White Light Magazine: March - May 2017

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

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Print $12.60 Digital $2.95 March - May 2017

White Light Magazine now also seen on ‘All About You’

WitchyPoo Teas, Candles and Readings

Awaken the Healing Heart by Dorina

Palmistry, Numerology & Runes featured inside

Meet the Team at

zuma health White Light Magazine



March - May Edition 2017

Editor’s Note


elcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Inside this Issue... 2 4 5 6 8 10 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 29 30 32 34 35 36

Health Wealth Lifestyle EMagazine... Coming Soon Editor’s Etchings OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation next Expo Sahasara by Francie Griffin Seasonal Celebration by Mystic Meg Cover Story - Zuma Health Rune Magick by Ravenspell Awaken the Healing Heart by Dorina How I Conquered Fear of Rejection... by Jackie Mortimer The Art of Peace with Jane O’Connor Chapman WitchyPoo Teas, Candles and Readings Assessing your own Intuition by Avril Rose How to Talk to Your Future Self with Barbara Ann Wilcock Vegan Recipes Cosmic Currents with Sylvia Flimm Palmistry with Kalyi Amoto Numerology with Karen Pagan Pages All About You Rates & Deadlines OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation’s 2017 Upcoming Expos

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing in association with OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation. P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Ph: (07) 5525 0259 Fx: (07) 5525 0209 Mob: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au March - May Edition 2017 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2017. White Light A Universal Publication.

White Light Magazine



017 arrived with a bang & our Psychic Saturday at Bribie in January was huge with almost 400 people coming through the door. This was followed up by 300 people coming through the Currumbin RSL in February.

other endeavours it’s a big welcome to Sylvia Flimm who as of this issue takes over those reigns.

As my new advert says – It’s Official, we are coming to Southport & that’s happening on Saturday 8th April at one of our new venues, CSi Club Southport. There will also be new events at Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads & Runaway Bay this year, all up there are 10 Expos from now until & including December covering Northern NSW, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Bribie & the Sunshine Coast.

Another big thankyou goes to Rhondda Doherty for all her great work in the Numerology columns she put together for me over the years & as she has moved on to other things we welcome Karen Riley who also, as of last issue took over the Numerology column. Two other people I forgot to welcome last issue are Kalyi Amoto who is now doing a wonderful Palmistry column & Mystic Meg who is writing a brilliant Wiccan column. Thank you ladies & I look forward to a long & rewarding relationship with you all.

This year is also big for my family with all 3 of my grand children now in school; this will be the only year that all 3 will be in the one school all together as Gabby goes into High School next year.

As I said last issue we are going through a rebuilding phase & it will also include some overseas writers in the near future. If you are interested in wanting to be a part of our Expos there is a complete guide inside this issue.

Also my Mum turned 94 & I spent 3 lovely days in Sydney with her, my sister & brother in law. In October my daughter Elise gets married, so it’s all systems go this year. I would like to thank Sammy Bunting & Amanda Hall for doing the Astrology/Horoscopes for me up till now & as they both move into

Sit back, relax & enjoy this, the latest edition of White Light Magazine.

Until Next time Go with Love & Light


The Magazine Mascots Gabby, Braydon & Natalie ready for their first day of school


March - May Edition 2017

Celebrating Mum’s 94th Birthday

It’s OFFICIAL! We’re coming to Southport

OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation presents


154A Scarborough Street, Southport 8th April 2017 10am to 4pm

Many Exhibitors which may include... * Healers * Psychics * Complete Health * Crystals * * Books & CDs * Candles * Aura Camera * Jewellery * *Soaps * Aura Soma * Essential Oils * & much more!

For more information call 0419 709 661 White Light Magazine

Gold Coin Entry 5

“Sahasara Seed of Life� Acrylic on Canvas Chakra Seed of Life card sets are now available by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com See samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook or on website www.franciegriffin.com Namaste 6

March - May Edition 2017

Continuing this issue I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to SAHASARA I am the crown chakra and my name in Sanskrit is Sahasrara and this means “thousand petalled lotus”, I am located on the crown of the head. A light of all colours vibrates and radiates from me. I am commonly associated with the colour violet or white. I am your connection to your divine source, all that you are and all you ever will be. Think of me as a gateway to bring in higher energies, imagine white gold light entering from above you into a funnel that enters the top of your head and then flows down through your meridians and the other six chakra centres connected to your physical being. In order to be the full expression of our being we need to be in contact with our super consciousness or Higher Self, that part of us that remains always connected to the God Source; our divine essence. The crown chakra needs to be clear and open for this communication to take place with clarity. The crown chakra is separate from ego and lower self, when we take our awareness to our crown you feel a lightening, a feeling of surrealness. It is a place of bliss and yet we are experiencing a life in a denser reality so it is important that we stay grounded on earth. It is part of our learning here to be at one with spirit and live a life of joy here at one with our earth life at the same time as we hold our spiritual connection. To bridge the gap between heaven and earth I believe is a part of everyone’s mission on earth. When the crown is clear and balanced, you will feel at peace with a sense of knowing that there is a deeper meaning to life that is not intellectualized. Intuitive knowledge and wisdom is paramount with an open and balanced crown chakra and you will feel at one with the world and others rather than separate and disengaged. I am Peace I am the Divine I am Relaxed I am Joy I am Contentment I am That I Am The following are some signposts that your crown chakra may need clearing and balancing:

Feeling overexcited, stressing, rushing, busyness, worrying Experiencing emotions of anger, hate, envy, bitterness Depression, overwhelm, confusion, clumsiness Lacking purpose in life, feeling unloved

flower of a thousand petals beginning to bloom and open upon the top of your head. Visualize then beautiful golden white light entering from a six-pointed star above your head. This light filters down throughout your body into the earth below you, right down to the heart of Mother Earth. You feel safe and at peace, relaxed and at one with all.

Read through the following suggestions that can help you remain clear and balanced, then close your eyes and envisage which ones resonate with and take at least one and dedicate the next 21 days to practicing this. This will help you to form a habit that will help you to bridge the gap between heaven and earth and live a life of peace and harmony:

Affirm I am that I am I am at Peace I am

Meditate for at least 10 mins first thing in the morning visualizing a beautiful shower of translucent violet, golden white light coming down through your crown chakra, radiating throughout your whole body and connecting with the earth below your feet. Chant the sacred sound of Ah for ten minutes or three times at the beginning and end of your meditation time.

Gently open your eyes and step out into the day ready to put into action any wisdom and insight gained in your meditation. At the end of day lay your body down and gently close your eyes with your hand on your heart for a peaceful night’s sleep. “Om Shanti” I bless you and look forward to integrating the seven chakras connected to the physical being in the next edition. You are whole, complete and perfect. Namaste

Meditate upon the mantra “I Am That I Am That I Am” Connect in meditation with a clear crystal such as Quartz, Danburite, Apophyllite Perform acts of self-love and show kindness to others. Ensure that you drink plenty of pure water and eat pure foods. I invite you to connect with me in the following manner: In the morning and before you lay down to sleep at night connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus your attention softly, gently within me, your Crown Chakra, Sahasrara. Gently breathe in and out through your nostrils and imagine a beautiful lotus

White Light Magazine


Seasonal Celebrations As night follows day and the sun chases the moon, the seasons are eternally requiting the love of the sun and the essence of the moons transitions. They are locked in an eternal struggle for, Gaia the earth Goddess’, seasonal response to their influence as she turns and spins. Constantly changing the way she responds to their separate attention and her unique way of presenting herself to her besotted beau, Laugh, and her cold response to her sister Goddess of the moon, Celina. Our ancestors celebrated and mourned the seasons, as the months flowed on from one to the next. Each period of three months had their own major celebrations within them themed towards the celestial and natural worldly interactions that were to be seen and to become recognized as the wheel of the year. As the months progress from the headiness of the midsummer dance of Solstice, the light slowly starts to diminish, silently slipping into Autumns rustic hues. However, Laugh deserves one last hooray before he bids farewell to his southern hemisphere flirtation and begin his journey to the northern hemisphere where he shall court Gaia with springtimes burgeoning promise of colour and scent.

serving as a protector of the slumbering crop they also remained safe in a place of honour, in the home away from predators, the protector being protected. These seeds are shaken out from the Corn Dolly and are the ones used to help start a new crop as bountiful as the last and the cycle of birth, death and, rebirth or resurrection from the dead perpetuates for another turn in its place, of the wheel of the year. When I was about 7 my mother showed me how to make these little dollies that are representational of corn dollies that were handed onto her. We would make ours from scraps of wool and leftovers of other artful creations in different colours and varying sizes. Faces were left plain however if you want you can embroider eyes and a mouth or use stick on craft eyes and felt for the mouth.

HOW TO MAKE A REPRESENTATION OF A CORN DOLLY Raffia or Wool 5 Elastic bands and wool off-cuts Colourful flowery handkerchief Brightly coloured ribbon

LAUGHNASADh (pronounced Loo-na-sard) is celebrated

on the 2nd of February in our Southern Hemisphere home, while in the Northern Hemisphere it is celebrated in the 31st of July. The festival is so named after the Sun God Laugh, for the simultaneous birth, death & rebirth focus of this celebration just as Laugh slips from sight only to return again from his wintery slumber to arise again in the Spring. As the fields are heavy with the fruitfulness of crops, there on the tips of some of the leaves shows the beginning of the rustic beauty that will soon herald the cooler months with their own myths, legends and beliefs, but for now it’s time to turn our attentions to the here and now and Laughs last hooray. This is a festival of abundance, achievement and harvesting... that which we have planted and tendered to is ready to harvest now. There is richness in the colours of the ripe fruits and vegetables, and a sense of lazy heaviness that comes with oppressive heat which is a direct reflection of the law of opposites existing within a whole. And so, while we are celebrating the light and the bountifulness of our harvests we are also mourning the death of Light and as such must make our sacrifice as we turn towards the Darkness. Life becomes Death and Death becomes Life... such is the Mystery of creation. As with all our Celebrations of the Year, there are certain things we can do to show our respect for Gaia, Celina and Laugh. Laughnasadh is also known as LAMMAS in honour of the Corn King. The legend represents the eternal cycle of resurrection after death in as far as once the plant had died it became resurrected in the plants seed. The seed is planted and germinates into its former glory ensuing the continuous resurrection of the species. The followers of the Old Ways would make Corn Dollys to hang over their hearth to stay there until the following spring, and while 8

by Mystic Meg

How to put your Corn Dolly together:

• Wind half the ball of wool or Raffia around the legs of a chair or similar item. • With wool off-cuts make one tie at the edge of the chair leg, this is for her hair • Then 2cm down make another tie point, for her head. • The next tie point will indicate her waist so this one is about 3cm down from the last tie point. • Carefully remove your wool body that has three medium firm fastenings from the chair legs and carefully refasten her hair, head and waist points with an elastic band making them nice and tight. • Cut all the looped threads at the base of your dolly to make her skirt. • Make her arms the same way as making her body by wrapping around half to three quarters of the remaining ball of wool. • Tie off at both ends of the chair legs for hand points. • Remove the wool from chair legs and refasten the hand points with elastic bands making them firm and solid • Between dollies neck and waist fastening divide the wool chest into half, • Carefully thread her arms through the divided chest cavity so half is on the left and the other half is on the right. • Now you have your basic Corn Dolly...from here you can give her a skirt by making a small hole in an old handkerchief and threading it down to her waist and tying a ribbon around her waist to finish it off.

