WLM - 21st Birthday Edition

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A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

Whitelight A Universal Publication

White Light Magazine

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21st Birthday Edition


Editor’s Note

Inside this Issue...


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elcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

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2019 Calendar of Events for White Light Expos Editor’s Etchings Rune Magick with RavenSpell Spirit Guides by Francie Griffin Cover Story - White Light turns 21 by Laraine Doherty Numerology by Karen Riley Getting to the Heart of the Matter by Rhianne Newlahnd The Mind Body Connection and Fertility by Julie Phillips-Moore Awakening... the Souls Journey with Mystic Meg The Humble Cucumber Resting in Peace while Living by Richard Shivallah Herbal Lore part 1 by Vanessa Illott Mercury Retrograde by Sylvia Flimm The Great Symbiosis by Laraine Doherty Simply Tarot and Secrets of Tarot by Amanda Hall Pagan Pages Happiness Oracle Cards by Cheryle Teni 2019 Rates & Deadlines Tamborine White Light Expo

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Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au

The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters

21st Birthday Edition 2019

submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not

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necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of

White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259

articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will

Editor /Publisher - Adrian

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Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca

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Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie

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All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2019. White Light A Universal Publication.

White Light Magazine



fter a year of turmoil with personal & health issues as well as major computer problems here we are with our 21st Birthday Edition.

Now to the Munchkins, naturally they are a year older & zooming through their schooling with Gabby often joining her mother at the Expos & Braydon recently came along to his first event, just wondering if the lunch with chippies finished off with ice cream had anything to do with it heehee. But seriously it's lovely having them there.

I'm looking forward to reconnecting with our regular contributors & meeting some new ones along the way. You may even like to turn your hand to writing articles for the White Light, I'd love to hear from you.

That's all for now, go with Love & Light & we'll catch up again very soon.

The White Light Expos are flowing beautifully with much expansion into many locations & some new ones opening up soon. Don't forget we have informative & educational Exhibitors & some of the best Psychics available to compliment a very fun day out.

Go in Love and Light,


A Birthday Poem for White Light Magazine As you browse through these pages year after year, Learning about spirituality and crystal spheres, Tis time to celebrate with merriment, as White Light Magazine turns 21! May it continue to blossom with stories anew, So grab a cup of tea and take a pew, The universe has plenty to share, For those of you that dare to awaken and become aware. Many Blessings to one and all! Jane O’Connor-Chapman www.sparklerainbow.com 4

21st Birthday Edition

Rune Magick Greetings all, as we celebrate the magazine’s 21st year of issue it is appropriate to incorporate a spell involving inspiration, nurturing and growth. Fittingly this time of the year we approach the cross quarters of the Wheel to embrace the way of the Ancients and acknowledge the maiden of the triple goddess, Brigid.


etwixt July 31st and August 1st Imbolc awakens us in the South and Lammas befalls us in the North. Both are ideal to honour Brigid and call upon her for insight and spiritual growth Brigid the Maiden is young and full of promise so too the seeds we choose to plant both physically and metaphorically. Imbolc (which translates as ‘in the belly’) is a time for planting such seeds; to consider personal goals and to be responsible for their fruition. Whilst Brigid, as the midwife, celebrates with us in Lammas as we realise the fruits of our labour during the first harvest. Eihwaz the rune to manifest your optimal potential via motivation, sense of purpose and inspiration.


Jera also appropriately known as the ‘gardener’s’ rune via growth, harvest and prosperity

Jera Spell of Brigid’s Fire You will need: 1 X yellow or orange candle 15cm/6” Matches or lighter Pot with soil/potting mix A small container of soil in which to stand the candle Seed/s of your choice Small jug of 1/3 milk + 2/3 water A yellow or white ribbon What to do: Carve the glyphs Eihwaz and Jera in the candle.

After lighting the candle stand it in the middle of the smaller container of soil. Sit or stand quietly for a moment contemplating on the flame and your aspirations that you wish to generate or calling in insight/inspiration. When you are ready say.. This night I call you Brigid dear To my hearth I draw you near To set aflame my desire To motivate and inspire From the seeds I now plant By my deeds you may grant A healthy harvest manifest In your name my work is Blest Dear Brigid hear my plea So mote it be Now make an indent in the potted soil where you will be planting the seed/s. Pour a little of the milky liquid into the indentation before adding the seed/s. Lift the candle carefully from the container and whilst still holding it in one hand empty the soil over the potted seed/s. Then allow three (3) droplets of wax to fall on on top of this. Now, let enough wax droplets to fall into the empty container so as to allow the candle to stand alone. Sit quietly in reflection and gratitude …allow the candle to burn down or snuff it out when you are ready (please do not simply blow it out) Take the bowl of milky water and pour it on an outside plant and hang the ribbon on its branches to welcome Brigid. Blessed Be

White Light Magazine


“Goddess of Fearless Movement� Acrylic on Paper by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com See samples of work at Spirit Guide Art www.facebook.com/joyousarts on Facebook or on website www.franciegriffin.com ` Namaste `


21st Birthday Edition


Fearless Movement

re you following your passion in life, are you fulfilling your purpose in life? Many people say they don’t know what these are, they look to others to give them the answers. I believe that our passions and our purpose lie within us. It is not so much finding them as removing the resistance, the blockages and fears and thus revealing them, remembering the purpose we came to this life to experience and to share. Passions and purpose do not need to be grand, they can be simple. What burns true in the heart and soul of one may be like cold embers of a fire in another.

Today as I connected to a client’s spirit guide I was shown an image of ornate gates opening to an ever-widening path glowing with light, the greater the distance the brighter the light became. The gates were fluttering like butterfly wings. They would open and then close again; opening and closing, this movement continued. It reflected this person holding back from moving forward in life. Allowing her doubts and insecurities, the little voice of the ego telling her it wasn’t safe, she couldn’t do it, holding her back. A toe in and then back, never making progress, not finding the gold within. It is the gold within that is reflected in the future path. It is in the present that our future is decided. Movement requires just that, movement. The courage to take the first step. I recall reading a quote at

some time along the lines that if we take one step towards God they will take 100 steps toward us. Help and support is always at hand on our journey, but we must be prepared to take that first step and then the next. Caste fears aside. Focus on your goal, focus on service, focus on why you wish to be / do / have. Focus on how you will feel when you achieve your dreams. If you are unsure of your direction simply ask, “what would love me have me do today, where would love have me go, who would love have me speak to and what would love have me say.” This guidance I use from A Course in Miraclwes. Listen for the answer with a quiet mind and heart and allow life’s synchronicities to guide you as you go about your day living an inspired life.

