White Light - Summer 2016/2017

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

Do Crystals have a Spirit or Consciousness? by Nicola McIntosh

Angels, Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides

FREE Online

Print $12.60 Digital $2.95 Summer 2016/2017

What is Yoga?

by Joanna Mason

by Angel Rachel


Wendy Rule

Tales of a Travelling Witch White Light Magazine



Summer Edition 2016/2017

Editor’s Note


elcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Inside this Issue... 2 4 5 6 8 10 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 35 36

Health Wealth Lifestyle Magazine.. Coming Soon Editor’s Etchings OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation Upcoming Expos Ajna by Francie Griffin Witchcraft, Wicca & Pagan with Meg Cover Story: Wendy Rule - Tales of a Travelling Witch Time to go s..l..o..w.. by Jane O’Connor Chapman Book Review: The Call of Auberone Rune Magick Angels, Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides by Angel Rachel Do Crystals have a Spirit or Consciousness? by Nicola McIntosh What is Yoga? by Joanna Mason What are Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children by Angel Rachel Tarnia’s Musings with Tarnia Lee Sayer Reviews by Patricia Austin Putting your finger on Palmistry by Kalyi Amoto Stay True by Tania Elizabeth Numerology with Karen Horoscopes by Amanda Hall Pagan Pages Rates and Advertising Rates Wellbeing 4 Life Events Coffs Harbour Expo Health Harmony & Soul

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing in association with OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation. P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Ph: (07) 5525 0259 Fx: (07) 5525 0209 Mob: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au Summer Edition 2016/2017 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2016. White Light A Universal Publication.

White Light Magazine



016 is coming to an end & the last 6 months have been a huge success for our Expos. Starting with the 2 day Coffs Harbour event (in June) which was bigger than 2015, then our 2 new events at Kingscliff & Mount Tamborine went off as did the South Tweed Expo which was so busy all the readers & most of the exhibitors stayed back another hour to accommodate the general public’s needs. All my events are now done through my OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation so please don’t be confused when an Application Form turns up under a new name. 2017 is already set to start off with a rush as we have our first event on Saturday 7th January at the Bribie Sports Club & if it’s anything like this year it will be extremely busy.

There will be more events in different & new locations coming in 2017. White Light Magazine is going through a rebuild with a lot of new contributors & more to come. I thank the past contributors for their years of loyal contributions & I wish them well in their new endeavours. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I started the magazine & it’s amazing to realise that half way through next year it turns 20. I have to thank Bianca for all her hard work in putting it together in such a professional way. We wish all of you a joyous, relaxing & safe Festive Season. Until Next time Go with Love & Light


A very busy day at the Psychic Sunday on the 4th December at the South Tweed Sports Club!!


Summer Edition 2016/2017







OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation presents

Educating Future Generations

PSYCHIC SATURDAY What does 2017 have instore for you??

Bribie Island Sports Club 54 Toorbul Street, Bongaree

Saturday 7th January 2017 10am to 4pm Exhibitors which may include... * Healers * Great Food * Psychics * Complete Health * * Crystals * Books & CDs * Aura Camera * Jewellery * * Candles * Soaps * Aura Soma * Essential Oils * & much much more!

For information call 0419 709 661 White Light Magazine

Gold Coin Entry 5

“Anja Seed of Life�

Acrylic on Canvas Chakra Seed of Life card sets are now available by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist

Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com See samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook or on website www.franciegriffin.com Namaste 6

Summer Edition 2016/2017

Continuing this issue I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to AJNA I am the brow chakra and my name in Sanskrit is Ajna and this means “to command”. A balanced brow chakra helps us to think clearly. Many people prefer to call me their “third eye”. I am connected to clairvoyancy, inner wisdom, intellect and foresight. I am your centre of intuition and insight and govern the pituitary gland, pineal, nose, ears and eyes. I am located in the center of the forehead, between and slightly above the eyebrows. The brow chakra is an important point of entry for life force energy and from here the life force or chi is distributed to other chakras. It is important that it is kept clear and well balanced. The third eye has an enticing appeal to many spiritual seekers for here is the point of inner vision, it can be exciting and alluring and thus many seek to develop and open it whilst forgetting that all chakras are an integral part of the body’s energy system and need to all work in harmony as one unified system. Remember to keep the balance. When I am clear and balanced you will think more clearly and have a bigger vision of life. A clear, balanced third eye can increase your imagination and creativity. Insights into a world beyond the third dimensional can be gained. Developing your third eye heightens your intuition and psychic abilities giving you greater spiritual awareness and growth. When balanced the intellect is aligned with the intuitive mind. You will see the world mindfully and access the wisdom to make the best choices for your life. I see with truth. I see with wisdom. I understand. Read through the following suggestions that can help me remain clear and balanced, then close your eyes and envisage which ones resonate with and take at least one and dedicate the next 21 days to practicing this. This will help you to form a habit that will help you to become a visionary of love and truth and bring harmony to your life:

Meditate for at least 10 mins first thing in

the morning and before retiring at night with your focus gently on the third eye region.

Chant the sacred sound of Om for ten minutes or three times at the beginning and end of your meditation time.

Meditate upon a word of beauty such as Peace

Tape an amethyst to your third eye as you meditate, or make a crownlet by wrapping copper wire around the crystal and your head. (Copper will act as a conductor of the energy). Keep a dream journal.

Become aware of your thoughts and replace negative or low energy thinking with positive and uplifting thought processes.

Be aware of your physical, emotional and mental well being. The following are some signposts that your brow chakra may need clearing and balancing:

Feeling unfocused, lacking direction, thinking too hard and not gaining clarity

Depression or anxiety

Insomnia, Nightmares

soft focus upon this screen and ask…..Great Spirit what would you have me see in truth now… Affirm “It is safe to see” “I am Visionary, I am Wise” “I see in Truth” “I am” Gently open your eyes and step out into a day ready to put into action the wisdom and insight gained in your meditation. At the end of day lay your body down and gently close your eyes with your hand on your heart for a peaceful night’s sleep. “Om Shanti” I bless you and look forward to introducing you to the seventh chakra, crown chakra in the next issue. In Sanskrit it is called Sahasrara meaning “thousand petalled lotus”. Namaste

Migraines, vision and/or sinus problems

I invite you to connect with me in the following manner: In the morning and before you lay down to sleep at night connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus your attention softly, gently within me, your Brow Chakra, Ajna. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils and sense a beautiful cloud of indigo light emanating within you. This beautiful light begins to extend out in front of you and it forms a screen. Softly breathe in and out and keep a White Light Magazine




long time ago, in a lifetime far away, there were rituals and celebrations that marked the comings and goings of the seasons. The community would gather and celebrate the bounty that the Goddess and Jack of the Green had provided for their consumption and existence, honouring that which had gone before, while welcoming that which was coming to be. Each of the celebrations had a name and a purpose, with different deities being honoured depending on which festival was being celebrated with games and feasting, activities and events. Winter to Spring, Summer to Autumn and returning to Winter the seasons would come and go with predictability as folklore, traditions, beliefs and customs grew and were handed down from generation to generation, becoming common practise. Esbats, celebrate the 13 Full Moons and are in recognition of the Goddesses full power and her influence on the tides while, the Sabbats were the Solar masculine God equivalent festivals, revered for their importance in gaining positive spiritual favours. There are eight Sabbats, four major and four minor, which are associated with the varying changing seasons, throughout The Wheel of the Year. As most of the population was focused in the Northern Hemisphere, the dates and months of these festivals were determined by the Suns path around the globe centuries ago through the studies by ancient scholars, mystics and spiritual leaders from their northerly perspective. Summer and Winter Solstices mark, respectfully, the longest and shortest days of the year; while the Autumn and Spring Equinox’s celebrate the times of the year when both day and night are of equal time frames. Both Solstices and Equinoxes’ are celebrated within the


corresponding Sabbat festivals that are as follows for the Northern Hemisphere. THE NORTHEREN HEMISPHERE FESTIVAL NAME & DATES Samhain (Halloween) 31ST October Yule (Winter Solstice), 22nd December Imbolc, 2nd February Ostara (Spring Equinox) 21st March Beltane, 30th April Litha or Midsummer (Summer Solstice) 22nd June Lammas or Lughnasadh, 31st July Mabon (Autumn Equinox) 22nd September THE SOUTHERN HEMISPERE FESTIVAL NAME & DATES Samhain (Halloween) 30th April Yule (Winter Solstice) 22nd June Imbolc 31st July Ostara (Spring Equinox) 22nd September Beltane 31st October Litha or Midsummer (Summer Solstice) 22nd Dec Lammas or Lughnasadh 2nd February Mabon (Autumn Equinox) 21st March So, as our Northern Hemisphere brothers and sisters of America, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe are preparing to celebrate Yule time and Winter Solstice; Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina and our Southern neighbours are preparing to celebrate the festival of Litha and Summer Solstice. LITHA & SUMMER SOLSTICE Litha is the most intoxicating time of the year with many plants in full bloom displaying pretty colours while heavenly, sweet floral aromas scent the air. Warm breezes loyally caress the sun-kissed landscapes where

Summer Edition 2016/2017



by Mystic Meg

the horizon rises to meet azure blue skies, dotted with cotton wool clouds. Cool crystal streams run playfully along their way offering relief from the heat of the day, while insects are making a lazy hum as backing singers to the bird’s cheery songs. Summer is in full swing and the God and Goddess are entwined in the culmination of their creation. The Litha Festival is about celebrating the fruitfulness that comes from the efforts of past action. Crops ripen, baby animals become stronger, the fullness and lushness of the season is at its highest. It is also a turning point though, as this is time of the year that the days begin to get shorter and the daylight hours begin their slow recession to the cooler months.