March - May Edition 2017

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You can make a Boy Corn Dolly by separating the skirt section and tying at the base for legs and feet. HAVE FUN!!!!!

Wool wrapped and sectioned off around chair legs.


Autumn Equinox heralds another celebration in the Wheel of the Year and this year its date in Australia is March 20th 2017. The veil of autumn has slipped over the land with frosty mornings and cooler nights. The equinox marks the time when day is the same length as night and is the perfect point of balance as we journey through the wheel. Laugh, our pagan sun Gods, bright rays begin to fade and the days slowly become shorter as the night begins to cast its shadow over the lands, as winter creeps ever forward. Rusty coloured leaves litter gardens and laneways to be picked up by the frosty winds and carried to destinations unknown. Animals now start to gather together the supplies they will need for the darkness and long nights of winter. Mabon is the Child of Light and son of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron. He is a Welsh God and has become synonymous with Paganism as the ‘religion’ became reconstructed in the 1970s. Most of the rituals and celebrations on our journey through The Wheel of the Year involve giving thanks in advance for a bountiful crop and fruitful times in the future. Protection from enemies, pest and bad weather was also part of the ritual during the darkness of winter.

Corn Dolly hair, head & body sectioned off & base cut.

With each festival there are also things that mark our journey and some of the activities during this period are preserving the fruits of our labours. Tomatoes were pickled, dried or preserved whole, oranges and lemons would be made into jams and marmalades, apples were dried and the list goes on depending on your locality and what bounties the Earth Mother has offered and Mabon has overseen, shining his beams of energy over, its abundance.

Arm placement.

Finished Dolly in place.

Inner journeys are also marked at this time too by turning inward and doing a mental and physical cleaning and clearing. In the Spring we clean to make space for the new to grow, and enter our lives with prosperity however in Autumn, at the time of Mabon, it is now time to journey inward and turn out our shelves, and make room in our pantries for preserves like jams, pickles, chutneys and the smoked meats of summers bounty. And, as Mabons gentle rays still allow enough light, it is also time for mental clarity and assessing what is to stay and that which is to be released to allow room for more situations, memories, skills and bounties. Balance is the key energy shift for this Equinox and calls for balance to be assessed in our lives. Is it time for completing some of the tasks we have started outside to allow for more inside activities and time for the new studies and learning to be used in spring. Mabons beams of light have now dimmed and the skies have become blanketed with clouds as autumn turns to winter, pantries are full and things that needed attention have been finalised and it is now that is your moment to meditate or ponder on that which has been and that which is to come....

mysticmeg181@gmail.com White Light Magazine


Our Point of Difference is our Point of Unity


nity or being at-one often implies a state of spiritual consciousness. Like the ancient Egyptian expression says: “Spirit without matter is expressionless & matter without spirit is motionless.” One needs the other in order to be fulfilled. Unity implies the state of forming a harmonious whole (fulfilment); or in the case of one’s life, it implies you working in a state of ease with congruence at every level of your existence. This involves being aligned and directed from the scientific levels of your body’s subatomic makeup to spiritual realms of the subtle energies at play. In other words, to be your best in life, you must have equal parts spiritual and physical serving one another. To be spiritual and not physically fit can immobilise; and to be physically fit and not spiritually connected can be the cause of a life misdirected. In essence to heal means to become whole. To be whole, one must tend to and nurture the segmented, fragmented parts of their life; these are the parts which may be better described as dysfunctional and not working effectively. That means, these are the parts of an individual that are not in service to the purpose and unified direction of one’s life. The natural question arises: how does someone better tend and support the parts of their life that are stopping them from becoming their best (in this case, a more unified/whole, healthy and focused individual)? There are several answers to this proposed question. The 1st most basic answer lies in the fact that the universe & we are all made of energy. As human beings; or beings in physical bodies, it really pays to understand the nature of how this energy that makes up the Universe flows through and effects our lives. In other words, we are not just physical bodies; rather we have a physical body that is supported by various other bodies and levels of function. For example, we have an energetic body that composes of a more substantial molecular body, comprising of our cellular composition and tissue structure…. Furthermore, these tissues form the state of our organ systems and their ability to support our physical body as a whole. But it does not stop there. The state of our physical body supports mental body which then creates the platform for our emotional health. This is a simplified overview. 10

In order for a better state of health & unity to occur, alignment is essential. Alignment begins with intention. It is our intention to share nurturing care with our clients before they even arrive at our centre. This is one of the most important messages regarding health that we can offer to our clients: That is the message of assuring the conscious and subconscious mind and body of each individual that they are in the right place, moving in the right direction at the right time. In other words, this assures that healing has begun before they even arrive. What makes the difference for an individual is to know & truly feel that they are cared for. This creates certainty, which forms order and organisation of the mind and nervous-system, allowing for a better and more supportive state of function. Certainty is large part of the process in restoring one’s wellbeing. Certainty is derived from clarity, which is developed by a clear subconscious and conscious mind. This entails having a clear alignment betweens ones intentions or mind language & ones actions or body-language. Feeling and knowing that you are in the right place making supportive steps towards your health is incredibly supportive to the physiology of an individual. The key to this clarity is connection. The conscious mind can be defined as the attuned awareness of our brain in action; and the subconscious mind is often referred to as our body and its regulatory autonomic functions. The language of our conscious-mind is based around the framework of our thoughts, and the language of the subconscious-mind, also known as the body is connected in our feelings. Simply speaking, thoughts are the language of our mind and feelings and emotions are the language of the body. After life experiences our bodies can become accustomed to feeling & thinking in a certain way. In fact, they often become deeply affected by a hardwired (neurological) loop. It can be a difficult thing for someone to change these old entrenched patterns and beliefs as the body is often biochemically fixed in feelings and subconsciously addicted to certain ways. In other words - we get addicted to who we are, and sometimes we are not even aware of it!

March - May Edition 2017

Cover Story This is where seeing a qualified and caring health-care practitioner can be of immeasurable value, as they are able to offer insights, support and direction that could otherwise be very costly to an individual’s life if they were to go unattended.

Quantum physics adds another chapter to these principles that says that all of the afore mentioned conditions of mind, emotions and health work on a continuum that aligns you to your future experiences.

This is when it becomes necessary and vital to be aligned. How does one get aligned?

Imagine where your health could take you if you really did have the power to co-create your future life with passionate purpose and not pure happenstance! If you knew the accurate power of your thoughts, would you ever let a thought slip by your conscious mind unchecked that you did not wish to actually experience in your life?

Well, it is important to realise that we are all individuals with different needs and therefore we will each require a specific approach to support these unique needs. Being aligned allows the vitalistic healing energy of our body to go to work by organising, repairing, supporting & co-ordinating at various levels. Due to the varying needs of individuals, it is best to understand how different modalities can support these requirements. That is why most health clinics (As opposed to sickness clinics), offer a range of options to the community & clientele. Here are the modalities available at our clinic Zuma Health: • Chiropractic - is all about the brain/body connection. Maintaining optimal communication between the bodies main computer and our body systems and regulation for maximum function. • Kinesiology - translates and evaluates the efficiency, and support of operating programs in our mind and body and seeks to create balance and harmony. • Naturopathy - supports cellular life-force and metabolism by establishing the physical needs of the body are met through correct diet & supplementation. • Acupuncture - ensures that the subtle body, nerve connections and energy channels are maintained and function to their potential. • Massage - aims to improve tissue health & circulation by gently moving the body whilst in a relaxed position. People come to us because they wish to grow with strength & clarity. Chiropractic is the perfect tool for supporting these aspects of our health process. Most people would agree that the tone and quality of your thoughts directly affects how you feel emotionally - if you think negative thoughts, you feel bad. And most people would agree that the tone and quality of your emotions directly affects your immune system and health - you usually get sick when you feel stressed. The fascinating research and evidence of these connections are found throughout the literature of neurology and are now considered quite mainstream.

