White Light Magazine - Summer 2017/2018

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

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Cover Story

Francie Griffin Intuitive and Spirit Guide Artist White Light Magazine


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Summer Edition 2017/2018

Gold Coin Entry

Editor’s Note


elcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Inside this Issue... 2 4 5 6 8 10 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 27 28 30 31 32

Psychic Saturday - Currumbin RSL Club Editor’s Etchings Giselle’s Beauty Therapy, Energy Healing, Holistic Counselling Integration by Francie Griffin Cover Story - Francie Griffin Why a Vet began Dowsing with Dr Ross Perry Jingle Bells with Jane O’Connor Chapman Awaken the Healing Heart by Dorina Godden How I Conquered Fear of Rejection... by Jackie Mortimer Reviews by Patricia Austin Rune Magick by Ravenspell Vegan Recipes Cosmic Currents with Sylvia Flimm Does Detachment Mean Not Caring? with Kalyi Amoto Pagan Pages 2018 Rates & Deadlines White Light Expos 2018 Upcoming Expos Health Harmony Soul Expo

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing in association with OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation. P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Ph: (07) 5525 0259 Fx: (07) 5525 0209 Mob: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au Summer Edition 2017/2018 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2018. White Light A Universal Publication.

White Light Magazine



ell here we are in 2018, I can feel the changes coming even this early in the year. At White Light Magazine we are in our 20th year but more importantly in June we reach our 21st Birthday. So many publications have come & gone & here we are still getting the word out to those who enjoy it. There are some interesting articles & new contributors coming on board this year which is very exciting & will give extra insights throughout our pages. If you are a writer, practitioner etc & would like to submit articles to White Light then please do as we are always looking for new people to share their thoughts & expertise. White Light Magazine will be at the Health Harmony Soul Expo this weekend so please come & see us on stand 66. Fill in the data form; giving me your name & email address & we’ll send you the link to each new publication as soon as it’s up on line & you can read it for FREE. We are also investigating digital printing locally for those who like to hold the publication

instead of reading on line. You can purchase it on line now, but the cost is prohibitive. As far as Expos are concerned we are moving into new areas this year, as well as staying with some of the tried & true old ones, one must always be prepared to move forward & break new ground. The mascots, Gabby, Braydon & Natalie are growing way too quickly with Gabby starting High School in a week or so, where has the time gone or am I simply feeling my age, hmmmm? We are looking forward to a resurgence of energies & new input for both the magazine & the Expos this year, hopefully you will all join us on the way to new developments in these exciting times. Go in Love and Light,


Readers at a recent Bribie Expo - all booked out as usual!!


Summer Edition 2017/2018

Mascots and Santa Goofing off!

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White Light Magazine


“Integration� Acrylic on Canvas Chakra Seed of Life card sets are now available by Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com See samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook or on website www.franciegriffin.com Namaste 6

Summer Edition 2017/2018


ontinuing this issue I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I look at the Integration of our Chakra system I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, COMPLETE Over the last seven issues we have become acquainted with the seven chakras associated with our physical being. Though they have been looked at individually they are a part of an incredible harmonious whole system that is the human being. The chakra system does not stand alone, it is connected to our meridian system, endocrines, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Each chakra is connected to each other and all need to be balanced and considered in totality for our lives to be harmonious and in flow. When one or more chakras are blocked, over or under active, give them some extra loving and attention, do what needs to be done but do not neglect the other chakras, bring them all into alignment. If you feel one of your chakras is blocked or out of balance please refer back to the previous issues for reference. When I work with my chakra system I give attention to all my chakras, connecting with earth energy and cosmic energy. I work intuitively to spend extra time on any chakra that feels blocked or out of sync and if I feel the need, I do something

physical to assist; simple things like wearing red knickers if my energy is low! I may go outside and stand on the grass in bare feet if I need grounding, I embrace the morning sun to empower my solar plexus and put my hand on my heart and breathe deeply to center myself. For balancing I place one hand on the heart or upper heart and one on the sacral chakra. At the end of any chakra meditation or work I expand the energy of each into my entire energy field so that I feel whole, perfect and complete. The chakra seed image in this edition was created using all the paint colours I used in the seven chakra seed paintings, the integration of all. Indeed, each chakra is individually a combination of all colours. I would like to share with you a meditation that I use to balance my chakras and energy system. I feel the best time to do this is at the start of day but anytime is a good time! Integration Meditation Sit comfortably on the ground cross legged or sitting with a straight back and feet upon the floor. Take three deep breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth to relax your body and mind. Stay soft of mind and heart, allow a gentle smile to play upon your lips and eyes, gently closed. Breathe gently with your focus upon your heart centre. When ready and feeling relaxed let your awareness go to the centre of Mother Earth, just allow, intend and your consciousness will be there. Do not force anything, just relax and allow.

glowing white gold star hovering above your head. From this star seven smaller stars drop down and settle in your crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base chakras. Breathe into your heart center and see or feel each of these stars expanding and illuminating each of your chakras until your whole energy field is illuminated with white golden light. Sit within this field of shimmering energy and feel yourself become empowered and strong. As you breathe sense the gold light forming an orb around you. This will protect you and intend that only love and light will enter and leave your sphere of light. When ready bring yourself back into your physical body, take your awareness back to the centre of the earth, connect with earth energy and bring this energy back up through the body to the crown. You should now be energized, balanced and empowered for the day ahead. YOU ARE COMPLETE



Namaste Francie

Imagine now a bubble of light arising from the heart of Mother Earth rising and passing through and revitalizing each of your chakras; base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. This bubble of light now continues up to the heart of the Cosmos. Just intend, relax and your consciousness will take you there. Breathe gently and imagine a beautiful White Light Magazine


Francie Griffin Intuitive and Spirit Guide Artist


ello, my name is Francie Griffin and I am an artist and a Reiki Master/Teacher & Healer. I am an intuitive artist specializing in spirit guide drawings. Writing this article has given me an opportunity to sit out in nature and contemplate my life and what has brought me to where I am today. I am in my 60’s now and in many ways, I feel like I am just starting to live the dreams I had in my childhood; the life I was born to live! Over recent years I have awakened the gift of being able to attune to the spirit energies of others and channel these energies into beautiful energetic & healing drawings. I have set the intent for my art to be integrated with my healing work and spirituality. All paintings and drawings that I do are imbued with Healing Universal Energy, it is my intent that my art not only looks good but that it feels good and is able to impart healing energy.

This is not to downplay the years between childhood and now. Every stage of my life has had its blessings. Each stage of life has had its challenges that I have worked through and overcome, opportunities for me to learn and grow, to learn new skills and become stronger and more confident. This reminds me that the present is not only a moment in time but a gift. Accepting the joy of the moment and being aware of the moment is truly a gift and brings with it serenity of mind and soul.

As a child, there were many things that I wanted to do and be when I grew up. The two main threads that were apparent were creativity and being able to help others. Eventually I chose to become an art teacher which combined these two desires. I had many life lessons to learn and over the years I found my life experiences

Around this time, I was retrenched from my employment. Looking for hope that all was going to be ok I treated myself to a reading, hoping to hear something like “don’t worry, your art will sell and you will be a successful sought after artist”. Well, one hour later and not one mention of my art at all! Disappointed I asked if she could see anything happening with my art, the reader closed her eyes for two seconds

The Spiral is one of my favourite symbols. It is a universal symbol loved and used by many and features in much of my artwork. To me it represents the gradual unfoldment and evolvement of life. Life is a mystery; so much is hidden from us and in living our life moment by moment all that we need to know is gradually revealed. Sometimes it seems like things are revealed in a big bang but if we look back we can usually then see there was a pattern developing, the wheels of progress had been steadily turning, sometimes stopping and resting a while or baulking at an obstacle, perhaps of our own making, and then surging ahead again.

Image: Dance of the Elephant Sharman Acrylic on canvas 8

Following the ebb and flow of life, like the seasons of the sun, we transgress into our center to regroup, to gain inner wisdom, and when we are ready, we expand out into the world along the path of action and when this chapter is done we spiral back again to our centre; no beginning and no end just the eternal flow of life.

and interests changing. Life brought me some wonderful fun times and also much heartache. My life seemed to be spiraling out of control! There is a saying when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This was certainly true for me, from the mayhem of my life Spirit found its way to me often in miraculous fashion and in a myriad of ways. I didn’t consciously go searching but my heart and soul had been screaming out for help and my calls were answered. I have many teachers and supporters to thank over the course of my life. The two main players at the beginning, though not the starting point, were A Course in Miracles and Reiki. Consciously following a spiritual pathway of growth, learning and healing led me to bring alive my creative flame after a long hiatus. I began to paint with the guidance of Di Skelly Heron on the Gold Coast. Di did not so much teach me as in her words “I can see you know how to paint, we just need to open you up”. Indeed! I was a scared rabbit and had a very big creative block, a reflection of my low self-esteem at that time of my life but I had a burning desire to break free! On reflection, I painted an abstract around that period called Breaking Free, art is such a healing and empowering modality. My block was so strong it was a lead wall that I energetically felt spring up in front of me between me and the canvas. With Di’s guidance and my willingness and desire I broke through and my creativity and self-esteem re-energized. I was painting with a different viewpoint too, no longer content to just paint a pretty picture I intended that my art be healing, uplifting, empowering and a reflection of my spiritual journey.

Summer Edition 2017/2018

Cover Story and then blurted out Yes! I clearly see you doing spirit guide drawings. Well, this was very exciting. I had seen spirit guide artists at work and wished that I could do it but didn’t realize I had the gift and then the little silent voice came in “but you don’t have the gift, people would be watching you draw, you wouldn’t have anything to copy from”. However, the seed was planted and I ventured forth to give it a go, even though it took me another year or two to do so. I began by meditating, calling upon spirit and channeling my own spiritual guides around me and then the Universe really kicked in and my life began a great adventure involving a lot of moving around physically and wonderful people coming into my life to help me move forward with this work. Not all of this was easy but I knew I had found my life path and work and now it is not what I do but a big part of who I am. I have many people to thank for supporting me in my journey along with the Universe for all the synchronistic meetings and opportunities. There have been some incredible and miraculous moments as I have pursued my art and healing. One of my favourite memories is of a time when I began offering spirit guide drawings for people about 11 years ago. One Saturday morning I had some spare time before my first booking and was guided to draw while I was waiting. I had just channeled some reiki energy to a lady and had experienced a large vortex of energy swirl into us from above my crown chakra. In my mind’s eye, I sensed a beautiful white luminous angel and started to draw this; suddenly the energy shifted and I began to draw an earthier face. I was just about to put a swirl of green energy into the heart area when I heard a friend’s voice to my left….” who’s that you are drawing?” I replied that I hadn’t tuned into who it was and my friend said it’s who I have come here for you to draw.