Our day starts as the Sun rises and we wake to the majesty of the morning. The policy of the day is to come and go as you please, bring some of your harvest to share with other revellers, and enjoy yourself. Guests have been invited to come share a BBQ breakfast from7am consisting of fresh pancakes, croissants, fresh fruit pieces, bacon and eggs with fresh juice and coffee. Most, happily come before work to enjoy the beginnings of our day long celebrations and are welcome back when the work day is done, if during the working week, or if during the weekend stay joining in the merriment til they are ready to go.

Summer Solstice is about enjoying the sun, the outdoors and all the fun times to be had while the sun shines, when days are longer and nights are warmer. Planning outdoor activities to celebrate your Summer Solstice is must. Make it a point to invite family and friends to enjoy the event. Plan a BBQ, have daisy blooms available for young girls to traditionally make daisy chains to wear in their hair or as adornments around necks, wrists, and ankles, while the young boys traditionally help with the evening bonfire preparations of collecting kindling, stacking fallen sticks and branches. Playing in the sprinkler or going swimming, telling stories, laughing and having fun, listening to music and making music. Enjoy the fruits of your labours from your vegetable patch and herb garden to prepare fresh salad side dishes of summer seasonal vegetables. Harvested herbs can be used freshly picked, or dried and stored for later use or made into smudge sticks and incense to honour Lithas, fire and energy. There are many varying ways to make merry for Litha and Summer Solstice. White Light Magazine

mysticmeg181@gmail.com 9

Tales of a Travelling Witch A Life on the Road with Visionary Songstress

Wendy Rule


’m typing this from the Blue Mountains, NSW, having just arrived here last light by train from Melbourne. Although it was a long journey, it was a satisfying change from my usual long haul mode of travel, cramped in an airline seat as I make one of my numerous annual trips between the USA (my current home), Australia, and Europe. So why all this travel? Well, I’m fortunate enough to have created a career that combines two of my deepest loves: my spiritual connection with Nature, and my vocation as a singer and writer of songs. For the past 16 years I have been traveling internationally, taking my music and Magic out on the road, connecting with communities all over the world and sharing songs and tales of Nature, mythology, and my own personal emotional and spiritual connection with Life. Every year I get to experience incredibly diverse expressions of Earth`s beauty - from the broad painted deserts of America`s Southwest, to the tall, lush forests of its Pacific North West. From the dry, crackling River Red Gums of Victoria, to the fairytale beauty of the forests of Northern NSW. From the otherworldly moors of Cornwall and Wales, to the epic frozen waterfalls of Iceland, and the deep blue waters of remote islands in Greece. This, to me, is my Church, my temple, my Goddess. Mother Earth as a living, sentient being. I’ve always loved Nature, and always been able to find a way of connecting with its magical energies wherever I happen to be - whether that’s a friend’s city garden or the deep wilderness. When I was a kid, growing up in Blackburn (an Eastern suburb of Melbourne), I would spend my afternoons lying in the long grass in our rambling, overgrown acre block, or perched, daydreaming, high up in a tree. This yard to me was a paradise that seemed to have no boundary. I would create tunnels through the huge blackberry bushes - a forbidden zone because of the very real risk of poisonous snakes. But there I was after school most days, finding some patch of grass that the blackberries hadn`t claimed, and creating my own 10

little space to hang out with the flowers, the grasses, the Faeries, and of course, my Self. One of my favourite secret zones in this yard was an opening to the large floodwater drain - once, my parents told me, a sweet little creek through the property. Long before I could remember, the council had redirected this water into a huge underground pipe that flowed from the nearby park across the highway, under our property, and onwards to who knew where. But hidden in the blackberries was a magical opening to this Underworld - a concrete arch with rusted bars that echoed with mystery. It was here that I learned to sing, spending hours alone, playing with my voice and the huge natural reverb. As a Scorpio, how appropriate that I should find my voice by singing into the Underworld, allowing the once wild creek to carry my song to the sea. Singing was a private joy for me until my last couple of years of High School, when my friends and I joined the school musical, just for fun. How nice to discover that other people liked my voice too! I ended up playing Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz”, which got me hooked on the whole performing thing. I became dedicated to the path of the Singer, getting a part time job to pay for weekly classical singing lessons, which I continued into my early 20’s. After High School I joined a local theatre group and continued being involved in Musicals, but I knew that I wanted to do something different. I just wasn’t sure what. Having always loved reading stories - from fairytales, to novels, to mythology, I decided to study literature at Uni. I`d been writing poetry since I was a kid and felt an ease and joy with the written word. During this this time, I hooked up with some other musicians that I met at college and created a little jazz band. I loved singing the slow torch songs that I learnt from the great female vocalists of the genre, most notably Billy Holiday, Sarah Vaughn and Ella Fitzgerald.

Summer Edition 2016/2017

Cover Story The jazz gigs helped pay my way, and I also learnt so much, both from the songs, and from the experience of the gigs themselves. The gigs would often go for 4 hours or more - with short breaks between set, so I learnt great stamina as a vocalist, and was so grateful for my classical training. And I also learnt to interact with an audience. When I first began I was too shy to even introduce a song, let alone chat with the audience! Wow, how things have changed! Now I just feel so natural connecting with folks at my shows, and the stories and myths that I share have become just as important a part of each gig as the songs themselves.

own gifts, and it is our job as members of a global community, as humans, as Earthlings, to share those gifts and encourage others to do the same. When I travel the world, I rarely stay in hotels. Mostly I`m staying in the homes of people who have been kind enough, and motivated enough, to gather their local community together to experience what I have to offer. Whether I’m playing big festivals, or performing to 20 people in someone’s living room, for a short period of time I truly get to be part of another community. And in this way I learn and I grow.

But however much I enjoyed singing jazz, I knew that there was something more that I was meant to do as a singer. I felt a longing that I couldn’t explain, and often felt lost and confused as an artist. Then, in my mid 20’s I was blessed to give birth to my beautiful son Reuben. My whole world changed, and I felt a surge of love, interconnection, creative flow, and spiritual awakening. As Magic would have it, it was around that time that the Universe led me to discover the world of Witchcraft and Paganism. One day I happened to walk into a strange little shop in Melbourne called “The Esoteric Bookshop”.

But yes, there are definitely challenges to being away from home so often. My lifestyle means that I often need to be away from my beloved husband Tim (though sometimes he tours and performs with me), and of course living in the States means that I`m away from family and friends here in Australia. My heart is always leaning out in one direction or another, stretching across oceans and timelines to a distant loved one. But maybe this is a good thing, keeping me aware, alive, always in contact with my feelings? Longing has a powerful energy all of its own. Oftentimes I plan my tours in a way that allows me to spend time with friends. I find myself playing little gigs in small and remote towns like Uki in Northern NSW, or Idyllwild up the top of a mountain in Southern California, or Wendell in the forests of Western Massachusetts, of Fishguard down the far Southwestern corner of Wales, just because friends live there and I want to spend time with them.

It smelled of unknown incense, and was dark and beautiful, filled with strange treasures. While perusing the wares, I overheard a woman talking about Witchcraft. I was fascinated, knowing nothing about this modern Pagan spiritual pathway. I asked questions, and was led to a terrific book that became my guide over the next couple of years (‘Positive Magic’, by Marion Weinstein). I learnt that my love of Nature, of mythology, of crystals, of Tarot were all interconnected. I learnt that my natural psychic abilities, my epic dreaming, my ability to commune with faeries were not just ‘weird’ but also powerful and magical. I was hooked! Songs began to pour out of me - songs of Magic and mythology, songs to Goddesses and Gods, and songs exploring my own tumultuous emotional life. These songs went on to become my first album, Zero. I was 25 when this journey began and I recently turned 50. For the past 25 years I have followed this serpentine spiritual path, letting it take me where I needed to go, bringing healing to the wounded parts of myself, and celebrating the enormity of this magical Life through songwriting and performing.