A good thought creates a good feeling that creates good biochemistry that supports good health, which makes you feel good, so you view your experiences through the feeling of good, which helps you to feel more of those good thoughts. Your whole experience is so good that you radiate attraction, which brings opportunity, that you have the energy to pursue because you feel good. If you replace the word good with the word bad however, it creates a different cycle, one where people feel stuck, depressed, negative and full of self-pity. That is a cycle we look to break, and redirect the flow. What has this got to do with Chiropractic? The Central Nervous system is the brain-body-connection, it includes the main computer, the brain, and connects it with all the other systems of the body via a jungle of nerves that feed out through the spine to other organs and systems. A chiropractic adjustment is designed to free up and maximise these systemic connections so greater health, feelings and thoughts can be attained. Chiropractors often report that patients who may have commenced care for a back ache find all other areas of their life improving as a result of the changes to their body, biochemistry, feelings and thoughts. Imagine! At our clinic, Dr. Matt is hugely passionate about his vocation & Dr. Angie feels a life-calling to be healing others with hands. Both are focused individuals with a heart for the community. “I will be sharing Chiropractic until I die.” (Dr. Matt) The role of a healthy nervous-system should be handed to us from birth, as we all have a brain and a spinal cord that begins its process of organisation

Stress is defined as a high level of demand, a low level of control and little support from your social network. This sounds like a lack of connection to self & others. Research is now consistently demonstrating by measuring heart rate, cortisol and adrenaline levels that stress affects the autonomic nervous system and neuroendocrine function (Chandola et al, 2006; Bjorntorp, 1991; Brunner et al, 2002). “According to the mind–body or biopsychosocial paradigm, which supersedes the older biomedical model, there is no real division between mind and body because of networks of communication that exist between the brain and neurological, endocrine and immune systems,” said Oakley Ray, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Psychiatry and Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA). Understanding this reality makes it paramount have an optimally functioning brain-body connection. White Light Magazine

Dr Matt & Dr Angie of Zuma Health 11

Cover Story

Our Point of Difference is our Point of Unity cont... from the very moment of conception. Instead and often (unless we have had a blessed experience of being introduced to Chiropractic at a young age or in a wellness based manner) people become initiated into Chiropractic when they are stressed and broken. This is akin to only looking at the hygiene of your teeth when you have a cavity or some other type of considerable malady. It can be surprising for people to know that Chiropractors provide checkups and adjustments for individuals right throughout the life spectrum. When practiced with context, Chiropractic can be extremely gentle and it has an extremely notable safety record. Doctors of Chiropractic – often referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians – practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling. Who should go to a Chiropractor? As chiropractic is safe, and because chiropractic is suitable for both prevention and treatment, it is suitable for any body and at any age, as long as you have a brain and a spinal cord. From birth and into the twilight years Chiropractic care can be utilised to maximise quality of life…add years to your life and life to your years. It may help with digestion issues, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalance, posture/mobility, back pain, headaches and just about any part of your body supported by your nervous system. Some people even use it to improve their golf swing! Others use it to be their spiritual best & pursue their life purpose with passion! If someone is deeply unaware of patterns and unsupportive physiology in their life, kinesiology is a beautiful tool for helping that individual to unearth & come to terms with new knowledge and frameworks about life. It especially addresses the varied ways that the mind and body interconnect. An increasing number of medical schools and centres now have departments devoted to mind– body research and some also to mind–body treatment, including Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), Columbia University (New York, NY), University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Pittsburgh (PA). This now-interdisciplinary research field, which also includes behavioural medicine, is often called psychoneuroimmunology or psychoendoneuroimmunology and “incorporates ideas, belief systems, hopes, and desires as well as biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy,” according to Ray (2004). Lani, our beloved kinesiologist has a depth of life experience that she brings to light in each session with individuals. Most often individuals are able to connect with a deep shift in sessions with Lani, creating open passage for the way of change. 12

But, this brings about a very pertinent question: How does one know that they have unsupportive physiology and patterns? There are several manifestations of this answer: A lack of clarity can result, toxicity may be present, individuals may feel stuck in their lives, sickness can manifest, a mentality of lack can ensue, hopelessness and desolation can prevail......... Really, there are many variations of being out of balance in life. Clarity depends on how well organised and supported your body, your vehicle and temple. From your Pineal Gland (third eye) down to your to your toes, create health and connection to carry you forward with your lives purpose. As a collection of parts, when the body is supported by a clear nervous system the body is able to become a more unified whole; spiritually & physically. Are you wondering how unified and supported your body is? Are you thinking about having a health check-up? We would love to help support your health journey towards wholeness. Simply contact a local practitioner (us if you are from the Gold Coast :-)) whom you feel is able to address the energetic connections of your body and your specific needs. Some clarifying questions to ask a practitioner are: - What is the intention of your work? - How can you help me in my life & body? - How does your modality impact the function of the body? These questions should enable you to feel if there is a good rapport and a healing connection worth pursuing. Caring for our clients begins the mechanism of self-connection and healing; as each individual is able to relinquish their frameworks (belief systems, judgements and simple distractions) they are able to open into the greatness of the innate healing ability of their body. This is our aim as healthcare practitioners; simply to connect a person with their inborn healing potential and to enable and empower that individual to take the steps they wish for in order to restore themselves. Our focus is to serve each individual with the integrity they deserve; as a result of whole-heartedly serving each individual, this has led to our business growing into a multifaceted healing centre, serving many family members, friends and extended community members alike. Connection overtime creates direction: Our wellness centre is focused on restoring balance, function and connection in one’s life. We still have a business to grow like anybody else, however, the Modus Operandi of our business is people first - that includes our staff too. We believe with that with a clearly intentioned mind and focused daily actions we are creating a healthier group of individuals and community members in our local Gold Coast region.

March - May Edition 2017

With a team of professionals harnessing skills from Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Massage, Naturopathy & Nursing our pool of experience can offer support from so many angles. We are excited to offer Acupuncture with the fresh mind of Miranda. A world traveler who has landed on our doorstep ready to serve. Acupuncture works beautifully with the subtle energy systems known as meridians in the body. For those who like a very subtle charge - this is for you. Also a great form of both maintenance care as well as symptom based care. Tessa our naturopath - lives & loves health. The girl is as radiant as the sun and as fit as you want your health practitioner to be. Working at an organic supermarket (Wrays Organic in Palm Beach) Tessa has her hands ready, willing and able to dish out what you need. From her precisely guided remedial massage to her holistic variety of herbs, nutrients, oils and the like. Come and restore your body naturally. Our vitalistic facilitators handle the public interface and communications at Zuma Health healing centre. Judith, has an unprecedented passion for natural health - having been a nurse in a past life (in this body), she actively pursues, engages and enlivens with her ability to connect the dots through experience and knowledge. Margaret is pure heart. You will begin healing & restoring by her presence alone. To give you more of an idea of what it’s like to be a part of our health community, we regularly hear people share with us that they have never felt so cared for; and also that they have never had their health issues explained to them so thoroughly and clearly. These are the keys to enabling and empowering individuals. Our aim is to educate and provide enough knowledge to help each individual to grow their own ability and sufficiency to take care of themselves and their family. We also aim to provide a safe fun relaxed vibe so that people feel right at home and can begin the healing process straightaway.

The recipe is simple: by caring we create people sharing; people sharing in a greater life experience for themselves and also with others. This is often why we regularly have people sending us referrals and there are other individuals who are so interested to check out the positivity on tap. If you live too far to drop in and say hi (We are in Burleigh Heads Qld), we encourage you to find a wellness clinic with an interest in supporting you to be your best in every way you can be. “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison Article written by Dr Matthew Scheier zumahealth.com.au 07 5535 – 1167 Bjorntorp P (1991) Visceral fat accumulation: the missing link between psychosocial factors and cardiovascular disease? J Intern Med 230: 195–201 [PubMed] Brunner EJ et al. (2002) Adrenocortical, autonomic, and inflammatory causes of the metabolic syndrome: nested case-control study. Circulation 106: 2659–2665 [PubMed] Chandola T, Brunner E, Marmot M (2006) Chronic stress at work and the metabolic syndrome: prospective study. BMJ 332: 521–525 Ray O (2004) The revolutionary health science of psychoendoneuroimmunology: a new paradigm for understanding health and treating illness. Ann NY Acad Sci 1032: 35–51 [PubMed]

White Light Magazine


Rune Magick Greetings, as we embrace the change in Seasons we need to allow change within ourselves. If we wish to grow and achieve then Marbon and Ostara are both excellent Sabbats for such Magickal working. Ostara heralds the ‘awakening of Mother Earth’ and Her fertility awakens us to our possibilities. Whilst Mabon reminds us that although we grow with the light we are nourished and grow within the protection of Her dark womb. Blessings RavenSpell xx Ostara…a spell of awakening/new beginnings Jera reward for positive effort

You will need: 1 X Summer blooming bulb in a bowl 1 X pot with soil (if you have no garden) 1 X big bowl of water 1 X green candle 1 X yellow candle Preparations: Prepare your alter or sacred space and place the bowl with bulb in front of the green candle Bathe in salt bath fragrant with Rose, Jasmine or frangipani Have in mind your new sense of purpose Light the green candle and as you do visualise the root of the bulb slowly emerging and anchoring in nourishing soil. Breathe in this visual and see healthy green shoots growing from the bulb and pushing upward through the soil. Move the bowl of seed/bulb in front of the yellow candle.


March - May Edition 2017

Light the candle and as you do visualise the shoots of the bulb blossoming into healthy beautiful flowers. With these images in your mind take the bulb and hold it in your hand. Imprint your will and purpose in the bulb whilst drawing the Jera glyph over it. Then hold the bulb up in afference saying aloud… By Ostara and my deed To grow in Spirit and in Creed As in Fire, Earth, Water, Seed Lord and Lady hear my plea As I will So Mote It Be Plant the seed into the pot (or garden,) dowse each candle in the water before watering the newly planted seed. Mabon…protection in wisdom Alzig: protection, safety, spirituality Peace in the knowledge and acceptance that there is good in all things and wisdom is gained even through the darkest of experience.

You will need: 1 X black and 1 X white candle 1X red and 1 X purple candle 1x small bowl with cinnamon, nutmeg and apple seeds 1 X incense of your choice of pine, sage or myrrh 1 X small bowl of saline (salt in water) or 4 extra small bowls of salt See your home as the womb of the Mother, the between worlds in which you are protected. Sweep and smudge away any negativity that may still reside and pour a little saline in the North South East and West points of your yard surrounding your home or if not possible place a bowl of salt at each compass point within your home. In your kitchen, place the candles in order; black, red, purple, white and light them in order black to banish, white to protect, red for the nourishment of the Mother and purple to evoke the Wisdom of the Crone. Take each candle, one at a time, with full knowledge of what each represents. Holding the candle bow to each of the Four Directions and then allow the wax to drop upon the spice and apple seeds. When you have completed this with each candle raise the spice bowl and press it gently to your heart, your lips, your third eye and your forehead. Then place it in front of the candles and say With boundaries strengthened Protection in place Hallowed Hearth And sanctified space Mystic gifts by Sacred Rites By all that’s Blessed and Divine Empower my deeds for the greater good Bring forth the Crone and let Her shine Wisdom anew and Serenity With gratitude, I am Blessed Be RavenSpell © 2017

White Light Magazine


Awaken the Healing Heart


How Pink Is Your Heart?