Unite the Goddess and the Stag King within And walk forever Fearless and in the Light I am Morganah Goddess of Fearless Movement May you have the courage to walk through your Golden Gates. Live an inspired life, ever present and grateful in each moment. Embrace all that life has to offer, there is a gift in everything. Shine your light, Be the light, Light the Way. In Peace, Namaste

The painting illustrating this article I called ‘Goddess of Fearless Movement’. This is the wisdom she imparted to me: To be fearless is to be peaceful Drop into your heart and feel the peace that nothing can tear asunder You are a child of the universe Faith and Trust are the keys to Peace Peace is the key to Fearlessness Be like the gentle deer The deer is gentle and calm, deer trusts and walks in the light knowing they are protected by the Goddess and the Stag King alike White Light Magazine


Whitelight turns 21 A big day for “White Light” magazine as it turns twenty one. The magazine has gained a loyal audience and readership from local, national and overseas, especially since being available on-line. I caught up with the founder, creator and publisher of “White Light” magazine, Adrian Moore to gain an insight into this wonderful publication which informs and enlightens so many of those who read its pages.


o, Adrian, the “White Light” has come of age, turning twenty one with this issue, the first publication was born in 1997. That is a great milestone for you and you must be proud of the success of the magazine’s popularity. Many of your current readers may be wondering how it all began and what prompted you to create the “White Light” magazine. How did it all begin? Adrian: I had just put my toe into the spiritual water and was looking for answers. The magazines that were out at the time, I felt, were for further advanced spiritual people than I, so the “White Light” was born. It took me twelve months to find people I felt comfortable with to explain various modalities etc., and I spoke to a lot of shops and outlets to see if they would carry the magazine. 8

Having been a successful magazine for many years, what feedback do you get as to the age groups reading “White Light” and what do you think makes it different to other similar publications. In other words what do you think is the appeal of the “White Light” magazine? Adrian: The ages seem to be from early twenties to those well into their seventies. I have had some lovely personal comments from people in all age groups thanking me for what the magazine gives them. I feel the appeal of the magazine is due to its eclectic content. We don’t have themes, whatever comes in we go with. It was a very interesting way to start a publication with virtually no experience in the editing or publishing arena.

21st Birthday Edition

Cover Story current one is Rhianne NewLahnd who is from Sedona. We are looking to source some more overseas contributors next year. I have worked with some very interesting and entertaining contributors starting off with our first astrologer-horoscope person in Debbie Murray, followed by Amanda Hall, Marilyn Hillier and currently Sylvia Flymm. In Numerology we have had Rhondda Doherty & now Karen Hilder. We have been very fortunate to have many wonderful artists who have done our front covers, Elizabeth Kyle, Francie Griffin, Sharon McCleod, Corinne Lukeij & Ella Risebrow to name but a few.

The first Edition of White Light Magazine in 1997 In 2005-6 growth of the “White Light” moved into the Sunshine Coast and Northern Brisbane. Was it well received in those areas? Adrian: The growth of the magazine really accelerated when we took it to the Sunshine Coast, areas of Brisbane, out through Toowoomba and also Northern Rivers. It was very well received. The first partial colour edition of “White Light” occurred in 2006. How did contributors and readers respond to this new look magazine? Adrian: In 2006 contributors and readers were very excited when we went with partial colour in some sections and that was just the forerunner of what we have today. Over the years you must have met some very interesting people. Apart from the varied local and national contributors, did the “White Light” magazine have contributors from overseas? Adrian: We have had a few overseas contributors & the

Has the “White Light” magazine changed over the years or is the format still the same, adhering to the grass roots which was your original intention? Adrian: The “White Light” hasn’t really changed over the years in its content. I am still aiming at its grass roots special beginning, with our standard “What is” question and answer. Has having “White Light” magazine on-line improved its availability to a wider audience? Adrian: Our distribution has gone from strength to strength once we went ‘electronic’ back in 2012 so now we have contributors and readers from around the world. When did the “White Light” Expos come into being and did they springboard from the magazine? Adrian: For our 11th birthday we celebrated with the start of the “White Light” Expos which was a two day event held on the Gold Coast, where we promoted the “White Light” magazine. Soon after, we took the Expos to both the Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba. A few years down the track we decided to only hold one day events and these have continued till this day.

White Light Magazine


White Maga

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21st Birthday Edition

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e years...

White Light Magazine


Whitelight turns twe You must have travelled far and wide with the “White Light” magazine and the Expos. Do you attribute their success due to people becoming more interested in the spiritual aspects of life? Adrian: During our time running the events we have held Expos in Coffs Harbour up to the Northern Rivers border as well as all over the Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Bribie Island and the Sunshine Coast. I believe people coming to these events is because they are raising their consciousness and becoming more interested in the spiritual aspects of life rather than the material aspects. What sort of topics have been covered over the years, not that you are expected to remember them all? Adrian: We started with a “What Is” approach & explained a lot of the modalities. Over the 21years, although most articles were of a metaphysical nature, the magazine was very ecclectic with many & varied topics such as health & nutrition etc. Do you feel unseen forces have been guiding you to create the Magazine and Expos? Adrian: Very possibly as I believe I am a gatherer and disseminator of information for those who require it at the time. And this relates to both the magazine and expos.

The first Illustrated Edition of White Light Magazine 12

There must be a lot of work involved in publishing the “White Light” magazine and organizing your White Light Expo events. How do you manage the workload of all

21st Birthday Edition

t Magazine enty-one that, considering you are in the position of helping so many people get their modalities out there in the public arena? Adrian: I couldn’t do it without the assistance of my daughter Bianca who lays out the many pages of the magazine and publishes it. I simply tell her what I want in there and she always does it. She also does a lot of the forms which are needed for the Expos. I would not be able to do either without her. She is my back-up. In hindsight is there anything you would have done differently? Adrian: He he he, possibly not do either without way more support – but at the end of either publication or expo there is an immense sense of satisfaction. Conclusion - You have manifested much knowledge in a unique and caring way. You are always supportive and helpful, and are always, always appreciative of your friends, contributors, exhibitors, readers, advertisers and virtually everyone who crosses your path that is on their journey, regardless of what that journey is or where it will lead. Those who know you, know if you can help someone on their path you will and we out here also appreciate, acknowledge and recognize the wonderful contribution you make to those who come within your orbit. I’m sure your contributors and readers wish you continued success. Interview by Laraine Doherty

The first Colour Edition of White Light Magazine

White Light Magazine


Reincarnation, Our Soul’s Life Guidance & Seasonal Monthly Cycles with Numerology

By Karen Riley, Numerologist, Spiritual Reader & Teacher Brisbane Qld www.numerologykarenriley.com.au Readings, Workshops, Please Contact Karen: 0400 531 475 Our Birth Date versus our Birth Name; the Gift of Your Soul’s Life Blueprint & Guidance this Life During the years as a Numerologist, I have observed an area of confusion surrounding Numerology with reference to what our Date of Birth knowledge, provides us with. There seems to be a general belief that the information pertaining to who we are, individually speaking…. is from the meaning of our Birth Date Number, (the total sum of our birth date, when added mathematically). When, in fact who we really are, is the information contained within the blueprint our Birth Name reveals. Irrespectively of how we were named at the timing of our birth, it is my belief our soul chose to be born, unto the name that destines us, for this lifetime incarnation and on behalf of our evolutionary development. Whereas, our Date of Birth, reveals a very important growth or learning, as well as personal insights into the vibrations of our time frame and from between the layers of our life. This is the knowledge from the understanding of the ‘vibrations’ our soul was born into, and are presently travelling within, today. From our Birth Date knowledge we can retrieve a higher message and defining purpose of our immediate time frame, with signposts pointing our way forward and in the hope of our achieving a flow of ease, rather than to struggle through life or to arrive to a future point and look back, filled with sadness or disappointment. Could you imagine, the benefits of this divine wisdom from the moment we could read? This is the true value and gift of our Numerology, for it is our Soul’s Divine Wisdom and Life Blueprint. It is a tool of communications enabling one to retrieve valuable knowledge and information for remembering, who we really are and it helps us, as it picks up on the vibrations of our life. We can pin-point time frame and events with astonishing accuracy and fore-see ahead, aiding us of our free will and personal choices as to what would truly support us and our sense of direction or well-being. For example; if we were considering the Birth Date, of the Number 1 Life Pathway Guidance, (the day + month + year = total sum of the whole date and reduced to its single digit number vibration); we would be viewing a person’s Life Pathway Guidance as a navigational tool of support and also relevant to understanding the growth, that best supports one in becoming independent. To apply an individualised approach to their life, for the allowing of one’s truest potentials where-by, the personal goals could be obtained including the happiness or success, from acknowledging the individuality & soul’s aspirations as to the natural born abilities and a belief in one’s talents or gifts. Numerology Tip; should your Birthday Year reveal the same Number Vibration as the current month, there will be an emphasis on what months vibrational guidance, as this often denotes a challenge undercurrent. JUNE = Seasonal Monthly Guidance of the Number 6’s Vibrational Pathway After last month’s transitional growth, or upheaval, or unexpected changes, news or wonderful opportunities, this month can bring wonderful, joyful and exciting social events or celebrations. Social invitations or sharing extra time with loved ones or family members, as this month could reflect the need for helping or receiving support. June, offers us a time frame in which to consider the respect and sense of well-being on behalf of one’s wellbeing and or professional boundaries, and especially on behalf of others in need of a priority of care. This is a community orientated spirit, in which communities can unite together to offer the valuable resources or support…on behalf of humanitarian needs – and the personal family life. If there has been strain, conflict or tension in the personal affairs in relations, or professional services, then seek external supportive guidance. It is often surprising also, how past association, such as relatives or someone once close can re-appear. This could be the month for putting aside old past issues, and for loving relations to grow and support building up the life. Rather than to allow those minor 14

