are then added to finish the dish.

Sambuca - An anise-flavoured, not-tosweet Italian liqueur which is usually served with 2 or 3 dark-roasted coffee beans floating on top. Samosa - An Indian snack of deep fried dumplings stuffed with curried vegetables. Most common of the fillings is potatoes or cauliflower with peas.

Scampi - Another word for langoustine. This word is used in the US as a description of shrimp broiled with butter, lemon, and garlic.

Sorrel - Low perennial herb with acid leaves. It is used to flavour sauces. Soy Sauce - A condiment from Southeast Asia and Japan made from fermented soy beans. There are different varieties of soy sauce available. Darker, stronger sauces are used for cooking while lighter ones are used as sauces and seasonings. Japanese soy sauce is called shoyu. Spatzle - This is a coarse noodle from Alsace and Germany made of flour, eggs, oil, and water. The soft dough is dropped into boiling water(with a spatzle press) and poached until cooked through. The noodle is then fried in butter or oil and served as a side dish to meat dishes. Spatzle may also be flavoured with cheese, mushrooms, and herbs.

Spring Roll - Thin sheets of dough which are filled with meat, seafood, or vegetables and rolled into logs. Spring rolls are most often deep fried, though they may also be steamed. Chinese versions use wheat doughs, while the Vietnamese and Thai versions use a rice paper wrapper.

Sashimi - A Japanese dish of raw fish, shellfish, and mollusks served with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled vegetables. Sushi is similar but it is served with vinegared rice, and may also include nori seaweed, vegetables, and strips of cooked eggs similar to omelettes. A common accompaniment to this is pickled ginger.

Savarin - A ring-shaped cake made of a rich yeast dough, soaked with a rum syrup, and filled with pastry or whipped cream.

Soba Noodle - Buckwheat noodles resembling spaghetti, used in Japanese cooking.

Speck - Cured and smoked pork flank.

Sangria - Spanish drink made from sweet red wine, pieces of fresh fruit (usually orange and lemon), spices (cinnamon,cloves)

Satay - Also spelled sat‚ and sateh. These are pieces of meat or fish threaded onto skewers and grilled over a flame. Several variations of these are seen throughout Southeast Asia. A spicy peanut sauce is served with meat satay in Vietnam and Thailand.

salmon and sturgeon, and a selection of canapĂŠs.

Stock - A flavoured broth from meats, fish, shellfish, and vegetables. These are the basis of sauce and soup making. Strudel - Paper thin pastry rolled around sweet fillings of fruit, nuts, or cheese. Savoury versions of this are similar to the Russian coulibiac.

Shortbread - A butter-rich cookie from Scotland, often seasoned with lemon, cinnamon, ginger, almonds, and cumin. Shoyu - Japanese for Soy Sauce. Smorgasbord - A Swedish buffet of many dishes served as hors d oeuvres or a full meal. Similar buffets are served throughout Scandinavia, as well as the Soviet Union. Common elements of a smorgasbord are pickled herring, marinated vegetables, smoked and cured www.whitelightmagazine.com.au

Sugar Syrup - Differentiating from natural syrups, this term refers to a solution of sugar and water. Simple syrups are made with equal quantities of water and sugar. Heavy syrup is made with twice as much sugar as water. These types of syrups are used in making sorbets, soft drinks, and for soaking cakes. Sweetbread - The culinary term for the thymus gland of an animal. Those of veal and lamb are most commonly eaten. The pancreas is also considered a sweetbread, but its taste and texture is inferior to that of the thymus gland.


Min A

ll we really have is this moment, this moment that I am typing on my laptop to you and you are reading these words of mine. Everything else is an illusion, a fabrication of our minds. Memories, of what happened to us in the past, future projections, allowing the mind to go gallivanting around wherever it so chooses. Most of us live in a constant state of nowhere land. To be fully present in your life is to settle down with full focus and attention into each moment of your life as it occurs. This is mindfulness. To cast aside all judgmental forms of thinking, whether it is directed at yourself or at others in and around your life. I was watching a video this afternoon of a monk explaining how he has chosen to live each moment of his life in a state of mindful awareness. He views his thoughts as seeds that grow trees, and from these trees he can grow many things, worries, selfdoubt, anger, jealousy, frustration, greed…the list is endless. By actively 30