Life On The Road

On average, I spend at least half of my life on tour. This year alone I have traveled to England, The Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, back and forth from my home in Portland Oregon to all corners of the United States - and this is my third trip this year to Australia! So many people ask me “How do you do it? Aren’t you exhausted?”, and the answer is ‘yes, sometimes, but mostly inspired’. I feel that I’m doing good work through my music and workshops (more about them later) I bring the message of the sacredness of Nature, of Magic in the world around us. My calling as a teacher and artist is to remind people that we are all equally magical and that we can all develop a deep and rich personal relationship with Spirit, without the need for any intermediary. I practice my spirituality in a completely non-hierarchical way. Rather than a pyramid structure - with many people at the base level being led by a handful of people at the top, I prefer a circle of equals. We all have our

But sometimes I find myself yearning for the familiar - my own bed, my own kitchen, cooking my favourite healthy meals. I forfeit having a vegetable garden, a pet, or chooks in the yard. And I forfeit the great and reassuring process of following one continual seasonal cycle over the course of a year. As I mentioned at the start of this article, I’ve been touring internationally for 16 years - since 2001. This means that it’s been 16 years since I have been able to celebrate the seasonal Wheel of the Year in any conventional sense. Honouring the sacred cycle of the Wheel of the Year is central to most modern Pagan paths. We follow the flow of Nature through the agricultural cycles of planting, growth, ripening, harvesting and resting. Eight seasonal markers (the solstices and equinoxes and four ‘cross quarter’ days between them) flow in a continual cycle that expresses a mythic story of the union of Goddess and God, of death and birth. But how does this work when I’m switching hemispheres at least a couple of times a year, flying instantly from Winter to Summer, or Spring to Autumn? Well, I’ve developed a few techniques to make sure that my connection to the flow of Nature stays strong, regardless of where I am on Earth, or how recently I`ve time travelled between seasons. Firstly, I celebrate whatever Mother Earth is doing exactly where I am. When I arrive somewhere, I make sure I get out in Nature as quickly as I can (I just went for a little hike in the forests behind my friend`s house here in Springwood), and I take note of what’s happening. I spend time with the trees and flowers. I put my bare feet on the ground. And hey, if there’s no forest around, I notice what’s happening to the city gardens - are they in bud or shedding their leaves? Flowering or fruiting? I try to take part in any seasonal celebrations that are happening, and I arrange my altar to honour the season. For example, I was in Oregon for the final week of October, delighting in the wild Autumn weather, celebrating the harvest with pumpkin soup and decorating my altar and doing ritual to honour

White Light Magazine


Cover Story

Tales of a Travelling Witch

A Life on the Road with Visionary Songstress

Wendy Rule...

Samhain (Halloween). Then I jumped on a plane on November 1st and flew to Melbourne. Suddenly it was Springtime, with roses everywhere and people gearing up for the Summer ahead. So now I`m celebrating Springtime too! This instant jumping between opposites reminds me that the two sides of a circle are always connected. Beltaine and Samhain happen simultaneously. Mid Summer and Mid Winter are the same moment in time. I feel that I`m a bridge between them, carrying a torch from one season to its opposite. The other very important aspect of my spiritual practice is honouring the cycles of the Moon. Unlike the solar Wheel of the Year cycle that creates difference and opposition between the hemispheres, the Moon is a unifying energy. When the Moon is Full, She is Full all over the world. When She is Dark, she is Dark everywhere. For the past five years my husband Tim and I have run an online mystery school called ‘Living a Life of Magic’. Because we have students from all over the world, we cannot follow a traditional Wheel of the Year in our 13 month courses. Instead, we follow the cycle of the Moon for 13 months - doing ritual at every Full Moon, and honouring her changes as she moves through each zodiac sign. In this way we discover the unifying energy of her light across the world. For example, we all just celebrated that amazing Supermoon that happened to be in the sign of Taurus. The earthy Taurus energy shone over the whole planet, even though it was Autumn for some and Spring for others.



With all of its challenges, mostly I feel deep gratitude for my life on the road. Being able to share my music with so many diverse people is a profound joy. Although I am a Scorpio by Sun sign, I was born when the Moon was in the sign of Gemini, whose ruling planet is Mercury. In Roman mythology Mercury (or Hermes as he is known to the Greeks) is a shapeshifter, a traveler, a messenger. He can move easily between here and there, above and below. And I regard him, too, as androgynous. He/She is never quite one thing or another. Totally adaptable. Funny. Fleet footed. Along with my beloved Artemis - the Greek Hunter Goddess of Wild Places, I feel that I have two excellent and loyal traveling companions. One keeps me ever inquisitive, and the other keeps me grounded. If you would like to find out more about my music and teachings, head to www.wendyrule.com , where you can subscribe to my monthly newsletter and blog, and check out upcoming tour dates. You’ll find info about my online Living a Life of Magic school and our upcoming classes at www. livingalifeofmagic.com . And of course, you’ll find me on Facebook, and on Instagram (@wendyrule) where I share lots of my Nature pics from my journeys. Stay in touch, and you`ll hear all about my upcoming move to Taos, New Mexico, and my upcoming recording projects - including an album entirely dedicated to the myth of Persephone.

With Love and Magic Wendy Rule Photo credit: Peter Paradise Photography


Summer Edition 2016/2017

Time to go s....l....o....w....


n this world of ours it is so easy to speed up all the time and rush around like a blue arsed fly or a headless chook or a headless fly or a blue arsed chook! There are so many factors that make up to one big rush of a mess and if we do not stop ourselves often to pause and reflect we get burnt out. Signs of burnout in your life are feelings of disassociation, not feeling as though you are a part of your life, like you are playing in a movie, of blank mindedness and feeling not with it. If you are experiencing any of the above then it is heaps important that you take some time out for you and just you alone so that you can nap and gather up much needed energy to carry on. It is hard not to say yes to everyone and everything yet it is so important to put yourself to the top of your pile and look after yourself first and foremost. Self-care is vital to a healthy life. Try to make sure that you have a few hours each day where you disconnect from social media and you allow yourself just to be. Whether you use this time to nap or meditate or read a book and relax it is entirely up to you, but try it for a few days and you will feel like a new person. My sleep patterns are all-over the shop at the moment as I suffer from insomnia and find myself sleeping each night from 8pm until midnight then I Am awake until around 4am until I get a few hours more sleep. It used to freak me out but it has been my pattern for so long now that I utilise this awake time during the night and have had a huge perspective shift towards my insomnia. I now use this time to star watch, moon gaze, light my candles and give thanks as my morning ritual commences, with me merrily dancing away to my music

By Jane O’Connor-Chapman

(headphones on), making bread during the night so that my family wakes up to the smell of fresh hot bread wafting through the apartment. If you cannot change the situation you can ALWAYS change the way that you look at things and shift your perspective. I now plan recipes and make sure I have all the gear out that I need for each nights baking sessions and it is something that I now time that I cherish instead of seeing it as annoying. Try not saying yes to everything that everyone asks you and have a go at passive assertiveness, passive assertiveness is where you speak eloquently and calmly about how you feel and how a person or a situation is making you feel, you make sure that your voice is being heard but in a peaceful non aggressive way. It feels GOOD when we look after ourselves and have enough energy to take care of ourselves and other folks in our lives that need our care and attention too. Even if you are a busy parent

White Light Magazine

with little ones, it is vital that when they are in bed you have some time that is just for you and you alone, whether you light a candle and have a bubble bath or go watch a movie with a beer or a glass of wine in hand, do this for your sanity and see how much better you feel when you do devote this time, this ritual to you and you alone. Take a few moments to do an energetic scan of your own life right now and see which parts of it are causing you any tension and stress. See if you can make time for yourself and change the way that you see these stressful situations. Hunt for the positive and get your life on track again. I can guarantee that after just a few days of looking after yourself better, you will feel wonderful and have more energy! Much love and many blessings to you, Jane. Jane O’Connor-Chapman (Psychic/Medium). www.sparklerainbow.com



