White Light - Dec 2014 Jan Feb 2015

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

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December 2014 January February 2015

Charms, Amulets & Talismans with Quenten Walker

Rune Magik by Ravenspell

Challenging Feng Shui in latest Qantas Uniform with Roseline Deleu

Dream Weaver with Jane O’Connor Chapman

Cover Story

S’Roya Rose


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Editor’s Note Welcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Contents 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 40 42 43 44

Health Harmony & Soul Festival Editor’s Etchings White Light Expos Upcoming Dates & Venues Orpheus & Friends by Francie Griffin Cover Story - S’Roya Rose Southern Summer with MaryeAnn Azzarello Challenging Feng Shui in latest Qantas Uniforms by Roseline Deleu Charms, Amulets & Talismans with Quenten Walker Litha & Lughnassadh by Quenten Walker Rune Magik by Ravenspell Dream Weaver with Jane O’Connor Chapman Stemtech Shamanic Zen by Darren Maxwell Divination and the Modern Urban Shaman with Darren Maxwell We are the Creators or our Universe by Avril Rose A-Z of Culinary Terms by Steve Duncan Questions & Answers with Gaia Vegetarian Recipes Simply Astrology with Amanda Hall Pagans Pages The Magic of Language by Rhonnda Doherty A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker Reviews by MaryeAnne Azzarello If its under your skin, you own it - by Robyn Collins Advertising Rates & Deadlines Health Wealth & Lifestyle Expo

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Phone: (07) 5525 0259 Fax: (07) 5525 0209 Mobile: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au December 2014 January February Edition 2015 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2015. White Light A Universal Publication.




ell the silly season is upon us & for some reason it seems sillier than ever. People are on Facebook saying what a great year 2014 was & thanking those that made it so good for them & Im truly happy for those folks. But for me (& many others that have spoken to me) we are glad to see the end of this year. Both personally & health wise I dont want to have another year like it. Apparently 2015 is all about manifestation (amongst other things) so thats what I will be concentrating on & will endeavour to make this the best year ever. With all that in mind White Light Expos will be hosting several new shows, the first being at Seagulls on February 21st & 22nd entitled Health Wealth Lifestyle. This will open up the exhibitors whilst still having some psychics, crystals etc the general public will be offered a wider cross section of wonderful people to learn from.

Another brilliant milestone for us here at White Light Magazine, we are now in our 18th year. Who would have thought from a humble small photo copied black & white

publication we would now be where we are with full colour throughout & being electronic were reaching the world. 2015 will be a great year of expansion. So with better health, a diversified Expo line up (oh & were going regional as well, keep checking the website to see updated venues) & new writers/articles/columns 2015 is looking good. Go in Love & Light... Adrian

Keep an eye out for our additional Expos throughout the year!

White Light Magazine’s Mascots front and centre! Braydon, Gabrielle & Natalie


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition




December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Orpheus & Friends


rpheus has asked that I share more from a personal vantage this edition rather than a direct channeling. As I write I feel his presence with me, prompting me. He is kind, compassionate and I always feel safe when he is with me.

Orpheus is truly a guide for humanity. He was once known as the Fisher King of Men; bringing men to their spirituality and this indeed is his role still today; working with me as a bridge between my clients and their spirit guides. I have caught an image of Orpheus in orb form bringing in a client’s guide for drawing. This same client, a psychic medium, saw his energy come forth from his drawing and overshadow me as I was invoking him to bring her guide to me for drawing. Orpheus by the way is the kindly looking gentlemen in the center of the image, surrounded by his “friends”. Why connect with our guides? They are like our consulting team on planet earth, endeavoring to keep us on the straight and narrow! I have had some people say to me their guides don’t do anything for them or they don’t want their guides running their lives. This is not how it works. Their purpose is as their name suggests; to guide us to live our lives on purpose, the greater reason we came to earth. We always have free will and choice. How do we connect with our Guides? I believe daily meditation is important to still our mind and to be receptive to guidance. It does not have to be for a long time, I find ten minutes can work wonders and love to sit for longer when I have the time. By doing this as early as possible in the day you will find you will be more receptive to sensing guidance during the day. How does this guidance come? It’s not bells and whistles! Generally spirit speaks to us in whispers, in feeling, through our intuition. There have been times in my life when I have needed to make major changes that I have experienced guidance like a booming voice (but in thought form) come in from outside my head from the right and pass through my forehead like a plane with a banner flying behind! More often when it is very subtle, a thought that seems to originate just outside my head to the right with a different timbre to my own thoughts which I hear inside my head and they have a different resonance. This awareness is something which has grown in clarity overtime. A common way my guides get my attention is by

impressing upon me an urge to buy, do or read something. I get a knowing I need to do this but don’t know why. Sometimes leads to great sales buys!! At times this has been to give me more information about them to help strengthen our connection or for confirmation. As an example on one occasion I felt strongly drawn to a book on Ascended Masters channeled by Ishmael. I kept resisting but his book was ‘talking’ to me and I had learnt to listen when this was happening. I took the book home and resisted reading it but I kept calling me and so I started, lo and behold I began to read about Lord Buddha and discover that in a previous life he was Orpheus. Perhaps this is why one of my female guides I sometimes paint as a female Buddha. A week or so later I was drawing for a client and I kept hearing the name Zoroaster as I drew; a lady asked if I was drawing Orpheus in another form. Both I and the client replied no to this. The next morning I got the calling to get the book out again and there in print I read that the previous life to Orpheus was Zoroaster.

state so be aware of your dreams, they may use various guises to get their message across.

This is an important transitional time in the world. Love yourself enough to honour your spiritual guidance and shine your light a little brighter every day. Namaste Francie with Orpheus and friends “Orpheus and Friends” Photo montage By Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or remotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com Like and see samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook Namaste

Your guides are longing to connect with you and help you to live your best possible life. Does this mean it will always be easy? Probably not. There will be no challenges? Not likely. Your guides will help you to follow the path of your highest calling. They will help you to progress and make the right decisions. I believe life does get easier when you are in tune with your spiritual guidance. Challenges are overcome more quickly and wonderful experiences can come your way. Most of all a sense of peace and harmony pervades. Soften, quieten and listen with your heart. Ask your guides to help you. Expect that they are with you, talk to them as a friend. It doesn’t matter whether you can see them or know who they are necessarily. Trust in them, feel them and talk to them. Ask a question and then stop to listen with your heart. Don’t think they aren’t there if you don’t get receive an immediate answer. It might come in the form of a song you hear on the radio the next morning or a remark someone makes. Our guides often come to us in dream




Cover Story

S’Roya Rose M

y Spiritual Journey began when I was very young, from about 5yrs old I could see and communicate with the little we fairy folk. Elves and Sprites were my friends and we had real conversations, I played games with them, often ending up with me getting into mischief and trouble with mum. My earliest memory was of an elf called Peter that use to entertain me when I was alone in my room. He would appear on my windowsill and dance a jig or two and make me giggle with joy, he help me not feel lonely and unloved. Back then we did not have a TV yet, as it was just arriving in Australia, so I hadn’t watched any children’s TV shows. Later on I remember seeing Rolf Harris use to have a Leprechaun puppet on his show and it looked just like the elf that danced a jig on my windowsill. I remember excitedly telling my mother about him, but she said I was making it all up. So I never spoke of them again to anyone till much later. Another spiritual memory I have from my early years was going to Sunday school, I use to take my brother Glen, I would be wearing my pretty white lace gloves and hat, and taking a 5cents tied in a hankie for the donation plate. I remember peering into what seemed like a huge children’s pictorial Bible, looking at all the pretty picture of Jesus surrounded by Cherubs and Archangels. To my surprise and of that of the Sunday school teacher, I was able to name all the cherubs and archangels and no one had ever mentioned them to me before. I saw Gabriel, Michael, Zakiel, Uriel, Raphael, Metraton, and many others, but I had no idea about the Jesus fellow in the pictures, he was a foreigner to me. It upset the Sunday school teacher when I asked what she interpreted as being impertinent even blasphemous questions about religious matters that she could not answer. I was quite the rebel, even though I didn’t know what that was, I remember thinking she was silly and dismissed her as having any real knowledge that I was going to need to know about. Not long after that I stopped going to Sunday school, I was only 6 years old at the time. My mother asked why and I remember saying that I didn’t like the Sunday school teacher that she was silly.


Most of my youth I spent as an agnostic nonbeliever, I felt religion was a crutch for people who didn’t want to take responsibility for their own actions or life. The Catholic all is forgiven confessional and the door knocking types and evangelist Christian bible bashers that frequented our town every now and then helped form this belief. Plus my dad, who while having been brought up a strict Anglican, being an alter and choir boy in the UK, was shunned from a church for not having enough money to put onto the plate when it came round in Australia, he had 5 kids and a wife at the time and was unemployed. He believed religion to be a money making hoax from then on, nothing to do with the belief in God. So religion was a source of humour in our house. But, what I do remember was being told things directly by my spirit guides. Like someone was talking to me out loud, but no one else could here it. I would get warnings, told don’t go there, be careful, move away now, or stop. I assumed everyone got these and never thought anything of it. I also started about the age of 9-10 to have prophetic dreams that always came true. I seem to just know things and didn’t know why I knew, but I just did. It felt weird to have this happen, but I thought everyone was like this and dismissed it as being normal. I use to share my dreams with my mother and then when things happened I would say, see I said that would happen. Many dreams were way into the future; one such dream I had at 14 was of my mother. In the dream she was cooking in a huge kitchen with industrial ovens and long table and bain-marie. In the dream I was there sitting at the end the table as mum was taking a huge tray of Yorkshire pudding out of the oven, cutting it into square slabs, she looked up at me and asked would I like some with gravy. Now mum only cooked Yorkshire pudding in a muffin tin at home and never in a huge tray or cut into slab. It was all very weird and mysterious, as mum was working in the Deli department of Woolworths at the time. A Year later mum took a new job as the Community Club as the Cook. I had just left high school and started working as a hairdresser with my Nanna. I use to have lunch with mum, so one day I went down to the community club kitchen where mum was cooking all the Roasts for the Weekend weddings. She asked would I like pork or lamb for lunch? I said pork, so mum dished us both up a roast pork lunch. Next thing she takes this huge tray out of the oven and starts to carve it into slabs, I asked what was it? Mum said, Yorkshire pudding, would I like some. In that moment I got ‘Déjà vu’. I reminded mum about