My friend was gifting the drawing to a client she had just been treating. She said, “as I began the treatment a large vortex of energy entered my crown chakra, a beautiful luminous white angel appeared and through the angel walked the guide”. I asked her, with the green pastel still poised in my hand, if she used any green and she said yes, I projected healing green energy into his heart and I put the finishing touch to the drawing! I am forever amazed at how spirit is able to reach us and they are always one or more steps ahead of us! We just need to be open, spend some time in the quiet of our mind, ask for guidance, listen and respond. Trust and have faith. It is up to us what we do with the guidance we are given. Our guides are not here to run our lives for us and they can’t take the action for us; they are here to support and help us on our journey. That first quiet thought you have, the gut feel in your tummy, that is quite often guidance from your own higher self or your guide. Listen! In the quiet you can find the answers you are looking for. Be aware of signs that life shows you, for example a song that comes on the radio with lyrics that are just what you need to hear at that time. Be aware of your dreams also, a portent time for our guides to connect with us. I am blessed to be doing work that I love that is also of benefit to others. A guide drawing can help you to make a stronger connection with your guides. The more you consciously make an effort to connect with your guides the stronger the communication becomes. I strongly advise that you meditate daily to strengthen your spiritual field. Guidance is subtle, so it is important to be aware and have moments of solitude and quietness. Find the quiet, peaceful centre that abides within you.

Image: The Initiate Acrylic on canvas Life is a never ending spiral Each day, each moment brings an ending and a beginning May you enjoy every moment There really is no beginning and no end The spiral is eternal It takes you into the centre of your being and out again Return always to your centre Reach out to life Return to centre Reach out to life Return to centre And so the spiral continues…………. Namaste, Francie

Pastel spirit guide drawings by Francie Griffin White Light Magazine


Why a Vet Began Dowsing with Dr Ross Perry


s a young child I was aware of spirits in the garden and other things that I was taught to dismiss as my imagination. When I was 10 years of age, in 1958, I saw a cigar shaped space craft with a series of lights along it, hovering over the valley between Bancroft Ave and Lord St Roseville (a suburb of Sydney) and then watched it slowly move west towards the railway line then south across Roseville Girls College then suddenly disappear. I was a young teenager when I had my first platonic ‘puppy love experience’ over several years with twin girls who attended Willoughby Girls High School while I attended North Sydney Boys High School. Without effort or intention, I experienced ESP repeatedly and found that I was often aware of aspects of their conversations with friends at school and sometimes I would speak of these when I met them on the way home from school. There came a time when the penny dropped and the twins realized that I was able to do this and was doing this, and they became embarrassed. Until then, I did not realize that ESP was an unusual ability. I also became embarrassed and yet wanted to nurture the friendship. Somehow I shut down that skill. Although such ESP experiences with others have been rare and very intermittent with others in the ensuing years, I have continued to know (as distinct from just believe) that this is possible under some circumstances. My father used to recount how he and two of his brothers regularly attended the Church of England at Lindfield on Sundays (this was expected of them). He told me how they used to sit together at the rear of the church. For their entertainment and amusement, they used to agree to focus their attention on for example the nape of the neck or the left ear of some unaware victim in one of the front pews and project their imagination of a fly, and then another, and then another buzzing around the person and crawling on the neck and ear until the person started swatting at the imaginary flies. Of course, they didn’t stop there but that is another story. The point is that they could do this and that the science and culture with which we were being indoctrinated could not explain how it worked. I often practiced a similar exercise in which I would look at the nape of some girl’s neck or just look at her with some intent, usually admiration, and see how long it took her to turn around and catch me in the eye. If we were on talking terms I would sometimes ask how and where she knew and felt I was looking at her. In most cases I learnt that girls and women sense this in the nape of the neck region and know immediately before they look around the that nature of the intent. I also was invited to several séances and had some experiences with ouija boards and was lent various books on so called spiritual phenomena. Although I felt and feel ouija board focused séances could attract mischievous and sinister spirit beings on occasions, and


soon stopped attending them, my interest in other phenomena grew. I devoured all those books about Edgar Cayce that I could find and other books of that ilk and then early in my undergraduate days studying veterinary science at the University of Sydney, Shirley Maclaine’s book “Out on a Limb” was published and caught my interest. In it she mentioned in a subscript one of the Seth Books by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts. In a coordinated instance, that some would call a coincidence or out of the blue, my mother gave me a book published by Prentice-Hall called “The Nature of Personal Reality. A Seth Book” by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts. This turned out to be a major paradigm shifting metaphysical book in my life, although when I first started reading it, while concurrently being indoctrinated with science and veterinary science, I remember making numerous derogatory notations including “Bull Shit!!!” beside various paragraphs of the book. However, by the time I completed reading this book I had insights as to how and why I had seen and experienced the psychic and spiritual phenomena of which I have written. I realized that there was an internal consistency within the book that resonated more with truth than regular science offered and that the ministers and priests of the various churches I had attended had professed to be truthful interpretations of the Bible. I soon bought and read the first book by Jane Roberts called “Seth Speaks” and her subsequent books “Unknown Realities. A Seth Book, Book 1 and Book 2”. It was as if I had been born again. I wanted to share what I had discovered with everyone. I soon learnt that it was far more appropriate at that time to shut up and not even mention the Seth Books to the great majority of my friends and associates. They were not at all interested in having their beliefs at that time challenged, even though I “knew in my heart” that what I had learnt via the Seth books was much closer to the truth than what we had been taught. I had been intensely brought up or indoctrinated as some might say in Protestant Christianity that denied re-incarnation whereas science was teaching us to believe in chance and to deny much of the intuitive and emotional and telepathic information from the right side of our brains. Much later I learnt from Don Tolman that the rote learning system (the repetitive one) was developed and imposed to purposely retard and suppress the development of a very important right frontal area of the brain by the ruling elite. (Read “The Gods of Eden” by William Bramley if you are interested in learning more about this.) I went through some profound changes in my beliefs during the 1970s such that I now believe in re-incarnation at least in this physical time space reality that we think of as life (there is much more than this!). I stopped believing in chance. I realized that the ‘exception to the rule’

Summer Edition 2017/2018

in so many areas of life represented opportunities for discovery and often was an indicator that the “rule” was not accurate and might even be very misleading. My interest in metaphysics blossomed and has continued beyond my graduation as a vet scientist, physician and surgeon until the present time. Meanwhile, in my first year in clinical practice I encountered and wrote a paper about my first case of a cockatoo affected with a progressive feather loss and beak deformity syndrome that I subsequently named Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD). The cockatoo slowly died despite all my attempts to “save it” and I vowed to find out what causes the disease (that took me eight years) and how to help birds affected with it (that is ongoing). This initiated my interest in so called holistic medicine and alternative modalities for supporting health and well-being of animals and people. The first article that I wrote about PBFD prompted other vets to start referring “bird cases” to me and over the years this lead to me discovering and naming several other diseases of birds and becoming Australia’s first registered bird specialist vet by international examination in Caged and Aviary Bird Health. Early in my veterinary career another vet, Dr Ian Gawler, experienced and made a remarkable recovery from very advanced metastatic bone cancer and published his first book “You Can Conquer Cancer”. This I read, and I met Ian and attended lectures by him on a number of occasions. This book largely referred to people but also had specific dietary recommendations and supplements for dogs and cats with cancer. These recommendations enabled me to help more people and pets holistically. In January 1992, I (with my wife at that time) began the process of buying a major small animal hospital on Parramatta Road, Homebush, Sydney that I renamed Homebush Animal Hospital. I grew the practice over the ensuing years and began employing other vets to help me. At one time I was providing impounding facilities covering four different Municipal Councils in the area and largely from my own pocket rehoming as many of the abandoned dogs as possible, as well as boarding other pets and running a regular veterinary hospital for pet dogs, cats, rabbits, cavies, rats, mice, ferrets, reptiles, birds of course, and the occasional goat or sheep that escaped the clutches of local ethnic communities and was impounded before it could be slaughtered. Jumping forward in time, in the late 1990’s I was given the opportunity to ‘check out’ Sri Sathya Sai Baba who I had heard about from my cousins some years earlier. I made my first journey to India and ‘Prasanthi Nilayam’, the main Ashram associated with Sathya Sai Baba at Puttaparthi, about 70 km north of Bangalore in central southern India. There I witnessed, experienced and read about much, much more that could not be explained adequately by all my training as a scientist. I subsequently returned to Prasanthi Nilayam on another four occasions. On the second occasion I wrote a letter to Sai Baba in which I asked for help in my veterinary career including help with respect to various healing modalities that were and are beyond regular veterinary science. I specifically asked for help with the disease of parrots and cockatoos that I had discovered and named Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, (PBFD). Sai Baba walked past me as I held out the letter without visible acknowledgment, and continued about 50 metres in front of rows of many thousands of devotees seated on the marble floor of the Hall. He then did a u-turn and walked very purposely back to me to accept into his hand the letter from me. One day later I learnt about Sai Sanjeevinis and bought a book and associated cards and vials to go with it on this topic. Three months after arriving back in Sydney I received an addendum to the Sai Sanjeevini book posted from India that contained new mandalas for healing people and animals, including one labeled PBFD. I felt gobsmacked. Until I had begun my acquaintance with Sathya Sai Baba I had dismissed numerology and astrology as ‘hocus pocus’. However, I noted that Sai Baba frequently paid attention to aspects of both these