choosing to not give these thoughts any energy as and when they appear in his mind, he actively supresses their growth and they remain inactive. He told of how he was practicing a walking meditation with his fellow monk mates and as they were in the middle of their walk he spotted a car advancing down the road towards them from a fair distance away. He acknowledged the many varied thoughts that suddenly were whizzing around his mind….’who is driving the car?’ ‘Do they not know driving is not allowed here in the monastery surrounds?’ ‘How am I supposed to meditate when I can see a car that is not supposed to be here?’ ‘I wonder what type of car it is?’ etc., etc., etc, It is at this precise point in time that he decided to take control of his mind and tell himself that he was enjoying the meditation walk and that the car did not matter at all. He then proceeded to be fully involved in walking and all of his previous mind crafted worries faded to nothing. He watched his feet caressing the leafy ground and was focused on his walking motion. He June July August 2015 Edition

became grateful that it was a sunny day and he could feel the warmth of the sun on his body. Giving his mind a rest, he embraced the tranquillity of being in each moment without the stress of endless self-inflicted questioning. You don’t have to be a monk to think this way. Each one of us holds within the power to live mindfully. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes. Your breathing steadies, you gain clarity of thought and senses sharpen as they hone in on the here and now and only the here and now. You can have a go at it right now if you like. Become aware of how you are feeling, the air on your skin, if you are feeling comfortable enough as you read these words, the sounds you are hearing as you read. If you are eating or drinking, take time to truly taste each mouthful, think about how the food makes you feel. Enjoy the sensation of breathing in, then focus full attention on exhalation. It is so good to give the

ndfulness by Jane O’Connor-Chapman mind a break from all of the endless chatter that we put it through each day and night. Pause yourself for a few moments, instead of rushing to fill your time by checking Facebook or your emails, stop and look around you. If you are near a window take a few minutes to watch and see what is occurring through it. Can you see trees outside? If so, focus your mind on the tree, this is time for you to connect and not rush. Notice how your body feels, do you have any tense areas, if you sense them, acknowledge them and roll your shoulders, ease the tension. Once again, as you breathe in, experience the breath, as you breathe out, enjoy the movement of air from your lungs out through your nostrils. When we are distracted and in a constant rush, we let life zoom by and before you know it, it is like we are on a hamster wheel with no end to the incessant turning insight. Mindfulness lets us stop the wheel, it gives us a mind vacation.

Next week will come, next month will come, and next year will soon be here. Let us all choose to enjoy the now. To focus mind and not wander off into creating those seemingly endless worries and energy draining what ifs. To listen and enjoy, to watch and observe.

not frantically dwindle away as it once did before. You cease the endless rush. Pausing now and then to be an active participant of your life, savouring each moment instead of wishing yourself into the next one. I wish you joy and hope that you give yourself the gift of mindfulness.

When you decide to give mindfulness a go, it is uplifting and time seems to

Many blessings! Jane x



Vegan Sweets

Chocolate Brownie and Peanut Butter Parfait

Raw Vanilla, Matcha and Coconut Macaroons

Ingredients 1/2 serving Chocolate Brownie Base Chocolate mousse: 1/2 ripe avocado 1 small banana (keep a few thin slices for decoration) 1 heaped tablespoon of raw, organic cacao powder Splash of nut milk 1 small handful of walnuts Additional Ingredients: Optional – 1 heaped tablespoon of organic & natural peanut butter Optional - 1 pinch of unrefined sea salt 1 serving coconut whipped cream Toppings: Raw pecans & pistachios cacao nibs Vegan chocolate sauce peanut butter

Ingredients 4 Medjool dates, pitted and soaked 2 tbsp. coconut butter 1-2 tsp. matcha powder 1 tbsp. lucuma powder/coconut nectar and more to taste 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp. shredded coconut pinch of Salt

Preparation For the Base: Start by making half a batch of chocolate brownie base. Place in the fridge. For the Mousse: Blend all ingredients – except walnuts – in a food processor until soft Add walnuts at the very end into the food processor, so they are only roughly chopped Place in the fridge for about an hour. Assembly: Blend all ingredients to make your coconut whipped cream and place in the fridge. Take some nice glasses and start creating the layers. Start with a layer of chocolate mousse, then a layer of brownie, then a layer of coconut whipped cream. Add some peanut butter for an extra nutty flavour. Repeat until you fill the glasses and garnish with your favourite toppings.