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

the dream and we both were in shock. I had described the kitchen to a tee; it was exactly as I had said it would be, 12 months earlier. After that I had many similar experiences, I also had waking premonitions that all came true. That dream was the beginning of me realizing I was different in some way. I had many more that always seem to point the way to my destiny. I dreamt about Queensland and a job that I took in Earlville shopping centre in Cairns when I first moved up, I saw all the furniture and clothes and I had never seen them before. Moving to Queensland up to Cairns was to be the start of my conscious spiritual journey, I was 27, a hairdresser, divorced with 2 children. But the one thing that changed my life and placed me firmly on my path was learning Reiki. It was like coming home to me. I became aware of energy, how it affected me and how I could use it better and work with it. I became aware of the power of healing, of working consciously with my angels and guides. I loved the conversations and communications I had with them. I felt safe to be all of me, to help others to find themselves and take control of their own energetics. It was nothing short of a revelation. Spirituality was a whole new awareness for me. Self mastery became my religion, as I devoured books on mastering the mind, mastering the

emotions, focusing to manifest, healing the past, letting go and surrendering to the now, channeling, mediumship and psychic development… What astounded me was most of it I knew, I was simply remembering. It was to be huge learning curve and great awakening time, as I discovered who I really was. I remember having a huge clearing and healing from the one we know as Jesus (known in spirit as Sananda) one day when I had unknowingly been interfered with psychically. (Psychic possession and attack is real) I had asked Jesus for help for the very first time. I was scared and prayed for him to come. I went home and laid on the bed, my cat Soxy, jumped up on my chest while this happened, (he never did that before) suddenly I was taken out of my body and I saw Christ, very humbling experience. He spoke to me softly, reassured me I would be fine, to lie still while he did a clearing and healing. Afterwards he said I had to be careful, to choose my friends wisely, that not everyone was nice. When I opened my eyes I could see through the walls of the house into the yard… It freaked me out, I went outside panicking and started to pick up dirt and touch the earth to get grounded. Soxy the cat came with me and helped keep me calm. I will never forget that healing, after which I never doubted spirit ever again. I was taught about protection and grounding. From then on I knew I was not ever alone, that I was watched after and looked after. I mad a vow that day to always work for and be part of the Spiritual Consciousness that sought to educate and enlighten mankind as to the truth of our spiritual heritage. I was asked to do a TV appearance as a Reiki Channel for a show called The New Age of Aquarius, demonstrating, Reiki healing to the world, this was picked up by cable TV and was aired on the lifestyle channel nationally a few times. Not long after I started to write my first book ‘In Search of Soul’ at 35yrs old. It was to be the beginning of a new love affair I would have as an author. I had never written a word before then, but words and wisdom were pouring out of my Soul everyday. I wrote my Reiki book, then ‘The Art of Meaningful Living’. I took Reiki and Healing nationally to MBS Festivals, even starting the ‘Independent Reiki Association of Australia’, helping to shed light and shift

consciousness with other Reiki Masters. I even ran a series of Reiki Masters Live in Retreats at Coolumn Qld. These were extremely popular as we shared our journeys, teaching techniques, and much more. Life long alliances and friends were formed from these retreats, as masters came from all over the globe. As I progressed into the seer/psychic I had new guides connect with me, one of which was to be the great Merlin. He took me through my psychic paces, helping me to come to terms with the dark. The dark was my fears of what I might see. I had to learn to see all, that to be a true messenger for spirit meant that I could not edit the message, that I had to see what is to come to be able to change it or help it. That we cannot correct or fix that which we are blind to. Merlin walk by my side constantly for over 5 years during my mid to late 30’s and was one of my more vocal guides. He enabled my third eye to remain open to all and see way into the future for many. I received many global predictions then that are still unfolding today. I read the Tarot for many new age shops on the Gold Coast and Psychic fairs, markets and tea rooms until one day I opened my own Psychic Tea Room called ‘Harmony House’ on Latrobe Terrace Paddington Brisbane. This was hugely successful and lots of fun. Eventually I was invited to read live on TV on the Psychic TV Oz, which I still do occasionally. After the tea room building was sold I began a new journey which took me into magazine publishing. For over 8 years I had been getting the message to publish a magazine called ‘Black Rose’, (corporate Goddess magazine), and another one I wanted to do was going to be called just ‘Goddess’. One can never know how things are meant to unfold, so when a client offered to put the money up to publish them I jumped at the idea. Excited at being able to live out another premonition/vision, I went into partnership, set up my first company to publish Australia’s first ever Goddess Magazines. Changing the face of how the Goddess was seen, bringing her awareness back into the light of day in the 21st century brought my partner and I great joy, as did writing and publishing. It was an amazing busy time, until I went overseas


to dip my toe into the London MBS festival, with ideas to set up the magazine in the UK and the US. Unfortunately while I was away, there was a hostile take over of the company by my partner and all was lost. While I was to keep my Intellectual Property and all that I had done, the partnership dissolved, as quickly as it came into existence. So instead, I created an online version called ‘Goddess Guru’ to keep the energy flowing for the Goddess, which is still online today. The last two years I finally created my own ‘Modern Goddess Oracle and book, followed closely by my Tarot Deck and book. I love designing and writing, it’s in my blood to write, to express from my spirit my truth and universal wisdom. I now have a lovely New Age boutique called ‘Namaste’ and still teach Reiki and run regular psychic classes and full moon ritual nights, up on Mt Tamborine in Queensland where I currently live. When I look back over my past I am in awe as to what unfolded, it was a magical time, it was filled with mystery and intrigue, heartache and sorrow. I had to leave all my past behind, even family to become the High Priestess who I am today. No one tells us that to step into this path how difficult it can be, how much we must surrender and leave behind to be true to ourselves. I have loved my journey, but it came at a cost, that is un-measurable. But, I am free to be all that I can be, no limitations, no encumbrances. It takes great courage to let go and trust in yourself as a spirit living a human experience. Never give up on your truth or your dreams, bounce back form the mishaps in life and keep moving forward. Love will always lead you in the right direction. Blessings S’Roya )O(


Southern Summer by Marye-Ann Azzarello


s we in the southern hemisphere move through the end of spring and head into summer we are reminded by all that is around us that the north has a different season. This annual reminder begins with Halloween which as a seasonal holiday (Samhain in the Pagan calendar). It is an autumnal festival celebrating the end of summer and the approach of the dark and quiet of winter. Now at this time of year we have Christmas all around us in many forms – all of them indicating the colder side of Mother Earth. The shopping centre Santas are dressed for that winter sleigh ride in the snow; many Christmas carols have lyrics


that remind us that our ‘Christmas season’ is based on the seasons in the northern hemisphere. Some of us even go for a traditional Christmas dinner complete with roast turkey and all the trimmings. Some of us have given up on that and go for lobster salad and ice tea on the patio (my preferred favourite menu). Because of this dichotomy we are daily reminded that the weather in the north is very different, and that the energies are also different. The temperatures aside, summer and winter do not feel the same. This annual attempt to fit the square peg of a wintertime holiday into the round hole of summer always makes for some confusion.

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

It’s easier to work with in the Pagan world which sets holidays by the season and not by the date on the calendar. Thus we who are Pagans in the southern hemisphere celebrate the solstices – winter and summer – and it’s the summer one we will celebrate on approximately 22 December. The additional plus is that we also get all the fun of the secular celebration of Christmas as a friends and family time to get together, feast and be merry, give gifts, and for just a while let the world go by. By being aware of the differences we can have the best of all possible worlds.

On approximately 21 June Pagans in the southern hemisphere will be celebrating Yule – which is a much older word than the ‘yuletide season’ of the present day and commemorates the winter solstice when the Goddess gives birth to the Sun God. Not so very different from what the Christian holiday celebrates on 25 December. The more we look around us the more we realise that we are all more alike than different. Happy holidays to all – however you may be celebrating!



Challenging Feng Shui W

e are all influenced by primordial images and triggered memories. We get a “feeling” from how someone “looks and presents themselves.” And this either engenders confidence and surety or less positive feelings and emotions. Uniforms of any kind always carry a lot of psychic “weight!” both positive and negative. We only have to look at a Nazi uniform to get a negative feeling, or alternatively to a policeman’s uniform to get a feeling of security and safety. This is why we “feel” different the minute we slip on a uniform or even a badge of authority. The new designs and colour choices for the Qantas uniform carry many hidden and clear “messages.” Most striking is that the sharp, diagonal design on the stewardess dresses remind us of the guillotine used during the French Revolution. The sharp red triangles on men’s jacket, pointing upwards look like blades cutting their throats and even daggers stuck into their hearts. Perhaps more importantly, public interviews reveal that most people agree with this!

Qantas Flight Attendants Very professional and always smiling! - Photo by Roseline Deleu 12

Qantas has a long and proud history. It has always been an integral part of the Aussie culture and something we have all been so very proud of. When I enter a Qantas airplane, ready for a short or long flight, I love the professional and also relaxed atmosphere that is so very “Aussie”. I have always loved the flying kangaroo, the little jokes, the smiles and the warm welcome. This is the Qantas we all know and love but with these new changes I believe it is time to wake up Australians and support our airline! Uniform launched in December 2013, more job losses announced a couple of months later! http://www.smh.com.au/business/aviation/qantas-cuts -5000-jobs-posts-252-million-first-half-loss-2014022633i4c.html “You are what you wear”… and that certainly includes a uniform! Each day, when you open your wardrobe and choose what to wear, you are preparing your day on many subtle levels. The colours you select, the textile/texture of the fabric that is caressing your skin all day long, the comfort of your clothes, the quality of the design – all this and more makes you who you are that day. This choice sends out an energetic signal that is part-and-parcel of what you attract into your life as well as sending out messages about your moods and your mindset. In the past few months, I have been flying intensively and the new look of the latest Qantas uniform caught my Feng Shui eye! I decided to interview many flight attendants and ground staff on how they feel about their latest look. Initially, all told me politely that they were happy with their uniforms. Then, when I delved a bit more into their emotions, they opened up and timidly admitted that they were uncomfortable and most of them said they felt that this new uniform doesn’t reflect the Australian Spirit. Reflecting the Australian nation worldwide through their unique airline is, in their view, not reflected in this new

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

in latest Qantas Uniform look. There is no vital aboriginal element in the design, they definitely miss the iconic kangaroo feature; and even more distressing, they feel that Qantas looks no different of any other airline. Many also felt the look was simply ‘too British’. Is it fair to say that Australian born designer Martin Grant now based in Paris might have lost his Australian connection? He chose a ‘French Navy’ base-colour instead of the traditional blue of the ‘Australian Night Sky’. You may also notice the reds and pinks are not reflective of the Aussie bush colours either. Comment of Qantas about the launch of their latest uniform: ” Inspired by the Qantas logo, Martin Grant has created a fresh and contemporary range for our customer facing employees, the attitude is slick but relaxed and comfortable. The new collection features a French Navy, Qantas red, ruby red and fuchsia palette, with garments designed to be flattering on all body shapes. Martin’s signature piece is the bold stripe dress which will ensure our employees will be visible regardless of whether they are on board or in the terminal. The new collection sees the addition of a hat for our female cabin crew and the perfect Trench in French Navy. This will provide extra warmth in cooler climates and is a chic addition to the range. “Our new uniform is so much more than a new look, it marks a new chapter in our brand and will unite our people on the ground and our flying crew as “one team”. – Extract of http://www.qantas.com.au /travel/airlines/uniforms/global/en

difficulties didn’t happen overnight and can hardly be blamed on uniforms. Many of the issues facing our national airline arise within management as well the world economy. When there is a problem, there are often suggestions leading to solutions. We all need to collectively do our part to support this wonderful, Australian airline. Without going through the huge expense of re-designing new uniforms, how about showing our support to Qantas each day? How can we, as passengers, support Qantas staff and rekindle the Australian Spirit? Think about what you can do and be pro-active. Firstly, by booking our flights with them… then maybe offer to each staff member a paper cut of a white kangaroo! I will be interested to read your suggestions and thoughts! Email - roseline@fengshuisteps.com - Roseline Deleu International Feng Shui Master, Author & Trainer www.fengshuisteps.com BLOG www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com

Australians see an imbalance in the new look, they see blades cutting staff’s throats for the men’s uniforms, they see guillotine effect on the women’s dresses on their heart, they feel breathing difficulties with the too tight narrow pink scarf around ladies’ neck. The French navy blue looks most of the time black. Of course Qantas www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Charms, Amulets & Talismans with Quenten Walker Part 1: CHARMS The word charm is derived from the French "charme" and the earlier Latin "carmen" meaning chant or song. The ancients believed that all that appeared to them as being from either malignant or benign spirits and that by chanting or singing certain spells, formulas or invocations to them, they gained power over spirits enabling them control over whichever entity they wished to contact. These chants were handed down orally from one generation to the next. With the advent of the written word it became possible to imbue these charms with a certain permanency because the magickal formula or sacred verse could then be inscribed on or in a wide variety of materials such as paper, wood, bark, stone, bone, wax, clay etc. Over time these charms evolved into amulets and talismans and are found worldwide in all beliefs and religions, and within all cultures. The charm of today used in the western world is usually jewellery or a motive (such as a tattoo) which is sometimes given as a gesture of love or friendship by one person to another, making both the giver and the receiver feel


pleasure in both the action of giving and the receiving and wearing. A charm is made by drawing or carving or moulding the symbol on some material. It is the ‘charged’ magickally (see part 2), and then can become a powerful tool. It is either worn, perhaps sewn onto clothing as a ‘badge’, or as a pendant on a necklace, or else placed in a place that needs protection, eg over the door to your house. All charms, amulets and talismans depend on a symbolic ‘language. Charms typically use symbols of animals, plants or implements created as visual symbols, not necessarily as ‘realistic’ but also as abstract as you like. In contradistinction, talismans use more abstract symbology (see part 3). An amulet, on the other hand, is natural; a shark’s tooth, rabbit’s paw, four leaf clover, shells, stones and crystals used in their natural state i.e. not inscribed or engraved or made into an object for a particular purpose. Some examples of the symbols used in charms are below:

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition



Litha Litha (mid-Summer, usually 20th or 21st December, Christmas time and in Australia a time for such great traditions as the Boxing Day Test, a marked orgy of consumerism, people spending time with their family and partying on at work with a round of office parties, the commencement of the Christmas Holidays for school children, the running of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, and the Woodford Folk Festival - the biggest folk festival in the Southern Hemisphere). This is a time of great heat, of bush fires and its subsequent destruction of the bush but at the same time causing regeneration by allowing the seeds of many native plants to germinate as they require fire to do so. The wheat is now almost ready to be harvested, the fruit grows heavy on the trees, the days are long at the beaches and the sun and heat is on everybody's mind (protective sun-burn creams - Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world), the general wilting and listlessness that excessive heat brings on, the drought season is at its most severe and the whole land seems to cry out for water. From a mytho-poetic point of view this is the Sun Lord at his highest, this is the reign of the Lord of Light and it is seen not to be all bliss. Thus we must come to terms with the fact that a life composed totally of light, of totally one extreme - even though it may be seen as "the good" - is not healthy, it is not balanced and it will lead to disruption of life if perpetuated. Unfortunately in Australia we are subjected to the perpetuation of the Sun God's rule with drought in many parts of the country going on for year after year, a phenomenon which is perhaps destined to become more frequent as the El Nino effect becomes more frequent occurring now not every seven years but every three to five years. Is this perhaps another manifestation of man's degradation of his environment in a global sense?

It is the recognition of the highest glory of the Sun in its annual progres¬sion through the seasons. What began as the infant Sun at the Winter Solstice' matured into young manhood at the Spring Equinox and finally, now, at this astronomically propitious occasion, he has become invested by the summer with all the glory and regality of his annual enthronement as the High Lord of the Heavens. In the case of the Sun Lord, his moment of shining solstice splendour makes him a literal heavenly icon through which we are able to glimpse the explosive intensity and cosmic purity of that creative Light from which all light originates: the Light which emerged from the still darkness existing at the time of the Big Bang, only to explode in a spiral of eternally existent energy, flinging form and substance into the womb of the waiting Void; the beginnings of the birth of Creation. The Sun is also a symbol of the truths and revelations which emanate as the sense of the numinous being somehow immanent in our midst. The Summer Solstice is the magickal moment of a season's solar fulfillment. In it we witness the apex of celestial glory; but with the corresponding and sobering knowledge that from this time on in the months to follow, the light will be in decline ever so slowly, waning into a faint reflection of its former intensity. Humanity, and the Earth, cannot withstand the prolonged ‘glory’ for long, and we look for relief in the coming seasons. For at the same time, at the height of this merciless purity is born the Dark Twin to the Goddess and a reminder that even at the times of the greatest triumph there are sown the seeds of change. Faery folk are said to be active at Midsummer. Dancing around a mulberry bush or tree was a potent faery protection at Mid¬summer. Leaving out food for the Little People at Midsummer is a common practice - milk, water, butter, honey, wine, and bread are the most commonly sought-after foods, especially fresh, creamy milk.

Summer Solstice is almost totally solar in its emphasis. 16

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Lughnassadh Lughnassadh (the beginning of Autumn and the season of Water, usually 1st February, close to our Australian National Day and also near the commencement of the Wet Season in Australia north of Coffs Harbour). The rains arrive, the harvest is well under way particularly the wheat harvest and other cereal and grain harvests, and the excessive heat has begun to wane although humidity now takes its toll. This is often the season for flooding in Australia, one natural disaster following another. The God of Light's reign is nearing an end and we will all be thankful for it. From the mytho-poetic point of view the Goddess, now Mother going onto Crone, is being wooed by the precocious God of the Underworld and overtures being made to her for her to descend into the land of the Underworld, the Land Beyond The Shadow and Veil. She castrates Her aging consort, the Corn King, and so He gives his seed to enable the seed from the harvest to germinate in the coming winter months, requiring as it does life-giving rains. From a psychological point of view we are being challenged with the idea of future considerations in the midst of the plenty of the early harvest and the commencement of the life-giving rain. We are being urged to come to terms with our Dark Self and if not we will be worried and tormented by that Dark Self as it will seek its manifestation in us one way or the other. We learn to make willing sacrifices for the greater good, and for our future growth. Lughnassadh (Loo-nah-sah) is principally a grain festivalcorn, wheat, and barley are harvested by January. Other names are First Harvest and Lammas, an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "loaf-mass." Lughnassadh means 'the commemoration of Lugh'. Lugh was a fire and light god, leader of the Tuatha De Danann. His Welsh equivalent is Llew Llaw Gyffes, "the shining one with the skilful hand". Lugh is also a god who undergoes death and rebirth in a

sacrificial mating with the Goddess, most clearly seen in the legend of Llew Llaw Gyffes. Ancient peoples viewed the grain as a manifestation of the divine force . . . personified as the "green man", a resilient kind of god figure, growing sturdy and solid through spring and summer, cut down by the Harvest's scythe, sleeping through the cold winter in the bosom of the Mother Earth, and returning once again, as a reborn infant, clothed in green with the spring. Our ancestors honoured this cycle from birth through growth, consummation, sacrifice, death, and inevitable rebirth with rituals, processions, dances, and feasts. The ancient Romans honoured their grain goddess, Ceres, at their annual August Ceralia with this version of corn personified as deity being seen in the grain mother and grain maiden images of Ceres, and Proserpina. Bread and brew products of the grain harvest represent the mystery of transformation, the modification of natural food by fire, (boiling, baking, roasting, etc.). This symbolism, the metamorphosis from raw to cooked, can be carried so far as to represent civilization. As an extension of this symbolism, the oven becomes a sacral, life transforming vessel. Sacrifice of the first fruit or grain cut is another old Lughnassadh tradition. Almost universally the first cut of the harvest was buried, burned, left in the field, or placed at a ritual or sacred site for the harvest deities to enjoy while the rest of the field was harvested. It was also the traditional time for regicide. This practice came from an ancient belief that the king, like the God whose earthly vessel he was, must periodically die and spill his blood on the earth in order for human life to continue. In this celebration we are made aware of the basic lesson that the sacrifice of life-be it plant or animal-is necessary for the continuation of physical existence: life feeds upon life. It can be almost morbidly sobering, but when we reflect deeply upon the mystery, we cannot but realise that in the daily and annual sacrifice of life for food we are witnessing a theophany of the God in perpetual self-sacrifice for the nourishment and growth of the Earth.


By Quenten Walker 17

Rune Magik Merry Meet and welcome! As we prepare for the Summer and Winter Solstice I thought it fitting to introduce you to the runes, Sowilo (Sun) and Isa (Moon) and their Magik for their associated meanings Sowilo Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Sowilo Norse (Viking): Sol, Sownlo, Sunna Old English: Sigil, Sigel Other Names/Spellings: Saugil, Sighel, Sigo, Sil, Sowela, Sowilu, Sowelu, Solwulo, Sugil, Sulhil, Sulu, Sygel Pronunciation: Soh-veal-oh; English Letter Equivalent; Soft C as in nice, S as in sit. Translation: the sun Meaning: Wholeness, light, energy. Victory. Discovery, disclosure. Characteristics The spirit of life, the energy of the sun. Completeness. Spiritual awareness. Boundless energy, strength of character. The capacity to learn, the gift of understanding. Good health and fitness. Although Sowilo is well known as a victory symbol, it can also be used as a force of attack. It is a positive force, because it is the natural power of the sun. Spiritually, Sowilo symbolizes clear vision, and the victories of light over darkness, good over evil. It admonishes one to use the powers of good to vanquish evil. Personal Interpretation: You have the power to bring things to fruition. Good 18

fortune awaits you and there is a positive feel to everything. This is not a time to rest and relax, but to examine the darker aspects of your nature. The power of the sun will enable you to face them without fear and to overcome them. Seek solutions to problems; they are all within your grasp. Reverse: Sowilo has no reverse. Converse: Eclipse of light or energy. Hidden information. Misunderstanding. Health worries are unfounded. Runic Number: 16; Colour: White; Element: Air; Polarity: Male; Associated gods; Baldur; Astrological Correspondence: The Sun A Summer Solstice Magik (Australia, Monday, 22 December 2014 at 9:o3 AM AEST) You will need: A safe place to light a small fire or a cauldron, or heat proof bowl Three round discs made of paper, card, or wood Essential oils, cinnamon, for wealth, attraction, lust and personal power or clove for money, love and psychic powers (you may combine or use the oils individually and scented oils should work just as well) Fire is "of the Sun" - it is the human ability to light the night, to bring light to darkness, .a reflection of the sun, and whenever you light a magic fire, even a candle, you are evoking the Sun power, whether you know this or not. Light the fire Gaze into the fire and as you do focus on one of the three aspects of the power/wealth/love trinity at a time and allow yourself to will this into being. Now choose a disc and on one side draw an image representing an aspect e.g. A dollar sign, a heart etc and on the other, the Sowilo glyph. Choose the relevant oil for each disc and place a drop

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

of it on the image side e.g. heart. Rub the oil into the fibre of the disc focusing your will as you do. Continue this process until all three discs are imbued with your intent. At exactly 9:03am AEST (don’t worry if this cannot be throw all three discs into the fire where they will transmute and be of the Trinity powers of the Sun. Take this time to Spiritually connect with the fire, the Sun and feel the forces of the Universe that we as humans reflect in out Ritual practice ...RavenSpell (c) 2014 Isa Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: lsa Norse (Viking): Is Old English: Is Other Names/Spellings: Eis, Icz, Isar, Isaz, Iss Pronunciation: Ee-saw; English Letter Equivalent: I (short) as in sit; Translation: Ice; Meaning: Ice, cold, freezing. Lack of change. Stagnation. Lack of emotion. Storing binding. Bridge across danger. Characteristics: Isa means ice. Although ice can be beautiful, it is also dangerous. It can be slippery or treacherously thin, or block your progress; Isa means that you may have to delay your plans until a more favourable season. But it can take the heat out of a confrontation, or protect against magical attack. Emotionally, Isa implies a cooling of affection, or frigidity. It has a freezing, delaying, or preserving effect on other runes around it. Personal Interpretation: A Period of non-act ion is indicated. Do not let yourself get into a rut. Do not take anyone for granted. Be not afraid to show your feelings. Crossing water will be beneficial.-Things appear to be at a standstill and this is not a time to try to force movement. Patience and wisdom are called for. This is not the time to abandon goals, but an opportunity to reaffirm them. This is a time for contemplation and preparation, not despondency or regrets. Things will change as surely as winter changes to spring and then summer. Reverse: Isa has no reverse. Converse: Coolness hides emotion. An impending change will not be of benefit. Smiles mask evil intentions.