The Call of Auberone: An Account from a Parallel Existence


’ve had this book on my reading pile for a few months now. I started to read it when the authors first sent it to me for sale at Avalon by Nature. I put it aside when I decided that I wanted to finish the other book I was halfway through. I am always amazed at the way you have to be ready to read a book; Divine Timing always plays a role in providing information or inspiration at the time most needed. As soon as I picked it back up, it was like flying with Auberone the dragon in the story: it picked up pace and I finished it within the week. The Call of Auberone is a delightful account of the bond between a young girl, Malèmene and her dragon Auberone, blossoming into a journey that will require her to draw on all of her training and the love of her community who support her. Watch in real-time as she comes into her own knowing within her connectedness to all those around her. I particularly revelled in her description of the Ice she encountered on her mission: This massive body is a living, breathing organism, which disintegrates, decomposes and rises up just like any other living organism. There is a soul within it….Wow, this unique being inspires a humbling respect through sharing with me its beauty and grace. Such stillness and magnificent perfection. I feel the cold on my face and yet I feel very warm and welcomed. (Talking to the ice) “What an honour to meet you. (p215) The message of the book is most encouraging for us Earthlings! Malèmene shares a vision of our planet which … 14

is literally overthrown by an energetic interference similar to that imposing itself on [her planet], yet it’s speckled with so many people [who] are consciously working and trying so hard. I can see the little sparkles of light, of their souls flickering, it’s as if the earth is covered with fairy lights…. And even though these lights seem small, they emanate so much light that they’re actually taking away the darkness. But because of the heaviness of the fog that surrounds them, they don’t realise how brightly they’re shining. They can’t see how their light is a beacon for others, hope for those [who] are walking in their sleep. (p246) So for those Lightworkers who have been toiling away in isolation or small groups for so long, take heart. Your lights are bright and are being seen. Current events in western politics indicate that positive change is becoming closer to reality and that it is time for dysfunctional western political systems to start unravelling. The dense energy-interference of our planet can and is being combated and slowly dissipated. The more lights that shine and join with other, the stronger we become and the faster the dismantling process occurs. There’s such a force behind you energetically. If you could see the multiversal reinforcements that are constantly being sent to you, your world would be turned around in an instant. It would be like the crumbling of the Summer Edition 2016/2017

Berlin wall on a global scale. (p252) Jason Tierney, a Past Life Regression therapist worked with Jolene Kearney, Channel and Reiki and Sekhem Master to connect with Malèmene, a consciousness from another dimension. Together, they bring through Malèmene’s story of love and hope, both for her land and ours. The Call of Auberone is available at www.avalonbynature.com.au Jo Durand Avalon by Nature

Rune Magick M

erry Meet and welcome. At this Magickal time of year the Wheel turns to Winter in the North and in the South dawns the Summer Solstice. Wherever in this world you may be the time is ripe for reflection, realisation and repurposing. As the Sacred Earth Mother turns her energies inward you are called to communicate with your inner and higher selves. It is by going within that enables you to effect a real positive manifestation that reflects a new positive you. This preparation allows you to grow and gain spiritual strength with each coming Sabbat. So, if your Soul communing takes you deep within or beyond the Earthly limits the spell below will afford you protection and guidance. Protection, Purification and Spiritual Attainment Spell The 2 runes that are invoked during this spell are Thurisaz and Ihwaz Thurisaz for protection, self discipline, purification, organisation and meditation. Thurisaz also promotes change especially by way of breakthroughs. Ihwaz brings about a rather brisk yet positive change via confrontation of our shadows which as we all know is vital if we are to progress spirituality. Ihwaz, as the hunter rune, attunes us to our higher self and energies. It allows us to see what is required in order to realise our true desires and empowers us intuitively to obtain our goals.

Thor and Frigg are called upon in this spell however it is my belief names are man given and therefore invite you to enlist the aid of whom ever you please as spells work best when personalised. You will need: A piece of jewellery or something that can be easily worn or carried on your person. As important, a clear mindset and understanding of your intention and that of each rune that you are binding together. Once you are ready, hold the item in one hand as you draw the bound glyphs over the item with your other and say... Thor and Frigg hear now my request For positive change and spiritual progress Of fear and doubt I now redress With deep transformation and clear communication I see my path in front of me I set to task with clarity With you to guard and guide me As I will, So Mote It Be Blessings, RavenSpell X

White Light Magazine


Angels, Ascended Masters & Spirit Guides Angels

Ascended Masters

What are they? Angels are beings of the highest vibrational realm they are protectors of the earth and work in unity to keep the cycle of the earth and other planetary systems in alignment. Angels are divine beings light filled and with a vision of love. They see you as the best version of you and will guide you to be the brightest light you can be to assist in the unity of all.

Who are they? Ascended Masters are beings having lived many earth cycles to come to a high vibration of connectivity. Jesus is an ascended master. They are highly respected and have received accolades in their earth cycle for their duty of care and acquired knowledge.

What do they do? They work with the nature of the vibration and in keeping this in alignment they work to keep the “peace”

What do they do? They are teachers and have left an imprint in the lives they lived as human entity’s. They are well known in historical transcripts and may be called upon for assistance. Beings of great knowledge they are a valuable source of connection to work with.

What do they look like? Angels are very tall, they are translucent and light-filled, describing them there is no comparison to describing them from actually seeing them it is beyond words.

What do they look like? You will find many of the ascended masters in historical texts and have been pictured for your viewing. Some you may have heard of Kuan Yin, Lao Tzu, and Jesus.


Summer Edition 2016/2017

Spirit Guides Who are they? Spirit guides are highly evolved souls having lived many earth cycles assigned to you before birth. They are sent to assist and guide you in completing the spiritual contract you entered into your current life with. Your Main Spirit Guide is with you from birth until death. Developing a relationship with this Guide improves the connection to universal guidance and insight. What do they do? Your spirit guides help you honour the purpose that you set for yourself before you incarnated, gently guiding you with intuitive nudges to stay on track with your soul’s purpose. They are with you to assist in the path of your greatest good but will not compromise your free will/choice; they will only give the nudges to show you your options exist. Guidance from your Guides will always be uplifting, patient and loving. Your guides will never be angry or degrading. What do they look like? Each guide is unique in their appearance, and also how they wish to be projected. Spirit Guides, in my own experience have the ability to alter their projection and “age themselves” as they choose. This was evident in an artist drawing I had done myself. My Guide was showing himself as the young man he wished to be seen as rather than the old man he had become in his last earth cycle. Divineangelsguidance.com Angelic Channel - Rachel Brooks

After months of distress not knowing where my little family would live. I asked for divine intervention. Days later I was given the keys to a new home. As I went to put the key in the door, I stopped to ask the Angels to bless the home. That night, I had a prophetic dream. A face appeared between the clouds, a face familiar and warm. I could hear words but they were not spoken, I could feel what I was being told. I could hear it in my body all without hearing a word. A name, A terminal illness but a knowing that I would be able to help. I woke from the dream tears streaming down my face, the dream was so powerful, beautiful but with responsibility. I had asked the Angels for help and they were asking me for the same. Signs starting coming in quickly. Within that first week, I met the person with the name and the condition. His cat and dog had been visiting the house morning and night. There was just a fence between us. I had opened a healing clinic and he was open to receiving Energy Healing through a photo. Miraculous healing came with the connection and for that reason I became dedicated to the Angels Mission of helping others with healing, guidance and loving energy. The angels will work wonders in your life, all you need do is ask and be open that they may need your help to. Angelrachel.com Connect@angelrachel.com Angel Rachel

White Light Magazine


Do Crystals have a


he age old question of does a stone have a spirit or consciousness, comes up over and over again. I guess when we ask this question, it conjures up images of little beings inside of crystals that we can talk to right? Yep this is what used to confuse me for years. Something didn’t really feel right about it and then seeing images of little human people inside of crystals wanting to get out and say hi was a little bit too much for me to take on. Still, it didn’t stop me from working with crystals and over time with working with Plant Medicine and doing Shamanic studies, I have come to understand what is meant by a Crystal Spirit. This is only my interpretation of what I feel and have experienced. Who knows, this may also change over time as I gain a deeper understanding and awareness, but this is my understanding to date. SO HERE STARTS MY SPIRIT OF THE STONE SERIES. I believe that everything on this earth that is capable of growth, has consciousness. Crystals start from a single molecule and grow into a beautiful shape or structure. Just like a seed grows into a plant or an embryo grows into a human. Every quartz crystal has its unique characteristics which make it a quartz crystal, just like all Oak trees have the same characteristics of each other, a particular species of bird all look the same and every human has the characteristics of being a human. What makes them different within their species is their particular spirit. We are all living in ‘vehicles’ for our spirit and we carry that specific resonance or frequency that makes us what we are, but our individual spirit is what sets us apart from each other. We are the physical manifestation of our Spirit…our spirit in physical form. We are not just a body with a spirit inside of it. Our spirit extends out past our physical body and then it is connected to Source energy. In fact everything is connected and there is no end to us. This is the same for crystals. They are the physical manifestation of the energy behind it. They all have an energy that is their specific frequency, which makes them form the way they do, but their energy like ours extends out past their physical shape and is connected to Source also. Now when it comes to a stone’s specific Spirit or consciousness, I feel that 18

yes, they do have a Spirit or consciousness that we are able to communicate with. Sometimes it is very specific to that stone, just like my spirit is unique to my body. So in effect, we can communicate with the Spirit of that Stone or we can communicate to the collective Spirit of all the stones of that particular kind. Just like how you can communicate to one person’s spirit, or through meditation communicate and tap into the mass consciousness of all humans on earth. Let me explain further using Quartz as an example: Quartz has a particular Trigonal internal structure and composite, that makes quartz, Quartz. It is Silicon Dioxide and displays the qualities of being able to amplify energy and it has a very high vibration. This frequency is so precise, it is still widely used around the globe in electronic devices. This is all basic science of Quartz. So if one were to work with the Spirit of Quartz, you could use its amplification energies or use its ability to lift frequencies to match its own. Now keep in mind how I said that the energy of the stone extends beyond its physical structure. This means that this energy is available to you even if you don’t have the physical stone with you. This is going to be extremely important in times ahead. I feel that Crystal Healers and Energy Workers will need to shift away from using the physical stones at some stage. It’s pretty easy to see where consumerism of crystals is going and some of the poor practices happening in the mining industry as well. The point is this energy is available to us if we wish to call on it. For instance, if I am out and about and really in need of shielding myself, I might call in the Spirit of Onyx to shield and deflect any energy that isn’t serving me best. I ask respectfully for the Spirit’s guidance and help. Sometimes having the stone is a good reminder for us and at this stage of our evolution helps us attune to its energies. Another way of working with the Spirit of the Stone is working with the specific consciousness that may be working through your stone apart from the group consciousness of that stone. It can be the individual spirit attached to that particular stone, just like each individual spirit within each of our bodies, or it can be a spirit that chooses to work through that stone, much like how a spirit can choose to communicate through a medium.