y message is simple “ like the butterfly, there is a time for rest and healing whilst in the cocoon, as you emerge ready to take flight embrace who you are and allow your colours to shine whilst feeling the lightness of your wings taking flight for the first time, trust, faith and hope, your destination the unknown” How do you feel? How do you measure what life has dealt you as being fair, reasonable or unfair? And when does it all come together, a way of summing up your journey to date? Life is like taking a ticket and getting on the bus, remembering that at any time you can stop, get off or continue the journey, possible becoming something bigger than when you first commenced. See, life is so random and dreams seem so far away. The world is full of so much information, greed, unrest and wanting, that it just seems that we never end the day feeling completely content, loved or fulfilled. Don’t get me wrong we all know the meaning of love, that warm fuzz when we hold someone close or the words that tumble out when we express ourselves to a loved one. Do you feel like so much needs to be done, spreading the love, healing the needy, be something or someone in a world of everything, yet nothing? There are so many directions, people starting at various points and yet countless opportunities waiting to be completed. We all care to some degree and if possible we do our utmost to assist, but at the end of the day nothing as a whole is completed and that ends up spilling over into the “never feeling bin”. When did you last feel frozen unable to move, change direction, and speak from the heart? I believe that we all reach a point when you desire to lift that burden, heavy feeling and bring about purpose, a closure and the ability to live in the now with true simplicity – keeping things in life simple. It comes back to how we feel, what we have left to give and how we can turn it around, our life holds the truest meaning and personal value that we all hold true as unique individuals. I believe that healing can start, the most rewarding way to express the truest you, by the simple realization that we all have the same needs, wants, desires and dreams that are unfulfilled. The ones that go unnoticed lying buried, hurting and numbing our true life’s purpose and journey. Through my journey with individuals from children to adults my work has always led me to the same conclusion that true healing and achieving your true life purpose can begin by asking yourself this question: “How pink is your heart and what shades hold true of you at this space in time”. The metaphor of


the pink heart was shared to elevate your vibrational energies using the various shades of the pink spectrum. Everyone is important and has their own unique individual story to tell, something yet to be revealed, a need to be heard and with no ramifications. It’s just like opening your heart, taking out the unique pink-prints (blueprints) including all the bumps, bruises then handing them over for healing repair. Writing is a powerful medium to releasing that trapped emotional energy blocks your every breath. Many lifetime moments are changed by the power of words expressed. Taking the first steps to sharing your unique story, “the one that you believe is true for you” and then within hope, forgiveness will begin. The hope is for you to feel lighter on many levels. This is a unique way to grant yourself the opportunity to see, feel and move forward towards your truest dreams. How pink is your heart? Let your self see, the various shades and present yourself with a unique wholeness to healing by moving forward with peace. My book is in the final stages of completing a book called “Awaken the Healing Heart” which I have just shared part of chapter two. All the writings have been guided and there is a chapter on healing modalities and angelic tools. The time has come for me to share some extracts from the book, as this was a gift placed into my hands for mankind, enjoy. “Awaken the Healing Heart” was a gift placed into my hands and heart. Sharing this journey is like unleashing my blueprint touching many souls, inspiring a fostering to awaken ready to begin the inner healing process on all levels. “In every book there are many words colourful stories and finally a message that the author has either hidden or blatantly pointed out hopefully in the end we have emerged with an enriched feeling of connection or completion” We have a duty of care in being the light workers the keepers of this world, where we nurture, tender, care and awaken our truest soul purpose. Every step is vital for our spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing. Uncover the messages, the visions, learning’s, angelic tools and stories as the seeker. In your hands you are the gatekeeper to the angelic world, assisting you daily through the whispers of angelic words desired to uplift the soul, inspire dreams, inspire hope, align faith into your daily lifestyle, leading towards awaking our healing heart.

“With vision you see with insight you see clearly”

March - May Edition 2017

Our life starts from the moment we are born and take our first breathe. We each have a day marked on the calendar in invisible ink indicating the day we leave this precious earth. The rest takes all of our attention to make each moment a summing up of emotional experiences, dreams unfolding, pathways leading to many opportunities and doors opening to our newest beginnings. Who am I to be writing about life and the ever - unfolding quest for spiritual fulfillment? What is the balance between spiritual enlightment and being of earthly good? My life to date has had intense meaning, intrigue and huge spiritual challenges. By uncovering the real me it will help to discover the parts of myself yet to be revealed and hopefully offering each of us the opportunity to challenge the surreal life we are leading. Challenging yourself daily to achieve your goals, dreams whilst defining what you need to be really doing is a huge challenge, physically, mentally and emotionally. Trying is one thing but making the move towards the doorway is a struggle. What seems real is often moving away from the thought process that started the movement to self. What life are you living or what dream is true for you? The perfect life is a reflection of what we should and would be entitled to if we had the answers or holding the key to eternal life. My lifetime has been just as colourful and with all the stumbling blocks that seem to go into a life spent learning about what is so very important. The meaning of our life only develops a character of its own later in life for the pieces never seem to fit into place, only when they do, we are reminded that we have yet more pieces to uncover as this always seems to relate to our true self. So as I find the words to describe what this book is about and how it might relate to you or even if has a thread of inspiration that will flow on for you, I am reminded that we are all struggling, we are all knowing and yet we are all seeking in a world filled with many illusions. Let me start somewhere and let’s remind ourselves that as we read and acknowledge through the words, stories and many visions, we are pulled together and we will grow from this experience. I am open, raw and confronting about my journey and truth, whilst it is then up to you to grow from this or bring it into alignment with your own life experiences for this is how we develop ourselves and together become from the seeking to the seeker. Everybody carries around some kind of pain and everyone deserves to know that someone cares. Awaken the Healing Heart is my book that I will carry close to my heart to help fellow friends, ones I have yet to meet and the far reaching of this majestic earth and finally to my connected family, ones that I hold closest to my heart.

This book holds within the readers hands the opportunity to lighten a burden placed within us all, aiming to assist us to identify, opening oneself at a place from within your deepest core that has stored in between its woven threads the souls highest truth of our spiritual and esoteric being. In our lifetimes as far back as the first spoken or written words that came into formation from the bible to the prophets, every conceivable expression of words have been written or shared. We still continue to search for a story that reflects how we see our world and what will give us the necessary key or tool to uplift our spirit so with this in mind the journey for me is to embrace this unique gift that was placed within me to achieve this through writing and sharing my book – Awaken the Healing Heart. If we could only awaken to tender our garden within our healing heart, then all types of wondrous flowers of love would grow, allowing endless flows of loving energy to pour out into our need world My wings have taken flight since the completion of my book and always for my love of humanity. I do believe in myself and the whisper is “so will you”. Ciao Dorina Blessings Friends! Within the next month I will be launching my book and if you would love a signed copy of your own, then send me an email: dorinagodden@hotmail.com or on Facebook: Awaken The Healing Heart 33@awakenheart111 xxxxx Dorina

White Light Magazine


How I Conquered To Being H

i my name is Jackie Mortimer, known as Jackie Angel of Light running a Healing Spheres business that incorporates Angel Psychic Readings, Relationship Consulting, Life Purpose Consulting and matters of Mindset and I would love to share with you my story of rejection and how I overcame it.

a Cinderella story. My Dad learned to ignore how I was being treated that created inner resentment towards Dad and my step-mum. I felt like I was living in a prison of lovelessness, negativity and pain which kept me in hell during my childhood and teenage years. And what was even worse I perceived my Dad rejected me as well.

My first experience of rejection started for me when I was three weeks old. My mum committed suicide while I was sleeping in the cot upstairs. She gassed herself in the kitchen back in 1953 in our small apartment in Rotterdam and if it wasn’t for my Dad coming home for morning tea I don’t think I would have been around myself as the gas was starting to come upstairs. Dad was left to take care of me and my two elder sisters.

I know that my God given strength got me through my childhood and teenage years. I left home at sixteen to move in with my sister and started as a typist for HBA in South Australia. I had my first serious relationship at eighteen and decided to move to Victoria to spend more time with the man of my dreams. I was twenty when we married and little did I know what was to lie ahead of me. I thought all of my troubles were gone. How wrong I was. After five years in the marriage I discovered my husband

Dad remarried six months later to my step-mother who had two children of her own. I was still a baby and my step-mum loved me up to the age of two years old when she fell pregnant and had a baby girl. The love that she had towards me at the time was redirected to my younger baby sister and it caused jealousy in me because I was not being paid attention to or loved from that moment on. My life living with my stepmother was like 18

had an affair. I didn’t want to believe that this was happening and when I confronted him, he admitted he was sleeping with a woman and he apologized profusely asking me to stay and give him a second chance. Because of my fear of rejection and insecurities I chose to give the marriage another go. Guess what? After eleven years of marriage I discovered a letter where another woman who he was currently having an affair with wrote to my husband venting her feelings and frustration towards him and exposing her anger about the relationship he was having with another woman. I found out he was having an affair not just with one woman but with two. That letter brought a sinking feeling in my gut and it certainly rocked my world and broke my heart that created a bigger chain around my heart to protect myself. I could not cope with this any longer and found the inner courage and strength to leave my husband. I moved in with my sister-in-law who was a great support to me and I focused on my career and friendships. A year later I fell into another relationship and after two years experienced another rejection as my partner back then could not handle my insecurities. I kept on creating similar patterns falling in

March - May Edition 2017

Fear Of Rejection Accepted For Who I Am by Jackie Mortimer by the fear of rejection which held me back from communicating my feelings. I remained shy and withdrawn scared of what men or other people would think of me if I show my true colours.

rejection. If you can relate to my story call me for a FREE chat. Would love to hear from you or if you are after an Angel Psychic Reading happy to assist.

I was afraid to be myself and it deepened my feeling of being unworthy and not good enough. I learned very quickly to build a chain around my heart to protect myself from being hurt. Little did I know then that I was closing my heart off to life. How has rejection caused you pain? Can you relate to my story? In the next issue I will share more about the human trait of rejection and how I overcame the fear of and out of two year relationships until I discovered a book “Heal Your Life’” by Louise Hay that started to change my world. I started to see related patterns in my life and I knew I had to change something in myself. That was the beginning of a spiritual and personal development journey for me. I felt so much pain with rejection and found it very difficult to let go of the fear. Rejection prevented me from having a man who would love me just as I am. I was possessed White Light Magazine


The ART of Peace T

o be at peace, to feel peaceful within oneself, what does this mean? It means to not allow yourself to become embroiled in the oh so painful and terrible news that is broadcast at us all 24/7. It means to bunker down and live your life peacefully, at peace with yourself and not being angry at the television in the lounge room. That beautiful OFF switch should be employed as often as you dare, it will disconnect you from the horrific messages that are being sent your way. A few years ago, whilst living on Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast hinterland, myself and my husband made the decision to disconnect our television and only play DVD movies on it. This lasted for four beautiful, stress free years. We went about our business without the daily injection of murders, heartache, anger and pain that the box in the corner of the lounge would project at us each day.