21st Birthday Edition

indifferences to get in the way of what would truly is important. To speak openly and work to resolve misunderstandings, or ask for support if needed rather than to perhaps feel overwhelmed, suppressed or burdened upon. To view how effective, positive communications can provide the support and lead one to a positive outcome. Tools of communications to be utilised wisely and positively, even in social media, marketing or for promoting professionally and personally. Overall this month for many, can bring wonderful family events that uplift and inspire! Opportunities can open up to touch the core of one’s heart & soul bringing great joy.

JULY = Seasonal Monthly Guidance of the Number 7’s Vibrational Pathway Now is the time frame for a quieter, reflective phase to grant one’s self the gift of ‘time’ for one’s personal sense of well-being or for stepping back a little and to enjoy the other aspects of living and being. To perhaps even retreat or take a sabbatical if it means helping the physical – mental – spiritual well-being and to replenish the energies. Often, the Month or Phase of the Number 7 Vibrational Tide and Flow…..brings about revelations, as the Universal Divine Higher Energy Source, shines a light on truth, as information comes to light…. brought out into the open or to the surface - by way of protective guidance, pointing the way. Or the need to investigate further, to question to do the personal research, or simply gather as much knowledge and informative facts relevant to what is needed by way of supporting one and empowering one or the situation. This is the vibrational phase in which knowledge empowers, guides and supports. Perhaps even to respect certain confidentialities or until there is the clarity within as to what is protective of one’s wellbeing or best interests. July Continued… Sometimes silence is more golden. The Seven’s vibrational phase also calls for one to be honest with self in relation to certain matters or to pay close attention and observe….to apply an introspective approach – or perhaps time has been granted to one, to step back, rest, nurture the health, or re-evaluate the plans. To perhaps take that holiday or sabbatical or join a group for that course one had always been desiring….or simply take things slowly and give this month some time for one’s own sense of relaxation and wellbeing; mentally and spiritually. For some, there shall be a waiting for the developments as patience will be called upon. Revelations, truth, knowledge and facts of a logical and practical approach is the best method. To bear in mind that this is a higher vibration, when moving within the 7’s phase, as the Divinity always shines a light on truth, in that information about another or about a situation, or on behalf of one’s self comes to light.

August = Seasonal Monthly Guidance of the Number 8’s Vibrational Pathway After the re-evaluation, research, revision or the clarity and new planning is in place, this month offers the time for empowerment and accomplishments of those past personal goals. To accept the wonderful opportunity or promotion, as often one’s abilities can now be recognised. The financial and material goals are the focus or property matters may show expenses or other areas of the life calling for wise judgements, or professional guidance from those, of their expertise. Legal or financial guidance, or agreements, or contracts, may also be part and parcel of the experience during this month. To protect one’s material assets, to oversee the financial obligations and responsibilities with efficiency or wise managerial skills and abilities. To handle larger responsibilities either on behalf of one’s own workload, career duties or on behalf of another. This month calls upon one’s managerial skills and for looking after the more serious aspects of the core needs of one’s personal or professional life. For some there can be extra responsibilities or duties, or even if one is semi-retired, there seems to be something to have to oversee and take care of in relation to managing the affairs or business matters. Sometimes disputes if not resolved, could lead to seeking legal support or certain events of circumstances may warrant obtaining legal guidance. It becomes important to associate with those only of integrity or credibility and apply or adopt a business or practical mind-set. Wisdom is called upon in all choices, or decisions or the course of action to take when journeying within the 8’s phase. For some, there could be the welcome release or relief in delegating or letting go of that which is limiting or restricting….rather than to resist or struggle against that which is showing too great a burden or challenge, thus giving to one the positive flow of ease and harmonious outcome. For others, there can be exciting opportunities and successful achievements and or business expansion and or travel relevant to business. Copyright Karen Riley Numerology 2018 © All Rights Reserved

White Light Magazine


Getting to the Heart of the Matter The Latin root matr means “mother.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including matriarch, material, and matter. with Rhianne Newlahnd

"Mother Nature" by Rhianne Newlahnd Gather around, tribes of Earth, animals, elementals and plants. Devas of light, illuminate humans, that they may know Nature’s great dance. I teach the mysteries of Earth and her cycles, all living things have so much to share, living in balance with this creation, is the wisdom I offer, to all those who care. I welcome you dear friends. I am grateful my card was drawn today, and I have called upon the nature realms to see who wishes to address us. It is an auspicious day indeed, because, to my utter delight, Mother Nature herself has stepped forward to share her message in answer to our query. Beloved Mother Nature’s Wisdom Dearest family,

The Enchanted Heart Wisdom System

The Query For this article, I queried The Enchanted Heart Wisdom System, an oracle /teaching tool I have designed. There are 13 magical wise women who form a council that helps people discover profound truths. I asked the council “what is the most important, effective,


loving and enchanted message they have for us at this time, and which wise woman is the messenger today? The card I drew was Terra, The Wise Woman of Nature. Terra Speaks

21st Birthday Edition

I want to thank you for being present. It is rare that I am given a platform from which to speak, and I thank the publishers of this beautiful magazine for their generosity. Please read this letter with an open heart and allow the frequencies to enlighten you, for there is a transmission here that goes far deeper than the words. I do want to thank Terra for her translation of my message. I want to start by asking you a question.

a deep longing. What is that longing? Perhaps you long to feel loved nourished, nurtured and to be in communion with what matters most in life. Perhaps you are ready to let yourself go into the flow and be free. You are part of the Mother and a beautiful system of synchronization and flow that has natural rhythm and meaning. You can unleash vast levels of intelligence and creativity when you behave with reverence and love for Life.