subjects so again my mind was opened to more possibilities. I am often reminded of the truth of “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” William Shakespeare, ‘Hamlet’, Act 1 Scene 5. Early in 2006 I began getting internal messages that I needed to make some major changes or I would be dead from a heart attack or stroke or something else within a year or so. I didn’t have any medical symptoms nor did I seek orthodox medical advice. I elected to auction Homebush Animal Hospital later that year. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to have a photo of myself along with over 100 photos of other people needing help taken to John of God at the Casa de Dom Inácio (the house of St Ignatius Loyola) in Abadinania, Brazil. My photo was the only one returned with 3 crosses marked on it by John of God, signifying “Come quickly!”, I did. I accompanied a group of Australians, many with chronic and life threatening diseases such as cancer. , I witnessed many so called ‘miracles’ and experienced life changing ‘spiritual surgery’. My time spent there was one of the two most transforming periods of my life. I experienced spiritual surgery in a room with perhaps 40 others sitting on bench seats with our eyes closed while meditating. The first thing I noticed happening to me felt as though a fingernail was tracing from the back end of my left lower rib to the front, and then some gentle poking and prodding and moving in under my left lower rib cage. It then moved up into my left chest area and I felt prompted to put my hands over my heart. I then started convulsive dry crying that continued for perhaps 20-30 minutes, releasing huge quantities of deep seated emotional pain and finally I felt a single tear roll down my cheek from the outer edge of my eye, just like that shown in many paintings of Saint Dom Inacio. I felt this was a sign from him that he was the main spiritual surgeon for me. Those interested in learning more can contact me personally and/or google Joao De Deus, John of God and watch various videos that defy ‘common sense’. These experiences deepened and progressed my interest in holistic health, healing and in the metaphysical realms of life. In 2006 I also had a friend in Canada contact me about her experiences with an experimental quantum instrument that had numerous potential uses for evaluating and adjusting the health and well-being of plants, animals and people. After due diligence I decided to travel to Canada and invest in the purchase of one of these instruments and be trained as to how to use it. On day two in Canada my wife rang from Sydney to ask me which vet should she take our dog Maia to as she was in acute pain and distress. I was about to make a recommendation when my quantum mentor interrupted and said to effect, wait, let’s see what we can do from here with the instrument in the next 20 minutes. I looked at her incredulously but agreed to do as she suggested, and explained this to my equally incredulous wife in Sydney. I already had been told that a hair sample, a blood sample or a photograph of a dog (or person, etc.) could be used with the instrument to tune into it to make a long series of evaluations. However, I did not have any of these from Maia. My mentor, Margrit said, “No worries, just do as I tell you.” I was about to be emotionally, mentally, academically challenged almost beyond all my beliefs. She prepared a small vial of distilled water, neutralized the water’s memory with the instrument, and then told me to pray and project into the vial of water “all quantum frequencies measurable by the instrument specific for the female Golden Retriever dog Maia living in Lillihina Ave, Cromer, Sydney Australia” while I was sitting at a desk in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. I positioned my hands above the vial of water and did this over about two minutes for the first time in my life. Margrit grasped the vial in insulated forceps and transferred it from my instrument to hers and started scanning the vial with the instrument. She promptly announced: “Yes, we have a reading, we can proceed.” Within minutes Margrit announced to me that Maia was in severe

White Light Magazine


Why a Vet Began Dowsing continued... pain, had a blockage or obstruction, inflammation and spasm but did not have infection and did not have cancer. She began scanning Maia’s anatomy via this vial of water and soon announced that all of the above were located at the exit of her stomach (pyloris) and that it appeared that she had swallowed something inappropriate. I said as a vet that she needs exploratory surgery. However, Margrit gently had me starting to eat humble pie! She explained what she could do from Canada to Sydney! She then set the instrument to start neutralizing the pain, spasm, blockage and inflammation at the pyloric region of Maia’s stomach and ‘hand scanned out’ many of the quantum vibrations specific for these aspects of health. My wife soon contacted us again and reported that Maia was much better. However, Maia had another two relapses and recoveries that day for which we had to re-use the quantum instrument, the first was focused on the mid-small intestine and the second at the ileo-caecal valve. Some hours later she passed a sock that she had obviously swallowed and made a full recovery without a trip to the vet, without any drugs and without any x-rays (radiographs) or pathology tests or intravenous fluid therapy etcetera. As a regularly trained vet I was in shock and amazement and began asking heaps more questions that took me on a very steep learning curve. As a result of this experience and many others that followed my mind opened to new paradigms of understanding and imagining of what is possible, even if an animal, bird or person is on the other side of the world, and needs help. Bob, the inventor of the instrument had been using it for many purposes experimentally, including agricultural purposes, sometimes making adjustments to 100,000 acres at a time for soil nutrients and various pests. He had also been using it to control malignant cancer in himself for many years. However, during my visit, he announced that the cancer had got away from him and the doctors were expecting him to die very soon and that they had called the priests for last rites. I had just been learning how to make up ‘multiplier vials’ to 55 million times. I was prompted to ask if we can make up multiplier vials to this much (which had been the most ever used since the development of the instrument) why can’t we make them in the billions and trillions? We contacted Bob with our suggestion. He acted upon it immediately and within a day or so his cancers were obviously going into remission again and he lived at least another 5 years. When I got the instrument home I started using the instrument for research as well as for gaining clues as to what might be the health issues of various patients. I have made many as yet unpublished discoveries. I also learnt that the instrument could be used to evaluate as and when needed, specific quantum vibrational patterns and frequencies and amplitudes that are associated with each organ, each tissue type, each cell type, each organelle type (nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, mitochondria, chromosomes etcetera.), each protein, each hormone, each mineral, each vitamin, each poison, each virus, each bacteria, each fungus, each protozoa, each parasite, each emotion, each attached entity, and so forth. I learnt that with the appropriate instrument operator this could be done for patients in nearly any part of the world. I learnt that various factors especially the emotional state of the operator and attached entities as well as radiation could interfere with the accurate use of the instrument. I was and still am very aware of the opinion that the majority of people at this point in time choose not to believe much of this, and choose to draw incorrect conclusions on the basis of insufficient information and investigation. For these reasons and others, I have not shared yet much of what I have learnt, although the time to do so is now much closer. In late 2006 or 2007 I also started attending some of the monthly


meetings of The Dowsing Society of NSW at Hunters Hill, Sydney and became increasingly interested in the parallels of what can be done by and through dowsing and what can be done using advanced radionics and other quantum technologies. In 2012 I started to become ‘more serious’ about using pendulums to give me guidance about my intuition to the answers of various questions asked such that they had a yes or no or numerical answer. I learnt how to become a lot more accurate with the use of various pendulums, and I started learning about various rules that guide the use of pendulums. I learnt to programme my pendulum to indicate to me yes, no, inappropriate question or get permission to ask this question, clarify this question, draw energy out, add energy in, and point. I learnt that entities attached to me and to the pendulum could and would often induce very inaccurate and misleading readings. I learnt much more, some of which is now detailed and described in the following chapters of this book. I began drawing and designing some dowsing circles that related to the types of questions I was often asking. By May 2013 I had designed the prototypes of at least 100 different dowsing circles. From early in 2013 I have had a series of direct communications with a Being of Light known as Min who is often channeled through Jennifer Starlight. You can learn about Min and Jennifer at www. theinvisiblecollege.com.au. Min has discussed my dowsing work with me, and among other things he advised me to start teaching what I have been discovering and doing as soon as possible and he suggested that I start offering a series of workshops that I initially teach locally and later nationally and internationally. He has encouraged me to start doing this even before I have completed my first book or manual. Hmmm! He informed me that my work will become very important in the years ahead and of other details I will reveal in due course. I was soon given more specific ‘encouragement and advice’ from Alexander of Light and also John of Light, both group entities being trance-channeled via Micheal of Light who is a friend of mine. At the next opportunity to do so I asked John of Light for more guidance about writing a book on my investigations into dowsing, the dowsing charts and what I am doing. Much to my surprise, (life is full of surprises!) John of Light told me ‘they’ envisaged me actually writing 18 books of 32 chapters each of 1-5 pages on average and each book with 15 dowsing charts. It was indicated that much if not all of this would be done during the remainder of 2013. I was told that with regular meditation I would get further guidance from another Being of Light as the work progresses. Hence you now have a vet who started writing his first book on dowsing in 2013! However, I did not discipline myself to regular meditation and the first book has taken until April 2016 to be completed for indexing. You can order your Dowsing from the Heart E-book at the link below http://www.goldcoastbirdvet.com/store/p157/%22Dowsing_From_ The_Heart%22_%28Book_1%29__eBook_by_Dr_Ross_Perry.html DR. ROSS PERRY - Holistic Vet and Avian Health Specialist www.goldcoastbirdvet.com - Consulting by Appointment Contact #: 0419 693279 Physical Address: 132 Gabal Road (South East Gate) Lillian Rock, NSW 2480 Consulting and face to face Scientific Dowsing by appointment at Breathe Beauty & Life, Suite 8, Level 1, 41-43 Commercial Road (corner of King St), Murwillumbah

Summer Edition 2017/2018

iChat | Skype | YouTube: DoctorRossPerry Email Address: DrRossPerry1@gmail.com


Jingle Bells

by Jane O’Connor Chapman

h it is that New Year time of year that is suddenly is upon us and then over before we can even blink! There are those folks who are organized and had their Christmas planned from the beginning of the year and those of us mere mortals that shall I say, like to incubate and leave it all until it begins to unfold naturally as the clock ticks further onwards towards the 25th. You can feel the levels of stress if you dare to venture out into the big wide yonder that is a shopping centre or mall. People with lists and people who look like they have no idea what they are doing but they know that they are there, and some things need to be bought. As an empath I strive to avoid these places wat all costs, they bewilder me and I always leave feeling like a drowned rat. Thank God for gift vouchers is all that I have to say! They relieve my stress each year and I can go about my business with zero stress and no one messing with my zen. If you found yourself caught up in the stress it is important for next year that you get your head around the fact that it is just this one day that we all get caught up in knots about, it’s a meal and a few gifts and should not be causing you to skip any heart beats over. Try to plan a relaxing Christmas where you can take it easy and actually enjoy yourself for a change, instead of running around like a headless chook (chicken). Have a massage, go get you hair done, do whatever it takes to make you feel at ease and not stressed out. If you have taken it upon yourself to feed the masses, then delegate and don’t be the stressed Martyr of the day. Christmas is about celebrating with love and joy in our hearts, it’s about rejoicing and feeling that sublime festive glow that only happens at this special time of year. Whether you celebrated in the frozen snow or on the beach in the blazing hot summer sun, I hope that on the day that you breathed in the love managed to chill out, allowing yourself time and energy to truly engage with spirit and unwind.