Preparation Drain the soaked dates and place them into a blender or food processor with the softened coconut butter. Slowly add the vanilla and the sweetener of your choice (I used both lucuma powder and coconut nectar, but you can also add more dates instead). Add in the salt and shredded coconut and keep mixing until a thicker “dough” forms. You want the mixture to be able to stick together and not be too runny, and if it is add extra shredded coconut. If your mixture is too solid and not sticky, add more liquid sweetener and/or coconut butter. When you get the right consistency, roll the dough into a ball to form a macaroon. If you’d like, roll the ball into some more shredded coconut. Set the macaroons on a covered plate to chill in the fridge before serving.

June July August 2015 Edition

Mango Lime Tartlet Ingredients 1 chopped mango (to create texture in the mango puree) Tartlet crust: 1 cup mulberries 1/2 cup pecans 2 large Medjool dates 1 1/2 cups gluten-free oats Mango Puree: 4 mangoes, peeled 2-3 limes, juiced 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp chia seeds pinch sea salt splash of maple syrup (optional, also, may add up to 1 tbsp) Preparation Blend all of the tartlet ingredients until moist. Press into tartlet pans and set in the freezer for 30 minutes. I like to cut out circular parchment paper pieces and put it in the bottom of each tartlet pan so the crust pops out a little easier. While the crust is setting, puree the mango ingredients in the blender until smooth. Gently pop the tartlet crusts out of the pans using a toothpick. Stir the chopped mango into your puree and pour into each tartlet. Enjoy!

Spiced Pear Crisp Ingredients 4-6 pears, sliced or cut up into chunks juice of 1 lemon 2 – 3 tsp agave 2/3 cups raw walnuts 2/3 cup raw pecans 1/4 cup hemp hearts 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp ginger (I did use powder in this recipe) pinch Himalayan sea salt 4-6 Medjool dates Preparation Stir pears, lemon and agave together well. (I like putting the pears in a shallow baking dish). Throw the rest of the ingredients into a processor or blender and pulse coarsely. Pour the mixture over the sliced pears so that it is evenly spread out. The best part is it is ready – no baking! Top with Cashew Whip or serve plain. Cashew Whip 1 cup raw cashews 1 tsp vanilla 1-2 tbsp sweetener- depending on how sweet you like it 4 ice cubes Start with 1/4 cup water (might need more to reach desired consistency) Preparation Throw all ingredients into the Vitamix or other high powered blender and start blending. You will need to add more water until desired consistency. I don’t like mine too runny but not too thick either. It’s not as fluffy as whipped cream, but it’s so much tastier and healthier! These little differences can make eating healthy so much easier – in more ways than one!! Cut up some fruit in a bowl and pour over top – and enjoy!! Add some cereal or nuts or hemp if you like!

Raw Raspberry Lemon Doughnut Holes Ingredients 2 cups finely shredded dried coconut 1 cup ground flaxseed 1/2 cup dried organic raspberries 1/2 cup soft medjool dates, pitted (if not soft, soak them for 30 minutes in filtered water and drain well) 1/4 tsp sea salt 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 1/3 cup lemon juice (or as needed) 2 Tbsp lemon zest 4 scoops vanilla lucuma protein powder 1 cup finely shredded, dried unsweetened coconut (for the “powdered sugar”) Preparation Combine coconut and flaxseed in the food processor and process until well blended and the consistency of flour. Add the raspberries, dates, lemon juice and zest, sea salt, extract and protein powder and process until smooth and starting to hold together when squeezed (if it is not holding together add a little more juice). Roll into 12 balls. For the Coconut Powdered Sugar: add the cup of finely shredded, dried unsweetened coconut to a high speed blender and blend until it is powder (but not too long or you will get butter!) Roll donuts in coconut powdered sugar and enjoy!