Summer Edition 2016/2017

Spirit or Consciousness? by Nicola McIntosh This is similar to what Ted Andrews says in his book Animal Speak, when he describes animals as messengers: ‘...the animal has a spirit of its own, but sometimes a being will use the animal to communicate messages of the world to humans.’ In Edmund Harold’s book Crystal Healing, he goes further to explain that a quartz crystal being is unaware of ‘outer’ experiences. It is caught up within its crystalline world. When you choose to work with the crystal and dedicate it to Universal Purpose, it will desire to be a part of the ‘outer’ world. Like a chick trying to break free from it’s shell, it’s electromagnetic energy will flow freely to try and release itself from its crystalline form, thus the process of evolution continues.

C: If we go back to how the stone is a physical manifestation of the energy behind it, it is possible that this energy can also manifest in images for us to see. Keep in mind here that nothing is actually solid. All matter is made up of atoms that are just vibrating in groups together. Sometimes an image may appear in a crystal or stone and then disappear again. Whatever the reason this phenomenon happens, it is up to you to follow your gut with what it represents. If you are unsure, ask for a clearer sign for you to understand what it means. The main thing is to not get too caught up with the why’s and how’s. Trust your gut with what sits right for you and intuitively go with what feels right. Now look at the picture of my piece of Petrified Wood and what can you see?!

I have a necklace that I bought over 20years ago. It is phantom quartz and I communicate with its specific spirit. For me, it’s not in the stone, it works through the stone. I sense it and I feel when it has work to do. I use it as my pendulum for healing. It won’t allow me to use it as a pendulum for asking questions. It will literally NEVER move when I ask it something. I feel such a beautiful connection to this Spirit and I treat it with the utmost respect. It is always there whenever I need it and it lets me know when I need to be wearing it or taking it somewhere. So some of you might be asking, what about when you see images of things in crystals? I guess this is a touchy subject too. I’m a pretty logical person, so I like to try and see things from different angles. Sometimes what you see in a stone, no matter how much you try to show someone else, they can’t see what you are seeing. For me there can be many different reasons why this happens: A: Pareidolia - is a where the mind is constantly looking for patterns in things and when it perceives a familiar pattern, it will tell our mind we are seeing the image of a face or animal and so forth. B: Our guides will point us in the direction of images we need to see to enable them to communicate a message to us. The signs are all around us, but we are guided and we attract the images we need to see for our information, guidance or confirmation. White Light Magazine

Nicola McIntosh can be contacted at www.spiritstone.com.au 19


What is

oga is a tool or a way of life to help us return to wholeness. It helps us feel complete, strong and at peace, just the way we are. Yoga helps us to clear brain fog and unite our head-mind with our heart-mind. It offers a doorway to knowing ourselves and loving and accepting ourselves as we are. I am so grateful for yoga and the life it has given me. I’m grateful that my dharma is to teach this precious tool to others, so that they too can find inner peace, wisdom, clarity, flexibility, joy and strength. Many years ago, I had the inner knowing that I was a yoga teacher. Eventually I attended my first class and deeply enjoyed the gentle stretching, holding asanas, breathing, story and naptime. Ahhhh, bliss. In the week that followed I’d notice less brain fog and more clarity about what I wanted. As weeks and classes went by, I began having realisations about my story, began to understand other peoples behavior, and how the world works, I became attracted to healthier foods, better habits and found many like-minded people. How does it work? How can it bring all these benefits to the body and mind? Well, thousands of years ago spirituality was being explored deeply through meditation. Sages would sit and meditate for many hours, and just as we do today, they would; watch their mind for thoughts and let them go, watch for emotions, acknowledge them and let them go and focus


on the breath to help stay in the present moment. Their bodies began to ache from the lack of movement, so sitting, standing, balancing and moving postures were explored and enhanced the meditation practice. They found stretches to open the muscles around the chest and shoulder blades would improve the energy flow and release emotions related to the heart. Hurt, sadness, pain, grief would give way to the natural emotions of our fiery heart center, and love and joy would flow more freely. They found that firming the belly muscles would improve someone’s ability to be assertive and maintain their boundaries, rather than be too bossy or too soft. Through meditation, the energy system became understood deeply and this knowledge was applied to the postures. Now, thousands of years later, science is finding evidence of the three energy systems, that is the auric fields with Kirlian photography, the nadis or meridians with electrical impulse sensors and chakras are being explored with BioWell software that interprets photographic images of the energy running along the center line of the body. Interestingly any case study of over 100 participants found that those feeling balanced, having practiced meditation, their energy was also balanced along the center of the body and smooth rather than uneven or curving across the body. 1

Summer Edition 2016/2017

Yoga? To understand yoga a little more, let’s explore the seated forward fold, Pashchimottanasana. In this asana, the stretch extends from the heels, all the way up the back of the body stretching the hamstrings, buttock and back muscles. The muscles and connective tissues are extended which allows fresh fluids to flow in to those areas, and flush out toxins and stuck emotions. There is usually a higher density of toxins stored with the emotions. Emotions can become stuck for any trauma in our life time, or through DNA from several generations back or from past life trauma. This flushing out of negativity leaves us with a good, lighter feeling for a while after class. When we combine relaxation and deep breathing with stretching, we are practicing yoga. Now our subconscious (or conscious) can remember the incident that triggered the emotions and toxicity to become stuck. Once the incident has a time and date – a memory- attached to it we can let it go forever, lesson learned and wisdom gained. Pashchimottanasana opens the back of the heart. Energetically speaking, this is where love is received. So clearing out this area helps us to receive love more clearly and easily without baggage in the way. The forward fold causes the belly to become squashed against the thighs. Consciously breathing here, you can feel the pressure 1

by Joanna Mason in the abdomen on the inhale, and the release on the exhale. This massage on many of the internal organs allows fresh fluids to flow and release toxins and emotions stored there. Folding forwards puts the forehead towards the ground allowing gravity to affect blood to flow. The change here is significant to the pineal gland - the source of the chakra often called the third eye. Physically this posture works strongly to freshen the adrenals glands, which reduces our feelings of stress, fear, anxiety and anger taking us closer to peace. Pashchimottanasana has many more benefits and is a great example of how yoga makes us feel so much better. Yoga affects the physical, spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic levels of the body. It helps us to feel whole, at peace, grounded and allows our wisdom to expand towards understanding all of life. Written By: Joanna Mason Shamanic Teacher & Healer at Shamanic Yoga & Wellbeing jo@shamanicyogaandwellbeing.com.au Find me on Facebook: Shamanic Yoga and/ or Mindful Driving

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, Nov 2013, Vol 4, Deshpande, Madaooa, Korotkov. White Light Magazine


What are Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children?


hese are terms connected to the colour of aura and energy pattern surrounding children born into the generations from early 1960’s to our current timeframe of 2015. It is with great honour I connect with the highest realms to give you my version of what is Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children. The Indigo Children were born into a world they did not understand, they were guided by a generation also confused and were often misunderstood in what they were trying to achieve. The indigos were born with abilities unseen at the time of their arrival and as such confusion was created both for them, their families and then furthermore doctors, teachers etc. Indigos were born with a high degree of creativity and have an intense amount of connection to external sources often making it harder for them to focus on the earth plane. They are aware of where they come from, or in the least aware that they yearn for a place they have been. In some cases will make the decision to take themselves home. The Crystal Children bring a certain joy to the world they are not afraid to be themselves and will stand up for anyone who is being compromised. They will be the first to give someone the attention they need as they are able to hear transmitted thought patterns. They will step out of their zone to comfort someone in need. Crystal children have an innate sense of responsibility for others. They are highly connected in their abilities and speak from a place of truth.