Supermarkets, bakeries and the freezer department of the discount warehouse are a great source for delicious, pre-baked holiday treats. Even better still, go out for dinner! Call, don’t send cards. Reach out and touch someone … the easy way. Online greeting cards are easy, inexpensive and fun to send. No more lines at the post office! Scale back décor. Substitute a simple door wreath for outdoor lighting. Focusing Christmas decor on the Big Three--front door, tree and focal point--can bring a festive feel to the house without day-long decorating sessions. Cut the clean-a-thon. Focus cleaning attention on kitchen and public rooms; private areas can slide till season’s end. Do a quick vac and mop and all is well! Downsize dishwashing. Hand-washing fine china is nobody’s idea of a good time, so move to everyday stoneware. Simpler still: paper plates! Finger food, not feast. A smorgasbord of tasty tidbits is easier on the cook and kinder to the waistline than a sit-down dinner. Cold meats, olives and cheeses always go down well with a glass or seven of fizz. Go on holiday! Make arrangements to see family and friends before the big day and go away for your Christmas. Nothing beats chilling out by the pool with a cocktail in hand! Happy New Year to one and all! Jane O’Connor-Chapman www.sparklerainbow.com

My tips for next year are as follows: Prune the to-do list. Ask, “If I don’t do this, what will happen?” Aim to knock down the list of chores to the rock-bottom necessity. Cut the gift list. Rein in gift exchanges that have been outgrown or lost their meaning. Limit gifts to children only, draw names, or organize a gift exchange. Or give gift vouchers! Wrap as you go. Buy a gift then wrap it as soon as you get home. Pop it under the tree. You’ll thank yourself later. Buy, don’t bake. Turn your back on the oven this year. White Light Magazine


Awaken the Healing Heart


elcome and Blessings,

In the last edition of Whitelight Magazine I felt privileged to share some extracts from my book (which is still being fined tuned) called Awaken The Healing Heart. I am thrilled to be sharing once again from my book a part from chapter 33 called Healing Modalities – Angelic Tools and one of the topics discusses in depth all about Journaling (this is only 1 of the 13 topics), either for children or adults. Let me start by sharing: What would it take for me to believe in myself? I pondered on this question for some time as the answer become clear – “a lifetime”. It has taken me over 30 years to fully understand my life purpose and finally to believe in myself. “Magic happened the moment I followed my heart, after a lifetime of searching for my truth”. During my lifetime I was searching for a healing modality that is unique, individual and or personal. Through the guidance of The Sisterhood of Awaken Hearts I have created a range of products for children, teenagers, adults, teachers or professionals. Spiritual tools to assist awaken the heart, inspire the soul, foster change, bringing the past into the present, releasing, cleansing, align your purpose and balance the mind/body/ spirit. Healing Modalities for the senses (seeing, visionary, feeling, smell, touch, texture, imagination, spiritual and support) to assist develop skills when coping in an overwhelming world. A unique collection of products, tools and information, which can be utilize at home, work, schools or sensory wellbeing, a basketful of spiritual gifts. Over a number of years I have use the products and helped many seeking support or tools that can assist them on a daily basis, from one on one to expo’s. I am grateful for the angelic guidance and thrilled to be able to share them with you.


I believe that colour therapy and journal work are wonderful tools. Can be used one on one, or in a group setting or for personal use. I have worked with individuals from children to adults and have had incredible results. Helping me to open many doors to healing, true self and inner child balance. 1:Journaling Journaling is a form of storytelling, for children it’s called “All about me”; it helps to create a book that reflects best about the individual. Keeping a journal to reflect back on over the year will help towards developing new skills, mapping future goals or recording events. A personal journal will assist uplift you when the pressures of life seems to burden the soul for answers. Everyone is important and has a unique individual story to tell, something yet to be revealed, a need to be heard and with no ramifications. It’s just like opening your heart, taking out the unique blueprints including all the bumps and bruises, handing them over for repair. Journals are not just for children, but also by schools, professionals and children in foster placements as the results are rewarding. It has helped me when working out the likes or dislikes or the child’s routine when in a new surrounding, helps develop self. Writing is a powerful medium to releasing that trapped emotional energy that blocks your every breath. Taking the first steps to sharing your unique story, which “the one that you believe is true, journals are the inner child to self discovery. For children the journal is a book they can create (with or without help) to keep all the years events stored in one unique place, to reflect back on the milestones, called all about me. It can be used daily or shared with family or friends when planning events or activities. Gather up the required items to make your own or child’s journal. In your journal kit: • Blank visual art diary A5 size • Photo of Self • Photo of family, friends or pets

Summer Edition 2017/2018

• • • • •

Pencils, pens and highlighter Glue and sticky tape Coloured paper, positive words or magazines Sticky tabs for page dividers Additional items: stickers, photos, letters/notes, artwork, certificates, report and awards

The steps are: A:

Create a fabulous first page calling it:

ALL ABOUT ME - add a photo of yourself Brighten up the page to make it your very own

B: The exciting part is working out how many pages you want to add to your journal, or using the sticky tabs dividers to number the pages ready for your story. C:

Create an index (add as many as you wish) out of the topics, be creative and then number them for easy referencing

A valuable way to explore ideas, formulate action plans, brainstorm, create, explore future options and for further information surf the net and allow your creative side to be Pets /Animals Sport Music unleashed. Friends Awards Birthday Likes/Dislike Routine Goals Poems D r a w i n g s As a final tip encourage your child to write once a day, the Autographs Movies TV shows more children/teens write, the more they seem to want to, Problem Solving Letters Famous People get them stated on small projects, soon they will be eager to Scribbling Family History Work Experience write stories whilst planning their future. Stars Work A c t i o n P l a n Affirmations Hobbies Sport The ultimate goal is to see a child’s self esteem develop, Health Medication Art grow and expand as they build on the skills they already Family Graffiti P e n P a l s have allowing them to develop new ones through the Ideas Sport Stars Dear Journal building of their own journal – life story- All About Me. Enjoy Selfies Maths English as you create your masterpiece and include your journal into Fostering Babysitting Food your colourful heart inner child space for easy access. Allergies Wish List Holidays Games Exercise C o o k i n g “MIRACLES are the creation of life; every life has a Photos Magazines Stories Books beginning and an end. A lifetime is the story that we sit and Game Hints Tutoring Dance share, the very fiber that creates the colourful life you lead, whilst the vast threads hold it all together” Journals are a creative place to explore, express oneself, keeps one busy, active, engaged and excited about the Eternally grateful … Ciao Dorina x future. Improves writing, reading, understanding and listening skills. Assists to develop confidence, encourages Love to hear from you: dorinagodden@hotmail.com sharing of stories and ideas whilst evolving loved ones. Facebook: Awake the Healing Heart 33@awakenheart111 Topics can include:

White Light Magazine


How I Conquered To Being


i my name is Jackie Mortimer, known as Jackie Angel of Light running a Healing Spheres business that incorporates Angel Psychic Readings, Relationship Consulting, Life Purpose Consulting and Mindset Healing and I would love to continue my story from the previous edition. Rejection is one of many human traits and every human being in some form has been rejected whether it has been in sales, relationships, friendships or even from an immune response in our body. When it happens in relationships it can prevent us from ever getting close again to another person.

Rejection is a painful experience and I certainly had my share of being rejected by my Mum, Dad, Step-Mum, first husband and relationships. 16

I attracted rejection time and time again because I never knew how to deal with the pain that was presenting itself to me from my sub-conscious mind. I did not know or understand the power of the mind and how detrimental it was to avoid pain. What I learned is that what we fear and avoid will keep running our life and what we run away from will keep persisting until we are ready to see the blessing. No matter how hard I tried to avoid rejection the Universe kept pulling me towards it to help me to heal.

The step I took to overcome rejection was to explore my memory and record the times I was rejected. As I started to review each memory of rejection to find the hidden blessing I was hit by a wall of resistance. This wall of resistance (the ego) had its own purpose of keeping the pain so I felt the resistance and moved through it to discover the positives/ benefits of rejection which opened my heart again to love. I felt so inspired finding the benefits that Summer Edition 2017/2018

saying thank you to rejection was easy and effortless. It is so easy to focus on the negatives and when you understand the Laws of the Universe you will come to a realization that you cannot have a negative experience without having a simultaneous positive effect from that moment on. Let me give you an example in my own experience of seeing the benefits when my step-mother rejected me.

The benefit to me is that I became closer to my two elder sisters. I received support from my sisters. I spent a lot of time with my sisters. When my sisters left home I gained inner strength and became more resilient. I became independent. I spent time on my own and learned to connect to my Inner Self and nature. I learned to rely on myself. I learned to enjoy my own company. I was directed on

Fear Of Rejection Accepted For Who I Am

by Jackie Mortimer

Part 2

the path of personal and spiritual development. I learned strategies and used manipulation to get what I want. I formed a habit of praying which eased and comforted me. I learned to save money when Mum took my pay cheque when I started working. I spent a lot of time in nature which grounded me and made me feel good. A great question you want to ask yourself is how being rejected has helped you with your three highest values in life. How did it help you spiritually, mentally, vocationally, financially, familiarly, socially and physically? What did you get to do or not do that served you? It is so easy to acknowledge the negative effect of rejection and it’s also important to see the positives to equilibrate the mind - for the purpose of the mind is maintaining balance and if the mind is not balanced our intuition reveals to us constantly the other side that we may be ignoring. We live in a Universe that is selfcorrecting and self organizing and the Universe and our mind consistently maintains balance and equilibrium. When Universal Law is understood then we are able to see that there is a balancing act happening in our lives.

at the same time new cells are being born. Inside of you there is a voice that is praising you and another voice that is reprimanding you. We cannot know rejection without somebody simultaneously accepting us at the same time. Let me give you an example. When my step-mother and Dad rejected me my elder sister accepted me at the same time. There was another time when my step-mother and Dad rejected me and my dog supported and accepted me. In Universal Law there are always two opposites at play simultaneously. For example old cells are dying in your body while

I have also discovered that rejection occurs when we reject our true Divine Self whom I like to name God. Accepting God in your life alleviates pain and sorrow. When we accept God we reject our ego. If you are finding difficulty in overcoming rejection or any other emotional trauma please do contact me for a complimentary 30 minute session.