Strawberry Cheesecake Ingredients Crust: 1 cup buckwheat flour ½ cup walnuts 8 Medjool dates ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon salt Filling: 2 cups soaked cashews 1 cup coconut milk ¼ cup coconut oil 4 dates 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Juice of 1 lemon ¼ teaspoon salt Strawberry frosting: 2 cups strawberries 4 Medjool dates Juice half a lemon Preparation Place walnuts and buckwheat flour in the food processor and pulse into a flour. Add dates, vanilla and salt and process until mixture begins to stick together. Press the dough into a 9-inch pan to make the crust. Combine the filling ingredients in a blender, except the coconut oil. Melt the coconut oil and add into the mixture until well combined. Pour the filling into the crust and place in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Blend the strawberries with the dates and lemon juice until smooth. When the filling is hard enough take the cake out of the freezer and pour the strawberry frosting on top. Garnish with some fresh strawberries and serve.


HOROSCOPES June July & August 2015 by Sammi Dean




A new door is opening for you, new ideas are beginning to flow, you may find yourself feeling like your floating on a cloud, You have unlimited potential now, and are ready for the changes that are about to happen. You are spiritually guided and protected, and becoming more open intuitively and aware of Spirits presence, A Healer by nature, open up to the unexpected and enjoy the Magic. Protect yourself from gossip and negative energies from others. Be aware of what's going on in your life, watch your money and keep things honest and secure. Allow yourself to be happy, and enjoy some leisure time. Trust your feelings at this time, is somebody being dishonest with you or are you deceiving yourself? Is there something you may be lying to yourself about? Make sure you have all the information you need before making any decisions.

Get packing, there maybe some upcoming travel or a house move, you may be thinking of going to a retreat or class, or it could be a work related trip. Or maybe its time to change jobs, whatever you choose your plans should go off without a hitch. Life is a journey, and the Universe is telling you that you have some exciting and inspiring adventures ahead You may have been feeling a little stuck or restricted, remember any drama that has been going on around you doesn't belong to you, don't let it stop you moving forward. You maybe waiting to sign contracts etc or tying yourself up in negative thinking, time to cut the vines and make some changes now. You don't have to live in chains anymore, the door is opening, walk through it, it is time!!

It is time to see the signals and signs around you that bring greater clarity, emotional balance, and purpose in your life. Time to make a more balanced approach to family and love at this time. There could be the presence of a new Love coming into your life, one who is thoughtful and aware of you and your feelings, it could also be a change in your partner or a friend. Time to let go of stress and stop brooding, look out of the window, the storm is passing, release your worries to the universe and relax. Brooding and fretting wont solve anything. Trust you and your process. meditate, when you live with a relaxed mind and heart you will receive al the solutions that you are seeking. Be positive and strive forward.

Taurus Positive change is ahead, whether your working on some inner healing, or looking to make some external changes like moving house, just know the changes you have been working on are ready to bloom and blossom with outstanding results!!.Your life is opening up and new opportunities are about to appear. This is a time of increased power for you, not the time to be passive or submissive. Speak your truth, take control, now is the time to direct your own destiny. Inner strength and unlimited resourcefulness flows through you now. Ask the Universe to help you focus and do what you need to do to make your dreams a reality. 34

Cancer You maybe feeling like you want to off load, if so is there a friend you can confide in at this time?, you maybe seeking out a teacher or just someone to help you with some guidance. It may also be time for a new love interest, someone kind, cautious and aware. There's a side to yourself ready to blossom, find your voice and let yourself shine!!. Imagine a Golden light at the center of your solar plexus, you maybe holding on to some emotional baggage which can be blocking your emotions and desires. Clear it and know that it is now time to move towards the completion of new desires. Your Soul is calling you to make changes, focus your energy, and know the power is with and in you now!!.

June July August 2015 Edition

Virgo Free your mind of clutter, feel the energy now flowing through your crown chakra. Time to trust your intuition and feelings, allow guidance from your higher awareness to flow, find yourself a quiet place and listen. Get connected Spirit is all around you now, a family member or friend is assisting you at this time helping you to find answers to the questions you seek and the blessings you deserve. You maybe having some problems with your spine, stand tall, time to move forward, your energy is flowing freely now clearing any issues especially those of insecurity. Know you are strong and capable to take action, move forward on your path, allow yourself to have faith in your own power and security, now and always.