They often know what is going to happen before it does and are often prepared in advance. The Rainbow Children are newborns to the planet never having lived an “earth life” Born into the world at the highest level of spiritual connection, they are givers. They have a lovely temperament and are content with their own company. The rainbow children are born of Crystal Children and have wonderful relationships with all they connect with. They are a race of pure love and they are most comfortable in divine unity. They will be the leader in making connections happen, reforming broken links, they are do-ers and achieve great things. Their mission is simple, to promote as much love as is possible. Please note: The above is my channelled description of what each of these terms mean. This is given through me as a conduit of the highest guidance. It is of my opinion that these terms have been given descriptions by many others from the early 1960’s and that there may be varied content on what each person may seeing as being truth. I am aware that this is only my own representation and that you will form your own truth. Angelrachel.com connect@angelrachel.com Angelic Channel - Rachel Brooks

Summer Edition 2016/2017

Tarnia’s Musings


his month we welcome in December and the final month of 2016. You would be wise to take some time to reflect on the past year and also the last nine years as we finish up a massive cycle in our lives. What opportunities are you sensing? It’s time to take inventory and decide if you are on track and focus on your desired outcomes for 2017, if not it’s time to steer your life back on course. Remember the saying, “ the definition of insanity is doing the same thing (making the same plans/actions and choices) and expecting a different outcome”. Ask yourself, what actions am I doing/taking right now? Wherever you are placing your energy and focus is what you are creating for your future. Are your friends and family supportive and do they challenge you to be greater than you are? Or do they encourage you to fail or sit around being mediocre because they themselves are scared to change and push themselves?

2017 is a 1 year and the start of a fresh new cycle for all of us. Make sure you start as you mean to go on. If you’re itching for change then step up and step out of your comfort zone, do something new. I’ve been looking back over the last nine years and I feel I have come full circle; it’s been a massive karmic learning and healing curve for me. It’s been full of heart break and tears, disappointments and obstacles, losses and setbacks. I’ve been at rock bottom where I felt I couldn’t endure another day. But it’s also been rich in experience, love and connection. I have learnt the true meaning of the word forgiveness and acceptance. I bless this cycle for forcing me to grow. You see, you can’t have joy without knowing sadness, you can’t experience love without experiencing indifference, you can’t have pleasure without pain, am I saying that one emotion leads to the other? No, I’m talking about balance and that

everything emotion or thing has a shadow side. Start getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable at times and you will really change and shift your life and your perceptions. The best advice I can give you is, if you’re stuck then put your focus on helping someone far less fortunate than you, it will put your life back into perspective. So take some time out by yourself and invest in you. Write some lists, journal and meditate. Create a vision board. Do your budget. Tidy up loose ends. Declutter. As you spend time alone in quiet contemplation, you will connect in with your higher-self, your inner wise being that has all your answers. You will connect the dots and truly see what you need for your happiness and fulfilment because sometimes it’s not what you think it is. Big, big Loves Tarnia xo

Do you want to slide into 2017 and set up another year of the same old, same old or do you want to challenge yourself to break free of anything you feel upsets your balance and happiness? Look at what you complain about the most and start there, no more excuses. White Light Magazine


Reviews by Patricia Austin HEARTWOOD Written by Pollyanna Darling Written as a children’s book, Heartwood is an absolutely delightful read. It is a book that toddlers to pre-schoolers would love to have read to them; a great “first chapter” book for school aged kiddies; even I, as a grandmother of young adults, thoroughly enjoyed it. There are not enough books around for nature lovers and those of us connected to mother earth. Heartwood tells the story of a magical forest whose existence is threatened by development. All the creatures living within the forest – the faeries, squirrels, magpies and a raven – have to put aside their squabbling to rally together to save their homes. It is beautifully written, with humour and lively descriptions of the characters – exquisite illustrations of the creatures, the trees and the “invaders” were the work of Kirsty Chalmers. It is a story of community, of hope and an appreciation of the rapidly diminishing natural woods and forests. By the end of the first chapter, the reader is totally immersed in the lives and personalities of the inhabitants of “The Linney”, avidly turning the pages to find out what happens next. Will the forest creatures find a way to save their homes? Can they put their squabbles aside and come up with a plan to stop the Smashbasher (the grader that is tearing down all the trees)? Well, you will just have to buy this enchanting book and sit down with (or without…) a young child – read the story and find out! For further information visit www.pollyannadarling.com RRP: $14.95 + P&H 24

Summer Edition 2016/2017

HEART & SOUL Numerology Oracle Cards Karen Riley

The “Numerology Oracle Cards” are presented in a lovely drawstring calico bag and comprise 27 exquisitely designed cards, which offer a unique approach to oracle reading. Created by Karen Riley, a Numerologist of many years’ experience, these cards provide everyday Guidance, as well as the individual’s Birth Chart reading insights. Clear instructions are given for various suggested layouts, which include methodologies and calculations. This deck would suit both the person new to numerology and the experience oracle card reader. For further information visit www.numerologykarenriley.com.au. RRP: $35.00 + P&H

NAMASTE I see you Oracle Cards Lee-Anne Caulkett & Francie Griffin

The 44 oracle cards in the “NAMASTE I see you” deck have been created by spiritual healer, Lee-Anne Caulkett. The Guidebook gives clear, compassionate messages, which provide deep wisdom and guidance. The instructions include several possible Layouts, including “Goals and Vision Layout” and “Reading for others”. Beautiful art, by intuitive and spiritual artist, Francie Griffin, depicts the meaning of each card. An additional handy tool is the blank pages for “Notes” at the end of the Guidebook. Overall, a very good deck that would be valued by beginners and experienced readers alike. See www.lee annecaulkett.com and www.franciegriffin.com for more on the authors. RRP $39.95 + P&H

The CRYSTAL GRID Oracle by Nicola McIntosh

The “Crystal Grid Oracle cards” Nicola McIntosh created are beautiful. Each of the 36 cards portrays a Mandela styled layout of lovely crystals, relevant to the respective card. The slightly smaller card, compared to the average oracle deck, makes it easy to handle. The Guidebook gives a thorough explanation of the meanings of the crystals as well as their relevance to the message of each card. In addition to the cards relaying meaningful messages, a comprehensive explanation of the meaning of each of the crystals is given. The cards support and encourage development of the users own intuition. Nicola states that it is not just a select few who have “the gift”; we all have “other senses”. Find out more at www.spiritstone.com.au. RRP $34.95 White Light Magazine


Putting Your Finger What is Palmistry?


lso known as Cheiromancy - from Greek kheir (hand) and manteia (divination). Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists. Palmistry is both a Science & an Art - although Palmistry is not a formalised science, the lines are studied in a branch of medical science called ‘dermatoglyphics’. More than 100 chronic medical conditions have been identified from configurations on the hand. The lines of the hand correspond to our brain activity & nervous system - a huge amount of neurons in the cortex are devoted to the hands. Because of this the Palm has been called ‘the visible brain’. The lines are not static - they grow & change as we grow & change. I’ve noticed my hands change a lot over the years. I used to have a large overlapping break on the Lifeline in both hands - these breaks have joined up in the last 10 years. Since I started teaching, I’ve developed a ‘teacher’s square’ under both my Jupiter fingers & my head line on my dominant hand has started to angle up towards the Jupiter finger showing increased skills in managing & organising people. The fingerprints & other skin ridges on the hand are unique on every person & do not change over your lifetime. This is why it’s an excellent method of personal identification, still used in modern law enforcement.


Palmistry has a long history - all the great civilizations have included Palmistry in their culture, including Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus, Tibetans & Babylonians. Palmistry has been studied by some big names in History such as Aristotle, Plato, Carl Jung. During the Middle Ages the art of Palmistry was actively suppressed by the Catholic church as pagan superstition. Modern Western Palmists. Palmistry experienced a revival in the modern era starting with Captain Casimir d’Arpentigny. While fighting in the Peninsular Wars (Spain 1820’s) a young gypsy girl read his hands & he was so impressed by her accuracy that he started - studying it. He published a book called ‘La Cheirognomy in 1939 in which he was the first to classify hand types. Another prominent Palmist was Adrien (or Adolphe) Desbarrolles - a French Aristocrat & artist mid 1800’s. He had a mystical view of hand reading that he combined with graphology, phrenology & the Kabbala. William John Warner 1866-1936 (better known as Cheiro) - was perhaps the most influential exponent of Palmistry last century. Studying hand analysis for 40 years as well as numerology & astrology, he taught & lectured in Europe & America & amazed VIPs of his day with the accuracy of his readings. 26


Our fingerprints (also known as skin patterns, ridges or glyphs) are like our own personal signatures since these are totally unique for everyone. No two patterns of fingerprints are exactly alike -.even on the hands of identical twins. Unlike other features in the hand, our fingerprints never change their patterns throughout our lives. The modern scientific name for the study of skin patterns (& lines) is dermatoglyphics. Vedic palmistry posits that our fingerprints are energy portals, thresholds through which we can better understand and express our authentic responses. This article presents some interpretations of our fingerprint types. The three basic categories of fingerprints are the loop, the arch & the whorl. There is a variation of each category - the double loop, the tented arch & the peacock’s eye.