*How is it that so much of humanity do not remember, commune with, celebrate and cherish Mother Nature? There was a time when I was celebrated, honored and connected with as the center of everyday life. All the kingdoms of nature were considered important fellow members of the Earth family. The teachings of the seasons and cycles of life, the rites of passage and ceremonies, were passed on from generation to generation. Over time, that changed and I became more like a mythological or fictional character, rather than real. Now, in the education of most children, I am rarely mentioned. The beauty, mystery and magic of the wheel of life have been greatly lost. This has caused grave imbalances in almost every area of life. I feel that even the creative, sensitive and deeply spiritual people could be strengthened and more effective if they spent more time focused on cultivating a relationship with me. If you are not connected to Nature, you are not accessing your full power and potential! I invite you to reclaim your power and freedom, by connecting to me. I am the foundation of your physical material lives. Everything is created from the elements I am made up of. The Latin root matr means “mother.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including matriarch, material, and matter. Many of you want to know what you can do to change your lives and make a positive difference in the world. You serve, sacrifice, work hard and do your best. You read the right books, follow the great teachers, and do your practices. Yet, in your heart of hearts there is

The current methods and behaviors used in most arenas of everyday living are not designed to enhance connection to harmony in Nature. If anything, it is the opposite. You could say that, the world of humanity is going against itself, (like a global autoimmune disease), and a tremendous amount of energy is being used to try to resolve the results of all this imbalance without addressing the actual cause. It is a waste of time, resources and lives, as well as a hindrance to evolution. I wish to help you to get back into the natural flow, and see your lives transform. When we are all working together, humanity and nature, we can activate energies that can move mountains. The Heart of the Matter- a simple healing meditation I know that some of what I have been sharing can be troubling. It is not my intention to trouble you. My intention is for you to feel supported and restored by deeper truths, compassion and understanding. Now, take a deep breath and allow my love to enter your heart, and fill you with vitality, clarity and peace, deep peace. I am here for you. I am the foundation of LIFE on Earth. (Take a minute here to breath). I realize that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and that there are countless dimensions to the Universe. But right now: Come down to Earth. Be here now. Embrace life. Embrace your humanity at the highest level. Allow your body to be transformed by the ever-present magic of the Mother. It is not hard. It is easy to access my love and support, and it is part of your original design. You were NEVER meant to create alone. What can be hard is letting go of your fear and doubt, the needing to know what this great mystery of LIFE is all about, and overthinking everything. It is time to follow the heart and do what truly feels good and wake up. It is time to be “pro-matter’ (mother) rather than “anti-matter”. The “Anti-Matter movement” (anti-mother) As long as you are part of the anti-matter

White Light Magazine

(mother) movement, consciously or unconsciously, you will not find true comfort in a human body, and you will struggle unnecessarily to create the quality of life that will truly bring happiness, wellbeing and freedom. If you dis-honor Nature, you dishonor yourselves. You have amazing abilities no other creature has! Entering into collaborative, co-creative partnership with Nature and with what matters, and soaring to new heights of joy while having your feet firmly planted in Terra, the soil, is a wonderful way to live. Planting your feet firmly

photo by Charles ruscher (absoluteinspiration.com)

Earthing Feel the earth below your feet, the sand, soil and water. Play in the grass, run on a path, dance in the meadow, harvest in the garden. It seems very strange to me that the simple act of connecting with bare skin to the actual surface of the Earth is now called “Earthing”. This was always just a way of life, people naturally played on the earth, were bare foot or wore shoes that allowed energy to conduct, and centered a lot of everyday activities around being outside. If there were one practical bit of wisdom I can impart to you right now, it would be, connect with the physical Earth. Allow the Earth to send you electrical currents of love that can improve circulation, boost energy levels, and decrease inflammation by neutralizing free radicals in the body. This basic and simple activity is much more crucial to overall well-being than most people realize. Earthing also reduces stress, which creates healthier hearts and balanced mental states. We greatly need balanced harmonious people if we are to create new thriving cultures. If you will allow me to, I can energize and harmonize you in ways that will automatically inspire you to make better choices in all areas of life. I want you to access the free energy that is available, and use that to propel you forward in the manifestation of your Heart’s Desires. I wish for you to feel confident, solid and grounded, at home in this world. I pray that this information has in some way, inspired and comforted you. You are greatly loved. With profound joy and gratitude, Mother Nature.



21st Birthday Edition

White Light Magazine



The S

by Mystic Meg


here’s a lot of buzz on the various social media platforms asking; Are you Awake or How do you know if your experiencing an Awakening or Is your soul Awakening, why are you experiencing flashes of Psychic Ability??... and the list goes on. Just like a symphony starts out introducing various melodies and instruments, then repeats certain aspects and expands on the theme, finally coming to a culmination or crescendo to give the listener a summation of its story; or a jigsaw puzzle requires various processes or sequence of actions to bring about the broader viewpoint; each is as different to one another as is its relation to the analogy. Everyone as a collective group or each different individual will experience differing aspects of the Awakening journey as their individual Soul requirements are, at different times, ages, stages, lifestyle and/or career path, education or financial statuses. In other words, you may be born as an awakened Soul whose life path is to help others or you may be guided through to the Awakening process at a pre-destined time frame almost like a switch in your brain gets turned to on and you start to eat, drink and sleep everything metaphysical or esoteric. You want to know more and more and more until you hit saturation point and need to wait for all the information to assimilate into your psyche before you can go any further. So, lets answer one of the first questions we rhetorically posed at the very beginning of the article. Is your 20

Soul Awake? Number 1, if your reading this article there’s a very good chance that your journey is in its infancy or your checking in to make sure that you haven’t missed anything in your day to day existence. Lifes greatest adventure, is the one that your Soul takes while you live and deal with the day to day activities of growing, learning, playing, and yes working in your chosen profession. Sometimes a cataclysmic change happens that alters your life in a way that you would not have expected and makes it hard for you to return to the lifestyle course you were previously on which opens you up to experiencing new exciting opportunities in your life. Other times, this can come by way of a person who you suddenly meet or a book that catches your eye or a life changing accident that you miraculously live through. Which ever way it happens, know that its ok for you to see life differently from your colleagues or friends or even your family. One of the first most important thing to know is that we are all made up of energy. Positive, negative, dark and light, energy is energy and it all holds within it, potential. Potential to do good or bad is a conscious choice; to be static or moveable is a conscious choice and each day we make choices based on our own belief of the outcomes we attach to those choices. And yes, to be Awake and disassociate from the matrix or fabric of societal norms and accept that a new lifestyle or stay plugged into the daily grind existing in a world of limitations and structure is also a conscious choice. 21st Birthday Edition

The next important thing to know is how to Ground yourself after spiritual work and Protect yourself from psychic attack by lower energies. The following symbol of a plus sign or cross encompassed by circle, i s the metaphysical symbol for Grounding. Using either your visualization skills and placing this symbol under your feet or simply drawing this symbol on the ground under your feet, on a part of your body; any of these methods will help to ground any excess energy as well as anchor you to this moment in time bringing your energy deep within Mother Gaia’s core whereby allowing you access to the Universal Energy and Collective Consciousness. This form of spiritual basing is done to eliminate the spacy, foggy feeling that can come from doing any sort of spiritual work, such as Healing, Reiki healing, Tarot and Oracle readings, Mediumship or Channeling, & Premonitions; sometimes even sleeping, as some people astral travel, lucid dream, or experience night terrors or have premonitions as they sleep. This is particularly helpful for children who suffer nightmares and night terrors combined with White Lighting for spiritual protection. While the grounding process can happen naturally, at its own pace, over a period of time, its handy to have a few different ways of grounding in your repertoire. Grounding can also be attained with the use of specific crystalline energy which can vary from drinking crystalline water, by wearing jewellery created for this specific purpose or carrying either tumbled, smooth; or raw, rough, crystals or semi-precious gemstones. Crystals are part of your metaphysical tool kit and as such will need to be worn