Sammi Dean Psychic medium & Tarot Reader Psychic TV email: psychicsammi11@gmail.com FB: Sammi Dean Spiritual & Clairvoyant Tarot Reader Past Life, Spiritual path and Pet Astrologer




If you have been thinking of a partnership, making new friends or manifesting a new love be on the look out for these things presenting themselves to you now. If already in a relationship you may find yourselves becoming more intimate, and present with each other. There is a deep Karmic connection at work here, enjoy. Are you stuck in a habit? Doors are opening now, time to take a different course whether it’s in your thoughts, behaviour or major life decisions. You have many options, take a wider look at things, you are more empowered now to make decisions, be conscious, aware, flexible and willing to take on new and different directions showing themselves to you.

You are on your Karmic path, What you are going through now is all a part of your soul's process. You are heading in the right direction, Spirit surround you now, helping you with personal growth and life lessons. Follow your higher intentions and personal priorities, connect with Spirit and your higher self, move forward and enjoy this wonderful life expanding time. It maybe time to close the door and walk away from something which has been holding you back. now is the time to let go of old habits emotional patterns and beliefs. No matter how negative a situation maybe, know you have the power to release it and move on. Time to look at your options and move forward on the road ahead. Know important new beginnings are just around the corner.

Are you giving your spirit permission to roam and be free? You have a choice to be stuck inside a cage with the key around your neck or be free and allow yourself the choice to shift your focus. Widen your spiritual perspective, there may be a lot of money or personal pleasures coming your way. Don't fear the unknown, Allow your spirit the freedom to roam, step on the path and follow your truth. If your looking for a new relationship or more love in a present one the door is opening. You are being bought together by a strong resonant connection. It may be a past life or a new tenderness about to bloom into heartfelt affection. Make sure you are projecting the kind of self loving energy that you want to receive from others. The door is closed, are you ready to open it??



It is time to pay attention, a Man who is wise, thoughtful and strong may appear to assist you and help educate you in your chosen direction. It is a time for professional and personal growth. It may also be time for a new love interest or perhaps a friend coming your way. Time to learn what you can. A new discipline, course, healing practice or study could change your life. A time for completion, wrap things up and let your intuition guide you. Clean out the closet, get rid of clutter and act on your intentions. The circle has ended, Open yourself up, meditate and go within. Go outside be with nature and reflect. Be open and understand the cycle you have been in and let it go. Take action and enjoy all the new experiences ahead waiting for you.

It is time to relax, don't focus you thoughts just in one direction, there is a positive solution to satisfy your needs and make you happy. You are blocking positive solutions from coming your way. Let go of anxiety and be flexible. Be patient. open and creative. Choose to be peaceful in the present, the universe has a plan for you, be silent, broaden your perspective and let it show you. Things may have been a little out of sync in the past, but greater things are now moving and showing themselves. Look out for signs, balance your physical and emotional energy. If you feel yourself going off center or out of balance call on the universe to help bring you back. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction, bringing you a peaceful and joyous outcome.

Scorpio Time for new beginnings, the Sun is smiling down on you now, nurture yourself, allow the light of new inspirations and personal growth to develop. A great time for creativity or a new project, maybe the birth of a baby or a new you. A time to express and visualize. Fill your heart with divine love bringing you blessings, abundance, and growth. The time is now to express your truth and wisdom. You are more grounded spiritually protected, and connecting to the spirit world, you are in charge of your own life and choices. Time to turn your difficulties into blessings. Claim your power and embrace the intentions in your heart and bring them into your daily life. Direct your destiny and the mists of the future will clear into a brilliant reality.