Jackie Angel of Light .

Angel Intuitive & Angel Psychic Reader Expertise in Relationships, Mindset, Spirituality shaki@healingspheres.com.au Mobile: 0412 612 608

Healing Spheres

Life and Love with Grace

www.healingspheres.com.au www.facebook.com/healingspheres www.facebook.com/jacqueline mortimer White Light Magazine




Created and illustrated by a writer and artist with indigenous connections to the Worimi and Biripai people of the Manning River region, NSW, this exquisite deck provides a unique connection to the ancient spirit of the land – our land, Australia. Each of the 36 cards is beautifully illustrated in aboriginal dot art style, depicting native animals and birds, as well as Dreamtime elements. The introduction to the guidebook provides a précised history of Aboriginal people in Australia as well as an insight to Aboriginal Dreaming. Although this critique of the Dreamtime Reading Cards is by a non indigenous Australian, I absolutely loved the messages on each of the cards and felt they did, indeed, help me resonate with the spirit of the land. In my opinion, a deck of cards that would be valued by and helpful to all. http://www.laurabowen.com.au/oracle-decks.php RRP: $22.96

ORACLE of the DRAGONFAE Lucy Cavendish

This 43 card deck is beautifully illustrated by a variety of (seven) gifted artists; each of the drawings comprises powerful, appropriate images of the specific Dragonfae (Divinity), underscored with the name and synopsis of what each divinity represents. The 164 page guidebook contains down to earth Divinatory Meanings and suggestions for working with the specific Divinities. Another oracle card set created by this popular author, that would suit both novice and experienced readers – bound to appeal to both collectors of Lucy’s decks and devotees of magickal, mythical realms. https://www.lucycavendish.com.au/index.php/the-magick-shop#!/Oracle-of-theDragonfae/p/50461592/category=0 RRP: $35.00


This easy to use deck, created by renowned Psychic, Julie McKenzie, comprises 55 gilt gold edged cards, offering insight and guidance to all aspects of life, past, present and future, as well as messages from the other side. They include the ‘Golden Prophecy’ card, representing superior divine power, which is designed to be used in conjunction with another card to enhance and reinforce that card’s message. A lovely deck of cards, bound to appeal to a wide audience; the detailed instructions for using the cards, along with the versatile suggested layouts, should make this deck particularly appealing to the new reader. This unique deck beautifully complements The Universal Book of Life, an ‘Encyclopaedia of Spirituality & Beyond’, also written by Julie. http://www.purereflections.com.au/universal-prophecy-cards/ RRP: $29.95

The Universal Book of Life by Julie McKenzie

An inspirational book written by well respected Psychic Medium, Julie McKenzie, The Universal Book of Life is an extensive ‘Encyclopaedia of Spirituality & Beyond’. Within its pages, you will find a wide ranging guide to all things spiritual – from ancient civilizations, knowledge and beliefs; to the afterlife and beyond; and everything in between. It incorporates helpful information on how to feel and face emotions; recognise negative and harmful energies and protect ourselves; cleanse and clear stagnant energies; meditate and relax the mind and body; align the chakras; communicate with spirit guides and departed loved ones; and much, much more. In my opinion, this book is a resource that many would value to have on their bookshelves. http://www.purereflections.com.au/julies-books/ RRP: $29.95


Summer Edition 2017/2018


Rune Magick

reetings and welcome, as we enter Imbolc in the South and Lammas in the North. Southern friends may utilise Imbolc for spiritual growth. This growth will come via the gift of enlightenment and their own strength of will. The strengthening of the Sun is a period by which you may gain invaluable sight upon which to act…it is a calling to action if you will. Lammas is the Sabat that invokes change in us whether we wish it or not…however, change is essential for growth and new directions. Northern friends may ask for strength of faith and courage to accept such change/s during this time. Candlemas Prayer for Enlightenment You will need: 1x yellow or Orange candle (small) and a safe candle holder Something to carve the Sowilo glyph into the top half the candle (this will draw enlightenment to you) A lighter or matches to light the candle A mirror in front of which to place the candle and in which you can see its reflected flame Prepare your sacred space, carve Sowilo into the candle as you will enlightenment and strength to act. Place candle in holder in front of mirror Focus on your reflection as your invite strength and enlightenment Light the candle And say out loud... Father Sun of this I pray You strengthen with each new day As you do may you shed your light To help me grow in spirit and sight

In health and physical energy By Sowilo, enlighten me A spell to accept change (Lammas) You will need: A fire proof dish A piece of white unruled paper A red pen/pencil A lighter or matches Prepare your sacred space and have your fire proof bowl in front of you Draw the Eihwaz glyph on the points of the four directions North, South, East and West in red upon the paper As you fold the paper four times draw upon the energies of the four directions that bring challenges to you and see yourself as the Yew tree; bending but not breaking Light the folded paper, place in the bowl and as it burns say aloud... I call upon the powers that be Those that challenge change in me I pray I may rise to embrace Accept and grow in love and grace Secure in faith and trust I be Your loving hands are guiding me I accept the change you have gifted me Blessings © RavenSpell 2017

White Light Magazine


Vegan Superfood Crunch Salad with Homemade Balsamic Apple Vinaigrette Ingredients: For the dressing: 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup, or to taste 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt Freshly ground black pepper, to taste For the salad: 8-10 cups destemmed and shredded Lacinato (dino) kale (2 bunches) 1 pear, thinly sliced and chopped 1/2 cup pomegranate arils 1/4 cup pepita seeds 3-4 tbsp large flake coconut 1-2 tbsp hemp hearts 1-2 teaspoons black sesame seeds (optional) sprinkle of cinnamon Directions: In a medium bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients. Adjust to taste if desired. Remove all of the stems from the kale leaves and compost the stems (or if you are hard core you can save them for smoothies). Finely chop the kale leaves into tiny “shredded” pieces. The smaller the more tender the leaves will feel. Wash and spin dry. Place kale into a large salad bowl. You should have about 8-10 cups of kale for this salad. Toss the kale in all of the dressing until everything is coated nicely. The kale will reduce in volume substantially. Add the toppings (as much as you want - I recommend lots!), sprinkle with cinnamon, and serve immediately. Or let the dressing marinate the kale for a half hour or so. This salad is best served fresh, but it will keep chilled in the fridge for a day. if you don’t think you will eat that quickly, I recommend making a half batch at a time or simply store the kale and dressing separately until ready to mix and consume.


Crispy Quinoa Cakes

Carob Almond Freezer Fudge

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa 2 tablespoons ground flax + 6 tablespoons water 1 cup destemmed and finely chopped kale 1/2 cup rolled oats, ground into a flour (use certified gluten-free if necessary) 1/2 cup finely grated sweet potato 1/4 cup finely chopped oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, finely chopped 2 tablespoons finely diced onion 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon runny tahini paste 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano 1 1/2 teaspoons red or white wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, or to taste 3 tablespoons gluten-free all-purpose flour (I used King Arthur) or regular all-purpose flour red pepper flakes, to taste

Ingredients: 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil, melted 1/4 cup creamy natural almond butter (roasted or raw are both fine) 1/4 cup carob powder, sifted 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted 2-3 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or liquid sweetener of choice), to taste 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/8-1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt 1/2 cup gluten-free rice crisp cereal (to add crunch - optional)

Directions: Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix the ground flax and water in a small bowl and set aside for 5 minutes or so to thicken. Combine all ingredients together in a large bowl, including the flax mixture and the 1.5 cups cooked quinoa. Stir well until the mixture comes together. Don’t forget the flour because it helps bind the patties. Shape mixture into 1/4-cup patties with wet hands. Pack tightly so they hold together better. Place on baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, then carefully flip cakes, and bake for another 8-10 minutes until golden and firm. Cool for 5 minutes on the sheet and then enjoy! Store leftovers in a container in the fridge for up to 5-6 days. To reheat, preheat a skillet over medium heat, add a bit of oil, and cook patties for about 3 minutes per side, or until heated through.

Summer Edition 2017/2018

Directions: Line a very small loaf pan (4” x 8”) with plastic wrap for easy removal. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl until smooth. With a spatula, scoop the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth out. Freeze for about 20 minutes, or until solid. Slice into squares and enjoy! Store leftovers in a container in the freezer as it melts quickly at room temperature.

Recipes Ultra Creamy Hemp Salad Dressing and Salad Recipe Ingredients: For the dressing: 1/2 cup hulled hemp seeds 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 clove garlic, peeled 1/4-1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, to taste for the salad: lettuce tomato shredded carrot roasted delicata squash petita/pumpkin seeds, for garnish hulled hemp seeds, for garnish Directions: For the dressing: Add all dressing ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend on high until smooth. Adjust salt to taste. The dressing will appear thin at first, but it thickens up after being chilled in the fridge. For roasting the squash: Preheat oven to 375F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. There is no need to peel the skin off the squash, as it’s thin and edible. Slice the stem off the squash and then slice in half, lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds and discard (or clean and roast for the salad). Slice each half into small, 1/2inch half-moons. Lay flat on baking sheet and drizzle with oil (I love using coconut oil), salt, and pepper. Toss to coat both sides. Roast for around 25-35 minutes, flipping squash half way through baking. Squash should be fork tender and lightly golden when ready. To assemble the salad: Add a generous amount of lettuce into a large bowl or platter. Top with squash, shredded carrot, tomato, pepita seeds, hulled hemp seeds, and the dressing. Dressing will keep in an air-tight container in the fridge for at least a week, probably longer.

Thick & Chunky Tomato Sauce Ingredients: For the sauce (makes 1 + 1/4 cups): 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 large sweet onion or 1 small yellow onion, diced (about 1 cup) 2 large garlic cloves, minced 3 large tomatoes, seeded and diced (about 3 cups diced) 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, minced 1/4 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes (about 6) 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4-1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, to taste Freshly ground black pepper, to taste red pepper flakes, to taste (optional) For the noodles: 1 medium zucchini, spiralized or julienned or 1 serving cooked pasta or 1/2 cooked spaghetti squash Directions: Add the oil, onion, and garlic into a medium pot and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Saute over medium heat for about 5 minutes, until the onion is translucent. Stir in the diced tomatoes and increase heat to high-medium to bring to a low boil. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for about 15 minutes, uncovered, until most of the water cooks off. Watch closely, reducing heat if necessary and stirring often. Add sun-dried tomatoes into a food processor along with a ladle of the tomato sauce. Process until mostly smooth. Stir this mixture back into the tomato sauce in the pot. Stir in the minced basil, oregano, salt, and pepper, and optional red pepper flakes to taste. Continue cooking until thickened to your liking and then remove from heat. Serve sauce over a bed of pasta noodles, zucchini noodles, or spaghetti squash noodles.