Runic Number: 11; Colour: Black; Element: Ice: (i.e. Water); Polarity: Female; Associated Gods: Verdandi: Astrological Correspondence: The Moon A Winter Solstice Magik by Starfelds and RavenSpell (c) 2014 You will need: Fragrant oil such as lavender, frankincense or rose Bless yourself with the oil by drawing the Isa glyph on your 3rd eye and say in the name of the Father, throat chakra: the Sun, and the nape of your neck; and Mother Moon. Find a time and place where you can be by yourself and undisturbed preferably somewhere outside (if safe to do so) and commune with the all-there-is, with the infinite velvet space and the stars. Take some time to breathe deeply and raise your eyes to the sky. See/feel/know/sense the stars even if you cannot physically see them; and importantly see/feel/sense/know the wonderful space of cool, clear darkness that lies between them, an open space of freedom that doesn't end. Greet the Night... Extend your arms and offer your heart to the night, say/think/evoke: "Night, I greet thee.� Give to the Night... Now, let your hopes and fears, one at a time, rise up in you. Feel it strongly in your body and allow those emotions, thoughts, problems, needs, wants to come, freely for once, no hindrance, no attempt to hold them down or hold them back. Let each one come out of you - out of your heart, out of your mouth, out of your head, out of your hands, out of your whole body and be drawn up into that velvet space of night that has space for them all, that will draw them up and away, for the higher powers to know. Give the night both your hopes and your fears; let it flow freely and take as long as you need until all the hopes and fears have taken wing and have gone to the night, and you feel light, free, expansive and easy. Receive From The Night... Now, open yourself to the night, the stars, the stellar music of the spheres and beyond and let their blessings rain upon you. Don't try to understand with your mind, simply breathe in deeply, arms wide open in acceptance, drawing in the blessings and the knowledge of the night. When you are complete, thank the night and give all your love and gratitude: and so, the Winter Solstice Spell is complete.




ccording to Toltec Wisdom we are all living a dream, the waking dream is as much as a dream as the one that we enter when we lay down our weary heads onto our beloved pillows each and every night. I truly believe this too, my dreams are so vivid and real. I go on the internet, I write, I get dressed, go to the bathroom, think, eat and sleep in my dreams. The mind is ALWAYS dreaming. There is no difference to me between me typing these words to you right now and what occurs during each night. Take last night as an example, I wrote 5 pages of my novel in my sleep and as soon as I have completed this article, I have to do it all again! Reality is a funny concept at the best of times, perspective is so personal to each and every one of us, yet there are many common shared themes and a definite link that permeates us all. We are all merrily dreaming our lives away As a deeply spiritual psychic person I know in my heart that we are all connected, connected to everything and everyone. That our beloved planet, ‘Gaia’ is at the heart of all that we are, all that we will ever be. Living, connected, consciousness. So, being that this is a dream and you are dreaming your life as you read my words that I am writing here in my dream…..anything can happen. Although we appear in earthly form as physical folks with blood, muscles, skin and bones, we are in essence pure consciousness. I have found great solace over these 20

past years in gaining a solid understanding that I am only ever responsible for my own actions and behaviour and as we are all each of us dreaming our own dreams, forming our own unique perspectives and realities, that within each of our universes, we all see things as we wish to perceive them. Therefore I never take anything personally. I have come to a peaceful stance that allows me to observe with non-judgement, anyone or anything. I have transformed my own dream, my own life, by clearing my channels of perception. It is fun to be awake within this dream life of ours and explore this dreamscape universe that we reside within and that resides within us too. This is magical living at its very best, at its most potent. The primary fuel for this incredible journeying is gratitude, being thankful for the many blessings in our lives. This loving, heartfelt gratitude is the blood that gives life to the dreaming. Being aware of this dreaming life of ours is the first step to energising your existence with powerful intent. Always be aware of your choices and do what is right for you. You have the power to create a sanctuary for yourself, both inside yourself and outside yourself within your external surroundings. At the end of the day this is about generating more happiness, more moments of bliss that will see you smiling and maybe even dancing a jig. I know it has this effect on me. Take a look at your life and figure out what you want to do with it, figure

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

by Jane O’Connor-Chapman

out where you want to be, where you want to go, places that you know in your heart that you wish to travel to and then begin seeing yourself there, sense your reality shift to a state where you are actually living these experiences. You’ll be creating it, making it happen. Changing your dream. Love yourself, love your life, and be grateful. Make your life lovelier, with thanks. Have confidence that you are then co-creating your life with the infinite rather than with pre-conditioned, pre-ordained programming. Remember that you are a unique manifestation of the divine. You are free to be YOU. I know that my life has been deeply enhanced and enriched from expressing my deepest gratitude to the universe. I have been actively practicing my gratitude mantra, sending out my thanks for this life to the infinite, the universe, Great Spirit…the light, God, whatever you like to call the dream weaving spirit that is at the helm of all of this. Showing gratitude for each moment of life, staying present in each moment. Giving and accepting the gifts of abundance that are the nature of spirit.

‘Thank you, thank you, thank you’ Have a crack at it yourself and be prepared to not only watch, but feel your life, your dream, shift gear into awesomeness. It is truly beautiful to know this works and see it working as I do each day and night. To know that you are going to have a go at dream weaving too makes me extremely happy and even more grateful. Many blessings to you. Enjoy weaving your dream. May you enjoy happiness in all moments. Thank you x

Six magic words have enhanced my life forever, in a truly beautiful way.



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Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells. Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells. Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, ST-5 with MigraStem® and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system. 22

For animals, Stemtech has created StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans. *These statements have not been evaluated by TGA and Medsafe. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. SE2 SE2® Advanced Stem Cell Support is the world’s first ALLNATURAL supplement documented to support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow. Our patent-pending, proprietary formula is long-lasting and releases millions of stem cells in the bloodstream. It is an extraordinary blend of ingredients starting with AFA Concentrate. An advancement in Cellular Renewal – helping Nature do what it is designed to do Our Advanced Formula helps the body maintain and repair tissue and organs. In fact, Stemtech was first to discover the way to support the body’s natural renewal system by supporting the release of millions of adult stem cells into the bloodstream. SE2 is not a traditional multivitamin supplement that works to supply nourishment to old cells. Instead, SE2 supports the natural release of “master” cells that can transform themselves into healthy new cells.

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

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Shamanic Zen : Becoming The Witness Of All That IS.


s I sit silently watching the sun rise over the ocean on another wonder filled day I am drawn into the connection that unites my separated self [ego] with all that is and all I know myself to be. As the dark night passes over and the day becomes light I watch the waves as they roll towards shore. Each one ends in a torrent of foaming bubbles that are eventually swallowed up by the sandy beach on which I am momentarily sitting. My eyes see each event in this big beautiful picture and my conscious mind automatically begins to label everything as individual. But is it? Are the waves separate from the ocean? Or is the separation an illusion in my mind? In order to understand the big picture that is being painted in my minds eye I search for separation in the whole. I dissect and label each event. As the breeze touches my skin and the sounds vibrate in my ear drums I feel the first rays of the sun as they warm my body and I am given this moment to make a conscious choice. Remain in a separate state of ego mind that generates need, fear, smallness and lack, or engage my thoughts to become the witness of everything that is, as one.

I become the witness as my hand writes these words. But who or what is in control? My hand, my mind, my heart or my soul? Am I writing these words or is this moment writing through me? Am I separate from these words or the reader that will eventually receive them? As one I witness the thoughts as they enter my mind, so I cannot be my mind. As one I witness the words as they reach the page, so I cannot be the author of these words. I am the witness to all that is occurring in this moment. Beyond thought, beyond separation, I am the moment of total awareness when everything that IS – IS one. I did not come into the universe! I have grown up as the universe. I was not born an individual I have evolved over generations to be this moment of total awareness. I am a single moment in perpetual motion. I am a continuation of the original big bang. I am the sunrise and the sunset. I am life and death. I am the wave and 24

the ocean, the rock and the sand. I am silent present awareness of all that is. Beginning in No-thing yet creating everything, as one. Never really ending yet constantly coming to an end. I am the dark and the light. I am one with all that IS in the witnessing state of mind. I am witness to all I see and witness to all I will never see. The search for universal truth is often triggered by an intense knowing that there must be something more to life than what is commonly taught or evident in the limitations of scientific or spiritual understanding of the physical universe. For many born and raised in western culture the search for universal truth and wisdom is limited by a pre-programmed cultural belief that is heavily influenced by organized religious values and scientific teachings. These influences may have occurred as a directed program or as subtle mythology often distributed via the power of mass media and education systems. Of course, the knowledge that there is more is 100% correct. There is an abundant array of life in and beyond the detectable physical universe. Yet we continue to experience our thoughts as ours, as individual. This creates a belief system in our mind that must one day fall away like a leaf on a tree. When we stop the mind chatter and become the witness of our thoughts we learn that nothing can exist in separation. Without dark there can be no light. Without wrong there can be no right. Without north there is no south. Everything exists in relationship to something else. I am given this moment to make a conscious choice. Remain in a separate state of ego mind that generates need, fear, smallness and lack, or engage my thoughts to become the witness of everything that IS, as one. What choice will you make in this moment? Stay well and peace to all... Darren John Maxwell – The Modern Urban Shaman. www.modernurbanshamanism.com

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Divination and the Modern Urban Shaman A

re you an authentic shaman or an eco-warrior?

People often ask me what role does divination play in the shamanic culture. The answer is very simple! Divination and a personal connection to the psychic energy field is foundational in all shamanic practice. Core shamanism begins with divination practice! There is a big difference between an initiated psychic shaman and a new age eco warrior. A shaman understands that soul energy is ever present in all things. Earth, sun, trees animals water, etc are all part of one soul energy. The shaman connects at the soul level using psychic sensory perception via divination to sense imbalance and instability. [The soul energy is not conscious of itself and therefore is malleable and easily manipulated]. The shaman then works at the psychic level to determine the unconscious, subconscious and sometimes conscious psychic energies that create a disturbance. The shaman divines between lower, middle and upper psychic realm energies to align and shift the psychic energy that is affecting the soul energy. What separates a psychic shaman from an

eco warrior is allowance. A psychic shaman allows all things to be. Not the shamans will, but the will of the lower, middle and upper psychic realm. If the shaman confers with the psychic energy field and determines it is the right time in evolution for a river to be polluted or trees to harvested or a human to be ill and die. Then so be it! If that is what is right for that soul energy at that time a shaman will not interfere. The psychic realm determines the balance, not the shaman. The shaman defers all power over to the lower, middle and upper psychic world energies by divining for answers. Not by allowing there personal EGO or opinions to take charge or try and control the outcomes. It is important that those wanting to experience true shamanism in modern times do not get stuck on the cycle of story telling by repeating the actions of the past. Evolution means the modern urban shaman learns to divine using a sacred divination tool [this has always been represented by objects in the shaman’s magic bag. The shaman would always divine using the objects in their magic bag] After divination the story or healing medicine will unfold in tune with evolving times.