A Quiet Winter T

he Wheel of the Year slows and brings us to winter – a time of rest and contemplation. This part of the year is ruled by the Crone Goddess, who epitomises the wisdom of one who has lived long and experienced much. The Crone realises the folly of racing around in circles, when more can be achieved by a bit of quiet contemplation to determine the best course before setting off. She knows the advantages of thinking before speaking and is wise enough to allow herself time to heal in both body and mind after illness or stressful situations. Spring will come soon enough, with its imperative to be busy; so now in the quiet of Winter let’s give ourselves permission to relax and recover from past pressure. Only if we fully experience the restfulness of this season, will we be energised and ready to throw ourselves into the next period of activity with gusto. Don’t feel guilty for sitting in the sun with a book or just pottering around the place, doing a bit here and a bit there – this is what we are meant to do in winter. We tend to be afraid that what we do today will become a pattern we can’t break, but if we work with the seasons, instead of trying to conquer them, we can actually achieve more with less stress, because we will be going with the prevailing flow of energy. We wouldn’t expect to do a full day’s work without a night’s sleep beforehand, but we still expect to be able to throw ourselves wholeheartedly into the creativity of spring without ever experiencing the relaxation of winter. So allow yourself to be guided by the Crone – spend time each day in contemplation and do some quiet, relaxing things – whether that means going for a walk, blending some incense, or just playing with the cat. You will be rewarded with more energy when you need it, if you absorb the quiet of winter now. Blessed be, Morganna.


June July August 2015 Edition

Groups OakSun Grove - Gold Coast

Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com

Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts

Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com

Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com

Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris 0418 787 854

The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com

Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Crazy Clarks), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris: 0418 787 854.



Working with Higher Realms in Daily Life


earning to view life from a perspective of energy can open up a whole expanse of living a balance between the material and Spiritual worlds. The concept that we are soul energy inhabiting a physical body on a journey of human experience, takes on more reality when we take note of different situations that affect us energetically. It is not hard to recognise that every person we meet has a slightly different “vibration”, if we are conscious of discerning it. Everybody’s energy is different depending on their life’s experiences, what issues they are working through and how much work they have put into their evolvement. Someone on a committed path of growth and service may have a much lighter vibration than someone working through issues of stress, addiction or compulsive behaviours. Likewise some places with a low energy vibration can drag our energy down, while others with a higher energy can be uplifting. The key is to practice discernment and observation without judgement or projecting right or wrong onto what we feel. It can be good practice to walk past a few business places – restaurants, cafes, hairdressers etc – and discern how they feel before spending time there. Does it feel uplifting and light, or heavy, intense? What does your feeling radar tell you? As a soul we are pure energy and consciousness – the body gets left behind when we pass on. As energy we can be affected by other energies around us, negative and positive. Learning to take control of our own energy, keeping it clear and in a higher space and consciously deciding what energies to get involved in and what not to, is a key to developing strong self leadership and psychic discernment. Just as we look after the physical body and keep it healthy, so it pays to keep our energy healthy. That way we are in a stronger space to be of service to others, ourselves and more effective in the world. The more we work through and release negative habit patterns and behaviours also, the higher our energy resonates and the more we are in alignment with higher life-


force energies and insights that can support us. This also opens up the realm of consciously working with Spirit Guides, something ancient shamans have been doing since the dawn of time and a skill that is easily-learned and natural for anyone to do with a teacher who has good motives and clear integrity. There is much written about Spirit Guides and many cultures have different names for them, they are nothing new or strange. Indigenous cultures in New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific, north and south America and most other continents talk of being able to connect with their “ancestors” or the “elders who have gone before” for guidance and insight. Different religions have names for them also – the Christian Bible talks openly of “guardian angels” or the “holy spirit”. Buddhist healers and others are well acquainted with working in teamwork with healing deities. It can pay to demystify the realm of Spirit Guides and give it some modern-day reality focus and practical application. There are plenty of different explanations of Spirit Guides about, so it pays to listen for what resonates for you on a soul level. When people pass on, their soul gravitates to whatever level of consciousness they have achieved at that point. People who have mastered the lessons they came to learn and have been committed to their life purpose and service evolve as a much higher plane of consciousness. When these higher frequency energies come around us, it gives the aura a tingling sensation and often a sense of wellbeing goosebumps, or “quickening of the flesh”. Quite often this is a time of subtle messages to be aware of. People who have learned to work with their guides effectively can be open to a lot of helpful insight and wisdom. While some schools of thought claim only certain people can channel their guides and others, it is a natural skill that can be learned by anyone who is ready and open – if it is taught properly. A good teacher will show people where and how to look and will coach them, but won’t give them their answers. That is their responsibility and freedom to develop. Just as in daily life, there are energies on all different levels on the Spiritual plane and a good teacher will ensure people learn to connect with only the highest genuine levels. Just as with driving on the highway, there are certain guidelines needed to ensure safety, protection and a smooth, productive journey. June July August 2015 Edition