White Light Magazine

Raw Almond Butter Cups Ingredients: For the base 3/4 cup raw almonds, ground into a meal 1/4 cup rolled oats, ground into a flour 2 tablespoons raw almond butter (or nut butter of choice) 1.5 tablespoons coconut oil, warmed if necessary 1.5 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or agave nectar) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract pinch of fine grain sea salt, to taste For the topping 3 tablespoons coconut oil 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or 2 tbsp agave nectar) 2 tablespoons cocoa powder pinch of fine grain sea salt, to taste Directions: Add almonds and oats into a high-speed blender and blend on high until a flour forms. Dump into a large bowl and break up any clumps with your fingers. Add the nut butter, coconut oil, maple syrup (or agave), cinnamon, vanilla, and salt into the bowl. Stir until thoroughly combined. The dough should be fairly sticky like cookie dough. Line a mini (or regular) muffin tin with paper liners or use a silicone muffin holder. Portion the dough into each muffin cup and press down until even and smooth. To make the chocolate sauce: Whisk together the coconut oil, sweetener, cocoa powder, and salt until no clumps remain. Spoon the sauce over top each of the cups, distributing evenly. Garnish cups with sliced almonds if desired. Place in the freezer in a flat area for 30-45 minutes, until firm. Pop out the cups & enjoy immediately! These are best consumed straight from the freezer.


Cosmic Currents H

WITH sylvia flimm

ello fellow cosmic travellers. This update on the celestial influences in the sky covers the period January until March 2018 where you can discover more about the current dynamics and influences for your sign. This information enables you to make the most of your opportunities and possibly avoid some pitfalls. We will look at the current constellations, which will take effect during the first quarter of 2018. The first part of the article describes the current line-ups in the sky. These cosmic influences enable us to understand the opportunities arising from the present dynamics. PLEASE NOTE – some of these influences are unique opportunities, which arose during 2017, and some will continue to take effect in the first quarter of 2018. I think of these alignments as universal gifts that we can benefit from. The relevance is detailed in the second part of the article and describes the possible effects to your sun sign in particular. To set the scene we will start with a short review on 2017 influences that are still relevant; they include: 1) Finding our empowerment, often as a sudden revelation by re-connecting to our source of inspiration! Experiencing love and enjoyment and aiming to express this to the world as the essence of who we are (Leo North Node / Uranus) 2) Overcoming limitations and realising what we want (this can feel like finding a long lost friend within ourselves), sometimes by experiencing what has changed for us. Identifying the need to offload and regenerate a new security level and new comfort. 3) The flash of authenticity (Uranus) is doing away with illusion and apathy coinciding with insight and revelation of the truth! A sense of deception falling away / seeing beyond the lies and pretence (Jupiter / Neptune) may be the experience, which opens our hearts and energises us in ways we have possibly forgotten to feel. This enables us to feel the change on the inner level first before we ignite and pulsate with the wave of change on the outside. As I describe this process, it becomes apparent that this was a sacred gift to us in 2017. We are likely to be more aware of how we authentically feel in our hearts and watch for opportunities that present to express this new you. It takes a little explorative spirit, and some courage to hang on for the ride. The North Node moving through Leo is calling us to discard what holds us back and to find the area where we feel called to show true leadership and the inspiration to create a better future for others. Often this occurs by being a role model for a couple of individuals that we influence by being authentic and connected with our inspiration and love for life. Now onto 2018: Cosmic influence 1– Second set of Eclipses in Leo / Aquarius (August 2017 and now January / February 2018) – pursuing our passion with authenticity and focused will-power With the bi-annual eclipses having taken place on 8 August 2017 (lunar eclipse) and 22 August 2017 (solar eclipse), most of us have been acting on long standing passions and ideas! This Eclipse in combination with the other cosmic influences described here will contribute to the insights and validations we have long been looking for. This could coincide with insightful moments and key situations that will provide us with the direction we need to implement the change current we have been sensing, in contrast to the big surprises eclipses can ordinarily bring. Usually eclipses come with sudden incidents that happen around the eclipse dates as a signpost for the needed adjustment in the area of your chart where the eclipse falls. The next set of eclipses on 31st January 2018 (Lunar Eclipse) and 15th February 2018 (Solar Eclipse) may be like an ‘a-ha’ moment with regard to the question, a turn of events that will reveal the possibilities you have been wishing for or contemplating. Cosmic Influence 2 – Six Planets “Stacked” in Capricorn – an unusual conglomeration on the New Moon in Capricorn on January 17, 2018 Planet Saturn moves through Capricorn from December 2017 and will spend 2.5 years in this sign assisting us with pragmatic ways to implement substantial change. The area that Saturn will affect in your chart will undergo some necessary review and facing practical solutions. You can be organised and efficient in facing the real problems and address them in a level headed way. Don’t try any procrastination or shortcuts in this area, as Saturn is a taskmaster that will hold you responsible. In return, you can be sure that you will have the discipline and attitude to find a durable solution that represents the happiest state of affairs. Cosmic Influence 3 – New and Full Moons preceding and succeeding eclipses – listen for further clues about the eclipse matter History shows that the lunar cycle preceding and following an eclipse can be a time for news, events or information relating to the issue of the eclipse. This is particularly likely around the Full Moon on 2 January in Cancer and the New Moon on 17 January in Aquarius, the sign of surprises, progress and wish fulfilment. After an eclipse there are often follow-on related events at the time of the next full and new moons. Full Moon dates around the eclipses: Preceding 2 Jan – Full Moon in Cancer 1 Feb – Full Moon in Leo Following 2 March – Full Moon in Virgo 31 March – Full Moon in Libra New Moon dates around the eclipses: Preceding 17 Jan – New Moon in Aquarius 16 Feb – New Moon in Aquarius partial solar eclipse Following 18 March – New Moon in Pisces 16 April – New Moon in Aries 22

Summer Edition 2017/2018

Cosmic Influence 4 – upcoming key influences With the end of 2017, we are entering a new 3-year paradigm/pattern with a transition time of purification, transmutation and releasing old habits until 2020! Jupiter is moving through intense Scorpio; Saturn has entered responsible Capricorn during the last few days of December 2017 which will leave us with what is real to us as outworn structures fall away. Uranus will move into Taurus in May 2018 allowing us the persistence and steadiness to follow our own paths in an organic way even if the world news may produce some stubborn and rigid characters. In order to create some real change old patterns must be dismantled. Pluto is the symbol for this process, like Phoenix rising from the ashes holding the sparks for new life. Pluto is still in the sign of Capricorn. This process does not come without believing in what is true in our hearts and it requires faith to release old routines that do not make sense anymore. Redefinition in our lives is a possibility as we are still facing little endings; we receive much wisdom, and we are able to take things pragmatically and break the change up into steps that we can handle comfortably. We continue the process of discarding the old until what remains is the substance of what is real which always prevails - truth, love and awareness. Check your sun sign (and those of your loved ones) and find out what opportunities the eclipses combined with the planetary influences from January 2018 until March 2018 may represent. If you know your ascendant sign or moon sign, you may benefit from reading this sign as well!

ARIES 20 March – 19 April

The Eclipse on 1st February will deal with a multitude of liaisons and clarifying their meaning in your life. This may involve friends and acquaintances re-emerging from the past or you may receive a romantic proposal or find out that someone wants you involved in a business project or investment venture. Some developments are worth investigation, dear Aries, even if you deem them too good to be true at first. You have needed a lot of endurance during the last 2.5 years and sometimes you felt like you were getting nowhere but your time is finally coming. Do not dismiss what suddenly arises even though it may take a different shape to what you were hoping for. These are the opportunities long awaited and you will receive more information by 17 January 2018. This year you will have the strength and opportunities to bring things into much more balance and it will be easier to impress authorities or significant others and they will offer more help in return. Uranus is moving into steady Taurus after running havoc in your sign for 7 years which taught you to expect the unexpected. Your challenge will be to trust in what is on offer and to be open, so you can recognise the opportunities! The six-planet alignment in Capricorn culminating on 17th January is likely to bring you career opportunities that are too good to refuse, it could elevate your status, expand your role responsibilities and changes the way people see and regard you. It may have you travelling overseas or entering a new path of learning involving study or training. Be prepared to act when you see this opportunity and developments are likely to progress quickly! Significant Days – 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb (wish fulfilment), 7 March, 18 Mar, 31 Mar, 16 Apr Your oracle card for the Quarter – High

priestess – mysterious, intuitive woman, counsellor, intelligent solutions, secretive

TAURUS 20 April – 20 May

This can easily be an intense time which will demand a juggle between home / family duties and career demands, dear Taurus. Just when you are finally kicking some goals in your career – that you have worked very hard for since mid-2017 – now finally others are prepared to listen and learn and you are receiving requests to express your wisdom and knowledge about your expertise. You are entering a phase where you can achieve a lot by sharing your honest and professional opinion with respect and sincerity. You will be relieved as you have been waiting for more ease in your professional environment and it is coming. You may even receive an unexpected promotion or the big boss will elevate your status in a way you had not anticipated. Your people skills and level headedness were the convincing factors for these decisions. The ninth house is also affected by the current influences, which may mean you will have to travel internationally or apply some broad and strategic thinking to the situation that arises in your career. You may even contemplate further education or deal with foreign executives on a project. The focus will be on ambitious goals that require some effort and impressive gains. This could provide you with the opportunity to step into a new role. Uranus will move into your own sign for the first time after 80 years and it will redefine the pace and rhythm in your personal pursuits. The home front is a little at odds with this, as there are demands that you will have to consider. Either changes around the home that are pressing or someone making their White Light Magazine

influence known and putting you under pressure to take action and even deciding on an actual move may be necessary. However, this manifests for you, do not procrastinate or dramatize it and make a decision. Mars and Jupiter in your partnership sectors may suggest that you are considering further commitment or investment with a partner (business or personal). You may find your dream property or make a significant decision to offload an investment and reallocate some funds that you share with a significant other. A busy and mentally challenging time for you, this could stress you as you are dealing with a few changes that impact on your outlook. The more proactive you are in the first quarter of 2018, the more you will gain. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 6 Jan, 8 Jan, 17 Jan, 2 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Seven of Swords – playing it smart, deception, discovering true motives, being subtle