Souls Journey or carried on the left-hand side of the body, being associated with spirituality, while the right side is associated with the physical world. A few excellent crystals for grounding are as follows; Hematite, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Tiger Eye, Petrified Wood, Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Black Spinel and Pyrite. All these crystals and semi-precious gemstones are reasonably priced for small carriable stones e.g.: AUD$2 up depending on size. Your crystals need to be treated with respect and cleansed under the light of the Full Moon, placed on an Amethyst cluster or placed on a bed of Rock/Sea Salt regularly to receive optimal benefits from your crystals and semi-precious gemstones. Yes, even your fine jewellery that contains any stone including diamonds need to be cleansed differently from the way the jewelers cleaning process. Take care that you keep to yourself the location of your fine jewellery as its enjoying a moonlight bath, maybe on the interior window sill where the moons rays will still reach them away from prying eyes. More on crystals, their benefits and their care in another article. White Lighting or using the Golden Light of Protection is a simple yet effective process done with the express intention of rebounding any negative energy including protecting yourself from lower plane negative or dark spirits. As with the living there is good and bad and so with the spirit world. When I was first learning how to white light myself I started by using my morning shower to envisage that each

stream of water was a stream of white or gold light pouring down upon me, washing off any residual night time sleepy energy. Instead of just using the shower to cleanse my physical body I began using it to white light myself to repel any negative energy as well as a method to wash negative energy off to feel and see it flow down the drain at the end of any stressful days. Another way is to White Light yourself before you go to sleep which will give you a better night’s sleep and protect you from psychic attack when your physical body is at its most vulnerable. Again, I practiced these methods so much that they became regular rituals to add to my morning and nighttime routines. My nighttime White Light ritual begins by laying down flat on the mattress, visualizing a basketball sized light at the soles of my feet that is shimmering and pulsating, glowing and growing coming up over my toes and the tops of my feet while it simultaneously envelops my heels and glows around my ankles. My beautiful ball off white light was glowing and growing, pulsating and shimmering up my shins and around my calves, over my knees enveloping the backs of my knees, ever glowing ever growing my luminous ball of white light is now the size of a Medi-ball as I continue to encase my body further in my beautiful ball of pure white light energy. My ball continues to grow and glow now covering my thighs both, front and back, including my hips and buttocks; glowing and growing my shimmering ball of light now simultaneously covers my stomach and lower back, ribs and mid back, chest and thoracic back, décolletage, White Light Magazine

shoulders and neck, face, ears, head and scalp. Now I’m fully immersed in a huge ball of shimmering, glowing white light protecting, nurturing and most importantly protecting from negative energy. I will also do this over the children and incorporate the house and property in times of weather extremes. The colour of the protection ball can be either white, silver or gold; these are the highest vibrational colours and give the highest amount of protection. There are crystals that can be used to protect you as you do your spiritual work that raise your vibration which allows your higher selves to access Cosmic Consciousness; to share information with others as well as absorb new information or purely to raise your own awareness and energetic vibration. The crystals that are commonly associated with protection are Tiger Eye, Smokey Quartz, Fluorite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Rose Quartz, Selenite and Labradorite (Black Moonstone) and Black Tourmaline. There are so many, and varied crystals most of which have an overlapping effect and can be multipurpose or interchanged depending on accessibility and price. While this isn’t the end of the journey it certainly is a good head-start for the beginning. Protection, Grounding and raising your own Vibration are three of the most important requirements to leading a healthy journey into your Awakened state. Blessed be 21

The Humble Cucumber Who Would Have Known! 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. 2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pickme-up that can last for hours. 3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance. 4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminium to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area. 5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a Few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!! 6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water. 9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone! 10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams. 11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath. 12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation. 22

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!! Pass this along to everybody you know who is looking for better and safer ways to solve life's everyday problems.

21st Birthday Edition

RESTING IN PEACE WHILE LIVING by Richard Shivallah ‘Resting in Peace while Living’ is an invitation to enter a timeless journey from here to here, on a quest for inner peace … n o w. Through reflective awareness and insight, we will be coming into a deeper sense of self-knowledge, as we embark upon this quest.

rarely recognizes how its psychological prison is greatly attributed to subconscious or unconscious choice. For the most part, the compromise and retardation of intelligence has been unwittingly selfcreated, sustained and perpetuated from generation to generation.

In order to sense the subtlety of PEACE permeating our consciousness right here, right now, is it possible that all that is required is the simplicity of listening and breathing?

We have been in a prison lockdown within the Penitentiary of Plenty. With plenty to do and plenty of dreams to conjure up there seems to be so little time to do it all in. Sound familiar? So, when do we do the ‘waking up’ business, in order to live in Truth, in Unconditional Love, in Wholeness, in Peace, whilst alive?

Is it already here, regardless of any circumstance, conditional experience or assumed picture of reality? What if there is absolutely no need to create, beg, plead or pray for peace? What if Peace could be available to us, any time, any place, without restriction? What if all that was required was a simple act of ‘choosing’ to BE in peace? Would you be willing to choose it, to say yes, to BEING in peace – while living, before dying, as in . . . n o w? Initiating a quantum shift from mind to awareness, returning to the essence, we enter the sacred. Peace arises effortlessly. Simply a matter of remembering, simply a matter of choosing to BE in peace, simply a matter of saying yes to being in presence. In the presence of love, no doing is necessary; In the presence of love, peace arises through being. We have been so educated and conditioned into the act of doing and the art of conjuring, however, that humanity

Maybe that’s why we say to the one who has died or about to transition, as an unspoken consolation, “Rest in Peace.” Could this possibly be a little bit late though? When we listen to the intelligence of the heart, really listen, then we know the answer to that, don’t we? Having encountered death through the phenomenal intensity of a ‘head-oncollision’ car accident, at the age of 19 years, my longing for peace took on a whole new meaning. For at least a few years prior to this, there was such an escalating sense of dysfunctionality and inevitable suffering in our family, that was already evoking this longing. The yearning to transcend and ‘BE’ beyond psychological torment, suffering and heartache was deepening and escalating, proportionately. In the understanding of science: “The boiling point of a liquid varies depending upon the surrounding environmental pressure. Once it reaches its ‘saturation White Light Magazine

temperature’ and pressure, it boils into its vapor phase.” Well we all have experienced and know this to be so, at least once in a lifetime, if not countless times. Such an appropriate analogy. Having come to this boiling point, soon after the car accident, the longing to be free from the trauma of such self-contraction was fuelled by a relentless dedication and conviction. You may recognize and more so appreciate why the angle of perception we are considering here is “Resting in peace while living”. Not even to ‘rest’ for a moment in peace, but resting and relying on the ground of our essential being, always. Functioning in the paradoxical realm of being and doing, simultaneously. Transforming the conceptual need for a ‘holiday’ into an experience of peace the ‘whole-day’, everyday. Yes, it may require a leap into trust and a willingness to see things differently. However, when the choice to do so is backed by dedication and conviction, then the intelligence of the heart awakens, empowered by an ever-flowing fountain of devotion. We begin to see, to sense and to know that the peace, that the soul deeply longs for, has always been and always will be here, subtly permeating our very existence. Our attention has simply been primarily dedicated to the fulfilment of the self’s desires as the utmost priority. Maybe right now, this could be a ‘seize the day’ moment, an opportunity for giving birth to the new in the now and ‘resting in peace while living.’ Om Shanti. Web: www.RichardShivallah.com Email: info@richardshivallah.com 23

Herbal Lore... a healing Angelica

Magickal use associated with Archangels Michael and Gabriel. To ward off evil, enhance protection, break curses, aid healing, clairvoyance and prophetic dreams Angelica is particularly good in protecting women e.g. in childbirth, in unsafe environments, domestic situations and male dominated work environments Carry or wear an amulet of the dried root of the plant for protection and longevity Drink or bath in a potion made of its leaves to cleanse oneself or as part of breaking a curse Smudge with or burn the leaves for purification, space clearing and to enhance clarity of visions and psychic ability Sleep with a bouquet of leaves under your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams and protection against psychic attack 24


Magickal use in association with Sun Because of its association with the Sun, the calendula is excellent for consecrating/dedicating ground and or space. Burning/smudging dried flower heads or scattering fresh/dried petals in the chosen area will prepare it for its new purpose Single ladies‌Place a bag of dried petals mixed with rose and, or gardenia under your pillow on mid Summer’s Eve to dream of a new love