When I first learned to connect deliberately and consciously with my own team of guides 37 years ago under the Americana Leadership College, I was taught the following basics and have worked on developing them since: ● Everyone has a team of Spirit Guides whose service is to help them on their life journey. Different people can have a different number of guides, according to what they came to learn or master ● Those guides have mastered the specific lessons we are here to master and can help with insight to make the journey and evolvement easier ● The guides are there to help us with our life purpose, they are not there to get involved in areas that take us off-purpose or are detrimental for us ● They are non-judgemental and have universal patience ● They respect our free will and would never try and force us to do anything against our free will, even if we choose difficult learning lessons! ● They are there to help with suggestions if called on and will not interfere – although often they will warn or protect us if situations of danger arise (many people have experience of this) ● They have a sense of lightness, often a sense of humour and are there to enjoy the journey and fellowship with us Learning to work quickly and effectively with our guides is a valuable skill and gives people the freedom and responsibility to get their own answers in life, at any time. Given the massive amount of information overload and world events unfolding around us, a secure connection with our own inner Spiritual world can offer a place of clear direction and solutions, peace, answers and a buffer against many of the fears plaguing our society. Paul Mischefski is a journalist, Spiritual counsellor and lifeskills coach based on Australia’s Gold Coast. He is an Ordained Minister and board member of the Spiritual healing foundation Peace Community Church International and has run seminars and groups in America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia over 36 years. Paul is also founder of CreateFlow Coaching Programs and works with sustainable communities and men’s consciousness networks. paulmis@powerup.com.au www.facebook.com/CreateFlow

Through the Eyes of a Faerie

Are you fearless?


e all fear something – some fearing more than others. Does that mean we’re not


NO, I don’t believe that it does. I believe to be fearless you must carry an element of fear. I love one quote from Oprah. She said, “Whatever you fear most has no power – it is the fear that has the power.”

by Tania Elizabeth

strong in the belief that you’re right when all others don’t necessarily feel the same way as you is fearless. To love is undeniably fearless. The dictionary says that fearless is showing a lack of fear. I prefer to reword that and state that to be fearless is to be courageous, with the heart of a lion. To be fearless is to be bold and maybe a little foolish at times.

Now what you do with this power is to where your following footstep will be placed. Do you succumb to fears mighty roar and go down with the ship, or do you fight back?

But hey, I’d rather be a fool to have tried, then to have never tried at all… isn’t that what they say? Remember, who you are is a testament to those fears that you have overcome, and that you continue to overcome. At the end of the day, we can choose to never feel, to place on a mask, to cloak ourselves in bubblewrap, and maybe not even step out of bed… but are we ever really then living? I am fearless. Are you?

Overcoming the fear is that which makes you fearless. It’s not allowing that fear to hold you down that makes you fearless. Fearlessness is living your life and moving forward in spite of those fears, that for the most part, are never and were never a consideration needed. To be fearless is to be so many things. To awake and start another day is fearless. To dream is fearless. To let yourself be vulnerable to cry is fearless. To doubt oneself and then turn it around is fearless. To say that you’re sorry is fearless. To admit when you are wrong is fearless. To stand www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Reviews by Mar ye-Ann The Secret Energy of Your Body by Irina Webster M.D. An inspiring and informative book by a medical doctor who is also an intuitive healer. She clearly explains step by step how the human energy field works and what takes place when the energy is out of balance. When illness strikes because of an energy imbalance healing can occur by putting the energy field to rights again. The book is filled with helpful information on how to recognise our energy field and understand when we are out of balance and begin the work of correction. For additional information please visit www.DrIrinaWebster.com RRP $29.99 + P&H