The Loop

The loop is the most common fingerprint pattern. Those who possess loops have a flexible, free and easy attitude. Such a person has immense adaptability and is always ready to make compromises and sacrifices. They can be good team workers who needs variation in work & social life. If you have many loops you are adaptable, emotional, imaginative and responsive. You need to belong to and merge with a group. People with loops have lively minds - elastic & quick - & they often have a good sense of humour. They are very interested in everything around them. They can get bored easily, & have to make an effort to concentrate on each task & finish what they start. People with loops can be interested in too many things & will not become an expert in anything. Often they are wary of committing, & will tend to leave the door open so they can make a quick getaway if a situation becomes too much for them. Leaders with loops love to communicate and are open for the exchange of ideas. Loops on a thumb denote great diplomatic skills. Hence, the person with loops will have excellent abilities in working with other people.

The Double Loop

The double loop pattern looks like two loops pulled together in opposite directions. A person having this pattern on their fingers has a perfect blend of logical decision making with an emotional approach. These people are able to see both sides of an issue & as a result of this they can take a long time to

Summer Edition 2016/2017

On Palmistry by Kalyi Amoto make a decision since they will often endlessly analyse the pros and cons. They do not accept anything at its face- value & can have a clinical approach. Therefore, such people may question a lot & are often argumentative.

The Arch

People with arched patterns are capable, trustworthy and reliable. They are down to earth people who are generally very good with their hands. They make excellent gardeners or may be involved in other outdoor pursuits. Arches do not bestow an easy life everything has to be worked for. Often there has been unhappiness & unpleasant events early in life, & as a result these subjects can become withdrawn, secretive, inward looking & defensive. They can be quite unsure of themselves, & have to know something very thoroughly before they will feel confident to promote themselves they often don’t give themselves enough credit. Such people do not make friends easily, but once they give their trust they become loyal and devoted. They tend to repress their feelings - if they can find a hands-on practical outlet like painting, writing, pottery, gardening or sport this can help them to express themselves. Arch people also love to discuss concrete subjects. Though they take time to open up with people, the can get on their soapbox if they become passionate about a topic. These natives are able to cope well in adverse conditions, unless there are many suppression lines under the arch. If this is the case, tension & neuroses may be present; - they could have a defeatist mentality & hold themselves back from challenges.

The Tented Arch

These people are straight forward, idealistic, creative or sporty, & can be obsessive about personal projects. They find it hard to cope with changes, & don’t like unexpected events. They are often highly strung, overenthusiastic, & sensitive to criticism. In general, they are more driven than people who have the simple arch, & can be quite successful. They often need quiet time to themselves such as retreats to nature.

The Whorl

The whorl looks like either a spiral or a bull’s eye with energy running into the

centre. It denotes people who are immersed in their own ideas and have great difficulty in changing their attitudes and opinions. These natives prefer to be in charge of a task and dislike the interference of others while they make their own decisions. They can be self-centred; totally oriented towards their inner thoughts, individualism & independence. Cool, calculating & emotionally controlled, they can be accused of being uncaring & aloof - they are rarely emotionally vulnerable, & may often wonder why they don’t get much satisfaction out of relationships. They need a compliant partner who is either content to remain in the background, &/or who has a separate career & interests. With strong reserves of inner strength & determination, they march to the beat of their own drum - i.e. set their own standards & carve their own path through life. They don’t like being told what to do, & rarely ask for others’ opinions; they work best alone & are often found in self-employment. If you have many whorls you are hardworking & can be very successful - you can specialise in an area & become very good at it. People with whorls are deep thinkers and are prone to brooding. These people are not idle chatterers but prefer to talk on matters they know and understand well. A whorl on the ring finger tells that the native might become a good designer in an artistic field since such people have a creative turn of mind.

The Peacock’s Eye

Combines the intensity of the whorl with the flexibility of the loop & indicates extra talent according to the finger it appears on. It is usually found on the ring or little finger and those who have it are blessed with protection and good fortune. It is said to bestow ‘magical’ life saving qualities when present - it often represents lucky escapes from injurious or dangerous situations.

Kalyi Amoto is a Palmist who combines channellings from Spirit Guides, Past-life information & Lenormand Oracle cards into her readings. She teaches Palmistry & Psychic/Spiritual development courses through her School of Psychic & Spiritual Knowledge. For more information visit: www.psychicspiritualschool.com White Light Magazine


Stay True I

t is said that one should reach for the stars, because you might just catch one. I simply prefer to be an authentic star: my own star of desirable praise and passion. I deserve nothing less, and neither do you. To be one’s truest self becomes the grandest and most genuinely beautiful thing any one of us could ever do. It takes courage to admit that our ideals are not the same as the man I know as my father. It takes courage to admit that my outlook on life is different to my next-door-neighbour. It takes courage to admit that I don’t agree with my best friend’s point of view. It takes courage to admit when I was wrong, and it takes courage to admit that my ambitions are achievable, especially when so many have yet to see what I see – feel what I feel – know what I know.

May we each hold convicted belief within our own abilities – within our own greatness – within our own individuality. It saddens me to think of how many of us alter ourselves to suit others. If only more understood that by being one’s truest form, holding sincere to our soul’s purpose, that we are capable of manifesting and living our lives in completeness. St. Catherine of Sienna said, “Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.” That I plan on doing, because I am of a strength that no other will ever understand, for none have ever walked within my shoes. I am of honour, for I take pride and pleasure within my every step, regarding one’s self with the highest respect. I am unique because I am one of a kind, and never shall I consider myself a copy. I live of trust, knowing that no other is of greater reliability for my actions than the person staring back at me in the mirror, and I am beautiful - recklessly beautiful. I am unashamed and unapologetic of whom I am, and I will walk through this life with my feet on the ground, my dreams in the palms of my hands, the stars within my eyes, and my head in the clouds. I am me: a woman of strong conviction and desirable acclaim for one’s self, and this world will hear my roar from the rooftop, whilst the gods sing my praises. They said my dreams were too vast. They said that I’d get lost in amongst the stars. I beg to differ, and so should you. Never apologise for being authentic. Never be you become anything other than YOU. By Tania Elizabeth Author and Director at Tier of Eternal.


Summer Edition 2016/2017


The Gift of Your Birth Charts Knowledge Supporting Clarity, Direction & Personal Relationships

Welcome to Numerology with Karen


t is with the wonderful support of Adrian and his gift of the “White Light” Magazine that I introduce myself to you today. I am so very delighted in presenting Numerology to you aiding in shining a light on the benefits of how this knowledge correlates with you on a deeply personalised and spiritual level. Numerology, through our Birth Charts Blueprints, reveals astonishing depth and wisdom…being rather multi-faceted having many layers, enabling one to retrieve valuable life knowledge and a guideline of support both emotionally and spiritually. Numerology gives you the ‘Gift of Your Very Own Birth Chart’s Knowledge for Empowering You. Aiding in the remembrance of your soul’s truest entity self and for the life purpose one had intended to achieve, offering wonderful understanding of our personal growth and soul’s contribution to this life. • Your Birth Chart is highly personalised • Your Birth Name reveals who you were born to become • Your Birth Date reveals environment & opportunity supporting your soul’s purpose • Universal Calendar Date system reveals the vibrations humanity is journeying within When we realise there is a 3 dimensional aspect unfolding from surrounding us today offering us environmental insights and higher loving message, can we hopefully become more alert or aware of our surroundings. For picking up on these vibrations and be guided to our soul’s most positive desired outcome and for our flow of ease. There are those conditions of circumstances and influence that of course offer us both the challenging and our positive…but when we seek for that which best supports our higher self, on behalf of our soul’s truth, happiness and or success and greater joy…then perhaps…this information may prove beneficial. • Spirituality growth and progression unfolds on a ‘daily basis’ • Knowledge of the above is how Numerology reveals astonishing depth & insightful guidance There is a defining message encoded within the very fabric of our life today encoded within the layers of all that surrounds us...if only we can remain alert and aware of our messages, of our signposts seeking only to support us downstream and away from struggle, limitations or sadness…seeking only to support us for the flow of ease and harmony with all that we are currently associated with. It is with wonderful excitement that we invite you to share in communications with us of future editorials, of this column from a more personalised & interactive approach; of a question and reply format. This can be simply for clarity on understanding Numerology itself or clarity to a personal situation. With respect to this new format, all your personal information shall be confidential and not published retaining anonymity; rather only the question & reply to be published in the following columns. Should this pathway interest you, please email your question to the Editor and if you seek a personal question, please provide your date of birth & full birth name please, as this then supports you in receiving your message of enlightenment. Please refer to; numerologykarenriley.com.au

“With love, are we then able to obtain life’s true objective & our greater personal happiness” White Light Magazine












Well what year it has been with money flowing in and out and now you will be able to control just in time for the changes coming your way. 2017 promises to be a big year for many with surprise elements thrown in to keep it interesting. Dream big, as great opportunities are coming. Your loved one has been very demanding lately, as they feel you are neglecting them. So make sure your schedule some down time to spend with them especially as the weather is warmer and time to have fun in the sun. Romantic getaway can put the sparkle back into relationship now.