Nowadays we watch a little of the news and it usually lasts for about 5 seconds before we switch over to NETFLIX and watch a movie instead. Next time you watch your television, try to become aware of how tense and agitated it is making you feel, hearing about the mayhem and the fear that is generated. Try your OFF switch, breathe in, count to four and exhale. We all walk around wearing the drama in our auras, our energy fields become drenched and it has a habit of wearing us down and draining our energy, just as spending a lot of time with a negative person will have the same effect. Shield and protect yourself by casting circles, sage smudging, white light visualisations,


by Jane O’Connor Chapman

crystal gridding, however which way you choose to shield and protect your own vital energy. Try listening to music as often as you can, music has the power within to reduce stress, produce a calming, uplifting effect and evoke memories that will help you to feel more vibrant and alive. You might even start to dance and dancing is wonderful for the heart and soul. As the Dalai Lama says, “Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.”. We each have our daily problems that life throws our way and developing a peaceful frame of mind can at times be very challenging to say the least. Yet if we have peace on our minds as often as we possibly can, it will help us to feel less frayed and become less unravelled by life’s big and little hurdles. Being aware of the breath during stressful situations, disconnecting and counting slowly in the mind for four as you breathe in can have a truly remarkable and positive effect on how you react to a situation. I choose peace over drama, I choose peace over fear, I choose love over anger, I choose to be the peaceful warrior in my own life and I strive to protect my energy and shield myself from all negative energy that is constantly pushed my way. I hope that you choose peace too, I hope that you decide to use your OFF switch and relax as much as you possibly can. In times of great fear and stress it is even more important to take care of your energy and not allow it to be infiltrated by the media and negative forces. You have control over that switch and it is a wonderful way of lessening the amount of fear that you are consuming. Fear breeds dread and dread breeds anger.

March - May Edition 2017

Breed love and peace instead. Allow the peace in your life to spill out over to everyone you meet and this will have a positive effect on their lives too. “Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Sun Tzu wrote the above in his book ‘The Art of War’, this quote is about wearing people down into submission, just as we are when we sit staring at the screens full of awful news. It desensitizes us and we fill our minds with fear. Peacefulness is the opposite of war. Being at peace is sublime. We are comfortable within ourselves and can think clearly and calmly instead of being frantically anxious and responding dramatically to everything that happens to us in our lives. Read a book, get outside, be grateful for all the love in your life and feel those stress levels drop. I wish you peace. Jane x www.sparklerainbow.com

WitchyPoo Teas, Candles & Readings Michelle, the Green Witch of Moons Lane specialises in making all Organic and Australian made Magical Teas and Candles, is also a Psychic, Tarot Medium and a Member of the Australian Academy of Spirit. She has 28 years experience and is available for Private or Phone bookings. Contact Michelle today on 0411 384 613 White Light Magazine


Accessing your own Intuition Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. We all have a deep inner knowing. It is innate in each of us. Have you ever thought “I should have trusted my gut? I knew this was not going to work but I did it anyway” This is your intuition at work.

heart. Feel each beat. Bring in the choice you have to make. Just feel your options, one at a time. How does each one feel? Does this choice feel easy, light, intense or

How do we connect on a daily bases to our own inner voice? We don’t need to be serious and intense about it. When you are shopping really pay attention to the products you are buying. Hold the item in your hand and feel ask your body if it is in your highest good to consume this. You may get a simple yes or no feeling. You may feel heavy or vibrant. Trust in this. Your body knows her needs. There are many ways to tune in to your own Intuition. Meditation is a great way for you to centre ground and really connect to your inner voice. If you have a choice to make here is a simple exercise to help connect to your own inner wisdom. Sit quietly for a moment. Breathe in through the nose and out through your mouth. Put your hand on your 22

will never lead you astray. Trust your own inner wisdom. Yoga is another beautiful way of tuning in to our Soul. Be very conscious of the food you are eating. Fresh organic food will raise your vibration immediately. Drink filtered water. Keep a Journal and write each day. This is a beautiful way for your soul to communicate with you. Keep a note pad beside your bed and write down your Dreams. Bring compassion into each moment. If we are in a situation where we are reactive to someone, take a step back and bring compassion into your heart. Immediately the negativity will dissipate and loving compassion will smooth any situation. We always have choice. Spend time in Nature. It is vitally important to all of us to connect with the energy of mother earth. The forest makes your heart gentle. You become one with it….

complicated? Just get the feeling. Bring in the next option and feel that. Your heart knows the best option for you. Your mind can give you the story about it but your heart March - May Edition 2017

The quieter the mind becomes, the more you can hear Avril Rose


have, and you can attract it to you. There is “another you” in that alternate “now” that has the talent you want. So how do we benefit from this “other you”? How do you draw on abilities from the “talent bank” of that other you, and get it into your being now?

Barbara Ann “Raphael’s Blessing”

Kinergetics Kinesiology & Energy Balancing



ere’s how to get in touch with our every talent, every ability that you ever wanted for yourself, even if you’re convinced you don’t have a shred of it now. Physicists and mystics agree that all of time co-exists simultaneously. The way we experience time, with one moment following another moment after another moment, is our lifetime. In reality, all moments of time are hanging around together, and our consciousness is threading its way through and among those moments of time creating what is frequently seen as an illusion and delusions (but more on that later). [Just stay with me for a bit longer, and were almost past all this theoretical stuff.] They also say that there are an infinite number of variations of each possible moment. That’s what they call “parallel universes” in the science fiction movies. As it turns out, those parallel universes are not actually science fiction after all. They’re really there - the physicists say so. We just can’t usually see them. If you can’t see something does not mean it doesn’t exist. But there is one way that you can perceive them. It’s your intuition (or imagination). You can actually - tune/train your mind in to a talent you don’t have, but would love to

The short answer is, you don’t. You don’t take anything away from anybody. Instead, from love you reach out with your intuition and imagination and offer to combine your talents with those of that other you. You suggest a win-win merger that benefits you both. Consider that our higher self is present in every one of our past experiences. Now we need to expand our ‘threading of these moments in time’. We learn to access more of our true selves; then these talents have the network to communicate back through our intuition and creativity to now time. Then you start training those new talents, and -- surprise -- those very talents appear from out of “nowhere” (but you’ll know where). Clarity to know what is ego or a subconscious blockage and the like make the journey easier and less delusional. It’s simple to do a bit of “day-dreaming” and talk to other versions of yourself. How do you reach them? Just imagine it. You’re always talking to that critic or parent in your head. So why not your other selves in other possible universes? Just imagine them.

my head. Having come to understand how things work at that time, I had written in massive letters at the top of that page (the copy I kept) “LOOK HOW FAR I’VE COME FROM THIS!!!!!” with a big smiley face next to it. Last night my new abundant self read that and felt awesome. It truly felt like a note to my future self from then. I reflected with satisfaction and contentment and great relief at how far I’ve come just even in that particular area of life, and I thanked myself for leaving that note. Knowing it was no longer needed, after bathing in the energy of that moment, I happily tore the whole thing up and threw it out. I think she put it so eloquently! This is exactly how we can get in touch with our future self. She manifested abundance by making an appointment with her future self…. A different example from the originally focus on talents, but still very pertinent. She has been on a journey with me, and I can guide you too. In my Clinic I use Kinesiology and other tools to validate and remove what unique blockages you might have to manifesting the greatest version of you. Phone me for an appointment or for details of upcoming workshops. Love & Blessings, Barbara Ann www.joy4life.com.au

Talk to them. Offer to do a joint venture -share some of what you know for some of what they can do. And then, once you’ve made an agreement, just accept what comes. And enjoy it. When I was putting this article together, I was in contact with one of my clients by email, and just casually mentioned the topic for this article. Here is her take on the topic: “Dear Barbara Ann, If you want to use this in your article, you may :) When I was de-cluttering last night, I found all my old bills and overdue notices from before I went bankrupt. I found the letter I wrote to financial advisors, which was a desperate plea for help, and had attached a table of income vs expenses which clearly showed I was in way over White Light Magazine



Southern Hemisphere - Autumn Recipes

Sweet Potato Brussels Sprout Quinoa Bowl Ingredients 1 cup quinoa, rinsed 1½ cups vegetable broth (can also use chicken broth) 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ onion, minced 1 tablespoon fresh ginger root, diced 2 cups sweet potatoes, diced 1 cup sliced Brussels sprouts 2 tablespoons dried cranberries ¼ cup sliced almonds Instructions Place quinoa and broth into a pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Cover and reduce heat to low, simmer for 15-20 minutes until all liquid is absorbed. Meanwhile while quinoa is cooking, place olive oil, garlic, onion and ginger into large skillet. Cook over medium heat 3-4 minutes until onions are translucent. Add sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts and let cook for 10 minutes or until they soften. Add cooked quinoa to skillet and thoroughly combine. Remove from heat. Add cranberries and almonds and mix again.


Coconut Chickpea Curry

Roasted Broccoli Soup

Ingredients 2 tablespoons oil to sauté 2 mediums onions/1 large red onion, sliced 400g fresh tomatoes, diced (if using canned, drain the tomatoes) sea salt & ground black pepper, to taste 454g can chickpeas, drained 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 1/2 tablespoons garam masala 1 teaspoon curry powder 1/4 teaspoon cumin 383g can coconut milk 2 teaspoons coconut flour 1 small lime

Ingredients 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 2 large broccoli crowns (stems removed) 1 heaping cup onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper freshly cracked sea salt and pepper cashew sour cream and minced chives for garnish (optional)

Instructions In a deep pot over medium high heat, add the coconut oil. Add in the onions and tomatoes. Grind some sea salt and ground black pepper over the mixture and stir together. Lower heat to medium and allow to cook down until juices of the tomatoes are naturally released and onions are soft, about 10 minutes. Add in the chickpeas, garlic, garam masala, curry powder and cumin. Stir to combine. Add in the coconut milk and stir again. Add in the coconut flour which helps to slightly thicken the curry. Bring the curry to a boil, and then reduce to medium-low so that the mixture continues to simmer for 10 to 12 more minutes. Taste the curry and season with salt and pepper if you desire. Remove the curry from the heat and squeeze a lime lightly over the top of the curry, stirring to combine. Don’t skip this step!! Allow to cool slightly and then serve. Enjoy! March - May Edition 2017

Instructions Preheat oven to 200 C. Chop broccoli into evenly sized florets. Toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil and season generously with freshly cracked sea salt and black pepper. Lay out on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Roast for 15-20 minutes, until florets are just beginning to brown. Heat remaining tablespoon olive oil in a pot or large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic and onions and sauté until softened, about 5 minutes. Add the broccoli, salt and pepper, and vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer and cook until the broccoli is very soft, about 10 minutes. Working in batches, transfer soup to a blender and puree until smooth. Return puree to pan and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot, garnished with sour cream and chives.