The Secret Energy of Colour by Irina Webster M.D. Dr. Webster has also devised a set of oracle cards to help us understand our own energy. The Secret Energy of Colour brings the special unique energy of colours to life for us, helping with the strengthening of our own intuitive feelings. Used separately or together, these represent a new and unique way to help ourselves deal with illness and healing. For additional information please visit www.DrIrinaWebster.com RRP $29.99 + P&H


June July August 2015 Edition

The Modern Oracle by Katy-K An oracle from a well known psychic that is geared to today’s world. The situations and problems are those that everyone faces or has faced (or will face) in business, general daily life, modern relationships. Together with the beautiful graphic art of Jen Mulligan, the handful of words on each card invites us to form a sentence or thought – intuitively and intellectually – that fits into today’s lifestyle. For additional information visit www.katy-k.com RRP $35.00

In Devotion by Kirtan An extraordinary CD of ancient Indian mantras, presented in the traditional manner of call and response. Harmonium and guitar as well as vocals by Arjuna. Beautiful music for background, meditation, or prayer. See www.bansuriaustralia.com.au RRP $22.00 Postage included

Peaceful Hearts by Terry Oldfield and Soraya Terry Oldfield and Soraya present a lovely offering of music to be at peace with. This may become a classic of its kind. See www.terryoldfield.com and www.sorayasaraswati.com RRP $24.99



Th e Lan g u ag e o f K no wi n g R eal i ti es Win te r 2 0 15 E dit ion Jun e, Ju ly & Au gus t 2 0 1 5 Presented by Rhondda Doherty


f we have heard the call of the Universal Self over the Autumn periods shedding process, then the willingness to continue to listen must also be present. Without the willingness to continue to listen then the significance of the past 3 months may be lost. In such times of deep transition, we may not always remember the Void period between the ending of one season and the beginning of the next. In Astrology we call this Void the Cusp. Its purpose is to ease the transition from one sign to the next by blending the two signs together. In the act of blending the outgoing slowly falls away as the incoming strengthens. Mother Earth does this same blending in all she does, for her purpose is always to maintain balance. She knows exactly what she needs and so waits in the void, whilst it manifests. Yet to us we may only see and experience one extreme, then the other, completely at odds with the change of season. As I write this I am reminded of hours of fun as a child, playing on a heavy, wooden see-saw. Of particular relevance here is the idea of balancing the two ends by straddling either side of the centre. It took some level of awareness to stand on one end and slowly walk up to that central point, where if we weren’t watching and feeling, the forward motion and gravity tips us over the other side.

In order to receive the gifts offered by the blending in the Void between Autumn’s shedding and Winter’s hibernation lies in the how, and in what state of being we are in as we approach the crossing point. The blending in the Void allows us one last look at all the ingredients we have used to create our realities in the preceding 12 month period. If we have been watching and

listening during the call of the Universal Self to shed, then all the remnants of the ingredients will be lying on the ground in front of us. Nothing that is ours by our own Divine Design can be overlooked by us. This is simply because our emotional and physical bodies will recognise our energy signature woven within them. The deeper we stay present in the nothingness of the Void the more easily we will mark its passage. In the marking of it’s passage we will know, which remnants of the ingredients we now need most, on a Soul level, to sustain us through to rebirth in Sparing! This is the see-saw effect. If we don’t give ourselves the time to contemplate what we have been called upon to shed, then all our bodies needs for rebirth, on a physical level, will continue to be distorted and in disharmony with the Soul’s journey. Simply put we will create the same reality, because we will not recognise the crossing point before the see-saw once again tips to the other extreme. In other words we do not stand long enough, or know ourselves deeply enough, in the Void to feel the blending of the energies of choice, before we take the next step. Use this hibernation period to deeply contemplate, beneath the surface of your waking mind, all that the Source of all Life has given to us to create our realities with. The time of poking around in the dark, expecting a different result, is at an end. We all know this, yet we still continue to approach the see-saw without first checking whether we are in balance before taking the next step! Happy Hibernation!

Rhondda Doherty, Dip. Counselling & Holistic Insight

Introducing “The Other Side of Life” The Real Path the Soul’ Travels Numerologist, Astrologer, Intuitive & Spiritual Counselling, Nervous System Alignment, Phone: 0410 528 817 Email: vision55@bigpond.com Web: www.soulfragments.com 42

June July August 2015 Edition


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