Magickal use- associated with the Sun and water Chamomile is often selected for use as it encourages, abundance, love, purification by its association with the Sun. the water properties of this plant brings hope for peace, tranquility and cleansing An infusion of this herb in bath water is an excellent choice for cleansing prior casting or rituals or simply to enhance beauty. If a healthy painless severing of a relationship is required, an herbal infused bath whilst visualising a peaceful parting can be beneficial. For a healthy and painless parting You will need: 1 x small white candle and candle holder Chamomile infused oil

21st Birthday Edition

& Magickal apothecary

~ part 1

by Vanessa Illott


A prepared bath with chamomile and rose petals/buds or oil Apply infused oil to the candle starting from the middle and then upwards toward the wick end (thereby sending the intended and their residue away from you). Be firm with your intent Place the candle in a safe fire proof area within the bathroom and light it just prior to immersing into an infused bath. As you bathe watch the flame and say I cleanse you from my body, my heart, my mind There is no residue of you left behind As the candle does burn down low Your influence from me will go Any bitter sweet sorrow or desire Will melt away by Chamomile fire Protection of your home is provided by cleaning main doorways/thresholds with chamomile infused water and sprinkling the circumference of the house or building in which you live.

Magickal use- associated with all things masculine, Jupiter and Air Aerial parts (flowers, leaves, stems) of the plant assist psychic work especially clairaudience…remember, the answer is blowing in the wind. It is especially good to drink of these when you require clarity of thought… particularly when making difficult decisions. Drink of the plant root when feeling overwhelmed with information, stagnated or experiencing a creative block as the root is both grounding and clearing. Divining messages on air You will need: • 1 x black placemat or board • 1 x clear, heatproof, round bowl • Dandelion parts both aerial and root and either fresh or dried • Freshly boiled water • 1 X ladle • 1 x cup White Light Magazine

Find a comfortable place to sit preferably in front of a desk or table with the mat or board in front of you. Have the dandelion in the bowl and place this on the mat/board. As you await the water to boil focus on what it is you are wanting to know or learn. From whom you are wishing to hear or clarity that will help you decide. Still yourself in preparation then when the water has boiled pour it in a spiral motion…firstly from edge into the centre then from the centre to the edge of the bowl. (be careful not to burn yourself however breathe in some of the rising steam where it is safe to do so. After pouring sit quieting and focus on the steam if still rising and your query. When the steam has cleared peer into the bowl with the query in mind and then close your eyes taking note of the first thought that enter your mind. This is your answer…when you are ready, thank the herb and water (air when in the steam state) and pour some of the contents into a cup for you to drink. Later, the remainder of the contents maybe poured in a healthy part of your garden or in a favourite pot plant. 25

Is it pos smooth a Mercury re E

ach year Mercury has three retrograde phases with the next two being: • 8th July 2019 until 2nd August 2019 (the effects may be felt from 20th June onwards until 15th August) • 1st November 2019 until 21st November (the effects may be felt from as early as 12th October until 8th December). This article gives you some background and suggested ways to handle Mercury retrograde phases. This phenomenon has become more well-known due to effects such as traffic jams, hold ups, communication errors, disk failures, data loss, agreements being changed or finding essential terms in contracts being overlooked. Well-meaning people advise to approach Mercury retrograde with caution in order to avoid mishaps, delays and break downs. Fair enough – but are there ways we can use the knowledge to gain benefits as well? Does the retrograde affect everyone similarly? Don’t go in to worry if you find your trip or event takes place during Mercury retrograde. It may not be the reason to cancel everything or to refrain from signing an agreement – nor do you have to stop driving or communicating. There is more to the orbit and dynamic that Mercury produces and how it affects us on Earth as well as ways to navigate through it and make the most of this phase. It will occur, whether we want it or not, unless the Earth or Mercury change their orbits between now and July 8th, 2019 when Mercury stations and retrogrades next time which is highly unlikely! So, we may as well have a look at how we can make the most of it. By reviewing the information in the link below and considering your own experience from some of the previous 26

retrograde dates with historical evidence, recollections of situations, job logs or other documented events can assist you to understand your own relationship with our Trickster Archetype, Mercury. Mercury acts like a Trickster after all and dealing with a Joker requires us to engage in his energy somewhat using smarts and not taking ourselves and our plans too seriously. Maybe there is something to learn here about being flexible, quick and adaptable – surely nice life skills to have? What are Mercury’s effects on us? The principle is that the movement of the planets and their phases influence us energetically. For example, as most of us know the Moon controls the tides. Our bodies have large concentrations of water therefore we can often notice how some people are more moody or on edge during the full moon for example...maybe you have heard of hospital records and police reports from full moon nights whereby there are twice the number of reports and incidents than during a normal night. Wow! Often this has to do with mental health or emotional outbreak issues which can be brought to a head by responses to Full Moons. (Lunar influences are very descriptive about emotional dynamics and feelings. The word derives from lunaticus meaning "of the moon" or "moonstruck". The term was once commonly used in law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunatic Similarly, this occurs with Mercury, however while the Moon rules emotions, Mercury rules our thinking and how we connect to others – traffic, technology, the mind and other forms of communication and linking parties such as agreements for example. Therefore, Mercury is a very interesting planet for anyone in the business of selling, travelling, negotiating, technology, marketing, logistics or transportation. Mercury rules over all types of communication, whether it is writing, speaking, reading, social media interactions,

21st Birthday Edition

ssible to sail hly through etrograde phase? WITH sylvia flimm communication technology, or any other method of transmitting information. It also governs commuting and driving, as well as moving parts such as those found in cars. Mercury (like every other planet) has an orbit around the Sun however when viewed from the earth, it not nice and oval shaped, instead it is quite irregular and sometimes it moves very fast, at other times it moves very slow and sometimes the earth moves faster than Mercury! That is when it seems from here as if Mercury is going backwards as the Earth's movement is literally overtaking Mercury for that time. This is what we call Mercury retrograde. Mercury does not actually move backwards as such. This is an important clue to how we deal with Mercury retrograde phases: stay very conscious that it is all depending on the context from where you are looking (Earth) and where you are in any situation. This article provides more information and shows the dates to note on your calendar. https://www.astrologyhoroscopereadings.com/2019mercury-retrograde-calendar.html I’m sure we can all find some stunning correlations with an increased number of incidents, errors and delays during a Mercury retrograde period. How will it affect me as an individual? Not every Mercury retrograde phase is the same as it depends on the sign Mercury moves through which determines the types of errors and problems that occur. It also affects everyone differently depending on their birth chart and how the chart is impacted by Mercury but also by other planetary transits at the time. A Mercury retrograde phase has primarily mundane effects rather than transpersonal ones. This means if your chart is impacted by some major outer planet transits which indicate a major review and growth phase in your life, in comparison Mercury

retrograde will probably seem like a silly joke for a couple of weeks. For example, the retrograde phase in July will fall into the time of an important solar and lunar eclipse which will also affect our charts individually. If Mercury is a major ruling planet in your birth chart and is coinciding with a series of expansive transits at the time, then it may provide just the trigger you need to decide on the crazy adventure you always wanted to undertake or provide impetus for the communication of an unusual idea. And it may be a very supportive energy to do just that! It is also important to take into consideration the phase of Mercury, i.e. whether it has already turned retrograde or is just slowing down to turn direct again as it will provide valuable clues about what comes to light and how we need to address it. When we look at the phase of the retrograde itself, we are much more able to identify and can respond to: 1) which weeks / days are the breakdowns likely to be worse / – useful for planning, scheduling staff or our own time and loosen up appointments with tight timelines 2) which sign will Mercury retrograde occur in (it is a different sign each time during each of the 3 times retrograde periods each year). For example, Mercury in Taurus indicates a lot more delays than in Aries which may indicate more premature timing.