Northern Hemisphere - Spring Recipes

Lean Green Portobello, Pesto & Artichoke Panini Ingredients 2 teaspoons coconut oil 2 slices of sourdough (or your favorite) bread 1 medium portobello mushroom 3-4 tablespoons of hemp seed basil pesto 2-3 artichoke hearts, roughly chopped thinly sliced onion (I like a lot. Put as much as you like!) 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced Instructions Gently clean the mushroom cap, remove stem, and thinly slice the cap. Lightly sauté in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in a medium frying pan for 3-4 minutes, until slightly softened. Remove from heat. Meanwhile, heat 1 teaspoon of coconut oil on a large griddle over medium heat or preheat your panini press and spray with non-stick spay. Spread each slice of bread with pesto on one side & assemble portobellos, artichoke hearts and sliced onion on top. Place sandwich on the griddle and cook until golden, then flip. When finished, remove from heat and add the avocado slices. Slice, and enjoy!

Lemon Herb Quinoa with Hemp Seeds, Spring Peas and Basil Ingredients 1cup Quinoa, dry 2cups Water, cold 1cup Green peas, fresh or frozen 1/4cup Fresh basil, finely chopped 1/4cup Shelled hemp seeds 2tablespoons Olive oil 2tablespoons lemon juice 2teaspoons Dijon mustard 1teaspoon Maple syrup 1/4teaspoon Sea salt (plus a little extra) 1dash Black pepper Instructions Rinse quinoa in a mesh strainer with cold water. Transfer to a pot and add the 2 cups cold water and a nice pinch of salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, and leave the lid of the pot slightly ajar while cooking. Simmer for about 15 minutes, or until quinoa is plump, the water is absorbed, and you see the tiny little outer “shells” of the quinoa grain coming loose in the pot. Remove quinoa from heat and let sit, covered, for 5 minutes or so. Fluff with a fork and set aside. While quinoa is cooking, boil fresh or frozen peas till warm and tender. Drain and set aside. Mix quinoa, peas, basil, and hemp seeds in a large bowl. Whisk together the oil, lemon juice, maple syrup, dijon mustard, 1/4 tsp sea salt, and black pepper. Pour over the quinoa salad mixture, and serve warm or cold. Dish will keep excellently in the fridge for 2-3 days. White Light Magazine

Curried Cauliflower Wrap Ingredients 2 cups cauliflower florets 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 teaspoons good quality curry powder 1/4 teaspoon salt see note 2 wraps or pita bread 1/4 cup hummus 3 cups arugula, spinach, or lettuce 1/4 cup diced scallions plus extra for topping 2 tablespoons minced cilantro plus extra for topping 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice Instructions Preheat oven to 200˚ C. Cut cauliflower florets into small, bite-sized pieces. in a roasting pan or sheet tray covered with parchment paper, toss cauliflower with olive oil, curry powder, and salt. Bake until browning, 20 to 25 minutes. Meanwhile, spread hummus inside the wrap or pita bread. Toss greens with scallions and cilantro. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil and lemon juice. Pour over the arugula and toss until well coated. Divide the greens into the wrap/pita then once the cauliflower is done, divide on top of the greens.


Cosmic Currents WITH sylvia flimm Hello fellow cosmic travellers This quarterly update on the celestial influences in the sky covers the period March to May 2017 where you can discover more about the current dynamics and influences for your sign. My aim is to provide useful information that enables you to make the most of your opportunities and possibly avoid some pitfalls. With the bi-annual eclipses having taken place on 11th (lunar eclipse) and 27th February (solar eclipse) as well as the energy of the new year, most of us are thinking ahead! Eclipses can bring news and unexpected events which we did not expect or were not prepared for. This can feel like quite a curveball! It is best not to ignore whatever came up and instead consider that you have received some vital key information about the future. History shows that the three months following an eclipse is the time for integration of the new event or information. After an eclipse there are often follow-on events at the time of the next full and new moons.

Full Moon dates following the eclipses: - 13 March – Full Moon in Virgo - 11 April – Full Moon in Libra New Moon dates following the eclipses: - 28 March – New Moon in Aries - 26 April – New Moon in Taurus

- 11 May – Full Moon in Scorpio - 26 May – New Moon in Gemini

Eclipses are like full and new moons on steroids! View the information that an eclipse brings as a signpost, and watch out for further information and events at the time of the following full and new moons that are connected to the eclipse. Just a side note, Napoleon was de-throned and exiled to Elba when a major Solar Eclipse hit his chart’s career sector. The examples are not always this drastic - it depends where it falls into the chart of the individual and their situation; however there is something fated about an eclipse that calls for attention or outlived situations that need clearing as they have passed their use by date will receive a clearing impulse. Fortunately, this current set of eclipses from February 2017 tends to bring positive changes and pleasant surprises, possibly even lucky wins. Delays or difficulties can be experienced when Mercury goes retrograde once again as it reaches 4 degrees Taurus on 10 April. It will wander back into Aries and turn direct once it conjuncts Uranus from 4 May until 13 May. This could be a progressive and clarifying time for resolving any issues, negotiations and discussions about goals and future directions. Often the course we take can undergo stagnation or we may feel doubtful and “wobbly” during the retrograde phase. In this retrograde phase we are likely to undertake useful further investigation of the chosen direction. Check your sun sign (and those of your loved ones) and find out what opportunities the eclipses combined with the planet influences for March - May 2017 may represent. If you know your ascendant sign or moon sign, you may benefit from reading it as well!


20 March – 19 April What to do with all those pressing, intuitive thoughts and hunches that you have been getting, dear Aries? There is a lot of activity under the surface and things are coming to a head behind closed doors. You feel the anticipation in the air. What to do with all those pressing thoughts? Is that your dilemma dear Aries? Just relax and concentrate on improving and organising things for yourself right now. For example…it’s not time for you to act prematurely or try to organise other people’s lives before your own as you may find your feedback is ignored right now. Lead by example and exercise patience. There is no need to pull at a young and fresh shoot when it is coming out of the ground and trying to open a Sunflower before it blooms, of course only you Aries, would think of trying this! Instead - water it, and give it supportive


surroundings. It will bloom when it is ready even though you feel you have already done enough sitting back. Learn to trust, what you are sensing is correct, but there is no call for action just now. If your birthday falls around the end of March, you will enter this year on a New Moon birthday which signposts a year of new beginnings and opportunities. Venus will retrograde in your sign bringing back some past connections or you may find yourself reconsidering relationships, which is good timing during this phase. When Venus turns direct on 16th April and then through Aries from 29 April until 7 June, you will feel a lot more able to pursue relationships or be pursued for that matter. Have patience and find a beneficial outlet for any pent up energy you may feel with Mars and Venus in Aries take up boxing, running or more socialising. Watch yourself in traffic in case you find

March - May Edition 2017

yourself racing someone. Possibly cleaning up the room or garage that you wanted to attend to, may be a good way to channel the extra energy you will have. Look again in mid April and see how your hunches have been confirmed. Meanwhile improve yourself! Significant Days – 28 March, 16 April, 29 April, 9 May (resolving a matter – good for honest discussions) Your oracle card for the Quarter – Emperor – leadership, maturity, steadfastness.


20 April – 20 May Time to get socially active! This is the time when you may have friends in need, or they may come to the rescue with the right words of consolation and wisdom. This could add to a new view that is shaping up about some next steps you may have contemplated

in relationship matters. If you are feeling restless, talk it through with friends or colleagues and let other points of view become part of your considerations. You will be pleased if they are able to highlight some blind spots. This may shape your strategy in ways that are a lot more effective and could bring you joy and success in the long run. It is okay to take some expertise on board, which is brought to your attention by a professional, they are likely to mean well and show you a way to your goals. It may take until just after the New Moon on 26 April for your projects to progress significantly. The New Moon may mark an opportune time to schedule an important meeting and convey the plans to bring everyone on board. Before then you may benefit more with reflection, information gathering and planning. Be sure not to launch too soon, delay with Mercury retrograde affecting your sign may force you to wait until after 22 May. Meanwhile, take the time to review and also to have some fun and socialise. The best ideas may come when you take the pressure off a little! Significant Days – 26 April, 22 May, be aware of Mercury retrograde dates 10 April – 4 May Your oracle card for the Quarter – King of Cups – artistic, protective, caring.


21 May – 20 June Changes in relationships and career are possible for your sign since the eclipses in February took place. Sudden departures of bosses or people in leading positions in your field could have been surprising. You may also find out what the real reasons were for the departure and the circumstances that had a major influence. It may free up opportunities for a re-shuffle and some new and interesting areas or projects at work that you may have some ideal skills to tackle. March could be the month when you see this picture forming and that the first announcement of the news around the eclipse time was somewhat incomplete. The full story may come together in elevator conversations so keep your ears pricked, dear Gemini! Consider carefully what you do with the news and resist the urge to gossip. Rather look at how it can affect your area of work and what you can offer. Be advised not to speak too impulsively around the New Moon on 26 April. When Mercury is in retrograde motion, it may affect you by speaking too soon or at an inappropriate time. Advisable times to schedule those pertinent meetings are after 10 May or if you can wait and continue refining your strategy after 10 June would be the preferred time for significant meetings where you expect your ideas to be displayed in their fullest glory. Significant Days – 26 April, 10 May, 26 May, 10 June Your oracle card for the Quarter – Six of Swords – equilibrium, progress, quest.