In the case of the urban shaman that divines through modern day techniques, the communication of the stories and messages can be passed on through song and dance, if that is what is guided, but also via words or pictures on, Facebook, you tube or Tumblr without drums and rattles or camp fire rituals of any kind. Shock Horror! Eco warriors, like saviours of the past. Sense a human version of right and wrong. The shaman has no such association. The shaman is in the human world, but not of the human world. To the shaman it might be part of the big plan for all humans to be wiped off the planet. It might be part of the plan to wipe the slate clean and start again. Human fear says this can't happen! This would be wrong! Without a unified connection to lower middle and upper psychic world energies that they are bound to defer to in the face of their own EGO and eventual physical demise a so called "shaman" is nothing more than "eco warrior" out to save the people and planet. NOT a soul level psychic diviner which is the common denominator of all "otherworld initiated" shaman.




he energy of 2015 is here now. We are all stepping into our full potential. My friends, clients and I are all getting very real with ourselves. All habits and patterns that are not serving us are falling away. My old sabotage behaviours are leaving by the train full and if I try to use them out of habit, my world becomes harsh. We donď Œt stay for long as it is too uncomfortable. What does this mean for you all? It means we are moving into creation on a conscious heart level. Not a mind level. If our head is leading us and consciousness is not the motivating force, it will hurt. No second chances. Now it is instant karma! We are feeling the vibration as this wonderful energy approaches. Reaching outside of ourselves for Healing, Wellbeing, Love, Abundance, Joy and Guidance will have a limited application. We are now Conscious Beings, living our full potential. We are creating our own world with intent. The wonder of our Creation is exquisitely beautiful. Connection flows within us and flows from us. Abundance comes to us in many ways, a quiet word, a bird song, and a friendly smile, an offer of a home or a job or time spent kindred spirits. It is not all about money. Our dreams are birthed from Highest Potential. All things are possible. The habit of lack is still there in our daily thoughts but it is not our truth. This pattern is unstable and slowly disintegrating. If all seems wobbly right now, you are not the only one! Your open heart and your enate Intuition, is now available to you, with a clarity and grace that goes beyond all we know. The creation pattern is being established. How do we be our intuition until the pattern is solid? What can we do to move through this with the least resistance? Keep checking where your emotions are coming from, your Heart or your Head? If it is not working for you, feel in your heart for the right way to go.


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

water or bathe your crystal in the moonlight. Crystals amplify energies so keep her clean and free from unsettling vibrations. Create a special place for it or wear as jewellery. The Pendulum is a beautiful tool to wisely develop your perception and intuition. Have fun with it. We are all Intuitive; it is always the quiet words and always a positive nature. You soul will never tell you a negative statement. Blessings to you all. Copyright Avril Rose Artwork Josephines Wall

One beautiful tool you can use is the Pendulum. They are simple to master and we can see visually what is happening unconsciously. The first thing I want to say is, “There is no Magic in the Pendulum.” You can use cotton thread and a paper clip. Add a cord to a beautiful crystal or a ring. Crystals and rings do have an energy with them, some extraordinarily beautiful. The energy of the object is not moving the pendulum; it is Your Inner Truth. The Pendulum can tell you three basics: Yes, No and it hasnt manifested yet. Of course you can take it further with months and dates etc. but for now Yes, No and no movement are our focus. The Pendulum can either move in a clockwise circle, anticlockwise or swing from side to side. Dont ask the question over and over again as you will get different results. The first answer is always correct. It is your unsettledness that is creating the varied answers. Always use the pendulum with an honest intent for the information is coming from your beautiful Soul. It is unwise to ask questions about others, as you only know Your truth The Pendulum is fun and a wonderful tool. I use mine daily.

name is Avril Rose, I am a woman, I love Mangos.” Lighten up; you will eventually get a positive response. Once you have obtained the direction for Yes, use your other hand to stop the pendulum's movement. Then say "Show me my Negative response." The pendulum will show you the direction indicating your "No" answer. Be patient, all new tasks take time to Master.

Avril Rose has been working as an Intuitive for the past 20years. Her joy and vitality are contagious. Avrils love for her work is reflected to you, either, one on one consultation or a workshop. A Path of the Soul Reading will bring clarity to any situation. Teaching Metamorphosis is another passion. Workshops are available throughout the year. Meditation Groups are available weekly For more details Website www.avrilrose.com.au/ Face book: Avril Rose Intuitive Phone 0266840442

Start each session with this exercise until it becomes second nature. Each pendulum can give their YES and NO responses by swinging in different directions. As your vibration changes your responses may change. It is a good idea to check the YES/NO response often? Sharing your pendulum with others can also change the vibrations. Cleanse your pendulum with sea salt and

Relax and centre yourself before a session. If you are angry or emotions are swinging high your answers will be varied. Now the fun begins Rest your elbow on a table and hold your pendulum so that it can swing freely. Say either aloud or mentally, "Show me my Yes response." In a few moments your pendulum will begin to swing. If the pendulum is not moving, talk truth. “My www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


A-Z of Culinary


“Invaluable for Food Lovers” M Macaroon - A small round cookie that has a crisp crust and a soft interior. Many versions bought commercially have been thoroughly dried. These cookies may be made from almonds, though coconut is common . The may also be flavoured with coffee, chocolate, or spices. Amaretti, from Italy, are a type of macaroon. Macedoine - A mixture of fruit or vegetables. Vegetable macedoine are cut into small dice and used as a garnish to meats. Fruit macedoine are cut in larger pieces and often marinated in sugar syrup with liqueur. Macerate - Soaking fruit or vegetables in wine, liquor, or syrup so that they may absorb these flavours. Salt and sugar macerations are used to draw excess moisture out of the food for a secondary preparation. This is done for canning, jam and preserve making, and to remove bitter flavours from vegetables. Madeleine - A small shell shaped cookie or cake made from a rich batter similar to g‚noise. These may be flavoured with almonds, lemon, or cinnamon. Magret - The breast meat from a mallard or Barbary duck. These ducks are specially raised for foie gras. Their breasts are large and have a much thinner layer of fat than do the Peking or Long Island duckling. 28

Maitre d Hotel Butter - This is the most common of all the compound butters. It is flavoured with lemon and chopped parsley and used to garnish fish and grilled meats. Garlic may be added, but it would then be called escargot butter. Marengo - A chicken stew made with wine, tomatoes, and garlic. The stew is served over toast, garnished with crayfish and fried eggs. The modern versions of this omit the eggs and substitute shrimp for the crayfish. Of course, other liberties have been taken with this recipe to include black olives, peppers, and veal. The dish is rumoured to have been named for the dish served to General Bonaparte after his defeat of the Austrians in the battle of Marengo. Margarine - A solid fat invented in 1869 by the French chemist Henri MegeMouries. Margarine was first invented to replace butter in cooking and baking. It was then made solely of beef fat. Margarine is now made with a variety of fats, alone or with others, along with the addition of water, whey, yellow colouring, and vitamins. Beef fat is still used today, but with a higher consciousness toward a healthier diet, it is very rare. Marzipan - An almond paste with the addition of egg whites. This mixture is kneaded into a smooth paste and used to wrap or layer cakes and candies. Marzipan is also shaped into figures of animals, fruits, and vegetables, and sold in pastry or candy shops. December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

by Steve Duncan Mascarpone - A rich triple cream, fresh cheese from Italy with a texture resembling that of solidified whipped cream. Matelote - A French fish stew made with wine. The Alsatian version of this dish is made with freshwater fish, Riesling wine, and thickened with cream and egg yolks. The Normandy version includes seafood and is flavoured with cider and Calvados. These stews are normally embellished with pearl onions and mushrooms. Mayonnaise - This is the mother of all of the cold egg and oil emulsified sauces. Commercial versions are made with inferior oils and are far to thick for proper utilisation. A hand made version has a rich, subtle flavour and silky texture. You should always use a neutral oil or a good olive oil. Avoid using an extravirgin olive oil, which will offer too strong of a flavour for most usage. Melba - The name of a popular dessert invented by Auguste Escoffier. Poached peach halves are served with vanilla ice cream and topped with fresh raspberry sauce. Meringue - Whipped egg whites to which sugar has been added to form a stiff paste. These are used to lighten mousses, cakes, and pastry creams. Unsweetened versions are used to lighten forcemeat's. Meringue is also baked in a very low oven, forming crisp shells which are filled with fruit or ice cream. Small dried meringue shells are called vacherin.

Mesclun - This is a mix of very young lettuces and greens. Often this mix is stretched with herb or flower sprigs and bitter greens. These greens should be dressed very lightly, with only best oil and vinegar, so that their flavour will not be masked. Mignonette - This is a term used to describe coarsely ground pepper used for au poivre preparations and in bouquet garni. This is also used to describe small round pieces of meat or poultry. Milanese - This is describe foods that are egg and bread sometimes parmesan and fried in butter.

Miso - A paste made from fermented soy beans. This is used in Japanese cooking for sauces and soups. Molasses - This is a syrup resulting from the crystallisation of raw sugar from the sap. Additional processing results in darker and stronger tasting molasses called black strap. Mole - An assortment of thick sauces used in Mexican cooking made of chiles. These sauces are made with one or many chiles, and flavoured with cumin, coriander, cinnamon, nuts, seeds, and

used to dipped in crumbs, cheese,

Mille-Feuille - Small rectangular pastries made of crisp layers of puff pastry and pastry cream. This may also include savoury fillings of similar presentation. The word mille-feuille means a thousand leaves.

Mirepoix - A mixture of chopped onion, carrot, and celery used to flavour stocks and soups. Ham or bacon are sometimes added to a mirepoix, depending on the specific preparation. Mirin - A non-alcoholic version of sake/rice wine. It is sweet and syrupy. Mise en Place - A term used in professional kitchens to describe the proper planning procedure for a specific station.

Mornay Sauce - A bechamel sauce with Gruyere cheese, sometimes enriched with egg yolks. It is used mainly for fish and vegetable preparations. Mortadella - Large,lightly smoked sausages made of pork, beef, or veal. These are specialties of Bologna, which is where the US version of this sausage gets its name. Mortadella is a very smooth, pink sausage with a subtle creamy texture. They are studded with cubes of pork fat and peppercorns. Moussaka - A layered dish of eggplant and lamb with tomatoes and onions. This is all bound with bechamel sauce and cooked au gratin.

Mincemeat - A sweet spicy mixture of candied and fresh fruits, wine, spices, and beef fat. Earlier recipes for this used beef or venison meat and beef fat. It is used primarily as a filling for pies served during the Christmas holiday season. Minestrone - An Italian vegetable soup with beans and pasta or rice. This may contain any number of vegetables, but for authenticity, meat is never added.

Morel Mushroom - This is a wild mushroom with a honeycomb cap and hollow stem. These are very dirty mushrooms and must be cleaned carefully. Morels possess a wonderful earthy flavour, making them good candidates for soups, sauces, and fillings.

Mousse - Sweet or savoury dishes made of ingredients which are blended and folded together. These mixtures may be hot or cold, and generally contain whipped egg whites to lighten them. Cream is also used to lighten these dishes, though when used in large quantities, these preparations are called mousselines. chocolate. Their flavour is rich, smoky, and very complex. Some recipes are made with fresh herbs and have a green color. Chicken, turkey, and pork are then simmered in this sauce. Monosodium Glutamate MSG- A sodium salt found in wheat, beets, and soy bean products. It is used extensively in Chinese cookery, and thought to help accentuate the flavours of certain foods. Many people suffer serious allergic reactions to this so widespread use has been reduced to the commercial food processing industry.