A few key points * Mercury's motion is erratic, and this affects technology, Mercury changing speed of movement will mean it behaves randomly. For example, you may experience more technological errors that seem hard to explain logically such as websites malfunctioning, log in failures, transactions not executing properly

White Light Magazine


Is it possible to sail smoothly through a Mercury retrograde phase? continued...

* Some devices will be more susceptible to viruses, disturbances and slow or interrupted communication, this could be phones, data connections, emails, and any other way they communicate; it may even be that people do not get back to you or you do not get their messages, or the message is garbled ...you get the idea! * Traffic problems are also more likely during Mercury retrograde, traffic jams, accidents and hold ups, car trouble, public transport delays. Amazing correlations can be drawn when looking at airway traffic, cancelled planes, missed planes or incomplete trips * Back-ups may fail or do not work as usual (another good aspect to keep in mind - when you are aware of the upcoming phases, an IT business could for example make extra sure data has been properly backed up and they can roster extra resources to be within reach and deal with the anticipated problems). * Even if not in the IT business – scheduling and planning to get less done and account for the change in productivity may enable you to experience errors without the stress of falling behind. * Allow for ways to take a breather – mirroring to nature of Mercury as it slows down. What approach will help us to navigate this phase? Firstly, in any situation or project, by knowing about it you can make Mercury retrograde your friend These are some things you may want to consider in order to sail smoothly during a retrograde phase (without considering the individual influences from the birth chart): • Patience, being helpful and ready to deal with what comes your way • Allow for more jobs and higher workload due to backlogs and build ups from delays • Expect to get less done in more time • Increased understanding when clients or colleagues do not communicate well, ask for clarification • Changes of mind are common which leads to cancellations, rescheduling and job date or conditions change • Curiosity about what may occur – have a laugh about it as it can feel like candid camera at times! • Decision-making and signing contracts can still be fine IF you are very confident about the agreement and thorough research has been done. If you experience doubts, 28

hold off and wait to see what comes to light. • If negotiations and offers have been on the table since the direct phase (a least 4-5 weeks as a rule of thumb), it is more likely that you may still go ahead (once you have read the terms and conditions thoroughly). The key is to listen to your inner voice and check for those unexplained doubts, even more during Mercury retrograde. Other transits and effects to do with your individual natal chart will also come into play! • If there is a solid history with any decision or relationship that started well before this phase, Mercury retrograde alone will not cause a direction change, it has more domestic, mundane effects than this! • New insights and information will come to light which can be an important factor for your forward direction • Make time to contemplate and reflect, write things down - important insights can be gained by going within at this time • Pay extra attention to detail • If you receive a medical diagnosis, you may need a second opinion, (if you need surgery, there can still be suitable dates to pick after consideration of other planetary influences) • If you are inclined to purchase a technological or transport item, it may not last long or malfunction • Pay extra attention in traffic as errors in judgement can occur – by yourself and others • Be prepared for random weather patterns and other interruptions. General comments in summary During Mercury retrograde periods, there are more noticeable errors, disruptions, breakdowns and complications It is a time where we are forced to revisit, redo and reconnect with people, projects and circumstances from the past, even if we thought we were moving forward with all our new plans. Usually, it is not a good time for starting anything new, employing new people or signing contracts. Sometimes even purchasing new things only means we will have to fix it, exchange it or return it later. As the information is general it is not always the case and does not apply to everyone in the same way. It is best to look at all the factors and variables in combination with your unique birth chart. Contact Sylvia to find out more on how it affects you www. sylviaflimm.com

21st Birthday Edition


ime is a dictator to us all. Time is an illusion demonstrated when one is so totally engrossed in doing something, that time disappears. Everyone at sometime experiences this. Are we aware of time when we are asleep or unconscious? No, because our objective self has been silenced. Time is man-made, created millions of years ago with our pre-historic ancestors, who recognised that certain cycles produced certain effects such as the seasons and the growth of certain species of food and plants which they needed to survive. Clans had to be aware of the rainy seasons so they could get fresh water, and as they became more domesticated, when to plant crops. Time is the most wasted commodity and the most spent, the most remembered and the most likely to be symbiotic. Those concerned with business try to race against it and those who fear aging and death try to stop it and see time as their enemy. This obsession with time puts us out of rhythm with the cycles of life and the laws of the universe.

* be on time * journey through time * time management * that time of life * time is of the essence * time is mounting * can’t spare the time * the time will come * it was the best of times, it was the worst of times * hard times * make up for lost time * most of the time * time stopped * time stood still * just in time * time frame * I need more time * for the time being * time-on (football) * not much time * limited time only * before time * in between times * time exposure (photos) * post-time (time for a drink) * time-gentlemen (pub) * time & payment * numerical times e.g. 6 times * a race is times * when I get time * past, present, future time * how many times * time & time again * what time is it? * eastern standard time * daylight saving time * give me some time * time saving device * biding my time * I don’t have time * times tables (multiplication) * in no time at all I couldn’t think of many songs off-hand but include the ones I did come up with:

We have songs about time, there are books and movies about time, it creeps into everything, even science. Time is used in so much of our normal conversation. I list some of these below: *Time travel * space-time * two-timing * old timer * once upon a time * sometime * anytime * good times * bad times * any time will do * for all time * about time * time-lag * timely * time-piece * time-honoured * time-server * lunch time * tea time * to save time * part-time * timer * time warp * time zone * have a good time * timeless * time delay * by the time * time-keeper * time consuming * time bomb * on time * in time * out of time * time and motion * ahead of time * time capsule * time-set * a set time * now is the time * time table * time-share * closing time * opening time * Greenwich Mean Time * not much time * serving time * doing time * at times * time on my hands * time sheet * time signal * good timing * plenty of time * not enough time * time of birth * show time * time links

Till the end of time (Chopin) Time after time (Chris Montez) For the good times Time is on my side Just in time I’m biding my time I didn’t know what time it was I had the time of my life (Dirty Dancing) I’m sure you and your friends would have a ball with this and no doubt find many more expressions or songs relating to TIME. A couple more came to mind but because I didn’t write them down straight away, I forgot them. Now they are lost in time. Have fun if you have any time. By Laraine Doherty.

White Light Magazine


Simply Tarot & Secrets Of Tarot

~ Myths and Mystical Traditions ~

by Amanda Hall


arot Cards are still one of the most popular and exciting forms of fortune-telling or divination in these modern times. The history of the tarot is rich and mysterious. Everyone lays claim to fame of having invented the tarot. What is the truth, do we really know? Let's not debate about who is right and who is wrong. Just enjoy the mysticism and the energy that the Tarot brings us today in these modern times working with such an ancient tradition. Let us now explore a few myths and mystical traditions that have changed many times over the centuries as the story has been told and retold with much love and embellishment. We might never know the real truth but we can have fun exploring and trying to understand how some of these colorful stories became folklore. I would like to share with you some of the most common questions I have been asked in my extensive career of teaching the Tarot. The first and most controversial myth is: It is very unlucky to purchase or buy your very own Tarot Cards. Where did this story comes from? In fact, as folklore would have it. They must be given to you by Gypsy with love and luck, for the gift and knowledge to live on with