21 June – 22 July It has been a taxing time and some relationships have placed major demands on you since the start of the year. Now that the eclipses have occurred in February, it is the perfect time for you to take stock and re-assess. You may find that this phase has strengthened your resolve and you have learned a thing or two about your own commitment to significant others. The responsibilities may still be there but, since late February, your attitude is changing and you gain clarity around the fact that smothering people can immobilize you and the other. You may find that you are fulfilling your duties with more ease and acceptance or you changed the way to regard these duties altogether. With this fresh point of view from the inside, you can expect the circumstances to adjust accordingly. Allow the inside worldview to catch up and you will reap the rewards, most likely in the form of public recognition or praise. You appreciate the feedback as well as the ability to make a fresh start. “Teach them how to fish while you fish a bit less for them” is a motto to contemplate during this phase. The new moon on 28 March may help you to recognise that it is beneficial for you to put new insights on paper and to document your ideas and insights before you express them or take action. Mars and Uranus are challenging your sign during this new moon phase, which lends itself to thinking outside the square, but frustrations could also need to be addressed. Clear the emotional air around the situation first before going to far into implementing the new way, otherwise you could end up backtracking in early May. With Pluto still opposing your sign too much (suppressed) frustration will create a backlash. On the other hand, some considered adult-to-adult conversations could create transformative results. Significant Days – 28 March, 10 April Your tarot card for the Quarter – King of Wands – positive, responsible, visionary.


23 July – 24 August Be prepared to let go of a couple of fixed ideas and outlived habits. Ideas about what is needed for things to pan out are being refreshed by new options becoming clearer. The universe has some new input for you and it is okay to discuss this with trusted friends. You have been waiting for a fresh solution that can add ease to heart-felt relationships and honest communication, which may influence you for the next 20 years as part of the eclipse series. The eclipse may have coincided with correspondence that changed the way to express yourself around matters of the heart, or you received information that opened up a transformational resolution. White Light Magazine

Even though it will be challenging not to feel in full control of all the cosmic weavings for a day or two when this occurs, you will be pleased to have considered this leap of consciousness. It may require letting go and rolling with the events until things become a lot easier to steer again after the New Moon on 28 March. Expanding on the set of solutions that become apparent will have the pleasant effect that it will also enhance the splendour of the results, beyond your expectations. The best part is that your confidence will be raised to levels only to be described as skyhigh – you will love life (again). After some adjustment, your close loved ones may be more supportive and pleased with the results than you anticipated. Be exuberant, real, in touch with your shining Leo heart and share it. Gaining momentum while you are enjoying the new possibilities can make you feel years younger and provide you with new energy. Significant Days – 28 March, 16 April, 29 April, 10 May (entering a time of smoother movement towards your goals) Your oracle card for the Quarter – Magician – alchemy, infinity, magical solutions.


23 August – 22 September People can be vague and unreliable and you will feel like you are sweating on the words and promises significant others make. It does not leave you feeling cool unless you try to surrender a little and adjust your expectations. Stay quietly confident and work away until the partner is ready - this is more likely to work in your favour! During the last two years the Moon Nodes were in your sign and have presented you with some pertinent opportunities where you needed to show confidence in your abilities, trust in yourself and your ideas on how to best approach projects. If you have backed yourself, you will find this time really liberating and rewarding as projects draw to conclusion. If you are still finalising this challenge you may find that an opportunity between 28 April and 9 May will bring you an opportunity to stand your ground and find closure. The New Moon on 26 April trine your sign will assist you with communicating your thoughts and the best timing to build or dissolve some structures that need rebuilding. Significant Days – 28 April - 9 May Your oracle card for the Quarter – Four of Cups – re-evaluation, reflection, tranquillity.


23 September – 22 October Your significant other may make some surprising statements about things they want to do and present some new areas of interest to you suddenly. You may find this confronting and confusing. Spend some time


at work to distract and digest. Then have a conversation and be honest about how ‘you want to be considered’ in the plans. You may be instigating some discussions about your home or family, which have been brewing for a while. Also the creative ideas you have had in the work-place are worth pursuing now. Jupiter has gone retrograde in your sign until 9th June, as well Venus will be retrograde in your opposing sign Aries in March. This will give you the perfect opportunity to review your relationships and identify how to improve particular connections that are close to your heart. The expression of your wisdom and appreciation may be beneficial. You may need to accommodate for some changes that others are dealing with and showing your compassionate understanding to them can be pivotal. The New Moon on 28 March may trigger some long awaited honest discussions, which can be very clarifying and relieve stresses you have been feeling. You may be better off planning and instigating the discussion so you feel more prepared rather than letting things come to a head ad-hoc. Once resolved, you will be happier and the outcome will be more positive than you may have initially thought. Significant Days – 28 March, 11 April, 28 May, 9 May (resolving a matter – good for honest discussions) Your oracle card for the Quarter – Three of Swords – watch for over-worrying, speak up, stay positive.

and productive, which may attract some envy now. Keep up the good work and avoid distractions. Significant Days – 28 March, 26 April, 29 April Your oracle card for the Quarter – Fool – new venture, spontaneity, optimism.


22 December – 20 January Time to get serious, dear Cappy. For a few months (since 1 Sept 16 to be exact or some of you may find parallels to situations that occurred since 26/2/98). You have felt this anxious anticipation bubbling just underneath the surface and this is your time to trust yourself, call the game, in order to have a break through. You may find that the anxiety was a lot worse than addressing the core situation. You have the opportunity to see the situation for what it really is and discover the unexpected relief it offers you. The way you approach it now, will have a lot to do with what you gain from it. Be honest and use your careful consideration and organisational skills to plan and it will benefit you – slowly but surely. This quarter you will find some situations will require your persistence and self-discipline. If you support and trust in yourself, your selfworth and believe in your abilities will soar to new heights of independence. Significant Days – 28 March, 26 April, 9 May, 26 May Your oracle card for the Quarter – Four of Pentacles – security, material comforts, remain open to change.

23 October – 21 November This is a time when you will be able to discern the unattainable from realistic pursuits. Investments, creative ideas and projects that you have wanted to undertake benefit from a second opinion or another thorough look before you plough ahead. You may discover a fact that may lead you to make some tweaks in your game plan. You may also weed out some unrealistic or unsuitable aspects of your plans and save yourself time and effort. Be very practical and balance it out with your enthusiasm so you do not overextend yourself. It could be likely that you have been feeling frustrated because someone in your work or project partner kept moving the goal posts. Mars and Uranus joining in your 6th house of daily routines, health and work will enable you to straighten things out. People may or may not appreciate your straightforward approach but it will clarify who you can count on in this respect. Do not buy into too much complaining, instead just discern exactly what needs to be explained or justified. Do not worry about making an impression as stern or no fun at work. You are just focused



22 November – 21 December Check for water leaks and broken water pipes in your home. Alternatively this influence may require you to address emotional issues that people in your home have been suppressing. Your attention may also be on children and their demands. Pay attention to what the tantrums are about, it will tell you a little more about the extended environment and its emotional effects which can be particularly insightful during March. Attend to any repairs that you know have to be made as you will feel much more able to progress when you stop procrastinating. Small outings will friends are enjoyable and worthwhile. They may recommend a good plumber! As you may find yourself busier than usual in May give yourself something to look forward too by planning a relaxing activity or short trip at the time of the new moon on 26 May. Significant Days – 26 February until 28 March, 26 May Your oracle card for the Quarter – Ace of Pentacles – opportunity, new beginning, motivation.


March - May Edition 2017


21 January – 19 February Financial matters come under close review unless you are still telling yourself that you don’t need to look at them. Are you worried that you have missed a detail? Maybe you have and now is the time to sort it out. Once you have discovered what needs reviewing, or admitted to yourself that it may be important, seek the appropriate and possibly expert advice to take a thorough look for you, it will benefit you more than you may estimate now. Just ask the question! You are getting ready for some changes in projects that you are working on professionally, as well as in your financial situation, which can have very positive effects over the next few months. Superiors may involve you in new areas of work that you find inspiring with a flow on effect to an area of interest. Go with it! Significant Days – 28 March, 16 April, 29 April, 9 May, 26 May Your oracle card for the Quarter – Temperance – harmony, healing, balance.


20 February – 20 March This can potentially be a very significant time for you. Listen to your own counsel first and stop sacrificing everything for others. Voice your own needs and observe whether you are sacrificing too much for others. Keep in charge of your energy levels and take time to recharge. Express your ideas and remain in touch with yourself. Trust your intuition and possibly enact your plan independently at first – you will create waves that are bigger than you think if you action things rather than talk about them first. You are definitely encouraged to communicate what you believe in before you assume that no one agrees with you. Your popularity and charisma is also emphasised which you may want to use to your advantage to ask for what you want. March definitely marks a time when you can move forward decisively by going after what you want through exercising courage and confidence. Significant Days – 27 February, 28 March, 16 April, 29 April Your oracle card for the Quarter – Knight of Cups – romanticism, invitation, sensitivity. The attitude and openness with which we approach the current influences always determine outcomes for us. Hence, Astrology is a powerful roadmap that we can use to navigate through our lives. See my website for more information and contact details www.sylviaflimm.com.

Palmistry with Kalyi Amoto

The Major Lines (Part 1) T

he Lines are influenced by brain neurons (nerve cells). They provide a physical map of the life & development of each person. They show our priorities, how we use our energy throughout our life, how we think, the depth of emotions toward our partner, & our dedication to our career.

preferring to stick to tried and trusty ways. The longer the tied section, the more rigid the person will be in adhering to group dogma for security. They are not comfortable in singular decision-making, preferring a clear, officially approved code of conduct.

Middle Life Line (or Vitality Line) Traditional Palmists used to say this line indicated length of life ăƒť the more modern Palmists say it is more indicative of the energy with which people live their lives. I apply both - with the caveat that the life line can change

This is the section where effort lines frequently appear.lines rising up from the Life Line - these are positive marks. Toward Jupiter:promotions & continued education Toward Apollo: success in the arts. Toward Mercury: money coming to you Toward Saturn: the struggle is hardest (but probably more worthwhile)


Beginning If a person’s head line is separate from the vitality line at its beginning, this is a person of independence. Most children accept what their mother & father tell them as truth without question. They begin questioning in their teens. Not so, if the head line is entirely separate from the vitality line. The owner of a separate head line has always given quite a bit of weight to their own opinion.

Tassel or breaks into fragments could show the subject could give up on life, preferring to sit back & do nothing, or they may have weak health or even dementia. It might indicate early death, but check with other lines to see if this the case. If the Life Line fades away & then renews itself, there will be a period of weakness followed by a return to health & strength.

Furthermore, the greater the distance between the start of the head and vitality line, the greater the degree of independence the person possesses. A centimeter or more of separation marks a person who is not just independent of thought, but is bold and adventurous and likely to live far from their roots both physically and as a matter of lifestyle.