Life is never boring as there are many possibilities. Dreams and invitation can be a reality now. Prosperous and fortunate times are coming so make the most of them. Follow your very strong intuition now and opportunities as Uranus moves through your sign of Aries for 2017

As the winds of change move through you are very restless as you have many ideas for what you would like to have coming into your life now. Money and opportunities are everywhere now; the problem is what to try first. Just stop and ponder a little while and then all will clear. Love and laughter don’t always go hand in hand. Your relationship has been a little neglected of late. Now is the time to spend time going out and having fun. New love is everywhere now we are partying hard. So be yourself and watch the sparks fly with possible suitors.


You love to be in thick of everything that is going on around you and make it your business to know what is going on even when it does not concern or interest you. Slow down so you don’t miss the golden opportunities that are coming your way. Luck and destiny are smiling on you.





Money always seems to be in short supply or so you would have us believe. Just because you had to spend a little more than usual on essential purchases and make some overdue changes to your appearance and your home. Look at it is an investment in your happiness and future and then you will better and make you feel more secure. More money opportunities are coming soon.


Money and love are one in the same in your eyes. We all know your first love is money. We all need to step outside the door to find someone to share your passions with and help you count the money you save when shopping for bargains. Time to shop and you may find love also.


As the year draws to a close your goals have changed big time. Now we are right on track for new adventures to make money. New opportunities are coming in thick and fast now. New opportunities to make money are everywhere you look. Good luck and prosper for the New Year


This had been a year of changes especially when it has come to money. As the year come to a close you will be very satisfied with the progress you have made. Money is certainly flowing more and more keep up the good work, and making it work for you. New Year is bright.


Money is made to go round is your mantra and so it is but remember when we keep spending there has to be time we need to stop and ask is this what I really need or am just adorning myself because I can. Of course I deserve this. Money will be a little tight. But what’s new. Singles love is in the air just strut your stuff now at the magical time when you can be noticed. For the rest of the Leo family just enjoy the special time of the year with your loved ones and family. Your soul needs this time to recharge and enjoy the festive times ahead.


The knack of placing yourself in right place at the right time to make things happen is just so you. There is some very golden opportunities coming your way over the next few months so be ready to act on impulse and go with them. Money and fame could be coming your way.

Virgo Wealth

What a year it has been money and reorganising your personal wealth has been the focus of most of it. Now we can breathe a little easier as we have it under control. Next year will be much more profitable with many more opportunities coming your way. Be ready to pounce when they arrive.


Love is always a tricky one for you as you try to achieve emotional stability you crave. Relationships have been tricky, but now seem to be getting easier as you both have been honest about what you need. New love for those singles is not far away now.

Love and emotions go hand in hand or so it should be for you it has been a little tricky this year. So as we move forward you feel much more in control now. Don’t shut people out because you are frightened of being hurt as you could miss out such joy from being in love.

As the year draws to a close it has been very interesting year where destiny has taken you on a journey of a life time from positive to the negative and all in between. So we look forward to the New Year and its adventure they may be ahead of us with determination and positive energy.

Life can be an adventure even when you apply logic to this opportunities can come quickly now. You will be looking over some very exciting and new possibilities for the coming year, so don’t procrastinate act quickly before they disappear. A possible new job coming soon or business.


Summer Edition 2016/2017


Libra Wealth

A year of change is what we have just been through and now looking forward to a more balanced time ahead with personal finances. 2017 will bring some surprises on the financial front. Investments and property are calling. Look before you leap success will follow.


A very magical time of year to spend time with the people you love and this year is no exception. Just spending quality time is the most important gift of all. Singles step out of your comfort zone to open yourself up to new potential love interests. You are on fire now.

but now more than ever you are on the new path to exciting new prospects that seemed to take for ever to happen? Well get ready for the time of your life. Work, love, money are all there for the taking now. Well done. You deserve it.

Capricorn Wealth

Well money is never far from your heart. This has been a year for making things happen even though we may not have seen the financial rewards as yet. They are coming and slowly materializing now and we can see great progress being made. More money in 2017. Hooray



Love and finances have been crossing paths recently and you have been a little bewildered at what is next. I feel now we have finally got a resolution. Now we can focus on the matter of the heart for a change. Singles not the most opportune time always remain open to love and romance.


You felt as if destiny had taken a permanent holiday this year, but no it was just making sure all the details were right and ready fir when the go button is pushed and we are nearly there now. New opportunities are about to come forward and get moving now. How exciting now.

Scorpio Money and spending have gone through the roof this year, so you will pleased to have a little rest from spending and let the bank balance recover. Most of spending was long overdue. Now we need to start working on new plans for the new opportunities that are coming your way. Matters of the heart have been a little concern lately as everyone has had a different agenda they felt was the most important to deal with. Now things are much calmer and you are pleased. Singles there could be someone admiring you from a distance, so keep looking up. Destiny A nixed bag it has been in the last few months, and not always the easiest times. We are now heading into the positive slip stream ahead for a time, so make the most of it. Listen to your strong intuition now. New opportunities can come from now where. Old projects come to light.


Aquarius Wealth

Money and peaks and troughs have been your mantra this year, so I am pleased to say now we can breathe easier and look forward to more money coming in consistently and enabling you to make your dreams a reality now. Just watch your holiday

spending though. Spoil yourself.


Many of you are very restless and feel the need to break out on a trip to a faraway place. Great idea if you want to spend time with your loved ones. Singles holiday fun and romance can bring a smile to your dial even if not the for ever after one. Enjoy the time and have fun.


New adventure and faraway places have been beckoning you for some time now. Maybe we need to explore if this is the right time? If so act now then. For others it might be the time to look for new direction to keep you motivated and inspired for the New Year ahead perfect timing.

Pisces Wealth

Money and finances have been a tricky journey so far this year, but now we can see with great budgeting we can see the results we have been working towards. Now we can have a kittle spending spree on ourselves and our oved ones. Next year sees big increases in money.


Love is always on the agenda for you. There will be some very extra special romantic moments with your loved one. Magic is in the air. For singles you are magnetic at the moment. So be open to all possibilities for new romance and be a little daring in your choices.


Well destiny and lady luck will begin to smile on you again now after a changeable year. Now you can look forward to life taking of in the fast lane again. So be ready to make those day dreams a reality now. Follow all your hunches now as they are right about people and situations.

Sagittarius Wealth

Well it has been a year of such changes and now we can finally see things coming together financially and about time you say. Money makes the world go round. Travel will be more prevalent soon. So keep some aside for this unexpected pleasure trips. Enjoy the new places.


Certainly your favourite time of the year when you shine, positive energy pumps through your veins and your oved one know this and loved to be around you. Singles new love and holiday romance is possible now. Party and fun are in full swing. Enjoy this magical time of year.


What can we say you always create your own luck

White Light Magazine


Summertime Living W

hoever said, ‘Summertime and the living is easy...’ obviously wasn’t a pagan. Not only do we have the usual dichotomy of the wheel of the year being turned on its head in the southern hemisphere and thus being out of sync with tradition, we also have Christmas thrown into the mix! Now most pagans celebrate the festive season as a time of goodwill and family get-togethers, even though we’re not Christian, because the whole Xmas season has taken on a life of its own and good will is always worth celebrating, whatever your religion. But when the word ‘yule’ is also used to mean Christmas, it tends to engender a special kind of confusion, where Yule means both the Christian celebration; which downunder falls in the heat of summer; and the Pagan midwinter festival. Add the fact that the stores are positively dripping with snowy winter imagery while we’re suffering heat exhaustion and trying to get in the mood for Litha and the confusion is complete. All we can do is keep calm and carry on, in the best traditions of our British ancestors! However, despite man made celebrations and holidays, the wheel turns regardless and it is currently summer, so let’s attune ourselves to that and celebrate the green gardens, colourful flowers and ripe fruit, and revel in the chance to go swimming and wear light clothing – even if the mercury is a bit higher than we’d like. This is a time to rejoice in the energy of the Earth Mother as she reaches her time of fulfilment. Like the time of the full moon, summer is rich with potential and is a wonderful time to cast spells for improvement and increase, love and prosperity. And of course, to make offerings to the bountiful Goddess and God, in joyful celebration to show how we appreciate the gift of living on this amazing planet. Blessed be, Morganna.


Summer Edition 2016/2017


Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris 0418 787 854

OakSun Grove - Gold Coast The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Pillow Talk), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Tric: 0402 066 330.

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Do Crystals or have a Spirit ess? Consciousn

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Summer Edition 2016/2017


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For more information call 0419 709 661 White Light Magazine



Summer Edition 2016/2017

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