GEMINI 21 May – 20 June

If you have not had important conversations with your partner or significant others about some changes or adjustments, then the eclipses could continue to bring this opportunity to the surface. You will feel like it is time to express your feelings about how you want to be considered or you may want to show your strong will and pride about a situation rather than swimming upstream. You may have some home truths to tell and may find yourself very assertive. The increased courage and frank expression will boost your communication skills and the end of January time could be an ideal time for you to find resolution, sign a contract or seal the deal you were 23

working on. Maybe you are concluding a writing project assisted by these planetary influences. All this could lead to much domestic travel and running around but you will enjoy it. Negotiations with other parties are in focus and it is important to get legal advice and the right facts before signing documents. You may borrow money or make a large purchase. This is a favourable time for these but all the question marks need attention and you will need to be assertive. Some of your friends may undergo unexpected challenges and may therefore be less available to you at this time. If you receive the offer of an investment opportunity or entrepreneurial idea, ensure you are not too impulsive about it and take the time to consider the fine print. Back up your computer and avoid haste. Saturn in this area will teach you to take nothing at face value and look deeper. You will be pleased you applied yourself and gain confidence whilst ending up with the lucrative deals. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 5 and 6 Jan, 8 Jan, 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 2 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Three of Swords – overcoming pain, taking time of address issues and mend, truth out in the open and a brighter future

CANCER 21 June – 22 July

This phase will help you identify what still needs clearing out on an emotional level and you now feel stronger than during the last few months. With Pluto and now also Saturn still opposing your sign there is a distinct pressure to face your innermost feelings and by expression of them, you can create some surprisingly positive results. Something may be coming to culmination and a decision involving true love, children and your creative / career development can no longer be put off. The accumulation of planets in Capricorn will help you to bring to light the clarity you have been looking for. Time to listen to your feelings as the schemes to make your dreams come true are within reach. By the time January is over but especially around 8 and 17 January, the opportunities are not to be missed and you will have a more realistic knowledge of the state of your relationship. For some Cancerians this will be a make or break, if it signifies an ending, you will certainly feel the falling away of long-term stress around the situation. Work and close relationships have been burdensome and you have had to apply 24

yourself vigorously to achieve results. Yet, there are bigger dynamics at play that you unfortunately cannot control. Some of these are still unannounced but you have an inkling of change that will affect your career and close personal life. Concentrate on the things that you can control and work to your best ability as you do, dear Cancerian. Meanwhile surrender the things you cannot control and stay put for now – by March the situation is likely to change in your favour. This first quarter of 2018 will mark a time of change for you, but it will most likely lead to a more enjoyable situation, a pay increase or an environment you can better identify with (if not all three of these). Expect to make contractual agreements and ask for what you are worth or what is rightfully yours. The Lunar eclipse Full Moon on 1 Feb 2018 – others will impact on you very strongly as your sensitivity is heightened, significant decisions are expected, financial impact Significant Days – 2 Jan, 8 Jan, 17Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar, 16 Apr Your tarot card for the Quarter - Temperance – balance, harmony, alchemy, successful blending of different areas, moderation and smooth sailing

LEO 23 July – 24 August

The eclipses in your sign can possibly highlight a discovery of a path for you, which will emphasise your identity more strongly than in the previous ten years. It can lead to opportunities where you can express more aspects of yourself, gain confidence and tap into a deeper sense of self. You can now adjust your vision of yourself, reexamine your dreams and goals and make them suitable to who you have become along with how your circumstances have changed. The year may start off in a reflective mood that requires some quiet time to think and integrate the changes you are feeling. Take your time, dear Leo, as this expansion will enable you to flourish for many years to come. Get plenty of sleep and nourishment for your body, keep in focus what lifts you up. By the time you reach the New Moon on 17 January, you will have returned to your busy schedule. Details and smart planning will matter more than normal at work. You may be searching for helpful staff during mid-January until mid-February and could easily find someone who is practical and very organised. It is likely that the new confidence you Summer Edition 2017/2018

are expressing is very well received by significant others or some may not be able to grow in alignment with your expansion and turn away. This is most likely to become clear to you around the lunar eclipse on 1st February. The time from January 26 until April 8 is a very romantic and exciting time for you. It may feel like you are waking up from a dream and you are communicating very different ideas and thoughts than 12 months ago. It is certainly a conclusion of a situation that would have required your patience and endurance for the last 2.5 years and now you are able to experience relief. During the Solar Eclipse New Moon on 17 February you may feel as if you suddenly emerge as a renewed person. You have the courage to create the movement you want to see. Relish this special time that can mark the turn of events you have wanted in relationships with new people and new phases in existing ones. This sense of renewal may come hand in hand with a change in living arrangements that could mean you are seeking a new apartment with a great view and a convenient location or you are expanding your living situation. Maybe you will have extra room or funds to invest in a secondary location. Work may still require you to sit tight, but you are driving transformation and your attitude is fresh and effective. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 8 Jan, 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 7 Feb, 16 Feb, 18 Mar, 31 Mar, 16 Apr Your oracle card for the Quarter – Six of swords – gradually moving through difficulties and re-establishing equilibrium, harmony and solutions are positive, moving

VIRGO 23 August – 22 September

The Full Moon on 2nd January may have coincided with friendship matters. It is likely that you had to help and counsel friends in need or you were able to seek guidance from a true friend. Communication is in focus and if in doubt, you are advised to address what worries you and talk about it. You will be surprised about the care and attention that you receive and feel more resolved as a result. Other forms of communication are also highlighted, you may be busy writing a manuscript, negotiating or preparing an important lecture or talk. You are also entering an important time to look after your health, your teeth, bones; knees may just need some treatment or extra care and attention. If you had fertility

issues you may find that they resolve from early January. The six planet Capricorn line up will bring you some incredible opportunities in the fifth house which is the area of creative projects, romance, children and fun. The alignment will be strongest around the 17th January and surprising news could come your way as well as unpredictable behaviour from significant others. It seems to be all about work at present with you, dear Virgo and your loved ones may feel a little neglected, but you feel you have the goal in sight and are pushing along some significant projects, which look very promising. Be reminded that you will need to catch your breath occasionally otherwise; you may be exposed to sudden outbursts of people around you, if you are seen to ignore their emotional needs. Remember an encouraging and acknowledging word goes a long way. The Solar Eclipse New Moon on 16 February should coincide with an opportunity to clear any feelings of neglect. Practice laughing about yourself and you will feel your spirits lift immediately and seek some retreat from the daily grind to ease your tendency to over worry. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 6 Jan, 8 Jan, 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 5 Mar, 18 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Five of Cups – introspection, dwelling on past, important to gain perspective and see the opportunity, leave past behind

LIBRA 23 September – 22 October

This is likely to be a very social time for you! You will want to enjoy invitations, events and gatherings, however home and work duties are a little limiting when all you want is to have fun. Your confidence is high and it is a great time to be out and be seen. Your focus is on strengthening longstanding friendships or connections with people or kindred spirit connections with refreshing free and easy rapport! It is definitely a significant time for relationship building. You may even have friends in influential places that will recommend you to high-level people in your work sector. Significant growth and change are in motion in your family and home environment, you may feel ready for change, this may involve looking for a new place or refinancing your home and the timing is perfect. Decisions may be in the making around the home and family life that will free up the resources

to take this step or you may assist your parents in doing so. This step seems like you have considered it for a while and it can now fall into place. Do not be surprised if you find the suitable option around the new Moon on 17 January. The new Moons on 17 January and 16 February are certainly significant and can earmark an increased focus on your mother or a close older friend and you may find yourself assisting someone finding a suitable companion or a better living situation. With Saturn in this house, it may require a sacrifice in the form of time or money for the needed adjustment to create a happier situation in the end. Agents or significant others may present some hindrances and prevent you from smoothly getting what you want or you will encounter some competition. Persistence will pay off! The eclipse on 16 February may coincide with seeing friend’s in their true light, you may make significant new friends or an old friend will depart. There is certainly potential for a romantic partner coming into your life around this time as well. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 5 and 6 Jan, 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Three of Cups – joy and happiness, celebrations, sharing and choices, happy time with loved ones

SCORPIO 23 October – 21 November

It is likely that you have just been through a time of discerning the realistic from unattainable pursuits. There has been contemplation about investments, creative ideas and projects that you have wanted to undertake. The time to sit on the fence is now over and you benefit from making firm decisions and moving in the chosen direction. If you have put in time to research and gain confidence, now you will be able to proceed with some significant projects. Great timing, dear Scorpio. Things are now much more likely to turn in your favour and some unexpected changes may also work to your advantage. Some people around you may think that some of your choices are unusual but you have thought about this very deeply and you have your reasons. Opportunities that you first found out about between the eclipses 8 August and 22 August may now be part of the chosen future investments of time and effort. This could also affect your career in a positive way. Jupiter has moved into Scorpio, in mid-October 2017, which could White Light Magazine

speed things up for you and make projects fall into place until November 2018. You may receive attention and praise for written proposals, speeches or other wellresearched information you have delivered and you deserve it. There may be changes on the home front or family members undergo some challenges that need your attention. This may postpone or shorten your planned leisure time in February, but your loved ones will be pleased you can assist. Significant Days – 2 Jan until 26 Jan, especially 5 and 6 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Ace of Swords – clear thinking and speech, wellreasoned decisions, work towards new goals