If line hugs Venus implies person stays close to where they were born & possibly close to family as well. If sweeps out, the person may move far away from home, may lose contact with family

When the head line and the vitality line are exceedingly tied, though, it is a different story altogether. If the two lines are tied for more than two centimeters this indicates a person who is very reluctant to go beyond what is known and familiar. These people tend to mimic their family or cultural origins as adults. They are not experimenters,

Many people have broken or very short Life Line - in most of these cases, the fate line becomes a second Life Line. When the lines of life, head & heart are all joined together at the beginning under Jupiter, the person has a contentious surly nature, & loves a good argument (but rarely listens to the other person).

Short Life Line

White Light Magazine




Welcome to Numerology with Karen

Did you know that your environmental surroundings and your very special, unique individuality reveals a science, for gaining greater understanding and enlightenment? Imagine having at your finger-tips, a mathematical proven science backed by research, to help you gain astonishing insights, for your personal understanding on….”not only why you feel the way you do” but your loved ones individuality! Consider, having this knowledge to assist support you today with ALL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS as this information reveals our CONNECTIVE UNIVERSAL LINK.

* Have you noticed how you FEEL when you are first introduced to someone for the first time?

What if I were to offer you…that Numerology is in fact, a reliable SCIENCE….revealing astonishing accuracy and insight into the Numerological Make-Up of Your Soul’s Very Special and Unique Individuality. Revealing the CONNECTIVE LINK between yourself and another! Imagine viewing and gaining understanding of those DEGREES OF DIFFERENCES as well as understanding YOUR STRENTHS AND WHY IT IS, THAT THERE IS THIS INSTANT CHEMISTRY OR ATTRACTION when first meeting or its….opposite. What a remarkable tool of knowledge! Through the mathematical sacred geometry of Numerology, (your Birth Names); are you provided with a profound wisdom and wonderful insight into ALL OF YOUR RELATIONSHIPS; explaining why you are so LIKE-MINDED OR ARE BORN WITH SIMILARITIES aiding your level of COMPATIBILITY in forming solid loving healthy relationships, benefiting you and your life, in the sharing of together. Think about how you FEEL when you first meet that someone special….and then consider how…your INTUITIVE SELF is guiding you in that defining moment as well…..even without the spoken word. As it is our soul’s inner guidance system that is “picking up on the vibes”, reading between the layers so to speak, providing us with valuable data through our INTUITIVE feeling. But…what if our mind of thought seeks to justify or to dismiss our intuitive feelings? What if, we lead ourselves a long a pathway, only to have us realise later on…that it was an important learning, for us to have trusted in our intuition, for it seeks only to reveal a truth and never lets us down. Imagine having this knowledge today or ahead of time as you embrace the beginning of a relationship or partnership;

* Imagine knowing where one’s strengths lie…or positive attributes and abilities * Imagine supportive knowledge aiding in reconciliation * Imagine having its higher guidance and wisdom helping with understanding those indifferences * Imagine, supporting your loving relationships of importance * Imagine seeing yourself, in your truest light * Imagine saving a future heart ache or disappointment…

Sometimes our very own expectations of how we wished someone could be….may not be realistic or practical and so, the imagined perception of the idealisms, can sometimes get in our own way. For example, what if both personalities were so like-minded…being very similar, having much in common but also quite headstrong….? You could well understand the difficulties in reaching a harmonious resolution or for peaceful negotiations. On the other hand, what if one were a natural born ‘peace-maker’, being gentle, caring and loving….working constantly to maintain the peace and harmony between one another…..but at what cost? Should there be any doubt or confusion, or you seek understanding of how best you can achieve and support loving relationships for building up and sharing a life together, then perhaps a character analysis may provide the wonderful support you seek. 30

March - May Edition 2017

Autumn is fast approaching… Looking back to December, it is so often a month of complexities, for it can either bring us together in uniting loved ones, or sadly for some of us, a letting go can be experienced in saying farewell to a loved one. December could unite older acquaintances, to re-kindling ties of older friendships after not having seen them for quite some time….and for loved ones in sharing valuable, quality time together. But for some of us, unfortunately, it can bring about a struggle, with heightened emotions or to spend time on one’s own…and then again, excitement for others, with the new buds of love growing, and exciting social occasions with friends! (We are to bear in mind, any given point in time depends upon our soul’s personal time line assisting us in gaining a more personalised understanding of our time frame and events). Autumn for us of whom reside in the Southern Hemisphere, I feel personally calls upon us to have a renewal of hope and faith, with a fresher approach, for it brings within itself, a shedding of the old, in its natural transformational – seasonal change, aiding us with our preparations for Spring and exciting re-birth of the new. Therefore, as we consider the above, I would ask that you simply evaluate how wise preparations and making new plans, benefit or support you, aiding you in a creative momentum….for progression and future developments….even for that which is not yet known, but is important now by way of support. We are to bear in mind, that although we cannot possibly see that which is ahead, it is in the understanding of what our immediate time frame offers us that gives us the supportive guidance. Whilst our outer world changes constantly of its environmental surroundings, we see a pattern within our seasonal changes, and there-in, lies a defining pathway with its higher guidance pointing our way forward. February is upon us with its vibrational tide already present and so we are to analyse what truly supports us and our needs, right now? What welcoming assistance would lead us to experiencing a flow of ease or the help we really could do with, opening up a pathway with least struggle or limitations? Benefiting our future joy and happiness or direction, yet calling upon us to evaluate wisely in our present day? Discord within relationships can often be experienced, if harmonious agreements cannot be reached. So please consider what each other’s needs are and work to resolve matters in a way that supports “equality, fairness and with a sense of unity” of unified approach, bring about the positive outcomes for one and all. If matters can be sorted in February, and agreements worked out, then March will show the positive results and joy. Remembering it is what we do now that has it effects in the coming months. During your Autumn Months, consider what best supports you in the way of ‘right support’ and ‘environment’ for peace is essential to one’s well-being and so also is assistance. It is natural to desire to be settled or to become settled, to even work things out. To hold meetings with those of whom are essential in working with, for agreements and resolutions. Should one seek additional professional guidance, then please heed the intuitive feeling and the facts, as they stand. Also, there shall be a desire within one’s own heart and soul, for the manifesting into one’s life…into one’s reality those personal goals that perhaps until now…have remained deep-seated within. To suddenly become so very important and focus of attention. Often, a personal realisation or an awakening can eventuate, or the desire for peace within the mind and so solutions are often sought. For many, the offer of support, or unexpected opportunity brings about a wonderful blessing! We are to remember, that even in all of life, no one thing, can remain as a constant for all is evolving around us, constantly renewing itself, constantly re-generating, when it can be our individual self, that resists changes to struggle against. Perhaps all we require is the additional knowledge, facts or information that can ease the burden or show the way forward. As April draws near, think about the work-load, the sense of obligations, responsibilities and commitments to that which is needed and will also prove beneficial when handled with dignity and patient understanding. Weigh and analyse if taking on too much is not truly bringing you those desired results…making it even harder, for sometimes delegation will be called upon with wise managerial skills and abilities. Family members for somehow, in some way they may need your support, or you may require there support and so suddenly there is other obligations, or a task to assist with.

Karen is a Light - Worker and Gifted Numerologist Reader and Teacher, assisting clients in empowerment, for almost 20 years. Oracle Cards * Workshops * Numerology On-Line Courses Now Available * FREE SEMINAR MARCH 2017 EVENT * Registration please visit Karen’s website; www.numerologykarenriley.com. au or phone Karen on; 0400 531 475 aiding your reading enquiries or other services on offer. White Light Magazine


The mellow season of Autumn


t last it’s autumn! This summer has been so consistently hot that it sometimes seemed as though it would never end, but at last the Goddess has taken pity on us and turned the wheel once more. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. The Sun God has mellowed with age and no longer feels compelled to overdo things, as he did at the height of his powers. He now warms the land enough to ripen the corn for Mabon and the pumpkins for Samhain without scorching everything in his path. And as we gather in our own personal harvest we give thanks for his gift of light and heat, while simultaneously welcoming the cooler days, as the Goddess grows in power. Spring and summer are definitely the ruled by the Sun God as he comes into his strength and virility and the Goddess gives him free reign to grow and ripen the crops. But as he grows weaker, she takes up the reins of government once more and prepares to guide him into the Summerland for a well earned rest, while the land sleeps and recuperates along with him. While the time ruled by the God is a time to be busy growing and doing, the days of the Goddess are more about looking inward and contemplating the growth we have achieved over the active part of the year. This is a time for considering whether or not we have accomplished what we set out to do in the spring. Sometimes we find that we have done just what we planned, but often our path has changed as we’ve travelled it and taken us to places we never would have expected at the start of our journey. As long as we’ve ended up in a good place, that’s fine. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow and trust in the Goddess to guide us to where we’re meant to be. I hope you’ll find that your harvest is bountiful. Blessed be, Morganna.


March - May Edition 2017


Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com

OakSun Grove - Gold Coast The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Pillow Talk), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Tric: 0402 066 330.

White Light Magazine


All About You – New Age Spiritual, Numerology, Tarot, Health & Well-Being Join Steven J Murphy & Vivienne Somers along with a Panel of experts and special guests. This show is All About You. Tune in every Monday from 7:30pm on: Facebook - www.facebook.com/AllAboutYouAus YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/allaboutyouau YouTube – subscribe it’s FREE and tap the bell ( ) to receive notifications every time the show goes #LIVE and a video is uploaded. To receive your complimentary reading email your name, date of birth and specific question to: allaboutyouau@gmail.com Visit our webstore to book a reading or purchase products: http://www.allaboutyouaus.com Join us every Monday; a show that’s ALL ABOUT YOU. 34

March - May Edition 2017

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OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation presents

2017 Upcoming Events! Saturday 8th April CSi Club Southport Psychic Saturday

Saturday 30th September Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Psychic Saturday

Saturday 24 June Mullumbimby Civic Centre Psychic Saturday

Sunday 29th October City Golf Club Toowoomba Wellbeing 4 Life Event

Sunday 9th July Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club Psychic Sunday

Sunday 5th November Maroochydore RSL Club Psychic Sunday

Sunday 20th August Bribie Island RSL Wellbeing 4 Life Event

Saturday 11th November Runaway Bay Junior RL Club Psychic Saturday

Sunday 17 September Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds Psychic Sunday

Sunday 3rd December Tweed South Sports Club Psychic Sunday

For more information call 0419 709 661 36

March - May Edition 2017

Gold Coin Entry

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