Mousseline - As stated above, these are fine purees or forcemeat's that have been lightened with whipped cream. The term is also used to describe a hollandaise sauce which has unsweetened whipped cream folded into it. Mulligatawny - A curried chicken soup adapted by the British from India. Originally the soup was enriched with coconut milk and embellished with almonds and apples. Newer versions make a lighter broth and flavour this with curry and coconut. 29

Q uestions

& Answers

Hi Gaia, Please help. Can you see where can I find the missing letters my Nan had left? Many thanks Sandie M I am shown someone has already read the letters and I feel that was a female. I got the word Auntie. I am told they were placed in a large book for safe keeping my dear. Check photo albums. Gaia. Will my financial situation get better it’s such a struggle due to personal situation thank u xxx Gavin & Tricia B Keep up your faith my dear. Spirit shows me that happier times are developing in front of you. You are well guided. I feel that you may be wanting a certain amount or type of support, particularly from people around you and that it is not showing up the way you want it to. Do not fret. Spirit says that what you are going through at the moment is all part of slow but steady changes that are designed to clear the air, let go of the old and create quite a new life for yourself. Embrace change and all will be well. A question to do with money comes from an authority. I feel that in your own personal business there is a problem that needs to be worked on, but you will get there. Good news will follow this problem and you will once again be on your way forward. Gaia. Hi Gaia Are my 3 adult children gonna make a good life and be safe if I had to pack them up and send them out into the wild? Tina P-T Yes my dear. I feel a very strong masculine presence with you and your family. I feel this person passed of a stroke. He says he passes his strength to your children and he knows you do that too. I feel drawn to one young person in particular who you may be a little more concerned about that the


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

others. The shortest of the 3. I keep feeling a son around this person. Your children have very different paths in life and will do very well. They have strong grounding and protection my dear, especially from the spirit world Gaia Hi Gaia, My beloved cousin Tracey, who I was very close to passed away unexpectedly last Friday. She had a very difficult life is she now happy in a better place and at peace? Thank you x Amanda P My love and blessings go to you all Amanda. Tracey touched hearts and is loved by more people than she knew. She will learn to express more of herself in the afterlife, which I feel she had some difficulty with here. She keeps saying the word 'reminder'. I feel she is referring to you when she says that, and I keep seeing post it notes around. Amanda although this was a sudden passing, Tracey is very well supported by loved ones both here and on the other side. There is no fear where she is. She says "never be afraid to tell people you love them" and I feel she is talking about a male as though she had difficulty letting a fella know what feels. As I look again through her eyes I see the world upside down, like I'm hanging upside down as a child on a swing. This is the light hearted view of the world that is the real Tracey and she is glad to have that feeling back. The afterlife for her is much more light- hearted. Love to all. Gaia Hi Gaia, Will I be able to work after having a major scooter accident? Julie R I feel you get very tired still, and this is not your natural state of being. Guides say you must speak your truth to doctors, physio etc. They also say that you will regain a lot of your normal energy as time goes on. I am

amazed at you, and I feel you will continue to amaze people all over the place! I have to say I feel quite a bit of blocked energy in the throat chakra, and that is what makes me feel you may not be speaking up about something. Sit with it and see what you get. There is no clear work path at the moment, and when I look at it I see confusion between working and study and also I had a fleeting thought of "I don't want a job because someone feels sorry for me". It will take time but I feel you will do both. I get the word accounting. Gaia Hi Gaia, Can you see us moving in the next 12 months? Thanks xxx Tamara A I get a message that you will move but it may not be as far as you are thinking. A move will be good for you both. I just checked in the normal playing cards and a little warning came up about pregnancy! So if that is not in the plan, be careful :) Expect a letter soon that is going to shed more light on which direction you will be moving to. Blessings. Gaia Will I ever find peace? This world seems intent on crushing me. I try to be positive and push forward but it’s hard .... Thank you x love and light x Sammi PB Oh yes I feel your annoyance levels rising. All of a sudden I have to turn my music off because it is annoying me, and then it is too quiet and so I do not know what I want... and this my darling is you. The Universe is asking you to look at those things in your life that you may feel indifferent to, particularly

in these areas: relationships with others, your spiritual growth and divine feminine. Tune in to your true feelings and write them down. This gets the energy out of your head and you can come back to it if needs be. Sammi you cannot take on the world. It is what it is. However, you can work through what the world is showing you, tune in to your feelings, ask your higher self and Guides to help you learn and understand and then to clear your path. Let's look at your future. I see that you are a very talented woman. It feels as though the doors for your talents are not opening enough for you and this is what gets you frustrated. Guides say very soon you will breathe a sigh of relief, and your path will get smoother in January next year. That's not too long to wait. Hi Gaia, I will like to know if me and the love of my life will work on us and come back together, and make it work ? Toya J I get the words move on move on. You have so much love to give. Your life lines are a bit mixed up at the moment, between male and female energies, also work and relationships. For you the journey next year will revolve around sorting out mixed emotions and mixed energies to give yourself a clearer path in 2016. You can look forward to that. Hello Gaia, Is our baby’s birth going to run smoothly and will everything be ok? We have waited 18mths for this miracle to join our family and I’m so nervous. Alicia D

I feel you are already cleaning up a lot and getting rid of old things that you no longer need. Please trust that all will go well. You have not had an easy path in this area of your life, and Guides are saying the words 'track record'. I really feel that even if your 'track record' has not been the easiest in the past, this time will be a pleasant surprise. I get the words 'easy birth'. It would seem that this one is in a little bit of a hurry and has also waited a long time, 'until the time was right'. Congratulations and many blessings for you all. Dear Gaia, I would love to know if I will ever be accepted for who I am and get to experience what my heart desires with the true love and understanding of my partner? Nicola D That is a very big question my dear! And rightfully so. For far too long us humans have either eeked out a living, or lived small or have been afraid to ask for or to expect the best in their lives to unfold. You have a knowing that you deserve the best. We are a work in progress... all of us. It is suggested for you to maintain more of an 'in the moment' approach to life, knowing that in every step of the way you are working through your soul challenges and lessons. Many changes will happen along the way, I see that balance is a key issue in your life at the moment. It feels like you want work to change and relationships to change. You will see that within 3 months, you and your partner will be looking at a new way to make money. I see good changes in him and this will filter through in many areas of your lives. I feel sometimes you want to throw in towel. Remember about divine timing. Be patient and in the moment, and you will get the respect you deserve. There are much better times ahead. Namaste.



5 Ingredient

Grilled Heirloom Tomato and Goat Cheese Pizza Ingredients 1 (400g) can refrigerated pizza crust dough Cooking spray 1 garlic clove, halved 1 large heirloom tomato, seeded and chopped 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese 3/4 cup crumbled herbed goat cheese

Porcini-Parmesan Frittata Ingredients 2 cups dried porcini mushrooms 6 large egg whites 4 large eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon olive oil Minced fresh chives (optional) Preparation

Refried Bean Poblanos with Cheese Ingredients 4 medium poblano chiles, halved and seeded 1 (450g) can fat-free refried beans 1 (250g) pouch microwaveable cooked long-grain rice (such as Uncle Ben's Original Ready Rice) 1/2 cup picante sauce 1 cup grated reduced-fat 4-cheese Mexican blend cheese Chopped fresh cilantro (optional)


1. Preheat broiler.


1. Prepare grill to medium heat.

2. Place mushrooms in a large ovenproof skillet. Cover mushrooms with cold water; let stand 2 minutes. Drain. Return mushrooms to skillet. Cover with cold water; bring to a boil. Drain. Pat mushrooms dry with a paper towel.

1. Place chile halves, cut sides up, on a round microwave-safe plate. Cover with wax paper; microwave at HIGH 3 minutes.

2. Unroll dough onto a large baking sheet coated with cooking spray; pat dough into a 12 x 9-inch rectangle. Lightly coat dough with cooking spray. 3. Place dough on grill rack coated with cooking spray; grill 1 minute or until lightly browned. Turn crust over. Rub with garlic; sprinkle with tomato and cheeses. Close grill lid; grill 3 minutes. Serve immediately.


3. Combine egg whites and next 3 ingredients in a large bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Stir in mushrooms and cheese. 4. Heat oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add egg mixture; cook 3 minutes or until slightly set. Broil 3 minutes or until eggs are completely set and browned. Cut frittata into 4 wedges. Garnish with chives, if desired.

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

2. While chiles cook, combine beans, rice, and picante sauce in a medium bowl, stirring well. Spoon bean mixture evenly into chile halves. Cover with wax paper; microwave at HIGH 2 minutes. Uncover chiles, sprinkle each half with 2 tablespoons cheese, and microwave at HIGH 1 to 2 minutes or until cheese melts. Sprinkle evenly with cilantro, if desired.

Vegetarian Dinners

Creamy Butternut Pumpkin Risotto

Asiago Tortellini

Asparagus, Ricotta and Egg Pizza




1 1/4 cups uncooked Arborio rice or other medium-grain rice 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 1/2 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth 1 cup water 350g pureed butternut pumpkin 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 6 tablespoons grated fresh Parmesan cheese Grated fresh Parmesan cheese (optional) Thyme sprigs (optional)

1 (250g) package fresh threecheese tortellini 1 (400g) can fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth 2 plum tomatoes, chopped 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil 1/2 cup shaved fresh Asiago cheese Basil leaves (optional) Freshly ground black pepper (optional)

350g refrigerated fresh pizza dough 2/3 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt 1 1/2 cups asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 4 large eggs 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Preparation 1. Combine rice and oil in a 1.5L microwave-safe dish, stirring to coat. Microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 3 minutes. 2. Add broth and 1 cup water to rice mixture; microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 9 minutes. Stir well; microwave, uncovered, at HIGH 6 minutes. Remove from microwave; let stand 5 minutes or until all liquid is absorbed.

Preparation Preparation 1. Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat; drain. 2. While pasta cooks, combine broth and tomato in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Remove from heat; stir in basil. Cover and let broth mixture stand until pasta is done. Add drained pasta to broth mixture. Ladle soup into shallow bowls; sprinkle each serving with cheese. Garnish with basil leaves and pepper, if desired.

3. While risotto stands, heat squash in microwave at HIGH 2 minutes or until warm. Add squash, salt, pepper, and cheese to risotto. Stir well to combine. Garnish with additional cheese and thyme sprigs, if desired.

1. Place a pizza stone or heavy baking sheet in oven. Preheat oven to 260째 (keep pizza stone or baking sheet in oven as it preheats). 2. Let dough stand at temperature for 30 minutes.


3. Combine ricotta and salt in a small bowl. 4. Roll dough into an 11-inch circle on a floured surface. Carefully remove pizza stone from oven. Arrange dough on pizza stone. Spread ricotta mixture over dough, leaving a 1/2inch border. Combine asparagus and oil in a bowl. Top ricotta mixture with asparagus mixture, gently pressing asparagus into ricotta. Bake at 260째 for 5 minutes. 5. Crack eggs over top of pizza (do not remove pizza from oven). Bake 4 minutes or until whites are set. Sprinkle with pepper and Parmesan. Cut into 8 slices.



December 2014, January & February 2015 by Amanda Hall Psychic Hall of Fame 2013 www.simplyastrology.com.au






Wealth Finances have been on a roller coaster most of this year and now you will be able to control them. Hooray for that. Now is the time to dream big and take some risks with the future and the money will follow. Possible new venture on the horizon coming from left of field. Love Our loved ones are looking for some extra time to make memories of a lifetime, so make sure you pencil in the diary some down time to spend with them. Maybe time fir a special romantic getaway this will certainly put the sparkle back into your very ordinary time of late. Destiny Life is always and adventure with many possibilities. Time to turn your own dreams a reality. Lady luck is smiling down on you now. Follow your very strong intuition now and opportunities can turn into definite possibilities with positive results.

Wealth Money and opportunities are everywhere now; the problem is what to try first. This has been a year of change and now is no exception. Just take it slow and follow your nose and money will come easier. Next year is time for new adventures and big returns possible. Love Your relationship has been a little neglected of late. Now is the time to spend time going out and having fun. Laughter is the best medicine for all that ails you both. New love is everywhere now we are partying hard. So be yourself and watch the sparks fly with possible suitors. Destiny You love to be in thick of everything that is going on around you. Sometimes you miss opportunities because your mind is so fast it does not take the time to absorb the information and signs around you. Slow down so you don’t miss the golden opportunities that are coming your way.

Wealth Well money is made to spend and now is no exception; you can see the need for lots of new acquisitions especially as it is the time to be out and seen. Money will not stretch as far as you would like it to, so the plastic will be working overtime. Just remember we do need to pay back. Love Stars and sparkles are in the air at the moment, as love is certainly all around you. You partner is especially attentive at the moment, so lap it up, and make sure you give as much affect back in return. Singles love is in the air just strut your stuff now. Destiny You always seem to land on your feet, and now is no expectation, lady luck is smiling on you with extra opportunities to make more money for you to spend. Potential new job for the New Year, so get ready for the world is noticing how talented you really are.