future generations. This sounds all very exciting and mysterious and would be lovely to be given this opportunity to share the wisdom from the Gypsy but for most of us this is just a dream. But there is another layer to this myth I need to share with you. The Gypsy would pass her knowledge, her cards she used for fortune telling with her blessing, to her eldest granddaughter before her passing. This was to ensure the knowledge and wisdom of the old would live on through the youth of the of the granddaughter and she would develop her own style of telling fortunes with the wisdom shared from her grandmother and the vision of her youth. This created the next generation of the Gypsy Fortune Tellers. As the young Gypsy commenced telling fortunes she gathered her own knowledge and wisdom along the way. The Gypsies tradition at the end of your life all your personal belongings are burnt with your body. No one inherits your possessions, so that is another reason why the wisdom and cards are passed on before the Gypsies leaves the earth. Now we move onto another myth that needs to be explored. Which is always asked of me by people who have little knowledge or understanding of traditions of the gypsies and fortune telling. People always comment about you should not charge for your gift. Well tradition and folklore believe you should always cross the Gypsies palm with silver and this will guarantee a good fortune telling or reading with good luck for the future. So why would we want to change tradition? I certainly don’t. How do I look after my Tarot Cards? Your Tarot Cards must be treasured and looked after with love, that is the most important thing. Some myths state you must do the following to keep them safe and to enhance your fortune telling ability. The myth goes by wrapping them up safely in a purple silk scarf and keeping it in a carved wooden box when not in use will increase the mystical powers of the fortune teller. I personally have not found any great change, but it might work for you. Where can I perform a reading what are the rules? As the folklore would have it, you must always perform your readings on a wooden table with a candle burning brightly to ward off the evil spirits.


21st Birthday Edition

Tarot can have a many different concepts or designs to deliver a different messages from the Tarot Cards. But the most popular tarot decks all follow similar formula today as they have through the history of the centuries. Some old traditions believe there is no place for reversed meaning is to be placed on the tarot cards, as it was not used in ancient times. But one thing remains the same in all Tarot Decks. They all have 78 Tarot Cards divided into two sections. The Major Arcana, the first 22 cards of the deck. Then the remaining 56 cards, called the Minor Arcana is divided into four suits. The most common suits used are Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. Take your time look at many different decks until you find the right deck for you. They may have pictures or drawings you feel comfortable with. Some decks have basic meaning printed on the bottom of the cards to enhance your learning and reading of the tarot cards quickly. • Record your readings in your tarot journal for future reference. It helps to build confidence and your reading style. It is good practice to try and clear your mind of all your clutter and thoughts.

Is there any other rituals I need to practice when getting ready for a reading? Always add your favorite incense burning discreetly in the background to complete the mystical experience. Where Can I read Tarot Cards? You can perform your reading any where you feel comfortable. Some people like to read in the open spaces with the smell and sounds of nature to enhance wisdom being shared with you by the tarot cards, this might be a past life experience taking them back to the days when they were the Gypsy Fortune Teller roaming the land telling fortunes. Other people like to be in their favorite area of their home where they have set up a table and chairs for their very own fortune telling experience. The choice is yours and you must feel at ease and comfortable with your choices. Can I read my Tarot cards any everyday of the week? As traditions would have it is said to be bad luck to read cards on a Sunday, the Gypsies always believed and honored this tradition, I know many people around the world still believe and practice this tradition. But for most of us today we use our Tarot cards if and when the mood strikes us.

• Even meditate for a few moments before you commencing the reading. Never read when you feel too emotional or upset to understand the message is being shared. As it may just come out as a jumbled mess. You can always perform another reading latter in the day. When your mind is clearer and settled. This would produce much better results with clear direction for the future. • I designed the Simply Tarot for the ease of learning and working with the Simply Tarot cards for everyone. Enjoy the journey with the tarot. Now let me share with you my journey of the Tarot ! Hi I’m Amanda Hall I am Psychic Astrologer. I like to work with Tarot and Astrology. I commenced my journey into Psychic work when I was very young. Now with a career spanning over 40 years Tarot has always been my passion. I have been fortunate to receive many industry awards for my Psychic work. Psychic Hall Of Fame 2013 ~ Psychic Of The Year 2014/15/16/17 Best Selling Author for Hinkler Books Simply Tarot Kit + Secrets of Tarot Kit www.amandahallpsychic.com.au MB: 0412 435 558

Can another person touch my cards? As one of the most controversial myths surrounding the tarot history, the folklore would indicate NO. But it is my personal belief that you should let the other person touch the tarot cards for to shuffle them and place them energy and vibration on the cards before the reading commences. This must be a personal decision about your own tarot cards. You will create your own rituals and practices of performing readings which work for you. So general rule of thumb is do what comes naturally and feels comfortable to you and your belief systems. Now lets look at the what makes a tarot deck. Tarot has seen many changes through the centuries, like fashion. White Light Magazine


The Autumn Calm A

h, autumn, my favourite season! After the heat and the busyness of summer it’s lovely to feel the cooler breezes and the sense of relaxation that comes with this season. All the growing, flowering and fruiting is done and now it’s time for trees to withdraw their productive energy, to let the leaves drop and to hold the vitality safe within until next spring, when it will burst forth in a frenzy of new growth once again. We may not be trees, but we still feel the basic drives of nature and there’s no doubt that autumn has a feeling of relaxation not present in the growing months when plants and animals alike feel the need to be productive. I like to change at least a bit of my decor to reflect the current season – a vase of autumn leaves, or perhaps a door wreath of bare vines twined with yellow and orange raffia and always an autumn coloured altar cloth and candles with a small sheaf of wheat to set the scene. Small touches like these will help you to attune to the season and when we’re in tune with the season it at least helps us to understand our motivation, or lack of it! In autumn we might feel more like curling up with a good book, rather than dashing out into the world to make our mark and even though we still have work to do, it helps to know why we may not be quite as energized as we were during the growing seasons. Once we understand, we can compensate for these feelings by making time for relaxation when we can, rather than trying to cram more and more busy things into our spare time. Some things are like autumn leaves and now it’s time to let them drop rather than wearing ourselves out trying to keep them going. Don’t feel guilty about going with the flow of the season, or worry that this lethargy is a permanent thing, next spring you’ll be filled with ideas and energy once again! But now is the time for introspective pursuits; you might like to try handcrafts or meditation, or go for walks round the neighbourhood feeling the difference in the air. If you really have to keep up the pace, at least try for a steady one-job-at-a-time approach rather than a summer frenzy – it will probably get you there just as quickly and you’ll feel more in touch with the season. Blessed be, Morganna.


21st Birthday Edition


Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com

OakSun Grove - Gold Coast The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Pillow Talk), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Tric: 0402 066 330.

White Light Magazine




appiness is something we all strive for in life, keep striving. Abundance is all around us, look for it and show gratitude for it. Peace lives in all of us, find peace in your heart, soul and mind. Positive living creates positive thoughts and actions.

Inspiration is best shared with others, keep it flowing in all ways. Nature is all around us appreciate its beauty. Energy is in everything use your energy wisely. Sharing is a precious gift, share kindness wherever you are. Smile the whole world smiles with you and at you. These are the basic tenets of Cheryle’s Happiness Oracle Card set and one that can accurately define where your happiness lies, what you need to do to achieve happiness and the direction your dreams are leading you. The set includes the Happiness Circle Wheel, the Colour Meanings and Crystal matching and a set of beautiful cards depicting pictures and scenes of nature and animals which is so close to her heart. Cheryle is a spiritual teacher of Reiki and Spiritual Surgery, Pranic Healing, Crystal, Colour and Aura Healing, Thought Field Therapy and Touch for Health. Inspired by her guides who suggested she do her own cards to help people find happiness and brighten their lives and at the same time reveal some deep and meaningful issues that may be blocking that happiness. We can be happy and these cards show us how. HAPPINESS ORACLE CARDS. by CHERYLE TENI RRP $38.80 www.happinessoraclecards@gmail.com


21st Birthday Edition


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