SAGGITTARIUS 22 November – 21 December

Expect some significant information or events to come to you during the Lunar Eclipse around 1st February. This could revolve around home life, family, significant career developments or both. In some instances, we may encounter a trigger situation that may lead to developments in these areas of your life for you, dear Sagittarius. You will start realising the potential impacts now: your life/ financial /work balance will most likely start to be more positive. A career change or an opportunity at work could easily be under consideration. It seems like things are coming together a bit more. Financial security is a big part of your focus as you have invested in a few items that weighed heavily on your budget. You have hopefully had a realistic look at your budget and weighed up your needs, which may have provided you the impetus to look at your long-term options. By the time, the February solar eclipse takes place on 16 February; you will possibly get information or encounter a situation that may change your career options in the next few months. Take note of anything unexpected that you find out around this date, as it will be likely to have a significant impact going forward. This could be about changes to management or any individuals involved on this level, it may be a re-structure or a project that you may hear about which could determine your direction. This may also impact your family life, for example, your work hours may change or it has an impact on where you live. Another way this could manifest 25

is a sacrifice you may have to make in the form of time spent having fun with your kids and family for the sake of a career enhancing project that is promising more money. You will have choices about taking up these opportunities that will give you advancement, however it requires some sacrifices. A lot to weigh up for you. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 8 Jan, 17 Jan, 26 Jan until 17 March (spotlight), 31Jan, 16 Feb, 31 Mar, 16 Apr Your oracle card for the Quarter – Eight of Pentacles – obtaining the skills of trade, laying down foundations, high motivation, a time of intense learning

CAPRICORN 22 December – 20 January

Still a time of self-focus and facing things realistically, dear Cappy. Face your limitations, as you may underestimate your ability to reinvent yourself. Right from the start of this year, you feel that resolution is in sight. Significant business partners or agents emerge that can provide the service you need. If you have negotiated a settlement, you will start to see significant progress during the first week of January providing you with the stability you are looking for. The six-planet alignment in Capricorn is going to be very significant for you as it occurs in your own sign and it promises you some opportunities if you dare to embrace some feedback and suggestions for selfdevelopment. Other people may see you more clearly than you see yourself and you may be too worried or self-critical. If you get too down on yourself, you may need a makeover or some new clothes could give you a lift. This can potentially be a time where you can undergo a transformation of how you view your abilities and remove some significant limitations. Acknowledge and address what has been bubbling underneath the surface. Significant friends will come to your aid and strengthen your position. You may be entering a time when you are in search of something more significant in life to add purpose and this may put you on a path of study / exploration or travel. You will be surprised how this lifts your anxiety and security concerns! Your focus may be on financial matters, negotiations, estate planning and settlements. This could also highlight the need to review financial matters in a business partnership. Money may flow or financial matters will be clearer 26

by the end of January. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 6 Jan, 17 Jan, 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Eight of Cups – apathy, boredom, detachment, outgrowing situations, searching for something deeper, domestic changes

AQUARIUS 21 January – 19 February

You have had to face your situation very realistically, dear Aquarius, and if you have done so with courage and wise counsel, you may feel a lot more prepared for all the emotional adjustments that you have had to undergo. You are feeling the need for change and have probably ignored it for longer than you needed to, but deep down you know, the more proactive you are, the more the situation will turn out for your benefit. It is just the fear of change that you had to overcome. You have already come a long way during the last half of 2017. Now that you have faced this hurdle so bravely, you will feel as if you need a short break or an enjoyable outing to relax. The changes you have been concentrating on are now are likely to create tests for you in the first three months of 2018. The It is important is to keep listening to your needs and take appropriate breaks and you will be on the home run. You could be completing a large work assignment or conclude a project that required your focus for a few months. You are likely to receive rewards from professional sources but you will also notice an inner strength and satisfaction that you have been hoping for. Do not forget about your natural Aquarian curiosity and friendliness, show your humour and you will win over anyone who has been a little opinionated with you. This time has been intense with people and you would rather be private and take more down time. Right at the end of January you may quickly re-emerge and wind up in some fun social environments that will have potential for you to find a romantic partner. You may also hear about professional changes occurring in your company or work environment that will provide a fresh perspective. This could involve shifting roles and possibly even a relocation. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 6 Jan, 17 Jan, 26 Jan until 17 March (friendships), 1 Feb, 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar, 31 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Empress Summer Edition 2017/2018

– warmth, abundance, nature, growth and fertility, a meeting of the minds and hearts, successful launch of a project

PISCES 20 February – 20 March

The first three months of 2018 are likely to bear some momentous social opportunities and a fun time with friends. If single, you might meet someone significant right at the beginning of January and have plenty of inspiring conversations at parties or outings. You may also be working on a creative project and find yourself having some great ideas. Mars and Jupiter may add impetus for a spontaneous trip or starting a new course. This also coincides with foreign destinations or foreign people that take influence in your life at this time. The six-planet alignment in Capricorn is likely to affect your house of friendships, hopes and wishes as well as community engagement. You may find the number of friends, followers or new people increases easily around this time and these may be helpful improvements and fresh opportunities for you. You may find out about an unexpected expense or a financial hiccup that was unplanned. Best to address it as quickly as you can, there is promise on the horizon that financially your path will be much smoother for 2-3 years after this is resolved. From 26 January, there are opportunities to shine professionally and raise your status. The key will be to show your team and community orientation. It will draw attention! You may be surprised how much you enjoy an assigned project and find your niche. Significant Days – 2 Jan, 9 Jan, 17 Jan, 26 Jan until 17 March (professional honour), 1 Feb, 2 Mar, 18 Mar Your oracle card for the Quarter – Emperor – protection and authority, leadership, pragmatism, responsibility and stability The attitude and openness with which we approach the current influences always determine outcomes for us. Hence, Astrology is a powerful roadmap that we can use to navigate through our lives. See my website for more information and contact details www.sylviaflimm.com

Does Detachment Mean Not Caring? with Kalyi Amoto


motional detachment – or non-attachment - is a concept that is talked about in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism & Taoism & is often misunderstood by many people. It is defined as a state in which a person overcomes his or her attachment or desire for things, people or concepts of the world and thus attains a heightened perspective. Often people confuse detachment with being uncaring or apathetic – i.e. thinking that whatever happens will happen anyway & they are powerless over anything, so why bother? However, this is to completely misunderstand the meaning of detachment. When you practice detachment, you don’t look to the things in this world for your happiness, your identity, or your self-worth. When you realize that worldly things are impermanent, it is easier to let go of them, to forgive while still retaining an inner happiness, your sense of self-worth & a deep regard for yourself & everyone else. This is not a state of indifference, and does not mean lack of interest or lack of feeling. People who are indifferent do not care about anything, and are usually passive. True detachment is something else. It is an attitude of calmly accepting what is, open-mindedness and practical behavior. People who possess detachment can calmly accept whatever happens. This doesn’t mean that they judge everything as good & positive, they are still aware that there are positive & negative situations, but they accept the reality of what is happening at the time it is happening. The main prerequisite when practicing detachment is that you relinquish the need to have things happen in a certain way or come to a specific outcome before you feel positive emotions. If you accept what life brings you, you can maintain a level of joy, peace & serenity no matter what happens in your life. A good indication of whether you are successfully practicing detachment is to check if you are experiencing negative emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy. If so there is a good chance that you are desiring things to be a certain way - you insist things must be this way, & that’s why you’re not happy. However, even if you achieve your desires – a big house or a measure of fame for example – after a while your mind will start desiring more, & you will become discontented again.

We can still experience deep emotional states like love, passion & joy while practicing detachment– in fact the great teachers say you need a high level of intensity & awareness to live life deeply & fully. They say that you need this intensity in order carry out ‘right action’ – because we are required to act with integrity & discernment in this world. Detachment means we accept the good situations and the bad situations equally, because our minds & emotions are in a state of inner balance and peace. If there is something we cannot do or cannot change, it won’t disturb our inner peace. If we are convinced of the importance of a certain action or goal, we will pursue it with all our heart, ignoring distractions easily. Practicing detachment in your relationships will mean you are more likely to have healthy connections with others. This kind of detachment does not mean complete disengagement or lack of caring for others. It’s just less entangled and dependent emotionally. It starts with the realization that no matter how connected the relationship may be, people are still going to make their own choices for their own reasons, & you detach to allow people the freedom & space to be themselves, without always desiring them to be different. The ability to maintain an emotional bond of love, concern and caring while allowing people to be who they “really are” rather than who you “want them to be is essential for a healthy relationship. With this kind of attitude, people accept both success and failure. If they succeed, that is fine, and if they don’t they will either try again, or forget the matter and move on to something else. Real emotional detachment is a sign of inner strength, and manifests as the ability to function calmly under all circumstances. With this approach, fewer things bother you, your mind stays clear & you are more able to take positive actions that will improve all aspects of your life. SEO words on blog - detachment emotional detachment uncaring apathetic Buddhism right action desires

White Light Magazine


Summer Renaissance T

he season of summer, for most of Australia is just plain hot, but at least a lot of us are within reach of a beach where we can cool down in the ocean. But, how many of us consider what a primal act it is to rise from the waters of the sea, like the Goddess Aphrodite? Going to the beach is a wonderful opportunity to consciously wash away the stress of everyday life and to dedicate ourselves once more to the service of the Goddess. You can align yourself with one particular Deity, such as Venus/Aphrodite who is often pictured rising from the sea, or Neptune who is God of the ocean, or you may just want to connect with Gaia or the earth in general, by immersing yourself in the birth waters of this planet, from which all life sprang. Whichever way you choose to approach it, this can be a very powerful and enriching ritual, especially if you can imagine all your troubles being washed away and yourself being born anew, cleansed and refreshed and filled with divine promise and confidence. You might like to take a small bottle with you, which you can fill with sea water as a reminder of your ritual rebirth. You could keep this on your altar and use it in future rituals, especially when you want to recreate the feeling of renaissance that you experienced on the beach. By reliving the experience in meditation, you can bring the beach to you anytime you want and enjoy once again your ritual to renew yourself. May you slip softly through the heat of summer and fully immerse yourself in the waters of life, Blessed be, Morganna.


Summer Edition 2017/2018


Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com

OakSun Grove - Gold Coast The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Pillow Talk), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Tric: 0402 066 330.

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Summer Edition 2017/2018


OnePurpose OneSolution Foundation presents

2018 Upcoming Events! Saturday 17th March Currumbin RSL Club Psychic Saturday May To Be Advised

Sunday 23rd September Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Psychic Sunday

Sunday 8th July Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club Psychic Sunday

Saturday 10th November Runaway Bay Junior RL Club Psychic Saturday

Sunday 5th August Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds Psychic Sunday

Sunday 2nd December Tweed South Sports Club Psychic Sunday

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Summer Edition 2017/2018

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