Taurus Wealth Money seems to be slipping through your fingers at a fast pace at the moment, as there has been extra spending on the home. For some there might be a big ticket that you have been saving for and now is the time for it to be delivered. So money will be a little lower than usual. Love We all know your first love is money and sometimes we have to move past that and step outside the door to find someone to share your passions with and help you count the money you save when shopping for bargains. New love could be around the corner for some, in the local area. Destiny You need to be aiming high over the warmer months as opportunities could be right in front of you. Sometimes you can be oblivious to what is seemingly right under your nose. New opportunities to make money are everywhere you look. Good luck and proper for the New Year

Cancer Wealth As the year comes to a close you will be very satisfied with the progress you have made financially. Now we need to continue on this amazing path for the future. Money is certainly flowing more and more keep up the good work, and making it work for you. Love Learning to love yourself has been the big lesson this year, now we can move onto to attracting love with a new partner or increasing the depth of commitment with the current partner. Emotions are strong and intuition is always your best guide to a positive loving relationship. Destiny As the year draws to a close it has been very interesting year where destiny has taken you on a journey of a lifetime from positive to the negative and all in between. So now you will be ready for the next chapter in this amazing journey of your life. Positive new directions are ahead now.

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Virgo Wealth Money and reorganising your personal wealth has been the focus of most of this year. Now you finally feel it is within your grasp to finally have it all under control. There will be some unexpected expenses as the year comes to a close that will test your budget for sure. Love You always keep your emotions close to your chest; this can make it tricky for people to get close to you. You seem to be preoccupied now with other matters in your life and love is not at the top of the list. Don’t shut people out as you could miss out such joy from being in love. Destiny With your very logical approach to life, there is no reason why we can’t apply this also to the opportunities that are coming your way. You will be looking over some very exciting and new possibilities for the coming year, so don’t procrastinate act quickly before they disappear.




Wealth A year of wealth and poverty all rolled into one. There has been some major purchases which took large chunks of cash, now things seem to be settling down. Money is getting easier to keep with extra spending, as you think about heading off on a holiday. Love Enjoy the time as you twirl like a pearl and look loving into your lover’s eyes and the sparks fly and special memories are made for the future to reflect back on when you are busy and possibly away from each other. Loving and life go hand in hand for you now.

Wealth The best time of the year to make some serious money, you have worked very hard and the rewards are coming now. The investments in time and money you have made over the last couple of years are now paying off and not before time I hear you say. Love With this magical time of the year you love how could you be sad, certainly not. Your lover will be captivated with you and the enthusiasm for life and adventure. All will find you infectious and be seeking to be in your company hoping it will rub off on them. Destiny Well the Saggie luck is certainly on her way now with great force. There is so many choice coming your way, what to choose. Well who said you can’t have it all, just watch me balance it now. The Magician can pull rabbits out of hats and people will be amazed are what can be achieved.

Wealth You need to be setting your sights on some very big ships that could be coming your way bring riches that you have been working towards for a very long time. Money and improvement in finances are definitely looking upwards over the summer months. Love The lure of faraway places and overseas travel beacons you, travel and relaxing with your lover is just what the relationship needs after a very busy year together achieving many goals. For those seeking love book a trip to an exotic location and have fun, love may very well find you there. Destiny You always have big plans in your mind, so now is the time to try and make them happen. New opportunities are there, but maybe you need to look further afield to make them all happen. A time of amazing opportunities can happen very quickly, when you are open to receive.

Scorpio Wealth An expensive time of the year when you feel as if all your resources are stretched to the limit and. they are. It has been a year of change and compromise and now you feel it should be just time to be still and get ready for the new opportunities work wise coming your way. Love It could be a tricky time for you with matter of the heart. As you question many things connected to the relationship at hand. For some this may be a secret liaison that threatens to be exposed. For others old tricky issues will be ready to be exposed again and cause some friction. Just be strong. Destiny Opportunities and things that have been hidden from you for some time are now starting to come into the light. We still some work to be done before we can launch into full throttle bit it can be an exciting few months ahead now. Get ready for big things to come your way.

Capricorn Wealth A good time of the year to reflect where your money has gone, and have you really got the right budgeting for the future. Some of you had some little extra windfalls this year, which you have been able to put to good use. Certainly there is more opportunity coming to make more money. Love Romance is in the air and it feels so good to be in love and settled. Some will be talking and looking for a new love nest or home to call your own. Real estate is part of the bigger picture for the future now. Single to expand your net wider for a better opportunity for new love. Destiny With your ever so practical approach to life and luck you could be in for a shock as things start to happen that you had not planned for or could see coming in the future. Not all bad either there are some very exciting prospects on the horizon. Be flexible and ready to say yes.

Pisces Wealth Sharing your extra wealth around give you great pleasure, you love to spoil loved ones with nice gifts. Now will be no exception. It has been a reasonable year fir finances and now you can just spoil yourself a little to. Some will be looking to revamp their wardrobe with a new look. Love Love and happiness is all around you and your partner just now. You have weathered the storms and love is back on the menu and romance is in the air now. Singles the perfect times to be swept up of your feet and taken into great heights of dizzy new love enjoy. Destiny The world is your oyster and lady luck is smiling on you. There could be new dreams just over the horizon. For some changes in work or the opportunity to follow your dreams, even if it is just a new hobby it will bring such pleasure and creativity.




Enjoying the Summer I

cannot lie – summer is not my favourite time of year. The heat leaves me exhausted and headaches tell me firmly that fair skinned persons such as I were not meant to go out in the Queensland sun. However, summer is a part of the wheel of the year, just as surely as the cooler seasons and with a little planning, there are ways to incorporate pagan practices into the hotter months without going into meltdown – especially if you can spend some time near the water. A family outing to the beach or a picnic by a creek can be given a pagan twist by including an acknowledgement of the Old Gods and the spirits of that place. There is no need to perform an elaborate ritual; in fact a few spontaneous words or actions that come from the heart are often more meaningful. A simple rite of thanks for the abundance we enjoy can be performed by casting some flowers into a stream, or into the surf when we are at the beach. A circle of shells or a little, carefully placed pile of stones can be a way of showing our appreciation of the joy we have found there. Whether we say a few words or just think them to ourselves, it matters not; our gesture will be appreciated either way. The beach is also the perfect place to cast a spell by writing our desires in the sand and watching as the water claims them – after all, life on this planet started in the sea, so the sea Gods are well placed to empower our spells. The beach must be one of the most magickal places around – nowhere else is the dynamic nature of the elements so apparent, with the surf shifting the sand, while the wind tempers the fire of the sun. With so much elemental activity already in progress, it’s a simple matter to add a successful spell to the mix. If you’re still feeling hot and bothered, pagan rituals are often held during the cool of the evening, and with a few mozzie repelling incense sticks added to the usual ritual paraphernalia and with plenty of cool drinks on hand, you can enjoy the rites of summer unhindered by heat or insects. Blessed be, Morganna.


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition


OakSun Grove - Gold Coast

Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com

Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts

Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com

Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com

Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris 0418 787 854

The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com

Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Gold Coast: 3rd Wednesday 7.30pm. The beer garden of the Wallaby Hotel, Railway Street, Mudgeeraba. Anna:morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris: 0418 787 854. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Crazy Clarks), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris: 0418 787 854.



Th e Ma gic of La ng ua ge Su m mer 2 0 14 & 2 0 15 E dit ion D ecem ber 2 0 14 , J anu ary & F eb rua ry 20 1 5

Presented by Rhondda Doherty


elcome to the Summer Season of a Knowing Reality! In a Knowing Reality everything continues, for the need no longer exists to record time as a series of dates on a Calender. To many of us who are awakening more and more to the truth that time is an illusion, we forget what day it is, and so are becoming less aware of the passage of time in a material sense. We are not going mad, nor do I feel are we being complacent. We are simply disengaging more and more from the illusion that created a system of measurement as a tool to record history. As a society we place much importance on the concept of time. Many wait for one day or a week to end; a month to end; a season or a year to end, believing or hoping the next will be better. We make our plans based on dates in the future or make all sorts of New Years resolutions whilst forgetting there is no New Year for nothing really ends or begins, it simply continues. Continuous future focus often robs people of the real truth behind creation and manifestation. What most don’t seem to realise is that the wheels of creation do not stop, therefore the realities or experiences that come to pass have been months or even years in the making. This is not to say we chuck out Calenders or clocks or all other forms of time measurement for it serves humanities need for order or control. It is to remind us of the simple truth that the divisions or limitations we place upon ourselves lock us in rather than free us.

The difference between those locked in the day to day, month to month or year to year reality and those who choose Knowing Realties is one of personal responsibility. Know all your ingredients, know how all realities are really manifested! The Judgement and The Devil cards in the Tarot and the Planet Saturn illustrate this point very clearly in terms of what binds us; how long we choose to stay in bondage; who we blame for how we got there in the first place and from where the call comes to free us. The call to freedom takes many forms, as does its counter part, which chooses to ignore or misunderstand the call of the Soul. To ignore or misunderstand the Soul’s call is to remain locked in the Karmic lessons continuously shown to us through time and the cycles of months or years. Our personal and collective histories repeat themselves continuously when we choose to ignore the real truth behind all our creations. The Planet Saturn shows us how we got to where we are personally, for the lessons or the ingredients are recorded in our physical bodies and our outer experiences. The more we choose to listen, understand and follow the threads the Soul has purposefully left for us to follow, the more we free ourselves from self created and self perpetuated bondage the shadow side of Judgement, The Devil and the Karmic Wheel of Saturn! These are the lessons of 2015!

Rhondda Doherty, Dip. Counselling & Holistic Insight

Introducing “The Other Side of Life” The Real Path the Soul’ Travels Numerologist, Astrologer, Intuitive & Spiritual Counselling, Nervous System Alignment, Phone: 0410 528 817 Email: vision55@bigpond.com Web: www.soulfragments.com


December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker

December Dec 3

Dec 4

Dec 5

Dec 8

Dec 9

Dec 17

Dec 21

Dec 23

Feast of Bona Dea (Roman) Bona Dea is the Good Goddess of Justice Pallas Athena (Roman) Goddess of Wisdom, Experience and Study. Sinterklaas Day (Dutch) Children in Holland put out shoes to be filled with presents by the Old Elf, Sinterklaas. Ixchel Day (Mexico) - Ancient Mayan Mother Ixchel Feast of Tonantzin (Mexican) in 1531 the Ancient Goddess Tonantzin appeared on this day to Juan Diego at the site of her Old Pagan Temple on Epayak Hill, which had stood undisturbed since the Spanish Conquest. Celebration of Ops; Saturnalia (Roman) Saturn and Ops, the Goddess of Plenty, Celebrate their blessings today. This was the original Gift-Giving Season.

Feb 1-3

The Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries (Greek) a Celebration of the returning daughter: Demeter and Persehone, Ceres and Proserpina.

Jan 2

The Birth of the Goddess Inanna in Ancient Sumeria

Feb 2

Feast of Brigid (Irish)

Feb 3

Celebration of Brigantia (British)

Jan 3

Innannas Day (Sumerian) she is the Evening Star

Feb 7

Day of Selene and other Moon Goddesses.

Feb 9

The Chingay Procession, the Singapore New Year, which is a celebration of Kuan Yin and the promise of coming Spring. Festival of Diana, Divine Huntress (The Greek Artemis)

Jan 5-6

Fool's Day (European) on this day in Europe, the town's fool was crowned and seated on the throne, and the real king went into "Hiding," a simulated death. Mother Night (Anglo-Saxon) Modraniht (Anglo-Saxon for Mother Night).

Dec 25

Juvenalia: Day of the Children (Roman)

Dec 25

Celebration of Astarte (Semitic) Starry Astarte, The Great Goddess - Creating, Preserving, And Destroying Power. Hecate's Day (Roman) Hestia/Vesta, The Goddess Of The Flame, Is Honoured.

Night-Time Ritual to honour Kore; held in the Koreion in Alexandria. The birthday of the Chinese God of Wealth, Tsai Shen, or TsaiShen.

Jan 6

Celtic Day of the Three-Fold Goddess: Maid, Mother, Crone

Feb 12

Jan 8

Justicias Day (Roman) Goddess of Justice.

Jan 10

Day of Freyja, the Norse Mother Goddess.

Feb 13-18 The Parentalia and Feralia, (Rome) a Purification Festival honoring the Goddesses Mania and Vesta; devoted to the Ancestors, Peace, and Love.

Jan 11-15 Carmetalia (Roman) Honours the Birth Goddess who brings in the New Generations. Jan 12

Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) (Litha) – Crowning of the Lord Of The Sun.

Dec 24

Dec 31

Gamelia Festival (Greek) Gamelia is one of the names of Hera. On this day Marriages were Celebrated.

Besant Panchami, or Dawat Puja, the Festival of Sarasvatic in India; or on the closest New Crescent Moon. The Compitalia in Rome to celebrate the Lares, Household Gods.

Celebration of Victoria (Roman) Goddess of Victory.

Feb 17

Fornacalia: Feast of the Ovens (Roman)

Feb 18

Festival of Women as Cultivators (Persian)

Feb 19

Feralia: Purification Festival (Roman)

Feb 20

The Day of Tacita (Roman) who averts Harmful Gossip.

Feb 21

Lantern Festival in China and Taiwan. Also a celebration of Kuan Yin: Full Moon

The Paganalia, a day of the Earth Mother In Rome.

Feb 22

Concordia (Roman) a day of Family Peace and Accord

Festival of Peace: Pax (Roman) Rogues of Peace.

Feb 23

The Terminalia in honor of Terminus, (Roman) God of Land Boundaries.

Feb 26

Hygelia's Day (North African) This day celebrates Hygeia, the Goddess of Healing and Disease Prevention.

The Theogamia of Hera, a Womens Festival for all aspects of this Goddess.

Jan 20

The Baba Den, or Grandmothers Day for the Goddess Baba Den, or Baba Yaga. (Bulgaria) In China, a day of the Kitchen God.

Jan 27

Jan 30

The Blessing of the Candle of the Happy Women, (Hungary), a Ceremony of Purification honouring Fire Goddesses.


Fe bruary

Jan 1

Feb 1/2

Celebration of the Seven Deities of Luck in Japan and the Goddess Fortuna in Rome.

Feb 14-21 Aphrodite's Festival of Love (Roman). Feb 16

Jan 18

Jan 24

Feb 14-15 The Lupercalia, (Rome) when women petitioned Juno-Lupa for children. Also honored the God Faunus, an aspect of Pan.

Lughnasadh (Lammas) – Southern Hemisphere: A Celtic Fire Festival.



Reviews by Didge in 4 steps Learn How to Play the Didgeridoo in 4 Easy Steps With Adrian Hanks When approached to review Adrian’s DVD I did so with eagerness as I have always wanted to get the circular breathing correct. Watching Adrian’s DVD is like being in one of his classes. It comes across as being well structured, very personal and easy to follow. Adrian immediately puts you at ease and right there with him. The 4 steps were simple to follow, with clear concise instructions in an effortless relaxed style. Adrian’s experience of over 20 years of playing the Didgeridoo and teaching for over a decade, is obvious. This DVD is your own personal portable workshop that can be used over and over again in any space and any place. For anyone wishing to learn to play, update their skills or just hear a master play the Digeridoo, this DVD is a must have and I highly recommend it to all. Did I get the circular breathing? I am certainly better at it now and as Adrian says, practise, practise, practise. To order your copy go to http://www.consciouslifedevelopment.com/shop/ RRP:$ 25.00 DVD REVIEW: By Paul Hoogendyk of Ancient Pathways

Courage of the Soul Kathy Foster An oracle deck with a difference from Kathy Foster. Rather than messages from guides or other beings the messages come from your soul as your deeper self answers your questions and shows you how to best deal with life situations. Beautiful cards and meaningful words that feel just right. For additional information visit www.hoppingbunyip.com. RRP:$29.95

Cosmic Funk & Termite Trees Khygy and Mo T Khygy and Mo T bring us didjeridus, clapsticks, guitars, rattles – plus uplifting vocals, all of which adds up to a happy and inspiring experience. Relax into these sounds with this intriguing CD and really enjoy the pure joy. For additional information visit the White Light website or check with your favourite m usic shop. RRP: $9.99

The Power of Poetry Allanah-Elizabeth An unusual view of the meaning and use of poetry in our lives. To quote the author: ‘Poetry is an expression from the heart. Not just words but an ancient art.’ To open this book at random and read what you have called forth is a good way to start the day or to help solve a problem. For additional information or to order this book visit www.wordsbeyond.net or Brumby Sunstate Books PTY LTD RRP: $19.99

Where Am ‘I’ Right Now? by Adrian Hanks An uplifting and well written book by Adrian Hanks, reminiscent of the motivational and self help books of earlier years when Anthony Robbins and Wayne Dyer began giving seminars to help people through life situations. This is a learning text complete with exercises and questions to ask one’s self. A very worthwhile addition to your library. Check out Adrian’s website at www.ConciousLifeDevelopment.com. RRP: $30.00 40

December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

Mar ye-Ann Set By The Ancients – Book Two Phoebe and Paul Hoogendyk In this second of The Greenstone Journeys trilogy by Phoebe and Paul Hoogendyk we are once again taken on a great adventure in this true travel journal of the heart. Phoebe is the writer, with Paul adding his thoughts in various places and Paul is the photographer, and the photos are stunning. Book Two moves from outback Australia through Mexico to West and North Africa and on to Cambodia. I have been to some of the places visited – Africa both West and North and parts of Mexico – and the descriptions bring back many memories. I look forward to Book Three and the Greenstones finally all safely delivered. For more about Phoebe and Paul visit www.ancientpathways.com.au. RRP: $29.95

Life, Death and the Odd Miracle in Between Marsha Gusti This is one of the best books I’ve read in many years and I thank Marsha Gusti for writing it and sharing these moments in her life with her readers. She relates both the highs and the lows with equal sensitivity and in a way that lets us know there is always a positive light at the end of the darkest tunnel. She is honest and matter of fact about her experiences with the other dimensions that share space with the third one that we live in. Her calm acceptance with no ‘airy fairy’ frills is a refreshing splash of cool water in an area that is often cluttered with well meant but far out rhetoric that loses one in ‘New Age-isms’. This book is hard to describe and fits in no category; I can only say I love it and it’s well worth reading. Marsha can be reached at marsha.gusti@gmail.com. RRP: $19.95

Light upon the billabong Ghita Anderson A light hearted, charming book by Ghita Andersen that takes a unique approach to following the path of enlightenment. The cartoons alone are worth it – they have a great deal of in depth meaning delivered with humour. The guru on the mountain top saying ‘every night I think God gives me the answer to life, death, and the universe but then the alarm goes off and I’m left wondering what the hell he means by 42?’ This is not just a joke but presents us with some of life’s absurdities as well as some of the possible answers – and that’s the beauty of this book. Check out www.lightuponthe billabong.com. RRP: $26.60

Tarot – A Sacred Doorway S’Roya Rose S’Roya Rose calls her latest book a Tarot compendium and that describes it well as it is both concise and comprehensive. She begins with a short but full explanation of the proper way to relax, meditate, and get in touch with energy. She briefly explains the connection of astrology and the qabala with Tarot, and then works through each card of the Tarot deck explaining the meaning and giving key words. She uses her own Tarot deck, giving traditional names and meanings when they differ. All in all a very good addition to anyone’s metaphysical library. For more information or to order this book visit www.sroyarose.com or email her at email@sroyarose.com RRP: $24.95 www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


If It’s Under Your Skin, You Own It M

ost human beings find themselves and their identities in thought. Most people think that they are who they think they are: whether their good or bad or worthy or unworthy, deserving or undeserving. These are all thoughts in the mind, and so for most human beings their identity, their sense of self is actually being generated by the mind. This is what I call the ‘false self’. It’s the sense of self that simply generated through the movement of thought and conditioning. So when we start to look at mind which is nothing but thought, we start to notice that there is thought, thought moves in the mind and the assumption is that you are your thoughts that somehow your thoughts tell you about yourself. Thoughts happen and occur within you but the thoughts are not who you are. Thoughts do not tell you who you are and can not tell you who you are because they are just temporary movements of energy. To be a human being is to have feelings and sensations, so there are obvious feelings and sensations running through your body right now. Your attention may be drawn to different feelings or sensations or places in your body and generally we are taught to identify with these feelings …so if anger arises we say to ourselves “ I – am angry”. As if I and anger where son ominous, where the same thing. If were happy we say I – am happy or if you are hot or cold we say “ I am hot...or cold” and so we associate ourself with these feelings And so obviously feelings present themselves but we are not our feelings, feelings happen within us. We also find that human minds have beliefs, an array of beliefs about who we are, beliefs about others, the world, what’s right or wrong, good or bad, how things could or should be, an almost infinite variety that float through our minds as conditioned patterns. We have been taught to associate with the various beliefs within the mind, to the point where we actually start to identify with the beliefs. We will say “ I – am a Buddhist, a Christian, a democrat, a healer, think this – believe that therefore we start to identify and derive our identities through what we believe and disbelieve and yet through investigation, in a willingness to look again and look closer, to look more deeply at this moment we can see that all beliefs are just conditioning of the mind taught to us by our family, peers, community, culture and religions. A belief does not define you or the world or others. And so, while the mind derives its identity


through belief, in truth, belief is just a pattern of conditioning that flows through the mind. And then we look at the entirety of our ego and personalities. Every single human has a unique way in which spirit manifests as a human being. A personality is nothing more

than a mask that we wear...And sadly most human beings are closely identified with the mask of their personality structure, they think they are their personalities. And this leads to a sense of separation, to a sense of isolation eventually, but when we see the thing we call December 2014 January February 2015 Edition

personality belongs to the body and the mind. The True Self – the Soul, knows itself only us infinite love, freedom and eternal joyfulness. When you have a reaction to something that is occurring from the manifested world of relativity ask yourself “Is this true”? Am I really the one who is a victim of the world or am I a Soul having a human experience in order to ‘awaken’ to my true identity instead of my conditioned identity. If it arises in your body as a thought , sensation or emotion...you immediately identify as a limited human with cellular memories ( DNA) that can date back as far as your childhood or womb memories... to the beginning of the time of separation from the source of all things – the Ground of Being. If it’s under YOUR skin – you OWN it as a gift of going within and self-inquiring – Am I really this (a bundle of unhealed wounds) or is this a gift of Self Realisation. When hearing this message , most people would rather deny, get angry, abandon, blame or justify and defend, but this again is just another way the ego tries to manipulate us into thinking that some one has done us wrong – in order to keep up the illusory story of separation. Next time something occurs in your life that has you react through the action of defence or blame – go within and ask yourself “What am I feeling”. Find the emotion that says “I am feeling attacked...I am feeling unaccepted....unloved” and then follow the seeds back to where this emotion is familiar in your life, was it a year ago, 5 years ago, 20 years ago when you where at school? Was it when you where a child? If you do this (correctly) you will find that the emotion that was triggered by your last experience has actually been there for a very very long time......most probably before you where even consciously on your ‘spiritual path” when you where first learning to identify yourself as a body, with a name, an age and gender instead of being taught that you are a radiant pure Soul on a journey of Self discovery. Who “I truly am’ is prior to all form, all time, all worlds, all conditioning, all labels, all stories and all identifications. When you Know this as your Truth – you will be free forever. Robyn Collins 2014 Robyn Collins BASSc. BMSc. Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Spiritual Teacher, Author of “Return to Soul & Sacred Soul” www.robyncollins.com.au 0450509882 Workshops & Spiritual Retreats Australia & Bali


01/11/14 01/02/15 01/05/15 01/08/15 01/11/15




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